67828 WORLD BANK GROUP INNOVATIONS IN LEVERAGING THE PRIVATE SECTOR FOR DEVELOPMENT A DISCUSSION NOTE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CHAIR’S SUMMING UP Meeting of the Committee of the Whole March 29, 2012 Executive Directors welcomed the draft World Bank Group Innovations in Leveraging the Private Sector for Development: a Discussion Note (SecM2012-0128[IFC/SecM2012-0013; MIGA/SecM2012-0009]). They appreciated its focus on collaboration within the World Bank Group, and encouraged further progress in this regard. Looking forward, Directors stressed the importance of a more strategic vision for the institution’s group-wide approach to supporting the private sector for development and poverty reduction. They indicated the potential for this discussion note to serve as a starting point for further discussion of a cross-institutional approach under the new leadership, including consideration of organizational challenges in the context of the overall modernization agenda. They also encouraged stronger links to issues of fragile and conflict situations, gender, job creation and south-south exchanges. Directors agreed that the global economic environment in which the World Bank Group operates has evolved in recent years, and that the institution is changing as a result. Directors supported the growing focus across the World Bank Group on the private sector, also recognizing the role the public sector can play in leveraging private sector efforts. Directors appreciated this stocktaking review and encouraged Management to consider how to build on these innovations in ways that complement the existing products. Executive Directors looked forward to the guidance of the Ministers in the context of the Development Committee discussions.  This summary is not an approved record.