PROJECT INFORMATION DOCUMENT (PID) CONCEPT STAGE Report No.: AB660 Project Name Community-Based Land Distribution Project Region LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN Sector General agriculture, fishing and forestry sector (75%);Sub- national government administration (25%) Project ID P087925 Borrower(s) GOVERNMENT OF BOLIVIA Implementing Agency To be determined Environment Category [ ] A [X] B [ ] C [ ] FI [ ] TBD (to be determined) Safeguard Classification [ ] S1 [X] S2 [ ] S3 [ ] SF [ ] TBD (to be determined) Date PID Prepared February 3, 2004 Estimated Date of December 15, 2004 Appraisal Authorization Estimated Date of Board March 31, 2005 Approval 1. Key development issues and rationale for Bank involvement Bolivia faces many challenges related to land tenure issues, but these fall broadly under two main categories: (i) Redistribution of lands and (ii) land administration. Government has been considering at least two complementary mechanisms of land distribution, namely, human settlements on public lands identified during the land title regularization (saneamiento) process, and via land transfers with the direct participation of beneficiaries through the proposed project. The project will support the new government's objectives of reducing asset inequality, improving income-generating opportunities for the rural poor, and expediting land redistribution. The Bank is uniquely placed to assist the Government given its experience with similar programs in the region. Government has specifically requested the Bank to supports its efforts in this area, as reflected in the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS). 2. Proposed objective(s) The development objective of the proposed project is to establish a decentralized beneficiary- driven mechanism that allows organized landless or poor farmers to acquire suitable agricultural lands and implement investment subprojects which puts them on a sustainable, higher-income pathway. At this point, it is estimated the proposed project would benefit between 1,500 and 3,000 poor rural families. 3. Preliminary description It is expected that the project (estimated total cost: US$ 17 million) would have three components: (i) land acquisition; (ii) complementary investments to enhance the productive capacity of the acquired lands; and (iii) project management, technical assistance, and monitoring and evaluation. 4. Safeguard policies that might apply The project will trigger safeguard policies related to environmental assessment and indigenous peoples, and may trigger those related to natural habitats, cultural property and involuntary resettlement. An environmental and a social assessment will be carried out in the course of project preparation. The project preparation team will incorporate representatives from key stakeholders, particularly at the local level, early on in the preparation process. Detailed discussions, again particularly at the local levels, on project operational modalities and eligibility criteria are expected during project preparation. 5. Tentative financing Source: ($m.) BORROWER/RECIPIENT 2 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION 15 Total 17 6. Contact point Contact: Malcolm Childress Title: Sr Land Administration Specialist Tel: (202) 458-5847 Fax: (202) 522-0262 Email: