75820 Republic of South Sudan: Interim Strategy Note CHAIR’S SUMMING UP ∗ Meeting of the Executive Directors February 28, 2013 Executive Directors discussed the joint IDA/IFC Interim Strategy Note for the Republic of South Sudan for the period of FY13 - FY14 and agreed that it is aligned with the Government’s South Sudan Development Plan (IDA/R2013-0012[IFC/R2013-0018]). Directors commended the ISN’s candor, the analysis carried out in its preparation, and the application of the framework of the 2011 WDR on Conflict, Security and Development. Directors supported the ISN’s proposed strategic clusters to focus on economic management and governance for effective local service delivery and productive employment and livelihoods. While acknowledging the short timeframe of the ISN, they welcomed its ultimate aim to help establish the foundations of effective and transparent institutions. They welcomed the strategy’s focus on building institutional capacity - particularly in the areas of the legal and regulatory framework, procurement, oil revenue management, statistical capacity, and monitoring and evaluation systems – while recognizing the need for immediate gains in delivering key social and economic services. Directors recognized the high macroeconomic and other risks associated with the program, and encouraged close monitoring of the situation in order to adjust the program, as necessary. In this light, they noted that the very fluid environment merited appropriate flexibility, consistent with the Bank’s safeguards and policies. Looking ahead, the potential benefits of increased regional integration were also highlighted. Directors appreciated the proposed approach to address severe gender disparities and highlighted the importance of both lending and knowledge products in this effort. Directors underlined the importance of having clear development objectives and direction and well-developed results frameworks to serve as clear indicators for success. Given the Government’s limited capacity, Directors encouraged the Bank to use its convening power to facilitate donor coordination and harmonization, with the many development partners working in South Sudan. Finally, Directors encouraged the IFC to play an active role to help improve the investment climate, particularly in terms of diversified growth and job opportunities outside the oil sector. ∗ This summary is not an approved record.