PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) République du Sénégal Un Peuple – Un But – Une Foi Ministère des Infrastructures, des Transports Terrestres et du Désenclavement AGEROUTE SENEGAL ENHANCING CONNECTIVITY IN THE NORTHERN AND CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AREAS OF SENEGAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) 1 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) Draft version January 19, 2022 2 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) 1. The Government of Senegal (hereinafter the Recipient) intends to implement the Agricultural Production Area Connectivity Improvement Project (PCZA, hereinafter the "Project") with the participation of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Land Transport and Access Facilitation (Ministère des Infrastructures, des Transports Terrestres et du Désenclavement), through the Road Works and Management Agency (AGEROUTE Senegal). The World Bank (hereafter referred to as the Association) has agreed to finance the project. 2. The Recipient will implement the concrete measures and actions that are necessary to ensure that the project is implemented in compliance with the Environmental and Social Standards (ESS). This Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) sets out these concrete measures and actions, associated documents or plans, as well as their respective implementation schedules. The Recipient will also comply with the provisions of all other environmental and social documents required under the ESF and referred to in this ESCP, as well as the deadlines specified in these documents: Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA), Resettlement Action Plans (RAP), Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), Grievance redress Mechanism (GRM) and Labor Management Procedure (LMP), Sexual Exploitation and Abuse/Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) Prevention and Response Plan, and the Health, Safety and Security plan. 3. The Recipient will ensure compliance with all the requirements of the ESCP, even when the implementation of specific measures and actions is entrusted to the unit or public agency referred to in paragraph 1 above. 4. The implementation of the measures and concrete actions defined in this ESCP will be monitored by the Recipient (through AGEROUTE) and communicated to the Association, according to the requirements or modalities provided for in the ESCP and in the legal agreement concluded with the Association, and the Association will monitor and evaluate the progress and completion of these measures and concrete actions throughout the project’s implementation. 5. As agreed by the Association and the Recipient, this ESCP may be revised from time to time during the Project’s implementation in a manner that reflects the adaptive management of changes and unforeseen circumstances that may arise in the Project or in response to an evaluation of the 3 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) Project's performance conducted under the ESCP itself. In such circumstances, the Recipient/AGEROUTE will agree with the Association on these changes and revise the ESCP accordingly. The agreement on the changes made to the ESCP will be documented through an exchange of letters signed between the Association and the RecipientAGEROUTE. The Recipient/AGEROUTE will publish the revised ESCP without delay. 6. When the performance of the project itself or unforeseen circumstances or changes occurring within the framework of the project lead to a change in the risks and impacts associated with the project’s implementation, the Recipient will provide additional funds, if needed, for the implementation of measures aimed at addressing these risks and impacts, which may include impacts on the environment, health and safety, prevention of COVID-19 in the workplace, security risks in conflict zones; risks related to working conditions, including risks related to child labor, sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH), and risks related to the inflow of workers. 4 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/AUTHORITY MONITORING AND REPORTING A REGULAR REPORTING Quarterly reports will be prepared and Project Implementation Unit (PIU) Prepare and submit to the Association regular monitoring reports submitted throughout the project’s on the environmental, social, health and safety (ESHS) performance implementation, starting from the of the project, including, but not limited to, the implementation of effective date of the project and no later the ESCP, the level of preparation and implementation of than the beginning of the month environmental and social documents required under the ESCP: following the last quarter. CPR, ESCF, ESIA/ESMP, RAP, OMMP, stakeholder engagement activities, and the operation of complaint management mechanisms. B NOTIFICATION OF INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS Project Implementation Unit (PIU), Notify the Association promptly of any project-related incident or Notify the Association of the incident or accident that has or is likely to have a significant adverse effect on accident within 48 hours of its being the environment, affected communities, the public, or workers, reported (for serious incidents), and including allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual within 24 hours for severe incidents or harassment. accidents involving fatalities, as well as allegations of SEA/SH. Provide sufficient detail of the incident or accident, including actions taken or to be taken without delay to address the incident or An incident or accident report will be accident and any information provided by a contractor, supplier or prepared within a maximum of seven provider and the oversight entity, as appropriate. days. At the request of the Association, prepare a report on the incident This reporting system will be maintained or accident and propose measures to prevent its recurrence. throughout the project’s implementation. In the case of SEA/SH incidents, only information that does not identify the victim will be published (type of violence, age, gender, and connection to the project). All SEA/SH reports must abide by the information sharing protocol to ensure respect, confidentiality and safety of the survivor. 5 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/AUTHORITY C MONTHLY SUPPLIER AND CONTRACTOR REPORTS Monthly report throughout the Suppliers and providers Provide the PMU with monthly supervision reports on the implementation of the project, with effect implementation of environmental and social clauses included in from the start of works. Supervision missions and PIU their contracts. Submit, upon request, the monthly monitoring report to the Association. EVALUATION SUMMARY ESS n°1 : ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISKS AND IMPACTS 1.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The current environmental and social PIU Maintain AGEROUTE's organizational structure, comprising development specialists will be qualified and effective staff, including: an environmental specialist maintained throughout the project and a social development specialist. implementation cycle. Recruit additional staff: Additional staff to be recruited should be one environmental specialist, one social development expert with on board no later than three months extensive experience in resettlement, conflict prevention and after the project start date and will be resolution, and stakeholder consultation, one occupational, health maintained throughout the project’s life. and consultant; and one SEA/SH consultant; all with qualifications, experience and under terms of reference acceptable to the Association. The Occupational, Health, Safety consultant and the SEA/SH consultant will be mobilized on a part-time basis. 6 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/AUTHORITY 1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT PIU Conduct an environmental and social assessment to identify and evaluate the project's environmental and social risks and impacts as well as appropriate mitigation measures, as outlined in paragraph 5 of Annex 1 of ESS1, in particular: • The Environmental and Social Management Framework The SEP/GRM, ESMF, ESIAs and RAPs (ESMF) and its SEA/SH Action Plan for activities under for the various road sections, RF, LMP component 2. will be disclosed prior to project • Environmental an Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) for appraisal. the 8 road sections to be improved • The Resettlement Framework (RF) • Resttlement Action Plans (RAPs) for the 8 road sections to be improved • The ESIAs required for the sub-projects in a manner acceptable to the Association and consistent with the project's ESMF, Update and adopt the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment prepared for the project and implement its recommendations in a manner acceptable to the Association. 7 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/AUTHORITY 1.3 MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS PIU Review any proposed sub-project in accordance with the The SEP, LMP, four RAPs and four Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) ESIAs for the road sections have been prepared for the Project, and thereafter draft, adopt, and implement prepared, consulted upon and will be the sub-project's Environmental and Social Management Plan disclosed prior to project appraisal in- (ESMP), as required, in a manner acceptable to the Association. country and on the Association’s website • The ESIAs required for the sub-projects in a manner acceptable to the Association and consistent with the Subsequent site-specific RAPs for project's ESMF, subprojects under component 2 will be • The Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) with the project's prepared, consulted upon, disclosed and grievance redress mechanism implemented prior to the start of any • Labour Management Procedures (LMP), works. • Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs). - Dahra-Mbeuleukhé_V1 RAP Site-specific ESIAs for subprojects - Frontiere Gambie-Koungheul-Lour-Ribo escale- under Component 2 will be prepared, Payar_V1 RAP consulted upon, disclosed and - Mbirkilane-Mabo-Sinthiou Wanar-Touba Saloum Et implemented prior to the start of any Kahone-Guinguineo-Mboss-Gnibi_V1 RAP work and implemented throughout the - Mboro-Diogo et Tivaouane-Pambal-Darou Alpha_V1 subproject’s implementation phase. RAP 8 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/AUTHORITY 1,4 MANAGEMENT OF SUPPLIERS AND SERVICE During the preparation of tender PIU PROVIDERS documents and prior to the start of work. Integrate relevant aspects of the ESCP, including the E&S management tools and instruments mentioned above in Section 1.2, into the environmental, social, health, and safety (ESHS) specifications of the bidding documents issued to contractors and subcontractors. Ensure that contractors, subcontractors and suppliers comply with the ESHS specifications in their respective contracts. Require the preparation and implementation of the following procedures applicable to contractors and subcontractors and other service providers: • Contractor's ESMP (for the worksite, including health, safety and security plan, safety risk management, COVID- 19 transmission prevention plan, a grievance mechanism for workers). • Environmental and social clauses to be included in tender documents for works and supervision contracts (codes of conduct, coordination, reporting and monitoring, grievance mechanism, including mitigation of SEA/SH issues). • Social commitments through codes of conduct regarding the prohibition of child labor as well as SEA/SH prevention and protection measures identified in the action plan. • Codes of conduct for workers 9 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/AUTHORITY 1.5 CONTINGENT EMERGENCY RESPONSE COMPONENT PIU (CERC) a) The preparation and adoption of Section III.B of Schedule 2 to the the CERC Manual and, if applicable, Financing Agreement. a) Prepare a CERC-ESMF and ensure that the CERC Manual the CERC-ESMF in form and includes a description of the ESHS assessment and management substance acceptable to the arrangements including, if applicable, CERC-ESMF that has been Association is a withdrawal condition included or referred to in the CERC Manual for the implementation under Section III.B of Schedule 2 of of Contingent Emergency Response, in accordance with the ESSs the Financing Agreement for the and in a manner acceptable to the Association. Project. b) Submit the respective E&S b) Prepare, consult, adopt, and disclose any E&S instruments which instrument for the Association prior may be required for activities under the Contingent Emergency review and approval and, adopt it Response of the Project, in accordance with the CERC Manual and, before the carrying out of the relevant if applicable, CERC-ESMF and the ESSs, and thereafter implement Project activities for which the E&S the measures and actions required under said E&S instruments, instrument is required. within the timeframes specified in said E&S instruments. Implement the E&S instruments in accordance with their terms, throughout Project implementation. 1.6 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PIU Ensure that the consultancies, studies, capacity building, training, and any other technical assistance activities under the Project are Throughout the Project implementation carried out in accordance with terms of reference acceptable to the Association, that incorporate the relevant requirements of the ESSs. ESS n°2 : LABOR AND WORKING CONDITIONS 10 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/AUTHORITY 2.1 LABOR MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES: The LMP will be disclosed prior to PIU and service providers, contractors Prepare, have approved and publish the Labor Management project appraisal and implemented and their subcontractors Procedure (LMP) in accordance with national legislation and throughout the project implementation ESS2, considering the principles of non-discrimination and equal period. opportunity. Relevant clauses to be included in the contracts of suppliers/service providers and subcontractors include the prohibition of child labor and forced labor and guarantee the right to form a trade union. Project staff will be required to sign codes of conduct prohibiting sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (SEA/SH). 2.2 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM FOR PROJECT Prior to the start of activities and PIU and service providers, contractors WORKERS throughout the project’s and their subcontractors As part of the LMP, establish, operate, and maintain a grievance redress implementation. mechanism for project workers to promptly address employment-related concerns and issues through a transparent, easily accessible, inclusive and participatory process that is easy to understand, and provides feedback to affected parties in a language they understand. The grievance redress mechanism will be reflected in the contractor's Environmental and Social Management Plan (C-ESMP), and with entry points for SEA/SH incident management, detailed procedures, referrals to SEA/SH services, and mechanisms for complainants. AGEROUTE is responsible for the grievance process but may involve its contractors, suppliers or subcontractors in the settlement of certain grievances involving them. AGEROUTE is required to designate a person within the PMU who is responsible for managing the process and maintaining the grievance register. 11 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/AUTHORITY 2.3 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS) Prior to the start of works. These PIU and suppliers, contractors and MEASURES measures will be maintained their subcontractors throughout the project implementation Ensure that occupational health and safety (OHS) clauses period. specified in the GM, SEP, LMP, ESMF, RF and ESIAs are included in the tender documents or specifications and contracts of its suppliers, service providers and subcontractors. Ensure that suppliers, contractors and subcontractors comply with occupational health and safety (OHS) measures, including measures to prevent COVID-19 and other communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS. 2.4 TRAINING OF PROJECT EMPLOYEES : Prior to the start of works. These PIU and suppliers, contractors and AGEROUTE, in collaboration with contractors in charge of the measures will be maintained their subcontractors works shall ensure that all persons working in the project have throughout the project implementation received training on site-related risks, hygiene, occupational health period. and safety, compliance with the code of conduct, use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and emergency response. ESS n°3 : RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT 12 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/AUTHORITY 3.1 WASTE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Prior to the start of construction PIU, Contractors, Subcontractors, and MANAGEMENT : Supervision Mission These measures and actions will be Develop, adopt and implement a waste management plan, maintained throughout the project’s life including hazardous waste management. cycle. This waste management plan shall be consistent with the ESMF and ESIAs and its implementation shall be adequately monitored during construction. The treatment of hazardous materials must be specifically planned and detailed in the waste management plan and in accordance with the ESMF and ESIA recommendations. This should be included in the specifications and contract of the contractor performing the work. Ensure that all site waste is properly disposed of in accordance with the Senegalese environmental code, the waste management plan and the ESMF and ESIA. Ensure that project suppliers and service providers develop and implement a waste and hazardous materials management plan. 13 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/AUTHORITY 3.2 RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION During the preparation and PIU, Supervision Mission and PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT: implementation of the ESMF and Contractors Ensure that: various specific ESMPs. (i) The ESMF as well as the specific instruments (ESIA) contain measures to reduce air pollution, due to dust, noise, vehicle exhaust... (ii) Site-specific ESMPs consider technically and financially feasible measures to improve the efficient use of water and construction materials; and (iii) Technical requirements and measures are covered in the contractor's ESMP. Suppliers and contractors will be required to comply with pollution management standards and measures. Payment of submitted invoices will be subject to compliance with technical, environmental and social recommendations. ESS n°4 : COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY 4.1 TRAFFIC AND ROAD SAFETY: Prior to the start of works. PIU, Supervision missions and Ensure that companies develop and implement Traffic and Road contractors Safety Plans, particularly a traffic plan for construction equipment, These measures and actions will be a deviation plan that takes into account an alternative route for maintained throughout the project’s supplying the construction site. implementation Tarpaulin trucks will be used to supply the site and the transport of materials will be escorted to the site. . 14 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) 4.2 COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY Prior to the start of work and throughout PIU, Supervision Missions and Ensure that the recommendations contained in E&S management the project’s life cycle. Contractors documents such as the ESMF, ESIA, SEP and LMP are implemented by contractors, suppliers and subcontractors for the Same timeline as for the preparation protection of local populations, where applicable, local residents and implementation of the instruments: and Project workers. ESIA/ESMF Develop and implement measures against the transmission of COVID-19 in accordance with national and WHO requirements and inform communities of these risks and prevention measures. These measures will be included in the ESMPs to be developed under Action 1.3 above. 4.3 RISKS OF SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE, AND Implement the SEP, LMP, and GRM PIU, Supervision Mission, contractors SEXUAL HARASSMENT (SEA/SH): throughout the project implementation and their subcontractors The SEP, LMP and GRM assess project-related risks of SEA/SH period. and AGEROUTE will ensure its proper implementation. Measures to raise awareness, prevent and mitigate these risks must Codes of conduct will be signed by be documented in the form of a code of conduct and training workers and required training will be sessions must be organized to raise awareness among the various provided when recruiting workers and project stakeholders. contracting with subcontractors AGEROUTE will ensure that the works contracts or service contracts under the Project require contractors, subcontractors or The approved action plan and codes of suppliers to adopt a code of conduct that will cover gender-based conduct will be enforced throughout the violence, violence against children, their exploitation and sexual project implementation period. abuse. 4.4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE MEASURES: Prior to the start of construction and PIU, Supervision Mission and AGEROUTE will ensure that Project contractors or subcontractors throughout the project implementation contractors and their subcontractors prepare and implement an emergency preparedness and response period. plan. Emergency response measures identified in the ESIA will take the populations into consideration. 15 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) 4.5 SECURITY PERSONNEL The safety risk assessment will be PIU, The project does not envisage the use of security personnel. completed at the start of operations; Monitoring Mission and If security personnel are required for the safety of the site facilities, Contractors the contractors in charge of the works are required to train their Upon request, a security personnel personnel on GBV, integrity and road safety and to resort to management plan will be prepared in personnel in the project area whenever possible. Where applicable, accordance with the requirements of the development, adoption and implementation of a stand-alone ESS4 during project implementation and safety personnel management plan will be necessary, in accordance prior to the hiring of security personnel. with the requirements of ESS4, acceptable to the Association. ESS n°5 : LAND ACQUISITION, LAND USE RESTRICTIONS, AND INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT 5.1 RESETTLEMENT PLANS PIU The implementation of the physical investments planned under the PCZA will require the acquisition of land that may result in RF will be prepared and disclosed prior economic or physical displacement. The RF that has already been to the Project’s approval by the World prepared and the RAPs under preparation will guide the Bank implementation of the resettlement. Site-specific RAPs wll be prepared, All RAPs must be approved by the Association and made available disclosed and implemented prior to the nationally and on the Association's website. start of any civil works 5.2 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM (GRM) Prior to the start of works. PIU The Project Grievance Redress Mechanism, prepared as part of the SEP, shall be disclosed and disseminated to all stakeholders as discussed in Section 2.2 of this ESCP. ESS n°6 BIODIVERSITY PRESERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF LIVING NATURAL RESOURCES 16 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) 6.1 BIODIVERSITY RISKS AND IMPACTS: During the preparation of the ESMF PIU Ensure that the ESMF and Environmental and Social Impact and ESIAs Contractors Assessments (ESIAs) include measures and actions to manage biodiversity risks and impacts, commensurate with the level of risk identified (reforestation); location and avoidance of natural habitats; biodiversity restoration). o ESS n 7 : INDIGENOUS PEOPLES/ SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA AFRICAN HISTORICALLY NOT APPLICABLE ESS n°8 : CULTURAL HERITAGE 8.1 CHANCE FINDS PROCEDURE : Prior to the start of works and PIU, contractors Develop and implement a procedure for incidental throughout the project’s discoveries. Clauses on such discoveries will be included in implementation. all work contracts, even in cases where the probabilityÌ? is very low. The ESMF proposes a procedure in case of incidental discovery of cultural remains, in accordance with national legislation and practices of the Ministry of Culture. ESS 9 FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES NOT APPLICABLE ESS 10 : STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 10.1 PREPARATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE The final SEP will be disclosed prior to PIU STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PLAN the project evaluation. Prepare and adopt a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) in accordance with ESS10 prior to the project’s appraisal and will be The SEP can be updated as needed updated as necessary before the project comes into effect and then throughout the project’s life cycle. throughout the project period. The Beneficiary will provide the Association with a monitoring report on the implementation of the plan. 17 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) 10.2 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM: Same timeline as the SEP preparation PIU Develop, adopt, and implement a Grievance Redress Mechanism and prior to the start of works (GRM) as described in the SEP. The GRM will include a special channel for handling grievances related to cases of sexual The GRM will be operational no later exploitation, abuse and harassment, and violence against children. than three months after effectiveness and maintained throughout the project’s implementation. CAPACITY BUILDING (TRAINING) i Training on the following aspects: In the first quarter of the first year of PIU • Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) process and the project’s implementation procedure in general; World Bank • Environmental and social assessment process and procedure in the road infrastructure and social facilities project cycle; • Laws/regulations, national environmental procedures and the World Bank's environmental and social standards (ESS); • Impacts of infrastructure projects and their management with special emphasis on protected areas safeguard measures; • Familiarity with the World Bank's Safeguard Policies Targets: Regional Environmental Monitoring Committees (REMCs) and Technical Committees whose aim will be to strengthen their skills in environmental assessment, works supervision and environmental and social monitoring. 18 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) ii GBV/VAC Prevention and management In the first quarter of the first year of PIU Accountability measures to maintain confidentiality project implementation (Confidentiality of GBV/VAC survivor information; Empathetic World Bank and non-judgmental listening skills of compliance team members; DEEC/DRECC involved Disciplinary measures, including termination and prosecution, Contractors/Supervision Mission against individuals who violate the confidentiality of survivors' identities unless a breach of confidentiality is necessary to protect the survivor or any other person from serious harm, or when required by law) ; • Procedures for Allegations of GBV and VAC; • Financial and other support for survivors; • Awareness strategy for workers and the community on GBV/VAC; • Intervention protocol ; • Sanctions; • Discharge options for victims of GBV/VAC; • Strategies and methods for consulting women/girls. • Follow-up of environmental and social measures, including those related to GBV/SEA/SH and health and safety standards; • Training on territorial governance, land management and gender (GBV). Targets: Regional environmental monitoring committees (REMC) and technical committees whose aim is to strengthen their skills in the fight against GBV and VAC. 19 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) iii Resettlement module according to ESS 5 In the first year of project PIU implementation prior to project • ESS 5 on land acquisition and involuntary resettlement; interventions. World Bank • Inventory and Evaluation of assets according to World . DEEC/DRECC involved Bank standards; Contractors/Supervision Mission • Social screening of sub-projects; • RAP Preparation and implementation; • Establishment and operation of the conflict management mechanism for resettlement operations; • Social support for PAPs, • Support measures for vulnerable PAPs; • Planning and implementation of the livelihoods restoration plan; • Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Resettlement Plan etc. Targets: PIU, DEEC, relevant regional technical services, local communities. iv Module on employment and working conditions In the first quarter of the first year of PIU ・Capacity building in occupational health and safety; project implementation and ・Basic knowledge of work regulations in the facility for new Throughout Project Implementation World Bank workers, as well as for their personal protection and that of their DEEC/DRECC involved co-workers. Contractors/Supervision Mission ・Attitudes and conduct to avoid and/or respond to hazards including suspected or known cases of COVID-19; ・Management of transformer explosions/fires, spills of pollutants into sensitive areas such as waterways… 20 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) v Grievance Mechanism Module, design and implementation of In the first quarter of the first year of PIU the module including at least the following aspects : the project's implementation ・Environmental and social standards related to Project activities and World Bank and risk management related to negative impacts and Gender- Throughout Project Implementation DEEC/DRECC involved Based Violence; Contractors/Supervision Engineers ・Principles and procedures for grievance management; ・Social mediation and communication techniques; ・Gender mainstreaming in the implementation of PCZA activities; ・Risks related to GBV and prevention principles and procedures; ・Principles and procedures for reporting and managing cases of sexual abuse (National Standard Operating Procedures/World Bank requirements). Operationalization of the GBV prevention and management system: Implementation and management of grievance /reporting channels - Principles and procedures for handling complaints; - Communication on the GBV grievance redress mechanism; - GRM and GRM/GBV Data management system. - Monitoring and evaluation, use of tools, data reporting and archiving of grievances. 21 | Page PCZA - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) vi • Other trainings: Throughout Project implementation PIU Beneficiaries • Training in market gardening for women and youth; • Training in modern agricultural techniques while promoting a return to the land; • Training in driving construction machinery for young people; • Training on territorial governance, land management and gender (GBV). • Training in complaint management; • Training for stakeholders on citizen project management, monitoring and citizen control, • Training on jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional remedies in case of violation 22 | Page