76195 The Republic of the Marshall Islands Country Partnership Strategy and First ICT Sector Development Policy Operation Meeting of the Executive Directors March 19, 2013 Chair’s Summing Up ∗ The Executive Directors discussed the joint IDA/IFC Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for the Republic of the Marshall Islands for FY13-16 (IDA/R2013-0031[IFC/R2013-0038]). Directors welcomed this first CPS which reflects the World Bank Group’s commitment to transition from a regional engagement framework to an individual country strategy. They also appreciated its alignment with the country’s National Strategic Development Plan “Vision 2018� and the recognition of the particular development challenges facing the Marshall Islands, deriving from the small size of its economy and its geographic remoteness. Directors supported the program of assistance to strengthen economic governance, including public financial management, in the run-up to the 2023 transition to a “post-Compact economy�, while building resilience to economic shocks, natural disasters and climate change. Directors stressed the importance of diversifying the economic base and strengthening private sector development, engaging in regional work in the fisheries sector, developing the ICT sector, reforming the energy sector, and improving the management of state-owned enterprises. They appreciated the commitment to integrate World Bank and IFC engagement in the Marshall Islands, and encouraged World Bank Group efforts to collaborate with development partners in implementing the CPS. While the country is on track to achieve some Millennium Development Goals, Directors urged the World Bank Group to increase its support to eradicating poverty and combating HIV/AIDS and other diseases. Directors welcomed the emphasis on gender issues and the objective of ensuring that all aspects of the World Bank Group’s program in the Marshall Islands were appropriately gender-informed. Summary of Discussion* With respect to the operation, the Executive Directors approved the First ICT Sector Development Policy Operation in the amount of SDR 2.0 million (US$ 3.0 million equivalent) on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (IDA/R2013-0034). They agreed with the program’s objectives, particularly its focus on improving connectivity and facilitating an enabling environment for liberalization of the sector, as part of a broader regional effort throughout the Pacific. Directors acknowledged the risks associated with the project and strategies to mitigate them. Directors also highlighted the need to build local institutional capacity and welcomed collaboration among development partners in addressing these challenges. ∗ This summary is not an approved record.