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Geneva: IPCC. ­ World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate change Copyright © 2010 by The International Bank For Reconstruction and Development/ the World Bank 1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA Telephone 202-473-1000 Internet www.worldbank.org E-mail :feedback@worldbank.org © 1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA (http://www.worldbank.org/wdr.) This work was originally published by the World Bank in English as World Development Report 2010:Development and Climate Change in 2009. The Arabic translation was prepared and published by "Al Ahram Center for Publishing, Translation and Distribution" for the following parts of the Report: Chapters (1-8), Focuses, Bibliographic Note, Selected Indicators and Selected World Development Indicators. "Al Ahram Center for Publishing, Translation and Distribution" is responsible for the accuracy of translation of these parts. The World Bank prepared the Arabic translation for the following parts of the Report: Foreword, Acknowledgments, Main Messages, Overview and Glossary. The World Bank is responsible for the accuracy of translation of these parts. In case of any discrepancies, the original language will govern. The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; Fax: 202-522-2422; E-mail: pubrights@worldbank.org. Rock Greek Strategic Marketing Norman Kuring, Ocean Biology Processing Group, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (http:// oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov) Naylor Design, Inc Precision Graphics ­ ­ actp@ahram.org.eg xiii xv xvii xviii v vi vii viii ix (SUVs) x xi (SUVs) REDD xii ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ xiii xiv ­ ­ Marianne Fay Rosina Bierbaum Andreas Kopp Kirk Hamilton Ricardo Fuentes Samuel Fankhauser Julia Bucknall Mark Rosegrant Jean-Louis Racine Ian Noble Alexander Lotsch Andrea Liverani Arun.and Michael Ian Westphal Xueman Wang Xiaodong Wang Jean-Charles Hourcade Calestous Juma Elliot Diringer Philippe Ambrosi Agrawal and Michael Toman Alan Miller Muthukumara Mani Kseniya Lvovsky Hilary Sandy Chang Nate Engle Nicola Cenacchi Doina Cebotari Rachel Block Jon Strand Lidvard GronnevetHrishikesh Patel Gopnik Bruce Ross-Larson Jeff Lecksell Stephen McGroarty Andres Meneses Mary Fisk DEC Justin Yifu Lin (SDN) Warren Evans and Katherine Sierra Alan H. Gelb John Holdren Geoffrey Heal Rashid Hassan Zhou Dadi Neil Adger Nebojsa Calestous Juma Saleemul Huq Jean-Charles Hourcade .and John Weyant Robert Watson John Schellnhuber Carlos Nobre ´Nakic´enovic Robert B. Zoellick (GDTZ) (SwedBio) (TFESSD) (KCP) xv xvi Jason Victor Sonia JosephRebecca Sugui Evangeline Bertha Medina as program assistants Santo Domingo xvii ­ ­ ­ · ­ ­ · xviii xix Goes Here Chapter Title xix ­ · ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ xx ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ xxi ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ .Houghton(WRI 2008)World Bank 2008c (N2O)(CH4) (CO2) ­(CO2e)(F-gases) ­ ­ ­ (CO2e) ­ ­ ­ ­ (RD&D) ­ (SUVs) (GDP) BTS 2008 ­ ICCT 2007 DOE 2009; World Bank 2008c; WRI 2008 augmented with land-use change emissions from Houghton 2009. Houghton 2009 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Lüthi and others 2008 ­ ­ .Müller and others 2009; World Bank 2008c ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ de la Torre, Fajnzylber, and Nash ­ 2008; Fay, Block, and Ebinger 2010; World Bank 2007a; World Bank 2007c; ­ World Bank 2008b; World Bank 2009b. ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Deltacommissie 2008; FAO 2007; Government of Bangladesh 2008; Guan and Hubacek 2008; Karim and Mimura 2008; Shalizi 2006; and Xia and others 2007. ­ Science Focus ­ ­ Hof, den Elzen, and van Vuuren CO2e CO2e ­ Nordhaus Hof, den Elzen (FAIR) and van Vuuren Stern Nicholas Stern Hof, den Elzen, and van Vuuren William Nordhaus .2008 CO2e Stern Stern Nordhaus (CO2e) Nordhaus CO2e Hof, den Elzen, and van Vuuren 2008 "Nordhaus assumptions" "Stern assumptions" CO2e Stern Nordhaus IEA ETP McKinsey MESSAGE MiniCAM REMIND IEA ETP: IEA 2008c; McKinsey: McKinsey & Company 2009 and additional data provided by McKinsey (J. Dinkel) for 2030, using a dollar-to-euro exchange rate of $1.25 to 1; MESSAGE: IIASA 2009 and additional data provided by V. Krey; MiniCAM: Edmonds and others 2008 and additional data provided by J. Edmonds and L. Clarke; REMIND: Knopf and others, forthcoming and additional data provided by B. Knopf Schaeffer and others 2008 Hare and McKinseyMcKinseyMeinshausen 2006). IEAETP International Institute for Applied SystemsREMINDMESSAGE MiniCAM& Company MiniCAMPotsdam Institute for Climate Impact ResearchPacific Norethwest LaboratoryAnalysis MiniCAM MiniCAM DICE FAIR MESSAGE MiniCAM PAGE REMIND DICE: Nordhaus 2008 (estimated from table 5.3 and figure 5.3); FAIR: Hof, den Elzen, and van Vuuren 2008; MESSAGE: IIASA 2009; MiniCAM: Edmonds and others 2008 and personal communications; PAGE: Hope .2009 and personal communications; REMIND: Knopf and others, forthcoming DICE, FAIR, MESSAGE, MiniCAM, PAGE, and REMIND ­ (Schaeffer and others 2008; Hare and Meinshausen 2006) Hof, den Elzen, and van VuurenFAIR 2008 ­ ­ ­ ­ (~5°C) 2°C CO2e ­ ­ .Clarke and others, forthcoming (GTEM, IMAGE, MESSAGE, MiniCAM) GTEM, IMAGE, MESSAGE, MiniCAM ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ (R&D) IPCC 2001 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ .Contributed by Qaiser Khan ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ IPCC 2007a ­ CO2e ­ ­ (CH4, N2O, F-gases) IIASA 2009 (RD&D) ­ Nemet 2006 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ de la Torre, Fajnzylber, and Nash 2008; Derpsch and Friedrich 2009; Eren- stein 2009; Erenstein and Laxmi 2008; Lehmann 2007; Wardle, Nilsson, and Zackrisson 2008. ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Burke, Lobell, and Guarino 2009; Ebi and Burton 2008; Falloon and Betts, forthcoming; Guthrie, Juma, and Sillem 2008; Keim 2008; Koetse and Rietveld 2009; National Academy of Engineering 2008; Snoussi and others 2009. ­ ­ ­ ­ (http://www.iclei.org) C40 Climate Leadership Group Bai 2006; World Bank 2009d; C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, http://www .c40cities.org ­ (CDM) ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ (CDM) ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ (REDD) ­ Canadell and others 2007; Eliasch 2008; FAO 2005; Smith and others 2008; Smith and others 2009; Tschakert 2004; UNEP 1990; Voluntary Carbon Standard 2007; World Bank 2008c. < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < ­ TS.27Barker and others 2007b (AAUs) Chen and Ravallion 2008 FAO 2009b (UNFCCC) http://unfccc int/resource/docs/convkp/conveng.pdf. (IEA 2008e) Mills 2009 World Bank 2009b de la Torre, Fjanzylber, and Nash 2008 (WRI 2008) ­ ­ ­ IEA 2008c d Emonds and others 2008; Hamilton 2009 Blandford, Richels, and Rutherford Dasgupta and 2008 others 2009 .Stern 2007 .Easterling and others 2007, table 5.6, p 299 .Parry and others 2007, table TS.3, p 66 Nordhaus and Boyer 2000. Stern (2007) Nordhaus 2008; Stern 2007; Yohe and others IMF 2009, Table 3.1 .2007, figure 20.3 Stern PAGE Hope (2009) http://www.nber.org/cycles.html (Nordhaus de Bruin Dellink and Boyer 2000) RICE Matthews and Caldeira 2008 and Argawala (2009) Smith and others (2009) Schaeffer and others 2008 Tol (2008) (IPCC) Barbera and McConnell 1990; Barrett 2003; IPCC: Fisher and others Burtraw and others 2005; Jaffe and others 1995; Meyer 2007 Parry and others 2007: IPCC 2007c: 2007b .1995 .Hope 2009; Nordhaus 2008 .Nordhaus 2008 (Focus A on Science); Mann 2009; Smith and others 2009 de Bruin, Dellink, and Agrawala (2009) Nordhaus 2008, p.86, Figure 5.3 http://climatecongress /ku.dk. European Com Scientific Expert Group on li-mission 2007 International Scien-mate Change C (SEG) 2007 tific Steering Committee 2005 Swiss Re 2007 .McKinsey & Company 2009 World Bank 2009c .Adger and others 2009 .IPCC 2001 .Mignone and others 2008 http://usclimatenetwork. org/source-database/MEF_ Declarationl-0.pdf IPCC 2007c Raupach and others 2007 Lawrence and others 2008; Matthews and Keith 2007; Parry and others 2008; Scheffer, Brovkin, and Cox .2006; Torn and Harte 2006; Walter and others 2006 Shalizi and Lecocq 2009 .Horton and others 2008 .Shalizi and Lecocq 2009 .FAO 2008 .Folger 2006; Levin and others 2007 von Braun and others 2008; World Bank Häfele and others 1981, as cited in Ha- 2009a. .Duong, Grubb, and Hourcade 1997 .Sterner 2007 Davis and Owens 2003; IEA 2008b; Nemet and Kammen 2007; SEG 2007; Stern 2007. .Repetto 2008 .Stern 2007, part VI Nordhaus 2008 ­ McKinsey & (Baker and others 2007a) http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/international/ Company (2009 elecprih.html WRI IEA 2008d; UNEP 2008 McKinseyMESSAGE; 56 (EEA 2004) REMIND IEAETP http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/international/ elecprih.html Edmonds and others 2008 Price and Worrell 2006 (Hope 2009) .ESMAP 2006 .Edmonds and others 2008 http://co2captureandstorage.info/index.htm . .Calvin and others, forthcoming; IEA 2008a IIASA 2009 Gurgel, Reilly, and Paltsev 2007; IEA 2006; Knopt and others (2008) .Wise and others 2009 Edmonds and others (2008) NRC 2007; Tilman, Hill, and Lehman 2006; Nordhaus (2008) .WBGU 2009 Hope (2009) .OECD 2008 Lotze-Campen and others 2009; Wise and . .others 2009 .Scherr and McNeely 2008 .World Bank 2007b .Milly and others 2008 .Hamilton 2009 Fay, Block, and Ebinger 2010; Ligeti, Penney, http://science.nasa. .and Wieditz 2007; Heinz Center 2007 gov/headlines/y2004/02apr_hurricane.htm. .Lempert and Schlesinger 2000 .Keller, Yohe, and Schlesinger 2008 Rogers 2009; Westermeyer 2009. 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Listorti, Feng Liu, Bannon, Ellysar Baroudy, Rhona Barr, Scott Barrett, Wim Bertrand Loiseau, Laszlo Lovei, Magda Lovei, Susanna Bastiaanssen, Daniel Benitez, Craig Bennett, Anthony Lundstrom, Kathleen Mackinnon, Marília Magalhães, Bigio, Yvan Biot, Jeppe Bjerg, Brian Blankespoor, Melinda Olivier Mahul, Ton Manders, McKinsey & Company (Jeremy Bohannon, Jan Bojo, Benoît Bosquet, Aziz Bouzaher, Richard Oppenheim, Jens Dinkel, Per-Anders Enkvist, and Biniam Bradley, Milan Brahmbhatt, Carter Brandon, Gernot Brodnig, Gebre), Marília Telma Manjate, Michael Mann, Sergio Marjory-Anne Bromhead, Andrew Burns, Anil Cabraal, Margulis, Will Martin, Ursula Martinez, Michel Matera, Duncan Callaway, Simon Caney, Karan Capoor, Jean- J. M. Mauskar, Siobhan McInerney-Lankford, Robin Mearns, Christophe Carret, Rafaello Cervigni, Rita E. Cestti, Muyeye Malte Meinshausen, Abel Mejía, Stephen Mink, Rogerio de Chambwera, Vandana Chandra, David Chapman, Joelle Miranda, Lucio Monari, Paul Moreno López, Roger Morier, Chassard, Flávia Chein Feres, Ashwini Chhatre, Kenneth Richard Moss, Valerie Müller, Robert Muir-Wood, Enrique Chomitz, David A. Cieslikowski, Hugh Compston, Luis Murgueitio Restrepo, Siobhan Murray, Everhart Nangoma, Constantino, Jonathan Coony, Charles Cormier, Christophe Mudit Narain, John Nash, Vikram Nehru, Dan Nepstad, Crepin, Richard Damania, Stephen Danyo, Michael Davis, Michele de Nevers, Ken Newcombe, Brian Ngo, Carlo del Melissa Dell, Shantayanan Devarajan, Charles E. Di Leva, Ninno, Andy Norton, Frank Nutter, Erika Odendaal, Ellen William J. Dick, Simeon Djankov, Carola Donner, Diletta Olafsen, Ben Olken, Sanjay Pahuja, Alessandro Palmieri, Doretti, Krystel Dossou, Navroz Dubash, Hari Bansha Gajanand Pathmanathan, Nicolas Perrin, Chris Perry, Dulal, Mark Dutz, Jane Olga Ebinger, M. Willem van Djordjija Petkoski, Tanyathon Phetmanee, Henry Pollack, Eeghen, Nada Eissa, Siri Eriksen, Antonio Estache, James Joanna Post, Neeraj Prasad, Tovondriaka Rakotobe, Nithya Warren Evans, Mandy Ewing, Pablo Fajnzylber, Charles Ramanathan, V. Ramanathan, Nicola Ranger, Dilip Ratha, Feinstein, Gene Feldman, Erick C. M. Fernandes, Daryl Keywan Riahi, Richard Richels, Brian Ricketts, Jeff Ritchie, Fields, Christiana Figueres, Cyprian F. Fisiy, Ariel Fiszbein, Konrad von Ritter, David Rogers, Mattia Romani, Joyashree Richard Fix, Paolo Frankl, Vicente Fretes Cibils, Alan Gelb, Roy, Eduardo Paes Saboia, Claudia Sadoff, Salman Salman, Francis Ghesquiere, Dolf Gielen, Indermit S. Gill, Habiba Jamil Salmi, Klas Sandler, Apurva Sanghi, Shyam Saran, Gitay, Barry Gold, Itzhak Goldberg, Jan von der Goltz, Ashok Sarkar, John Scanlon, Hartwig Schäfer, Imme Scholz, Bernard E. Gomez, Arturo Gomez Pompas, Christophe de Sebastian Scholz, Claudia Sepúlveda, Diwesh Sharan, Bernard Gouvello, Chandrasekar Govindarajalu, Margaret Grosh, Sheahan, Susan Shen, Xiaoyu Shi, Jas Singh, Emmanuel Michael Grubb, Arnulf Grübler, José Luis Guasch, Eugene Skoufias, Leopold Some, Richard Spencer, Frank Sperling, Gurenko, Stéphane Hallegatte, Tracy Hart, Marea Eleni Sir Nicholas Stern, Thomas Sterner, Andre Stochniol, Rachel Hatziolos, Johannes Heister, Rasmus Heltberg, Fernando Strader, Charlotte Streck, Ashok Subramanian, Vivek Suri, L. Hernandez, Jason Hill, Ron Hoffer, Daniel Hoornweg, Joanna Syroka, Mark Tadross, Patrice Talla Takoukam, Chris Hope, Nicholas Howard, Rafael de Hoyos, Veronika Robert P. Taylor, Dipti Thapa, Augusto de la Torre, Jorge E. Huber, Vijay Iyer, Michael Friis Jensen, Peter Johansen, Todd Uquillas Rodas, Maria Vagliasindi, Hector Valdes, Rowena Johnson, Torkil Jonch-Clausen, Benjamin F. Jones, Ben Jones, Irwin, Tim. 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"Climate Change Impacts on "A note on the economic cost of climate change and the ratio- Agricultural Water Stress and Impact Mitigation Potential." nale to limit it below 2°K." Haberl, Helmut, Karl-Heinz Erb, Fridolin Krausmann, Veronika Hourcade, Jean-Charles, and Franck Nadaud. "Long-run Energy Gaube, Simone Gingrich, and Christof Plutzar. "Quantification Forecasting in Retrospect." Meinzen-Dick, Ruth. "Community Action and Property Rights in of the Intensity of Global Human Use of Ecosystems for Land and Water Management." Biomass Production." Müller, Christoph, Alberte Bondeau, Alexander Popp, Katharina Hamilton, Kirk. "Delayed Participation in a Global Climate Waha, and Marianela Fader. "Climate Change Impacts on Agreement." Agricultural Yields." Harris, Nancy, Stephen Hagen, Sean Grimland, William Salas, Rabie, Tamer, and Kulsum Ahmed. "Climate Change and Human Sassan Saatchi, and Sandra Brown. "Improvement in Estimates Health." of Land-Based Emissions." Ramanathan, N., I. H. Rehman, and V. Ramanathan. "Project Heyder, Ursula. "Ecosystem Integrity Change as Measured by Surya: Mitigation of Global and Regional Climate Change: Biome Change." Buying the Planet Time by Reducing Black Carbon, Methane, Hoornweg, Daniel, Perinaz Bhada, Mila Freire, and Rutu Dave. and Ozone." "An Urban Focus--Cities and Climate Change." Rogers, David. "Environmental Information Services and Houghton, Richard. "Emissions of Carbon from Land Development." Management." Vagliasindi, Maria. "Climate Change Uncertainty, Regulation and Imam, Bisher. "Waters of the World." Private Participation in Infrastructure." Lotze-Campen, Hermann, Alexander Popp, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Westermeyer, William. "Observing the Climate for Development." and Michael Krause. "Competition for Land between Food, Bioenergy, and Conservation." Louati, Mohamed El Hedi. "Tunisia's Experience in Water Resource Mobilization and Management." (afforestation) (adaptation) (Annex I parties) (adaptation fund) (CDM) (Non-Annex-I parties) (adaptive capacity) (anthropogenic) (adaptive management) (GHGs) (additionality) (assigned amount units) ­ CO2e ­ (Bali action plan) (CO2e) (biodiversity) (biofuel) (carbon fertilization) (cap and trade) (carbon footprint) (carbon intensity) c ( arbon capture and storage) (CO2) (carbon dioxide) (carbon lock-in) (carbon dioxide equivalent) (deadweight loss) (carbon sink) (discount rate) (clean development mechanism) (downscaling) (early warning system) (Climate sensitivity) (ecosystem services) (consumptive use of water) (evapotranspiration) (coping capacity) (forest degradation) (geoengineering) (damage function) Kyoto protocol) (Gini coefficient) (green tax) (leakage) (greenhouse gas) ­ (land use, land-use change, and forestry) (CH4)(CO2) (H2O)(O3)(N2O) (innovation) (maladaptation) (institutions) (market-pull) (integrated assessment) (mitigation) (intellectual property rights) (National Adaptation Programs of Action) (intergovernmental panel on climate change) (no-regret project) (reforestation) (polluter pays principle) (reinsurance) (positive feedback) (resilience) precautionary principle) (return period) (UNFCCC) (risk assessment) robust decision making) (public good) ­ (safety net) (sequestration) (RDD&D) reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) (social learning) (stationarity) (social norms) (supplementarity) social protection) ­ (technology transfer) (solar photovoltaics) (technology-push) (SRES scenarios) (threshold) (IPCC) (transaction costs) (A1) (uncertainty) (A2) . (B1 A1 (B2) (weather derivatives) Knight ( United Nations Framework Convention on (weather- Climate Change) index insurance) virtual water) (vulnerability) (win-win-(win)) ­ ­ 0.91 1.17 2.35 2.50 206.4 406.4 92.5 5.81 10.8 14.8 ­29.6 1544 2194 0.34 0.43 2.24 2.28 19.1 10.0 5.6 0.54 3.7 3.2 35.3 142 105 0.29 0.27 2.36 2.28 6.6 5.3 10.0 1.29 7.9 5.3 64.7 342 208 0.58 0.65 3.12 2.97 38.8 27.5 12.5 1.42 18.5 15.2 45.0 377 260 0.38 0.41 2.83 2.77 0.4 0.2 1.5 0.23 8.6 7.2 78.3 60 34 0.32 0.49 2.36 2.72 28.9 47.8 117.8 3.06 9.9 12.2 ­15.9 814 968 0.57 0.60 2.45 2.26 40.0 20.1 2.2 0.42 27.3 28.0 114.1 112 52 0.49 0.41 1.98 1.46 58.8 41.2 6.8 1.31 1.6 0.8 131.7 349 151 2.1 2.93 2.34 2.59 40.3 28.1 6.9 0.41 4.2 5.9 ­8.4 110 120 1.13 1.63 2.07 2.68 118.4 139.7 22.6 1.12 6.3 13.1 ­56.4 297 681 0.28 0.50 2.89 3.0 1.8 1.3 1.6 0.16 10.5 8.8 41.7 44 31 0.28 0.3 2.44 2.69 18.5 16.8 17.9 1.71 7.7 7.0 14.0 454 398 0.35 0.34 1.55 1.4 12.5 7.5 2.4 0.45 0.8 0.6 94.1 118 61 0.21 0.18 1.54 1.4 14.7 10.9 8.8 1.26 1.8 1.3 70.8 334 195 0.3 0.26 2.32 2.3 1.7 1.1 1.7 0.24 6.0 4.0 59.1 63 40 0.34 0.44 1.81 2.19 2.4 2.8 10.4 0.42 10.7 10.9 2.7 112 109 0.64 1.13 2.3 2.61 4.8 6.0 3.0 0.17 6.0 8.6 ­38.7 46 75 0.57 1.14 3.19 3.5 20.9 23.5 22.6 1.11 7.8 9.2 ­15.3 296 349 0.73 1.65 2.26 2.55 3.3 2.9 4.0 0.23 6.2 10.6 ­43.8 61 108 0.48 0.35 2.13 1.79 19.2 13.0 3.9 0.81 3.4 1.4 172.6 214 79 .. .. 2.51 2.38 46.4 19.7 2.1 0.16 8.6 12.8 ­11.3 42 47 0.29 0.31 2.56 2.43 56.6 26.1 5.3 0.82 3.0 2.3 70.3 219 129 0.39 0.44 2.63 2.86 15.5 9.6 2.8 0.34 2.8 2.7 33.3 91 68 0.67 0.52 2.73 2.58 64.9 24.4 8.6 1.62 6.2 3.3 142.3 431 178 0.57 0.92 2.61 3.14 7.2 10.9 10.7 0.44 11.5 14.9 ­23.3 118 154 0.45 0.86 2.03 2.67 1.6 1.7 3.2 0.14 7.1 10.8 ­32.8 38 57 0.64 0.85 2.62 2.72 .. .. 1.2 0.18 2.6 2.5 51.6 48 32 0.44 0.50 2.11 2.43 7.7 6.6 9.0 1.69 9.3 5.3 97.6 449 227 .. .. 3.42 3.43 27.3 26.9 5.9 0.28 3.1 5.6 ­35.5 73 114 0.45 0.45 2.43 2.54 16 8.5 3.2 0.56 3.0 1.5 83.3 149 81 0.83 0.93 2.59 2.79 12.5 10.6 14.1 1.25 7.1 7.2 29.9 331 255 0.26 0.39 2.43 2.84 1.6 0.9 3.4 0.18 8.8 9.9 ­5.9 48 51 0.45 0.91 2.37 2.67 13.2 24.5 6.9 0.34 4.2 7.2 ­45.5 91 167 0.23 0.39 1.39 2.16 0.8 0.2 1.4 0.16 10.1 9.5 49.7 43 29 0.18 0.25 0.98 1.12 2.2 2.1 4.1 0.19 5.7 6.2 ­4.5 51 53 0.17 0.18 1.67 1.67 0.6 0.7 2.4 0.17 6.1 6.2 9.0 45 41 0.30 0.37 1.99 2.3 3.4 2.4 1.8 0.22 3.6 2.5 81.7 59 32 0.78 .. 3.13 3.02 .. .. .. 0.19 6.8 7.8 ­14.3 50 59 0.95 1.77 2.94 2.56 218.7 192.9 94.3 19.06 3.9 1.9 128.9 5060 2211 .. .. 3.31 3.21 3.3 4.1 2.2 0.37 3.5 3.3 62.0 99 61 0.21 0.25 1.41 1.56 13.2 16.3 31.7 1.46 6.4 6.3 9.3 388 355 0.31 0.24 1.76 1.38 2.6 3.6 1.9 0.29 0.9 0.6 113.1 77 36 0.57 0.59 2.48 2.56 46.3 30.5 5.3 0.56 5.6 5.7 33.4 150 112 0.35 0.47 1.61 1.92 1.8 1.4 2.3 0.21 10.6 11.0 0.7 55 55 0.45 0.28 1.58 0.7 4.9 3.5 1.5e 0.31 1.0 0.3 376.5 81 17 0.77 .. 2.71 2.21 .. .. 0.9 0.16 54.6 30.8 202.1 44 14 1.17 2.01 2.73 3.17 13.2 28.8 9.9 0.58 10.2 14.3 ­33.6 155 233 0.49 0.58 2.02 2.07 57.8 41.0 23.8 2.08 17.1 15.6 27.5 552 433 0.23 0.26 2.12 1.83 7.1 5.1 2.2 0.23 1.4 1.4 34.0 61 45 0.67 .. 2.71 3.36 9.1 5.4 1.6 0.29 30.1 12.7 184.0 76 27 0.63 .. 2.65 3.16 .. .. 1.3 0.18 7.9 8.4 28.8 47 37 0.46 0.43 2.09 2.24 .. .. 2.7e 0.52 5.4 2.9 163.9 138 52 0.39 0.29 3.08 2.72 .. .. 0.9 0.16 1.4 0.8 111.2 41 20 0.33 0.38 2.22 2.38 86.1 47.9 12.5 1.48 3.8 3.5 33.9 393 293 0.65 0.54 2.28 2.75 3.9 2.3 7.4 1.21 13.8 10.3 89.6 320 169 0.28 0.42 2.27 2.63 27 36.9 68.1 2.01 8.8 9.7 ­4.4 533 558 0.17 0.22 1.15 1.39 1.7 0.9 1.9 0.14 8.2 7.0 27.9 38 30 0.28 0.28 2.27 2.31 1.4 1.4 4.3 0.29 9.4 7.5 33.6 77 58 0.39 0.49 0.92 0.95 66.2 25.8 2.3 0.36 0.7 0.7 43.0 97 68 0.47 0.58 2.14 1.87 89.2 53.1 28.6 4.33 1.1 0.7 92.6 1149 597 0.34 0.55 2.07 2.47 5.4 6.0 4.1 0.22 5.7 6.8 ­18.3 58 71 0.32 0.41 2.22 2.36 2.6 3.3 8.3 0.69 11.2 10.6 15.6 183 158 0.47 0.61 2.49 2.53 242.8 298.8 324.9 22.00 19.7 19.5 19.9 5841 4874 0.31 0.33 2.3 2.38 7.1 10.0 46.1 4.57 9.5 8.6 14.8 1214 1058 0.29 0.34 3.08 3.18 5.8 4.6 2.6 0.36 8.6 6.9 35.6 96 71 0.47 0.57 2.35 2.39 1,978.9 1,861.0 1169.1 100.00 4.2 4.0 28.3 26,544 20,693 0.38 0.46 1.26 1.38 256.4 115.5 24.0 2.66 0.6 0.7 28.9 707 549 0.61 0.80 2.49 2.41 1,279.4 1,168.3 395.1 47.59 3.0 2.6 38.0 12,631 9,150 0.39 0.47 2.32 2.44 557.1 577.2 750.1 49.75 12.7 11.8 20.1 13,207 10,999 0.28 0.36 2.11 2.36 115.7 142.1 284.8 12.32 8.5 8.6 4.8 3,271 3,122 0.37 0.47 2.33 2.46 651.4 644.6 764.7 48.77 11.1 10.7 16.4 12,946 11,121 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 1 61 0.4 17 58 0.6 48 0.9 25 33 1.5 12 6.5 10 84 25.9 11 6.6 2 1,459 0.8 8 7.2 21 44 32.4 5 9.8 1 1,830 2.5 1 15.2 7 139 1.2 27 2.6 12 70 0.6 58 0.5 24 34 0.9 35 1.3 19 51 3.1 24 3 4 176 1.9 6 9.3 9 106 0.7 22 3.1 22 40 1 83 0 18 57 1.1 17 4.9 16 62 1.2 50 0.8 12 70 3.3 9 7 3 187 1.2 18 3.9 12 70 1.5 13 6 10 84 1.2 29 2.2 12 70 2.5 15 5.4 7 139 0.7 63 0.4 23 40 2.8 20 3.3 5 158 2.8 40 1.1 5 158 0.8 10 7 20 48 50 25 0.8 1.5 1.9 118 222 58 60 0.7 0.8 0.9 55 39 7 6 3.6 3.5 2.3 139 114 4 4 5.4 5.7 1.8 110 97 37 32 1.0 1.4 1.4 84 110 66 73 0.6 0.6 2.2 132 106 73 76 0.5 0.5 1.3 79 58 8 8 3.2 2.9 9.7 591 426 70 77 0.5 0.5 1.3 80 60 5 7 5.0 3.3 0.8 46 22 18 27 1.4 1.4 1.5 89 79 31 29 1.1 1.4 1.3 76 80 21 53 1.3 0.9 1.2 75 36 48 62 0.9 0.8 18.3 1,113 905 15 18 1.7 1.9 1.7 103 110 12 11 1.9 2.4 0.9 52 47 55 67 0.8 0.7 1.1 65 48 10 15 2.3 2.1 1.2 73 57 11 19 2.1 1.8 1.5 89 61 57 61 0.7 0.8 1.3 77 67 54 57 0.8 0.9 0.8 48 54 16 38 1.6 1.2 1.3 78 50 52 63 0.8 0.8 1.9 115 75 83 84 0.4 0.4 6.6 403 330 17 20 1.5 1.7 7.3 442 427 ­ ­ .. ­8.3 6122 6.1 1.1 2.3 20.6 53.0 15.7 676.2 878.9 15 91.5 38 0.0 90 1.3 8.8 0.0 0.0 22.3 15.0 .. ­2.7 2514 0.0 0 1.5 34.4 63.5 0.0 14.1 26.1 95 100.7 2620 2.9 3.7 4.7 38.0 49.3 1.1 69.1 46.1 100 81.2 1904 0.0 0 1.4 70.0 28.0 0.0 7.2 3.5 .. ­40.7 1612 26.6 0 6.1 15.2 53.1 0.0 2.6 7.9 20 .. 49 0.0 73.1 0.0 26.9 0.0 0.0 0.7 .. 100 76.3 6213 10.8 3.6 3.0 49.0 21.5 12.4 144.6 91.2 100 34.6 11309 0.0 4.1 1.3 31.6 19.1 43.9 122.5 87.7 .. 0 5890 0.0 10.7 0.2 15.1 16.5 57.0 4.9 9.6 97 65.1 6893 0.0 0 3.4 52.4 8.8 36.0 21.3 12.1 90 58.5 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1.3 4.6 2.6 4.4 ­15.4 ­39.3 3.7 1.9 8.6 1.3 1,862.4 17.0 10.1 ­10.6 ­17.3 4.9 3.6 21.8 1.7 43.7 47.1 2.4 ­1.7 ­34.1 2.5 5.6 16.1 1.6 0.9 0.5 14.5 ­9.9 ­18.5 1.1 0.6 4.1 1.3 24.8 0.8 32.0 ­12.2 ­38.1 2.7 1.9 10.8 1.6 4,383.5 32.9 159.7 ­10.8 .. 6.5 ­1.3 25.0 1.9 4.6 3.1 4.6 ­1.7 ­5.9 4.0 2.7 24.4 1.8 944.6 12.5 174.4 0.6 ­5.7 3.8 0.5 4.0 1.4 4,279.9 35.1 4.4 ­3.5 ­7.8 1.8 ­10.9 16.0 1.7 533.3 37.9 2.6 11,777 292 1,228 1,317 1,262 1,342 17,217 5,900 15,593 38,709 0 63 16 167 353 197 796 992 177 1,965 3,253 105 219 350 3,632 2,754 10,312 109,809 19,111 139,232 50 81 105 360 2,806 971 4,374 217,300 39,531 261,205 11,491 748 551 1,421 4,365 5,590 24,167 288,686 58,179 371,031 5,205 335 193 1,057 5,263 1,065 13,117 17,788 2,841 33,745 269 263 39 1,113 1,176 1,586 4,445 423,323 68,678 496,447 1,549 346 115 167 1,245 50 3,472 8,015 2,382 13,869 361 0 51 543 2,639 1,083 4,678 316,045 51,943 372,666 265 7 4 94 549 448 1,368 5,529 975 7,871 1,708 609 724 402 1,998 1,311 6,752 70,528 9,643 86,922 41 438 107 385 1,724 934 3,629 172,837 31,011 207,477 20 254 20 0 575 2,161 3,030 388,123 60,561 451,714 244 126 102 217 1,650 1,108 3,448 16,505 5,303 25,256 83 4 2 9 810 52 961 4,221 817 6,000 0 239 142 100 547 191 1,219 3,047 821 5,087 934 100 1,426 232 1,550 541 4,783 11,248 2,110 18,141 934 153 570 98 1,480 341 3,575 29,908 5,562 39,046 469 92 55 855 2,370 96 3,936 24,294 7,624 35,854 190 64 34 86 2,270 861 3,504 35,774 8,580 47,859 0 311 366 80 787 316 1,861 2,307 289 4,458 1,610 27 12 8 1,546 736 3,939 26,328 6,270 36,537 11,670 68 16 161 859 426 13,200 ­3,418 8,709 18,491 11,370 0 26 109 1,989 611 14,105 6,581 3,336 24,023 286 27 37 461 1,980 386 3,176 24,511 5,723 33,410 6,734 0 6 0 1,255 730 8,725 ­1,598 3,292 10,419 33 0 30 441 1,241 275 2,020 107,864 31,399 141,282 1,544 0 0 0 1,705 0 3,249 14,734 3,897 21,879 1,118 310 46 51 1,238 637 3,400 48,959 7,270 59,629 2 81 9 27 1,849 98 2,066 3,055 549 5,670 1,222 290 65 175 1,602 1,154 4,508 16,110 8,495 29,113 134 276 716 78 477 98 1,779 4,091 694 6,564 301 211 341 70 350 258 1,531 6,704 1,377 9,612 0 58 24 166 485 84 817 11,204 2,710 14,731 4 238 147 78 608 196 1,272 7,920 975 10,167 263 2,434 908 1,549 1,120 1,676 7,950 447,143 58,331 513,424 5,188 986 231 1,095 2,443 1,001 10,944 56,094 10,688 77,726 511 106 29 27 1,404 146 2,223 4,208 2,956 9,387 65 290 76 7 855 43 1,336 8,343 686 10,365 301 517 57 181 1,697 218 2,971 24,411 3,098 30,480 87 307 77 1,026 2,747 2,091 6,335 403,874 57,814 468,024 30 90 17 59 1,308 45 1,549 15,129 2,673 19,351 23,302 0 464 1,793 1,086 581 27,227 4,342 13,627 45,196 914 348 357 187 2,748 179 4,733 4,271 1,749 10,753 18,566 4,724 1,264 5,756 2,829 1,631 34,771 235,982 54,226 324,979 2 367 102 11 2,568 72 3,121 10,125 997 14,243 3,006 134 266 253 1,911 978 6,547 33,241 4,872 44,660 1 235 129 113 361 529 1,368 4,374 868 6,609 0 121 276 44 1,420 295 2,157 2,463 621 5,241 6,922 438 188 161 1,369 24 9,103 24,520 13,065 46,687 0 174 171 36 955 345 1,681 2,944 395 5,020 106 22 24 7 993 453 1,604 17,926 3,435 22,965 6,075 199 128 176 1,195 721 8,493 34,420 18,959 61,872 0 184 56 26 474 45 785 3,873 542 5,200 485 829 144 2,410 1,298 2,008 7,174 412,789 73,118 493,080 4,739 44 14 495 583 1,291 7,167 346,347 55,239 408,753 0 340 392 9 261 57 1,059 2,695 478 4,232 0 233 38 81 767 111 1,229 1,964 609 3,802 1 9 28 152 1,598 187 1,975 1,434 286 3,695 2,639 270 24 6 1,022 78 4,040 ­1,959 667 2,748 0 8 3 3 668 112 793 6,840 601 8,235 201 59 14 122 1,340 192 1,928 3,738 1,154 6,820 536 152 42 366 2,721 1,131 4,947 56,645 15,480 77,072 2,053 27 7 527 1,035 3,090 6,739 352,222 62,428 421,389 7,106 1,341 238 1,651 2,752 1,665 14,752 418,009 79,851 512,612 28 38 56 364 710 316 1,513 341,470 150,258 493,241 318 82 101 57 3,424 573 4,554 203,445 28,973 236,972 1,302 252 104 322 1,496 536 4,011 74,998 16,850 95,860 325 109 48 111 1,143 189 1,925 4,434 1,174 7,532 1,089 169 120 129 1,583 407 3,426 18,773 5,347 27,616 3,825 747 183 1,215 2,008 1,552 9,531 353,339 76,193 439,063 ­ ­ ­ ­ 4.1 3.9 5.4 0.4 3,227 1.1 5.0 5.2 8.2 4.5 2,528 1.1 6.0 6.1 8.2 60.3 .. 4.5 6.0 6.2 8.9 76.4 3,359 2.5 4.5 4.2 5.8 .. .. 1.0 5.5 5.5 8.9 15.0 2,797 1.3 6.6 6.7 8.9 .. 7,287 2.8 4.6 4.7 7.9 12.3 1,407 1.1 5.4 5.7 7.5 .. 2,007 .. 5.5 6.1 8.7 34.4 3,188 1.9 4.7 4.4 7.4 .. 1,627 0.1 5.5 5.8 8.3 .. 2,478 0.9 5.4 5.4 4.7 .. 1,450 1.0 5.4 5.1 7.8 .. 2,371 1.4 5.4 5.1 7.3 .. 2,027 0.5 5.8 5.8 7.7 58.4 3,756 3.0 3.4 3.6 5.3 .. 547 0.2 5.5 5.4 5.6 0.6 361 0.9 6.2 6.5 9.6 42.2 5,202 2.5 4.9 5.1 8.3 .. 2,627 1.5 6.0 6.2 8.2 24.3 5,497 2.4 6.2 6.6 9.5 81.0 6,095 3.9 6.2 6.4 9.2 107.6 .. .. 5.1 4.2 4.4 0.3 .. 1.3 5.6 6.2 8.5 39.4 3,353 2.1 6.1 6.6 9.4 53.0 7,545 3.5 5.6 6.2 9.2 24.0 .. 2.0 5.5 5.4 6 .. 74 .. 5.5 5.7 8.7 50.5 4,877 1.6 5.0 5.0 7.7 .. 2,230 0.8 5.6 6.2 9.1 27.4 2,995 1.8 6.1 6.4 9.3 25.6 4,668 1.5 6.2 6.2 8.9 39.7 3,473 2.4 5.5 .. 8.9 15.3 4,207 1.2 5.5 5.2 3.1 0.1 .. .. 4.7 4.7 7.9 4.1 1,574 0.9 5.5 6.2 9.3 66.9 2,477 1.7 6.3 6.5 9.1 53.1 4,651 2.6 6.3 6.2 8.6 117.2 5,512 3.3 4.4 4.7 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40350 862.5 19 3 1.4 21 .. 83 79 2.3 27450 200.6 24700 180.5 28 338 1.9 7 .. .. .. .. .. 30.6 .. 9.8 .. .. .. .. 84 78 72 5.4 7760 104.7 3640 49.1 31 49 1.1 13 99 80 73 5.6 7950 25.0 3840 12.1 24 115 0.3 3 .. 82 77 1.5 35940 2952.4 42440 3485.7 14 236 0.0 82 90 81 77 5.7 .. .. .. .. 19 54 4.0 4 92 73 69 4.9 3830 875.1 2010 458.2 27 126 1.3 228 .. 49 45 11.8 5020 90.5 3450 62.1 45 14 2.9 18 98 80 72 8.6 12540 41.8 8260 27.5 23 19 0.1 3 .. 70 64 7.2 2660 72.6 910 24.7 30 64 1.3 27 74 53 52 6.0 1140 36.1 420 13.3 49 161 3.2 32 100 74 63 2.7 7210 333.5 3210 148.6 14 80 ­0.8 46 .. 82 77 ­4.4 37350 166.6 49590 221.2 21 65 2.0 4 99 84 79 ­1.8 30250 1810.60 35240 2109.1 14 204 0.6 60 58 60 55 3.7 2000 12.9 1010 6.5 40 14 2.3 6 95 74 70 4.0 4820 30.0 2180 13.6 34 16 1.9 6 54 66 65 3.7 2700 448.8 980 162.9 37 215 2.3 166 90 76 69 4.1 10070 1932.90 7350 1411.20 26 23 1.2 192 95 82 75 ­0.2 22080 234.6 20560 218.4 15 116 0.5 11 .. 83 77 0.4 34760 372.1 44330 474.5 17 354 0.5 11 98 76 69 6.5 11950 91.1 5490 41.8 13 70 ­0.7 8 53 67 65 4.7 1440 230.6 520 82.6 32 1229 1.6 160 93 78 73 7.5 11650 39.5 6180 21.0 30 46 1.8 3 41 62 60 1.8 1460 12.7 690 6.0 43 78 3.3 9 29 54 51 1.5 1160 17.6 480 7.3 46 56 3.1 15 .. 52 49 1.4 380 3.1 140 1.1 39 314 2.8 8 .. 78 72 6.2 8620 32.5 4510 17.0 16 74 0.3 4 99 80 71 4.8 17310 659.7 11880 453.0 15 124 ­0.1 38 91 68 63 4.3 4140 40.1 1460 14.1 37 9 1.9 10 90 76 71 8.6 7980 230.0 3990 115.0 31 23 1.3 29 100 76 65 10.2 12150 117.6 5380 52.1 15 47 ­0.4 10 94 72 66 2.0 5990 403.4 2840 191.7 22 132 1.0 67 100 68 59 8.4 6210 31.2 2840 14.3 30 11 1.4 5 89 74 69 2.5 13770 1017.6 9340 690.7 27 96 1.3 74 32 52 49 ­3.1 1160 12.9 530 5.9 46 9 3.4 11 72 56 55 4.4 1230 52.1 440 18.4 45 48 2.7 42 .. 64 61 ­1.4 820 5.3 400 2.6 40 119 2.6 6 78 76 72 4.1 7070 73.0 3290 34.0 24 66 1.0 10 75 74 71 1.5 7940 272.8 4260 146.4 28 14 1.5 34 .. 46 43 0.9 730 3.2 410 1.8 41 7 1.7 4 82 73 69 4.2 10840 769.7 3540 251.5 24 44 1.5 72 .. 80 74 2.3 22790 237.6 16600 173.2 14 135 0.2 10 89 75 69 4.1 7890 77.6 4390 43.2 32 203 1.5 10 .. 78 71 6.2 21300 115.2 14540 78.6 16 112 0.0 5 83 76 72 1.6 4350 92.4 2090 44.4 35 116 3.1 21 99 72 64 6.2 2130 11.3 740 3.9 30 28 1.0 5 .. 82 76 1.9 28120 1366.9 2153 1046.3 17 492 0.4 49 .. 55 53 3.7 3090 11.2 1970 7.1 41 11 2.2 4 .. 48 45 3.2 290 18.4 150 9.8 47 28 3.0 64 73 66 63 5.6 2060 12.8 750 4.7 38 27 1.7 6 66 72 68 5.1 5460 445.4 1800 146.9 32 82 1.9 82 59 64 61 0.9 2210 50.9 950 21.9 44 44 3.0 23 88 52 49 1.3 9780 476.2 5820 283.3 31 40 1.3 49 .. 75 67 2.8 4850 21.2 2470 10.8 17 63 ­1.0 4 .. 81 76 ­1.8 37280 205.0 59130 325.1 18 130 0.4 5 .. 52 48 8.2 1010 9.9 410 4.0 42 394 2.5 10 98 76 69 9.4 13500 290.3 7930 170.6 15 94 ­0.5 22 71 46 45 3.4 1230 15.5 950 12.0 46 17 2.3 13 91 44 43 .. .. .. .. .. 40 32 0.0 12 82 76 67 2.1 6670 40.9 3480 21.4 33 296 0.4 6 91 76 69 5.8 4480 89.9 1790 35.9 24 310 0.9 20 94 83 78 ­4.1 47940 232.0 34760 168.2 17 7024 2.3 5 42 57 54 ­0.2 1760 21.5 970 11.8 44 63 2.6 12 .. 60 56 5.9 1930 79.8 1130 46.5 40 17 2.1 41 .. 83 79 ­1.0 38180 352.0 50940 469.7 17 22 0.5 9 .. 84 79 0.5 46460 354.5 65330 498.5 16 191 0.8 8 38 49 46 2.4 750 4.2 320 1.8 43 78 3.4 6 97 82 75 2.2 13270 222.4 9400 157.5 23 22 1.0 17 .. 76 71 6.1 11150 81.9 5710 41.9 18 83 ­0.3 7 .. 49 47 .. .. .. .. .. 45 14 3.0 9 93 75 71 8.4 6020 7984.00 2940 3899.3 21 142 0.6 1326 94 75 72 .. .. .. .. .. 45 638 3.4 4 100 69 64 6.2 1860 12.7 600 4.1 38 49 1.3 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 65 57 56 4 1430 33.4 670 15.7 39 103 2.2 23 73 74 67 1.5 4690 64.2 2680 36.6 42 126 2.5 14 .. 60 56 6 1190 11.7 390 3.7 43 40 2.0 10 .. 85 78 ­0.2 34400 2134.40 42250 2702.2 18 113 0.7 62 93 74 70 2 3900 352.4 1890 170.4 34 303 1.9 90 95 77 71 3.1 12830 358.6 9230 257.8 30 32 1.7 28 .. 83 76 0.4 35660 189.5 48120 255.7 17 17 0.3 5 .. 76 72 4.7 2700 232.9 890 77.0 27 278 1.3 86 100 72 61 1.9 9690 152 6140 96.2 24 6 0.6 16 .. 51 50 1.9 2180 41.3 1150 21.8 41 41 2.2 19 99 79 72 2.4 18420 81.7 13570 60.2 15 79 0.0 4 76 62 57 3.4 1820 26.8 600 8.9 34 83 1.7 15 .. 83 78 ­0.6 36220 1206.50 41730 1390.00 17 4 1.0 33 .. 59 56 ­0.1 1580 32.6 980 20.3 41 65 2.2 21 96 81 76 1.5 10950 49.6 6060 27.5 26 89 1.8 5 93 77 69 1.3 8510 379.1 4660 207.4 30 40 1.4 45 .. 55 53 0.9 1580 60.9 770 29.5 43 68 2.6 39 90 74 70 6.9 10880 45 6350 26.3 26 405 1.2 4 56 59 57 2.4 300 1.1 170 0.6 43 39 3.7 4 87 77 72 5 15630 98.1 11590 72.7 30 4 2.0 6 100 77 65 3.6 18210 61.1 11870 39.9 15 54 ­0.5 3 26 57 52 1.9 1090 13.9 580 7.4 44 10 3.0 13 92 77 72 2.9 13740 370.8 6970 188.1 30 82 1.9 27 .. 62 59 4.1 1040 19.9 410 7.8 43 33 2.8 19 56 73 69 4.6 4330 135.3 2580 80.5 29 70 1.2 31 93 77 73 0.8 14270 1517.20 9980 1061.4 29 55 1.0 106 72 48 48 7 830 11.9 290 4.1 46 152 2.6 14 85 75 71 2.1 22950 554.4 15500 374.3 33 11 2.2 25 .. 82 77 0.1 36130 2218.20 45390 2787.2 18 254 0.5 61 56 66 62 ­0.6 2000 6.3 840 2.6 40 3 2.8 3 44 42 42 4.5 770 16.7 370 8.1 44 28 2.2 22 99 72 65 8.2 3210 11.7 1470g 5.3 17 111 ­1.5 4 .. 65 59 11.7 1290 63.1 .. .. 27 75 0.9 49 .. 83 78 0.7 58500 279 87070 415.3 19 16 0.8 5 .. 83 77 1.5 37680 314.5 46260 386.0 15 101 0.5 8 57 64 63 3.6 1120 32.1 400 11.5 37 200 2.0 29 29 56 58 6 680 10 330 4.8 50 12 3.5 15 72 47 46 3 1940 293.1 1160 175.6 43 166 2.4 151 78 76 70 2.2 2620 14.9 1080 6.1 36 47 1.3 6 .. 82 78 ­2.5 25090 107.1 27940 119.3 21 16 1.3 4 .. 63 59 ­0.5 1180 11.5 660 6.5 37 355 1.6 10 66 66 63 5.7 2960 3374.90 1070 1215.5 32 383 1.4 1140 84 74 67 2.2 3870d 28.0 1800 13.0 38 65 1.9 7 99 77 69 0.8 17790 178.6 12810 128.6 15 112 ­0.2 10 .. 82 78 1.7 41670 685.1 50150 824.6 18 485 0.4 16 .. 85 79 1.6 43960 306.8 31420 219.3 13 6696 0.6 7 .. 81 75 0.2 46970 14282.70 47580 14466.1 20 33 0.9 304 .. 86 79 ­0.7 35220 4497.70 38210 4879.2 13 350 0.1 128 97 82 77 2.5 28470 320 28650 322 14 87 0.4 11 84 71 67 0.8 10357 69309.0 8613 57637.5 27 52 1.2 6692 64 60 57 4.1 1407 1368.80 524 509.6 38 52 2.1 973 83 71 67 5 6154 28619.50 3260 15159.6 27 60 1.1 4651 81 70 66 6.3 4592 17001.70 2078 7691.9 28 119 1.2 3702 93 75 68 3.8 12297 11663.50 7878 7471.9 25 21 0.8 948 81 69 65 4.9 5330 29971.30 2789 15683.1 29 59 1.3 5624 93 74 70 7.2 5398 10425.90 2631 5080.5 23 122 0.8 1931 98 74 65 5.2 12219 5393.20 7418 3274.0 19 19 0.1 441 91 76 70 3.2 10309 5827.40 6780 3833.0 29 28 1.2 565 73 72 68 3.9 7308 2330.60 3242 1052.9 31 38 1.9 325 63 66 63 5.3 2734 4217.60 986 1521.6 33 323 1.6 1543 62 53 51 2.5 1991 1628.30 1082 885.3 43 35 2.5 818 99 82 77 0 37141 39686.30 39345 42041.4 18 32 0.7 1069 <2.0 0.5> 2.0> 2005 3.7 0.5> 2.0> 2002 19.6 2002 31.4 1998 77.5 9.6 39 2005 86.4 16.2 55.6 2000­1999 44.2 2000­1999 45.5 96­1995 <2.0 0.5> 2> 2005 27.1 1.1 6.3 2001 49.6 2001 68.1 1995 11.3 1 4.5 2005 19.7 2.9 9.9 2002 53.0 2002 28.8 1998 3.5 0.5> 2.0> 2006 11 0.5> 2.0> 03­2002 14.2 2002 21.3 1997 43.4 1.9 10.6 2003 46.7 3.1 15 2002 50.9 2001 55.1 99­1998 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53 94­1993 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 2007 12.8 1.2 4.7 2007 20.4 3.2 9.8 2005 45.2 2001 46 1998 7.8 0.5> 2.0> 2005 8.7 0.5> 2.0> 2002 18.5 2005 25.4 2002 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 2005 17.6 1996 70.2 29.9 54.3 2000 .. .. .. .. .. 4.2 0.5> 2.0> 2006 4.5 0.5> 2.0> 2005 24.7 1998 20.2 1994 76.7 15 46.3 2003 75.6 12.4 42.3 2002 27.2 2003 31.5 01­2000 75.6 19.1 51.5 2005 79.8 22.7 57.4 2002 37.7 03­2002 33.8 2000­1999 <2.0 0.5> 2.0> 2005 3.4 0.5> 2.0> 2002 19.5 2003 31.5 2000 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57.4 12.3 35.8 1996 .. .. .. .. 37.5 1996 14.2 2.7 6.5 2007 18.4 3.4 9.3 2005 .. 20.5i 1990 60.3 4.4 22.6 05­2004 73.9 7.9 35.9 02­2001 32.6 99­1998 28.6 1993 12.7 1.3 5.2 2007 18.3 1.6 7.8 2005 21.5 03­2002 22 1998 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. <2.0 0.5> 2.0> 2003 7.8 0.5> 2.6 2001 12.8 2001 36 1997 81.3 13.1 49.6 2005 85.4d 17.3d 57.8 2000 40 2005 48.9 2000 17.8 3.1 9.5 2006 18 2.7 9.2 2004 .. 37.3 1997 75.3 15.7 47.3 2003 .. .. .. 39 2003 29 1999 81.2 20.3 56.5 2003 87.6 30.2 70 1998 46.4 2003 54.6 1998 93.4 36.4 81.3 2006 95.4 47.3 86.4 1998 .. 68 1998 <2.0 0.5> 2.0> 2004 2.0> 0.5> 2.0> 2001 .. 19.5 02­2001 <2.0 0.5> 2.0> 2005 2.0> 0.5> 2.0> 2002 14.8 2001 14.6 1996 30.3 9.7 19.6 2005 34.2 12.4 22.8 2002 64.6 2002 62 1999 18.5 1.9 7.9 2006 19.4 2 8.2 2005 53.1 2004 54.3 2001 <2.0 0.5> 2.0> 2005 2.0> 0.5> 2.0> 2002 17.4 2004 30.5 2002 11.5 0.5> 2.0> 2004 15.1 0.5> 2.0> 2002 13.6 1998 9.8 1994 49.6 7 24.8 1998 85.7 25.8 63.5 1993 .. .. 9.0 0.9 2.7 2005 9.6 0.5> 2 2002 27 2002 28.3 1994 83.3 25.6 61.9 03­2002 .. .. .. .. 43.4 96­1995 96.6 46.8 88.5 01­2000 91.3 29.7 72.6 92­1991 35.7 01­2000 38.6 1991 69.3 11.4 38.7 2006 .. .. .. .. 32.3 89­1987 12.8 0.5> 2.6 2000 20.4 1.3 6.5 1995 7.6 1995 7.4 1990 23.6 1.4 6.8 1995 23.8 1.8 6.6 1988 22.6 1995 12.2 1988 81.9 28.3 62.4 2003 90.7 57 82.8 1993 .. .. 8.0 0.5> 2.0> 2005 8.3 0.5> 2.0> 1998 .. .. <2.0 0.5> 2.0> 1996 2.0> 0.5> 2.0> 1993 .. .. 15.1 0.9 5 2005 16.3 1.5 6.1 2003 42.2 2004 27.7 2000 10.2 1.2 3.5 2006 31.7 8.8 18.4 2003 52 99­1997 31.3 1989 <2.0 0.5> 2.0> 1996 2.0> 0.5> 2.0> 1992 .. 16.8 2004 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51.9 4.4 21.8 2004 66.6 8.8 34 2002 43.1 2005 49.9 2003 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 74.4 22.8 54.1 2005 .. .. .. .. 42.3 2005 79.5 25.3 59.2 06­2005 .. .. .. .. 71.3 05­2004 76.8 12.1 44.0 03­2002 79.9 14.9 49.3 98­1997 33 03­2002 38.6 98­1997 18.4 0.5> 2.0> 05­2004 19.3 0.5> 2.0> 2000­1999 16.7 2000­1999 22.9 96­1995 46.6 4.2 17.5 2005 36.3 3 12.9 1998 .. 41.8 1998 42.9 8.2 26.2 2000 39.9 5.2 21.4 1995 .. .. 30.4 4.4 13.4 2005 34.2 4.7 15.1 2002 54.5 2003 52.1 2002 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 90.3 38.2 76.6 2000 88.4 19.7 63.3 85­1984 60.3 2000­1999 51.2 1993 3.4 0.5> 2.0> 2005 13 0.8 2.9 2002 28.9 2002 25.4 1995 81.5 32.8 64.3 05­2004 85.1 27.1 64.6 03­2002 68 2004 72.9 1998 .. .. .. .. .. .. 34.9 96­1995 25.8 91­1990 20.5 4.8 11 2005 25.3 6.7 14.3 2003 37.2 2002 50.6 1995 39.7 2.6 14 2002 46.7 3 16.3 96­1995 22.7 2002 25 96­1995 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60.3 10.8 33.5 2005 71.3 14.3 44.2 2001 .. 33.4 1992 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 76.1 20.3 53.4 03­2002 75 44.8 62.8 90­1989 70.2 04­2003 82.8 1989 2.4 0.5> 2.0> 2006 5.3 0.5> 2.0> 2003 17 1998 19.9 1996 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36.3 4.0 15.9 2005 51.1 8.7 28.4 2002 2.8 2004 4.6 1998 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50.8 5.1 21.5 2004 68.8 10.3 36.3 2003 44.4 2003 74.9 1999 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53.6 10.5 30 2006 63.3 14.4 39.1 99­1998 28.5 06­2005 39.5 99­1998 24.3 3.5 11.7 2006 29.8 6.5 16.9 2002 56.2 2000 57.9 1989 87.2 32.2 70.1 03­2002 63.8 11.5 36.8 1994 .. 40 1994 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45.0 5.5 22.6 2006 43.8 5.5 22 2003 25.1 1997 32.1 1994 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 48.4 4.6 21.5 2006 52.5 5.1 24.2 2004 28.9 2002 37.4 1998 17.2 0.5> 3.1 2003 21.5 0.9 5.2 2002 15.4 2002 17.6 2001 57.7 10.2 32.8 2001 74.4 18.9 51.5 1996 40.2 2001 53.3 1996 0.2> 0.5> 2.0> 2005 2.0> 0.5> 2.0> 2001 11.1 2004 11.2 2002 68.2 11.3 40.2 2004 77.8 13.8 48.6 94­1993 35 2004 47 1994 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 46.8 6.8 23.3 2002 49.1 6.7 24.1 1998 .. .. 8.6 0.5> 2.4 2005 11.5 2.4 5.6 2003 23.9 2004 31.7 1989 27.9 5.7 16 2006 26.3 6.1 15.4 2003 64 1999 60 1995 39.9 6.1 19.7 06­2005 42.7 4.6 19.6 1997 52 1997 40 1994 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 94.8 40.8 83.7 2007 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.2> 0.5> 2.0> 2004 2.0> 0.5> 2.0> 2002 .. .. 77.1 18.8 51.4 2006 82 25.8 61.2 2001 .. 63.8 1998 7.8 0.5> 2.0> 05­2004 6.8 0.5> 2.0> 1997 .. 15.5 1989 89.6 26.5 67.8 2005 88.7 41.4 76.3 2001 71.3 1999 73.3 1997 14.0 0.5 2.5 2007 24.3 0.9 6.3 2000 19 99­1998 13.1 91­1990 4.8 0.5> 2.0> 2006 7 1.4 2.8 2004 17.6 2004 20.3 2002 90.4 32.3 73.9 05­2004 93.5 46 83.1 98­1997 65.3 98­1997 54 91­1990 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 44.1 5.7 21.2 2000 48.3 7.1 23.4 96­1995 46.3 2000 50 1996 90 35.4 74.7 03­2002 92.9 42 81.3 97­1996 54.1 03­2002 69.4 97­1996 28.9 1.7 8.1 2004 40.3 4 17.1 2002 48.5 2002 62.4 2001 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 77.6 19.7 55.1 04­2003 88.1 26.7 68.4 96­1995 30.9 04­2003 41.8 96­1995 85.6 28.1 65.9 2005 91.5 38.6 78.2 1994 .. 63 93­1989 83.9 29.6 64.4 04­2003 86.4 32.1 68.5 97­1996 34.1 93­1992 43 1985 31.8 5.2 15.8 2005 37.5 6.7 19.4 2001 45.8 2001 47.9 1998 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 72.1 28.2 54.9 2001 .. .. .. 66.0 1995 65 1987 75.6 10.8 41.6 05­2004 81.7 14.4 49.4 94­1993 28.6 2000­1999 36 94­1993 29.7 8.2 18.2 2006 34.8 10.2 22.2 2005 50.7 2004 52.5 99­1998 0.2> 0.5> 2.0> 2004 2.0> 0.5> 2.0> 2002 17.3 1997 14.5 1993 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21.1 87 10.5 110 1.1 28 15 98 93 .. 6 6.4 0.4 11 0.1 378 2.1 720 119 83 46 34.6 52 9.3 10.8 80 4.4 77 0.2 82 39 97 113 14 53 13.3 28.1 91 3.9 31 0.5 77 16 104 99 2.3 20 3.4 25.4 85 3.8 7 .. 62 24 102 102 3.6 .. 7.2 5.6 91 1.4 72 0.1 76 24 104 98 4.2 .. 8.6 3 5 0.2 95 1.3 450 70 78 46 34.5 .. .. 57.4 100 7.9 30 0.5 4 4 103 99 .. 12 7.0 55.7 100 18.1 6 0.2 4 6 97 .. .. 9 5.9 27.9 .. 9.2 8 0.1 4 5 101 102 .. 7 5.7 1.9 30 .. 168 .. 1,800 257 58 38 32.9 .. .. 9.7 84 2.2 101 0.3 210 22 100 106 6.2 34 3.4 15.1 97 1.1 17 .. 92 15 97 96 17 .. 7.8 76.1 100 9.5 6 0.1 4 4 99 103 .. .. 8.5 86.1 97 30.1 16 .. 37 8 101 105 .. .. .. 11.1 52 1.9 228 0.2 420 31 98 105 24.4 63 7.1 3.1 50 0.5 287 2.1 1,400 158 .. .. 27.5 .. 2.0 40.2 100 1.7 22 0.6 20 14 98 104 6 25 4.5 8.8 96 4.3 113 0.1 24 41 98 97 4.4 .. 7.1 7.9 33 0.1 330 5.4 550 130 98 54 19 .. 6.1 22.4 93 6.9 102 1.6 18 24 100 101 4.1 .. 9.0 63.5 .. 10.2 13 0.2 1 4 103 97 .. 11 7.4 48.6 .. 7.7 7 0.4 3 4 99 102 .. 22 6.5 1.8 45 0.7 250 1.5 470 65 .. .. .. .. 4.5 8.7 70 0.7 58 0.6 150 29 99 95 .. 47 3.4 11.1 58 0.9 181 0.1 320 90 80 63 31.3 62 9.1 35.5 77 1.7 48 0.6 110 22 103 106 2.2 27 3.0 41.9 99 5.9 30 0.5 11 4 101 104 .. 18 5.8 65.9 .. 9.8 12 0.2 8 5 98 86 .. 10 8.5 30.9 99 5.7 39 .. 11 12 97 98 1.6 8 8.7 0.3 36 0.3 223 .. 570 61 107 56 39.2 85 9.4 22.9 74 1.8 47 1 130 23 101 99 .. 28 2.5 1.8 30 0.3 91 1.2 840 123 73 64 21.5 .. 6.9 0.9 13 0.1 226 1.6 700 191 84 37 35.2 .. 7.0 0.8 41 0 367 2 1,100 180 90 39 38.9 .. 9.0 34.7 95 6.9 51 0.1> 3 14 99 .. 1.6 .. 6.9 44 .. 7.9 25 0.1 8 7 99 96 .. 19 7.3 10.5 43 1 155 0.2 290 57 99 98 5.9 .. 1.8 24.7 72 1.3 126 0.5 240 20 102 104 5.2 40 3.9 29 93 6.5 61 0.2 18 13 101 92 1.3 .. 8.8 20 96 4.1 142 1.4 110 7 104 101 7 53 6.1 1.4 .. 8.6 68 0.1> 130 50 .. .. .. .. 6.0 33.1 88 3.5 30 .. 44 23 90 97 3.5 36 5.2 1.2 9 0 299 3.5 1,500 209 64 30 33.9 .. 6.3 1.2 33 0.1 297 6.2 950 116 .. 112 16.7 88 7.3 5.4 12 0.2 429 3.3 510 100 75 57 .. .. 7.6 27.1 85 2.2 26 0.1 100 21 104 100 .. .. 5.9 10.3 94 4.2 57 0.1 180 37 99 95 10.2 .. 6.9 0.4 31 0.1 345 6.3 980 172 .. 30 21.8 .. 5.2 32 .. 6.5 22 0.2 140 33 105 105 .. 43 6.4 48.3 99 11.7 9 .. 4 4 101 93 2.1 12 10.2 26 79 2 69 1.1 150 38 103 91 4.2 43 4.0 51.3 100 6.8 17 0.1> 6 8 100 94 .. 10 8.8 25.6 .. 5.6 34 .. 57 19 102 95 .. 30 4.9 16.8 92 3.6 24 .. 130 17 96 114 .. .. .. 14.3 93 1.1 121 0.1 150 38 100 95 2.7 47 8.1 77.1 .. 9.4 90 0.1> 14 5 96 102 .. 25 7.9 4.3 20 0.6 403 3.5 740 125 91 72 11.8 .. 5.0 0.5 31 0 392 .. 1,100 161 73 51 33.6 .. 5.5 1.6 48 0.2 151 0.2 660 70 86 77 36.4 .. 8.5 15.4 66 2.2 21 .. 130 36 95 98 5.4 25 9.0 1.4 46 1 76 .. 430 73 66 60 .. .. 7.2 8.6 59 8.7 948 18.1 400 59 100 84 .. 3 3.1 8.2 93 1.1 84 0.1 66 30 98 92 .. 62 5.4 84.2 100 8.5 8 0.2 3 4 102 101 .. .. 8.3 3.1 23 0.1 397 2.8 1,300 181 100 35 18 .. 5.3 23.9 72 4.1 115 0.1 24 15 99 120 3.5 32 8.2 5.5 52 0.2 506 15.2 830 170 96 88 23.3 .. 3.6 11.4 46 0.9 782 15.3 880 90 97 .. 14 .. 4.6 12.5 86 1.1 40 0.8 170 24 101 91 6.1 36 3.3 5.7 86 0.6 60 .. 58 21 .. 104 22.8 41 6.8 67.7 100 13.2 27 0.2 14 3 .. .. 3.3 10 5.0 8.4 28 0.4 272 1 980 114 94 50 14.5 .. 6.2 9.2 35 0.3 243 1.4 450 109 88 50 38.4 .. .. 79.7 100 5.4 6 0.1 3 3 99 95 .. .. 9.1 75.2 100 5.5 6 0.6 5 5 97 88 .. 10 7.6 0.3 11 0.2 574 1.7 2,100 262 86 81 28.3 .. 6.1 32.6 94 4.1 12 0.3 16 9 99 95 0.6 25 4.1 32.1 92 6.5 32 0.1 .. 8 102 .. 1.8 23 8.3 1.1 23 0.1 249 0.5 1,400 142 .. .. 32.8 .. .. 22.5 65 4.3 98 0.1 45 22 100 101 6.8 .. 5.7 59.1 .. 5.7 62 .. .. .. 98 102 .. 7 5.3 9.6 80 .. 20 .. .. 27 104 83 .. 36 .. 7.2 92 0.8 231 0.3 170 67 89 95 14.9 .. 7.7 0.9 76 .. 56 .. 300 44 78 75 7.1 .. .. 4.3 10 0.3 203 1.9 560 115 95 78 13.91 .. 5.2 10.1 84 0.9 63 0.8 290 39 93 77 17.7 .. 3.4 0.9 19 0.1 287 1.6 910 150 76 64 22.5 .. 5.8 51.2 .. 6.2 14 0.4 8 4 100 .. .. 6 7.2 6 78 0.9 290 .. 230 28 102 94 20.7 45 5.6 78.8 100 10.1 6 0.1 7 4 102 98 .. .. 9.6 21 65 1.2 171 0.5 150 15 .. .. 20.2 .. 7.1 12.3 97 11.9 129 0.1 140 32 99 104 4.9 .. 7.4 3 51 0.2 192 5.1 1,000 148 85 55 15.1 .. 5.6 50.6 99 5.2 40 0.1> 7 6 102 101 .. 16 8.7 0.5 28 0 495 0.8 540 91 90 85 28.4 .. 7.1 72.8 100 16.6 5 0.4 7 6 99 96 .. 10 7.2 3.2 24 0.5 420 3.9 810 127 .. 45 16.7 .. 5.0 33.6 96 1.7 11 0.4 30 11 102 91 .. 20 4.2 38.4 78 1.4 35 0.6 130 20 104 107 5.1 41 2.3 8.7 42 0.3 353 .. 560 121 95 93 16.5 .. 4.7 38.3 .. 4.2 19 0.1 150 29 103 83 .. .. .. 0.6 32 0.1 277 1.7 1,200 133 .. 55 20.4 .. 6.4 4.7 97 9.5 17 .. 97 18 105 .. .. .. .. 52.9 .. 4.1 68 0.1 11 8 100 95 .. .. 6.8 1 45 0 319 1.5 970 196 76 52 27.9 .. 6.5 62.6 94 9.3 103 0.5 62 11 104 96 .. 22 6.4 1.7 12 0.2 251 0.1 510 112 96 62 36.8 86 6.2 33 72 1.6 92 0.1 240 34 88 83 9.9 52 6.5 21.9 81 4.1 20 0.3 60 35 99 105 3.4 29 4.6 2.2 60 0.1 346 11.9 1,100 111 100 55 18.4 .. 7.0 29.2 99 16.5 46 .. 18 25 94 93 .. .. .. 79.4 .. 9.1 15 0.2 8 6 102 .. .. .. 6.1 1.4 24 0.6 318 0.8 820 119 103 59 30.4 .. 6.2 1.6 31 0.1 431 12.5 520 168 85 46 21.2 .. 5.4 19.1 79 2.1 141 0.4 22 18 102 93 3.2 32 7.3 0.1 82 0.2 171 0.7 380 103 .. .. 29.6 .. .. 84.8 .. 11.4 6 0.1 7 4 99 97 .. 6 9.6 59.3 100 8.9 12 0.2 4 4 97 102 .. 9 8.6 1.4 27 0.1 173 0.5 830 55 98 78 38.8 .. 6.1 0.5 7 0.1 174 0.8 1,800 176 71 40 39.9 .. 5.9 7.3 30 0.8 311 3.1 1,100 189 84 72 27.2 .. 5.1 2.8 48 0.7 49 0.2 170 35 103 74 7.8 45 3.8 69.2 .. 7.2 7 0.1 9 6 102 .. .. 12 6.4 10.4 19 0.2 306 2.2 670 76 .. .. 18.9 .. 2.5 7.2 28 1.3 168 0.3 450 72 91 86 43.5 .. 8.1 9.1 66 1.1 59 0.7 280 24 106 89 8.6 .. 2.5 54.8 100 5.6 17 0.1 6 7 99 92 .. 7 8.6 86.8 100 7.7 8 0.2 6 5 98 .. .. .. 7.6 72.4 100 19.5 4 0.6 11 8 100 96 1.3 .. 5.4 69 100 9.6 21 .. 6 4 100 .. .. 11 10.6 32.3 98 8.6 18 0.2 3 4 97 101 .. 28 6.7 21.3 60 4.5 139 0.8 400 68 95 87 23.1 .. 3.7 38 0.5 275 2.3 790 120 91 65 27.8 .. 14.7 58 3.1 138 0.6 320 58 96 91 22.7 .. 11.7 52 2.6 147 0.4 370 65 94 90 25.8 .. 26.6 82 5.1 105 1.5 110 25 100 98 .. 24 12.8 55 2.7 162 0.9 440 74 95 86 24 .. 23.3 66 3.6 136 0.2 150 27 100 100 12.6 .. 23.4 89 7 84 0.6 45 23 97 98 .. 19 26.6 78 2.5 50 0.5 130 26 101 97 4.5 31 24.2 74 3.6 41 0.1 200 38 93 91 .. 37 6.6 33 1.1 174 0.3 500 78 90 79 40.9 .. 4.5 31 0.9 369 5 900 146 88 63 26.5 .. 67.1 100 12.6 16 0.3 10 7 99 98 .. .. ­ ­ 16.5 11 25 19 45 57.00 38 5.00 2,519 1,825 6.8 1,607,816 8.7 17­ 21 11 85 45 13 43 158 .. 8.2 26,487 10.9 42 23 10 25 23 71 6 1,143 1,084 18.1 46,259 12.8 4 24 13 59 57 34 9 10,072 6,767 5.3 328,385 4.2 45­ 19 18 108 64 32 4 1,360 1,892 6.7 20,013 4.6 25­ 38 12 75 37 45 18 3,692 1,476 12.4 11,917 18 28­ 11 31 86 56 19 24 71 .. 1.3 1,654 3.9 7­ 31 18 57 67.00 30 3.00 18,619 9,511 3.3 1,604,174 3.8 2­ 29 18 55 .. .. .. 29,908 20,839 3.3 1,015,217 1.1 2­ 19 25 58 .. .. .. .. .. 3.5 199,498 7.1 39­ 31 11 98 38 25 37 .. .. .. 10,170 9.5 3­ 24 12 67 57 36 7 1,676 1,686 5 52,572 3.5 27­ 32 10 85 59 20 21 1,449 778 5.4 12,295 1.1 7 18 18 57 69.00 30 1.00 25,657 13,724 1.2 3,652,824 7.7 24 21 10 45 39 59 2 25,841 10,454 7.7 163,296 10.9 1 28 8 63 37 48 14 583 484 5.2 514,389 48.1 50 12 .. 37 4 86 10 174 165 13.7 83,383 8.2 4­ 23 12 69 63 27 11 8,797 6,304 3.8 32,186 25.5 10 19 16 55 43 33 23 1,800 1,272 6.6 27,918 5.1 18­ 24 12 82 52 26 23 175 155 7.5 14,529 15.7 6­ 25 17 64 55 37 8 1,702 1,195 7.2 180,355 2.9 11 27 16 46 63 35 2 17,107 .. 5 281,776 2.6 0 21 20 59 71.00 27 2.00 23,967 11,528 0.9 2,293,008 7.3 27 19 10 44 19 48 33 595 500 2.8 8,168 10.5 3 20 9 69 57 20 23 2,052 1,596 3.7 15,977 7.3 10­ 22 9 80 53 27 20 696 594 5.8 168,276 8.1 0 19 20 61 65.00 28 7.00 3,119 1,507 3.6 1,612,539 2.9 7­ 22 20 65 73 24 3 6,220 4,642 0.9 242,689 2 3 22 22 52 75 24 1 39,243 .. 2 497,586 5.6 23­ 37 16 70 61 31 7 7,159 2,500 5.8 49,900 4.8 8­ 24 5 79 52 29 19 338 254 5.9 78,992 2.2 1 23 11 65 76 17 6 3,904 2,363 6.6 23,088 3.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 519 326 3.9 6,680 2.4 15­ 18 22 75 44 22 33 173 110 5.6 7,948 9.6 36­ 16 29 91 .. .. .. 70 108 2.9 1,163 3.8 30­ 23 22 85 .. .. .. 8,270 .. 5.5 18,452 2.6 3­ 23 15 66 65 30 4 2,182 1,502 4.4 526,966 7 12 16 12 61 44 42 14 773 670 4.1 16,674 3.5 2 27 9 61 55 38 7 1,481 930 6 127,434 25.5 6­ 35 16 54 53 39 9 3,153 1,977 8.6 60,302 2.4 8 28 13 51 43 46 12 624 497 5.2 260,693 12.2 11 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,222 14.5 18,269 16.9 5­ 22 13 71 62.00 28 10 1,846 1,770 5.9 794,228 8.3 10 15 6 69 35 42 23 215 173 10.4 8,361 9.4 6­ 17 16 73 37 17 45 295 238 6.8 20,490 1.1 27­ .. 16 .. .. .. .. 347 312 2.5 2,823 2.9 3­ 25 14 65 62 28 10 2,700 2,422 4.9 40,180 9.4 35 37 7 22 23 69 9 2,225 1,911 4.3 173,882 2.2 9­ 10 3 95 32 14 53 381 287 0.6 1,970 17.9 10 31 14 45 45 45 10 2,561 1,954 6 385,143 2.2 5 27 20 48 60 38 2 5,521 .. 4.6 216,485 15 7­ 20 6 81 61 28 11 3,305 1,924 5.4 45,790 3.7 1 28 16 54 55 41 4 5,026 .. 6.3 94,957 8.4 0 14 12 75 45 35 20 3,261 2,344 4.4 55,204 6.8 45­ 26 18 101 48 19 34 979 675 4.4 4,420 2.2 1­ 31 15 55 60.00 37 3.00 11,451 .. 4.5 929,121 7 30 27 14 29 35 60 5 .. .. 4 10,699 28.3 10­ 17 11 82 31 27 41 149 184 5.5 11,588 9.4 15­ 38 8 69 29 31 40 459 360 6.9 5,431 7.8 7­ 24 11 72 50 36 14 2,072 1,528 4.7 162,818 13.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 328b 271 3.9 26,576 7.1 4­ 22 20 61 66 31 3 2,495 1,786 4.3 276,764 7.3 28­ 31 21 76 66 24 10 1,791 2,443 8.1 12,793 2.3 1 23 26 50 73 26 1 38,441 15,190 1.7 342,672 10 19­ 21 9 90 53 12 35 182 167 6.7 4,457 17 10­ 26 11 73 58 34 8 4,646 2,196 6.3 200,071 17.1 3 22 9 66 33 46 21 204 159 5.3 14,314 232 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 222 240 5.7­ .. 10.6 13­ 27 16 70 57 29 13 702 679 5.5 40,714 3.7 22­ 15 9 98 58 28 13 1,638 1,633 2.9 22,115 1.5 19 31 11 39 72 28 0 40,419 22,695 5.8 181,948 2.9 22­ 30 10 82 62 23 15 215 225 4.4 13,209 9.9 1 24 16 59 40 34 26 667 414 7.4 58,443 1.7 8 20 26 47 70 29 2 35,378 22,533 2.8 480,021 1 8 22 11 59 71 28 1 23,588 19,884 1.9 488,470 ­ ­ 9.3 12­ 20 13 80 33 24 43 .. .. 10.3 1,953 6.6 14 21 10 55 49 47 4 5,309 3,573 4.4 169,458 17.2 24­ 23 17 84 59 28 13 .. .. 5.7 50,061 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4.3 7 43 14 37 40.00 49 11.00 407 258 10.4 4,326,187 3.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.9­ .. 21 42­ 20 8 114 59 23 18 409 346 8.6 5,134 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,756 .. .. .. 18.7 26­ 32 14 81 42 26 32 320 293 5.6 16,123 5.2 18­ 24 4 90 62 28 11 2,623 2,120 3.9 38,977 20.2 2­ 13 5 85 58 35 8 190 142 3.1 4,266 2.1 2­ 22 23 57 77.00 21 2 44,080 22,234 1.7 2,853,062 5.2 2­ 15 10 77 53 32 15 1,075 905 5.1 166,909 26.3 14 23 10 53 .. .. .. 6,331 4,483 5.2 313,799 1.1 5 22 21 52 65 32 3 31,276 18,818 3 271,282 7.8 13­ 42 6 66 38 42 20 305 214 7.7 90,705 15.1 20 35 10 35 52 42 6 1,557 1,795 9.5 132,229 2.2 1 19 13 68 48 33 20 648 389 3.5 23,396 3.8 8­ 31 19 59 65 28 6 11,354 5,425 4.6 69,333 4.7 8­ 21 3 83 41 27 32 314 .. 9.7 9,574 2 3 23 19 56 .. .. .. 44,133 28,243 2.5 1,400,091 3.4 5 10 8 77 51 25 24 795 598 0.6 23,414 10.2 10­ 27 13 69 64 29 7 4,506 3,143 5.5 29,834 6.9 1­ 24 13 64 57 34 9 2,749 3,080 4.9 242,268 6.5 14­ 25 11 79 65 13 21 333 334 4.6 34,507 2.2 25­ 20 14 91 73 22 5 29,950 .. 4 28,660 10.5 51­ 20 15 116 27 19 54 .. .. 1.1­ 870 22.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4.1 99,926 4 11­ 27 18 66 63 33 4 3,790 .. 7.7 47,341 4.2 10­ 23 11 76 39 24 37 241 208 5.2 8,740 4.4 20 22 12 46 42 48 10 525 386 5.5 194,927 11.5 25­ 36 5 85 57 17 25 174 186 3.8 8,970 1.6 9­ 33 16 61 64 20 16 1,746 1,430 5 86,329 8.2 2­ 26 10 66 59.00 37 4.00 2,793 2,256 2.7 1,085,951 19.3 28­ 32 11 85 45 21 34 116 72 4.2 4,269 8.9 35 19 20 26 27 70 2 15,780 7,875 4.1 467,601 2.7 4­ 19 22 63 76.00 23 1.00 26,942 22,664 2.5 2,645,593 11.3 7­ 26 20 61 41 47 13 356 574 5.1 2,858 8.1 10­ 23 12 75 46 26 28 148 107 8 9,735 11.6 53­ 37 19 97 74 15 11 816 1,286 6.3 6,048 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4.7 16 23 20 42 56 43 1 37,039 19,500 2.5 449,996 1.8 7 21 18 54 67 31 2 21,920 12,048 2.1 416,380 6.2 21­ 32 10 79 50 17 34 207 191 3.5 12,615 2.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 157 152 4.4 5,354 17 13 .. .. .. 28 41 31 .. .. 6.6 212,080 8.5 34­ 32 12 90 51 30 19 2,071 .. 3.5 6,592 3 1­ 23 19 60 .. .. .. 27,189 19,155 3 130,693 16.7 23­ 26 .. 98 .. .. .. .. .. 0.5 6,953 4.6 6­ 39 11 56 53.00 29 18.00 392 324 7.9 1,217,490 6.5 28­ 30 14 83 61 27 13 1,483 1,193 5.3 14,077 5 1 22 9 67 66 29 4 6,922 4,122 3.6 154,668 2.2 8 20 25 47 74 24 2 42,049 24,914 1.8 860,336 1.7­ 11 20 8 60 92 8 0 .. .. 5.2 215,355 2.6 6­ 20 16 70 77.00 22 1.00 42,744 20,793 2.5 14,204,322 1.2­ 1 24 18 57 68.00 30 1.00 35,668 20,445 1.6 4,909,272 3.3 13­ 26 17 71 73 23 4 8,818 7,536 4.2 356,796 0 22 17 61 69 28 3 908 731 3.2 60,587,016 11­ 27 9 75 46 29 25 268 222 5.8 568,504 1 30 14 56 53 37 10 650 470 6.4 16,826,866 1 36 13 50 45 41 14 499 359 8.3 8,377,130 1 23 15 61 61 33 6 2,721 1,998 4.6 8,445,380 1 29 14 57 53 37 11 577 432 6.4 17,408,313 6 39 13 42 41 48 12 438 295 9.1 5,658,322 0 24 15 60 60 34 7 2,076 1,749 6.3 3,860,600 0 23 14 63 62 32 6 3,044 2,125 3.9 4,247,077 3 28 12 57 48 41 12 2,204 1,583 4.7 1,117,198 7­ 36 11 61 53 29 18 406 335 7.4 1,531,499 3­ 23 16 67 54 32 14 279 263 5.2 987,120 1­ 21 18 62 73 26 1 25,500 15,906 2.3 43,189,942 964 27 39 370172 .. 55073 102331 7 17 291971 471763 340­ 47 8 2634 31 223 828­ 3 13 7600 1500 100­ 17 14 3021 26 4749­ 16454 4 6 7200 31500 100­ 24 63 127758 2 6462 7588 7 31 57413 70588 104 122 54 8368 88 1835 2776­ 1 76 16888 7790 100­ 17 38 2888 114 699 1356­ 2 56 4412 1069 229 125 41 875 32 3­ .. .. .. 530 20 2504 213 .. .. .. 60122 154184­ 5 75 402302 268108 641 151 .. .. .. 39596 44040­ 14 19 200272 187428 115 81 .. .. .. 9664 1596 8 76 67410 60825 .. 0 18 2041 .. 288 .. .. .. 3350 680 400­ 18 50 17525 16 183 1598 7 8 18686 18511 100­ 68 22 2776 97 477 1924­ 12 70 5230 1353 930 126 .. .. .. 51543 243289 14 83 1206213 1465215 577 67 .. .. .. .. .. 1 3 158900 231550 1000­ 37 43 140783 4 6928 606 11 42 126177 139281 175 10 32 12738 14 893­ 9402 .. .. 21100 66300 104­ 33 69 12363 10 879 1119­ 3 30 8933 5949 400­ .. 20 3876 6 262 .. .. .. 5260 10360 5­ 12 9 1611 56 484 1088­ 11 21 4800 2180 173­ 82 66 73600 9 9891 12933­ 4 74 84032 67049 230 194 .. .. .. 26085 12686­ 28 84 82774 124158 1750 133 .. .. .. 40040 78029­ 7 84 556311 539727 0 26 42 2245 50 96 .. .. .. 3550 5700 45­ 22 35 3570 18 196 345­ 6 14 10180 4434 1239­ 46 25 40680 14 5333 8295­ 1 79 42326 20375 229­ 102 25 237472 2 34585 28191­ 12 47 182810 197942 291 185 .. .. .. 5534 29599­ 9 74 89753 55861 196 115 .. .. .. 72195 12015­ 7 78 469889 476953 41­ 67 100 32968 .. 8974 12577­ 6 55 38256 23124 700­ 60 22 22033 10 653 857 .. 91 23860 15369 8 86 70 9862 40­ 1907 2792­ 0 11 9050 1180 99 15 12 857 56 48 217­ 0 9 1990 1050 100 16 14 1461 63 600 .. .. .. 1800 620 192 35 97 1456 59 1 116­ 4 21 403 56 62 59 42 6479 117 2111 2765­ 3 61 12282 5064 200­ 60 53 195374 .. 22959 29029­ 4 80 203925 167944 100­ 48 24 4947 50 204 1800 5 7 4987 6370 525­ 19 42 32154 9 5343 1505 2 12 29981 31529 20 31 25 9470 9 1785 5050­ 3 53 39483 32902 1411 136 29 63067 5­ 9498 15755 27 76 178655 177844 25­ .. 7 743 6 804 .. .. .. 4680 10780 71­ 51 47 251477 11 22195 41685­ 0 81 201960 131975 219 3­ 19 1797 33 603 .. .. .. 1700 4800 345­ 17 15 5063 68 647 1856­ 1 17 6954 2870 4­ 25 80 1968 19 69 340­ 0 62 1540 790 81­ 73 65 20231 30 1620 904­ 5 70 24612 19319 140­ 12­ 4 5541 12 1665 .. 2 1 39156 78233 45­ 18 48 973 41 27 .. 0 36 310 185 993­ 51 8 20577 1 755 .. 6 10 57230 116350 67 58 .. .. .. 9294 6631­ 14 90 141882 146934 148­ 39 33 10342 13 1698 2068­ .. .. 16400 6910 10 54 .. .. .. 3363 4103­ 5 87 73321 70967 300 37 .. .. 4 600 920 1 32 18320 14300 75­ 14 43 2401 52 208 631­ 2 35 4058 1642 65­ 113 .. .. .. 1579 6350­ 33 89 435275 422007 4 19­ 93 5156 36 4289 2181­ .. .. 2850 9050 237­ 5 111 12283 20 720 .. .. .. 4100 3950 115­ 7 84 3337 65 324 107 .. .. 1390 1080 291­ 78 25 30444 14 11578 412 0 19 48382 25483 100­ 11 23 5926 10 917 1508­ 1 1 9300 9270 700 88 19 43380 17 5746 20981­ 6 51 99480 80781 309­ 33 20 2292 87 1728 2851­ 7 45 6058 1498 46 210 .. .. .. 11858 6938 17 66 112296 117174 6 .. 8 496 75 67 147­ 16 5 1110 250 270­ 41 67 85380 .. 9492 24642­ 4 80 82707 49546 82­ 19 7 2789 85 984 505­ 2 13 5070 5093 700­ .. 121 5293 37 69 .. 3 48 2900 2150 442­ 43 42 14020 29 603 3775­ 2 70 14008 8370 340­ 45 50 8809 14 1526 1119­ 4 55 9755 4549 139 84 .. .. .. 24137 39106 46 76 319780 338176e 100­ 25 21 2588 71 78 1311­ 4 36 5702 2390 532­ 17 93 19126 52 2426 3268­ 1 0 9200 12450 186 136 .. .. .. 12286 40317 16 77 166971 183975 200 185 .. .. .. 49730 41214 22 91 183491 200387 336 14 10 348 99 94 181­ .. .. 560 220 30 83 45 58649 7 14457 3440­ 7 10 61901 67788 339­ 38 86 26280 113 3110 15989­ 4 66 22999 10973 200­ .. .. 2944 44 141 .. .. .. .. .. 2058­ 126 13 373635 1 138413 426107 30 93 1133040 1428488 11 .. .. .. 504 .. .. .. .. .. .. 345­ 28 30 1228 33 360 495­ .. .. 3270 1406 .. .. .. .. .. 383 2681 0 0 31200 59800 12 33 22 4479 50 970 2151­ 1 11 10400 5650 300­ 37 21 6260 34 724 1697­ 3 50 14545 7765 425­ .. 64 3268 23 111 456­ .. .. 1600 1300 761 126 .. .. .. 159463 52911­ 19 79 707720 608684 900­ 46 51 65845 7 2928 4227 54 51 59170 49025 40 20 26 43148 3 646 39202 3 5 49635 93542 33 88 .. .. .. 11568 10121 21 81 91045 96714 200­ 95 35 24222 29 6700 6992­ 6 51 80416 62906 200­ 34 131 96133 13 10189 6978 23 13 37889 71184 12­ 6 5 3162 104 433 547­ 3 3 4360 4350 13­ 75 109 48584 37 4916 6397­ 9 68 30728 14112 10 16 46 3761 46 867 1060­ .. .. 6510 4290 1089 191 .. .. .. 111772 27281 14 53 418336 456420 339­ 20 67 13938 8 427 146­ 32 18 7150 10100 84 54 35 7846 12 1896 1578­ 45 63 15374 9675 120­ 43 28 44976 17 9040 6761­ 3 39 39669 37626 25 35 26 7355 34 728 1102­ 5 37 11074 4972 100 177 111 24634 229 2845 1395­ .. .. 16754 4454 62 161 978 2475 192 132 211­ .. .. 865 262 14 47­ .. .. 3 4689 28454 .. .. 11500 63050 36­ 64 .. .. .. 2017 5692­ 11 64 30811 23728 134­ 13 16 2018 82 360 581­ 7 3 2550 1650 150 115 34 53717 8 8456 28931 52 71 156896 199516 5­ 9 21 1661 48 997 .. 1 57 4040 1345 550­ 98 29 20255 35 2807 122­ 9 65 41699 20065 2702­ 37 20 178108 1 24686 15957­ 17 72 323151 291807 30­ 16 9d 870 53 55 .. 2 11 1700 790 285 10 .. .. 5­ 8069­ 95080 1 9 111870 328930 948 215 .. .. .. 197766 78765­ 20 74 631913 457983 30 .. 85 1704 117 153 .. .. 0 1750 1750 20­ 14 15 3105 83 427 975­ 2 6 4100 2600 320­ 40 72 3203 73 493 1009­ 5 32 4899 1597 1000­ .. 46 7373 4 428 802 .. .. 4290 6900 84 .. .. .. .. 3788 83497 18 18 89070 167941 220 129 .. .. .. 30717 14269 11 82 184247 182158 100­ 53 22 3645 21 6 6 .. .. 3570 1100 29­ 6 12 972 38 27 314­ 14 6 1450 820 170­ 26 6 8934 14 6087 21972 8 1 41700 81900 206­ 66 31 3390 149 382 1475­ 4 10 4287 1489 103 151 .. .. .. 2753 11317­ 10 25 34366 30586 140­ 23 20 1598 73 75 80­ .. .. 2148 490 1540­ 70 20 220956 1 22950 9415­ 5 64 291598 179073 150­ 50 21 3260 65 816 1225­ 1 29 9990 6130 70 81 .. .. .. 37231 12980­ 25 81 107864 107904 110 198 .. .. .. 123609 65391 26 60 573924 633974 113 125 .. .. .. 54365 30637 19 68e 392962 370242e 5676 220 .. .. .. 237541 673261­ 28 77 2165982 1300532 82 293 .. .. .. 22180 156634 19 90 761984 782337 154 109 .. .. .. 1959 51313­ 8 52 77970 25311 .. 158 .. 16 2139338 18 72 16300527 16129607 3728­ 46 156551 37 19975 4 44 239464 167308 14512­ 74 3260910 9 501721 19 61 4547215 4905095 11119­ 98 1228986 9 232806 23 71 2376905 2627173 3393­ 53 2031924 9 268916 13 52 2164216 2276454 18240­ 74 3417461 19 521696 19 60 4786667 5072412 3722­ 117 741471 4 175340 31 77 1762013 2081208 2138­ 42 1214038 13 151521 6 45 1146612 1141248 5738­ 62 825697 12 107270 12 54 896683 873299 1850­ 48 136448 55 28905 4 16 315621 418183 3181­ 69 304713 7 29926 5 66 380660 225882 1611­ 41 195094 44 28734 8 30 296944 336637 18091 191 0 1617642 18 75 11522679 11060159 98 77 72 .. .. .. .. .. 20 586 1.9 105 .. 76 72 6.9 13920 8661 6440 4008 20 45 ­0.7 622 100 79 67 ­3.6 19280 25848 14270 19131 15 32 ­0.3 1341 .. .. .. 1.6 20570 1760 13620 1165 .. 194 1.3 86 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 178 3.7c 84 .. 83 79 ­1.6 25220 7993 40070 12702 21 3 1.5 317 .. 72 66 ­1.6 .. .. 8650 175 .. 44 0.7 20 89 77 74 .. .. .. .. .. 27 1080 2.1 767 .. 80 74 .. .. .. .. .. 18 594 0.2 255 .. 82 76 4.3 .. .. .. .. .. 1284 0.4 64 95 80 75 ­1.3 50200 19540 26740 10211 27 75 2.2 397 .. 79 73 0.9 6040 1875 3820 1186 36 14 2.7 311 53 68 64 12 4880 3349 1900 1302 31 15 2.5 687 83 51 50 ­2.2 13100 24964 6470 12328 34 3 1.2 1905 .. 83 74 .. .. .. .. .. 21 446 0.4 3954 .. 77 72 .. .. .. .. .. 26 73 1.5 266 99 72 68 3 23950 32033 16540 22123 21 261 0.4 1338 99 75 69 0.7 3880 402 2560 265 37 144 0.6 104 .. 62 60 9.6 4690 5150 2460 2706 45 74 3.7 1098 86 75 70 ­1.8 7360 19785 4870 13098 30 248 0.5 2689 .. 70 67 2.2 8060 850 5710 603 28 310 0.6 106 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0i 0.1 57 96 79 71 .. .. .. .. .. 21 242 0.9 194 .. 76 71 ­0.2 .. .. .. .. 26 33 1.3 335 .. 64 63 4.9 2580 1309 1180 598 39 18 2.5 507 .. 81 77 5.7 .. .. 68640 10241 16 787 0.2 149 .. 81 77 .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 0.7 49 .. 82 76 .. .. .. .. .. 21 314 0.1 110 75 67 63 ­1.4 1170 754 750 483 38g 346 2.2 644 99 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 209 3.7 54 .. .. .. ­0.8 .. .. 3270 195 .. 331 1.9 60 .. .. .. 7.3 .. .. 43710 3516 .. 141 0.6 81 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 186 2.3 85 .. 69 65 .. .. .. .. .. 22 198 0.5 23858 97 77 72 5 9950 20266 4140 8432 18 80 0.2 2038 .. 56 54 2.1 2330 1972 1130 957 37 37 1.9 848 .. .. .. 2.9 8300 607 4770 349 .. 98 0.3 73 84 74 68 4.5 3450 1720 3130 1561 37 124 1.6 499 99 75 69 ­3.6 4340 789f 2780 504 40 64 0.6 182 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 331 1.7 66 .. 85 79 3.1 .. .. 46770 1430 .. 517 1.3 31 88 67 64 3.9 1780 286 1020 164 41 168 1.7 161 .. 74 69 0.9 8770 957 5140 561 27 280 0.1 109 .. .. .. 8.8 15170 746 10960 539 .. 189 1.3 49 .. 76 73 1.1 9190 1561 5530 940 27 279 1.1 170 100 82 74 2.5 26910 54875 24010 48973 14 101 0.3 2039 .. 45 46 1.1 5010 5852 2520 2945 40 68 1 1168 90 73 65 6 7130 3674 4990 2570 29 3 1.2 515 .. 78 69 1.3 19770 1707 10290 889 .. 188 0.8 86 84 77 74 5.1 20650 55126 12270 32755 32 9 1.8 2785 86 62 59 0.2 12270 17766 7240 10490 37 6 2 1448 .. 57 54 3 1280 2130 390 653 42 166 3 1660 .. 78 73 .. .. .. .. .. 28 325 1.5 175 .. 70 64 3.1 2510 1916 1420 1081 30 4 0.1 763 .. 51 49 8.4 21700 14305 14980 9875 41 24 2.8 659 .. 49 46 0.5 530 832 250 386 43 56 2.4 1575 78 72 68 4.2 3940 910 2330 539 39 19 2.5 231 .. 71 67 ­0.3 4270 3578 3930 3300 32 46 0.6 839 98 82 77 3.3 24040 20549 22950 19617 18 93 1.2 864 93 77 75 .. .. .. .. .. 16 116 9.1 1281 96 80 72 .. .. .. .. .. 26 13 1.8 246 100 80 76 .. .. .. .. .. 18 102 0.1 11247 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 94 80 76 3.7 52610 136748 38420 99865 23 153 2.7 2728 .. 63 59 1.8 3660 353 2000 193 .. 119 1.7 97 100 77 66 ­4.2 16740 37943 11860 26883 14 36 ­0.6 2266 .. 82 76 ­2.5 64320 31372 84890 41406 18 188 1.4 488 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 222 1.1 36 .. 42 43 3.4 2000 4033 1080 2179 39 66 0.8 2017 94 83 79 10.4 52260 26811 35360 18142 13 18659 2.2 526 92 82 77 3.1 22460 9192 16680 6825 16 1286 0.7 411 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 511 2.9 191 97 69 68 4 5280 1639 3630 1126 29 1035 1.6 310 97 70 64 7.9 3480 9158 1680 4411 27 2 1.2 2632 87 76 69 4.7 12480 15841 6400 8122 23 625 0.8 1269 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16821 0.3 33 88 53 52 1 6270 13248 4200 8880 37 3 1.5 2114 .. 69 68 ­1.3 3000 334 2340 260 37 159 0.5 111 (CD-ROM) (CD-ROM) ­ www.worldbouk. org/data/icp ­ ­ ­ " " (Paasche) In Xt = a + bt, Xt = X0 (1 + r)t . b = In (1+r)a = log X otX r rb [exp(b*)-1] r = In (Pn/P1)/n, nPn, P1 In (Pn ­ Pn­1)/Pn-1·, Ptt Pts$t Nt t 1 s$ s$ p p p p et* = et - 2 t / st$ + et -1 t / st$ + et 3 pt - 2 pt - 2 pt -1 pt -1 (Yt$ ­ Yt/Nt)/et et* et t ­ SERVIR MoSSaiC MESSAGE MiniCAM PAGE REMIND RICE (FAIR) Jones, P. D., and M. E. Mann. 2004. "Climate Over Past Millennia." Reviews of Geophysics 42(2): doi:10.1029/2003RG000143. Jones, P. D., D. E. Parker, T. J. Osborn, and K. R. Briffa. 2009. "Global and Hemispheric Tem- perature Anomalies--Land and Marine Instru- mental Records." In Trends: A Compendium of Data on Global Change. Carbon Dioxide Infor- mation Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN. doi: 10.3334/CDIAC/cli.002 IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). 2007. Climate Change 2007: Synthe- sis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Geneva: IPCC. ­ ISBN 978-0-8213-7987-5