Final Environmental Assessment Report of Transmission and Distribution Subprojects in East Khasi Hills & Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Prepared for Meghalaya Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. (MePTCL) & Meghalaya Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. (MePDCL) Prepared & Submitted By Submitted By Department Environmental of of Department Studies Environmental Studies Hill University North-EasternHill North-Eastern University Shillong-793022 Shillong-793022 Final Environmental Assessment Report of Transmission and Distribution Subprojects in East Khasi Hills & Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya Under NERPSIP Project team Prof. D. Paul, Principal Investigator Prof. D. Walia, Co-investigator Prof. B. K. Tiwari Mr. K. K. Choudhury Coleen Marak, Project Fellow Christie Momin, Project Fellow Prepared for Meghalaya Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. (MePTCL) & Meghalaya Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. (MePDCL) Submitted By Department of Environmental Studies North-Eastern Hill University Shillong-793022 NERPSIP/Meghalaya/FEAR-2/2019-20/R1 October, 2021 ABBREVIATIONS ADC – Autonomous District Council APs – Affected Persons AP Angle Point CBIS – Capacity Building & Institutional Strengthening CEA – Central Electricity Authority CPTD – Compensation Plan for Temporary Damages CPIU – Central Project Implementation Unit dB Decibel DC – District Collector DL Distribution Line E&S – Environmental and Social EHS Environment, Health & Safety EMF Electro Magnetic Field ESMC – Environment & Social Management Cell ESPPF – Environment and Social Policy & Procedures Framework EMP – Environmental Management Plan FCA,1980 – Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 FEAR – Final Environment Assessment Report KHADC Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council GOI – Government of India GRM – Grievances Redressal Mechanism GRC – Grievance Redressal Committee HFL High Flood Level IA – Implementing Agency IEAR – Initial Environmental Assessment Report MoEFCC – Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change MePDCL – Meghalaya Power Distribution Corporation Ltd MePTCL – Meghalaya Power Transmission Corporation Ltd LOA – Letter of Award NOC No Objection Certificate NEHU – North Eastern Hill University NER – North Eastern Region NERPSIP – North Eastern Region Power System Improvement Project O&M Operation & Maintenance OPs – Operational Policies PCB Poly Chlorinated Biphenyl PIU – Project Implementation Unit POWERGRID – Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. PPEs – Personal Protective Equipments PMU – Project Management Unit PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal RoW – Right of Way R& R – Rehabilitation and Resettlement RRM – Random Rubble Masonry SS – Substation SPCU – State Project Coordination Unit T&D – Transmission & Distribution (T&D) TL Transmission Line WB – The World Bank TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Description Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER -1 : INTRODUCTION 1-8 1.1 : Project Background 1 1.2 : Project Justification 2 1.3 : Benefits of Project 3 1.4 : Project Scope & Present Study 3 1.5 : Overall Project Progress 4 1.6 : Objectives and Methodology adopted for FEAR Study 6 CHAPTER -2 : BASELINE DATA 9-33 2.1 : Project Location 9 2.2 : Meghalaya 9 2.3 : East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts 25 2.4 : Baseline Description of the Subproject areas 30 CHAPTER- 3 : LEGAL & REGULATORY FRAMEWORKS 34-44 3.1 : Constitutional Provisions 34 3.2 : Environmental Provisions 35 3.3 : Social Provisions 41 CHAPTER-4 : MAJOR FEATURES OF FINAL ROUTE & 45-59 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 4.1 : Environmental Criteria for Route Selection 45 4.2 : Major features of final route of TL & DL 51 CHAPTER-5 : POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS, 60-91 EVALUATION AND ITS MANAGEMENT 5.1 : Impact Due to Project Location 60 5.2 : Environmental Problems Due to Design 65 5.3 : Environmental Problems during Construction Phase 68 5.4 : Environmental Problems Resulting from Operation 73 5.5 : Critical Environmental Review Criteria 74 5.6 : Public Consultation 75 5.7 : Compliance of EMP 76 5.8 : Conclusion 89 SECTION-6 : MONITORING & ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT 92-97 STRUCTURE 6.1 : Administrative Arrangement for Project Implementation 92 6.2 : Review of Project Implementation Progress 92 6.3 : E & S Monitoring 93 6.4 : Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM) 95 LIST OF MAPS Map Description Page Map-2.1 : Location Map of the Project 9 Map-2.2 : Google Map showing Subprojects Location 10 Map-2.3 : Forest cover of Meghalaya 21 Map-2.4 : Protected Areas of Meghalaya 22 Map-2.5 : Protected Area vis-à-vis sub-projects location 23 Map-2.5A Distance from Reserved Forest & Protected Area from 220 kV Line 24 Map-2.5B Distance from Reserved Forest & Protected Area from 33 kV Line 24 Map-2.6 : Map showing general land use pattern along transmission corridor 31 Map-2.7 : Map showing notified forest area vis-à-vis subproject location 33 Map 2.8 : Map depicting land use and actual impacts on ground due to 33 construction of 33kV Distribution line Map-4.1 : Map showing final line route vis-à-vis IEAR route of 220 kV Killing 55 – Mawngap- New Shillong along with important land use features Map-4.2 : Satellite imagery showing details of 2 x 33 kV line from 33 /11kV 56 Mawpat (New) - 220/132/33 kV New Shillong Map-4.3 : Satellite imagery showing details of 33 kV line from 33/11 kV New 57 Shillong (New) substation -220/132/33 kV New Shillong substation Map-4.4 : Satellite imagery showing details of 2 x 33 kV line from 33/11 kV 58 Mawryngkneng (New) -220/132/33 kV New Shillong substation Map-4.5 : Satellite imagery showing details of 33 kV line from 33/11 kV 59 Mawkynrew - 33/11kV Jongksha substation LIST OF PLATES PLATE Description Page Plate-5.1 : Line route in paddy field 63 Plate-5.2 : Line route in private plantation 63 Plate-5.3 : No blockage due Construction of Tower 64 Plate-5.4 : Storage of Materials in earmarked/designated area only 65 Plate-5.5 : Transformer Oil Sump Pit at 220/132kV New Shillong 65 Plate-5.6 : Drainage constructed inside 220/132kV New Shillong 65 Plate-5.7 : Fire wall and Fire extinguisher installed near Transformers 66 Plate-5.8 : Backfilling & resurfacing of excavated area inside substation and 68 33kV pole Plate-5.9 : Grass with bamboo grids (Bio-engineering measures) at 69 220/132/33 kV GIS Substation New Shillong Plate-5.10 : Retaining wall at 33/11kV Mawpat 69 Plate-5.11 : Retaining wall at 33/11kV New Shillong 70 Plate-5.12 : Construction of Revetment Wall and ULE at AP 23/0 & 59/0 of 70 220 kV D/c Byrnihat-Mawngap-New Shillong line Plate-5.13 : Activities confined within the substation boundary only 70 Plate-6.1 : Display of contact details of Grievance Redressal Committee 95 LIST OF TABLES Table Description Page Table-2.1 : General land use pattern of Meghalaya 11 Table-2.2 : Sacred groves in Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi districts 18 Table-2.3 : Protected Areas in Meghalaya 20 Table-2.4 : Forest Cover of the Project Districts 27 Table-2.5 : Details on Total population 28 Table-2.6 : Details on Male & Female Population 29 Table-2.7 : Details of Percentage SC/ST 29 Table-2.8 : Literate & Illiterate Population 29 Table-2.9 : Details on Workers 30 Table-2.10 : Details on Households 30 Table-5.1 : Details of Retaining Wall 69 Table-5.2 : Compliance Status of EMP as proposed in IEAR 77 LIST OF APPENDIXS Appendix Description Appendix-A : Site Visit & Interaction with Project Official Appendix-B : Transact Survey during Study Appendix-C : Details of PRA Exercise LIST OF ANNEXURES Annexure Description Annexure -1 : Initial Online Submission of Forest Proposal Annexure- 2 : NOC from DFO regarding non-involvement of Forest land Annexure- 2a NOC from ADC regarding non-involvement of Forest land Annexure- 3 : Details of Tower schedule of 220 kV Byrnihat-Mawngap-New Shillong Line Annexure- 4 : Details of Pole schedule of Distribution Line Annexure- 5 : NoC from concerned Land owner/ Headman /Village Council Annexure- 6 : Sample cases of Compensation payment Annexure- 7 : Drawing of Bird Guard/Anti perching devises Annexure- 8 : Signed copy of Safety Plan submitted by Contractor Annexure- 9 : Safety/Penalty provisions in Contract Conditions Annexure- 10 : Approved Labour license & Insurance policy by Contractor Annexure- 11 : Safety Checklists Annexure- 12 : Photographs of HSE compliance Annexure- 13 : Details of safeguard consultation Annexure-14 : Notification of Grievance Redressal Committee Acknowledgement It is a pleasure to place on record, my appreciation for all the help and support received from different quarters towards completion of the project. I am thankful to the Power Grid Corporation of India for reposing their faith in NEHU for undertaking the project. I am especially appreciative of Mr. Dipjyoti Baruah and the field station staff of Power Grid for all the support through documents and consultations during the course of the project. I am thankful to my teammates Prof. B. K. Tiwari, Prof. D. Walia and Mr. K.K. Choudhury for their valuable observations and inputs, both during field visits, and during compilation of the report. My confidence in my project staff who are past students of the department has been amply rewarded by the excellent discipline and meticulous work ethics they exhibited during the field work and data collection. I am thankfully proud of them and am confident that this experience would have exposed them to new domains of discourse and enriched their knowledge Finally, I am extremely grateful to all the respondents of the PRA exercise whose valuable inputs were indispensable in the fruition of the work and its logical culmination into the present report. Dibyendu Paul Executive Summary North Eastern Region Power System Improvement Project (NERPSIP), a jointly funded project of World Bank and Government of India (GoI) which is aimed at improving the impoverished power transmission and distribution system in the North Eastern states of India. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. (POWERGRID), the state-owned transmission utility of the country has been appointed as the implementing agency (IA) for this project by Ministry of Power (MoP), GoI. In line with the framework agreed between The World Bank, IA and State Utilities, the Final Environmental Assessment study for transmission and distribution system in the East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi districts has been undertaken by Independent Agency to evaluate the compliance with respect to measures listed in the Initial Environmental Assessment Report (IEAR) /Environment Management Plan (EMP) prepared for the instant project. The project components include 126.52 km long 220 kV D/C transmission line from Killing (Byrnihat) to New Shillong via Mawngap and associated new 220/132 kV GIS substation at New Shillong, new 220/132 kV GIS sub-station at Mawngap, 220 Byrnihat S/s bay extension. It also includes 5 nos. 33 kV distribution lines of 43.58 km length and 4 nos. of new 33/11 kV substations at Mawpat, New Shillong, Mawryngkneng & Mawkynrew in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi districts. The topography of the project location is mostly hilly terrain (>90%). About 90% of the landscape has a vegetation cover and most of these lands are privately owned and some are under the jurisdiction of the Village Council. The final layout of transmission line has been carefully selected based on three alternatives analysis study. However, the selected alignment had to be re-routed because of widening of the Shillong-Guwahati highway with considerable infringement on tower locations and RoW, resulting in an increase in route length from 115.5 Km to 126.52 Km. Moreover, the final alignment has successfully avoided all reserve forests and protected areas. Almost 90% of the tower locations are on (hilltop locations) hillocks and the height gain due to elevation is sufficient to allow retention of trees along RoW, thus minimizing felling requirements. Similarly, the 33 kV distribution lines too have been aligned by avoiding forested areas. Here, the RoW corridor being narrower (15 m) will further reduce tree felling. Much of the line would only need lopping of branches for unhindered passage. The land requirement and excavation for tower footing has been adequately addressed. As most of the tower locations (68%) are on sloppy terrain, site-specific measures such as Revetment Wall, Unequal Leg Extensions (ULE) and bio-engineering measures including grass with bamboo grid have been planned/ implemented to reduce earth cutting as well as slope instability. Accordingly, there have been provisions of total 163 ULE and 57 revetment walls at tower locations of 220 kV lines to negate chances of erosion/slope instability. Soil excavated for tower footing has been backfilled, and the remaining soil has been adequately managed through even spreading and compaction. As the tower excavation works are undertaken during the lean/dry seasons, no hindrances to agricultural/cropping operations as well as erosion problems are envisaged. However, as per compensation procedures laid down in IEAR/ ESPPF, compensation to all affected persons/ land owners for any damage to crops/ felling of trees and cost for use of the land for tower base area @ 100% land cost as per prevailing rates are being provided by IA/Utility. Accordingly, till June 2021, tree/ crop and land compensation to the tune of Rs. 2.64 million and Rs. 56.35 million respectively has already been disbursed to affected persons/ land owners. As the transmission and distribution lines avoid ecologically sensitive areas, there is no evidence to suggest threats to biodiversity. Elephant sightings have been reported in a section of the transmission line (2.3 km, 8 tower locations) adjacent to the Nongkhyllem WLS reserve and the adequate tower extension as per regulation (i.e. at least 6 m extension over and above minimum ground clearance) have been provided for towers in this section so as to ensure unhindered passage of elephants. Review of literature on animal/elephant corridors has revealed the presence of two documented elephant corridors, but they are located distantly, to the east and south east of the project area. No animal corridors are present in the project area. An endangered (IUCN category) herbaceous species Nepenthes Khasiana is reported to inhabit some pockets of the project area. However, being herbaceous in habit, there is no apparent threat to the species except in the event of excavations accidentally uprooting populations. Care should be taken to avoid such accidental disturbance. Primates are also reported in some locations. However, the clearance of the conductors from the canopy is high enough to negate any chances of electrocutions. No bird migration/fly path found in project area. Moreover, bird guard/anti perching devices are being made part of BoQ/tower design. The substations are located away from human habitation and are mostly on high ground (HFL) so as to avoid instances of flooding or noise pollution. Necessary permissions/No Objection, wherever necessary have been taken from the Autonomous District Council and New Shillong Township Development Agency (NSTDA). In some locations, earth cutting/levelling requirements have necessitated and installations of retaining walls have been provided. The excavated soils for various sub-station equipment foundations are backfilled, the excess being evenly spread out within the boundary of the substations. Appropriate drainage has been provided, and management of transformer oil spillage has been adequately addressed through provisions for collection and storage for either recycling or disposal. Excavations and all accident-prone areas are appropriately barricaded for safety. Issues relating to operational health and safety have been adequately addressed. The labourers are provided with safety gear and provisions for first aid and arrangement for shifting of affected persons to nearby hospitals are also in place. Compensation for accident has been ensured through provisions in Safety Plan & Contract conditions. Proper sanitation facilities and safe drinking water are being provided in the project locations. The site managers have been advised to ensure that there are no instances of open defecation. The IA has a continuous monitoring mechanism of the project w.r.t. compliance of the mandatory requirements as stipulated in the IEAR. Thus, the adherences to the clauses by the contractors are regularly monitored especially in respect of EMP implementation, OHS compliance. The project has thus far had zero fatality which is an indicative of the good supervision/monitoring by IA. The Capacity building and Institutional Strengthening program of the IA is held intermittently to enhance the skills of the project officials. Further, meetings between IA and MePTCL are held on a monthly/ bimonthly basis to assess the work progress and difficulties encountered in respect of land acquisition, RoW and compensation if any. The two-tier grievance redress mechanism has been addressing/resolving the concerns and grievances of the complainant effectively. All concerns/grievances of affected persons/public including minor ones are also recorded and regularly tracked for early resolution within stipulated timeframe. Moreover, regular consultation with the complainant is under progress for possible settlement. As of June 2021, 2 cases out of total 3 complaints remain open/are being negotiated. For the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), prior permissions and appointments were taken from the village headmen and meetings were held with the villagers to generate information regarding their opinions about the project and its potential impact on the area. Further, information about the important biodiversity elements present in the area was also generated through 500m walks undertaken in the North, South, East and West directions from a focal point for sightings of large winged birds and their nesting sites, and primates. At private plantation locations, potential perching sites were carefully observed for sightings. Most of the tower locations visited for PRA was on either flat land or on gentle slopes, thus negating chances of erosive losses during construction. Further, as most of the locations were agricultural land or private plantation patches with low canopy, the requirement of tree felling for ROW is drastically reduced and will have negligible impact. It emerged from the survey that the PAPs were appreciative of the project and hoped that the power scenario would improve after implementation of the project. Local people also benefited through project related employment that was being generated. Overall, the planning and design/layout of the project elements have been undertaken in a judicious manner so as to ensure minimum environmental and social impacts However, strict monitoring by the IA should be undertaken so as to ensure proper compliance of IEAR/EMP provisions by the Contractors during the construction phase with special emphasis on site specific HSE compliances as & when necessary. FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background Electric power being an enabler sector acts as a catalyst for the growth and development of areas having accessibility to it. The North Eastern Region (NER) of India faces significant bottlenecks in accessibility and availability of power and the per capita power consumption of NER is one third of the national average. Further, no significant generation capacity has been added between 2004 and 2011, as a result of which, inadequate power supply remains a critical constraint to sustainable and inclusive growth, and to the efforts of scaling up private investment and economic competitiveness in the NER. The road-map for development of power sector specifying the need for strengthening of overall Transmission, Sub-transmission and Distribution system of NER was brought out in the “Pasighat Proclamation on Power” released during the first Sectoral Summit of North Eastern Council at Pasighat in Arunachal Pradesh in January 2007. Accordingly, Government of India (GoI) with the financial assistance of The World Bank (WB) has planned a composite scheme viz. “North Eastern Region Power System Improvement Project” (NERPSIP) to create/augment proper infrastructure/network of Transmission & Distribution (T&D) in the region. The scheme covers six North Eastern States ( Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura, Nagaland & Mizoram ) to create a robust power network by improving the intra-state transmission & distribution (33kV and above) network with required capacity building initiatives for effective utilization of assets. The Ministry of Power (MoP), GoI appointed Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID), the Central Transmission Utility of the country as the “Implementing Agency” (IA) to implement the project under Tranche -1 in close coordination with the respective State Governments/Utilities. However, the ownership of the assets shall be with the respective State Governments/ State Utilities, who will be responsible for operation and maintenance of assets once they are handed over to them upon progressive commissioning. POWERGRID is also facilitating in building the institutional capacity of the state departments and utilities to continue managing the rehabilitated networks in an efficient manner. The state wise scope of works proposed under Tranche- 1 is given below: 1 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP State Transmission/ Sub-transmission Distribution (33kV) (132kV & above) Line New S/s Total MVA Line New S/s Total MVA (Km) (No.) (New & Aug.) (Km) (No.) (New & Aug.) Assam 233 11 1644 479 16 240 Manipur 254 2 160 131 13 229.4 Meghalaya 225 4 940 263 11 135 Mizoram 143 3 125 5 1 6.3 Nagaland 285 5 245 76.5 10 190 Tripura 261 9 1306.5 1096 34 450.5 Total 1401 34 4420.5 2051 85 1251.2 The project has two components namely Component A: Priority Investments for Strengthening Intrastate Transmission, Sub-transmission, and Distribution Systems, and Component B: Technical Assistance for Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening (CBIS) of Power Utilities and Departments of Participating States. The total project cost is Rs. 5111 Crore with financing from both GoI and Bank on 50:50 basis. The Bank is providing financial support to the tune of Rs $ 470 million (Rs 2511.165 crores) under the Loan No.-8631-IN which was signed on 28th November, 2016 and became effective from 20th February, 2017. The loan closing date is 31st March, 2023. The remaining financing including capacity building will be met through Govt. of India funding. 1.2 Project Justification The existing intra-state transmission system in Meghalaya is quite old & weak, which is unable to cater to the growing power requirements of the state. Although the present T&D system covers many areas of the state, it is inadequate in its reach, and due to a redundant T&D system, outage of any transmission system element results in long term power shortages making the system highly unreliable. Further, some of the network elements have undergone long term outage due to break-down. Therefore, it has become essential to address the situation through remedial measures in the transmission and distribution system. Accordingly, phase-wise strengthening of transmission & sub- transmission system has been proposed. The transmission schemes proposed under Tranche-1 of Meghalaya State include construction of 416km of 220/132 kV lines & associated 4 nos. new substations and 198 ckm of 33 kV distribution lines & associated 11 nos. substation along with augmentation & strengthening of transmission and sub-transmission spread across the State. 2 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP 1.3 Benefits of the Project The proposed transmission and distribution schemes will not only improve the overall power situation, but will also enhance reliability, quality and security of power supply of the State. 1.4 Project Scope & Present Study In line with MePTCL & MePDCL’s Environmental and Social Policy & Procedures Framework (ESPPF), POWERGRID in association with Meghalaya Power Transmission Corporation Ltd (MePTCL) & Meghalaya Power Distribution Corporation Ltd (MePDCL) carried out comprehensive environment and social assessment of each subprojects and prepared Initial Environment Assessment (IEA) reports. These reports were subsequently disclosed for public information both on the State Utility, POWERGRID and Bank website after obtaining clearance from The World Bank. As per provision the ESPPF, a Final Environment Assessment Report (FEAR) for each subproject need to be prepared with an objective to assess the compliance of mitigation measures as suggested in IEARs. However, as per Project Agreement signed between POWERGRID and Bank such study require to be undertaken by Independent Agencies as per Term of Reference agreed with Bank. Accordingly, POWERGRID appointed North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) as Independent consultant vide LOA Ref No.: NEGW/NERPSIP/C&M/17-18/400-13/LOA-57/117 dated 27th March 2019 to carry out FEAR study. The present Final Environment Assessment Report (FEAR) is a document developed as a consultancy assignment by NEHU to validate the work undertaken and to examine any deviation, if any with respect to management measures as outlined in the IEAR which is based on MePTCL/MePDCL’s Environmental and Social Policy & Procedures Framework (ESPPF), World Bank’s Operational Policies and Bank’s Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Electric Power Transmission and Distribution. The scope of the present study includes 220 kV transmission line and associated 220/132 kV substations & 33 kV distribution lines and 33/11 kV substations being implemented in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya. Details of T & D component are as below; 3 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP A. Transmission Components i) 220 kV Killing (Byrnihat) - Mawngap – New Shillong line – 126.52 km; ii) 220/132/33 kV New Shillong GIS Substation (new) ( 2x160 MVA + 2x160 MVA) iii) 220 kV Mawngap GIS Substation (new) ( 2x160 MVA) iv) Extension of 220 kV Byrnihat Substation ( 2 nos. bay) B. Distribution Components i) Establishment of 2x10 MVA, 33/11kV new substation at Mawpat; ii) Establishment of 2x10 MVA ,33/11 kV new substation at New Shillong; iii) Establishment of 2x7.5 MVA, 33/11 kV new substation at Mawryngkneng; iv) Establishment of 2x5 MVA, 33/11 kV new substation at Mawkynrew. v) 33 kV line from Mawpat (new) sub-station to New Shillong GIS (new) substation and extending up to existing 33 kV SE Falls substation-10.76 Km; vi) 33 kV line from New Shillong (new) substation to New Shillong GIS (new) substation- 3.55 Km; vii) 33 kV line from Mawryngkneng (new) substation to New Shillong GIS (new) substation -22 Km; viii) 33 kV line from 33/11 kV Mawkynrew substation (New)- 33/11kV Jongksha substation (Existing)- 6.476 Km; ix) LILO of existing 33 KV Jowai -Landnongkrem line at Mawryngkneng (new) -0.88 Km; 1.5 Overall Project Progress A brief status on project implementation progress of various transmission & distribution components till September, 2020 is presented below; Name of the T & D Component Progress as on June, 2021 A. Transmission and Distribution Line Overall progress- approx. 45 % ➢ 291out of 389 tower foundations completed. Kiling (Byrnihat) - Mawngap – New ➢ 196 out of 389 tower erections completed. Shillong 220 kV D/C line ➢ 9.80 out of total 126.52 km stringing completed. 4 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP 33 kV line from 33 /11kV Mawpat ➢ All 225 poles erection completed. (New) - 220/132/33 kV New Shillong ➢ All Stringing (total 10.76km) completed. 33 kV line from 33/11 kV New ➢ All 101 poles erection completed. Shillong (New) substation - ➢ All Stringing (total 3.55 km) completed. 220/132/33 kV New Shillong substation 33 kV line from 33/11 kV ➢ 229 poles erected out of total 486 poles. Mawryngkneng substation (New) - ➢ 2.5 km out of total 22 km Stringing 220/132/33 kV New Shillong completed. substation (New) LILO of existing 33 KV Jowai - ➢ Commissioned in January, 2021. Landnongkrem line at New Mawryngkneng 33 kV line from 33/11 kV Mawkynrew ➢ Commissioned in June, 2019. substation (New)- 33/11kV Jongksha substation (Existing) T & D Substations ➢ Land area measuring 6.214 acre secured Establishment of 2x160 MVA, from two land owners through private 220/132kV + 2 x 50 MVA, 132/33 kV purchase on “willing buyer willing seller” basis GIS substation (New) at New on negotiated/market rate. Shillong ➢ All Civil & equipments erection works completed in April, 2021 Extension of 220 KV Byrnihat Required land for extension work already Substation available in the existing Byrnihat substation premise Substation commissioned in November, 2019. Upgradation of under construction No fresh land secured as existing land of 132 kV substation to 2x160 MVA, MEPTCL is utilized for this purpose. 220/132 kV GIS substation at Substation commissioned in March, 2021. Mawngap 5 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Establishment of 2x10 MVA, Land area measuring 0.30 acre secured from 33/11kV new substation at Mawpat single landowner through private purchase on “willing buyer willing seller” basis on negotiated/market rate. Substation commissioned in September, 2019 Establishment of 2x10 MVA,33/11 Land area measuring 1.0 acre which was kV new substation at New Shillong basically a community land secured through private purchase on “willing buyer willing seller” basis on negotiated/market rate. Substation commissioned in December, 2019. Establishment of 2x7.5 MVA, 33/11 Land area measuring 0.61 acre secured from kV new substation at Mawryngkneng single landowner through private purchase on “willing buyer willing seller” basis on negotiated/market rate. Substation commissioned in February, 2021. Establishment of 2x5 MVA, 33/11 kV Land area measuring 1.18 acre secured from new substation at Mawkynrew single landowner through private purchase on willing buyer willing seller basis on negotiated/market rate. Substation commissioned in June, 2019. 1.6 Objectives and Methodology adopted for FEAR Study The main objectives of the FEAR study is to assess that the mitigative measures suggested in IEAR and/or EMP are effectively implemented/ addressed at the ground during pre-construction & construction stages of project cycles. The study also helps in establishing the status of compliance of various mitigation/management measures provided in the IEAR/EMP and suggests gaps or weaknesses, if any. To achieve this, NEHU undertook a comprehensive biophysical, environmental, socio- economic data gathering exercise along the transmission/ distribution line routes and substations location to assess/verify the actual site-specific measures implemented /being implemented by IA/Contractor in respect of measures/actions listed in IEAR/EMP. The 6 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP methodologies adopted for the proposed study is inclusive of but not limited to following steps: (i) Review of existing reports/data: The IEAR for this project has been thoroughly analyzed to ensure that the mitigation measures as proposed in IEAR are being implemented at ground level or deviation if any. Additionally, other existing safeguard reports/data prepared and generated by POWERGRID viz. ESPPF, Compensatory Plan for Temporary Damage (CPTD), Semi-annual E & S Monitoring Reports, QPRs, Monthly Progress Reports etc. were also studied for preparation of present report. (ii) Physical verification of construction elements: Field/site visits were conducted for each project elements along with IA and Contractor during November 2019 to January 2020 & June to July 2021 to verify compliance with respect to IEAR/EMP, contract conditions through discussion with Site In-charge and Construction Contractor. This includes collection of any other primary data/ maps/ other records, which, in the opinion of agency, is required for ascertaining the compliance of the mitigating measures as enlisted in IEAR/EMP. Besides, photographs of important events such as interaction with various stakeholders, Health and Safety measures safe working practices, status of labour camps borrow area management, erosion control, slope stability, top soil management and construction during lean period etc. was taken as evidence. Photographs of visit to various subproject sites is presented at Appendix-A. (iii) Line transects survey for flora and fauna: Being a TL project, line transact survey methodology has been followed for assessment of vegetation structure/ profile in the proximity of the proposed TL, corridors of TL routes, S/S, etc. As the topography along the routes varied from undulating / plain to top of hill it was therefore, not feasible to chart the entire routes of proposed TL as due to steep slopes and issues of accessibility point of view. However, during the field surveys it was tried to survey minimum 10% of the line route for flora & fauna data collection. The fauna elements were not found during field surveys in the project areas except some bird and common fauna. Hence the data was collected through consultations with local public, Forest department officials and POWERGRID officials working in the project area. Besides, bird walks were also undertaken, particularly in private plantation patches, to locate nesting sites and for bird 7 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP sightings. Details of line transacts survey undertaken during study is placed at Appendix-B. (iv) Visit schedule with local residents to generate PRA data and public consultation: Local headmen of villages selected for PRA study were approached and meetings were fixed to gather information from other stakeholders the Project Affected People (PAPs), local residents and forest officials, in respect of the impact of the project, the compensation status, the biodiversity elements etc. and any other information related to the project implementation. The details of PRA exercise is presented at Appendix-C. (v) Analysis of secondary data: Extensive literature study/survey undertaken to determine the biodiversity components of the project area. Further, literature in respect of animal corridors, presence of endangered species, legal status of forests, etc. were also consulted. The official websites of the forest department and other relevant department websites were also visited to corroborate the information garnered from secondary sources. Subsequently, findings of field survey were consolidated along with secondary data for interpretation and finding the gaps for immediate necessary action. (vi) Development of Google maps/ Satellite Imagery: Google maps and Geo- referenced maps with superimposed coordinates of various project elements have been generated by using sophisticated software i.e. ARCGIS so as to verify locational details and details of physical features of terrain of the project locations. It also helps in making a detail analysis of the sub-project elements with respect to various ecological sensitive areas of the State. 8 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP CHAPTER 2: BASELINE DATA 2.1 Project Location The proposed project comprising of both transmission and associated distribution networks are located in East Khasi Hills & Ri-Bhoi districts of Meghalaya (Map-2.1). The map showing location of various subprojects is presented in Map- 2.2. Map - 2.1: Location Map of the Project 2.2 Meghalaya Meghalaya has a geographic area of 2.24 million ha, which constitutes 6.82% of the country’s total area. It is situated between latitude 24°58' N to 26°07' N and longitude 89° 48' E to 92° 51’E. The state has most of its land covered by hills interspersed with gorges and small valleys with elevation ranging between 150 m to 1,950 m. 9 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Map- 2.2: Google Map showing Subprojects Location 10 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP In terms of tribal composition, the state has three distinct regions, namely, Garo Hills, Khasi Hills and Jaintia Hills. The general land use pattern of the state is depicted in Table 2.1. Table- 2.1: Land use pattern in Meghalaya Land Use Area in ‘000 ha Percentage Total geographical area 2,243 Reporting area for land utilization 2,243 100.00 Forests 946 42.21 Not available for cultivation 239 10.66 Permanent pastures and other grazing lands 00 00 Land under misc. tree crops & groves 164 7.31 Culturable wasteland 391 17.44 Fallow lands other than current fallows 155 6.91 Current Fallows 60 2.67 Net area sown 285 12.71 Source: Land use statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, 2011-12 Climate: The State enjoys a temperate climate. It is directly influenced by the South-West Monsoon and the northeast winter wind. The climate varies with altitude. The four seasons of Meghalaya are: Spring - March and April, Summer & Monsoon - May to September, Autumn -October and November and Winter - December to February. Temperature: The temperature during summer months (April to October) is usually 15°C minimum to 23°C maximum, and during winter months (November to March) it is 3°C minimum to 15°C maximum. Rainfall: Monsoon usually starts by the third week of May and continues to the end of September, and sometimes well into the middle of October. The average rainfall in the State is 12,000 millimeters (mm). There is a great variation of rainfall over central and southern Meghalaya. Mawsynram platform, receives the heaviest rainfall in the world. At Sohra 11 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP (Cherrapunjee), the average annual rainfall is as high as 12000 mm but Shillong located at a distance of about fifty kilometers from Sohra receives an average of 2200 mm of rainfall annually. Minerals: Meghalaya with its rich wealth of mineral deposits has tremendous industrial potential. There are extensive deposits of coal, limestone, granite, clay and other minerals. Coal deposits are available in all districts and particularly in the southern slopes of the state. The coal bears low ash content and its calorific value ranges between 6500 to 7500 KCal/Kg. The total estimated reserve of coal is in the region of 640 million tonnes. The coal is mainly of sub-bituminous type and can be utilized in varied industries ranging from power, fertilizer, cement and textile to paper, rubber, brick kilns and also pottery based industries. The coal found in the State can also be converted into coke to recover value added chemicals like light, medium and heavy oil, phenol and producer gas. Limestone is another mineral that occurs in an extensive belt (approx. 200 km. Long) along the Southern border of Meghalaya. The quality of limestone found here varies from cement grade to chemical grade having three brands as well. Total inferred reserve limestone within the State is about 5,000 million tons. The quality of limestone in the state has CaO content of 53% and can be of use in steel, fertilizer and chemical industries. Granite of excellent quality is at present being mined in the East and West districts of Khasi hills. Sizeable deposits are estimated and can be found in various shades and colours. Clay of various types such as Kaolin (China clay), white clay, and fire clay are found in various parts of the states. These clays are suitable for the ceramic, paper, rubber and refractory industries. It has been estimated that there are a few hundred million tonnes of clay reserves in the state. Beside the above, other economically viable minerals like gypsum, phosphorite, silica and, base metals, quartz and feldspar can be located in various parts of the state. The State is also credited with having one of the most valuable sillimanite deposits in the world. Details of mineral deposits in the State are placed below. 12 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Minerals Reserve (in million tonnes) Grades Major Places of Occurrence Proved Indicated Inferred Total Limestone 9515 41599 3986 15100 Cement, Metallurgical Cherrapunjee, Mawlong, Ishamati, Shella, Komorrah, and Chemical Borsora, Bagli in Khasi Hills, Lakadong, Lumshonong, Nongkhlieh in Jaintia Hills, Darrang Era-Aning, Siju and Chokpot in Garo Hills District. Coal 133.13 - 443.35 576.4 Sub-bituminous with med Langrin and East Darrangiri in Khasi Hills, Bapung in 8 to high sulphur and C.V. Jaintia Hills&West Darranggiri in Garo Hills District Clay - - 97.0 97.0 White ware, earthen Cherrapunjee and Mahadek in Khasi Hills District, (Lithomargic) ware, furnace lining, Tongseng in Jaintia Hills District, Nangwalbibra and curing soap etc. Rongrenggiri in Garo Hills District Granite 24.0 - 26.0 50.0 Table top, wall cladding Nongpoh in Ri-Bhoi, Mylliem and Mawkyrwat in Khasi etc Hills, Rongjeng in East Garo Hills District Kaolin 3.20 1.94 0.10 5.24 White ware Mawphlang, Smit, Laitlyngkot in Khasi Hills, Thadlaskein, Mulieh Shangpung, Mynsngat in Jaintia Hills and Darugiri in Garo Hills Iron ore 3.60 - - - Low grade West Khasi Hills and East Garo Hills District Glass sand - - 3.0 3.0 Ordinary glass ware Laitryngew, Umstew and Kreit in Khasi hills, Tura in Garo Hills District Quartz - 0.5 0.5 0.5 Ordinary ceramic grade Feldspar - - 0.127 0.127 Ceramic grade Bonsamgiri and Rombhagiri in East Garo Hills Silimanite - - 0.045 0.045 High temp furnace lining. Sonapahar in West Khasi Hills District Bauxite - - 1.45 1.45 Low grade(40%Al2O3) Sung valley in Jaintia Hills District Rock phosphate - 0.015 - 0.015 Lowgrade (15-30%P2O5) Sung valley in Jaintia Hills District Phosphatic Nominal P2O5: 5-15% Rewak in South Garo Hills District nodule Gypsum Nominal Crystals of salanite Mahendraganj in West Garo Hills District variety Uranium AMD, Govt of India, has established a reserve of 9.22 mt., higher grade 0.104% U2O3 at Domiasiat, West Khasi Hills Base metal /trace 1.14% Cu:0.80mt, 1.61%Zn:0.85mt, 1.88%Pb:0.88mt. with traces of Cd, Bi, Ag, Tenor of gold encountered in 3 bore Holes metal of Tyrsad. 13 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Soils: The soils of the hills are derived from gneissic complex parent materials; they are dark brown to dark reddish-brown in colour, varying in depth from 50-200 cm. The texture of soils varies from loamy to fine loamy. The soils of the alluvial plains adjacent to the northwest and southern plateau are very deep, dark brown to reddish-brown in colour and sandy-loam to silty-clay in texture. Meghalaya soils are rich in organic carbon, which is a measure of nitrogen supplying potential of the soil, deficient in available phosphorous and medium to low in available potassium. The reaction of the soils varies from acidic (pH 5.0 to 6.0) to strongly acidic (pH 4.5 to 5.0). Most of the soils occurring on higher altitudes under high rainfall belt are strongly acidic due to intense leaching. Base saturation of these soils is less than 35 %. These soils are not suitable for intensive crop production. There is not much difference in fertility classes of the soils of the State. Four soils fertility classes, namely, High Low Medium (HLM), High Medium Medium (HMM), Medium Medium Low (MML), Medium Low Medium (MLM) have been established from the soil test data so far compiled in the Soil Testing Laboratory of the State. A study conducted by the Indian council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Shillong revealed that about 40% of the soils of the state contain micronutrients below the critical level. Water Resources: River System: The river system of Meghalaya comprises mainly of rivers draining to the Brahmaputra Basin in the north and the Meghna Basin in the South. Brahmaputra Basin comprises of sub-basin of Dilni, Ganol, Jinjiram, Ringgi, Ghagua, Didak, Damring, Krishnai, Dudhnoi, Ronggre, Umsiang, Umkhri, Umiam, Umiew, Myntang, Umlarem and Meghna Basin comprises of sub- Basin of Kangra, Simsang, Dareng, Darong, RongIk, Kynshi, Umngi, Myntdu, Lubha. Meghalaya is dominated by the Brahmaputra river (length: 2900 km). Its drainage area is roughly 935,500 sq. km. Surface Water: The availability of surface water has been roughly estimated at 63.204BCM by referring to data from various sources. Ground Water: The ground water resources of the state have been assessed by the Central Ground Water Board and the Annual replenishable ground water is 1.15 BCM. 14 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Ecological Resources: The recorded forest area is 9,496 sq. km which constitutes 42.34% of the geographic area of the state. According to legal status, Reserved Forests constitute 11.72 % and Unclassed Forest 88.15% of the total forest area (Map-2.4). The state has eight forest types as per Champion & Seth Classification system (1968), belonging to five forest type groups, viz. Tropical Wet Evergreen, Tropical Semi Evergreen, Tropical Moist Deciduous, Subtropical Broadleaved Hill and Subtropical Pine Forests. Most of unclassified forest falls under two categories (i) Private Forests and (ii) Raid Forest (community forests). i) Private Forests In the District Council Forest Act of 1958, “Private Forests” have been classified as: (a) Ri Kynti – These are forests belonging to an individual, clan or joint clan; (b) Law Ri Sumar – These forests belong to individual clan, joint clan that are grown or inherited by the clan in a village. Clause (a) of Section 4 of the Act, states that the Private Forests shall be looked after by the owner, subject to the rules that may be framed by the Executive Committee from time to time. A major shortcoming of the said Act is that the manner in which these forests are to be “looked after” has not been mentioned in the Act of 1958. Though, clause (a) of Section 4 of the United Khasi Hills-Jaintia Hills Autonomous District (Management and Control of Forests) Rules 1960 has various rules for the management of forests. However, a critical look at the rules reveal that actually there are not rules for the management of forests but rather deal with the various formalities that the private owner has to fulfil before making commercial transaction of timber and other forest produce. What is absent in the rules is a “working plan” for the management of forests. The importance of a working plan need not be over emphasized. Development of forests largely depends upon the quality of working plan and the various prescriptions that are to be undertaken in the particular forest division. The forests are important not only for their productive functions but also for environmental and protective function. It is therefore essential that the harvesting of timber be done in a planned and scientific manner so as to cause minimum harm to the environment and to ensure regeneration of cleared forests. 15 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP The absence of a working plan for the private forests can be regarded as one of the major reasons for its depletion. This is evident from a note that was prepared by the State Forest Department and submitted to the “Commission of Inquiry on Autonomous District Administration in Meghalaya” in 1984. It stated that the District Council has only a notional right over the management of such (Private) forests. The owners exploit the forests as they like and pay royalty to the District Council on timber taken out for trade. The private forests in the Khasi Hills, it is said, has come under unplanned excessive exploitation during the past decade or so the owners of private forests often lease out their forests to timber contractors who exploit the forests to their maximum benefit without caring for the future. Some unscrupulous timber traders buy out forest operation rights from the owners of private forests in anticipation of construction of roads to such areas and when the roads are constructed they carry out wanton felling of trees in the forests. ii) Raid Forests (Community forests) The fact that at times, the enactment of a statutory law overpowering the customary law of the tribals can lead to confusion as well on conflict is best exemplified by the manner in which the `Raid’ Forests are being managed by the Syiems. The institution of Syiemship is in fact one of the most important element that held the Khasi society together as the traditional rulers of the Khasi Hills. The Syiems however lost their political importance to the British but retained their position as an administrative entity with a focus on perpetuating cultural and customary practices of the Khasis. With the enactment of the Constitution of India, the position of the Syiems has changed, and their status has been reduced to that of officials and functionaries of the District Council. Thus, as per the law, the Syiems are treated as administrative officers by the District Council. However, in practice, they continue to function as if their status has not changed and this illusion is also presented to the common man in the manner in which they manage the Raid Forests, bypassing the laws of the District Council. Under customary laws, the Syiems managed the `Raid Forests’ and collected royalties on timber. However, once the District Council has made laws for the management of such forests, as authorized by the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution, the customary law under which the Syiems managed the Raid Forests became abrogated. Thus, the Syiems derived their right of management from the laws made by the District Council. 16 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP The District Council has made laws with regard to Raid Forests. Clause VI of Section 3 of the United Khasi Hills Autonomous District (Management and Control of Forest) Act, 1958, defines Raid Forests as: “These are forests looked after by the head of the Raid and under the management of the local administrative head.” The District Council has made rules under which the Syiems should remit a portion of the royalties collected by them to the Council. In reality, the Syiems ignore all the rules made by the Council, and they in fact have their own Forest Department which deals with the issuing of permits, settlement of disputes and control of forests. The District Council has not converted or treated the Syiemship as administrative units nor entrusted them with specific functions. Yet the Syiems continue to function according to customary and traditional laws. Sacred Groves The sacred groves are a unique feature of the Khasi and Jaintia Hills and Ri-Bhoi districts. These are scattered at different places and generally found below the hill brows. These forests are a relic of the original forests and are a storehouse of a variety of plant genetic resources. The District Council has entrusted the management of sacred groves i.e. Law Lyngdoh, Law Kyntang and Law Niam to the Lyngdohs and other such religious priests. The sacred groves however are also getting destroyed and mismanaged, similar to that of private forests and Raid Forests. The Sacred groves of Meghalaya, may not, at the first glance appear to be of much importance in terms of biodiversity, since the bulk of them are quite limited in their extent. Besides, the sacred groves are far too scattered to be regarded as one viable unit from the conservation point of view (Table- 2.2). A large number of sacred groves are also in a degraded state. Studies have concluded that only 1 % of the total area of sacred groves is undisturbed. The bulk of the sacred groves are subjected to various degrees of disturbance. The very weak network of Protected areas in the state as also of Reserved and Protected forest means that the sacred groves are the only patches where many endangered species find refuge. The sacred groves are also spread over a wide range of bio-geographical areas and hence have a high rate of species diversity. 17 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Table 2.2 : Sacred groves in Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi districts Sl. Name of the Distance Area (Ha.) Village Controlling authority No. Sacred Grove from Shillong (Syiemship) East Khasi Hills 1 Law Kyntang/ 25 Km. South 75 Mawphlang Mawphlang Law Lyngdoh West Lyngdohship 2 Law Lyngdoh Not Known Not Known Smit Khyrim Syiemship Nongkrem 3 Lum Shyllong Not Known Not Known Laitkor Khyrim Syiemship 4 Law Kyntang 53 Km south 350 Khlei Shnong Sohra Syiemship 5 Law Adong 53 Km south 900 Khlei Shnong Sohra Syiemship 6 Khlaw Ram 55 Km south 150 Mawsmai Mawsmai Sirdarship Jadong 7 Law Blei Bah 55 Km south 120 Mawsmai Mawsmai Sirdarship 8 Mawlong Syiem 55 Km south 120 Mawsmai Mawsmai Sirdarship 9 Pom Shandi 55 Km south Not Known Mawsmai Mawsmai Sirdarship 10 Law Adong 55 Km south 200 Mawsmai Mawsmai Sirdarship 11 Law Suidnoh 15 Km south Not Known Laitryngew Sohra Syiemship 12 Law-u-Niang Not Known Laitryngew Sohra Syiemship 13 Madan Jadu Not Known Laitryngew Sohra Syiemship 14 Lum Diengjri Not Known Not Known Not Known 15 Mawmang Not Known Khadar Sohra Syiemship Shnong 16 Wakhen Not Known Khadar Blang Khyrim Syiemship 17 Law-ar-Liang Not Known Khadar Blang Khyrim Syiemship 18 Law Lieng Not Known Sohra Rim Khatsawphra Syiemship 19 Law Mawsptur Not Known Sohra Rim Khatsawphra Syiemship 20 Law Dymmiew Not Known Sohra Rim Khatsawphra Syiemship 21 Law Nongshim Not Known Mawmih Khatsawphra Syiemship 22 Mawsawa Not Known Mawmluh Sohra Syiemship 23 Mawryot Not Known Wahlong Wahlong Sirdarship 24 Nangdoh Not Known Wahlong Wahlong Sirdarship 25 Risaw Not Known Wahlong Wahlong Sirdarship 26 Umtong Not Known Umwai Umwai Sirdarship 27 Deingkain Not Known Umwai Umwai Sirdarship 28 Mawthoh Not Known Umwai Umwai Sirdarship 29 Maw Kyrngah Not Known Umwai Umwai Sirdarship 30 Kynsang Not Known Mawlong Mawlong Sirdarship 31 Umthri Not Known Mawlong Mawlong Sirdarship 18 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP 32 Umkatait Not Known Mawlong Mawlong Sirdarship Ri-Bhoi District 1 Phampdem 900 Phampdem Riad Umsaw Nongkhrah 2 Nonglyngdoh 90 Nongkhrah Nongpoh Sirdarship 3 Sophetbneng 90 Nongkhrah Nongpoh Sirdarship Source : Khasi Hills Autonomus District Council Flora: Apart from normal tree sp. of Bamboo, cane, banana, orchid, betel nut, broomgrass, packing leaf other major species of forest comprises of Tectona grandis, Shorea robusta, Terminalia myriocarpa, Gmelina arborea, Pinus kesya, Michelia champaca, Toona ciliata, Acrocarpus fraxinifolius, Bischofia javanica, Dillenia indica, D. pentagyna, Dysoxylum binectariferum, Elaecarpus floribunda, Alcimandra cathcartii, Betula alnoides, Castanopsis sp., Lithocarpus elegans, Manglietia insignis, Talauma phellocarpa, Elaeocarpus floribundus, Ficus nemorlis, Lithocarpus fenestratus, Myrica esculenta etc. These are very common species with wide distribution across Meghalaya and none of the above species face any level of endangerment, hence, does not warrant any special conservation measures. Fauna: Meghalaya is amongst the states having the highest density of elephants and there are 6 elephant corridors in the state. Besides, the State also has 9 Important Bird Areas (IBA) sites. Diversity of mammals in Meghalaya is well represented with about 139 species and sub-species belonging to 83 genera and 27 families. The primates are well represented in Meghalaya with about 7 species. The Western Hoolock Gibbon Hoolock hoolock, one of the only two true ape species found in India, is still found in the state where tropical evergreen forests are still intact. The Capped Langur Trachypithecus pileatus with its bright golden-yellow front is also found in dense forests as well as light woodlands in the state. Meghalaya’s capped langurs are often mistaken for golden langurs. Three out of six cats species of the world recorded in the state are - the Tiger (Panthera tigris), Leopard (Panthera pardus), and the Clouded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosa). The state is also home to three species of bears, the Asiactic black bear (Selenarctos thibetanus), Malayan sun bear (Helartos malayanus) and the sloth bear (Melursus ursinus). The red panda (Ailurus fulgens fulgens) called by the Garos as Mitchebel and by the Khasis as Dkhan-bah is confined to Nokrek and Balpakram in the Garo Hills and the adjacent forests of the West Khasi Hills. It is also found it farther east in Trongpleng in the Mawsynram area of the East Khasi Hills district. One species of pangolin (Manis crassicaudata) is also found in the state. Other mammalian species 19 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP found are Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), wild dog (Cuon alpinus), smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) and large Indian civet (Viverra zibetha) The important avian fauna of the state includes Rufous-necked hornbill (Aceros nipalensis), white-winged duck (Cairina scutellate), ferruginous pochard (Aythya nyroca), Pallas's fish-eagle (Haliaeetus leucoryphus), marsh babbler (Pellorneum palustre), tawny-breasted wren-babbler (Spelaeornis longicaudatus), Manipur bush-quail (Perdicula manipurensis), bristled grassbird (Chaetornis striatus), Blyth's kingfisher (Alcedo hercules), greater spotted eagle (Aquila clanga), black-breasted parrotbill (Paradoxornis flavirostris), dark-rumped swift (Apus acuticauda), and beautiful nuthatch (Sitta formosa). The network of protected areas provides for conservation of the faunal diversity. Protected Areas: The protected area network in Meghalaya occupies 1133.9 Sq. Km area which constitute about 5.06 % of the State’s Geographical Area. The Protected Area Network includes 2 national Parks, 4 wildlife Sanctuaries and 1 Biosphere Reserve playing an important role in in-situ conservation of Biodiversity. Details of the protected areas are presented in Table -2.3 below: Table 2.3: Protected Areas in Meghalaya Sl. Protected Areas Area in District Year of No. Sq. km Establishment 1. Siju Wildlife Sanctuary 5.81 South Garo Hills 1979 2. Nongkhyllem Wildlife 29 Ri-Bhoi District 1981 Sanctuary 3. Baghmara Pitcher Plant 0.02 South Garo Hills 1984 Sanctuary 4. Balpakram National Park 220 South Garo Hills 1985 5. Nokrek Ridge National Park 47.78 East Garo Hills 1986 6. Nokrek Biosphere Reserve 820 East, West and 1988 South Garo Hills 7. Narpuh Wildlife Sanctuary 59.90 East Jaintia Hills 2014 It has been observed that none of the proposed transmission and distribution lines or substations are located/passing through any protected areas like national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, biosphere reserves etc. (Map- 2.4). It is also found that there is no ecologically sensitive area within a radius of 3.5 km from the transmission and distribution lines proposed under this scheme. 20 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Map 2.3 - Forest Cover Map of Meghalaya 21 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Map 2.4 - Protected Areas Map of Meghalaya 22 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Map-2.5- Protected Areas vis-à-vis subprojects location 23 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Map-2.5 A - Distance from Reserved Forest & Protected Area from 220 kV Line Map-2.5 B - Distance from Reserved Forest & Protected Area from 33 kV Lines 24 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Wetlands: The state of Meghalaya has 259 wetlands including small wetlands, covering an area of 29987 Ha, constituting 1.25% of geographic area of the state. None of the wetlands are part of Ramsar Convention. Total wetland area of West Garo Hills is 7196 Ha, which is 0.021% of the geographic area of the district. The Umium lake (also called Barapani) which is formed by damming of Umiam river under Umiam Hydro-electric project is also approx. 4.7 km from line route of 33 KV New Shillong -Mawpat line (Map- 2.5). However, none of these wetlands are impacted in due to construction of T & D lines and associated substations. Human and Economic Development: Meghalaya is predominantly an agrarian economy. Agriculture and allied activities engage nearly two-thirds of the total work force in Meghalaya. However, the contribution of this sector to the State’s NSDP is only about one-third. Agriculture in the state is characterized by low productivity and unsustainable farm practices. Despite the large percentage of population engaged in agriculture, the state imports food from other Indian states. The service sector is made up of real estate and insurance companies. Infrastructural constraints have also prevented the economy of the state from creating high income jobs at a pace commensurate with that of the rest of India. 2.3. East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi District: Topography: East Khasi Hills District forms a central part of Meghalaya and covers a total geographical area of 2,748 km2. It lies approximately between 25°07” & 25°41” N Latitude and 91°21” & 92°09” E Longitude. Geomorphologically, the East Khasi Hills comprises of denudational high and low hills with deep gorges. The district represents a remnant of ancient plateau of Indian Peninsular Shield which is deeply dissected suggesting several geotectonic and structural deformities that the plateau has undergone. The northern portion of the district is a dissected Shillong plateau gradually rising southwards to the rolling grasslands with gentle river valleys, then falls sharply in the Southern portion forming deep gorges and ravines in Mawsynram and Shella-Bholaganj, bordering Bangladesh. In the southern border areas, there are fringes of alluvial plains that are localized in nature. 25 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Ri-Bhoi District is one of the youngest districts of Meghalaya which came into existence and assumed the hierarchical status of the district on the 4th June 1992 by upgrading the former Civil Sub-Division. The District was carved out from the erstwhile East Khasi Hills District and covers an area of 2448 km². It lies between 90°55’15 to 91°16’ latitude and 25°40’ to 25°21’ longitude. Geo-morphologically, Ri-Bhoi district is a hilly one with intermontane valleys. The western and northern part of the district comprises of the denudational high hills with deep, narrow intermontane valleys covered with or without colluvium. Lithologically, the hills comprise Archaean Gneissic complex rocks, which are highly deformed, fractured and fissured in nature. These rocks also form highly dissected plateau with steep slopes and deep, narrow valleys exposed in the south-western part of the district. In the central and eastern parts, denudational high hills with deep valleys are found to exist which comprise intrusive Granites. Further in the south eastern part, denudational low hills are found to occur with valleys and comprise granite with fracture zones. Large number of narrow intermontane valley occurs mostly in the southern part of the district, which are good recharge areas and have highly productive shallow aquifer zone. Climate: The climate of the East Khasi Hills district ranges from temperate in the plateau region to the warmer tropical and sub-tropical pockets on the Northern and Southern regions. The whole of the district is influenced by the south-west monsoon which begins generally from May and continues till September. The weather is humid for the major portion of the year except for the relatively dry spell usually between December and March. Ri Bhoi district experiences different types of climate ranging from tropical climate in the areas bordering Assam to the temperate climate adjoining the East Khasi Hills District. Soils: East Khasi hills have deep, excessively drained, fine soils on moderately sloping side-slopes of hills having loamy surface with moderate erosion hazard and moderately deep, excessively drained, coarse-loamy soils on gently sloping hill tops with very severe erosion hazard and strong stoniness. Soil in Ri Bhoi district may broadly classified into hill and plain soils. It can be found out patches of black loamy soil and lime silt constitutes the major portion. This soil is much suitable for growing both local and improved varieties of crops. 26 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Forests1: The state also represents an important part of the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot which is one of the 4 bio-diversity hotspots present in India and 34 in the world. The state has been identified as a key area for biodiversity conservation due to its high species diversity and high level of endemism. The proposed transmission lines are passing through East Khasi Hills & Ri-Bhoi district having forest cover of 63.72 % and 87.54 % respectively. The details of forest resources available in the project area are as follows in Table 2.3. Table 2.4. Forest Cover of the Project Districts: (Area in Sq. km) District Geographic As per 2017 Assessment % Forest area Very Dense Mod Dense Open Total cover forest forest forest East Khasi Hills 2748 3 1012 736 1751 63.72 Ri-Bhoi 2448 132 1096 915 2143 87.54 Source: Indian State of Forest Report, 2017 Since most of these forest in the project districts are Private and Community forests, a detailed tree enumeration has been undertaken to ascertain the applicability of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 as per Meghalaya Forest regulation (Amendment) Bill 2012 notified on 21.12.12. Accordingly, for 220 kV D/C Kiling (Byrnihat) - Mawngap – New Shillong line a 12.88 km (45.09Ha) stretch in the Mawngap – New Shillong section has been categorized forest land based on tree enumeration and subsequently application for forest clearance under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 was initiated on 06.04.2019 (Annexure-1). However, the concerned Divisional Forest Officers (DFOs) after site inspection has concluded that the land in question is not part of any reserve/protected forest under their control but non-forest land as per provisions of Meghalaya Forest regulation (Amendment) Bill 2012. Accordingly, DFO has issued Non- Forest land certificate for Mawngap-Shillong portion on 03.07.2019 (Annexure- 2). As regard Kiling- Byrnihat portion, DFO has also sought clarification from Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC) & they have confirmed the presence of private/community land only along the transmission line corridor (Annexure- 2a). Hence, forest clearance under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 is not applicable in instant case. 1 Notified forests- An area under Government control notified or recorded as forest. Reserve forests - Natural forests having rich bio-diversity and No activity is permitted without permission. Protected forests - All activities are permitted unless it is prohibited. Protected areas - A clearly defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means. It includes National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Tiger Reserves, Biosphere Reserves etc. Community forests - Involvement of local communities in the protection and/or management of public forests. Degraded forests- Forest with canopy density < 40%. Open forests- Canopy density between 10 to 40%. 27 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Besides, the proposed transmission and distribution lines do not pass through any protected area like national parks, sanctuaries, elephant reserves/corridors and biosphere reserve etc. as all such areas have been completely avoided through careful route selection. However, some portion of Kiling (Byrnihat)-Mawngap-New Shillong 220kV D/C transmission line is passing at a distance of approx. 3.2 km from Nongkhyllem Wildlife Sanctuary boundary (Map-2.5) & the same is not going to have any adverse impact on the forest & wildlife. Demography Features Total Population Total population in Meghalaya stands at 29, 66,889 of which 23,71,439 (79.93%) population belong to rural area and 5,95,450 (20.07%) population belong to urban area. The East Khasi Hills district has a total of 8,25,922 population which is constituting 27.84% of State’s population. The rural and urban population constitutes 55.63% and 44.37% of total populations of the district. However, Ri-Bhoi district has total population of 2, 58,840 constituting 90.24% of rural and 9.76% of urban population. Details are given in Table 2.4. Table 2.5: Details on Total Population Name/ Total Total Total Percentage Percentage Particulars Population (Rural) (Urban) (Rural) (Urban) Meghalaya 29,66,889 23,71,439 5,95,450 79.93 20.07 East-Khasi Hills 8,25,922 4,59,441 3,66,481 55.63 44.37 Ri-Bhoi 2,58,840 2,33,587 25,253 90.24 9.76 Source: Census of India, 2011 Male and Female Population Out of total population 29,66,889 of the State, male population constitutes 14,91,832 (50.27%) and female population is 14,75,057 (49.73%). Total population in East Khasi Hills district stands at 8,25,922 of which male population stands at 4,10,749 (49.73%) and female population stands at 4,15,173 (50.27%). The sex ratio of the district stands at 1011 females per thousand male which is higher than State’s average of 989. Total population in Ri-Bhoi district stands at 2,58,840 of which male population stands at 1,32,531 (51.20%) and female population stands at 1,26,309 (48.80%) with a sex ratio of 953 females per thousand male which is lower than State’s average of 989. Details are given in Table 2.5. 28 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Table 2.6: Details on Male/ Female Population Name Total Total Percentage Percentage Sex Total Male /Particulars Population Female (Male) (Female) Ratio Meghalaya 29,66,889 14,91,832 14,75,057 50.27 49.73 989 East-Khasi Hills 8,25,922 4,10,749 4,15,173 49.73 50.27 1011 Ri-Bhoi 2,58,840 1,32,531 1,26,309 51.20 48.80 953 Source: Census of India, 2011 Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) Population As per census 2011, the Scheduled Caste (SC) & Scheduled Tribe (ST) population of the State stands at 17,355 (0.89%) and 25,55,861 (86.14%) respectively. The East Khasi Hills district has a total SC population of 5,642 (0.68%) and ST population of 6,61,158 (80.05%). In Ri-Bhoi district SC and ST population stands at 590 (0.23%) and 2,30,081 (88.89%) respectively. Details are given in Table 2.6. Table 2.7: Details on Percentage SC/ST Name/ Total Total SC Percentage of Total ST Percentage Particulars Population Population SC Population Population of ST Population Meghalaya 29,66,889 17,355 0.89 25,55,861 86.14 East-Khasi Hills 8,25,922 5,642 0.68 6,61,158 80.05 Ri-Bhoi 2,58,840 590 0.23 2,30,081 88.89 Source: Census of India, 2011 Literacy The literacy rate of East Khasi Hills district stands at 70% which is significantly higher than State’s average and the female literacy rate (51.20%) of the district is slightly higher than the male literacy rate (49.70%) of the district. In Ri-Bhoi district literacy rate (60.21%) is slightly higher than the State literacy rate, however female literacy rate lower than that of the male. Details are given in Table 2.7. Table 2.8 : Literate and Illiterate Population Name/Particulars Total Total Percentag Percentage Percentage Population Literate e of (Male) (Female) Literate Meghalaya 29,66,889 17,85,005 60.16 51.20 48.80 East-Khasi Hills 8,25,922 5,78,030 70.00 49.70 50.3 Ri-Bhoi 2,58,840 1,55,859 60.21 51.96 48.04 Source: Census of India, 2011 Total Workers (Male and Female) Total population into work in Meghalaya stands at 11,85,619 of which total Male (work) 29 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP population stands at 7,03,709 (59.35%) and total female (Work) population stands at 4,81,910 (40.65%). The East Khasi Hills district has a total work population of 3,26,786 of which total male (work) population stands at 2,04,303 (62.52%) and total female (Work) population stands at 1,22,483 (37.48%). Total work population of Ri-Bhoi district stands at 1,06,473 which constitutes 63,871 (60%) of male (work) and 42,602 (40%) female (work) population. Details are given in Table 2.8. Table 2.9: Details on Workers Name/ Total Total Male Total Percentage Percentage Particulars Population (Work) Female (Male) (Female) (Work) (Work) Meghalaya 11,85,619 7,03,709 4,81,910 59.35 40.65 East-Khasi Hills 3,26,786 2,04,303 1,22,483 62.52 37.48 Ri-Bhoi 1,06,473 63,871 42,602 60.00 40.00 Source: Census of India, 2011 Households Total Households in Meghalaya stands at 5,48,059 of which 4,30,573 (78.56%) households belong to rural area and 1,17,486 (21.44%) households belong to urban area. East Khasi Hills district has a total of 1,64,046 households of which 86,985 (53.02%) households belong to rural area and 77,061 (46.98%) households belong to urban area whereas in Ri-Bhoi district, the total number of households stands at 46,872 of which 42,412 (90.48%) belong to rural area and 4,460 (9.52%) belong to Urban area. Details are given in Table 2.9. Table 2.10: Details on Households Name/ Total Total Total Percentage Percentage Particulars Households (Rural) (Urban) (Rural) (Urban) Meghalaya 5,48,059 4,30,573 1,17,486 78.56 21.44 East-Khasi Hills 1,64,046 86,985 77,061 53.02 46.98 Ri-Bhoi 46,872 42,412 4,460 90.48 9.52 Source: Census of India, 2011 2.4 Baseline Description of the Subproject areas: The baseline data around the sub-project sites is generally in conformity with the baseline data of the East Khasi Hill & Ri-Bhoi districts. However, the topography encountered around the transmission and distribution line route alignment is mostly combination of hilly and plain land under paddy cultivation, barren land and jhum land. On an average 70% of transmission/distribution line corridors are in hill areas and remaining 30% are in plain land with some gentle slope. All the substations are located in Hill area. 30 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP The common vegetation type encountered along the transmission line corridor are mostly jhum/paddy cultivation and private land with moderate dense tree cover dominated by fruit bearing trees and in some places by rubber cultivation done by local population. The general baseline of the project area is well depicted in the Map-2.6. There is no recorded forest (reserved forest/protected forest etc.) and Protected areas (NP/WS/Tiger Reserve etc.) involved in the sub-project sites. The nearest recorded forest i.e. Garbhanga RF is located approximately 1.5 km from the nearest project site i.e. 33/11 kV line from New Shillong to Mawpat as shown in Map- 2.5 & Map-2.7-2.8. As regard demographic profile of subproject sites, it is mix of scheduled tribe population dominated by Khasi Tribe. The Bhois of Ri Bhoi District are the Sub – group of the main Khasi Tribe. The principal languages are Khasi, Jaintia & Garo. The majority of the Bhois speak the Bhoi dialect, although they use the Khasi dialect as a major subject in their schools. In Ri Bhoi District, there are other groups of tribes viz, Garos, who speak the Tibeto – Burman groups of language, whereas the Karbis, Marngars, Mikirs, Bodos and Lalungs use Assamese as their Lingua Franca. Some speak and write Khasi too. The Bhois follow the matrilenial system. Children bear the title of the mother and she is the safe keeper of all properties owned by her parents. Map-2.6 – Map showing general land use pattern along transmission corridor 31 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP 32 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Map-2.7 – Map showing notified forest area vis-à-vis subproject location Map-2.8 – Map depicting land use and actual impacts on ground due to construction of 33kV Distribution line Under construction 33kV line from New Shillong to Mawryngkneng 33 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP CHAPTER 3: LEGAL & REGULATORY FRAMEWORKS Power transmission and distribution project activities by their inherent nature and flexibility have negligible impacts on environmental and social attributes. The IA & MePTCL/MePDCL are undertaking its activities within the purview of Indian and State specific laws keeping in mind appropriate international obligations and directives and guidelines with respect to environmental and social considerations of Bank’s Operational Policy. The regulatory frameworks applicable for this project and its status of compliance provided below; 3.1. Constitutional Provisions Subsequent to the first United Nations Conference on Human Environment at Stockholm in June, 1972, which emphasized the need to preserve and protect the natural environment, the Constitution of India was amended through the historical 42nd Amendment Act, 1976 by inserting Article 48-A and 51-A (g) for protection and promotion of the environment under the Directive Principles of State Policy and the Fundamental Duties respectively. The amendment, inter alia provides: "The State shall endeavor to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wildlife of the country". (New Article 48A) "It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures”. [New Article 51 A(g)] Article 21 of the constitution provides, “no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law”. Article 21 is the heart of the fundamental rights and has received expanded meaning from time to time after the decision of the Supreme Court in 1978. The Article 21 guarantees fundamental right to life – a life of dignity to be lived in a proper environment, free of danger or disease or infection. Recently, Supreme Court has broadly and liberally interpreted the Article 21, transgressing into the area of protection of environment, and held that the citizen’s right to live in an eco-friendly atmosphere is to be interpreted as the basic right guaranteed under Article 21. 34 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Thus the Indian Constitution now has a two folds provision: (a) On the one hand, it gives directive to the State for the protection and improvement of environment. (b) On the other hand the citizens owe a constitutional duty to protect and improve the natural environment. Constitutional provisions in regard to social safeguards are well enshrined in the preamble such as JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation. Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles guarantee the right to life and liberty. Health, safety and livelihood have been interpreted as part of this larger right. Social safeguards provisions are dealt in detail in different Article such as Article-14, 15 17, 23, 24, 25, 46, 330, 332 etc. POWERGRID shall implement the said constitutional provision in true sprit to fulfill its environmental and social obligations and responsibilities. 3.2 Environmental Provisions Sl. Acts, Relevance/ Applicability to Status of Compliance No. Notifications the project & Policies I. National/State requirement 1. Forest When transmission projects Based on tree enumeration, a (Conservation) pass through forest land, prior 12.88 km (45.09Ha) stretch of Act, 1980 clearance has to be obtained 220 kV D/C Kiling (Byrnihat) - from Ministry of Environment Mawngap - New Shillong Forest & Climate Change transmission line was (MoEFCC), GoI under the categorized forest land and Forest (Conservation) Act, accordingly forest clearance 1980 before starting any under Forest (Conservation) construction activity in Act, 1980 was initiated on designated forest area. 06.04.2019. However, Divisional Forest Officers (DFOs) after site inspection concluded that the land in question is not part of any reserve/protected forest under 35 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Sl. Acts, Relevance/ Applicability to Status of Compliance No. Notifications the project & Policies their control but non-forest land as per provisions of Meghalaya Forest regulation (Amendment) Bill 2012. Subsequently, DFO has issued Non-Forest land certificate (Annexure-2). Hence, forest clearance under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 is not applicable. 2. Wildlife This Act is applicable Not applicable as no protected (Protection) whenever a transmission line area is involved. Act, 1972 traverses protected area such as National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries etc. Projects involving protected areas undergo detailed review and approval procedures to obtain permission from Standing Committee of National Board for Wildlife (NBWL), MoEFCC before starting any construction activity in such area. 3. The Scheduled When transmission projects Not applicable as no forest Tribes & Other pass through forest land, NoC clearance is required. Traditional from DC has to be obtained Forest Dwellers before Stage-II approval in (Recognition of compliance to FRA Act as per Forest Rights) MoEFCC circular dated 5th Act, 2006 February 2013. 4. Environment Transmission line projects are Not applicable. (Protection) Act, exempted from of Environment 36 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Sl. Acts, Relevance/ Applicability to Status of Compliance No. Notifications the project & Policies 1986/ (Protection) Act, 1986 EIA Environment Notification, 2006. However, Impact amendment in the Environment Assesment (Protection) Act, 1986 on 7th Notification, May’ 1992 made it necessary 2006 to obtain clearance from MoEFCC for power transmission projects in three districts in the Aravalis (viz., Alwar in Rajasthan and Gurgaon & Nuh-Mewat in Haryana). Ozone Regulate and control Only CFC free equipments are i) Depleting manufacturing, import, export being procured/specified in Substances and use of Ozone Depleting tender document. (Regulation Substances under Montreal and Control) Protocol adopted on 16th Rules, 2000 September 1987. ii) Batteries Provides certain restriction on Batteries are used during (Management disposal of used batteries and operation phase. Hence, the and Handling) its handling and to file half issue of proper handling and Rules, 2001 yearly return in prescribed form disposal of batteries as per rules to the concerned State not an issue during construction Pollution Control Board. stage. iii) Hazardous Provides for environmentally Generally Used oil is generated Wastes sound management of after 10-15 years of operation of (Management, hazardous wastes so as to transformers and hence the Handling and ensure no adverse effects that issues of handling and Transboundary may result from such waste. disposals of hazardous Movement) Used transformer oil is transformer oil is not an issue at Rules, 2008 categorized as hazardous this stage. waste which has to be 37 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Sl. Acts, Relevance/ Applicability to Status of Compliance No. Notifications the project & Policies disposed off only through auctioned/ sold to registered recyclers only and file annual return on prescribed form to the concerned State Pollution Control Board. iv) E-waste Provides for environmentally E-waste disposal is not an issue (Management sound management of e-waste during construction phase. and Handling) to ensure that e-waste are Rules, 2011 managed in a manner which shall protect health and the environment against the adverse effects that may result from hazardous substance contained in such wastes. It is the responsibility of the bulk consumer to ensure that e- waste generated is channelized to authorized collection center(s) or registered dismantler(s) or recycler(s) or is returned to the pick-up of take back services provided by the producer. 5. Biological Provide for conservation of The present project does not Diversity Act, biological diversity, sustainable involve any biosphere reserves. 2002 use of its components and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the use of biological resources, knowledge and for matters connected therewith. 38 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Sl. Acts, Relevance/ Applicability to Status of Compliance No. Notifications the project & Policies 6. Ancient The act has been enacted to All such areas have been Monuments & prevent damage to completely avoided. Archaeological archaeological sites identified Sites & Remains by Archaeological Survey of Act, 1958 India. 7. Meghalaya Defines ‘Forest’ “as a The project does not involve any Forest continuous area of at least 4 forest land as per definition of regulation Acres of land having trees, forest. Accordingly, NoC has (Amendment) irrespective of ownership, been issued by forest authority Bill 2012 where more than 250 trees of based on tree enumeration data 15 cm diameter at breast height and joint verification as per (DBH) per hectare are present, provisions of Meghalaya Forest or where more than 100 clumps regulation (Amendment) Bill of bamboo per hectare are 2012. present”. II. World Bank Operational Policy (OP) 8. OP- 4.01: To ensure the environmental E & S aspects of the project Environmental and social and sustainability of have already been integrated in Assessment investment projects. Support to management procedures integration of environmental based on comprehensive and social aspects of projects environment assessment in the decision-making undertaken by IA during 2015. process. 9. OP- 4.04: To promote sustainable The present project does not Natural development by supporting the involve any natural habitats Habitats protection, conservation, such as biodiversity area, maintenance, and protected area etc. rehabilitation of natural habitats and their functions. 39 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Sl. Acts, Relevance/ Applicability to Status of Compliance No. Notifications the project & Policies 10. OP-4.11: To preserve PCR and in The Present project does not Physical avoiding their destruction or encroach upon any such Cultural damage. PCR includes resources. Resources resources of archeological, (PCR) paleontological, historical, architectural, and religious (including graveyards and burial sites), aesthetic, or other cultural significance. 11. OP-4.36: To realize the potential of All line routes and substation Forests forests to reduce poverty in a locations successfully avoided sustainable manner, integrate encroachment into any forests effectively into Protected and Reserve forests. sustainable economic development, and protect the vital local and global environmental services and values of forests 10. WB EHS The Environmental, Health, Applicable provisions of EHS Guidelines for and Safety (EHS) Guidelines guidelines are being followed Electric Power are technical reference during project implementation. Transmission documents with general and and Distribution industry specific examples of Good International Industry Practice. The EHS Guidelines contain the performance levels and measures that are generally considered to be achievable in new facilities by existing technology at reasonable costs. 40 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP 3.3 Social Provisions Sl. Acts, Rules Relevance/ Applicability to the Status of Compliance No. and Policies project Sixth Schedule Special provisions also have NoC from Village Council/ 1 of the been extended to the Tribal Headman (Dorbar) /Land Constitution Areas under the 6th Schedule owner obtained by I.A, [Articles 244(2) and 275(1) of wherever applicable. the constitution] in addition to basic fundamental rights. The Sixth Schedule provides for administration of tribal areas as autonomous entities. The administration of an autonomous district is vested in a District Council and of an autonomous region, in a Regional Council. These Councils are endowed with legislative, judicial, executive and financial powers. 2. The Right to Act ensures appropriate No involuntary acquisition Fair identification of the affected involved. Fresh land secured Compensation families/ households, fair only for construction of new and compensation and rehabilitation 220/132kV New Shillong (GIS) Transparency of titleholders and non- and 33/11 kV Mawpat, New in Land titleholders. Shillong, Mawryngkneng & Acquisition, Mawkynrew substations on Rehabilitation private purchase (Willing and Buyer Willing Seller) on Resettlement negotiated/market rate. Act, 2013 41 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Sl. Acts, Rules Relevance/ Applicability to the Status of Compliance No. and Policies project 3. Electricity Act, Sanction of Ministry of Power MoP, GoI approved the 2003 (EA, (MoP), GoI/State Govt. is a NERPSIP comprehensive 2003) mandatory requirement for scheme for six North Eastern taking up any new transmission States including Meghalaya project under the section 68(1) under vide its Office of The Electricity Act, 2003. The Memorandum dated 1st sanction authorizes to plan and December 2014. coordinate activities to commission the new projects. 4. Rights of Way The act has a provision for MePTCL & MePDCL has been (RoW) and notifying transmission company vested with the powers of Compensation under section 164 (B) to avail Telegraph Authority vide Deptt. benefits of eminent domain of Power, Govt. of Meghalaya provided under the Indian notification dated 5th February Telegraph Act, 1885. 2016, under Section- 164 of the Electricity Act. However, compensation for all damages are being paid to the individual land owner as per the provision of Section-10 (d) of Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 5. The Right to The Act provides for setting out The required mechanism to Information the practical regime of right to comply with the provisions of Act, 2005 information for citizens to the act including designated secure access to information officers at various levels is under the control of public already in place in MePTCL & authorities, in order to promote MePDCL. transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the constitution of a Central Information Commission and State 42 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Sl. Acts, Rules Relevance/ Applicability to the Status of Compliance No. and Policies project Information Commissions and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. 6. Indian The Act provides for procedures No such instances reported. Treasure to be followed in case of finding Moreover, possibilities of such Trove Act, of any treasure, archaeological discoveries are quite remote 1878 as artifacts etc. during excavation. due to limited and shallow amended in excavations. 1949 The Act prohibits transfer of land Not applicable as Govt. of 7. Meghalaya from tribal to non-tribal. Meghalaya has already issued Transfer of an Exemption Certificate that Land the provisions of Section (Regulation) 11(d)(i) of the aforesaid act (as Act, 1971 (Act amended) shall not apply in 1 of 1972) relation to all purchases/ acquisition of land by MePTCL /MePDCL II. World Bank Operational Policy (OP) 8. OP 4.12 – This policy covers direct Not applicable as no Involuntary economic and social impacts involuntary acquisition invoked Resettlement both resulting from Bank- for securing land for proposed assisted investment projects substations. Only fresh land and are caused by the required for construction of involuntary taking of land. To 220/132kV New Shillong (GIS) avoid or minimize involuntary and 33/11 kV Mawpat, New resettlement and, where this is Shillong, Mawryngkneng & not feasible, assist displaced Mawkynrew substations were persons in improving or at least secured through direct restoring their livelihoods and Purchase on Willing Buyer standards of living in real terms Willing Seller basis on relative to pre-displacement negotiated rate. 43 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Sl. Acts, Rules Relevance/ Applicability to the Status of Compliance No. and Policies project levels or to levels prevailing prior to the beginning of project implementation, whichever is higher. 9. OP 4.10 – This policy contributes to the Explicit consent from ADC and Indigenous Bank’s mission of poverty the Village Councils is required Peoples reduction and sustainable in the case of acquisition of development by ensuring that lands which is not applicable in the development process fully instant project. However, NoC respects the dignity, human of from village councils (Head rights, economies, and cultures man, Sordars) and land owners of Indigenous Peoples. The obtained for community forest objective is to design and land/ADC area, wherever implement projects in a way that applicable. fosters full respect for indigenous peoples so that they receive culturally compatible social and economic benefits, and do not suffer adverse effects during the development process. The project shall ascertain broad community support for the project based on social assessment and free prior and informed consultation with the affected Tribal community, if any. 44 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP CHAPTER-4 : MAJOR FEATURES OF FINAL ROUTE & ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Environmental impact of transmission and distribution (T & D) line projects are not far reaching and are mostly localized to RoW. However, T & D project has some effects on natural and socio-culture resources. These impacts can be minimized by careful route selection. To minimize these possible impacts, MePTCL/MePDCL & IA at the system planning stage itself try to avoid ecological sensitive areas like forest. Wherever such infringements are substantial, different alternative options are considered to select most viable route alignment. For further optimization of route modern survey techniques/tools like GIS, GPS aerial photography is also applied. Introduction of GIS and GPS in route selection result in access to updated/latest information, through satellite images and further optimization of route having minimal environmental impact. Moreover, availability of various details, constraints like topographical and geotechnical details, forest and environmental details etc. help in planning the effective mitigate measures including engineering variations depending upon the site situation/location. The route/site selection criteria followed is detailed below: 4.1 Environmental Criteria for Route Selection For selection of optimum route, the following points are taken into consideration: (i) The route of the proposed lines does not involve any human rehabilitation. (ii) Any monument of cultural or historical importance is not affected by the route of the line. (iii) The proposed route does not create any threat to the survival of any community with special reference to Tribal Community. (iv) The proposed route does not affect any public utility services like playgrounds, schools, other establishments etc. (v) The line route does not pass through any sanctuaries, National Park etc. (vi) The line route does not infringe with area of natural resources. In order to achieve this, MePTCL/MePDCL undertook route selection for individual transmission & distribution lines in close consultation with representatives from the Ministry of Environment and Forests and the Department of Revenue. Although under 45 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP National law, POWERGRID has the right of eminent domain, yet alternative alignments are considered keeping in mind the above-mentioned factors during site selection, with minor alterations often added to avoid environmentally sensitive areas and settlements at execution stage. • As a rule, alignments are generally cited 10-15 km away from major towns, whenever possible, to account for future urban expansion (refer final route maps Map 4.1 to Map- 4.5). • Similarly, forests are avoided to the extent possible, and when it is not possible, a route is selected in consultation with the local Divisional Forest Officer, that causes minimum damage to existing forest resources. • Alignments are selected to avoid wetlands and unstable areas for both financial and environmental reasons. In addition, care is also taken to avoid National parks, Sanctuaries, Eco-sensitive zones, Tiger reserves, Biosphere reserves, Elephant corridors and IBA sites etc. Keeping above in mind the routes of proposed lines under the project have been so aligned that it takes care of above factors. As such, different alternatives for transmission lines were studied with the help of Govt. published data like Forest atlas, Survey of India etc. and Google Maps to arrive at the most optimum route, which can be taken up for detailed survey and assessment of environmental & social impacts for their proper management. Similarly, the TOR for detailed survey using modern tool like GIS/GPS also contained parameters to avoid/reduce environmental impact while deciding the final route alignment. The major objectives for detailed survey that are part of contract are summarized below : (i) The alignment of transmission line shall be most economical from the point of view of construction and maintenance. (ii) Routing of transmission line through protected and reserved forest area should be avoided. In case it is not possible to avoid the forest or areas having large trees completely then keeping in view of the overall economy, the route should be aligned in such a way that cutting of trees is minimum. (iii) The route should have minimum crossing of major rivers, railway lines, and national/state high ways, overhead EHP power lines and communication lines. (iv) The number of angle point shall be kept to a minimum. 46 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP (v) The distance between the terminal points specified shall be kept shortest possible, consistent with the terrain that is encountered. (vi) Marshy and low line areas, river beds and earth slip zones shall be avoided to minimum risk to the foundations. (vii) It would be preferable to utilize level ground for the alignment. (viii) Crossing of power line shall be minimal. Alignment will be kept at a minimum distance of 300 meters from power lines to avoid induction problems on the lower voltage lines. (ix) Crossings of communication lines shall be minimized and it shall be preferably at right angle, proximity and paralyses with telecom lines shall be eliminated to avoid danger of induction to them. (x) Area subjected to flooding searches streams shall be avoided. (xi) Restricted areas such as civil and military airfield shall be avoided. Care shall also be taken to avoid the aircraft landing approaches. (xii) All alignment should be easily accessible both in dry and rainy seasons to enable maintenance throughout the year. (xiii) Certain areas such as query sites, tea, tobacco and saffron fields and rich plantation, gardens and nurseries that will present the owner problems in of right of way and leave clearance during construction and maintenance should be avoided. (xiv) Angle point should be selected such that shifting of the point within 100 m radius is possible at the time of construction of the line. (xv) The line routing should avoid large habitation densely populated areas to the extent possible. (xvi) The area requires special foundations and those prone to flooding should be avoided. (xvii) For examination of the alternatives and identification of the most appropriate route, besides making use of information/data/details available/extracted through survey of India topographical maps and computer aided processing of NRSA satellite imagery, the contractor shall also carry out reconnaissance/preliminary survey as may be required for the verification and collection of additional 47 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP information/data/details. (xviii) The contractor shall submit his preliminary observation and suggestion along with various information/data/details collected and also processed satellite imagery data, topographical map data marked with alternative routes etc. The final evaluation of the alternative routes shall be conducted by the contractor in consultation with owners’ representatives and optimal route alignment shall be proposed by the contractor. Digital terrain modeling using contour data from topographical maps as well as processed satellite data shall be done by the contractor for the selected route. A fly through perspective using suitable software(s) shall be developed or further refinement of the selected route. If required site visit and field verification shall be conducted by the contractor jointly with the owners’ representatives for the proposed route alignment. (xix) Final digitized route alignment drawing with the latest topographical and other details/features including all river railway lines, canals, roads etc. up to 8 Kms on both side of selected route alignment shall be submitted by the contractors for owners approval along with report containing other information / details as mentioned above. In the instant project also, criteria for route selection as mentioned above, has been duly adhered to and the proposed 220 kV D/C Kiling (Byrnihat) - Mawngap – New Shillong line route has been selected from analysis of three (03) alternatives routes as described in the IEAR. Subsequently, the proposed route was considered for detail survey by Contractor Agency (after awarding of contract). During detailed survey minor alterations as well as geometrical corrections of the route have been carried out which seems inevitable due to actual ground conditions with prime objective of avoiding dense forest/private plantation areas, settlements, CPR, and also considering the technical feasibility of the route from operation and maintenance point of view in consultation with the local village councils prevalent in the project area. Therefore, following minor change in scope of work has been observed with respect to IEAR scope which resulted due to the best effort of IA/MePTCL in effectively integrating safeguard and engineering measures in successful minimization of impact on forest and environment. Further, it has been observed that no new/additional impacts apart from those enlisted in EMP/IEAR is anticipated as neither any significant changes w.r.t. baseline conditions nor involvement ecologically/ socially sensitive areas were found due to increase/change in line length/ alignment and also substation location 48 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP which might have an incremental overall impact of the project. Since the mitigation measures as suggested in IEAR/ EMP and various provisions in the contract conditions is so comprehensive it will address any such minor changes. Details on change in scope in respect to IEAR scope along with justification thereof and resultant new/additional impact, if any is provided in table below; Sl. Scope as per IEAR Current Status with Remarks No justification Transmission Component Line Substation 1. 220 kV D/C Establishment of Final route is 126.52 Apart from possible Killing- 220/132/33 kV km and line length is impacts identified in Mawngap- New GIS substation at increased by 11 km EMP/IEAR, no new/ Shillong New Shillong due to realignment additional impact is Transmission of route to further anticipated due to Line –115.5 Km avoid the increase in line Nongkhyllem W/S length/ changed in (earlier proximity to alignment the W/S is 500 mtr) & considering that no also some geometric changes w.r.t. corrections were baseline condition or required also no involvement consequent upon protected or widening of ecologically/socially Guwahati-Shillong sensitive areas found. road and change of New-Shillong substation location due to non- finalization of earlier identified land 2 Upgradation of Not Applicable under construction (N.A.) 132 kV substation to 220/132 kV GIS substation at Mawngap. Distribution Component 1 33 kV line from Establishment of Final line route is No substantial 33 /11kV 2x10 MVA, 33 10.76 km and there change in length or Mawpat - /11kV is an increase of line line route observed. 220/132/33 kV new substation at length of 0.76 km Though there are New Shillong Mawpat due to change in the some changes in substation (6 location of New substation location 49 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP km & extending Shillong and observed but due to up to existing Mawpat substation. meticulous SE Falls 33/11 realignment by IA kV substation - during ground 10 km truthing survey has 2 33 kV line from Establishment of Final route is 3.55 further reduced line 33/11 kV New 2x10 MVA ,33/11 km which is approx. length in most cases. Shillong (New) kV 0.45 km less as substation - new substation at compared to earlier 220/132/33 kV New Shillong route due to change New Shillong in the location of substation - 4 220/132/33 kV km New Shillong substation 3 33 kV line from Establishment of Final route is 6.47 33/11 kV 2x5 MVA, 33/11 km and there is a Mawkynrew kV decrease in line substation new substation at length of approx. 1.0 (New)- 33/11 Mawkynrew km from earlier kV Jongksha route. substation - 7.5 km 4 LILO of existing Establishment of Final route is 0.8 km 33 KV Jowai - 2x7.5 MVA, 33/11 and there is a Landnongkrem kV new decrease in line line at New substation at length of approx. 2 Mawryngkneng - Mawryngkneng km from earlier 3.8 km route. 5 33 kV line from Increase in length is Final route is 22 33/11 kV basically increase of line due to Mawryngkneng further optimization length of approx. substation during 3.75 km from earlier ground (New) - truthing survey based route was due to 220/132/33 kV on ground condition further optimization New Shillong particularly to avoid during ground substation habitation truthing survey. area. (New) However, considering -16.6 km very limited environmental footprint in 33kV line, no additional impacts those identified in EMP is anticipated. Similarly, a detailed justification for change in substations’ final locations vis-à-vis locations in IEAR along with final coordinates is provided below; 50 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Details of Changes in substation location vis-à-vis location in IEAR Sl. Name of Co-ordinate New Location Reason for Change in location No Substation as per IEAR Co-ordinates 1 220/132/33 kV 25º36’47.90”N 25°37'45.08"N Location changed by MePTCL New Shillong 91º56’38.85” E 91°59'34.38"E due to non-finalization of earlier GIS identified land. New land was selected/ finalized which is 5.5 km north west from earlier location. 2 33/11 kV 25º25’09.11”N 25° 24.787' N Location changed by MePDCL Mawkynrew 92º00’03.36”E 91° 59.817' E due to non-finalization of earlier identified land. New land was selected/ finalized in same locality approx. 700 m south west from earlier location. 3 33/11 kV 25º36’40.27” N 25° 35.647' N Location changed by MePDCL Mawpat 91º57’08.12”E 91°54.311' E due to non-finalization of earlier identified land. New land was selected/ finalized which is 1.5 km south west from previous location. 4.2 Major Features of Final Route of TL & DL Transmission line: The earlier route of 220 kV D/C Killing- Mawngap- New Shillong based on survey done long back in 2009 was parallel to National Highway (NH) - 40 (Guwahati to Shillong) and the tower locations were close vicinity to highway. In year 2013-2014, the 100-km Shillong-Guwahati road has been upgraded into a four-lane highway. Many habitations have been grown up along the highway and settled nearby both side of the said highway. Many people from villages migrate nearby highway for the purpose of commercial business. In earlier route, it was noticed that many tower locations are coming mostly on private forest land, highway, nearby houses and commercial plot nearby roads. Detailed check survey was carried out span to span and a constraint of the corridor was recorded and realigned route from Killing to Mawngap, Mawngap to New Shillong has been finalized. The following advantageous points are taken into consideration for selection of optimum route: 1. The route of the proposed transmission lines does not involve any human rehabilitation. 2. Any monument of cultural or historical importance is not affected by the route of the transmission line. 3. The proposed route of transmission line does not create any threat to the survival of any community with special reference to Tribal Community. 51 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP 4. The proposed route of transmission line does not affect any public utility services like playgrounds, schools, other establishments etc. 5. The line route does not pass through any sanctuaries, National Park etc. The line route does not infringe with area of natural resources. 6. RoW problem has been avoided. 7. The alignment of transmission line is most economical from the point of view of construction and maintenance. 8. Routing of transmission line avoiding reserved forest area or areas having large trees completely. 9. The number of angle point has minimized. 10. Crossing of power line minimized. 11. Earlier line was crossing through NH 3-4 times and mostly through town/market area such as Byrnihat, Nongpoh, Umsining, Sumer etc. Now line is passing parallel towards state highway with a normal tower. Hence construction period also minimized. 12. Considering the no/minimum forest area involved, less population density, avoiding human & animal habitats. Initially, a 12 km stretch has been categorized as forest based on tree enumeration and accordingly, forest clearance process under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 was initiated on 06.04.2019. However, Divisional Forest Officers (DFOs) after site inspection concluded that the land in question is not part of any reserve/protected forest under their control but non-forest land as per provisions of Meghalaya Forest regulation (Amendment) Bill 2012. Subsequently, DFO has issued Non-Forest land certificate (Annexure-2). The office of executive committee, Khasi Hills Autonomous District Councils have also given their no objection regarding same (Annexure-2a). Besides, the final route completely avoided protected areas like National parks, Wildlife sanctuaries and designated wildlife/elephant corridor etc. Considering the above advantages with respect to environmental, social and construction point of view in finalization of line route, no additional impacts are envisaged in spite of increase of 11 km in the final route length. Details of tower schedule of final route of various lines are placed as Annexure-3. Distribution lines: About 60% of the lines are passing through hilly terrain and 40% plain area. Due to careful route selection by IA, these lines are mostly passing through along existing roads, waste land or agricultural. Besides, no ecologically sensitive areas like reserve/protected forest land or protected areas like National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuary, elephant corridor/movement zones (refer Map-2.6) are getting affected due to 52 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP proposed intervention. It has been observed that there are some major variations in final route length of lines from earlier routes due to change in location of some associated substations. However, considering that distribution line has minimum environmental footprints and increase in total line length by 6.68 km for all lines (from earlier 36.90 km to 43.58 km) without any change in land use and other base line data, no additional impacts of any kind apart from earlier identified impacts in IEAR/EMP are anticipated. A total of 1,185 poles are being/to be erected for all 5 proposed distribution lines having a total line length of 43.58 km (Map - 4.2 to 4.6). Details of pole schedule of final route of various lines are placed as Annexure-4. Based on the above analysis of final route of transmission and distribution lines, the summarized environmental impact matrix is presented below; S. No. PARAMETERS EXTENT OF IMPACT 1. A. Total Line length- Though change in final route length observed in most TL & (TL -126.52km, DL lines as compared line length envisaged in IEAR due to DL- 43.58 km) minor geometrical correction and change in substation locations, no new/additional impacts are anticipated as no changes w.r.t. baseline condition, land use pattern or involvement protected areas or ecologically/socially sensitive areas are observed. Hence, the existing mitigation provisions of IEAR/EMP and in contract conditions which are being implemented by IA will also adequately address such B. Terrain: Plain Major portion of the TL (70 %) of lines are passing through area- 37.956 km hilly terrain which are mostly gentle sloping hills and (TL)+ 16.912 km remaining are plain area. Whereas, 60% of DL are passing (DL) Hilly area- through hilly terrain and rest 40% covers plain area. 88.564 km (TL)+ However, all possible site-specific mitigation measures with 25.668 km (DL) respect to soil erosion & slope protection measures like revetment/ retaining/ toe wall, ULE, bio-engineering etc. are being implemented based on site assessment and recommendation/approval of technical committee. 2. Forest land Nil. No notified forest, protected areas and other ecological traversed (km) sensitive area involved. 3. Forest land Nil 4. traversed Forest (ha.) type NA 53 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP 5. Forest density NA 6. Rare/endangered Nepenthes Khasiana is reported to inhabit some pockets of flora the project area. However, being herbaceous in habit, there is no apparent threat to the species except in the event of excavations accidentally uprooting populations. Care should be taken to avoid such accidental disturbance. 7. Rare/ The pangolin or scaly ant eater (Manis sp) which is an endangered endangered species is reported in some pockets of the fauna project area. However, this animal is fossorial in habit, living in burrows inside dense vegetation areas only. As the lines being drawn aerially and there is no involvement of forest land in the line routes, encroachment of these burrows are quite remote and unlikely. Hence, possibility of any impacts on this species not anticipated. 8. Migrating Wildlife/ No animal corridors are present in the project area Further, breeding ground no impact on avifauna is anticipated as there is no migratory path or nesting sites found in project area /tower location. Moreover, bird guard/anti perching devices are being made part of BoQ/tower design. 9. National Park / No protected areas involved sanctuaries 10. Wet land traverse None 11. Soil erodibility Since nearly 70 % lines and all substations are located in hilly/sloppy terrain possibility of soil erosion and slope protection is quite high for which adequate measures at tower location and substation need to be taken by IA to minimize any such impact. Though such aspects were not covered in Bill of Quantity (BoQ), IA after assessment of site requirement/conditions and subsequent technical approval through committee finalized various measures like retaining wall/revetment wall, Unequal Leg Extension (ULE), stone pitching, bio-engineering measures etc. Accordingly, IA has been implementing revetment walls at total 57 locations and ULE at 163 tower locations of 220 kV lines and RRM/ Retaining Wall including bio engineering measures in New Shillong, Mawpat & Mawryngkneng substation. 54 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP 12. Historical/Cultural None monuments 13. Relocation of None villagers 14. Loss/ Hindrance Negligible, restricted to construction phase only. to Public Utilities 55 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Map 4.1 : Map showing final line route vis-à-vis IEAR route of 220 kV Killing – Mawngap- New Shillong along with important land use features 56 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Map- 4.2: Satellite imagery showing details of 33 kV line from 33 /11kV Mawpat (New) - 220/132/33 kV New Shillong 56 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Map-4.3: Satellite imagery showing details of 33 kV line from 33/11 kV New Shillong (New) substation -220/132/33 kV New Shillong substation 57 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Map-4.4: Satellite imagery showing details of 33 kV line from 33/11 kV Mawryngkneng (New) -220/132/33 kV New Shillong substation (New) 58 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Map-4.5: Satellite imagery showing details of 33 kV line from 33/11 kV Mawkynrew substation (New)- 33/11kV Jongksha substation (Existing) 59 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP CHAPTER-5 : POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS, EVALUATION AND ITS MANAGEMENT In general environmental impacts associate with Transmission & Distribution (T & D) projects are not far reaching and are mostly localized to RoW. However, T & D projects have some effects on natural and socio-cultural resources. Although, all possible measures have been taken during the finalization of route alignment as described in the earlier chapter for the proposed transmission/distribution lines but due to peculiarity of terrain and demography of the area where project is being implemented, some environmental impacts may be there. The explanations in brief with regard to possible environmental impact and measures taken to minimize the same are as follows: 5.1 Impact Due to Project Location (i) Impact on Habitation and Resettlement As explained in previous chapter during line routing stage itself all measures have been undertaken by IA to avoid settlements such as cities, villages etc. in line with the guiding principle of avoidance as per ESPPF. During detail survey modern techniques/tools like GIS, GPS, and aerial photography were utilized to further optimization the final route alignment avoiding human habitation and other ecological and socially sensitive areas. The final route map of transmission and distribution lines clearly depict no major habitations /settlement areas are located near to project location (refer Map 4.1 to Map 4.7). Moreover, the project does not require any resettlement of villagers as no land is acquired for tower/pole foundation as per existing law. As regard substation, the instant project involves construction of 5 new substations i.e. 220/132 kV substation at New Shillong and four 33/11 kV substations at Mawpat, New Shillong, Mawryngkneng and Mawkynrew for which fresh lands have been secured through private purchase on willing–buyer and willing-seller basis on negotiated/market rate. A total of 9.304 acres land was secured for these substations from 6 private persons who willing to sold their land. The extension/ upgradation work in Byrnihat and Mawngap substations are undertaken in the already existing MePTCL/MePDCL substation premises and no acquisition of fresh land was required for this purpose. Mostly these substations are located on hilly land and away from socially and ecologically sensitive areas. Since, 60 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP no involuntary acquisition was involved and fresh lands were secured only through private purchase there is no R & R and resettlement issues. 220/132 kV New Shillong 33/11 kV Mawkynrew 33/11 kV New Mawpat 33/11 kV New Shillong 33/11 kV Mawryngkneng 61 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP (ii) Land value depreciation It is evident that electric power being an enabler sector acts as a catalyst for the growth and development of areas having accessibility to it. Based on past experience land prices are generally expected to rise in the areas receiving power. The final route 220 kV D/C Kiling (Byrnihat)- Mawngap-New Shillong line is passing mostly through agriculture/jhum fields and uninhabited areas (refer Map 4.1 to Map 4.6) where the land-use is not going to change in foreseeable future. Further, all substations are also being implemented away from major habitation/city area. Therefore, the value of land is not adversely affected to a significant degree. Moreover, distribution lines intended to provide power supply to populated area will boost the economic status as well as land price of the area, thus, outweighing possible negative impacts, if any. (iii) Historical/cultural monuments/value The final routes of transmission and distribution line and substation lands don’t involve any monuments of historical or cultural significance. (iv) Encroachment into precious ecological areas In accordance with the policy of route selection, IA/Utility have taken due precautions right from the planning stage itself to avoid routing of line through forest, protected areas like national park/sanctuaries and other ecological sensitive areas. Because of careful route selection technique it was possible to avoid all such areas completely in all line routes and substation locations in spite of the fact that the project area districts are rich in natural resources and biodiversity area having average forest cover more than 75% of total geographical area of the district. The final route alignment passes mostly though cultivated /jhum land (55%) and the remaining 45% passes through degraded land with sparse tree cover which does not have any ecologically sensitive locations. As explained earlier, some stretch (12 km approx.) of Kiling-Mawngap-New Shillong 220kV D/C line has been categorized as forest land based on tree enumeration and accordingly, forest clearance process under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 was initiated by IA on 06.04.2019. However, after site inspection/verification the Divisional Forest Officers (DFOs) found that the forest land in question is not part of any reserve/protected forest under their control but actually non-forest land as per provisions of Meghalaya 62 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Forest regulation (Amendment) Bill 2012. Subsequently, DFO has issued Non-Forest land certificates (Annexure-2 & 2a). (v) Encroachment into other valuable lands Most of the stretch (>70%) of final route passes through hilly terrain having moderate vegetation cover and remaining through flat land. (Plate-5.1 & Plate- 5.2). Plate-5.1: Line route in paddy field Plate- 5.2: Line route in private plantation As per existing law, land for tower/pole & right of way is not acquired and ownership of land remains with the owner and agricultural activities are allowed to continue after construction activity. However, as per existing laws2 compensation for all damages (tree/crop) are paid to the individual land owner. Additionally, land compensation @100% land value for tower footing area is also paid to land owner as per prevailing practices. In the instant case all the 389 nos. tower locations are coming either on private land or community land owned by Autonomous District Council/Village council. Since the whole area is coming under Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC), No Objection Certificate (NoC) from concerned land owner/ Headman /Village Council has already been obtained (Annexure-5). The agriculture, horticulture departments have been approached to determine the rates of compensation for the paddy fields and fruit bearing trees respectively. Similarly, for land compensation the land rate has been fixed by District Collector/ ADCs. In line with the compensation procedures laid down in ESPPF & CPTD, compensation towards damage to tree/crop and land diminution value have been paid to affected persons after assessment of actual damage based on market rate and verification by concerned revenue authorities. The details of compensation plan along with estimated 2 As per the present provision in the Electricity Act, 2003 read with relevant provisions of Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 all the damages (without acquisition of subject land) accrued to person while placing the tower and line are to be compensated 63 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP cost for damages towards tree/crop & land has been explained in the Compensation Plan for Temporary Damages (CPTD) report already prepared/disclosed for this project. Accordingly, till June 2021, tree/ crop and land compensation to the tune of Rs. 2.64 million and Rs. 56.35 million respectively has already been disbursed to affected persons/ land owners. Since Govt of Meghalaya has recently adopted MoP guidelines on RoW Compensation on 15.12.20 land compensation for corridor shall be paid in addition to normal tree, crop compensation. A sample case of compensation payment including notice to land owner, assessment and verification by revenue authority and payment to affected person etc. is enclosed as Annexure-6. (vi) Interference with other utilities and traffic As per regulations, it is mandatory for IA/Utility to seek clearance prior to construction from department of Railways, Telecommunications and wherever necessary from aviation authorities that are likely to be affected by the construction of transmission lines. The transmission and distribution lines do not interfere with telecommunication towers. Further, railway lines and aviation routes are not present in the project locations. It is therefore not required to avail clearances from Department of Railways, Department of Telecommunications, and the Ministry of Aviation. As already explained at section 4.2 the route of T & D lines are realigned selecting even more circuitous route to reduce number of crossings and also interference with other utilities along Guwahati-Shillong National Highway. As regard inference with traffic, it is to may be noted that the project area has very low vehicular/traffic density due to low economic base prevalent in the area. Further, the instant project activities require very less vehicular movement and that too restricted to construction period only. Hence, no steep rise in traffic volume is anticipated/observed. (vii) Interference with drainage pattern As the transmission/distribution lines are constructed aerially and the blockage of ground surface is limited to area of tower footings, which is very small, there is little possibility of affecting drainage pattern. Since in the instant project all Plate- 5.3: No blockage on ground due Construction of Tower substations are located in hilly area, possibility of 64 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP any impact on drainage of the area is negligible and no such case encountered till date. Further, no tower/pole to be placed on river beds which could interfere with existing drainage patterns. Another measure already suggested in EMP and in place is to avoid dumping of fill materials in sensitive drainage area. In case of substations, all drainage channels along or inside substations are being trained and connected to main or existing drainage to avoid any erosion due to uncontrolled flow of water. Hence possibility flooding due to surface runoff is not anticipated. 5.2 Environmental Problems Due to Design (i) Escape of polluting materials The equipment installed on lines and substations are static in nature and do not generate any fumes or waste materials. However, detailed specification with respect to equipment design and substation drainage design has been included in tender document to avoid any incidence of land and water contamination. Transformers have been designed with secondary containment for oil spill having sump areas of at least 100% of the capacity of oil in each transformer. Further, each substation includes drainage and sewage disposal Plate- 5.4 Storage of Materials in systems to avoid offsite land and water earmarked/designated area only pollution. Apart from this, solid waste like packing materials, cables, aluminum conductor, sand, aggregate material, cements and steel generated during construction is carefully handled and removed from site periodically to avoid any contamination. Plate 5.5: Transformer Oil Sump Pit at Plate 5.6 : Drainage constructed inside 220/132kV New Shillong 220/132kV New Shillong 65 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP (ii) Explosion/fire hazards During the survey and site selection for transmission lines and substations, it has been ensured that these are kept away from oil/gas pipelines and other sites with potential for creating explosions or fires. In the instant case also the route line routes and substations are not located close to the vicinity of oil/gas pipelines or other installations with potential fire/ explosion hazard. Apart from this, states of art safety instruments have been installed in the substations on both the ends, so that the line gets tripped within milliseconds in case of any fault. Firefighting instruments including fire extinguishers are kept in appropriate place for immediate action in case of any fire hazard. Plate 5.7: Fire wall and Fire extinguisher installed near Transformers (iii) Erosion hazards due to inadequate provision for resurfacing of exposed area Each 220 kV tower and 33 kV pole foundation require excavation of approx. 108 m3 and 0.72 m3 earth respectively. However, all the soil excavated for tower/pole footings and substations construction are optimally utilized for backfilling and the remaining soil being spread evenly and compacted. Topsoil disturbed during the development of sites are used to restore the surface of the platform. Infertile and rocky material are dumped at carefully selected dumping areas and used as fill for substation/ and tower/pole foundations. After construction, complete resurfacing/compaction of excavated area are done to avoid any possible erosions hazard. Since most of the tower locations and substations are on flat land, there is no potential for erosion hazard in instant case. 66 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP (iv) Environmental aesthetics The visual aesthetics of the localities are not going adversely affected as all line routes and substations are located away from habitation area and towers/poles for 220 kV transmission & 33 kV distribution lines are placed wide apart at an interval of approx. 300 meters and 70-100 meter respectively. (v) Noise/vibration nuisances The equipment installed at substation are mostly static and are so designed that the noise level always remains within permissible limits i.e. 85dB as per Indian standards. Some noise is unavoidable during construction phase like noise produced by concrete mixing equipment and excavators which are temporary and only in day time. However, proper maintenance of equipments/machinery by the contractor is ensured through regular monitoring by IA to keep the noise level well within the prescribed limit. The average noise level measured during site visits to all active sites varies from is 48 dB- 64dB which are well within permissible limits (<75 dB). Further, all substations are located far away from residential area and therefore no major impacts with respect to noise and vibration is also anticipated even during operation of substation. (vi) Blockage of wildlife passage/ impact on avifauna As already explained, the transmission & distribution lines have been aligned with total avoidance of reserve forest, protected areas, demarcated/ documented migration path of wildlife/elephant corridors. However, during ground survey it was informed by local forest officials that in some section of the transmission line elephant sighting have been reported a few years back. Further analysis of literature and interaction with villagers revealed that no animal / elephant corridors are present within the project locations and sightings of stray elephants (straying from the main herd) were reported in the past (5-10 years back) and, there were no reported sightings in recent times due to reduction in forest cover in that area. However, as a precautionary measure, it has been decided to provide tower extensions of 6m between AP 07/0 to AP 13/0 (total 8 tower locations) to ensure unhindered passage in the event of incursion of elephants thus maintaining an additional clearance of more than the mandated 6.6 M from the ground so that elephants can pass safely below the conductor 67 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP The Bird hit/electrocution by electric lines mostly occurs during landing and takeoff near the water bodies, fly path of birds. Since in the instant case due to routing of line away from such areas, bird hit/electrocution is not anticipated. Although the incidence of avian hazards is rare due to the wide span between the conductors, However, as an additional measures Bird guard/ anti perch devise has been included in part of BoQ and also made integral part of tower design (drawing attached as Annexure-7). 5.3 Environmental Problems during Construction Phase (i) Uncontrolled silt runoff As already explained, majority (90-95%) of excavated earth/material from tower/substation foundation are backfilled and remaining earth, if any have been spread around the base and compacted. In case of distribution lines all the excavated soil is backfilled and compacted after erection of tubular poles. So far there are no instances with potential of erosion during construction of above said lines. Plate 5.8: Backfilling & resurfacing of excavated area inside substation and 33kV pole The substations have been provided with boundary walls and backfilling /and or spreading and compaction within the boundary walls have been done to take care of excavated materials. There are also no instances of erosion/losses of soils into adjoining area as all the overburden are being backfilled within the substation boundary walls and properly managed. The substations are not located in the vicinity of water bodies or ecologically sensitive areas. As an additional site-specific measure, construction of retaining walls are being undertaken at New Shillong, Mawpat and Mawryngkneng substation to prevent soil erosion. Further, retaining wall and stone pithing measures and bio-engineering measures (grass with bomboo grid) are also implemented at 220/132 KV New Shillong and Mawkynrew substation (Plate 5.9). The dimension details and photographs of these 68 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP under construction RRM are given in Table -5.1 respectively. Plate 5.9: Grass with bamboo grids (Bio-engineering measures) for slope protection/ soil stabilization work under progress at 220/132/33 kV GIS Substation New Shillong Plate- 5.10 Revetment Wall provided for Plate- 5.10 Retaining Wall at 200 kV New Tower Protection in 220 kV D/c Byrnihat- Shillong Section at tower loc AP 76 Mawngap-New Shillong Table 5.1 Details of Retaining wall Sl. Substation Retaining wall dimensions 1 33/11kV substation at Length: 74 New Shillong Height: As per site condition Earthwork excavation: 268.8 Wall up to raft: 187.88 Wall above plinth: 104.49 Cement concrete above R-R wall: 2.12 Pointing: 175.48 Weep holes: 15 2 33/11kV new Length: 83.3 substation at Mawpat; Height: As per site condition Earthwork excavation: 153.39 Wall up to raft: 270 Wall above plinth: 277 Cement concrete above R-R wall: 4 Pointing: 322.88 Weep holes: 52 69 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP 3 33/11 kV new Length:25 substation at Height: As per site condition Mawryngkneng Earthwork excavation: 39.51 Wall up to raft: 52.12 Wall above plinth: 10.55 Cement concrete above R-R wall: 0.72 Pointing: 68.72 Weep holes: 5 Plate 5.12: Retaining wall at 33/11kV New Plate 5.11: Retaining wall at 33/11kV Mawpat Shillong Besides, RRM and Unequal Leg Extension (ULE) are being constructed at several locations to avoid cutting of soil and soil erosion in hilly section of 220 kV D/c Byrnihat- Mawngap-New Shillong line. Out of proposed ULE at 163 locations and RRM wall at 57 locations in this line around 73 ULEs and 8 RRMs has already been completed. Plate- 5.13 Construction of Revetment Wall and ULE at AP 23/0 & 59/0 of 220 kV D/c Byrnihat-Mawngap-New Shillong line (ii) Nuisance to nearby properties Due to careful route and site selection settlements/habitation area have been kept away from transmission line route and substations. The construction activities are normally 70 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP undertaken in lean period and post harvesting to avoid/minimize such impact Further, construction activities are mostly undertaken through the use of small mechanical devices e.g. tractors and manual labour, therefore nuisance to the nearby properties if any, is not expected. Apart from siting of substations from habitated area, all active substations sites are prohibited for general public both due to its separation/demarcation by boundary wall (Plate -5.14). Hence, any adverse impact arising during the construction of these substations will be temporary and limited to the boundaries of proposed substations only and will neither impact nearby habitat/property Plate-5.14 Activities confined within the substation boundary only nor health & safety of neighboring community. (iii) Interference with utilities and traffic and blockage of access way It has been observed that most of the tower/pole locations are easily accessible (taking 250-300 m as buffer zone which can always be accessed through head load) through existing roads or village paths and no new construction of roads was required till date. However, in case upgradation /augmentation of existing field/path is required during construction, compensation for any damage to crop or field as per normal compensation procedure will be paid to the owner. In many areas and such improvement in the access road is highly appreciated by the local population. All the new substations are located adjacent to existing road and no new approach road is required to be constructed except a 20m stretch road for 220kV New Shillong substation. Since it is a very small stretch being constructed solely for the purpose to be used for entry into substation, no impacts on fragmentation of habitation, blockage of natural water resources and discharge areas anticipated in instant case. However, all necessary measures w.r.t. dust suppression, reduction of noise and vibrations etc. are being undertaken by IA to reduce any possible impacts arising due to construction of road. The transmission and distribution lines do not interfere with telecommunication towers. Further, railway lines and aviation routes are not present in the project locations. It is therefore not required to avail clearances from Department of Railways, Department of Telecommunications, and the Ministry of Aviation. For crossings of road short span angle 71 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP (DT) towers are located at a distance so as not to cause any hindrance to the movement of traffic. Stringing at the construction stage is carried out during lean traffic period in consultation with the concerned authorities and angle towers are planted to facilitate execution of work in different stages. (iv) Inadequate resurfacing for erosion control As explained earlier, majority of tower/pole locations located on hilly terrain have been positioned on hilltops so as to avoid bench cutting of soil, revetments or retaining walls. Accordingly, for 220 kV D/c Byrnihat-Mawngap-New Shillong line a total of 230 locations have been identified for taking of ULE and RRM wall for soil erosion control measures. Till now around 73 ULEs and 8 RRMs has already been completed (Plate-5.11- Plate 5.13). Moreover, it is also ensured the construction is generally undertaken outside the rainy season. Since all the substations are located hilly terrain, additional site specific erosion protection measures such as Revetment & RRM Wall & Grass with bamboo grids slopes are implemented/to be implemented based on site requirement/conditions (refer Plate -5.9 to 5.13) (v) Inadequate disposition of borrow area As mentioned earlier the transmission tower foundations involve excavations on small scale basis and the excavated soil is being optimally utilized for back filling. All the substations land on located in hilly terrain hence the volume of cutting is equal to volume of filling avoiding borrowing of the area. However, approximately 1068m3 borrowed earth has been used for construction of 33 kV Mawkynrew which was taken from community land utilized for development of road in agreement with community. Hence, acquisition/creation of any new borrow area is not needed in instant project. (vi) Protection of Worker's health/safety All health and safety issues and its management aspects related contract workers/laboures have been made integral part of project through contract specific safety plan. Accordingly, a construction contractor has submitted their Safety Plan duly signed before award of each contract under the project. A sample copy of Safety Plan submitted by M/s Unique Structure and Tower Limited is enclosed as Annexure-8. The Project is 72 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP being executed as per the approved plan and is regularly monitored by dedicated Safety personnel. Moreover, for strict compliance of safety standard/plan a special provision as a deterrent has been added in the contract which provides for a heavy penalty of Rs.10 lakhs for each accidental death and Rs1.0 lakh/each for any injury and is deducted from the contractor’s payment and paid to the deceased/affected family (Annexure-9). Additionally, work and safety regulations, workmen's compensation, insurance are adequately covered under the General Conditions of Contract (GCC), a part of bidding documents. The project authority ensures that all contractors are operating with valid labor license as per provision under section – 12(1) of the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 and also certified under Section- 7(3) of the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Service) Act, 1996 from Ministry of Labour & Employment. Besides, the contractors have obtained requisite insurance policy as per provisions of Employee Compensation Act, 1923 for its employed workforce. Sample copy of labor license and insurance policy for workers is attached as Annexure-10. During construction work, safety guidelines/checklists including work permits and safety precautions are being strictly followed which are also regularly monitored by site in-charge. This can evident from the fact that no accidents (fatal or non- fatal) including major/minor injuries were reported from any of the construction sites till date. Sample copy of filled in checklist is enclosed as Annexure-11. Laboures were hired locally, wherever possible. The workers have been provided with PPEs such as boots and helmets. Mock drill such as fire safety, first aid etc. are conducted periodically to enhance the preparedness level of the workforce. Safety induction & awareness programme including HIV/AID are also conducted at every active site. Safety film for transmission project in local language has been shown to workers for better awareness. First aid boxes and provisions for treatment in case of emergencies were arranged locally/ nearby towns. Photographs depicting health and safety compliance at various project sites is placed as Annexure-12. 5.4 Environmental Problems Resulting from Operation (i) O&M Staff/Skills less than acceptable resulting in variety of adverse effects As informed by project officials, O & M program will be implemented by substation personnel for both the lines as well as substations. Monitoring measures employed 73 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP include patrolling and thermo-vision scanning. The supervisors and managers entrusted with O&M responsibilities are intensively trained for necessary skills and expertise for handling these aspects. A monthly preventive maintenance program will be carried out to disclose problems related to cooling oil, gaskets, circuit breakers, vibration measurements, contact resistance, condensers, air handling units, electrical panels and compressors. Any sign of soil erosion is also reported and rectified. Monitoring results are published monthly, including a report of corrective action taken and a schedule for future action. As regard Electro Magnetic Field (EMF), the transmission system is absolutely safe which are designed based on approved international standards following ICNIRP guidelines. It may also be noted that the transmission line do not pass directly over any residential properties and as such the potential for EMF effects to occur is further diminished. In respect of Poly Chlorinated Biphenyl (PCB), it has been observed that no PCB containing equipments are being procured as PCB level of less than 2 mg/kg (ppm) which is non- detectable has been stated in tender specification. 5.5 Critical Environmental Review Criteria (i) Loss of irreplaceable resources In the instant project none of the project elements involve any forest/protected areas, /ecologically sensitive areas hence, the problem of losing natural resources is not anticipated. (ii) Accelerated use of resources for short-term gains There will be no significant impact on the natural resources occurring due to construction of transmission/distribution line and substation. The construction material such as tower members, cement etc. shall come from factories while the excavated soil finally reused for backfilling to restore the surface. The water is required for construction activity and domestic use in small quantity which is being met from nearby existing source or Borewell. Thus the project shall not cause any accelerated use of resources for short- term gains. The aggregates used for construction are sourced locally existing borrow sites only without creating any new borrow area. Hence, it may be seen that the activities associated with implementation of subject project shall not cause any accelerated use of resources for short term gain. 74 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP (iii) Endangering of species As already explained, Pangolin or scaly anteater (Manis sp) is reported in some pockets of the project. As the animal is fossorial in habit and mostly concentration in dense forest/vegetation land, no direct impact on such species is anticipated considering no involvement of forest land along line route and also aerial nature of transmission and distribution project. (iv) Promoting undesirable rural-to urban migration The project doesn’t involve any submergence or loss of land holdings that normally trigger migration. It also does not involve resettlement due to acquisition of any private land holdings. Hence, there is no possibility of any migration. 5.6 Public Consultation Public consultation/ information dissemination is a continuous process starting with the project conception and continues during project implementation and even during O&M stage. As stated in ESPPF, public consultation using different technique like Public Meeting, Small Group Meeting, informal Meeting are being carried out during different activities of project cycle. During such consultation, the public is informed about the project in general and in particular about the following: • Complete project plan (i.e. its route and terminating point and substations, if any, in between); • Design standards in relation to approved international standards; • Health impacts in relation to EMF; • Measures taken to avoid public utilities such as school, hospitals, etc.; • Other impacts associated with transmission & distribution lines and DPN approach to minimizing and solving them; • Trees and crop compensation process. In the instant project both formal and informal consultations meeting were organized which is also made integral part of IEAR and CPTD. During survey also Utilities & POWERGRID site officials meet people and inform them about the routing of transmission and distribution lines. Similarly, during the construction every individual, on whose land tower is erected and people affected by RoW, are being consulted. Further, in case of Autonomous District Council areas consultations are being held with the respective village 75 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP councils for identification of the landowner and obtaining their consent for the RoW (refer Annexure -5). Besides, as per agreed framework, gender issues have also been addressed to the extent possible during such consultation process (total 12 female out of 98 participants). Details of formal and informal consultation organized for instant project including photographs of the meeting and minutes of meeting are placed as Annexure- 13. Date of Venue of Meeting No. of Persons Attended meeting Persons attended Public Consultation Meeting 12.09.2014 Village- Byrnihat, 28 Members of Khasi Hill Council, Senior Ri-Bhoi District members & General Public 19.09.2014 Village- Umium, 35 Members of Khasi Hill Council, Senior Ri-Bhoi District members & General Public Informal Group Meeting 12.05.2019 Lamkyv village, 9 Project affected families, Village East Khasi Hills headman & general public 18.06.2019 Mynkre village, 14 Project affected families, Village East Khasi Hills headman & general public 27.06.2019 Village- Mynkre, 12 Project affected families, Village East Khasi Hills headman & general public 5.7 Compliance Status of EMP The IA has a continuous monitoring mechanism of the project w.r.t. compliance of the mandatory requirements as stipulated in the IEAR. As many provisions of EMP related to construction contractor, EMP has been made integral part of contract document for proper its implementation by contractor/sub-contractor. Thus, the adherence to the clauses by the contractor is regularly monitored especially in respect of various implementation E & S measures including health and safety aspects. During the present study, our team has critically assessed/evaluated the compliance measures with respect mitigation measures stipulated in the IEAR through physical inspection, verification of record/ documents/ drawing, interaction with project officials/contractor/ villagers/construction workers and PRA etc (refer Appendix-A, B & C). Based on above, a detailed compliance status w.r.t. each identified impacts enlisted in EMP have been prepared and is presented in Table – 5.2. 76 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Table – 5.2: Compliance Status of EMP as proposed in IEAR Clause Project activity/stage Potential impact Proposed mitigation measures Compliance Status No. Pre-construction 1 Location of overhead Exposure to safety Setback of dwellings to overhead line Complied with. line towers/ poles/ related risks route designed in accordance with Route alignment criterion is part of survey underground distribution permitted level of power frequency and contract wherein all statutory Electrical lines and alignment & the regulation of supervision at sites. clearance as stipulated under CEA’s design regulations, 2010 (Measures related to safety & electric supply) is considered/ensured. 2 Equipment Release of chemicals PCBs not used in substation transformers Complied with specifications and and gases in or other project facilities or equipment. Part of technical specification of transformer. design parameters receptors (air, water, PCB is not used or non-detectable level (i.e. less land) than 2mg/kg) as per IEC 61619 or ASTM D4059. Processes, equipment and systems not to Complied with. use chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), CFC Free equipment is part of tender including halon, and their use, if any, in specifications. existing processes and systems should be phased out and to be disposed of in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Government 3 Transmission/ Exposure to Line design to comply with the limits of Complied with. Distribution line design electromagnetic electromagnetic interference from Design parameters have been complied with. interference overhead power lines Field testing should be done after energization. 4 Substation location and Exposure to noise Design of plant enclosures to comply with Complied with. design noise regulations. Transformers with maximum noise level of 75 dB specified in tender specification. Sound proof enclosures used for D.G sets. Social inequities Careful selection of site to avoid Complied with. encroachment of socially, culturally and archaeological sensitive areas (i.g. sacred No encroachment of any socially sensitive areas groves, graveyard, religious worship due to proposed substations. place, monuments etc.) 77 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Clause Project activity/stage Potential impact Proposed mitigation measures Compliance Status No. 5 Location of overhead Impact on water Avoidance of such water bodies to the Complied with. line towers/poles/ laying bodies extent possible. Part of detailed alignment survey and design. of underground distribution line & Avoidance of placement of tower inside No tower/pole placed in water bodies. alignment and design water bodies to the extent of possible Social inequities Careful route selection to avoid existing Complied with. Part of detailed tower/pole settlements and sensitive locations alignment survey design. Minimise impact on agricultural land Though major section of proposed lines are routed through agricultural land in order to avoid impact on environmentally/ socially sensitive areas, efforts such as scheduling of construction lean/ post-harvest period, consultation with local authorities/ autonomous councils etc (refer Careful selection of site and route Annexure-5) are being made to minimize alignment to avoid encroachment of impacts on agricultural land/produce to the socially, culturally and archaeological extent possible. sensitive areas (i. g. sacred groves, graveyard, religious worship place, All ecologically and socially sensitive areas are monuments etc.) completely avoided. 6 Securing lands for Loss of land/ income In the case of Involuntary Acquisitions, Fresh land required for construction of substations. change in social Compensation and R&R measures are substations at Mawpat, New Shillong, status etc. extended as per provision of Mawryngkneng and Mawkynrew have been RFCTLARRA, 20133 secured through private purchase on willing- buyer and willing-seller basis on negotiated/market rate. Since no involuntary acquisition of land is involved, there is no R&R issue. 78 3 In the instant case no Involuntary acquisition of land (permanent) is involved, hence this clause shall not be applicable. FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Clause Project activity/stage Potential impact Proposed mitigation measures Compliance Status No. 7 Encroachment into Loss of precious Avoid encroachment into such areas by Complied with. protected area/ precious ecological values/ careful site and alignment selection ecological area damage to precious (National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuary, Part of detailed siting and alignment species Biosphere Reserves/ Biodiversity survey/design. All such areas avoided through Hotspots) careful selection/optimization line routes. Minimize the need by using RoW wherever possible 8 Line through identified Damage to the Study of earmarked elephant corridors to Complied with. Elephant corridor / Wildlife/ Birds and avoid such corridors, Adequate ground Part of detailed sitting and alignment survey Migratory bird also to line clearance, Fault clearing by Circuit /design. All identified Elephant corridors/bird fly Breaker, Barbed wire wrapping on towers, path have been avoided completely. In spite of reduced spans etc., if applicable that some elephant movement zone has been reported in Nongpoh section (8 tower locations from AP 07/0 to AP 13/0) of transmission line for which adequate ground clearance has been provided through tower extension up to 9 meter. For details refer section 5.2 (vi). Avoidance of established/ identified Bird guard/ anti perch devise is part of BoQ and migration path (Birds & Bats). Provision of also integral part of tower design (refer flight diverter/ reflectors, bird guard, Annexure-7). elevated perches, insulating jumper loops, obstructive perch deterrents, raptor hoods etc.4, if applicable 9 Line through forestland Deforestation and Avoid encroachment by careful site and Complied with. Part of detailed siting and loss of biodiversity alignment selection alignment survey and forest areas have been edge effect completely avoided. NOC regarding non- involvement of forest land issued by concerned Minimise the need by using existing DFOs/ADCs. (refer Annaexure-2 &2a). towers, tall towers and RoW, wherever Tower extensions of 3-9 m have been provided possible to reduce tree felling, wherever needed Measures to avoid invasion of alien Invasion of alien species not anticipated. species 79 4 As per International/National best practices and in consultation with concerned forest/wildlife authority FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Clause Project activity/stage Potential impact Proposed mitigation measures Compliance Status No. Obtain statutory clearances from the Since no reserve/protected forest is involved, Government forest clearance under Forest Conservation) Act, 1980 is not applicable. Consultation with autonomous councils wherever required Wherever required consultation with ADC/ village councils are undertaken (Annexure-5). 10 Lines through farmland Loss of agricultural Use existing tower or footings wherever Complied with. production/ change in possible Part of detailed sitting and alignment survey. cropping pattern Avoid sitting new towers on farmland Though it is unavoidable but effort are being wherever feasible made to minimized the impact/loss of production 11 Noise related Nuisance to Substations sited and designed to ensure Complied with. neighbouring noise will not be a nuisance Part of detailed equipment design. Substations properties are appropriately sited and away from settlement area. Transformers with maximum noise emitting level of 75 dB and DG set with proper enclosures are part of equipment specification/ design criteria 12 Interference with Flooding hazards/ Appropriate sitting of towers to avoid Complied with. drainage patterns/ loss of agricultural channel interference Part of detailed alignment survey and alignment irrigation channels production survey, Interference with drainage patterns/ irrigation channels not anticipated 13 Escape of polluting Environmental Transformers designed with oil spill Complied with. Part of detailed equipment materials pollution containment systems, and purpose-built design /drawings. Oil spill containment systems oil, lubricant and fuel storage system, having sump of capacity of 200% of oil volume complete with spill cleanup equipment. of largest transformer are being constructed. (refer Plate-5.5) Substations to include drainage and Complied with. sewage disposal systems to avoid offsite Proper drainage and sewage system are part of land and water pollution. detailed substation layout and design /drawings based on site condition. 80 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Clause Project activity/stage Potential impact Proposed mitigation measures Compliance Status No. 14 Equipments submerged Contamination of Substations constructed above the high Complied with. under flood receptors flood level(HFL) by raising the foundation Part of detailed substation layout and design pad /drawings. All substations are being constructed above HFL. 15 Explosions Hazards to life Design of substations to include modern Complied with. /Fire fire fighting equipment Part of detailed substation layout and design Provision of fire fighting equipment to be /drawings. Compliance assured by site located close to transformers manager.(refer Plate-5.7) Construction 16 Equipment layout and Noise and vibrations Construction techniques and machinery Complied with. installation selection seeking to minimize ground disturbance. Noise generated mostly from concrete mixing equipment and excavators are temporary and confined to day time only. No ground disturbance observed. 17 Physical construction Disturbed farming Construction activities on cropping land Complied with activity timed to avoid disturbance of field crops (within one month of harvest wherever Excavations not done during monsoon which is possible). the cropping period. However, in case such damages are inevitable full compensation as per assessment of revenue authorities is being paid to land owner/farmer by IA/Utility. 18 Mechanized Noise, vibration and Construction equipment to be well Complied with. construction operator safety, maintained. efficient operation Some noise unavoidable as work is undertaken at day time only. Noise levels measurements are done regularly by IA & Construction contractor. Noise level measured during site visits to all active sites found to be within permissible limits (<75 dB). Noise, vibration, Turning off plant not in use. Complied with. Ensured through regular equipment wear and monitoring. tear 81 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Clause Project activity/stage Potential impact Proposed mitigation measures Compliance Status No. Construction of roads for Increase in airborne Existing roads and tracks used for Complied with. accessibility dust particles construction and maintenance access to the line wherever possible. Water sprinkling done whenever required Increased land New access ways restricted to a single Most of the tower locations are easily accessible requirement for carriageway width within the RoW. through existing roads/paths. All substations temporary accessibility sites are located close top existing road and no new access road required/ constructed for this project. 20 Construction activities Safety of local Coordination with local communities for Complied with. villagers construction schedules, Barricading the construction area and spreading Excavated areas barricaded and restriction to awareness among locals enter work site during construction strictly followed, Local traffic Coordination with local authority/ requisite Most of the tower/pole locations are in farm/ obstruction permission for smooth flow of traffic barren land. Hence, no traffic obstruction is witnessed. For substation location, smooth traffic flow is ensured by project authorities/contractor in close co-ordination with local authority wherever necessary. 21 Temporary blockage of Overflows, reduced Measure in place to avoid dumping of fill No dumping observed. All overburden managed utilities discharge materials in sensitive drainage area optimally by reutilizing it as fill materials. 22 Site clearance Vegetation Marking of vegetation to be removed prior Minimal clearing required as most part of to clearance, and strict control on clearing line/towers are in paddy fields and substations activities to ensure minimal clearance. are on degraded land. For distribution lines, No use of herbicides and pesticides hardly any trees will be required to be felled. No use of herbicides and pesticides observed/anticipated. 82 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Clause Project activity/stage Potential impact Proposed mitigation measures Compliance Status No. 23 Trimming Fire hazards Trees allowed growing up to a height Complied/to be complied during stringing work. /cutting of trees within within the RoW by maintaining adequate In distribution line where string has already RoW clearance between the top of tree and the completed only looping/pruning done to conductor as per the regulations. maintain safe electrical clearance as per applicable norms (CEA’s regulations, 2010 (Measures related to safety & electric supply) Loss of vegetation Trees that can survive pruning to comply and deforestation should be pruned instead of cleared. Felled trees and other cleared or pruned Felled trees are handed over to land owner. vegetation to be disposed of as authorized IA/State Utilities have no role in storage or by the statutory bodies. disposal of felled trees/wood 24 Wood/ Loss of vegetation Construction workers prohibited from Complied with. Cooking Gas/ fuel wood vegetation harvesting and deforestation harvesting wood in the project area during provided by the Contractor their employment, (apart from locally employed staff continuing current legal activities) 25 Surplus earthwork/soil Runoff to cause Soil excavated from tower footings/ Complied with. water pollution, solid substation foundation disposed of by waste disposal placement along roadsides, or at nearby Soil backfilled and excess spread out evenly and house blocks if requested by landowners compacted. Excavated soil was properly stored and no dumping observed in visited sites/location. 26 Substation construction Loss of soil Loss of soil is not a major issue as Complied with. excavated soil will be mostly reused for filling. However, in case of requirement of Excavated soil used optimally for backfilling and excess soil the same will be met from distribution within the boundary is adequate. No existing quarry or through deep excavation additional requirements of soil observed for any of existing pond or other nearby barren substations. land with agreement of local communities Water pollution Construction activities involving significant Complied with ground disturbance (i.e. substation land No construction during monsoons. No seepage forming) not undertaken during the or water pollution observed. monsoon season 83 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Clause Project activity/stage Potential impact Proposed mitigation measures Compliance Status No. 27 Site clearance Vegetation Tree clearances for easement Complied with/to be complied establishment to only involve cutting trees off at ground level or pruning as appropriate, with tree stumps and roots left in place and ground cover left undisturbed 28 Substation Waste disposal Excess fill from substation/tower Complied/ to be complied foundation/Tower foundation excavation disposed of next to erection disposal of roads or around houses, in agreement with Excavated soil optimally used. Backfilling and surplus earthwork/fill the local community or landowner. spreading of excess soil within substation area assured by project authorities. 29 Storage of chemicals Contamination of Fuel and other hazardous materials Proper complied to be ensured. and materials receptors (land, securely stored above high flood level. water, air) Stored in designated area inside the premise in most sites. However, some construction waste laying haphazardly and required proper storage/disposal 30 Construction schedules Noise nuisance to Construction activities only undertaken Complied with neighbouring during the day and local communities properties informed of the construction schedule. Construction in day time only 31 Provision of facilities for Contamination of Construction workforce facilities to include Complied with. construction workers receptors (land, proper sanitation, water supply and waste However, there is scope for further improvement water, air) disposal facilities. in improving the living condition of worker 32 Influx of migratory Conflict with local Using local workers for appropriate asks Complied with. workers population to share local resources Local workforces have been given preference based on skill only. 33 Lines through farmland Loss of agricultural Use existing access roads wherever Complied with. productivity possible Ensure existing irrigation facilities are Repair/restoration done immediately wherever maintained in working condition required. No complaint observed/reported. Protect /preserve topsoil and reinstate after construction completed 84 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Clause Project activity/stage Potential impact Proposed mitigation measures Compliance Status No. Repair/reinstate damaged bunds etc after construction completed Social inequities Land owners/ farmers compensated for Compensation for land and damage to crop/tree any temporary loss of productive land as etc is paid to land owner after assessment by per existing regulation. revenue authority. Till June 2020, a total compensation of Rs. 58.99 million (Rs. 56.35 million towards land compensation and Rs. 2.64 million towards tree/crop compensation) has already been disbursed 270 affected persons/village councils. However, it has been observed that there was some initial delay in payment of compensation to land owner (after 3- 6 months of actual damage) which was expedited by IA subsequently after streamlining the process. 34 Uncontrolled erosion/silt Soil loss, Need for access tracks minimised, use of Complied with. runoff downstream siltation existing roads. Limit site clearing to work areas Construction during monsoon avoided as far as Regeneration of vegetation to stabilise possible works areas on completion (where applicable) Avoidance of excavation in wet season Water courses protected from siltation through use of bunds and sediment ponds 35 Nuisance to nearby Losses to Contract clauses specifying careful Complied with. properties neighbouring land construction practices. uses/ values As much as possible existing access ways Good construction practices with proper will be used scheduling of construction activities observed in all active sites. No major deviation with respect Productive land will be reinstated following to contract conditions by the contractor completion of construction found/reported Social inequities Compensation will be paid for loss of Observation already provided at Clause no 34 production, if any. above 85 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Clause Project activity/stage Potential impact Proposed mitigation measures Compliance Status No. 36 Flooding and loss of Avoid natural drainage pattern/ facilities Complied/ being complied. Flooding hazards due to soils, contamination being disturbed/blocked/ diverted by construction of receptors (land, ongoing construction activities No such issue reported/ came across during visit impediments of natural water) to various sites drainage 37 Equipment submerged Contamination of Equipment stored at secure place above Complied with under flood receptors (land, the high flood level(HFL) water) Substations are constructed above HFL. 38 Inadequate siting of Loss of land values Existing borrow sites will be used to source Complied with. borrow areas (quarry aggregates, therefore, no need to develop areas) new sources of aggregates 39 Health and safety Injury and sickness of Safety equipment’s (PPEs) for Safety equipment available but often not used workers and construction workers by workers. members of the Contract provisions specifying minimum Worker facilities/camp available adequately. public requirements for construction camps Health & safety plan in place and properly Contractor to prepare and implement a implemented. No major accident/incident health and safety plan. reported for any site till date. Contractor to arrange for health and safety More training to be conducted to create training sessions awareness on use of PPEs /safety gear. Photographs depicting of Health & Safety compliance is placed as Annexure- 12. 40 Inadequate construction Likely to maximise Training of environmental monitoring Project staffs often found to be unaware of the stage monitoring damages personnel IEAR, ESPPF and the requirements therein. More specific awareness/ training on IEAR, Implementation of effective environmental ESPPF etc requirements for effective monitoring and reporting system using implementation/ monitoring of provisions of checklist of all contractual environmental IEAR, ESPPF and contract conditions to requirements achieve 100% compliance 86 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Clause Project activity/stage Potential impact Proposed mitigation measures Compliance Status No. Appropriate contact clauses to ensure satisfactory implementation of contractual environmental mitigation measures. Operation and Maintenance 41 Location of line Exposure to safety Setback of dwellings to overhead line route Not applicable at present. Pertain to Operation towers/poles and related risks designed in accordance with permitted & Maintenance period only overhead/ under-ground level of power frequency and the line alignment & design regulation of supervision at sites. 42 Line through identified Injury/ mortality to Avoidance of established/identified bird flyways, migratory birds, bats etc due to migration path (Birds & Bats). Provision of path collision and flight diverter/ reflectors, elevated perches, electrocution insulating jumper loops, obstructive perch deterrents, raptor hoods etc., if applicable 43 Equipment submerged Contamination of Equipment installed above the high flood under flood receptors (land, water) level (HFL) by raising the foundation pad. 44 Oil spillage Contamination of Substation transformers located within land/nearby water secure and impervious sump areas with a bodies storage capacity of at least 100% of the capacity of oil in transformers and associated reserve tanks. 45 SF6 management Emission of most Reduction of SF6 emission through potent GHG causing awareness, replacement of old seals, climate change proper handling & storage by controlled inventory and use, enhance recovery and applying new technologies to reduce leakage 46 Inadequate provision of Injury and sickness of Careful design using appropriate staff/workers health and staff /workers technologies to minimise hazards safety during operations Safety awareness raising for staff. Preparation of fire emergency action plan and training given to staff on implementing emergency action plan 87 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP Clause Project activity/stage Potential impact Proposed mitigation measures Compliance Status No. Provide adequate sanitation and water supply facilities 47 Electric Shock Hazards Injury/ mortality to Careful design using appropriate staff and public technologies to minimise hazards Security fences around substations Barriers to prevent climbing on/ dismantling of transmission towers Appropriate warning signs on facilities Electricity safety awareness raising in project areas 48 Operations and Unnecessary Adequate training in O&M to all relevant maintenance staff skills environmental losses staff of substations & transmission/ less than acceptable of various types distribution line maintenance crews. Preparation and training in the use of O&M manuals and standard operating practices 49 Inadequate periodic Diminished Staff to receive training in environmental environmental ecological and social monitoring of project operations and monitoring. values. maintenance activities. 50 Equipment Release of chemicals Processes, equipment and systems using specifications and and gases in chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), including design parameters receptors (air, water, halon, should be phased out and to be land) disposed of in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Govt. 51 Transmission/ Exposure to Transmission/ distribution line design to distribution line electromagnetic comply with the limits of electromagnetic maintenance interference interference from overhead power lines 52 Uncontrolled growth of Fire hazard due to Periodic pruning of vegetation to maintain vegetation growth of tree/shrub requisite electrical clearance. /bamboo along RoW No use of herbicides/ pesticides 53 Noise related Nuisance to Substations sited and designed to ensure neighbouring noise will not be a nuisance. properties 88 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP 5.8 Conclusion It is clear from the above discussion that due inherent flexibility, all the subprojects have been selected meticulously based on technical, environmental, socio-economic aspects. Though some changes in line length & route alignment have been observed in transmission /distribution lines as compared to IEAR scope but IA/Utility could able to successfully avoided the ecologically & socially sensitive areas including forest, protected areas, PCR etc in all the lines and substations being implemented under this project following the principle of avoidance as per its ESPPF. The provisions of IEAR & EMP are being implemented at ground level and strict compliance by construction contractors is ensured through regular monitoring by IA/Utility. So far, no major impacts apart from earlier identified impacts are anticipated due to such changes in scope. However, based on site condition IA /Utility has taken some additional site-specific measures like providing tower extension in some stretches for adequate clearance to wild animal/elephant and erosion/slope protection measures like RRM Wall etc. in substations. Besides, all other applicable laws/rules/regulations of the country & funding agencies are being complied with and till date no violation/ penalty with respect to contravention of any regulations has been reported. During assessment, it has also been observed that so far the project has achieved zero fatality with no major non-compliance of EMP/Contract provisions as stipulated in IEAR, which is an indicative of the strict vigil of the IA. In addition to above, the study team has observed followings during the site visit/PRA study. • People are well aware about the project, its various components and confirmed that MePTCL/ MePDCL and IA inform about the project at every stage of execution. • Considering the bottle neck supply of electricity in the state, people welcomed the project as it will not only improve overall power supply situation but will also improve reliability, quality, security and enhancement of power supply of the state. • People confirmed that MePTCL/ MePDCL and IA are taking every step possible to avoid/ minimize the environmental and social impacts along the route of transmission lines and at site of sub stations. 89 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP • People confirmed that community reserves, sacred groves and community conserved areas are completely avoided while finalizing the route of lines. • People informed that staff of IA/ contractor are easily approachable and are very open to address their grievances. As a result, no written grievance has been received till date. • People are very much happy with the rate of compensation being given to them and they are being involved in the process of deciding the rate of compensation. • People confirmed that there is no disturbance of any sort to their life/ livelihood due to the construction or various other activities being carried out under the project. • No cases of conflict between migrant and local population has been reported till date. • Execution of project work provides opportunities to local contractors to get involved in construction, fabrication, transportation etc. activities. • Most of the sub-contracts are awarded/ being awarded to local peoples. • Contractor prefer and engage local peoples for skilled and unskilled works • Local villagers rented out their buildings to contractor and IA for temporary offices and staff quarters in local that helps in income generation. • Wherever possible contractor and IA purchase daily need requirements for local vendors and shopkeepers that helps in economic upliftment of the area. • It was revealed that contractor and IA works with close coordination with village heads and community to avoid any misunderstanding during work. In view of the above, following suggestions may be considered to further improvement in the safeguard measures and also enhance the environmental sustainability of project which will fulfill the overall project objectivity of uninterrupted and reliable power distribution supply and also act as a catalyst for economic activity and development of the area/region. ✓ During the construction phase, the implementing agency needs to ensure strict compliance of the contract provisions/EMP by Contractor especially in respect of workers health and safety. ✓ Care should be taken to ensure that no borrows inhabited by Pangolin exists before taking up excavations for tower foundation or substations. The workers and field personnel should be educated on the identification and detection of burrows 90 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP in consultation with the local inhabitants, who often have the knowledge about the presence and location of local biodiversity. ✓ In some cases delay in payment of tree, crop & land compensation to affected persons have been observed. Further streamlining of compensation process and responsibility allocation need to be undertaken by IA/Utility to avoid delay in future cases. 91 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP CHAPTER-6 : MONITORING & ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT STRUCTURE For smooth implementation of this project, following administrative and functional set up have been institutionalized for project implementation, review and monitoring etc. 6.1 Administrative Arrangement for Project Implementation: Central Project Implementation Unit (CPIU) - A body responsible for coordinating the preparation and implementation of the project housed within the IA’s offices at Guwahati. The “Project-In-Charge” of IA & Head of each of the SPCU shall be a member of CPIU. State Project Coordination Unit (SPCU) – A body formed by the State Utility and responsible for coordinating with IA in preparing and implementing the project at the State level. It consist of experts across different areas from the Utility headed by an officer of the rank not below Chief Engineer, from the Utility. Project Implementation Unit (PIU) – A body formed by the IA, including members of Utility on deputation, and responsible for implementing the Project across the State, with its personnel being distributed over the work site/s & operating in close association with the SPCU/ CPIU. PIU reports to the State level “Project Manager” nominated by the Project-in-Charge of IA. The IA has a Core team stationed at the CPIU on a permanent basis, and other IA officers (with required skills) makes visits as and when required by this core team. This team represents IA is responsible for all coordination with SPCU, PIU, within IA and MoP, GoI. CPIU also assists MoP, GoI in monitoring project progress and coordination with The Bank. 6.2 Review of Project Implementation Progress: To enable timely implementation of the project/subprojects, following committee has been set up to review the progress; A. Joint Co-ordination Committee (JCC): IA and SPCU nominate their representatives in a body called JCC to review the project. IA specifies quarterly milestones or targets, which are reviewed by JCC through a formal monthly review meetings. This meeting forum is called as Joint Co-ordination Committee Meeting 92 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP (JCCM). The IA convenes & keeps record of every meeting. MoP, GoI and The Bank join in as and when needed. B. High Power Committee (HPC): The Utility in consultation with its State Government has constituted a High-Power Committee (HPC) consisting of high-level officials from the Utility, State/ District Administration, Law enforcement agencies, Forest Department. etc. so that various permission/ approvals/ consents/ clearances etc. are processed expeditiously so as to reach the benefits of the Project to the end consumers. HPC meets on bimonthly basis or earlier, as per requirement. This forum is called as High Power Committee Meeting (HPCM) and the SPCU keeps records of every meeting. Minutes of the meeting will be shared with all concerned and if required, with GoI and The Bank. C. Contractor’s Review Meeting (CRM): Periodic Review Meeting is held by officials of PIU with Contractors at field offices, State Head Quarters (PIU location) and if required with core team of IA at Guwahati. These meetings are called “Contractor’s Review Meeting” (CRM). PIU shall keep a record of all CRMs, which shall be shared with all concerned and if required, with GoI and The Bank. D. Review meetings are held among MoP, GoI, The Bank, State Government, Utility and IA, at four (4) months interval or earlier if needed, primarily to maintain oversight at the top level, and also to debottleneck issues that require intervention at GoI/ State Government level. Minutes of the meeting shall be prepared by IA and shared with all concerned. 6.3. E & S Monitoring: The arrangement for monitoring and reviewing of project from the perspective of environment and social management forms part of overall arrangements for project management and implementation environment. Environmental monitoring is a continuous process throughout the Project life cycle starting from site selection to construction and maintenance stage. As Implementing Agency (IA) POWERGRID endeavors to implement the project in close coordination with the respective state power utilities and departments. POWERGRID has been implementing the project based on the Implementation/ Participation agreements that were signed separately between POWERGRID and the Power utilities. The IA has appointed dedicated Environment Officer in each state including Meghalaya 93 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP to oversee the E & S management. Besides, MePTCL / MePDCL also has a separate cell at the Circle office level namely Environment and Social Management Cell (ESMC) headed by Chief Engineer (Transmission) for proper implementation and monitoring of environmental & social management measures. Apart from day to day E & S monitoring other major responsibilities are; • Coordinating environmental and social commitments and initiatives with various multilateral agencies, MoEFCC and Govt. of Meghalaya. • Coordination of all environmental activities related to a project from conceptualization to operation and maintenance stage. Advising site offices to follow-up with the state forest offices and other state departments for expediting forest clearances and other E & S issues of various projects. • Providing a focal point for interaction with the MoEFCC for expediting forest clearances • Training of Circle and Site officials on E & S issues arising out of Transmission/Distribution projects and their management plan. • Training of other departments to familiarize them with the ESPP document. Additionally, Field In-Charge reviews the progress on daily basis and periodic review by higher management including review by Heads of SPCU and CPIU undertaken wherein apart from construction issues the environmental aspects of the projects are discussed and remedial measures taken wherever required. Besides, Periodic Contractor’s Review Meeting (CRM) are being held by officials of PIU with Contractors at field offices, State Head Quarters (PIU location) and with CPIU at Guwahati for better co-ordination and resolution any pending issues. The World Bank mission team also visits various sites every six months to review the progress status including ground level implementation of safeguard measures. Any observation/agreed action plan suggested by the Bank in the Aide Memoire is religiously complied in time bound manner. Additionally, review meeting among MoP, GoI, The Bank, State Governments., Utility and IA being held periodically to maintain oversight at the top level and also to debottleneck issues that require intervention at GoI/ State Government level. The Capacity building and Institutional Strengthening program of the IA is held intermittently to enhance the skills of the project officials. Besides, separate E & S training are also organized for Official of State Utility under Capacity Building & Institutional Strengthening (CBIS) programme. Further, State utility meetings between IA and MePTCL 94 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP are held on a monthly/ bimonthly basis to assess the work progress and difficulties encountered in respect of land acquisition, RoW and compensation if any. The IA has a continuous monitoring mechanism of the project w.r.t. compliance of the mitigation measures as stipulated in the IEAR. Thus, the adherence to the clauses by the contractors are regularly monitored especially in respect of various implementation E & S measures including health and safety aspects. Due to such strong institutional support structure coupled with monitoring mechanism in place, no major non-compliance were observed/reported during the implementation of projects till date. The project has so far had zero fatality which is indicative of the strict vigil of the IA. During the present study, our team also observed mitigation measures as suggested in IEAR are mostly complied with even though some gaps were found with respect proper to documentation. 6.4 Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM) Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) is an integral and important mechanism for addressing/resolving the concern and grievances in a transparent and swift manner. In accordance with the provision in ESPPF, Grievance Redress Committees (GRC) have been constituted in Meghalaya both at the project/scheme level and at Corporate/HQ. This GRC is aimed to provide a trusted way to voice and resolve environment & social concerns of the project, and to address the concerns of the affected person/community in a time bound manner without impacting project implementation. The Corporate/HQ level GRC has been constituted and notified which is headed by Director (Transmission), MePTCL. Similarly, project level GRCs have been constituted for each transmission and substations covered under this project. Notifications of Corporate & Project level GRC are placed as Annexure-14. Apart from above, grievance redressal is in built in crop/tree compensation process where affected persons are given a chance to place their grievances after issuance of notice by revenue officials on the basis of assessment of actual damages. Grievances received towards compensation are generally addressed in open forum and in the presence of Plate 6.1 - Display of contact details of Grievance Redressal many witnesses. Process of spot verification and random checking Committeeby the district 95 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP collector/ its authorized representative also provides forum for raising the grievance towards any irregularity/complain. Moreover, MePTCL/MePDCL & POWERGRID officials also address to the complaints of affected farmers and the same are forwarded to revenue official for doing the needful, if required. It may also be noted that concerns of public are addressed regularly through public consultation process which started from project planning to construction and will be continued in operation and maintenance also. Besides, many concerns/grievances from affected persons/public have been received by Site Offices which are also regularly tracked for early resolution. However, it has been observed that most of them were minor in nature and were resolved instantly and amicably by Site Officials after discussion & deliberation with affected person/ in consultation of revenue/district officials. However, till date two major grievances have been registered which are already resolved/being resolved in closed co-ordination with concerned State authority. S Name of the Loc. Name of Date of Main Issue of Status of N Subproject No/ complain complaints/ complaints complaint /State Village ants Court case 1 220 kV D/C Mawphlang AP 1-3 10.08.19 Realignment Resolved. Meeting Killing- of line route held under Joint Mawngap- Secretary Power New Shillong on 4.10.19. Minor line realignment along with making 3 nos. tower multi-circuit has been proposed 2 Nongthymai Land 18.02.20 Land Owner Matter taken up by Owners disagreed to DC Office, Ri-Bhoi give NOC for with the concerned construction forest, horticulture works due to deptt. Meeting held low Land/Tree on 20.04.2021 but & Crops land owners still Compensation disagreed to give rates NOC demanding 96 FEAR for T & D Project in East Khasi Hills and Ri-Bhoi Districts of Meghalaya under NERPSIP higher rates of compensation for Betel Nut plantations. 3 Umsoh pai, Land 20.02.21 Planters/Owners Tasku, Owners disagreed with the Umshohphri low rates of a Rubber Plantations received from Range Office, Marngar on 08.04.2021. Now, matter taken up with DC, Ri-Bhoi Office. 97 APPENDIX A Photo Plates of Site Visits & Project Elements Site Visit to 220/132 KV GIS New Shillong Site Visit to tower location 110/0 of 220 KV Byrnihat- Mawngap-New Shillong Site Visit to 33/11kV New Shillong APPENDIX B Data Collection Through Line Transacts Survey (A) 220 kV D/C Line Mawngap Sub-station to New Shillong Sub-station (East Khasi Hills District) 1. Name of the line : 220 kV Mawngap – New Shillong Line Section of Route : AP 4 to AP 27 (Loc. No. 4/0 to 27/0) Number of Tower/ Poles : 28 Section length : 9.134 km AP surveyed after every ~10 km : AP 27/0 Tower type of AP27/0 : DD+0 Latitude : 25°46’39.80” Longitude : 91°83’75.41” DESCRIPTION REMARKS Status of Land Private Ownership General topography of the area Hillock Nature of vegetation in the study area Naturally grown trees Density of vegetation Medium Number of trees likely to be felled in Based on the tree enumeration report obtained from POWERGRID, that stretch from AP 27/0 to AP 28/0 the number of trees to be felled is 236 Any specific observation There are no ecologically sensitive areas near the tower location that would impact the environment around it. DETAILS ON BIODIVERSITY OF THE STUDY AREA AND LIKEY IMPACTS DESCRIPTION STATUS/AVAILABILITY LIKELY IMPACT FLORA (a) Common flora in the Pinus kesiya, Quercus griffithii, There are no likely study area Botrychium, Dryopteris, Myrica impact as observed in the esculenta ( Sohphie) and Polyodium study area (b) Endemic flora Pinus kesiya ,Quercus griffithii, Botrychium, Dryopteris, Myrica (c) Endangered flora esculenta ( Sohphie) and Polyodium (d) Vulnerable (e) Threatened (f) Any specific observation The tower location is covered with fully grown trees FAUNA (a) Common fauna in the study area Gallus gallus, Pycnonotus cafer There is no likely impact on the bengalensis, Elaphe prasiana faunal diversity in the tower location. (b) Endemic fauna (c) Endangered fauna (d) Vulnerable e) Threatened Special Emphasis on Elephant Habitat/Corridor a.)Presence of Elephant There is no elephant corridor nor There will be no likely impact on habitat/corridor in the study area. an elephant habitat in the region it as there is no elephant habitat or corridor in the region. Special Emphasis on electrocution of birds/monkey/primate species 1. Availability of large winged Hawk This bird is spotted only at times. birds There is no likely impact 2. Availability of monkey/ Monkeys are there but barely There is barely any chance of primate species and chances sighted near the tower location electrocution of animal since the of electrocution. area AP 27/0 estimated tower height is to be higher than the height of the tree, and also the population of the monkey is less. 3. Any specific nesting sites of There are no nesting sites of birds birds which may be impacted sighted IMPACT OF PROJECT ACTIVITY (TOWER FOUNDATION/ ERECTION/ STRINGING) Description Remarks Disposal of excavated soil/Excess soil No disposal of the excavated soil Any major issue of soil erosion at project There is no soil erosion observed in the tower site/tower locations. location Whether benching carried at tower locations No benching required in tower location Number of trees felled/ required to be felled at tower location Leg extension/ extended tower provided Leg extension is not required /requirement Impact on nearby water bodies due to project There is no impact on the nearby water bodies activity Whether location is vulnerable to soil The location is not vulnerable to soil erosion erosion/slope failure Any specific requirement of slope protection No requirements needed for slope protection measures like revetment/retaining /toe wall etc. since the towers are footed on a horizontal plane at project locations area avoiding the steep slopes Impact of approach road construction (if No impacts on the road construction required) Transportation of tower materials The materials are transported via trucks SOCIO ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF THE STUDY AREA Description Remarks Name of the village/village council Umtyngar General socio economic profile of PAP in project area Nature of land affected due to project activity Any resettlement issue There is no issue of resettlement as it is a forested area Any negative impact on livelihood of the There is no negative impact on the livelihood PAP of the people. Any impact on archaeological structure(if, No archaeological structure in and around available in the vicinity) the village Any impact on common property There is no such impact on the common resources/religious area /sacred groves etc. property resources or any religious area or sacred groves Consultation with PAP/ Village council(As As per the PRA conducted, there was no per TOR, public consultation is required to negative feedback from the villagers. be done Consultant in association with Moreover, only the base of the tower has POWERGRID and property documented) been constructed and the compensation is under process. 2. Name of the line : 220 kV Mawngap – New Shillong Line Section of Route : AP 28 to AP 54 (Loc. No. 28/0 to 54/0) Number of Tower/ Poles : 27 Section length : 10.26 km AP surveyed after every ~10 km : AP 54/0 Tower type of AP 54/0 : DD+0 Latitude : 25°51’35.08” Longitude : 91°89’26.44” DESCRIPTION REMARKS Status of Land Private ownership General topography of the area Hillock Nature of vegetation in the study area Naturally grown trees Density of vegetation Low Number of trees likely to be felled in N/A that stretch Any specific observation with respect There is no ecological sensitivity in the tower location. to ecological sensitivity in the study area DETAILS ON BIODIVERSITY OF THE STUDY AREA AND LIKEY IMPACTS DESCRIPTION STATUS/AVAILABILITY LIKELY IMPACT FLORA (a) Common flora in the study Pines (Pinus There are no likely area Khasiana), Teak impacts on the (Tectona grandis), Sal floral diversity in (Shorea robusta), the region Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris), Bat iong (Hedyotis scandens), sohum, sohpdeng, sohksuid (b) Endemic flora (c) Endangered flora (d) Vulnerable e) Threatened f) Any specific observation The tower is located in a hillock which the vegetation of the area is sparse. FAUNA (a) Common fauna in the study area Squirrel, snake, rabbit, sparrow, No likely impact on the faunal Acridotheres tristis (Myna) diversity (b) Endemic fauna Squirrel, snake, rabbit, sparrow, Acridotheres tristis (Myna) (c) Endangered fauna None (d) Vulnerable None e) Threatened None Special Emphasis on Elephant Habitat/Corridor a.)Presence of Elephant There is no elephant There will be no likely habitat/corridor in the study area. habitat or corridor in the impact since there is no study area elephant habitat or corridor in the study area Special Emphasis on electrocution of birds/monkey/primate species 1. Availability of large winged birds Hawk, Crow These birds are spotted only at times. There is no likely impact 2. Availability of monkey/primate There are no monkeys in the species and chances of study area electrocution. 3. Any specific nesting sites of There are no nesting sites of birds which may be impacted birds sighted IMPACT OF PROJECT ACTIVITY (TOWERFOUNDATION/ ERECTION/ STRINGING) Description Remarks Disposal of excavated soil/Excess soil No disposal of the excavated soil Any major issue of soil erosion at project There is no major soil erosion observed in the site/tower locations. tower location Whether benching carried at tower locations No benching required in tower location Number of trees felled/ required to be felled at tower location Leg extension/ extended tower provided Leg extension is not required /requirement Impact on nearby water bodies due to project There is no impact on the nearby water bodies activity Whether location is vulnerable to soil The location is not vulnerable to soil erosion erosion/slope failure Any specific requirement of slope protection No requirements needed for slope protection measures like revetment/retaining /toe wall etc. since it is a gentle slope area at project locations Impact of approach road construction (if No impacts on the road construction required) Transportation of tower materials The materials are transported via trucks SOCIO ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF THE STUDY AREA Description Remarks Name of the village/village council Nongkrem General socio economic profile of PAP in project area Nature of land affected due to project activity Any resettlement issue There is no resettlement issue Any negative impact on livelihood of the There is no impact on the livelihood of the PAP people. Any impact on archaeological structure(if, There is no archaeological site in the village available in the vicinity) Any impact on common property There are no sacred groves or any religious resources/religious area /sacred groves etc. area near the tower location and nor there are any damages on the common property. Consultation with PAP/ Village council(As As per the PRA, there is no such negative per TOR, public consultation is required to feedback from the villagers though be done Consultant in association with compensation is still under process. POWERGRID and property documented) 3. Name of the line : 220 kV Mawngap – New Shillong line Section of Route : AP 55 to AP 84 (Loc. No. 55/0 to 84/0) Number of Tower/ Poles : 30 Section length : 10.740 km AP surveyed after every ~10 km : AP 84/0 Tower type of AP 84/0 : DC+3 Latitude : 25°56’72.17” Longitude : 91°96’63.29” DESCRIPTION REMARKS Status of Land Private ownership General topography of the area Hilly Nature of vegetation in the study area Naturally grown trees Density of vegetation Medium Number of trees likely to be felled in Based on the tree enumeration report obtained from POWERGRID, that stretch from AP 84/0 to AP 85/0 the number of trees likely to be felled is 240 Any specific observation with respect There are no ecologically sensitive areas near the tower location to ecological sensitivity in the study area DETAILS ON BIODIVERSITY OF THE STUDY AREA AND LIKEY IMPACTS DESCRIPTION STATUS/AVAILABILITY LIKELY IMPACT FLORA (a) Common flora in the study area Pines (Pinus kesiya), Myrica There are no likely esculenta (soh phie), dieng tiew- impact on the floral saw, Randia tetrosperma (soh- diversity in the region mon) and Psidium guajava (Soh priam) (b) Endemic flora Pines (Pinus kesiya), Myrica esculenta (soh phie), dieng tiew- saw, Randia tetrosperma (soh- mon) and Psidium guajava (Soh priam) (c) Endangered flora None None (d) Vulnerable None None e) Threatened None None f) Any specific observation The tower is located in a hill None where the vegetation was covered with fully grown trees FAUNA (a) Common fauna in the study area Reptiles eg., snakes, lizards etc, No likely impact on the faunal Rodents eg., rats, squirrel, rabbit diversity etc, Aviaries eg., Bulbul, Sparrow etc (b) Endemic fauna Reptiles eg., snakes, lizards etc, Rodents eg., rats, squirrel, rabbit etc, Aviaries eg., Bulbul, Sparrow etc (c) Endangered fauna None (d) Vulnerable None e) Threatened None Special Emphasis on Elephant Habitat/Corridor a.)Presence of Elephant There is no elephant habitat or There will be no likely impact habitat/corridor in the study area. corridor in the study area since there is no elephant habitat or corridor in the study area Special Emphasis on electrocution of birds/monkey/primate species 1. Availability of large winged birds Hawk, Crow These birds are spotted only at times. There is no likely impact 2. Availability of monkey/primate Monkeys are not available species and chances of electrocution. 3. Any specific nesting sites of There are no nesting sites of birds birds which may be impacted sighted IMPACT OF PROJECT ACTIVITY (TOWER FOUNDATION/ ERECTION/ STRINGING) Description Remarks Disposal of excavated soil/Excess soil No disposal of the excavated soil Any major issue of soil erosion at project There is no soil erosion observed in the site/tower locations. tower location Whether benching carried at tower No benching is carried out locations Number of trees felled/ required to be felled at tower location Leg extension/ extended tower provided Leg extension was carried out /requirement Impact on nearby water bodies due to There is no impact on the nearby water project activity bodies Whether location is vulnerable to soil The location is not vulnerable to soil erosion erosion/slope failure Any specific requirement of slope protection No requirements are needed for slope protection measures like revetment/retaining /toe wall etc. at project locations Impact of approach road construction (if No impacts on the road construction required) Transportation of tower materials The materials are transported via trucks SOCIO ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF THE STUDY AREA Description Remarks Name of the village/village council Sohryngkham General socio economic profile of PAP in project area Nature of land affected due to project activity Any resettlement issue There is no resettlement issue Any negative impact on livelihood of the There is no impact on the livelihood of the PAP people. Any impact on archaeological structure(if, There is no archaeological site in the village available in the vicinity) Any impact on common property There are no sacred groves or any religious resources/religious area /sacred groves etc. area near the tower location and nor there are any damages on the common property. Consultation with PAP/ Village council(As As per the PRA, there is no such negative per TOR, public consultation is required to feedback from the villagers though be done Consultant in association with compensation is still under process. POWERGRID and property documented) 4. Name of the line : 220 kV Mawngap – New Shillong Line Section of Route : AP 85 to AP 102 (Loc. No. 85/0 to 102/0) Number of Tower/ Poles : 19 Section length : 7.960 km AP surveyed after every ~10 km : AP 102/0 Tower type of AP 102/0 : N/A Latitude : 25°60’07.45” Longitude : 92°01’43.98” DESCRIPTION REMARKS Status of Land Community Land General topography of the area Gentle slope Nature of vegetation in the study area Private plantation Density of vegetation Medium Number of trees likely to be felled in that N/A stretch Any specific observation with respect to There is no ecological sensitivity in the tower location. ecological sensitivity in the study area DETAILS ON BIODIVERSITY OF THE STUDY AREA AND LIKEY IMPACTS DESCRIPTION STATUS/AVAILABILITY LIKELY IMPACT FLORA (a) Common flora in the study Pine (Pinus kesiya), Sal (Shorea There are no likely area robusta), Euginea praecox (Soh impact on the floral um), Psidium guajava (Soh diversity in the priam) region (b) Endemic flora (c) Endangered flora (d) Vulnerable e) Threatened f) Any specific observation The tower is located in an agricultural field where it has been left uncultivated and the area has medium vegetation cover FAUNA (a) Common fauna in the study area Squirrel, Snakes, Red jungle Fowl, No likely impact on the faunal Wild Boar, and Bulbul diversity (b) Endemic fauna Squirrel, Snakes, Red jungle Fowl, Wild Boar, and Bulbul (c) Endangered fauna (d) Vulnerable (e) Threatened Special Emphasis on Elephant Habitat/Corridor a.)Presence of Elephant There is no elephant habitat or There will be no likely impact habitat/corridor in the study area. corridor in the study area since there is no elephant habitat or corridor in the study area Special Emphasis on electrocution of birds/monkey/primate species 1. Availability of large winged birds Crow, Hawk These birds are spotted only at times. There is no likely impact 2. Availability of monkey/primate Monkeys are available in the Chances of electrocution is species and chances of project area less since the length between electrocution. canopy of the trees and the conductors is at a far reach 3. Any specific nesting sites of There are no nesting sites of birds birds which may be impacted sighted IMPACT OF PROJECT ACTIVITY (TOWER FOUNDATION/ ERECTION/ STRINGING) Description Remarks Disposal of excavated soil/Excess soil No disposal of the excavated soil Any major issue of soil erosion at project There is no major soil erosion observed in the site/tower locations. tower location Whether benching carried at tower locations No benching is not carried out Number of trees felled/ required to be felled at tower location Leg extension/ extended tower provided No leg extension /requirement Impact on nearby water bodies due to project There is no impact on the nearby water bodies activity Whether location is vulnerable to soil The location is not vulnerable to soil erosion erosion/slope failure Any specific requirement of slope protection No requirements needed for slope protection measures like revetment/retaining /toe wall etc. since the towers are footed on a horizontal plane at project locations area avoiding the steep slopes Impact of approach road construction (if No impacts on the road construction required) Transportation of tower materials The materials are transported via trucks SOCIO ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF THE STUDY AREA Description Remarks Name of the village/village council Mawpdang General socio economic profile of PAP in project area Nature of land affected due to project activity Any resettlement issue There is no resettlement issue as the tower is located far away from the settlement areas. Any negative impact on livelihood of the There is no negative impact on the livelihood PAP of the people. Any impact on archaeological structure(if, There is/are no archaeological site available in the vicinity) Any impact on common property No impact on the common property nor on any resources/religious area /sacred groves etc. religious area and sacred groves. The tower location is far away from the religious area in the village Consultation with PAP/ Village council(As There is no negative feedback from the per TOR, public consultation is required to villagers regarding the tower which is yet to be be done Consultant in association with constructed. The compensation is under POWERGRID and property documented) process. 5. Name of the line : 220 kV Mawngap – New Shillong line Section of Route : AP 103 to AP 116 (Loc. No. 103/0 to 116/0) Number of Tower/ Poles : 17 Section length : 4.641 km AP surveyed after every ~10 km : AP 116/0 Tower type of AP 116/0 : N/A Latitude : 25°37’48.12” Longitude : 91°59’32.06” DESCRIPTION REMARKS Status of Land Community land General topography of the area Gentle slope Nature of vegetation in the study area Naturally grown trees Density of vegetation Medium Number of trees likely to be felled in N/A that stretch Any specific observation with respect There are no ecologically sensitive areas near the tower location to ecological sensitivity in the study area DETAILS ON BIODIVERSITY OF THE STUDY AREA AND LIKEY IMPACTS DESCRIPTION STATUS/AVAILABILITY LIKELY IMPACT FLORA (a) Common flora in the study Dieng sohphoh (Wild Pear), There are no likely area Psidium guajava (Guava), impact on the floral Euginea praecox (Soh um) diversity in the region (b) Endemic flora Dieng sohphoh (Wild Pear), Psidium guajava (Guava), Euginea (c) Endangered flora praecox (Soh um) (d) Vulnerable e) Threatened f) Any specific observation The tower location is located near the Saisiej sub-station area FAUNA (a) Common fauna in the study area Rodents eg., rats, squirrels, Red No likely impact jungle fowl, reptiles eg., snake, lizard etc, Red jungle fowl and Myna. (b) Endemic fauna Rodents eg., rats, squirrels, Red jungle fowl, reptiles eg., snake, lizard etc, Red jungle fowl and Myna. (c) Endangered fauna (d) Vulnerable e) Threatened Special Emphasis on Elephant Habitat/Corridor a.)Presence of Elephant There is no elephant corridor nor There will be likely impact on it habitat/corridor in the study area. an elephant habitat in the region as there is no elephant habitat or corridor in the region. Special Emphasis on electrocution of birds/monkey/primate species 1. Availability of large winged birds Hawk, Crow and Owl These birds are spotted only at times. There is no likely impact 2. Availability of monkey/primate Monkeys are not available in the species and chances of study area electrocution. 3. Any specific nesting sites of There are no nesting sites of birds birds which may be impacted sighted IMPACT OF PROJECT ACTIVITY (TOWER FOUNDATION/ ERECTION/ STRINGING) Description Remarks Disposal of excavated soil/Excess soil No disposal of the excavated soil Any major issue of soil erosion at project There is no major soil erosion observed at the site/tower locations. tower location Whether benching carried at tower locations Benching is not carried out at tower location Number of trees felled/ required to be felled at tower location Leg extension/ extended tower provided Leg extension is to be carried out /requirement Impact on nearby water bodies due to project There is no impact on the nearby water bodies activity Whether location is vulnerable to soil The location is not vulnerable to soil erosion erosion/slope failure Any specific requirement of slope protection No requirements needed for slope protection since measures like revetment/retaining /toe wall etc. at the towers are footed on a horizontal plane project locations area avoiding the steep slopes Impact of approach road construction (if No impacts on the road construction required) Transportation of tower materials The materials are transported via trucks and man labour SOCIO ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF THE STUDY AREA Description Remarks Name of the village/village council Saisiej General socio economic profile of PAP in project area Nature of land affected due to project activity Any resettlement issue There is no issue of resettlement Any negative impact on livelihood of the There is no negative impact on the livelihood PAP of the people. Any impact on archaeological structure(if, No archaeological structure in and around the available in the vicinity) village Any impact on common property No impact on the common property nor on any resources/religious area /sacred groves etc. religious area and sacred groves. The tower location is far away from the religious area in the village Consultation with PAP/ Village council(As As per the PRA conducted, there was no per TOR, public consultation is required to negative feedback from the villagers. be done Consultant in association with Moreover, only the base of the tower has POWERGRID and property documented) been constructed and the compensation is under process. (B) 220 kV D/C Line Killing Sub-station to Mawngap Sub-station (Ri-Bhoi District) 6. Name of the line : 220 kV Killing – Mawngap line Section of Route : Gantry to AP 25 (Loc. No. Gantry to AP 25/0) Number of Tower/ Poles : 27 Section length : 9.689 km AP surveyed after every ~10 km : AP 25/0 Tower type of AP 25/0 : DB+9 Latitude : 28.78362 Longitude : 38.1183 DESCRIPTION REMARKS Status of Land Private ownership General topography of the area Gentle slope Nature of vegetation in the study area Naturally grown trees Density of vegetation Medium Number of trees likely to be felled in that Based on the tree enumeration report obtained from POWERGRID, stretch from AP25 to AP26 the number of trees to be felled are 331. Any specific observation with respect to There are no ecologically sensitive areas near the tower location that ecological sensitivity in the study would impact the environment around it. area DETAILS ON BIODIVERSITY OF THE STUDY AREA AND LIKEY IMPACTS DESCRIPTION STATUS/AVAILABILITY LIKELY IMPACT FLORA (a) Common flora in the study Nepenthes khasiana, Tapioca, There are no likely area Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris), impact as observed in Pineapple (Ananas comosus) the study area (b) Endemic flora Nepenthes khasiana, Tapioca, Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris), Pineapple (Ananas comosus) (c) Endangered flora (d) Vulnerable e) Threatened f) Any specific observation The tower location is covered with fully grown trees FAUNA (a) Common fauna in the study area Callosciurus erythraeus There is no likely impact on the (Pallas’s faunal diversity in the tower Squirrel), Rattus nitidus, viper location. (b) Endemic fauna Callosciurus erythraeus (Pallas’s Squirrel), Rattus nitidus, viper (c) Endangered fauna (d) Vulnerable e) Threatened Special Emphasis on Elephant Habitat/Corridor a.)Presence of Elephant There is no elephant corridor There will be no likely impact on it habitat/corridor in the study area. nor an elephant habitat in the as there is no elephant habitat region or corridor in the region. Special Emphasis on electrocution of birds/monkey/primate species 1. Availability of large winged birds Hawk, Owl and Kite These birds are spotted only at times. There is no likely impact 2. Availability of monkey/primate Monkeys are available in the There is barely any chance of species and chances of study area electrocution of animal since the electrocution. estimated tower height is to be higher than the height of the tree, and also the population of the monkey has declined in the area. 3. Any specific nesting sites of There are no nesting sites of birds which may be impacted birds sighted IMPACT OF PROJECT ACTIVITY (TOWER FOUNDATION/ ERECTION/ STRINGING) Description Remarks Disposal of excavated soil/Excess soil No disposal of the excavated soil Any major issue of soil erosion at project There is no soil erosion observed at the tower site/tower locations. location Whether benching carried at tower No benching is carried out locations Number of trees felled/ required to be felled at tower location Leg extension/ extended tower provided Leg extension is carried out /requirement Impact on nearby water bodies due to There is no impact on the nearby water project activity bodies Whether location is vulnerable to soil The location is not vulnerable to soil erosion erosion/slope failure Any specific requirement of slope protection No requirements needed for slope protection measures like revetment/retaining /toe wall etc. at project locations Impact of approach road construction (if No impact on the road construction, the required) condition of the road itself is bad. Transportation of tower materials The materials are transported via trucks and also man labour SOCIO ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF THE STUDY AREA Description Remarks Name of the village/village council Nerbong General socio economic profile of PAP in project area Nature of land affected due to project activity Any resettlement issue There is no issue of resettlement Any negative impact on livelihood of the There is no negative impact on the livelihood PAP of the people. Any impact on archaeological structure(if, No archaeological structure in and around the available in the vicinity) village Any impact on common property No impact on the common property nor on resources/religious area /sacred groves etc. any religious area and sacred groves. The tower location is far away from the religious area in the village Consultation with PAP/ Village council(As As per the PRA conducted, there was no per TOR, public consultation is required to be negative feedback from the villagers. done Consultant in association with Moreover, only the base of the tower has POWERGRID and property documented) been constructed and the compensation is under process. 7. Name of the line : 220 kV Killing – Mawngap line Section of Route : AP 26 to AP 60 (Tower No. 26/0 to 60/0) Number of Tower/ Poles : 35 Section length : 11.52 km AP surveyed after every ~10 km : AP 60/0 Tower type of AP 60/0 : DD+0 Latitude : 28.70121 Longitude : 37.4603 DESCRIPTION REMARKS Status of Land Private ownership General topography of the area Hilly Nature of vegetation in the study area Naturally grown trees Density of vegetation High Number of trees likely to be felled in that N/A stretch Any specific observation with respect to There are no ecologically sensitive areas near the tower location that ecological sensitivity in the study area would impact the environment around it. DETAILS ON BIODIVERSITY OF THE STUDY AREA AND LIKEY IMPACTS DESCRIPTION STATUS/AVAILABILITY LIKELY IMPACT FLORA (a) Common flora in the study area Teak (Tectona grandis), Sal There are no likely (Shorea robusta), Bamboo impact as observed in (Bambusa vulgaris), Banana the study area (Musa acuminate), Pineapple (Ananas comosus) (b) Endemic flora Teak (Tectona grandis), Sal (Shorea robusta), Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris), Banana (Musa acuminate), Pineapple (Ananas comosus) (c) Endangered flora (d) Vulnerable e) Threatened f) Any specific observation The tower location is covered with fully grown trees FAUNA (a) Common fauna in the study area Red jungle Fowl, There is no likely impact on Mynas, Blind snake, the faunal diversity in Rodents like squirrels the tower location. and rats (b) Endemic fauna Red jungle Fowl, Mynas, Blind snake, Rodents like squirrels and rats (c) Endangered fauna (d) Vulnerable e) Threatened Special Emphasis on Elephant Habitat/Corridor a.)Presence of Elephant There is no elephant There will be no likely impact habitat/corridor in the study area. corridor nor an elephant on it as there is no habitat in the region elephant habitat or corridor in the region. Special Emphasis on electrocution of birds/monkey/primate species 1. Availability of large winged birds Hawk, Kite These birds are spotted only at times. There is no likely impact 2. Availability of monkey/primate Monkeys are available in There is barely any chance of species and chances of the study area electrocution of animal since electrocution. the estimated tower height is to be higher than the height of the tree, and also the population of the monkey has declined in the area. 3. Any specific nesting sites of birds There are no nesting sites which may be impacted of birds sighted IMPACT OF PROJECT ACTIVITY (TOWER FOUNDATION/ ERECTION/ STRINGING) Description Remarks Disposal of excavated soil/Excess soil No disposal of the excavated soil Any major issue of soil erosion at project There is no soil erosion observed at the tower site/tower locations. location Whether benching carried at tower No benching is carried out locations Number of trees felled/ required to be felled at tower location Leg extension/ extended tower provided No leg extension /requirement Impact on nearby water bodies due to There is no impact on the nearby water project activity bodies Whether location is vulnerable to soil The location is not vulnerable to soil erosion erosion/slope failure Any specific requirement of slope protection No requirements needed for slope protection measures like revetment/retaining /toe wall etc. at project locations Impact of approach road construction (if No impact on the road construction, the required) condition of the road itself is bad. Transportation of tower materials The materials are transported via trucks SOCIO ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF THE STUDY AREA Description Remarks Name of the village/village council Tasku General socio economic profile of PAP in project area Nature of land affected due to project activity Any resettlement issue There is no issue of resettlement Any negative impact on livelihood of the There is no negative impact on the livelihood PAP of the people. Any impact on archaeological structure(if, No archaeological structure in and around the available in the vicinity) village Any impact on common property No impact on the common property nor on resources/religious area /sacred groves etc. any religious area and sacred groves. The tower location is far away from the religious area in the village Consultation with PAP/ Village council(As As per the PRA conducted, there was no per TOR, public consultation is required to negative feedback from the villagers. be done Consultant in association with Moreover, only the base of the tower has POWERGRID and property documented) been constructed and the compensation is under process. 8. Name of the line : 220 kV Killing – Mawngap line Section of Route : AP 61/0 to AP 81/0 (Tower No. 61/0 to 81/0) Number of Tower/ Poles : 21 Section length : 7.006 km AP surveyed after every ~10 km : AP 81/0 Tower type of AP 81/0 : DB+9 Latitude : 28.65722 Longitude : 36.9723 DESCRIPTION REMARKS Status of Land Paddy field General topography of the area Plain Nature of vegetation in the study area Paddy field Density of vegetation Low Number of trees likely to be felled in N/A that stretch Any specific observation with respect to There are no ecologically sensitive areas near the tower location that ecological sensitivity in the study area would impact the environment around it. DETAILS ON BIODIVERSITY OF THE STUDY AREA AND LIKEY IMPACTS DESCRIPTION STATUS/AVAILABILITY LIKELY IMPACT FLORA (a) Common flora in the Arcea Nut (Areca catechu), Banana There are no likely study area (Musa acuminate), Nepenthes impact as observed in khasiana the study area and Wet Rice (b) Endemic flora Arcea Nut (Areca catechu), Banana (Musa acuminate), Nepenthes khasiana and Wet Rice (c) Endangered flora (d) Vulnerable e) Threatened f) Any specific observation The tower is located in the paddy field where it has been left uncultivated and the vegetation in the area is sparse. FAUNA (a) Common fauna in the Squirrels, Frogs, Toads and There is no likely study area Sparrow (Passer domesticus) impact on the faunal diversity in the tower location. (b) Endemic fauna Squirrels, Frogs, Toads and Sparrow (Passer domesticus) (c) Endangered fauna (d) Vulnerable e) Threatened Special Emphasis on Elephant Habitat/Corridor a.)Presence of Elephant There is no elephant corridor There will be no habitat/corridor in the nor an elephant habitat in the likely impact on it study area. region as there is no elephant habitat or corridor in the region. Special Emphasis on electrocution of birds/monkey/primate species 1. Availability of large Hawk, Kite These birds are spotted winged birds only at times. There is no likely impact 2. Availability of Monkeys are not available in the monkey/primate study area species and chances of electrocution. 3. Any specific nesting There are no nesting sites of sites of birds which birds sighted may be impacted IMPACT OF PROJECT ACTIVITY (TOWER FOUNDATION/ ERECTION/ STRINGING) Description Remarks Disposal of excavated soil/Excess soil No disposal of the excavated soil Any major issue of soil erosion at project There is no soil erosion observed at the tower site/tower locations. location Whether benching carried at tower locations No benching is carried out Number of trees felled/ required to be felled at tower location Leg extension/ extended tower provided No leg extension /requirement Impact on nearby water bodies due to project There is no impact on the nearby water bodies activity Whether location is vulnerable to soil The location is not vulnerable to soil erosion erosion/slope failure since it is a levelled ground Any specific requirement of slope protection No requirements needed for slope protection measures like revetment/retaining /toe wall etc. at project locations Impact of approach road construction (if No impact on the road construction required) Transportation of tower materials The materials are transported via trucks SOCIO ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF THE STUDY AREA Description Remarks Name of the village/village council Nongladew General socio economic profile of PAP in project area Nature of land affected due to project activity Any resettlement issue There is no issue of resettlement as it is an agricultural land. Any negative impact on livelihood of the There is no negative impact on the livelihood PAP of the people. Any impact on archaeological structure(if, No archaeological structure in and around the available in the vicinity) village Any impact on common property There is no such impact on the common resources/religious area /sacred groves etc. property resources or any religious area as the tower is located inside the village, few distances from the main road and there are no sacred groves in the village area. Consultation with PAP/ Village council(As As per the PRA conducted, there was no per TOR, public consultation is required to be negative feedback from the villagers. done Consultant in association with Moreover, only the base of the tower has POWERGRID and property documented) been constructed and the compensation is under process. 9. Name of the line : 220 kV Killing – Mawngap line Section of Route : AP 82/0 to AP 102/0 (Tower No. 82/0 to 104/0) Number of Tower/ Poles : 21 Section length : 7.745 km AP surveyed after every ~10 km : AP 104/0 Tower type of AP 104/0 : DB+0 Latitude : 36.4806 Longitude : 28.58525 DESCRIPTION REMARKS Status of Land Private ownership General topography of the area Gentle slope Nature of vegetation in the study area Private plantation Density of vegetation Medium Number of trees likely to be felled in that Based on the tree enumeration report obtained from POWERGRID, stretch from AP104/0 to AP105/0 the number of trees to be felled are 165. Any specific observation with respect to There are no ecologically sensitive areas near the tower location that ecological sensitivity in the study would impact the environment around it. area DETAILS ON BIODIVERSITY OF THE STUDY AREA AND LIKEY IMPACTS DESCRIPTION STATUS/AVAILABILITY LIKELY IMPACT FLORA (a) Common flora in the study area Nepenthes khasiana, Tapioca, There are no likely Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris), impact as observed in Pineapple (Ananas comosus), the study area Sal (Shorea robusta), Rubber plant (Ficus elastica) (b) Endemic flora Nepenthes khasiana, Tapioca, Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris), Pineapple (Ananas comosus), Sal (Shorea robusta), Rubber plant (Ficus elastica) (c) Endangered flora (d) Vulnerable e) Threatened f) Any specific observation The tower location is near the rubber plantation area FAUNA (a) Common fauna in the study area Monitor Lizard (Veranus There is no likely benghalensis), Sparrow impact on the faunal (Passer domesticus), Boar diversity in the tower (Sus scrofa cristatus), location. Assamese Macaque (Macaca assamensis), etc (b) Endemic fauna Monitor Lizard (Veranus benghalensis), Sparrow (Passer domesticus), Boar (Sus scrofa cristatus), Assamese Macaque (Macaca assamensis), etc (c) Endangered fauna (d) Vulnerable e) Threatened Special Emphasis on Elephant Habitat/Corridor a.)Presence of Elephant There is no elephant corridor There will be no habitat/corridor in the study nor an elephant habitat in the likely impact on it as area. region there is no elephant habitat or corridor in the region. Special Emphasis on electrocution of birds/monkey/primate species 1. Availability of large Hawk, Owl and Kite These birds are spotted winged birds only at times. There is no likely impact 2. Availability of monkey/primate Monkeys are available in There is barely any species and chances of the study area chance of electrocution electrocution. of animal since the estimated tower height is to be higher than the height of the tree, and also the population of the monkey has declined in the area. 3. Any specific nesting sites of There are no nesting sites of birds which may be birds sighted impacted IMPACT OF PROJECT ACTIVITY (TOWER FOUNDATION/ ERECTION/ STRINGING) Description Remarks Disposal of excavated soil/Excess soil No disposal of the excavated soil Any major issue of soil erosion at project There is no soil erosion observed at the tower site/tower locations. location Whether benching carried at tower No benching is carried out locations Number of trees felled/ required to be felled at tower location Leg extension/ extended tower provided No leg extension /requirement Impact on nearby water bodies due to There is no impact on the nearby water project activity bodies Whether location is vulnerable to soil The location is not vulnerable to soil erosion erosion/slope failure Any specific requirement of slope protection No requirements needed for slope protection measures like revetment/retaining /toe wall etc. at project locations Impact of approach road construction (if No impact on the road construction required) Transportation of tower materials The materials are transported via trucks and also man labour SOCIO ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF THE STUDY AREA Description Remarks Name of the village/village council Umsohphria General socio economic profile of PAP in project area Nature of land affected due to project activity Any resettlement issue There is no issue of resettlement Any negative impact on livelihood of the There is no negative impact on the livelihood PAP of the people. Any impact on archaeological structure(if, No archaeological structure in and around the available in the vicinity) village Any impact on common property No impact on the common property nor on any resources/religious area /sacred groves etc. religious area and sacred groves. The tower location is far away from the religious area in the village Consultation with PAP/ Village council(As As per the PRA conducted, there was no per TOR, public consultation is required to be negative feedback from the villagers. done Consultant in association with Moreover, only the base of the tower has POWERGRID and property documented) been constructed and the compensation is under process. APPENDIX C Details of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) ANNEXURE – 1 INITIAL ONLLINE SUBMISSION OF FOREST PROPOSAL 12/6/2020 View Form A Part 1 FORM - A Form for seeking prior approval of Central Government under section 2 of the Forest(Conservation) Act,1980 for Diversion of fresh forest area PART - I (To be filled up by User Agency) A. General Details A-1. Project Details   (i). Proposal No. : FP/ML/TRANS/39617/2019   (ii). Name of Project for which Forest Land is required : CONSTRUCTION OF 220 KV KILLING (BYRNIHAT) TO MAWNGAP TRANSMISSION LINE UNDER NORTH EASTERN REGION POWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN MEGHALAYA   (iii). Short narrative of the proposal and Project/scheme for which the forest land is required : CONSTRUCTION OF 220 KV KILLING (BYRNIHAT) TO MAWNGAP LINE UNDER NORTH EASTERN REGION POWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN MEGHALAYA   (iv). State : Meghalaya   (v). Category of the Proposal : Transmission Line   (vi). Shape of forest land proposed to be diverted : Linear   (vii). Estimated cost of the Project(Rupees in lacs) : 77693   (viii). Area of forest land proposed for diversion(in ha.): 45.09   (ix). Non-forest land required for this project(in ha.): 269.91   (x). Total period for which the forest land is proposed to be diverted(in years): NIL A-2. Details of User Agency   (i). Name : MEGHALAYA POWER TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED   (ii). Address1 : MEGHALAYA POWER TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED   (iii). Address2 : OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER (TRANSMISSION) LUMJINGSHAI SHILLONG   (iv). State : Meghalaya 1/6 12/6/2020 View Form A Part 1 (v). District : East Khasi Hills   (vi). Pin : 793001   (vii). Landmark : SHILLONG   (viii). Email address :   (ix). Landline Telephone No. : 364-2590122   (x). Fax No. : 364-   (xi). Mobile No. : 9856133943   (xii). Website (if any) : NIL   (xiii). Legal status of User Agency : State PSU A-3. Details of Person Making Application   (i). First Name: COLMAN   (ii). Middle Name: C   (iii). Last Name: SYNGAI   (iv). Gender: Male   (v). Designation: EE   (vi). Address 1: OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER TRANSMISSION AND TRANSFORMATION MEPTCL   (vii). Address 2: BYRNIHAT   (viii). State: Meghalaya   (ix). District: Ri Bhoi   (x). Tehsil: Umling   (xi). Pin: 793101   (xii). Landmark: NIL   (xiii). Email Address: 2/6 12/6/2020 View Form A Part 1   (xiv). Landline Telephone No.: 364-2590199   (xv). Fax No.: NIL   (xvi). Mobile No.: 9706044624   (xvii). Copy of documents in support of the competence/authority of the person making this application to make application on behalf of the User Agency: B. Details of land required for the Project Details of proposal seeking prior approval of Central Government under the Act for diversion B-1. of forest land for the Project already submitted in the past List of proposal submitted in Past Date of Moef Area Proposed Date of Proposal Proposal Area In- File for Final Status. No. Diverted(Ha.) Principle No. Diversion(Ha.) Approval Approval NIL B-2. Details of forest land proposed to be diverted B-2.1 Details of Divisions involved Details of Divisions involved Non-Forest Division Name Forest Land(ha.) Land(ha.) 1. Khasi Hills 45.09 269.91 Total 45.09 269.91 B-2.2 Details of Districts involved District wise breakup Non-Forest District Name Forest Land(ha.) Land(ha.) 1. Ri Bhoi 31.6 125.9 1. West Khasi Hills 8.53 43.97 3. East Khasi Hills 4.96 100.04 Total 45.09 269.91 B-2.3 Village wise breakup Villages wise breakup Non-Forest Village Forest Land(ha.) Land(ha.) 1 NOT APPLICABLE 0 0 3/6 12/6/2020 View Form A Part 1 Total 0 0 B-2.4 Component wise breakup Component wise breakup Non-Forest Component Forest Land(ha.) Land(ha.) 1 RIGHT OF WAY FOR 220 KV 45.09 269.91 TRANSMISSION LINE Total 45.09 269.91 C. Maps of forest land proposed to be diverted Division 1. : Khasi Hills   (i). Area of forest land proposed to be diverted(in ha.) : 45.09   (ii). Nature of the Project: Linear   (b). No. of Segments : Four   Segment wise details Kml File of Segments Segment (To view KML file on google the same Segments Area(in ha.) may be downloaded and then open if in google earth install in your computer). 1. 17.22 View File 2. 14.38 View File 3. 8.53 View File 4. 4.96 View File (iii). Copy of Survey of India Toposheet indicating boundary of forest land proposed to be diverted:   (iv). Scanned copy of the Geo-referenced map of the forest land proposed to be diverted prepared by using GPS or Total Station: Justification for locating the Project in forest land and details of alternatives D. examined:   (i). Copy of note containing justification for locating the Project in forest land:   (ii). Whether a copy of map indicating location of alternative examine is required to be provided: Yes   (a). Copy of map indicating location of alternative examined: 4/6 12/6/2020 View Form A Part 1 E. Employment likely to be generated   (i). Whether the Project is likely to generate employment ?: Yes   (ii). Permanent/Regular Employment(Number of persons): 25   (iii). Temporary Employment(Number of person-days): 30000 F. Displacement of People due to the Project, if any   (i). Whether Project involves displacement?: No G. Details of Cost-Benefit analysis for the Project   (i). Whether the Project requires Cost-Benefit analysis?: Yes   (a). Copy of Cost-Benefit analysis: H. Status of Environmental Clearance   (i). Whether the Project requires Clearance under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 ? : No I. Status of Wildelife Clearance   (i). Whether the Project or a part thereof is located in any Protected Area or their Eco sensitive zone? : No J. Applicability of special provisions governing Scheduled Areas   (i).Whether the Project or a part thereof is located in a Scheduled Area? : Yes Status of settlement of rights under the Forest Rights Act,2006 on the forest land K. proposed to be diverted   (i). Whether the process for settlement of Rights under the Forest Rights Acts 2006 on the forest land proposed to be diverted has been completed? : No L. Details of land identified for Compensatory Afforestation   (i). Whether non-forest or Revenue forest land is required to be provided by User Agency?: No   (ii). Whether the area of non-forest land or Revenue forest land required to be provided by User Agency for raising Compensatory Afforestation is less than area of forest land proposed to be diverted ?: No 5/6 12/6/2020 View Form A Part 1   (iii) . Reason for not providing Non-Forest Land: For laying of transmission lines Additional information Details Documents S.No Documents Remarks 1 FINAL ROUTE ALIGNMENT MAP OF 220 KV KILLING (BYRNIHAT)-MAWNGAP TRANSMISSION LINE 2 MOU BETWEEN POWERGRID AND MEPTCL FOR EXECUTION OF NERPSIP PROJECT IN MEGHALAYA 3 STATEMENT OF FOREST LAND PROPOSED TO BE DIVERTED 4 UNDERTAKING FOR PAYMENT OF CA AND NPV 5 UNDERTAKING FOR PAYMENT OF ADDITIONAL NPV 6 UNDERTAKING FOR FOREST RIGHT ACT COMPLIANCE 7 CERTIFICATE BY USER EGANCY REGARDING MINIMUM USE OF FOREST LAND 8 CERTIFICATE BY USER AGENCY FOR SURVEY DONE BY TOTAL STATION 9 GOVT OF INDIA APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT NERPSIP 10 GOVT OF MEGHALAYA APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT UNDER ELECTRICITY ACT 11 COMPLIANCE REPORT AGAINST NODAL OFFICE OBSERVATION DTD. 07.04.3019 6/6 ANNEXURE – 2 NOC FROM DFO REGARING NON- INVOLVEMENT OF FOREST LAND GOV ERNM ENT OF M EGHA LAY A M [ NT T l I[ DFP A HTIVI EN'I OF FO l~EST S A ND f NV IHON OFFIC E O F'. KHA SI HI LLS & RI -BH O I (T ) DIVI SION :: T' HE DIVI SION /.\L FOR EST OFFI CEH: : EA ST SHILL ON G .J.O.-2 1 No KH/ 1/~5/ 20 17/ ~ OatP, cJ Sh ill ong, the 3A I 7 1201 s To ./ vn ' ZL:~ ~ : 1\/lemo J\J o. KH / 1/45/2017 Copy to - ·. , a Hi ll s , Me g hala ya , Shillo ng fo1 favyu r ,, · Kl'a o:: - ~ J3i nt1 Th e C on se rvato r of ~o rnsb (~a ). ~ :,.,r.;, ' ;-, , I tt er No M F G 22/52 5/800 7. dt 1' , 1., : s e . t1is kind infor m ati on . r h1 s l1as reft::r c --- .c . 201 9 ANNEXURE – 2a NOC FROM ADC REGARDING NON-FOREST LAND OFICE OI HE EXECUTIVE KtHASI HILLS AUIONOMOUS COMMIITEE DISIRICI COUNCIH SHILLONG. NODCXIV{A)121/2018 19. Datcd Shillong,the eb 2019. 0. The Divisional Forcst Offiger Fast Khasi lills & Ri Bhoi (1) Division Shillong. Subiect Project 220KV D/C Killing Mawngap New Shillong iransmission under N RPSIP Megalaya. Rference: No.Kli/1/98/201//5779. Dated Shillong, the 11 Dec.2018. Sir with reterence to your letter cited above, I would like to inform you that bascd on the Inspection Report ofthe Range Forest Officer 1/C. Shillong Range dated 31 January 019 egarding the Prop0sed site for construction of 220 KV D/C Mawngap Ncw Shillong i20 KV D/C Mawngap to New Shillong Section) under East Khasi Hills,transmission under NERPSIP, indicated that the said construction is taking place on a Non forest land. The Detail report/finding of the Ranger supported by photographs are enclosed herewith for reference. further neccerary document like N.O.Cs from the Headman and route map of the area are kept in the office for record. Yours Faithfully. Chicf forcst Officer Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council Shillong Dated Shillong,the A Feb.2019. Memo NG.DC.XIV (A) 121/2018-19/GY Copy to kind Forest (T) Khasi & Jaintia Hills for favour of his 1. TheConservator of irnormation. information and action. RPSIP Shillong for necesry Manager,NE he Chie Forest Officer Kh.asi itills Autonomous District Council DVISIO FO Shillong. CiEFCON, g H G I P OF B G H A L A Y A 2 2 FEB 2019 AYA, SH (COMMIITEF IHXICUTIVE OfiC OI AUTONOMOUS DISTRICI (OUNCIL KAST HILLS SHiLLONG. ob.201 Datci Shullong,the i 'V{i)i:i ul8 19. The Divisional l orest Offiçer Ist Khasi Ilills & Ri Bhoi (1) DivIsion Shilong Shillong iransmission under Ni RPS M.wipNev O 70KV ibj Mliing MpalaYa rC:,1Dat d Shiliong,the I1 Dec. 2018. atd like tu inform you lhat cit:d above, I would With refcrence to your letter dated 31 inudty nspection Report of the: Rang lur (tfrer 1/C. Shillong Ranpe 1 I of 2 0 KV D/C. MiwIpap New siull.n .!9ICRari:n th Piopo»ed tor wnstruto iills,tran>l11191Oi lurlet Khasi D/Mawnap to N:» shillong S'ti ier f ast R on a NoI 1orcst 1nd. RPSP, indicatod that th: Sinonstruction is taking place elusad The Detail report/finding of the Ranger supported by photographs ar Hendnan !ld docment like N.O.s troni the h tor r:ftrence. urther neccerary C for rt'u j ot th ar:dr . keploft the Yours aithfully Chief torust Öffire Kinasi Hils Autonomous i)IStrict t OuncH Shillong icmo 1DC.XIV(A}12i/?Ul&-15/¥ Datcd Shillong,the leb.2019 Copyto 1 1he Conervator of l orcst (T) Khai & Jaintia lills for favour of his kind1 intorniaticn. Maapur, NI RPSIP Shillon lor ntorination ind nece5ary aclion Chiot or iiicer cmuned Di N FOR Ks ! AuttOnGUs Distict Shillong COunCl ANNEXURE – 3 DETAILS OF TOWER SCHEDULE OF 220 KV BYRNIHAT-MAWNGAP-NEW SHILLONG LINE l- E :!, !{ E 3 U P, !l 3 € 19 E#U 3 !3 a : l ; t- ijg Jg 6^ tF l" ll fii 6 i: F I' a tl q!i q lR l<'ec. \Lq 1; a '&,al { 3 3 -- x 12 Z) tr. = P t" t< I t9 3 i li Ag:< t3 lts ; ,^>01.E .=;qE 'i,u .--1lp :_ 3 E.oPYO E:3 ls Edg l. lc '. cai.i9€ r!lQo6 '-_t_ ',2 : ,,-:l*-( ! -xouh 3j- o 3 tI ) 4)5 it s qc( YI iii l: E t* = o 3:e= 2 f;:E E i; q9- I t. _r.;+ I E tr 6d ;9,; i-j* I f" :6 rs, g t.: il 3 iP ig i l+ iE -3* 8 ta F z €A l 3 t- 3 b Q Q 6 $ e 3 e 3; ; 5 !l ;e ii il EE it n; .E 3B

l ; -l ;l I i I a d i:l l sl R] x I I j l I I NI I 5i I I -t 'l I I I r,t ei n, il ilI I I I :- . =' I 6 : I I 9l I I , I a; l I ;l ii i .l l I .l I T 9 i'ijl L l i;i ;r atn : ii;l I ti: . -1 -i; ;g jtll ;;i ,;! a- rl ri;jl \3 3 -! ': ; <3 2 I .e 3 2 e E 3 E 9 qg I Es 9 3 3 5 3 ! I Ed ;.' td _ai 9g 9g 3,i 3,H * itt { & 3 z e F I ,' F=t = I ;qd E 6. ;6 r 4 oz .9, s*9 : E p 5iS: .E !Efi1; 33 9+Eg: i-ii.E,E!.s ; E V9 ! r 6= g { = >+'6: E.E: 62.& E I 42.,611, \?.n ?. 5c':Ia o5^<56 3 \e:7 qx6qP ;;F \.j': h >tP oo i qE 3 N H€C9d x 9s ' i; 3 3 Z6=<6 - 0d!o 3 "ae 3i tat E 3e b 6 .a= t := 3€ R x E a 3 s E 3 3t\ (' ,$ R ' r s I 3 3 e q-LRj t 6 3: I 3 _t, 2 li .: .g a g g E I E ; \\ i lEl*rt E * E o g e ti 's-' ,l i"- ili 9 EE s F { 3 6 3 E= R zl\ .1, 1\ r' -e I Eg \ B E R it -* € i :.F." ":, €:, = F i a Ei \"?9' H F ---\\ d.;-, A 3 El \i; .9 IF 3 f, :9 E3 q g a IF 'l !EE :,nE ,i". i t\ d IB l6 'l' o F;iIg J a 6 I D. ;i5 I ii AE v.< s E Sita; Er 2 ;? .s 3e x F E [';] xt g ;rl g /. r 3\ tr3i^ E \Y E; 6 l,: 9l R '"> ir,9P i- s.E 5i il e ta d F ?, ql Y rg 3: 3 6 q a l'l \a !\ \a sl ! g .:< s\ {r \= \i,F- Bil c €g JI Eg di a $ $ ! ! c E L .-l )-l E E E 3 a 6 iE Ei + $ f 6 ( + { 9 .t + NI a € 33 e 6 a 6B; 3a= a a I ilq aA n I E '.t iiqti 6;_i3t -3 a a is iB i -6f;i @{3 E ri: a : {.Si-e i; ac R 3l in 9ii!i:" ,o a\= 'i lE A\= \<_) r tg : ; \€a 32 f I :.\ ,+\ <:t' a d 4- :iE ;::"i E A'\a--o qe L.;e "qd u2,': .tt i I tz, 4 ( 6 I li a : 5 ? {t 4. ' I ls 3 t,- e ,9' B a P lR -,.1 & 3 .J I a R t \i 3 9r * 6 E I ,t, x N { 3pi it e e p3:_ i\ "i \\?I EI n,l i. A 4il*r,1 al \ u4 it // Itt 'f"'- 2.\ Er i". i 1\. \ /" Il'', i, r i, l t-r'lJ^""I \] t ,, :, l'ji liili:' iil; ryr '-, I ', I i; , ' qi-lP| ", .' li isi 'ril \-:s; tl * -{ts \5 ,'il!; t' F -Frii '* -i ;.-=. i i !.-", i ,r .: .l_.: | i-l-*l-ii-T-" .-. i |..-F_, ! | ' ;.-\ I :, - :. r R ;l :' : ; ii , , r.. : p ., r, ,; .,. .i -" Ei. ^s i , :r-:l II i;, i: 1^, l;l rl-;,, ,- -' ,, 2"7-,'. : I " :, it, * a, ,, .-,-?-f: ! ' I ,-Z!i. rE: t'i ; ' 1- -r I t_-r--' lr i::| ' =1 ,t t;.,; ..-:|: ; ';1 j., - i : 3' ;i 't f g . i ' 'Ari. iti-'e ;,ri-';1 !- ::i!.t 'ui .it lsl lp-ril 1ul . :: . B" l.a l i?ri . iRi i*.-i;1 ,*; r:i-'ri 'Nl iRr.7 i-'-; : 1'l, i . I : -i i !-r-!-r' j q *_i1; tl ;,_i t : >,' o ::f! -'. ig .s ; It, -t"., Jf'f ;' .;', b \ ?0., j::: F: i'rl, ___ _i :i l, i:l li l il _- ' i /\_:,, \\Y/-y' t t:l _ i l_t., i_i; ), ;_ 7\.f I ,7*t ", .a " " i r49 : it : : ; I r i Il ;i I'll- ; , i-=1+n \\- o Y== ' i i I :r ' i3 a ' ,4\ t i; 1 j,, i ' :Ei- 6i gi ,Ci i$$ 'ri ,ri gi ri, .. i ) R '- :, -l$ .: -i :, i:,i: I :1 $ 'i: , : ${il ,[ i e= -=2** r=€* rl ii ;i i.i. i: Q ', I Eir l: i:' = 1." 1. , t.-] ifi _ :' , : 'i[:'' ',. ,Fi l' .- '-:]L]' ,. '.' *- i' + 1, l . i::; " '' tl| ' .. ,/ ,,2," t ,,''' ^l i. i' q oA IS -r'L'+ d A'. .iNi va '--1 fe 3l \ r\ 3l l.ig .9 Rl . a'l -l l- ^. t) s l& 6 5 --!-- I Q ,}, v ; .l & rl <.tr : ;i ri ?1" c{ l{l r\ i-l : i.l ,Ri Ec Ri _,i E aB E ;zi! r-sb \/ \ e ; ri !i; : ANNEXURE – 4 DETAILS OF POLE SCHEDULE OF DISTRIBUTION LINE ANNEXURE – 5 NoC FROM CONCERNED LAND OWNER/ HEADMAN /VILLAGE COUNCIL ANNEXURE – 6 SAMPLE CASE OF COMPENSATION PAYMENT Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner ANNEXURE – 7 DRAWING OF BIRD GUARD/ANTI PERCHING DEVISES ANNEXURE – 8 SIGNED COPY OF SAFETY PLAN SUBMITTED BY CONTRACTOR ANNEXURE – 9 SAFETY/PENALTY PROVISIONS IN CONTRACT CONDITIONS rF v 'n r' Sectionvlll.Particularconditions ,i,.j,i t fll B-11 PC 21.3.4 Replace the word 'may' in line no. 10 with'is'. t? Addition of New Clauses (PC 21.3.5, PC21.3.6) after GC 21.3.4 rrt PC 21.3.5 Packing The Contractor shall provide such packing of the Goods as it is required to prevent their damage or deterioration during transit to their final destination as indicated in the Contract. The packing shall be sufficient to withstand, without limitation, rough handling during transit and exposure to extreme temperatures, salt and precipitation during transit and open storage. Packing case size and weights shall take into consideration, where It appropriate, the remoteness of the Goods final destination and the absence of heavy handling facilities at all points in transit. q? PC 21.3.6 The packing, marking and documentation within and outside the packages shall comply strictly with such special requirements as shall be expressly ? provided for in the Contract and, subject to any subsequent instruction ordered by the Employer consistent with the requirements of the Contract. -7 PC 21.4 Replacing sub-clause GC 21.4 q The Contractor shall, at its 6*n e*p"nse, handle all imported Plant and v Equipment and Contractor's Equipment at the point(s) of import and shall handle any formalities for customs clearance, including liabilities for port 7 charges, if any, subject to the Employer's obligations under GC Sub-Clause 14.4, provided that if applicable laws or regulations require any application or a act to be made by or in the name of the Employer, the Employer shall take all necessary steps to comply with such laws or regulations. In the event of d't delays in customs clearance that are not the fault oflfie Contractor, the Contractor shall be entitled to an extension in the Time for Completion, -l pursuant to GC Clause 40. r q J Addition of Sub-Glauses (PC22.2.3.1, PC22.2.3-2, PC22-2-3-3, PC \ It GC 22.2.3 I PC Compliance with Labour Regulations - During continuance of the contract, the Contractor and his sub-contractors t shall abide at all times by all applicable enactments and rules 7 of the State or made thereunder, regulations - Central Government or local aut any o bi'labour law (including - \ J associated with System GIS Substation a .J ,, e' .qb 1 J af "- (* 18S i;. Section Vtll. Particular Conditions ll rules), regulations by.e laws that may be passed or notification that may be issued under any fabour law in future either by the State or the Central q- Government or the local authority. The employeei of the Contractor and the Sub-contractor in no case shall be treated the employees of the Employer C- at any point of time. "s Pc 22'2"3'2 The Contractor shall keep the Employer indemnified in case 'G-. any action is ,tr- taken against the Employer by the competent authority on account $-- of contravention of any of the provisions of any Act or rules made thereunder '.' regulations or notifications incruding amendments. t*-.1 Pc 22'2'3'3 lf the Employer is caused to pay under any law as principal employer such amounts as may be necessary to cause or observe, or for non observance of *r - the provisions stipulated in the notifications/ byelaws/Acts/ Rules/regulations al including amendments, if any, on the part of the Contractor, the shall have the right to deduct any money due to the Contractor under Employer this ;-l contract or any other contract with the employer including his amount perf.ormance security for adjusting the. aforesaiO payment. lhe shall also have right to recover from the Contru"ior'any sum required Employer of or Ir ,:l estimated to be required for making good the loss or damage suffered by the Employer. Pc 22'2'3'4 Salient features of some major laws applicable to establishments building and other construction works are indicated at Appendix-l engaged to pC. in -t ,:l Addition of New Sub-Clau ses (PC22.4.1 clauses) of GC 22.4 to 22.4.3 including its sub- it PC 22.4.1 Protection of Environment "It ,:l ;t The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment on and off the Site and to avoid damage or nuisancu io p"rrons or to property of the public or others resulting from pollution, noise oi other causes It arising as consequence of his methods of operation. During continuance of the Contract, the Contractor and his Sub-contractors shall abide at all times by all existing enactments on environmental protection and rules made thereunder, regulations, notifications IT and bye_ laws of the State or Central Government, or local authorities and any other law, bye-law, regulations-that may be passed or notification that ,nuv o" lIr issued in this respect in future by the State or Central Government local authority. or the ,!r ,:t features of some of the major laws that 4 applicable i ':l age MEG- associated with NER power System ,t ,{ :l ;:l '; ;r I 3j\ :',,.,"- \$ur-j; (>l I P :!!. i &),-. 't Section Vlll. Particular Conditions r fi6 _uq The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, This pro\,/ieies f*r the prevention and control of water pollution and the maintaining and restoring of wholesomeness of water. 'Pollution' means such contarninati<-rrr of water or such alteration of the physical, chemical or biological properties of water or such discharge of any sewage or trade effluent or of any other liquid, gaseous or solid substance into water (whether directly or indirectly) as may, or is likely to, create a nuisance or render such water harmful or 1 injurious to public health or safety, or to domestic, commercial, indulstrial, agricultural or other legitimate uses, or to the life and health of animals qrr ; plants or of aquatic organisms. The Air (Plevention and Control of Pollution) Act. 1981, This provides for prevention, control and abatement of air pollution. 'Air Pollution' means th* presence in the atmosphere -of any 'air pollutant', which means any solid, [_ liquid or gaseous substance (including noise) present in the atmosphere in such concentration as may be or tend to be injurious to human beings or D other living creatures or plants or property or environment. 79' The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, This provides for the protection anrJ improvement of environment and for matters connected therewith, and the , prevention of hazards to human beings, other living creatures, plants and property. 'Environment' includes water, air and land and the inter-relationship which exists among and between water, air and land, and human beings, !! other living creatures, plants, micro-organism and property. D The Public Liabilitlr lnsurance Act. 1991, This providis for public liability F ) insurance for the purpose of providing immediate relief to the persons affected by accident occurring while handling hazardous substances and for ra matters connected herewith or incidental thereto. Hazardous substance means any substance or preparation which is defined as hazardnus substance under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, and exceedinE such - quantity as may be specified by notification by the Central Government. l I f PC 22.4.2 (i) The Contractor shall (a) establish an operational system of managing environmental impacts, (b) carry out all the monitoring V J and mitigation measures set forth in the environment management plan attached to the Particular Conditions as ; Appendix-ll, and (c) allocate the budget required to ensure that such measures are carried out. The Contractor shall submit to the Employer (quarterly) semi-annual) reports on the carrying out L of such measures. \ s The Contractor shall the conditions of roads, ; ) agricultural land a re prior to transport of material and con t, and shall fully reinstate .: re and agricultural land to -;ai:: .--..-. : Meghalaya lmprovement Project I ;> l/J. )_ ")-'5"// Y t- 8-14 :;'. Section Vlll. Particular Contllll rrrr 'l atleast their pre-project condition upon construction completior, :r (iii) The Contractor shall undertake detailed survey of the affect,rl ,e persons during transmission line alignment finaiization Project, where applicable. and under llr' t (iv) The Contractor shall conduct health and safety programme fof f workers employed under the Contract and 'shlll inclurlrr r,5 information on the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, incluclirrr; ! HIV/AIDS in such programs. -| ,\ PC 22.4.3 Safety Precautions fr PC 22'4'3'1 The Contractor shall observe all applicable egarding safety on the Site. regulatiopri q unress otherwise agreed, the contractor shail, from th. commencement of work on site until taking over, provide: E a a) fe.ncing, righting, guarding and watching of the works ,h ) wherever required, and IL b) temporary roadways, footways, guards and fences which p may be necessary for the accommodation and protection \ of Employer / his representatives and occupiers of tu, adjacent property, the public and others. S. (t , PC 22'4'3-2 The Contractor shall ensure proper safety of all the workmen, ,t materiars, prant and equipment beronging to him or to l> powERGRrD or to others, working ,l>. at the site. The Contractor shall also be responsible for provision of all safety notices and safety equipment required both by the relevant S- legisrations and the Engineer, as he may deem n"""..ury. l- \h PC 22-4.3.3 The Contractor will notify well in advance to I the Engineer of his intention to bring to the Site any container titteo iittr liquid or ,L- gaseous fuel or explosive or petroleum substance oi such chemicals.which may involve hazards. The Engineer shall r!- have the right to prescribe the conditions, under which container is to be stored, handled and used during the such g. performance of the works and the Contractor shall stricfly (a\ adhere to and compry with such instructions. The Engineer r.:,,,. the right at his sole discretion to inspect any"such l!:ll]t_l* or,, container such construction praquequipmqnt for which I mpterial in the container is requiregKo \ €: be.u.sp&xrd if in his I opinion, its use, is not safe, he t ition sh a | be " k-:,fi:ffib | (c associated with NER power d ilt t Section Vlll. Particular Conditions "ll t 0g I , a the Owner shall not entertain any claim of the Contract,e,i towards additional safety provisions/conditions to be provide,J a forlconstructed as per the Engineer's instructions. Further, any such decision of the Engineer shall not, in any at w?y, absolve the Contractor of his responsibilities and in case, use of such a container or entry thereof into the Site .{ta area is forbidden by the Engineer, the Contractor shall use a alternative methods with the approval of the Engineer without any cost implication to POWERGRID or extension of work schedule. a -tt I PC Where it is necessary to provide and/or store petroleum < products or petroleum mixtures and explosives, the Contractor shall be responsible for carrying-out such provision *:\ and/or storage in accordance with the rules and regulations laid down in Petroleum Act 1934, Explosives Act, 1g4B and t q Petroleum and Carbide of Calcium Manual published by the Chief Inspector of Explosives of India. All such storage shall have prior approval of the Engineer. In case, any approvals v are necessary from the Chief Inspector (Explosives) or any \ statutory authorities, the Contractor shall be responsible for --/ obtaining the same. \ -t PC All equipment used in construction and erection by Contractor shall meet lndian/lnternational Standards and where such a t t standards do not exist, the Contractor shall ensure these to be absolutely safe. All equipment shall be strictly operated * and maintained by the Contractor in accordance with manufacturer's Operation Manual and safety instructions and J as per Guidelines/rules of POWERGRID in this regard. q PC Periodical examinations and all tests for all *Y liftingihoisting equipment & tackles shall be carried-out in accordance with i *"r the relevant provisions of Factories Act 1948, lndian Electricity Act 1910 and associated Laws/Rules in force from q time to time. A register of such examinations and tests shall -v be properly maintained by the Contractor and will be prompfly \ a produced as and when desired by the Engineer or by the person authorised by him. I rl O PC The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the safe storage - of his and his Sub-Contractor's radioactive sources in 7 accordance with BA&C/DAE Rules and other applicable provrsrons. measures stipulated by .: BARC/DAE in se, storage and handling of : for Meghalaya with NER Power lmprovement Project \ T *,, - 7 \ , r $9 8-16 Section Vlll. Particular Conditions such material will be taken by the Contractor. PC The Contractor shall provide suitable safety equipment of prescribed standard to all employees and workmen according to the need, as may be directed by the Engineer who will also have right to examine these safety equipment to determine their suitability, reliability, acceptability and adaptability. 5 ,;T PC where explosives are to be used, the same shall be used under the direct control and supervision of an expert, .:I experienced, qualified and competent person stricfly in accordance with the Code of Practice/Rules framed under :I Indian Explosives Act pertaining to handling, storage and use :T ;l of explosives. PC The Contractor shall provide safe working conditions to workmen and employees at the Site including safe means of access, railings, stairs, ladders, scaffoldings etc. The scaffoldings shall be erected under the control and supervision of an experienced and competent person. For all n .:I erection, good and standard quality of material only shall be used by the Contractor. :I PC The Contractor shall not interfere or disturb electric fuses, wiring and other electrical equipment belonging to the Owner or other Contractors under any circumstances, whatsoever, ;r ETI PC unless expressly permitted in writing by pOWERGRID to handle such fuses, wiring or electrical equipment Before the Contractor connects any electrical appliances to fr 5 - any plug or socket belonging to the other Contractor or Owner. he shall: a. Satisfy the Engineer that the appliance working condition; is in good n ,n b. lnform the Engineer of the maximum current rating, c. voltage and phases of the appliances; r:r = Obtain permissio.n of the enginepi;,-t"ifi,lffi to which the appliances may bEtonri"ected. ,n PC ' .. The Engineer will not grant permi satisfied that; t to connect ,:l .I : The appliance is in good condi ted with :T MEG-SSO2 rfor ;l il with NER Power System lmprovement Projecl 'n'l'l' 'il ,*l t 't '- a ,l:;; ,; 110 Section Vlll. Particular Conditions a { suitable plug; "! al b. The appliance is fitted with a suitable cable having two earth conductors, one of which shall be an earthed il metal sheath surrounding the cores. -! a PC No electric cable in use by the Contractor/Owner will be ? disturbed without prior permission. No weight of any I description will be imposed on any cable and no ladder or Q similar equipment will rest against or attached to it. {t PC No repair work shall be carried out on any live equipment. The equipment must be declared safe by the Engineer and a t- permit to work shall be issued by the Engineer before any repair work is carried out by the Contractor. While working a on electric lines/equipment, whether live or dead, suitable type and sufficient quantity of tools will have to he provided { by th e Co ntracto r to el ectricia n s/wo rkm en/officers. 7 { PC The Contractors shall employ necessary number of qualified, full time electricians/electrical supervisors to maintain his t tem porary electrical installation. PC The contractor employing more than 250 workmen whether temporary, casual, probationer, regular or permanent or on - PC 24.7.1 Commissioning of the Facilities (or specific part thereof where specific parts ,a' are specified in the GC 1.1) shail be commenced by the contractor \!.. immediately after bejng advised by the project manager, pursuant sub-clause 24-5 or immediately after the deemed Cdmpletion to Gc t\ f", """"pt Commissioning Preco_mmissioning (including deemed precommissioning) "? ti:'j f, under GC sub-clause 24.6. ,F u.- PC 24.7.2 The Employer shail, to the extent specified in Appendix-6 (scope of works t and supply by th9 Emproyer), deproy the operating and maintenance personnel and supply raw materials, utilities, lubricants, Lhemicals, catalysts, ta facilities, services and other materials required for commissioning. (f PC 24.7.3 On passing of the Precommissioning and charging of the Facilities at rated \,p voltage, Commissioning would be attained. #*-"ffiiq*L { PC 24.7.4 Trial- t ti--' ln ,- frtr ix \* j'nif;"ra MEG.SSO2 with NER Power System ,a , \ 4.. \- t\ , p t Section Vlll. Particular Conditions triJ16 B-23 ti as, the Trial-run is completed, the Contractor shall so notify the Prclject )t l Manager in writing. i, PC24"7"5 Tlre Project Manager shall, within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the if Contractor's notice under GC Sub-Clause 24.7.4, either issue a Completion (Taking Over) Certificate in the form specified in the Sample Forms and Procedures section in the Bidding Documents or in another form acceptable il e to the Employer, stating that the Facilities or that part thereof have reached Completion as of the date of the Contractor's notice under GC Sub-Clause 24-7.4, or notify the Contractor in writing of any defects and/or deficiencies. , lf the Project Manager notifies the Contractor of any defects and/or b deficiencies, the Contractor shall then correct such defects and/or deficiencies, and shall repeat the procedure described in GC Sub-Clause 2+.7.4. lf the Project Manager is satisfied that the Facilities or that part thereof have reached Completion, the Project Manager $hall, within seven )| t p (7) days after receipt of the Contractor's repeated notice, issue a Completion (Taking Over) Certificate stating that the Facilities or that part thereof have reached Completion as of the date of the Contractor's repeated notice. lf the Project Manager is not so satisfied, then it shall notify the Contractor in t writing of any defects and/or deficiencies within seven (7) days after receipt of the Contractor's repeated notice, and the above procedure shall be repeated. t PC lf the Qloject Manager fails to issue the Completion (Taking Over) Certificate and fails to inform the Contractor of any defects and/or deficiencies within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Contractor's notice under GC Sub- Clause 24.7.4 or within seven (7) days after receipt of the Contractor's repeated notice under GC Sub-Clause 24.7.5, or if the Employer makes use of the Facilities or part thereof, then the Facilities or that part thereof shall be B deemed to have reached Completion as of the date of the Contractor's notice or repeated notice, or as of the Employer's use of the Facilities, as the case may be. il PC 24.7.6 lf Jor reasons not attributable to the Contractor, the Pre-commissioning/ Commissioning of the Facitities or the relevant part thereof cannot be successfully attained within the Time for Completion specified in the PC or Ir t any other period agreed upon by the Employer, provisions of Clause GC 25.5 and its sub-clauses shall apply. t PC 24.9 Replacing the Sub-Glause GC 24.9 As soon as possible after Completion, the Contractor shall complete all outstanding minor items, as per the Schedule mutually agreed between the t Employer and the Contractor, so that the F. are fully in accordance with the the relevant part tract, failing t _.j.,,'-f$feof, -:,;'-;:q,\ -.i:;2 for Meghalaya associated with NER i !1-i l ANNEXURE – 10 APPROVED LABOUR LICENSE & INSURANCE POLICY BY CONTRACTOR THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. (Government of India Undertaking) MARINE-CUM-ERECTION INSURANCE POLICY Insured's Name : NECCON POWER & INFRA LTD. Insured's Details Issuing Office Details Customer ID : PO73023329 Office Code : DISPUR BRANCH (530702) Address : B.C. SYIEN APARTMENT, Address : NILGIRI MANSION, LAITUMKRAH OPPOSITE TO NEMCARE OPP. NEEPCO, EAST KHASI HILLS HOSPITAL, SHILLONG BHANGAGARH, G.S.ROAD,781005 ASSAM RIFLES ,MEGHALAYA, 793011 Phone No : Phone No : 03612529463 E-mail/Fax :, / E-mail/Fax : PAN No : AABCN1603J S.Tax Regn. No : AAACN4165CST178 GSTIN/UIN : 17AABCN1603J3ZP/NA GSTIN : 18AAACN4165C2ZP : SAC : 997139 (Other non-life insurance services excl RI) Policy Details Policy Number : 53070244200800000001 Business Source Code Period of Insurance : 28/04/2020 02:30:41 PM to 13/09/2020 Dev.Off. : Mr. PRADIP MEDHI - (DE7795252) 11:59:59 PM level/Broker/Corp. Agent Date of Proposal : 28-Apr-20 Agent/Bancassurance : Mrs. DOLLY SINGH (NIAAG00116342) DOLLY SINGH (SI00199200) Prev. Policy no. : Phone No : NA / 9864032185 Client Type : Corporate E-mail/Fax : /, / / Premium: GST: Stamp Duty Total (`) Receipt No. & Date: 398213 71679 1 469893 5307028120000000011 3 - 28/04/20 Limit : By Rail/ Road `: 50000000 PERIOD: The cover commences from the date of the first consignment of despatch from the manufacturer's/ supplier's warehouse either in India or abroad and remains in force for the period as mentioned above (the said period starting from the arrival of the first consignment or despatch at the site of erection) or the completion of erection including test period not exceeding ------ weeks, whichever is earlier. Limit : By Air / Sea `: 1 any one vessel Limit as per Location Clause `: 50000000 LOCATION CLAUSE : In case of loss and/ or damage before Special Conditions: EXCESS 5% OF CONSIGNMENT shipment after discharge to the Insured interest in any one VALUE SUBJECT TO MINIMUM OF `10,000/- locatlity the underwriter notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this contract, shall not be liable in respect of any one accident or series of accidents arising, out of the same event for more than its porportion of an amount upto, but not exceeding, the sum of `___________. The conveyance of the insrued interest upon interior or by land transit shall not be deemed to be shipment within the meaning of this clause. Excess for Cargo: 0 PREMIUM: As per Premium Endorsement hereunder: Voyage Sl. No. From To 1 ANY PART OF INDIA PROJECT SITE CLAIMS PAYABLE: On the basis of the actual loss sustained at the time of claim. NOTICE of loss or damage to be given and survey arranged and a certificate obtained from the Company's Agent at port of discharge or in case where the Company has no agent, by a Certificate from Lloyd's Agents, without which Certificates no claim for loss will be paid. In the event of loss or damage which may result in claim under this Insurance, immediate notice must be given to policy issuing Office/ any office nearest to the destination who are the Company's agent at port of discharge, in order they may examine the goods and issue a survey report. Where the Company has no agent, the notice must be given to W. K. Webster's Signature Not local agent. Verified Digitally signed by Srinivasan Vaideswaran Date: 2020.04.28 16:31:22 IST Policy No. : 53070244200800000001 Document generated by 34505 at 28/04/2020 16:31:21 Hours. Regd. & Head Office: New India Assurance Bldg., 87 M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. TOLL FREE No. 1 800 209 1415. Page 1 of 6 THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. (Government of India Undertaking) Closing Particulars - All shipments are to be declared to the Company immediately upon receipt of shipping documents and stamped certificates to be obtained from the Company's Office at the issuing Office. * Premium subject to adjustment on completion of the Project SI. No. Type of Project/Description of Project 1 181010 - Transmission Lines / 1) PACKAGE MEG-DMS-03,CONSTRUCTION OF 33/11Kv,SUB-STATION AND LINE AT MAWPAT,NEW SHILLONG,MAWRENGKHENG,MAWKYNREW,LANDONOGKREM IN THE STATE OF MEGHALAYA. 2) EXTENSION OF POLICY NO. 53070244160800000005, 53070244190800000019 Site of Erection Risk Address : 1 MAWPAT,NEW SHIONG,MAWRYNGKHENG,LANDONOGKREM,,JONGKSHA,MEGHALAYA,ML001,SHILLONG, ML,MEGHALAYA, INDIA, 793001 Principal(s)/ Contractor/ sub-contractor Details: Sl. No. Name Address 1 POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA SHILLONG ,MEGHALAYA LTD 2 NECCON POWER & INFRA LTD SEUNI ALI ,A.T.ROAD,JORHAT Sl. No. Period of Insurance 1. Period of Insurance From : 28/04/2020 02:30:41 PM To : 13/09/2020 11:59:59 PM (including 1 months Testing ) plus 1 months Extended Maintenance period Section I - Material Damage : 1. Plant & Equipments to be erected (New Machine) a ) Landed Cost of Imported machinery as at Factory site at exchange Rate : 0 (sub divided as) Sl. No. Invoice Cost Freight insurance, handling, Custom duty Clearing and Forwarding charges up to Factory site 1 0 0 0 b ) On machinery fabricated or manufactured in India (sub divided as) Sl. No. Invoice Cost including Insurance, handling, Excise Duty clearing and transport up to Factory site 1 0 0 Second Hand Machinery(to be Erected) i) Landed cost of Imported machinery as at Factory site at exchange rate : «SHExchange_Rate_ER_ME» (sub divided as) Sl. No. Invoice Cost Freight insurance, handling, Custom duty Clearing and Forwarding charges up to Factory site 1 NA NA NA ii ) On machinery fabricated or manufactured in India (sub divided as) Sl. No. Invoice Cost including Insurance, handling, clearing and transport up to Factory site 1 0 Sl. No. c ) On Cost of erection including salaries of all Foreign and Indian Technicians and Wages of all skilled and unskilled labour employed at Factory Site during erection : 1 675364001 d ) On Building in which the above Plant and Machinery is to be erected Sl. No. a) Permanent Civil b) Temporary Works Completely erected value Engineering Works Policy No. : 53070244200800000001 Document generated by 34505 at 28/04/2020 16:31:21 Hours. Regd. & Head Office: New India Assurance Bldg., 87 M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. TOLL FREE No. 1 800 209 1415. Page 2 of 6 THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. (Government of India Undertaking) 1 0 0 675364001 2. Contractors Plant and Machinery (Memo 4) as per list enclosed Item No. Quantity Description of Year of Sum Insured Risk Code Excess due Excess due Excess for Items (Type, Manufacture (In `) to AOG to Other Boom Manufacture, Perils than AOG Section Capacity) Perils 3. Add on Covers 1.Owners Surrounding Property Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess 1 0 0 2.Additional Custom Duty Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess 1 0 0 3. Removal of Debris per occurrence Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess 1 0 0 4. Professional Fees Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess 1 0 0 5. Expediting Cost including Air Freight & Express Freight Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess 1 0 0 6. Offsite Storage/ Fabrication Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess 1 0 0 7. on increased replacement value (including duty on such additional replacement value) which may have to be paid on replacement of imported Plant and Machinery as per 1(a) above Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess 1 0 0 8. on increased replacement value which may have to be paid on replacement of indigenous Plant and Machinery as per 1(b) above Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess 1 0 0 on increased replacement value which may have to be paid on replacement of Plant and Machinery as per 1(d) a) above Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess 1 0 0 9. Dismantling cover for Used /Second Hand Machinery Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess 1 0 0 10. Automatic Reinstatement clause Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess Policy No. : 53070244200800000001 Document generated by 34505 at 28/04/2020 16:31:21 Hours. Regd. & Head Office: New India Assurance Bldg., 87 M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. TOLL FREE No. 1 800 209 1415. Page 3 of 6 THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. (Government of India Undertaking) 1 0 0 11. Loss minimisation expenses Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess 1 0 0 12. Cover for valuable documents Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess 1 0 0 13. Continuity of cover during operational phase for unit / plant tested but awaiting integral testing (along with other units / plants) Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess 1 0 0 14. Design Defect Cover Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess 1 DE-4 of Munich Re 5 times AOG excess 15. Waiver of Subrogation clause Sl. No. Limit of Indemnity Excess 1 NA 0 Section II - Third Party Liability : Limit of Indemnity Sl. No. For any one accident For all accidents during the period Any One Person 1 1000000 25000000 1000000 EXCESS for Section I and II : Sl. No. For Storage & For Testing Period For Acts of God For Fire / Explosion Terrorism Erection Claims Claims/ maintenance Claims (as per Memo Claims period claims 6)/Maintenance Cover ( to be removed) 1 5 % of the claim 5 % of the claim 10 % of the claim 10% of the claim 0.5 % of Total Sum amount subject to a amount subject to a amount subject to a amount subject to a Insured subject to minimum of ` 50000 minimum of ` 150000 minimum of testing minimum of testing minimum of ` period excess & a period excess & a 1,00,000/-for each maximum of ` 5 maximum of ` 2 and every claim Crores Crores Excesses For Specific AddOn Covers : Sl. No. Description Of Cover Excess Terrorism Covered Terrorism Premium YES 40776 Deductibles Opted for Terrorism : 5% of the claim amount for each and every claim subject to Minimum of`1,00,000 Pool and Maximum of`2,50,00,000 Risk Serial No. STFI Cover 1 YES Risk Serial No. Earth Quake Cover 1 YES Installment Details Policy No. : 53070244200800000001 Document generated by 34505 at 28/04/2020 16:31:21 Hours. Regd. & Head Office: New India Assurance Bldg., 87 M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. TOLL FREE No. 1 800 209 1415. Page 4 of 6 THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. (Government of India Undertaking) Installment Number Installment Date Installment Amount (`) 1 28/04/2020 421776 2 28/04/2020 48116 The policy is subject to endorsements, warranties attached. ENDORSEMENTS ATTACHED TO & FORMING PART OF THE POLICY Sl. No. Endorsement Number Endorsement Title ENG 002 Extension of terrorism damage SLEC Section Limitation and Exclusion Clause Risk Code Excess 181010 `10,000/` 30,000, * Excess for Theft & Burglary claims shall be 25 % of claim amount subject to minimum of `15,000 In witness whereof the undersigned being duly authorized by the Insurers and on behalf of the Insurers has (have) hereunder set his (their) hand(s) on this 28th day of April,2020 For and on behalf of The New India Assurance Company Limited Duly Constituted Attorney(s) Premium and GST Details Rate of Tax Amount in INR Premium `398213 SGST 0 0 CGST 0 0 IGST 18 71679 In witness whereof the undersigned being duly authorized by the Insurers and on behalf of the Insurers has (have) hereunder set his (their) hand(s) on this 28th day of April,2020 For and on behalf of The New India Assurance Company Limited Duly Constituted Attorney(s) Tax Invoice No : 53070220P0000203 IRDA Registration Number: 190 Policy No. : 53070244200800000001 Document generated by 34505 at 28/04/2020 16:31:21 Hours. Regd. & Head Office: New India Assurance Bldg., 87 M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. TOLL FREE No. 1 800 209 1415. Page 5 of 6 THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. (Government of India Undertaking) Policy No. : 53070244200800000001 Document generated by 34505 at 28/04/2020 16:31:21 Hours. Regd. & Head Office: New India Assurance Bldg., 87 M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. TOLL FREE No. 1 800 209 1415. Page 6 of 6 THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD . (Government of India Undertaking) - ---- --·· - - - - To SI. No. . _ __ ___ __ F_!"<_Jm - - . -- ~ -- -Sl~ILON G(MA WLAl )O NE- HU( WB)( 9KM S) ----- - 4 ~- ---- -- -- ANYWHl· RL IN INL11A (WAl~E!-I OUSI: ro WAf{El-ltlU SF RASJSL -- ____ _ - K HELERIATE (PG)( WB)~KHELER IATE(M E7K M- 5 - - - - - - - ·-ANY WH.Ei~fi1N.1NDIA (WAR F:1 0 11 5 E rn lf-£:..?_ KH FRLR IA fE M~- MLj_ OKM __ _ WAR EHOU SE BASI S) _ MAW GAP --UMTRU (WB )-(30 KM ) 6 ANYWH ERE iN 1No lA ·(w A~E_!-jOU SI:: ro WAH EHOLJ SF: B051S ) _______ __ _____ -- ._ -:- - - f . NOT ICE -:~ ·; damage to be given and CL AIM S PAYABLE: On th e basis of th e actual loss susta in ed at !hi ti m! 0 t c 1 i:t~f diHll s. All lit() h1lk1wll\q low11, --11 , , ,, . 1111 pp11 11/1 1d t1r :iw11 1q • • ,u t, ••, 11111:\ 111\i 11:.:,l( I 11·~ p 111 np111.lli1 111111 ,\) N111nb\,, l'hHi • '( ti ll / N 1,1 ; b) J('' pl:\ti) l ' nn~ \,'. ) t'h,l~l) ph,\l, d) l\n\l rl ttnb 1n~ 1 \)~•vlt'1)/ Hrnbod wlt 1i Yo•, / bin · t) AV tt\ti('II ~1\11 ml~/prnnl:-. 11:1 l)t ll 1, 1q11 h, irn, H1t np, 1d lh.n lio 11 . , I" .r ,, ' ,wk w,~ldinn Is ,innn :t ~\ p,)1 s puc it 1 1 c11llo n 11:\h11nln 11