69951 Romania: Development Policy Loan with Deferred Drawdown Option (DPL-DDO) SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION  Meeting of the Executive Directors June 12, 2012 Executive Directors approved the Development Policy Loan with Deferred Drawdown Option (DPL-DDO) for Romania in the amount of EUR 1 billion (US$ 1.333 billion equivalent) on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (R2012-01115). Directors expressed support for the objectives of the project which would enhance the Government of Romania’s capacity to manage the potential adverse impact of ongoing turbulence in financial markets, consolidate progress made towards macroeconomic stabilization, increase competitiveness of the energy sector and fiscal sustainability of the health care system, and facilitate access to markets for financing of the sovereign debt. Directors noted that the project complements longer term institutional and structural reforms that are being supported through other instruments. Directors highlighted the need for improved governance of the state- owned energy enterprises and welcomed the market-oriented reforms in the sector. Directors encouraged the Government to continue focusing on sustainable economic growth and the necessary reforms which would strengthen the country’s resilience and preparedness for crisis mitigation and management.  This summary is not an approved record.