Report No: 61393-NE NIGER Investing for Prosperity A Poverty Assessment October 15, 2012 PREM 4 Africa Region Document of the World Bank Fiscal Year January 1 - December 1 Currency Equivalents Currency unit: Franc CFA (FCFA) US$1 = 510.00 (Exchange rate effective September 2012) Weight and Measures Metric system Abbreviations and Acronyms BCEAO Banque centrale des Etats de I'Afrique de I'Ouest (Central Bank of the West African States) CAADP Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program CGE Computable General Equilibrium CV Coefficient of Variation DHS Demographic and Health Survey ENVAM Enqu6te sur Ila vuln6rabilit6 alimentaire des M6nages ENBC Enqu6te nationale sur le Budget et la Consommation des M6nages FEW ;j Family Early Warning GDP Gross Domestic Product HOI Human Opportunity Index MDGs Millennium Development Goals NGAC Niger General Agricultural Census NGO Non-Governmental Organization QUI BB Questionnaire des Indicateur de Base de Bien-6tre R&D Research and Development SDR Stratigie pour le D&veloppement Rural (Country's Rural Development Strategy) SICCLA Seeds Certification and Legislation Agency SSA Sub-Sahara Africa TFP Total Factor Productivity U51VR Under-Five (Child) Mortality Rate UNICEF United Nation Children Funds WFP World Food Program Vice President : Makhtar Diop Sector Director : Marcelo Giugale Sector Manager : Miria Pigato Task Manager(s) : Andrew L. Dabalen, Janet M. Owens NIGER: A Poverty Assessment Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................... vi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................... vii Chapter 1: Poverty Trends And Profile .......................... ..... .............1 A. Economic Performance ........................................................ 1 B. Poverty Trends and comparisons ............................. .......... 3 C. Minimizing Comparability Problems ....................................... 5 D. Poverty, Growth, and Inequality ........................................... 10 E. Sources of Change in the Distribution of Economic Welfare ....................... 14 F. Correlates of Poverty....................... ................... 23 Chapter 2: High Vulnerability and Lack of Resilience ....................... ......27 B. Drought and Price Shocks Dominate....................................28 C. Shocks Impose High Welfare Costs.....................................34 D. Coping Strategies Suggest Weak Resilience...............................41 E. Existing Safety Net programs are not well-targeted..........................43 F. Therefore chronic poverty is high...................... ................45 G. Conclusion:...................................................... 49 Chapter 3: Children's Opportunities In Niger..................................50 A. Introduction..................................................... 50 B. Poverty and Education.............................................. 52 C. Correlates of Enrollment............................................ 55 D. Poverty and Nutrition......................................... ..... 56 E. Poverty and Mortality in.Ni..................................... ......... 58 F. Evolution of opportunities.................50........ ................59 G. Conclusion ...................................................... 64 Chapter 4: Agriculture, Income, and Rural Poverty ....................... ....... 66 A. Overview of theChapter ...................................... ...... 66 B. Overview of Agricultural Production............................... ..... 67 C. Farm Level Production: Stylized Facts............................. ...... 70 D. Participation in agricultural sector and household poverty ............... ...... 79 E. Determinants of farm-level agricultural production and efficiency ............... 82 F. Government spending and long term growth and poverty targets. ............... 92 G. Policies for improving agricultural production and increasing returns to the Poor. 101 References ................................................................ 103 Annex 1: Figures and Tables: Vulnerability and Resilience ............... ..... .... 109 Annex 2 Children's Opportunities in Niger ......................................... 120 Annex 3: Figure s and Tables - Agriculture, Income and Rural Poverty ............... 127 Annex 4: Stochastic Production Frontier Model .................................. 130 ii List of Boxes Box 2.1: ............................................................. 46 List of Figures Figure 1.1: GDP Growth and changes in GDP per capita, 2000-2008......................... 1 Figure 1.2: GDP Composition and Primary Sector Growth, 2001-2007 .................. 2 Figure 1.3: Distribution of Welfare and Adjusted Welfare, 2005 and 2007/08 . ............. 7 Figure 1.4: Dominance curve in 2005-2007/08 ........................ .......... 9 Figure 2.1: Household perceptions of shocks and difficulties during the last 12 months .......... 29 Figure 2.2: Rural household perceptions of shocks and difficulties during last 12 months........ 30 Figure 2.3: Urban household perceptions of shocks and difficulties during last 12 months...... 30 Figure 2.4.: Department-level annual rainfall means (2007, 2008, and 2009 vs. 20 year mean) 31 Figure 2.5: Mean and CV of rainfall, 1989-2009, by department........... .............. 32 Figure 2.6: Reported shocks among households reporting inferior harvests relative to previous season...................................................... 32 Figure 2.7: Monthly millet prices and cumulative monthly rainfall during the rainy season (F CFA), 2000-2010 ........................................ ...... 33 Figure 2.8: Perceived impact of food price increases during the preceding 12 months on household food security ......................................... 36 Figure 2.9: Perceived impact of food price increase on nutrition of children under 5 years...... 36 Figure 2.10: Exposure of rural households to rainfall irregularities: absolute (left) and standard deviations (right) from 20 year mean rainfall during the rainy season, June- September, at department level ...................... ..... ......... 38 Figure 2.11: Sources of household food consumption/expenditures................... 40 Figure 2.12: Households reporting fewer meals than usual consumed by households and children.................................................... 40 Figure 2.13: Households reporting fewer meals than usual consumed by households and children.................................................... 41 Figure 2.14: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households decreased daily rations. 42 Figure 2.15: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households resorted to consuming food "de p6nurie" ................................... .......... 42 Figure 2.16: Household reporting the sale of breeding animals to meet food needs in last 30 days....................................................... 42 Figure 2.17: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households consumed seeds due to food insecurity....................... .................. 43 Figure 2.18: Fraction of population receiving any transfer programs, 2007-2010. . ......... 44 Figure 2.19: Benefit incidence of subsidized cereal program, 2008 and 2010............. 45 Figure 3.1: Enrollment Rate for Children aged 7-13 by Consumption Quintile (Poorest to Richest) .................................................... 53 Figure 3.2: Enrollment by location and poverty status ................. ................ 54 Figure 3.3: Enrollment rate by gender, location and poverty status.................... 54 Figure 3.4: Opportunities in Education, Niger compared to neighbors, circa. 2006................ 61 Figure 3.5: Opportunities in Health, Niger compared to neighbors, circa. 2006..................... 63 Figure 3.6: Dissimilarity Index using one by one each circumstance (education) . ......... 64 Figure 3.7: Dissimilarity Index using one by one each circumstance (health) . ............. 64 iii Figure 4.1: Shares of Rain-Fed and Irrigated Production in the Agricultural sector (%) ......... 67 Figure 4.2: Distribution of Cultivated Land by Region (percent) ........... ................ 71 Figure 4.3: Average cultivated land by regions and departments (ha) ......................... 72 Figure 4.4: Per capita Cultivated Land (hectares) ....................... .......... 72 Figure 4.5: Land Size Farmed by Region ................................. ..... 73 Figure 4.6: Average Cultivated Land by Region and Gender (hectares)................. 73 Figure 4.7: Main Activity by Gender of Household Head (percent) ......... ........... 74 Figure 4.8: Cultivated land size by crops and gender (ha) ..................... ..... 76 Figure 4.9: Input Usage and Access through Market (%) .................. 77 Figure 4.10: Sources of Household Income (%) ......................... 80 Figure 4.11: Share of Agricultural Income by Departments and Poverty Status (%) ............... 81 Figure 4.12: Agricultural Participation and Poverty Incidence ................... 81 Figure 4.13: Output elasticities with respect to inputs....................... 85 Figure 4.14: Access through Market ........................................... 85 Figure 4.15: Distribution of farming efficiency.................................... 86 Figure 4.16: Efficiency by gender and education ................................. 88 Figure 4.17: Efficiency by gender and use of mechanization ................... 88 Figure 4.18: Efficiency and market distance .................................... 89 Figure 4.19: Efficiency and rainfall ............................................ 90 Figure 4.20: Sorghum yield and rainfall......................................... 90 Figure 4.21: Millet yield and rainfall........................................... 91 Figure 4.22: Relationship between farming efficiency and on-farm investments................... 91 Figure 4.23: Spending in agricultural sector ........................................ 93 Figure 4.24: Disbursement of projects funds by sectors (%) ......... ................ 94 Figure 4.25: Public agricultural R&D spending (Billion 2005 FCFA) ........... ........... 95 Figure 4.26: NAIP, CAADP and MDG1 Budgets (billions of FCFA) ........................... 96 Figure 4.27: Growth rates by scenarios. ........................................ 97 List of Tables Table 1.1: Distribution of employment and productivity, by sectors...................... 3 Table 1.2 : Survey coverage and date in the field ........................ ......... 4 Table 1.3: Comparison of Recall periods for some items in 2005 and 2007/08... ............ 5 Table 1.4: Poverty Indicators, 2005 and 2007/08 ..................................... 8 Table 1.5 : Poverty by Geographic Regions...................................... 10 Table 2.1: Reported household impacts of shocks ranked as most important (2007) ........... 35 Table 2.2 : Impact of shocks on per capita consumption, food expenditures, and millet consumption: regression coefficients for various self reported shocks................ 37 Table 2.3: Impact of rainfall shocks on per capita consumption (total, food, millet): regression results .................... . ...................... ........ 38 Table 2.4 : Price/rainfall elasticity of per capita household consumption: regression results .... 39 Table 2.5 : Movement In and Out of Poverty (% of population) ................. ..... 47 Table 2.6 : Characteristics of the Chronic Poor ..................... ............. 48 Table 3.1: Differences in nutritional status of children across regions. ....... ........... 57 Table 3.2: Human Opportunity index in education and health .................. ..... 60 Table 3.3: Decomposing total change in Human Opportunity Index.............. ..... 61 Table 4.1: Main exports by Value, 2001-2005 ............................ ...... 68 iv Table 4.2 : Comparison of Niger's yields of cereal production with Sahelian countries Average yields, in Kg/Hectare (2003-2007) ............................ ...... 68 Table 4.3 : Growth accounting of agricultural sector (%) ............... .......... 70 Table 4.4: Cultivated Land in Pure Stand by Regions and Crops (%) .......... ... ................ 71 Table 4.5 : Land Management by Gender (%) ....................... ...... 75 Table 4.6 : Main sources of agricultural inputs (%) .......................... 78 Table 4.7 : Main causes of production change.................................. 79 Table 4.8 : Use of External Funding by Farmers (%) ...................... 79 Table 4.9 : Average livestock income (millions, FCFA) ........................ ..... 82 Table 4.10: Average crop income (millions, FCFA) ................................. 82 Table 4.11: Estimation results........................ ................ 84 Table 4.12: Potential drivers of efficiency gap ................................... 86 Table 4.13: Government budget allocation (%) ....... ...................... 94 Table 4.14: Key agricultural investments (2001-2008) ........................ ..... 95 Table 4.15: Composition of Niger National Agricultural Investment Program ...... ....... 97 Table 4.16: Key simulation parameters........................................ 99 Table 4.17: Annual average TFP growth (%) ............................... 99 Table 4.18: Impact of irrigation expansion on growth rates (%) ........ ............ 100 v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This report was prepared by a core team consisting of Andrew Dabalen and Janet M. Owens (Co-TTLs), Nazmul Chaudhury, Roy Katayama, Prospere Backiny-Yetna, and John Ulimwengu (IFPRI, consultant). Siobhan Murray estimated local area rainfall and developed rainfall maps. Paula J. White provided excellent assistance with document preparation and editing often on very short notice. Salifou Noma delivered critical administrative and logistic support in Niamey. The report was prepared under the guidance of Marcelo Giugale (Sector Director, AFTPM) and Jan Walliser (Sector Manager, AFTP3). We are grateful to the following for very helpful suggestions and overall guidance: Ousmane Diagana (Country Director, AFCW2), Nestor Coffi (Country Manager, AFMNE), and Katrina Sharkey (Country Program Coordinator, AFCF1 and AFCF2). The Team benefited from comments provided by Harold Alderman (Peer Reviewer and Consultant, DECRG), Madhur Gautam (Peer Reviewer and Lead economist, SASDA), Robert Johann Utz (Senior country economist, Niger) and Jan Walliser (Sector Manager, AFTP4). We are grateful to the staff of the Institute of Statistics of Niger (INS) and the Ministry of Agriculture for sharing their survey and macro data sets which we used heavily in each of the chapters. We would also like to express our gratitude to the Cellule Crises Alimentaires (CCA), or the food security unit, which kindly shared the price data. Many thanks, too, to the meteorological department for the rainfall data and consultations on rainfall estimation, and to the Ministry of Hydraulics and the Environment, for providing commune-level map data. VI  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. Income per capita in Niger has not changed in nearly a decade. Looked at over the past 30 years, income per capita has in fact declined, so that in 2009, it stood at about 30 percent less than in 1980 (Figure 1). This has profound implications for the well-being of the population. This report examines poverty trends and distribution of the poor in this larger context, paying particular attention to the most recent past. The report contributes to our understanding of the progress made in combating poverty in three ways. First, it updates our knowledge of poverty outcomes by examining the trends in poverty and vulnerability, as well as the profile and distribution of the poor and vulnerable across the country. Second it looks at the most common shocks, and their scale and influence on the welfare of the population. Third, it highlights the progress the country has made in improving opportunities for acquiring human capital and increasing incomes in rural areas. In this respect the report examines changes in access to education and health and improvements in productivity and income in small holder agriculture. It also explores the potential impact of public investments in agriculture. On the basis of the findings, the report makes modest recommendations on how to improve welfare outcomes. Figure 1: GDP per capita: 1960-2009 1000 900 700 7 600 Soo 6 E400 300 200 100 0 Source: World Development Indicators 2. The report finds that, the biggest achievement in the last decade has been the substantive improvement in opportunities to acquire human capital. To be sure income poverty appears to have declined as evidenced by a decrease in the fraction of the poor below the poverty line by about 4 percentage points from 2005 to 2007. Furthermore this decline has been slightly faster in rural areas. Inequality, whether measured by the Gini index or consumption gap between the top and bottom deciles also declined. However, the most noticeable changes happened to be the expansion of vii opportunities in health and education. The human opportunity index (HOI) - which is a coverage ratio that takes into account the equity of access to basic services - for children's education and health, rose sharply between 1998 and 2006. A detailed probe into the reasons for these large changes reveals that both expansion of coverage to all groups (scale effects), while at the same time equalizing gaps in coverage between groups differentiated by wealth, location (urban/rural), regions, ethnicity and so on (equalization effects), played key roles (Figure 2). Figure 2: Decomposition of Total Change in HOI, 1998 - 2006 H Composition U Scale 8 Equalization 14 12 10 6 4 2 0 -2 -0) 0) ZF0 -o E)~ C- o E Opportunity Source: World Bank staff estimates from survey data 3. Niger has made considerable gains in increasing coverage of education and improving the health of children, but it can do more. Primary school attendance among rural children lags behind their urban peers. Coverage may be affected by both factors of demand (family-based economic considerations, social norms that promote early marriage among girls, and lack of belief in the efficacy of a basic education) and supply (school placement, school quality, gender- sensitive content and infrastructure considerations) which are especially sensitive in rural areas. Thus, to overcome urban- rural differences in educational achievement, parents, teachers, administrators, and policy makers should adopt strategies to promote changes in attitudes and incentives towards school attendance for girls and boys in rural areas. viii 4. Niger remains an environment characterized by high vulnerability to shocks and poverty. The shocks are frequent and often catastrophic. Droughts, which are remembered for the hunger they bring, are the most prominent. But just as common are the correlated price shocks. As an example, in the past couple of years, Niger has experienced a severe drought which brought food insecurity to 2.7 million people, a political crisis, floods and a global financial crisis which added to the hardships by shrinking demand for commodity exports which Niger depends on disproportionately for revenues. Even in areas, such as opportunities for children in education and health, where progress has been much higher, children's circumstances continue to matter a lot. In particular, opportunities remain very low and lag behind their neighbors. Human opportunity index for school attendance is barely higher than 50 percent and just about 60 percent for child nutrition. And the ratio for finishing primary school on time was a mere 3 percent in 2006. By comparison, HOI for school attendance and child nutrition in Ghana was 80 percent. 5. As a result, the economy, but especially the rural farm households, experience huge income volatility and welfare losses. In a period of four years, spanning 2004 and 2008, Niger's GDP has dipped to negative territory in one year and grown by 10 percent. And this pattern of positive growth for a few years, followed by (often large) negative growth, has been going on for a decade. Agriculture, which provides a livelihood for almost 80 percent of the population, is stuck in a low-productivity equilibrium, unable to sustain a few years of normal growth. With the exception of rice, yields of other staples (millet, sorghum and groundnuts) are at most half of the West African average. They are also lower than Sahel countries facing similar agricultural endowments and risks. For instance, yields of millet, the main staple, are twice as high in Burkina Faso and 63 percent higher in Mali. 6. The welfare costs of these shocks are large. First, there is the enormity of the uncertainty of livelihoods which is psychologically taxing. Then the shocks themselves create a cycle of busts and recoveries in most of rural incomes. The effects of the busts are potentially long lasting. As an example, households which receive rainfall that is 100 mm less than long term (20 years) departmental average would see consumption decline by 7 to 13 percent, which is not easy to recover in one year. Our estimates also show that a 10 percent reduction in rainfall could lead to a 10 percent reduction in the main staple - millet. Health shocks are estimated to lead to similar magnitudes of consumption loss. Besides immediate welfare losses, the risks and shocks also induce risk-averse behavior. They partly explain low levels of uptake of modern agricultural inputs, which in turn explains low agricultural productivity and consequently high levels ix of impoverishment. It is this risk environment and multiplicity of shocks that greases the wheels of the low productivity traps. 7. Furthermore, households coping strategies suggest weak resilience. Households use a long list of strategies to cope with the shocks. These range from reducing consumption to depleting assets. Most of the strategies are inadequate for covariate shocks and potentially harmful. They are inadequate because when a covariate shock strikes a household, mutual insurance will not be available, and there is a limit to how long a household can reduce consumption of its members. They are harmful because forgoing nutrition, health and depleting assets will undermine long term productivity, and potentially entrap these households and their children in poverty over a long time. Building a Resilient Society 8. Given the risk environment and levels of vulnerability, Niger needs to build resilience. There are two interconnected paths to achieving resilience. One is to improve incomes overall and the other is to have instruments to insure income volatility. Increase incomes by transforming agriculture 9. To improve overall incomes, Niger will have to focus on improving incomes in the sectors where most of the population earns its livelihood, which is primarily agriculture. Just improving agricultural productivity to reach the Sahelien average, would improve yields by 50 percent, which would be a huge boost to incomes and nutrition of the population. It is a well-known fact that Niger agriculture is characterized by minimal use of modern inputs, which in part explains its low yields. As we discussed, the risk levels that Nigerien farmers face explains, partially, the reluctance to adopt high-yielding but risky inputs. This calls for four policy considerations to improve agricultural incomes. 10. Expand irrigation infrastructure. Agricultural productivity in Niger is low in part because it is too dependent on low and erratic rainfall. Irrigation provides one solution to minimize such weather risk to production. At present irrigation is confined principally to areas around the Niger River. Irrigated crops include rice, onions and some high valued fruits and vegetables. However, there is potential for increasing the use of irrigation to boost agricultural productivity and food security. Past studies have shown that productivity increases from irrigated export and food crops are likely to generate the greatest gains in household welfare. The government is planning to invest heavily in irrigation, as indicated by the outlay on the multi-purpose Kandadji dam which is x purported to expand irrigated land by 30,000 hectares over the next 30 years But there is widespread consensus that even more areas could be brought under irrigation through expanding use of River Niger and what is believed to be substantial underground water resources. 11. Provide insurance for agricultural production, especially weather insurance. Within the context of Niger's risk environment, it is understandable that farmers may be reluctant to adopt modern inputs because they face huge losses in the event of failure. To overcome this hurdle the farmers need insurance. A few experiments being tried in other parts of the world hold promise for Niger. One suggestion would be to offer farmers weather-indexed income insurance - paid through a small premium - which is paid out in the event of a severe drought. Since the payout will be conditioned on an exogenous event, the transaction costs will be lower as are the agency problems on the part of the farmer. Rather than insure individuals, another consideration would be to try community insurance, where payments will be to a community in the event that a major shock (again indexed to an exogenous event) wipes out the harvest for that community. Another idea would be to offer insurance for modern seed purchases as is being tried in Kenya. In this case, the farmers pay a small premium on seed purchases at the time they buy the seed, which automatically enrolls them in an insurance scheme. In the event of harvest failure, they receive a cash payout to buy more seeds for the next planting season. In all cases, the programs can be transacted through mobile phones, which can be a huge advantage in a country like Niger, where populations may be geographically dispersed. 12. Re-invent gender-sensitive extension services through mobile technologies with complementary investments in agricultural research. Extension services have long been used to promote adoption of new technologies to boost agricultural productivity. The traditional system relies on face to face interaction, but because of a host of problems - underfunding, understaffing, low skills and low motivation of staff - it has not proven effective in many contexts. However, the opportunity exists now to use the new technologies to reach many more farmers at once and in a timely manner, accounting for differences in literacy competencies. Given the high penetration of mobile phones, there is a possibility to use this medium to deliver useful information to the farmers at the time they need it In this regard, a highly functioning agricultural extension service that promotes state-of the art practices stands as a necessary complement to cell phone technologies that can be used to disseminate concise information quickly. Certainly, extension and agricultural research activities will need to be coordinated to improve the management of farm level production - that is improve technical efficiency - among rural producers and reduce the gaps between actual and xi potential efficiency. As the effort to restructure currently ineffective extension service continues, it would be necessary to ensure that services respond to needs of producers in a gender-sensitive manner accounting for differences in crops farmed and production technologies utilized. 13. Finally, improve efficiency of output and input markets. Input usage continues to vary widely across regions, but there are signs of growing competence of institutions for input distribution, including the seed certification and legislation agency, seed producer farmers and community managed input stores. Yet, much still remains to be done to improve the efficiency of these critical markets. For instance, fertilizer usage depends on several factors including having physical access on a timely basis and cash or credit to finance purchases. Moreover, the capacity to access markets may be differentiated by gender. Therefore, the timing of fertilizer usage may be especially critical in high value crop production technologies. The improvement of information flows is especially needed for grain markets which are crucial for the food security needs of Nigerien households. As in extension, there are opportunities to use mobile technologies to improve information and efficiencies in the grain markets. Two such opportunities include: * Sub-national weather and price monitoring. The government currently monitors rainfall data through a series of stations through standard methods. The stations have expanded over time and there appears to be better data collection. Similarly, prices of main staples from multiple (mostly urban) markets are monitored. But rainfall and price data exhibit strong correlation and huge variability. Therefore, it is important to expand the number of stations and markets from which this information is collected. This could be done relatively easily now using mobile technology. There is no obstacle to obtaining this information on a regular basis from many more villages than are currently covered. * Sub-regional grain price monitoring. Niger's grain supplies and prices are highly correlated with the status of markets in the neighboring countries, especially those in Northern Nigeria. In one study, price changes in Benin and northern Nigeria was found to influence price changes in 75 percent of the markets in Niger (Aker, 2008). Therefore, a monitoring system that is focused only on the Nigerien markets will not be able to predict changes in the food market very well. But such regional market monitoring may be easier to do now than in the past. It can be done through gathering prices from a group of inter-connected regionally influential grain merchants or government-to- xii government agencies sharing information. While some of this activity currently exists it could be scaled up on a more formal basis. Reduce vulnerability through a robust safety net system 14. In addition to increasing incomes Niger needs to improve its resilience to shocks by building an effective safety net system. Ideally, a good safety net system will provide income support to the extremely poor during normal and bad times, but also scale up to cover, only temporarily, those affected by large and covariate shocks. At present there exist several safety net programs ranging from cash transfers to school feeding. Most are designed to respond to emergency assistance, and while they may provide relief in such difficult times, their impact on reducing chronic food insecurity remains limited. Therefore, an effective safety net system is needed to provide real security on a permanent basis. 15. But this will require knowing the poor and the vulnerable in ways that are far better than currently exists. As noted above a monitoring system to obtain better price and weather information will help provide a better early warning system regarding the localities that are badly affected by a severe shock. However, this in itself would not be enough. To respond more quickly and protect the population, it is important that Niger collect better information about who the poor are. As this report has shown, it has not been easy to determine the size of the poor and the progress made because the surveys that underpin such an exercise have been conducted too infrequently and inconsistently. Similarly, the safety net programs are not well-targeted, in some cases even regressive, in part because the programs have limited knowledge of the truly poor people. Therefore, it would be helpful to put in place a system that better identifies the poor through (a) a modern register of the safety net eligible recipients and (b) a better monitoring and evaluation of the programs' impacts. 16. The government is putting together the building blocks of such a system, which includes a mix of cash transfers and programs conditioned on work - e.g. cash for work - and which can be scaled up during emergency situations. The planned safety net program is expected to contain many innovations, such as building a modern management information system and targeting and payment systems. A key proposal in implementing effective payment systems is the possible use of mobile technologies to transfer the benefits to beneficiaries. Proper execution of the planned safety net program holds enormous potential for reducing chronic food insecurity, building the assets of poor and strengthening resilience of the population. xiii Strengthen the foundation of poverty monitoring through integrated and timely surveys 17. Increasing prosperity and resiliency would entail substantial investments and trade-offs in spending. Therefore, it is essential to be transparent about the real impact of the choices made. In particular, monitoring of interventions should provide the basis for assessing their geographic impact and measuring overall performance. This is especially important for Niger which operates in a resource-constrained environment where most investments are financed through external assistance. Past evidence suggests that resources allocated at national level don't always reach local level service providers. 18. As this report has pointed out, it has been difficult to assess the poverty impacts of past investments because the available survey data has been both insufficient and inconsistent. In the past 6 years, there has been several surveys - a core welfare survey, a household budget survey, and 4 food security and vulnerability surveys, to mention a few. Still, even with all these surveys, there are several problems with the data available. First, comparable surveys, meaning surveys conducted in the same way over time, are rare. This means that surveys that would allow us to learn about the real impact of development interventions are infrequent. Second, many of the surveys are not comprehensive enough and miss crucial information that would help us understand the reach and performance of many government programs. For instance, not all surveys collect information on safety net programs, or key agricultural investment programs. This information could provide basic knowledge on the depth of coverage of key programs and whether project resources are reaching beneficiaries. 19. Yet, to learn how these programs affect the lives of intended beneficiaries, it is absolutely essential to collect frequent and timely information that is accurate, consistent and comprehensive. The Living Standard Measurement Survey - Integrated Survey in Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) provides the foundation for such a system. First it is integrated and comprehensive, meaning that it is designed to collect information from multiple sectors with one instrument. For example, as the title suggests, it will provide detailed information about agricultural investment and production at the household level, and sometimes try to account for intra-household actions. Second, it will be conducted in a consistent and comparable manner over time. Third, it is designed as a panel that is repeated every three years, so it will improve the frequency of comparable data available. Furthermore, once it is accepted as a core of the household survey program, it provides opportunities for innovation such as selecting a few households in the survey to "listen to" - i.e. collect very timely (possibly monthly) and relevant xiv information - using mobile phones. However, at present the survey relies on donor support, so sustainability is an issue. We view the LSMS-ISA as a key tool for identifying and knowing the poor and thereby enabling the effectiveness of the planned safety net system, to monitor vulnerability across Niger, and more generally to monitor and evaluate the development impact of investments. Therefore, we strongly recommend that the Government of Niger ensure its sustainability by taking responsibility for its future financing. xv  Chapter 1: Poverty Trends And Profile 1.1 This assessment of poverty and inequality comes at an important juncture for Niger. After 10 years of relative stability, the country experienced a political crisis in 2009 when its then incumbent president, Mamadou Tandja, refused to abide by term limits established in the constitution and relinquish power after two 5-year terms in office. The crisis led in early 2010 to a military coup d'etat. The military government proceeded by empowering technocrats to make institutional reforms and indicated that it would re-instate democratic processes by establishing presidential and parliamentary elections within a one-year time period. This transition was concluded in February 2011, when a new president was elected after a second round vote. In contrast to the Tandja regime, the military government began its rule with open dialogue, including acknowledging that the country was confronting a severe food deficit after unusually low rainfall in 2009 undermined crop and forage production, and therefore reduced the incomes of both crop and livestock producers. A. Economic Performance 1.2 Prior to the political crises, the Tandja regime had been credited with fostering economic growth and improving poverty reduction by ramping up foreign investment in the mining and oil sectors and targeting government resources to improving access to and the provision of quality public services. Despite relative political stability and increased investment, household prosperity improved little over the last decade. The graph below (Figure 1.1) indicates that GDP per capita grew only slightly more than 11 percent over the period or an average annual growth rate of a little more than 1.2 percent. During the same period, economic growth was highly variable and the fluctuation has been detrimental for overall wealth accumulation. Figure 1.1: GDP Growth and changes in GDP per capita, 2000-2008 G C AG D a n r P p n o I U W t a t E a IMb= GDP Growth (Annual %) --GDP per capita (constant 2000 US$) Source: World Development Indicators (WDI) -1- 1.3 Figure 1.2 below presents the major sectoral components of Niger's economy for 2000-2007. Clearly, the agricultural sector dominates the economy: it accounts for over 40 percent of GDP and its relative share has remained unchanged over the period. However, agricultural sector growth has fluctuated widely and these fluctuations correspond strongly to GDP per capita trends presented above. Figure 1.2 GDP Composition and Primary Sector Growth, 2001-2007 1.4 The dominant role of agriculture in GDP is also evident from the vast majority of the Nigerien labor force employed in it. Table 1.1, below shows the distribution of employment by sector and their productivity contribution. The employment structure is based on annual household survey data but it is likely to be representative of historical trends. Sectoral composition has not changed over time, nor has the share of rural population. Based on household survey estimates (ENBC-2007/08), over 80 percent of working-age adults are employed in agriculture, yet this sector has the lowest level of productivity in the economy. Thus, most of the Niger labor force remains trapped in the least productive sector of the economy. However, to make progress on poverty reduction the sector must become more productive given the close relationship between employment and agriculture. Enhanced productivity requires improvements in the level of technical and managerial skills used in the sector and an orientation towards high value crop production. Investments made in the agricultural sector are likely to have pro-poor growth impacts since the sector accounts for the largest share of employment. 1.5 By comparison, the mining sector is the most productive but it employs only a fraction of the population - less than one percent. The anticipated mining boom which stems from expected price increases in extractive commodity prices and increased extraction of those commodities in Niger will generate significant government revenues. If properly captured within the national budget and managed with transparent processes, the revenue could be used to ramp up the quality and quantity of public services and improve development. Thus the second round effects associated with the -2- increased returns to the mining sector could have positive investment effects in the public sector but they won't necessarily have pro-poor employment effects. Table 1.1: Distribution of employment and productivity, by sectors % GDP Growth % % Relative 2000-2007 employment non-ag productivity (ag + non-ag) employment 1 Agriculture 46.1 7.9 83.2 -- 0.6 Mining 4.5 -1.0 0.2 0.8 19.3 Industry excl construction 6.1 -0.9 1.4 5.0 4.4 Manufacturing 4.8 -0.2 1.1 4.0 4.3 Utilities 1.3 -3.1 0.3 1.0 4.6 Construction 2.3 7.8 2.0 7.3 1.1 Trade, transport, and other 31.8 4.1 9.9 35.4 3.2 services Trade 17.2 3.8 1.7 6.1 10.1 Transports 5.4 6.8 1.7 6.0 3.2 Other services 9.2 3.4 6.5 23.1 1.4 Government 9.2 5.9 3.2 11.4 2.9 Source: Skills Development, World Bank 1 Relative productivity is obtained by dividing each sector's output share with the employment share. 1.6 The observed changes in GDP per capita growth and sectoral composition of GDP growth have strong implications for poverty outcomes during the last 5 years. In particular, weak and variable performance in the agriculture sector over the past several years - especially in 2002, 2004, and 2009 is likely to have had a negative impact on agricultural incomes. Droughts in these years combined with significant food price increases, provoked subsequent food crises and dramatic spikes in child malnutrition and other health indicators. Therefore, we would expect that overall changes in poverty, at best, would have been minimal. However, as we explain below, measurement of poverty performance over time in Niger is imprecise because of lack of comparable data. B. Poverty Trends and comparisons 1.7 Between 2005 and 2010, Niger's National Institute of Statistics (INS, French acronym) and supporting partners have collected a lot of data using multiple household surveys. In 2005 INS conducted a household survey using a relatively short questionnaire (QUIBB) over a 3-month period, which was used to produce poverty and other welfare estimates for the Niger PRSP. Then in 2007/08, INS fielded a multi- module budget and consumption questionnaire (ENBC, French acronym). At around the same time, together with World Food Program (WFP), annual vulnerability surveys (ECVAM, French acronym) were conducted starting in 2006. 1.8 All these surveys were conducted to help us understand the living conditions of households, the shocks they dealt with, their use of social services (e.g. education, health, water and so on), and their sources of income. Taken individually, there is much -3- we can learn on these topics from each of the surveys. However, to understand a country's progress on multiple dimensions of living standards, we would often be interested in changes over time. Unfortunately, the numerous surveys in Niger, all done within the last five years (2005-2010), do not allow easy tracking of the evolution of living standards. There are several reasons for lack of comparability. 1.9 Seasonality in consumption: The ENBC covered 12 months of data collection to minimize the impact of welfare changes arising from seasonal variation in consumption. By contrast, the QUIBB was conducted for 3 months in 2005. To complicate matters, the ECVAM surveys were conducted at different times as well (see Table 1.2). Therefore, to the extent that seasonal patterns of consumption matter in Niger, as we believe they do, comparability of all these surveys will be undermined. Table 1.2: Survey coverage and date in the field Survey Begins Ends Coverage QUIBB 2005 April 2005 July 2005 national ECVAM 2006 Nov 2006 Dec 2006 national ECVAM 2007 Dec 2007 Jan 2008 excludes rural Agadez ENBC 2007 April 2007 March 2008 excludes rural Agadez ECVAM 2008 Nov 2008 Dec 2008 excludes rural Agadez "Rural" ECVAM 2010 April 2010 April 2010 excludes Agadez "Urban" ECVAM 2010 April 2010 April 2010 regional capitals 1.10 Diary versus prospective recall: Additional problems with comparability arise from how households were asked to remember their consumption patterns. In the ENBC, a daily recording for a period of 7 days, of key common consumption items such as food was used. The enumerators involved in the collection weighed all food items and measured the volume of all containers used to conduct transactions of foodstuffs. The diary is considered the most reliable and accurate method; it is also the most costly. The QUIBB, on the other hand, utilized multiple prospective recall periods to collect foodstuffs. Enumerators asked respondents to make average monthly calculations based on whether the respondent had reported consuming the mentioned item any time during the last 12 months. Prospective recall method was also the method of choice for collecting household consumption for the ECVAM surveys. Past survey research has indicated that the length of recall will affect responses. Higher reported expenditures on food correlate positively with shorter recall periods. Longer recall periods are likely to result in under-reported consumption-especially for small, frequent purchases. Reports on durable goods expenditures are also likely to vary with length of recall. Table 1.3, presented below compares length of recall for all commodities between the QUIBB and the ENBC. 1.11 Expansion of the list of consumption goods: A third source of potential non- comparability is the expansion of some food items in the ENBC. As a result, the choice of goods represented in the consumption basket is more detailed compared with the QUIBB basket. For example, the list of food items to report consumption is about 80 for -4- the QUIBB and 250 for the ENBC. In the ECVAM surveys, the list is shorter than both QUIBB and ENBC. All else being equal, we assume that the longer list will correlate positively with reported food expenditures, and thus negatively with the estimates of poverty. Similar differences exist among non-food items as well. We expect that changes in the share of food to overall expenditures across the two survey periods, from more than 67 percent in 2005 to less than 54 percent in 2007-08, may have resulted from an artifact of the questionnaire design. The dramatic decrease in the share of foodstuffs relative to durables is likely to lead to a decrease in the estimated poverty rate. Table 1.3: Comparison of Recall periods for some items in 2005 and 2007/08 Recall period Technique of data collection 2005 2007/08 2005 2007/08 Common recall items Housing renting 30 days 1 month Actual expenses Actual expenses Electricity 30 days 1 month Actual expenses Actual expenses Water 30 days 1 month Actual expenses Actual expenses Education Current school year Last 12 months Actual expenses Actual expenses Non common recall items Food, alcohol, tobacco 30 days 7 days diary Monthly average Actual expenses and number of month of consumption Clothes 6 months 12 months Actual expenses Actual expenses Health, consultation, drugs 30 days 6 months Actual expenses Actual expenses Health, hospitalization 30 days 12 months Actual expenses Actual expenses Transportation (rural 30 days 1 month, 3 Monthly average Actual expenses transportation, minor repairs, months or 6 and number of etc.) months month of consumption Transportation (urban 12 months 1 month, 3 Actual expenses Actual expenses transportation, other repairs) months or 6 months Transportation (oversee) 12 months 6 months Actual expenses Actual expenses Restaurant 30 days 3 months Monthly average Actual expenses and number of months of consumption Source: Author's compilation using 2005 and 2007/08 questionnaires 1.12 Finally, INS modified the ENBC data to improve comparability across 2005 and 2007/08. The modifications included additional corrections of outlier observations in three regions, beyond the usual adjustments for outliers that were done for all regions. It is not clear that such selective editing, beyond what is standard practice, does not itself introduce considerable errors. C. Minimizing Comparability Problems 1.13 We suspect that the multiple ways in which the survey differences arise could introduce non-trivial errors in the estimation of poverty indicators across time. Without making adjustments for these changes, one is likely to estimate incorrect -5- trends and changes in poverty rates. Therefore, below we discuss some steps we take to minimize the impact of these differences. We first describe how we reconcile the differences between QUIBB and ENBC, and then explain how we use the ECVAM in informing our knowledge of poverty trends. 1.14 First, we create a common consumption basket between the QUIBB and ENBC to minimize the impact of consumer basket differences on respondent recall and thus reported consumption. Effectively, we exclude the consumption goods or services that were not common in all years. After the adjustment, consumption stays relatively similar. 1.15 Second, we re-weight the QUIBB data relative to the base year data (ENBC) to minimize the impact of differences in recall periods across the two surveys and their effect on reported consumption. We use a method proposed by Tarozzi (2007). The method relies on a reweighting of the consumption aggregate in all years relative to a base year. The weights are obtained from a procedure that relies on using parts of the consumption aggregate for which the recall period has not changed over time together with household characteristics that have been collected the same way across years. These observable household characteristics and the set of expenditure items with identical recall periods over time are used to generate propensity scores, or the conditional probabilities that an observation belongs to a particular survey. Using the propensity scores we then construct inverse probability weights to correct the original welfare indicator of the target survey (QUIBB) and to generate a comparable poverty trend. 1.16 As part of the reweighting procedure we must identify one of the surveys as the auxiliary, or base survey, the one which is assumed to generate more precise information for generating the consumption aggregate, and the other survey as the target survey. Between the QUIBB and the ENBC surveys, the ENBC is better suited to measure consumption, and thus measure poverty, although it also has some drawbacks. Moreover in the future, poverty monitoring is more likely to be based on the design of survey methodologies more closely resembling the ENBC. Thus, we maintain the ENBC as the base survey and the QUIBB as the target. 1.17 We estimate the propensity score using a probit model, and we include the following explanatory variables that are common to both surveys: household composition (the number of household members by age and gender, and their squared values), the education of the head, the characteristics of the dwelling, the possession of some durable goods and the per capita expenditure of goods collected with the same recall periods. The inverse probability weight derived from this model is used to adjust the welfare indicator. Figure 1.3 is a plot of kernel densities which shows how the distribution of welfare compares across survey periods, before and after the adjustments are made. -6- Figure 1.3: Distribution of Welfare and Adjusted Welfare, 2005 and 2007/08 Distribution of welfare - National 08 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Logaritin of per capita expenditure -4-2005oRiginal --+2005 conunon 2005comnon_e -#-2007original ---2007conuon Source: Author's calculation using 2005 and 2007/08 surveys 1.18 Third, we also address the issue of data editing targeting three regions by reverting to using the ENBC data files that treated the outliers in the same way in all regions and did not do any additional treatment of outliers for three regions. This would lead to a revision of the poverty line from 144, 750 F CFA to 156,172 F CFA per capita per year 2005 and from 150,933 F CFA to 162,842 F CFA in 2007/08, using a caloric intake of 2100 Kcal per day per person (Backiny et al., 2008). The lower poverty lines are those obtained with heavily edited data, while the higher poverty lines are obtained with unedited data. The welfare measure we use is consumption, which INS (2006, 2008) constructed using food and non-food spending, consumption from own production and the shadow value of rent attributed to houses in which the occupants are the owners of their residence and, thus, do not pay rent. We use consumption per capita in all years to be consistent with the practice started by INS in 2005. Welfare Gains 1.19 In Table 1.4 below, we present poverty estimates for 2005 and 2008. We include the INS estimates (before adjustments) and our own (after adjustments). Our estimates confirm the downward trend in poverty that INS reported (2008). Poverty decreased from 64.4 percent in 2005 to 60.8 percent in 2007/08-a decrease of 3.6 percentage points. We estimate a slightly larger reduction in poverty than the 2.7 percentage point difference of INS. Our estimates diverge further from INS at disaggregated urban and rural levels. We find that poverty decreased by 2.8 and 4.1 percentage points in urban and rural areas, respectively. In contrast, INS attributes the greatest decrease in poverty incidence of 7.5 percentage points to urban areas and only a 2 point reduction to rural areas. Our rural-urban estimates would seem to be more realistic when accounting for the fact that the QUIBB was conducted after widespread post-harvest losses resulting from drought of 2005. Thus, we would expect to find the greatest gains made after the 2005 drought in rural areas. -7- 1.20 The gains made between 2005 and 2007/08 are further corroborated by the declines estimated among other poverty indicators. Both the national poverty gap and squared poverty gap have fallen sharply, which means that the depth of poverty has decreased and that average income among the poor has grown closer to the poverty line and that the poorest are better-off. However, while we note here that gains were made, we caution that the large changes between these two years are still sensitive to differences in survey design methodologies. In particular, the ENBC survey collected many more food items, which is one of the differences that can't be perfectly resolved. Table 1.4: Poverty Indicators, 2005 and 2007/08 2005 2007/08 Poverty Poverty Squared Share Share Poverty Poverty Squared Share Share head gap poverty of ofthe head gap poverty of ofthe count gap population poor count gap population poor New estimates All 64.4 28.9 16.3 100.0 100.0 60.8 20.8 9.2 100.0 100.0 Urban 44.2 18.4 10.0 17.0 11.7 41.4 12.6 5.6 16.0 10.9 Rural 68.6 31.0 17.6 83.0 88.3 64.5 22.3 9.9 84.0 89.1 Former estimates All 62.2 24.3 12.4 100.0 100.0 59.5 19.6 8.4 100.0 100.0 Urban 44.1 15.3 7.3 17.0 12.1 36.7 11.3 4.9 16.0 9.9 Rural 65.9 26.1 13.4 83.0 87.9 63.9 21.2 9.1 84.0 90.1 Source: Author's calculation using 2005 and 2007/08 surveys 1.21 We view the poverty trends with another caveat. Although the incidence of poverty is estimated to have decreased in 2007/08 the absolute numbers of the poor have not changed. Accounting for population growth, we estimate that there were 8.159 million poor in 2007/08 compared to 8.142 million in 2005. Thus, the rapid increase in population growth essentially cancels out gains made in poverty reduction: the number of poor has not declined in Niger. Second, we use dominance curves normalized by the poverty line to compare the two distributions of per capital expenditure. Figure 1.4 indicates that these two distributions cross and there is no strict dominance. Thus, at 1, per capita expenditure is equal to the poverty line. In fact, by increasing the poverty line by only 15 percent, the poverty rate would have increased in 2007/08 relative to 2005. -8- Figure 1.4: Dominance curve in 2005-2007/08 Dominance curve 2005 - 2007 / 08 - National O - O-5 1 1.-52 Normalized per capita expenditure - Year 2005 - Year_2007 Source: Author's calculation using 2005 and 2007/08 surveys 1.22 So far we have presented the evolution of poverty between 2005 and 2007 from survey data collected through the QUIBB and ENBC surveys. But as we stated above, Niger has conducted additional surveys (ECVAM) between 2007 and 2010, and a natural question would be whether we could learn of any changes to poverty since 2007. Unfortunately, establishing comparability between ECVAM and the two prior surveys is even more difficult. Therefore, we make no attempt to arrive at comparability between ECVAM and the QUIBB and ENBC surveys. However, we can still use the ECVAM surveys to say how poverty may have evolved since 2007. The first step is to make ECVAM series as comparable as possible over time. As is evident from Table 1.2, comparability of the ECVAM series itself is questionable due to differences in questionnaire design, sampling, and seasonality. In particular, the 2006 data is clearly not comparable to the rest, so we do not use it in any of the analyses. Moreover, the 2010 data is probably different from the 2007 and 2008 surveys because it was conducted at a month that was too close to the "lean" season. So one effort was to make sure that the consumption baskets were common and rural and urban areas are defined uniformly across surveys. The second step is to obtain a trend building on the QUIBB and ENBC. To do so, we take as a given that the more credible data was collected from the ENBC in 2007 for a number of reasons. First, the consumption modules were more complete. Second, the survey was done throughout the year, so problems of seasonality do not arise. Third, 2007 (unlike 2005) was a normal year, as defined by average rainfall and by consequence, grain harvest. Therefore, we assume that the poverty rates estimated in 2007 using ENBC are more likely to be closer to the true living conditions in 2007. 1.23 To obtain the trends since 2007 using ECVAM surveys, we first calibrated the poverty rates using the ECVAM 2007 data to be exactly the same as the rate obtained using ENBC 2007. We then use the implied poverty line in ECVAM 2007, adjusted for inflation, to obtain poverty rates in 2008 and 2010. We use this simple back of the envelope method to focus solely on trends in poverty since 2007. Table 1.5 shows the poverty outcomes using this simple procedure. Three observations are worth noting. First, ECVAM surveys appear to have oversampled the poor areas in some regions. This -9- would seem to be the case for Niamey for instance, and possibly Agadez. Therefore, it is important not to read too much into the poverty ratios for these regions. Furthermore, remember that our main interest in introducing the ECVAM survey data is not to establish the accuracy of the poverty ratios, but to gauge the pattern of change in poverty, assuming a starting level of poverty in 2007. With this in mind, the second, observation is that poverty appears to have declined in 2008 and then rose in 2010. The decline in 2008 could be explained by the exceptionally good grain harvest in 2008, which was 25 percent higher than the average in the past 20 years. The 2008 is second only to the 2010 harvest, which stands so far as the best in the last 20 years, and 41 percent higher than the average in the last 5 years (Reuters, Jan 4, 2011). Similarly, the rise in 2010 could be explained by the very severe drought of 2009, which affected half the population. Finally, while the decrease in poverty was widespread in 2008, the rise in poverty thereafter was far worse in rural areas than in urban areas. Urban poverty rose but not to the rates in 2007, while rural poverty rose to a rate that is higher than the 2007 ratio. For the rest of the chapter we focus on the data from QUIBB and ENBC. Table 1.5 : Poverty by Geographic Regions Poverty Headcount Distribution of the Distribution of Rate Poor Population 2007 2008 2010 2007 2008 2010 2007 2008 2010 Area of residence Urban 43.5 31.1 38.9 11.4 7.4 8.4 15.9 11.8 13.6 Rural 64.1 52.3 66.4 88.6 92.6 91.6 84.1 88.2 86.4 Region Agadez 51.6 26.1 35.2 0.7 0.9 0.7 0.8 1.8 1.2 Diffa 46.6 41.7 51.5 2.6 2.8 2.6 3.4 3.4 3.2 Dosso 67.1 57.7 56.2 16.4 17.0 12.4 14.9 14.7 13.8 Maradi 63.6 52.5 78.1 23.1 23.1 25.4 22.1 21.9 20.4 Tahoua 51.8 46.3 64.8 16.5 17.9 19.2 19.3 19.3 18.5 Tillab6ry 73.7 60.4 72.0 23.3 22.2 19.8 19.2 18.3 17.2 Zinder 52.0 38.6 51.0 17.3 15.9 16.5 20.2 20.5 20.2 Niamey 71.4 36.4 40.1 0.2 0.1 3.5 0.2 0.2 5.5 Total 60.8 49.8 62.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Source: World Bank staff estimates using ECVAM survey data D. Poverty, Growth, and Inequality 1.24 Poverty trends are dependent upon the rate of economic growth and the manner in which the growth is distributed between groups in the population, e.g. between the non-poor and the poor. In Niger, we would expect that economic growth resulting from increased returns to the agricultural sector would disproportionately benefit the poor because that is where the majority seek their livelihoods. Gains in agriculture may result from pro-agricultural policies, including increased agricultural -10- investment, favorable climatic conditions, and changes in returns to factors of production. 1.25 Both the poverty measures and the dominance curves presented above suggest that economic growth which occurred between 2005 and 2007/08 also reduced inequality. The dominance curves show that the largest change in per capita consumption occurred below the poverty line. Above the poverty line there is little to no change in per capita consumption. This visual inspection is reinforced by the changes in the poverty gap and squared poverty gap measures presented in Table 1.4 above. The poverty gap index which indicates the mean income shortfall required to reach the poverty line may reflect better average changes in living standards among the poor. In 2007/08 the poverty gap decreased by a little over 8 percentage points. The squared poverty gap which measures the level of inequality among the poor also dropped precipitously. It decreased by 7 percentage points over the period. 1.26 In Table 1.6, we examine how per capita expenditure is distributed across income deciles in 2005 and 2007/08. According to the two surveys, mean per capita expenditure has decreased by 2.2 percent between 2005 and 2007/08; but at the median, there is a huge increase of nearly 14 percent of per capita expenditure. The decrease in average per capita expenditures in 2007/08 suggests that the country has grown poorer, but the distribution of consumption shows that the changes have benefited the poor groups. For example, in 2005 the poorest 30 percent of the population shared 9.3 percent of the total household consumption and the wealthiest 30 percent shared 63.3 percent; in 2007/08 the poorest 30 percent of the population's share of consumption increased to 13.7 percent and the wealthiest 30 percent share of consumption decreased to 54.8 percent. Table 1.6 : Distribution of Per Capita Expenditure, 2005 and 2007/08 Per capita expenditure Share of expenditure by decile Mean Median 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2005 175530 117573 1.9 3.2 4.2 5.1 6.1 7.4 9.0 11.1 14.9 37.1 2007/08 171713 133825 3.4 4.8 5.5 6.5 7.3 8.5 9.7 11.5 14.9 28.4 Source: World Bank staff estimates using 2005 and 2007/08 surveys 1.27 We decompose the changes in poverty between 2005 and 2007/08 to identify the shares we can attribute to economic growth holding inequality constant and to income redistribution holding economic growth constant (Datt & Ravallion, 1991). Table 1.7 decomposes poverty into growth and redistribution effects for national, urban and rural areas and for each poverty measure. At the national level, both growth and redistribution have contributed to the reduction of poverty, but the contribution from redistribution seems more important. For example, of the 3.7 percentage point decrease in the poverty headcount, only one percentage point is due to growth. Economic growth has climbed slowly during the period, and thus most of the reduction in poverty can be attributed to the redistribution effect. -11- 1.28 The results of the decomposition patterns differ for urban and rural areas. According to the two household surveys, growth has been negative in urban areas and it could have led to an increase in poverty; but the changes in inequality which benefited the poor disproportionately have offset the growth effect, resulting in net poverty reduction. In contrast, both growth and redistribution effects move in the same direction in rural areas, but growth dominates the redistribution effect in poverty reduction. Overall, the redistribution effect has had the greatest impact on reducing the severity of poverty in all areas. -12- Table 1.7: Poverty Decomposition, 2005 and 2007/08 2005 2007/08 Total Growth Distribution Residual variation Effect effect Effect National Poverty headcount 64.487 60.761 -3.726 -1.080 -2.646 0 Poverty gap 28.835 20.778 -8.057 -0.751 -7.307 0 Squared poverty gap 16.286 9.243 -7.043 -0.479 -6.564 0 Urban Poverty headcount 44.16 41.352 -2.808 4.008 -6.815 0 Poverty gap 18.415 12.643 -5.772 1.645 -7.417 0 Squared poverty gap 10.001 5.568 -4.433 0.944 -5.377 0 Rural Poverty headcount 68.579 64.47 -4.109 -3.271 -0.838 0 Poverty gap 30.933 22.333 -8.600 -2.200 -6.400 0 Squared poverty gap 17.552 9.945 -7.606 -1.428 -6.178 0 Source: Author's calculation using 2005 and 2007/08 surveys 1.29 Both our estimates and the estimates obtained by INS suggest that poverty has declined, but the size and the spatial distribution of the changes differ. According to our estimates, poverty has dropped from 64.4 percent in 2005 to 60.8 percent in 2007/08, or by 3.6 percentage points. This is more than the previous estimated decrease of 2.7 percentage points made by INS. If at the national level the estimated changes are close, the story is different at the urban/rural levels. Our estimates imply that poverty has dropped from 2.8 percentage points in urban areas and 4.1 percentage points in rural areas. By comparison, INS estimated a 7.5 percentage point drop in urban areas and only a 2 percentage point in rural areas. The fall in the headcount ratio is confirmed by the decline of the other poverty indicators. At the national level for example, the poverty gap and the squared poverty gap seem to fall sharply, which means that the income of the poor, on average, has grown closer to the poverty line and that inequality among the poor has declined, and both results confirm that the poor are better-off. 1.30 Overall, agro-ecological conditions during the 2005-2007/08 survey periods offer important insights on the pattern of growth and resulting trends in poverty reduction. The 2005 QUIBB data were collected from April -mid July 2005. The source of income generating consumption for most rural households would correspond to the preceding agricultural rainy season, June-September, 2004. During this period, Niger experienced a severe drought which caused large shortfalls in domestic grain production and spikes in the purchase price of grains in domestic markets. Thus, rural producer purchasing power would have been dramatically affected by both a negative income shock and a positive retail price shock. Since consumption of grains represents approximately 70 percent of the rural diet, there would have been limited prospects for substitution to other commodities. Thus, we would expect to find a large decline in consumption measured during this post-harvest period. In particular, the months of May to August which precede the normal harvest season are considered the most lean-even following normal production years -- since this is when harvest stocks from the preceding production year for the majority of rural producers have been depleted. -13- 1.31 Following the severe drought experienced in 2004, rainfall increased during the subsequent agricultural rainy season and production returned to normal patterns. The 2005-2006 harvest was considered satisfactory and agricultural production increased 20.2 percent relative to 2004. This sector achieved strong growth rates of 11.6 percent and 7.7 percent, respectively, in 2005 and 2006. During the corresponding period of ENBC data collection, rural consumption expenditures would have depended largely on the proceeds from the 2007 rainy season harvest. Agricultural growth in 2007 fell to only one percent. Although performance was weak it was not affected by drought. Agricultural growth is likely to have produced upstream and downstream effects in off- farm production activities. Thus, agricultural growth could positively affect growth in urban areas, but the largest impact will occur in rural areas where most of the poor live. Table 1.8 : Inequality indicators, 2005 and 2007/08 2005 2007/08 p90/plO Gini Atkinson 1 p90/plo Gini Atkinson 1 National 7.2 48.0 33.0 4.5 36.6 19.7 Urban 10.4 53.4 39.9 6.3 42.7 26.2 Rural 6.3 43.2 27.7 4.1 32.9 16.1 Source: Author's calculation using 2005 and 2007/08 surveys 1.32 The previous developments tend to show that the recent period has been pro- poor since the poor have benefitted from a greater share of growth bounce-back than the non-poor. This pattern is consistent with the fall in inequality. The most widely used inequality indicator, the Gini index, fell from 48 percent to 36.6 percent at the national level. Average per capita consumption ratio from the 10th richest to the 10th poorest was 7.2 in 2005 and it dropped to 4.5 in 2007/08. All of the inequality indices presented above in Table 1.8 have fallen across national, urban, and rural areas. However, while the decrease in inequality is promising, it is difficult to believe that the magnitude of the inequality reduction is also not responsive to artifacts of survey methodologies. When looking at the estimates, it is important to note that despite our efforts to achieve comparability, there remains a lingering voice for caution. In particular, although we have tried to harmonize the consumption baskets and correct for the difference in recall periods, the differences in level of detail between the two baskets will have an impact on consumption estimates. E. Sources of Change in the Distribution of Economic Welfare 1.33 In this section we analyze the micro determinants of poverty in 2007/08 and we try to determine the sources of change in distribution of economic welfare between 2005 and 2007/08. Geography, Natural Resources and Poverty 1.34 Poverty is pervasive in Niger but it dominates the lives of rural households. A little more than 65 percent of rural households are poor compared to a little over 41 -14- percent of urban households - and most of the population, more precisely 84 percent, lives in rural areas, which means that almost 9 out of 10 of all the poor people live in rural areas. Thus, it is important to understand the rural dimensions of poverty and how the variance in regional attributes drives poverty. 1.35 Figure 1.5 plots regional dominance curves to rank the share of population by poverty across regions. Although there is wide variation in the incidence of regional poverty, one can discern three clusters of regions. There are the low poverty regions, comprising Agadez', Diffa and Niamey. The regional share of poverty in Niamey tends to be more diffuse and thus to exhibit greater inequality than other regions concentrated in the first group. This is followed by the moderately poor region of Zinder with a poverty headcount of 46.3 percent. Finally, we have the high poverty regions, which include the remaining four regions (Tahoua, Dosso, Maradi, Tillabdri), where in each, two-thirds of the population is poor, and whose poverty rates exceed Zinder's by almost 19 percentage points. Figure 1.5 : Dominance Curve by Region in 2007/08 Dominance curve 2005 - 2007 /08 - by Region 0- 0 .5 1 1.5 2 Normalized per capita expenditure Agadez Diffa Dosso Maradi Tahoua Tillaberi Zinder Niamey 1.36 We explore the spatial dimension of poverty by examining how resource endowments contribute to household welfare. The availability and use of water assets in Niger is an important indicator of its current and potential agricultural performance. Untapped reserves suggest the potential for new agricultural technologies and improvement in returns to the sector. But the underlying risk factor in the Sahel - and in particular, Niger- is the level and variation of expected annual rainfall. Cereal producers depend on rainfall during the main cropping season, May - October, for the production of millet, sorghum, and maize which account for a substantial portion of the Nigerien food basket. Similarly, herders depend on the annual rainfall for the production of 1 The ENBC measured only urban poverty in Agadez because of the risk of regional insecurity. Thus, poverty is likely to be under-estimated in the region. -15- livestock forage. Thus, expected distribution of rainfall across time and space may be considered as an important resource endowment that will differentially affect household welfare across these dimensions. 1.37 Figures 1.6 - 1.9 present the spatial distribution of poverty and water assets to explore their underlying relationships. The poverty impacts of agro-climatic shock and the capacity to adapt (ex ante) or cope (ex post) depends on having access to the means to income diversification. Past research has indicated that diversification of economic activities aimed at minimizing weather and environmental risk has led to different income strategies across agro-ecological Sahelien zones. Differential access to household income diversification either by geography or by initial state of poverty has the potential to affect inequality levels in the overall distribution. Some differences in access across households could be driven by differences in capacity to make 2 investments in non-farm assets or to participate effectively in low-capital activities. 1.38 The maps, shown below in Figures 1.6 and 1.7, depict annual average rainfall and annual variation (measured using coefficient of variation) of rainfall based on 30 years of rainfall data collected through the ground-based rain gauge network. The maps were estimated at the commune level using data only from rain gauges that covered the 30- year time frame. Commune-level values based on the geographic boundaries delineated by the Ministry of Hydraulics and the Environment were then interpolated using an inverse distance weighting procedure which also accounted for other parameters such as radius and constraints used at each prediction location. 1.39 As one might expect both the level and stability of rainfall increases as one moves in a southward direction. Gaya, the southern-most department of the Tillab6ri region receives the highest annual average rainfall of about 800 millimeters. Southern- most departments in Maradi Region receive approximately 600-700 millimeters of annual rainfall. We would expect that these rainfall patterns correlate with spatial differences in (rain-fed) agricultural productivity. Thus, areas benefiting most from relatively high and stable rainfall levels should exhibit higher agricultural productivity and lower poverty. 2 For an early discussion on the link between geography and diversification see Reardon et al, 1992. Later work further explores the impact of diversification on income inequality (Reardon and Taylor, 1996). Reardon et al, 2000, review the literature and household survey evidence from Africa, Asia, and Latin America to discuss how evidence is mixed on non-farm diversification effects on rural income inequality. See Ali, et al. "Rainfall Estimation in the Sahel. Part 1: Error Function", November, 2005, Journal of Applied Meteorology, November 2005, for a discussion on evaluating the quality of rainfall estimates through determining objective error functions. -16- Figure 1.6: Commune-level Average Annual Rainfall, 1980 - 2009 Mean annual total precipitation (mm) 10 50 1 51 - 100 fl101 - 150 [_] 151 - 200 _ 201 -,q0 g 301 - 400 a> 400 - Source: World Bank Estimates based on GON Department of Meteorology rain station observations and Ministry of Hydraulics and the Environment commune-level boundaries Figure 1.7: Commune-level Average Annual Rainfall Coefficient of Variation, 1980- 2009 CV of total annual precipitation (%) [ 0- 0.25 F_1026-O4 'MP.41 -0.6 ggoel oa g 101 - AA A A \ A A Source: World Bank Estimates based on GON Department of Meteorology rain station observations and Ministry of Hydraulics and the Environment commune-level boundaries -17- Figure 1.8: Department-Level Poverty Incidence, 2005 0 .-0.05 0.05 - 0.1 0.1 -0.15 0.3-0.35 0.35 -0.4 - 0.55 - 0.6 0.6 - 0.65 0.65 - 0.7 0.7 -0.75 JQiM1 0.75 . 0.8 0.8 -0.95 095-1 0.as5 . Source: World Bank Staff Estimates based on QUIBB, 2005 and Niger Census, 2001 Figure 1.91. Canton -Level Poverty Incidence, 2005 m__ 0.,0,05 0.55-0.1 0.6-0.6S I0.19 -0.7 0.7 - 0.75 O-z0 8 0.5 -1 0.5 - 0.6 OA 0 0.9 O.0S0 - 0.5 small area poverty estimation conducted with the 2001 household census and the 2005 QUIBB survey data disaggregates poverty estimates (canton-level) at about the same level of disaggregation as the rainfall data (commune-level.) In contrast to what we would expect the southern-most areas possess some of the highest levels of poverty. -18- Cantons located in the southern area of Tillabdri have upwards of 75 percent poverty rate; in the Maradi region, a group of southern cantons are estimated to have upwards of 85 percent poverty ratio. By comparison, poverty incidence of 45 percent in some Northern Regions of the country, where annual rainfall is less than 100 millimeters per year is considerably lower. 1.41 Thus, the key observation from Figures 1.6-1.9 is that while annual rainfall affects domestic agricultural production, annual growth, and poverty incidence, there is no strong correlation between long run average rainfall and spatial distribution of poverty. There are possibly several hypotheses for this outcome but two stand out in the context of Niger. One is the possibility that Nigeriens have adapted to rainfall risk through migration or relocation away from northern areas where rainfall is low and variance is high. The least able to adapt to rainfall risk in the North could have moved to the South where rain-fed agriculture is possible. An alternative explanation is the possibility that rather than migrate the population has changed the composition of economic activity and adopted the one most suited to the risk levels of North and South. 1.42 Overall, Nigeriens have not pursued an out-migration strategy to minimize rainfall risk. Nigeriens who do not engage in irrigated agriculture- the second season after rain-fed grains are produced- may exit their communities in search of work. Most, however, return in time for the next agricultural season and overall net migration has been negligible.4 In Table 1.9, we present the regional population structure covering more than twenty years. Over this period the population in Niger has more than doubled but the population structure across regions has remained relatively stable. The last column in the table highlights gains and losses in population between 1977 and 2001. The southern regions have experienced small decreases in their share of population but these losses have been minor. 1.43 The stable population structure suggests that Nigeriens have not migrated out of areas where the lowest rainfall occurs to pursue rain-fed agriculture. Population growth based on initial conditions over the past 24 years in the south and the east has resulted in increased population density and greater dependence on rain-fed agriculture through extensification. By comparison, the population in the areas of lowest rainfall in Niger has remained stable and -and most likely less poor-- by not relying upon rain-fed agriculture as a livelihood strategy. The relative dominance of rain-fed agriculture as an income strategy is likely to expose households to high levels of risk and low levels of income. Thus, without conditioning on other factors rainfall may in fact correlate positively with poverty. 4 See Guengant, JP, "Comment B6n6ficier du dividende d6mographique ? " La d6mographie au centre des trajectoires de d6veloppement dans les pays de I'UEMOA Analyse pays Niger F6vrier, 2011. The author reports UN estimates indicating that between 1960 -2010, only 6000 net departures resulting from migration occurred annually. -19- Table 1.9: Regional Population Structure, 1977 - 2001 Structure Structure Structure Region 1977 1977 1988 1988 2001 2001 Agadez 124,985 0.024 205,108 0.028 322,511 0.029 Diffa 167,389 0.033 186,792 0.026 347,534 0.031 Dosso 693,207 0.136 1,016,469 0.141 1,509,943 0.136 Maradi 949,747 0.186 1,385,170 0.192 2,241,805 0.202 Niamey 242,973 0.048 392,165 0.054 709,869 0.064 Tahoua 993,615 0.195 1,305,417 0.181 1,978,074 0.178 Tillabdri 928,849 0.182 1,322,025 0.183 1,894,634 0.171 Zinder 1,002,225 0.196 1,406,943 0.195 2,085,886 0.188 TOTAL 5,102,990 1.000 7,220,089 1.000 11,090,256 1.000 Source: INS 1.44 Although the population structure has changed little over 24 years, population growth has been explosive-particularly in the poorest areas which are the most densely populated. A significant portion of Niger's land mass is uninhabitable indicating that there are wide disparities in population density across the country. The northern and eastern regions contain substantial land areas where no human settlements exist while the western and southern areas support the majority of the population. Thus, approximately 90 percent of the country's population subsists on only one third of the country's land. The Agadez region covers over 50 percent of the country's land mass but it supports less than 3 percent of the country's population. Diffa accounts for a little over 12 percent of the territory and only about 3 percent of national population. In contrast, Maradi covers less than 4 percent of land but a little more than 20 percent of the population lives in this region. Thus, population density varies widely across regions in Niger and the build-up may suggest that the most densely populated areas are hitting or approaching the upper limits of the carrying capacity of the land. s 1.45 Despite low annual rainfall, Niger possesses a water network- composed of both surface water and ground water that may provide some opportunity for diversification out of rain-fed agriculture. Figures 1.10-1.11 present these networks. The placement of water reserves in Niger correspond to the well-known concentration of irrigated agricultural crops such as rice in the Tillab6ri region and peppers in the Diffa region. Figure 1.11 indicates that the southern regions of Maradi and Zinder have access to underground water sources that are largely regarded as easily extractible depending upon availability of irrigation infrastructure. These regions produce irrigated crops during the second agricultural season, but this kind of irrigation-dependent production may not be widely practiced. s See World Bank (2005) for a more in-depth discussion on the impact of population growth and agricultural land use. -20- Figure 1.10: Niger Surface Water Network REPUBLIOQUE DU NIGER Réseau lydrograpliique In deVI Cnurs d'Eau P ipaur Source: GON, Ministry of Hydraulics and the Environment Figure 1.11: Niger Groundwater Network REPUBLIQUE DU NIGER Carte des systémes aquiféres N AIR < s ] k r Source: GON, Ministry of Hydraulics and the Environment -21- 1.46 These water resources determine the potential for increasing opportunities for households to participate in high-valued (irrigated) agriculture particularly among poor households. The profitable utilization of irrigation technologies requires having access to and being able to use water, but it also requires having human capital capacity to manage the technology collectively with other producers and to establish complementary institutions. Thus, both physical and human assets are required to participate profitably in these promising agricultural production technologies but these synergies are not necessarily common among the poorest communities. In the next section we look at the links between socio-economic characteristics and poverty. Socio-economic characteristics of poverty 1.47 In Niger, over the life cycle, the risk of being poor tends to be U-shaped, but mostly this is the case in urban areas. In particular, the young and the elderly urban residents have much higher propensities of falling into poverty than the middle-aged. For instance, urban heads of households up to 20 years face a 40 percent chance of falling into poverty. This risk is halved by the time such a person reaches 40 years, but then it rises again thereafter. For rural areas, we find a steady rise in the risk of falling into poverty throughout the lifecycle. Among rural households the risk of poverty slopes steeply upwards to 65 percent for 40-year household heads and levels off to 60 percent for 60-year olds. 1.48 The steep positive poverty-age relationship may reflect the interplay of several factors. Age may be indicative of a strong cohort effect in which the educational profile of older household heads is likely to be extremely low compared with younger household heads. Additionally, family size and dependency ratios in Niger are likely to have grown faster than potential gains achieved from returns to employment or accumulated wealth. Family size is an important factor weighing in on poverty. Rural farm work is likely to contribute to demand for family size through endogenous demand for farm labor. However as access to high-quality farm land deteriorates with population growth, the marginal productivity of additional labor is likely to be small. Other factors may influence family size decisions in rural areas where, on average, lower investments in human capital are made in children and tradeoffs between the quality and quantity of children have yet to be internalized among rural households. Rural households, moreover, may be more sensitive to religious sentiments expressed against controlling fertility and family size. 1.49 Poverty levels among female-headed households, for example, are less than among male-headed households by about 7 percentage points. However, female headed households are more likely to reside in urban areas and are on average more than 35 percent smaller than male households. In a country where female educational achievement is low, marriage is early, and fertility is high, women may possess relatively few opportunities for economic security outside of marriage. However, marriage itself may yield asymmetrical power relationships if women enter into unions with partners -22- who maintain control of economic assets leaving them with limited exit options in the event of marital failure. While marriage contracts are supposedly protected under civil law, they are often negotiated informally and they may be dissolved by male spouses through simple public repudiation of their wives.6 These dissolutions may not lead to any parsing of assets that were obtained during marriage or even joint custody relationships of children. Thus, marital law as it is practiced in Niger engenders limited protections for female partners. Women, therefore, are likely to confront economic insecurity regardless of marital status. 1.50 Figure 1.12 plots female marital status and female poverty. We find that relatively more female- headed households are likely to be poor if they reported being divorced or separated. In particular, the state of being separated may suggest that a woman's prior marriage ended without any formal decree-and, thus, without any transfer of household assets to the female. Female heads of households who report a polygamous union may be living separately with their children from the male spouse who lives with another wife. In this situation it is possible that the female-headed household shares the same level of welfare as the related male-headed household. Figure 1.12: Poverty by female marital status kemale Headed Household Poverty Incidence by Marital Status amous Source: World Bank staff estimates using ENBC 2007 F. Correlates of Poverty 1.51 So far the probabilities of falling into poverty by age, female headed status, urban and rural residence and so on, have been raw estimates - meaning they have been obtained without controlling for many other determinants of poverty status. In See Cooper (1997), Marriage in Maradi, for an in-depth qualitative study on the evolution of intra- household dynamics. -23- Table 1.10 below we estimate the consumption shortfall for households with certain characteristics by regressing per capita consumption on household-level characteristics and geographic indicators holding all the other determinants of poverty constant. This provides the correlation between observed characteristics and household poverty. We estimate linear regressions for the 2005 and 2007/08 household samples and separately for urban and rural populations. The dependent variable is the logarithm of per capita consumption and the determining variables can be grouped into five categories: (a) household composition (number of young and school-age children, and adults and their squared values); (b) demographic characteristics of the household head (gender of household head, the age of the head and its square and whether the head has a spouse); (c) human capital characteristics of the household head, (level of education completed; employment status; whether the head works in the public sector); (d) education and employment characteristics for the spouse of the household head; and (e) region and urban/rural location dummies. We include variables that we consider relatively comparable across the two surveys. 1.52 Household composition has a significant effect on the overall probability of household poverty. In 2007, controlling for other variables, any household composition category representing dependency on prime age adults, including all children below the age of fifteen years and the elderly (65 years and older), has a negative impact on consumption. On the other hand, the number of female and male adults does not affect consumption probability. These results may indicate that composition of households, not just its size, matters for welfare. Nevertheless, we cannot overlook the important negative relationship between fertility outcomes and poverty. By reducing population growth, Niger can achieve greater poverty reduction holding constant the level of economic growth. 1.53 In 2005 the results show that female headed households had higher consumption than male headed households, but this changed in 2007/08. The 2005 survey was implemented following a severe drought and food crisis. It is plausible that female-headed households were more likely to have been targeted with food aid following the crises. The 2007/08 results, which was a normal year without much aid distribution, shows that female households are poorer than their male counterparts, all else being equal. 1.54 As we expect, we find that the returns to education for both household heads and their spouses are substantial, and these returns increase with each additional level of schooling. Moreover, these effects are more pronounced when we focus on urban households. Education has no poverty reduction effect on rural households. Given that agriculture is practiced predominantly using low levels of inputs and technology in settings where population densities have increased rapidly over time, the returns to labor would be low. However, we expect that as the practice of agriculture becomes more high-valued and successful producer strategies involve technology adoption, education will have greater impact in the sector. -24- 1.55 The gains from a well-educated spouse are large, but below those for the head. This effect could be attributed to the existence of gender discrimination in pay. The large impact of education on per capita income and poverty justifies the implementation of programs to promote education in the country where educational achievement is low for both sexes and more so for girls living in rural areas. As the demand for large families decrease over time, women may find greater incentives to invest in the human capital of their children and their own market human capital. 1.56 As we have noted, employment variables have been measured with errors and yield results which are not consistent. In general, we do find that households with a head or spouse working in the public sector have higher per capita consumption. By contrast, heads of households working in agriculture face a significantly larger consumption shortfall and by implication higher probability of being poor. 1.57 Finally, controlling for other characteristics, geographic location has an impact on per capita consumption. We find that differences exist across regions, but not across urban and rural areas, at least in 2007/08. The absence of poverty variation across urban and rural households once regions are taken into account suggest that localized impoverishment, is probably more pronounced than rural and urban differences. Table 1.10 : Correlates of Poverty 2005 2007 National Urban Rural National Urban Rural Household composition N. of children below 5 -0.068*** -0.140*** -0.045** -0.150*** -0.152*** -0.134*** N. of children below 5 squared 0.024*** 0.041*** 0.019*** 0.015*** 0.014** 0.012*** N. of children between 5 & 14 -0.173*** -0.197*** -0.156*** -0.172*** -0.211*** -0.144*** N. of children between 5 & 14 squared 0.017*** 0.020*** 0.016*** 0.014*** 0.018*** 0.011*** N. of male adult -0.041** -0.009 -0.058** -0.028 -0.007 -0.058* N. of male adult squared 0.007*** 0.004 0.010 0.001 -0.001 0.005 N. of female adult -0.029 -0.055 -0.005 0.023 0.049 -0.005 N. of female adult squared 0.007** 0.011** 0.005 0.001 -0.003 0.005 N. of people age 65 or more 0.077 0.191** 0.034 -0.145*** -0.209** -0.098* N. of people age 65 or more squared 0.085*** 0.052 0.103** 0.039 0.072 0.016 Head demographic characteristics Head is female (yes) 0.542*** 0.459*** 0.616*** -0.255*** -0.227*** -0.293*** Age of head 0.029*** 0.011 0.030*** -0.002 0.002 -0.005 Age of head squared 0.0003*** -0.0001 0.0003*** 0.000 -0.000 0.000 Spouse in the hh (yes) -0.112*** -0.254*** -0.011 -0.159*** -0.132 -0.195*** Head education No education Primary 0.570*** 0.591*** 0.540*** 0.082*** 0.112*** 0.019 Secondary 1 0.643*** 0.653*** 0.606*** 0.238*** 0.263*** 0.135** -25- 2005 2007 National Urban Rural National Urban Rural Secondary 2 and more 0.974*** 0.983*** 0.789*** 0.560*** 0.592*** 0.318*** Head Activity Has a job (yes) 1.061*** 1.107*** 1.027*** -0.041 -0.140** 0.095 Head sector of activity Own enterprise Public administrat./corporation 0.057 0.055 0.221** 0.089** 0.093** 0.180* Private enterprise 0.099*** 0.109*** 0.092*** -0.002 -0.029 0.123 Head type of industry Non agricultural (yes) 0.107*** 0.199*** 0.077*** 0.036 0.095** 0.001 Spouse education No education Primary 0.069** 0.112** 0.044 0.053* 0.058 0.032 Secondary l and more 0.240*** 0.288*** 0.115 0.243*** 0.261*** 0.086 Spouse Activity Has a job (yes) 0.026 -0.038 0.076** -0.062*** -0.159** -0.024 Spouse sector of activity Own enterprise Public administration/corporation 0.081 0.156 -0.233 0.243*** 0.217*** 0.222 Private enterprise 0.022 0.0518737 -0.009 -0.149 -0.145 -0.586 Spouse type of industry Non agricultural (yes) 0.032 0.118 0.055 0.069** 0.148* 0.044 Area of residence Rural (yes) -0.030 0.006 Region Niamey Agadez -0.391*** -0.461*** 0.029 0.408*** 0.431*** (dropped) Diffa 0.124*** -0.103 0.568*** 0.235*** 0.056 (dropped) Dosso -0.344*** -0.230*** (dropped) -0.207*** -0.111** -0.631*** Maradi -0.633*** -0.409*** -0.303*** -0.109*** -0.007 -0.598*** Tahoua -0.210*** -0.172*** 0.163*** -0.130*** -0.127*** -0.502*** Tillab6ri -0.441*** -0.402*** -0.079** -0.259*** -0.240*** -0.655*** Zinder -0.533*** -0.563*** -0.149*** 0.031 0.070 -0.399*** Constant 10.633*** 11.062*** 10.067*** 12.749*** 12.646*** 13.136*** Statistics R 2 0.4929 0.5533 0.3801 0.4231 0.4257 0.3425 N. of observations 6690 2020 4670 4000 1916 2084 Source: World Bank staff estimates using 2005 and 2007/08 surveys -26- Chapter 2: High Vulnerability and Lack of Resilience 2.1 As we have seen in chapter 1, poverty rates in Niger are high, and while they have changed relatively little over the last 5 years of the 2000s, they have also exhibited substantial swings from time to time. These observations are not inconsistent. An explanation for why this is the case is the subject of the following chapters. Chapter 2 will explore the role that risks, especially uninsured risks, play in perpetuating poverty. The rest of the chapters will look at other potential explanations for high levels of poverty. Chapter 3 looks at unequal opportunities, especially in the provision of services, while chapter 4 looks at determinants of agricultural productivity. Many governments, including Niger's play a large role in the provision of services and often proclaim to equalize opportunities for all the population using these services. The Government of Niger also spends substantial resources in boosting rural productivity and incomes. Our examination of determinants and outcomes in opportunities in services and agriculture will start with outcomes at the household level, but the systematic differences, indirectly implicate inadequacies of government policies. 2.2 Niger experiences numerous shocks, which strike frequently, sometimes with catastrophic results. These shocks are driven by various natural, economic, and political events. As an example, drought shocks in 2009 alone rendered about 2.7 million people food insecure in 2010. Around the same time, the price of cowpeas, which is a major source of protein for the poor, rose by between 60 to 170 percent above the nominal 5- year average in many markets (FEWS Net, February 2010). Then in February 2010, after a period of social tension, a coup d'6tat took place which temporarily suspended international aid to the country. Finally, in July/August 2010, the Niger River rose to its highest level in 80 years, and floods destroyed most of the adjoining rice fields, remaining food reserves, and roads used to deliver food aid. This compounded the already precarious food security situation. Meanwhile, health shocks, in particular cholera arising from the floods broke out in the flooded regions. 2.3 There are many sources for the risks faced by Nigerien households. Some, like weather and pest shocks, come as part of the country's geographic location and are therefore completely exogenous. The same could be said about some of the macroeconomic shocks such as price and financial instability. Yet, others such as social conflict, to the extent that they are enabled by fragile social cohesion, are internally induced. Moreover, whether shocks are exogenous or not, the depth of the suffering they cause has a lot to do with the lack of resiliency of the country, where resiliency is used to mean a robust mix of coping strategies ranging from mutual insurance, formal insurance markets, and social protection programs. 2.4 In this chapter we look at the pattern and distribution of some of the major shocks that affect Nigerien households. The first part of the chapter will be descriptive. -27- It will present the types of shocks that Nigerien households face, focusing on the events in the past 5 years. The descriptive overview will look at how widespread the shocks were and who was affected by them. Most of the evidence for this section will rely on households' self-reported responses. Given that self-reporting tends to suffer from recall error, we also make use of purposeful surveys such as price or rainfall data collected by autonomous agencies to gauge the severity of these shocks. This is followed by an examination of the welfare consequences of key shocks. In addition to income or consumption, we look at reduced nutrition of children. We use this information on welfare costs to infer the scope of vulnerability, and then conclude by looking at the characteristics of the vulnerable, paying special attention to the chronic poor. B. Drought and Price Shocks Dominate 2.5 The types of shocks reported by households can be obtained from two survey series: the National Consumption and Expenditure Survey (or ENBC, French acronym) conducted in 2007 and Household Consumption and Food Vulnerability Survey (or ECVAM, French acronym) conducted each year from 2007-2010. Figures 2.1-2.3 provide a list of the shocks that affected households between 2007 and 2009. As the graphs show, there is a lot of overlap between the shocks asked in different surveys. The reported shocks can be grouped into broad categories such as weather, natural disaster, price, labor market, crime, and health. Weather shocks include droughts or irregular rains and floods which we distinguish from natural disasters comprising fires and pests and animal diseases. Price shocks also include input price hikes. Labor market shocks are reported as job loss and unemployment, while health shocks include illnesses/disease or exceptional health expenses and death of a member of the household. Finally, crime shocks are captured by reports of insecurity or theft. 2.6 In the last 3 years, weather and price shocks were the most commonly experienced by households. Both surveys asked households to report and rank the shocks or difficulties they experienced during the preceding twelve months. In 2007, most of the respondents appear to have chosen the manifestation of a drought, "poor harvests" as the most severe shock. The most common sources of poor harvests in Niger are drought, irregular rainfall, floods, and pest (especially locust) attack. During this period, there were no floods or locusts, so that leaves the most likely causes as drought and irregular rainfall. If we treat people who chose poor harvests and drought as essentially reporting the same shock, then almost 35 percent of all households would have ranked weather shocks at the top of the list in 2007. The fraction rises to over 40 percent if we add those who ranked the same shock as the second biggest. In the same year, almost 15 percent of households ranked price shocks as their greatest shock, while an additional 8 percent ranked it the second most severe shock that they faced. This means that almost a quarter of the households ranked price shocks as first and second in their rankings. These two shocks dominate the experiences of the households if we accept that "lack of money" - ranked second in the graph - is probably a condition that is brought about by the combination of multiple shocks such as drought (harvest -28- failure), price, and other shocks like health. A reasonable fraction of households also report "drop in household income" as an important shock in 2008 and 2010. This is most likely resulting from low rainfall/weak harvest, depending on how respondents see the chain of events and ultimate impact. 2.7 In both 2008 and 2010, price shocks were identified by households as the most prevalent, which is a reversal from 2007. Figure 2.2 shows that in both 2008 and 2010 almost two out of three households ranked price shocks as the most or second most serious in their list in the preceding 12 months. In the same period, far fewer households ranked weather shocks at the top. In fact in 2008, health shocks - illness or exceptional health expenses - and drop in income were reported as more prevalent. Weather shocks will begin to matter again in 2009, but still only about 15 percent ranked irregular rains at the top of the list in the 2010 survey, suggesting that despite the major drought households perceived the rise in food prices as more serious. 2.8 Negative effects of price shocks are stronger in urban areas. Although the preponderance of weather and price shocks are pretty clear during the three years, the distribution of these shocks in rural and urban areas was different. In 2007, almost 50 percent of rural households ranked weather shocks at the top of their list, compared to less than 15 percent who reported the same in urban areas. By contrast, the price shocks in 2008 and 2010 affected proportionately more urban households. In 2008, over 50 percent of urban households ranked food price increase as the greatest shock they suffered that year, but the rural fraction who reported the same was about 38 percent. By 2010, the converse was observed, that is, a greater share of rural households (39 percent) than urban households (27 percent) viewed food price increases as the greatest shock, suggesting that the movement of domestic prices was creating an additional strain on rural farmers and pastoralists already negatively impacted by the 2009 drought. Figure 2.1: Household perceptions of shocks and difficulties during the last 12 months 2007 - National 2008 - National 2010 - National Poor haest Food prie icrease Food priceincreae LackofoneyFodPo t~ft Food pric,inrcsc Othersock/diffilct Irreguarraot Lackof.ter Dropin income Dropiom e I Ir,u, illnes/exceptionalealtepeses Othr Foodm ilal rregula.rin m Iln,es /excep.onalelth expees M Marketacce 4 Derthoffamily member Dethoffamily member I Drought Ins urty/thft Jobs t adt i Natrlr asrophe(ood, f re, wind) ANtural catatroph (lood fire, wind) I Lackofanimal Longterm uremproymendt 1 Debtrm u I Flood Agricuraliput prireincrease iecuril hef I roor y Detreimbursemert I Agricltualinput priceincrese I Lackofpsture/ fodder reatestdiffil Job lo t Gr t difficulty Longterm unemploymnrt Livestockdises k d Fuel/trasportpriceinc se r r Poweou e "Greaetediffira P. 2nd greate difficlty Poweroutage ndgreatestdiffiul Fel/trasport priceincrease 2ndgreate tdifficuly Lackof milk Rertlpriceincrease Rentalprice ircrease 0 0 20 30 40 o50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Shref hou holds (%) Shrea fhosehold( %) Shr of huseholds (%) Source: ENBC (2007) -29- ÿþFigure 2.2: Rural household perceptions of shocks and difficulties during Iast 12 months 2007 - Rural 2008-Rural 2010-Rural 0000 W 020000 1000 O2~~00~00 b 0k 0f o o ,oy 0000 P0~~000 Otflo,,,ookî d,ffooIw LkOfOOOOO2 S 0,07,, 02000 S000.,0, 1, o, 000000 Il,,,, foroot, IflooIîh po,,,oo 0,flo, DootehI Food,o,,I,b,I,to M,,k,t ,~~ooo Othoffoor horbo, OtfltfftO,t0000000 100k 0f ,,~I I,bo, ~rrowltfloft 100 0000 N,to,,I t opho(flood f~4,0) 0,r,,It,,ooflofflood fiorool 0,0,00 00o,o,,t ogto,,,,,pIoo,o,,,t [o,, 0f 00102, h 02ohoIO ,d.,It floorrutol or,, poo,,oo,, Io,o,.,, wfooO 100k 0f 00,1,,, floodo, * 0,01 jooflo, 0,0to 0,,,t~0 d,OOo,Ito 72,fî,0,îo,1 000t100t0 *0,,d 1,0,10,, ifitO 011t020000,, 1,0001,,, k I *0,,, g,,,0,,t d,lt,0,100 00,1,4, 0001040 *000g,,,t,,t OfOtooltO 0,000017 0,0 70,11,100,0,0,0,,, 0g,jOOIt202I,,O0 O 10 20 30 40 10 10 70 0 10 20 30 40 10 10 70 O 10 20 10 40 10 10 70 Sha,e othoos,ttold,l%l Sh.,.of hooholdo lU) Sfl.,.of ho, Ofloldo (X) Source: World Bank estimates using ECVAM (2007) and ECVAM (2008 and 2010) Figure 2.3: Urban household perceptions of shocks and difficulties during Iast 12 months r 2007-Urban 2008-Urban 2010-Urban Lackofmonbo boa p,r,,,o,oo,, 1000 ooooooo U,,omploo,o,nr s Il, Ofo ,p1,,t,Ifl0oloott,,0, SetjOOO,I000SOt 000401 Ooooî Otfloff,,,I0,oo,,0o, M,,kot ,oooso I,,ooo,,,ty!ofloft IIoo,f o,oop,io,,, F004 aoailah,I,to 000110110,010 0020001 01000 [0,000001,0 hoo,,flold adn, lîtogolor o, o, On 100002010 200100, OOo,o, 0~tog0 LaokOiaom4lO 10,01 tt00000t01000t00t f010 10,0 000101f000, fi,, 0000) F002 Oîooolîo,aî opor 0~10o ,0,o,,o rO,gbo,00000,,oOO,oo,o 00021010 For, FoIft,,,,poîo pOo0tOo~oOoo Og,oolto,Ooîo, LaokofpaSoo,0 ffodde, Oroatoso OfliCoto pO,0o,Ooî,gO îo.~17fî,fî 0,0,1,01 Ofli0oW flloîkod,Oad(to,oa,k,Oo,.. .200 gocatoît 0710,1v u,î,,,îo,,î,opflîîîood f,,,,o,d) o,,,, p,io,i,o,,,,o *000 4,00010770,11 1,0101,0k 10,1,1 0O00tl0~0000 toolhaoopoo o,o,i,o,,,oo O 10 20 10 40 10 O 1020004010007000 O 10 20 30 40 10 Share If hous,hotds (10) Sh.,o,t h oooh,Id, (fi> SIO,0 If 10.11000 lU> Source: World Bank estimates using ECVAM (2007) and ECVAM (2008 and 2010) 2.9 The prevalence and ranking of these self-reported shocks is consistent with measured price and rainfaîl shocks using alternative data. Figures 2.4 plot mean rainfaîl and variation derived from monthly rainfaîl measurements from 1989 to 2009 from 43 stations across Niger. The graphs indicate that average rainfaîl in 2007 and 2008 was not bad, in the sense that the average rainfaîl level in most departments was above the 20 year mean rainfaîl. In fact> grain harvest in 2008 was considered the second highest (surpassed only by 2010) in the ast 20 years (Reuters/FEWS NET> 2010). On the other hand> 2009 could be considered a "bad" year, as confirmed by the well-publicized drought where the government had to make a massive international appeal for food. -30- Figure 2.4.: Department-level annual rainfall means (2007, 2008, and 2009 vs. 20 year mean) 1000 -20 year mean (1989-2009) -- 2007 department mean 800 2008 department mean -U-2009 department mean -700 E M 600 -ru 500 400 300 _ 200 100 0 - - 0 0 = 0 0 HZ< H Department (Region) Source: World Bank staff estimates using rainfall data 2.10 Rainfall variability and timing are just as important. Figure 2.5 shows the average rainfall (again over 20 years), and coefficient of variation (a measure of volatility calculated as the ratio of the standard deviation to mean rainfall) for each department in Niger. The mean rainfall during the rainy season months (June to September) varies a lot from department to department. The coefficient of variation confirms that inter- annual rainfall variability relative to the mean (the CV) is high, ranging from 22 to 35 percent above long run departmental means. Therefore, it is not unlikely that while 2007 was a relatively good year as Figure 2.4 suggests, many households may have had irregular rains. In particular, even if the rainfall may have been adequate compared to the 20 year mean, its arrival may have been irregular and disruptive enough that many households may have ended up having poor harvests, underscoring their self-reported characterization of the shock that year (see Figure 2.1). Figure 2.4 provides some evidence for this possibility. Despite the above average rains in 2007 and 2008, only one-third of the departments could be said to have received exceptional rains that year, while another 15 percent received poor rains. The rest (almost 50 percent) received average rainfall, suggesting that a large fraction of Nigerien families may still have experienced poor harvests if the timing of rainfall was off. Figure 2.6 confirms that -31- almost 50 percent of households who reported having a bad harvest in 2007 relative to the previous year, attributed it to early end to rains, while in 2009 the problem was one of inadequate rainfall. Figure 2.5: Mean and CV of rainfall, 1989-2009, by department 900 0.40 800 0.35 700 0.30 0.30 600 0.25 500 00.20 -@ 400 C 0.15 30% - 300 Z year mean (18-ZUU9 200 coefficient of-variation (s.d/mean) 0.10 100 0.05 0 0.00 < 00 0 0 < -4 - -QO < < < < 0< Z O%) ranalDeaesipartmento reginsan Source: World Bank staff estimates from srainal data F : R e s s a Z) R~ 50% 0Z z0z < 0 U 0 < 7 ~ 0% 0% - 50% 40% 2-32 2.11 In the Nigerien context price and weather shocks are highly correlated shocks. Figure 2.7 shows average monthly grain prices of a kilogram of millet from 2000-2010. The graph also plots the incidents of reported droughts through that decade. First, there is high volatility within and across years. For instance, there is obvious seasonality to prices. Prices tend to be higher during the hungry season in the June-August quarter, the period just before the harvest when all domestic grain stocks from the previous agricultural season are likely to have been depleted, and lower in October-December quarter following the harvests. Second, 2009 and 2010 prices were indeed higher than 2007 or 2008. However, in the last 5 years, the June-July prices in 2005 still remain the highest due to the combination of drought and food supply shocks not only in Niger but in the region. As shown in the graph, a drought is always followed by a sharp rise in prices after about 4-5 months with a peak in the subsequent lean season. In particular, if rains fail in the June to September months, October prices of millet and sorghum are higher relative to the previous October price. When this is not the case, it has to do with the production and supply conditions as well as the status of grain markets in northern Nigeria and Benin, Niger's main trading partners. However, overall millet prices in October following a drought would tend to rise by at least 20 percent relative to October average prices. Finally, there is a large spatial variation to prices. Figure A1.1 (Annex 1) shows that even at the height of the food crisis in 2008, prices in Maradi were about 60 percent lower than prices in Diffa and Niamey, reflecting perhaps Maradi's proximity to Nigerian border grain markets. Figure 2.7: Monthly millet prices and cumulative monthly rainfall during the rainy season (F CFA), 2000-2010 dro. h drought droght 250 250.1 200 200 Source: World Bank staff estimates using data from SIMA. 2.12 Global food price shocks in 2008 were mitigated by a good domestic harvest. Global food prices rose sharply in 2008, increasing by almost 50 percent between January 2007 and June 2008 (see Figure A1.2 in Annex 1). More specifically, rice prices more than tripled (217 percent) between 2006 and 2008, while maize and wheat prices more than doubled (125 and 137 percent respectively) in the same period. These price -33- hikes were felt by many consumers around the world. However, in Niger, while prices rose in 2008, they were not as severe for a number of reasons. Rural Nigeriens consume millet as their principal grain. While millet is available in regional West African markets, overall, it is far less tradable than rice and maize, so its price is likely to be affected less by movements in other grain prices. Also, Niger cereal production in 2008 was one of its best in two decades, surpassed by only the 2010 harvest. Since most of the rural population rely on consumption of own production to meet their cereal needs, such a harvest would have shielded them from the global price increase. 2.13 The intra-and inter-annual fluctuation of rainfall introduces significant supply shocks in the grain markets, and in the most severe cases, it leads to seasonal food insecurity and hunger for some households. The welfare costs of these shocks are therefore expected to be large and are of interest for a number of reasons. There are three important observations to note. First, they cause widespread short term poverty in any given year in which they occur. Second, they influence long term poverty if households' responses to protect themselves leads to asset depletion or participation in less risky but also less profitable activities - in other words, it leads to poverty traps. Finally, an estimate of welfare costs also provides a measure of the likely cost of insuring such consumption shortfall either through safety nets or private insurance. In the next section we look at the welfare costs of these shocks. C. Shocks Impose High Welfare Costs 2.14 Although Nigerien families face multiple shocks, the overwhelming shocks are the irregular rainfall and related price movements. Therefore, our efforts to measure the impact of shocks on welfare will concentrate on these two shocks. Households were asked not just to rank the biggest shocks they experienced, but also to report what impact it has had. Table 2.1 shows reported impacts. 2.15 The main impact of poor harvests is felt through loss of assets and reduced consumption. Poor harvest could be due to drought, delayed on-set of rainfall, floods, or pest attack. Almost 35 percent of households that ranked drought or flood as most important felt the impact through reduced consumption and loss of productive and durable assets. However, only 87 households in the sample could state clearly that drought and floods were their greatest shocks. By far the single largest framing of the weather shock is "poor harvest", where almost 1300 households ranked it as most important in the past 12 months. In this case, about 45 percent of such households felt the impact as reduced consumption, loss of productive and durable assets, or both (see top row of Table 2.1). -34- Table 2.1: Reported household impacts of shocks ranked as most important (2007) Self-Reported Impacts (% of households that reported the shock as most important) # of households Asset loss plus Income loss and ranking shock as most Loss of household Loss of durable or income loss or No reported important during last income reduced productive assets reduced consequence 12 months consumption Poor harvest 1,303 0 4 11 28 56 Lack of money 945 2 6 11 20 61 Food price increase 587 2 2 5 9 82 Lack of water 188 0 2 3 6 89 Serious illness or disease 143 9 8 15 24 45 Unemployment 100 2 18 3 16 61 Food availability 71 4 3 7 25 61 Market access 60 0 3 2 10 85 Drought 57 2 9 23 4 63 Lack of manual labor 44 0 5 5 11 80 Loss of active household adult 38 5 11 8 18 58 Lackof animals 32 0 0 3 13 84 Flood 30 13 10 13 7 57 Insecurity 24 0 8 8 0 83 Blocked road (to market or 14 0 0 0 7 93 administrative center) Lack of pasture/ fodder 13 0 8 15 15 62 Livestock disease 12 8 0 17 8 67 Fire 7 0 0 0 86 14 Pests 7 14 0 0 0 86 Lack of milk 4 0 0 0 25 75 Source: World Bank staff estimates from 2007 ENBC 2.16 ... while food price shocks lead to food insecurity. Figure 2.8 displays perceived impact of increases in food price on food security, among households that ranked food price increases as one of the three greatest difficulties during the previous 12 months. Almost 50 percent of households felt that the impact was very important in their lives. In 2008, when the global food price increases reached their peak, substantial number of households in both rural and urban areas felt that the price shocks had very important impacts in their food security. This is despite the fact that 2008 was actually a good year in the sense that production was one of the highest in the last 20 years. However, in 2010, following the severe drought of 2009, these perceptions were even stronger, to a large extent because of the sharp rise in the share of the rural households who felt the impact of food price shocks on food security to be very important. -35- Figure 2.8: Perceived impact of food price increases during the preceding 12 months on household food security 60% 50% 2 40% 0 30% Very important S30% 0 0 Moderate o 20%- I0 Weak 10% - No impact 0% Pooled Rural Urban Pooled Rural Urban 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM. 2.17 ... and the nutrition of children. Figure 2.9 reports households' perception of the impact of food price increases on nutrition of children below 5 years of age. Again, 2010 was the year where many more households felt these impacts more strongly and as in the general case, rural households appear to have felt the impacts more strongly. In 2008, 25 percent of rural households felt that the impact of food price shocks on food security were very important and that rose to 35 percent in 2010. Figure 2.9: Perceived impact of food price increase on nutrition of children under 5 years 40% 35% 30% Z 25%- . 25No children 20% o 2 Very important o 15% - Moderate 10% - Weak 5% E No impact 0% Pooled Rural Urban Pooled Rural Urban 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM. 2.18 The self-reported perceptions of impacts of shocks suggest that shocks affect welfare of households through multiple channels. As illustrated above, households -36- suffer income losses which lead to lower consumption, food insecurity, poor nutrition of children and asset depletion. 2.19 We now look at quantifying these impacts more systematically. We begin with the simplest exploration which runs a regression of total consumption, food consumption, and staples (primarily millet) on an indicator on whether or not a household reported experiencing a shock. We control for region of residence, household size, the fraction of members under 5 years of age, characteristics of head of household (age, education, marital status, gender, and principal activity), assets and share of household members who are active. 2.20 Health and irregular rainfall shocks are the most costly. According to the results in Table 2.2, households hit by a death of a family member have, on average, per capita consumption that is 11 percent less. A welfare loss of a similar magnitude is estimated when per capita food consumption is used as the welfare measure. However, the average millet consumption for the same households is lower but not statistically significant. Households reporting difficulties related to a major illness of a family member or exceptionally high health expenses show, on average, 7 percent lower per capita millet consumption, and the impacts were reported to be significant in 2008 but not in 2010. In 2008, millet consumption is estimated to have risen for those who reported experiencing a price shock, but we suspect this reflects the fact that farmers had a good harvest and therefore more consumption. 2.21 By comparison, irregular rainfall is reported to have significant negative impacts in both years, regardless of what measure of welfare we use. According to the estimates in Table 2.2, rainfall shocks led to 6-8 percent reduction, on average, in per capita total and food consumption and up to 13 percent reduction in per capita millet consumption, in 2008. Controlling for the households receipt of any transfer program, does not change the results. Table 2.2: Impact of shocks on per capita consumption, food expenditures, and millet consumption: regression coefficients for various self-reported shocks 2008 2010 Components of (log) pc expenditure Components of (log) pc expenditure Greatest self-reported shock / difficulty total food millet total food millet Lower income -0.02 -0.01 -0.05 * -0.03 -0.03 -0.04 Illness / exceptional health expenses 0.04 0.00 -0.07 ** 0.06 0.03 0.04 Death of family member -0.11 ** -0.11 ** -0.09 0.03 0.05 -0.02 Food price increase 0.02 0.02 0.08 * -0.01 -0.01 -0.02 Irregular rain -0.08 ** -0.08 ** -0.13 ** -0.06 ** -0.05 * -0.08 * legend: p< 0.1 *; p< 0.05 ** p< 0.01 *** Source: World Bank staff estimates using survey data 2.22 Rather than use a binary variable of self-reported incidence of shocks, we obtain rainfall and price shocks from rainfall and price data collected in departments where these households live in order to estimate their impact on welfare. We measure rainfall shocks experienced by a household as the standardized deviation of mean rainfall from -37- the long run mean in the household's department of residence. We also try alternative measures, such as absolute deviation of rainfall from the long run mean. We estimated the long run mean as the average rainfall for 20 years (1990-2009). Figure 2.10 shows the distribution of rainfall shocks in the last 3 years. Figure 2.10: Exposure of rural households to rainfall irregularities: absolute (left) and standard deviations (right) from 20 year mean rainfall during the rainy season, June-September, at department level 90% m2007 90% I 2007 80% 02008 80% m 2008 70% .2009 70% -3 60% 60% 50% 50% 40% i 40% 30% 130% - 20% 20% 10% -10% 0% 0% <-150 <-100 <-50 <0 >0 >50 >100 > 150 < -15 < -10 < -05 <0 >0 >0.5 >1.0 > 1.5 deviation (mm) from 20 year mean rainfall deviation (s.d.) from 20 year mean rainfall Source: World Bank staff estimates. 2.23 Having defined the rainfall shocks, we estimate its impact by pooling the three ECVAM surveys and do a regression of the measures of welfare - (log) per capita total consumption, (log) per capita food consumption, and (log) per capita millet consumption - on these shocks. We control for department and year fixed effects and a long list of individual characteristics. Effectively we run a difference-in-difference estimation. Table 2.3 shows the results. The first three columns show the regression results for each year, while the last two columns show the difference-in-difference estimates, which pools all three years of data, which are also our preferred specifications. Table 2.3: Impact of rainfall shocks on per capita consumption (total, food, millet): regression results 2007 2008 2010 Pooled Pooled standard deviations standard deviations standard deviations at least 1 s.d. at least 100mm Rainfall variable/shock: of rainfall of rainfall of rainfall below 20year mean below 20year mean from20yearmean from 20yearmean from 20yearmean (indicatorvariable) (indicatorvariable) Regression coefficient for rainfall variable Dependent variable (log) pce (total) 0.010 0.030 * 0.095 -0.008 -0.075 ** pce (food) 0.010 0.026 0.102 0.002 -0.064 * pce (millet) 0.014 0.094 0.103 *** -0.102 * -0.132 *** Control variables household characteristics and assets Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes agro-ecological zones Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes departments No No No Yes Yes year indicator variable No No No Yes Yes - 2008for pce (total) - - 0.004 0.011 - 2010for pce (total) - - -0.236 -0.225 ** - 2008 for pce (food) - - 0.005 0.013 - 2010for pce (food) - - -0.241 -0.230 ** -2008for pce (millet) - - - 0.163 *** 0.167 ** - 2010for pce (millet) - - - 0.084 *** 0.086 legend: p<0.1*; p<0.05 *;p<0.01* -38- F 2.24 Drought leads to large welfare losses. The most remarkable result in Table 2.3 is just how bad 2010, which captures the drought of 2009, happens to be. The year dummies show that there was no difference in average per capita consumption between 2007 and 2008. However, average per capita consumption in 2010 was about a quarter less (24 percent lower) than the average in 2007. Our estimates of rainfall shock indicate that households who received rainfall that is at least 100mm less than the 20 year mean had a per capita consumption of about 7 to 13 percent less than the reference household not exposed to the shock. Overall, these estimates, confirm the estimates we obtained using household self-reported responses on the impact of irregular shocks. 2.25 We turn now to the welfare cost of price shocks. Prices in Niger are determined by what happens in Niger and also the neighboring grain markets, particularly in Benin and Northern Nigeria. It is not uncommon for prices in Niger to remain stable even when production falls sharply in Niger simply because of the availability of imports from Nigeria and/or Benin. To estimate the impact of "pure" price shocks is therefore difficult. To solve this difficulty we use the information about the correlation between rainfall and price shocks in Niger that can be recovered from Figure 2.7. More specifically, we use rainfall shocks as an instrument for price shocks. First we estimate millet prices in October of each year as a function of rainfall recorded in June to September of the same year at the departmental level. We then predict the October prices and use the predicted millet prices to create price shocks that we can use to estimate welfare shocks. Table 2.4 shows the results. Table 2.4: Price/rainfall elasticity of per capita household consumption: regression results 2007 2008 2010 Pooled Regression coefficient for (log) millet price in October, predicted from rainfall t Dependent variable (log) pce (total) 0.041 -0.229 * 0.160 * -0.323 pce (food) 0.128 -0.155 * 0.155 -0.252 pce (millet) -0.138 0.340 *** -0.385 * -0.942 Control variables household characteristics and assets Yes Yes Yes Yes agro-ecological zones Yes Yes Yes Yes departments No No No Yes year indicator variable No No No Yes - 2008 for pce (total) - - 0.021 - 2010for pce (total) - - -0.197 - 2008for pce (food) - - 0.020 - 2010for pce (food) - - -0.209 - 2008for pce (millet) - - 0.205 - 2010forpce (millet) - - 0.181 legend: p<0.1*; p<0.05**; p<0.01*** t October millet prices were predicted with rainfall (during the rainy season of same year), department, and year variables. 2.26 ...So do price shocks. The last column which shows the pooled results shows the sensitivity of total, food and millet consumption to changes in prices. The price variable is in logs, therefore the estimated coefficient suggests that a 10 percent increase in prices reduces total or food consumption by 3 percent, but the values are not statistically significant for total and food consumption. But millet consumption is much -39- more sensitive, as we would expect. In this case, a 10 percent increase in the price of millet leads to almost 10 percent (9.4) reduction in millet consumption per capita. Since millet is such an important staple and accounts for a large share of household consumption, these estimates imply that price shocks impose a lot of hardship to Nigerien households. 2.27 The shortfalls in welfare, especially in 2010, obtained via regression methods are large and supported by the household consumption data. Figure 2.11 plots the breakdown of household consumption from own production, purchases and exchanges. It also provides a glimpse of what happened between 2008 and 2010. In 2010, the average share of food consumption from own production dropped substantially, particularly in rural areas. Between 2008 and 2010, the share from own production fell from 62% to 22% in rural areas and from 21% to 6% in urban areas. In above average rainfall years (i.e. 2007 and 2008), rural households depend on own production for over half of food consumption needs. Given lower production output with the 2009 drought, households were forced to purchase more of their food needs. However, average per capita food expenditures (including own production) in 2010 were lower, indicating that households were not able to compensate fully for the production loss. How did households, especially poor households, with limited income maintain consumption, especially food consumption that would normally be met via own production? Figure 2.11: Sources of household food consumption/expenditures. 100% 100% 90% Rural 90% Urban Q1O% 80% 77% 80% . 70% 70% 60% 7 60% 50% o- -own production 50% - own production 40% -purchases 40% -purchases 30% exchange 30% change 20% No 20% 10% 10% 6% 0% 0% 2007 2008 2010 2007 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM Figure 2.12: Households reporting fewer meals than usual consumed by households and children. 35% Fewer Meals Consumed by Households 30% 25%- Rural p 76 E 25% -W-Urban g 20% 50 18% 15% 5% 6% 0% 2007 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM -40- D. Coping Strategies Suggest Weak Resilience 2.28 Coping strategies are Figure 2.13: Households reporting fewer meals than inadequate and potentially harmful. usual consumed by households and children. The list of strategies that households 35% reported to cope with shocks, shown 3 Fewer Meals Consumed by Households in Annex 1 (Figures A1.5-A1.17), is r 2 Rural long. It includes migration of some o-c family members, borrowing from o 18% family and friends, default on debt, 6 begging and so on. But when we compare the proportions of 6% households using the various 2007 2008 2010 strategies, the largest fractions either reduce consumption or deplete Fewer Meals Consumed by Children 3 productive assets. Figure 2.13 shows aa25% the share of households who reduce -U-Urban 5~20% consumption, including feeding of 25% children. Almost a quarter of rural -610% households reduce household 7% consumption and one third reduced the consumption of children during 0% 2007 2008 2010 the early part of 2010, which is also the worst year in the period. But SoreWolBaktffsimesrmECA even during the normal year (2007) and a good year (2008) between 8 to 6 percent of rural households, respectively, would use this strategy to cope with shocks. Figure 2.14 shows that the fraction of rural households who would reduce their daily rations almost on a daily basis (that is every day of the week) rose from around 3 percent in 2008 to 8 percent in 2010. Furthermore, the proportion that would reduce their ration at least one day a week increased four-fold (from around 10 percent to 40 percent) in the same period. Figure 2.15 shows that sometimes households cope by eating less nutritious foods, or "shortage food". In 2010, nearly 20 percent of rural households had chosen to substitute this type of food for at least a day. -41- Figure 2.14: Number of days (out of last 7 days) Figure 2.15: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which in which households decreased daily rations. households resorted to consuming food "de p6nurie" 45 25 40 35 20 M 7 days M 7 days :30 M 6 days M6 days 25 M 5 days M 5 days 020 m4days M *4 days 020 -1 1M 2 days a 2 days 10 - I day 5 - E 1 day Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban 2008 2010 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM 2.29 Another form of coping is depletion of productive assets. Figure 2.16 indicates that the share of households who were compelled to sell their breeding livestock in order to cope with shocks rose from around 8 percent in a normal year to about 25 percent in 2010. There is general agreement that the drop in livestock prices relative to grains combined with threat of mass starvation because of unavailability of forage compelled a lot of families to liquidate their herds. Consumption of seeds needed for replanting is usually also not something that households do, but Figure 2.17 shows that the share of rural households who had to deplete their seed stock rose from 2 percent in 2008 to 10 percent in 2010. Figure 2.16: Household reporting the sale of breeding animals to meet food needs in last 30 days. 30 -2- Rural 25-- Urban 20 o 15- 10 9 1 9 5 0 2007 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM -42- Figure 2.17: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households consumed seeds due to food insecurity. 10 M 7 days = 6 days M 5 days M 4 days m 3 days =2 days 2 W I day 0 Rural Urban Rural Urban 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM 2.30 Some of these coping strategies are, of course, taken only as an act of desperation. For instance, "decapitalization"- depletion of breeding livestock and planting seeds and reducing consumption - in the short run may be necessary to cope with the immediate consequences of an extreme shock, but it carries potentially harmful long term consequences. In the long run, these strategies deprive household good nutrition, compromise their health and deprive them of productive capital. As a consequence, the avenues for escaping poverty become narrowed, and in the worst scenario become closed off. 2.31 These bad outcomes can be avoided if insurance markets and/or social protection systems are widely available. For a household to fall into poverty after a shock, other sources of protection must be missing, or inadequate. These include (a) absent or insufficient mutual insurance in the presence of large and systemic shocks, (b) incomplete, thin or missing markets for insurance, and (c) poor or lack of social protection. Formal insurance markets in Niger are certainly incomplete or missing altogether and do not provide a mechanism for households to cope with systemic or idiosyncratic shocks. And while mutual insurance through kin, family, and community may be widespread, they are known to be insufficient when households are experiencing covariate shocks. When insurance markets are inadequate, social protection can often fill the need, especially for the most vulnerable populations. Unfortunately, Niger's social protection programs do not appear to be well-designed. E. Existing Safety Net programs are not well-targeted 2.32 Most social protection programs are poorly targeted. Figure 2.18 shows the fraction of households in each consumption quintile who received any of several social -43- protection programs. As can be seen from the graph, of the three years examined, far fewer households received benefits in 2007, not surprisingly because it was a normal year. However, and surprisingly, similar fractions of households received benefits from at least one transfer program in 2008 (a very good year) as in 2010 (a very bad year). It should be noted that transfer programs were scaled up during the 2010 lean season, that is, after the 2010 ECVAM survey, so such transfers may not be reflected in the figure. An additional observation from the figure is the fact that the fraction of households in each consumption group who received any transfer is about the same, or even slightly higher for richer groups, meaning that the programs are not well-targeted. Figure 2.18: Fraction of population receiving any transfer programs, 2007-2010. 60 Any Transfer Program 50 - 40 - S2007 u 30 - E N 2008 C20 - - S0 02010 1- 10 poorest 2nd ConsumpAro Quintile 4th richest Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM survey data. 2.33 The poor targeting results observed above do not arise from failure to distinguish universal programs from programs specifically for the poor because a look at individual programs leads to the same conclusion. Figure 2.19 shows the distribution of beneficiaries for the subsidized cereal program. The fraction of beneficiaries in each quintile are only slightly higher in 2010 compared to 2008. Moreover, in both years, the share of beneficiaries in the top quintile was higher than in the lower quintiles. In fact, in 2010, the fraction of beneficiaries in the lower quintile was less than in every other quintile, making this particular program regressive. Other programs such as cash and food for work, cash transfers and Zakat (albeit a private transfer) are just as badly targeted, and are only better in the sense that they are not as regressive as subsidized cereal programs (see Annex 1, Figures A1.18-A1.21). 2.34 Ideally, a good safety net will provide income support to the very poor during normal and bad times, but also scale up to cover, only temporarily, those affected by large and covariate shock. Therefore, while we should be concerned about the targeting issues in a normal year such as 2007 or 2008, these issues become less of a concern in a bad year such as 2010. Looking at the Niger programs, two programs that are supposed to be self-targeting, food and cash for work (Annex 1, Figures A1.18- A1.19), appear to have functioned this way. As can be seen from the figures, the programs' coverage targeted higher fractions of households in the poorer quintiles in -44- 2008, but targeting worsened in 2010, as we would expect. It is not clear if this was the original intention of the Niger program design, but it is still a good thing that it happened. That said, it should be clear that this does not mean that there are no targeting issues to resolve for these programs. In fact, even if the programs cover higher fractions of households in poorer quintiles, the coverage among the lower quintiles is too low and the ones in higher quintiles potentially too high during the normal years. Figure 2.19: Benefit incidence of subsidized cereal program, 2008 and 2010. 20 m02008 Subsidized Cereals N 2010 e15 - C10 10 poorest 2nd 3rd 4th richest Consumption Quintile Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM F. Therefore chronic poverty is high 2.35 The frequency of shocks, the large welfare losses they impose, and the inadequate coping mechanisms suggest high vulnerability. As there are several definitions of vulnerability, for the purposes of this report we define vulnerability as the probability of having a consumption (or income) level below the poverty line conditional on initial consumption (or income). Put differently, vulnerability is the propensity of households to fall into poverty in the future because of changes to income, especially changes induced by shocks. Ideally, one would need panel data to follow the transitions of households in and out of poverty and to estimate the likelihood of future poverty. However, since such data are not available for Niger, we create pseudo-panels, from three years of ECVAM cross-sectional data, to examine income dynamics and vulnerability of households from 2007 to 2010. 2.36 We use a method proposed by Lanjouw, Luoto and McKenzie (2009) to obtain a measure of vulnerability. The basic structure of this method is as follows. A model of consumption (or income) is estimated using the second and third rounds of cross- section data using only variables that do not readily change over time. The parameter estimates from the second and third round models are used together with the time- invariant covariates of households in the first round cross-section to predict consumption in the second and third periods for a household surveyed in the first cross- section. Analysis of transitions can then be obtained from actual consumption in the second period and the estimated first round consumption. The model allows for a lower -45- and an upper bound estimate of mobility depending on how the unobserved components of consumption (the error term), is treated. 2.37 Table 2.5 shows the transitions in and out of poverty for the period 2007-2010 for Niger. The details of how these results were arrived at are contained in Box 2.1. Since consumption from ECVAM and ENBC data sets are not comparable, we calibrate the poverty line in ECVAM in order to produce the same poverty headcount incidence rate (60.8 percent) as was obtained in the ENBC 2007. This allows us to set aside the complex issues of arriving at comparability of the poverty rates from the two different surveys and focus instead on the dynamics of poverty. Box: 2.1: Estimating Poverty Dynamics without a Panel To estimate mobility using Lanjouw, Luoto and McKenzie (2009), we drop observations where the age of head of household was below 25 years old or greater than 60 years so that the underlying populations are not changing due to births and deaths. In step 1, using round 1 data, we estimate consumption on time-invariant covariates in round 1, and obtain the parameters and the error term. In step 2, we take a random draw (with replacement) of the error terms in round 1 data, together with the parameters and the same time-invariant variables in round 2 data to obtain predicted round 1 consumption for round 2 individuals. In step 3, we calculate transitions in and out of poverty, using predicted consumption in round 1 for round 2 individuals. Finally we repeat these three steps 500 times and calculate the transitions as the average of the 500 repetitions. We also obtain the characteristics of the chronic poor in the same three steps as the average characteristics over the 500 repetitions. Two additional issues are worth noting. First, in this exercise the poverty line is calibrated so as to produce the same initial poverty rate as the 2007 ENBC data. Second, the method described above is likely to overstate mobility. So to provide a lower bound on mobility, an alternative assumption where the individuals are given the same error term is imposed. In other words, in step 1 above we regress round 1 consumption on round 1 covariates and round 2 consumption on round 2 covariates and obtain parameters and errors terms in period 1 and 2 respectively. In step 2 we use parameters in round 1, round 2 covariates and round 2 error terms to estimate consumption in round 1 for round 2 individuals. 2.38 Chronic poverty is widespread. Table 2.5 shows upper and lower bound estimates of mobility. The lower and upper bound estimates provide radically different and sometimes conflicting views of Nigerien context. The lower bound estimates suggest that there is hardly any mobility in Niger. Instead chronic poverty is widespread. We define chronic poverty as the population that was in poverty in all three years. The estimates suggest that more than 90 percent of the poor in 2007 were still in poverty in each of the following two survey years. Specifically, 54 percent of the population is estimated to have been in poverty in all three years, implying that in those three years only 10 percent of the poor population exited chronic poverty. A comparison of 2007 and 2008 suggest a small fraction of transient poor (9 percent of the population), which almost doubles to 17 percent between 2007 and 2010. However, in chapter 1 we noticed that the poverty gap also decreased - at least between 2005 and 2007. What this implies is that the poor may becoming less poor, but not fast enough. -46- Table 2.5: Movement In and Out of Poverty (% of population) Lower bound estimates of mobility Upper bound estimates of mobility Poverty Status Poor in 2007 Nonpoor in 2007 Poor in 2007 Nonpoor in 2007 Poorin2008 54 3 35 17 Nonpoor in 2008 6 36 26 23 Poorin2010 58 14 42 22 Nonpoor in 2010 3 25 19 18 Poor in all 3 years 54 26 Never poor in 3 years 25 12 Source: World Bank staff estimates using ECVAM data (per capita expenditure deflated by CPI). 2.39 As the model predicts, the upper bound estimates would tend to overstate mobility. And true to form, the transitions in and out of poverty using upper bound estimates are large. They suggest that at least 40 percent of the population can be classified as transient poor. Between 2007 and 2008 this was estimated at 43 percent while a comparison of 2007 and 2010 leads to an estimate of 41 percent transient poor. Because of these higher levels of transient poor, the estimated levels of chronic poverty is much lower than would be predicted from the lower bound estimates. In fact only 26 percent of the population was estimated to have been in poverty in all the three years. While that is still a high level of chronic poverty it is significantly smaller than the implied levels of chronic poor using the lower bound estimates. 2.40 The majority of chronic poor are crop farmers. The distribution of the chronic poor appears in Table 2.6, which provides the fraction of the chronic poor by primary activity, education, land holding, and primary income source. Almost 8 in 10 of the chronic poor live in households where the primary activity of the head of the household is a crop farmer. The next highest group among the ranks of the chronic poor is heads of households whose primary activity is commerce. According to these data sets, the representation of the heads of households whose primary activity is livestock among the chronic poor is small: only 2 percent of the chronic poor are heads of households whose principal activity is livestock, and only 6 percent of the chronic poor live in the primarily pastoral zones. The proportion is higher if we look only at the primary source of income for the households. In that case, the share of the chronic poor whose primary source of income is sales of livestock is about 12 percent (compared to 30 percent for crop sales) and 15 percent if source is small commerce. In any case, it is important to keep in mind that the nomadic herders are probably underrepresented in the surveys. 2.41 .. and also the least educated. A look at the education profile of the chronic poor shows the highest concentration among heads of households with a Koranic education. This is even higher than those without any education. Over 80 percent of the chronic poor are households with a head without education or with only a Koranic education. 2.42 Across space, the chronic poor are mostly in Maradi, followed by Tillabdri. A little over one-quarter of the chronic poor live in Maradi while another 21 percent live in -47- Tillab6ri. By comparison, only small fractions of the chronic poor live in Niamey, Agadez and Diffa. Partly this is a reflection that the chronic poor are less likely to be urban, since the population of these three regions live mostly in the urban areas by the same names. 2.43 Proportionately more female heads of households are chronically poor. Only 7 percent of the households are headed by a female. However, about 10 percent of the chronic poor live in households which are headed by a female. Similarly, proportionately more people in monogamous households are counted in the ranks of the chronic poor compared to those living in polygamous households, a finding which is altogether not surprising since the latter is usually a sign of relatively higher wealth. Table 2.6: Characteristics of the Chronic Poor Percent of Chronically Poor* lower bound upper bound estimate of mobility estimate of mobility Location urban 12 8 zone: agricultural 59 59 zone: agri-pastoral 34 35 zone: pastoral 6 6 Agadez 1 0 Diffa 3 2 osso 17 16 M jaradi 27 31 Tahoua 17 14 Tillaberi 21 25 Zinder 14 12 Niamey 0 0 Household Structure average household size (# of members) 11 12 aerage age of head (aerage age) - 44 44 female head 1o 10 Education of Head none 35 38 Koranic 48 49 literacy 4 3 primary 10 8 secondary 3 1 tertiary 0 0 IVarital Status of Head married (monogamous) 60 53 married (polygamous) 35 42 divorced 1 1 widowed 4 4 single O 0 Principal Activity of Head agriculture 78 81 livestock 2 2 commerce 8 8 artisan 3 2 administration 11 other 8 6 House hold Agricultural Activity agriculture in past year 94 96 land area, if agriculture in past year (hectares) - 5 5 House hold Primary Income Source sales of agricultural products 30 32 sales of livestock 12 13 small commerce 15 14 day labor 7 6 sales of wood/straw 4 4 sale of artisanal products 5 4 salary I 1 commerce / business 3 4 transfers 9 9 borrowing 1 1 other 13 13 .except for those categories denoted otherwise Source: World Bank staff estimates using ECVAM data (per capita expenditure deflated by CPI). -48- G. Conclusion: 2.44 In this chapter we documented major shocks that affect the lives of Nigeriens. We also estimated the welfare consequences of these shocks. We find that price and weather shocks, which are correlated, dominate the lives of Nigerien households. These shocks impose huge welfare costs and high levels of vulnerability to poverty. In such an environment, a durable and robust system of protection anchored by markets for insurance and supplemented with public social safety net programs could help households cope better with these shocks. Unfortunately, Niger's insurance markets are weak or missing, while the existing safety net programs are not well-targeted and a few are regressive. Therefore, there is very low resilience to shocks. So what could be done? 2.45 Niger needs to build resilience. That will require some long term investments and short term actions that are not very costly. In the short run, the most urgent thing is to build information system on market prices, on weather shocks, and on knowing the poor. There is already a system for collecting regional prices of major staples, but the system is not built for speed or transparency. To strengthen this system, it will be necessary to build a connected system that uses modern information technologies to collect information on prices from farmers, wholesalers and large traders from neighboring trading partners. To know the poor, Niger needs to build regular, consistent and comprehensive surveys that again use the capabilities of modern technology. In the long run, investment in improving agricultural productivity and developing insurance markets will be essential along with a diversified portfolio of household incomes. -49- Chapter 3: Children's Opportunities In Niger A. Introduction 3.1 As we saw in the first two chapters, material deprivation is widespread in Niger. Headcount poverty of 60 percent masks large differences across regions, urban and rural areas, and across socio-economic groups. We showed how a large part of the observed deprivation can be explained by high exposure to shocks - from natural events such as weather shocks and external shocks such as trade - which affect income profiles and material well-being of Nigeriens. However, such large differences in material outcomes can also be due to huge differences in past opportunities. In turn, current inequality of opportunities can have large intergenerational differences in future outcomes, including labor earnings, consumption and income, occupation, health and, human capacity more generally. Therefore, understanding the nature of inequality of opportunities is important in understanding the patterns of both current and future poverty. 3.2 We define opportunities as a set of core basic services which enable individuals to participate - with dignity - in basic functions of the society they live in. While what such services include have varied across time, cultures and contexts, in recent years, they have come to be associated with access to a minimum level of education, nutrition, water and sanitation, electricity, and health. For example, the latest global consensus - the MDGs - has mobilized global effort to universalize access to basic education, health and nutrition. We use opportunity in this chapter to mean not just widespread availability of services, but combined access and effective utilization of such services. Therefore, it is not enough that a school is available in a slum. Rather, society must do more and ensure that the children who live in the slum attend the school and learn as their peers who live outside the slum. When they don't, we would say that there are unequal opportunities in education. 3.3 There are at least three reasons why inequality of opportunity is problematic. The first is that it violates a common social norm of fairness. Most outcomes such as labor market earnings, incomes, wealth, occupation, etc., are determined by several factors such as preferences, effort and ability, circumstances, and luck. In a just (or ideal) world, differences in observed outcomes would be primarily determined by differences in levels of effort and ability (or talent). However, as the experiences in many contexts have shown, most observed differences are rarely due to differences in effort or ability. Instead, they are due to factors that are inherited (e.g. gender, ethnicity, parental education or income) or those that individuals find themselves in (e.g. region, rural residence) - all of which are completely outside of the control of the individuals. So long as such factors that are outside the control of the individuals play an outsized role in determining life chances, opportunities will be judged unequal. Second, when outcomes in society are not determined by effort and ability, but circumstances of birth, inefficiency of economic activity will result. Such misallocation will undermine -50- overall productivity of the society, which in turn diminish prospects for inclusive wealth creation and potentially lead to social conflict. Finally, inequality of opportunities and resulting inefficiencies is also associated with unequal distribution of power, which in many contexts lead to additional distortions and possibly conflict. 3.4 This chapter explores the inequality of opportunity in Niger. It attempts to answer a few questions. Are opportunities in Niger shaped by circumstances? If so, which circumstances are the most important? Has the country made progress in improving opportunities for its children? To answer these questions, we begin by documenting patterns of inequality for two basic opportunities for children - education and health. We then examine the progress made by Niger in improving opportunities for its children and compare its performance to that of its neighbors. Along the process, we show some of the key circumstances that appear to be the most important in determining the trajectory of life chances in Niger. 3.5 Our goals are modest in this chapter. We hope to highlight certain human development outcomes, such as school enrollment and children's nutrition, purposefully. While we realize that there is much more to education than just showing up for class, for millions of poor children in Niger, just getting into school will be a giant leap forward. Similarly, children in Niger suffer from some of the highest incidence rates of malnutrition and mortality in the world. Therefore, while there is a plethora of health issues which merit serious attention, we have chosen in this chapter to focus on highlighting factors which prevent a child from living to celebrate her/his 5th birthday. Also, our goals are modest in part because we are limited by lack of datasets which collect information on both human development outcomes as well as on household welfare. In that vein, we draw upon those datasets which can be used to empirically examine the relationship between poverty and human development outcomes. Nonetheless, we hope to contribute to an almost non-existent empirical literature on circumstances that alter children's life chances in Niger. 3.6 As the following sections demonstrate, human development outcomes, such as educational attainment, incidence of child malnutrition and mortality, are poor in Niger. Poor outcomes are a result of complex interaction of supply and demand side factors, such as: insufficient spending on public services (budget constraint), not spending on services used by the poor (regressive benefit-incidence), money and inputs not reaching the poor (lack of planning, corruption), providers not showing up for work (absenteeism), providers not providing adequate services while at work (quality of provision), lack of market linkages (low demand for skilled labor), intra-household preferences, social norms, and geographic isolation. Very little empirical work has been done on any one of these factors in Niger , far less on the complex interplay. A recent study by the World Bank (2009b) did a Public Expenditure Review on the Education and Health sector examining issues of resource flows and accountability of personnel. Interestingly this came in the aftermath of a certain episode in Niger where not a single text book reached a single pupil in rural Niger -51- 3.7 One exception is a recent study of the Public Expenditure Tracking in education and health. The study noted that weak public expenditure management in Niger may exist for several reasons. First, the expenditure management chain is opaque and difficult to monitor flows of resources from one entity to the next. The survey found a general lack of systematic record keeping, particularly between central and regional levels. Information on unit costs or transaction dates were missing systematically. Without reporting such information it is difficult to know what, how much, and when input materials should arrive at local providers. Second, citizens- or end users of services- possess limited information about the inputs and services they should receive in their schools and health facilities because the budget process and its specificity is not revealed particularly to the public. Without such knowledge it is difficult to hold service providers accountable for delivery of timely inputs and services. Relieving bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the public expenditure management system for public services are critical for improving outcomes in human development. Recommendations from the study called for improving transparency in resource management through media and public access to information. Below we hope to fill some gaps with regard to children's education and health outcomes, beginning with education. B. Poverty and Education 3.8 The overwhelming majority of Niger's adult population cannot read or write. Unfortunately this is a pervasive problem among the youth as well - Niger is one of 5 countries where less than 40 percent of the population between 15 and 24 years are literate: Mali (24.2percent), Burkina Faso (33 percent), Afghanistan (34.3 percent), Niger (36.5 percent), and Chad (37.6 percent). Therefore, both the Government of Niger and development partners are in strong agreement that investment in the human capital base has to be an essential component of Niger's pro-poor growth strategy. With the framework of the Fast Track Initiative (FTI) and its PRSP, Niger launched a 10 year development for the education sector in 2002. So have children's opportunities improved as a result of the investments? 3.9 There is a sharp increase in enrollment rates. Niger's primary cycle lasts for six years, while the secondary cycle lasts for seven years. Children are officially supposed to enter primary schooling at the age of 6 (the age group 6 to 12 being for primary schooling), and school enrollment is compulsory for children aged 7 - 15. The results presented in this chapter will focus on the schooling outcomes in the primary cycle, but because there is substantial late entry, it will sometimes present results for children between 7-15 years, those for whom schooling is supposed to be mandatory. Table 3.2 shows that in 1998, about 47 percent of children between 7-15 years were enrolled. Most recently, that is, in 2006 about 68 percent of this age group was reported enrolled in school. By some estimate, close to 67percent of children in the reference age group (7 - 13) are currently enrolled in school. This is a 20 percentage point increase in for an entire academic year. This underscores the lack of accountability permeating through the entire system of service delivery. -52- enrollment in less than 10 years. Despite this dramatic (50 percent) increase in enrollment, overall enrollment rates are still low and it is unlikely that Niger will meet its MDG Education targets by 2015. The education system remains the least efficient even compared to poorly performing neighboring countries: Niger has the highest spending per pupil as a percentage of GDP per capita but the lowest primary school enrollment and completion rate (World Bank 2009). 3.10 Education outcomes are, however, not uniformly dismal. They are relatively lower for rural citizens, for girls, and for the poor. In this chapter we will present some statistics of basic educational outcomes and explore factors which shape these outcomes within the context of poverty. For that purpose we will draw upon the ENBC 2007/2008 dataset given that it is the only data source in Niger which has information both on education outcomes as well as poverty (consumption based measure of poverty). 3.11 The increase in coverage rate masks significant differences by income group. Only 54 percent of children living in households from the poorest quartile attend school, compared to 83 percent of children from the richest households (Figure 3.1). As Figure 3.1 illustrates, not only is there a huge gap between the poorest and the richest, but a wide gap exists between the richest and the second richest as well. Figure 3.1: Enrollment Rate for Children aged 7-13 by Consumption Quintile (Poorest to Richest) School Enrollment (%) and Poverty 90 80 70 60 50 40 . Consumption Quintile 30 20 10 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 World Bank staff estimates using ENBC 2007/2008 3.12 Location is a much larger disadvantage than income. A comparison of enrollment rates by rural and urban residence shows that location turns out to be a bigger factor in shaping schooling outcomes than poverty (Figure 3.2). The gap in enrollment between poor children living in rural areas and poor children living in urban areas is almost as large as the gap in enrollment between poor and rich children (irrespective of residence) highlighted above. So while poor children are less likely to go to school, this problem is most acute for poor rural children. Note that even for children -53- from households in the richest consumption quintile, 38 percent of rural children are still not enrolled in school while most of their urban counterparts are in school. Figure 3.2: Enrollment by location and poverty status a Rural U urban 100 90 80 - 70 - 60 E '~40 30 20 10 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Quartile of expenditure Source: World Bank staff estimates from ENBC 2007/2008 3.13 Gender inequity in access is still a problem. The overall enrollment rate for boys is about 72 percent% while that of girls is 62 percent, so%, which means that there are 3 girls in school for every 4 boys. This gender gap (10 percentage point) in enrollment is, however, modulated by poverty and location (Figure 3.3). While there is only a 2 percentage point enrollment gap between poor boys and poor girls living in urban areas, there is a 15 percentage point gap in enrollment between poor boys and poor girls living in rural areas. These findings highlight the fact that the problem of low enrollment among poor girls living in rural areas is most acute. Figure 3.3: Enrollment rate by gender, location and poverty status MQ1 MQ2 Q3 MQ4 100 90 80 70 C (V 50 E S40 C 30 20 10 0 Girls rural Girlsurban Boys rural Boys urban Quartile of expenditure Source: World Bank staff estimates using ENBC 2007/2008 -54- C. Correlates of Enrollment 3.14 The preceding graphs show the average enrollments in each location, by gender and wealth. Now, we explore the correlates of school enrollment using a detailed probit regression specification. The binary dependent variable takes on the value 1 if the child is enrolled in school, 0 otherwise. We run a pooled regression, as well as separate regressions for the rural and urban sample to explore whether certain covariates are more influential depending upon the location of the household (as suggested by the raw data highlighted above). The covariates we use include (a) child specific information such as gender, age of the child (13 year olds are the left out category), whether the child has a handicap/disability, and (b) household characteristics: female headed household, age of household head, number of girls and boys between the ages of 0-4, number of women between the ages of 15-64, number of men between the ages of 15- 64, number of women and men aged 65 and over, whether there is a school in the area, whether there is a school less than 1 km away, consumption quintile (richest quintile is left out category). Additionally, we also control whether the household lives in a rural area in the pooled regression, regional effects (Niamey is the left out category), and month of the survey (January is the left out category). 3.15 Regression results (Table A2.1, Annex 2) highlight the effect of several important factors which shape school enrollment. Corroborating what was previously highlighted in the raw data, children from the poorest quintile are 21% less likely to be enrolled in school, children living in rural areas are 26% less likely to be enrolled in school, while girls are 13% less likely to be enrolled in school. 3.16 Physical isolation is a major obstacle to improving equity of access, especially for rural girls. We find that distance to school has a significant impact on school enrollment, and this factor is particularly important in rural areas. Having a school located in the village catchment area means that a rural child is 29% more likely to be enrolled in school. Even if a school is within 1 km, the rural child is 25% more likely to be enrolled in school compared to a child who lives further. While it also matters whether a school is located nearby for an urban household, the marginal effect is much smaller. This reflects the overall lack of infrastructure and limited transportation in rural areas which makes it difficult for rural children to travel even long distances to attend schools. There are also other notable differences between rural and urban areas. While urban girls are 5% less likely (compared to boys) to be enrolled in school, rural girls are 17% less likely to be enrolled in school, even after controlling for a host of household characteristics. This could reflect differences in social norms between rural and urban areas, as well as opportunity cost and labor market returns of females. The presence of other female children and older females in the household both positively affect the probability of enrollment. Female members are likely to pick up the household chores and make available time for children to go to school. This supports the idea that rural children, especially girls, may have greater time constraints to participate fully in school. The time constraints may increase with age. The age group variable left out in the -55- regression is 13. The closer children are in age to 13, the less likely they are to be in school. 3.17 Poor children fare relatively worse in urban areas. While children from the poorest quintile in rural areas are 14% less likely to be enrolled in school, children from the poorest quintile in urban areas are 26% less likely to be enrolled in school. This implies that special emphasis has to be devoted to reaching out to poor children in urban areas. 3.18 There is a need for addressing problems on low enrollment among specific category of children and by region. We find that children with a disability are almost 28% less likely to be enrolled in school. While overall enrollment rates are low, and the first priority of a resource-constrained country should be to focus on the general population, it is important to flag that special attention needs to be devoted to reaching out to children with disabilities. Overall enrollment rates are low in Dosso and Maradi, and enrollment rates are low particularly for rural children in these two regions. D. Poverty and Nutrition 3.19 While there is considerable variation in adult height and weight, a broad consensus in biomedical research has established that children below the age of five should share similar growth patterns in height and weight regardless of ethnicity and gender under 'ideal' circumstances (e.g., adequate nutrition). Malnutrition by itself is one of major killers of children, associated with almost half of all child deaths worldwide. Malnourished children have lowered resistance to infection, and are more likely to die from common childhood ailments like diarrheal diseases and respiratory infections. Malnourished children who survive continue to be more susceptible to morbidity spells with frequent illness further diminishing their nutritional status, locking them into a vicious cycle of recurring sickness, diminished learning ability - with diverse implications on productivity and earnings. Niger has high incidence of child malnutrition, reflected in the fact that almost half of the under five children are stunted (low height for age) and 40% are underweight. Given the fact that poor households often lack the resources to purchase/produce sufficient quantity/quality of food, children in those households often suffer from malnutrition. 3.20 In this section we will explore some of the factors which influence child height and weight in Niger. Again, we draw upon the ENBC 2007/2008 dataset given that is the only data source in Niger which has information both on nutritional outcomes as well as poverty (consumption based measure of poverty). We will supplement this analysis with DHS 2006 data which has information on nutritional outcomes, but does not have any consumption/expenditure data. There are various other large sample surveys which collect detailed information on child nutrition, such as UNICEF sentinel surveys. However, like the DHS surveys, they do not collect information on household welfare. For our sample, we draw upon children aged less than or equal to 59 months in the ENBC 2007/2008 dataset. For the dependent variables, height (measured in centimeters) and weight (measured in kilograms), we take log transformations to -56- reduce the influence of outliers and normalize the distribution. We control for child, household, infrastructure, and regional factors in the regression. Table A2.2 (Annex 2) presents the correlates of child height and weight. 3.21 It is not surprising that biological progression in age is the most important factor which shapes growth in height and weight for children under five - about 70% of the variation in the data is controlled for by just controlling for age variable (measured in months). 3.22 Children in female headed household are more malnourished. While the magnitude of the gender effect is not large for height - girls on average weigh 5% less than boys - children in female headed households tend to be shorter (-1.4%), and weigh less (-1.7%) as well. It is not clear why this is the case. Perhaps female headed households are poorer and the result is simply the income effect. The results indeed show that poverty is strongly correlated with child nutritional status. For instance, a one percent increase in per-capita consumption is associated with a 3% increase in child weight, and a 1% increase in height. This suggests a strong relationship between poverty and child nutritional status. However, as we saw in chapter 1, female headed households are not on average poorer and in fact proportionately more of them live in urban areas. The alternative is mother's knowledge. A sizeable literature posits mother's nutritional knowledge is strongly correlated with better nutritional outcomes for children, a possibility nonetheless we could not ascertain in the case of Niger. 3.23 Children's nutritional status varies considerably by region. Compared to children in Niamey, children in all other regions weigh less and are shorter (they are shorter in Tillab6ri as well, however, the magnitude is small). It is interesting to note that even though Agadez and Diffa are relatively better off compared to Niamey, (or at least not worse off in terms of poverty), nutritional status of children are still lower (Table 3.1). However, comparing Niamey to the other four (relatively) poor regions, this finding of lower nutritional status reflects the fact that the average household in Niamey is relatively wealthier, has greater access to nutrients, as well as access to services. This is also consistent with the finding that children living in rural areas, weigh less (-3.3%) and are shorter (-1%). Table 3.1: Differences in nutritional status of children across regions Height (logs) 1A/eight (logs) Agadez -3 -8 Diffa -1.5 -5.3 Dosso -0.7 -2.7 Iaradi -2.1 -4 TahoLua -1.3 -2.5 Tillaberi -0.5 -2 Zinder -2 -6.9 Note: All estimates are percent differences from Niamey region's average height and weight. Source: World Bank staff estimates from survey data. -57- E. Poverty and Mortality 3.24 After staying essentially unchanged for decades, the child mortality rate (number of deaths per thousand children who die before reaching their 5th birthday) started a secular decline in Niger starting from the 1990s. For example, the under-five child mortality rate (deaths per thousand live births) was 309 in 1970, 310 in 1980, 305 in 1990, while falling to 227 by 2000 (last reliable estimate is 160 in 2006). The Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), a standardized survey conducted in various years in 75 countries, is the only survey which has a sample size large enough for estimation of under-five child mortality rate (U5MR). The last DHS was conducted in Niger in 2006. 3.25 Like all DHS surveys, no information is collected on income or consumption. Some information is, however, collected on assets and dwelling structure. We use that information to first create an "asset index" to proxy for household welfare. We use principle component analysis to come up with a composite correlation index (using the first eigenvalues) using the following variables: type of water source used by the household (e.g., piped water into the house, public tap outside the house), type of toilet, floor material of the dwelling, connection to electricity, and whether or not the household owns the following - radio, television, refrigerator, bicycle, motorbike, car, mobile phone. 3.26 Child mortality information is collected in the DHS by detailed retrospective questions to adult women on their reproductive histories. To mitigate against censoring bias, we only look at the sample of children who were born at least 5 years before the date of the survey. We examine the correlates of child mortality in a Probit regression framework. The dependent binary variable takes on the value of 1 if the child died before reaching her/his 5th birthday, 0 otherwise. We control for gender of the child, household asset index, education of the mother, age of mother when she had her first child, whether or not the head of the household is a female, regional effects, and whether the household resides in a rural area. 3.27 Probit regression results are presented in Table A2.3, Annex 2 (coefficients are reported as marginal probability). While the interpretation of the coefficient of the asset index is difficult, we see that it is significant and negatively related to the child mortality, suggesting that children from wealthier households are less likely to die before reaching the age of five. Consistent with studies across the world, we find that mothers' education has a strong impact on child health - children of uneducated mothers are 2.5% more likely to die before reaching their 5th birthday. Also consistent with other studies, we find that delaying age of first birth (which in Niger is strongly related to delaying age of marriage) lowers the likelihood of child mortality, although, the relationship is not significant. 3.28 Similar to our findings of factors which influence education and nutrition outcomes, we also find strong regional difference. However, like education and nutritional outcomes which on average are lower in other regions compared to Niamey, -58- the picture is more nuanced when it comes to child mortality. Compared to children in Niamey, children in Agadez and Diffa are 8% and 6%, respectively, less likely to die before reaching their 5th birthday. Given that Agadez and Diffa are relatively wealthier than Niamey, this is an expected finding, in contrast to our findings reported in the previous section on child nutrition. On the other hand, children in Zinder are 6.5% more likely to die - which is consistent with the fact that Zinder is poorer than Niamey. However, we do not find a statistically significant result for other regions in contrast to our findings on child nutrition. The one consistent finding, however, is that human capital outcomes are lower in rural areas. Compared to children born in urban areas, children born in rural areas are 3.2% more likely to die before reaching their 5th birthday. F. Evolution of opportunities 3.29 Thus far we have shown that, on average, children's education and health outcomes have improved over time. However, we also showed that coverage or access to services is influenced by gender of children, residence in urban or rural areas, region of birth and family wealth. This is an indication that opportunities for Niger's children may not be equal. Recall that opportunity measures not only access to services but how fairly the coverage is distributed. Therefore, in this section we look at the evolution of opportunities in Niger. To track progress on opportunities we use human opportunity index (HOI) which is coverage rate that takes into consideration the equity of access to the service. The HOI is defined as the coverage rate plus a "penalty" for the share of access to services considered universal that is not equitably distributed. As an illustration, suppose that there are 100 children in a country, split equally between rich and poor (i.e. 50 poor and 50 rich). Suppose that 40 rich children are enrolled, while only 30 poor children are. The coverage rate would be estimated as 70 percent. But we suspect that the distribution of the coverage violates the notion of fairness, where we would expect the 70 slots to be equally distributed between rich and poor. Therefore, the HOI would be 70*(1-5/70))=65. The ratio of the shortfall in equal coverage relative to average coverage (5/70) is called Dissimilarity index (D-index) and it is a "penalty" imposed on lack of equity in access. Table 3.2 shows the evolution of HOI in Niger between 1998 and 2006 for some basic opportunities in education and health. The calculations are all based on the DHS surveys. 3.30 Opportunities in Niger have increased sharply between 1998 and 2006. Table 3.2 shows the progress made in coverage and more importantly in equalizing opportunities. Two of three education opportunities - school attendance and starting primary on time - have improved. Similarly sharp improvements have happened in two opportunities in health. The average coverage rate for school attendance for 6 to 15 year olds increased from 47 percent in 1998 to 68 percent in 2006. This is an impressive 45 percent improvement. However the HOI, which we have defined as inequality- sensitive coverage rate rose more sharply, from 31 percent to 53 percent, which turns out to be a 71 percent improvement. The opportunities for beginning primary on time also improved dramatically, but no improvements are seen in opportunities for -59- completing primary on time. On health immunization against measles and underweight - a measure of nutrition adequacy in childhood - also saw large changes, in the desired direction. Table 3.2: Human Opportunity index in education and health Coverage D-Index HOI Significant change in 1998 2006 1998 2006 1998 2006 HO? (95%) Education School Attendance (6 to 11 years) 22.1% 33.1% 35.1% 22.7% 14.3% 25.6% Yes School Attendance (12 to 15 years) 25.0% 35.0% 32.2% 20.7% 17.0% 27.8% Yes Begin primary on time 5.4% 11.4% 46.7% 28.4% 2.9% 8.2% Yes Finished primary on time 6.1% 5.9% 40.7% 47.3% 3.6% 3.1% No Health Immunization against measles 44.0% 52.6% 15.4% 12.0% 37.2% 46.3% Yes No underweight (Weight-for-age) 54.4% 62.1% 6.5% 5.2% 50.9% 58.8% Yes Source: World Bank staff estimates 3.31 The evidence suggests that both boys and girls benefited equally from the expansion in opportunities. Tables A2.4 and A2.5 show the evolution of HOI in education and health for girls and boys separately. The initial gaps in opportunities were very high in education, but about the same in health, for girls and boys. In education, where the opportunities are relatively pronounced, boys had around 7 percentage point higher chance of attending school than girls, and these initial disparities did not decline because of equal expansion of opportunities. However, despite the initial advantage boys had in finishing primary on time, by 2006, the differences have vanished. By contrast, girls' opportunities in health appear to be either as good or better than those of boys. There are no differences on immunization against measles, while underweight measures appear to favor girls - that is, a slightly higher fraction of girls are found to be of normal weight. 3.32 Expanding access has been the key reason for the improvement in opportunities. Table 3.3 shows a decomposition of the changes in HOI. Composition means that the mix of children changed, that is the ratios between old and young. Scale, as the name suggests, captures the role played by expansion of coverage to all groups. Finally equalization captures the fraction of improvement that is attributable to reduction in the differences between rich and poor, urban and rural and so on - in other words, improving equity of access and thereby making coverage fairer. The findings in Table 3.3 show that attempts to reach as many children as possible (scale effects) explained most of the improvements observed in equalizing opportunities, but doing so in an equitable way (equalization effect) also played an important role. This can be seen by the fact that the dissimilarity index, or the penalty for not providing access according to the equality of opportunity principle has declined a lot. Tables A2.6 and A2.7 confirm that the same pattern holds when the decomposition is done separately for boys and girls. That said, household composition seems to have relatively little weight in explaining the changes in opportunities for girls. This suggests that large and small -60- families seem to treat girls the same. Similarly, location seems to carry more weight in explaining changes in opportunities for girls than for boys (see Tables A2.8 and A2.9). Table 3.3: Decomposing total change in Human Opportunity Index Total Change in HOI Decomposition 1998 - 2006 Coverage (Percentage Points) Composition Scale Equalization Education School Attendance (6 to 11 years) 11.2 -0.8 8.3 3.8 School Attendance (12 to 15 years) 10.8 -0.2 7.1 3.9 Begin primary on time 5.3 -0.2 3.6 2.0 Finished primary on time -0.5 -0.1 0.1 -0.5 Health Immunization against measles 9.1 3.2 4.0 1.9 No underweight (Weight-for-age) 7.9 0.5 6.9 0.5 Source: World Bank staff estimates 3.33 Despite this remarkable progress, Niger lags behind all its neighbors in providing opportunities for all. Figures 3.4 and 3.5 compare Niger's basic coverage and HOI for education and health, respectively, with 5 neighbors. In all the identified opportunities, Niger lags behind its neighbors. The gulf separating Niger and the other comparator countries appear smaller in health than it is in education, with the sole exception of completing primary on time. On this last opportunity, there is not much difference between Niger and its Francophone comparators, but the gap remains large with Anglophone comparators. Figure 3.4: Opportunities in Education, Niger compared to neighbors, circa. 2006 School attendance (6 to 11 years) 100% 90% 80% 70% 600/ 50%/ 40%/ 30%/ 20%/ 10% Ghana Nigeria Sierra Leone Senegal Mali Niger M Coverage M HOI -61- School attendance (12 to 15 years) 80% 70% 80%-- 50%o 40%/ 30%/ 20%/ 10% 0% Ghana Nigeria Sierra Leone Senegal Mali Niger M Coverage M HOI Begin primary on time 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 100% 200/. 90/o 0% Nigeri na Sierra Leone MGh Seneg.l Mali Niger M Coverage M HOI Finished primary on time 100% 900/ 80%/ 70%/ 60%/ 500/ 40%/ 30%/ 20%/ 10%OL- 0%M M. Nigen.a Ghana Sierr Le,ne Mal Senegal Niger 0 Coverage M HOI -62- Immunization against measles 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30%- 20%- 10% 0% Ghana Senegal Mali Sierra Leone Niger Nigena M Coverage m HOI Figure 3.5: Opportunities in Health, Niger compared to neighbors, circa. 2006 No underweight 100% 90% 80%- 70% -- 60% 50% - 40%/, 30%/- 20% 10%- Senegal Ghana Sierra Leone Nigeria Mali Niger M Coverage m HOI 3.34 The main reason for this huge gap with neighbors is because circumstances continue to play a huge impact in access to services in Niger. Of the circumstances examined, three explain most of the inequalities in opportunities: the income rank of the household, the characteristics of the household head (that is gender, education, and age) and residence in rural areas (Figure 3.6). This is true for both education and health opportunities. Since rural residents tend to be poorer, and poverty is highly correlated with education, age and gender of household heads, it is tempting to conclude that the three circumstances identified here may in fact capture the role income differences play in entrenching inequality of opportunities. But the analysis in this report shows that these circumstances matter in their own respect. For instance, children of rich rural residents are still only 66 percent more likely to enroll in schools as the children of rich urban residence (see Figure 3.2), reflecting perhaps issues of simple availability (supply) of schools and differences in urban and rural social norms (demand) that affect household perceptions about the benefits of education and in particular the benefits of education for girls. -63- Figure 3.6 : Dissimilarity Index using one by one each circumstance (education) Geuder and Age Presence ofparnt and orphan3 Presence ofchildren and elderly Wealth quintiles Location (Urban/rural) Household head chacteristics (education, gender ard age) -School Attendance (6 to 11 years) -School Attendance (12 to 15 years) Begin primary on time - Finished primaryon time Figure 3.7: Dissimilarity Index using one by one each circumstance (health) Gender and birth order 10% Wealthquintiles Presence ofchildren and elderly Mother characteristics (education, Location(Urban/rural employment, marital status and age) - Immunization against measles -No underweight (Weight-for-age) G. Conclusion 3.35 While problems of low school enrollment, inadequate nutrition, and child mortality, plague the nation as a whole - it is the poor, rural children of Niger who disproportionately suffer. This inequality in opportunities is particularly pronounced in regards to educational outcomes. Consistent with micro-econometric evidence from Africa, we also find a strong bias against investment in girls' schooling . The confluence of poverty (children from the poorest quintile are 21% less likely to be enrolled in school), remoteness (children living in rural areas are 26% less likely to be enrolled in 8In contrast to micro-econometric evidence from South Asia for example, where there is systematically stronger evidence of intra-household gender bias in both education and health investments. -64- school), and social norms (girls are 13% less likely to be enrolled in school), make it a daunting challenge for policymakers to improve outcomes. However, that does not mean that public investments cannot make a difference. For example, our analysis shows that making public schools accessible to rural households has a strong impact on increasing enrollment rates. Our analysis also highlights important regional variations in educational outcomes - for example, not only are enrollment rates lower in Dosso and Maradi, enrollment rates are particularly low for rural children in these two regions. This implies that attention needs to be devoted towards a geographically differentiated pubic strategy to reaching out to poor children. 3.36 Our analysis also finds a strong relationship between poverty and child nutritional status. There is also some evidence that there might be a gender bias in nutritional inputs - girls under five on average weigh 5% less than boys. Nutritional status is also significantly lower in rural areas, as well as considerable variation in child nutritional status by region. On average, compared to children in Niamey, children in all other regions are shorter and weigh less. While for most regions this finding is consistent with being poorer and having lower levels of public investments, this holds even in relatively richer regions of Agadez and Diffa. Again, this calls for a detailed spatially differentiated exploration of determinants of child malnutrition, as well as strategies to geographically prioritize and target public interventions. Even though there is no dataset in Niger which has systematic information on both child mortality and income/consumption, we construct a proxy for household wealth (primarily using asset information) to illustrate the relationship between child mortality and welfare. While our findings suggest that there is a significant relationship between poverty and child mortality, the most consistent finding which again emerges is that incidence of child mortality is higher in rural areas. Our analysis of the correlates of child mortality also highlights another important issue - the positive spill-over effects of human capital investments. We find that mothers' education is significantly associated with lower incidence of child mortality. -65- Chapter 4: Agriculture, Income, and Rural Poverty A. Overview of the Chapter 4.1 We noted in the first chapter that rural areas experienced a faster reduction in poverty between 2005 and 2007 and some of the change may be driven by a reduction in inequality. However, rural areas still account for over 80 percent of the population and the largest share of the poor. Part of the explanation, of course is that the primary reliance on low-input, low-technology rain-fed agriculture is not sufficient for moving rural households out of poverty. Thus, it is important to explore how Niger's agricultural sector, especially the productivity of small farmers, contributes to rural welfare. This chapter opens with an overview of crop production and characterizes the main participants in each of the existing sub-sectors. The first section looks at aggregate data and the evolution of agricultural productivity in Niger over time and in comparison to its neighbors (section B). We then present some stylized facts about the agricultural system using detailed, farm level information from the Niger General Agricultural Census (NGAC) in section C. This provides the backdrop for looking at the links between participation in farming and poverty issues which are tackled in the section that follows (section D). Section E looks at correlates of farm level efficiency, while section F explores the potential links between government spending and agricultural growth and therefore incomes in rural areas. 4.2 As we suspect, most of the cultivated land (85 percent) is devoted to rain-fed agriculture. Producers tend to deploy an intercropping system although pure stand systems have demonstrated higher yields in most departments. More than 93 percent of households engaged in agriculture are headed by males. Compared with male farmers, females use systematically lower levels of inputs and produce lower yields. Based on a stochastic production frontier model, we find that education, mechanization, distance to nearest market (that is, isolation) and rainfall are among key correlates of agricultural efficiency. 4.3 We also find that the share of agricultural income is much higher among poor households than among the non-poor across departments, suggesting that agricultural incomes are too low to lift many households out of poverty. Poor households rely upon ni6be (cowpea), millet, and groundnut production as their main sources of income. Growth accounting analysis suggests that fertilizer and agricultural labor have been instrumental in maintaining a positive agricultural growth trend. In the most recent period (1991-2006), Total Factor Productivity (TFP) has turned positive, growing at an annual rate of 7.5, compared to -0.6 percent from 1962 to 1990. However, shocks continue to take their toll, and the chapter provides evidence of the negative effects of droughts, which have contributed to a lower than expected growth rate and long-term low per capita income. -66- 4.4 Finally, we use a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to simulate the impact of agricultural investment on agricultural growth and poverty reduction. Policy simulations on possible impacts of promoting irrigation are also conducted. The results suggest that expansion of irrigated land will boost agricultural growth as well as overall economic growth. However, competition over limited inputs will temper growth in non- irrigated and other agricultural sub-sectors. We offer recommendations for improving agricultural production and increasing returns to poor producers. B. Overview of Agricultural Production 4.5 Producers cultivate during two seasons in Niger: the rainy season, considered the main cropping period when grains and cowpeas (niebe) are produced, and the irrigated season which includes the production of horticultural commodities and onions. Rice is grown during both periods but the irrigated season predominates. Most of the grain harvest is consumed locally although some of it may be traded regionally. Trade activity depends upon regional market conditions and the degree to which foreign markets face deficits or surpluses. These markets are extremely sensitive to weather conditions and price shocks. 4.6 Depending upon the geographic zone, irrigated crops in Niger may be grown in succession to grains on the same plot of land or they may be produced on a separate parcel which features greater access to water. The bulk of irrigated production - almost 90 percent- comprises export commodities, chiefly onions and peppers. The crops grown during these two seasons embody distinct technologies that command different levels of inputs, coordination and infrastructure, and therefore yield different returns. Below, Figure 4.1 represents the broad distribution of rainy and irrigated cropping seasons in 2008. Figure 4.1: Shares of Rain-Fed and Irrigated Production in the Agricultural sector (%) 46.7 27.6 22.6 3.1 Rain fed food crops Rain fed cash crops Irrigated food Irrigated cash crops crops Source : Niger 2008 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), World Bank staff calculations. 4.7 The import and export data reveals that the country is a net exporter of agricultural products to its sub-regional partners (data from BCEAO and World Bank Niger Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS)). Table 4.1 shows that agro-pastoral -67- production contributes a significant portion of exports to Niger's economy and it has increased over time. The adjusted trade data suggest that a large but uncertain portion of trade in this sector is informal and largely elusive to capture via the customs reporting. Table 4.1: Main exports by Value, 2001-2005 BCEAO Adjusted Data (CFAF billion) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Uranium 62.5 65.5 70.1 78.5 79.6 Live animals 36.7 33.3 26.8 31.8 48.6 Onions 13.8 15.5 35.7 38.4 42.3 Cowpeas 7.6 10.8 14.0 13.5 19.1 Gold N/D N/D 10.8 34.2 25.0 Misc. 74.2 79.40 73.3 55.5 47.1 Total 194.8 204.5 230.7 251.9 263.2 Source: BCEAO *Includes CFAF 478 million for leathers and skins. 4.8 Despite the important contribution of the agriculture sector to overall GDP growth, agricultural performance is weak in comparison to its Sahelien neighbors. Table 4.2 below compares yields of key food crops across the Sahel. With the exception of rice, yields of other Nigerien commodities presented lag behind those of comparator countries. Yields per hectare of main agricultural products are low for all the three main crops (millet, sorghum, and groundnuts) and are 43.2 percent lower on average compared to other SSA countries. Rice yield per hectare is in line with the region's average, and other commodities are driving exports. Table 4.2: Comparison of Niger's yields of cereal production with Sahelien countries Average yields, in Kg/Hectare (2003-2007) Millet Sorghum Rice Groundnuts Burkina Faso 885.4 1,034.3 1898.5 733.7 Chad 571.6 702.9 1,259.8 877.0 Mali 722.9 812.2 2,297.9 887.3 Mauritania 184.1 397.9 4,218.7 800.5 Niger 444.6 335.0 3435.6 534.4 Senegal 617.7 811.6 2,523.5 775.4 Western Africa 875.5 978.2 1,574.0 1,177.3 SSA 793.5 900.6 2294.5 990.2 Source: FAOSTAT. 4.9 Agricultural growth in Niger has fluctuated considerably over the last 50 years resulting from both changes in intensification and productivity. Table 4.3 presents some of these dynamics. We decompose change by decade to examine how various factors contributed to overall growth. From the early 1960s to the late 1980s, growth was mainly driven by the change in inputs. Overall, fertilizer and agricultural labor have been critical in maintaining a positive growth trend with the contribution of labor remaining relatively constant and fertilizer being highly variable. Capital intensification has been flat over the entire period. -68- 4.10 The largest gains occurred during the 1991-2000 period when TFP9 increased by 11.6 percent. Although the magnitude of TFP growth may reflect drastic changes in fertilizer consumption during this period - for instance fertilizer consumption declined by 76.9 percent in 1991, only to then increase by 164.2 percent in 1992, and 307.7 percent in 1994 - it may just as well be indicative of several other factors. First, initial conditions of efficiency may have been low and the dramatic annual increases suggest that Niger was catching up to its technological frontier. The literature on growth accounting shows that the initial human capital endowment plays a crucial role in determining the future level of total factor productivity for a given country. It also emphasizes that the more favorable the initial conditions, the higher the TFP growth performance. The decade experienced a large increase in fertilizer usage which would have contributed to labor productivity. In Niger, agricultural technological change surged dramatically from -43.2 percent in 1993, to an annual average of 7.5 percent from 1994 to 1996. 4.11 Second, these efficiency gains may have been enabled through changes in agricultural policy. During the second half of the 1990s, Niger is among countries that enabled increases in real producer prices for exports through a combination of actions to lower export taxes, raise administered producer prices, reduce marketing costs and depreciate the exchange rate of the domestic currency. 4.12 Third, the ever present negative impacts of weather are likely to have reduced the effects of technical change on agricultural growth. For instance, although this decade accounted for the largest increases in fertilizer usage and total factor productivity (TFP) over the entire period analyzed but the end result was only medium- level growth. This may be because during the decade Niger encountered two severe droughts, which combined with the ever pervasive weather risk, potentially muted the impact of the TFP on agricultural growth. 4.13 The 2001-2006 period witnessed increases in both labor and land usage which may have been driven by population growth. Improving returns to labor -and reducing rural poverty--means that yields (output/hectare) must increase faster than the labor to land ratio (worker/hectare). Changes in the relative use of inputs will affect labor and land productivity. There are two widely used methods to estimated TFP, parametric or non-parametric. The parametric approach assumes a specific functional form for the relationship between the inputs and the outputs as well as for the inefficiency term incorporated in the deviation of the observed values from the frontier. For Niger, we are reporting only the non-parametric (Malmquist) estimates. It is also worth pointing out that agricultural gross production (constant 1999-2001, US$1,000, smoothed using the Hodrick-Prescott filter with A = 6.25) considered in this section includes both crop and livestock. -69- Table 4.3: Growth accounting of agricultural sector0 (%) Agricultural Fertilizer Livestock Machinery Labor Land Total TFP Other growth inputs 1962-1970 2.6 0.8 0.3 1.6 0.8 0.3 3.8 -2.5 1.4 1971-1980 3.5 2.3 0.1 0.3 0.8 0.2 3.8 -0.1 -0.2 1981-1990 1.6 0.4 -0.5 0.2 0.9 0.9 2.0 0.9 -1.3 1991-2000 4.9 4.5 0.4 -0.1 0.9 0.3 6.0 11.6 -12.8 2001-2006 6.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.9 2.2 3.4 0.7 1962-2006 3.6 1.8 0.1 0.4 0.9 0.5 3.7 2.7 -2.8 Source: Authors' calculation, data from FAO (2009) and Fuglie (2008) C. Farm Level Production: Stylized Facts 4.14 In this section we use farm level production information from the Niger General Agricultural Census (NGAC) conducted between 2004 and 2008 to highlight some stylized facts about the characteristics of rural agricultural production. These stylized facts provide the context for understanding rural agricultural productivity and poverty outcomes. 4.15 The NGAC covered seven regions, thirty-six departments and urban areas of Niamey. The census included about 1.6 million farm households out of a total agricultural population of 10.1 million. Approximately 1.6 million hectares (excluding Agadez) are cultivated. The cropping system is dominated by intercropping practices which accounts for 77.3 percent of cultivated land, followed by monocropping, or pure stand, practices which account for 17.3 percent. As a risk management strategy, intercropping seems relevant to the risky circumstances of Niger. A little over five percent of land is fallowed. Maradi (25.8 percent) and Zinder (26.9 percent) farm the largest proportions of intercropped land (see Figure 4.2 ). Tillab6ri, alone, accounts for 44.5 percent of total mono-cropped land followed by Zinder (13.1 percent) and Dosso (12.4 percent). 0 d, = j wi(t + TFP + F, where cit represents agricultural growth rate, wi share of input i, Yt input i growth rate, and F other factors such as weather and seeds. For input shares, we used estimated elasticities from Evenson and Dias Avila (2007) and Pratt and Yu (2008). -70- Figure 4.2: Distribution of Cultivated Land by Region (percent) 50.0 45.0 40.0 4 Pure stand Intercropping 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 - 5.0 - 0.0 j Diffa Dosso Maradi Tahoua Tillabery Zinder Niamey Source: World Bank staff estimates from NGAC 4.16 There is some regional concentration of main crops grown. Millet, sorghum, groundnuts and nidb6 are the main pure stand crops, while most intercropping involves the combination of millet-ni6b6, which take up about 2.1 million hectares, and millet- sorghum-ni6b, cultivated on 1.8 million hectares. The regional distribution of cultivated land in pure stand by crop as reported in Table 4.4 is as follows: * Tillabdri accounts for 50.2 percent of the total millet area. The remaining is shared more or less equally by other regions except urban Niamey, where it is rather negligible; * Zinder has the highest share of land allocated to sorghum (24 percent) followed by Tillabdri (20 percent), Tahoua (18 percent), and Maradi (13 percent); * Dosso leads groundnut cultivation, with 55 percent of total area, followed Tillab6ri (19 percent), and Maradi (11 percent); * Tillabdri accounts for the largest area allocated to ni6b6 (44 percent), followed by Zinder (18 percent), and Dosso (17 percent). Table 4.4: Cultivated Land in Pure Stand by Regions and Crops (%) Millet Sorghum Ni6b6 Groundnuts Dosso 9 21 16.6 54.6 Diffa 8.1 4.3 14 0.6 Maradi 9.9 12.8 5.9 11.2 Tahoua 11.2 17.6 4.0 5.8 Niamey 0 0 1.5 0 Zinder 11.7 23.7 17.6 8.9 Tillab6ri 50.2 20.4 43.6 18.8 Total 100 100 100 100 Source: World Bank staff estimates from NGAC -71- 4.17 Cultivated land size per family tends to be small. On average, cultivated land is around 5 hectares per household. However, as shown in Figure 4.3, land size varies significantly across departments; from 0.6 ha in Niamey to 5.8 ha in Goure (Zinder region). Across regions, the size of land cultivated by males is systematically higher than by females (Figure 4.6) and the highest differences are observed in Dosso and Tillab6ri. Much of the land is also of poor quality, so when land quality problem is factored in, household's productive land tends to be even smaller than the reported sizes. Figure 4.3: Average cultivated land by regions and departments (ha) 7 m6 c 5 r4 .23 2 20 0~ 0 >J w 0 0 0 0f M E ~ M 0 F- = i0 O 0 F- M ~ ID F Diffa Dosso Maradi liameA Tahoua Tillaberi Zinder Source: World Bank staff estimates from NGAC 4.18 Cultivated land per capita has changed relatively little since 1980. Figure 4.4, shows that the size of per capita cultivated land has remained steady except in Tahoua where it has declined and Dosso where it has increased. Since population growth has been relatively high during the same period, this suggests that agricultural expansion has been achieved through expansion into previously uncultivated land. About 90 percent of cultivated land is allocated to millet, 5.4 percent to sorghum and 1.1 percent to ni6b6. The rest, less than 4 percent, is shared by all other crops. On average, parcel size for millet is slightly above 2 hectares, 1.6 hectares for sorghum, and 1.4 hectares for ni6b6. Figure 4.4: Per capita Cultivated Land (hectares) 0 1980 2004-2008 0.97 0.77 0.740.74 0.810.84 0.560.55 0.55 1 1 10.44 II Diffa Dosso Maradi Tahoua Zinder Source: World Bank staff estimates from NGAC -72- 4.19 But there is considerable variation of land cultivated per household within and across region. Figure 4.5 reports the distribution of households by land quintile across regions. On average, agricultural households cultivate approximately a little over 5 hectares of land but there is wide dispersion across regions. About twenty percent of households cultivate less than 1.4 hectares of land compared with households located in the top twenty percent of the distribution who farm over 4.3 hectares of land. Households in Diffa, Tahoua, and Niamey regions farm comparatively less land than the other regions. Approximately 60 percent of households located in these three regions cultivate less than 2.5 hectares of land, that is, they have access to the two smallest land sizes (bottom two quintiles of land holdings). By contrast, 60 percent of households in Dosso and Tillab6ri work on land holdings in the top two quintiles (that is at least 4.3 hectares of land). Maradi producers fall in between the distribution with 60 percent farming on less than 4.3 hectares of land. Figure 4.5 : Land Size Farmed by Region Land Size Farmed by Region 100% 50% 0% Diffa Dosso Maradi Tahoua Tilaberi Zinder Niamey a Quintile 1 m Quintile 2 Quintile 3 m Quintile 4 NQuintile 5 Source World Bank staff estimates from NGAC Figure 4.6: Average Cultivated Land by Region and Gender (hectares) 3.5 3.0 m Male 0Female 2.5 £2.0 2~ 1.5 M~ 1.0 2 1j0.5 0.0 Tahoua Diffa Maradi Niamey Zinder Dosso Tillaberi Source: World Bank staff estimates from NGAC -73- 4.20 There are important gender differences in size of land cultivated, activity specialization, and input use. Figure 4.7 reports the distribution of activities by gender of household head. Almost eighty percent of male-headed households combined agricultural and livestock activities while the other 20 percent were equally split between exclusive crop and livestock production. A smaller majority of female-headed households also engage jointly in crop and livestock production. Compared to male households, they are relatively more specialized in the management of livestock and are less likely to produce only crops. Rural households are likely to engage in both agricultural and livestock activities because joint engagement offers the possibility to diversify income sources and reduce risk from sole reliance on rain fed agriculture. In addition, livestock ownership will ensure some minimum access to organic fertilizer inputs for field crops. Although female members within households tend most frequently to livestock, management does not imply ownership: females may be more likely to manage livestock but they may be less likely to have authority to sell livestock or to retain income from these transactions. 4.21 The majority of male-headed households (80.7 percent) were engaged in millet production compared with less than half of female-headed households (41 percent) engaged in millet. These households also cultivated sorghum, groundnuts, and voandzou. Figure 4.7: Main Activity by Gender of Household Head (percent) U Male U Female 78.1 65.6 25.0 0.6 1.8 11.0 76 10. Non-agriculture Crop production Livestock only Crop production only and livestock Source: World Bank staff estimates from NGAC 4.22 The amount of land managed by males and females and the type of management also differs across the country (see Table 4.5 and Figure 4.8). The ratio of total size of parcels managed by males and females varies between 9.2 in Zinder and 20.9 in Tillab6ri. Overall, 76 percent of parcels managed by males are under collective regime while 60 percent of parcels under female responsibility are individual parcels. There are also some geographical differences. For example, in Diffa 74.2 percent of parcels under female control are individually managed compared to 60.9 percent of parcels under male control. -74- Table 4.5: Land Management by Gender (%) Male Female Total Collective Individual Total Collective Individual Diffa 2 1 5 2 1 2 Dosso 18 15 29 12 6 15 Maradi 23 25 15 26 26 27 Tahoua 12 12 14 11 18 7 Tillab6ri 21 22 17 14 8 17 Zinder 23 25 16 34 40 30 Niamey 2 0 5 1 1 1 Total 100 100 100 100 100 268632 Source: World Bank staff estimates from NGAC. 4.23 Differences in land use according to gender may be observed for several reasons. Household-heads are responsible for providing grains for family consumption. In an autarkic setting in which rural households rely mostly upon own production for consumption, household heads cultivate traditional food grains on the family-managed plots. As noted above, these plots are typically larger than individual plots managed by either males or females and larger than collective plots managed by female heads. Additionally, other circumstances may hold for production of rice, a high value crop. The crop is irrigated and, thus, it must be planted where land has been improved with irrigation canals. Investments in irrigation increase the returns to land and its ownership or use is more likely to be contested among family members. Research in the region has demonstrated that when investments to land improve its return, female members may lose their use rights to that land or to farming a crop in which technological advancements are made (Jones 1986 and Von Braun and Webb 1989). 4.24 Another reason for women managing smaller sized plots is cultural norms. Land tenure and natural resource management is governed by the Rural Code, a body of laws that lays the foundation for rural land policy and is executed locally by citizen- empowered land commissions. In practice, the interpretation of land inheritance and succession are based on the intersection of civil, customary, and Islamic norms. With regard to female inheritance claims, communities are likely to revert to customary and Islamic practices which proscribe inheritance with some element of differentiation. Under Islam, land is partitioned with two shares allocated to males and one share allocated to female members. Thus, female-headed households are more likely to farm smaller-sized fields compared with male-headed households. 4.25 Furthermore, customary land use rights may differ according to ethnic groups and their outcomes may have strong geographic differentiation since by tradition groups settled together. In particular, these groups established the notion of collectively- and individually- managed fields within the household. The household head is charged with the management of collective fields which are considered essential for meeting household nutritional needs, and this objective obligates household members to contribute their labor to collective fields over the course of the agricultural season. -75- Furthermore, adult members may be each assigned an individual field in which management and returns from production of that field are under their respective control. Although, household heads may manage both collective and individual fields, other members would usually manage their own fields. Thus, fields managed by women are likely to be smaller compared to those managed by men because women tend to manage mostly individual fields and such fields are smaller relative to collective fields. With the possibility of questionable tenure arrangements, women may under- invest in improvements to land parcels or utilize inputs less intensively. Figure 4.8: Cultivated land" size by crops and gender (ha) E Male Female 34.81 28.28 2.19 1.49 0.18 0.08 0.87 1.06 Millet Sorghum Niebe Groundnuts Source: World Bank staff estimates from NGAC 4.26 Yields from pure stand crops are higher than yields obtained from intercropped plots. As Table 4.2 shows, compared to the region, crop yields in Niger lag behind yields of its neighbors. Yields across departments for select crops are shown in Figures A3.1- A3.4 (Annex 3). Overall, except for a handful of departments, yields from pure stand cropping are higher than those obtained by intercropping. The gap in average yield between the two systems is largest for groundnuts. There is a potential for significant productivity gains by a universal adoption of pure stand agriculture, even under current production technology - such as quantity and quality of inputs applied. 4.27 However, input usage continues to vary widely by region and remains a constraint on agricultural productivity. Input use and its impact on agricultural production depend on the underlying crop production technology and whether inputs are being used to maximize existing technologies or to adopt new technological improvements. Figure 4.9 shows that a large fraction of households report using seeds, and to some extent fertilizer. Unfortunately, it was not clear from the data whether these are modern seeds or not. However, only half the farmers use pesticides and even fewer use fungicides. 1 The NGAC 2004/2008 has a lot of missing values on land use; therefore we used zone level land use whenever the reported crop production was positive. -76- Figure 4.9 : Input Usage and Access through Market (%) 0 Input use Access through market 85.8 64.0 67.6 69.9 50.8510 53 ~Eim i27.8 11.6 10.7 2. Fungicides Pesticides Fertilizer Manure Seeds Source: World Bank staff estimates from NGAC 4.28 The relatively high up take of seeds in Niger, is a reflection of growing competence of institutions for seed distribution. A highly functional seed system requires (a) being able to produce and disseminate high quality seed of multiple varieties to large numbers of farmers; (b) developing quality standards and quality control practices that work for both sellers and buyers; (c) monitoring impact of seed usage and improving adoption rates; and (d) ramping up commercialization. The capacity for seed production has increased through seed groups or cooperatives in several locations across the country. A partnership of development partners and local institutions such as Seed Certification and Legislation Agency (SICCLA, French acronym) and seed producer farmers have increased their competency in producing high quality seeds. Moreover, community-managed input stores have been established to supply farmers with inputs on a cost-recovery basis. 4.29 However, it is important to note that these stores often do not stock large volumes of modern seed varieties. Modern seeds are sold in local grain markets by traders whose knowledge of seed production varies considerably. Traders in certain markets may be familiar with specific varieties and yet in others traders do not differentiate seeds from grain and they will mix different varieties together. Thus, variation in both knowledge of seed attributes and quality control of production and distribution and usage of modern seed varieties varies according to the locally available seed production infrastructure across regions. This is one of the weaknesses of an otherwise reasonably organized input distribution system. 4.30 Farmers' usage of agricultural inputs may be constrained by market access. To get a glimpse of the functioning of the agricultural input markets in Niger, we provide, in Table 4.6, a breakdown of where farmers obtain their inputs. Most frequently farmers purchased fertilizer, fungicides, and pesticides from a local seller in comparison with cooperatives, NGOs, own production or some other source. In contrast, farmers relied upon a variety of sources for seeds and manure. For inputs in which a high frequency is purchased through private sellers-or the private market-usage of that input is lower in comparison to inputs that were acquired more frequently from outside of the market. -77- 4.31 Several factors could limit the functionality of the input market for rural households. First, farmers could have liquidity constraints. Often, producers don't have resources available to finance inputs during the planting season-especially when resources may be required to smooth household consumption until the next grain harvest is available. A recently completed World Bank study on rural finance indicated that the supply of rural credit in Niger was notably lower than comparator countries. Thus limited access to financial resources may pose a barrier to purchasing input commodities. Second, farmers may physically lack access to markets because of physical isolation. Physical access would be impaired by poor road conditions or limited transport. Third, if the quality of an input is difficult to ascertain or verification requires sophisticated testing then buyers may again prefer to obtain inputs from sources in which a personal relationship exists with the seller. Lack of trust between buyers and the market may undercut its effectiveness. Table 4.6 : Main sources of agricultural inputs (%) Fertilizer Seeds Manure Fungicides Pesticides Cooperative and association 12.5 9.5 0.2 13.8 8.9 Local seller 53.9 27.8 10.7 64.0 51.0 NGO 1.1 4.3 0.2 0.0 1.7 Own-production 1.1 16.9 60.5 0.8 0.5 Other 31.5 41.5 28.4 21.5 37.9 Source: World Bank staff estimates from NGAC 4.32 Both the yield differences between pure stand cropping and intercropping on one hand and the varying use of modern inputs across regions on the other suggest that Niger is foregoing large gains in production. Naturally, a system that moves from the existing production technology to a new production technology characterized by widespread use of modern inputs and specialization would improve productivity and ultimately welfare. However, this is also unlikely to be widely adopted unless households can be assured of reliable insurance against pervasive weather risk, insurance which intercropping provides however inadequately. But, risk is just one of many factors that affect yields and therefore productivity, and in section E we look at some of the determinants of agricultural production and efficiency. 4.33 A promising new area for agricultural diversification is high value crops, but its expansion is constrained by poor price stability, land for expansion and water availability. Table 4.7 lists the main problems reported by farmers as being responsible for changes in production from the previous harvest. The shares in parentheses show the fraction of farmers who identified that problem as the main cause of change in production. Among major causes driving change in production, water availability, price and threats from parasites are the most cited. For example, about 33 percent of farmers point to low price as the main raison for unchanged production. The importance of these production drivers varies across crops. For example, land expansion was more important in increasing production for tomato and onion compared to pepper, lettuce and cabbage. Similarly, the role of price was higher for lettuce, cabbage and onion than for tomato and pepper. It is worth mentioning that increase in production is still dependent on land expansion, not necessarily because land is abundant when its -78- marginal productivity is considered, but more because there are too many constraints to intensification of production. Table 4.7: Main causes of production change Water availability (13.1%) Decreased Low price (18.9%) Parasite pressure (25.7%) Water availability (14.9%) Unchanged Low price (32.7%) Parasite pressure (14.6%) Water availability (16.5%) Increased Good price (12.9%) Land expansion (32.9%) Source: World Bank staff estimates from NGAC 4.34 Undoubtedly, to improve diversification through high value crops and to intensify production of such crops, access to financing is crucial. Below, we present information on access to agricultural funding from farmers engaged in horticultural production. Only very few farmers received financing, and among the recipients, most were male farmers. Almost 19 percent of male respondents received funding compared with about 6 percent of female respondents and the sums that males received were on average 42 percent larger than sums received by females. Without knowing whether the funding targeted the provision of specific inputs, there are also notable differences in what the funding was used for. The top three uses of external funding were seeds, storage and fertilizer. Around 25 percent of farmers used the additional financial resources to buy seeds, another 18 percent used it on storage and about 17 percent on fertilizer. Almost 14 percent used it on agricultural equipment. Table 4.8 presents the reported use of funding by gender. The biggest difference between males and females regarding what to finance with the external funding appears to be seeds; 18.6 percent for males but 45.9 percent for females. Two other equally stark differences are in agricultural equipment and crop management. Table 4.8: Use of External Funding by Farmers (%) Male Female Seeds 18.6 45.9 Fertilizer 23.8 29.9 Ag equipment 16.4 9.6 Crop management 12.2 1.9 Salary 2.1 0.6 Well 0.4 1.9 Storage 17.7 16.0 Other 8.9 10.2 Source: World Bank staff estimates from NGAC D. Participation in agricultural sector and household poverty 4.35 The stylized facts of farm level production demonstrate that too many families have small pieces of land, of poor quality and inputs markets that do not work. -79- Therefore we would expect there to be a strong association between participation in the agricultural sector and poverty. 4.36 The data confirms that the poor are more dependent upon agricultural income as their single source of income (Figure 4.10). More than 60 percent of the income of poor households originates from crop production (26.7 percent) and livestock (39.4 percent). In contrast, the non-poor have diversified income portfolio and count upon wage activities for a substantial portion of their income. The agricultural and livestock income of the non-poor contribute substantially less - about 16.5 percent and 28.0 percent, respectively - to total income. Figure 4.10: Sources of Household Income (%) U Non poor Poor 51.7 39.4 31.3 26.7 28.0 16.5 3.8 2.6 Agriculture Livestock Salary Other Source: World Bank staff estimates from ENBC 2007/08. 4.37 The overwhelming reliance of the poor on agricultural income is widespread across the land. In Figure 4.11, we plot the share of agricultural income as a percentage of overall income for both poor and non-poor households by departments. Except for the departments of Diffa, Maine-soroa, Guidan Roumdji, Mayahi, Keita, and Madaoua, agricultural income constitutes a larger proportion of the household rural income portfolio among the poor than among the non-poor. Of the thirty six departments presented, only households in three departments (Arlit, Tchirozerine and Niamey) earn less than fifty percent of their total income from agriculture, compared to fourteen departments for non-poor households. -80- Figure 4.11: Share of Agricultural Income by Departments and Poverty Status (%) 120.0 100.0 - Non-poor Poor 80.0 60.0A 40.0VkA kAW,n 20.0 0.0 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ENBC 2007/08 4.38 A look at income profiles of households reaches the same conclusion. In Figure 4.12 we present the distribution of agricultural participation and poverty incidence by region. In regions where poverty incidence is among the highest, there tends to be a larger share of the population engaged in agriculture. Some of the high incidence of poverty has to do with high dependency ratios on account of higher family sizes. On average, the regions of Dosso, Maradi, and Tillab6ri have larger household sizes, and they also tend to have some of the highest incidence of poverty. Figure 4.12: Agricultural Participation and Poverty Incidence Agricultural Participation and Poverty Incidence 100 8 7 50 - 5 4 0 - 3 Agadez Diffa Dosso Maradi Niamey Tahoua Tilaberi Zinder Agricultural Population Poverty Incidence HH Size Source: ENBC, 2007/08 4.39 Livestock alone accounts for 63.5% of household agricultural income; evidence of the dominance of livestock is observed in almost all departments except Dakoro, Guidan Roumdji, Kollo, Gour6, Magaria, and Kantch6. Both non-poor and poor households rely mostly on sales from sheep and goats (see Table 4.9). However, cattle and poultry also constitute an important source of income for poor households. -81- Table 4.9: Average livestock income (millions, FCFA) Non-poor Poor Cow 60.3 114.2 Sheep 473.5 198.5 Goat 249.0 190.3 Camel 10.3 36.8 Pork 0.0 0.0 Donkey 54.2 1.5 Horse 0.5 2.9 Poultry 14.0 162.4 Fish 4.0 1.5 Other 1.1 3.4 Source: World Bank staff calculation from ENBC 2007. 4.40 Among crops, cereals are the main sources of income for poor and non-poor households alike. As shown in Table 4.10, the three top sources of income for non-poor households are millet, sesame, and ni6be, while ni6be, millet and groundnuts are the most important for poor households. Table 4.10: Average crop income (millions, FCFA) Non-poor Poor Millet 321.4 137.1 Sorghum and maize 60.0 14.4 Other cereals 8.7 5.9 Ni6be 105.1 144.3 Groundnuts 33.8 79.5 Sesame 125.2 1.5 Boodlel2 Tobacco 35.9 12.1 Other 81.5 61.9 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ENBC 2007/08. 4.41 As the preceding sections have shown, Niger's agriculture is characterized by overreliance on small family plots tilled by family labor, utilizing little modern inputs. Except for a few islands of high value crops, most of the production is produced for own consumption. As a consequence, most families who rely on agriculture live in poverty. And yet, as the stylized facts demonstrate, there is enough scope to improve yields, if hurdles imposed by natural forces (weather risk), dysfunctional markets, and government investment can be overcome. This will mean improving productivity and efficiency through improved production technology and deploying public investments better. In the next two sections, we look at determinants of agricultural production and efficiency and government expenditure and their likely impact on poverty. E. Determinants of farm-level agricultural production and efficiency 4.42 We use a frontier production model to analyze the key determinants of household level agricultural efficiency. A common approach used to explain efficiency 12 From French "Oseille". -82- consists of first estimating a stochastic frontier production function, from which the agricultural efficiency index is computed and subsequently regressing the efficiency index obtained on farmers' characteristics. But this procedure may be biased for two reasons. First, a possible correlation exists between variables in the frontier production function and the inefficiency term. Second, the inefficiency term from the first step is measured with error and it is correlated with the exogenous factors (Liu and Myers, 2009). Consequently, we assume a stochastic production frontier of the form following Battese and Coelli (1995) and Kumbhakar and Lovell (2000). We present the approach in Annex II. 4.43 Returns to land are higher than returns to labor and seeds. Estimation results from such an approach are reported in Table 4.11. We used the unrestricted translog specification to allow for interactions between inputs. Before getting to the details of the determinants of farm efficiency, we summarize the findings of the production model, a discussion that is relevant in its own right. The top panel of Table 4.11 (panel A) suggests that expansion of land and labor inputs increase output, although the relationship is concave meaning that production rises with input use, peaks at a certain land size or labor input and then declines. Both production and input levels are in logs, so the elasticities'3 are reported in Figure 4.13. Overall, when accounting for cross- inputs effects, land effect is the most dominant compared to labor and seeds; a 10 percent increase in land and labor at the existing production technology will increase output by about 3.8 and 0.2 percent respectively. This means that land is still more productive than labor in the Nigerien context. The returns to using more seeds only are not positive. The findings suggest that increasing usage of seeds with current technology will reduce output - a 10 percent increase will lead to around 7 percent reduction in output if land and labor effects on seeds are not accounted for. But a joint increase of land and seeds, or labor and seeds will increase output, although the increase is small. However, it is worth noting that the results do not distinguish between regular and modern seeds. Therefore, part of the lower returns attributed to seeds, could be because of usage of regular seeds predominate. 13 The translog production function used in this paper is of the following form: Lny = Lnao + Ei aiLnx + 1/2 E Ej fliLnxi * Lnxj + yZ, where y is the output, xi is the quantity of input i, and Z a control variable (in this case, rainfall). To maintain the consistency with Young's theorem of integrable functions, flj = flj. It follows that elasticity of output with respect to inputs quantities is given by El = aLny = a + EjflijLnxj aLnx- -83- Table 4.11: Estimation results14 Panel A: Production - Frontier production estimation results Coefficient SE Land (ha) 0.7189a 0.0657 Labor (person days) -0.0478 0.0433 Seed (kg) -0.6579a 0.0718 Rainfall (mm) 6.0960a 0.1227 Rainfall squared -0.7285 0.0200 Land squared -0.2239a 0.0079 Land*Labor -0.0334a 0.0068 Land*Seed 0.1327a 0.0097 Labor squared -0.0184a 0.0062 Labor*Seed 0.0688 0.0100 Seed squared 0.0394 0.0111 Panel B: Determinants of Inefficiency Demographics Gender (1 if female, 0 if male) -0.1653c 0.0857 Age (years) -0.0503a 0.0138 Age squared 0.0004a 0.0002 Self-sufficiency (default=more than 9 months) Intermediate (3 to 9 months) 0.5794 0.1045 Poor (less than 3 months) 1.1107a 0.1327 School attendance (1 if no formal education, 0 otherwise) -0.6830a 0.1156 Agricultural services Crop management (1 if didn't use, 0 otherwise) 0.8959a 0.1589 Mechanization (1 if didn't use, 0 otherwise) 2.3534a 0.1490 Productive assets Number of farming parcels 0.3863a 0.0774 Number of cattle 0.0163 0.0141 Number of sheep 0.1769a 0.0169 Remoteness Distance to the nearest food market (km) -0.6243a 0.1795 Distance to the nearest food market squared 0.1697 0.0580 Agro ecological zones (Default=zone 1) Zone 2 0.6219b 0.2452 Zone 3 -6.1947a 0.7801 Zone 4 0.4544b 0.2063 Zone 5 -2.0146a 0.2185 Zone 6 1.0346 0.2136 Zone 7 1.8311 0.2560 Zone 8 1.3701a 0.2778 Intercept -1.5126a 0.4172 # observations 3294 Log likelihood -1933.6 Wald chi2(11) 704137.9 Note: a,b means significant at 1% and 10% respectively; SE=standard error. 14 Data from the General Agricultural Census Survey 2004/2008 -84- Figure 4.13: Output elasticities with respect to inputs. 0.381 0.024 0.018 Land Labor Seed 4.44 Figure 4.14 also provides some possible insights into why the productivity of inputs like seeds and labor are low as we noted above. Given the quality of land, a complement of modern inputs would be necessary to raise productivity. However, already a large fraction of the farmers use seeds, although this is not all necessarily the modern variety of seeds. So additional use of this input is unlikely to increase output substantially as the marginal returns will likely be low. Furthermore, farmers do not appear to be using other important complementary inputs - such as pesticides and fungicides - as much. Figure 4.14: Access through Market E input use Accessthrough market 85.8 64.0 67.65 69 50.8 51.053 I 27.8 16 10.7 Fungicides Pesticides Fertilizer Manure Seeds 4.45 The distribution of agricultural efficiency is bi-modal. Figure 4.15 plots the density of farmers' technical efficiency. On average, farmers' agricultural efficiencys is estimated at 0.58. Thus, given the level of inputs, farmers are able to realize 58 percent of possible achievable production, on average. This alone suggests that there is room for improvement even without increasing the current quantity of agricultural inputs. However, as the graph demonstrates, efficiency of farmers varies widely. In fact the distribution is bi-modal: there is a large fraction of farmers who seem pretty efficient and another smaller but still significant fraction who are very inefficient. The more 1s The measure of technical efficiency is given by E{exp(-ui)ci},{exp(-ui)lc},E(exp(-ui) lei}, whereci =yj - Xifl -ci = Yi -Xifl. -85- efficient farmers are able to realize over 60 percent of potential output, and some can harvest up to 90 percent, given the context. By contrast, the large proportion of inefficient farmers cannot obtain more than 20 percent of potential output. Table 4.12 lists some potential drivers of efficiency differential between farmers. Below we discuss some of the key correlates of efficiency and production. Figure 4.15: Distribution of farming efficiency 0 i ... ... LII O .2 4 .6 81 M Density - Kernel density Source: World Bank staff estimates from NGAC Table 4.12: Potential drivers of efficiency gap Efficiency<=0.6 Efficiency>.6 Land investment (%) Did not invest 83.3 52.5 Invested 16.7 47.5 Land slope (%) Plain 91.2 81.8 Lowlands 8.8 16.7 Other 0.0 1.5 Farm management (%) Individual 33.7 25.7 Collective 66.3 74.3 Crop management (%) Apply 4.7 8.5 Do not apply 95.3 91.5 Mechanization (%) Use 8.0 11.2 Do not use 92.0 88.8 Use of chemicalfertilizer (%) Use 5.7 14.3 Do not use 94.3 85.7 Gender (percentage) Male 84.8 83.9 Female 15.2 16.1 Inputs quantities Land (ha) 9.7 3.3 Seeds (kg) 28.1 35.0 Labor (person days) 13.5 15.2 Source: World Bank staff estimates from survey data 4.46 The summary presented in Table. 4.12 confirm the importance of on-farm improvements. For example about 48 percent of high efficiency (efficiency >.6) farmers -86- report using various types of improvement compared to only 16.7 percent of low efficiency (efficiency<=.6) farmers. At least 80 percent of these improvements involve tillage, manure and irrigation. Use of crop management also explains the efficiency gap between the high and low efficiency farmers. Only 4.7 percent of low efficiency farmers use crop management compared to 8.5 percent of high efficiency farmers. A good deal of the differences in the efficiency may be related to quality of land accessible. For instance more high efficiency farmers cultivate on lowland, and on average, high efficiency farmers cultivate less land (3.3 ha) than the low efficient farmers (9.7 ha), another indication that low quality land is an important contributor to low efficiency. Additionally, high efficiency farmers use more seeds and manpower than their low efficiency counterparts. Finally, the findings suggest that high-efficiency farmers use collective system, with respect to farm management type practices, compared to low efficiency farmers. 4.47 There is no significant gender bias although women farmers seem to be more efficient than male farmers. Why this is the case is not at this point clear and it is unlikely to be empirically resolved using the existing data. But as we discussed, both men and women in a family work in common plots and also have private plots. Utilization of farm resources indicate that women farm less intensively than men: they are less likely to mechanize tasks on their plots or use plough animals and less likely to use fertilizer. As previous studies have shown, women farmers use systematically lower levels of inputs for the same crop farmed within the same household as male farmers which results in lower yields on female-managed plots and an overall loss in household efficiency. (Udry, 1996 and Udry et al. 1995). Therefore, while women in Niger may be disadvantaged when it comes to the quality and perhaps the size of plots they get for private use, they may be very efficient in how they use resources to exploit these plots-even though they produce lower yields. 4.48 A farmer's age does seem to matter for efficiency. From the estimates in Table 4.11, inefficiency decreases with age and then increases thereafter, suggesting that younger farmers are more efficient than older farmers. However, as the coefficients are very small, this difference disappears very early in the age distribution. In fact, when evaluated at the mean age, it hardly exists at all. The results also suggest that farmers who could meet at least 9 months of their family's food needs - that is those who are self-sufficient in food consumption, are more efficient than the less self-sufficient. The least efficient farmers are those who report meeting only 3 months of their family's food needs. This should not surprise us at all. Farmers who can meet their nutritional needs throughout the year are more likely to be stronger, healthier and more productive and efficient, while the opposite to be true. 4.49 Education, agricultural services, remoteness and rainfall are among the key correlates of agricultural efficiency. The findings show that education is not associated with increasing efficiency. Since the coefficient is negative, this implies that those who did not attend school are more likely to be efficient than those who have some education. This is a surprising result, and a further exploration shows that this is mostly -87- true among female farmers, but not male farmers, because the average efficiency of males who attended school is higher than those who did not (Figure 4.16). One possible explanation could be that the educated who take up farming have very low levels of education, or inappropriate skills, or low levels of experience in farming than those who farm but have no education. In one study, Vietnamese rice producers who had vocational training were found to be more productive than farmers with only formal primary and secondary education (Ulimwengu and Badiane (2010)). Hence, significant productivity gains can be achieved through the promotion of education schemes tailored to the specific technical needs of smallholder or poor farmers such as follow-up extension services, farmer field demonstration plots, and short term technical training. Figure 4.16: Efficiency by gender and education E Educated oNot educated 0.732 0.715 0.670 0.631 Male Female Source: World Bank staff estimates from NGAC 4.50 As we would expect agricultural mechanization is associated with higher levels of efficiency. Notice that the coefficient on mechanization in Table 4.11 (panel B) is positive. But this is a dummy variable for those who did not mechanize, suggesting that they are more inefficient than those who did mechanize. Figure 4.17 plots the average levels of efficiency for male and female farmers who mechanize compared to those who did not. Both groups have higher average levels of efficiency than those who do not, supporting the regression results. Figure 4.17: Efficiency by gender and use of mechanization 1.00 m Practice mechanization 0.80 - Dosatpa ic 0.60 - 0.40 - 0.20 - 0.00 Male Female Source: World Bank staff estimates from NGAC -88- 4.51 Efficiency declines with remoteness. Our measure of remoteness is the distance to the nearest food market. The results suggest that the level of efficiency increases the further the farmer is from the nearest food market. But this is only up to about 2 kilometers (Figure 4.18). After 2 kilometers, efficiency declines with distance, thus making the relationship an inverted U-shape (see Table 4.11). This makes intuitive sense. We do not have knowledge of what was identified as the nearest food market, but if it is the nearest town or nearest village market, then it is easy to imagine that farmers that are very close to the town would be more efficient than farmers very far away because they have lower costs of transportation (that is, less isolated), have better access to inputs and information. However, up to the point at which efficiency declines, it is possible that farmers a little further (say, 1.5 kilometers) are more efficient because they can cultivate more land as they are not too close to the urban areas. But at the same time they have access to just as much transportation, inputs and information as those that are only 0.5 kilometers and therefore could produce more for the same levels of inputs. And then of course the further the farmer is from the 2 kilometer threshold, isolation sets in and technical efficiency declines. Figure 4.18: Efficiency and market distance 0 1 2 3 Market distance 4.52 Farmers with more farming parcels are less efficient. In the extensive agricultural production technologies of the Sahel, land is a valuable input. More parcels imply more land and, more land means potentially more output. However, the finding that more parcels lead to more inefficiency could arise for several reasons. One possibility is that those with more parcels are in effect people with less good quality land, and are offsetting good quality land with many poor quality pieces. More parcels could imply that more individuals are involved in plot-level decision making and that input allocation is being considered at the plot-level without concern for maximizing overall household efficiency. The alternative is the possibility that more parcels mean many fragmented parcels separated from each other by long distances. This increases transaction costs, effort to monitor the work done on each parcel and reduces time spent on planting. While we are not sure which of these situations prevails, the results suggest farmers with multiple parcels are not utilizing them efficiently. -89- 4.53 As we would expect, the findings confirm that rainfall is a key correlate of efficiency (Figure 4.19). In Niger, rainfall is as important an input to agricultural production as any other, perhaps more so, because without it, no production can take place. This is of course because agriculture in Niger is too rainfall-dependent. Rainfall determines efficiency in the sense that it affects how farmers plan and optimize the rest of their inputs - for instance, what should they plant if the weather report says that expected rainfall is less than average? How much labor should be mobilized? Should some land be left fallow? And so on. Therefore, yields are strongly correlated with rainfall levels (see Figure 4.20 and 4.21), and it is not surprising that variability of rainfall is found to be highly correlated with efficiency as well. Overall, efficiency rises with more rainfall variability and then tapers or even falls as variance increases much more. Figure 4.19: Efficiency and rainfall 0- 200 300 400 500 600 Rainfall (mm) Figure 4.20: Sorghum yield and rainfall Say Kollo Dogon-Doutchi Madaoua Gar Tillabery Tchin-Ta bP( u a Niamey ouza Loga Boboye -a u a Bkonn, Madarounfa TchighW-WAi11ni Magaria Tessaous GroAVk" Tanout Filingu9II61a Goure Matam-ye MVW6-Sor, Mayahi 0- 200 300 400 500 600 Average rainfall (mm) -90- Figure 4.21: Millet yield and rainfall Madarounfa Macaoua Kollo Say Grourndji Diffa M Tbr u4Aagar guiE Niamey Maine-SorofiDakBk IVN'Gul TIMiy9fht MatAw0u-Doutchi >: HFilinguE Dosso Tanout Oualam L TiMPIWfnabarade Thighozerine 0 200 300 400 500 600 Average rainfall (rnm) Source: Author's data from 4.54 The expected impact of farm investments on efficiency is not homogenous across investments, nor is it linear. One key investment is of course managerial effort. Table 4.11 shows that farmers who do not practice sound crop management are significantly more inefficient than those who do. Other investments are use of modern inputs that would increase productivity and when properly applied, technical efficiency. Figures 4.22a to 4.22d capture basic features of the relationship between farming efficiency and on-farm investments. There is a critical level of seed investment where it starts yielding a positive effect on farming efficiency. For example, investments in fertilizer depict an inverse-U curves suggesting declining efficiency beyond a certain level of investments. Only crop management and manure investment display a monotonically increasing trend with farming efficiency. Though simple, these features suggest that strategies to boost farming efficiency should account for heterogeneity of the effects of individual investments. Figure 4.22: Relationship between farming efficiency and on-farm investments Figure 4.22a: Efficiency and seeds Figure 4.22b: Efficiency and fertilizer 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 Sees expn,ire (FGFA) 0 00 0001500001 Ferblizer expenditure (FCFA) -91- Figure 4.22c: Efficiency and crop management Figure 4.22d: Efficiency and manure 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Crop management expenditure (FCFA) Crop manage nnt expenditure (FCFA F. Government spending and long term growth and poverty targets 4.55 While the debate over the direction and magnitude of the impact of public spending on growth remains heated, growing evidence at both macroeconomic and microeconomic levels asserts that carefully targeted public investments achieve development results. In particular, public investment focused on areas characterized by market failures or public goods externalities can yield high rates of return and substantive benefits. In particular, public investments in basic infrastructure, human capital formation and research and development (R&D) are necessary conditions for other investments as they (public investments) promote technology adoption, stimulate complementary on-farm investment and input use and are needed for marketing the agricultural goods produced. 4.56 Several analytical and empirical studies in the growth literature have focused on understanding how different types of public spending can affect growth through both traditional and new channels. A direct effect relates to an increase in the economy's capital stock (physical or human) reflecting higher flows of public funds, especially when they are complementary to those privately financed. Public investment can also contribute to growth indirectly by increasing the marginal productivity of both publicly and privately supplied factors of production. For example, public expenditure on agricultural research and development (R&D) can promote higher productivity by improving the interaction between physical and human capital production inputs. Other components of public spending, related for instance to the enforcement of land property rights, can also exert a positive indirect effect on growth by contributing to better use of existing assets. There is also growing evidence in developing countries that externalities associated with infrastructure public spending may have non-trivial linkages on human capital development. 4.57 Current research argues that agricultural investments are strongly pro-poor. More specifically, the claim is that public agricultural investment is the most direct and -92- effective way for African countries to ramp up agricultural growth, which is a necessary condition for achieving the first Millennium Development Goal of reducing absolute poverty (Fan and Rosegrant (2008)). Aside from theory, some of the arguments are based on recent studies that have documented a significant impact of agricultural expenditures on agricultural growth and poverty reduction in India and China (Fan, Hazell and Thorat (2000), Zhang and Fan (2004) and Fan, Zhang and Zhang (2002)). Similar findings on the link between agricultural growth and agricultural development expenditure are reported for several African countries, including Rwanda, Zambia, and the entire continent of Africa (Diao et al., 2007; Thurlow et al., 2008; Fan and Rao, 2003). Strong linkages between agricultural growth and agricultural research are also reported in Uganda (Fan et al., 2004). 4.58 In Niger, despite commitments to reduce rural poverty agricultural spending has lagged behind spending in other sectors. From 1993-2007, agricultural sector (including crop production, livestock, fishery, and forest) spending accounted for 12 percent6 of the overall government budget compared with 23 percent and 16 percent, respectively, for education and health. Both overall agricultural spending and agricultural investment have been increasing at a rather slow pace. Total agricultural spending rose from 30.3 billion in 1994 (in 2005 FCFA) to 38.9 billion in 2007 (Figure 4.23). Similarly, agricultural investment increased from 26.0 billion in 1994 (2005 FCFA) to 34.1 billion in 2007 (in 2005 FCFA). Figure 4.23: Spending in agricultural sector 45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 .225.00 a20.00 15.00 - Ag investment 10.00 -Total ag spending 5.00 0.00 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Source: World Bank staff estimates from INS data 4.59 In nominal terms, budget allocations to the sector declined significantly in 2009 (Table 4.13). The downward trend is mainly due to a sharp decrease in investments for '6 This amount includes donors' budget support. -93- crop production from 23.7 billion FCFA in 2008 to 2.6 billion in 2009, a year remembered for a severe drought that wiped out most of the agricultural output. Table 4.13: Government budget allocation (%) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Crop production 6.1 8.8 7.8 8.4 5.4 6.9 1.6 Livestock 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.6 1.4 2.8 1.1 Health 9.1 6.4 6.8 8.2 9.2 11.3 8.5 Education 17.9 17.6 17.3 18.6 17.8 20.6 24.1 Social protection 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.3 Other 66.2 66.2 67.2 63.7 65.7 57.6 64.3 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Source: INS data. 4.60 External development assistance is provided largely through projects and captured in the investment budget. Assistance targets agriculture, education, and heath - sectors considered instrumental for reducing poverty. Over the 2001-2008 period, health, agriculture and education accounted for 47.3 percent of the total spending on various projects across the country (Figure 4.24). Intra-sectoral spending levels vary dramatically. Within agriculture, almost 91 percent of resources were targeted to crop production, followed by about 9 percent to livestock and almost nothing - less than one percent to the fishery sub-sector. Figure 4.24: Disbursement of projects funds by sectors (%) Other 40.8 HHealth 24.9 Hydraulic 9.1 Education 6.2 Infrastructures L2.7 Food security 0P2 Source: Ministry of Finance 4.61 Table 4.14 summarizes key agricultural investments realized through projects from 2001 to 2009. These investments include cereal banks, dams, feeder roads, irrigation, reclaimed land and wells. As expected, the construction of dams has the highest unit cost (76.7 million FCFA) followed by irrigated land (48.3 million FCFA) and feeder road (28.6 million FCFA). -94- 4.62 Investment efficiency is low in comparison to similar projects. The average cost estimated for wells ($USD 19,484.9) falls within the range of average costs cited by Africon (2008), for building an electric well ($USD 14,112-54,701) but out of range for a well without pump or an electric well with hand pump. In particular, the average cost of feeder road construction ($USD 55,175.3) is almost three times as expensive as the cited range for re-gravelling projects ($USD 12,835-19,490). Table 4.14: Key agricultural investments (2001-2008) Amount (million Unit cost Investments FCFA) Quantity (million FCFA) Cereal banks 8223.0 377.0 21.8 Dam 230.0 3.0 76.7 Feeder road (Km) 1070.0 37.4 28.6 Irrigation network (liter) 10.0 130.1 0.1 Irrigated land (Ha) 8600.0 178.0 48.3 Reclaimed land (Ha) 2558.0 1279.0 2.0 Wells 7475.0 741.0 10.1 Source: Ministry of Finance Agricultural Research 4.63 The case for investing public money in agricultural research and development (R&D) is compelling since market failures and public externalities abound. These activities are crucial to ramping up productivity and promoting efficiency of resource use. Yet, R&D spending has been erratic during the 1980s and 1990s and it plunged dramatically in 1998 (see Figure 4.25). By 2008, Niger's investments in agricultural R&D had dropped by 80 percent, totaling no more than approximately 1.4 billion 2005 FCFA (Stads, Issoufou, and Massou, 2010). Figure 4.25: Public agricultural R&D spending (Billion 2005 FCFA) 8.0 7.0 6.0 no .E 5.0 4.0 ca 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Source: Stads, Issoulou, and Massou (2010). -95- Spending, Long term Growth and Poverty Targets7 4.64 In an effort to increase investment as a way to accelerate rural sector growth and reduce rural poverty, the government of Niger joined the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program (CAADP)'8 and prepared a National Agricultural Investment Program (NAIP) for review in June 2010. The proposed investment plan is based on the country's rural development strategy (SDR). The NAIP is dominated by water and sanitation, land reclamation and reforestation, and rural infrastructures which account for 56 percent of the total (Table 4.15). Still, agricultural research represents less than one percent of the overall proposed budget. The NAIP total budget, as reported in Figure 4.26, ranges between the long term funding levels required to achieve poverty reduction targets outlined in the MDG 1 by 2020 and at a more accelerated pace by 2015. Figure 4.26: NAIP, CAADP and MDGI Budgets (billions of FCFA) 1878.7 1130.2 488.2 349.6 208.7 SDR CAADP MDG1-2020 NAIP MDG1-2015 Source : Sunday et al. (2010) 17 From Sunday, 0., J. Ulimwengu and 0. Badiane. 2010. Niger compact review: Does Niger national agricultural investment plan (NAIP) meet the Long term growth and poverty outcome benchmarks established during the roundtable and underlying the compact? Manuscript. 19 Overall, CAADPs goal is to eliminate hunger and reduce poverty through agriculture. To do this, African governments have agreed to increase public investment in agriculture by a minimum of lo per cent of their national budgets and to raise agricultural productivity by at least 6 per cent. -96- Table 4.15: Composition of Niger National Agricultural Investment Program Programs and sub-programs Billion, Million, Share FCFA $USD" (%) Local and community development 135.0 265.7 11.9 Local governance of natural resources 37.0 72.8 3.3 Professional organizations and structuring of sub-sectors 32.5 64.0 2.9 Rural infrastructures 144.4 284.2 12.8 Rural financial system 12.2 24.0 1.1 Research-Training-Outreach 10.3 20.3 0.9 Capacity strengthening of rural public institutions 5.7 11.2 0.5 Water and sanitation 272.5 536.2 24.1 Reduction of households vulnerability 72.0 141.7 6.4 Environmental preservation 32.0 63.0 2.8 Food security through development of irrigation 25.0 49.2 2.2 Pastoral management and security of pastoral systems 23.0 45.3 2.0 Land reclamation and reforestation 221.5 435.9 19.6 Kandadji - ecosystem restoration and enhancement of the Niger 107.1 210.8 9.5 valley Total 1130.2 2224.1 100.0 Source: S6cr6tariat Ex4cutif/SDR (2010) 4.65 At the signing of the CAADP compact, total GDP, agricultural GDP, and non- agricultural GDP were all expected to grow by 4.4 percent, 6.2 percent, and 2.9 percent, respectively, by 2015. The scenario was based on a target of reducing poverty from 59 percent to 52.9 percent by 2015, even though the targets were not sufficient for Niger to achieve the poverty MDG of halving poverty by 2015. Reducing poverty at this pace would have required an unrealistic agricultural growth rate of 11.5 percent per annum. The post-compact National Agricultural Investment Plan (NAIP) injected new funding levels, and total GDP, agricultural GDP, and non-agricultural GDP have since been estimated to grow by 5.0 percent, 7.4 percent and 3.0 percent, respectively by 2015. Figure 4.27, highlights the growth rates associated with each strategic spending plan. Figure 4.27: Growth rates by scenarios 14.0 E Overall 0 AgGDP * Non-ag GDP 12.0 710.0 8.0 - 6.0 (2 4.0 2.0 0.0 SDR NIAP-2015 CAADP MDG1-2015 MDG1-2020 Source: Sunday et al. (2010). Exchange rate: 508.18 FCFA for 1 $uS. -97- Irrigation Investment 4.66 Earlier simulations conducted by the World Bank (2007) indicate that positive productivity shocks on irrigated export crops and irrigated food crops are likely to generate the greatest gains in household welfare. Niger is an arid country where agricultural harvests respond highly to climatic outcomes. The reliable supply of irrigation is among several key requirements for sustained growth in agricultural productivity. Improved access to irrigation with complementary agricultural investments would remove several bottlenecks to agricultural growth. Just by itself, improving access to irrigation infrastructure is not sufficient to enhance agricultural productivity. Improving rural infrastructure in general (e.g., irrigation, roads, telecommunications, water and sanitation, etc.) is critical for sustained growth and poverty reduction. Additionally, farmers would require increased access to extension services to more effectively utilize new irrigation technologies. Irrigation interventions must account for the physical construction and the human dimension of management since irrigation schemes usually are based on collective action. 4.67 Through the SDR (specifically, sub-program 4.1 of the SDR), agricultural and water infrastructure, which incorporates mainly the national strategy for irrigation, the government's objective - or more appropriately, aspiration - is to improve the contribution of irrigated agriculture to agricultural GDP from 14% in 2001 to 28% in 2015 (Executive Secretariat, 2010). To this end, the government is planning to invest about 147 billion FCFA in irrigation over the 2006-2015 period. A separate irrigation related program called "Kandadji" exists, for which the government is expected to spend about 138.9 billion FCFA during the same period. Compared to the past trend, these are relatively large public expenditures for irrigation, and their operationalization will therefore require evidence-based strategies and well-functioning monitoring and evaluation system to ensure the highest possible return. 4.68 Given the ambitious nature of the planned irrigation investment program, we use a CGE model to simulate the potential impacts of irrigation expansion on agricultural growth. We make no effort to evaluate the feasibility of such an investment being realized. Because the investment program was arrived at through multiple high level CAADP consultations, we take the proposed plans as given. Table 4.16 presents key parameters used for this simulation exercise. We first used econometric results from Kibonge (2010) showing that a one percent change in the share of irrigated land will significantly increase agricultural efficiency by 0.019 percent across SSA. -98- Table 4.16: Key simulation20 parameters Change in share of irrigated Change in overall crop Size of irrigated Share of irrigated land (%) efficiency (%) land' (ha) landa 10 0.186 7097.9 0.189 30 0.558 8388.4 0.223 Note: a compared to 2006. 4.69 We implement both the efficiency change and the change in the size of irrigated land under two scenarios. Scenario I assumes a 10 percent change in the share of irrigated land and scenario II assumes an increases in the share of irrigated land to 30 percent unless otherwise specified, we run the simulation through 2015. The simulation results suggest that expansion of irrigated land will trigger a positive change in TFP across all agricultural sub-sectors (Table 4.17). Table 4.17: Annual average TFP growth (%) Scenario I Scenario II Food crop Irrigated 0.23 0.69 Non-irrigated 0.26 0.79 Export crop Irrigated 0.23 0.69 Non-irrigated 0.26 0.79 Livestock 0.26 0.78 Forestry 0.28 0.84 Source : World Bank staff estimates 4.70 Expansion of irrigated land is expected to boost agricultural growth and overall economic growth (Table 4.18). As expected, the highest impact is observed in the irrigated sub-sector; 17.6% for irrigated export crops and 11.5% for irrigated food crops. However, competition over limited inputs will temper the growth trend in non-irrigated and other agricultural sub-sectors. This calls for an efficiency arbitrage in the design and implementation of a government-led irrigation strategy. 20 The team is grateful to Dr. Odjo of IFPRI for assistance with running the simulations. -99- Table 4.18: Impact of irrigation expansion on growth rates (%) BASE Scenario I Scenario II Overall GDP 3.5 4.0 5.8 Agricultural GDP 4.4 5.4 9.2 Food crops 4.4 4.7 5.8 Irrigated 4.5 6.3 11.1 Non-irrigated 4.3 4.2 3.2 Export crops 5.8 11.5 22.6 Irrigated 7.8 17.6 31.8 Non-irrigated 4.0 3.4 1.4 Other agriculture 4.0 3.3 2.3 Livestock 4.1 3.3 2.3 Forestry 3.2 3.1 2.4 Non-agriculture 2.9 2.8 2.7 Source : World Bank staff estimates 4.71 The simulated scale of poverty reduction is large. As shown in Figures 4.28a- 4.28c, expansion of irrigated land will foster poverty reduction across rural and urban locations. As expected, the highest rates of poverty reduction are predicted from the second scenario which assumes an expansion of land under irrigation to 30 percent. In the case where land under irrigation increases by 10 percent, national headcount ratios - national, rural and urban - will decline only marginally. Over a decade, poverty is simulated to decline by only 5 or so percentage points. However, should irrigated land increase by 30 percent, poverty is predicted to decline by almost 20 percentage points, and it declines even faster in rural areas. Figure 4.28a: Impact of irrigation on national poverty rates by scenarios (%) 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 -BASE 30.00 -Scenario I 20.00 - Scenano II 10.00 0.00 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20112012 2013 2014 2015 Source : World Bank staff estimates -100- Figure 4.28b: Impact of irrigation on rural poverty rates by scenarios (%) 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 -BASE 20.00 10.00 0.00 I 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20112012 2013 2014 2015 Source : World Bank staff estimates Figure 4.28c: Impact of irrigation on urban poverty rates by scenarios (%) -BASE Scenario I -Scenario II Source : World Bank staff estimates 4.72 The simulated results are consistent with other findings that show that African and Asian investments in irrigation, agricultural research and extension have large impacts on agricultural productivity and poverty reduction, and investments in rural infrastructure can bring even greater benefits (Fan, 2010). In addition, investing in food crops, which are mainly produced by smallholder farmers in Niger, will be particularly effective in reducing poverty and in generating economic growth linkages. Reliable food production would significantly improve food security and reduce vulnerability in rural areas. Furthermore, expansion of crop production in Niger should facilitate broader growth through new opportunities for increasing exports and processing agricultural products. G. Policies for improving agricultural production and increasing returns to the Poor 4.73 In this chapter we have shown that after a slow start, Niger's agricultural productivity has turned for the better, as measured using TFP. In addition, areas of promise in the agricultural sector are emerging. Two such activities are the emerging -101- community-based institutions for distribution of inputs, especially seeds and the growing diversification into high-value crops, such as the cowpeas and other horticultural crops. However there remains major problems, not least the enduring low- productivity status of Nigerien female and male farmers. 4.74 Part of the explanation for the low productivity is the reality that many of the farmers live in a high risk environment and dealing with an uninsurable risk - weather risk - at least to date. Other problems that compound this constant risk are the non- functioning markets for inputs, for savings, and protection of income. Adding to the pile of problems is government investments that are unstable, often inadequate, and poorly executed. The result is volatile growth of agriculture and widespread vulnerability and poverty in Niger. 4.75 There is no doubt that pro-poor growth must begin with robust agricultural growth. However, while this has proven elusive in the past, the aspirations remain and the new vision offers some prospects for success. First, a rigorous peer evaluation and review process (CAADP) for the government investment program in the sector provides the hope that spending will be anchored on strong governance and accountability framework and monitored in a timely and transparent fashion. Second, a search for improving agricultural productivity would have to consider investments in new crops (such as horticulture) and new ways to deliver information (say agricultural extension through mobile phones). Strategies to improve access to markets, information, and new technologies must reach out to both male and female producers. Without being inclusive, these strategies are likely to fail since women use substantially lower amounts of inputs and they obtain lower yields. Low spending on agricultural research and investment and a dysfunctional agricultural extension system suggest that Niger stands to fall behind in efficiency and lose gains recently made to catch up to its technological frontier. 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Figure Al.1: Regional millet prices Millet 250 200 m Oct-05 n Nov-06 o Dec-07 0 Nov-08 '3 n Dec-09 100 * Apr-10 50 Agadez Diffa Dosso Maradi Naney Tahoua 1illaberi Zinder Figure A1.2: Global Agricultural Price Indices Ag ricu4tuw* PriceIx km6ca!F 300Food 150 an-15 Jan-06 La-07 Jn-OB Ia O9 Jan-10 Jan-11 Source: World Bank - Global Economic Monitor -109- Figure Al.3: Opinion of current agricultural season Opinion of current agricultural season 80% 70% E 60% 0 0 50% 80% 4 70% C . 20% o 0 10% - 0% 2007 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM Figure A1.4: Household views of harvest levels relative to previous year's rain fed agricultural season 80% - U 2007/08 M 2008/09 IN2009/10 70% 0 6~ 0% 0 -c 50% 40% .4-30 0 C aj 20% CL 10% E 0% Higher Same level Lower Not applicable Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM -110- Figure Al.5: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households lacked food or money for food 50 40 m 7 days M. 6 days 530- M 5 days * 4 days --20 - m3 days a 2 days 10 m 1 day 0 Rural Urban Rural Urban 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM Figure A1.6: Households reporting higher departures than usual of household workers in last 30 days 16 Rural 14 -A -1- Urban 4. 2 0 2007 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM -111- Figure A1.7: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households consumed less preferred food 60 60 - S7 days 40 -6 days I5 days 30 - 4 days M 3 days o20 - m days 10m day 0 Rural Urban Rural Urban 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM Figure Al.8: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households borrowed food from parents, neighbors, or friends 25 20- m7 days - 6 days U515d 5 days M 4 days =10 - I3 days A 2 days 5 - H Iday 0 Rural Urban Rural Urban 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM -112- Figure Al.9: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households bought food on credit 30 25 7 days 20 6 days - 5 days M 4 days M 3 days M 2 days M 1day 5 0 Rural Urban Rural Urban 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM Figure A1.10: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households had to depend on food aid 10 8 7 days - 6 days .5 days I4 days 4 M 3 days = 2 days 2 M 1 day 0 Rural Urban Rural Urban 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM -113- Figure Al.11: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households skipped payment of debts to purchase food 14 - 12- 10 m 7 days = E 6 days M 5 days a m4 days 4 M 3 days 2 = 2 days M I day Rural Urban Rural Urban 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM Figure Al.12: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households had to ask other households for food for the children 16 12 -7 days - 6 days M 5 days M 4 days 6 -M 3 days M 2 days M day 0 Rural Urban Rural Urban 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM -114- Figure Al.13: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households were forced to beg due to food insecurity 5 4 m7 days 6 days - 5 days M 4 days o - 2 M 3 days 0 M2 days 1 -mi day 0 0 Rural Urban Rural Urban 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM Figure A1.14: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households decreased daily rations of adults to benefit children 35 30 25 - a7 days 6 days 20M 5 dlays M 4 days M 3 days a 2 days M1 day 5 0 Rural Urban Rural Urban 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM -115- Figure Al .15: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households were forced to buy meals in order to save money 16 14- 12 - 7 days 10 - - 6 days Cm 5 days o) 6 - m4 days 4 - 3 days 2 - 2 days 1 1day 0 Rural Urban Rural Urban 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM Figure Al .16: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households decreased the number of meals per day 30 25 M 7 days -2 M 6 days M 5 days m 4 days m 3 days 1 o m 2 days M1 day 0L Rural Urban Rural Urban 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM -116- Figure Al .17: Number of days (out of last 7 days) in which households did not eat the entire day 9 8 M 7 days 6 days 5 m 5 days (v M 4 days M 3 days 0 2 days 2 m I day 0 Rura;l Urban Rural Urban 2008 2010 Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM Figure Al.18: Food for work Food for Work 0 2008 6 0 2010 'R 04 '2- 1 0 poorest 2nd 3rd 4th richest Consumption Quintile Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM -117- Figure Al.19: Cash for work 16 Cash for Work 14 - 200 112~ - 2010 - 12 u 10 - 8 - 2 0 poorest 2nd 3rd 4th richest Consumption Quintile Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM Figure Al.20: Cash Transfers 6 Cash Transfer M21 5 4 .~3 1 0 i poorest 2nd 3rd 4th richest Consumption Quintile Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM -118- Figure Al .21: Zakat/Donations 25 Zakat /Donations 0 2008 20 -m 2010 5 -- 0 poorest 2nd 3rd 4th richest Consumption Quintile Figure Al.22: Zakat/Donations 25- Zakat /Donations 0 2008 20 - 02010 S15- ~10 5 0 poorest 2nd 3rd 4th richest Consumption Quintile Source: World Bank staff estimates from ECVAM -119- Annex 2 Children's Opportunities in Niger Table A2. 1: Correlates of School Enrollment (Coefficients are reported as Marginal Probabilities) (1) All (2) Rural (3) Urban VARIABLES Attend school Attend school Attend school Girl -0.128*** -0.174*** -0.0457*** (0.0146) (0.0206) (0.0155) Age7 0.0102 -0.0315 0.0379** (0.0224) (0.0348) (0.0180) Age8 0.108*** 0.0817** 0.0913*** (0.0206) (0.0352) (0.0142) Age9 0.165*** 0.185*** 0.101*** (0.0189) (0.0349) (0.0134) AgelO 0.0983*** 0.0653* 0.0868*** (0.0210) (0.0355) (0.0147) Agell 0.149*** 0.152*** 0.0995*** (0.0200) (0.0367) (0.0137) Agel2 0.0640*** 0.0759** 0.0393** (0.0228) (0.0376) (0.0187) Handicap -0.276*** -0.252*** -0.215** (0.0609) (0.0643) (0.0981) Female_hh -0.0178 -0.0142 -0.00683 (0.0247) (0.0420) (0.0207) Age_hh -0.00119* -0.00208** 0.000595 (0.000640) (0.000890) (0.000727) Girl04 0.0116 0.0143 0.00830 (0.00713) (0.00998) (0.00791) Boys04 0.00316 -0.000119 0.0117** (0.00485) (0.00667) (0.00575) Girls514 0.0150*** 0.0211*** 0.00966* (0.00545) (0.00793) (0.00563) Female1564 0.0198*** 0.0235*** 0.0125** (0.00571) (0.00842) (0.00583) Men1564 -0.00981* -0.0300*** 0.00323 (0.00532) (0.00891) (0.00476) Female65 0.0209 0.0223 0.00716 (0.0194) (0.0275) (0.0209) Male65 -0.00793 0.00256 -0.0336 (0.0231) (0.0324) (0.0257) School_in_area 0.244*** 0.293*** 0.0843** (0.0199) (0.0226) (0.0357) School_withinlkm 0.192*** 0.247*** 0.0719*** (0.0168) (0.0270) (0.0237) Q1 -0.213*** -0.137*** -0.264*** (0.0229) (0.0328) (0.0327) Q2 -0.140*** -0.0958*** -0.128*** (0.0222) (0.0324) (0.0264) -120- (0.0219) (0.0338) (0.0217) Rural -0.265*** (0.0147) Agadez -0.0429 -0.0475* (0.0398) (0.0277) Diffa 0.0130 -0.00313 (0.0377) (0.0355) Dosso -0.0933*** -0.140*** -0.0818** (0.0342) (0.0428) (0.0383) Maradi -0.0958*** -0.163*** -0.0542** (0.0340) (0.0450) (0.0265) Tahoua 0.0245 -0.0409 0.0338 (0.0315) (0.0469) (0.0214) Tillab6ri -0.0627* -0.135*** 0.0149 (0.0342) (0.0440) (0.0273) Zinder -0.0695** -0.0987** -0.0682** (0.0323) (0.0434) (0.0266) February 0.0830*** 0.0799* 0.0554** (0.0284) (0.0457) (0.0250) March 0.0527 0.107** 0.0266 (0.0322) (0.0488) (0.0313) April 0.0700** 0.0789* 0.0373 (0.0292) (0.0452) (0.0286) May -0.0441 -0.00575 -0.0675 (0.0339) (0.0464) (0.0429) June 0.0326 0.0405 0.00665 (0.0390) (0.0626) (0.0380) July -0.0437 -0.0368 -0.0283 (0.0331) (0.0461) (0.0363) August 0.00245 -0.00922 0.0245 (0.0325) (0.0469) (0.0303) September -0.0190 -0.0371 0.00395 (0.0359) (0.0505) (0.0359) October 0.0195 0.0158 0.00541 (0.0310) (0.0447) (0.0336) November 0.0388 0.0408 0.0363 (0.0322) (0.0484) (0.0297) December 0.0662** 0.0904** 0.0259 (0.0290) (0.0438) (0.0306) Observations 6,031 3,279 2,752 Note: Standard errors in parentheses; *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 -171- Table A2.2: Covariates of Child (less than 5 years): Height and Weight (1) (2) VARIABLES Ln (Height) Ln (Weight) In(age months) 0.170*** 0.321*** (0.00144) (0.00246) Girl -0.00926*** -0.0527*** (0.00331) (0.00566) ln(pcexp) 0.0134*** 0.0310* (0.00265) (0.00453) #Female Infants 0.00368** 0.0112*** (0.00154) (0.00264) #Boys 0.00581*** 0.00703*** (0.00151) (0.00258) #Female Adults -0.004l)8*** -0.00612*** (0.00126) (0.00216) #Male Adults 0.000693 -0.000181 (0.00119) (0.00204) Female_headed_hh 0.0142** 0.0170* (0.00571) (0.00977) Agehh_head 0.000269** 0.000839*** (0.000136) (0.000233) No Edu -0.00572 -0.0119** (0.00350) (0.00599) Madrasa Edu 0.000543 -0.00272 (0.00364) (0.00623) Agadez -0.0273*** -0.0790*** (0.00702) (0.0120) Diffa -0.0147* -0.0526*** (0.00790) (0.0135) Dosso -0.00659 -0.0265** (0.00615) (0.0105) Maradi -0.0212*** -0.0401*** (0.00607) (0.0104) Tahoua -0.0131** -0.0246** (0.00617) (0.0106) Tillab6ri -0.00407 -0.0195* (0.00630) (0.0108) Zinder -0.0200*** -0.0693*** (0.00589) (0.0101) Rural -0.0109*** -0.0327*** (0.00331) (0.00566) Distance transport 0.000-1 10 0.000477** (0.000134) (0.000234) Distance water -6.08e-05 -0.000203* (6.75e-05) (0.000116) Distance market -6.60e-05 -0.000202 (0.000151) (0.000261) Constant 3.729*** 1.002*** (0.0344) (0.0590) Observations 4,889 4,890 R-squared 0.748 0.786 Note: Standard errors in parentheses; *** p<0.01, *p<0.05, * p<0.1 Note 2: Coefficients reported as marginal probabilities. -122- Table A2.3: Under 5 Child Mortality - Probit Regression (1) VARIABLES DiedU5 Girl -0.00529 (0.00830) Asset Index -0.0249** (0.00985) Mother_noedu 0.0246* (0.0134) Motherage_firstbirth -0.00258* (0.00134) Female_headed_hh 0.00600 (0.0134) Agadez -0.0782*** (0.0188) Diffa -0.0615*** (0.0202) Dosso 0.0289 (0.0230) Maradi 0.0275 (0.0226) Tahoua 0.00602 (0.0219) Tillab6ri -0.00499 (0.0219) Zinder 0.0645*** (0.0249) Rural 0.0322** (0.0146) Observations 9,511 Note 1: Standard errors in parentheses; *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p~ Source: NGAC, Author's calculations Figure A3.4: Groundnuts yield by cropping systems and departments (kg/ha) 900 800 * Pure stand e Intercropping 700 _ 600 - 500 - - 400 - 300 - 200 e - 100 0 01 0 0 vJc Source: NGAC, Author's calculations -128- Table A3.1: Descriptive statistics Sample Mean SD Min Max 6403. 6435. 80024. Weighted21 crop production (kg) 13945 6 0 0.0 2 Land (ha)22 13945 3.9 17.3 0.0 290.5 Labor (person days) 7837 14.9 17.9 0.0 213.0 Seed (kg) 7790 33.8 29.8 2.0 210.0 190. Precipitation (mm) 13945 445.5 96.6 3 822.6 Gender (1 if male, 2 if female) 7830 1.0 2.0 Age 7760 42.0 13.0 15.0 75.0 Self-sufficiency (1 if sufficient, 2 if intermediate, 3 if poor) 7278 1.0 3.0 School attendance (1 if no formal school, 0 otherwise) 7278 0.0 1.0 ICrop management (1 if didn't use, 0 otherwise) 7830 1.0 2.0 Mechanization (1 if didn't use, 0 otherwise) 7830 1.0 2.0 Number of farming parcels 7278 1.7 0.7 1.0 3.0 Number of cattle 7278 1.0 1.8 0.0 30.0 Number of sheep 7278 1.3 2.3 0.0 20.0 Distance to the nearest food market (km) 5815 1.2 1.2 0.0 3.0 Source: NGAC (2008) 21Shares of land allocated to each crop are used as weights. 22 For estimation, whenever production was positive, missing land values were changed to average cultivated land for that particular crop at zones level. -129- Annex 4: Stochastic Production Frontier Model In this report we estimate the stochastic production frontier of the following form qh = f (xh,fl)EChexp(vh),qh = f(xh,fl)Ehexp(vA), (1) where h = 1, ..., H, indexes farmers, qh qh is a (n x 1)(n x 1) vector of output for farmer h, Xh Xh is a (1 x k)(1 x k) vector of associated inputs, ft is a (1 x k)(1 x k) vector of unknown parameters to be estimated, and 88hrepresents farmer h's level of efficiency. In addition, the farmer's production activity is subject to a stochastic shock vh-N (0, o1).v -~N (0, a,2). In log form, equation (1) can be written as lnqh = fto + Zt flj lnxh j + InEh + vh lnqh = fto +Zt flj lnxhj1 + InEh + Vh (2) Let uh = -lnEh,Uh = -lnEh, it follows that Inqh = flo + Yt1 fnxhJ - Uh + vhtlnqh = flo + i/ 1lnxhj - Uh + Vh (3) where Uh~N +(0, au), and A = oU/Uv -Uh-N+(0, au), and A = au/v, Since variables influencing agricultural efficiency (Eh)(Eh) may also directly impact agricultural production (qh),(qh), we adopt the approach proposed by Wang and Schmidt (2002), and Liu and Myers (2009) where equation (3) is re-written as follows: Inqh = flo + Zfj1lnxhj + Vh - Uh (z0,8), Uh(Zh,8) 0. (4) lnqh = fto + 1 =ljnxh + vh - Uh (zh, 8), uh (zh, 8) 0. (4) where ZhZh include farmers' education and gender, extension services, market access, and rainfall. The frontier function and the inefficiency segment are then jointly estimated using a one- step maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) procedure. The marginal effect of ZhZh on production (qh)(qh) and efficiency (Uh)(Uh) is given by 0[E(qh|xh,zh)]/'zh1 = )[E(-uh|Xh,zh)]/8zf)Z. (5) a[E(qh|xh,zh)]/8z)h = )[E(-uh1X|,Zh)1]/)Zh1. (5) Equation (5) represents the semi-elasticity of output (efficiency) with respect to exogenous factors, i.e., the percentage change in expected output (efficiency) when ZhlZhl increases by one unit. -130- -131-