WB Kenya Covid-19 Rapid Response Phone Survey- 8th wave Section 1: Introduction Greetings! You are about to begin the "World Bank COVID-19 Rapid Response Phone Survey" which is undertaken in cooperation with UNHCR. Please fill in the following questions before calling the respondent 1. a. Please select your name: |_________________| b. FO REMIT ID: |___|___|___|___|___| 2. Which list are you using for the phone number? |___| KNBS sample |___| Random Digit Dialing (RDD) |___| UNHCR 3. a. Household ID: |___|___|___|___|___|___| b. Please re-enter the household ID: |___|___|___|___|___|___| c. (If HHID is incorrect, display) WARNING! This household ID does not exist for this sample. Please go back and fix it. d. Did you send a text message before trying to reach this household? |____| Yes / No e. Was this household part of the intensive tracking activity? By intensive tracking, we mean the list of households that were targeted again, after they were missed the first time. |____| Yes / No 4. (If UNHCR) You are trying to reach Household ID: [Household ID]. Your target respondent is [TR name], [TR gender], [TR age] years old, from [TR origin country], currently living in [HH Location]. The household head of this household is [HH Head name]. We surveyed this household during Round [Last Round surveyed] on [Last Round date]. (If KNBS) You are trying to reach Household ID: [Household ID]. Your target respondent is [TR name], [TR gender], [TR age] years old. In [BL date / Round 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 date], the household was located in [HH Location], and had the following adult members: We surveyed this household during Round [Last Round surveyed] on [Last Round date]. - Primary Male: [PM Name] [PM age] - Primary Female: [PF Name] [PF age] - [Member 1 name] [Member 1 age], [Member 1 gender] - [Member 2 name] [Member 2 age], [Member 2 gender] - .... Below are the phone numbers available to call this household. Please try each phone number (in listed order) to reach this household. Try to speak to the target respondent ([TR name]), but, if unavailable or deceased, you may speak to anyone in the TR’s CURRENT household. Once reached, select the phone number that reached this household before continuing to the next page. 1 |___| [Household Phone 1] → SKIP to Intro Statement |___| [Household Phone 2] → SKIP to Intro Statement |___| [Household Phone 3] → SKIP to Intro Statement |___| Other: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| → SKIP to Intro Statement |___| Reached someone outside the TR household → CONTINUE to b |___| Exhausted all 10 attempts. Unable to reach household→ TERMINATE survey |___| No available working phone number → TERMINATE survey If reached, continue. If unable to reach, skip to CONCLUSION. b. (If reached someone outside the TR household) Try to ascertain whether this person knows the target respondent. If they do, ask whether they can help you reach anyone in the household of the target respondent, and give you their phone number. |___| Respondent does not know the target respondent (SKIP to CLOSING STATEMENT) |___| Respondent knows the target respondent, but does not have a phone number (SKIP to CLOSING STATEMENT) |___| Respondent knows a phone number for the target respondent’s household, |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| (SKIP to CLOSING STATEMENT, and NOTE DOWN THE NUMBER on your Tracking Sheet) 4c (if RDD) You are trying to reach Household ID: [Household ID]. We have contacted this household during Round [Last Round surveyed], on [Last Round date]. Your target respondent is [TR name], [TR gender], [TR age] years old. In [Last Round date], the household was located in [HH Location], and had the following adult members: - Primary Male: [PM Name] [PM age] - Primary Female: [PF Name] [PF age] - [Member 1 name] [Member 1 age], [Member 1 gender] - [Member 2 name] [Member 2 age], [Member 2 gender] - .... Below are the phone numbers available to call this household. Please try each phone number (in listed order) to reach this household. Try to speak to the target respondent ([TR name]), but, if unavailable or deceased, you may speak to anyone in the TR’s CURRENT household. Once reached, select the phone number that reached this household before continuing to the next page. |___| [Household Phone 1] → SKIP to Intro Statement |___| [Household Phone 2] → SKIP to Intro Statement |___| [Household Phone 3] → SKIP to Intro Statement |___| Other: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| → SKIP to Intro Statement |___| Reached someone outside the TR household → CONTINUE to b |___| Exhausted all 10 attempts. Unable to reach household→ TERMINATE survey |___| No available working phone number → TERMINATE survey If reached, continue. If unable to reach, skip to CONCLUSION. Introduce yourself: Hello, my name is [FO NAME] from REMIT Research Consulting and we called you in the last few weeks regarding a survey. I am calling on behalf of the World Bank, the United 2 Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. The World Bank, UNHCR, and the KNBS are trying to help assess the current socio-economic situation of households living in Kenya. Your household has been randomly chosen to participate in this survey. Your cooperation and answers would be extremely important. All personal information provided will be kept strictly confidential. 5. a Who are you speaking with? |___| [Target Respondent Name] → SKIP to c |___| Target respondent unavailable, other member of TR household → SKIP to c |___| Target respondent deceased, other member of TR household → SKIP to c |___| I am not 100% sure, but probably from the TR household → SKIP to b b. (if 5a == unsure) Why are you not sure? __________________________________________ c. Are you 18 years or older? |____| Yes / No If Yes, SKIP to INFORMED CONSENT. d. (if 5c is No) Is there anyone else living in the household that is older than 18 years old? |____| Yes / No If No, SKIP to CLOSING STATEMENT. If Yes, Read: May I speak to that person now? If that person is not available, ask for another time that would be more suitable and note it in the tracking sheet. Alternatively, ask for a different phone number where that person can be reached. 5e. Alternative phone number. Please note this down on your Tracking Sheet. 5f. What date/time are you willing to schedule the interview for? Please note this down on your Tracking Sheet. End interview here. DO NOT submit the form. 5g. Date of interview: (DD/MM/YYYY) |___|___|/|___|___|/|___|___|___|___| 5h. Time start interview: (24 hr clock) |___|___| : |___|___| Informed consent and data protection: Thank you for participating in the phone interview for this study before. We really appreciate your time and your willingness to tell us about your household. This is a follow-up survey to help us understand the experiences of your household since the last time we talked, and to ask some new questions. 3 As I told you, The World Bank, UNHCR, and the KNBS are conducting a nationwide phone survey in Kenya. The objectives of the survey are to better understand the current socio-economic situation of households living in Kenya to help design policies. If you agree to participate in this survey, we will ask you some questions related to your and your household’s food security, access to health and educational facilities, mental well-being, and transfers. The interview will take about 15 minutes, and we will schedule it when it is convenient for you. There are no direct benefits to you, but as a small gift you will receive 50 KSh as airtime for the interview after the interview has ended. Any responses that you give us will be confidential, that is, the researchers will not let anyone else know how you answered. The anonymized responses will be used for research purposes and published in reports. We can assure you that we will never include any names or other personal details in publications. The study is voluntary and if you do not want to participate, you can decide at any time. There will be no negative impacts on you. If at any time you want to stop participating, please let me know and we will respect your decision. 6. Do you have any questions now? |___| Yes / No Read: If you have any questions later, you can always call [OFFICE NUMBER]. 7. Do you agree to participate in the survey? [VERBAL CONSENT] |___| Yes / No If No, CONTINUE to question 9. If Yes, SKIP to Section 2 9. What is the main reason for not participating in the survey? |___| I am busy → SKIP to question 11 |___| Refusal for this round only → SKIP to question 11 |___| Unable to survey - parent or contact refusal → SKIP to CLOSING STATEMENT |___| Unable to survey - spouse refusal → SKIP to CLOSING STATEMENT |___| Unable to survey - in prison → SKIP to CLOSING STATEMENT |___| Unable to survey - mental illness / disability → SKIP to CLOSING STATEMENT |___| Unable to survey - other: ______________________ 10. Record your impressions of why the FR refuses to participate during this survey round. If you feel comfortable doing so, you may ask the FR why: Why don’t you want to participate in this survey round? Choose up to 3 reasons. |___|/|___|/|___| Other: _____________________________________________________ 1 = Survey is too long 2 = FR has caregiving duties 3 = FR has to work 4 = FR does not want to disclose personal information 5 = FR is suspicious of REMIT/KNBS/WB 6 = FR hasn’t received assistance from REMIT/KNBS/WB and doesn’t want to participate 4 7 = FR just doesn’t want to / no reason given 10 = Other (specify) SKIP to CLOSING STATEMENT. 11. a. Are you willing to schedule the interview for a later date or time? |___| Yes / No b. (If yes) Rescheduling instructions: Please ask the FR when they are next available. If you cannot personally call back at this time, make a tentative appointment with the FR. Then, let the FR know that you will contact them to confirm when you will call back. Communicate the time with your TL to confirm if another person can call back. Record this information and the current time on the tracking sheet now. End the interview. DO NOT submit this form. Only submit a form if you either reached a household or exhausted all attempts. CLOSING STATEMENT. Read: Thank you very much for your time. If you change your mind and would like to participate in the interview, you may call me back any time. Here is my phone number [FO Phone Number]. End interview here. Section 2: Household Background Part A: FR Information 1. a. Do not read: During the last interview of this survey, we spoke to [previous respondent name]. Are we speaking to this person now? |____| Yes / No If Yes, Skip to question 2a. If no, CONTINUE. b. Who in the household are you speaking to? |___| HH Member 1 |___| HH Member 2 |___| HH Member 3 |___| …. |___| Max hh member # |___| Other adult HH member SKIP to 2b. 2. a. (If respondent = same respondent as in last round household was interviewed): Is your official name [previous respondent name]? |___| Yes / No If yes, SKIP to question 3, if no, continue b. What is your full name, as it would appear on your national ID? |_______________| / |_______________| / |_______________| First name Middle name Last name c. What is your common name? This is the name you are commonly referred to by household members / friends. ___________________________ 5 3. What is your age in completed years? |______| 4. Is the FR a man or a woman? Do not read. Confirm if unsure. |____| Male / female If Respondent = Same Respondent as in previous Round, SKIP to question 8. Otherwise, continue. 5. What is the highest level of education you have completed? Do not read. |___| No Formal Education |___| Pre-primary |___| Primary |___| Post-primary, vocational |___| Secondary |___| College, middle-level |___| University undergraduate |___| University postgraduate |___| Madrassa/Duksi |___| Other, specify a. Currently, are you enrolled in any form of education? |___| Not enrolled |___| Pre-primary |___| Primary |___| Post-primary, vocational |___| Secondary |___| College, middle-level |___| University undergraduate |___| University postgraduate |___| Madrassa/Duksi |___| Other, specify: _________________________________________________ 6. What is your country of birth? Do not read. |___| Kenya → SKIP to question 8 |___| Somalia |___| Ethiopia |___| Sudan |___| South Sudan |___| Democratic Republic of the Congo |___| Tanzania |___| Uganda |___| Burundi |___| Zimbabwe |___| Rwanda |___| Other, please specify: __________________________________________ 6 7. In which year did you arrive in Kenya? |_______| 8. What is your migration status in Kenya? Do not read. |___| Refugee |___| Asylum seeker -does not yet hold refugee status |___| Resident |___| On business trip |___| Tourist |___| Visiting relatives or friends |___| Other, specify? ___________________________ 9. Are you currently still residing in [previous Interview County, Location, Camp] or have you moved to a different place? |___| Yes, still residing there |___| No, moved to a different place If Yes, SKIP to question 12.a. If No, continue. 10. (if refugee or asylum seeker) Where do you currently reside in Kenya? Do not read. |___| Kalobeyei settlement → SKIP to question 12 |___| Kakuma camp → SKIP to question 12 |___| Dadaab camp → SKIP to question 12 |___| Other → CONTINUE to question 11 11. Where do you currently reside? a. County: Use county codes |_____| b. Location: Use location codes |_____| 12. a. Is the place that you are currently residing in located within a town or a trading center? |____| Yes |____| No, lives in a village / rural area 13. b. (if no longer lives in the same place as at last Round interviewed) When did you move to [County], [Location]? In case there were repeated migrations, give the date you LAST came back to live in [County], [Location] |___| In the past 7 days |___| In the 7 days before that (between 14 to 7 days ago) |___| June 2022 |___| May 2022 |___| April 2022 |___| March 2022 |___| February 2022 |___| January 2022 |___| December 2021 |___| November 2021 7 |___| …. [list all months] |___| January 2020 |___| Birthplace/ Permanent Home c. (if no longer lives in the same place as at last Round interviewed) Why did you move to [County], [Location]? Do not read. Use g5 codes (below). |___| To avoid the lockdown |___| School / university closed |___| Parents moved |___| Parents / guardian died |___| Schooling/training |___| Marriage |___| To look for work |___| To start a new job that you have already been hired for |___| Drought/ famine/ flood |___| Return to permanent home |___| For fun/ new experience/ adventure |___| Care for relative/friend |___| To be near people of my tribe/ethnic group |___| Just visiting |___| Election Related |___| Job Transfer |___| Separation |___| Divorce |___| Job termination |___| Political unrest |___| Resettled by UNHCR |___| Was born here |___| Other: __________________________________________ 14. What is your marital status? Do not read. |___| Married monogamous, living with spouse |___| Married monogamous, not living with spouse |___| Married polygamous, living with spouse |___| Married polygamous, not living with spouse |___| Not married, but living together |___| Separated |___| Divorced |___| Widow or widower |___| Never married 15. In case we cannot reach you on this phone number in the future, is there another phone number where we can reach you? |___| Yes / No 16. (If yes): How many other numbers would you like to provide, so that we can reach out to you in the future? Limit to 5 phone numbers. |___| 8 Loop through phone numbers { a. Phone #: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| b. Whose phone is this? |___| Mine |___| My friend’s/ relative |___| My village chief’s |___| Someone in my household |___| Don’t know |___| Refused } Part B: Household Information Read: Now we’d like to talk about your household, defined as a person, or group of people that “eat from the same pot” and spend 4 nights or more in an average week sleeping in your home. 17. What is your relationship to the head of household? Do not read. |___| Self |___| Current spouse / partner |___| Former spouse / partner |___| Son/ Daughter |___| Grandchild |___| Sister/ Brother |___| Father/ Mother |___| Nephew/ Niece |___| In-law |___| Grandparent |___| Other relative, specify: __________________________________ |___| Non-relative 17a Please tell me the number of people who usually live and eat their meals together in this household? Note: This is the total number of household members including yourself and any children that are part of the household. |___| Read: The last time we surveyed this household on [last interview date], we recorded [NUMBER OF ADULT MEMBERS] adult members in this household. 18. a. (If respondent moved since previous interview) Before, you mentioned that you moved from [Last Round County, Location/Camp] to [COUNTY], [LOCATION]/[CAMP] since [Last Round date]. Did you move together with the majority / all of your household from [Last Round date]? |___| Yes, we moved together → if yes, go to 18b. |___| No, I moved out of the household I lived in at [Last Round date] → go to question 19. b. Why did the household move? Don’t read, just ask. |_____| Use g5 codes (see above) 9 Read: I would now like to verify each of these members again. LOOP through each ADULT household member from previous interview round { 19. Is [NAME] still an ADULT member of this household? |___| Yes, still lives here |___| No, no longer member of this household |___| No, the respondent moved out, this person stayed back in the Round 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 household. |___| Never lived here / wrong information |___| Yes, a member but NOT an adult (< 18 years of age) 20. a. (if NOT surveyed since Round 3) What is the highest level of education [NAME] has completed? Do not read. |___| No Formal Education |___| Pre-primary |___| Primary |___| Post-primary, vocational |___| Secondary |___| College, middle-level |___| University undergraduate |___| University postgraduate |___| Madrassa/Duksi |___| Other, specify b. (if NOT surveyed since Round 3) Currently, is [NAME] enrolled in any form of education? |___| Not enrolled |___| Pre-primary |___| Primary |___| Post-primary, vocational |___| Secondary |___| College, middle-level |___| University undergraduate |___| University postgraduate |___| Madrassa/Duksi |___| Other, specify: _________________________________________________ 22. (if no longer a member) Why is [NAME] no longer a member of this household? |___| Moved away |___| Deceased |___| Other (specify) } END LOOP 10 23. Are there any other ADULT (18 and above) members in your household? If so, how many? |___| Enter 0 if no other adult members than those already mentioned. LOOP through other ADULT members not already listed { 24. a. Name: ___________________ b. Age: ______ c. Gender: _____ d. What is the highest level of education [NAME] has completed? Do not read. |___| No Formal Education |___| Pre-primary |___| Primary |___| Post-primary, vocational |___| Secondary |___| College, middle level |___| University undergraduate |___| University postgraduate |___| Madrassa/Duksi |___| Other, specify e. Currently, is [NAME] enrolled in any form of education? |___| Not enrolled |___| Pre-primary |___| Primary |___| Post-primary, vocational |___| Secondary |___| College, middle-level |___| University undergraduate |___| University postgraduate |___| Madrassa/Duksi |___| Other, specify: _________________________________________________ g. When did [NAME] become a member of this household? |___| In the past 7 days |___| In the 7 days before that (between 14 to 7 days ago) |___| June 2022 |___| May 2022 |___| April 2022 |___| March 2022 |___| February 2022 |___| January 2022 |___| December 2021 |___| November 2021 |___| …. [list all months] 11 |___| Before 2020 |___| Is not new / should’ve been captured before h. (if new) Why did [NAME] join the HH? Do not read choices. Simply record FR's response. |_____| Use g5 codes } END LOOP 25. [FO: Do not read]: There are currently xx ADULT household members. Is this correct? |___| Yes |___| No (if no: how many members are there? _____ Please go back and correct the roster if necessary) 25a2. Currently, how many children (0-17 years old) live in your household? |_____| 34.1 In total, how many habitable rooms does this household occupy across all dwelling units? Hint: A 'habitable room' is a dwelling unit used for living (entertaining guests and/or sleep). Please don’t count bathrooms, toilets, storerooms, or kitchens, unless they are used for eating or sleeping purposes. 35. What is the predominant floor material of the [MAIN] dwelling unit? Do not read. Select all that apply. |___| Earth/Sand |___| Dung |___| Wood Planks/Shingles |___| Palm/Bamboo |___| Parquet Or Polished Wood |___| Vinyl Or Asphalt Strips |___| Ceramic Tiles |___| Cement |___| Carpet |___| Other, please specify: _____________________________ |___| Don't know |___| Refused 36. What is the predominant wall material of the [MAIN] dwelling unit? Do not read. Select all that apply. |___| No walls |___| Cane/Palm/Trunks |___| Grass/Reeds |___| Mud/Cow Dung |___| Bamboo with mud |___| Stone with mud |___| Uncovered adobe |___| Plywood |___| Cardboard |___| Reused wood |___| Corrugated iron sheets 12 |___| Cement |___| Stone with lime/cement |___| Bricks |___| Cement blocks |___| Covered adobe |___| Wood planks/shingles |___| Tent/Canvas |___| Other, please specify: _____________________________ |___| Don't know |___| Refused 37. What is the main source of drinking water for your household? |___| Pond |___| Dam |___| Lake |___| Stream/River |___| Protected Spring |___| Unprotected spring |___| Protected well |___| Borehole/ Tube well |___| Piped into dwelling |___| Piped to yard/plot |___| Bottled water |___| Rain/harvested water |___| Water Vendor |___| Public tap/Standpipe |___| Other(specify) 38. What is the main source of energy for lighting? |___| Electricity |___| Paraffin Pressure lamp |___| Paraffin Lantern |___| Paraffin Tin lamp |___| Gas Lamp |___| Fuel wood |___| Solar |___| Torch/Spotlight-Solar Charged |___| Torch/Spotlight-Dry cells |___| Candle |___| Battery (Car/Charged) |___| Generator (Diesel/Petrol) |___| Other (Specify) 38a If the main source for lighting differs from the main source in [Last Round]: When we last interviewed you on [Last round date], you told us you were using [SOURCE in Last Round] for lighting. Why did you change to [SOURCE]? |___| Price of the old source increased 13 |___| New source is cheaper |___| Better energy efficiency |___| Cleaner fuel / less pollution |___| The information that I used a different source before is incorrect |___| Other (Specify) 39. What is the main source of energy for cooking? |___| Electricity |___| Paraffin |___| LPG (gas) |___| Biogas |___| Firewood and products of Wood |___| Charcoal |___| Solar |___| Other (Specify) 39a If the main source for cooking differs from the main source in [Last Round]: When we last interviewed you, you told us you were using [SOURCE in Last Round] for cooking. Why did you change to [SOURCE]? |___| Price of the old source increased |___| New source is cheaper |___| Better energy efficiency |___| Cleaner fuel / less pollution |___| The information that I used a different source before is incorrect |___| Other (Specify) 44. In total, how many mobile phone numbers do ALL members of your household use? Include all members of the household, and all connected mobile phone numbers. That is, if one person owns two numbers, count both. |_________| Section 3: included in previous waves but dropped for this one Section 4: Employment FO: In the following section we are going to ask about the employment situation of each household member. Carefully record the occupations based on the below instructions. Wage worker: - Worked as an employee for wage, commission or any payment in kind including doing paid domestic work or farm work. Self-employed: - Own-account or as an employer in a non-farm business enterprise - Helped in a non-farm business enterprise belonging or ran by this household Agriculture worker: 14 - Own-account or as an employer on a farm or holding owned or rented whether in cultivating crops or in other forms of maintenance tasks or cared for livestock - Helped in agriculture activity or cared for livestock belonging or ran by the household FO: Before proceeding, ask about each adult member using these definitions and note down in your notebook who should be responding to each subsection within the employment section. If anything is not clear, please check with your supervisor first. Section 4a: Farming 1. In the past 14 days, have any household members performed any agricultural or pastoral activities? Select all that apply. |___| Yes, agricultural activities |___| Yes, pastoral activities (incl. Livestock, herding, fishponds, fishing, poultry, etc.) |___| No If No, SKIP to Section 4b. 2. In the past 7 days, how many hours did each of the following household members perform those agricultural or pastoral activities? Put 0 for those that did not work. a. FR Hours: |____| b. HH member 2 Hours: |____| c. HH member 3 Hours: |____| d. … e. All children combined Hours: |____| If ONLY PASTORALIST based on Q1, SKIP to question 10. 5. What is the most important crop for your household? |___| Maize |___| Sorghum |___| Beans |___| Cassava |___| Millet |___| Sugarcane |___| Groundnuts |___| Kale |___| Sweet potato |___| Banana / Plantain |___| Coffee |___| Tea |___| Potatoes (Irish or White) 15 |___| Other: ________________________________________________ 6. In which phase of the crop cycle are you? |___| Land preparation |___| Planting |___| Crop on the farm: Applying inputs, weeding |___| Harvesting |___| Selling |___| None of the above (off-season) 7. (if planting OR crop on the farm) In this planting season, did your household plant more, less or the same as last planting season? |___| More |___| Same |___| Less |___| Did not plant last season |___| Did not plant this season 7a. (if less than last year / did not plant this season) Why did you plant less than last year? Do not read. |___| I expect I won’t be able to sell as much produce |___| I expect prices will be lower |___| I expect produce to be lower because of floods |___| I expect produce to be lower because of droughts |___| I, or other members of the household, migrated |___| I, or other members of the household were ill |___| Caring for children home from school |___| I had difficulty hiring workers |___| I had to take care of an ill relative |___| Fearing locusts |___| Travel restrictions for me or my workers |___| Market closures |___| Usual suppliers are not operating |___| Suppliers are operating, but do not have enough stock for me |___| Supplies / materials were more expensive than usual |___| Other: _________________________________________ 7b. (if more than last year / did not plant last season) Why did you plant more than last year? Do not read. |___| I think I will need more food for our own household consumption |___| I think I will be able to sell more this year |___| I think prices will be higher this year |___| My farm is growing every year |___| Children home from school helped with planting |___| Other: _________________________________________ 8. (if harvesting or selling) In this harvesting season, did your household harvest more, less or the same as last harvesting season? 16 |___| More |___| Same |___| Less |___| Did not plant last season/this season 8a. (if less than last year) Why did you harvest less than last year? Do not read. Select all that apply. |___| Usual fluctuations across year |___| Bad harvests because of locusts |___| Bad harvest because of bad rain |___| Bad harvest because of floods |___| Bad harvest because of droughts |___| Bad harvest for other reasons: _____________________ |___| I expect I won’t be able to sell as much produce |___| I expect prices will be lower |___| I, or other members of the household, migrated |___| I, or other members of the household were ill |___| Caring for children home from school |___| I had difficulty hiring workers |___| I had to take care of an ill relative |___| Travel restrictions for me or my workers |___| Market closures |___| Bad harvest because I used less seeds than usual |___| Bad harvest because I used less fertilizer than usual |___| Bad harvest because I used less pesticides than usual |___| Usual suppliers are not operating |___| Suppliers are operating, but do not have enough stock for me |___| Supplies / materials were more expensive than usual |___| Other: _________________________________________ 8b. (if more than last year) Why did you harvest more than last year? Do not read. Select all that apply. |___| Usual fluctuations across years |___| Good harvest because of good rains |___| Good harvest because there were no floods |___| Good harvest because there were no droughts |___| Good harvest because I used more seeds than usual |___| Good harvest because I used more fertilizer than usual |___| Good harvest because I used more pesticides than usual |___| Good harvest for other reasons: _____________________ |___| We bought more land |___| Household members worked on our farm more than last year |___| Children home from school helped with harvesting |___| We hired more workers than last year |___| More demand |___| I think I will need more food for our own household consumption |___| I think I will be able to sell more this year |___| I think prices will be higher this year 17 |___| My farm is growing every year |___| Other: _________________________________________ 10. (if any ag activity) In the past 14 days, what were the total earnings for your household for those agricultural and pastoralist activities combined? |____| KSh 10a3. Have your earnings from agricultural and pastoral activities been lower or higher than at this time last year? |___| Lower |___| Higher |___| Stayed the same |___| Did not engage in agricultural or pastoral activities at this time last year |___| Don’t know 10b. (if lower than last year) Why are your sales lower than last year? Do not read. Select all that apply. |___| Usual fluctuations across years |___| Bad harvests because of locusts |___| Bad harvest because of bad rain |___| Bad harvest because of floods |___| Bad harvest because of drought |___| Bad harvest for other reasons: _____________________ |___| Sold livestock |___| Animals were ill |___| I sold land |___| Household members worked less |___| I hired less workers |___| I hold on to my produce because of uncertainty |___| I hold on to my produce because prices will go up |___| I have less demand |___| Travel restrictions for me |___| Travel restrictions for my customers |___| Market closures |___| Usual suppliers are not operating |___| Suppliers are operating, but do not have enough stock for me |___| Supplies / materials were more expensive than usual |___| Other: _________________________________________ 10c. (if higher than last year) Why are your sales higher than last year? Do not read. Select all that apply. |___| Usual fluctuations across years |___| Good harvest because of good rains |___| Good harvest because there were no floods |___| Good harvest because there were no droughts 18 |___| Good harvest for other reasons: _____________________ |___| We bought more land |___| Household members worked on our farm more than last year |___| We hired more workers than last year |___| More demand |___| I think I will need more food for our own household consumption |___| I think I will be able to sell more this year |___| I think prices will be higher this year |___| My farm is growing every year |___| Other: _________________________________________ Section 4b: Family business Read: Now we would like to talk about the enterprises that you or members of your family run, OTHER THAN FARMING. 12. (if the household had no enterprise during the previous round) How many non- agricultural self-employed enterprises do members of your household run or have run since [date of last interview], other than farming? |___| Include enterprises operating at ANY point since the last time this household was interviewed, regardless if still operating or not. Enter 0 if none. If 0, skip to Section 4c. 13. (If a household had an enterprise during the previous round) I will now ask about self- employed enterprises that members of your household run. Your household has previously told us about the following enterprises: [LIST OF PRELOAD ENTERPRISES] Before we discuss these, are there any other non-agricultural self-employed enterprises that members of your household have run since [Last Round date]? |___| Yes/ No If Yes, CONTINUE. If NO, SKIP to LOOP. [Background: Number of businesses = old] 12a. How many other non-agricultural self-employed enterprises that members of your household run since [Last Round date]? Include enterprises operating at ANY point since [Last Round date], regardless if it is still operating or not. Enter 0 if no other enterprises. [Background: Number of businesses = old + other] If any old/new/other enterprises from Last Round, LOOP through each enterprise. If no enterprises at all, SKIP to Section 4c { 19 13. a. (if new / other enterprise) Enterprise name: ______________________________ b. (if new / other enterprise) What category is/was this enterprise? Do not read. Select one. |___| Agriculture, forestry and fishing |___| Mining and quarrying |___| Manufacturing |___| Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |___| Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |___| Construction |___| Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |___| Transportation and storage |___| Accommodation and food service activities |___| Information and communication |___| Financial and insurance activities |___| Real estate activities |___| Professional, scientific and technical activities |___| Administrative and support service activities |___| Public administration and defense; compulsory social security |___| Education |___| Human health and social work activities |___| Arts, entertainment and recreation |___| Other service activities: _____________________________________ |___| Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use |___| Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies |___| Other, please specify: _____________________________________ 14. a. (if new / other enterprise) Is this enterprise currently operating? |___| Yes → Go to question 20 |___| No, temporarily closed -- mandated by government → Go to question 15 |___| No, temporarily closed -- own choice → Go to question 15 |___| No, permanently closed → Go to question 15 b. (If pre-loaded enterprise that was operating at Last Round) At [Last Round date], you were running the following business: [Name, Category]. Is your household still running this business? |___| Yes → Go to question 20 |___| No, temporarily closed -- mandated by government → Go to question 15 |___| No, temporarily closed -- own choice → Go to question 15 |___| No, permanently closed → Go to question 15 |___| Never ran this enterprise / wrong information → Go to next enterprise in 20 LOOP c. (If pre-loaded enterprise that was closed at Last Round) At [Last Round date], you told us the following business had closed: [Name, Category]. Is this business still closed? |___| Yes, still closed → Go to question 17 |___| No, has re-opened → Go to question 20 |___| Never ran this enterprise / wrong information → Go to next enterprise in LOOP 15. When did this enterprise stop operating? |___| In the past 7 days |___| In the past 7 days before that (between 14 to 7 days ago) |___| June 2022 |___| May 2022 |___| April 2022 |___| March 2022 |___| February 2022 |___| January 2022 |___| December 2021 |___| …. [list all months] |___| January 2020 17. (If temporarily closed) When are you planning to reopen this enterprise? |___| By June 2022 |___| Second half of 2022 |___| First half of 2023 |___| Never If this enterprise is pre-loaded from Last Round and closed, SKIP to the next enterprise in the LOOP. Otherwise continue. Note: If temporarily or permanently closed, we want the following information at the time the enterprise shuts down. 20. What were the total earnings / revenue (money in only - do not subtract any expenses) of this enterprise in the last 14 days? |________| KSh 22. What was the total profit of this enterprise over the past 14 days? Note: In Ksh. Here we mean the amount you received after paying for expenses for this business, including hired workers, money for household members who helped, purchase of goods for sale or for inputs, such as raw materials, fuel, and electricity, but before purchasing personal items for yourself or your household. If unsure, FR can estimate. Ask in terms of ""commission"" if the FR runs an M-Pesa shop.) |________| KSh } END LOOP over enterprises 21 23. (If ANY enterprises are currently operating or if any closed in the past 7 days) In the past 7 days, how many hours did each of those HH members perform those non-agricultural self-employed activities? If a household member worked in multiple businesses, add the hours of all businesses combined. Put 0 for those that did not work. a. FR Hours: |____| b. HH member 2 Hours: |____| c. HH member 3 Hours: |____| d. … e. All children combined Hours: |____| (include and sum up the work done by all HH members 18 years or younger) f. If no hours are entered for any household member: This household has an enterprise, which is currently operating. Is any household member working in the enterprise? |___| Yes / No If yes, display: Please go back and go back and correct the number of hours worked in the enterprise for the relevant household members. Section 4c: Wage Employment Read: At [Last Round date], you told us that the following household members were employed / working for pay: - [Name 1], [Occupation 1] - [Name 2], [Occupation 2] - …. 24. Which ADULT household members are currently employed, working for pay? Note: Exclude work that is not paid, but is done for training purposes, such as volunteering, internships, traineeships, etc. Select all that apply. |___| None |___| FR |___| HH member 2 |___| HH member 3 |___| … 25. Which ADULT household members are currently working in a training program in the form of an Internship, attachment, volunteering, traineeship, apprenticeship? I___I None I___I FR I___I HH member 2 I___I HH member 3 I___I……. If any are currently employed, LOOP through each. O/w skip to question 33 { 22 26. (if a pre-loaded HH member was employed in the previous Round): At [Last Round date], you said [NAME] was working for pay in [INDUSTRY]. Is [NAME] still working in the same job? |___| Yes / No / This information is wrong / DK If yes, SKIP to question 31. Otherwise, CONTINUE. 27. What is the industry in which [NAME] is working? Do not read. Simply record the answer. |___| Agriculture, forestry and fishing |___| Mining and quarrying |___| Manufacturing |___| Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |___| Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |___| Construction |___| Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |___| Transportation and storage |___| Accommodation and food service activities |___| Information and communication |___| Financial and insurance activities |___| Real estate activities |___| Professional, scientific and technical activities |___| Administrative and support service activities |___| Public administration and defense; compulsory social security |___| Education |___| Human health and social work activities |___| Arts, entertainment and recreation |___| Other service activities: _____________________________________ |___| Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use |___| Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies |___| Other, please specify: _____________________________________ 29. What kind of agreement is there between you and your employer? |___| written contract |___| verbal agreement |___| implied contract (non-written but protected by the law) |___| no contract 29(a) What kind of contract does [NAME] have for this job? |___| None |___| Permanent |___| Fixed term |___| Hourly 30. In the last 7 days, how many hours has [NAME] worked for wages? |____| Enter 0 if none. a. (only if worked 0 hours) Why was [NAME] absent from work during the last 7 days? 23 |___| Vacation/ holidays |___| Annual leave |___| Illness, injury, temporary disability |___| Maternity/ paternity leave |___| Temporary slack work for technical or economic reasons |___| Strike or labor dispute |___| Off-season |___| Lack of transport |___| Education or training |___| Community responsibilities |___| Temporary closure |___| Awaiting to attend interview |___| Other, specify b. (only if worked 0 hours) Does [NAME] have an agreement or contract to return to the same job after this absence? |___| Yes / No 31. In the past 14 days, what was the total cash salary of [NAME]? Include only salary paid for work performed in the last 14 days. Also include the salary they EXPECT to get from the work performed in the last 14 days, even if they have not yet been paid. If an employee was paid even though they did not work, include this as well. Do not include pay for work performed more than 14 days ago. |_____| KSh. 33. Does [NAME] currently receive any of the following benefits from their employer? Read options. |___| Medical Insurance |___| Social security coverage |___| Sick leave |___| Subsidized meals |___| Subsidized lodging |___| Other, specify: ___________________________________ |___| None } END LOOP over employed 38. (If nobody in the household has any employment) DO NOT READ: You have recorded no employment activity for any member of this household. Please confirm with the respondent if anyone in this household is working in agriculture, a household business or wage employment. Is anyone in this household working? |___| Yes |___| No (If yes) DO NOT READ: Please go back to the questions on employment and correct the answers. 24 39. In the past 4 weeks, which household members were actively looking for paid work or tried to start any kind of business/income generating activity? |___| None |___| FR |___| HH member 2 |___| HH member 3 |___| … FO: based on the answer above, select if the respondent was actively looking for paid work, or tried to start any kind of business/income generating activity over the past 4 weeks 40. If they were offered a job, which of your household members would be available to start working within the coming 4 weeks? |___| None |___| FR |___| HH member 2 |___| HH member 3 |___| … Section 5: Food Security Section 5.1: included in previous waves but dropped for this one Section 5.2: Access and Prices Note: Each HH will be asked about all items from the below list. PRODUCT UNIT 1. In the past 14 2. In the past 14 3. (If Q2=NO): Why (Ask to everyone) 4. 5.(If Q2=YES): 6. (If days, did you or days, did your was your household What is the current Has the price of Q2=YES) anyone in your household not able to buy price of [UNIT] of [UNIT] of : In the household want purchase [ITEM]? [PRODUCT] in the [PRODUCT] past one or need to buy [PRODUCT]? Select all that nearest market? increased, month, [ITEM?] apply decreased or have you Does not need That is, what did you stayed the same switched Yes / No to be the exact (or would you) pay if over the past to a same unit listed. |__| out of stock you bought this item one month? cheaper |__| due to quotas today. version/br If YES, Yes / No. |__| high |___| Increased and of continue to Q2 transportation cost |___| Decreased this If NO, SKIP to |__| inferior quality Prompt if the |___| Stayed the product? Q4] of available items product is currently same |__| not able to go to available at your |___| DK the market due to local village / security reasons market. If not |__| no money to available, enter -98. buy |__| other (specify) Enter -99 if don’t |__| refused know. Wheat 2kg |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO flour 25 Wheat 2kg |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO grains Maize flour 2kg |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO Maize 2kg |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO grains Beans 2kg |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO Bread One |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO loaf Cooking 500g |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO fat Petrol 1L |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO Diesel 1L |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO Note: Each HH will only be asked about 4 randomly selected items from the below list. PRODUCT UNIT 1. In the past 14 2. In the past 14 4.(Ask to everyone): What 5. (If Q2=YES): Has 6. (If Q2=YES): days, did you or days, did your is the current price of [UNIT] the price of [UNIT] of In the past one anyone in your household of [PRODUCT] in the [PRODUCT] month, have household want or purchase nearest market? increased, decreased you switched to need to buy [PRODUCT]? or stayed the same a cheaper [ITEM?] That is, what did you (or over the past month? version/ brand Yes / No. Does would you) pay if you bought of this product? Yes / No not need to be the this item today. |___| Increased exact same unit |___| Decreased listed. Prompt if the product is |___| Stayed the same If YES, continue currently available at your |___| DK to Q2 local village / market. If not If NO, SKIP to Q4 available, enter -98. Enter -99 if don’t know. Rice 1kg |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO Tomatoes Four |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO Onions Four |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO Banana- Bunch |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO sweet Egg One |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO Beef meat 1kg |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO Fish Whole |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO (Tilapia) Sugar 1kg |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO Bar Soap One |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO Charcoal 2kg |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO Calf (local) One |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO 26 Goat One |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO Chicken One |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO (hen) Panadol Pair |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO Adult head One |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO shaving Fixing a One |___| |_______| KSh YES/NO small hole at a tailor 8. In the past 14 days, did you or any member of your household need to make use of public transportation services (e.g. matatus, boda-bodas, rideshare)? |___| Yes |___| No If yes, CONTINUE. If no, SKIP to Section 5.3. 9. Were you able to successfully access it? |___| Yes, without any difficulty |___| Yes, but with difficulties |___| No 9a. (If “No’ or ‘Yes, but with difficulties’): Why were you not able to access it or had difficulties to access it? Do not read. |___| Cessation of service |___| Increase in prices |___| Movement restriction |___| Reduced frequency of service |___| Other (specify) _____________________ 10. Now I’d like you to think of all the times you used public transport in the past 14 days to get to work or for other regular trips. Compared to one month ago, has the cost per trip increased? |___| Yes, all trips got more expensive |___| Yes, some trips got more expensive. |___| No, they didn’t get more expensive |___| Don’t know. Section 5.3: Food Security 5. In the last month, has there been any time when your household did not have sufficient quantities of drinking water when needed? |___| Yes, at least once / No, always sufficient 6. Now I would like to ask you some questions about food. During the last 30 days, was there a time when you, or any other adult in your household, were hungry but did not eat because there was not enough money or other resources for food? |___| Yes / No / DK 27 7. In the last month, has there been any time when your household wasn't able to access staple food (e.g.maize or beans)? |___| Yes / No / DK 8. (If Yes) Why weren’t you, or any other adult in your household, able to access staple food? Select all that apply |___| Prices have gone up |___| Income has decreased |___| The supply has decreased |___| Markets were closed |___| Other, specify: _________________________________ 8a. In the last 30 days, has there been any time when your household bought food on credit or borrowed food or money to buy food? |___| Yes / No / DK / Refused 9. In the last 30 days, did you worry that your household would not have enough food? (1=Yes,0=No) |___| In the past 7 DAYS, how In the past 7 DAYS, how many days have ADULTS many days have CHILDREN in your household… (<18) in your household… 10. …gone to bed hungry? |___| |___| 11. … skipped meals or cut the number of |___| |___| meals? 12. …gone entire days without food? |___| |___| 13. Did any of the meals your household ate yesterday include… (1=Yes, 0=No) a. Meat or fish? Omena (small fish) should be included. Do not include eggs |___| b. Eggs? |___| Section 6: Income Loss/Coping Read: Now, I would like to ask you about some difficulties you or members of your household have experienced and how you coped with them. 1. During the past 12 months, did your 2. When was the most recent time your household experience [SHOCK]? household experienced [SHOCK]? Note: A shock is any unanticipated 1= Last 1 month negative/unfortunate event 2=1-3 months 1=yes / 0=no 3=4-6 months If zero, skip to the next row. 4= 7-12 months 5=More than 12 months a. Excessive rains/flooding b. Variable rain/drought 28 c. Livestock death (due to droughts) d. Crop disease (rust on wheat, sorghum), pests (locusts) e. Increase in price of farming/business inputs f. Fall of the price of farming/business outputs g. Nonfarm business closure h. Loss of employment of income i. Increase in price of major food items consumed j. Increase in price in energy/utilities k. Human disease outbreaks from contaminated water l. Death of household member m. Theft or destruction of assets n. Any other shock (specify) 3. (If Q1a>0): What types of damage did your household directly suffer from these floods? |___| Damage to crops |___| Damage to primary home |___| Damage to secondary home (for farming) |___| Loss of livestock |___| Loss of other assets |___| Injury or illness of someone in household |___| Death of someone in household |___| Inability to travel where needed |___| Destruction of latrine / toilet facilities |___| None |___| Other (specify) 4. (If Q1a>0): What types of damage are still troubling your household from these floods? |___| Damage to crops |___| Damage to primary home |___| Damage to secondary home (for farming) |___| Fields or home still flooded |___| Loss of livestock |___| Loss of other assets |___| Injury or illness of someone in household |___| Death of someone in household |___| Inability to travel where needed |___| None |___| Other (specify) 29 5. (If Q1b>0): What types of damage did your household directly suffer from these droughts? |___| Damage to crops |___| Loss of livestock |___| Injury or illness of someone in household |___| Death of someone in household |___| None |___| Other (specify) 6. (If Q1b>0): What types of damage are still troubling your household from these droughts? |___| Damage to crops |___| Loss of livestock |___| Injury or illness of someone in household |___| Death of someone in household |___| None |___| Other (specify) 7. Has the household had to do any of the following actions in the past 30 days? Select all that apply. Read options. |___| Sale of assets (ag and no-ag) |___| Engaged in additional income generating activities |___| Received assistance from friends & family |___| Borrowed from friends & family |___| Took a loan from a financial institution |___| Credited purchases |___| Delayed payment obligations |___| Sold harvest in advance |___| Reduced food consumption |___| Reduced non-food consumption |___| Relied on savings |___| Received assistance from NGO |___| Received assistance from faith-based institution |___| Took advanced payment from employer |___| Received assistance from government |___| Was covered by insurance policy |___| No action taken |___| Other, specify: _____________________________ Section 7: Transfers 2. In the past 14 days, did anyone in this household receive a gift / assistance of money or goods from someone outside the household? Note: Do not include transfers from the government or employers; also do not include loans or interest payments, or goods that the household purchased. If FR is in boarding school count gifts from parents as transfers. |___| No |___| Yes, from outside Kenya 30 |___| Yes, from within Kenya 2a. (if yes from outside Kenya) What was the total value you received from outside Kenya? |_______| KSh 2a.2 (if yes from within Kenya) What was the total value you received from within Kenya? |_______| KSh Section 8: Subjective Welfare 1. To what extent are you satisfied with your life in general at the present time? Read answer options. |___| Very satisfied |___| Somewhat satisfied |___| Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |___| Not satisfied |___| Not at all satisfied |___| Don’t know 2. We are interested in how people are getting along financially these days. Would you say that you and your household are financially better off, about the same, or worse off than you were a year ago? |___| Better now |___| Same |___| Worse |___| Don’t know 3. Now looking ahead--do you think that 12 months from now you and your household will be better off financially, or worse off, or just about the same as now? |___| Will be better off |___| Same |___| Will be worse off |___| Don’t know 4. Now turning to the economic situation in the country as a whole. How do you think the general economic situation in the country has changed during the past 12 months? It has … Read answer options. |___| Got a lot better |___| Got a little better |___| Stayed about the same |___| Got a little worse |___| Got a lot worse |___| Don’t know 31 5. And during the next 5 years, how do you expect the general economic situation in this country to develop? It will … Read answer options. |___| Get a lot better |___| Get a little better |___| Stay about the same |___| Get a little worse |___| Get a lot worse |___| Don’t know 6. Now turning to prices in general: During the last 12 months, do you think prices in general have gone up a lot, gone up somewhat, stayed the same, or gone down? |___| Gone up a lot |___| Gone up somewhat |___| Stayed the same |___| Gone down |___| Don’t know 7. How do you expect that prices in general will develop during the next 12 months, comparing to the past 12 months? |___| Go up more than in the last 12 month |___| Go up at the same rate as in the last 12 months |___| Go up less than in the last 12 months |___| Stay about the same |___| Go down |___| Don’t know 8. We now would like to ask you about the big items people buy for their households--such as furniture, a stove, a refrigerator, a car, a motorcycle. Generally speaking, do you think now is a good or a bad time for people to buy major household items? Read answer options. |___| Good time |___| Neither good nor bad |___| Bad time |___| Don’t know 9. We would now like to ask you about extreme weather events, such as drought conditions, delayed rains, floods, and heatwaves. How likely is it that extreme weather events will negatively affect you and your household financially during the next 12 months? Read answer options. |___| Extremely likely |___| Likely |___| Neither likely nor unlikely |___| Unlikely |___| Extremely unlikely |___| Don’t know 10. (If extremely likely or likely): Which events do you expect will negatively affect you and your household financially during the next 12 months? Select all that apply. Read answer options. |___| Drought conditions 32 |___| Delayed rains |___| Floods |___| Heatwaves |___| Other (specify) Sections 9 & 10: included in previous waves but dropped for this one If FR is a refugee or asylum seeker, CONTINUE. Otherwise, SKIP to conclusion Section 11a: Intentions/Solutions Read: Please remember that your answers to these questions will be kept strictly confidential and will not be told to anyone. Your answers will have no influence on current or future assistance. 1. Do you plan to return to your country of origin or move to a different location in the foreseeable future? |___| Yes / No/ DK If Yes, CONTINUE, otherwise SKIP to 1e a. Where do you plan to move to? |___| Another camp in Kenya |___| Urban area in Kenya (not a refugee camp) |___| Rural area in Kenya (not a refugee camp) |___| Back to home country/country of origin |___| Third country |___| Don’t know |___| Declined b. When do you plan to move? |___| In the next 3 months |___| 3 months to 1 year |___| In more than one year |___| Don’t know |___| Declined c. Thinking about the place where you live now, what are the main reasons you would want to move? Select up to three. |___| Armed conflict in this area |___| Armed conflict in the surrounding areas |___| Increased crime, violence and insecurity but not armed conflict in the area |___| Fear of ethnic/political/religious discrimination and persecutions |___| Drought/famine/flood |___| Lack of access to home/land/livestock |___| Lack of access to education services and health services |___| Lack of employment opportunities |___| No family here anymore / family reasons 33 |___| Lack of humanitarian assistance (water, sanitation, and shelter) |___| Lack of food |___| Uncertain legal situation in the country |___| Other, specify: _________________________________________________ |___| Declined |___| Don’t know Skip 1d if 1a= ‘Back to home country/country of origin’. d. Thinking about your place of origin, what are the main reasons you don’t want to or can’t go back? Select up to three. |___| Armed conflict in the area of origin |___| Armed conflict in the surrounding areas |___| Increased crime, violence and insecurity but not armed conflict in the area |___| Fear of ethnic/political/religious discrimination and persecutions |___| Drought/famine/flood |___| Lack of access to home/land/livestock |___| Lack of access to education services and health services |___| Lack of employment opportunities |___| No family here anymore / family reasons |___| Will lose access to humanitarian aid |___| Uncertain legal situation in the country |___| Other, specify: _________________________________________________ |___| Declined |___| Don’t know e. (If Q1=No): Thinking about the place where you live now, what are the main reasons you want to stay? Select up to three. |___| Better security here |___| Better access to home/area of housing and area of livelihood/livestock |___| Better access to education and health services |___| Better access to livelihood/employment opportunities |___| To continue living with family/friends or community members /family reasons |___| Access to humanitarian aid (particularly food and water) |___| Other, specify: _________________________________________________ |___| Declined |___| Don’t know f. If you would get the formal right to settle freely and live and work in Kenya, would you want to move somewhere else? Note: this is a hypothetical question |___| No, stay at my current location |___| Yes, move somewhere else |___| Declined |___| Don’t know g. (If 1f=Yes) Where would you move? |___| Refugee camp in Kenya 34 |___| Urban area in Kenya (not a refugee camp) |___| Rural area in Kenya (not a refugee camp) |___| Home country/country of origin |___| Third country |___| Declined |___| Don’t know h. If you could change something to improve the situation of your community, what would you change? Select all that apply |___| Right to move freely in Kenya |___| Right to work in Kenya |___| Better access to livelihoods opportunities |___| Better access to agricultural land |___| Better access to documentation |___| Better access to services (e.g. education, health care) |___| Better protection/ security situation |___| More humanitarian aid (e.g. food, core relief items) |___| Other (specify) _______________ |___| Don’t know |___| Declined 2. (If resident in an urban area) What will you do if you face economic difficulties in the urban area and UNHCR is not able to provide you with assistance? |___| Relocation to refugee camp |___| Return to home country |___| Will try to find work in the urban area |___| Will make arrangements with my communities |___| Other, specify: _______________________________________________________ 3. Has anyone in your household applied for East African citizenship? |___| Yes / No / DK Section 12: Conclusion 1. Thank you for your time. As an appreciation, airtime of 50 KSh will be transferred to this number after the call. a. Would you prefer for us to transfer the airtime to a different number than this one? |____| Yes / No b. (if yes) Please provide it now: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| AFTER YOU END THE CONVERSATION 2. Did the respondent terminate the survey early? |___| Yes / No 2a. (if yes) Why did the respondent terminate the survey early? 35 |___| Temporary stop only - Wishes to continue survey at a later time. Go to Temporary Stop Instructions |___| Tired |___| Too busy, does not have time |___| Offended at question |___| Suspicious of FO/ survey intent / REMIT |___| Does not feel like continuing the survey |___| Call dropped, unable to reach respondent again |___| Other (specify) Temporary Stop Instructions: You have indicated that the FR wishes to continue the survey in the future. Please ask the FR when they are next available, and then call your team lead (or other senior team member) to confirm this day and time. If you are unable to confirm this day and time, make a tentative appointment with the FR. Then, let the FR know that you will contact them to confirm when you will return. Record this information and the current time on the tracking sheet now. 3. Was this call dropped or interrupted at any time, and continued later? |____| Yes / No 3a. (if yes) In which section(s) did this happen? |_____| List section numbers. Select all that apply. 4. Time end interview |___|___| / |___|___| HH:MM 5. What was this household’s ID? |___|___|___|___|___|___| 6. In what language was the survey administered? Select all that apply. |___| Kiswahili |___| Luo |___| English |___| Other: ____________________________________________ 7. How was the respondent's skill in speaking and understanding the survey language? |___| Displayed no problems speaking or understanding language |___| Displayed a little difficulty speaking or understanding language |___| Displayed moderate difficulty speaking or understanding language |___| Displayed serious problems speaking or understanding language 8. Are you very confident, somewhat confident or not very confident in the overall quality and truthfulness of this respondent's responses? |___| Very confident |___| Somewhat confident |___| Not confident 9. If SOMEWHAT or NOT CONFIDENT: Why? _____________________________________________________________________ 10. Please note any other comments on the survey at this time: _____________________________________________________________________ 36