' INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION RESTRICTfD SecH70-385 MOt-'THLY OPF.RATJm:M, Sl~ARY August 17, 1970 OP BANK M.'D IDA PRO-PClSEDJ'r.OJF.CTS (as of August 14, 1970) Jl~ount t. Probahle Available Information I.r-mler :!_/ ____ Project 1/ Stage of ProcesRing on Procu~~i/_ _ I. F.ASTFRN AFRICA 23.0 Infrastructure for Shashi Appraisal report being All invitations to (Dank) mining project considered; (parallel bid withdrawn due financing being to retiming of arrsnged), project. To be determined (R) Livestock Project he:l.nr, prepared t-:o action. (IDA) by Government. 2.75 (n) Gaborone-Lohatse water Appraisal report being Retroactive financinc (IDA) supply prepared. (up to $100,P0Q) of consultants' services for enr,ineerin~ and dcsir.n being con- sidered. 2.0 (R) Gaborone-1.ohatse Road Awaiting completion of Retroactive financinr, (IllA) feasibility studies, (up to $170,000) of consultants' scrvic~s for enr;inecring to be recol"JTiendetl. rn, nr·ncATTC To he determined Rubber ) No action. ··r.T.'"1c- o,--- (InA) ) ) To he determined Cotton and food crops ) {IDA) ) ) To be determined Lake fishing ) Project preparation No action. (IDA) ) underway. ) To be determined River transport ) (IDA) ) ) To be determined Highway transport ) (IDA) ) To be determined {R) Education - II Appraisal report being Retroactive financin~ (IDA) prepared. (about $60,000) of consultants' services to be reco~mended. To be determined (R) Addis Ababa water Feasibil!.f:y studies. No action, (Bank) and sewerage rec·eiv,id; appraisal misdon planned f~r September. 8.0 Coffee processing Project preparation report No action. (Dank) being reviewed by Govern- ment and Rank. Appraisal mission planned for mid- September. r C:rwernncnt is the proposed borrower, unless otherwise incticsted, c n~~unt is in millions of U.S. dollars nnd is annroxfmate and tentative, r lrtter (~) before the project meRns that the rroject is a new listinR in the Summary; the letter (R) nns that the infort!'ation about the project hRs been revised since the last is~ue of the Summarv. nfinrd to roods to he financed by Bank. and IDA. Anounts are in ~illions of U.S. dollars. · ihut1on: c111:·fv£-.Tlircctor11 anr1 Alternates ,:i~rnt :1 tes l_/, '!:_/,'}_/and!!._/, - 3- Amount & Probable Available Information ember State!/ ~nder II Stage of Processing on Procurement~/ ~-. LIA (cont'd) 7.0 Hargeisa-Berbera Awaiting completion of No action. (IDA) final engineering (being _financed by UNDP and AtDB). To be determined (R) Education Appraisal .mission No action. (IDA) in field. To be determined Irrigation of Rahed Report of reappraisal No action. (Bank/IDA) . area with Roseires mission being considered. water (Joint and/or parallel finandng will be required). NZANJA 9.0 Tobacco development Negotiations substantially Retroactive financing (IDA) completed. (up to $150,000) to be reconunended for initial land planning, aerial photography and study. To be determined Highways - III Awaiting completion of No action, ·cuncertain) preliminary engineering and study of methods of construction. 30.0 (R) Kidatu hydroelectric App~aisal report being Contract for access (Bank) power considered. (Joint fin- roads awarded. ancing expected with Sweden.) 4.1 (R) Education III Negotiators ·to be · No action. (IbA) (formerly described invited. aa "Agricultural Education".) 4.0 (R) Tobacco Credit signed on (II>A) July 24. 6.0 (R) Education II Appraisal report being No action. (IJ>A) prepared • 40.0 (R) .Power deveiopment Loan signed on July 29, (Bank) (Kariba North) s.o (R) Livestock U Awaiting project appli- No action. (Bank) cation from Government. II. WESTERN AFRICA To be determined Tea development Draft feasibility No action. (Uncertain) (West Cameroon) report being reviewed. To be determined SF.MRY . Tice Feasibility study being No action. (IDA) reviewed. 1.3 (R) Port (Douala- Appraisal report being No action. (Bank) Bonaberi) considered. footnotes!/, II, JI and~/ - 4 - . Amount & Probable Available Informatio ~~nder_l/___~ Stage of Proceasing on Procurement~/~ CF.NTRAL AFRICAN · To be determined ' · Road construction Feasibility study being ·No action. j RF.PUBLIC - - - (IDA) (Sibut:..Bambari) reviewed. To be determined ·(R) Education Unesco reconnaissance No _action. (IDA) miasion preparing report. To be determined (R) Teleco111111Unications Awaiting Government's No actfon. (IDA) comments on findings of reconnaissance mission. Retroactive financi 1.0 (R) Livestock development Negotiations substantially of consultants' (IDA) ·• i completed. services (about $5,000) to he recommended. Bidding documen.ts being reviewed. 1.0 (R) Education II Reappraisal mission No action. (IDA) scheduled for October. . To be determined (R) Telecommunications Awaiting Government's No action • (IDA) views on findings of reconnaissance mission. (R) Lake Chad ro~ Project economically un~ justified and no lon~e~ under consideration. CONr.O, PEOPLE'S To be determined Education Appraisal report being No act-ion. RFPl'BLIC OF (IDA) prep_ared. To be determined Livestock development Feasibility studies No action. (IDA) being prepared. To he determined Road construction Detailed engineering being· No action. (IDA) (Sibiti-Zanaga) carried out by consultants. To be determined Railway engineering Feasibility study being No action. (Bank) prepared. DAHOHEY 3.5 (R) Road maintenance Negotiations: suhstantially Retroactive finan (IDA) and engineering completed. A,~ai ting infor- (up to $300,000) mation on Covernment's of consultants' financial plan. services to be recommended. To be determined (R) Cotton development Awaiting report c,f pre- No action (IDA) appraisal mission. GABm: To be determined Roads III Feasibility report No action. (Bank) being prepared. THF. GA.'fJIIA To be determined Rice development FAO project identification No action. - ---- (IDA) report being reviewed. C,JIANA 8.0 (R) Power diatribution Appraisal report being Bids received an (IDA) considered. being analyzed. To be determined Road rehabilitation Awaiting preparation of No action. (IDA) and maintenance project. To be determined National Investment Awaiting receipt of No action. (IDA) Bank project proposal. To be determined Education Awaiting report of_ Unesco No action. (IDA) identification mission. See P.l for footnotes!/,!/,)/ and!/ - 5 - '· Amount ·& Probable Available Information Mher Str1tr 1/ Lender J./ ~~~- Project 1/ Stage of Processing on Procurement~/ 'C'HY C01'.ST To he dp.terminen Road Construction II Feasibility studies No action. - -· -- -- ---·- -- (Bank} and detailed eng- · ineering being prepared. To be determined (N) Coconut Development Awaitin~ report of No action. (Dank) project preparntion. To he determined (N) Urben Transport ·Awaitinr, preparation No action. (Bank) of project. ,FRI/I To be determined (R) Rubber rehebilitation Appraisal report· being No action. (Bank/IVA) prepared. 3.0 Power transmission Feasibility study No action. (Bank) and distribution being prepared by coneultimts. .I To be determined Telecommunications Awafting~.application No action, (IDA) tQ_ J11IDP ...for. S tudv :if._Po~t:" and TPlf'- c~~u~!~ations a~ercy. To be determined ·(N) Rice development Feasibility study being No action,: (Uncertt1in) prepared hy con- sultants. To be determined Livestock Report of project No action. (IDA) preparation mission being reviewed. To he determined Telecommunications Awaiting Government's res- No action. (InA) ponse to findings of reconnaissance mission and decision on source ·or financing, To be determined (N) Port Extension Awaiting preparation of No action. (Uncertllin) project. · To be. de.t~~i-nP.d Road construction Appraisal report being No action. . (IDA) - prepared. To be determined (ll) Livestock development Feasibility study No action. (Uncertain) being prerared. To be determined (N) Education Preparation mission No action. (l!ncertllin) scheduled for October, .1 for footnotes _!/, 11, 1./ and !!/ - 6 - Amount & Probable Available Informati !!_e_my_e_r___s_tii!_~ _I/. i.cnder JJ _-___ Stage of Processing on Procurement !!_I NIC:ERIA -11.0 Cocoa development Appraisal report being No-action. (Bank) (Weatern State) prepared. To be determined Cocoa development Revised _project No action. (Bank) (Midwestern State) proposal being reviewed. To be determined Rubber development ) No action. (Bank) (Western State) ) Proposals will be pre- ) pared and submitted to· To be determined Palm Oil development ) Bank after cocoa project No action. (Bank) (Western State) ) is completed·. 25.0 (R) Federal and State Pre-appraiaal mission No action, (Bank) Roads scheduled for September. ~ I :~ F.lectricity 15.0 (R) Power transmission ) C~~~Ul t·anta I report received No act~on. Corror.ition of (Bank) and distribution ) ~n ~~org~n_i_zation of p-ower .bl Nip_eria (ECN) ) sector. Supervisory mieaior ) -in mid-Sep-tembe_r - - Nip.rr n11rns 11.0 (R) ,\dditional ) wilf corield-er state of No action. Authority (NOA) (Bank) generating units )- project preparation. NiePrian 10.0 (R) Development finance Loan approved by No action. Industrial (Bank) company II Executive Directors Jlevelopment on July 21, Bank SF?:EGAL - --- 4.5 (R) Rice development Project preparation No action. (IDA) (CASAMANCE) report being prepared. 1.5 Teleconununications Awaiting Government No action. (IDA) request to UNDP for financing of feasi~ bility study. To be determined Agricultural Settle- Appraisal report being No action._ (IDA) ment (Terres Neuves) prepared. _,- To be determined Education Appraisal mission · No action. (IDA) scheduled for September. To be determined (R) Power Discus_aions_ proceedinR No action. (Uncertain) · on completion of · feasibilfry study. - To be determined (ti) Water Supply, Awaiting com~letion of No action. (Uncertain) Sewerage and project _msst!r plan by Drainage consultants. ---------------------------- See. P. l for footnotes!/,!/,)} and~/ - 7 - Amount & Probahl~ Available Information Lcncl_e..!. 1_/ _ _ Projec_! 11 Stage of Processing .. on Pr~'!'~ ~/_ _ ... . .,. ' 4.0 (Bonk) (R) Roads Negotiations beRan · Retroactive fin.ancing 3.5 ·(IDA) · on August 12. __ · ·for detailed . eng- ineering of two roads to :be recom- mended--estimated at up to $0.5. To be determined Cocoa·and: rice reasibility study and No action. (Bank/IDA) regional development project preparation underway To be detemined Cocoa development Feasibility study being No action. (lllA) prepared, To he determined Road construction Feasibility studies being No action. (IDA) prepared, 6.3 (R) Cotton development Appraisal report being No action. (IDA) prepared. (.Joint fin- ancing beinp, considered,) III. FAST ASIA_j:J,TfJ PACIFIC 19.5 (R) Upper Ramu Appraisal mission No action. (Bank) hydroelectric power planned for October, To be determined Porta Awaiting loan application -No action. (IDA) 40.0 Railways IV Appraisal mission tentatively No action, cn,mk) planned for November. · (R) Oil port Loan request withdrawn, Project to be financed from other sources. 15.0 Taipei sewerage Awaiting completion of No action. (Bank) feasibility study by consul- tants. 6.0 Education II Awaiting consultants' No action, (Bank) feasibility report; sppraiaal mission planned for late 1970. 65.0 (R) Third· Power Project Appraisal mission planned No action. (Bank) tentatively for October;· 12.0 Irrigation Rehabili- Appraisal report being No action. (IDA) tation III prepared. To be determined Rice seeds production Consultants' study being No action. (IDA) reviewed,. .5.0 (R) Education Appraisal report being No action, ODA) considered. 28.0 (R) Highways II AwaitinR completion of Retroactive financing (IDA) consultants.• feasibility of foreir.n exchange studies, cost of engineering (estimated at $3.J) to be reco111JT1~nded. 2.0 (N) Technical. Assistance II Presentation to Executive No action. (IDA) Directors scheduled for September. font.notr.s 1/, ~/, }_/ and Al •· I Member State l/ -~~_/ ____ Amourit & Probable ProjP.ct 2,/ - 8 - '•;. ·: - Stage of ProcessinR° INTlONESJA (cont'd) 10.0 (N) Tea eetate development_ Awaiting project preparation . No action. (IDA) · report from consultants. 3.0 Population Reconnaissance mission No action. (IDA) report being considered. 10.0 Development finance Agreement in principle (IDA) company · reached with Government on further steps in re- organization of ~APINDO. KOREA 20.0 ·Irrigation - · Further project preparation No action. (Bank) Yonp; San Gang -required. · 6.0 Livestock Appraisal report being No action •. (IDA) _prepared. 8.0 Seed production Project preparation by No action. (Bank) consultants undervay 10.0 (R) Agricultural credit ) Reports of FAO/IBRD }lo action. (Uncertain) ) project preparation ) miaaion being studied. 8.0 (R) Fisheries ) No action. (Uncertain) · ) 20.0 Pusan Port Project to be prepared by No action. (Bank) conaultanta. KDFC 25.0 Development finance Appraisal miaaion No action, (Bank) company tentatively planned for October. 45.0 Highway construction Engineering studies being No action. (Bank) prepared by consultants. MAI.AYSIA N11tional 20.0 (R) Power V Loan signed on July 16. Electricity (Bank) Bo11rd (NEil) tlation11l To be determined (R) Power VI Supervieory miesion in No action. Electricity (Bank) late August to review Board (NEIJ) .situation regarding other sources of finance. To be determined Telecommunications II Awaiting completion of No action. (Bank) project preparation. To be determined Sahah Ports Awaiting feasibility study No action. (Bank) before scheduling appraisal. ·To he determined (R) Agricultural credit Awaiting implementation of No action. (Bank) consultants' studies. To be determined Federal Highway Awaiting completion of No action. (Bank) supplementary economic studies and detailed engineering. To be determined -Livestock. fAO .project .id~ntification (Bank) mission report being prepared. See P .1 1 for footnotes .!/, II, 11 and !!./ - 9 - Amount & Probable Available Information I.ender J_/ ____ Pro1cct '}_/ Star.e of Processing on Procurement!!.._/ EW 7.F.ALANJ) 15.0 · (R) Railroads . Appraisal.report being No action. ---~--·--· (Rank) prepared. vc]opnl'nt To be determined Development :finance AwaitinR Government action No action. inancc (Bank) company to strengthen DFC. orporatton of cF 7<'nl,rnc1 (nrc) Hll.Tl'PT:TS .. - -·-·--·---- 14.3 (R) Rice processinr, (fo~erly NegotiationR in pro~ress, No nction. (B11nk) "grain storap,e") Mission,in field to review new information on costs. 25.0 (R) Highways Appraisal report being netrotictive financing (B1mk) ,prepared. of foreir,n e>;c~rnnrc costs of enginccrin~ (estimnted at ~1.0) being considered. 15.('I National Power Apprn:1.sal l'liseion No action. (Bnnl-:) Corporation - V tentatively planned for Fell, 20."I Development finance Apprnisnl mission planned No action. (Bank) - company.,. IV tentatively for January. 10.0 Education - II Awaitinr, completion of No action. (Dank) education sector study (expected in late 1~70). !-,.1.:!c t:tilitics. 7.0 (R) Juronf Power Station II Negotiations_suhstantially l~in ~quipment con- nrcl (Dank) · completed.- . tra~ts finnnccr contracts placed after }.ugus t 1. _ Tenders for ahout $3 million issued and contracts may be awarded ry Sept. 1. u: .. ,] ic t:ti.Ht:lcs To re determined Povcr distribution III Project being prepared No action. . rcl (Bank) To be determined lligher technical Awaiting_ completion of pre- __ No action. (Banl·) education investment studies (expected second half 1970) • cl c:>pr-icnt r.nnk To be determined Development finance . . Supervision mission in No action. Sinr,.,porc (rrns) (Bank) company:- II February/March to determine timing of new loan. ustrinl Finnncc 5.0 Development finance Further consideration . of Th.,f.1,,nd (Bank) COITlflllny postponed until late 1970. 12.5 (R) Banr1'ok Por_t I.oan fliRned on August 6. (Rank) 10.0 (R) Kasetsart University Appraisal mission tentatively No action. (!lank) pla_nned for September. 25.0 (R) lligh~ays V Awaitinr, complet:1.on of detailed No action. (Bank) t"ngineering by consultants. Apprnisal Mission tentatively planned for September P.l for footnote/I)_/, 11, }_/And!!._/ - 10 - Amount & Probable Available Informatio ~emher s~~ !/ ~II~~~- Project 11 Stage of Processing on Procurement!!._/ THAILAND (cont'd) 3.o MeKlong Irrigation Feasibility report being No action. (Bank) Ii prepared. To be determined (R) Quai Yai Dam Feasibility studies received No action. (Bank) and under study. (Possible joint financing with ADB.) 15.0 Bangkok water supply Awaiting completion of No action. (Bank) project preparation by Government. To be determined (N) Telecmmnunications Awaiting completion of No action. (Bank) feasibility studies, ex- pected in December, (Possible joint financing with ADB.) HNITFn Kn:GDO" C:ovcrnrncnt nf 12.0 Highways (Suva-Nandi) Awaiting completion of No action. -· -------- Fiji . (Bank) detailed engineerinr,; appraisal mission scheduled for August. 1.5 (R) Navua Irrigation ) No action. (Bank) ) Projects ) withdrawn. 2.0 (R) Rewa Irrigation ) No action. (Bank) ) IV. SOUTH ASII\ AFGJ-lANISTAN 4.0 (R) Kunduz-Khanabad Awaiting completion of No action. (IDA) . irrigation . PAO project preparation, expected in August, Appraisal mission planned for September. 3.0 Kabul airport Awaiting completion of No action. (IDA) improvet11ent feasibility study; ex- program pected in Fall, 1970. CEYLON 7.0 Power transmission Awaiting Government views No action. (IDA) on priorities and timing of project. To be determined Tourism Type of assistance to No action. (Uncertain) be discussed with Government. To be determined (R) Education Awaiting Government No action. (Uncertain) reactions to reconunendation of reconnaissance mission. To be determined Development finance Need for additional No action. (Bank) company III foreign exchange to be determined. INDIA 40.0 Power transmission - II Appraisal report being con- No action. (IDA) aidered. Awaiting clarification of pro- curement iaeues. 21.0 (R) Cauvery Delta Negotiators have been No action. (ID.A) irrigation invited. To be determined Pochampad irrigation Appraisal report being No action. (IDA) prepared. See P.l for footnotes!/, 1_/, 1_/ and!!._/ I ii ~ ! - 11 - Amount & Probable! Available Information !!ibc.>r State 1/ JJ Project 1./ on Procurement~/ YE!'_e.! --- :!~ (cont'd) 6.0 (R) Agricul turnl aviation Ner,otiatipns expected No action. (IDA) to begin on August 24·. 40,0 Expansion of Cochin Awai ting ·addi tf.onal No action. (IDA) and Nangal fertilizer information needed.to plants prepare appraisal. 10.0 (R) Population Pre-appraisal mission _in No action. (IDA) field. 30.0 Highways II Appraisal mi!lsion deferred; No action, (IDA) awaiting further project preparation •. 25.0 Agricultural credit Appraisal report being No action. (IDA) in Andhra Pradesh pr.epared, 25.0 (R) Agricultural credit Application hein~ reviewed; No action. (IDA) in Tamil Nadu appraisal mission planned for Septemher. To be determined ·Tawa irrigation Appraisal mission planned No action. (IDA) for September, 5.0 Grain storage Appraisal report being No action. (IDA) prepared. (Joint fin- .~ (J !11 ancing with SIDA for $5.0 being discussed.) 60.0 Power transmission in Awaiting discussions on No acti<'n, (IDA) second power transmission , oH project; · 40.0 Telecommunications IV Appraisal mission planned No action. (IDA) for late 1970. . oil 15.0 (R,) Bombay water supply Awaiting feaaihil:lty repnrt • No action. (IDA) · {expected in December) . 15.0 (R) Education ~egotiations expected to No action • ot~l (Bank) . ~-e_n,in_ on: August 31. .... 60,0 Power transmission Appraisal report heing No a_ction. (Bank) and distribution considered. •• :-1 o;! 35.0 (R) Telecommunications Appraisal report being Bids heing invited (Bank) coriilidered, · for telex equipment and cahles (11.0). 50.0 (R) _Development finance ~oan·si~~ed on August 7, (Bank) company 2,4 (R) Highways Negodations expected to Bidding documents (IDA) b:e]~n_ ~~ _SeptemhPr 9. for bridp:e con- struction and purchase of equipment being 'reviewed. P.ctro- activP financin2 (nbout $30,000) for consulting Rervicr~ to be recommended. -·-----·---·--·-------- footnotes!/,!/,'}_/ and!/ · .- 12· - . Amc;mnt ,:&· Prohablc _Available Infnrmnt1 Membr.r Stnte·l/ ·. l,rnder 2/ ._ ' .. , --- .. Stn_r,e _c,L r.roc,es~i:!IB on ProcurP.ment /,/__ ·2·3.0 d~) .~!APDA power transmie11ion Crci\') B.ank Iv· bl'ine reviewecl, · 1~!§,,':1'/~ l-~J~cti:~c 10.0 ·KaracJii power trnne- •Apprail)~l mi1111:l.on 11c~edµ!e~ ~~'fflJ>.:l~ ~fP.. (Ban~) miesion and diatri~ution. for Sep_temt,er. ,~W:W 30.0 ~Bank) Development finnnce Appraisal mission planne~ company - IX for,NovPmh!'.'r, .V. F.UROPE, MinDT.E F.AST .A~ID J:ORii'H AFRICA _3.2 (R) Sewerage ,(~icoein) Awnitinp. pae11nge of eewer~ge _Retrc;>.A~0t.;.iv~ tf:!na. (Bank) ler.ielntion. up to cij~P- .sf.dered, 1.5 . (R) .Sewerage (FamaguHtn} _Awaitin~ pa~ser,e of ,sew~r~ge :Re troac_tiv_e .f::l;nn (Ran~) legielnti~n. up to 14Q;OOQ ~o co11aul tan ts'' fl.er ~ices being Qqn- _aidered_. 2.0 (R) Roede Pre-ap~ra111nl mission No 1,1cticm .• p~an~) scheduled for Aur,ust 23. 12.5 ,,(R) Highways Reappraisal mission scheduled t{p -acHqn. -~Bank) for -Septembr.r/Octoher. ~Ind1,1et~;!p}J,z.~tion . .-20. 0 •(R) Development finance Ner,otiations expected to No ~c~ion. Fund of -:f.JP.~.,,and ~~~ank') company ber,in.on August 20. --- See P.1--fCJ:r).ooiv~-~~ /JJ/, }_l-;_j/ ~!'I~ fl - 13 - Amount & Probable Available Informotion --- --- Lender 2/ Project }/ Roads Stage ~ocesBing Pre-apprRisal miRsion on Pro~nt 1,/. _ No action. 15,0 (Bank) in field. 13,0 Technical Education Appraisal report being No action. (Bank) conRidered, 4.1 (R) Roads Neg(!_tiat:lons extiP.C'tPd .t~ PrP.qualification of (Bank) beR:I n on !\ur.us t 17. bidders completPd. Invitations to hi. duntrial 15.0 (ll) h•velopment finnn~• AppraiRRl miasi~n No action, edit Co, (nan'k) com1u1ny 11ched\1led for ,\ur,uat, nr1city 10.0 (R) Therlll81 Power 11 Appraisal rerort hetng Bids invited for !'lY l3oard (Dank) pror11red, boiler Rnd turbc equipment, To be det~rmined lrr1Batlon (Lower Consultants rreparinR No action. (Bank) !Challa) feaaibility study. To be detorinined (R) Microwave communica- Feasibility report expected No action. (Bank) tione in AuAURt, Appraisal mission tentativP.ly echeduled for September, To be determined Grain atora11e Government considerfnR No action, (Bank) consultants' propoAal for feasibility study, 20.0 A1rric111tural credit Appraisal report beinR No action. (Bank) considered. To be determined (R) HiRhway conetruction Pre-apprafeal mission No action, (Bank) in field, N s.o (R) Amman-Zarqa highway ApprAiRal report be1.ng Invitations ifllmcrl tC' (IDA) prepared, pre-'lualify for \ M.ddin~. · 5,0 .(R) F.ducation Ap~raieal mission rP- (IDA) echeduled for September, No action, To bo determined (N) Power generation AwaitinR completiC'n of No action, (IDA) feasibility atudy (expected. in September), 31.0 Expreaaway construction AvaitinR Government's pro- RotroRctive finnncin~ (Bank) and RnRineerin,: poeale for finnncin~ plan, may be recommendr.d (Boirut-Tri"Poli) for consultant eervicea. 1S,0 (R) South Regaa Irrisatinn Awa1t1nR comrletion of No action, (Bank) feaAihiUty study (expected in SeptC'mber). -··--- ----------------- for footnotoe !/, JI, ].I and ii - 1~ - Amount f.. rrobnh Ava:lh1ble Jnfnrrn11 'McmhPr_StntC' l/ !~c_nfl.CJ.. -2../ __ -· on Pro cu reo1~C'n t. t, /. MOROCCiO -~·---- Credit lmmohil.iC'l" 10.0 (R) Tourhm (hotel rrojacto) I.onn eir,ned on A11~11et 12. C't IIOtC'liC'T (nnnk) 5.0 (nank) (N) F.ducotion II Reconnaie11ance misninn No oction. • 5, 0 (JDA) in ff.eld, 20.Cl (JI) Rntiat/Cnaohlnl"lcn Report nf rrr-Rprrnir,al Retrriac t ! v,• r1 nnn (Un crtain• v11ter 11upply · llieA.1.on beinr. 11tu1U I'd. for consult :I ni: 8~rvft:t>11 .nnrl 111ft ·llnm conotn1ction ·hrlllR com; f t:rert1!1, 'Jlrc-.qual ff lctH ru 'Of billtlcrs un,IC'n ~nisflC' ?-ll'lti(>nnle 10.0 (R) Agricultural credit II rrojRct prepftrat1on miseion No action. (le Cr-cd!t Ar,r:lcole (Rank) in field. (OWCA) a.aque Ntitionnle pq~r 1~ Dev~loppc- 18.0 (n) Development finance Appraisal mies1on Rcheduled ment BcQnomi')ue (Dank) CO!lll)any V to art"ive on Aur,uet 31, To be determined (N) Roada AppnisaJ. mission t1r:, utbm. (IDA) in ffo]d. 50.0 (10 Railways - Ill Appl'aieal mi9e1on tentatively No actt~n. (Bank) -scheduled for December. 12.0 (R) ARricultur11l reeearch Preparation follow-~p miseion lfo·~. (Bank) and extension in field. · !·, . 4.0 'opulation Appraieel l'eport being No ffdlttl, (II'~) prf!Jlat"ed, 18,0 (R) Road construction Consultants' studies beinr, f1lb 8 tit'lalil , (Bank) prl!p11red, To be determined Tourism infrastructure Awaiting feasibility etudy-, (IDA) 6,0 (R) Gaa pipeline Apprai11~l .renort ~~1n~ rrepared, Biele o n ~ (Bank) (Joint lending with Kuwait roce1ve8 lftlll llanque ~tioi,ale .d,e 'l'unieie To be determined (Uncertain) Agricultural credit Fund being orranRed), Appraisal l'eport being prepared • r~d. ...~. S,0.c1ete Nationale 10.0 (N) neveloplllftnt finonca AwaitinR ful'ther Ne act'l~. 4 1 l~vestieeemcnte (Jlank) company - IV commitment of latest loan. 4,5 Liveetock - I (Dairy) NegotiationA in pro~rees, No acUt11n. (IDA) To be determined (R) Power tranamiaaion Appl'eisel mieelon plannercl for (Bank) mid-September. 5.0 To.ul'ism Diecu11eione ~roceeding with (Bank) possible foreign ,,artnere and consultants, 15.0 (R) Education--Mnn91\ement, Appraieal miReion scheduled (IDA) ·"1',.echnical 11nd VocatioMl fol' Septemhel'. TraininR - 15 - Amount & Probable Available Information ~-'L State _lj ~11 .. Project 1/ Stage of Processing on·Procurement f!/~~ KEY (cont'd) 10.0 Istanbul water supply Frasibility study No action. (Bank) being prepared. 10.0 Fruit and vegetables Appraisal mission tentatively No action. (Bank) planned for September. 15.0 (n) Livestock II Project prepnra tion mission - No action. (Bank) scheduled for August/September. ,1str:l.al Bnnk 30.0 (R) Development finance Appraisal report being No action. urkey (TSKB) (Bank) company considered. En· ,\RAB 24.0 Railway improv(!ment Appraisal report being No action. BJ.IC -- (IDA) prepared. To be determined Inland waterways ) No action. (InA) ) Awaitinr. further ) project preparation. To be determined Port of Alexandria ) No action. (IDA) ) 10.0 (R) Touri11m (Babin Kuk) Appraisal misefon in field. No action. (Bank) 8.0 (R) Tourism (Portoroz) Appraisal mission in ·ueld. No action. (Bank) 34.0 (R) Multipurpose water Appraisal report being No-action. (Bank) supply -- Ihar J.eperec prepared. 30.0 (R) Roads - V Awaiting.completion of No action.· (Bank) feasibility studies. · To be determined (R) Development finance New pi:-op.osale for .Bank financir.g No action. (Bank) company be1.nR .ext>J. ored. VI, CENTRAL AMF.RICA AND CARIBBF.AN RICA 17.5 Port of Limon Appraisal re1,or_t being Small amount of (Bank) prepared. retroactive fin- ancin~ to be rec- ommended for con- sultants' services. Central 10.0 Agricultural credit AwaitinR completion of No action. (Bank) project preparation, 4.0 Education Appraisal report beinR No action. (IDA) prepared. To be determt°nf!d (R) Livestock Appraisal mission scheduled No action. (IDA) for .S~ptemher. To be determined In·iRation (Yaque Appraisal deferrP.d pendin~ No action. (IDA) del Norte) completion of consultant's study. , __ ______________ --- .. for footnotes !I, 1.1, 11 and !!./ - 16 - .. _Amount & Probable AvaUable Informs t1 Memhr.r _StAte _l/ I.ender_ 2/ ___ _ Stage nf _i>roce11BinB on Procurl!ment 4/ ~ --- - -·---- ... ·--· - -,--. EL SALVADOR 8.0 Olomer,o Irrigation Project in abeyance No. action. -·-------- · - (Bnnk) pending ennctmen~ of required ler,islation. ~,\!ll'ini s trac:f.on 5.0 i(R) ,:,.NTFL exprinsion Appraisal missio,n. ~(lcional de (Uank) program II planned for Sept~~ber. l!;clccomunicaciones ~~~f.fEL) , .. ,.. ,.. - 5,.0 ;(R) Power generation Appraisal rero_i:~ b.e:tr.i~: (InA) And transmission .prr.p~red, To be determincrl Hf.ghway constructi~n Proposnl for r.r.d.esf.r,ned (Bonk) ·· project expi>.Ct('parecl. 20, 0 (R) Port of Santos Appraisal misnion Acheduled Retroactive finnnc (Bank) to nrr:lve· on A11r,111:;t 17 for consuJtnnt 1 Fl and 21,. services rnAy nc recommendr.d. To be determined (R) Industrial finance AwaitinR Bre?.ilian propos11ls. No ar.tion. (Bank) To he determined Sao Francisco irrigation Appra:lsnl mission Nc:t:11ction. (Bank) prerarinr, rerort. To be determined Highways III Await:lnp, completion of Nci action. (Bank) detailed enr,1neerin~. To be determined Railways Await:l.nr, comp] et ion of No action. (Bank) detailed enr,ineerinr,. Mineracoes Tri he de tP.Tll'i T"f'd (R) Iron ore mining and Awaitinp: addi.tional financial and No act:linn-, Bras;tleiras ·(Bank) transportation technical dnt:i. ApprniRal rn:IRsion Reunidas planned for Septeml~r. SaQ Paulo StRte 30.0 (R) Sao Paulo ·water Appraisal miss:lon scheduled No action. or Municipal! ty (Bank) supply and sewerage to artiVe"hn Aur,ust 31. Banco do Nordeste 19.U (R) Agricultural credit Arrrais11 l suspendecf II t No acttnn. (Bank) request of Government pendinr, reconsidernt:lon hy Covern~ent of policies affect:lng relendinr, rates. Centrois tlctricas To be determined Sao Simao hydropower Awaitinr, completJon of NH actttin. de Minas Geraifl (llnnk) feasihi]ity study. .. Eletro Sul To be determined (R) Salto Osor:lo hydropower Appr11i11al rnisnion Rcl).eduled (Bank) to or.rive o!l Aur.ust 25. Sao Paulo State To be determined Sao Paulo beltway Awaitinr. completion of No actitm. (Bank) detailed encineerinp,. CHILE 8.0 Port improvement JI.waiting C:overnrnent'e No actit>n, (Bank) response on conclitions for startinr. n('r,otiations. 25.0 (R) J.ivestock Appr11isal report being No action. (Bank) prepared. 50.0 (N) Power Appraisal. tt>ntatively planned No action. (Bank) for necember, 15.0 n:) Irrigation Appr11isal 11cheduled for No action. (Bank) (Aconcagua) December. 26.0 (N) Railroad rehabilitation Awaitinr, preparation of No action. (Bonk) project. ·ins ti tuto de 5,0 Development Finance Ner,otiations in suspense No action. Fomento Industrial (Rank) Infltitute pcndinp, resolution of certain issues. See P.1 for footnotes!/,'!_/,'}_/ and!!_/ -u "--' ·v t)- ',:.: v' - 19 - Amount & Probnhle Available Informntio Member· Stnte II _Lender ~./____ PrE,j~ 1/ on P_roE~ent· !!_I COJ.OMHIA (cont'd) P.mpreRa Nacional de To 'he determined (R) Tel.ecommunicatlone Api,riliaa:i report being_- No action. 1·elP.comunicacionca (Denk) prepnred. \ J . Corporacion de 6.0 Bucaramanp,a sew~rage Preaentntion to f.xecutive No action. l>efenae de la (Bank) and erosion control Directors awaiting municipal llcaeta de tax increase needed to finance Bucaramanga project, Empress Municipalcs 2.0 Palmira water eupply Ner,otiatione temporarily No action. de Palmira (Bank)_ and scweraf\e suspended, nstituto s.o (R) Land settlement Appraisal report being No action, olombiano de (Bank) (Csqueta) prepared, a Reforms Ar,raria (' ·nn_tituto 1.2 Atlentico lrrir,stion 11 Awaitinp, completion of No action. olbmbiano de (Bank) fessihility study. a Reforms Agraria anco de la 30.0 -· Development finance AppraiAal miaR.fon scheduled No action; epuhlica (Bank) companies V for September._ r1vate Investment und __l___ _ CUAnOR 8,0 D~velopment _finance Neoe,otiations- R11hat11ntial ly No acticin, (Bank) companies completed. Prr11cntntion to >. Executive Directors awaiting Government's Approval of draft loan documents. rt Author:f.ty s.o (R) Port of C:uayaquil ·11 Appraisal mission planned No action, C:unyequil (IDA) for r.arly 1971. 5.0 Forestry Project .pre)'iaration delayed, No action, (Bank) 2.0 - Irrigation (Mtiagro) Awaiting revision of No action. (Bank) feasibility study, 9.5 (R) Livestock III Negotiations to begin No action, (IDA) on August-J4. 8.5 (R) Road il!IJlrovement Appraisal scheduled for No action, (Bank) December. 5.0 (N) Education I Project ~reparation No action, (Bank) ~iasion scheduled for October. ·,\ ll, 7.0 Education ) (Bank) ) Awai ting d arifi.cation No action, ) of C:overnme.nt'R fiRcnl 17.0 Ar,ricultural credit ) plans and balance of (B11nk) ) payments proapr.c ts, No action. -- To be determined Livestock Government revising project. No action. (Bank) footnotea ):_/, II, JI nnd ~I· '-- - 20 - Amount E. Proh:ihle Availah 1 P. Informa tift~ Ml'mher Stntc 1/ l.t>ndrr 2/ - - - - - Stnr of Pr~cCABi..!:!n_ on Procul'P.l'IP.nt. t,/ __ !'.!::f~ (cont'd) To he dctcrmi.ned lrrir,ation (Chira riur11) Project review misflion No action. (Dank) prcpnrin~ report. 25.0--30.0 (N) Road reconAtruct1.on NccotintionA heRnn on No ar.CiOtl. (llnnk) in earthqunke nrca Aur.us t 10. Admin1 i; trncion 1(,,0 (R) Power Appraisal rP.port being No action, Genl'ral de l11s (Dank) considered. . Usinas Electricas y loa Telefonos <1cl Estndo (UTE) See P,l for footnotes!/,~/, 11 and!!_/ '