MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT GPRF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP OF EDUCATION FUND FORTHE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 MINISTRYOF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 STATEMENT OF SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS FORTHETHIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 Contents Page Transmittal Letter 1 Executive Summary 2-5 Independent Auditor's Report on Project Financial Statements 6- 7 Statement of Source and Use of Funds 8 Independent Auditor's Report on withdrawals from the GPE grant using Interim Financial Reports 9- 10 Withdrawals from the GPEgrant using Interim Financial Reports 11 Statement of Use of Funds - Expenditure 12 Expenditure Detail by Component and Category 13 Independent Auditor's Report on Designated Account 14- 15 Designated Account Statement 16 Independent Auditor's Report on Disbursements Linked to Indicators 17- 18 Statement of Receipts and Payments for Disbursements Linked to Indicators 19- 20 Notes to the Financial Statements 21-25 Asset Register 26- 35 r Graham Carr 25 February 2022 TRANSMITTAL LETTER Ref: SP40/A/DN The Project Coordinator Ministry of Education Malawi Education Sector Improvement Project (MESIP) Private Bag 328 Lilongwe 3 Dear Sirs SPECIAL AUDIT - DISBURSEMENTS FROM GRANT TFOA2913 OF THE GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP OF EDUCATION FUND FOR THE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY 2021 At the request of the Ministry of Education, we have performed a special audit of disbursements made from the Global Partnership of Education Fund Grant TFOA2913 for the thirteen months period ending July 2021. We would like to thank the Project Coordinator and the finance department for providing the information and explanations on which this report is based. Please contact us should you require any additional information on any of the matters raised in this report. Yours faithfully GRAHAM CARR Directors: Dorothy Ngwira Mrs,Victoria Nkhoma Mrs, Cornwel Banda A member of Graham Carr is a member firm afthe "Nexia International" network, Nexia Internationa Limited does not de[iver servces in its own name or N e a I otherwise Nexia International Umited and the member firms of the Nex a Internatlonal network (includIng those members which trade under a name INGX Ica which inctudes the word NEXIA) are not part of a worldwIde partnership Nexia International Limited does not accept any responsib1ty for the Internationa[ commssion of any act, or omission to act by. or the liabilities of, any of its members. Each member firm withirr the Nexia International network is a separate legal entity. -1- MINISTRYOF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 STATEMENT OFSOURCESAND USESOF FUNDS FORTHE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Graham Carr was engaged to perform an audit of the disbursements from the International Development Association Grant number TF0A2913. The terms of reference were issued by the Ministry of Education, Malawi Education Sector Improvement Project (MESIP). The Global Partnership for Education Fund Grant Agreement for Malawi Education Sector Improvement Project (MESIP) was planned to run from 21 December 2016 to 31 December 2020. 1.1 INTRODUCTION The accompanying report is given in connection with the Global Partnership for Education Fund Grant Agreement number TF0A2913 for Malawi Education Sector Improvement Project (MESIP). This report covers the thirteen months period ending 31 July 2021. The Malawi Government received funding from the Global Partnership for Education (GPE)to be applied towards improving the equity and quality of primary school education service delivery in early grade levels with an emphasis on improved accountability and functioning at the school level through the Malawi Education Sector Improvement Project (MESIP). Malawi Government is implementing the Malawi Education Sector Improvement Project (MESIP)through the Ministry of Education as the project's implementing agency. The project is financed by a grant amounting to USD44.9 million for a period of four years from December 21, 2016 to December 31, 2020. (Extended to 31 July 2021) The development objective of the Education Sector Improvement Project for Malawi was to improve the equity and quality of primary education service delivery in early grade levelswith an emphasis on improved accountability and functioning at the school level. The project comprised of five components. The first component, performance-based school improvement grants for improving promotion and retention objective was piloting the feasibility of improving promotion rates through addressing the inefficiencies of repetition and dropout in the primary education system through performance based funding (PBF)and incentives, including how to keep girls in school. The second component, improving equity for the most disadvantaged, including girls, focused on improving the retention of teenage girls especially in standards 6 to 8 by improving availability of sanitary facilities, an issue identified as a constraint for girls. The third component, improving learning outcomes, accountability, and cost-effectiveness at school level supported three activities: (a) school leadership program to change school level management and teacher behaviors; (b) school data collection and usage; and (c) improving community involvement in schools, especially targeting retention of teenage girls. The fourth component, variable part and disbursement linked indicators, was focusing on development, endorsement, and operationalization of the strategic policy frameworks. The fifth component, project management, and sector program support and coordination finances activities, core consultant staff, technical assistance (TA), and recurrent costs related to project management and sector program facilitation and coordination, including communication, monitoring and evaluation (M and E). -2- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 STATEMENT OF SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS FORTHE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 The GPE financing for project implementation supported five components and funded the following main activities: (i) Provision of school improvement and performance based grants to participating schools in order to reduce drop out and repetition (ii) construction of classroom blocks to increase equity (iii) training and workshops, (iv) short term consultancy services, (v) goods, including IT hardware and software systems and (vi) reimbursement of some government expenditures on attainment of specific disbursement linked indicators (DLIs). Activities supported by the project are aggregated in the following five components: 1. Performance based school improvement grants for improving promotion and retention 2. Improving equity for the most disadvantaged, including girls 3. Improving learning, accountability and cost effectiveness at school level 4. Development, endorsement and operationalization of strategic policy frameworks 5. Project management and sector program support and coordination School improvement grants under component 1 were disbursed on an annual basis to 800 participating schools in the eight most disadvantaged districts of Mzimba South, Kasungu, Lilongwe Rural West, Dedza, Mangochi, Machinga, Thyolo and Chikwawa. Under component 2, the project is constructed classroom blocks in the same eight districts. There were 3 major activities under component 3, namely school leadership and management training, School level data collection and usage, and improvement of community involvement in schools. Activities under component 3 span the whole country. 2 TERMS OF REFERENCE AND SCOPEAND CONTENT OF REPORT 2.1 Terms of reference and scope of the audit The terms of reference for this special audit are based on terms issued by the Project, and are as follows: Preparation of annual financial statements a) The responsibility for the preparation of financial statements including adequate disclosure is that of the implementing agency, the Ministry of Education. Ministry of Education is also responsible for the selection and application of accounting policies in consultation with the International Development Agency (IDA) of the World Bank. MoE and IDA agreed that financial statements will be prepared on a cash basis as modified by accruals at year end where necessary. b) The auditor is responsible for forming and expressing opinions on the financial statements. The auditor will carry out the audit of the project in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing (ISA), as promulgated by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). As part of the audit process, the auditor may request from MoE confirmation concerning representations made in connection with the audit. -3- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 STATEMENT OF SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS FORTHE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 Scope of the audit As stated above, the audit of the project was to be carried out in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA) promulgated by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), and would include such tests and auditing procedures as the auditor would consider necessary under the circumstances. Special attention was to be paid by the auditor asto whether the: a) GPE financing has been used in accordance with the conditions of the relevant financing agreement, with due attention to economy and efficiency, and only for the purposes for which the financing was provided in the Development Grant Agreement signed between IDA and the Malawi Government on 22nd September 2016. b) Goods, works and services financed have been procured in accordance with the relevant financing agreements including specific provisions of the World Bank Procurement Policies and Procedures. c) All necessary supporting documents, records, and accounts have been maintained in respect of all project activities, including expenditures reported using Unaudited Interim Financial Reports (IFR). The auditor is expected to verify that respective reports issued during the period were in agreement with the underlying books of account; d) The Designated Account has been maintained in accordance with the provisions of the relevant financing agreements and funds disbursed out of the Accounts were used only for the purpose intended in the financing agreement; e) National laws and regulations have been complied with, and that the financial and accounting procedures approved for the project (e.g. operational manual, financial procedures manual, etc.)were followed and used; f) Financial performance of the project is satisfactory. g) Assets procured from project funds exist and there is verifiable ownership by the implementing agency or beneficiaries in line with the financing agreement. h) Ineligible expenditures included in withdrawal applications are identified and reimbursed to the Designated Accounts. These were required to be separately noted in the audit report. -4- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 STATEMENT OF SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS FORTHE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 2. TERMS OF REFERENCE AND SCOPEAND CONTENT OF REPORT (CONTINUED) Contents of the report Having regard to the above terms of reference, we detail the content of this report below. The auditor's report on the project financial statements is on page 6, while the Statement of Source and Uses of Funds is on page 8. Attention is especially drawn to our special audit report on the withdrawals from the GPE grant using Interim Financial Reports and the designated account on page 9 and 14 respectively which are given in accordance with the terms of reference on pages 3 and 4. The individual withdrawals in the period 1 July 2019 to 31 July 202 are listed on age 11. The expenditure details in respect of the categories under which eligible expenditure is considered are detailed on page 12 and 13. The statement relating to the Designated Account, which is required to be opened under the Grant Agreement ison page 16. The statement of Disbursements linked to Indicators ison page 19. 3 AUDIT CONCLUSION We have obtained all the information and explanations necessary for purposes of our audit. Reimbursements made in the thirteen months period ending 31 July 2021 as listed on page 11 can be relied upon as having been based on the underlying records and claimed in accordance with the Global Partnership for Education Fund Grant Agreement number TF0A2913, dated September 22, 2016. Relevant expenditures have been made wholly and necessarily for the realization of the project objectives and with due attention to the economic, financial and operating circumstances in which the Malawi Education Sector Improvement Project exists. The Project has complied with all reporting requirements as stipulated in the agreement. r Graham Carr AUDITORS' REPORT MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBER TFOA2913 GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP OF EDUCATION FUND ON PROJECT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY 2021 We have audited the accompanying Project Financial Statements of the Global Partnership for Education Fund Grant Agreement number TFOA2913 for Malawi Education Sector Improvement Project (MESIP) for the thirteen months period ending 31 July 2021. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects the sources and application of funds of the project for the thirteen months period ending 31 July 2021 in accordance with the cash receipts and disbursement basis of accounting as modified by accruals where necessary, described in note 1.1 and comply with the requirements of the World Bank. Basis for our opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and World Bank guidelines. Our responsibilities under those provisions and standards are further described in the auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the Project financial statements section of our report. We are independent of the Project in accordance with the International Ethics Standards Board of Accountants' Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESBA Code), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with this code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Responsibilities of management Management of the project is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the Project financial statements in accordance with the cash receipts and disbursements basis of accounting described in note 1.1; this includes determining that the cash receipts and disbursements basis of accounting is an acceptable basis for the preparation of the financial statement in the circumstances, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of a financial statement that is free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's responsibilities Our objectives are to obtain a reasonable assurance about whether the Project Financial Statement as a whole is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these documents. Directors: Dorothy Ngwira Mrs, Victoria Nkhoma Mrs, Cornwell Banda A member of I&aham Carr is a member firm of the "Nexia Internationa" network. Nexia International Limited does not del Iver services in its own name or ( otherwise Nexia International Limited and the member firms cfthe Nexia International network (includIng those members which trade under a name N exia which includesthe word NEXIA) are not part ofa worldwide partnership Nexia Intemnational Limited does not accept any responsibility for the Iternatonal commission of any act, or omission to act by, or the liabilities of any of its members. Each member firm within the Nexia International network is a separate legal entity -6- AUDITORS' REPORT MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBER TFOA2913 GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP OF EDUCATION FUND ON PROJECT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY 2021 As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the statement of expenses whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the organisation's internal control. We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during audit. Chartered Accountants Dorothy Ngwira (Mrs) 25 February 2022 Directors: Dorothy Ngwira Mrs, Victoria Nkhorna Mrs, Cornwell Banda A member of Graham Carr is a member firm of the "Nexia International" network Nex[a International Limited does not deliver servces in its own name or NieXic otherwise Nex[a International Limited and the member firms of the Nexia International network (incuding those members which trade under a name which nctAes the word NEXIA) are not part of a worldwide partnership. Nexia International Limited does not accept any responsibilty for the Internat[onal commission of any act, or omission to act by or the rabilities of, any of its members. Each member firm within the Nexia International network is a separate legal entity. � � � � � �' С! � � � � м мч - �: 'д � -� �- � гы �r е� � � Р„ � . � � � '^� "` � [. "�'� � � +# �-. !t пr �: � Ug4 I � iF � � � � � � �" � hP R8 м � У... �.:� � 4 � � п� м `ь�, Га! И� � � 4 ! � ц ' � j � € ty r� ь+� 1I � ¢ч � � � ` � 1 �7 t�}} тв Гк• � Г%1 �. 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'� о глi � t о ;�. +а С " та р «� ы �' Q � � й � � �.. м �м ` �I � 4 � � h°^ � ц5 г� : ?� ,r -«� � С1 .S F` 'ч � �J � G д t � Q � � � U q Graham Carr AUDITORS'REPORT MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBER TFOA2913 GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP OF EDUCATION FUND WITHDRAWALS FROM THE GPE GRANT BASED ON INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR THE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY 2021 Scope We have audited the. accompanying Project Financial Statements including the Interim Financial Reports summarised on page 11 of the Global Partnership for Education Fund Grant Agreement number TFOA2913 for Malawi Education Sector Improvement Project (MESIP) for the thirteen months period ending 31 July 2021. Opinion In our opinion adequate documentation has been maintained to support claims to the World Bank for reimbursement of expenditure incurred. The withdrawals from the GPE grant using Interim Financial Reports submitted during the period, together with the procedures and internal controls involved in their preparation, can be relied upon to support the related withdrawals. The expenditure was also eligible for financing under the grant agreement. Basis for our opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and World Bank guidelines. Our responsibilities under those provisions and standards are further described in the auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the Project financial statements section of our report. We are independent of the Project in accordance with the International Ethics Standards Board of Accountants' Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants OESBA Code), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with this code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Responsibilities of management Management of the project is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the Interim Financial Reports in accordance with the cash receipts and disbursements basis of accounting as modified by accruals at year end where necessary described in note 1.1 and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of Interim Financial Reports that are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error. Dl Dorothy l Mrs, Victoria Nkhorna Mrs, Cornvvell Banda Graham Carr is a member Urm of the "Nexia International" network. Nexia International Limited does not dellvcr services in its own name or otherwise Nexia International Limited and the member firms of the Nexia International network (including those members which trade under a name which ind'utles; the wcrd NEXIA) are not part of a worldwide partnerghip. Nexia International Limited does not accept any responslbliTty for the International commission of any act, or omission to act by, or the liabilities of, any of its members. Each member firm within the Nexia International network is a separate legal entity. -9- AUDITORS' REPORT MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBER TF0A2913 GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP OF EDUCATION FUND WITHDRAWALS FROM THE GPE GRANT BASED ON INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR THE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY 2021 Auditor's responsibilities Our objectives are to obtain a reasonable assurance about whether the Interim Financial Reports are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these documents. As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also: Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the statement of expenses whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the organisation's internal control. We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during audit. §y,j{1OLV C-(- Chartered Accountants Dorothy Ngwira (Mrs) 25 February 2022 Directors: Dorothy Ngwira Mrs, Victoria Nkhoma Mrs, Cornwell Banda A memberof Graham Carrisa member firm of the "Nexia International" network. Nexia international Limited does not deliver services in its own name or otherwise. Nexia International Limited and the member firms of the Nexia International network (including those members which trade under a name INeiaO which includes the word NEXIA) are not part of a worldwide partnership. Nexia International Limited does not accept any responsibility for the International commission of any act, or omission to act by, or the liabilities of, anyof its members. Each member firm within the Nexia International network is a separate legal entity. -10- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 WITHDRAWALS FROM THE GPE GRANT BASED ON INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORTS FORTHE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 Actual Date Description Ref. USD'000 10-Apr-17 Withdrawal from IDA 001 6,000 27-Nov-17 Withdrawal from IDA 002 1,500 22-Jan-18 Withdrawal from IDA 003 3,000 27-Mar-18 Withdrawal from IDA 004 3,500 22-Jun-18 Withdrawal from IDA 005 2,000 21-Dec-18 Withdrawal from IDA 006 4,244 28-Dec-18 Withdrawal from IDA (DLI) 007 6,000 2-Jul-19 Withdrawal from IDA 008 5,099 13-Feb-20 Withdrawal from IDA 009 5,172 7-Dec-20 Withdrawalfrom IDA 010 918 7-May-21 Withdrawal from IDA (DLI) 011 6,225 43,658 MINISTRYOF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBERTF0A2913 STATEMENT OF USES OF FUNDS- COMPONENT EXPENDITURE FORTHETHIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 Actual Planned Variance Cumulative actual Components and Subcomponents Notes USD'000 MWK'000 USD'000 MWK'000 USD'000 MWK'000 USD'000 USD'000 2021 2020 1. Performance based school improvement grants for improving promotion and retention Provision of school improvement grants 1.1 24 18,343 24 18,771 - 429 6,739 6,715 Provision of performance based grants 1.2 - - - - - - 493 493 Technical advisory services and training 1.3 218 169,027 218 170,507 - 1,479 2,953 2,735 Goods 1.4 3 2,326 3 2,346 - 20 88 85 Subtotal 245 189,696 245 191,624 - 1,929 10,273 10,028 2. Improving equity for the most disadvantaged, including girls Construction of classrooms 2.1 671 520,245 661 516,995 (10) (3,251) 7,174 6,503 Construction of latrines/sanitation blocks 2.2 - - - - - - 450 450 Construction of washing water points 2.3 - - - - - - - - Technical advisory services and training 2.4 76 58,927 86 67,264 10 8,337 1,976 1,900 Subtotal 747 579,172 747 584,259 -5,086 9,600 8,853 3.1mproving learning outcomes, accountability and cost effectiveness at school level Development and implementation of a comprehensive school leadership and teacher training program 3.1 671 520,069 671 524,816 - 4,747 3,202 2,531 Design and rolling out of an automated - - school level datacollection platform 3.2 157 121,731 157 122,796 - 1,065 1,621 1,464 Design and implementation of an information, communications and technology application for collection and transmission of feedback on effectiveness of project activities 3.3 408 316,344 408 319,113 -2,769 2,042 1,634 Subtotal 1,236 958,143 1,236 966,725 -8,582 6,865 5,629 4.Variable part/disbursement linked indicators Program of activities designed to reduce pupil teacher ratio 4.1 2,490 1,930,630 2,490 1,947,529 - 16,898 4,490 2,000 Program of activities designed to increase female to male teacher ratio 4.2 2,490 1,930,630 2,490 1,947,529 - 16,898 4,490 2,000 Program of activities designed to reduce repetition in qrades 1 to4 4.3 1,245 965,315 2,490 1,947,529 1,245 982,213 3,245 2,000 Subtotal 6,225 4,826,576 7,470 5,842,586 1,245 1,016,010 12,225 6,000 5. Project management , and sector program support and coordination Strengthening capacities of MoE and the project facilitation team 5.1 279 216,206 279 218,217 - 2,011 4,403 4,125 Supporting development of a communications strategy and plan including related policy development 5.2 23 17,833 23 17,989 - 156 97 74 Monitoring and evaluation 5.3 6 4,652 6 4,693 - 41 63 57 Strengthening capacities of participating - - . schools and participating districts 5.4 13 10,080 13 10,168 -88 198 185 Subtotal 321 248,770 321 251,067 - 2,297 4,761 4,441 Total project costs 8,773 6,802,358 10,019 7,836,261 1,245 1,033,903 43,723 34,951 - 12- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 EXPENDITURE DETAIL BY COMPONENT & CATEGORY FORTHE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 13MOnthS YearEnde YearEnOeG 10MOthS Ended31 30June 30June Ended30 Component Code Category July 2021 2020 2019 June2018 Total USD'000 USD'000 USD'000 USD'000 1. Performance 101 Goods - 12 8 73 93 based shool 103 Non Consulting Services 233 1,054 663 513 2,463 improvement 104 ConsultantsServices 3 3 - - 6 grants for 105 Training 19 5 184 466 675 improving 106 Operating Costs - 35 56 52 144 promotion and 107 School Improvement retention Grants (10) 1,451 1,787 3,199 6,427 108 Performance Based Grants - 209 157 100 466 Subtotal 245 2,770 2,855 4,403 10,273 2. Improving 201 Goods - - 123 262 385 equity for most 202 Works 629 664 4,838 1,558 7,689 disadvantaged, 203 Non Consulting Services 105 302 431 5 842 including girls 204 Consultants Services 12 118 127 34 292 205 Training - 14 105 77 196 206 Operating Costs 1 19 62 115 196 Subtotal 747 1,117 5,686 2,051 9,600 3.Improving 301 Goods - 12 10 509 531 learning 303 Non Consulting Services 257 1,111 393 29 1,790 outcomes, 304 Consultants Services 452 449 386 - 1,287 accountability ac ndt 305 Training 526 1,029 1,270 115 2,941 and cost effectiveness at 306 Operating Costs - 41 27 246 315 school level Subtotal 1,236 2,643 2,087 899 6,865 4. Variable part / 401 Program ot activities disbursement designed to reduce pupil 2,490 - 2,000 - 4,490 linked indicators Program of activities 402 designed to increase female to male teacher 2,490 - 2,000 - 4,490 Program OT activities 403 designed to reduce repetition in grades 1 to 4 1,245 - 2,000 - 3,245 Works 6,225 - 6,000 - 12,225 5. Project 501 Goods - 5 98 502 605 management, 502 Works - - - - - and sector 503 Non Consulting Services 214 471 376 23 1,084 program 504 Consultants Services 59 257 446 286 1,048 support and 505 Training 19 59 654 536 1,268 coordination 506 Operating Costs 29 268 274 186 757 Subtotal 321 1,059 1,849 1,533 4,761 Total 8,773 7,589 18,477 8,885 43,723 - 13- Graham Carr AUDITORS' REPORT MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBER TF0A2913 GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP OF EDUCATION FUND DESIGNATED ACCOUNT FOR THE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY 2021 Scope We have audited the accompanying Project Financial Statements on pages 8 to 19 including the Designated Account statement on page 16 of the Global Partnership for Education Fund Grant Agreement number TFOA2913 for Malawi Education Sector Improvement Project (MESIP) for the thirteen months period ending 31 July 2021. Opinion In our opinion, the Designated account statement gives a true and fair view of the financial position of the Designated account as at 31 July 2021 in conformity with the basis of accounting described in note 1.1 and comply with the requirements of World Bank. Basis for our opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and World Bank guidelines. Our responsibilities under those provisions and standards are further described in the auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the Project financial statements section of our report. We are independent of the Project in accordance with the International Ethics Standards Board of Accountants' Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESBA Code), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with this code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Responsibilities of management Management of the project is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the Designated Account statement in accordance with the cash receipts and disbursements basis of accounting described in note 1.1 and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of a statement that is free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's responsibilities Our objectives are to obtain a reasonable assurance about whether the Designated Account statement is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these documents. Directors: Dorothy Ngwira Mrs, Victoria Nkhoma Mrs, Cornwell Banda A member of Graham Carr is a member firm of the "Nex[a International" network. Nexia International Limited does not deliver services fn its own name or N xi a otherwise. Nexia nternational Lim[ted and the member firms of the Nexia International network (includfng those members which trade under a name which Includes the word NEXIA) are not part ofa worldwide partnership. Nexia International Limited does not accept any responsibility for the International commission of any act, or omission to actby, or the liabilities of, any of its members. Each member firm within the Nexia Internatonal network is a separate legal entity - 14 - AUDITORS' REPORT MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBER TF0A2913 GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP OF EDUCATION FUND DESIGNATED ACCOUNT FOR THE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY 2021 As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also: Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the statement of expenses whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the organisation's internal control. We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during audit. 9rajyia rvi !. § ( Chartered Accountants Dorothy Ngwira (Mrs) 25 February 2022 Directors: Dorothy Ngwira Mrs, Victoria Nkhorna Mrs, Cornwell Banda A member f Graham Carr is a member firm of the "Nexia International" network. Nexia International Limited does not deliver services in its own name or otherw[se Nexia International Limited and the member firms ofthe Nexia International network (including those members which trade under a name N e xia which includes the word NEXIA) are not part of a worldwide partnersh1p. Nexia iriterriationa[ Limited does not accept any responsibility for the nternational commission of any act, or omission to act by, or the ITabilities of any of its members Each member firm within the Nexia International network is a separate legal entity. -15 - MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 DESIGNATED ACCOUNT (DA) ACTIVITY STATEMENT FORTHETHIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 Actual Actual USD'000 USD'000 2021 2020 Deposit Bank: National Bank of Malawi Currency of DA: United States Dollars Account Name: Global Partnership for Education Account No.: 1003336316 1003336316 PART I USD'000 USD'000 1 Cumulative advances to end of current reporting period 31,433 30,515 2 Cumulative expenditure to end of last reporting period (28,950) (21,362) 3 Outstanding Advance to be accounted (line 1 minus line 2) 2,483 9,154 PART II 4 Opening SA balance at beginning of reporting period (as of July01) 1,626 (1,068) 5 Add/subtract: cumulative adjustments( if any) (61) (49) 6 Advances from World Bank during reporting period 918 10,272 7 Add lines 5 and 6 857 10,222 8 Outstanding advances to be accounted for (add line 4 and 2,483 9,154 line 7) 9 Closing SA balance at the end of current reporting period (as of31 July) 3,241 1,626 10 Add/subtract: cumulative adjustments (if any) (65) (61) 10b Prior year adjustment for closing balance - 354 11 Expenditures for current reporting period 2,548 7,589 12 Add line 10 and line 11 2,483 7,882 12b DLI Resources not yet utilized (33) (354) 12c Adjustment: DLI proceeds utilized after closing date (3,208) - 13 Add line 9 and line 12 2,483 9,154 14 Difference (if any) (line 8 minus line 13) - Disbursements - - linked to indicators funds not used - 16- Graham Carr AUDITORS' REPORT MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBER TFOA2913 GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP OF EDUCATION FUND STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS FOR DISBURSEMENTS LINKED TO INDICATORS FOR THE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY 2021 Scope We have audited the accompanying Project Financial Statements on pages 8 to 19 including the receipts and payments for Disbursements Linked to Indicators on page 19 of the Global Partnership for Education Fund Grant Agreement number TF0A2913 for Malawi Education Sector Improvement Project (MESIP) for the thirteen months period ending 31 July 2021. Opinion In our opinion, the statement of receipts and payments for Disbursements linked to indicators, presents fairly, the receipts and payments for the thirteen months period ending 31 July 2021 in conformity with the basis of accounting described in note 1.1 and comply with the requirements of World Bank. Basis for our opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and World Bank guidelines. Our responsibilities under those provisions and standards are further described in the auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the Project financial statements section of our report. We are independent of the Project in accordance with the International Ethics Standards Board of Accountants' Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESBA Code), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with this code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Responsibilities of management Management of the project is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the statement of receipts and payments for Disbursements linked to indicators in accordance with the cash receipts and disbursements basis of accounting described in note 1.1 and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of a statement that is free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's responsibilities Our objectives are to obtain a reasonable assurance about whether the statement of receipts and payments for Disbursements linked to indicators is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these documents. Directors: Dorothy Ngwira Mrs, Victoria Nkhoma Mrs, Cornwell Banda A membe, of Graham Carr is a member firm ofthe "Nexia International" network Nexia International Limited does not deliver services in its own name or n uXi otherwise Nexia International Limited and the member firms of the Nexia International network (including those members which trade under a name N xI a which includes the word NEXiA) are not part ofa worldwide partnership. Nexia International Limited does not accept any responsibility forthe Internationa commTssion of any act, or omissfon to act by, or the liabilities of, any of its members Each member firm within the Nexia International network is a separate legal entity. -17- AUDITORS' REPORT MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBER TFOA2913 GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP OF EDUCATION FUND STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS FOR DISBURSEMENTS LINKED TO INDICATORS FOR THE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY 2021 As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also: Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the statement of expenses whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the organisation's internal control. We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during audit. Chartered Accountants Dorothy Ngwira (Mrs) 25 February 2022 Directors: Dorothy Ngwira Mrs, Victoria Nkhoma Mrs, Cornwell Banda A member of Graham Carr is a member firm ofthe "Nexia International' network. Nexia International Limited does not deliver services in its own name or otherwise Nexia International Limited and the member firms ofthe Nexia international network (including those members which trade under a name SN exia which includes the word NEXIA) are not part ofa worldwide partnership. Nexia International Limited does not accept any responsibility for the International commission of any act, or omission to act by, or the liabilities of, any of its members. Each member firm within the Nexia International network is a separate legal entity -18- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS LINKED TO INDICATORS FORTHE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 Planned Actual Variance Actual USD'000 MWK'000 USD'000 MWK'000 USD'000 MWK'000 USD'000 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2020 RECEIPTS Opening balance 353 262,655 353 262,655 - - 5,170 DLI Disbursement 7,470 5,842,586 6,225 4,826,565 1,245 1,016,021_ - Total Cash Available 7,823 6,105,241 6,578 5,089,220 1,245 1,016,021 5,170 Less: uses of funds Construction of Classrooms 659 515,239 635 492,342 24 22,896 4,181 Teacher Management Strategy 180 140,785 158 122,566 22 18,219 293 Teacher Management System 135 105,589 150 116,148 (15) (10,559) - National Education Sector Improvement Plan - - - - - - 139 Promotion Policy 42 32,850 - - 42 32,850 33 Operationalization of Girls Education Strategy 2 1,564 - - 2 1,564 76 Provision of performance based grants 245 191,624 243 188,689 2 2,935 - Technical advisory services and training (Component 1) 524 409,841 524 406,227 - 3,614 - Technical advisory services and training (Component 2) 78 61,007 76 58,914 2 2,093 - Construction Supervision 15 11,732 11 8,848 4 2,884 - Development and implementation of a comprehensive school leadership and teacher training program 90 70,393 81 62,650 9 7,743 - Subtotal 1,970 1,540,624 1,878 1,456,385 91 84,239 4,722 - 19- l학기 MINISTRYOF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 NOTESTO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FORTHETHIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 1 ACCOUNTING POLICIES 1.1 BASIS OF PREPARATION The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Cash Basis International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), Financial Reporting Under the Cash Basis of Accounting. The cash basis of accounting recognizes transactions and events only when cash (including cash equivalents) is received or paid by the entity and has been modified by accruals at year end where necessary. These accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the period. The presentation currency is Malawi Kwacha. However, as the grant is denominated in United Sates Dollars (USD), USD equivalents are also reported. 1.2 FOREIGN CURRENCY RECEIPTS, PAYMENTSAND BALANCES BUDGET Cash receipts and payments arising from transactions in a foreign currency are incorporated in the Sources and Uses of Funds Statement by using the spot exchange rate between the reporting currency and the foreign currency at the date of the receipts and payments. Cash balances held in aforeign currency are reported using the closing rate. 1.3 PROPERTY, EQUIPMENT AND INTANGIBLE ASSETS Property and equipment is measured at historical cost. Depreciation is not charged. Historical cost includes expenditure directly attributable to the acquisition of the items. Subsequent costs are included in the asset's carrying amount or are recognized as a separate asset, as appropriate. Intangible assets include computer systems software and are stated at historical cost, with no amortization. 1.4 CRITICAL ACCOUNTING JUDGMENTS AND KEY SOURCES OF ESTIMATION UNCERTAINTY In the preparation of financial statements in conformity with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and the requirements of the Public Finance Management Act, Management has not made any estimates, assumptions and judgmentsthat affect the reported amounts of withdrawals from the GPE grant, expenditures and assets. However, Management exercises judgement with respect to determining the nature of the expense, its category and component - especially when a single payment relates to more than one component. Actual results could differ from such estimates. Estimates and judgments will continually be evaluated and be based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events. -21- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FORTHETHIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 1.5 DISBURSEMENTS LINKED TO INDICATORS The Project started to make withdrawals under component 4 as disbursements under that component is linked to the achievement of certain targets. The Ministry of Education had achieved the following by 31 July 2021: 1. Finalization and Endorsement of the Teacher Management Strategy by the Local Education Group. 2. Finalization and Endorsement of the Girls Education Strategy by the Local Education Group. 3. Finalization and Endorsement of the Promotion Policy Guidelines for Primary Schools in Malawi by the Local Education Group. These achievements enabled MoE to withdraw USD 6.2 million (get a reimbursement) from the grant as approved by the World Bank of USD 7.4 million. This was under spent by USD 1.2 million because information on the measurement of the indicator called "repetition rate" reached the World Bank and Development Partners in October 2021, and could not be processed on time to release the proceeds. 2 EXPLANATION FORVARIANCES ON THE EXPENDITURE 2.1 Overall more was on Technical Advisory Services by USD 30,735 due to higher costs of data collection for evaluating schools that qualify for Performance Grants as well more schools qualifying for the grants compared to what was planned, especially the Hard to Reach Schools. 2.2 The expenditure of classroom blocks and pit latrines was lower than planned by a net of USD61,727 because the World Bank agreed that some of the costs should be met from DLI proceeds. The allocation for Technical and Advisory Services was overspent by USD 61,674 because the classroom block construction contracts took two years longer than anticipated raising the construction supervision costs. 2.3 Development and implementation of a comprehensive school leadership and teacher training program was underspent by USD 68,570 because the planned refresher course was significantly scaled down to caterfor same component 3 expenditures below: Design and rolling out of an automated school level data collection platform was overspent by USD 58,890 due to the impact of COVID-19, the client requested the Consultant to provide services for a longer time. Design and implementation of an information, communications and technology application for collection and transmission of feedback on effectiveness of project activities was underspent by USD9,678 due to the impact of COVID-19. The client requested the Consultant to provide services for a longer time (this is the same contract as the foregoing). -22- MINISTRYOF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FORTHETHIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 2 EXPLANATION FORVARIANCES ON THE EXPENDITURE- CONTINUED 2.4 Program of activities designed to reduce repetition in grades 1 to 4 was underspent by USD 1,245,000 because information on the measurement of the indicate called "repetition rate" reached the World Bank and Development Partners in October 2021, and could not be processed on time to release the proceeds. 2.5 Strengthening capacities of MoE and the project facilitation team was overspent by USD 425,100 because the salaries paid to project staff were higher than what was anticipated at project design. In addition, there were important education trips (cleared by the Bank) which were not planned at project design. The communication line was underspent by USD 102,496, there was no Communication Specialist since January 2021, and therefore negligible communication activity - hence the under- expenditure. Strengthening capacities of participating schools and participating districts was underspent by USD 216,496.40 because there were adequate funds under other Components (1 and 3)to carry out similar capacity building activities. Monitoring and Evaluation was underspent by USD 37,697.78 because M&EActivitieswere effectively embedded in all components, lessening the cost burden on Component 5 The net over expenditure of USD 68,409.29 on Component 5 was covered through interest. 3 RECEIPTS Actual Actual Date Description Withdrawal No USD'OOO MWK'000 07.12.2020 Withdrawal from GPEF 010 918 693,423 07.05.2021 Withdrawal from GPEF 011 6,225 4,893,168 7,143 5,586,591 4 OTHERINCOME Interest Income 5 3,547 Total Other Income (Local) 5 3,547 The project is not actively involved in investing activities. Other income comprises of interest from the project bank accounts due to large cash balances -23- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 NOTESTO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FORTHETHIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 5 USES OF FUNDS BY DISBURSEMENT CATEGORY Description Actual Planned Actual USD'OOO MWK'OOO USD'OOO MWK'000 USD'OOO 5.1 Performance based school improvement grants for 2021 2021 2020 improving promotion and retention Provision of school improvement grants 24 18,343 24 18,771 1,732 Provision of performance based grants - - - - 236 Technical advisory services and training for Improving Retention and Promotion Rates 218 169,027 218 170,507 801 Goodsfor Improving Retention and Promotion Rates 3 2,326 3 2,346 1 Sub total 245 189,696 245 191,624 2,770 5.2 Goods, works, non-consulting services, consultancy services, training and operating costs under Dart 1(b). 2.3 and 5 Construction of classrooms 671 520,245 661 516,995 651 Technical advisory services and training for improving equityfor the most disadvantaqed 76 58,927 86 67,264 466 Development and implementation of a comprehensive school leadership and teacher training program 671 520,069 671 524,816 1,061 Design and rolling out of an automated school level datacollection platform 157 121,731 157 122,796 457 Communications and technology applications for collection and transmission of feedback on effectivenessof project activities 408 316,344 408 319,113 1,125 Strengthening capacities of MoEST and the project facilitation team 279 216,206 279 218,217 862 Supporting development of a communications strategy and plan including related policy development 23 17,833 23 17,989 36 Monitoring and evaluation 6 4,652 6 4,693 10 Strengthening capacities of participating schools and participating districts 13 10,080 13 10,168 151 Sub total 2,304 1,786,086 2,304 1,802,051 4,819 5.3 Disbursements linked to indicators Program of activities designed to reduce pupil teacher ratio 2,490 1,930,630 2,490 1,947,529 2,000 Program of activities designed to increase female to male teacher ratio 2,490 1,930,630 2,490 1,947,529 2,000 Program of activities designed to reduce repetition in arades 1to 4 1,245 965,315 2,490 1,947,529 2,000 Sub total 6,225 4,826,576 7,470 5,842,586 6,000 Total uses of funds 8,773 6,802,358 10,019 7,836,261 13,589 -24- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (MESIP) GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FORTHE THIRTEEN MONTHS PERIOD ENDING 31 JULY2021 6 FIXED ASSETS USD'000 MWK'000 Tangible Assets Motor Vehicles 355 275,341 Motor Cycles 766 593,693 Office Equipment 196 151,942 Furniture 18 14,167 Sub total 1,335 1,035,143 Intangible Assets Com puter Software 166 128,469 Total tangible and intangible 1,501 1,163,612 7 ACCRUED EXPENSES All the accrued expenses were paid by the end of disbursements grace period, i.e 30 November 2021. -25- MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ASSET REGISTERAS AT 31 JULY2021 GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 Date of Cheque Item Serial number Custodian Location Asset number purchase Value number Supplier OFFICE EQUIPMENT MWK COMPUTERS Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop BBJRW32 T.Mughogho EIMU MSP/LPT/002 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 54QPW32 B. Mpyepyeluka EIMU MSP/LPT/003 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 9GJRW32 A. Kamulaga EIMU MSP/LPT/004 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 2X345CD A. Kamende EIMU MSP/LPT/005 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 9LBRW32 Not Allocated MESIPPFT MSP/LPT/006 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 5CD8098ZL9 M.Nthengwe MESIPPFT MSP/LPT/007 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 318QW32 P.Viyazyi MESIPPFT MSP/LPT/008 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop HRLQW32 N Taumbe MESIPPFT MSP/LPT/009 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 9XLRW32 Patrick Ntantha Chikwawa MSP/LPT/010 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop JZPPW32 Henderson Chateta Lilongwe MSP/LPT/011 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 3Y4RW32 Aaron Nyirenda Mzimba MSP/LPT/012 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 2MBRW32 EvanceKazembe Lilongwe MSP/LPT/013 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 8Y4W32 Jean Chiona Lilongwe MSP/LPT/014 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 33QPW32 Symon Chizuzu Dedza MSP/LPT/015 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 918QW32 Emmanuel Kandikana Mandochi MSP/LPT/016 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 2PWPW32 Stephen Muhota Machinga MSP/LPT/017 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 26ZQW32 Jimmy Chapita Thyolo MSP/LPT/018 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop DDTRW32 Enoss Garvin Mulanje MSP/LPT/019 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 89JRW32 Charles Muthothe Kasungu MSP/LPT/020 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop BFJRW32 Innocent Chisi Mzimba MSP/LPT/021 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop USERPASSED ON RE(CM2 EIMU MSP/LPT/001 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 2FJRW32 Francis Chibwe Kasungu MSP/LPT/022 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop J15RW32 Louis Mhango Kasungu MSP/LPT/023 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 3RBRW32 LindiweChide Lilongwe MSP/LPT/024 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld Dell 15 Inspiron Laptop 8DJRW32 Broken MSP/LPT/025 30/10/2017 905,205 213 TechnoWorld HP Envy Laptop 8CG7206905 Patrick Chikapa Moest- Capital hill MSP/LPT/028 11/5/2018 1,170,825 513 M1 Electronics HPEnvy Laptop 8CG732190K J Chilisungwi EIMU MSP/LPT/029 11/5/2018 1,170,825 513 M1 Electronics HPEnvy Laptop 8CG7294Q1X ESaka Moest- Capital hill MSP/LPT/030 11/5/2018 1,170,825 513 M1 Electronics HPEnvy Laptop 8CG7342BGP B. Gulu Moest- Capital hill MSP/LPT/031 11/5/2018 1,170,825 513 M1 Electronics HPEnvyLaptop 8CG72115K8 G.Chulu MESIPPFT MSP/LPT/032 11/5/2018 1,170,825 513 M1 Electronics HPProBook450GB Laptop 5CD8098ZK9 J.Z. Kamkuza Component 3 MSP/LPT/033 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 Computer Connections Ltd HPProBook450GB Laptop 5CD8098ZLB EnockTapela Component 3 MSP/LPT/034 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 Computer Connections Ltd HPProBook450GB Laptop 5CD8098ZMC John T.B. Ndau Component 3 MSP/LPT/035 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 Computer Connections Ltd HPProBook450GB Laptop 5CD8098ZKD January Totomoyo Component 3 MSP/LPT/036 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 Computer Connections Ltd HPProBook450GB Laptop 5CD8098ZLC Mwatsika Component 3 MSP/LPT/037 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 Computer Connections Ltd HPProBook450GB Laptop 5CD8098ZLS C. Nyirenda Component 3 MSP/LPT/038 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 Computer Connections Ltd HPProBook450GB Laptop 5CD8098ZKF Sannonie Chinya Component 3 MSP/LPT/039 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 Computer Connections Ltd HPProBook450GB Laptop 5CD8098ZK8 Thokozani E. Muriya Component 3 MSP/LPT/040 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 Computer Connections Ltd HPProBook450GB Laptop 5CD8098ZLT Collings Khulaza Component 3 MSP/LPT/041 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 Computer Connections Ltd HPProBook450GB Laptop 5CD8098ZLQ Laurent Afonso Component 3 MSP/LPT/042 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 Computer Connections Ltd HPProBook450GB Laptop 5CD8100MYS Dickson Kaunda Component 3 MSP/LPT/043 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 Computer Connections Ltd HPProBook450GB Laptop 5CD8098ZLM D. Chabwera Component 3 MSP/LPT/044 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 Computer Connections Ltd HPProBook450GB Laptop 5CD8098ZJS S. Mlomba Component 3 MSP/LPT/045 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 Computer Connections Ltd HPProBook450GBLaptop TO BERETURNED B.Gwedeza PFT MSP/LPT/046 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 ComputerConnectionsLtd HPProBook45OGBLaptop 5CD8098ZLK ChristopherNaunje PFT MSP/LPT/047 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 ComputerConnectionsLtd HPProBook450GB Laptop 5YZWPW32 Memory Tamube PFT MSP/LPT/048 20/04/2018 1 1,081,045 475 Computer Connections Ltd HPProBook450GBLaptop SCD80982KR PatrickSemphere PFT MSP/LPT/049 20/04/2018 1 1,081,045 475 ComputerConnectionsLtd 26 MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ASSET REGISTERAS AT 31 JULY2021 GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 Date of Cheque Item Serial number Custodian Location Asset number purchase Value number Supplier HPProBook450GBLaptop SCD80987LJ SilvesterTsokonombwe PFT MSP/LPT/050 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 ComputerConnectionsLtd HPProBook450GBLaptop CD80982KQ PeterNkhata PFT MSP/LPT/051 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 ComputerConnectionsLtd HPProBook450GBLaptop 5LCD80982L8 Dr.RodwellMzonde Lilongwe MSP/LPT/052 20/04/2018 1,081,045 475 ComputerConnectionsLtd HP Envy Laptop Jean Chiona Component 1 MSP/LPT/053 4/18/2019 1,145,195 1314 Electronics4U HPEnvy Laptop Jean Chiona Component 1 MSP/LPT/054 4/18/2019 1,145,195 1314 Electronics4U HPEnvy Laptop Jean Chiona Component 1 MSP/LPT/055 4/18/2019 1,145,195 1314 Electronics4U HPEnvy Laptop 8CG8506GRR Natasha Taumbe HBHouse MSP/LPT/056 7/9/2019 1,188,300 1567 Electronics4U HPEnvy Laptop 8CG8377G2K MahalaNthengwe HBHouse MSP/LPT/057 7/9/2019 1,188,300 1567 Electronics4U HPEnvy Laptop 8CG810525Y Christopher Naune HBHouse MSP/LPT/058 7/9/2019 1,188,300 1567 Electronics4U HPEnvy Laptop 8CG8377G2K Peter Nkhata HBHouse MSP/LPT/059 7/9/2019 1,188,300 1567 Electronics4U HPDesktop computer Accounts HB HOUSE MSP/DTP/001 3/15/2019 864,056 592 Netcom Technologies HPDesktop computer Accounts HB HOUSE MSP/DTP/002 3/15/2019 864,056 592 Netcom Technologies APC SMART UPS Accounts HB HOUSE MSP/DTP/003 3/15/2019 864,056 592 Netcom Technologies DESKTOPWIRELESSADAPTERS Accounts HB HOUSE MSP/DTP/004 3/15/2019 864,056 592 Netcom Technologies HP290 Desktop Computer JHSDT349TC Memory Taumbe MESIPPFT MSP/DSK/1 941,600 378 Netcom Technologies HP290 Desktop Computer SVBTPO1245 FainessBanda MESIPPFT MSP/DSK/2 941,600 378 Netcom Technologies HP290 Desktop Computer DCFGIU1293 FMSOffice MESIPPFT MSP/DSK/3 941,600 378 Netcom Technologies SUBTOTAL COMPUTERS I 64,574,959 CAMERAS Canon Powershot G7 Mark II Jean Chiona COMPONENT 1 MSP/CAM/001 7/18/2018 576,675 1190 M1 Electronics Canon Powershot G7 Mark II Jeremiah Kamkuza COMPONENT 1 MSP/CAM/002 7/18/2018 576,675 1190 M1 Electronics Canon Powershot G7 Mark II Grace Milner COMPONENT 1 MSP/CAM/003 7/18/2018 576,675 1190 M1 Electronics Canon EOSSD Mark IV PatrickSemphere COMPONENT 1 MSP/CAM/004 4/18/2019 3,040,650 1314 Electronics4U Canon EOSSD Mark IV Pool/Admin COMPONENT 1 MSP/CAM/005 4/18/2019 3,040,650 1314 Electronics4 U SUBTOTAL- CAMERAS 7,811,325 PROJECTORS AND SCREENS LCD Projector N/A Patrick Ntantha Chikwawa MSP/LCD/001 25/10/2017 495,000 211 Creative Computers LCD Projector N/A FrancisChibwe Kasungu MSP/LCD/002 25/10/2017 495,000 211 CreativeComputers LCD Projector N/A Aaron Nyirenda Mzimba MSP/LCD/003 25/10/2017 495,000 211 Creative Computers LCD Projector N/A EvanceKazembe Lilongwe MSP/LCD/004 25/10/2017 495,000 211 Creative Computers LCD Projector N/A Jean Chiona Lilongwe MSP/LCD/005 25/10/2017 495,000 211 Creative Computers LCD Projector N/A ChristopherNaunje Lilongwe MSP/LCD/006 25/10/2017 495,000 211 Creative Computers LCD Projector N/A Emmanuel Kandikana Mandochi MSP/LCD/007 25/10/2017 495,000 211 Creative Computers LCD Projector N/A Stephen Muhota Machinga MSP/LCD/008 25/10/2017 495,000 211 Creative Computers LCD Projector N/A JimmyChapita Thyolo MSP/LCD/009 25/10/2017 495,000 211 Creative Computers ProectorScreen Patrick Ntantha Chikwawa MSP/LCD/010 25/10/2017 85,000 211 CreativeComputers ProjectorScreen FrancisChibwe Kasungu MSP/LCD/011 25/10/2017 85,000 211 CreativeComputers Projector Screen Aaron Nyirenda Mzimba MSP/LCD/012 25/10/2017 85,000 211 Creative Computers ProjectorScreen EvanceKazembe Lilongwe MSP/LCD/013 25/10/2017 85,000 211 CreativeComputers ProjectorScreen JeanChiona Lilongwe MSP/LCD/014 25/10/2017 85,000 211 CreativeComputers Projector Screen Emmanuel Kandikana Mandochi MSP/LCD/015 25/10/2017 85,000 211 CreativeComputers ProjectorScreen StephenMuhota Machinga MSP/LCD/016 25/10/2017 85,000 211 CreativeComputers ProjectorScreen JimmyChapita Thyolo MSP/LCD/017 25/10/2017 85,000 211 CreativeComputers Casio Slim DLPProjector Grace Milner Lilongwe MSP/LCD/019 20/04/2018 1,543,504 475 Computer Connections Casio Slim DLPProjector N/A Chandiwira Nyirenda Lilongwe MSP/LCD/020 20/04/2018 1,543,504 475 Computer Connections Projector Screen Grace Milner MSP/LCD/018 10/25/2018 85,000 211 Creative Computers Merlin Pocketbeam Cube 2 Projector Jean Chiona Component 1 MSP/LCD/021 4/18/2019 277,270 1314 Electronics4 U Merlin Pocketbeam Cube 2 Projector Jean Chiona Component 1 MSP/LCD/022 4/18/2019 277,270 1314 Electronics4 U ProjectorScreen Jean Chiona Component 1 MSP/LCD/023 4/18/2019 93,433 1314 Electronics4 U ProjectorScreen Jean Chiona Component 1 MSP/LCD/024 4/18/2019 93,433 1314 Electronics4 U SUBTOTAL - PROJECTORSAND SCREENS I I 1 9,048,414 27 MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ASSET REGISTERAS AT 31 JULY2021 GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 Date of Cheque Item Serial number Custodian Location Asset number purchase Value number Supplier PRINTERS HPLaserjet 4 IN 1 Printer HP Officejet FSCV1234DT Jean Chiona Lilongwe MSP/PRT/001 179,410 213 Technoworld HPLaserjet 4 IN 1 Printer HPOfficejet CN6949WZCQ F. Banda PFT MSP/PRT/002 179,410 213 Technoworld HPLaserjet PRO-M203DW HDFF1235T Jean Jabez Lilongwe MSP/PRT/003 238,825 213 Technoworld HPLaserjet PRO-M203DW PH6B54360 F. Banda PFT MSP/PRT/004 238,825 213 Technoworld HPLaserjet PRO-M203DW USDF65144T Peter Nkhata PFT MSP/PRT/005 238,825 213 Technoworld HPLaserjet PRO-M203DW VNC3CCZ25899 C. Naunje MESIPPFT MSP/PRT/006 238,825 213 Technoworld HPLaserjet PRO-M203DW VNC3C20910 Memory Taumbe PFT MSP/PRT/007 238,825 213 Technoworld HP Laserjet 402DN SXC54GWTR Jean Chiona MSP/PRT/009 491,000 378 Netcom Technologies HPLaserjet402DN FBGT234597 EvanceKazembe MSP/PRT/009 491,000 378 Netcom Technologies HPLaserjet 402DN GBDF4536TF George Jim MSP/PRT/009 491,000 378 Netcom Technologies HPColorLaserjet M6520N JPBKK6933G Grace Milner Lilongwe MSP/PRT/012 1,339,368 475 Computer Connections HPColorLaserjet M6520N JPBKK7878 Chimwemwe Kaude Lilongwe MSP/PRT/013 1,339,368 475 Computer Connections Xerox Altalinkc8055 Grace Milner Capital Hill MSP/PRT/013 6,295,767 Xerographics Xerox Altalink c8055 PFT HBHouse MSP/PRT/014 6,295,767 Xerographics SUBTOTAL - PRINTERS 18,296,215 INTERNET DONGLES AirtelWifi Routers Edwin Kanyoma Component 1 MSP/ROU/001 35,000 Airtel Malawi AirtelWifi Routers Thokozile Banda Component 1 MSP/ROU/002 35,000 Airtel Malawi AirtelWifi Routers Jean Chiona Component 1 MSP/ROU/003 35,000 Airtel Malawi AirtelWifi Routers Evance Kazembe Component 1 MSP/ROU/004 35,000 Airtel Malawi AirtelWifi Routers Jean Jabesi Component 1 MSP/ROU/005 35,000 Airtel Malawi Airtel Dongle 35271700012361 Patrick Ntantha Component 1 MSP/ROU/006 25,000 Airtel Malawi Airtel Dongle Henderson Chateta Component 1 MSP/ROU/007 25,000 Airtel Malawi Airtel Dongle Aaron Nyirenda Component 1 MSP/ROU/008 25,000 Airtel Malawi Airtel Dongle Symon Chizuzu Component 1 MSP/ROU/009 25,000 Airtel Malawi Airtel Dongle Emmanuel Kandikana Component 1 MSP/ROU/010 25,000 Airtel Malawi Airtel Dongle Stephen Muhota Component 1 MSP/ROU/011 25,000 Airtel Malawi Airtel Dongle 352717100020471 JimmyChapita Component 1 MSP/ROU/012 25,000 Airtel Malawi Airtel Dongle Louis Mhango Component 1 MSP/ROU/013 25,000 Airtel Malawi Airtel Dongle Francis Chinwe Component 1 MSP/ROU/014 25,000 Airtel Malawi Airtel Dongle Innocent Chisi Component 1 MSP/ROU/015 25,000 Airtel Malawi SUBTOTAL- MOBILEPHONES 425,000 TABLETS Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 0357811081519299 Mathews Kam peza Thyolo MSP/TAB/001 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 0357811081493933 Hastings Kanama Thyolo MSP/TAB/002 386,925 593 Electronics 4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 0357811081492364 Gerald Kapiza Machinga MSP/TAB/003 386,925 593 Electronics 4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 0357811081150160 Sebastian Kaom be Machinga MSP/TAB/004 386,925 593 Electronics 4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 0357811081621913 Rashid Fatch Machinga MSP/TAB/005 386,925 593 Electronics 4 U Samsung GalaxyTabS2 0357811081621921 Cliff Kampondeni Thyolo MSP/TAB/006 386,925 593 Electronics4U Samsung GalaxyTabS2 0357811081621715 Joshua Mango Machinga MSP/TAB/007 386,925 593 Electronics4U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Mahala Nthengwe Lilongwe MSP/TAB/008 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 0357811081493818 Martha Mwanjeni Lilongwe MSP/TAB/009 386,925 593 Electronics 4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 0357811081500091 Chifunilo Malango Lilongwe MSP/TAB/010 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 0357811081493917 Ntchindi Msowoya Dedza MSP/TAB/011 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Ceaser Mlewa Dedza MSP/TAB/012 386,925 593 Electronics 4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Yohane Mbewe Dedza MSP/TAB/013 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Warrant Chasukusa Dedza MSP/TAB/014 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung GalaxyTabS2 Henry Chawinga Mzimba MSP/TAB/015 386,925 593 Electronics4U Samsung GalaxyTab S2 Noel Gondwe Mzimba MSP/TAB/016 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 0357811081519265 Gabriel Malemia Kasungu MSP/TAB/017 386,925 593 Electronics4 U 28 MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ASSET REGISTERAS AT 31 JULY2021 GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 Date of Cheque Item Serial number Custodian Location Asset number purchase Value number Supplier Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Andrew Kanyenda Kasungu MSP/TAB/018 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung GalaxyTabS2 AnenaChilupysa Mangochi MSP/TAB/019 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Vincent Mboma Mangochi MSP/TAB/020 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung GalaxyTabS2 Lucy Chiwaya Chikwawa MSP/TAB/021 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Edmas Kayimba Chikwawa MSP/TAB/022 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 0357811081499815 Gideon Milias Thyolo MSP/TAB/023 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Bob Mpyepyeluka EIMU MSP/TAB/024 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Anatero Kamulaga EIMU MSP/TAB/025 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Susan Mponda EIMU MSP/TAB/026 386,925 593 Electronics4 U Samsung GalaxyTabS2 Mark Pindani EIMU MSP/TAB/027 386,925 593 Electronics4U Samsung GalaxyTabS2 Patrick Viyazyi HBHouse MSP/TAB/028 386,925 593 Electronics4U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 MSP/TAB/029 386,925 593 Elect ronics4 U Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 MSP/TAB/030 386,925 593 Elect ronics4 U IPAD Grace Milner Component 3 MSP/TAB/031 1,572,750 M1 Electronics IPAD Chandiwira Nyirenda Component3 MSP/TAB/032 1,572,750 M1 Electronics IPAD Justin A.K. Saidi Component 3 MSP/TAB/033 1,572,750 M1 Electronics SUBTOTAL - TABLETS 16,326,000 MOBILE PHONES Samsung Galaxy S8 Mahala Nthengwe HBHouse MSP/PHO/001 537,075 593 Electronics 4 U Samsung Galaxy S8 C. Lindeire To be returned MSP/PHO/002 537,075 593 Electronics 4 U Samsung Galaxy S8 Mark Pindani Passed away MSP/PHO/003 537,075 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy S8 Anna Kamende Component 2 MSP/PHO/004 537,075 593 Electronics4 U Samsung GalaxyS8 Edgar Kanyangama Component 2 MSP/PHO/005 537,075 593 Electronics4 U Samsung GalaxyS8 Tione Mughogho Component 2 MSP/PHO/006 537,075 593 Electronics4 U Samsung GalaxyS8 Bob Mpyepyeluka Component 2 MSP/PHO/007 537,075 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy S8 Anatero Kamulaga Component 2 MSP/PHO/008 537,075 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy S8 Christopher Naunje HBHouse MSP/PHO/009 537,075 593 Electronics4 U Samsung Galaxy S8 Silvester Tsokonombwe HBHouse MSP/PHO/010 537,075 593 Electronics 4 U Samsung Galaxy S8 Admin MOEST MSP/PHO/011 537,075 593 Electronics4 U Samsung GalaxyS8 B.Gwedeza MOEST MSP/PHO/012 537,075 593 Electronics4 U Samsung GalaxyS8 Admin MOEST MSP/PHO/013 537,075 593 Electronics4 U Samsung GalaxyS8 Admin MOEST MSP/PHO/014 537,075 593 Electronics4 U Samsung GalaxyS8 Susan Mponda EIMU MSP/PHO/015 7/9/2019 407,750 1567 Electronics4 U Samsung GalaxyS8 PeterNkhata HBHouse MSP/PHO/016 7/9/2019 407,750 1567 Electronics4 U SUBTOTAL - MOBILE PHONES 8,334,550 SUNDRY ELECTRONICS Seagate4TB External Harddrive PFT HBHouse MSP/ELT/001 Oct-18 345,699 DELL Poweredge R430 Server including Monitor PFT HB House MSP/ELT/002 Oct-18 4,850,000 HP290 Desktop Computer PFT HBHouse MSP/ELT/003 Oct-18 748,100 HP290 Desktop Computer PFT HBHouse MSP/ELT/004 Oct-18 748,100 HP290 Desktop Computer PFT HBHouse MSP/ELT/005 Oct-18 748,100 APC Smart UPS700VA PFT HBHouse MSP/ELT/006 Oct-18 193,500 APC Smart UPS700VA PFT HBHouse MSP/ELT/007 Oct-18 193,500 APC Smart UPS700VA PFT HBHouse MSP/ELT/008 Oct-18 193,500 LAN Cabinet PFT HBHouse MSP/ELT/009 Oct-18 1,147,525 24 Port Patch Panel PFT HBHouse MSP/ELT/010 Oct-18 52,425 24 Port D-Link Ethernet Switch Rack Mount PFT HBHouse MSP/ELT/011 Oct-18 87,375 Mikrotik Rack Mount I PFT HBHouse MSP/ELT/012 Oct-18 87,375 Mikrotikaccess point I PFT HBHouse MSP/ELT/013 Oct-18 87,375 Toshiba 1 TB External HDD 198MUS1LGSHJG Patrick Ntantha Chikwawa MSP/ELT/014 4/18/2019 52,425 1314 Electronics4 U 29 MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ASSET REGISTERAS AT 31 JULY2021 GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 Date of Cheque Item Serial number Custodian Location Asset number purchase Value number Supplier Toshiba 1TBExternal HDD 98MSS3WNSHJG Jimmy Chapita Thyolo MSP/ELT/015 4/18/2019 52,425 1314 Electronics4lU Toshiba 1TBExternal HDD 98MSS3WRSHJG Stephen Muhota Machinga MSP/ELT/016 4/18/2019 52,425 1314 Electronics4 U Toshiba 1TB External HDD 98MYS189SHJG Emmanuel Kandikana Mangochi MSP/ELT/017 4/18/2019 52,425 1314 Electronics4 U Toshiba 1TB External HDD 98MUS1LESHJC Symon Chizuzu Dedza MSP/ELT/018 4/18/2019 52,425 1314 Electronics4 U Toshiba 1TB External HDD 98MYsl7QSHJG Henderson Chateka Lilongwe Rural West MSP/ELT/019 4/18/2019 52,425 1314 Electronics4 U ToshibalTBExternalHDD NONE Kasungu Louis Mhango MSP/ELT/020 4/18/2019 52,425 1314 Electronics4 U Toshiba 1TB External HDD 98MYS1FISHJG Kasungu2 Francis Chibwe MSP/ELT/021 4/18/2019 52,425 1314 Electronics4lU Toshiba 1TB External HDD 98MUS1LJSHJG Mzimba South 1 Innocent Chisi MSP/ELT/022 4/18/2019 52,425 1314 Electronics4 U Toshiba 1TB External HDD NONE Mzimba South 2 Aaron Nyirenda MSP/ELT/023 4/18/2019 52,425 1314 Electronics4 U Toshiba 1TB External HDD Jean Chiona Component 1 MSP/ELT/024 4/18/2019 52,425 1314 Electronics4U Toshiba 1TB External HDD Jean Chiona Component 1 MSP/ELT/025 4/18/2019 52,425 1314 Electronics4U CHIGOAirconditioner PFT HBHouse MSP/ELT/026 6/4/2019 815,500 1526 AH Networks Microtek951 Router PFT HBHouse MSP/ELT/027 4/1/2019 139,800 1515 Netcom Technologies HPComputer Mouse Memory Taumbe HBHouse MSP/ELT/028 Jun-19 8,097 1454 ideal Stationers HPComputer Mouse GeorgeChulu HBHouse MSP/ELT/029 Jun-19 8,097 1454 ideal Stationers HPComputer Mouse Peter Nkhata HBHouse MSP/ELT/030 Jun-19 8,097 1454 ideal Stationers HPComputer Mouse Patrick Chikapa HBHouse MSP/ELT/031 Jun-19 8,097 1454 ideal Stationers HPComputer Mouse JacqulineChilimsungwi HBHouse MSP/ELT/032 Jun-19 8,097 1454 ideal Stationers Logitech Mouse Patrick Semphere HBHouse MSP/ELT/033 Jun-19 15,500 ClickAfrica Logitech Mouse NatashaTaumbe HBHouse MSP/ELT/033 Jun-19 15,500 ClickAfrica Logitech Mouse WemaPhiri HBHouse MSP/ELT/033 Jun-19 15,500 ClickAfrica Logitech Mouse GeorgeChulu HBHouse MSP/ELT/033 Jun-19 15,500 ClickAfrica Logitech Mouse Patrick Viyazyi HBHouse MSP/ELT/033 Jun-19 15,500 ClickAfrica Logitech Mouse PeterNkhata HBHouse MSP/ELT/033 Jun-19 15,500 ClickAfrica SUBTOTAL - SUNDRY ELECTRONICS 11,200,459 LOCAL AREA NETWORK INCLUDING SERVER INSTALLATION 15,924,713 Total Office Equipment 151,941,636 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Accounts Sections Component 5 24,625,846 TABLET REPORTING SYSTEM COMPONENT 2 103,843,393 30 MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ASSET REGISTERAS AT 31 JULY2021 GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 Date of Cheque Item Serial number Custodian Location Asset number purchase Value number Supplier FURNITURE ExecutiveL shapedeskwith drawers ExecutiveLshapedeskwithdrawers N/A PF MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/001 15/09/2017 495,900 122 Lords Best Collection ExecutiveLshapedeskwithdrawers N/A PS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/002 15/09/2017 495,900 122 Lords Best Collection ExecutiveL shapedeskwith drawers N/A FMmS E r MESIPoffice HBHouse MSP/FUR/003 15/09/2017 495,900 122 Lords Best Collection ExecutiveL shapedeskwith drawers N/A Communication Expert MESIPoffice HBHouse MSP/FUR/004 15/09/2017 495,900 122 Lords Best Collection Executivel shapedeskwithdrawers N/A M&E Expert MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/005 15/09/2017 495,900 122 Lords Best Collection Executivehigh backswivelchair N/A SafeguardsExpert MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/006 15/09/2017 495,900 122 LordsBest Collection Executivehigh backswivelchair N/A PF MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/007 15/09/2017 189,900 122 Lords Best Collection Executivehigh backswivelchair N/A PF MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/007 15/09/2017 189,900 122 Lords Best Collection Executivehigh backswivelchair N/A PS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/008 15/09/2017 189,899 122 Lords Best Collection Executivehigh backswivelchair N/A FMmS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/009 15/09/2017 189,899 122 Lords Best Collection Executive highback swivel chair N/A Communication Expert MESIPoffice HBHouse MSP/FUR/010 15/09/2017 189,899 122 Lords Best Collection Standard officedeskwith drawers N/A M&EExpert MESIPoffice HB House MSP/FUR/011 15/09/2017 189,899 122 Lords Best Collection Standard office deskwith drawers N/A SeniorAccountsAssistant MESIPoffice HB House MSP/FUR/013 15/09/2017 169,900 122 Lords Best Collection Standardofficedeskwithdrawers N/A SeniorAccountsAssistant MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/013 15/09/2017 169,900 122 Lords Best Collection Swivel Office chair N/A Senior Accounts Assistant MESIPoffice HB House MSP/FUR/013 15/09/2017 169,900 122 Lords Best Collection Swivel Office chair N/A Secretary MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/014 15/09/2017 95,900 122 Lords Best Collection SwivelOfficechair N/A AssistantPS MESIPoffice HB House MSP/FUR/015 15/09/2017 95,900 122 Lords Best Collection Visitors Chair N/A SeniorAccountsAssistant MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/016 15/09/2017 95,900 122 Lords Best Collection VisitorsChair N/A PS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/019 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection VisitorsChair N/A PS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/020 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection VisitorsChair N/A PS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/021 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection VisitorsChair N/A FMS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/022 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection VisitorsChair N/A FMS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/023 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection VisitorsCChair N/A FS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/024 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection VisitorsChair N/A Communication Expert MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/025 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection VisitorsChair N/A Communication Expert MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/026 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection VisitorsChair N/A M&EExpert MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/027 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection VisitorsChair N/A M&EExpert MESIP office H B House MSP/FUR/028 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection VisitorsChair N/A Safeguards Expert MESIPoffice HB House MSP/FUR/029 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection VisitorsChair N/A SafeguardsExpert MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/030 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection Visitors Chair N/A Assistant FMS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/031 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection Visitors Chair N/A Assistant FMS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/032 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection Visitors Chair N/A Assistant PS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/033 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection Visitors Chair N/A AssistanttPS IMESIPoffice HB House MSP/FUR/034 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection Visitors Chair N/A SeniorAccountsAssistant MESIPoffice HB House MSP/FUR/035 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection Wooden Bookshelfwith glass door N/A Secretary MESIPoffice HB House MSP/FUR/036 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection Wooden Bookshelfwith glass door N/A Secretary MESIPoffice HB House MSP/FUR/037 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection Wooden Bookshelfwith glassdoor N/A Secretary MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/038 15/09/2017 79,900 122 Lords Best Collection Wooden Bookshelfwith glassdoor N/A PF MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/039 15/09/2017 195,900 122 Lords Best Collection WoodenBookshelfwithglassdoor N/A PS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/040 15/09/2017 195,900 122 Lords Best Collection Wooden Bookshelfwith glassdoor N/A FMmS E r MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/041 15/09/2017 195,900 122 Lords Best Collection Wooden Bookshelfwith glassdoor N/A Communication Expert MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/042 15/09/2017 195,900 122 Lords Best Collection WoodenBookshelfwithglassdoor IN/A Secretary MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/043 15/09/2017 195,900 122 Lords Best Collection 31 MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ASSET REGISTERAS AT 31 JULY2021 GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 Date of Cheque Item Serial number Custodian Location Asset number purchase Value number Supplier FURNITURE CONTINUED Wooden Bookshelf with glass door N/A Senior Accounts Assistant MESIPoffice HB House MSP/FUR/044 15/09/2017 195,900 122 Lords Best Collection Steel4drawerfilingcabinet N/A M&EExpert MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/045 15/09/2017 195,900 122 Lords Best Collection Steel4drawerfilingcabinet N/A SafeguardsExpert MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/046 15/09/2017 195,900 122 LordsBest Collection Steel4drawerfilingcabinet N/A Secretary MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/047 15/09/2017 195,900 122 Lords Best Collection Steel4drawerfilingcabinet N/A FMS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/048 15/09/2017 139,900 122 Lords Best Collection Steel4drawerfilingcabinet N/A PF MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/049 15/09/2017 139,900 122 Lords Best Collection Steel4drawerfiling cabinet N/A PS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/050 15/09/2017 139,900 122 Lords Best Collection Steel4drawerfilingcabinet N/A Communication Expert MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/051 15/09/2017 139,900 122 Lords Best Collection Steel4drawerfilingcabinet N/A Secretary MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/052 15/09/2017 139,900 122 Lords Best Collection Steel4drawerfilingcabinet N/A Secretary MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/053 15/09/2017 139,900 122 Lords Best Collection Wooden Coffee Table N/A Secretary MESIP office H B House MSP/FUR/054 15/09/2017 139,900 122 Lords Best Collection Wooden Coffee Table N/A Senior Accounts Assistant MESIPoffice HB House MSP/FUR/055 15/09/2017 139,900 122 Lords Best Collection Wooden Coffee Table N/A M&EExpert MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/056 15/09/2017 139,900 122 Lords Best Collection Wooden Coffee Table N/A PF MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/057 15/09/2017 124,900 122 Lords Best Collection Wooden Coffee Table N/A PS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/058 15/09/2017 124,900 122 Lords Best Collection Wooden Coffee Table N/A FMS MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/059 15/09/2017 124,900 122 Lords Best Collection Wooden Coffee Table N/A Safeguards Expert MESIPoffice HB House MSP/FUR/060 15/09/2017 124,900 122 Lords Best Collection Wooden Coffee Table M&EExpert MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/061 15/09/2017 124,900 122 Lords Best Collection Office desk Communication Expert MESIPofficeHBHouse MSP/FUR/062 15/09/2017 124,900 122 Lords Best Collection Officedesk N/A GeorgeChulu HBHouse MSP/FUR/063 2/14/2019 305,376 BlockbusterStores Black Fabric Swivel Chair N/A Natasha Taumbe HBHouse MSP/FUR/064 2/14/2019 305,376 Blockbuster Stores BlackFabricSwivelChair N/A GeorgeChulu HBHouse MSP/FUR/065 2/14/2019 149,295 BlockbusterStores ConferenceTable N/A NatashaTaumbe HBHouse MSP/FUR/066 2/14/2019 149,295 BlockbusterStores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HB House MSP/FUR/067 2/14/2019 400,381 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/068 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/069 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/070 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/071 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/072 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/073 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/074 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HB House MSP/FUR/075 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/076 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/077 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/078 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/079 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/080 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/081 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/082 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/083 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores Black Fabric Visitor Chair N/A Conference Room HBHouse MSP/FUR/084 2/14/2019 94,870 Blockbuster Stores SteelFilingCabinet N/A ConferenceRoom HBHouse MSP/FUR/085 2/14/2019 94,870 BlockbusterStores Steel Filing Cabinet N/A GeorgeChulu HBHouse MSP/FUR/086 2/14/2019 203,448 Blockbuster Stores StationeryCabinet N/A Memory Taumbe HBHouse MSP/FUR/087 2/14/2019 203,448 BlockbusterStores StationeryCabinet N/A NatashaTaumbe HBHouse MSP/FUR/088 2/14/2019 230,593 BlockbusterStores TotalFurniture N/A WemaPhiri HBHouse MSP/FUR/089 2/14/2019 230,593 BlockbusterStores 14,167,259 32 MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ASSET REGISTERAS AT 31 JULY2021 GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 Date of Cheque Item Serial number Custodian Location Asset number purchase Value number Supplier MOTORCYCLES DESCRIPTION YamahaXTZ125E Serial number Custodian Location Asset number/RE Date of purc Value Cheque nu Supplier YamahaXTZ125E N/A Not Allocated EIMU-Not allocated MG414AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366&540 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A CollingsKhulaza Ntcheu MG415AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A FreyalaFeragale Ntcheu MG416AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 3661Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A TendayiChabvunguma Zomba Urban MG417AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A T. Mashawa Nsanje MG418AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A George Masakasa Mangochi MG419AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A LovenessPhiri Machinga MG420AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Tiyanjane Masanche Balaka MG421AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A M Kampeza Thyolo MG422AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Doreen Dzimuuzani Mwanza MG423AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Bertha Gwiriza Zomba rural MG424AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Henry Chawinga Mzimba MG425AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Maureen Kambuku Blantyre Rural MG426AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Maureen Chikonde Mulanje MG427AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A DEM (faulty Motor Cycle) Dedza MG428AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Chifuniro Charles Chikwawa MG429AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A ElitaGunde Thyolo MG430AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Prisca Mom be Blantyre Urban MG431AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Lydia C.Phiri Phalombe MG432AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A DumieHande Ntcheu MG433AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A YollandaShaba Blantyre Rural MG434AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A AnenaChilupysa Mangochi MG435AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Stella Kalole Chikwawa MG436AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Huxley Dunthu Machinga MG437AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Fabiano Gwalidi Chiradzulu MG438AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Fabiano Mbendera Balaka MG439Ak 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Adam Kiddah Mangochi MG440AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A RaphickKaunda Zomba MG441AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Mercy Bwanali Zomba Rural MG442AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Grey Ngwira Phalombe MG443AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Ector Taibu Neno MG444AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Gabriel Malema Kasungu MG445AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Victor Nyasulu Blantyre Urban MG446AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A GivinorDaudi Mulanje MG447AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Pilirani Namarika Mwanza MG448AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Vincent Mboma Mangochi MG449AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Moses Nkuzi Nsanje MG450AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A SaveusMkandawire Thyolo MG451AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Chifuniro Malango Lilongwe MG452AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Blessings Kanache Dowa MG453AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors 33 MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ASSET REGISTERAS AT 31 JULY2021 GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 Date of Cheque Item Serial number Custodian Location Asset number purchase Value number Supplier MOTORCYCLES CONTINUED YamahaXTZ125E N/A DominicAmos Neno MG454AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Maxwell Dauzi EIMU MG455AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A JimmyChapita Thyolo MG456AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A January Totomoyo Lilongwe Rural East MG457AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A CeasarChirwa Rumphi MG458AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 3661Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Eliza Madola Lilongwe Rural East MG459AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 3661Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A M.Sikumbiri Machinga MG460AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A EnockTapela Blantyre Rural MG461AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Not Allocated Moest-Capital Hill MG462AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A DavieA. Kambali Ntchisi MG463AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Not Allocated Moest-Capital Hill MG464AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Ellen Kazembe Dowa MG465AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Stephen Muhota Machinga MG466AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Louis Mhango Kasungu MG467AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A IreenChibwana Ntchisi MG468AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Not Allocated Moest-Capital Hill MG469AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Matilda Chirwa Rumphi MG470AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A RFatchi Machinga MG471AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A G Millias Thyolo MG472AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Not Allocated Moest-Capital Hill MG473AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A N Msowoya Dedza MG474AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Steve Mlomba Balaka MG475AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Simon Nkhoma Nkhota-Kota MG476AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Michael Gondwe Nkhata-Bay MG477AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Osward G. Nkhambule Nkhata-Bay MG478AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Not Allocated Moest-Capital Hill MG479AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Not Allocated Moest-Capital Hill MG48OAK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A ZikaKabaghe Chitipa MG481AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Henderson Chateka Lilongwe MG482AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Lucy Chiwaya Chikwawa MG483AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Martha Mzemba Mangochi MG484AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Ireen A. Phiri Salima MG485AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Augustine Kalua Chitipa MG486AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A G. Kapiza Machinga MG487AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Goliath Banda Salima MG488AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Dickson Kaunda Salima MG489AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Not Allocated EIMU MG490AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Martha Mwanjeni Lilongwe MG491AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Susan Mkumba Karonga MG492AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A MasoyaonaMunkhondiya Karonga MG493AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Japhet Kaira Karonga MG494AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Sekani Nyirenda Karonga MG495AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A J. Mango Machinga MG496AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Veronica Chingalu kasungu MG497AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Geofrey Likoleche Kasungu MG498AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Not Allocated EIMU MG499AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Not Allocated EIMU MG50OAK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A HalimaTwaha Nkhota-Kota MG501AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Thokozani E. Muyira Phalombe MG502AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Anderson Gift Banda Lilongwe Rural West MG503AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A NoteAllocated Moest-Capital Hill MG504AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors 34 MALAWI EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ASSET REGISTERAS AT 31 JULY2021 GPEF GRANT NUMBERTFOA2913 Date of Cheque Item Serial number Custodian Location Asset number purchase Value number Supplier MOTORCYCLES CONTINUED YamahaXTZ125E N/A Josephine Simkoko Mzimba North MG506AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Topsy Nkhanza Mzimba North MG507AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Clifford Mtambe Lilongwe East MG508AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A ChimwemweKachere Mchinji MG762AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Danson Pemba Mchinji MG763AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A H. Pantalion Kanama Thyolo MG764AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 3661Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A C.L. Phiri MESIPoffices MG765AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A MilodzeLuciano Lilongwe Urban MG766AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Jacqueline Msasira Chiradzulu MG767AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A YohaneMbewe Dedza MG768AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Catherine Masaidi Lilongwe Urban MG769AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Clara Luhanga Mzuzu MG770AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Andrew Kanyenda Kasungu MG771AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A MtisungeNyirongo Mzuzu MG772AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A ShadreckPhokoso Dedza MG773AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A John T.B. Ndau Nkhata-Bay MG774AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Alexandar Mbawala Likoma MG775AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Emmanuel Kandikanda Mangochi MG776AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Gerald Nkhata Mzimba South MG777AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A William Phiri MzimbaSouth MG778AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Francis Chibwe Kasungu MG779AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Noel Gondwe Mzimba MG78OAK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Not Allocated EIMU MG781AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Symon Chizuzu Dedza MG782AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Innocent Chisi Mzimba MG783AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Not Allocated Moest-Capital Hill MG784AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors YamahaXTZ125E N/A Ellen Chinkhombe Lilongwe Rural West MG785AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors Yamaha XTZ125E N/A SannonieChinyama Mchinji MG786AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors Totals for Motor Cycles N/A Sebastian Kaom be Machinga MG812AK 15/03/2018 4,947,440 366 Stansfield Motors 593,692,850 MOTORVEHICLES Toyota Hilux 2KD Double Cabin Toyota Hilux 2KD Double Cabin NA PFT HBHouse MG 232 AK 30/10/2017 40,288,775 212 Toyota Malawi Toyota Hilux 2KD Double Cabin NA CM4 Moest-Capital Hill MG 233 AK 30/10/2017 40,288,775 212 Toyota Malawi Toyota Hilux 2KD Double Cabin NA CM1 Moest-Capital Hill MG 234 AK 30/10/2017 40,288,775 212 Toyota Malawi Toyota Hilux 2KD Double Cabin NA CM3 Moest-Capital Hill MG 235 AK 30/10/2017 40,288,775 212 Toyota Malawi Ford Ranger 2200CC TD 4WD NA CM2 EIMU MG 236 AK 30/10/2017 40,288,775 212 Toyota Malawi Ford Ranger 2200CC TD 4WD NA PFT HBHouse BV 222 19/06/2018 36,948,632 555 CFAO Malawi Totals for Motor Vehicles NA PFT HBHouse MG 933AK 19/06/2018 36,948,632 555 CFAO Malawi 275,341,141 TOTAL ASSETS 1,163,612,126 35