RESULTS IN RESILIENCE: INFORMING AND DRIVING RESILIENCE BUILDING AT THE DRM-FCV NEXUS IN SOUTH SUDAN In-depth analysis of the challenges and opportunities that lie at the nexus of DRM and FCV risks has been undertaken in South Sudan, helping build an evidence base for similar efforts targeting compound risks in other FCV settings. Photo: Dong Boma, South Sudan: Paul Jeffrey / Alamy Stock Photo In this world of compound risks, the impact of a single shock— be it an extreme weather event or a health emergency or an armed conflict—can amplify existing stresses and potentially initiate a cascade of new shocks. As countries everywhere make every effort to protect and advance development gains in this reality, the path to resilience will undoubtedly be more difficult for countries affected by fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV). The world’s youngest nation, South Sudan, is no exception, as it strives to rebuild after two civil wars in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, a changing climate, and recurring natural hazards, particularly droughts and floods. Against this backdrop, GFDRR has provided financial and technical support toward an in-depth analysis of the finding that emerged is that the index varied considerably challenges and opportunities that lie at the nexus of disaster across states, with some of the most conflict-affected states— risk management (DRM) and FCV risks in South Sudan. With such as Unity and Jonglei—among those scoring the highest an eye to informing and driving resilience building in the composite score. A World Bank team has used the Disaster- country, the analysis, which has been completed, will also FCV Vulnerability Index to help inform the second phase of help build an evidence base on which to anchor similar efforts the Bank’s $45-million, IDA-financed Enhancing Community targeting compound risks in FCV settings elsewhere. Resilience Project (ECRP) in South Sudan. In undertaking the analysis, a key first step was to The technical team then turned its attention to assessing systematically map the disaster and FCV risks in all 10 states how communities on the ground have been impacted by the of South Sudan. To start off this first phase of the work, the nexus of disaster and FCV risks and, just as importantly, how technical team collected spatial data on hazards, as well as the these communities have responded. This second phase of the exposure of populations, settlements, and buildings to these assessment drew on extensive research, as well as in-depth hazards. The team also collected FCV-related spatial data, interviews and focus group discussions with community including data on conflict fatalities, food insecurity, and forced members, government officials, and other key stakeholders, displacement. with a focus on counties that are generally representative of the disaster and FCV risks in South Sudan. The hazard and exposure data were then overlaid with the FCV-related spatial data, enabling the team to develop a One of the most sobering findings is that many community composite score of disaster and FCV risks, or Disaster-FCV members are struggling to cope with the increasing frequency Vulnerability Index, for the states of South Sudan. A key with which they are wrestling with compound risks. For RESULTS IN RESILIENCE SERIES Children at Kapuri School, South Sudan. Photo: United Nations Photo licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. LESSONS LEARNED instance, in a number of communities, the increase in the severity When designing and implementing a of floods and droughts appears to have contributed to a subsequent DRM intervention, it is critical to consider rise in the number of community-level conflicts. This finding was later supported by a GFDRR-financed remote damage and needs the full range of interconnected and assessment of the devastating seasonal floods in South Sudan that often compound risks affecting people occurred between July and October 2020. Moreover, women, girls, and communities, including those that and internally displaced populations (IDPs) were found to be most lie at the nexus of DRM and FCV. As vulnerable to these compound risks. highlighted by this engagement, siloed More promisingly, however, it was also revealed that, even as they approaches, which consider only one remain highly reliant on foreign aid organizations for post-disaster assistance, community members are taking concerted actions to set of risks in isolation, are typically not ensure that they can carry out their lives and livelihoods despite the able to grasp how risks interact with one often-difficult circumstances. For example, in Aweil East County, another. This isolation often has grave crops such as groundnuts, which can be stored easily, are being impacts that could be counterproductive planted so that the community can have access to food supplies even if other crops are destroyed. Meanwhile, in Nasir County, to resilience building. locally built dikes have been rehabilitated to protect crops and shelters from flood hazards. Drawing on these findings, the technical team has since developed recommendations that will inform the government of South Sudan’s ongoing development of a comprehensive DRM strategy. Recommendations include addressing the need to establish a national approach to collecting data on disaster and FCV risks, as well as the need to establish coordinating bodies at both the national and state levels that are focused on tackling the nexus of disaster and FCV risks. Moreover, it is also recommended that the national government mobilize the community engagement highlighted in the assessment as part of an effort to advance the sustainability of its forthcoming DRM strategy. RESULTS IN RESILIENCE SERIES