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Fit for Purpose - Dam Rehabilitation Prioritization Tool in Zimbabwe (English)

As a nation with highly variable and limited availability of water resources, Zimbabwe relies on a vast and aging water infrastructure stock that requires prompt rehabilitation to better support the water, food, and energy sectors. The country has limited water resources, with much of its area classified as semi-arid with highly variable rainfall. Zimbabwe relies on dams to store water to ensure irrigation for food security, water supply, and hydropower...
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  • 2022/02/14

  • Report

  • 177307

  • 1

  • Zimbabwe,

  • Eastern and Southern Africa,

  • 2022/10/24

  • Disclosed

  • Fit for Purpose - Dam Rehabilitation Prioritization Tool in Zimbabwe



Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


World Bank.

Fit for Purpose - Dam Rehabilitation Prioritization Tool in Zimbabwe (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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