matters AT THE WORLD BANK World Bank Environmental Projects July 1996 - June 1997 FILE COPY toward environmentally and socially sustainable development World Bank Environmental Projects July 1996 - June 1997 World Bank Environment Department 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433 information: Phone (202) 473-3641, Fax (202) 477-0565 Contents Environment and the World Bank Group World Bank Group Portfolio of Projects to Protect the Environment Africa East Asia & the Pacific Eastern Europe & Central Asia Latin America & the Caribbean Middle East & North Africa South Asia World Bank Group Projects with Full Environmental Assessment (Category A) IBRD/IDA FY 97 IFC FY 97 Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Africa East Asia & the Pacific Eastern Europe & Central Asia Latin America & the Caribbean Middle East & North Africa South Asia Montreal Protocol Projects to Protect the Ozone Layer Africa East Asia & the Pacific Eastern Europe & Central Asia Latin America & the Caribbean Middle East & North Africa South Asia Environment and the World Bank Group The World Bank, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA), promotes economic and social progress in developing nations by helping raise productivity so that people live better and fuller lives. This is also the aim of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), which works closely with the private sector and invests in commercial enterprises in developing countries, and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), which encourages direct foreign investment in developing countries by protecting investors from non-commercial risk. Collectively, the World Bank, the IFC, and MIGA are known as the World Bank Group. Of the four institutions, the IBRD, established in 1945, is the oldest and the largest. The IBRD is owned by the governments of 180 countries that have subscribed to its capital, and makes loans only to creditworthy borrowers. Assistance is provided only to those projects that promise high real rates of economic return to the country. Since 1960, the International Development Association has provided assistance to poorer developing countries on terms that bear less heavily on their balance of payments than IBRD loans. IDA's assistance is concentrated on the very poor countries--mainly those with an annual per capita GNP of less than $925. Membership in IDA is open to all IBRD members, and 159 have joined. Although IDA is legally and financially distinct from the IBRD, it shares the same staff, and the projects it assists have to meet the same criteria as do the projects supported by the IBRD. The IFC was established in 1956. Its function is to assist the economic development of developing countries by promoting growth in the private sector of their economies and helping to mobilize domestic and foreign capital for this purpose. The IFC currently has 172 members. Legally and financially, the IFC and the World Bank are separate entities. In its project financing role, the IFC provides loans and makes equity investments. MIGA, the newest member of the World Bank Group, was established in 1988. Its principal responsibility is promotion of investment for economic development in member countries through guarantees to foreign investors against losses caused by non-commercial risks and through advisory and consultative services to member countries to assist in creating a responsive climate and information base to guide and encourage the flow of capital. MIGA is an entity separate from the World Bank. MIGA currently has 141 members. The World Bank invests in projects with primarily environmental objectives, in addition to its regular investment portfolio. All proposed investments are screened for potential environmental impacts and categorized accordingly. The World Bank is also an implementing agency of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Multilateral Fund for the Montreal Protocol (MFMP), two important global financing mechanisms which assist developing countries address global environmental concerns. 1 World Bank Group Portfolio of Projects to Protect the Environment The following table lists projects with primarily environmental objectives that were approved by the Bank's Board of Executive Directors between July 1, 1996 and June 30, 1997 (FY97), all of which were under implementation during FY97. Each project listing indicates whether the project is being financed through an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) loan, an International Development Agency (IDA) credit, or both; the fiscal year (July- June) in which the project was approved; the Task Manager; the Bank's financial contribution; the total estimated project cost; and the country's implementing agency. The difference between the Bank's commitment and total project cost is financed by domestic public, multilateral, bilateral and/or NGO sources. 2 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Africa Angola Lobito-Benguela Urban Environment Rehabilitation (Approved FY92) $46 million, IDA This project's main objectives are to restore water supply and sanitary services; help in $59 million, total project cost eliminating life-threatening epidemics; improve the health of the population; and halt the degradation of the physical environment. The project will also improve living conditions in Implementing Agency: Province of Benguela squatter settlements by providing access to clean water and improved latrines; strengthen institutions responsible for project management, operation management and control of urban services and the environment by providing technical assistance, logistical support, and training; and assist in policy reform through water and sewer tariffs, land registration, and environmental Task Manager: Morrell studies. Benin Natural Resources Management (Approved FY92) $14 million, IDA This project combines institution-building activities on a national level with site-specific field $24 million, total project cost activities of three types: management of three gazetted forests; watershed development at four pilot sites including land tenure operations and research-development activities; and wildlife Implementing Agency: Ministry of Rural management at two pilot sites on the border of the national parks and hunting areas. Development Task Manager: Topa Benin Environmental Management (Approved FY95) $8 million, IDA Support for this project allows the government to develop the national environmental $9 million, total project cost management capacity required to implement and monitor effectively the priority actions identified in the National Environmental Plan (June 1993). It supports planning and Implementing Agency: National Environmental implementation of policies and programs; development of information systems; and promotion Agency (NEA) of the integration of environmental concerns in socioeconomic development plans. In addition, it seeks to improve the awareness and understanding of environmental issues of various segments of the population and fosters the integration of environmental considerations in the education Task Manager: Lewis system. Burkina Faso Environmental Management (Approved FY91) $17 million, IDA This project seeks to reverse the process of natural resources degradation in order to secure $25 million, total project cost sustainable agricultural growth, restore biodiversity, and manage forests and wildlife. The first five-year phase of a long-term national program, it would identify, design and implement Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture community land management plans in two components in three provinces located in different ecological zones, and in two provinces for protected forest areas and the lands of surrounding communities. Supporting components include: technical support for ongoing natural resources management operations in 18 provinces; establishment of national environmental and project Task Manager: Lewis impact monitoring systems; human resources development; and management and studies. Burkina Faso Urban Environment (Approved FY95) $37 million, IDA This project provides for the rehabilitation or improvement of priority primary drainage $40 million, total project cost networks, the development of piped sewerage and on-site sanitation, the closing or upgrading of existing landfills and construction of new landfills, and the improvement of current toxic and Implementing Agency: Ministry of Public industrial solid waste management systems. The project also aims to strengthen the central Works, Housing and Urban Planning; Office government's capacity for urban management. National de l'Eau et de lassainissement Task Manager: Diou 3 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Burundi Energy Sector Rehabilitation (Approved FY91) $23 million, IDA The objectives of the project are to promote rational energy policies and the efficient $23 million, total project cost management of energy resources. Specifically, the project aims to: improve energy efficiency through reforms in the pricing structure of electricity, petroleum products and woodfuels; Implementing Agency: Ministry of develop efficient institutions in the sector and improve the quality of public investment; expand Energy/Rigie de Distribution d'eau et d' access to electricity; and support charcoal efficiency and improved stove programs. electricite (REGIDESO) Task Manager: Senou Central African Republic Natural Resource Management (Approved FY90) $19 million, IDA The main objective of the project, which will constitute the first phase of a longer-term program, $34 million, total project cost is to reinforce capabilities to protect and manage forest and wildlife resources on a sustainable basis, mainly through further improvements in the legislative framework and fiscal/incentive Implementing Agency: Forest Ministry system for the relevant sector; restructuring of institutions and strengthening of their capacity to effectively implement field controls and promote environmental protection; improving upon knowledge of existing forest resources, as a basis for sound planning; improving upon agro- forestry systems in the forest zone; and support to the protection and management of a dense Task Manager: Heimo forest reserve. Cote D'Ivoire Rural Land Management and Infrastructure Development (Approved FY97) $45 million, IDA This project will be a vehicle for implementing new governmental policies and programs related $65 million, total project cost to land tenure, decentralization, local community empowerment, natural resources management and rural infrastructure development. Its main components will be community-based natural Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture resources management and village infrastructure development; institutional strengthening and and Livestock (MAL), Ministry of Economy, improvement of regulatory frameworks; and environemntal monitoring and geographic Finance and Planning information. Task Manager: Topa Gabon Forestry and Environment (Approved FY93) $23 million, IBRD This project represents the first phase of a long-term effort toward promoting the rational use of $38 million, total project cost the natural resource base. It aims to restructure and strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Waters and Forestry and the Ministry of Environment for planning, monitoring, and supervision; of make forestry and environment training more applicable to private sector and conservation Impemntr ngAenMinistry ofEnvneeds; support forestry and environment research activities; prepare and implement a management plan in the depleted coastal zone area; and support government creation and maintenance of wildlife reserves. Task Manager: Valencia Gambia Capacity Building for Environmental Management-Technical Assistance (Approved FY94) $3 million, IDA This project aims to develop an effective system for environmental planning and management $5 million, total project cost within the National Environmental Agency (NEA) and other relevant agencies. It supports the institutional and policy development of the Gambia Environmental Action Plan; development of Implementing Agency: National Environmental a public awareness strategy; electronic and print media campaigns; an environmental Agency information and monitoring system; and development of a disaster awareness and contingency planning system. Task Manager: Powers 4 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Ghana Forest Resource Management (Approved FY89) $39 million, IDA The project is a policy reform, management strengthening and institution building operation $65 million, total project cost aimed at: managing industrial forestry production and export earning in accordance with sustained yield policy; promoting conservation and tree planting on farms to counteract fuelwood Implementing Agency: Ministry of Lands and shortage and ecological deterioration; and strengthening the sector institutions to enable them to Natural Resources (MLNR) carry out the necessary policy reforms, increase revenue generation, and improve protection and management of the forest and wildlife resources. Task Manager: Epworth Ghana Environment Resource Management (Approved FY93) $18 million, IDA This project supports implementation of the National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) by $36 million, total project cost strengthening institutional and technical capabilities for effective environmental monitoring, policy formulation, and coordination. It includes the development of an Environmental Resource Implementing Agency: Environmental Management System for central and regional coordination, regulatory, and tenurial functions; the Protection Council (EPC) development of methodologies to minimize land degradation through community planning and management; and the demarcation and management of five coastal wetlands sites (including inventory, monitoring, public education programs, and studies). Task Manager: Epworth Kenya Forestry Development (Approved FY91) $20 million, IDA The objective of the project is to conserve and protect indigenous forest resources, soil, and $65 million, total project cost water on forest, farm and range land; provide technical assistance in forestry extension and integrated agroforestry farming systems; prepare a forestry development master plan; and Implementing Agency: Government of Kenya strengthen planning and implementation capacities of forestry agencies. Task Manager: Ryan Kenya Protected Areas and Wildlife Services (Approved FY92) $61 million, IDA This project comprises the development of Kenyan Wildlife Services's (KWS) institutional $143 million, total project cost capacity through material support, technical assistance, and a staff training program; rehabilitation of park and reserve infrastructure; establishment of a Community Wildlife Implementing Agency: Wildlife Service Program; expansion of the wildlife education program; strengthening of KWS's planning capacity by financing the preparation of integrated five-year development plans for regional wildlife parks and reserves; preparation of a national wetlands master plan and technical assistance to improve management of marine parks and reserves; revitalization of KWS's Task Manager: Kiss scientific research; and maintenance of the effectiveness of the Wildlife Protection Unit by financing vehicles and facilities. Kenya Lake Victoria Environment (Approved FY97) $12.8 million, IDA The Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP) is a comprehensive program $12.8 million, total project cost aimed at the rehabilitation of the lake ecosystem for the benefit of the people who live in the catchment, the national economies of which they are a part, and the global community. The Implementing Agency: Ministry of program objectives are to maximize the sustainable benefits to riparian communities from using Environment and Natural Resources resources within the basin to generate food, employment and income supply safe water, and sustain a disease free environment; and conserve biodiversity and genetic resources for the benefit of the riparian communities and the global community. In order to address the tradeoffs Task Manager: Donovan among these objectives which cut across national boundaries, a further project objective is to harmonize national management programs in order to achieve, to a maximum extent possible, 5 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Madagascar Environment Program (Approved FY90) $26 million, IDA This program aims to: protect and manage the most threatened biodiversity and natural $86 million, total project cost ecosystems, and develop surrounding areas; support soil conservation, agroforestry, reforestation and rural development; support mapping and the establishment of a geographic information Implementing Agency: Ministries of Economy system; establish clear boundaries for protected areas and improve land security through titling; and Planning, Livestock, Fisheries and Forests, provide environmental training, education, and awareness; encourage research on land, coastal Agriculture, and Scientific Research. and marine ecosystems; and support institutional building, establishing EA procedures, strengthening an environmental database, monitoring and evaluation procedures, and studies. Task Manager: Simeon Madagascar Antananarivo Plain Development (Approved FY90) $31 million, IDA This project finances the improvement of the living conditions of the low-income population in $69 million, total project cost the low-lying areas of Antananarivo and Antananarivo Plain, and increases the productivity of the industries and of the farms in the plain. The project includes: flood protection along the Implementing Agency: Government/Ministry Ikopa River; flood warning systems; drainage structures on the plain; a pumping station to of Agriculture, Faritany (Province) and evacuate water from the plain; construction of an irrigation canal; rehabilitation of irrigation Municipality of Antananarivo systems; rehabilitation and expansion of the sewerage system; and institution building, including privatization of municipal services. Task Manager: Wildt Madagascar Environment H Project (Approved FY97) $30 million, IDA The objective of this project is to reverse the current environmental degradation trends and to $155 million, total project cost promote the sustainable useof natural resources, including soil, water, forest cover and biodiversity. The program is defined as components corresponding to field operations, strategic Implementing Agency: National Environment activities and support activities: sustainable soil and water management; multiple use forest Office ecosystem management; national parks and ecotourism; marine and coastal environment; urban environment; support to local natural resources; support regional program and spatial analysis; regional fund for environmental management; upgrading of legal framework and formulation of Task Manager: Simeon environmental policies and; assisting sector ministries in implementing policies and making the enviommental impact assessment (EIA) operational. Malawi Fisheries Development (Approved FY91) $9 million, IDA This project increases fish production as a means of improving nutrition and protein supply for $16 million, total project cost the population; generates additional off-farm employment and income to help reduce poverty among women and the rural population; conserves the natural resource base of Malawi's water Implementing Agency: Department of Fisheries bodies and prevents environmental degradation; improves the institutional capacity for fisheries sub-sector policy formulation, research, planning, monitoring and control; improves management and conservation of lake resources; strengthens regulatory capacity of the fisheries department; and establishes a lake resources management program. Task Manager: Kumar Malawi Environmental Management Project (Approved FY97) $12.4 million, IDA This project is designed to support the Government of Malawi's efforts to implement their $13.7 million, total project cost Environmental Support Program (ESP), which aims to integrate environmental concerns into the socioeconomic development of the country. The ESP is intended to support the umbrella Implementing Agency: Ministry of Research framework incorporating strategies, policies and priority programs to address environmental and Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Natural problems.The major components of this project include institutional capacity building and the Resources, Ministry of Transport strengthening of an environmental information system, environmental education, community- based environmental management and environmental actions and studies. An important design Task Manager: Clement-Jones element is the gradual transfer of the management of natural resources to local communities, which has been tried on a pilot basis in parts of the country. 6 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Mali Natural Resource Management (Approved FY92) $20 million, IDA This project provides for village-level investments to halt degradation of soil, water, and natural $32 million, total project cost vegetation; establishes infrastructure with immediate and direct impact on the communities' quality of life; modifies the boundaries of the Baoule National Park and implements its long- Implementing Agency: Ministry of term management plan; supports government services to help villagers manage community Environment, Rural Development & Livestock natural resources; and supports the newly created Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Department within the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment in establishing an environmental information system. Task Manager: Hall Mauritania Water Supply (Approved FY92) $11 million, IDA This project includes the monitoring of salt water intrusion in the Trarza aquifer and a study to $15 million, total project cost establish a groundwater management plan for the new Tenadi wellfield, further from the advancing saline front; a program for leak detection; a repair and rehabilitation program of the Implementing Agency: National Society of distribution network; upgrading of the existing installations; an extension of the distribution Electricity (SONELEC) system to the northern part of the town in order to supply some of the poorest parts of the population with water; and studies and technical assistance to prepare future parts of the program. Task Manager: Jannssens Mauritania Rainfed Natural Resource Management (Approved FY97) $14 million, IDA The project would be the first five-year section of a long-term natural resource management $23.5 million, total project cost program, aimed at the rehabilitation of land, water and vegetation; and, consequently, the improved production, increased income and better quality of life for communities in nine regions :Ministry of Rural participating in the program. Components include the allocation of funds for community I pmentn AEn ncy (investments, the provision of technical support and strengthening of the institutional environment, the generation and dissemination of appropriate technologies, and the development of required skills at all levels. Task Manager: Hall Mauritius Environmental Monitoring and Development (Approved FY91) $12 million, IBRD This project initiates a national physical development plan to guide land use, infrastructure $21 million, total project cost investment, and environmental management; establishes laboratories and an industrial park with industrial pollution control; develops a solid waste management plan; supports integrated pest Implementing Agency: Government of management; encourages marine conservation; and creates a national park. Mauritius Task Manager: De Naurois Niger Energy (Approved FY88) $32 million, IDA The project promotes firewood conservation, substitution of energy resources and more effective $79 million, total project cost management of natural forest cover. It also promotes the development of renewable energy technologies and the conservation of electric power; provides electricity at minimal cost; and Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture upgrades local capabilities to administer petroleum exploration. Task Manager: Floor 7 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Niger Natural Resources Management (Approved FY96) $26.7 million, IDA This project is the first in a series designed to stop and reverse current natural resource $42.2 million, total project cost degradation. This will help secure sustainable agricultural production and growth in the region, and improve living conditions of the rural population. Selected rural communities in different Implementing Agency: Minister de agro-ecological zones will be provided with skills training and resources during the project's l'Agriculture et de FElevage design and implemention. The Government will also be able to build up its national capacity to support natural resource management initiatives and design a comprehensive set of national policies and strategies. Task Manager: Topa Senegal Sustainable and Partcipatory Energy Management (Approved FY97) $4.7 million, IDA The project seeks to meet the increasing urban demand for household fuels, without the loss of $4.7 million, total project cost forest cover and the ecosystem's carbon sequestration potential and biodiversity. This objective would be met through implementing and monitoring 300,000 hectares of enviornmentally Implementing Agency: Ministry of sustainable forest resource systems managed by the communities; promoting private sector inter- Environment and Protection of Nature; fuel substitution and private sector and NGO-based improved stoves initiatives; and Ministry of Industry and Energy strengthening the institutions managing the sector, and promoting the civil society's participation in sector management. Task Manager: Utria Seychelles Environment and Transport (Approved FY93) $5 million, IBRD This project alms to improve the basis for sustained growth of tourism while preserving or $7 million, total project cost restoring environmentally sensitive areas. The project would also support implementation of the Seychelles Environmental Management Plan, focusing on programs in resource management, Implem..nting .Rency: Ministry of biodiversity conservation, and marine pollution control; restoration and preservation of the Envirorim;ent, E%fonomic Planning, and External ecosystem of Aldabra atoll; protection of endanbered sea turtles; and studies of waste reception Relations; Seychelles Island Foundation; Land facilities at the Pont of Victoria. The project also includes the preparation of water resources study and management, outer islands and marine resources management and an organizational Task Manager: Teymourian review of the country's Division of Environment. Tanzania Forest Resources Management (Approved FY92) $18 million, IDA This project aims to improve forest resource management, and is the first step in implementing $26 million, total project cost the Tanzania Forest Action Plan (TFAP), thereby signalizing long-term commitment to forestry development. The project specifically defines the policies needed for the sustainable Implementing Agency: Ministry of Natural development of the sector, and develops and puts in place the instruments needed for their Resources! Tourism and Natural Resources execution; builds capacity in the institutions in charge of forestry, land tenure and land use planning; and develops appropriate forestry management techniques by testing different pilot programs for managing natural woodlands and for increasing tree planting by farmers. Task Manager: Ryan Tanzania River Basin Management of Smallholder Irrigation (ApprovedFY97) $26.3 million, IDA The objectives of the project are to strengthen the Government of Tanzanias capacity to manage $30.8 million, total project cost water resources and address water related environmental concerns both at the national level and in the Rufiji and Pangani river basins, and to improve irrigation efficiency of select smallholder Implementing Agency: Ministry of Water, traditional iigation schemes in these two basins. In carrying out these objectives, the project of Agriculture and Cooperatives would improve stakeholder participation in basin management and irrigation scheme operation Mioildrytand stregthen the institutional, regulatory and incentive framework for basin management. Task Manager: Elahi 8 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Tanzania Lake Victoria Environment (Approved FY97) $10.1 million, IDA The Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP) is a comprehensive program $10.1 million, total project cost aimed at the rehabilitation of the lake ecosystem for the benefit of the people who live in the catchment, the national economies of which they are a part, and the global community. Implementing Agency: Vice President's Office Theprogram objectives are to maximize the sustainable benefits to riparian communities from using resources within the basin to generate food, employment and income supply safe water, and sustain a disease free environment; and conserve biodiversity and genetic resources for the benefit of the riparian communities and the global community. In order to address the tradeoffs Task Manager: Donovan among these objectives which cut across national boundaries, a further project objective is to harmonize national management programs in order to achieve, to a maximum extent possible, Togo Lome Urban Development (Approved FY94) $26 million, IBRD This project promotes improvement of urban environmental management, environmental and $29 million, total project cost sanitary conditions of the Be Lagoon and community development through capacity building of institutions in the area of urban management. Activities to improve the health of the Be Lagoon Implementing Agency: AAAU Agetur (Urban includes antierosion works, dredging of the Be Lake, drainage of two pilot zones, and the Works Agency) Togo T, Post, and Telephone disposal and treatment of wastes; community participation through training in environmental management; construction of public latrines; miniprojects aimed at improving the urban environment; and improvement of transport and traffic conditions. Task Manager: Larbi Uganda Environmental Management Capacity Building (Approved FY96) $11.8 million, IDA Supporting the first 5-year phase of a longer-term national environmental program, the $23 million, total project cost objectives of this project are to build capacity for environmental management at the national, district, and community levels through the establishment of the National Environmental Implementing Agency: Ministry of Natural Management Authority (NEMA); to strengthen selected districts; and to initiate a process for Resources communities to address local natural resource degradation problems. Task Manager: Evans Uganda Lake Victoria Environment (Approved FY97) $12.1 million, IDA The Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP) is a comprehensive program $12.1 million, total project cost aimed at the rehabilitation of the lake ecosystem for the benefit of the people who live in the catchment, the national economies of which they are a part, and the global community. Implementing Agency: Ministry of Natural Theprogram objectives are to maximize the sustainable benefits to riparian communities from Resources (Uganda) using resources within the basin to generate food, employment and income supply safe water, and sustain a disease free environment; and conserve biodiversity and genetic resources for the benefit of the riparian communities and the global community. In order to address the tradeoffs Task Manager: Donovan among these objectives which cut across national boundaries, a further project objective is to harmonize national management programs in order to achieve, to a maximum extent possible, Zambia Environment Program (Approved FY97) $20 million, IDA Project wioll assist in implementation of the Government's environmental program in $40 million, total project cost coordination with other donors. It will provide investment capital and technical assistance in environment and natural resource use problems. Implementing Agency: Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Task Manager: Souhlal 9 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 East Asia / Pacific China Ship Waste Disposal (Approved FY92) $15 million, IDA This project finances activities which will establish data on international ship traffic and waste $64 million, total project cost types by designing and implementing a pilot interport ship waste monitoring system to facilitate enforcement; prepare an accident contigency plan for each port; initiate a Large Marine Implementing Agency: The Port Authorities of Ecosystems monitoring program for the Yellow Sea; undertake a study of the treatment of Dalian, Tianjin, Shanghai, Ningbo, Guangzhou chemically contaminated water; provide and promote coordination among the authorities to and Xiamen upgrade environmental monitoring at the ports; and provide consultants' services and training related to the project. Other components define, design and provide landbased collection and Task Manager: Tsumi disposal facilities; and establish or upgrade environmental monitoring and enforcement capabilities of port authorities. China Tianjin Urban Development and Environment (Approved FY92) $100 million, IDA This project supports technical assistance and training to improve project planning and $195 million, total project cost evaluation, budgeting and management, and monitoring of urban development and infrastructure. The project also supports technical assistance and training in sub-sectoral Implementing Agency: Tianjin Municipal management, including solid waste disposal and public transport management. It supports Govemnment physical works to improve drainage, sewerage, solid waste management, roads, traffic management, and public bus operations. It also includes the resettlement of households as required for the physical works, which result in improved housing and environmental health Task Manager: Choi conditions. China Beijing Environment (Approved FY92) $45 million, IBRD This projects objectives are to assist the Beijing Municipality (BM) in improving its $80 million, IDA environmental planning and management capabilities, and to plan and carry out specific $299 million, total project cost pollution abatement efforts in the municipality. The project is designed to demonstrate cost- Implementing Agency: Beijing Municipality effective interventions in the areas of water, air, hazardous waste and solid waste pollution; (B3M) improve investment planning; establish effective measures for regulatory control; set up requirements for the efficient operation and maintenance of communal facilities for pollution control and abatement; and includes methods to recover costs from the users of these facilities. Task Manager: Choi China Environment Technical Assistance (Approved FY93) $50 million, IDA This project improves the coordination of environmental monitoring and ecological research; $70 million, total project cost promotes cleaner industrial production and technology to prevent pollution and minimize waste; improves economic policy instruments for pollution control, specifically the pollution levy Implementing Agency: National Environmental system; and strengthens the system for environmental assessment. Protection Agency (NEPA) and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Task Manager: Crooks China South Jiangsu Environment Protection (Approved FY93) $250 million, IBRD This project assists authorities in strengthening environmental planning and management and in $584 million, total project cost carrying out initiatives in the regional environmental strategy. It provides a line of credit for industrial pollution control and environmental management subprojects; supports the Province construction of municipal facilities for urban wastewater management; establishes solid- and hazardous- waste management and registration centers, emergency response centers, and hazardous materials storage and transshipment facilities; and provides technical assistance and training for the institutes responsible for environmental protection. Task Manager: Motte 10 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 China Loess Plateau Watershed Rehabilitation (Approved FY94) $150 million, IDA This project aims to reduce erosion and inflows of sediment to the Yellow River by encouraging $259 million, total project cost sustainable crop production on high-yielding level farmland; planting the slope lands with a variety of trees, shrubs, and grasses for land stabilization; afforestation of degraded agricultural Implementing Agency: Ministry of Water lands in the area; and improved livestock management. It will also provide institutional support such as training, technological transfer and research to the Upper and Middle Reach Bureau to strengthen its capacity as a leading agency for soil and water conservation. Task Manager: Voegele China Shanghai Environment (Approved FY94) $160 million, IBRD This project supports financial and policy initiatives and planning and management reforms, $457 million, total project cost supported by an investment program of environmentally oriented capital works and institutional strengthening. The financial and policy initiatives developed as part of project preparation Implementing Agency: Shanghai Municipaity would focus on improving operational efficiency of urban services; mobilizing resources through (SM) tariff increases and service charges; and long-term environmental planning and investment programs. Task Manager: Read China Forest Resource Development and Protection (Approved FY94) $200 million, IDA This project seeks to develop institutional capacity through preparation of national management $356 million, total project cost plans, related technical assistance, preparation of policy studies, and strengthening of information and research services on key issues in biodiversity conservation. Biodiversity Implementing Agency: Ministry of Forestry conservation will be enhanced by establishing protected forests and nature reserves; developing afforestation models that promote biodiversity and reduce disease damage; promoting development of canopy levels; and developing multitiered vertically stratified canopies to minimize soil erosion and water runoff. Task Manager: Scobey China Liaoning Environment (Approved FY95) $110 million, IBRD This project assists the government in reducing pollution and improving operational efficiency $351 million, total project cost through the upgrading of technology, minimization of waste, and reuse of resources. It strengthens local capabilities in monitoring and enforcing environmental regulations and Implementing Agency: Liaoning Province (LP) corporate sewerage utilities, and establishes a sound cost-recovery policy for pollution abatement and the Municipalities of Anshan, Bendi, services. It also includes an environmental protection fund for eligible pollution control Dalian, Fushun, Jinxi, and Jinzhou subprojects of industrial enterprises and enhances institutional development through technical assistance and training. An additional component finances the rehabilitation and conservation of Task Manager: Read cultural heritage sites. China Chongquing Industrial Reform and Pollution Control (Approved FY96) $170 million, IBRD The project supports the Bank's lending strategy in China within a policy framework that focuses $478.1 million, total project cost on enhanced industrial pollution control linked to enterprise reform and technological restructuring. The project helps the Chongquing Muncipality establish a strategy and prepare a Implementing Agency: Chongqing Municipal long-term plan to achieve a major reduction in pollution for the whole industrial sector by Project Management Office increasing the effectiveness of environmental regulatory frameworks and pollution management capacity; reduce pollution and restructure productive facilities from iron and steel industries; and initiate a pilot effort to assist industrial enterprises in other industrial sectors to restructure their Task Manager: Kahn, Z productive facilities, control pollution and transform themselves into modem corporations. 11 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 China Yunnan Environment (Approved FY96) $135 million, IBRD The project is part of a phased development program of Yunnan Province (YP) to improve $25 million, IDA environmental conditions and sustain urban services management. The principal objective is to $307 million, total project cost provide a sustainable environmental framework for the economic and social development of the Implementing Agency: Municipal Governments Province, while providing a conducive foundation for industrial growth. Specific objectives include: institutional strengthening for pollution control, and municipal water, wastewater, solid waste and nightsoil management; support for the improvement of lakes to allow the water to be used for potable supply, industry or agriculture; investments in pollution control and municipally- Task Manager: Fritz provided urban environmental services; and a comprehensive approach to management and financing of urban environmental infrastructure investments. China Hubei Urban Environmental Protection (Approved FY96) $125 million, IBRD This project strengthens and finances investment in wastewater and municipal solid waste $25 million, IDA management, as well as nightsoil handling and disposal; helps to abate industrial air pollution; $370 million, total project cost and improves planning and financing of urban environmental services in the cities of Wuhan, Implementing Agency: Hubei Finance Bureau Huangshi, Xiangfa, and Yichang. Municipal Government Task Manager: Travers China Second Shanghai Sewerage (Approved FY96) $250 million, IBRD This project follows up the first phase of Shanghai Municipality's development program to $633.3 million, total project cost improve environmental conditions and management. Specific objectives of the project are to enhance wastewater and stormwater management through expanding wastewater collection, Implementing Agency: Shangai Municipal pretreatment and disposal capacity, and stormwater drainage facilities; reduce urban pollution Sewerage Company, Ltd. impact while facilitating pollution control; improve wastewater utility financial and operational management; and strengthen sector institutions through training, feasibility studies, and future investment project preparation. Task Manager: Read Indonesia Yogyakarta Upland Area Development (Approved FY91) $16 million, IBRD This project improves upland productivity of the Yogyakarta region through conservation $25 million, total project cost stabilization measures; provides on-farm technology displays covering vegetative conservation (such as fodder legumes to stabilize slopes), and alley-cropping to strengthen the technical basis Implementing Agency: Directorate General of for intensive microwatershed development in the uplands. Regional Development (BANGDA), Ministry of Home Affairs Task Manager: Wiranto Indonesia BAPEDAL Development Technical Assistance (Approved FY92) $12 million, IBRD The primary objective of this project is to assist the Government of Indonesia (GOI) in $15 million, total project cost implementing the Five Year BAPEDAL Development Plan, through strengthening the institutional capacity and role of BADEPAL and other agencies responsible for environmental Implementing Agency: Environmental Impact management and pollution control; and designing and implementing pollution control measures Management Agency at the central and regional levels. Task Manager: Walton 12 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Indonesia Integrated Pest Management (Approved FY93) $32 million, IBRD This project promotes environmentally sound crop production systems through a five-year $53 million, total project cost program to train at least 800,000 farmers in the theory and application of Integrated Pest Management (IPM); supports occupational health studies and field investigations; and Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture strengthens the regulatory and environmental management framework, primarily for IPM policies to reduce the risks associated with the manufacture, distribution, and application of pesticides. Task Manager: Gapasin Indonesia Surabaya Urban Development (Approved FY94) $175 million, IBRD This project improves urban environmental quality by assisting the local government's capacity $618 million, total project cost to plan, implement, and operate infrastructure in an environmentally sound fashion and by enhancing community participation through management, staffing, and the financial ability of Implementing Agency: Surabaya Municipality the government water authority for water supply and human waste disposal. It also protects and improves water quality in the Kali Surabaya; improves onsite wastewater disposal; provides offsite sewerage; demonstrates and evaluates the potential for conventional and low-cost offsite sanitation and cost recovery in human waste services; and improves waste collection and landfill Task Manager: Coulthart disposal techniques. In addition, the project finances mechanisams that will protect resettlers' rights. Indonesia National Watershed Management and Conservation (Approved FY94) $57 million, IBRD This project aims to raise the living standards of poor upland farmers by improving and restoring $488 million, total project cost the productive potential of the resource base, while at the same time improving watershed environmental quality and protecting downstream watershed resources. It provides institutional Implementing Agency: Ministry of Forestry strengthening through improvement of planning, management, and natural resource information (MOF), Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), and systems; supports the creation of a multidisciplinary upland research program, and training and Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) extension; develops a watershed on West Java; and invests for reforestation. Task Manager: Silverman Indonesia Kerinci-Seblat Biodiversity Integrated Conservation and Development (Approved FY96) $19.1 million, IBRD This project aims to protect biodiversity, prohibit habitat fragmentation through protection and $47.2 million, total project cost management, and include the involvement of local communities in Kerinci-Seblat National Park. It develops an ICDP model to reconcile conservation, and regional and district Implementing Agency: Ministry of Forestry development, that follows a two pronged approach to stabilize the boundary and protect and Home Affairs, and local governments in biodiversity within the Park, and to enhance the livelihoods of poor households by providing four participating provinces them with alternative opportunities consistent with conservation. Its design meets this objective through institutional strengthening in integrated planning, coordinated implementation and Task Manager Silverman regular monitoring and enforcement; building institutional capacity through increased staffing and in-service training; and resource management. Indonesia Solar Home Systems Project (Approved FY97) $20 million, IBRD This project aims to catalyze the rapid penetration of solar photo-voltaic (PV) systems by $111.8 million, total project cost formulating a minimal cost rural electricification strategy; facilitating participation of the private sector, cooperatives and NGOs in advancing renewable energy commercialization through the Implementing Agency: TBD creation of a sustainable "market conforming" framework and promoting environmentally sound energy resource development and reducing the energy sector's dependence on fossil fuels; and strengthening institutional capacity to sustain solar PV development. Task Manager: Sanghvi 13 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Indonesia Renewable Energy Small Power Project (Approved FY97) $66.4 million, IBRD Through investment and technical assistance, this project aims to catalyze the creation of private $141 million, total project cost sector markets for small-scale renewable energy power projects and to reduce the costs of rural electrification operations outside Java-Bali. This initiative, whose initial size is sufficiently Implementing Agency: Developers of small large to establish a baseline penetration of such renewables while also providing a demonstration renewable energy projects selling electricity to effect that can support a critical mass of commercially sustainable projects, was developed by the State Electricity Corporation non-utility generators, which could be a variety of entities such as private firms, state-owned non- utility firms, NGOs, cooperatives or even an independent joint utility-private enterprise. Task Manager: Sanghvi Korea, Republic of Kwangju and Seoul Sewerage (Approved FY93) $110 million, IBRD This project expands wastewater treatment facilities in Kwangju and Seoul; reduces pollution in $530 million, total project cost two major rivers by supporting institutional development for wastewater management; and promotes innovative technological and policy initiatives for water conservation. The projects Implementing Agency: Seoul Metro objectives include assistance in cleaning the Yongsan and Han Rivers in order to reduce health hazards and attain water quality needed for the cities' population and for those using water downstream; focusing the attention of the water agencies on conservation to reduce wastewater; encouraging the cities to develop self-financing efficiency for wastewater activity; and Task Manager: Altaf supporting technological and institiutional improvements in the sector. Korea, Republic of Environmental Research and Education (Approved FY93) $60 million, IBRD This project provides specialized equipment, training, and library materials to upgrade the $97 million, total project cost capacity of twelve national agricultural colleges and nine national veterinary colleges to undertake research into key environmental problems; reinforces the colleges' programs to Implementing Agency: Ministry of Education strengthen professional training in environmental fields; and supports improved environment- (MOE) related research and teaching programs. Task Manager: McGough Korea, Republic of Environmental Technology Development (Approved FY94) $90 million, IBRD This project strengthens selected national research institutes to adequately address environmental $156 million, total project cost issues and to undertake environmental research and design activities. It provides institutional support to the policy and planning role of the Ministry of Environment by providing overseas Implementing Agency: Ministry of Education training, visiting experts, and library materials, as well as equipment and equipment-related (MOE) inputs and civil works to house the equipment. Task Manager: McGough Korea, Republic of Ports DeveL & Env. Improvement (Approved FY95) $100 million, IBRD This project provides comprehensive support for addressing environmental issues in port and $1107 million, total project cost harbor development. It also finances facilities to collect, manage, and treat ship waste and to remove timber- and fish-processing plants that cause air, noise, and traffic pollution; provides Implementing Agency: Korea Maritime & Ports training and technical assistance to strengthen the environmental capabilities of the Korea Maritime and Port Authority, and to a program which monitors pollution and ecosystem productivity in the Yellow Sea. Task Manager: Arnold 14 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Korea, Republic of Waste Disposal (Approved FY95) $75 million, IBRD This project assists the governments in Pusan and Chunbak Province in addressing $305 million, total project cost environmental, institutional, and technological concerns regarding wastewater and specified waste disposal, the health hazards of surface and groundwater contamination, and the reuse of Implementing Agency: Ministry of Constructiontreated effluent. The Pusan waste disposal plant will ensure satisfactory management of most hazardous waste substances generated in industries. Task Manager: Altaf Laos, Peoples Democratic Rep. Forest Management and Conservation (Approved FY94) $9 million, IDA This project assists the introduction of a sustainable natural resource management system and $20 million, total project cost conservation of the country's forest resources through support of an institutional framework and the formulation of the regulatory framework for the forestry sector; implementation of national Implementing Agency: Department of Forestry programs on forest resource inventory and planning; sustainable forest management and (DOF) protection; establishment and management of protected areas; and provision of the necessary technical assistance and human resource development. Task Manager: Shen Philippines Environment & Natural Resource Management (Approved FY91) $158 million, IBRD Aiming to preserve Philippines' biodeversity this project finances the re-establishment of natural $66 million, IDA resources where they have been degraded, and introduces sustainable land use practices. The $369 million, total project cost objectives are to determine what areas must be preserved and introduce a management system; Implementing Agency: Department of introduce user fees for public resources which discourage rent- seeking behavior; improve Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) enforcement of logging regulations; provide secure tenure rights to users in return for sustainable andv rment od agriclture s (DA) resource use; provide extension services to upland populations; and establish mechanisms to and Department of Agriculture (support small-scale, community-based resource management and livelihood projects. Task Manager: Shen Thailand Clean Fuels & Environmental Improvement (Approved FY95) $90 million, IBRD This project supports the reduction of air pollution attributable to petroleum fuels in Thailand by $370 million, total project cost assisting the government in meeting reformulated gasoline and diesel oil specifications and improving its refinery operations through the installation of appropriate facilities and equipment Implementing Agency: The Bangchak to reduce refinery emissions and ensure safety. Petroleum Public Company Limited (BPPCL) Task Manager: Malhotra Eastern Europe / Central Asia Croatia Coastal Forest Reconstruction and Protection Project (Approved FY97) $42 million, IBRD The main objective of this project is to restore and protect forest land in the coastal zone of $60 million, total project cost Croatia to enhance the landscape and recreational values of the region. Other objectives are to: restore the environmental role of coastal forests destroyed by the war, by protecting soil and Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture water and initiate the restoration of natural vegetation; address the forest fire problem; and and Forestry develop the knowledge base for improved management and protection of coastal forests. The project, to be implemented over 5 years, will include the following three components: reconstruction of coastal forests, a nursery and an arboretum; forest fire management in coastal Task Manager: Wencelius areas; and support servicing including the development of GIS for forest fire management, coastal forestry research, institutional support and project management / monitoring. 15 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Cyprus Southeast Coast Sewerage and Drainage (Approved FY92) $32 million, IBRD This project provides drainage and the first phase of a sewage system for Larnaca, and sewerage $103 million, total project cost systems for the communities of Ayia Napa and Paralinni. The project consists of central sewage collection, treatment, and disposal systems; the distribution of treated effluent for re-use; Implementing Agency: Lamaca Sewerage and upgrading the existing stormwater drainage system in Larnaca; and technical assistance and Drainage Board (LSBD), Ayia Napa Sewerage training and provision of related equipment to the sewerage boards. Board (ANSB), Paralimni Sewerage Board Task Manager: George Czech Republic Power and Environmental Improvement (Approved FY92) $246 million, IBRD This project improves power plant efficiency to reduce air pollution in northern Bohemia, and $246 million, total project cost health of the population; modernizes the transmission system; and facilitates interconnection of the CEZ and German power grids. These objectives will be accomplished in the context of Implementing Agency: CEZ and Sep overall reform of the energy sector. To this end, the project reduces total consumption of pollution-causing lignite through power plant efficiency improvements; curtails power plant S02 emissions by means of flu gas desulfurization; reduces dust and fly-ash pollution; increases the reliability, efficiency and economy of the CEZ transmission system; and assists in improving Task Manager: Gray investment planning and corporate management and organization. Estonia District Heating Rehabilitation (Approved FY94) $38 million, IBRD This project promotes energy efficiency and the economy by supporting the conversion and $65 million, total project cost replacement of small boilers for use of peat and wood, to be harvested and used in an environmentally sustainable manner; reduces wastewater in the district heating systems; installs Implementing Agency: State Energy new substations with regulators and heat meters; and strengthens and restructures the district Department heating institutions. Task Manager: Gochenour Estonia Haapsalu and Matsalu Bays Environment (Approved FY95) $2 million, IBRD This project improves water and wastewater treatment in Haapsalu and promotes management of $8.3 million, total project cost point and nonpoint source pollution in the catchment areas of Haapsalu and Matsalu Bays, with a view to reducing pollution in the Baltic Sea. It also supports the planning and management of Implementing Agency: Ministry of ecotourism and implementation of the management plan for the Matsalu State Nature Reserve. Environment This project is part of the Bank's support for the Baltic Sea Environment Program. Task Manager: Soderstrom Latvia Liepaja Environment (Approved FY95) $4 million, IBRD This project includes water and wastewater investment components, which are complemented by $21 million, total project cost an environmental management component. It also restores and enhances water quality in the city of Liepaja and the northern portion of Lake Liepaja and promotes environmentally Ministry of sustainable development, of the coastal zone and protected areas in and around Liepaja, Eilmentg AVentspils, and Talsi. The project is part of the Bank's support for the Baltic Sea Environment Environment ram Program. Task Manager: Soderstrom 16 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Lithuania Klaipeda Environment (Approved FY95) $7 million, IBRD This project focuses on the city of Klaipeda. It improves water supply and sanitation services in $23.1 million, total project cost the city as well as the operational efficiency and management of the Klaipeda State Water Supply Enterprise; promotes environmentally sustainable management and development of the Implementing Agency: Environment Protection Kursiu Lagoon and adjacent coastal areas. This project is part of the Bank's support for the Baltic DG Sea Environment Program. Task Manager: Soderstrom Lithuania Klaipeda Geothermal Demonstration (Approved FY96) $5.9 million, IBRD The project comprises two components to optimize use of the available geothermal energy $18 million, total project cost resources in Klaipeda. A technical assistance and training component, is complemented by an investment component for implementation of the Klaipeda Geothermal Demonstration Plant. Agency: Enterprise Geoterma The Demonstration Plant component includes investments in production and injection wells, above ground facilities and piping for the extraction and distribution system. The technical assistance componet includes: design of the equipment for extraction and transfer of geothermal energy; preparation of a drilling program; management support for Enterprise Geoterma; Task Manager: Halldin training; and supervision of the project's implementation. Lithuania Siauliai Environment (Approved FY96) $6.2 million, IBRD This project aims to control pollution from the Upper Lielupe River Basin, a pollution source in $22.9 million, total project cost the Baltic Sea, by promoting environmentally sustainable management and development and regional cooperation. The project improves the quality, reliability, and cost-efficiency of water Implementing Agency: Siauliai Water (SW), supply and wastewater services in the municipality; demonstrates financially sustainable and Ministry of Environmental Protection (MoEP) socially responsible provision of municipal services; and environmental quality monitoring programs and enforcement systems. Components include the rehabilitation of water and wastewater systems; construction of water treatment; completion of a wastewater treatment Task Manager: Soderstrom plant; and institutional strengthening and training. This is part of the Bank's support for the Baltic Sea Environment Program. Poland Energy Resource Development (Approved FY90) $250 million, IBRD This project improves the convertible currency earnings of Poland by increasing domestic $590 million, total project cost production of natural gas and encouraging energy conservation for all forms of energy and fuel substitution through energy price reform. It also contributes to a reduction of environmental Implementing Agency: Coal & Gas/ Oil pollution related to energy use, and improves the competitive, regulatory, and financial Companies framework of the sector entities by supporting the implementation of appropriate restructuring programs for the coal, gas, power, and heat sectors. Task Manager: Wilberg Poland Environment Management (Approved FY90) $18 million, IBRD This project provides an umbrella framework for addressing the highest priority environmental $27 million, total project cost concerns in Poland, and for moving toward a decentralized system of management. Furthermore, it strenghtens environmental management by helping to establish the institutional, Implementing Agency: Ministry of regulatory and informational basis for immediate corrective actions and longer-term extensive Environment and Natural Resources investments supported through bilateral and multilateral assistance. It also reduces health risks, decreases economic costs from environmental degradation and improves evironmental quality. Support for these objectives is provided through financial and technical assistance, training and Task Manager: Schreiber equipment. 17 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Poland Heat Supply Restructuring and Conservation (Approved FY91) $340 million, IBRD This project supports implementation of a comprehensive restructuring of the energy sector, $739 million, total project cost commercialization and privitization of restructured enterprises and of petroleum exploration and production, introduction of a regulatory framework and improvement in energy pricing policies; extends the life of district heating assests through rehabilitation; promotes energy conservation mpmentg Aenc:iest through financing appropriate investments; and reduces environmental pollution by investing in energy-efficient equipment and sustems and by supporting programs to replace small coal-fired boilers with gas-fired boilers. Task Manager: Benmessaoud Poland Forest Development Support (Approved FY94) $146 million, IBRD The project's assists the Government in executing its program of the development of selected $335 million, total project cost forestry branches and protection of ecosystems in National Parks for 1993- 1997, thereby ensuring the protection of Poland's forest ecological capital, providing for social benefits, and accommodating sustainable forestry. Objectives include assistance in introducing biologically Eilmentg Aand environmentally sound management practices in the forestry sector; improvement of the efficiency of forestry activities; and improvement in the organization, managment and financial structure of the Genera Directorate of State Forests and the Gorvernment's progrmas to Task Manager: Wencelius modernize, restructure and privitize elements of the GDSF. Poland Katowice Heat Supply (Approved FY95) $45 million, IBRD This project addresses the environmental, health, and economic problems caused by soot and $92.9 million, total project cost dust particulates generated by energy production. It enhances energy conservation and efficiency in the district heating sector by extending the life of existing district heating assets through Implementing Agency: REC-Katowice, The rehabilitation and introduction of modem technologies and by reducing environmental pollution Katowice District Heating Enterprise through investments in energy-efficient equipment and systems as well as by supporting a program to eliminate coal-fired, heat-only boilers. Task Manager: Benmessaoud Russian Federation Environmental Management (Approved FY95) $1l0 million, IBRD This project supports the Russian Federation's Environmental Framework Program, which $195 million, total project cost addresses environmental and natural resource management issues at federal, regional, and local levels and mainstreams them into the economic, social, and political adjustment process. It also Implementing Agency: Ministry of includes policy and regulatory support and environmental epidemiology; water quality management; hazardous waste management; the creation and capitalization of a National Pollution Abatement Facility for the funding of economically and financially viable projects; and the creation of a Center for Project Preparation and Implementation under the Ministry of Task Manager: Batstone Environmental Protection and Natural Resources. Russian Federation Emergency Oil Spill (Approved FY95) $99 million, IBRD This project assists the Russian Federation and the pipeline operator in stabilizing the oil spill $140 million, total project cost area and preventing ecological damage in the Pechora River Basin. It will continue to clean up in an environmentally appropriate way, provide short-term support for safe pipeline operations, Implementing Agency: Komineft evaluate the need for a replacement pipeline, and identify and implement other measures to mitigate against possible oil spills in the future. Task Manager: Mckay 18 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Slovenia Environment (Approved FY96) $34.6 million, IBRD This project's two main objectives are to support air pollution abatement in polluted cities in $55.4 million, total project cost Slovenia and to provide for Geographical Information Systems in the Ministry of Environment and Planning. The Air Pollution Abatement Program assists households and boilerhouse Implementing Agency: Ministry of operators in polluted cities to convert to cleaner fuels or heating systems by providing loans that Environment would cover 80% of the conversion costs. Based on lessons learnt from a pilot phase in Maribor, this Program will be a self-sustaining revolving loan fund. The objective of the GIS Component is to collect, organize, and manage information for improved development and loand-use Task Manager: Schreiber planning, particularly in areas experiencing rapid development. It would also motivate municipalities to build local GIS centers as a part of the national GIS infrastructure. Turkey Istanbul Water Supply and Sewerage (Approved FY88) $218 million, IBRD This project completed during fiscal 1996, improved and extended sewerage service to 70% of $570 million, total project cost the population of Istanbul, provided for appropriate disposal of sewage to protect the waters and shorelines of the Sea of Marmara and the Bosphorus; reduced unaccounted-for water; and Implementing Agency: Istanbul Water Supply strengthened Istanbul Water Supply and Sewerage General Directorate's (ISKI) operation, and and Sewerage General Directorate (ISKI) maintenance and industrial waste management capabilities. The project included rehabilitation of parts of water distribution systems; installation of a system for water supply monitoring and control; and construction of sewage collection and treatment facilities. Task Manager: Coyaud Turkey Ankara Sewerage (Approved FY90) $173 million, IBRD This project provides new facilities and rehabilitates existieng ones to promote environmental $557 million, total project cost improvements and reduce health hazards in the Greater Ankara region. This will be achieved by: expanding sewage collection services to benefit 850,000 people; improving present sewerage Implementing Agency: Ankara Water Supply services to about 500,000 people; and constructing drainage systems to reduce the risk of and Sewerage Administration (ASKI) flooding. In addition, technical assistance and training would be provided to ASKI to strengthen it's capability to carry out expanding operations. Task Manager: Ikegami Turkey Eastern Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation (Approved FY93) $77 million, IBRD This project addresses problems of rural poverty and natural resource degradation by helping to $121 million, total project cost improve the productivity of range and forest land; promotes the production of fuelwood, cultivated fodder, and sustainable use of marginal farmlands; facilitates the adoption of Implementing Agency: Ministry of Forestry treatments for range and forest land; and supports the increased responsibility and involvement (MOF) and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural of local communities in planning and managing their resources. Affairs (MARA) Task Manager: Kadiresan Turkey Bursa Water Supply and Sanitation (Approved FY93) $130 million, IBRD This project improves environmental conditions, reduces health hazards, and increases the $258 million, total project cost efficiency of water usage by building water supply and waste treatment and transfer works, improves waste collection and disposal, and provides technical assistance for project Implementing Agency: Bursa Water Supply implementation and institutional strengthening. and Sewerage Authority (BUSKI), Bursa Metropolitan Municipality (BMM), and Task Manager: Coyaud 19 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Latin America and the Caribbean Argentina Native Forests and Protected Areas (Approved FY97) $19.5 million, IBRD The objectives of the projects are to help Argentina's Secretariat of Natural Resources and $30 million, total project cost Human Environment prioritize its actions concerning national forests; facilitate the development of an incentive and regulatory framework which would encourage decision makers (both public Implementing Agency: Secretaria de Recursos and private) to more fully internalize the full range of social costs and benefits associated with Naturales y Ambiente Human (SRNyAH) and their decisions and actions affecting native forests; develop a plan for tranforming the National Administraction de Parques Nacionales (APN) Parks Administration into a world-class park management organization; and increase the environmentally sustainable level of tourism in four national parks. Task Manager: Kirmse Bolivia Eastern Lowlands Regional Development (Approved FY90) $35 million, IDA This project supports the planning and management of natural resources by preparing a land-use $55 million, total project cost plan for the region that encompasses the results of agroecological zoning, soil studies and mapping, and studies on water, forestry, livestock, and land tenure. It also protects forest Implementing Agency: Govt./Cordecruz reserves and national parks (such as Noel Kempf Mercado National Park) and indigenous people by demarcating tribal lands. Task Manager: McMahon Bolivia Environmental Technical Assistance (Approved FY93) $5 million, IDA This project strengthens key government-related institutions through training for planning, $9 million, total project cost management, environmental assessment, and evaluation. It also supports the development and strengthening of an environmental legal and regulatory framework; and helps to develop the Implementing Agency: National Environment capacity of the primary school system to provide environmental education. Fund Task Manager: Plaza Bolivia Environment, Industry, & Mining (Approved FY96) $11 million, IDA This project supports the implementation and refinement of a regulatory framework to assure $50 million, total project cost that privately-led mining and industrial activities grow in an environmentally-friendly fasion. It also helps remediate contamination from past mining activities for which the State accepts Implementing Agency: Ministerio de Minas y liability, including remediation activities that help to facilitate private investment in the mining Metalurgia sector, and assists in attracting other financial resources for investments for mining community environmental problems which are otherwise ineligible for financing. Task Manager: Barham Brazil Minas Gerais Forestry Development (Approved FY88) $49 million, IBRD The project finances the establishment of up to 165,000 ha of forest plantations for industrial $100 million, totat project cost purposes and the building of charcoal manufacturing kiins and infrastructure through a line of credit; planting of about 40,000 ha of woodlots on small and medium-sized farms; staff, Implementing Agency: Minas Gerais Dev. equipment and consulting services for forestry conservation including control, supervision and management of forest harvesting and wood utilization, conservation education, and development of parks and reserves. The project also finances institutional development. Task Manager: Kirmse 20 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Brazil Land Management I - Parana (Approved FY89) $63 million, IBRD This project increases agricultural production and farm incomes by promoting the adoption of $138 million, total project cost sustainable, modem forms of land management and soil and water conservation, thus safeguarding farmer incomes and the state's natural resources. This is achieved through Secretariat of increasing the extent and duration of vegetative cover of the soil, better protecting it from intense m Agiculture ny: S tly at rainfall; improving internal soil structure and drainage, thus increasing water infiltration; and safely disposing of any remaining runoffs. Task Manager: Carroll Brazil National Environment (Approved FY90) $117 million, IBRD This project strengthens the protection of the country's most important conservation areas and $166 million, total project cost imminently endangered ecosystems, with special emphasis on the reduction of economic and environmental losses associated with uncontrolled deforestation, soil erosion, and air and water Implementing Agency: Ministry of Planning pollution in the Pantanal, Legal Amazon, Atlantic Forest and Brazilian Coast; the institutions of the environmental sector, with special emphasis on the strengthening of National Environmental Agency (IBAMA) and State Agencies in the Legal Amazon and Pantanal; and the regulatory framework of the environmental sector. Task Manager: Gross Brazil Land Management II (Approved FY90) $33 million, IBRD This project provides land use mapping, planning, and monitoring for 520 project $72 million, total project cost microcatchments. It develops an incentive program for land management, soil conservation, and pollution control to help farmers belonging to a microcatchment association properly plan land Implementing Agency: State Secretariat of management and implement collective soil conservation and agricultural pollution control Agriculture and Supply of Santa Catarina measures; plans erosion control along rural roads to be implemented as parts of microcatchment management plans; supports forestry development and protection of natural resources through forestry conservation; develops environmental legislation concerning land use, soil conservation, Task Manager: Lituma and agricultural pollution; supports management of state parks and protection of biological reserves. Brazil Mato Grosso Natural Resource Management (Approved FY92) $205 million, IBRD This project supports changes in policies, regulations and public investment programs; improves $286 million, total project cost the knowledge of natural resources by providing more detailed data on land capability and land tenure; reduces environmental degradation and ensures biodiverstiy preservation; protects and Implementing Agency: Secretariat of Regional enforces the borders of conservation units, indigenous reserves, public forests and controls and Development, Presidency of the Republic prevents illegal deforestation, wood transport, and forest fires; develops sustainable agriculture Secrlometait, Pnidn of toe Rossoi in suitable areas; and consolidates the technical operational capacity of institutions, particularly Secretariat of Planning of Mato Grosso those responsible for management of natural resources, and the protection and management of Task Manager: Vita forests and indigenous reserves, and agricultural services. Brazil National Industrial Pollution Control (Approved FY92) $50 million, IBRD The project improves public health and living conditions of the population in and around $150 million, total project cost industrialized areas. It also devises a regulatory framework for pollution control; obtains a political commitment from State authorities to improve the environment; supports a capable ImplementingState Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA); familiarizes the banking system with financing ImeentlingienEcy:nBanco e Soil free-standing pollution control investments, allowing industry to have access to pollution control Desenvolvimiento financing. It strengthens the institutional capabilities of active SEPAs in monitoring and eanalyzing environmental problems and strengthens the National Development Banks (BNDES) Task Manager: Tlaiye ability to process free-standing pollution abatement loans. 21 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Brazil Rondonia Natural Resource Management (Approved FY92) $167 million, IBRD This project implements an improved approach to natural resource management, conservation $228 million, total project cost and development in the State of Rondonia. It assist the government to institute a series of changes in policies, regulations and public investment programs; conserves the biodiversity of Implementing Agency: Secretariat of Regional the state; protects and enforces the borders of conservation units, Amerindian reserves, public Development, Pesidency of the Republic forests and extractive reserves, and controls and prevents illegal deforestation, wood transport Rondonia State Secretariat of Planning and forest fires; develops intensive and integrated farming systems in areas of agriculture and agro-forestry; supports priority investments in socio-economic infrastructure and services1heeded Task Manager: Lituma to implement the State's agro-ecological zoning. Brazil Water Quality and Pollution Control-Sao Paulo/Parana (Approved FY93) $245 million, IBRD This project reduces current levels of water pollution and preserves water quality through river $494 million, total project cost regularization and flood control drainage; provides for basic sanitation services, and the collection and disposal of solid waste. It helps establish policy for water pollution control and Implementing Agency: Fedarative Republic of creates water basin management, develops the financial capacity to provide services, and sets up Brazil, and the local State Governments of Sao project preparation facilities to help start water pollution control projects in the most congested Paulo and Parana urban areas of Brazil. Task Manager: Rodriguez Brazil Minas Gerais Water Quality and Pollution Control (Approved FY93) $145 million, IBRD This project helps to recuperate environmentally deteriorated river basins through improved $308 million, total project cost flood control and urban drainage, and the collection, treatment and disposal of municipal and industrial sewage and solid waste; strengthens environmental protection and water basin Implementing Agency: Secretariats of State management; and promotes institutional strengthening of the State Environmental Agency. Task Manager: Rodriguez Brazil Espirito Santo Water Supply and Coastal Pollution Management (Approved FY94) $154 million, IBRD The project comprises an investment component to help finance CESAN in 1994-1999 $308 million, total project cost investment program and an institutional program to strengthen the capabilities of both CESAN and the State Secretariat of the Environment (SEAMA), through studies, technical assistance and Implementing Agency: State Water Company training in selected areas, and to provide appropriate water and sanitation infrastructure in low- of Espirito Santo (CESAN) and State income urban areas of Grande Vitoria and Guarapari. Secretariat of the Environment (SEAMA) Task Manager: Velez Brazil Environmental Conservation and Rehabilitation (Approved FY96) $50 million, IBRD This project consists of air, water and soil pollution control and land reclamation investments in $109 million, total project cost CVRD's mining, industrial, rail and port operations thoughout the country; natural resource investments; socially oriented investments, studies in research, training, and technical assistance; Implementing Agency: Compania Vale Do Rio implementation of a comprehensive corporate environmental information, control, monitoring Doce (CVRD) and auditing system; further sub-projects and studies aimed at reducing pollution and environmental degradation, and conserving natural ecosystems, sustainable management of natural forests; environmental education, and social programs aimed at improving the welfare of Task Manager: Manibog communties. 22 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Colombia Natural Resource Management Program (Approved FY94) $39 million, IBRD This project aims to arrest the degradation of natural renewable resources through the $65 million, total project cost development of a national forest policy and a strategy for natural resource management in the Choco Region; ecological zoning; establishment of an environmental monitoring system; titling Implementing Agency: Natlional Planning and demarcation of land; and institutional support to Black and Amerindian communities. It also supports local projects to protect and rehabilitate watershed areas through technical assistance, and it strengthens the capacity of National Parks Services to protect threatened ecosystems by funding for staff, infrastructure, and technical assistance. Task Manager: Hazelton Colombia Urban Environment Technical Assistance (Approved FY96) $20 million, IBRD This project supports the implementation of Colombia's National Environmental Policy and $40 million, total project cost improvement of environmental management in urban areas through strengthening the capacity of the MinAmbiente to provide policy advice and technical assistance to Colombian cities, and Implementing Agency: Min. of Environment, strengthening environmental management agencies in the urban centers of Bogota, Cali, Depts of Env't of Bogota, Cali & Barranquilla; Medellin, and Barranquilla. In support of this objective, the project also helps establish the Metro Planning Agency of Aburra Valley. National Environmental Information System, at the national and local levels, which is instrumental in improving urban environmental management. Task Manager: Serra Chile Second Valparaiso Water Supply and Sewerage (Approved FY91) $50 million, IBRD) This project seeks to achieve investments in infrastructure through improved maintenance and $142 million, total project cost rehabilitation; increased efficiency in public services; and alleviation of environmental pollution that adversely affects public health and hinders economic development. Objectives include Implementing Agency: Empresa de Obras increasing the sanitary conditions of streams, public beaches, and the marine environment in the Sanitarias de Valparaiso S.A. (ESVAL) Greater Valparaiso area by reducing water losses, improving water quality, and increasing the efficiency of the city's water utility. It also supports expansion of the water supply services and the increase of ESVAL's operational efficiency and capacity to successfully implement the Task Manager: Chang proposed investment and development program. Chile Environment Institutions Development (Approved FY93) $12 million, IBRD This project establishes an institutional framework to manage activities for environmental $33 million, total project cost protection and the conservation of natural resources, including updating the legal environment framework, incorporating environmental assessment in public and private sector activities, Implementing Agency: National Environmental training professionals in environmental and natural resource management, and establishing an Commission environmental information system. It also supports institutional strengthening and the economic analysis of selected environmental problems and strengthens the environmental management capacity of priority sectors. Task Manager: Manibog Ecuador Lower Guayas Flood Control (Approved FY91) $59 million, IBRD The projects flood control system benefits urban and rural inhabitants in an area of 170,000 ha $98 million, total project cost through protection from catastrophic flooding. To ensure sustainability, it includes an Agricultural Development Plan to improve production systems for smallholders. A multi- Implementing Agency: The Commission for institutional effort coordinated by CEDEGE includes research programs in rice, cocoa, and small- the Development of the Guayas River Basin scale mechanization; seed production; extension; strengthening smallholder farmer Sorganizations; and on-farm investments to be financed with farmers own resources or with commercial credit. It also provides support to environmental protection and conservation Task Manager: Vaccari initiatives. Support focuses on studies; monitors environmental impact on water bodies, soil, and fauna; and develops integrated pest management. 23 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Ecuador Mining Development and Environmental Control - Technical Assistance (Approved FY94) $14 million, IBRD This project attracts new mining investment and supports the development of increased, yet $24 million, total project cost environmentally sustainable, mineral production. Environmental Assessment (EA) recommendations have been used extensively in project design. Components of the project are Implementing Agency: Mininistry of Energy dedicated to environmental improvements through monitoring pollution and occupational health issues; removal of contaminating wastes in the most-sensitive areas; and a technology-upgrading subcomponent that helps to introduce and encourage environmentally sound mining and processing methods among artisanal and small-scale miners. Task Manager: Richter Ecuador Environment Management (Approved FY96) $15 million, IBRD This project implements a national environmental strategy; assits the Government to build up an $20 million, total project cost environmental management capacity in areas within the National Environmental Action Plan: urban areas, the Gulf of Guayaquil, and the Amazon. Objectives strengthen the environmental Implementing Agency: The Presidency / policy analysis, program deisgn and management capability of ministries; establish and Environmental Advisory Commission (CAAM) strengthen urban environmental management capability; build institutional capacity; and carry out the participatory process and technical analysis to resolve Ecuador's serious environmental problems. These objectives are achieved through the implementation of studies, workshops, Task Manager: Dabbagh public relations campaigns, demonstration sub-projects, and database development. Haiti Forestry and Parks Protection Technial Assistance Project (Approved FY97) $21.5 million, IDA The overall objectives of the project is to start the initial phase of intervention for the protection $22.5 million, total project cost of critical remnants of Haiti's forest ecosystems and for slowing the pace of degradation of Haiti's natural resources. Three specific objectives of the project are to provide institutional Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture support for strengthening the Govemment';s capacity to develop,monitor, and enforce a national forest and parks protection system; initiate key activities to protect and manage 2 national parks and I national forest reserve; and to reduce pressure on protected areas by increasing on-farm productivity and off-farm employment options, and chancing the management capacity of local Task Manager: Moreau organizations in the buffer areas of the three targeted areas. Honduras Environment Development (Approved FY95) $10.8 million, IDA This project strengthens the governmental agencies' capacity in environmental and natural $12.5 million, total project cost resource planning; policy, legal, and regulatory framework development; environmental monitoring; and the enforcement of environmental laws and regulations. It assists with Implementing Agency: Seda strengthening and implementation of a national system of environmental impact assessment that engages NGOs, communities, and the private sector in the review process and develops the environmental management capacity of selected municipalities in a manner that increases the involvement of affected organizations and individuals. Task Manager: Quintero Honduras Land and Natural Resources Mgt (Approved FY97) $35 million, IBRD The objectives of the Rural Land Management Project are to modernize the system of rural land $40 million, total project cost registration; strengthen the forest administration of the State Forestry Administration-Honduran Forestry Development Corporation and promote local participation in managing natural Implementing Agency: Secretariat of resources; improve agriculture and forestry practices in upland farms; and d) rationalize the Agriculture and Livestock (SAG), State national protected areas systems. The project will finance a five year program with two Forestry Administration - Honduran Forestry components: land administration modernization and natural resources management which will finance forest management with local participation, improved upland agriculture and forestry, Task Manager: Molnar building capacity in producer organizations and NGOs, and management of key protected areas and design of strategies for self financing in the protected areas systems. 24 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Mexico Environment and Natural Resources (Approved FY92) $50 million, IBRD This project supports the government's strategy of transforming SEDUE/SE over time into an $127 million, total project cost oganization that supervises and coordinates environmental work carried out by other levels of government, federal agencies, or under contract to private sector firms. The project's specific Implementing Agency: Secretariat of Urban objectives support areas where preinvestment work is well developed and institutional absorptive capacity is adequate; reform and strengthen the administrative structure of SEDUE's federal and state offices in preparation for increased decentralization of authority to state environmental agencies over the medium term; and support development of a sectoral strategy and policy Task Manager: Demayo framework that is integrated into the government's economic policies. Mexico Transport Air Quality Management (Approved FY93) $220 million, IBRD This project supports a comprehensive program to reduce air pollution and control increases in $1087 million, total project cost emissions of nitrogen oxide, volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, lead, and particulate matter from transport sources. It also develops a policy framework to support transport and air Implementing Agency: National Finance quality objectives, improves the scientific base underlying the development and management of Institution (NAFIN) the program, and strengthens the institutional capacities to plan and implement programs effectively during the long-term. Task Manager: Mumme Mexico Northern Border Environment (Approved FY94) $368 million, IBRD This project improves environmental quality on the U.S.- Mexican border by strengthening $762 million, total project cost planning, management, and enforcement capabilities and carrying out priority investments and action plans that preserve the environment. A sectoral EA carried out for the Mexico Second Implementing Agency: Banco Nacional de Solid Waste Management Project also covered the Northern Border Environment Project, which Obras y Servicios (BANOBRAS) and The includes a solid waste management component. Ministry of Social Develoment (SEDESOL) Task Manager: Phung Mexico Water and Sanitation II (Approved FY94) $350 million, IBRD This project's objectives improve the quality and expand the coverage of water and sanitation $770 million, total project cost services; strengthen the institutional capacity of CNA to assist local water utilities (WU) in management, operation and planning; train personnel in the management and maintenance of Implementing Agency: Comision Nacional de their systems; reduce subsidies by promoting development of WUs that are operationally and Agua financially autonomous; encourage and attract private sector participation and investment; improve the management of water resources by supporting water quality programs; support BANOBRAS' efforts to appraise and supervise subprojects in the Mexico City and state offices; Task Manager: Bengoechea and strengthen the sector's capacity to enforce environmental regulations and carry out EAs. Mexico Second Solid Waste Management (Approved FY94) $200 million, IBRD This project finances investment to improve solid waste services and extend their coverage in $416 million, total project cost participating medium-size cities. The EA made the following recommendations: containerization and mechanical collection fuilfill requirements of low cost and ease of operation; Implementing Agency: Banco Nacional de sanitary landfills are the most-suitable option for medium to small Mexican cities; high-density Obras y Servicios (BANOBRAS) and The landfills are suitable for cities with high groundwater tables and groundwater pollution. Ministry of Social Develoment (SEDESOL) Environmental impacts from project siting, constrction, and operation are kept to a minimum through environmental screening and assessment, including public consultation of proposed Task Manager: Stein subloans. 25 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Mexico Water Resources Management (Approved FY96) $186.5 million, IBRD This project promotes conditions for environmentally sustainable, economically efficient and $341.9 million, total project cost equitably allocated use of water resources in Mexico, supports the integrated comprehensive management of water resources, and increases the benefits while reducing the risk related to Implementing Agency: Comision Nacional del existing hydraulic infrastructure. Objectives include: supporting groundwater conservation by Agua - CNA reducing exploitation and contamination; promoting the restoration of surface water quality; improving meteorological services for water management, the society and economy; improving water allocation; promoting the establishment and strengthening of river basin councils; Task Manager: Olson developing hydrographic region plans; and improving fee collection and the registry of water rights for users. Mexico Community Forestry (Approved FY97) $15 million, IBRD The objectives of this project are to improve natural resource management and conservation by $23 million, total project cost community and ejido forestry resource owners and increase forestry-based income generating options.Components include assistance to Oaxaca!s communities and ejidos by financing Implementing Agency: Secretaria de Medio activities, assistance, and training to prepare/update management plans for timber extraction and Ambiente, ec y: conservation plans for forested areas; resource management and forestry research; development (EAmbetRecrosNtrae,y)ec of silvicultural. skills; control of fire and insects; understanding of boundary conflict issues; (SEMARNAP)access to credit markets, and technologies. Other components strengthen the govemens Task Manager: Mohadjer certification and evaluation program for the private sector; promote non-timber forest products in the six priority states with pine-oak forest; strengthening state forestry institutions in five OECS Countries Solid Waste Management (Approved FY95) $6.8 million, IBRD This project seeks to reduce public health risks and protect the the environmental integrity of the $5.7 million, IDA islands and their coastal and marine systems by improving domestic solid waste management $50.5 million, total project cost facilities, and also reducing terrestrial and marine pollution through avoiding and discouraging Implementing Agency: National Solid Waste indiscriminate disposal of solid waste on and offshore. A further objective is to enhance public Ma Entities and the OECS Secretariat health and environmental quality by strengthening the countries' capacities to effectively manage eand dispose of solid waste in an environmentally sustainable manner. Task Manager: Dabbagh Panama- Rural Poverty and Natural Resources Project (ApprovedFY97) $22.5 million, IBRD The objectives of the project are to channel, on a pilot basis, financial resources to rural $30 million, total project cost community to assist them in promoting sustainable productive systems and thereby reduce both rural poverty as well as natural resource degradation; and promote the sustainable use and $0mllning tAlenct Ministry of Agriculture conservation of selected biodiversity areas. This would be done through capacity-building at the Implementing Agency: lolasi comitlevel for participatory planning; establishing demand-driven financing mechanisms in high poverty areas to activities which help reduce rural poverty, improve the quality of life and offer alternatives for sustainable natural resource management and livelihood; Task Manager: Cackler and promoting the long-term conservation and sustainable use of Panamas biodiversity resources, including the biological corridor that passes through the Atlantic watershed. Paraguay Land Use Rationalization (Approved FY92) $29 million, IBRD This project raises the goverments effectiveness in land titling by improving the Govermentos $41 million, total project cost information base and the tong-range planning of natural resource management; provides agricultural services; and raises fiscal revenue from the sector. The second part of this project Implementing Agency: Ministry of Hacienda provides a basis for strengthening the institutions responsible for land settlement and for natural and Ministry of Agriculture resource management and protection. The project is part of a phased strategy to strengthen basic agricultural services. Task Manager: Mckenna 26 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Paraguay Natural Resources Management (Approved FY94) $50 million, IBRD This project establishes an institutional framework dealing with agricultural and natural resource $79 million, total project cost management; generates information through research; assists small farmers in the establishment of sustainable agricultural production; and encourages the participation of the local population in Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture implementation. It also supports planning and implementing actions designed to slow soil degradation; protects, conserves, and restores genetic diversity; develops research, reforestation, and technology generation; strengthens environmental legislation and institutional presence in forestry reserves and national parks; and makes available grant resources to correct damages Task Manager: Abramovich caused by the indiscriminate conversion of land for agricultural production. Peru Sierra Natural Resources (Approved FY97) $51 million, IBRD The general objective of the Sierra-Natural Resources Management and Poverty Alleviation $93.2 million, total project cost Project is to help alleviate the poverty of rural Sierra people. Specific project objectives are to assist the poor to: improve sustainable management of natural resources through soil conservation measures and reforestation at the micro-catchment level; increase rural production and productivity through introduction of irrigation and improved agricultural practices; and strengthen their rural organizations so that they can become autonomous and sustainable entities. Task Manager: Werbrouk Trinidad and Tobago Environmental Management (Approved FY95) $6.25 million, IBRD This project establishes an environmental management agency that is responsible for the legal $11 million, total project cost and regulatory framework covering all aspects of the environment in the country. Technical assistance and training help bring the newly created Environmental Management Authority to Implementing Agency: Ministry of Planning full operational capacity. and Development Task Manager: Plaza Uruguay Natural Resources Management and Irrigation Development (Approved FY94) $41 million, IBRD This project develops and implements a soil and water management strategy by supporting $74 million, total project cost environmentally sound investments in rehabilitation and development of irrigation, drainage schemes and service infrastructure; supports the development of pilot microcatchment to gain Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture experience in the management of ecologically fragile zones. It also establishes soil and water management demonstration farms in selected agroecological zones where potential soil degradation problems have been identified. It includes priority applied research and technology transfer subprojects and provides technical assistance for forestry development and Task Manager: Abramovich nontraditional agricultural export. Venezuela INPARQUES (Approved FY95) $55 million, IBRD This project strengthens the government's capability to manage Venezuela's national and urban $96 million, total project cost parks, natural monuments, and wildlife reserves. The project focuses on strengthening conservation and protection of vulnerable areas; intensifing public environmental research, training, and education efforts; and improving the economic sustainability of the national parks Implementing Agency: INPQUES and other protected areas. Task Manager: Plaza 27 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Middle East and North Africa Algeria Pilot Forestry and Watershed Management (Approved FY92) $25 million, IBRD This projects objective develops a long-term action program to better protect and manage $37 million, total project cost Algeria's natural resources, specifically its forests, watersheds, and nature conservation areas. It strengthens the institutions working in these areas and, through appropriate testing, develops the Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture policy and technical basis for replication of suitable project components as part of a national resource management program. Task Manager: Stier Algeria Water Supply and Sewerage Rehabilitation (Approved FY94) $110 million, IBRD This project promotes water conservation by charging the true economic cost of the services to $170 million, total project cost consumers. In addition, as part of a larger water supply and sewerage restructuring effort, this project seeks to rehabilitate existing wastewater treatment plants in order to prevent the spread of Implementing Agency: Ministry of Equipment water pollution that is damaging to the natural environment. Task Manager: Rodriguez Algeria Industrial Pollution Control (Approved FY96) $78 million, IBRD The project's broad objective is to assist the Government of Algeria in reducing exposure to $118.1 million, total project cost hazardous pollution which causes health problems or serious ecological degradation. Its specific objectives are to strengthen the institutional, legal and monitoring framework; activate a Implementing Agency: Direction Generale de National Environmental Fund; and initiative and investment program in the industrial sector of I'Environnement (DGE); Enterprise Nationale Annaba for mitigating the adverse environmental and health effects of pollution. de Siderurgie (ENSIDER); Enterprise Task Manager: Arif Egypt Private Sector Tourism (Approved FY93) $130 million, IBRD This project provides financial support for water supply and sewage and solid waste collection $784 million, total project cost and disposal facilities for tourist resorts; provides technical assistance and training to develop environmental guidelines and enforce rules; and helps to strengthen the institutional framework Implementing Agency: Ministry of Tourism for environmentally sound developments. An associated GEF component supports the development and implementation of a coastal zone environmental management plan for the Red Sea coast. Task Manager: Graham Egypt Matruh Resource Management (Approved FY93) $22 million, IDA This project supports natural resource management to conserve the area's water, land, and $31 million, total project cost vegetation; promotes adaptive research, extension services, and training directed to local communities; provides rural finance with special attention to on-farm and off-farm income- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture generating activities targeted to small farmers, the landless, and women; and strengthens and Land community participation and dialogue with existing local institutions. Task Manager: Al-Salihi 28 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Egypt Pollution Abatement (Approved FY96) $20 million, IBRD This project assists the Government of Egypt in reducing industrial pollution causing adverse $15 million, IDA health effects and/or ecological degradation. Its specific objectives are to strengthen the $50.5 million, total project cost monitoring and enforcement capabilities of the environmental institutions and establish technical Implementing Agency: Egyptian and financial mechanisms for supporting pollution abatement investments in Greater Cairo, Environmental Affairs Agency Alexandria, and the Suez Canal cities of Suez and Ismailia. Task Manager: Arif Lebanon Solid Waste & Environmental Management (Approved FY95) $55 million, IBRD This project completes the rehabilitation of solid waste collection and disposal systems $135 million, total project cost envisaged under the National Emergency Reconstruction Program; improves the collection and disposal of hospital waste; strengthens the government and private sector capabilities for solid Implementing Agency: Council for waste management; and helps to develop a coastal zone management plan that protects the Development and Reconstruction (CDR) and Lebanese coast from further degradation. the Ministry of Municipality and Rural Affairs Task Manager: Arif Lebanon Coastal Pollution Control (Approved FY97) $53.1 million, IBRD The objectives of the projects are to improve sanitary and environmental conditions in three $308 million, total project cost major urban areas (Kesrouan, Saida and Sour) of Lebanon's coastal zone. It will extend water supply and wastewater services, reduce groundwater and surface water pollution, reduce Implementing Agency: Council for pollution in the sea to restore beaches for recreational use, and ensure satisfactory operation and Development and Reconstruction (CDR) & maintenance of equipment installed for rehabilitation, and restructure the water and sanitation Minitryof ydrlic& Energy Resources sector to achieve improved services through commercial operation and increased private sector Ministry of Hydrolic &participation. Task Manager: Rasmusson Morocco Second Forestry Development (Approved FY90) $49 million, IBRD) This project strengthens forestry planning and policy and assists Morocco in maintaining and $100 million, total project cost improving its forestry potential and protects its watersheds in harmony with other demands such as domestic stock grazing. Components are: forestry planning including national forest Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture inventory, demarcation, management and a national reforestation plan; field operations pald by the communes, consisting of regeneration of the natural forest, plantation establishment, watershed, forest range and pest management, stabilization of dunes, road construction and rehabilitation; supports nature conservation, forest research, staff housing rehabilitation, Task Manager: Stier equipment purchases, training and technical assistance. Morocco Environmental Management (Approved FY94) $6 million, IBRD This project assists the Government in strengthening its institutional and regulatory framework $11 million, total project cost for managing environmental protection. It is expected that the establishment of the needed environmental institutions and full development of the necessary environmental laws would Implementing Agency: Under Secretariat of the require a concerted and long term effort spanning several years. The project-representing the Environment (USE) first step of such efforts-defines the elements for and initiates the process of strengthening the Govemmenfs environmental capacities. Task Manager: Eguchi 29 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Tunisia Second Forestry Development (Approved FY93) $69 million, IBRD This project supports the sustainable development and management of forests with the active $148 million, total project cost participation of forestry populations through institutional and infrastructure strengthening; preparation of environmental management plans; establishment of plantations; rehabilitation of Implementing Agency: Directorate General of prairies; and support for studies and training. Forests (DGF) Task Manager: Sinha Tunisia Northwest Mountainous Areas Development (Approved FY94) $28 million, IBRD This project aims to arrest degradation of the natural resource base through active participation $50 million, total project cost of village communities. It supports improvement of the management and productivity of range and farm land; measures to reduce erosion, runoff, and reservoir sedimentation; and increased Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture involvement of village organizations. It also supports strengthening of the technical and implementation capability of the executing agency and the planning capability of village committees through technical assistance and training. Task Manager: Mselleti Tunisia Natural Resources Management Project (Approved FY97) $26.5 million, IBRD The objectives of the project are sustainable natural resources management, in particular of crop $51.3 million, total project cost and rangeland in severaly degraded zones, and agricultural productivity improvements, attained with greater involvement of resources users in development programs. The strategies for Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture, achieving project objectives are to improve natural resources management, preserving resources, General Directorates of Finance & Incentives and where feasible, helping to reverse degradation by developing integrated land management and Regional Agricultural Development practices, controlling land ersosion and introducing new technologies; improving rural communities' standard of living by implementing Participatory Development Plans that Task Manager: Msellati strengthen public-community partnerships and increase ownership; support Ministry of Agriculture decentralization by introduces participatory approaches, enhancing policy analysis Yemen, Republic of Land and Water Conservation (Approved FY92) $33 million, IDA This project, to be implemented over a period of six years, consists of technical developments in $48 million, total project cost irrigation and in forestry and land conservation; institutional strengthening of the MAWR agencies responsible for the water resources sector, forestry and pilot activities; and developing Implementing Agency: GDI/Ministry of approaches for watershed management. Agriculture and Water Resources (MAWR) Task Manager: Khan South Asia Bangladesh Forest Resources Management (Approved FY92) $50 million, IDA This project improves and institutionalizes the Resource Information Management System which $59 million, total project cost evolved under the Second Forestry Project; integrates environmental and socio-economic factors; implements a pilot scheme for people's participation in forest development; expands forest resources through plantation establishment and improved management; formulates management plans for nature conservation areas; and supports investments in selected sanctuaries and parks. Also included in the objectives are streamlining and creating within FD an effective environmental management capability; and supporting professional and technical education, Task Manager: Baykal training and research. 30 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Bhutan Third Forest Development (Approved FY94) $5 million, IDA This project develops and implements an approach for sustainable protection, management, and $9 million, total project cost use of forest resources by involving rural communities in improving and managing forests and increasing the level of economic activity through social foresty practices. It also supports Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture adoption of multiple-use management of forest lands; rehabilitation of degraded forests to maintain their economic and environmental benefits; and improvement of the planning and implementation capacity of the Department of Forests. Task Manager: Keil India Integrated Watershed Development (Hills) (Approved FY90) $75 million, IDA The main objective of this project is to slow and reverse degradation of the natural environment, $75 million, total project cost through the use of appropriate soil and moisture conservation technology. The aim is to lay the foundation for sustainable increases in production to keep pace with population growth. The Implementing Agency: Government of India project promotes known vegetative technologies and verifies others; develops approaches for (GOI)/NWDB coordinated interactive planning; and strengthens the management and use of non-arable lands. Task Manager: Jain India Integrated Watershed Development (Plains) (Approved FY90) $55 million, IDA This project includes watershed development works consisting of a menu of eligible land $55 million, total project cost treatments to arrest the productivity decline on arable and private lands, and to restore ground cover on non arable (public and communal) lands; technical support through improvements in Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture location; specific research and nursery development; project implementation support to and Governments of Gujarat, Orissa, Raja strengthen project administration; physical planning and a geographical information system; and monitoring and evaluation. It also includes training and technical assitance to promote soil and moisture conservation technologies and participatory planning and sustainable resource Task Manager: Jain management. India Industrial Pollution Control (Approved FY91) $124 million, IBRD This project supports the Government of India's efforts to prevent environmental degredation due $32.6 million, IDA to industrial operations; assists in identifying and implementing a cost effective program for $235.6 million, total project cost industrial pollution monitoring, control and abatement; promotes enforcement of legislation on Implementing Agency: Ministry of environmental protection regarding industrial sources; supports efforts by industries to comply Evilment with regulations; and supports extension services and research in waste minimization, source Environmeotcnnteadn idsralsuce;sporsefrt yidutistocml recovery and pollution abatement. Components include: strenthening the Central and State Pollution Control Boards in four selected states; investing in industries that comply with Task Manager: Vergara regulations; supporting the set up of common treatment facilities; and technical assistance. India Maharashtra Forestry (Approved FY92) $124 million, IDA This project undertakes several sector reforms through the reorganization of the public forest $142 million, total project cost administration, and an active role of the NGOs, village panchayats, cooperatives and private sector. These reforms consist of improving the state's technical capability particularly in the Implementing Agency: Forest Dept. of field of seed production, genetic planting material, nursery and planting practices; planning, Themaharastra management and monitoring the forest resource base; training; and rationalizing the policies and regulations constraining the sector. The project also supports five discrete investment activities related to land treatment. Task Manager: Keil 31 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 India Uttar Pradesh Sodic Lands Reclamation (Approved FY93) $55 million, IDA This project develops concomitant models for environmental protection and improved $80 million, total project cost agricultural production through reclamation of sodic lands; strengthens local institutions, enabling the effective management of such programs with strong beneficiary participation and Implementing Agency: Government of Uttar NGO support; and supports the development and dissemination of agricultural and reclamation Pradesh (GOUP) technology. Task Manager: Balasubramanian India Renewable Resources Development (Approved FY93) $75 million, IBRD This project promotes commercialization of renewable resources technologies by financing $115 million, IDA private sector investments in alternate energy subprojects, including irrigation-based small $440 million, total project cost hydros, wind farms, and solar photovoltaic systems. It expands bagasse-based paper mills and Implementing Agency: Indian Renewable creates marketing and financing mechanisms for the sale and delivery of alternate energy Energy Devp. Agency Ltd. (IREDA), Tamil systems. It includes technical assistance for institutional development and the promotion of Nergy evspi. adaen t.TNL renewable energy technologies. The GEF component supports development of wind, solar, and Nadu Newsprint and Papers Ltd. (TNPL)photovoltaic capacity and provides technical assistance. Task Manager: Manzo India Forestry Research Education and Extension (Approved FY94) $47 million, IDA This project supports research on and development of methods for the conservation of $56 million, total project cost biodiversity. Components include development and implementation of programs for ecodevelopment in two protected areas; financing of a range of ecodevelopment activities and :The Indian Council for concurrent improvements i the planning and management of protected areas; support for Impleetin Agsea n research aimed at improving protected area management and the implementation of ecodevelopent; and a program to monitor socioeconomic and ecological changes. In addition, it supports the involvement of local communities in the planning and implementation of Task Manager: Hilt ecodevelopment programs. India Andhra Pradesh Forestry (Approved FY94) $77 million, IDA This project maintalns and improves biodiversity and develops sustainable management systems $89 million, total project cost that foster participation and sharing of benefits by village communities, particularly in forest areas that are home to tribal groups. It supports forest regeneration and rehabilitation; Implementing Agency: Forest Department (FD) improvement of adaptive research and silviculture management; and joint forest management and Government of Andhra Pradesh ( ) training in participatory rural appraisal. It has provided institutional support to the nature conservation program through development of an integrated protected areas system; studies; boundary demarcations; fire protection; upgrading of roads; habitat improvement; captive Task Manager: Keil breeding programs; and ecodevelopent in selected parks and sanctuaries. India Madhya Pradesh Forestry (Approved FY95) $58 million, IDA This project supports improvements for the Madhya Pradesh forestry sector, including innovative $67 million, total project cost programs for participatory forest management. It involves forest regeneration and improved silvicultural practices; improved implementation, monitoring, and evaluation; a village resource Implementing Agency: Forest Department (FD) development program based on participatory planning and the integration of forest management and Government of Adhra Pradesh ( ) and protection with activities to generate alternative incomes to reduce pressures on the forest; forestry researt h, extension, and technology improvements; and biodiversity conservation through management of twelve protected areas while supporting the development of alternative Task Manager: Hill resources for local communities. 32 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 India Industrial Pollution Prevention (Approved FY95) $143 million, IBRD This project promotes cost-effective abatement ofindustrial pollution through components that $25 million, IDA support institutional strengthening of state pollution control boards and investments by individual $352.5 million, total project cost firms for pollution abatement with a focus in minimization of waste and cleaner production Implementing Agency: Ministry of methods. It renews financing for common effluent treatment plants for treating wastewater and Evilmentg solid materials at industrial sites with a concentration in small sized industries. A technical assistance component supports the development, diffusion, and transfer of technologes with environmental benefits. Task Manager: Vergara India Hydrology (Approved FY96) $142 million, IDA This project improves the institutional and organizational arrangements, technical capabilities $178.3 million, total project cost and physical facilities available for measurement, validation, collation, analysis, transfer and dissemination of hydrological, hydrometeorological and water quality data. It also administers Implementing Agency: Ministry of Water basic water resource evaluations within the concerned agencies at Central Government level and Resources in the seven participating states. Task Manager: Myint India Bombay Sewage Disposal (Approved FY96) $167 million, IBRD This project strengthens the capacity of the Municipality Corp of Bombay (MCGB)'s WSSD in $25 million, IDA all aspects for the management of the provision of sewerage services; sustaining the financial $280 million, total project cost viability for the provision of water supply and sewerage services in Greater Bombay through Implementing Agency: Municipality Corp of direct charges to beneficiaries at appropriate levels; and improving the health and environmental Bombay conditions in Greater Bombay. Task Manager: Couzens India Coal Environment and Social Mitigation (Approved FY96) $65 million, IDA The project assists Coal India in making coal production more environmentally and socially $80 million, total project cost sustainable. This includes technical assistance to enhance Coal India's capacity to deal more effectively with the enviommental and social issues of coal mining operations; the Implementing Agency: Coal India Ltd. implementation of Environmental Action Plans, Rehabilitation Action Plans, and Indigenous Peoples Development Plans for 25 proposed mines in India; and a a review, and if required, implementation of a program of remedioal action of the resettlement and rehabililtation measures taken by Coal India in implementing projects that have received bank Group support in Task Manager: Pollak the past. India Environmental Management Capacity Building (Approved FY97) $50 million, IDA The goal of this project is to assist the Government of India to implement its environmental $61.48 million, total project cost priorities as outlines in the Environment Action Program - India of December 1993. The specific objective of the project is to enhance environmental management capacity to ensure effective Implementing Agency: Ministry of implementation of the EAP priorities. The objective of enhancing environmental management Environment and Forests; Department of Ocean capacity would be achieved by strenghtening environmental policy planning and administation, Development; and Gujarat Department of decentralization of selected environmental activities to local communities and non-governmental organizations, implementation of environmental law, and monitoring and compliance with Task Manager: Hadjitarkanian environmental laws and standards in specific high priority environmental problem areas at center, state, and local government levels. 33 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 India EcoDevelopment (Approved FY97) $28 million, IDA This project would conserve biodiversity by addressing the impact of local people on protected $67 million, total project cost areas (PAs) and the impact of the PAs on local people in seven widely varied sites of threatened biodiverisyt. Components comprise of improved PA management; participatory microplanning Implementing Agency: Ministry of an dimplementation of reciprocal agreements including development of alternative livelihoods Environment and Forests and resource uses; development of more effective and extensive support through research and monitoring and environmental education; preparation of future biodiversity projects dealing with additional eco-development biodiversity information and ex-situ conservation; and overal project Task Manager: Mott management. Nepal Hill Community Forestry (Approved FY89) $31 million, IDA This project helps His Majesty's Government implement components of its Forestry Master Plan $45 million, total project cost and Forestry Sector Policy, by establishing a system to conserve and expand the forest resources which sustain traditional farming systems in the Hills. Forest User Group are formed among villagers to protect, manage, and utilize areas of State-owned forests in their vicinity. FD staff are trained to provide technical and material assistance to enable these groups to properly manage the existing forests and establish and maintain new plantations in degraded areas. Task Manager: Hill Pakistan Second Scarp Transition (Approved FY91) $20 million, IDA This proposed six-year project implements the government's policy of replacing STWs and $49 million, total project cost PTWs in FGW areas. It comprises two subprojects, one in Punjab and one in Sindh. The Punjab subproject replaces about 1,346 STWs with PTWs in the FGW areas of the remaining part of the SCARP-I area, not covered under the STPP. The Sindh subproject is a pilot effort to test the Imvoplment Bancy ofPagicltral viablility of SCARP transition in the somewhat different socio-economic conditions of Sindh. It replaces about 380 STWs with PTWs in the FGW areas of the Moro and Sakrand units of SCARP North Rohri (SNR) Project. Task Manager: Qamar Pakistan Environmental Protection and Resource Conservation (Approved FY92) $29 million, IDA This project is the first phase in a long-term program to improve Pakistan's natural resource $57 million, total project cost management. It has two components, institutional strengthening and environment and natural resource rehabilitation. Its objectives are to initiate the strengthening of federal and provincial Implementing Agency: Gov't of Pakistan & environmental protection institutions. It strengthens environmental legislation and initiates Gov'ts of Punjab, Sindh, North-West Frontier policies and programs; disseminates information concerning damage to the environment and Provinces and Azad Jammu and Kashmir natural resources to policy makers, government officials, and the public; strengthens professional education; and implements subprojects to rehabilitate, protect, develop and manage agro- Task Manager: Saddington ecological resources which have been damaged or threatened. Pakistan Northern Resource Management (Approved FY93) $29 million, IDA This project provides the basis for the sustainable and economically efficient use of land $40 million, total project cost resources in Azad Jammu and Kashmir by: improving the policy framework; restructuring and strengthening the main institutions that manage and protect land resources in the area; and Implementing Agency: Azad Jammu and testing programs in which communities take management and financial responsibility for Kashmir planning and implementing activities for sustainable resource management. Task Manager: Motha 34 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Pakistan Fordwah E. Sadiquia Irrigation and Drainage (Approved FY93) $54 million, IDA This project supports efforts to control waterlogging and salinity through improved water $71 million, total project cost management and increases efficient delivery of canals and watercourses. It also improves water conservation by: recovering and limiting seepage; provides a network of surface drains to Implementing Agency: Punjab Irrigation and evacuate storm water runoff, provides technical assistance to implementing agencies and for Agricultural Department, and Water and Power staff training; and supports the monitoring and evaluation of the project's impact on groundwater Development Authority levels and agriculture production. Task Manager: Abmad Pakistan Balochistan Natural Resource Management (Approved FY94) $15 million, IDA This project represents the first phase of long-term support to improve Balochistan's protection $18 million, total project cost of its environment and management of its natural resources. It also strengthens the principal environmental institutions through formulating policy, legislation, and regulations; monitors Implementing Agency: Government of natural resource management; and provides training, technical assistance, and support staff. It Balochistan supports site-specific methods of rehabilitation and development of degraded forests, watersheds, rangelands, coastal areas, and natural habitats and the efficient, sustainable use of groundwater, especially by eliminating government subsidies for drilling tubewells. Task Manager: Sheikh Pakistan Punjab Forest Sector Development (Approved FY95) $24.9 million, IDA This project strengthens the Punjab Forestry Department's capabilities to assist local $33.8 million, total project cost communities and the private sector in the development and conservation of forest and rangelands through natural, financial, and human resource management. It helps to disseminate technology Implementing Agency: Punjab Forest and information required to promote farmers' involvement in nursery and timber production; develops and strengthens community organizations to manage scrub forests and rangelands jointly with public sector institutions; and implements a pilot component for the reorganization of timber plantations to enhance their environmental value. Task Manager: Khouri Sri Lanka Forest Sector Development (Approved FY89) $20 million, IDA This project assists the Government in improving the performance of the forestry sector in line $31 million, total project cost with the economic, social, and environmental requirements of Sri Lanka by implementing part of a five-year time slice of the Forestry Master Plan. To attain this objective: all plantations and Implementing Agency: Ministry of Lands and selected natural forests are brought under intensive management; the resource base is expanded Land Development (Forestry Department) by establishing new plantations; forestry education and technical training is intensified; and the institutional base is strengthened. Current forestry programs, especially those formulated and implemented with external financing, have been taken into consideration in designing the project. Task Manager: Khouri Sri Lanka Colombo Environmental Improvement (Approved FY95) $39 million, IDA This project supports progress toward a sustainable environment for the economic and social $49 million, total project cost development of the Colombo Metropolitan Area (CMA). The project focuses on solid waste services, controlling surface-and groundwater contamination from wastewater discharge, and Implementing Agency: Urban Development building up the capabilities of the government in municipal waste management. The project also Authority (UDA), Colombo Municipal Council assists in promoting private sector participation in environment-related operations. The project (CMC), and The National Water Supply and finances construction of a sanitary landfill and compost facilities to replace open dumps, and equipment for hospital wastes collection, transport and disposal; wastewater collection systems Task Manager: Zhao in two industrial zones; and wastewater pollution abatement measures in the Beria Lake catchment area. 35 IBRD/IDA Projects with Primarily Environmental Objectives Active FY97 Sri Lanka Environmental Action (Approved FY97) $14.8 million, IDA The proposed project would be the initial 4-yr pphase to assist the Government in environmental $20.7 million, total project cost planning and management. The project would support the strategy of restructuring MTEWA's Environment Division an dstrengthen the Ctrl Env Authority to cary out its analytical as well as Implementing Agency: Ministry of Transport, enforcement & monitoring responsibilities; support an ongoing effort to internalize Environment, and Women Affairs (MTEWA) environmental considerations into the overall development planning process; and help Gov't take immediate remedial measures to reverse the trend of envt'al degradation through pilot programs of participatory approaches to enviommental management. Task Manager: Serejski 36 World Bank Group Projects with Full Environmental Assessment (Category A) Since October 1989, Bank staff have been required to screen all proposed new investment projects with respect to their potential environmental impacts and to classify them accordingly. The classification of each proposed project depends on its type, location, sensitivity, and scale, as well as the nature and magnitude of its potential impacts. Category A projects are those considered likely to have significant environmental impacts that may be sensitive, irreversible, and diverse. Such projects require a full environmental assessment (EA). Category B projects may have impacts that are less significant than category A projects, and few if any of the impacts are irreversible. An EA is not normally required for Category C projects, which are unlikely to have adverse impacts. The table separately lists all Category A projects for IBRD/IDA and IFC that were approved in fiscal 1997. For each, the table indicates the estimated total cost and the amount of financing or investment. The table also provides a brief description of each project and the contribution of the EA. 37 s Category A Projects, IBRD/IDA: Approved FY97 Africa Cote d'Ivoire Rural Land Management and Community Infrastructure The project will help empower rural communities by facilitating land tenure Development security on over 2 million hectares of rural lands, strengthening local capacity to plan, make decisions, and govern, and through supporting small-scale investments for sustainable natural resource management and agriculture, and infrastructure $41 million, IDA development and decentralization. The project has sought to minimize negative $60.8 million, total project cost environmental impact by having a holistic planning process and including social, environmental, economic and cultural factors in community planning. The project itself will help halt unsustainable uses of natural resources, and positive effects include reduced deforestation, increased forest productivity, reduced land clearing and soil erosion, stabilized water flows, improved h,;alth and water, and improved rural access to services and markets. Potentially negative impacts may result from agriculture- and infrastructure related project activities, and include alteration of water table and wetland, siltation, soil depletion and erosion, loss of biodiversity, soil and water contamination from increased use of agricultural chemicals. Technically these are simple to mitigate, and the project is designed to take them into account and with careful monitoring should be mitigated before they appear or avoided completely. Mitigation plan is laid out in SAR and include environmental information tools, elaboration of technical norms, training and establishment of demonstration activities and investments. Kenya Energy Sector Reform and Power Development The project aims to create an efficient and environmentally sustainable energy sector and to support investments needed to meet increased power demand and operational efficiency, through sector reform, efficiency improvements, power $125 million, IDA system expansion and upgrading, geothermal resource development and future $798.9 million, total project cost project preparation. EAs were performed for one geothermal and two diesel plants. There was no sectoral EA. The area surrounding the geothermal plant is rich in wildlife, and serves as a grazing area for Maasi pastoralists. Experience indicates that wildlife accommodates quickly to production wells and pipes though fences interrupts livestock grazing. As part of the mitigation measures, the new facilities will be fenced only around the wells, and condensates will be reinjected. Compensatory actions are required since wild lands are being converted to other uses. New extraction will not pose any threat to the Lake Naivasha water levels. The new diesel plant will not require large amounts of water, nor will it involve relocating people. Relevant staff will receive training in environmental analysis, and IDA missions will include environmental specialists to monitor the implementation of mitigation plans. Mali Regional Hydropower Development One of the main objectives in all three countries (Mali, Mauritania and Senegal) is (Mali - Mauritania - Senegal) to achieve sustained broad-based growth by among other things, the promotion of the private sector and the development of infrastructure. Another CAS objective is addressing environmental issues. The project would contribute to achieving these $17.1 million, IDA objectives by providing a reliable supply of electric power at lower cost, $199.6 million, total project cost contributing to increasing the access to electricity of the population in the Senegal river valley and to improving the efficiency of the electric power sectors in the three countries, and helping tackle environmental and health issues related to the existing dam of Manantali, and the construction of the power plant and transmission lines. The EA studies foresee only very limited impacts of the project on the environment, caused mainly by the 30 meter corridor to accommodate power transmission -lines and maintenance roads. The main environmental impacts are not caused by the proposed Regional Hydropower Development Project, but rather by the Manantali and Diama dams on the Senegal River, which have already been constructed. However, it is impossible to mitigate the impacts of the hydropower project only, without addressing the problems created by the management of the dams themselves. Therefore, the mitigation plan of the proposed hydropower development project will take into account the partial miti gation of some of the most serious environmental and health impacts of the two dams. 39 Category A Projects, IBRD/IDA: Approved FY97 Mauritania Regional Hydropower Development See description for Mali Regional Hydropower Development Project above. (Mali - Mauritania - Senegal) $11.1 million, IDA $119.3 million, total project cost Senegal Regional Hydropower Development See description for Mali Regional Hydropower Development Project above. (Mali - Mauritania - Senegal) $10.5 million, IDA $126.6 million, total project cost East Asia / Pacific China Second National Highway (Hunan/Guangdong) The project is the second in a series of four which are supporting an integrated approach to expressway corridor development. Specifically this project seeks to relieve road transport congestion and improve integration of interregional trade, $400 million strengthen institutional capacity in Hunan and Guandong Provinces, improve the $1150 million, total project cost safety of road transport. In both sections, major environmental impact during the construction period includes noise and dust, alteration of hydrological regimes, soil erosion, interference with local people and traffic, and impacts on local ecology and irrigation systems. During operation, traffic noise, vehicle exhaust, soil erosion and water pollution from the area will be major impacts. The EAPs specify appropriate mitigation measures, environmental monitoring plans, training and equipment requirements. Major mitigation measures during construction will include optimum planning and earth works, appropriate design of over/under passes, reconstruction of irrigation and drainage systems where appropriate, and water sprinkling to reduce dust. Mitigation for operation includes construction of noise barriers, fences around residences to reduce noise, strengthening of vehicle emission inspection, and afforestation to improve landscape and reduce air pollution. China Inner Mongolia (Tuoketuo) Thermal Power The project aims to increase electricity supply and electricity trade in Northern China through the creation of an independent power company, improve the efficiency of energy supply and use in the region through modem technology and $400 million reducing losses, advance the power sector reform process, diversify financing $1290.8 million, total project cost sources and encourage private sector investment, promote economic development and soil conservation. The two components are: (i) Tuoketuo power plant, (ii) desertification control and drylands management program. The EA states that the project should cause minimal disturbance to the environment, and the issues addressed includes air pollution, noise pollution, surface water contamination, electrified field strength, bird flight patterns and impacts of construction and operation. An environmental management unit will be established by the company, and an environmental monitoring program will be incorporated. Modern pollution control technologies will be incorporated into the design of the power plant, and further strengthening of the TEPGC with resources for environmental management capabilities will be included. Mitigation plans and monitoring programs are outlined in Annex 4.7 of the SAR. 40 Category A Projects, IBRD/IDA: Approved FY97 China Shanghai Waigaoqiao Thermal Power The "roposed project is intended to: (a) increase electricity supply to reduce the acute power shortages in Shanghai through development of two very large coal- fired supercritical thermal units; (b) a program to apply for the first time in China the "bubble concept" for cost effective air quality management within Shanghai $400 million, IBRD Municipality; (c) support the ongoing power sector reform by restructuring $1898 million, total project cost SMEPC in line with the power sector reform strategy; (d) increasing private sector involvement through listing of the generation company; (e) adjusting the tariff level to accommodate the stricter sulfur dioxide emission standards and promote an innovative and diversified financing model for large infrastructure projects and improve the access of power entities to international financial markets. The EA has been approved by the National Environmental Protection Agency and has been accepted by the World Bank. The Shanghai Municipal Government has given SMEPC formal approval to introduce a "bubble concept" into the project design, whereby sulfur dioxide emissions released from the Waigaoqiao thermal power plant project component would be more than compensated for by sulfur dioxide emission reductions achieved with the FGD component to be retrofitted at the existing Shidongkou Power Plant. China Wanjiazhai Water Transfer Project The project is part of a phased development program to expand the water supply and improve the land and water environment in northern Shanxi province. The $400 million, IBRD project would provide the physical works needed to transfer water from the Yellow $1000 million, total project cost River through a system of tunnels, aqueduct pipelines and reservoirs. It would also support policy and institutional reform for economic water pricing and water marketing. The project would improve the economic potential and living conditions in the most economically productive region of Shanxi Province. This region is already critically short of water for virtually all human development needs incluuing (a) domestic (b) industrial, and (c) agricultural needs. The project- produced water will be used first for residential purposes to meet consumer demands for drinking water, second for industries to maintain and increase output and employment, and third for agriculture to maintain and improve productivity. It is also planned to reduce the use of freshwater resources for agriculture by substituting use of treated sewage effluents. In addition, the project-produced water will reduce pressures on groundwater resources, already very serious and causing serious economic/socioeconomic losses to all affected community sectors. The reduction in groundwater use will also have important effects on small streams in maintaining year-round flow and restoring the aquatic ecology. The project will also make major strides to reduce pollution in the Fen River and thereby make more water available for municipal purposes downstream. China Xiaolangdi Multi-Purpose Project II The main objectives of the project are to: (a) introduce flood control in the lower reaches of the Yellow River Basin to protect major infrastructure and 103 million people; (b) control siltation in the 800-lan downstream channel of the river $430 million, IBRD and prevent further aggradation so that levee heights need not be raised further $1902 million, total project cost during a period of 20 years; (c) provide water for assured irrigation for 2 million ha and more stable water supplies for downstream cities and industries; and (d) generate hydropower for supplementing the base load of thermal stations in Henan Province and the Central China Power Grid. The major environmental impact related to the project is resettlement of 171,000 mostly rural residents to be displaced by the reservoir. Three other potential environmental issues are raised by the project: dam safety; salvage of archeological relics; and public health and disease control. 41 Category A Projects, IBRD/IDA: Approved FY97 China Second Xinjiang Highways This project is designed to support development of road infrastructure to relieve congestion, stimulate socio-economic development, improve maintenance of regional highway network, promote development of institutional capacity in the $300 million, region, increase highway safety, and promote transport linkages with neighboring $658.1 million, total project cost provinces and countries. The Environmental Impact Assessment states that since the project does not entail any widening of existing roads, the environmental impact is minimal, though impacts include dust and noise, soil erosion and impacts on irrigation channels. Bidding documents for the roads in the project would include environmental clauses. There might also be impact on livestock migration, and impact of traversing coal mines. An Environmental Action Plan specified appropriate mitigation measures, monitoring plans institutional arrangements for implementing the EAPs, training and equipment. Mitigation measures include appropriate design of over/under passes to minimize social disruption, reconstruction of irrigation systems, water sprinkling to reduce dust, resettlement and construction of noise barriers around schools, hospitals and residences, strengthening of vehicle emission inspections and maintenance, and afforestation. Indonesia Bali Urban Infrastructure The project is designed to improve Bali's urban infrastructure services in a sustainable manner to meet basic needs in urban centers and to address growing urbanization in South Bali. This will be achieved through urban infrastructure $110 million, investments, private sector participation, cultural heritage conservation and $210 million, total project cost institutional strengthening. Project components include water supply, urban roads and traffic management, drainage & flood control, solid waste management, sanitation, and market development. The project's Umbrella Environmental Assessment (UEA) report includes an Environmental Profile of Bali; a system of environmental zoning; sub-project screening criteria and procedures; generic EA TOR and mitigation and monitoring procedures for sub-projects; and recommendations for training and institutional strengthening. The environmental management and monitoring procedures and arrangements are consolidated in the BUIP Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMMP). A follow-on Study on Cumulative Environmental Impacts that will be conducted during implementation on the environmental impact of tourism and other economic development activities. The Bank will review all full EAs, environmental management and monitoring plans for solid waste sub-projects, and other assessments. Training will be provided to strengthen capacity of project managers and other staff to supervise environmental management and monitoring. Eastern Europe / Central Asia Hungary Quick Start Gas Turbine The project seeks to provide about 200 Mw of generator capacity to enable Hungary to maintain a level of reliable and secure energy supply that meets international standards. The project consists of two complete single cycle gas $60 million, IBRD turbine plants. An environmental assessment was carried out for each plant, with $96.1 million, total project cost the result that flue gases and ambient noise levels will be monitored; oil storage facilities will designed in accordance with international practices. Public meetings were held at both sites, with satisfactory responses to all concerns from affected groups. 42 Category A Projects, IBRD/IDA: Approved FY97 Kazakhstan Uzen Oil Field Rehabilitation The project seeks to: (i) help reduce the rate of decline in oil production and generate resources for reinvestment in the Uzen field's operations; (ii) promote reorganization of Uzenmunaigas into commercially viable $109 million, IBRD corporate units and its/their privatization; (iii) help Uzenmunaigas assess $136 million, total project cost the impact of past practices on the present condition of the reservoirs, wells and environment of the field; (iv) contribute to remediation of past damage to the field and strengthening of Uzerununaigas' environmental monitoring and management systems and capacity; and (v) train Uzenmunaigas' staff in modem oil field operating practices and strengthen capacity to manage the rehabilitation program and oil field operations. The Environmental Assessment conducted by the Government (with assistance of the Government of Canada through a Bank-administered trust fund) as part of project preparation has identified existing environmental conditions in the Uzen oil field and neighboring areas: air, surface water, ground landform and soils, vegetation and wildlife, land use and social impact. Latin America / Caribbean Argentina Flood Protection The project would help improve the security of economic assets and persons living in the flood prone area, by constructing defense facilities, strengthening national and provincial institutions, and systems for dealing with future floods. Components $200 million, IBRD include structural measures, new institutional framework, upgrading flood $488 million, total project cost preparedness, and an early flood warning system. Positive environmental impacts include fuller restoration of damaged health, water, sewerage, and housing facilities, as well as additional security against floods which wilt lessen soil erosion and drainage congestion. There was a regional EA for the entire basin, as well as individual EAs for each sub-project. Negative impacts identified would for the most part be highly localized and short-lived. There is no resettlement contemplated. The project will finance programs for improved ecological monitoring and management of wetlands. Argentina Provincial Agriculture Development The project will finance sub-projects and strengthen institutional development at national and provincial levels, in the areas of water resource management, rural infrastructure, technological development, animal health, plant health and $125 million, IBRD commodity quality, market development, agricultural information, and production $357.2 million, total project cost and regulation of products. Environmental analyses were conducted on the group "A" sub-projects, which found that they would have significant positive environmental impact, but in a few cases mitigation measures are needed to avoid increased soil exhaustion or erosion. Suggested measures were complementary technology transfers and extension programs. In addition it was recommended that an environmental monitoring component be included in sub-projects with possible environmental impact. Baseline data would be established to verify impact on the environment, economy and beneficiaries. In the case of one sub-project, Pozo Borradao, there needs to be a complementary study on potential impact on flora and fauna of the regional wetlands, as well as consultation with the indigenous communities in the area. Environmental screening procedures have been established for new sub-project proposals. 43 Category A Projects, IBRD/IDA: Approved FY97 Mexico Aquaculture Development The project aims to promote sustainable aquaculture development by increasing the productivity of the aquaculture sector within the framework of social consensus and environmental soundness. The first component would assist the Government in $40 million, IBRD completing and implementing its regulatory framework and provide key public $58.6 million, total project cost goods to stimulate productive investment in the sector. The second component would support productive investments and training for social sector producers and develop an appropriate institutional framework; it includes a social aquaculture production sub-component. The project also includes and environmental planning and assessment sub-component. A sectoral EA was done, and specific analysis of sub-project investment revealed no major environmental risk except for the coastal shrimp park. Potential negative effects of aquaculture include displacement of coastal mangrove estuaries, alteration of local hydrology, eutrophication from pond water effluent, endangerment of vulnerable wildlife, and introduction of exotic species. Most of these have not been significant problems in Mexico. The most significant direct impacts are use of exotic fish and a significant need for dredging to improve lagoon water quality. Mitigation of these has been addressed through revisions of the regulatory and institutional framework, strengthened enforcement, facilitation of an environmental assessment process for aquaculture investments, and baseline studies. Middle East / North Africa Lebanon Coastal Pollution Control and Water Supply To improve sanitary and environmental conditions in major urban areas of the coastal zone, reduce groundwater, surface, and sea pollution, restore beaches for recreational use, and ensure improved services through commercial operation and $53.1 million, IBRD increased private sector participation, the project will extend and rehabilitate water $308 million, total project cost supply facilities, wastewater collection and disposal facilities and improve and provide equipment and facilities for regional water authorities. EAs were prepared for tne wastewater facilities for each sub-project area. There was a public consultation meeting with representatives from local municipalities, community associations, and social institutions. It is predicted that through the project there will be a general improvement in public health and in lowering the risk of groundwater pollution. Short term negative environmental impacts are associated with the construction period, and more long term ones with operation. Mitigation measures common to the sub-project areas include improved environmental monitoring and enforcement. Tunisia Greater Tunis Sewer and Reuse Project The project will help strengthen the urban sewerage system, promote use of effluent from sewage treatment plants for agricultural purposes, reduce urban pollution., improve the ONAS' cost recovery and financial capacity, introduce $60 million, IBRD appropriate new technology, develop private sector participation in the sector, and $107 million, total project cost acquire environmental monitoring and management equipment and tools. Numerous positive impacts are expected, ranging from improved public health to economic concerns, and the agriculture sector. The proposed construction of facilities will not cause any resettlements, and a mitigation plan has been made for any negative impacts due to the construction. Public consultation took place at an early stage of project preparation. 44 Category A Projects, IFC: Approved FY97 Africa Mozambique Mozambique Aluminum Build aluminum smelter, representing IFC's largest financing package to date. The principal issues are air emissions, solid waste management, and socio-economic impact. Air emissions will fall well within World Bank guidelines and internationally accepted standards. The only solid $55 million, IFC waste from the production will come when electrolysis pots have to be $65 million, IFC quasi-equity relined after five or six years. The mitigation plan includes a waste $1,365 million, total project cost storage facility and other measures. A change of the site has limited the relocation needs to approximately ten families; none of these families are living on the site itself, but on an industrial zone to be established by the Government of Mozambique (GoM). ASIA Bangladesh Jalalabad Gas Appraise and develop the Jalalabad natural gas field through an. unincorporated joint venture. Environmental issues include site contamination from prior activities, seismic work impacts, facilities siting and alignment alternatives, land acquisition, socio-economic impacts $15 million, IFC investment (including public consultation) and impacts of facility operations. Site $80 million, total project cost contamination issues are minimal and will be mitigated as part of the project. The environmental and safety guidelines of the International Association of Geophysical Contractors will govern seismic work. No resettlement is associated with the project and land acquisition procedures for facility alignment and siting are being done in accordance with the Government of Bangladesh's requirements. The natural gas will help meet the social and economic requirements of Bangladesh. Extensive consultations have been conducted with all interested stakeholders. Philippines Bataan Polyethylene Corporation Construct polyethylene facility with annual capacity of 250,000 tons. Environmental issues include prior land use and resettlement, air emissions, and hazard assessment. Resettlement of about 380 site residents on the 550 ha site was conducted by the Philippine Government, $30 million, IFC loan and included compensation and provision of new housing. BPC will carry $10 million, IFC quasi-equity investment $343 million, total out hazard and operability (HAZOP) studies for the Project on a continual project cost basis throughout implementation, and will ensure that all HAZOP recommendations as applicable are complied with before commissioning. BPC has agreed to undertake additional public consultation during the implementation and operation of the Project. A separate environmental monitoring plan will be conducted by BPC. 45 Category A Projects, IFC: Approved FY97 Vietnam Nghi Son Cement Corporation Develop and operate a cement plant and distribution terminal with 2.1 million tons annual capacity. Environmental issues include air emissions, liquid effluents, solid wastes, land use and resettlement, protection of marine resources and quarry reclamation. Occupational health and safety $30 million, IFC loan issues include employee exposure to noise and dust. Electrostatic $26.5 million, syndications precipitators will be installed to control dust emissions from the kiln line $373 million, total project cost to less than 30 mg/Nm3, which is well within both the Government of Vietnam standard and World Bank guideline. NSCC will cover or install dust collectors on coal, raw materials and cement products storage areas, and on the long-distance belt conveyor that will transport limestone, clay and pozzolana from the limestone quarry to the plant. The plant will not discharge a significant amount of industrial water because the cooling water will be recycled. Domestic sewage will be collected and treated by a system consisting of a stabilization pond and septic tanks. NSCC will install secondary containment (e.g. dikes, berms) for the storage for oils, solvents and liquid fuels to prevent spills, and the contamination of soil, groundwater and surface waters. NSCC will recycle or reclaim solid waste materials where possible. Solid waste will be recycled, reclaimed, or disposed of in an acceptable manner, in compliance with local laws and regulations. Approximately 140 families are being relocated as a result of the project; 57 in Hai Thuong Commune and 80 in Quynh Loc Commune in northern Vietnam, and several in Nha Be District near Ho Chi Minh City. The Government's program for ensuring the fair and equitable treatment of the people being relocated includes a formal Resettlement Plan. Employees at NSCC's operations will be provided with the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to protect their health and safety. The PPE will include, appropriate to the employee's tasks and work area, respiratory equipment, hearing protection, and safety glasses, hats and shoes. Europe Russian Federation Russian Joint Stock Co. Pokrovskiy Mine (PM) and Zoloto PM will develop and operate an open pit gold mine to produce average of Mining Ltd (ZML) 85,000 ounces per year. Environmental issues include air quality and emissions control, water quality and effluent management, soils and erosion control, handling and storage of hazardous materials, waste handling and disposal, worker health and safety, and socio-economic $12 million, IFC loan impacts. To ensure that the project's pollution control and waste $4 million, IFC equity management systems are designed, constructed, and operated in $4 million, other IFC investment accordance with internationally recognized engineering practices and $77.6 million, total project cost local site conditions, an independent environmental engineering review will be conducted during the project's detailed engineering, procurement, and construction management. 46 Category A Projects, IFC: Approved FY97 Latin America / Caribbean Brazil Samareo Minerafdo, S.A. Build 25 MW hydroelectric power plant for mining company's iron ore pelletizing plant in Espirito Santo State, and install pollution controls on pelletizing facility. Environmental issues, which included particulate $23 million, lFC loan emissions, liquid effluents, occupational health and safety, land use, water resources and habitat modification along about I km of river, $39.8 million, sy a tst resettlement of three households and compensation for loss of agricultural land, were all properly addressed. All steps taken were in accordance with state and national regulations, and consistent with World Bank policy. Guatemala Basic Petroleum International, Ltd Develop oil producer's reserves to increase production by 8,000 barrels per day, and lay 106 km crude oil pipeline. Environmental issues associated with this project include compliance of the Xan Field's expansion with the World Bank's OP 4.04 (Natural Habitats), pipeline $12 million, lFC loan right-of-way impacts, oil spills, management of produced water and gas, $2.3 million, IFC equity access to protected areas and areas of high biodiversity, social and $13 million, syndications economic impacts to communities, worker health and safety. An $66.7 million, total project cost additional environmental issue is the Company's compliance with Government of Guatemala environmental requirements for the Xan to La Libertad pipeline and the implementation of environmental mitigation measures proposed in the corporate environmental audit completed by the Company in 1994. Basic has held extensive consultations with a variety of stakeholders during the preparation of this draft EA. These consultations led to commitments from Basic to conduct supplementary environmental studies that will detail the Company's environmental management commitments to demonstrate full compliance of the second project with applicable World Bank environmental policies and guidelines and also confirm the first project's ongoing compliance. Venezuela Minera Loma de Niquel, Ltd Develop Loma de Niquel lateritic nickel deposit, build on-site nickel smelter, lay 17 km natural gas pipeline to fuel smelter. Environmental issues include prior land use, reclamation, liquid effluents, solid waste disposal, and air emissions. There is no reported use of the project site $65 million, IFC loan for grazing or agricultural purposes because of the poor soils and grass $2.4 million, IFC equity growth. Reclamation plans include backfilling, which will begin about 3- $7.1 million, IFC quasi-equity 4 years after mining begins. At the end of the project, overburden from $50 million, syndications the first 3-4 years will be deposited in the last pit area. The mine is $430 million, total project cost designed to be a zero discharge facility. The nickel refinery will not generate tailings, but will generate a slag that is neither toxic nor acid- generating. Drainage from the slag heap, as well as cooling water from the refinery and drainage from the waste dump and low-grade ore stockpile, will be collected and reclaimed for process water. Emissions (particulates and dust from stacks or stockpiles) will be tightly controlled, and all particulates will be collected and pelletized for reprocessing as ore material. 47 u Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program The following table presents the World Bank's GEF-supported investment operations approved by the GEF between July 1, 1996 and June 30, 1997 (FY97), and which were under implementation during FY97. The Bank, as a GEF implementing agency, supports operations addressing four environmental issues: management of biological diversity, climate change, protection of international waters, and ozone layer depletion. In addition to information on the GEF-supported projects themselves, the table gives the titles in italics of associated IBRD/IDA (or other) loans and credits when a GEF project forms part of a larger World Bank-assisted initiative. The World Bank-GEF portfolio includes projects implemented not only by IBRD and IDA, but in some cases by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and other multilateral development banks like the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The difference between the GEF grant amount and total project cost is financed by domestic public and private, multilateral, bilateral and NGO sources. For more detail on the status and associated partnerships for these projects, please refer to the GEF's Quarterly Operational Report, available at the GEF Secretariat (202) 473-1128, or look for the information on the Environment Department's Web page. 49  Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Country/Project/ Implementing Agency Bank Approval Associated Task Manager GEF Grant* Bank Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cost* AFRICA Biodiversit Regional (Burkina Faso, The project will design and implement community-based wildlands and World Bank 09195 Cote d'lvoire) wildlife rehabilitation, utilization and conservation programs based on West Africa Pilot the "gestion de terroirs" approach at three sites totalling 4,800 square 7.0 Community-Based kms in the Comoe ecosystem in southwestern Burkina Faso and northern Natural Resource and Cote d'lvoire, an area recognized as one of the most important remaining Active 13.2 Wildlife Management natural savannah ecosystems in the region. The project comprises: (a) land use planning; (b) community land management; (c) capacity building and training; (d) habitat improvement and animal herd reconstruction; and (e) sustainable subsistence and commercial utilization of wildlife. Cameroon Participatory biodiversity conservation plans are being developed and World Bank 03/95 Biodiversity implemented for seven sites in the species-rich lowland forests of south- Heimo 6.0 Conservation and east Cameroon and parts of the northern savannah ecosystem. The Management capacity of natural resource management institutions is being Active 12.4 strengthened through financing zoological and biological inventories, by providing equipment, training and technical assistance, and through twinning' between the National Herbarium and Kew Botanical Gardens and the National Herbarium of France. Congo Development and implementation of management programs for five World Bank 12/92 Wildlands Protection tropical forest ecosystems in the Congo, representative of the country's Chabeuf 10.0 and Management great ecological diversity and wealth. To achieve this objective, the project funds biodiversity inventories, the preparation of natural resource Active 16.8 management plans for each site, training of supervisory staff and guards, and studies of the impact of the indigenous people on the environment and of how negative impacts can be mitigated. Ghana Design and implementation of a Coastal Zone Management Plan to World Bank 08/92 Coastal Wetlands protect five environmentally-sensitive and threatened coastal Ramsar h 7.2 Management sites of global importance for migratory birds. The project includes: (a) monitoring of ecological conditions at the sites; (b) preparation and Active 8.3 Environmental Resource implementation of site management programs and the training of site Management Project managers and wardens; and (c) relocation of a sewage plant outlet that would have discharged into Sakumo Lagoon. Kenya Development and implementation of a management plan for the Tana World Bank 11/96 Tana River National River National Primate Reserve, which contains the last remaining s 6.2 Primate Reserve contiguous area of indigenous riverine forest along the Tana River. The Tana Reserve protects two endangered primate species, the Red Colobus Active 7.1 and Crested Mangabey monkeys. * Amounts in US$ millions 51 Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Country/Project/ Implementing Agency Bank Approval Associated Task Manager GEF Grant* Bank Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cost4 Madagascar This project will fund: 1- mgt. planning for forests outside the protected World Bank/UNDP 12/96 Environment Program area (PA) system, planning & zoning of new PAs, and community-based Simeon 208 Support sustainable forestry mgt. and development of sustainable harvesting regimes for non-timber forest products; 2- mgt. plan development, mgt. Active 155.0 Second Environment assistance & operational expenses in priority PAs of high biological value Program Support Program but low near-term economic value, as well as analytical work to reform PA fee-taxation policies; 3- a rapid field inventory of Malagasi coral reef ecosystems & recommendations for marine parks; 4- technical support for regional envt. programming, training and information needs; 5- review of national policies for exporting non-timber forest products to increase value captured; 6- a comprehensive review of biodiversity outside PAs to determine its real values and to inform conservation and NRM planning; and 7- applied research & training for biodiversity mgt. Malawi Lake Malawi, Africa's third largest lake, is a unique freshwater World Bank 12/94 Lake Malawi/Nyasa ecosystem, home to over 500 endemic species of fish. The project will Donovan 5.0 Blodiversity conduct faunal surveys, identify biodiversity hotspots, prepare a Conservation conservation and management plan for the lake, recommend revisions to Active 5.4 national environmental legislation, and fund environmental training and education activities. Parallel Canadian project (C$4.2m) will finance capacity-building for research through twinning with a Canadian institution, limnology and water quality monitoring, laboratory equipment and public education. Mauritius This project will continue efforts to restore degraded habitat on World Bank 11/95 Biodiversity Restoration Rodrigues, lie aux Aigrettes and Round Island. It will propagate and Post 1.2 reintroduce critically endangered flora and fauna on these three islands, and strengthen local technical and administrative skills for conservation Active 1.6 and ecosystem restoration. Mozambique This project will prepare and implement participatory management plans World Bank 12/96 Transfrontier for three wildlife-rich border areas that are contiguous with national Clement-Jones 5.0 Conservation Areas parks in neighboring Zimbabwe and South Africa. A major objective of Pilot and Institutional the project is to protect migration corridors for big game populations that Active 8.1 Strengthening cross transnational borders. Seychelles Biodiversity conservation component comprises: (a) the restoration and World Bank 11/92 Biodiversity preservation of the ecosystem of Aldabra Atoll by strengthening Lundin .8 Conservation & Marine conservation management and scientific research and control of feral Pollution Abatement goats; and (b) a protection program for the Green and Hawksbill Turtles. Active 2.0 Marine pollution component covers the analysis of the steps needed to Environment and comply with MARPOL standards for ship waste treatment and actions Transport Project required to control pollution from commercial shipping, fishing and leisure craft. Uganda The project has established a trust fund, the income from which will World Bank 01/95 Bwindi Impenetrable provide a sustainable source of funds for the management of the Bwindi Kiss 4.0 National Park & Impenetrable Forest and Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks and the Mgahinga Gorilla conservation of their biodiversity. A Trust Management Board, Active 6.3 National Park representative of local communities, NGOs and the government will Conservation allocate the fund's net income to selected park management, research and community ecodevelopment projects. * Amounts in US$ millions 52 Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Country/Project/ Implementing Agency Bank Approval Associated Task Manager GEF Grant* Bank Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cost* Climate Change Mali The project addresses both the demand for and supply of household World Bank 06/95 Household Energy energy in a country where people depend heavily on environmentally- Sf 2.5 damaging woodfuels. Consumption of these fuels will be reduced by promoting the use of more efficient stoves and through substituting Active 11.1 woodfuels with kerosene and bottled gas through technical assistance and credit to manufacturers and marketers. In parallel, forest planning and management will be strengthened through training and technical assistance. Mauritius Development and testing of technologies for gathering, storing and using World Bank 02/92 Sugar Bio-Energy sugar cane tops, leaves and residues as fuel to expand power generation Wong You Cheong 3.3 Technology by existing sugar mills. Assessing options for reducing the cost of bagasse transport and thereby also expanding its use as a generating fuel. Active 55.1 Sugar Energy Providing technical assistance to a Bagasse Energy Development Development Project Program coordinated by the Mauritius Sugar Authority which will develop a program to tap the long-term potential of power generation from sugar cane waste. Senegal Participatory, community-forest sustainable management systems in a World Bank 06/97 Sustainable and 300,000 ha zone surrounding Niokolo-Koba National Park will be phased Utria 4.7 Participatory Energy in over a 7-year period with the primary objectives of carbon Management sequestration and local income enhancement, and secondary biodiversity Active 18.9 conservation benefits. A parallel, demand management and fuel Sustainable and substitution component, to be executed with the private sector and Participatory Energy NGOs, will promote substitution of kerosene and liquid petroleum gas for charcoal, and will disseminate efficient charcoal stoves. International Waters Regional (Kenya, The project will address the major threats facing the Lake Victoria World Bank 07/96 Tanzania, Uganda) ecosystem, including overfishing, eutrophication and algae levels, Lake Victoria pollution, and invasive exotic species like the water hyacinth. Actions Donovan 35.0 Environmental include (a) regional cooperation in fisheries research, extension and Management management; (b) research and monitoring of water quality and pollution, Active 77.6 Lake Victoria strengthening and harmonization of pollution regulatory, incentive and Environmental enforcement systems, and priority investments in waste water management; (c) monitoring and sustainable use of wetlands; (d) control of water hyacinth; and (e) management of land use in the catchment, including soil conservation and afforestation. * Amounts in US$ millions 53 Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Country/Project/ Implementing Agency Bank Approve Associated Task Manager GEF Grant* Bank Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cos EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC Biodiversity China In accordance with China's NEAP and BAP priorities, this project will World Bank 06/95 Nature Reserves prepare and implement management plans in five priority protected J79 Management areas, train staff, fund physical investments, and work with communities adjacent to and within PA boundaries to create incentives for sustainable Active 23.6 Forest Resource resource use. A second component will restructure a major timber Development & Protection industry in Changqing to promote sustainable forestry, and create a core protected area of giant panda habitat, surrounded by a limited-use production/buffer zone. The project will build technical and managerial capacity of DNR through developing a national training team for biodiversity. It will fund a national nature reserve plan, equipment, policy studies and operational research, and set up an information management system. Indonesia Project strengthens the capacity of the Research and Development Center World Bank 06/94 Biodiversity Collections for Biology (PPPB) to manage systematic collections, including the 72 establishment of a computerized database which will serve as a basic reference tool for biodiversity inventory and monitoring. Potential Active 11.4 information users in other sectors will provide advice on database development. Specific components include human resource development, collections maintenance and development, improvement of research facilities, and publications and user products. Indonesia The project will secure the future of the biologically rich, I million ha. World Bank 04/96 Kerinci Seblat Kerinci-Seblat National Park by integrating park management and S m.0 Integrated conservation with local and regional development. Park management Conservation and and protection will be strengthened, based on collaborative linkages with Active 47.2 Development buffer-zone communities, and local NGOs and goverments. The project will stabilize land use outside the park by promoting local-community Kerinci-Seblat Integrated and alternate livelihood activities consistent with park conservation Conservation & objectives, and by improving overall local land use to relieve pressure on the park. Biodiversity assessments in lowland forest concessions surrounding the park will contribute to better management of a permanent buffer zone in these areas. The project will strengthen regulatory guidelines for inter-provincial, regional planning; improve conservation awareness locally and in the govemrment; provide training and extension services to villagers, park staff and local govervment staff and monitor and evaluate biodiversity conservation, human impacts and sustainable development in and around the park. Lao PDR The project will protect biological diversity through the designation, World Bank 02/94 Wildlife & Protected establishment and management of priority protected areas, the protection Shen . Areas Conservation of associated wildlife, and the planning and implementation of community participatory programs in and around protected areas. Active 20.3 Forest Management and Components include the establishment and management of at least four Conservation Project protected areas (NBCAs), technical assistance and conservation training with particular emphasis on the recruitment of NGOs for community mobilization, environmental monitoring and evaluation, and the design of a conservation trust fund for long-term financing. iAmounts in US$ milliona o 54 Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Country/Project/ Implementing Agency Bank Approval Associated Task Manager GEF Grant* Bank Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cost* Philippines Support for government efforts to establish a core National Integrated World Bank 05/94 Conservation of Protected Area System (NIPAS) for ten sites over a seven year period, 2.9 (DENR) Priority Protected Areas through financing site development and resource management. The 17.1 (NIPA) project promotes participation of local communities in site management, Active 22.9 Environment & Natural and strengthens national capacity for coordination and monitoring. The Resources Sector Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) received a grant to strengthen park infrastructure and services, and a national NGO consortium (NIPA) received a grant to provide technical assistance services and administer a livelihood fund for local communities. Climate Change China Rehabilitation of gas transmission and distribution systems to eliminate World Bank 03/94 Sichuan Gas methane gas losses and improve pipeline network performance. Main Morsli 10.0 Transmission and components will focus on safety and operational efficiency of the Distribution transmission and distribution system, and selection of cost effective Active 122.7 Rehabilitation measures to reduce gas leakages through a program of environmental upgrades. The associated Bank project includes a gas pricing reform Sichuan Gas Development program which will encourage efficiency and conservation in gas and Conservation Project consumption in the future. China This project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by adapting high World Bank 12/96 Efficient Industrial efficiency foreign technologies to local conditions for small and medium- Hale 32.8 Boilers sized, coal-fired industrial boilers. To assist the dissemination and effective use of efficient technologies, the project will also strengthen Active 101.4 Chongqing Industrial China's industrial-boiler engineering, operations, production Reform management and marketing capabilities, and improve boiler technology exchange domestically. As long-term measures for barrier removal, the project will support related technical and policy studies, public awareness/information dissemination, and strengthened environmental standards for the industrial boiler sector. Indonesia This project will catalyze the penetration of private sector, grid-based World Bank 06/97 Renewable Energy renewable energy projects into the National Power Company's (PLN) Sanghvi 4.0 Small Power Project network within the framework of a least-cost electrification strategy. An (RESPP) identified pipeline of about 75 MW of small renewable projects, Active 141.0 primarily biomass, sugar and palm oil mills, and some mini-hydro, will Renewable Energy Small be targeted by the project. Technical assistance will be provided to Private Power private project developers, as well as to the Directorate General of Electricity and Energy Development (DGEED) to collect and disseminate renewable energy resource information. Indonesia The project will catalyze market acceptance of Solar PV Home Systems World Bank 01/97 Solar Home Systems within the framework of a least-cost rural electrification strategy, relying Sanghvi 24.3 (SHS) on private sector delivery/installation systems. The project will support the installation of about 200,000 such systems in up to 4 regional Active 118.1 Solar Home Systems markets. The project will also develop a strategy and corresponding action plan to meet the modem energy needs of the rural population for whom solar PV systems represent the least-cost alternative. Project activities will strengthen the capacity of the Indonesian Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) to promote solar PV systems. * Amounts in US$ millions 55 Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Country/Project/ Implementing Agency Bank Approval Associated Task Manager GEF Grant* Bank Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cost* Philippines Project seeks to assist in meeting the rapidly increasing demand for World Bank 05/94 Leyte-Luzon electrical power using technology that substantially reduces greenhouse Farhandi 30.0 Geothermal gas (GHG) emissions. The National Power Corporation (NPC) components of the project include the interconnection of electrical power Active 1,333.6 Leyte/Luzon Geothermal systems of Leyte and Luzon Islands and the strengthening of the Project environmental and social engineering departments of NPC. The Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC) components of the project include the construction and operation of a 440 MW geothermal electric generation plant under a BOT contract, reinjection of waste gases to further reduce GHG emissions, and connection of the power station to the national grid. Thailand Project comprises a five year demand side management plan, which World Bank 04/93 Promotion of Electricity seeks to build institutional capability in the Thai electric power sector Mehta 95 Energy Efficiency and throughout the economy. Will pursue policies and actions leading to the development, manufacturing, and adoption of energy efficient Active 89.0 Distribution System & equipment and processes. Project will demonstrate potential savings, Energy Efficiency Project both financial and environmental, from reducing the use of fossil fuels for electricity production and will demonstrate the potential of the electric power sector to achieve these savings. International Waters China This project combines GEF, IDA and local financing to reduce pollution World Bank 05/92 Ship Waste Disposal in international and territorial waters caused by ship wastes. It provides Tsutsumi 30.0 technical and financial assistance to the Government of China and six port authorities, selected as models, for the construction and/or Completed 64.8 Ship Waste Disposal rehabilitation and expansion of ship waste disposal facilities. The project Project includes both national and individual port components. EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA Biodiversity Belarus This project aims at conservation planning and research outreach World Bank 09/92 Biodiversity Protection programs for the Belovezhskaya Forest, Berezinsky and Pripiatsky Stephenson 1.0 Reserves. It complements the Poland Forest Biodiversity project. Completed 1.3 Czech Republic This project protects ecosystem biodiversity in three representative World Bank 10/93 Biodiversity Protection ecosystems (zones containing alpine meadows, lowland forests and Battaglini 2.0 wetlands), and supports the activity of three transnational biodiversity protection networks. It also introduces user fees and related charges for Active 2.8 visitors and concessions in order to manage the areas in a financially sustainable manner and within their carrying capacity. Romania The project aims to protect the Romanian Delta ecosystem and contribute World Bank 07/94 Danube Delta to the conservation of biodiversity within the Delta. It will strengthen Luca 4.5 Biodiversity institutional capacity to monitor and manage protected areas effectively, work with local community groups to ensure sustainable resource use and Active 4.8 restore some wetlands to their natural condition by testing various approaches and monitoring their impact. * Amounts in US$ millions 56 Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Country/Project/ Implementing Agency Bank Approval Associated Task Manager GEF Grant* Bank Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cost* Russian Federation This project consists of three components: (i) National Strategic World Bank 05/96 Biodiversity Overview (formulation of a national biodiversity strategy, establishment Bond 20.1 Conservation of a biodiversity database/information system, and preparation of guidelines on economic evaluation of biodiversity investments and Active 26.0 Environmental policies); (ii) Nature Protection (institutional support, training, Management Project immediate assistance to critical PAs, and model ecotourism projects); and (iii) Integrated Regional Development/Natural Resource Management in the Lake Baikal Region. Slovak Republic This project in the Morava floodplain, Tatras forests, and Eastern World Bank 09/93 Biodiversity Protection Carpathians is developing management techniques for a biodiversity Battaglini 2.3 protection program, a conservation program to develop revenue generation mechanisms for the protected area system, and a program to Active 3.2 provide support for project management coordination at the national level and at the three selected zones. Innovative features include an environmental NGO small grants program, and the development of a tri- national trans-border trust to maintain the coordinated management of the international biosphere reserve in Eastern Carpathians. Turkey This project will identify and establish in-situ conservation areas for the World Bank 02/93 In-Situ Conservation of protection of genetic resources and wild relatives of important crops and D a Genetic Biodiversity forest tree species that originated in Turkey, providing for sustainable in- situ conservation of genetic resources in cereals, horticultural crops, Active 5.7 Eastern Anatolia medicinal plants, forest trees, and pasture grasses and legumes through Watershed Rehab. Project an integrated ecosystem approach. Project components include site surveys and inventories, gene management zones (GMZ), data management, a national plan for in-situ conservation, and institutional strengthening. Ukraine Part of the tri-country Transcarpathian Network, the project supports a World Bank 07/93 Transcarpathian biodiversity protection program (inventory, genetic studies, GIS critical Stephenson 5 Biodiversity Protection habitat analysis), a resources management program to enable coordinated management of the discontinuous reserved areas of the Carpathians Completed .6 Biosphere Reserve, and training and institutional strengthening programs. Ukraine This project aims to protect the Ukrainian Delta ecosystem and World Bank 06/94 Danube Delta contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in the Delta. It will Stephenson 1.5 Biodiversity strengthen institutional capacity to manage protected areas effectively, working with local community groups to ensure sustainable resource use, Active 1.7 and restoring some wetlands to their natural condition. The project complements the Romanian Danube Delta project. Climate Change Hungary To overcome critical financing barriers to investments in energy IFC 03/97 Energy-Efficiency Co- efficiency (EE) in Hungary and to promote local EE markets and 5.0 FtInancing Program capacity, the project will create an EE co-financing program to facilitate and leverage private sector capital (including domestic bank capital and Active 25.0 credit lines with international financial institutions) for EE investments. In addition to technical assistance, it will provide partial credit guarantees, whereby funds would be reserved to cover the guarantee liability, and medium- to long-term co-financing loans, targeting three subsectors: lighting, district heating and industrial motors and processes. The project will reduce credit risk on EE financing for eligible local financial intermediaries, facilitate longer term financing terms, provide targeted technical assistance, and reduce transaction costs bome by project participants. * Amounts in US$ millions 57 Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Country/Project/ Implementing Agency Bank Approva Associated Task Manager GEF Grant* Bank Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cosl Lithuania This project helps to finance construction of a demonstration geothermal World Bank 05/96 Klaipeda Geothermal plant to provide hot water to the Klaipeda district heating system, as well Halldin 6.9 Demonstration as modifications to the heating system to render it compatible with geothermally heated water. It will reduce annual C02 emissions by an Active 18.0 Klaipeda Geothermal estimated 56,000 tons, and reduce S02, NOx and TPM emissions Demonstration Project significantly too. Poland Through the IFC, direct subsidies have been competitively awarded to IFC 06/95 Efficient Lighting domestic manufacturers of qualified compact fluorescent lighting 5.0 Project (PELP) (CFLs). Manufacturers and wholesalers will be required to pass on full savings on to retailers, who will apply a standard percentage-based mark- Completed 5.0 up, passing savings on to consumers. This has sparked demand for CFLs in Poland, demonstrating the financial and commercial benefits of energy- efficient lighting and resulting in large power savings and reduced emissions from coal-fired generation plants. Poland The project expects to demonstrate interfuel substitution and World Bank 11/94 Coal-to-Gas Project technological innovation as a means of reducing C02 emissions. GEF Benmessaoud 25.0 funds will be used to extend coal-to-gas conversions to medium-size boilers whose owners could not achieve acceptable financial rates of Active 48.3 Environment Management return without concessional financing. Project Russian Federation This project will develop analytical techniques for identifying and World Bank 12/95 Greenhouse Gas quantifying the principal sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the Stugins 3.2 Reduction production, transport and utilization of natural gas. It will also develop methodologies for ranking the most cost-effective projects for reducing Active 130.9 Gas Distribution GHG emissions, define the criteria for asessing eligibility and Rehabilitation & Energy incremental costs, and strengthen the institutional structures and the technical capabilities required to apply the techniques in planning and implementation. Ozone Depletion Belarus This project will phaseout direct annual consumption of at least 806 World Bank 05/97 Phaseout of Ozone- metric tons of weighted ozone-depleting substance potential, or about 6.9 Depleting Substances 77% of Belarus' 1994 weighted consumption, through phaseout of CFCs in three refrigeration manufacturing and servicing subprojects, and five Active 15.7 subprojects in the solvent industry. In addition, it will support a small program in technology transfer and training for the fire protection sector, and a national ODS Phaseout unit. Bulgaria Sixty-five percent of Bulgaria's 1993, annual, weighted ozone-depleting World Bank 11/95 Ozone Depleting substance consumption will be phased out (468 metric tons ODP) Sarkar 10.5 Substances Phase-out through sub-projects in the refrigeration, foam-blowing and solvents sectors. A recycling and servicing component will phase out further Active 13.5 ozone-depleting substances already in use in refrigerator, and a third component will strengthen the national Phase-out Task Force. Czech Republic The project eliminated production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the World Bank 08/94 Phaseout of Ozone Czech Republic (approx. 2000 tons ODP annually in the early 1990s). It Battaglini Depleting Substances established a national refrigerant recovery/ reclamation/recycling (3R) program. It phased out CFCs in certain commercial, industrial and Active 4.1 transport refrigeration systems, as well as introduced low and non-ozone- depleting foam technologies. An estimated 390 metric tons ODP was scheduled for phase-out. * Amounts in US$ millions 58 Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Country/Project/ Implementing Agency Bank Approval Associated Task Manager GEF Grant* Bank Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cost* Hungary Over half of Hungary's 1993, annual, weighted ozone-depleting World Bank 11/95 Phaseout of Ozone substance consumption will be phased out (approx. 1150 metric tons Kiss 6.9 Depleting Substances ODP) through 13 subprojects in the solvents, foam, aerosol, halon and refrigeration sectors, and through a recovery, recycling and reclamation Active 8.4 component. Poland This project will phaseout direct annual consumption of at least 1054 World Bank 03/97 Phaseout of Ozone metric tons of weighted ozone-depleting substance potential, or about 62 Depleting Substances 55% of Poland's 1994 weighted consumption, through phaseout of CFCs in three refrigeration subprojects, two subprojects in other industries Active 20.2 requiring foam-blowing, and one subproject in the medical aerosol industry. In addition, it will partially fund a non-profit foundation, Prozon, that will collect and process used refrigerants, primarily CFC- 12. Finally, it will support both training in alternatives to halons in fire protection systems, and a national ODS Phaseout project management unit. Russian Federation The first of three groups of sub-projects in the GEF-supported Russian World Bank 05/96 Ozone Depleting ODS Phaseout Program, this project will eliminate annual consumption Batstone 8.6 Substance Consumption of approximately 2573 metric tons of weighted, ozone-depleting Phase-out (first tranche) substance potential, or about 5% of Russia's 1992 weighted Active 21.3 consumption, through (a) replacing CFC propellant with hydrocarbon aerosol propellant in a major spray-products enterprise and (b) replacing CFC-12 with a propane/butane mixture in a refrigeration products enterprise. Slovak Republic This project will eliminate annual consumption of 280 metric tons of IFC 06/96 Ozone Depleting weighted, ozone-depleting substance potential (23% of 1991, annual Widge 3.5 Substances Reduction weighted consumption) through phasing out the use of chlorofluorocarbons in two Slovakian refrigeration/freezer enterprises. Active 6.0 Slovenia This project will phase out approximately 36% (345 metric tons ODP) of World Bank 11/95 Phaseout of Ozone Slovenia's 1993, annual, weighted ozone-depleting substance potential Kiss 6.2 Depleting Substances through six subprojects in the refrigeration, foams, aerosol and solvent sectors. Active 9.7 GLOBAL Multiple Focal Areas Global This pilot program is designed to stimulate greater involvement of IFC 12/95 Small and Medium private, small and medium scale enterprises (SME) in GEF-eligible 43 Scale Enterprise activities. It on-lends GEF grant funds to carefully screened financial Program (pilot phase) intermediaries at long-term low interest rates. The intermediaries commit Active 19.5 to use the funds to finance GEF-eligible small and medium scale enterprise projects, via either debt or equity investments. The Program allows the intermediaries to fund long-term loans or equity investments in relatively high-risk, experimental SME projects. * Amounts in US$ millions 59 Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Country/Project/ Implementing Agency Bank Approv.e Associated Task Manager GEF Grant* Bank Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cos Global Building on the lessons learned from the pilot phase, this program is IFC 05/97 Small and Medium designed to stimulate greater involvement of private, small and medium 165 Scale Enterprise scale enterprises (SME) in GEF-eligible activities. It on-lends GEF grant Program funds to carefully screened financial intermediaries at long-term low Active 52.5 (replenishment) interest rates. The intermediaries commit to use the funds to finance GEF-eligible small and medium scale enterprise projects, either with debt or equity investments. The Program allows the intermediaries to fund long-term loans or equity investments in relatively high-risk, experimental SME projects where normally suitably priced capital is lacking. LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN Biodiversity Bolivia This project will protect representative samples of diverse and threatened World Bank 11/92 Biodiversity ecosystems, and strengthen the government's institutional capacity to 4.5 Conservation protect Bolivian biodiversity. Specific components of the project include support for the organization, implementation and follow-up of a National Active 8. System of Protected Areas (SNAP) and the establishment of new priority protected areas. In addition, the project will include the development of alternative management systems for the protection of natural resources in buffer zones, the development of monitoring and evaluation systems, and adminstrative support. Brazil The project (PROBIO), to be managed by the Ministry of the World Bank 04/96 National Biodiversity Environment (MMA), will consist of (1) a series of workshops to set Ros Filho 10.0 Project biome-level priorities for biodiversity conservation and development of a national biodiversity strategy, (2) establishment of a national biodiversity Active 20.0 National Environment information network, and (3) funding of model biodiversity projects Project involving various combinations of public and private sector organizations. This project was developed in tandem with the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund project (FUNBIO), and strategic guidance from the biome-level workshops will help prioritize FUNBIO activities. Brazil The project will help establish the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund World Bank 04/96 Brazilian Biodiversity (FUNBIO), to be managed by the Getulio Vargas Foundation, a private Ros Filho 20.0 Fund non-profit organization. An independent Board, composed of representatives from the private sector, the conservation community, Active 25.0 National Environment academia and government, has been appointed and will be responsible Project for FUNBIO operational and investment policy. FUNBIO is a sinking fund with a minimum contribution target of $25 million, to be provided by GEF, the private sector, NGOs, the public sector and research institutions. The fund will provide modest long-term financing for projects consistent with biome-level priorities identified in the MMA- managed workshops in the National Biodiversity Project. * Amounts in US$ millions 60 Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Country/Project/ Implementing Agency Bank Approval Associated Task Manager GEF Grant* Bank Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cost* Ecuador Support for the restructuring and strengthening of the institutional World Bank 05/94 Biodiversity Protection capacity, regulatory and legal framework for adequate management of the Plaza 7.2 National System of Protected Areas (NSPA). Project activities will focus on (i) institutional strengthening of the Ecuadorean Institute of Forestry, Active 8.8 Natural Areas and Wildlife (INEFAN) in managing the NSPA; (ii) creation of an improved legal and regulatory framework; (iii) outreach activities to local communities, involving them in management plan development for protected areas; and (iv) investment activities for civil works and infrastructure in eight priority protected areas based on participatory management plans developed with project support. Mexico The project supports selected conservation activities on the basis of World Bank 03/92 Protected Areas detailed management plans for ten protected area sites. The development Constantino 25.0 Program and supervi-sion of management plans will be guided by Technical Advisory Committees, composed of representatives of local communities, Active 42.2 Mexico Environmental non-governmental organizations, local governments and other Project stakeholders. An ecotourism plan will be prepared and implemented in one of the protected area sites on a pilot basis, for potential replication in other areas. An endowment fund will be established to provide stable long-term financing for basic protection and conservation activities in and around the 10 protected areas. Nicaragua The ABC project promotes the long-term integrity of a Biological World Bank 06/97 Atlantic Biodiversity Corridor along Nicaragua's Atlantic slope. It will support preparation 71 Corridor and implementation of protected area management plans for the Corridor, and will fund subprojects in direct support of biodiversity conservation in Active 21.5 Rural Municipalities the Corridor. It will assist local indigenous communities in demarcating Project their territories that abut biologically important zones. The project includes capacity-building and public awareness in protection and sustainable use of biodiversity for indigenous and non-indigenous communities in the region, as well as for municipal & regional authorities. It will support land use planning in the Corridor, a biodiversity monitoring system, and an impact assessment system for development activities as well as means to enforce mitigating measures. These activities will be closely coordinated with traditional community development activities in the Corridor supported by the associated IDA Credit. Peru The GET will provide seed money for the Trust Fund for Conservation of World Bank 03/95 National Trust Fund for Peru's Parks and Protected Areas (FONANPE). Annual revenue from the Alderman 5.0 Protected Areas trust will finance management activities -- including training, management plans, operational costs, salaries, awareness programs and Active 7.9 buffer zone alternative livelihood activities -- for three key protected areas: Manu National Park and Biosphere Reserve, Noroeste Biosphere Reserve and Rio Abiseo National Park. As the fund grows through outside contributions, additional protected areas will receive support. GTZ is providing parallel financing to support the National Institute of Natural Resources (INRENA) and recurrent expenses of FONANPE's administrative agency, PROFONANPE, during 1995. The GTZ parallel grant also finances development of a master plan for all Peruvian protected areas and a 2-year NGO small grants program for sustainable, integrated conservation and development projects. * Amounts in US$ millions 61 Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Country/Project/ Implementing Agency Bank Approv Associated Task Manager GEF Grant* Bank Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cos Climate Change Regional (Caribbean) The project will support Caribbean countries in preparing to cope with World Bank 03/97 adverse effects of climate change, and particularly sea level rise. It will Alderman Adaptation to Climate (i) strengthen the regional capacity to monitor and analyze sea-level Change dynamics and trends; (ii) identify areas particularly vulnerable to the Active 6.3 adverse effects of climate change; (iii) develop an integrated management and planning framework for cost-effective response and adaptation to climate change in coastal and marine areas; (iv) provide training and institutional strengthening to enhance regional and national capacities for preparing for climate change; (v) identify and assess policy options (protection, retreat, accommodation) and instruments that would initiate long-term adaptation to climate change; and (vi) assist information sharing. Jamaica Strengthening of the institutional capabilities of Jamaica Public Service World Bank 03/94 Demand Side Company (JPSCo), and implementation of an integrated approach to 38 Management energy conservation. JPSCo. will acquire the necessary information and Demonstration data to develop sustainable programs that overcome market barriers to Active 12.5 energy conservation. Mechanisms to address these barriers will be tested, and evaluation results will be used to design full scale sustainable long-term energy efficiency programs. The project will demonstrate the viability of energy savings and efficiency in the commercial, residential and industrial sectors and the long-term sustainability of retrofitting. Mexico The project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as local World Bank 03/94 High Efficiency environmental contamination through the replacement of incandescent Cosenza 10.0 Lighting Pilot bulbs with fluorescent light bulbs in two major markets: Guadalajara and Monterrey. Project will also work to increase institutional capacity for Active 23.0 technological change and energy conservation, and strengthen the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and its capacity to practice demand side management on a sustainable basis. International Waters Regional (Org. of Project will assist OECS governments in reducing pollution of World Bank 05/95 Eastern Caribbean States) international and territorial waters caused by the discharge of ship- Ship-Generated Waste generated solid wastes by supporting appropriate actions aimed at Dabbagh 12.5 Management improving collection, treatment and disposal of these wastes. Project includes national components consisting of the establishment of port- Active 50.5 OECS Solid Waste waste reception facilities and incremental expansion of landfill sites to Management Project handle ship-generated wastes, together with a regional component comprised of support activities and technical assistance for project management, training and education, establishment of common legal framework for ship waste management, recycling possibilities and public awareness programs. Project activities will also protect critical habitat for the endangered Grenada dove. * Amounts in US$ millions 62 Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Country/Project/ Implementing Agency Bank Approval Associated Task Manager GEF Grant* Bank Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cost* Regional (Wider Project activities will lay the foundation for countries in the Wider World Bank 06/94 Caribbean) Caribbean Region to ratify and implement the MARPOL 73/78 Wider Caribbean Convention, ending discharge of ship-generated wastes into international Dabbagh Initiative for Ship- and territorial waters. Technical assistance will be provided for studies Generated Waste leading to a regional strategy for the implemenation of MARPOL 73/78, Active 55 assessment of existing waste management systems, formulation of criteria for waste reception facilities at ports, development of integrated waste management alternatives, and public awareness programs. The project will also support periodic regional consultative meetings to reach consensus on different elements of a regional MARPOL strategy. MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA Biodiversity Algeria The project will develop and implement a management plan for the World Bank 04/94 El Kala National Park National Park and wetland complex in the El Tarf Wilaya, including Msellati 9.2 and Wetlands undertaking base-line studies, protected area management, natural Management resource use development, monitoring and adaptive research, Active 11.6 environmental education, institutional strengthening and establishing a conservation fund for NGOs and other local environmental groups. Egypt The project will support the development and implementation of policies, World Bank 11/92 Red Sea Coastal and plans and regulations that ensure that economic development in the Red Graham Marine Resource Sea is consistent with sound environmental management to protect the 48 Management shared marine resources of the Red Sea coastal zone. Project Active 5.7 e Tcomponents include institutional strengthening, development of public- Private Sector Tounism private partnerships to ensure sustainable environmental management, Infrastructure & data analysis and system monitoring. Climate Chanqe Iran The study will identify least-cost short and long-term options for World Bank 10/93 Teheran Transport reducing vehicular emissions in Tehran, based on an analysis of policy Archambault 2.0 Emissions Reduction and technology constraints, and will suggest specific actions which could be taken to overcome those constraints. Completed 4.0 Morocco Repowering of an existing plant with a second generation advanced World Bank 09/94 Repowering of Power combustion turbine, together with improvements in the quality of the Lareu 6.0 Plant materials and enhancement of the scheme's performance in the power generating system of Morocco. Close monitoring of the project's impact Active 45.7 and careful analysis of the findings will help determine its wider applicability for use throughout the country. Tunisia The project will promote the commercialization of solar water heating World Bank 11/94 Solar Water Heating technology in the residential and tertiary sectors by conditioning the Savorelli 4.0 market for sustained penetration of the technology as a least-cost alternative under competitive market conditions. Active 20.9 * Amounts in US$ millions 63 Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Country/Project/ Implementing Agency Bank Approve Associated Task Manager GEF Grant* Bank Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cos SOUTH ASIA Biodiversity Bhutan The trust fund provides reliable recurrent funding for the establishment World Bank 05/92 Trust Fund for and management of a national system of protected areas, and Mott 10.0 Environmental development of the institutional and human resource capacities needed to Conservation manage the national system. This project is testing the feasibility of a Active 17.6 trust fund mechanism for providing long-term, sustainable finance for biological conservation programs in the protected areas. India Project integrates conservation & development objectives in 7 threatened, World Bank 09/96 Ecodevelopment priority sites representative of India's varied ecosystems. It supports Mott 20.0 improved protected area management, emphasizing joint management with local communities; the design and financing of village development Active 67.0 Ecodevelopment Project plans and agreements that address the negative interactions of local communities on biodiversity and vice-versa; and research (biological and policy), education, and institution-building to improve knowledge of, and support and capacity for, ecodevelopment and conservation activities. Climate Change India Project promotes and commercializes investment in wind farms and solar World Bank 11/92 Alternate Energy photovoltaic power systems through the provision of below-market loans Manzo 26.0 to investors in these systems, primarily from the private sector. Popularizes renewable technologies through public education programs Active 186.0 Renewable Resource that explain their functions and capacity. Implementation is overseen by Management Project the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency, which is benefitting from capacity-building assistance. Sri Lanka This project will encourage participation of the private sector, NGOs and World Bank 03/97 Energy' Services cooperatives in the provision grid and off-grid energy services, and Schaffer 5.9 Delivery strengthen the public and private institutional capacity to deliver energy services through renewable energy technologies and demand-side Active 55.3 Energy Services Delivery management (DSM). Its specific components will be (a) a private sector Project renewable energy fund to support pre-grid, PV electrification, mini-hydro schemes and other renewable energy sources; (b) a pilot grid-connected wind farm (3MW); and (c) technical assistance for the use of renewable energy in residential and commercial sectors, for the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) to prepare a DSM action plan and a National Renewable Energy Strategy, for CEB to facilitate small private power investments and pre-electrification, and for management of the renewable energy fund. 64 * Amounts in US$ millions Global Environment Facility Investment Work Program Country/Project/ Implementing Agency Bank Approval Associated Task Manager GEF Grant* Bank Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cost* International Waters Regional (Algeria, The project aims to: (a) reduce the input of hydrocarbons into the World Bank 04/94 Morocco, Tunisia) international waters of the Mediterranean; (b) ensure commonality of Oil Pollution approach, regulatory policies, and methodologies; (c) promote exchange Ben-Slimane 18.3 Management Project of information and coordination of implementation; (d) utilize national for the Southwest data sets to assess long term regional trends in marine pollution, both for Active 20.0 Mediterranean Sea national coastal waters and for adjacent international waters; (e) enhance the national monitoring capability; and (F) develop a coastal environmental management framework. Regional (Algeria, The project alms to: (a) reduce the input of hydrocarbons into the World Bank 04/94 Morocco, Tunisia) international waters of the Mediterranean; (b) ensure commonality of Oil Pollution approach, regulatory policies, and methodologies; (c) promote exchange Ben-SIimane 18.3 Management Project of information and coordination of implementation; (d) utilize national for the Southwest data sets to assess long term regional trends in marine pollution, both for Active 20.0 Mediterranean Sea national coastal waters and for adjacent international waters; (e) enhance Tuniia Fsheres H the national monitoring capability; and (F) develop a coastal Tunisa Fiheris 11 environmental management framework. Regional (Algeria, The project aims to: (a) reduce the input of hydrocarbons into the World Bank 04/94 Morocco, Tunisia) international waters of the Mediterranean; (b) ensure commonality of Oil Pollution approach, regulatory policies, and methodologies; (c) promote exchange Ben-Stimane 18.3 Management Project of information and coordination of implementation; (d) utilize national for the Southwest data sets to assess long term regional trends in marine pollution, both for Active 20.0 Mediterranean Sea national coastal waters and for adjacent international waters; (e) enhance the national monitoring capability; and (F) develop a coastal environmental management framework. Jordan As part of the regional Environmental Action Plan for the Gulf of Aqaba, World Bank 06/96 othe project will (a) develop regional collaborative mechanisms for Glineur Environmental Action strengthening the capacity to protect coastal zone and marine Plan biodiversity; (b) develop and enforce the legal framework and regulations Active 12.7 for control of transoundary pollution; (c) provide safeguards against oil pollution; (d) establish and implement guidelines for sustainable development of the coastal zone; (e) assess the effects of wastewater seepage on the quality and level of the trans;oundary water table; (f) implement a plan to control solid waste impacts on marine and coastal waters; and (g) demarcate and manage a marine protected area. thAmounts in US$ millions 65 World Bank-Global Environment Facility EnablingActivities for Biodivers Implementing Agency Bank Approval Country/ Task Manager GEF Grant* Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cost AFRICA Biodiversit' Eritrea Formulate strategies and actions necessary for the protection and World Bank 10/96 Biodiversity Strategy, sustainable use of Eritrea' s biodiversity, as well as prepare a plan for their Dewees .275 Action Plan and implementation. The primary product will be a BSAP. In addition, National Report to the Eritrea's first national report will be prepared. Active .275 Conference of the Parties Kenya Formulate strategies and actions necessary for the protection and World Bank/UNEP 04/97 Biodiversity Strategy, sustainable use of Kenya's biodiversity, as well as prepare a plan for their Dewees 157 Action Plan and implementation. The primary product will be a BSAP. In addition, National Report to the Kenya's first national report will be prepared. Active .157 Conference of the Parties EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA Biodiversity Albania Formulate strategies and actions necessary for the protection and World Bank 07/96 Biodiversity Strategy, sustainable use of Albania's biodiversity, as well as prepare a plan for Stewart 096 Action Plan and their implementation. The primary product will be a BSAP. In addition, National Report to the Albania's first national report will be prepared. Active .096 Conference of the Parties Croatia Formulate strategies and actions necessary for the protection and World Bank 02/97 Biodiversity Strategy, sustainable use of Croatia's biodiversity, as well as prepare a plan for Brylski 102 Action Plan and their implementation. The primary product will be a BSAP. In addition, National Report to the Croatia's first national report will be prepared. Active .102 Conference of the Parties Georgia Formulate strategies and actions necessary for the protection and World Bank 07/96 Biodiversity Strategy, sustainable use of Georgia's biodiversity, as well as prepare a plan for Brylski 120 Action Plan and their implementation. The primary product will be a BSAP. In addition, National Report to the Georgia's first national report will be prepared. Active .120 Conference of the Parties Kyrgyzstan Formulate strategies and actions necessary for the protection and World Bank 04/97 Btodiversity Strategy, sustainable use of the Kyrgyz Republic's biodiversity, as well as prepare a Mundy 108 Action Plan and plan for their implementation. The primary product will be a BSAP. In National Report to the addition, the Kyrgyz Republic's first national report will be prepared. Active .108 Conference of the Parties * Amounts in US$ millions 66 World Bank-Global Environment Facility EnablingActivities for Biodiversity Implementing Agency Bank Approval Country/ Task Manager GEF Grant* Project Project Description Project Status Total Project Cost* Lithuania Formulate strategies and actions necessary for the protection and World Bank 07/96 Biodiversity Strategy, sustainable use of Lithuania's biodiversity, as well as prepare a plan for Brylski 070 Action Plan and their implementation. The primary product will be a BSAP. In addition, National Report to the Lithuania's first national report will be prepared. Active .070 Conference of the Parties Slovak Republic Formulate strategies and actions necessary for the protection and World Bank 11/96 Biodiversity Strategy, sustainable use of the Slovak Republic's biodiversity, as well as prepare a Brylski .077 Action Plan and plan for their implementation. The primary product will be a BSAP. In National Report to the addition, the Slovak Republic's first national report will be prepared. Active .077 Conference of the Parties Ukraine Formulate strategies and actions necessary for the protection and World Bank 01/97 Biodiversity Strategy, sustainable use of Ukraine's biodiversity, as well as prepare a plan for Brylski .112 Action Plan and their implementation. The primary product will be a BSAP. In addition, National Report to the Ukraine's first national report will be prepared. Active .112 Conference of the Parties MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA Biodiversit, Tunisia Formulate strategies and actions necessary for the protection and World Bank 08/96 Biodiversity Strategy, sustainable use of Tunisia's biodiversity, as well as prepare a plan for Cabal .089 Action Plan and their implementation. The primary product will be a BSAP. In addition, National Report to the Tunisia's first national report will be prepared. Active .089 Conference of the Parties * Amounts in US$ millions 67 e Montreal Protocol Projects to Protect the Ozone Layer The following table presents the World Bank's Multilateral Fund-supported investment operations including project preparation activities from July 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997 administered by recipient governments. The Bank, as an implementing agency of the Multilateral Fund for Implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer, assists developing countries in complying with the treaty's controls on production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS). The table subdivides the World Bank ODS phaseout projects by region and country with information on the amount of funds which have been allocated to over 460 individual subprojects (not listed) being carried out under these projects. Each region has a program coordinator whose name is listed at the top of the page. The table also lists the amount of ODS (in terms of substances weighted ozone-depletion potential: its 'ODP') which will be phased out with approved funds, ODP phased out to date, funds disbursed to date and the status of project implementation. In many cases subproject activities have proceeded prior to funding availability. To date more than 7,000 tons of ODS have been phased out through these efforts. 69  Approved ODP** ODP** Funding* Disbursement to be Phased Main Project Name (US$) (US$) Phased Out Out Status of Implementation Africa Zimbabwe ODS I 616,713 32 East Asia and the Pacific China ODS IV 100,000,000 ODS Project 1 8,020,219 6,887,418 15,400 7,150 Implementation of five subprojects complete or near completion. Grant closing extended until 6/97. ODS Project 11 (50% CFC Foam) 4,869,781 4,236,878 400 780 Eight subprojects are completed. Final subprojects will be completed in 1996. Disbursement of operation costs will begin soon. and awaiting government confirmation of completion. Three additional projects will be completed in 1Q1996. The procurement issues have delayed implemenation of the final subproject. Closing extended until 6/30/97 ODS Project 111 66,471.810 19,827,020 14,402 1,250 The S90 million umbrella grant agreement became effective on Nov. 30. 1995. Over twenty appraisals have been approved by the Bank and project implementation is underway. Disbursement has begun. Bank and Chinese Government reached agreement on subgrant agreement in March 1996. All subgrant agreements will be signed in 1996. PPA I for ODS I and ODS II PPA I is complete. These funds were used to support implementation of the China ODS Projects I and II. No money was allocated. however $600.000 from ODS II and $900,000 from ODS I was usea. PPA II for ODS III 300,000 300,000 Project preparation activities are complete. In addition, a sector-wide phaseout strategy for the commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning sector was prepared (12,500 tons of CFCs). PPA III for ODS III 240,000 320,000 Project preparation activities are complete, including many proposals and six sector phaseout strategies. 26 foam projects. to be implemented by UNDP and the Bank, were prepared following tirst two workshops. PPA-IV 250,000 200,000 Complete. Funds to be disbursed retroactively. ODP: Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) is the relative ozone-depleting effect of 1kg of a chemical compared to 1kg of CFC- 11. 71 Approved ODP** ODP** Funding* Disbursement to be Phased Main Project Name (US$) (US$) Phased Out Out Status of Implementation PPA-V-Halon Sector Strategy 100,000 50,000 Project preparation proceeding on schedule. Funds will be disbursed retroactively. Indonesia ODS Project 1 15,509,190 4,323,702 2,991 2,937 Subprojects are being implemented under a $17 million umbrella grant agreement. Most appraisals complete. 15 subgrant agreements signed. Subproject implementation underway. PPA II 170,000 170,000 Completed. PPA 1 250,000 250,000 Project preparation activites are complete. 14 subproject proposals were prepared. Malaysia ODS Investment Project I 9,075,583 2,976,906 923 458 US$20 million unbrella grant became effective in January 1996. One subproject is complete and others are under implementation. ODS Recycling Project 1,630,000 1,239,267 1,270 370 Implementation of the MAC recycle subproject is complete and the halon recycling subproject is underway. Philippines ODS Project 1 11,895,000 7,568,001 883 244 Subproject implementation proceeding under the S30 million umbrella agreement. Disbursements to three subprojects with signed subgrant agreements have begun. Thailand ODS Project 1 16,872,829 8,243,253 1,260 827 The US$40 million umbrella grant agreement is effective. Subproject activity has been initiated by enterprises. The enterprises are finalizing subgrant agreements with the financial agent. Europe and Central Asia Turkey IFC - ODS Project I (Assan Foam) 925,000 690,000 180 Project has been appraised by IFC (which is executing agency on behalf of the Bank). Grant agreement has been signed The equipment specifications have been prepared and the enterprise has initiated procurement and project implementation. First disbursement to enterprise expected shortly. ODS Project I 6,165,000 6,095,622 754 755 Project under implementation. Most components are well advanced and close to completion. Substantial ODS phaseout has been achieved. * ODP: Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) is the relative ozone-depleting ettect of Ikg of a chemical compared to 1kg of CFC-1 1. 72 Approved ODP** ODP** Funding* Disbursement to be Phased Main Project Name (US$) (TJS$) Phased Out Out Status of Implementation ODS Project II 4.090.899 2,969,651 535 426 The US$20 million umbrella grant agreement for this project has been signed and all projects are now under active implementation. Disbursements are underway. Tek-lz - 1FC Project 729,650 600.000 155 ,atin America and the Caribbean Ar:jeina ODS Project 1 21,868,345 891,129 700 Grant Agreement signed Jan 9, 1997. Effectiveness expected by March 1997. Preparation of new subprojects will begin after implementation bottlenecks have been removed. Brazil ODS Project 1 7.877,567 3,752,401 1,593 270 Subprojects are being implemented under US$10.9 million umbrella agreement. Chile ODS Project I 2.320,576 1,189,124 238 109 Phase I will be completed and evaluated by Jun 1997. Auction for Part I of Phase II planned for 2Q 1997. Funds for Part 2 of Phase II will be requested in 1Q 1998 Ecuador ODS Project 1 1.566,000 1,031,019 341 629 The subprojects have been completed on schedule. Mexico MAC Recycling and Aerosols 53,792 53,791 36 The project consist of two components: CFC- 12 Recycling (42%) and Aerosol Manufacturing Safety (58%). ODS Project I (Ozone Protection Policy) 4,000,005 4,000,000 553 525 Subprojects are being developed and implemented under a US$4 million line-of-grant. Uruguav ODS Project 1 1,260,419 317,271 52 A grant agreement of US$5 million was signed with the Government of Uruguay in June 1995. The Bank is working with the ozone unit in assessing the viability of ODS abatement activities in the air conditioning and commercial refrigeration sectors, including recycling initiatives. Venezuela * ODP: Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) is me relative ozone-depleting effect of lkg of a chemical compared to 1kg of CFC-ll. 73 Approved ODP** ODP** Funding* Disbursement to be Phased Main Project Name (US$) (US$) Phased Out Out Status of Implementation AAISA-MAC 4,422,000 3,040,756 80 The grant agreement is comprised of two subprojects. The legal agreemen was signed in July, 1995, and implementation has begun. Conditions of effectiveness have beer met and AAISA has initiated retroactive expenditure withdrawls. Chiller Retrofits - Clinica Atias 115.000 114,598 4 Agreement with enterprise signed. Implementation underway. Chiller Retrofits - Congreso de la Republica 65,000 0 1 1 Project implementation complete. Chiller Retrofits - Instituto de Previncion Social 69,000 69,000 2 2 Project implementation is complete del Medico resulting in 2.4 ODP phaseout. Chiller Retrofits - Replacement of CFC by HFC- 851,000 0 Project cancelled. 134a as a refrigerant in central air conditioning units FAACA-MAC 3,100,000 2,442,844 90 13 Grant agreement was signed in January 1995. Project implementation is underway. Disbursements are proceeding rapidly. FAACA has already begun to produce HFCl34a serpentine condensors, thereby eliminating 13 tons of CFC-12. ODS Project I -- Plasticos Molanca 1,261,678 1,261,678 259 259 Project is complete and project completion report is on file. The plant production of expanded polystyrene has been shifted to the use of propane-butane. Middle East and North Africa IFC - MCMC Compressor 2,100,000 1,850,000 292 Construction of the factory is complete. The technology transfer issue and general project-related difficulties which have delayed the signing of the grant agreement between the IFC and MCMC have been resolved and the grant agreement was signed in May 1995. The final disbursement will be made shortly after the final supervision mission later this year. US$700,000 grant was returned to fund as foreign- ownership share increased. Jordan * ODP: Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) is the relative ozone-depleting effect of Ikg of a chemical compared to Ikg of CFC-11. 74 Approved ODP** ODP** Funding* Disbursement to be Phased Main Project Name (US$) (US$) Phased Out Out Status of Implementation ODS Project I 1.570,000 893.317 313 All subgrant agreements have been signed and procurement of goods and services has been initiated. This project was initially approved by the EC as a line-of-grant and the entire amount has been committed. Overall progress is satisfactory albeit slower than anticipated. The closing date for the project is fast approaching and appropriate actions will be considered when discussing a possible extension. ODS Project II 1.380.091 230,323 393 This US$3.5 million umbrella agreement was signed in September 1995. The subgrant agreements are now under preparation. Tunisia ODS Project 1 1,780,000 1,070,604 530 30 All subgrant agreements with participating enterprises have been signed. South Asia ODS Project 1 1,252,000 723,518 54 Implementation proceeding satisfactorily. ODS Project II 24.635,486 6,401,197 4,414 646 This US$50 million umbrella grant agreement establishes the framework for procesing a large number of small projects over the next three years. As umbrella agreement not signed until May-95, subprojects approved in '93 and '94 were delayed by up to two years. This lag will no longer be an issue for future approvals. Project preparation under this grant agreement was intially supported through a Project Preparation Advance (PPA). The amount of the PPA was later adjusted to reflect the changing nature of project preparation activities. PPA 70,000 Agreement signed and project preparation activities underway. PPA I - ODS Project 1 175,000 105,708 Activities under this Project Preparation Advance have been halted. The final disbursement is being negotiated with the financial agent. Pakistan ODS Project 1 1,998,242 282 The umbrella agreement under preparation will cover 3 years of ODS phaseout projects in Pakistan. Final grant agreement signature is expected by mid-1996. * ODP: Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) is the relative ozone-depleting effect of Ikg of a chemical compared to Ikg of CFC- I1. 75