E1992 v1 CebuFaectrieCoaperdve, Xac. Cebu ÉiectrlcCooperative,Inc, PatriaDeebu, Sto. fJifio, Cebu City Tel. NOS.2%?684,4 12-?46$ CmtactP ~ r u a a s ~ f i ~KWMEDY C. QWNTANA Address PatriaDe Cebu, Sto. NíKo,CebuCity Td. Nw. 253-9086,412-1616 CEBECO-t PawerSubstatlon Dalagueipt. Cebu t 4 1 . w . [ ~ ~ n g [ l ~ n - [ IRehabiditblusn . Area [ ]Dmolition & Putup I Arlditional faulities, Spwify Purpose: [ 1 Mmbuitdng ] msidenti91building 1 1 ~ t ~ ibuiiding a ~ i 14] ofhm:jO MVAP- Subrhtbn tf. EnvimnmentalCost :216,000.00Php(Par! of the Civllworks item,e.g dearin@gwbbing,dwbwge,watwlines,atc.) Modsof Pmject Financhg Çelf-Financ?ed fi ilnkLoan [ ]GovemmentFihancirig f ] Otbrs Note: Trzelot w b míht?p m r aCafjon wl'& lwated wãsaqui& by CEECO- 7, thmugh a De9d oFSzile &se A m j fmm Suga~eBelarrdres. 2.3 Scheme 4 fbdle! D Ringbus U Owand-holf bmker TlWBbrtn~ pFQ-8 hBs Wicaa ~ U fWtbm~lfKsBllyO w th& d and dtffum Mgh pmssrrrrc SpternSWMp w e rduringw&tmd Useuf mn-mmmabtetyprá c# dl How ma- ptirrpie will beempbyed bythe projsf? ' 1. Physlc91E w l m q e Remarks C 6 m p o ~ t s f P a & ~ m Y W Y N Wfaat I&the elevatioti afthe routs (maeri)? 100 mas? 1QOmas1 100-300ml 300 3-Wmas\ - 500 1,000mdd - 1,000-1,500 ma61 > l,!mma9f [To&&mitrte tbe m&r tothe topogtaphk m p wt& SAwstpie ekwfion per m b u r tine] WwandQmrapliyoftRem 1 - Isthe teminffat orkvd(O -3% s-)? flat tonwrly leve1(O- QeMy slspingQTundulattng (3 8% 3% slope) 40~13 UnbuhtingO roHing(8 18%.slopo)? - Rollingtomoderabelys t q (18 3096 - slope)? Steeplyslaping(30 50% slope)? - What isthe0-1 wiqyaftheeWmrrte3 Are @temindkaümsof km.4slidingintiw t.ver. sitelçubtsition? landsiides: 1,PhmicaiEnuiron- 'TA SB Rernarks Comm8n-rn Y V Y H stopss A* ütm fxxsmencesofW n g sita? a 0uiers 13 Lwfyirigam o Pmrdrainage ucm0I-s ~~ d Sroitypeofiiw si&: sondy ~&t? Ofheraíltype: clayaysoiM &yey mfl sandy :ImsafR ta hreany Idcation of emslan m m g 4 If ym,What typd alang therouts? ~~: O Naturet!, ~emyaliyaaqprtm~ o f ~ n ~ o n 0 -&(V=* abservation; s~httzesOperasian suçh askaingin, srim @agino, *.I Maderate Severa DoesümrõuEe Wiwmpartdtbedmiw&j8 PleammmeraWthe ' tamad?~syeyBtBms tiver8ysbm arW r rivffs;affmed ffie slèá$lbCtS whtatriversy*m or-ter .I bodies? .[ I ~ s e m m i ~ i ~ W o r ~ j n t h e topa~rãpfrb WJ CEBECO-f -#r SuSstetion Dalagwte,Cebu What are the exlaing forest reswr@eswibh tRs TA. wte ttiat ace imporiant to the commurtity? - -3. Soair*.çufkrrrifandEcotOoaiicEktrlromrtt TotalNurnber Ccmpmmbk.nebts T/L WS Are them existing Wemmts irlthe projectsite3 Tfiemare na Ifyes, how many houaeClúldsorfamifies? s e t t l s w ín Howmanyare&ttisnãbe lmdmmrs? theprojectsite H wmeny we hmnts? H+awmany ama~ehke~rs?, Hqw rnanyáresqWem? h'bat ísthe pbpubibn oQtha bahngay%cowred Brgy, TApon: bY Pwm 2,616 (NSO Eiarangay: 2000) I. 2. 3. 4. 5. e. 7. ' 8. 9. 10. Ayera~efamilysize:5 How many ofthehcxrsesarernweofconcmte? No data Msdeof.wooa;' MadedaonmEeãndwoad? Made a f b M Macfecrfad*? -" Are tfiemartce-1 b d s ori r t d i i sjmpk None cummunWsaiongthemuteorw!@hh hpsb? Indicategroup: . Ate g*im existing loca! qsnizstions h the ara^ Are there socbl í n W & u mm i ntRs Project siW? uYnN i ifyes,wtratareh s esociariI ~ s ~ (Pb*3 m D d 0 d s h m cmMdintcs a roads il amm~nita$wi(radia, W, newspaper) ma@, n poiicesiaawiE-st U qmmunityumter rr hOi?pW;s O tran~poraãti~. I IIichurchadc#apts OWTS _ - _ OPEfWTfQNPHASE ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENT This k ta W y fhat &I fim irtfarmatíon and mmitrnents in the Initial Envimnmntat Examiwt'm @E) Rem are me, axmte and complete. Shouldw lmmof myin7umatimtatheMentimMaie appropriab EM0DENR Regimal Q;ffioe, We hmby bind our!jelves jointfy and sdidarily to any pemlty that may be tmposed arising from any misrepresentation ar faiiwe to state material informdtion inthis IEERqmk. BEFORE ME 3@ember 2008 81 Cebu City. personality appearsd KENNEIIYC. QLnNfBMAwith CommunityT'axCemcateNo. 0ü803007issueçlan21Fehaty2 m .atTálisay City,inh t d kcapacityas ReguMionsCumpIiatrw mcw (RCO]af CEBECOarrd auknowledged tb me thet this IEE ishis voluntary a3and deed, mdvojuntaryact ãnd deed of the entity heEs4e r ~ ~ tThisdocument whlch cwisiStJof s . (no) gp,ikidudirrgttie p&geof wtiidi this acknyledgrnent is witten. is an'lnitignvkmme~al Examindon R Tliís is Eo certify that CEBECO 1-8ubekcio~is ,located at Sitio Caususi, B~iraga;- TAPON Dalagwte, Cebq as IdenMed TaxDeclaariouNo 2103201047 ; - Aid the previois Iüt ownerdeçlxed intbe w l e d of SLTSANA BELNRES. Tliis ceftjjíication is issuedupon the request of EhTGR.AJ3DOPJ BAYLOSTS JR. fur her i& application for FESinTCiPlBMIT. Issued tEus Ddaguete, Cebu. h 0 l i l l . tPnid.: '2.0.o0 O.K. No. :0'79'7181 Date :OS- 19-05 CTC.NO. : 1G558839 lssuecl On :05-l9-06 I~isuedAt : Dcdaguete,CttLu ,-..,,-:.. -- 1/39 fol~bwtn~ (eu: ixriij&~f$!~~! ~rpki'~ii5a~ !$&,r.~riCcZ2:'KtaiCast'!tre l l ~ ~ ~ ? ! ? ~ r r i ~, 6.. :ia ,- -,-.--_-. -, _,_ , . -?-_. 5 .i ! . . -.- - -.. . ,. . I!)!fi+lt -... .---.--,, . . ...... ' - . . , ,, . _ _ . . _ _ ~ .-. iii iiiii :~n+~riit?r.i.Irl~aã: ir1 fírt flj&ÇrUibfE 'v'i?81 i~'bfi.i.5it) &5 pl't2a/i~Xi$E;f(:i Kst~efil 9 1 -~,-- d ~ y@-!''!gj; - 1 i T si &Q&-- -.".,.at&?aragcii!la. Cébu uh:!ii,ii,'rneswithths ,.. - saai .li:i,, .._ Republic of the Philippicies . . . . .!i:',"- :. , 8 6 'i:!:;'., ProvinCe of.Cebu'.:,.~t,';;'i'* ..:..ia "7 ':'?'i. 1 : : , . Municipality of Dalaguete ;.i;!,,;;i ,,, ..'c . ., ' ' .,!I.:: ;.>: OFFICE OF THE BUILDING 0,FFICIAL:.;, , , : . .. -,. .e. . . ' , .. . - 'i. . , , , - .. . ,,.,<, - . ., ::.:: ,"' . , > . . L . 7 PERM1TFEES ASSESSMENT SHEET,..-;:.:;,,: .. . . -::.:::: ;, , . ; i ; . - .Applicant Application:No.,, ,. . Location Date ~ ~ ~ l i e d ' " ' . . -' Occupancy EstimatedCost . , .-n4. TEMPORARY FINAL A. ARCHITECTURAL ennifFees : Others: / I B. LINE AND GRADE C. PLUMBINGJSANITARY D. ELECTRICAL TOTAL =- ,H, lo?"~Jg 50 % (deposit) = BAL. O . R. Na. Date F. FIRE FUND O R No. Date cl.CERTIFICATE OF USE OR OCCUPANCY O R. No H. LAND USE AND ZONING I ' O. R. No - - Date GRAND TOTAL.OF BUlL.Dliir'; FEE9 : ASSESSED BY : RWUBLWWTHE PHiLIPPIMES - PROVINCEOFCEBU MUNICIPALIWOF D+LAGtiFiE $$ICE QF T e BUfLDtNGOFFICLAL PERMiTNO [ 3 2 - 2 ~ 6 - 0 ~ ~ 0 6 I DATE iSSUEi2 UOA i., iriuc AC:CYIUIPLIWD RY APPLICANT IW PRIW LAST N4ME FiRSf NWlE M. I. T U ACC'TNO NHMEOFP\PPLIC~#T <;fW T. I;LEG-TRIC C C Q P E R ~ ~ ~ V[NC. E I NO STREET W ~ Y GITYIMUPIIC~PALITY raNQ ADU'PEI:S BITWN, DUH+,NJV@ , CEBU 471 9w2 - LOC~TIC)~J O F A E NO STREET' WWAN&Y CITYIMUNICIPALITV P~+ktwt: niNOIGWOUS B MATERIAL$ RC.8 INTERUN~ICYCLONEWIRE OTHERS(SPEUFY) aR C (RUNORCEDCDNCRETE) R.C.8 STEECWTftNO aRC LCONC. I-IOLLOWBLOCKS OR C.i3BARBEOWIRE&QTHHIWIRES I I Proposrdrlõieolccjnsruc8on . eoa6 J UNE 0 I Wpecleddate olcornpkíian d u n 30, sabe. ~ Esriopii-amst Php = 317. 7q4 . 7 ~ m e a r . b y _ ~ l rP,~,TDNX~E: !.P CWE(P.i3 1WGi~liiD IT'SÇCiRE8PONDiNGIMPLE~~ENTII\JG R LEY ANO REGLILATIONS k C ~ TI~1E.RWUil?EDÇE'TWCK $ ~ SHALL BES.rR1CTl.Y I H&Y 3 O E @ . DATE '%.'TE Ti11sPPRMIT MAY'EE CANÇRLEOOR HEWOKEOPURSUANTK) SETIONS N 5 & 500 OF THEf44TfONALWlLOMQ COOE. I .. . . " COM. CMTW O&EI%UgD PLAe166LEo- '..:. . mrmrNQ. TAX OE?~UWSON NO., .. j )< ' CERTIFICATEOF COMPLETION - _ ..: . .. * ' Ti.lls CERTIFIESTHAT TiE FWCE CONSfRUGllOWCO!4WEDB'Y YSttSENCING PERwiT HASBEEW CUMPLETm1HACCORDANCEWITH THEAPPR- P~U\1S.AND SPEC~WATIONS TI-if PKOVISIONS AND OF n-tE'WnOi.IAL ~~LJILCHNÇ CooF (p.o,1m6r civnEEJGINEER 4 WHO SIGMEDPUNS AbID SPECIRCATIO' .,I Repubiic of the Phi11pp11e s ~ Province of Cebu i?/lunicipati@of Dalag~!eie Ojjclce of the Nu~ricipd@h~ni~g dcDevtt Coordinator- '(032) 484-8635 website: v~~w.dalanuete.sov.phiF2 il-iayors officc@,dalnguete.cov.~l~ TO WHOIVI liMAY CUNCCRN: TI-iIS IS TO CERTIFY tlizt the Proposed Suh Station Perimeter Fence owned by Cebu I Electric CooperatiJe. Inc. located at Tapon, Dala~uete.Cebu iinder Tax Declaration No /ARNO. 0121-20059 Lot No. 1782 is within the Aqricultural arca based an ti?e Appi'oved Camprehensive tand Use Plan fC1-UP) of this hiluriicipaliVy, legal easement of 5 meters iroin the centerline of the Existrr-ig hrlunicipal !?aad s1iocilr.l be çtrictly ot~served Issued ihis 2Zn('! day Of Mav 2006 at Dalaguete, Cebu upuii the Requcst of interesteci party for Fencinq Permit Purposes. 6 / MARIE EV. ZAMBRANO MPDC iJaid : P 418.00 O.K. No. : 0799498 Date Paid : May 22,20'06 lçsued a1 : Dalaguete, Cebu , - / PROPERTY INDEXNO 0Li5-21-032-12-0,16 RPA Form No 1 Previous Owner 07?1-2CC59 TAX DECLARATtONJO Previous Assessed Valire: Land - ARP No ciu'32CEJv/ 4 Improvements - Res. Agd: Others: DECLARATION O F REAL PROPERTY (ÇiLED UNDER REPUBLICACT NO.7160) 1 rr! .w O\ Owner WL%"%Zi, SiJSAN.4 / Y O ~ O ~ & - L . , Dllaglat e , Cebii - i( Address a r: Adrninistrator .L Address DESCRIPTION AND OTHER PARTICULARS OF YROPEKTY -- y?*,->- -<.-L* ." " .. "I, 6Locatianot Property o.-..?.e Numbar aod Stmal %a Certjficate (Earangayi~lrlcl) (Municipal~ylCilyRrwliiceJ of Title No. Cadastra1Lot No 17P2 Assessor's Lot Na L,5 Boundaries Block 140 / 72 - a2 Nortli L J ~""S. 1953A1k. 77:: South. w 5 , East I.,Jt *i> 'i'-'.'V) &: 1781 / (Siale streals, lots. ar sitnams hy which bounded oi names ol owners o1 adjoiningIands ) i(a)LAND(AGRICULTURAUMINERAL) r L3 E OWNER'S DECLARA'IION II ASSESSOR'S FINDINGS I 1 ----- /- ';., P TO~UI r . TOM fG,;?S.Cc - ADJUSTED MARKETVALUE m w i[b)PLANTS& TREES C OWNERSDECL4bXT!ON 1 A S S E S S O R ' S P I N D I N O S m UI QI ui O I 3 a C .-O C aweamew% mx m C ti C u Q) a -V> v) II l A N D (RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL, MDUSTRIAL. SPECIALI s O W W S DECLARATION A S S E S S O R ' S F I N D ( F 3 G S fY a Mnd APoa Vau8 Kind Area Uni(Villtres Adiilstrnonls Markol Value ri ---- / Toial blal ? i11(a)%UILDlNGAND OTWERIMPROVEMENTS - . . r - ,.'L>.,, 4. O'NdER'S DECLARATiDN ConsltuctlanMateriale OESCRVrTIOM moiAr& , MatkolWlue .ror Sioq 2na SIOW I 3rd acny I R O B ~ . I I I ? I I t I-i. r -- 2 ASSESSOR'S FINOINGS üESCRIPTlON floorAma - CollsfruciiaiiMatwigls * r k l valus tsl Sloyy 2nd S i w 3rd slow Robf P - - Toial P lli (b) MACHINERY I. OWNER'S DECLARATION DEÇCRIPTiON DPI6 oi0&1ion Wgihal Crirl Oeproflotion MarkclValue r J To@ GP -- 2. ASSESSOR'S FINDINGS DESCRIPTION Oale al Operatim R e p l a c s M COM Dsprechl~on ~ ~ r k~al lu e f? w P SWORN STATEMENT OF OWNER Under the provisions of RepublicAct No 7160 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that the current and fair marketValUe (v) 0f the foregolng described property of which 1 am the ownerladminiÇtrator, 1s to the best of my knowledge aiid belief. as follows Land ? m Bubscribedand Sworn to before me this day of 20 -the eson taking oath presenting Coinmunity *Tax C~~tificare No. isçued on ai Signalure ol olficlal adrnmisleríngoa#i OíticialT i e IOICPU VI r L ,uu.t TIN (CIPIIPROVINCIALASSESSOR ASSESSMENT BY (BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS (CENTRALBOARD OF ASSESSMEMTAPPEALS) i, .;~S..\$A l?+l..-L~t13RM~.batp~mC L ~ ~ . ~ UP .IL?:(II I I aGe md a rt~i'jcn:o: r*ii.or k ' s dd$sBf!ebt Ptip14.740.CO lor *;r;?wt?C?." I iliw rhea'wwdwc~IXljLWPJ of l d 1s nat ~4riw1tedRW@ct~ifl)f:mUy Itic*.4, N, hildingtmpmYrri*nl itrdrbl ti2bfiIgQenqisrckrl Vn&r tkSM% 1i,h&zyrInw n*r unr&r Aci h.49sihi ptlwh w nhsiw to q i s ~ f&h Is.@mwflrlnwz&;rr.ce k v h h r *A prav:&ow b r A ~ 33% &i i)fterwmptying~uf*t b It.qufrcmcr;ts of givi~g amq&& MI~WSLO dj#i@g d a r Ao. 1623 oF ibe Ncw Ch.H C&.. . - . -.-.-- S i g d in ~ ) . cP I C Ç C ~ L C~ f : -- . -- \ri !?JLbS M Y ItiiRU NùTARlAl, S W ou dsy,yez- md pl* Tini e!:iive- T V ~ I I W L Lkk: ?;o Pzpc ?h. Cfiik No. &ri& af 11335 1íNOI4 ALI, MEPI BT 1PHESE FRF$EbTS i 1 Tl7ril We, TfQÇht,IN/i D W C m R q 0 uni3 BUSANA BQEC BFLMDRE5 of 1Pgnl nges, Filipino citi::onn utid residonto ub Pnnaguibaa, D6tlrfiuctc, :Cebu, Ph~Li~>iiies, hercby f r e e l y and nponlancoubily DFXIA'I?E ANBNAKE HMfP8'EST. ' < . ~11,ti.ue nrct tha mlj daughtcrs nncl oiily lognl )eira oi tlie l a t e Ircnen Bejnc who die . 111 f;::-;.;,!:; .f,!,iT ,;i. ' < . : > . , . . ,!.+.h \ , 4 . ." .: !, i\ pni.cçl of laiicl uridcr Tax Decloyation no. 0121-20059, declai-ed iii the name of S\i:;:liia lielaridrcs located at Cansusi-Tàpoi~,Dalaguetr, Cebu bouiiclcd ori the North by J,OL nos. 15131-& 1767, on the East by Loi:nos. 1780 & 1781, on thç Soutl~by Lot rio. 1782-pai-Lniid üii ~lieW e s ~by Lot nos. 1786& 153:i4, bcaririg Cad. Leino. '1782- pai-t \viih an arca of3,557 sq. ms. ' '' .. . : ..... , . , ..a i . To rnake sign, execute and deiiverconbacts, docu~ncnts~'~~~eements,anrl deeds otlicr ivriti~~gs ~ I i a t e \naiure; kitidand desci.ipti3n to consurnnute lhe of ~ ~ r abscilute sale of tlic above-inei~lionedp?.i.ccloFlancJ land:it ~tiepricc to be riegotiatcd by iiiy Xtly-iii-facL xvith CEBECO 1 .' .:. i;. ;.::i , ,S.;: ; .!,..." ,J.s:.: , 3. .'o claiiii, deiniind,arld ackiiowledgcctreceipt from CEl33ECO:.lthe purcbiise' " . r . : aiuoiilit ~vhctlicrin-casl;'or check and to in-cash any chcck recclvbd represciitiiip Llic pricc oi- consideratioii for the absolute sale oftkir ahove-described parcel of Iaiid. 4. '1'0 execute aiiy paper or documcnt iindip pcl-forma!:y other acts deemed ilcccssary to give .hEIeLTect to the foregoingaullioriiy..--,,-i, - ,,,. . . , . ,, ,* , . . I., . .. c . ....;.:.. .' ,-:.>i. .. : ., r...,i. ', ~ i ~ l : ~GI-\IING. f i y ai? nttoniey-in-&t'fuU power .. nrid xiitlioriiy wliaWoever d-k'in and about'tlic prcmiscs i!s fi:l.ly ~oíill inlcnts and (i c10 if p~essonellpresclit and 1ici.cby raiiljiiiig xiid coniíii a;I i ~ ~ f u ldoyor cause to be l cioiic iintici.niiy hy vintie I.bI \Yi'I'NESS WI-TBREOF I have iy signature this-day of ,2006at Ccbu, PIjilip,pincs. -I. ... . ... .. . L . . ItEPtJPJLICOP TUE PHILXPPMES ) R'EU N 1CII'ALITY OP DAXAGUXTE ) S. S. PROVTNCE OP CEBU af.;3:I_.dtw - Beforc ine tili; . . d a y . : 2006 2" . :.7. at .. CRRIF riIfCC >Philippines,;.pcfionally are:;,ttiel.:above- ,. rinmcd veridorir with tlieir Comm. Tax:Certificstci~as.%tdicatkd bciow~~t1;6ir~~names a112 siçnnttircs , Iíiiown LO me atid to me-know* t o " b c ~ t l ~ ~ spersons who signed'hnd e:tecutecí a n ~ e lhe lki.cyi)ii~(:iiistrurnent. ~ c acknowlcdged io.mCt1.1attlie'same.:is.~he i pkdu,ct'oE their'owri : .. iice and volunrary act and cleed. Tliis .insLrurnent coosist of two pages in which' this ackiiowlcdgcmet~~ is.writtcn and siç~icdi11each7.and'bvery tlivreof by'-tIie.parties witli their .. . . iiisli~iiineii~nl witncsses thci.eoi: . : . ,...;..":> 4.. :~i:+.í y:is.4*.!;.. +~,;:::t:;,t!;: .:.?:.-T~!;. >LI,!! . 4 , . ,,..-.\,: .: .! . ... . ,:i,,;. . : .. . . i,!.. ,,:, . . . . .. ;;. ., .li. ,:.i:!. , , - . ._. j, I . . .L..,. , . '., .. ,,.; ,,.. : . .. ' .' *"' [N WIJ*NESS.M~EE~OF,h . . I allcrcih~t~'ifl~~ . . + ? ~ ~ . ,+ . .,. ., .!;:i,. t ~ i ~ y ,,:! . ..,,i ;. .!: diiii.jiicef,i r~~. ~~, ~ ~ - i-icreiii-abovcscl:for-th. . ,.. . . i , ... . ! . 3 : . > 44'5 .. ... .,. , "'.'!R . .,+ . r : i, ,. -r ' : 1 . CJoc, No. 'Paçc No. Eooli No. Series OF 2006 :,.,. . .. . .. : : , . . i i.. L .;,:.;!.>.; i.. , :: .. . , < I . . % 1. - 2. .. . : . . ' -