The World Bank Enhancing the Citizen Feedback Mechanism for Improved Public Service Delivery in Burkina Faso (P174907) Concept Environmental and Social Review Summary Concept Stage (ESRS Concept Stage) Public Disclosure Date Prepared/Updated: 02/21/2022 | Report No: ESRSC02204 Feb 21, 2022 Page 1 of 7 The World Bank Enhancing the Citizen Feedback Mechanism for Improved Public Service Delivery in Burkina Faso (P174907) BASIC INFORMATION A. Basic Project Data Country Region Project ID Parent Project ID (if any) Burkina Faso AFRICA WEST P174907 Project Name Enhancing the Citizen Feedback Mechanism for Improved Public Service Delivery in Burkina Faso Practice Area (Lead) Financing Instrument Estimated Appraisal Date Estimated Board Date Governance Investment Project 11/30/2021 Financing Borrower(s) Implementing Agency(ies) Ministère de la Fonction Ministère de la Fonction Publique, du Travail et de Publique, du Travail et de la la Protection Sociale Protection Sociale Public Disclosure Proposed Development Objective The objective of the Project is to enhance citizen oversight of public service delivery and government responsiveness through the operationalization of a citizen feedback mechanism in the ministry of civil service in Burkina Faso. Financing (in USD Million) Amount Total Project Cost 0.40 B. Is the project being prepared in a Situation of Urgent Need of Assistance or Capacity Constraints, as per Bank IPF Policy, para. 12? No C. Summary Description of Proposed Project [including overview of Country, Sectoral & Institutional Contexts and Relationship to CPF] This project aims to strengthen and operationalize a citizen feedback mechanism in the public administration (i) to improve government responsiveness to citizen input; and (ii) increase public participation in monitoring the delivery of services. This mechanism is different from Grievance Redress mechanisms (GRMs) in World Bank projects. It does not address grievances associated with projects implementation issues. It is restricted to record and process complaints and suggestions from citizens on services delivered by Burkina Faso public institutions and more specifically in the scope of this project, to the ministries selected as pilots. It is also distinct from the mechanism Feb 21, 2022 Page 2 of 7 The World Bank Enhancing the Citizen Feedback Mechanism for Improved Public Service Delivery in Burkina Faso (P174907) managed by the Higher Authority of State Control and Fight against Corruption (ASCE-LC), which handles cases of fraud and corruption. The project will focus on piloting the mechanism in three ministries (civil service, education and health). The choice of the pilots is based on their strategic importance as frontline public service delivery providers and on an existing successful collaboration with these entities on citizen engagement-related activities in the framework of the above- mentioned Public Sector Reform Program, Economic Governance, Gov Tech and Citizen Engagement Project, and the Local Government Support Project. This will the project allow to maximize synergies and capitalize on past achievements. There are three project components: (i) Develop and operationalize a citizen feedback mechanism in three pilot ministries; (ii) Build government and civil society capacity to manage the mechanism and monitor citizen feedback; and (iii) Communication, knowledge facilitation and project management. D. Environmental and Social Overview D.1. Detailed project location(s) and salient physical characteristics relevant to the E&S assessment [geographic, environmental, social] The project is national wide. Il will focus on piloting the mechanism in three ministries which are civil service, education and health. The choice of the pilots is based on their strategic importance as frontline public service delivery providers and on an existing Public Disclosure successful collaboration with these entities on citizen engagement-related activities in the framework of the above- mentioned Public Sector Reform Program, Economic Governance, Gov Tech and Citizen Engagement Project, and the Local Government Support Project. This will allow to maximize synergies and capitalize on past achievements. The key results of the project are as follows: • Increased rate of response to citizens’ grievances in the civil service (performance and effectiveness) • Decreased processing time of citizens’ grievances in the civil service (efficiency) (in number of days) D. 2. Borrower’s Institutional Capacity The project will be implemented by the Ministry of Public Service, Labor and Social Protection (MFPTPS) through the Permanent Secretary for the Modernization of the Administration and Good Governance (SP/MABG) (Recipient), which served as the PIU and successfully implemented the World Bank’s first PforR in the governance sector in Burkina Faso. Thus, they SP/MABG has some experience in preparing and implementing World Bank operations but will need some capacity building in applying ESF policies. II. SCREENING OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL (ES) RISKS AND IMPACTS A. Environmental and Social Risk Classification (ESRC) Low Environmental Risk Rating Low Feb 21, 2022 Page 3 of 7 The World Bank Enhancing the Citizen Feedback Mechanism for Improved Public Service Delivery in Burkina Faso (P174907) The project is not expected to have adverse environmental impacts. Under Component 1, the project will contribute to upgrade the IT Infrastructure. Civil works are not included. The MFPTPS has been working to improve the features on and furnish the necessary office supply, computer equipment, and internet connection to administer the platform. The project will assess and develop the IT infrastructure for an integrated platform with other ministries, determine the appropriate host and guidelines for maintenance and updates for the platform, and develop a mobile application for citizen feedback. To enable these activities, the project will procure office supply, computer equipment and internet connection for the pilot sectoral ministries and one municipality. Social Risk Rating Low Proposed project activities will have low negative E&S risks and impacts as it will allow to reestablish trust between stakeholders and the government by putting in place a platform that will allow them to express their griefs and provide feedback on services . The main potential social risk could be the exclusion of some beneficiaries or limited access to the grievance mechanism. The project sub component 1.2. aims to mitigate this risk. 1.2 by enhancing the design and deployment of the mechanism. Through this subcomponent, the project activities are to develop the general framework and guidelines and secure the appointment of focal points for the establishment of the mechanism in the 13 regional civil service directorates. It is expected that such activities will have social positive impacts. B. Environment and Social Standards (ESSs) that Apply to the Activities Being Considered B.1. General Assessment Public Disclosure ESS1 Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts Overview of the relevance of the Standard for the Project: The environmental and social risks and impacts are estimated to be low as the project’s activities are not expected to directly generate irreversible negative risks or negative impacts. On the contrary, the impact is expected to be significantly positive. The project Environmental and social Commitment Plan (ESCP) will be prepared by the Borrower with support of the World Bank team. It will include commitments to undertake the required assessments related to OHS risks in the context of COVID-19, as well as relevant capacity building. Areas where “Use of Borrower Framework” is being considered: NA ESS10 Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure The project will provide additional support to the existing platform for citizen feedback,, to strengthen access and use in three pilot sectors. The main stakeholders are the three sector ministries that will pilot the mechanism under this project, civil society organizations, communities and beneficiaries. Direct beneficiaries of the project are the targeted government units and CSOs engaged in the management, monitoring and promotion of the use of the mechanism, particularly those working in the three pilot ministries and civil society partners with relevant programs in these sectors. Feb 21, 2022 Page 4 of 7 The World Bank Enhancing the Citizen Feedback Mechanism for Improved Public Service Delivery in Burkina Faso (P174907) Indirect beneficiaries of the project are the citizens of Burkina Faso who will receive improved delivery of public services through their input into mechanism. The stakeholders issues will be addressed directly in the project document and described in the ESCP. The SEP will be prepared as part of ESCP. B.2. Specific Risks and Impacts A brief description of the potential environmental and social risks and impacts relevant to the Project. ESS2 Labor and Working Conditions This ESS is currently relevant. The aspects of ESS2 relevant to government workers and the National Labor Law will apply and this will be described in the ESCP and the project paper. ESS3 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management This ESS is not currently relevant. ESS4 Community Health and Safety This ESS is not currently relevant. Public Disclosure ESS5 Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement This ESS is not currently relevant Project activities are not expected to lead to land acquisition. ESS6 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources This ESS is not currently relevant, considering the project activities ESS7 Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities There are no known Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities in the project area. ESS8 Cultural Heritage This ESS is not relevant, considering the project activities ESS9 Financial Intermediaries The project will not be implemented through Financial Intermediaries. Feb 21, 2022 Page 5 of 7 The World Bank Enhancing the Citizen Feedback Mechanism for Improved Public Service Delivery in Burkina Faso (P174907) C. Legal Operational Policies that Apply OP 7.50 Projects on International Waterways No OP 7.60 Projects in Disputed Areas No III. WORLD BANK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL DUE DILIGENCE A. Is a common approach being considered? No Financing Partners NA B. Proposed Measures, Actions and Timing (Borrower’s commitments) Actions to be completed prior to Bank Board Approval: Preparation and disclosure of the Borrower Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) including SEP prior to appraisal. Public Disclosure Possible issues to be addressed in the Borrower Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP): Potential Risk and impacts related to ESS2, ESS3 and ESS10 will be addressed in the ESCP with recommended measures and actions as needed. C. Timing Tentative target date for preparing the Appraisal Stage ESRS 31-Oct-2021 IV. CONTACT POINTS World Bank Contact: Kolie Ousmane Maurice Megnan Title: Senior Public Sector Specialist Telephone No: 5354+6339 / 226-25-496339 Email: Contact: Mathieu Cloutier Title: Economist Telephone No: +1-202-473-3215 Email: Borrower/Client/Recipient Borrower: Ministère de la Fonction Publique, du Travail et de la Protection Sociale Feb 21, 2022 Page 6 of 7 The World Bank Enhancing the Citizen Feedback Mechanism for Improved Public Service Delivery in Burkina Faso (P174907) Implementing Agency(ies) Implementing Agency: Ministère de la Fonction Publique, du Travail et de la Protection Sociale V. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Telephone: (202) 473-1000 Web: VI. APPROVAL Task Team Leader(s): Mathieu Cloutier, Kolie Ousmane Maurice Megnan Practice Manager (ENR/Social) Maria Sarraf Recommended on 30-Sept-2021 at 09:10:54 GMT-04:00 Public Disclosure Feb 21, 2022 Page 7 of 7