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Intimate Partner Violence against Women : Prevalence, Formal Reporting, and Risk Factors in Chile (English)

Intimate partner violence is among the most common forms of violence against women. In Chile, one in four women who have been in a partner relationship report having experienced some type of partner violence in the past 12 months, whether psychological, physical, sexual, or economic. However, only 22 percent of female victims of intimate partner violence file a formal complaint. This study analyzes the factors that determine the likelihood that a...
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Saavedra Facusse,Trinidad Berenice; Contreras Urbina,Juan Manuel; Inchauste Comboni,Maria Gabriela.

Intimate Partner Violence against Women : Prevalence, Formal Reporting, and Risk Factors in Chile (English). Policy Research working paper ; no. WPS 10016 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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