SAMlR M. SHAH & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Admin Office :- 8516, Gopal Palace, Nr. Shiromani Flats, Opp. Ocean Park, Satellite Road, Ahmedabad - 380 015. Corporate Office: - "Heaven", 8, Western Park Society, Nr. Inductotherm, Bopal, Ahmedabad - 380058 Phone : 079- 2676 9033 E-mail : ------------------------.----------------------------.------.-- Date: 1'' April, 2016 To, Dalbir Singh, Under Secretary - RMSA 111, - Ministry of Human Resource Development, - - Room No. 408 C, Shastri Bhawan - New Delhi 110115. Dear Sir, Sub: Reply to Queries IObservations by World Bank related to Audit Report of RMSA for FY 2014-15. With reference to above mentioned subject we hereby state our reply to following queries Iobservations given by World Bank in relation to Audit Report of RMSA for FY 2014-15- 1. Audit O ~ i n i o nis missina - Audit Report with our opinion in the format of society act is enclosed herewith. 2. Point (h) of Auditor's R e ~ o ris t unclear - The said point should 'be read as under- " h) Property or Funds Of the project were applied for the project e~ o r- purpose o f the project " 3. UC openina and closina balances cannot be reconciled with accounts - UC opening and closing balances are reconciled with accounts which are shown below - (Rs. I n Lacs) Particulars UC UC Total Audited Audited Difference (Non - (Recurring) UC Balance Balance if any Recurring) Sheet Sheet (31.03.2014) (31.03.2015) Opening 1962.50 1283.89 3246.39 3246.39 - 0.00 Balance ("Unspent Grant & Int. Incomen - 324639106 1 100000) Closing 1519.47 409.14 1928.61 -- 1928.61 0.00 Balance ('Unspent Grant & Int. Income" - 192859922 1 100000) Taking into consideration above points, we have covered all the queries Iobselvations given by the World Bank and if any further assistance is needed from our end do let us know. Thanking You. Yours Faithfully, For. Samir M Shah 8 Associates Chartered Accoun amib Sarnir M Sh (Partner) (1 EjYlb a ( Samlr M. Shah6AMoclater. C h a m Acecuntants I Admln MRce :8-516. G w l Palace. Nr. S h t m n i Flats. AUDITORS' REPORT To, The State Project Director Gujarat Council of Secondary Education Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Ref: Statutory Audit of Gujarat Council of Secondary Education (RMSA) 201415 &eet of Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiisha Abhiyan, Gujarat and K&ceipts and Payments for the year ended are the responsibility of the management. Our responsibilit$%to express an opinion on based on our audit. We hf@e conducted our audit in accordan diting standards generally accepted in India. Those Standards rm the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether material misstatement. An audii$@dudes examining on rando the amounts and % in financial statements. and s . 'wt estimate made by statement We believ u Iso includes assessing agement as w ell as e r audit pmvides a rea ting principles used the overall financial is of our opinion and . . we report as under. 'Rashtriya Ma yan' is a programme of G o v e m m ~ ~The a . ~ objectives of this programme are being implemented in a Mission mode by a S e &med under the Societies Registration Act, by the name, State Project Office of Gujarat Council of Secondary Education. ----------- The Grants Received by the society's State Project Office are released to various District Level for ~ i l i z a t i m a r S t a h ~ ~ f e - ~ ~ & C ; f ~ 7 o i v a Districts. nous The Grant received, Grant Returned (Savings), Undisbursed grant of Previous years, Bank interest, Tender Fees Received and various other incomes are taken as income and amount expended under various activities of this programme are treated as expenditure. The amount expended under various activities may include disbursement of construction and / or acquisition of fixed assets for the purpose or the object of this programme, all such expenditure are considered as revenue expenditure. We report that - (a) We have sought and obtained a l l the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit. -2- @) The Balance Sheet, Ihcome & Expenditure Account dealt with this report are in agreement with the books of accounts maintained by the State Project Office. (c) The Cash Balance, if any and vouchers were in the custody of the officers of the department on the date of audit. (d) The utilization certifkate has been complied on the basis of Receipts and Payment Account and Utilization Certificate duly certified by Competent Authorities at District Level I SMC Level. (e) In our opinion requisite books of accounts have been maintained by the Project, as appears from the sample checking of the same. If) Based on the records made available for our verification and information given to us, we have conducted audit of Procurement Procedure done for Procurement of Goods, works and services and have nothing material to report there upon. (g) The Books of Accounts of RMSA Districts have been consolidated at State Project Office, Gandhinagar Opinion In our opinion and to the best of our information and explanations given to us the said accounts subject to notes on account8 and our Management Letter of even date, give a true and fair view conformity with the accounting prinaples followed by the State Project Office. a) in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the State Project Office as at March 31,2015; b) in the case of the Income and Expenditure Accounts, of the P&Wbwa for the year ended on that date; and c) in the case of the Receipt and Payment Account pertaining to receipts and payments of the Project for the year ended on that date. Place :AHMEDABAD For SAMIR M. SHAH &ASSOCIATES Date :3RO FEBRUARY, 2016 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS FIRM REG. No.: 122377W SAMIR M. SHAH \-- yl,? (PARTNER) MEMBERSHIP No.: 111052