GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR UPGRADING ECD CENTERS/CBCC FOR IEY PROJECT 1.0 Introduction Government of Malawi (GoM) through the Department of Nutrition, HIV and AIDS (DNHA) in the Ministry of Health and in collaboration with Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare (MoGCDSW) with support from the International Development Association (IDA) would like to implement the Investing in Early Years (IEY) for Growth and Productivity Project. The project is expected to deal with stunting, under-nutrition, early stimulation and early learning in the early years of the child to improve growth and productivity. The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to increase utilization of key interventions that enhance child development in children from pre-conception to 59 months in project areas. The project will support the upgrading of existing ECD centers in some selected villages. Some centers will require extension, refurbishing and renovation of the existing ECD centers to a standard ECD center. This document presents the Environmental and Social Management plan (ESMP) for the identified impacts of the projects. The ESMP summarizes the identified environmental and social issues and the mitigation measures and strategies against the impacts to ensure that the impacts are minimized, reduced or reversal. The ESMP has also outlined a monitoring plan and key responsibilities and stakeholders responsible for ensuring that the key recommendations and strategies are implemented. 2.0 Background The IEY project (Component 2) focuses on ECD center based early stimulation, care and nutrition interventions. The project interventions in the component are upgrading existing ECD centers/ CBCCs to Model ECD Centers/ CBCCs to benefit children and parents; equipping existing ECD centers/ CBCCs with a standard set of ECD materials to provide care, stimulation, development and protection to children and parents; training of ECD caregivers, mentors, helpers, Center Management Committees (CMC), Parenting Educators/ Home Visitors, ECD workers and Child Caregroup Facilitators (CCGFs); scale up the Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) with technical assistance from Save the Children for wider reach to parents and young children in the target districts; and to design and implement child responsive degrees, diploma and certificate programmes in ECD for Child Development and Social Welfare staff, Child Protection Workers, caregivers, teachers and other extension staff with the university. Caregivers, mentors and parenting educators would benefit from Village Saving Loan (VSL), WASH and social protection interventions that are provided in component 1 (community-based nutrition and early stimulation interventions) of the project. Component 1 will also provide capacity development services, systems development, citizen engagement, coordination and project management services towards early stimulation and development interventions. 3.0 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework The key legislative framework and policies guiding the implementation of this project include the Malawi Constitution, 1969; the National Environmental Policy, 2004; National Land Policy, 2002; National Forestry Policy, 1997 Land Act, 1997 Monuments and Relics Act, 1998 National Decentralization Policy, 2001 National Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and 1998 National Local Government Act, National Gender Policy, 2008. The 1996 Malawi Environment Management Act provides for the protection, environmental management and the conservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources. The 1997 Malawi EIA Guidelines is mandatory for projects that may have adverse environmental impacts, but in the ECD center upgrading project has very minimal environmental impacts. The Land Act (Cap 57.01) governs customary, public and private land, and regulates the use of land including the land that may be affected in 1 the project. Town and Country Planning Act (Cap 23.01) controls development in urban and rural areas, the acquisition of land, and compensation due to use of land, but in the upgrading project the focus on already existing and functional ECD centers. Under the Environment Management Act, the Environmental Affairs Department (EAD) is responsible for the overall coordination of environmental issues in the country, and the structure will be involved in project at all levels. The project will ensure adherence to the National Environment Mental Policy (Cap.69.01) which promotes clean environment in Malawi by ensuring the sustainable utilization of the natural resources, restoration, maintenance and enhancement of the ecological systems and processes essential for the function of the biosphere and the preservation of biological diversity and promote public awareness and participation in the formulation and implementation of the project. The project has also been subjected to the requirements of the World Bank Safeguard Policies. Preliminary screening of the project on safeguards policies was conducted. Results indicate that the project triggered: - Operational Policy 4.01 (Environmental Assessment) which was also been reviewed. According to the agreements between the Government of Malawi and the World Bank, the Malawi implementing agencies will comply with all the Safeguard Policies in the project or activities funded under IEY project, irrespective of whether or not they are being funded in whole or in part by the World Bank, the Government of Malawi or any other donor. 4.0 Screening Objective, Methodology and Activities 4.1 Objectives The objective of this ESMP is reducing/minimizing potential impacts of the project activities, enhancing socio-economic benefits of the project activities, guiding the implementation of mitigation measures and providing early warning of potential environmental and social damages. The document also aimed at reducing cases of child abuse and exploitation and gender based violence because of the project. 4.2 Methodology and Approach A field appraisal and screening was conducted to prepare this ESMP. The purpose of field appraisal and screening process of ECD centers includes: to determine which construction activities are likely to have potential environmental and social impacts; to determine enhancement and appropriate mitigation measures for ECD center activities with positive and adverse impacts; and to monitor environmental parameters during the construction project implementation and their subsequent operation and maintenance. As prescribed by the EIA Guidelines, the MoGCDSW through the District Environmental Officers (DEO) conducted stakeholder consultations in selected ECD centers/ CBCCs. In addition, consultations were held with traditional leaders and government officials in selected districts. The MoG team took cognizance of need to constantly meet with District Environmental Officers to share notes and ideas during the entire period of the project. The field screening process started with desk appraisals of ECD center activities, the current status of the center, land ownership, strategic activities of environmental and social impact. Subsequently, the desk appraisal was followed by field appraisal and screening using the Environmental and Social Screening Form. The screening was administered by trained District Environmental Officers (DEO) members in three sampled ECD centers/ CBCCs in each of the two districts in the Southern, Eastern, Central and Northern Regions of the country. However, screening was done in all 50 ECD centers in each of the 14 districts of Rumphi, Lilongwe, Ntcheu, Dedza, Dowa, Mchinji, Mangochi, Machinga, Neno, Chikwawa, Blantyre, Thyolo, Chiradzulu and Phalombe. The DEO visited the ECD centers, observed ECD indicators at center and interacted with ECD centre management committee members and Village Development Committees 2 in the prospective construction sites. They worked on the screening forms and facilitated identification of potential environmental and social impacts, determination of their significance and proposal of appropriate environmental mitigation measures (safeguards) at all construction sites. 4.3 Key Activities The field implementation of the ESMP includes key project activities that might have adverse effects on the environment and social aspects. These key activities include: ECD center site identification, clearing and layout of the center upgrading area, excavation works at the center to be upgraded, foundation digging for the center to be upgraded, upgrading works of the center: classrooms, resting room, caregivers’ office, library; kitchen and toilets, landscaping the ECD center ground for outdoor play area, gardens and other spaces, painting of the classrooms and outside walls of the ECD center/ CBCC buildings, installation of sanitary facilities: water point, rubbish pit, dish-rack and hand washing facility, installation of play, care, stimulation and protection materials, capacity building of ECD workers and communities, and handing over to the community for ECD center utilization by the children and caregivers. The implementation of the ESMP also includes activities such as transport of construction materials, and waste disposal from site during construction and decommissioning. 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES The rehabilitation of the ECD centers is expected to have both positive and negative impacts at different stages of the project. However, this section of the ESMP summarized only the negative environmental and social impacts as follows: 5.1 Deforestation The loss of indigenous tree species and vegetative cover is at a minimal level in general, because there may be cutting of few trees to clear more space and provide soil for upgrading. Furthermore, there may be land clearing for excavation and layout of structures in projects sites, firewood for cooking porridge and burning bricks for the construction of buildings. This is an issue in all the project sites where CBCC infrastructure will be upgraded. The screening process identified several mitigation measures which include; re-planting of trees, including fruit trees in cleared areas, enhancing of natural regeneration of indigenous trees and utilization of blocks made from sand and cement. 5.2 Reduced Water Quality In some ECD centers water may have lost value and its usability due to pollution, contamination, high levels of salinity and acidity. This might be because of physical and biological parameters that might have been washed or leached into surface or ground water sources. The proposed appropriate mitigation measure would be appropriate project siting, especially where boreholes are to be sunk. 5.3 Increased Likelihoods of Injuries The field appraisal and screening process identified low level likelihood of injuries in the project sites. The following were the appropriate mitigation measures that need to be emphasized; encouraging observance of safety tips and use of PPEs and wearing strap bands to avoid falling off from the roofs, accumulation of wastes, noise and dust pollution, and harm from handling of tools at the upgrading site. The mitigation measure to deal with injuries is proposed in the mitigation plan. 5.4 Production of rubble and all other construction wastes Rubbles and paint cans are some of the wastes that are expected to be produced. These wastes have a potential to degrade agricultural fields is improperly dumped. It also affects aesthetic of surroundings if left unattended after construction activities. The ESMP proposes using rubbles to fill in open pits. 3 6.0 Development of ESMP The Environmental and Social Management Plan for the project sites is developed based on the results of the field and screening reports for each project site. The members of the Community Based Organization (CBO), CBCC management (CMC) and Village Development Committees (VDC) with assistance from District Executive Committee (DEC) members including the district ECD coordinator will be involved in the implementation of ESMPs for each project site. 4 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT IMPACT MITIGATION FRAMEWORK Project Name:IEYP UPGRADING ECD CENTERS/ CBCCs District:14 DISTRICTS Project Location: VILLAGE LEVEL Nature/ Size: upgrading ECD center of 36m x 16m or 40 m x 20m or 40 m x 20m area. Sector: GENDER, CHILDREN, YOUTH & SPORTS No Expected Type/ nature Proposed Output Target per Responsibility Responsibility for Date of Required inputs Amount in Environmental Mitigation/ indicators ECD Center/ to implement monitoring of implementation USD$ per /Social impacts enhancement CBCC Mitigation Mitigation Measures ECD Measures Measures center 1. Loss of trees 5 indigenous and Planting trees No and type of 50 Indigenous Contractor EDO, DFO Jan, 2019 5 Indigenous and 210 10 exotic trees trees planted at and 150 10 exotic tree the center and exotic trees Seedlings & . village reserves tools Utilization of No sand and 30% utilized Contractor EDO, DFO Jan, 2019 Seedlings, 230 sand and cement cement bricks sand and shovels, water bricks used cement bricks canes, tubes Utilization of No of energy 30% utilized Contractor EDO, DFO Jan, 2019 Seedlings, 110 local energy stoves used energy stoves shovels, water serving stoves canes, tubes 2. Solid wastes Human wastes Provision of dust No. of bins and 3 CONTRACTO EDO, VDC 30 Jun, 2019 Bins, shovels, 150 and construction bins and waste waste pits R, PTA, CMC Chairperson, CMC hoes, picks wastes pits constructed 3. Nuisance from Human, animal Provide and No. of mask 10 CONTRACTO EDO, VDC Onset of the Face masks 85 smell from and materials encourage usage boxes procured R, PTA, CMC Chairperson, CMC project (PPEs) solignum smell of PPEs e.g. masks 4. Employment of Child labour Child labour No of meetings 3 VDC, Child DLO/EDO/DSWO/C Onset of project Stationary and 250 children by sensitization conducted Protection CPW drinks contractors meetings committee 5. Spread of Infection and Distribution of No. of male and 50 Contractor DEHO, ADC and 30 Oct, 2018 Condoms, 115 HIV/AIDS and impact of the condoms female condom VDC Chairperson gloves, fuel, other STIs HIV and STIs distributed Lunch allowance HIV/AIDS No. of meetings 2 HSA, CCPW, DEHO, ADC and 30 Oct, 2018 Meals, fuel, 160 awareness conducted CBOs VDC Chairperson refreshments, meeting Lunch allowance Parenting No of Parenting 5 District ECD DSWO, DHO, DAC Ongoing Charts, food, 115 education on education Coordinators stationary, fuel, HIV and AIDS meetings and CPWs play materials 6 Marriage Persons involved Awareness No. of meeting 3 GVH GVH, VDC Onset of project Stationary and 75 interferences in the project meetings about conducted /HSA/CCPW chairperson refreshments works abstinence Parenting No of Parenting 3 ECD District DSWO, DHO, DAC Ongoing Charts, food, 95 education and education Coordinators stationary, fuel, Matrimonial meetings and CPWS play materials Strengthening Matrimonial 3 ECD District DSWO, DHO, DAC Ongoing Charts, fuel, 105 Counseling. Coordinators stationary, food, and CPWS play materials 7. Noise pollution Human and Use of PPEs e.g. No. of PPEs 50 CONTRACTO EDO/ VDC Onset of PPE kits 120 equipment noise ear puffs gears procured R, PTA, SMC Chairperson building project 8. Increased risk of Works and Conduct safety No of meetings 12 CONTRACTO EDO/ VDC Onset of Stationary and 220 injuries implementation tips and proper conducted R, PTA, SMC Chairperson building project refreshments injuries signage 9. Depletion of Human & works Drilling of No of boreholes 1 Contractor EDO/DSWO/CMC End of the Borehole 1610 water sources depletion borehole drilled project equipment 10. Soil erosion and Works and AfforestationNumber and 50 Indigenous CBCC CMC DFO/CMC Onset of Tree seedlings, 130 siltation center activities type of trees and 150 building project Vertiver grass, planted exotic trees wheel barrows, and vertiver hoes, shovels 11. Health hazards to Works and ECD Dust reduction at Area of the site 50 m2 PMC VDC Chairperson Onset of project Water cans, 85 workers and center activities construction watered. horse pipes communities No. of PPEs kits 50 Contractor/ EDO/DEHO Onset of project PPE kit boxes 95 boxes procured project 5 Total ECD ESMP Per ECD Center 3,960.00 6