C'c4 - --22 8<4ACTION PLAN of Environmental Protection"for the Xiangjiang Navigational Construction Project of Hunan Province under a Loan of World Bank REVISED EDITION Hunan Xiangjiang Navigatioinal Construction & Development Corporation 18 May 1995 Translated by Hunan Translation Centre 1995a5a I flE CONTENTS tntroduction I 1. The Objects for the Environmental Protection of the Xiangjiang Navigational Construction Engineering 3 2. The Excution of the Plan for the Enrironmental Protection 4 3. The managemental project for the Environmental Protection 6 4. The Investment for the Environmental Protection 19 6. The Enforcement Bodies of the Environmental Protection and Their Responsibilies 22 S. The Plan for the Environmental Monitoring 26 7. The Responsibilities of the EnvironmenXtl Managenent and the Enforcement plan 32 Appedix I Summary of Environmental Evaluation Appedix 2 Summary of management of Environmtal Protection Appedix 3 Table for The Plan of Environmenal Monitorting Appedix 4 The Parficle Gradaton of Silt on Shoals Appedix 5 Table of Content of the poisonous elements In silt on the shoal Appedix 6 The menitoring equipment list for the envirommerital monitoring sWaons of Hengyang and Zhuzhou Attached Drawing 1 The Sectional Drawing of Water Quality Montoring of the Xiangjiang (HengYang-Zhuzhou) Attached E;rawing 2 Locations of Environmental Monitonng Points of Hengyang port Attached Draing 3 Locations of Enviromental Monitoring Points of Zhuzhou Port Instrction From Nov.21 to Dec. 3, 1994, the delegation of Worid Bank for evaluation of the environmental impacts on the Xiangjiang Prmject and the official evaluation group for the Xiangliang Project visited Hunan Province oe after anotr and held s-x-day talks on the environmental Protection matters of the Xiangfiang nrvigational constuction engineering 4uth the Xiangiiang Navigational Cnstrtion Corotion and Hunan Uniesity. the environmental evaluation department. The talks clarified some misunderstandings related to the documents submited by the Office of the Xlingjiang Navigational Construction Project. The experts of the delegation and the group gave their construtve suggesto on the environmental protecin in the various phases of the Xangj-iang navigational construction, The editor. in accordance with the summaries of minutes of the two talks and with the Memorandum of project Evaluation has verffied the original editon of "The Action Plan for Environmental Protection ot the Xiangaiang Navigtional Construction Project and made up the new edi.*Io here of The Actio Plan for Environmentl Protection (Revised Edfflon) The Xiangjiang (Hengyang-ZhDhou, Navgationai Construction Project is the 2nd-phase engineering of the Xiangjiang 1,000-tonage navigationa constction. 'ts main engineerings include the navigational hub of Dayuandu, 120km Dayuandu - Zhuzhou WaterNays dredging, 1 ,O00-ton age wharfs at the two ports of Zhuzhou and Hlengyang. The enviromental evaluations on the engineering are fade step by step on he action phase and operation phase of the three subpro;jects. The Action Plan of Evironmental Protection of the Xianojiang 2nd-phase Navigatonal Constructon Engineering hereof is based or, the Evaluattion Repott cn the Impact of the Xlangjiang (Hergyang-Zhuzhou) Navigational Engineenng on the Enmironment to make up an action plan for the excutionalma nagement and monitoring of the ernirenmental orotection. The environmentai protection of the Xiangjlano 2nd- phase NaAtional Coztruct,on Eng.i.eel has t a '.- t_ the nver's envrronmrent and the comprehensive tunction ot water conservancy and naviation into consideration and wi1l adhere to the policy "overall planning, phase by phase enforcing, comprehense utilzing ,changing the harmful to be tie useful, preventing and treating by the public, protecting the environment; insisting prevention first,combining prevention and treatment, reinforcing administration and management, promoting the treatment by the administration and management, canying out 4the responsibility system " who pollutes the environment who shal take the responsibility of treatment " so as to control and eliminate step by step the enironmental pollution Caused by the engineering in the whole course of construction and operation of the project and protect the environmental quality of the e4gineerinr-re.ated area 2 1. The Objects for the Environmental Protection of the Xiangjiang Naviational Construction Engineering. 1.1- Water Quality: Control the poltution of the waste water of sand and stone processing, the ;oss of bulk-cargo, wiater course dredging and emission of waste oil of ships. etc. To make it up to the water qualfty standard provided in the Functonal Dision of the Water Quality stipulated by the environmental protection aminisron for the reach of the river. 1.2 Air Control the dust pollution of the engineeing of earthwork transportatior and open stotrage of building waterials, especially caused bv loading and unloading of cOa! and minerals at ports, 3nd make .he ai. quality reach the standard. 4 13 Noises: Conttrol the noises of engineering Machinery, loading and un.,nding and transportation vehicle under the national or professional standards. 1.4 Enmironment of Reservoir Area. Due to the reonstructicn of the Dayuardu Hub, the water level of the reservoir reach will be rised so tha, to immerse partial outlets of drainage culverts and gates and ail the low-lying farmland and to endanger the stability of partrial sections of the dyke-of the reservoir Active preventions and proper settlemert shall be the oniy principle on the problem so as to reduce the impacts on the ecotope arourd the reservoir as low as possible. 1.5 Fishery Resources: Develop the cuftivating fishery actuivety in the reservoir area and protect thte fishery resources of the reach of the river. r 2. Excution of Plan for the Environimental protection The specific plans shall be mane up fo- the measures of environmental protection and of pollution prevtention deterrninend by the Xiangjiang Navigational Constrution project The relevant requirements concerming the supervision and monitoring activties during the excution of the specific plans and the operation periods shall be stipulated. The management measures of the environ mental u-otection plan and the determination of fte obects for supersion and monitonring during tfe design, engineering and operation periods shall be of and based on the stpulations on Design of Environmental Protection for the Constrution Projects drawn up by the state planning Commission and the Environmental Protection Commision under the State Council in light of the Law of Envircimmenta! Prmtection of the People's Repubi' of China and the Administration of Environmental Protection for the Construcction Pro-ects and be ot and based on the Administrative Prcedure of Erironmerntal Protectin for Communications Construction Projects and the Strpulations on Environmental Protection Administration promuigated by the Communications Ministry of the People's Republic of China. Tne Hunan Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau as the competent authority under the Hunan Provnial People's Government are responsible for the supervision of the environmental protection adminis- tration in Hunan Province; The environmental protection bureaus at municipal (prefectural ) leve(s as the competent authorities under the local governments are responsible ;'or the supervision of environmental protection administration in the relevant cties and prefectures under their jurisdiction; the envrcnmental protection bureaus at t1hIc county leve,- om responsible for the environmental quality and take measures to improve the environant,a) q;al 'J:-i e,. elvant a.ea under their; ;urisdictwcn; th mo-nitor tations set up by the provincial environmental protection bureau and the orarnzations and instiutes under prefectural or municipal govemments carni out the enmironmental monnitoring wvork. The monrtonng stations at the reach of Hengyang City, Zhuzhou Cty and 4 counties under their juuisdiction, Hengnan Cout Hengshan County Hengdorg County and Zhuzhou County. monitor at the same time the water quality of the reach of the Xiangjiang and the air and noises of the sensiti,e enirc-nmental points conemed along the river that means the environmental qualitv in construction and operation periods will be under their monitor and be fUlly controlled by them. The Xiargjiang Navigational Constuction Development Corporation and Contractors wil take the excution responsibility e. the environmental protection plarn for the Hengyang-Zhuzhcu navigational construction ergJneenng of the Xiangliang. At the meantime. ,me corporation shall take the responsibilty of supervision ond ranae-muern o the environment ot the proiect. The management. administration and moritonnq institutes of environment protection at the project area are as follaws: : ::- f : :D - -: : . f u~~~~~~ Hunan Provincila| Hunan Prcvinda! Enviror.ment3: ironmentar Protection R ureau iMantoring Centrai t ~~~~~Sta'aon Zuz.nou Zhuzhou Hengang Hentieng Muunicipal Municipal -muicipal Municial ErMtrnmental Environmer.tal Ermironmeatal Environmental Protecton Monitring Protectin Monitoring Bureau Stailon Bureau Staton Znuzhou ; -uzhou Henadonr Hlenonan Ccunty County CoCr.A County ErMrorirnental Environmental Envionmentai Environmental Protection PrrMtecnton Protection Protection I Bureau J B ureau IrBureau _ 2urea L 3. Management Project of Environmental Protection. The Dayuandu Hub is a mluti-purpose project of the water resources. The retum water of the reservoir wili channel a 90-kin navigatabie course upper reaches and increase the navigable capacity of lower reaches so that to upgrade the course of Hengyang-Zhuz&ou from the present V navigable classification to 1!1 navigabie classification, and make the sail of 1000-tonage fleets available, the hydro-power station with 120 MW irstalling capacity wili generate about 53C million kwh annualty to relax thie tension of electricity supply, Vhe economic and ervironmental beneFits being obous. As for the bac Impacts of t7e prect on tne environment, we would try Our best to avoid and reduce them in the period of the constuction the project The construction engineeinng and its relevart environsm-Iental protect enginteeet oni tc designed. constructed and operated at the same time phase by ohase and the Stres shatl be laid on both engineering supeNis;on and envirnmental supervo n both The report has put forward the strategies of preventon and treatment for the potertal imnpact on the ernronment by the en..ers in accrdance 'W"i t.e Evaluation Report of the Envirorimental Impacts on the Xiangping (hengyang-zhou) Novigational Corstuction Engineering. 3.1 The Engineering of Oayuandu Hub 3.1.1 Gonsideration on the flood conotr and the losses of submergence in the design phase: For reduceing submergence and bnnging no impacts on flood control of the -eservoir area, the selection of normal water stc:'age ieve and . . -.e . f the hub have been studied and demonstrated carefu[Nl The font of over,flwo, has been widened. he ! idh'. of .he 2i-Ottc sin.'s , overflow gate has been reduced as low as possible that almost be the same as the attitude of the origiral river bed so as to form a lower, opened gate dan- .when discharging the flood. to ensure the flood discharge in natural flow shape. To compare the water level of 20-year encounted flcod after the completion of the reservoir p..ject with the !evel of naturaf flood in same frequence. the dammini up just is 0.07-0-17mr The normal check level is decIded to be SOm (Huanghai Alitute). Tne water level of reservoir forrned by the upward reach of the dam fill be limited within the embankment that wouid just submerge 356 Chinese mu of farm larxdl of enjyoyng the repayment under the sts-e relevant stipulations. athouCh it .S a poor land for farm. 7 3.1.2 The impacts on the embankmnent of the reservoir by the rise of watr level The flood prevention dyke of Hengyg City ;n the .:ter danmed ama ws designed for 50-vear encounted flood and is in constructon. The enbankment of the resernoir area is designed for 20-year et-munted food. After te comnplon of te reservoir. the water level of the reach of Hengyang City wouid be rised 0.07rn and 0.17m at the front ofthe Dayuandu Dam by the 20-year encounted flood compared with that of the natural state. So, the impact of the water storage of the reservioir s very srnall on the flood control ability of the embankment of the tw banks of tme reach ard may be neglected if the thin dykes in a few sections have been reinforced and heightened property .Naw, the flood-control dykes in the area under the jurisdiction of Hengyung Municipal People's Govemrnment is being reinforced and the average 1 meter will be heightened . Ater the compeletion of the engireering, the flood preventon abi.lty of the dykes will be improved greatly. 3.1.3. Protection of the banks slopes Due to the rise of the water level wiening, the water surface after the. weater has been stored in the reservoir. the immersion time of th' bench terace of the reservoir banks would oe prolonged and the water erosion and water cut be more serious. So, it is necessary to adopt the stone masonry bank and the sloDed bank cavered by grass for the cuff bank and loose-soil bank to reinforce the dyke's safty. 3.1.4. Transform of drainage culverts and gates There are 66 drainage cu!verts and gates in the reseroir area. The present outlet base plates of them are lower so that they woul;J be submerged when the water level of the reservoir nsed tha will affect the their Cratnaae function of detained water and sewage- So, they shall be tronsformed and be equipped wzth needed facilities before the water s.orage of the reservoir. 8 3.1.5. The prevention of watertogging for land below tMe normal water level itn the e:mbankme.t There is 15,000-plus Chinese mu of !and below Me normal water level in the ernbanknent calcuLated according to the rneasurerental dwang, of which there is 600o-plus Chinese mu helong to Hengshan Cointy accountng for 2% of the total larmland of the county; 900 C,;inese mu to Hetngdong County, accounftrg for 1.3% of the total farm!aid of the county. These farm. land namnty scatter around Longying Port and .Huangni Pow of Hengshan County. After the Water leve of the reservior is ised, the level of underyround water of those areas would be atso nsed. Because the lands mentioned above are at ower place, the drainage of the watedioggi.g v. becone d1ifTicult so as to affact the outout of t1he crops. The different waterlogging shiall be treated by different way: Fcr the large area of f-c-g band, C.he snt practice of the area it shall adhere to the onncna! "to DumD the hpaher-wvater with !a higlh intack pos;tion- to purmp VTe law-water with7 a loW intack pcidn a. ( d# to cp-- inside water and outside water of the embankmenl' and butid a ti3cd control channel through w,hich wAter gathered frI rain-area flw into Jhe reservoir. The wate.r w,l be pumped into the reservoir from some cultivated land in loaver area which can't be discharged by itself and crops prograrm mTy tbe cbanged ad. sorne present cultivating lanc may be changed into fishery farm. About all, Measures mentioned above to be adopted ae foCr Keeping the local peopes iMng standard no lower than before 3.1.6 Protection of fishery resource After the hub has been co-npleted Ithe darn. vvuld be blocked t-e channel of fish m:igation so thsat the parent population can not rntcratea tC. trhe upard reaches for spawniltng that *R affect the rfztsheri resourccs. Por - ncxr-n; the cccn m o . of the main course of the Xenojiang protectinga the tfsherv resources. the hub tri it Of the suocestul practice of other area will build the !.shpass. which Wi!! take the charactonstics of fish into consideraion -.or the spawning migration of fish to the upper reaches and ensure fthe fish to migrate from the Yangtze through the Dongting lake to the Xiarx4iangs upward reaches and then bac The reservoir may be fully uilized by the fishery department to develop the fishery farming. 3.1.7 Noises control and tfhe " three wastesc disposal. Water pollution:The waste water of the engineering area mainly comes from the sands and stones proccessing system- It has been estimated the suspended solids density in the waste water, although diluted by the river water, wvill still surpass the standard. So. the waste water shall be settled in a settling tank before emission by the contractors. Noises Proveniffon: The noises in the engineering area are mainly caused by the ergineering machiriery and the proccessing of sands and stones. The noises happened irregularty, suddenly. u rsuccessively an-d very strongly. Because the engineering area is located at the open and wildness places more than 300 meters away from any villages, the impact wilU be very sm.all. But,for easing the trouble of noises on the staff members and worKers at the engineering ste, the contractors shall select the machinery with good performance, adjust the operation time property e.m. to arrange the wvrk with loud noises in the day time and make the noises source as far as away from the living quarters of the engineering area- The waste residue treatment: There will be waste earth and residue in large quatity at the engineering areas that shall be treated property and make the waste to be the useful. The contractors shall, in accordance with the require.ments of design of the engineenng, use the waste earth and waster residue to fill the low-lina lands close to the engineering areas or use that as the road meteriaL 't is est. atad that about 3-00- * Th.nese mu of lw-wying land will be transformed lito cultite frmland by the 10 returning the surface soil to farmlandc! measure (The earth throwng area refer to 4.1.4.c. the Summery Report) Air pollafion: the air pollution ove7 the engineering area is rnainiy caused by the tail gas discharge of the engineering machinery with the diese as their power and the dust of powder nratral of building, earthwork and tilling engineeing But the engineering sites are at o en places wth a dmtance to any w71ages and a natura damp condition. the air pollution will form no social effects. However because. the earthwork and stone mining should strip the surface of the soil and destroy the vegetative cover so as to cause the erosion of soil and fose of water and hurm the natural landscape. the contractor(s) shall plant trees and lay turf on the slopes after the engineeni.gs have been completed to prevent the loss of water and erosion of soil and to beatffy the envrronment. Tne pawder material shall not ?be pilled in the open air. 3.1£ The impact of transportation of building materials on the environment The sands and stones in large quatity shall be transported by water-carnage. The highway tausportation will be mainy for cement, that the tracks 1i l cause the air pollution and noises pollution at the sides of and over highways bearing the transportation. ff is entimated that the peak traffic voiume wvii be no -more than 50 trucks!24h And because the highway to the engineering sites lies at tne wildness close to no sensitive poirts of environment such as the important institu4tes and schools, the noises pollution and dust pollution will be easy to be controlied effectiely only by using of the big-tonage tank trucks with good performance and laying an asphalt or concrete layer on the existing highyway entering the engineering site and. meanwhile, reinforcing the monitor durnng engineering period 1 i 3.1.9 The environmenta! Drotection of tte stone Pts. ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n t tf.. L'%* _S_ fls ,.__ tA_ t_C . .Jtt_.fl__ .. ._.., . ,.. , MaZZ .Z. e . , ..v n< - t gc . <.. .t ... _g W._ ., LW .. pits close to the enainennen sites to mest the reaurrenents 0 stone ciuaald. l-he environrnenta5 protection vI! be bo,e by the cners of stc-ie pit pro-e d- by the oai governments and the ocal environmental protection depatmes to prevent the vegetatve cover destroied and the loss of water and te erosi-n of sL. The saftiy protection of the stone pits shall be camed out in accordance with the relevart stpulatons and safety protection regulaton. 3..10 The public hygiene The damp ecotope around the reservoir due to the water surface of the reservoir is widened is favourabie to mrquitces and f.ies' breedng.- t ie t-e ;4w= atever wou!d force the mouses to rnilrated so that to encrease the morbidi.t of the relevant infections. Bec;ause .he staff and -vork= -.- -t-e concentrated elaily, the public hygiene has direct relatonship with healt of then So it is necessary to !aunch a deratization and dernosquitotZation campaign and ciean the bed of the reservoir have the staff members and workers inoculated, coIlect and treat the waste of the living quarters by proper ways. 3.1.11 The safety of navigaton during the engineering phases The first cofferdammirig phase of the hub engineering, it will be arranged tiat the left bed for diverin ancl, meanwbile, for the te.nperarv water way. The increased current. speed will bring the unsafety factors to the navigation. So. besides to draving up the temperary navigation plan in tte design phase, the navigational administration shalt b reinforced the signs of naviaat;on shall be perfertty set up. more tak-ec-are staions shall be established or tne e ive navigable guidance. 12 32 Port engineering rhe sts for three wharfs to be bunt t e Hengy-zang .R and ZhuLhou Port have- been selected stncttv in comfrnitv with the state relevant stipulations for environmental protection and flood control that ensure the .eeded distance between intakes of the drink water and the wharfs, ensure the partial flood canais occupied by waterworks s at te pots will have no impact on the flood discharge. The seleco has been approved by the relevant ernvronmentat protection departnants and the relevant canal administrations. ITe wharfs engineering will not cause such impacts as serious as the normal impact of the engineering of municipal corstuction because it is just a small engineering with a short time limit 3.7.1 Air Pollution in the Port Engineering Baishi Port of Zhuzhou ts a coal wharf and there are lile phosphorus mines loaded and unloaded at Ditngia andge of Hengyang, sc the dust caused duing koading and unloading and air storage peenod will exceed It classiflcation standard of atmosphere. The effective water-spray device shall be installed. .he S% of f.oating coal dust will be reduced if water content of coal is kept above 6% in accordance wih the experiences at home and ab-cad. The phosphorus rooks will not have serious effect on enmronment due to ts big grain size and its strong coheisve force. It was calculated that the thickness of landed mineral dust at the edge of port area will be less than that of It classification standerd of atmosphere quality when the equal speed of wAind is 2mns and the water content of the mineral is 2%;°. and the stability cf atu.osphere is 11 classification- When the wind speed increases, the standard will be exceeded. So the port area shall be watered at time according to the wisnd speed and planted trees keeping the sand in check and controling the dust and beaut_Ifing envronmernt. ,3, 3.2.2 Water Pollution caused by Port Engineenng A. Impacts of cozl d -hs-orus rocL-s on .%ztar quaty The water quality will be affected ty coal annd phosphorus rocks spitt and washed out by rain durnng loading and unioading anc storage penoc So, we sho.cu reinforce admnitatsOn and clean and recycle lost goods in tme. Besides forbdding cabin cleaning in tne port area, We plan to cany ou. the sewage work ana iead vie sewage from drainage ditch to sedimenron tank The dredge will be collected and the water purified be reused. S. Influence on water quality caused by shipping waste The mission of o0it waste water of ships will influence te water quality of the port area, especiatly m the sensdive water area of the first-Cass protectoin area for dnnk water in the lower reach. The Chinese govemrnment and HuJri ProvnCial Govemnment attach great importance to pollution and decKdes to adopt the effecte measures to control s±zictty the pollution. In accordance with the Chinese Inspection Regu:ations of Facilities on Ships and Seas!' promulgated by the No.109 Order of State Council of Republic of Ch.i.a and the Stucture and E4uipment Specification of Pollution Prevention on Riverboats " Stipulated by China Nabonal Shipping fnspetion Bureau, all the operational ships shall be equipped with oil-water seperator, emission control system or waste oil and water cubin (cubide) . All the shipping water shall be recycled .i FHengyang Port and Zhuzhou Port for central treatment Then, the pollution of oil will be controlled effectively C. Public Hygience Administration of the poft Reinforce the hygiene adminsltrtion in the work area and living area by port adminitation department The domestc sewage shal be drained to the sewer of the cty by by-pass laow system. The house reuse shall be deatt with treatment stem of the city so as to prevert the bad influence on watr qualiaty. '.4 D. Noises The notses of the ports are mainty caused by rec4-.-rzcW opwation the regiona equal noise value is 50-6Odb(A) in a forcast At the places ty metes far away from the operation area, the noxse value is 50(A), which rs umder the tional stndard of envionmental noe that prvdes the noise shall be less than 55-65dmA) in the industrial area and the stipulation on the design specification of the port and have no senous impacts on the environment. Dingia Eridge area of Hengyang Port is boated in the suburb which is not the residents gathenring area. The old houses area around Baishi Port of Zhuznou, lated at the municipal tansform area is taken as land of port construction. There are no large scale municipal constion project in the two above mentored areas The exstng sand and stone wharf will be oved mLt of the center of cty and the cargo-handing capacity will reduce from about lO00t to 420kt due to the construction of Yongii area of Zhuzhou Port With the tasform of function of port reduction of the cargo-handling capacity and the imprvement of loading process, the envrormentaf quality of Lhe port will be improved obviously. The max noise in the center of por will be reduced from 91 d8(A) to 65dB(A). The transportation of the port to the outside wll be eased and the pressure on the main road of the City will be moderated- The cdoetng and distributing transport conditions of another two port areas has been conncted with the municipal construction plan. The construction of the port wil be finished at the same time with the completion of the first-grade ring road of Hengyang Ciy and the second-grade street along the rver of Zhuzhou City wMll be improved greatly. 3.3 influence on the environment caused by the dredging work The dredging work; consists of dredging and reef e;:czio;n wr,* in twenty thn shoals of the 120km reach from Davuanlu to ZhuzhoU. and dredging worf of B2!shi * f~~~~~~~~~i Port and Yongli Port in Zhuznou. wit oMal dredging capacity of 8235kmn, among which, dredg-ig, capacin hioa!is 8O-kc3. dredgir. capact a. Bs , -p.3 (mainly reef explosion work) and dredgiV capacfty at Yongh port 3.51=&. World Bank g;es the specWa-atenti on the environmental problem caused Dy the construction of dredging work and remcval of dredging silt and sets the folowing demands. a. Set up the heavy curtains for prevention of sift and adopt the dredging equipmnents with litte turbulerne or. sift dunng the engneerng o dredging work in the dry season so as to reduce the short-tefm turbidity in the dredging area as possibe. b. Make the physical and chemical arnalsis to the silt prior to the turid action so as to lower the natural and for man-made poisonous substances ot sift into water. On the bass of analysis, the latent problem wilt be fourd and sore measures '5ill be adopted to try best to reduce the silt suspended again in tis area. c. Evattute property an the spoi plan, ho wtich haa !st in.eere n. t"I man resident area will be sellected. If takiro the inflruence on the gnoundwater. ra!nrwash and land using caused by spoi' grmund into cons;daration Itn smae csi,,ten t harmful waste shall be collected in a structure which is used to prevent the poisons substance from prmeatng into the water-bearing stratum as possible. some harmless silt may be reused, but the proposal that uses those silt to bacidil the marsh land is not regarded as the best way to solve the erironmental problem. The consructin of dredging work shall adopt the relevent mea-sures to reduce or eliminate the latent influence on the environment 3.3.1 The influence on the water quality caused by dredging work The stirring of bottom silt in the dredgirn of shCEl will cause the increase of the troubling in the river and ha.m4fil substance suspe.nded agai.. In. aGccrdance wth the physic- chemical analysis (the details see Appendix 4 and :) of substarce dredged in 1w wo typical shoats the iver bed of reach is rainly cornose of Debbes the. content at poisrnous substance is ow er, besi'es tf s, the pout&on on the water, aspecialir On the dnk water caused. by dredging work is limted. We wwil supply abundant infmormaton in the bid invitaton documents to ask the contratos) to select the proper dredgn equipmerts and optimized .operaion process, even set up the heavy curtains for sit prention if necessa,y so as to reduce the short-term toubidity and the liquIation of harmful substance in the dredgying area .We wdll also monitor the water quatiiv at the lower reaches in the constucton of dredging work 3.3.2 Spoil of the dredging work The cortent of harmfUt substance in the spoil of shoal dredging work is lower in accordance wih the analsis in attached table. The spoil area of shoal dredging wordh will be designed on the basis of successful Chinese nver regulating experence to ;mprove the flow conditon in the shoal and gain regu!ating effect The sit dredged Till be used tor filling the embankment and farmland, blocking up te tributary.razse the border of the river ard tIlting and mising tuhe infavou.ole d'aep pool. The spoil of the port, mainlv the rocl Mil be used as bacfill matenal fur land of tne port. 3.3.3 Influence on-the fih caused by the dredging work The analys made by Hunan Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center and Charxgsha Municipaf Environmental Monitoring Station in 1992 shows that the harnmfl sustance in the fishbody is under the international and China standard on food hygiene. In accordance with the analysis of above c:ause. 3.3 1. the content of heavy mertals in the sit of river bed is very low and the dredging work will not cause serious polluton on. the water qualt, Besides this, the shoals to be dredgged are not the place for fish dewelhing. So the dr.edghng ar.d reef explosion will bnt be inju.. to !ish and ifrCeoC the poisoncus substance in the ftsh body. 17 3.3.4 Safety Rules on Reef Exploion The -ee exploson work within the water : -.ay bc muzous to the st ps ard people tafc if we don't stengthen safety measxw So the explosin wrk shag be appoyed by the ravgatonal administration deparent and the naviional notice iU1 be released in advance. The contractor(s) Will calculate the explosion ran, take the effectve say measures, stipulate the exposion time, set up fte clear signs and waming lines and evacuate the personne and ships in tme and make the comple and carefuii safety inspection in the expiosion 3.4 Historical Relic Protection The ancdevt buidngs sattered in fifty *,on p,!z and .hstcncza memorie building announced by Hunan -roiceial Government in 1983 is not included in engineering range. Dayuaindu is A ..r--chennsi-pe -rsa- th *tse level *;r b l limited. No undercround relic is discovered by surve-ync and investiatn in the engineer.iQg rang. 3.5 Influence on the environment.caused by leakage In. accident The leakage of dangerous goods in the accident of loading and transportato will have a serioS effect on water quality and atmosphere. So we should canTy out actively the policy of putting prevention first and taking the special prcautons to meet an urgent need so as to reduce the bad influence on the environment to the least if the accidents occur. Strengthen the safety educdtion on tne personnel for loading and transportation. stricy exeute 'Te T. ernporarj Proision of Inspection Ship Conditions for Clangerous Goods Loading " and " Suoervision and Administration Rules on Loading of Dangerous (0 Goods in :Shi promulgated by Communicamon Ministry of RR Chi and other similar reu:ations. If the leakage occues in an accident all the emergency measures shall be adopted to p.e%ent the polution fom speading. At the same time, the peron at the acccdent site shoulld report to local navigational supervison depament so as to connect wth anv;ronmantai protecton and and publc security depertment-to handlee the accident immediately and effectivey. 4.1nvestment.on Environmental Protection The environm.etal protecton project shall be in;ested on the fonlawing it.ems: comoensaton for the flood prevention maintenance of the reservoir in the Oayuandu Hub, vQterloggirig control facilties, enrnnt prtecticn lbdities acn a.dln at the ports. environment monitonng dunng the proiect construction and operaton peniods and personnel tbrainir b for p., .m.pote for dn.hag.'eaz facilities is included in the engineering investment . The cost for fand requisition and pulling dov.n the house is listed in another relevant action plan, so the funds for the m, exclude from the fiolomwng table. Investment Table for Environmental Protection Nenwe of inves#rte Erineeings ite:n Unit Quantyd (RMAB 103yuan) Dayuanu t. COuvat2 wnd Protecuon t3,055 0 1. Instaepciy of ww-ie- 5 g W Q d r wn-, 9 a -z ch-me 'A@nl., I25 M2 1.0 2. Vco.rna of eat.'1,ork for ilood control caels 1043 734 2.g93% 0 3. Total area of flood contro( canals mu 372 2,2920 4. Subsidy for change df cropping mu Z390 6.7020 It. Fishpass place t 10,380.0 Ill. Renovation of sluices pface 4,849.0 IV. Subsidy for reinfot- cement of flood control V Highway renaton km 5 30.0 VI. Reservoir bank protection 2,00).0 Vit. Sedimentation tank set 2 V-II. Others (including noises monitoring instruments) 4,559-0 Subtotal 37,373.0 Hengyang * Simple spraying car set I 10C.0 Port I. Afforestation in port area M2 56.0 24 Iii. Rsecye4i :; tea;.dt- ment equipnent at waste oil and water equipment 50.0 Subtotal 206 Zhuzhou 1. Spriiing s 1 200.0 It. Sedimentation tank set 1 105.0 Itl. Afforestation in the port area m2 60.0 IV. Recycling and treatment equpmeint of waste oil and water 50.0 Subtotal4.0 Environment monitoring during co'strction and operabon peiod 740.0 Personnel training 3eS Total 39:102 Note: 1. The cost for computer management systm of environmental protection proet and foreign language training are included in other relevant investment plan. 2. The expenses for purchase of hardware and software of computer for environmental protection project are included in cther levant plan. 21 4.2 Supporting method in later stage: In ac;=odance witf the stipukaton of 'Reguations on Land Reqston and Reettlement of Residents in Corsbtuction of Large- and Medium-Scale Water Conse.vancy and hydrelecic Pojects ",, Ne WU gie th cMmpensation fees at the earlier shage, support the production in the later stage and estabfish construction funds for mnaintenance of rseoir r and supporting subsidy of pvducion 5 Environment Protection Adm.inistatlons and Respons!biliias The task of communications department is to guarantee that all the communicat;on aeterprises awd administration wI_ use different res-c .-. ergy rationally, cornro and eliminate pollution gradually, protect environment assure peopes het and pomote the development of trafi. 6.1 The Environmental Protection Office under the Ministry of Communicatons is .esponsible for coordinating the environmental protection work undertaken by communications units. 5.2 Enmronmental protection organizations under the provincial communication administ3tve department wll be mair i---7iponsible for the following work: 5.2.1 Cary out all the environment-al protection policies, laws anc regulations promulgated by the m.liaisty Of communicatiorn and 'cve-n fo..uia. the enrronmental protection management measures and implementing regulatons. 22 SZ2 Work out tne plan of erwironmental portection and superse the imPteMent of it; take change of the sics oeronment protection work 5.2.3 Take chae of envionnental portection adriniraion on the funderntal constructon project; 5Z4 Supervise the plution treatment urderta)ed by the subordinrate units. formulate thie erergency plan to meet to the pollutio in the accident and investgate a-id hadle thie pollution by accideft. .2.5 Organize the nonitoiNng. research and intomation cf enmronment, popularze adanced technoky of e-Mranimet.,na. prdecton. 5ZG Supervise and inspect the utifization and maintanance of envronmental protection fac,ities in the subord aate units. 5.2.. Set good examples on enrnonmental portection a7d giv comrandation to the advanced units and indiviuals. 5.3 The responsibility of enviroatmental protection office (wfth 2-3 personts) under the Xiatgiiang Navigatona! Development and Construction Corporation are: 6.3.1 Carryng out all poficicQs, laws and regulations on enrronmenstal protectton::\ 23 5.3.2 Working out the plan of envronmnrtal protecton for its unit: 6.3.3 Taking charge of enrronmental protection for its fundemental constuction Iprc4ect 5.3.4 Organizing and spevising the poilution bet mmnt in its unit instifng and handling the pollution events; 5.3.5 Reinforcing the managemert and inspection of special faciliftes for envromental ro tctecnti-n ;5 4 tt t strengthenlno the transmron feedback of intormation tor environmental protectroP: 5.4 The Xlangjijang Navagafiorna Deveopmernt and Consbrcon Crporaton has established the envronmental protection sections (with 2-3 perons) in the hub of Dayuandu, Zhuzhou Paot and Hergang Port which are responsAbie for 5.4.1 Supervisig- ar.d carrring out the plan of environmentai protection during the constsuction period. Providing the infomation on ervironment monitonng dunrng the construction and excutoin of e-mironeretal protacton measues perod. Ass;st-ng to investigate and handle the pollution events. Reporting tte environment problems ssw;ed f -s-+J*¢V% *vhic ra;s.e ii: Ld ...;4 c t-t.-*uC _l-Vt j ** caused by -'-""ct ich ' ' m..e irad nCa.,,.. ..Of'1fC,z-;';y Cin ' Z the local envmronmental pratecvon and commurzcation aeoartment in trme- 24 5.4.2 Cot ecting and analysing tfe environment monitonng docurments dunrng constrution a-d operabon pemods. Clar4ing the respomsibifty and the degree that the environment $ influenced in the engineering; stirulatng and executing the relevant measures for treatment The environmental protection admnistnations under the Xiangjlanfg Navfg&tonal Construction Project as well as its function. Enyiromental Protection Office under The XIang- jigang Navigadonal Cons- - ; ~~t:ructi-on CorporaLtn } _-i - I Environmental Protecticl Environmental Protection |Enviromental Protecton Secon of the Power Secton under Zhu2hou 1 tiect under Hengyan Shilppig Adrniistraor I Shipping Administlen . . ~~~Department||*PXhn Environmerta protection and c5rivnmenta peon control pollutioinI e por ad environ- hub and regulating reach ment monitoring in construction and envirornment monitoring in c*nstruction , ~~~5 6. Enronmental Moniorng Plan 6.1 Monitoring Targets 6.1.1 Water quality The purpose of the water quality monitoring is to monitor and then control the pollution i.ruence on the wtater of the Xiangjian. caused t-y Lreenrg so as to keeP the water of the Xtangjicng in conformitv with the water Cualitv functona dustrict standard. So, the Oanr-d4; hydlm I.dex t-i' " ... f *Jr X-d treatment of wate water trom tne aggregate processing in the construction. WIt the domestic waer- plant poved 1 km onse, .gyHWG ord '3Z:hu- P.;hu pos ' '- to the drink water protection area it is very improtant to take measures for water quality prmtection in the osbst ction especially in the operati pods through =mtonr. The water quality monitoring is mainlv to monitor the temPorar turtidity and liquidate of her metl in the dredging area during the constriction of dreding mrk and influence on water quality caused by shipping waste durng the operation period so as to keep the water in dredging reaches, especially the drink water in corformity MIth Chinese standard of water quality. 6.1.2 Air Monitoring The air monitoring is intended to inspcct the dC..Ie o r-ence n atmosphere caused bv trio construction anc. operaton of the oiect. atter vansius protectio meawres here b2ee takan, axcording to tw .uirem-nr atesp quality in different distrnct Atmospheric monitoring for the pro,ect is ma!nlv performed !n the -nnstructon peziod f aivandU HU, and the _pa ;t . pe' of Zhuzhou pors adopting class !! standardl of total susperded particle 26 frSPDQ.O3mgfm3) specified in the atmosphere erMronmerntal quatly stan d s as control standard. 6.1.3 Noises Montozing In accordance with the anays and forecast of environmental evaluafton report, the noises mainfly caused by the openation of madhinery duirng the COnstructiOn and operation peniods wiU not exceed "Limit Value Of Noises in Construction Sitea and the standard for indust,y centazhzed area from "Ambist Noises stadard fOr ES" (G3096-821. The mechnical noises at the ports have been corolled to conform with t.~~~~~ MQ* &%.A S. Iv U. * tIslS in.> ta .* n., u.n.. t 2 t'...'St . .pfl_ _'.-_ SiLt Personnef causec bV the noises vwil be corsidered i noise contro[ qualitv standed and ambient noises standard for cities are extracted as tollamvs 6.1.4 Fish Resource Monitoring The affiectiveness of fish-way engineering and the iruOwnce of resenir on spawncng area wil be confirred through the invistgaton on variety and quantity of fish. Coordinate wth va.-ious enji=nmental protection units to st-enghwen the monitorng of harmful substance in fish body. Environmental Quality standard for Surface Water (JB3838-B8) Unir: mD/' Classificalio.n Parameter I tn tv V AN the water body shall exctludj- :toow au factors: 27 Basic aU alt uta can sediment and form the disgusting precipitate; require- b. the floating matter stch as broken pices, floating debris, oil and ments other unpleasant materias, c. the mater which can produce disgusting color, srnell and taste or tudb*d d. the natter which is poisonous and hanrful ID human and animals and plarts; e. the matr whtich s easy to produce the dtsgustqng aquac Wng bei Dissolved oxWen> Satuatbon rate 90% 6 5 3 2 Chemical oxygen <15 <15 15 20 25 demand(CO0ca) Bilogical oxyge demand (BOD5) <3 3 4 6 10 Petroleum (exbacting) 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.5 10 with benzinum < Ntrogen(k) < 0.5 0.5 1 2 2 Nitrate (calculated in N< 10 10 20 20 25 Table: Urban Ambient Noise Sftndard (GB 309642 UnitLeq(dB) Applicable area Day time Night Remarks Industry centralized area 15 55 Type-Imixed Normal Commercial & area 55 45 resident area 28 Environnental Table Atrbspher Quality Stardard (GB 3095-82) Name of Concentiabion limit (mglm3 pollutant Time test Ciass I Cass I class in Total Susspened Daily averaWe 0.15 0.30 0.503 partcle(SPM Anytine 0.30 1.00 1.50 Floating dust Daily average 0.05 0.15 0.25 (ISP) Anymtie 0.15 0.50 0.70 Sphurdioxude Average perday 0.02 0.06 0.10 (SO2) Daily avemge 0.05 0.15 0.25 Anytirne 0.15 0.50 0.70 Nitroge oxide Daily average D.05 0.10 0.15 (NO) Any time 0.10 0.15 0.30 Carbon monoide Daily average 4.00 4.00 6.00 (CO) Any time 10.00 10.00 20.00 Photo chemical 10.00 10.00 20.00 oidant 0.12 0.18 0.20 (0) 6,2 Env.c--nnenW Monitcing Contet and Items. 29 In order to invistigate the influence on the environmet caused by whwa loading, shipping and construction and operation of Dayuandu hydro hub and waterway dredging worK the monitoring work shall include the monitoting of water quality, atmosphere quarly, noises and fish resources, in the range of engneerkng concemed in different period. The water quality monitoring involves the inspecton of content on DCOBOD,COD,SS, PH, volatic phenol, ntides, Hg, Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu, Zn, oil, ammonia, nitrogen and colibacillus, etc. The atnosphere monitonng items mainly include the inspection of content on suspended partcle, falling dust, SO2 and NOx, the noises monitoring majors in the inspection of noise intensity in the construction sites and the residence close to the highway connected wifth the construcion sites; the fish monitoring majors in the inspection of variety and -quantity of fish and analysis of harmful substance content in fish body, (The details see attached table 2-5) 6.3 Training of Environmental Protection Personnel The enwronmental monitoring for the project in the cornstrction and operation periods -vll be carried out by the enviromental protection departments of cities (counties) along the river, which are qualified for environment monitoring at tese departments is required. The personnel o. the environmentl protection units under the Xangjiang Navigational Construction Corporaton will attend the medium and short term training programme and on-the-spot invistigation Of which, 8 peoples will be btained in China and 5 in foreign countries. 30 6.4 Monitoiring Orgats The special envronment monitonng stations have been setWished in Hengyang, Hengsthn, Hengdong, Zhuzhou (icluding Zhuzhou Conty),' which are scattered along 182km rach from Hengyan City to Zhuzhou Cty. The stations of Hengyang and Zhuz cities are evakiaed as natonal class IlI staon, 'which have been well equipped and reinfored by qualified ernironment moitoring engineers, the ernronment mnditoing equipments list and the details of monitoring items of bt statons see attachment 6 ), the stabons in the other four counties are nationa class IV staton, all of which have qualification and capacaty for the norrmal environment monitoring. At present, the water quality of river and environmental quality in other sesentive point of environment have been controlled according to the monitoring results of all above mentioned stations from monitoring sections and points in all year. Water quality inspection systern at three levels (shi,plant, company )has been set up in water plants along the river, so as to keep the water quality in conformiy with the Chinese standard. Coordinating with other four environmental protection stabons, Hengyang and Zhuzhou environment monitoring stations, entrusted by the XGarxjiang Navigational Construction and Development Co. Ltd will be responsible for the environment monitoring work of the prclect The monitoiing points and monitoring frequency will be increased in accordance with the monitoring results and actual situaton of the project so as to meet the requirement of environment rnonitonng. 31 7. ResponsibilKy and Acton Plan of Environment Adminlstaffon and Manage m,t 7.1 Responsibility of environment admin isratlve and management organs: In acordance wit "Ervironmental Protection Las of Peoes Republic of Chri'" enVironmental protection deparmets in charge at all levels wil be responsible for unified adminis i and supervisin on environment protection work in the area under their jurisduction ,comrunicaos departments Wil be responsbe for the supersion on enviMronmertal pollution control and prevenin caused by Professional actions in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. (1) Hunan Provincial Environmental protecfion Bureau will assist and instruct the Xangjiang Navagaional Developrnt and Construction Corportion (hereinafter referred to as XNDCC) cooperaion with focal environmental protection departmens and enrronmental protectin organizations under XNDCC to cany out the environmental protection administration and managemert during the shipping construction and operation period. (2) Hunan Uiniversity as a national grade-A irnsitute for environrent evaluation is responsible for i gation and evaluation of environmental conditions of the project and preparing the environment evaluation report and suppleerntay documents. 13) XNDCC is responsible for prepanng the docurents of project under a loan of Wor.ld Bank loan and drawing up the environmental protection plan of the project and then caring, out the effctive administration and management of environmernal protection through their work in the construction and operation. 32 (4) The proceeding of ervironmentl protecton administrao is as foIows: ronenA Inuemex IASSeSSMenIRePoW _ ~~~~~~~~PolAncial ErM knmental The_cmensao h aa sbm ed bthe esemr andteoBureaau _~~~mn . tommuntectin worksPwUa opt "con stMunicipal (counthes Designlinse ce uertmxNo goernmeytprOmcnon trouegctnesion EnvJronrnen theYsn p d I . seG~~~~Sons of Power _s_a_ _engyang Municipal Govemtin a, me Co u8 Entyronment goeneT he compensation forhe he embankment sby nthe Inser ank pteilon detennsione thog co,utain bemntepjc earmn nXa n HengYang Mnicpal Goemment HengshauA n Proutan HegngCny govrnens Arnd e o the omen ato for es b the emaketsrengting bank proetonrl renovation of sluices and the change of cropping plan are to be resposible by the relevant deoartment of cities and counties concerned. 33 72 Construction of te Project and Environment Administton Plan The arrangement of the cortructon of ermronmertal protection project wil be deterrnined according to the fUnction of the items and te progress of the different share of the engineering, for example, te protection work in the resevor area, should be completed prior to the resenior impoundment; the failibes for treatmnt of waste water in constucton period should be provided in the preparatory stage of the construction ; the environmental protectin facilities will be put into use at the same time when the engineeing is in operation, and, hawever, while the environmental monitoring work should be run through the whole construon period and five years period to check the effect of the environment protection facilities. Schedule of Project Construction and Administration Isms = j94 I2 5 1896 | oo ie 109 2000 Land acquisition and T _ tpslgdowr the --I- house Pollutiontreafrpent o _ _ - 1 1 - _ hydro complex constuction Drainrage and system at ports .L.- AM'orestaftin at areaandports - - _ __ instaatbon ooif 1 - water sparator in the motorships reAeonaiong of 1 .,anks protecton f - - controple II IIf|IEIEIh I *'-I - - f ~ I I sluices and ood | i monitwing I .1 :i:J: I 34 AppendiX I Summary Table of -valuatfon on the Environment Impacts Piedictiont Project . _ . _ . Prediotion Method Standard Applied Eavirornnontal Impaet Itrn Content Wator quallty In COD, Two dimensional The DI grade surtaco Every Index in the the upstream of Yolattle phe- conv4etfon diffuslon wator onvironmontal tlrlfnktng proten%ion the reservolr nol, model, quality standard area mcets the 3] cyanide, Oil 8atbeting esti- (GB 3838-88) grade wator quality mercury, matton mtodel standard cadmium, chromium, arsenic, alumtnluum,. h Aquatic The fish' s mf- Tho fsh's migration statlon and and spawning will bO spawning Influenced by the £2.. The Ilse of Wa- Reservoi} Dosianlna Measurcs Ther* will be 349 e' ter lavel Inundation and Atbout tho Jrrisation mu farmland to be 8 . roseuloment And Hydro6lectrIc inundatod, 804m' P . proJoot (SDV30-84) houso to be disman- o tied and 18 poople of 3 housos to be roeat- o . . tledt . Bernks ant cul- The local flood level The water level will verts surround- in the 20-yoar flood inoroaso 0. 07m to 0. Ing tho reservoir frequency Ivrn, and it will hAve little influence on the banks but 3omo Influeno. on the drainage of tho 69 culvorts. ____ ___________ ______ 1'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A,di I (contined) __ Prodiotion Project _ Prediotion Method Standard Applied Enviromnental Impact Item Content Impact during Production Tb .ivor will bo- the contruction waste waet, conN miuddy and the stage dust, noise, air id noiso envi- discarded soil r .;t t in the con- and stone. . ,ction region Wil. Morsen. The Dingjfaqiao Plying dust of Gauss oontinuous Air enviromi-,ental The port and the Pott in phosphate ores point sourcc model quality standard vicinity of the port Hengyang (G309585) Oily water One-group mono-di- Surface water quall- GOncrally tho drink.- from vesela mienstonal model ty btandard In& wator quality is (Ga 3838- 88) not affocted DrLiking wator qual- Ity stAndard (GB6749-85) Iv x Noise Point nolse sourco Enviroinmontal Noiso in tho port ra- model or line noise noibe standard fot slon can meet tbh source model urban region ttxndard. Tho noise .(0B3086-82) has little influence on the Cievironnlent The yong)i port Coal dust In Gauss point souroe Alr cnvironmontal 1'he rogion about and the Baishi loading and un- model quality slandard 440m far from the port ln zhuzhou loading (GB0905-82) pollutlon center ;tl meets . _ . . Od~~~~~~~03095-8 AiDo n I (continued) Prodiotion Projeot . _ Prediotion Method Standard Appliod EnyiromneAtal Impaot Item Content The yongll port Oily water from One-group mono-dI- Surfaco water quall- Gonorally tho drint- and the Dlsib vyessels monsiona.l model ty standard ing water quality is port in zhuzhou (GBod38-88), not affected. Drinking water qual- ity standard (OB5749- 85). Noiso Point noiso souroe EnAronmontat noAis Nolse in the Baishl model or line noise standard for urban port cAn meet stan- source model region dard. (GB3086-82) N4olia in tha YoonsU port sometimea ox- Shipplng,Route Rlver's capacity The transport, mix- Regulation of holding pol- turo and dooxygena- o lutants tion of tbe pollutant will ba spoedod up eAd the rivers' a ca- pacity of bolding pollutants is im- 0 : . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~proved . Aquatic animals Thb proloet will not and plants produce new pollu- tion sources or dam- n ago the spawnling ground . or block the fis3hs miarating Course. So tbo pro- ject will have little influcnuc on 0 squatic animals and plants, 0 .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Andtx I (continued) - Predlotion ProJeot . Prediotion Method Standard Applied Enviromnontal Impaot Itom Contont The Influenoe Blasttng iookt and during the oon- exoavation of rivet structlon peri- bod have little mfltU- od. once on water quall- ty durini abort paoi- od. Inceaeme of Yssuol nolso The atindard for The poUutants dis- ftetght volume aad disohaged pollutants 4Ltoahrd- harded from vassel waste ed from vessol accordilig to the (053852-83). tanctard have little .nIluenco on watar . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~q.uality. A ppp.neix 2 Smnmaty Table of the Administration and Management of Environmental Protecfion for Dayuandu Hub Project i. Designing Phase Main Prlems Control Measures Excutors 11 Flood prevention 1.11 Selet correcty the proper dam site. Hunan Design and submergence of dan type.flood disca type, afw widh IJnstitute the reservoir area and resonable regulaing level so as to reduce of the losses of submergence and have no Communicafions impact on the flood prevention in the reseffoir area. 1.2 Rising of water 1.21 Adoptthe stone masonry bank and the Hunan Design level to widen the slopped bank cavered by grass for the ciff Insiumte of water surface, to bank and loose-soil bank Communica- prolong the immersion tions and time of the bench terraces Hengyang and to increase the water Municipal erosion and water cut Govemment on the banks 1.3 Rising of water level 1.3.1 The dykes of the section under the As same as the endangers some dyke administration of Hengyang City are being above fortitying setions and reinforced in the winter-engineering oF submermes partial embankment proect, the average 1 meter drainage facilities will be raised on the exsting dykes, After the engineering has been completed the flood control capacity of the embankment in the reservoir area wil be encreased; 1 32 The wouJd-be-submeiged drainage gates and culert, overflow canals shtall be tarasformed and imprved befoe the .~~~~~~~ water detention of the reservoir. 1.4 Submerging the 1.4.1 Build the oeflow canals before water As same as the farm Land inside the detention of the resenrvir, above dyke of the resenroir 1.4.2 Transform or build pumping station; 1.4.3 Pefeatthe plantabon-change plan; 1.4-4 Well settle te assisting work at the later phase. 1.5 Safinization and 1.5-1 Because of the enough rainfall and by As sarne as the alkalsnizain of soil adopting the above mentioned draining abowe in the embarkment measures, the frm land will be kept in area in good conditions 1.6 The migration of 1.6.1 Build the fishpass fishes migration Hunan fishes blocked by Hydroectric the dam Design Insthite 1.7 Influence on 1.7.1 Reinforce the tree planting and afore- The govemments ecoystem statn, enlarge the fores caver ratw so as of Hengyang City to pr-veft water los and soil erosior, at levels Develop the ecoagrcuture and reduce emission of sewage. 1.8 Historical reic 1.8.1 Its a channel-type reservoir. In the inspec- As same as protection . ton and prospecting, no hisWtcal relic above- the above ground or underground have been found. 2-Engineering phase Main Probienms Control Measures Excutol 2 21 The muddy 211 Build seftiing tank enmit thewaste water Contracto(s) degree irncrease after treatmert or purchase ff ready-for-use by the waster water sand and stone material. Inspect and check the of the processing density of the uspeded solids regularly. sandand stone matenl in the engineering phase. 22 Dust and air 221 The dust will shape no air pollution tecuse Contractors) pollution caused by the engineering sie is wide enough and is some enviroment engineering ard distance to any villages and because of te damp monitor transpotatio condition of the water conservance engineeing. station of mnaterial 2Z2 Spray water on the earthwork site at proW tines and plant trees and grass aftr the wvork has been conpleted 223 Mix the concrete in closed mixture tover with the bag-type stainer. 224 Use the special tuck with large volume tank for transportng the building material (mainly the cement). 2 Z5 Build concrete or bituminous road leading to the engineering site. 226 Build the biturmen mixdng station installed with the waste gas purifier at the leeward ot and with a distance to resident and gather area. 22 7 Inspect and check the quality of atmosphere in the engineering area regularly. 23 Noise pollution 23.1 Use the low-noise engineering machinery Contractor(s), in the engineering with good performance. the ervironment area 23.2 Arrange the high noise engineering in day section at the times as possible. sete 23.3 Reinforce the maintenance for the machinery of transportation and ergineering. 23.4 Monitor the noises of the corsbucdon site. 3 24 Water loss and 24.1 Afbar it has been cut into the shape, the Coonractrs) soil eosion caused bank slopes shall be nansoned or greened by by cut of bank planting bees and grass as soon as possible slopes, and build drainage ditchs to pevent earth slide, water loss and soil erosion. 25 Problern of 25.1 Because the sbone needed is purchased The supp4ie(s) stone pit at the neai4y st;e pit, the stone supplier shatl of stone regreen fte places, resume the crginal landscape and protect tie environment in accordance with the requirment of the local governmentand the mironmental protection departnent Z5.2 The safe measures shal! be made out for the stone mining at the stone pit in accordance vwih the egulatos promulgaWed by relevnt authorities. 2.6 The waste 26.1 Set a ground for the waste earth and stone, Contactor(s) earth and stone then plant trees on the ground or use the ground as farmn land. Z7 Waste oil of 27.1 Collect the wAste oil of the engineering Contractr(s) the engineering machinery to the treatnent station of the machinery wastr oil nearby, direct emission shall be prohibited. 2.8 Collection 2.8.1 The sewage shall be treated by bar Contractrs) and treatment screen, oil separating tank, settling tank firsty of sewage and (the fecal sewage shall be treated by septic refuse of the tak) and shall be reached the state emission camping ground standard before emit to the far?n land nearby or directly to the Xiangiiang Rier. The domestic refuse shall be collected by a central refuse treatment centre. 4 29 Public health 29A.Well settle the clean work for the Xiangjiag reservoir bed. Navigational 29.2 Sellect the qualified watr resource of Corstnction drinkwater, if no resource, dig the wells Co. and the for taking the underground water. Hengyan 29.3 reinforce the healfth administrabon of Municipal the residencial quarters of th engineenng Government area, 29.4 Anange the epidemic prevenion work, if needed, for the staff and workers and the residents nearby. 2 1O Safety Admi- 210.1 Reinfore thesafet adminstration in and Contrac!ors). nistraton in the carry out the safety operaton regulations for the the relevant engiseering phase blast engineering; provincial 2-10.2 Well setfle the temporary navigation plan tansportin and facilites; reinorwe the navigation admini- and communi- stration, pefectly set up navigabon signs; set catons admini- up take-care station. if necessary. strtv depart- nients. Z11 The underground 211.1 Notce as soon as possible the ocal The governments cultural relic cultural relic protection departmnts to at leveis related, take the emergent protee measures, if Contrator(s) find any underground cultural relic. 3.Operation of Navigaton Main Problems Control Measures Executos 3.1 Waste mataral 3.1.1 Allships navigated trough the aea shall The enWronmen- treatment (including be instaled the oilwater seperator, emission tal sections of waste oiD control system and the waste oilwater tank; ports, the The domestic waste and cargo's waste shall rerant shipping be collected, then sent to the collection companies staton for treatment 3.2 Noise contol 32.1 Reiforce the ship inspection, probibit The ship of ship the operation of ships that the noises surpass irspecton te standard of noise control. depwment. the revamnt shipping companies 3.3 Industrial sewage There is no industria sewage to be ernited Hengyarg by the hub itself. The indusral sewage Municipal mainly come from Hengyang municipal Government area. A sewae cut-off project is on con- suion in Hengyan municipal area by the Hewyang govemnment After the project has been completed, the drink water quality rnil become better. 3.4 The harmful Reinforce the safety training for the staff and Administatve maerial leaing workes of nigalion conpanies, stictly cany departents of accident out the state regulatans on shipmrent of dang- transportion erous cargo, report any eaing accidnets to and commu- relevant departnents and take emergency nications, ship measure to insure the safety. inspections deparanents, shipping companies 3.5 Fish resources Monitor the species and amount of fish through Environmenta! monitring the fish channel by the fish channel mnonior protection section centre of the power sta- tion, Hengyang Envronmentai Monitor Station. 3.6 Wate quality Monitor the water quality regularly in accor- l monitor dance with the relevant plan. 7 Summary Table Of Enviromental Protection Administration and Management of Ports 1.Designing Phase Main Prbiems Conrol Measures Executom 1.1 The influrce of 1.1.IA site of portshall be selected ata plaoe Hunan loading and unloading with a distance to the crowded area of people; Communications at the port and wharfs the stricture of wharfs ancd the occupaton of Design Institute, on the flood control any flood channel by any wharfs shall be in Hunan Navi- facilites of the city conformity with the requirements of flood Affaifs Design diversinThe designature schematic, Insttte only after approved by the municipal flood control deparment, become valid. 1.2 The protection 1.21Theselection of anywhaffs'sites shall As same as of the drink war be in comfornity wit the state retevant the above source in the stipulabons that any sites of wharfs shall constuction of the keep a necessary distance from the intake of wharfs. drink water. The machinery loading and unloading pavcess and building of port, especially the bulk-cargo wharfs. 1.3 Waste water 1 .3.lThe rain and washing effluence shall As same as the treatment at the be collected in the setling tank for above port areas teatrnent and then to imits after it has reached the relevant standards.The domestic seweage shall be drained into sewer. 1.4 The dust influence 1-4.1 Control dust by spraying water on As same as te- on the ervironment the bulk-cargo wharfs, plant trees and above. at the ports grass to form a green bett and green the port area for control dust in accordance with the requirements of " the Poit Engineering Technical Specicaton of China .The green area shall be over 15% of the tot area of a port 1.5 Waste emited by 1.5.IThe wast ol collecive staion and t As same as the shps at the pot area rubbish collectivv staio shal be set up abov at the ports. 2. Construction Phase Main Problems Control Measures Excuts 21 The pollution on 21.1 The scle of the port constrution The contaccor(s). the water quality and is small, so that the influence caused by The environmenral air caused by port port construction on the environment potection construccfion. will not exeeding that of the building secton of port construction engineering. The cement shall be transported with closed tank truck Air storage is not aiowed. The watr quality and air quality shall be montored regularly. 2.2 Construction 22.1 Choosing consbution machines wit The conbcso, noise. good performance and low noise and environmental strengthing the noise monitoring during protection sections the construting period. of ports try best to arrange the engineering with high noise in the day time. 2.3 Public Health 23.1The domestic rubbish in the lImng area The contractor(s). shall be collected and sent to tie rubbish the municipal 2 station of the city sanion and The ostuction workers will take potetie antiepidemic inocuaton ,if necessaW. to prevent a disease departments from spreading- 3. Operation Period Main Problems Control measues 3.lTreatnent of 3.1.1 All the ships in business operation shall be Shipping compa- waste emited by instalted wfith oil Wr separator and emmision niesand erwirn- ships(in cluding contrd system and wase oil and water tank ment prOecton waste oid) (cubide). secto of the Waste oil and qater are not aiowed to be ports em;ted into rver directly.The waste oil nd water collecti stations shall be established at the ports. The domestc rubbish of the ships and fte dregs of th e goods shall be colleted and sent to rubbish station. 3.2 Noise control 3.21-Checkthe ships stricUy and pohibit the at the port ships, which is not in conformity with the noise standard to operte. Adopt the loading machines wifth ow noice. Strengthen the maintenance management of the operational machinery. Monitor the environmental noise regularly shipping and port enterprises, Erironmental protection departnent. 3.3 Wast water 3.3.1 All the ships in business operation be The environment treatment at the installed with oil water separator and protectn port area. emmision control system and waste oil sections of the and water tank (cubide). ports- 3 3.4 Leakage of the 3.4.1 Strenghen safety educato to the The shipping harmful substance loading and btnspor8ing personnel and companies the in accident canry out sicty the national stipulations public security onloading and ransportg of the dangerous departments goods. and the nvi- Take ffe emergency meacures immediat*y inspecton to prevent the polluton from spreading and departmet report to te local shippaig inspection department, if leakage happened, ad cooperate with enwomnmenW roWtoi~n department and public security departme to carfy out te effectv teatment so as to redue the ermrlnmental polluton as low as possibe 3.5 Dust caused 3.. 1 Spray vter reguvl to control dust The p04 by coal and and clean the sites for loading of bulk-cargo companies phosphorus and air storge. minerals 3.6 Domestic 3.6.1 The domestic waste watr shall be The port corn- waste emited into the sewer and the domestc panies, local rubish shall be collected and send to erwironmental the rubbish station of the city, protection and heafth departments. 3.7 Increase of 3.7.1.The first -grade ring road is planned Local land transportation to be built in Hengyuang m 2000 and th govermen capact secor.d-grade road along the rver is planned to be built in Zhuzhou, which are the main transportation ways .Construction o\f the two pors with low densi at transporttion will not inccrease the pressure of transporion in the cites. 3..2-The ex1sting sand and stone whafs will be 4 / Summary Table Of Environumental Prote.ction Admidnitation and Managenmen for Dredge and Regulatio I Design Phase Main Problms Control Measures Excu±or 1 1 5nfluence on the 1 .1.Choose the reasonable sift throwing Hunan erironment area so as to impoe toe effect of Navagional caused by the silt dredge and be beneficial to te Affairs from the dredging divesion of the flood. 1nsutes wo.k 1.2 The influence on 1.21 The distbuon of the river As same as the embankment a.d regulatng structure shall be the above the inIte of pumping reasonable so as to avoid the staton caused by erosion on the embankrment reguluting structures 1.2.2The watr inlet channel wilt be prepared at the dam root if the regulabng structure ar established in the channel segment where the pumping station is set up 2.Operatkon Phase Main Problems Control Measures E.xcutors 21 The influence 2 1.IThe shoala to be dredged The contracto(s) on the water quality are composed of pebble or the environmental caused by dredging rock in general. Tne contnt of monitoring stations, and deepening heavy metals are low .The sumals are fte environmental I engineerng. scatted in the dcannel of 120 prcion Jsecin lometer lng and fte unit capacity of Dayamndu of dredging is bh. Sothe hanmful Pioec substance and the boublng wil not exceed the standard in large rage and ong peiod if ta" the fblkiNing ftrsures A .choose the reasonabe dredge boat-style and optimize tie oprb proess B. Set up the sand arresting heavy curtain, C.Strengthen the wat quality monitoring at the dredging points of lower reach, especially the the water irntalng places of te 2.2 The influence 221 Dredging and reef explosion wIll not be The contactor(s) on the fish injurious to fish because the dredging engneerng is to be carried out in the winter and the dredging site is not the dwelling piwe for fish. 222 The contnt of heavy metals will not exceed the standard in large range and long perod for the dredging with scattered points is arranged in a short period st fat to increase no heamful substance in the fish body. 23 T'he influence on 23.1 Issue navigaion notice,stiputate expiosion shipping safety time and set up marts and warning rines tD causedby reef ensure navigation safety. explosion -2 3. Opeaion Phase Main Problems Conbol measures Excutors 3.1 Wase 3.1.1 All opertonal ships be instasled Envomenta erited by ships with oi-W separAor and dscharge protton (including waste oil) system and waste ail and wat cuxbine sectons oF the (=cubide). po an Sep up waste oil and water collecting shippwg staon at the ports. companies Waste oil and watr are not allowed to discharged into the rive directly. 3.2 Noie contro of 3.21 Shipping noises will not exceed Shipping ships natonal standard becuse the knspcion X'ingjiang is vey wide and the departrents. embankment founded for flood cont shipping along cities and town is able to companies regarded as deafening defence. 3.2-2 Check shios and boats stictly and prohibit the shippings which is not in coformity wit noise standard to operate. 3.3 Harrrful s-sbstance 3.3.1Strengthen safety educaion on Shipping leakge by accident ship's cew, excute related stipulations companies. on the dangerous goods bansporttion navigation safety and lay down a set of prevenrie and depaqtmt in remedial measures. charye Take all the emergency measures irnmediately,if leakage happened, and report to the environmental protecin deparmeat and public security departnent so as tb reduce the loss and influence to the last 3 B ~i |.*gii I i CONSTRUCTION PHASE Appedix 3 Action Plan Table of the Emlronment Monitoring CHANNEL CONTRACTS PORT CONTRACTS DAM CONTRACTS WATER -30 da ys before construction starts on a -30 days before construction starts on a -30 days before construction starts on a channel section; _ channel sectiorn; channel section; -sample morning and afternoon; -sample morning and afternoon; -sample morning and afternoon; -sample at the first monitoring transect -sample at the first monitoring transect -sample at the first monitorlng transect downriver frotmn the construction area; downriver from the construction area; downriver from the constructfon area; -sample at each of the water intakes or -sample at each of the water Intakes or -samp1) at each of the water Intakes or diversion points; diversion points; n diverslon points;- An.r -each sample to be analyzed for Annex3 -each sample to be analyzed for I2 -each sample to he analyzed for t-2 -1 day each month during construction; -1 day each month during construction; -sampleWmorning and afternoon; -sample morning and afternoon; -sampte at the first monitoring transect -sample at tthe first monitoring transect downriver from the construction area; downriver from the construction area; -sample at each of the water Intakes or -sample at each ot the water, Intakes or diversion points;, diversion points; -each sample to be analyzed for lJst #2- _-each samole to be analy6ed 'f0r 82. -every day for first 7 days of -every day for first 7 days of -every day for first 7 days of construction construction and then 1 day per week; construction and then i day per week; and then I day per week; -sample morning and afternoon -sample morning and afternoon -sample morning and afternoon -sample at the first monitoring transect -sample at the first monitoring transect -sample at the first monitoring transect downriver from the construction area; downriver from the construction area; downriver from the construction area; -sample at each of the water intakes or -sample at each of the water intakes or -samplo at each of the water Intakes or diversion points; diversion points, diversion points; -each sample analyzed for DO and SS -each sample analyzed for DO and SS -etch sample analyzed for DO and SS -1 day after completion of construction -1 day after completion of construction -1 week after cdmpletlon of constructlon -sample morning and afternoon; -sample morning and afternoon; -sample mnorning and afternoon; -sample at the first monitoring transect -sample at the first monitoring transect -sample at the first monitoring transect downriver from the construction area; downriver from the construction area; downrWer from the construction area; -sample at each of the water intakes or -sample at each of the water Intakes or -each sample to be analyzed for Aniit diversion points; Annex diversion points; An 8,2 -each sample to be analyzed for -each sample to be analyzed for __ - - _ __________ -.-.------..------ . _- _ -3-12 tirnes Per yc,; sampling program part of program sampling program part of program. : -sample morning and afternoon described under "Channels"'. described under "Channels" -sample at 8 monitoring transects (3 sampling sites across the channel; _______ -samples to be analyzed for Annex _2 _ _L ' _ AIR Dust Inputs Insignificant compared to -in position all week; -in position all week; other sources; civil works equipment -4.6 dustfall jars positioned unfformly -8 dustfall jars positioned-uniformly- very simple. around the port at the site boundary; around the site at boundary; NO SAMPLING -analyze for quantity of dust collected -analyze for quantity of dust collected during week. . during week; TSP: Inputs insignificant compared to .1 day per week -1 day per week; once/day other sources; civil works equipment -4 sites to leeward of port based on - 4 locations around the construction very simple. average monthly wind direttion; site;, NO SAMPLING -samples analyzed for TSP -samples analyzed for TSP' NO6SO2: Inputs Insignificant compared NO,SSO2: Inputs Insignificant compared *1 day per month; once/day to other sources; civil works equipment to other sources; civil works equipment - 4 locations around the construction very simple, very simpte. site; NO SAMPLING NO SAMPLING. - samples analyzed for NO S02 NOISE -daily by project supervising staff at -daily by project supervising staff at -daily by project superising staff at sites being reviewed; sites being reviewed; sites being reviewed; -morning, afternoon and night where -sample morning, afternoon and night -sample along truck routes and at possible but at least one of the three where possible, but at least one of the quarries; times, particularly during blasting three times. -sample morning, afternoon and night events, where possible, but at least one of the three times. FISH -2 times per year .2 tiMq peryear -2 timoa per ye*ar -4 locatlons between Dayuandu and -2 locatIons each within the urban -1 location between 0.25 and 0.5 km Zhuzhou; sections of Hengyang and Zhuzhou; below Dayuandu; -species and quantity present, -species and quantity present; - -specles and quantity present; -analysis of four'species of carp (2 fish -analysis of four species of carp (2 fish -analysis of four specles of carp (2 fish each) for Hg, Cd, As, Cr, Pb, Zn _ each) for Hg, Cd, As, Cr, Pb, Zn, _ eachO for Hg, Cd, As, Ctr Pb, Zn .. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I N,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OPERATIONS PHASE CHANNEL PORTS DAM/SHIPLOCK WATER -3-12 times per year sampling program part of program sampilng program part of program -sample morning and afternoon described under "Channels" described under "Channels" -sample.at 8 monitoring transects (3 sampling sites across the channel; :____________ ,samples to be analyzed for List #1 AIR Dust: Situation to improve or niot -In position all week; Dust Situation to Improve or not change. -6 dustfall Jars positioned uniformly chango. NO SAMPLING around Baishi and Yongli Terminals NO SAMPLING (Zhuzhou); -analyze for quantity of dust coltected during week; TSP: Situation to Improve or not -1 day/ month; I time/day TSP: Situation to improve or not change, -4 locations around the facility; change, NO SAMPLING -samples analyzed for TSP NO SAMPLING NO,/SO2: Situaton to Improve or not .1 day/ month; I time/day; NOJSO02 Situation to Improve or not chango. - 4 locations around the facility, change, NO SAMPLING _ samples analyzed for NO SO, 2 NO SAMPLING NOISE -1 day! week; -1 dayAweek; Situatlon to Improve or not change, -morning and afternoon; -morning, afternoon, night; NO SAMPLING -5 stations at facility boundary; -5 stations at facility boundary, -annually 6% of ships ' be Inspected at .0.5 hour duration each time. three sites on ship (by Ships Insp. Adm) ._._._i FISH -at Lieshoimu (below Dayuandu): -l lc0tlon each within tho urban -at fish ladder; -2 tinies per year: specieS and sections of Hengyang and Zhuzhou: -2 tierns per year;oeies and . quantit.y present; and analysi of -2 times per yearOfspees and qUaDtity present;and analysi of . fonr specis of carp (2 fiEh ,eaob) 9Uantity pnt; and nalysis of tour spees ofW car (2 fih each) ..i for Hg. Cd. As3. Cr. Pb. Zn , 10r flpecS3O car (2 fish eachS) fOr Hg. Ca.! AJ!Cr. Pb., Zn t; ,~ ~ ~ ~~~g Cd s. u. P . . Z n 'i !} . kanx S3-2 (recommended for construction period monitoring) pH BOD Ibetroleum NH3-N Hg Cd Pb 7-n Cr (+6) APP*dltx4 - Size of Dredged Materials from 23 Shoats in Xiangjiaang RivWeD#yuandu-ZixzizOu) t~~aae - Nature oRIVerI - Bed duax dami d99 dso dIG Ynaongzi Shoat Sand&Pebbte _____anS _ t43 35 1.3 teo A i Scad APebbIe 60 11 0.68 0.26 1.9 1.4 0.64 Shallow Waterway G neXiwagzhouiS ol _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ Yagi inynan shoal Sand Acizko Shoa Pebble & Roc 6 7 ~~~~~n1* 80~~~~~~s 0.1 so 19 0.26 I N.F F~antian Shoat Pebble &Rock Middte of Waterwy ou64ShoaL fRock Pebble 1 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~3.? 0.36 D. 16 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I40 <0.1 25.3 13.0 0.20 Middle of Waterway YazuIangaa Shoat ~Sand &Pebble 0.1 471 0.34 0.'24ofWtwa .T-+)Tl* ~~~~~~~~~~26.11 118.5 0.235 bng"Shiwn shoaL Sand & Pbb Le 10.15 IA 0.34 0.195 Mdl fWtra _Wamsbat' Shoal Rock Sand Pebble_____________ 12 1y* Shoa Sand Pebble & Rock j cngsiuangug Shoal Sand Pebbte & Rock- I TmegiShoat ISand a Pebble 1 ~~~~75.0 41.1 1.11 Near the Middtl3 of isSizhou Shoat Sand & Pebble go 81 16.0 0.34 0. 15 Vate" 16 Bl" Zhalolizzg Shoal Rc tla=ng Shoat oc Sanmen Shoal Pebble & Rock 200 0. 1 59.0 18.55 0.17 M(iddle of Waterway If- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 40 <0.lj~~~~~~~~~~2 3. Midl.f aera !9kongzhowt IhaI Sand &-Pebblte 40 <.1 0.82 10.68 0.40 kdt fWtra ikoShoaI Sand,& Pebble 10.90 0.54 0.10 ji~ddLe Of Waterway Shoat Sand & Pebbte gao 67 43 17 M4iddle of Waterway 1 ~ ~ ~ 13 <. 12 2.3 0.56 Mddef cos.i Shoat Sar & Pebble 0.53 0.28 0.1? O.S~~ s. :W u-r~ , j0 8spi _e' : ' -- (%)s z & ,4r -96 06 O8 (IL I9 Oa (f tlZ if J I I LI 2:1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 4'i-llUl Il!f.ll I IIII i I Il4 l' I1 , 'LA-1 f Ci] I I I I I - I I- I I ! 1~~~~if- Ifil I__1 .7SI SD I > > 0X!W ^ W l i . . 1r 4 Xg=XFlpo0e , wX g ' | i E g g g ~~N r£ -M ffi'M g X XiS- 'UWOO XXmm~~~~~~~~~~~ Esy a1 _ 6 , 1- ,.5 m fv d zq: tD - 0 0 0654)4x: 0 .0; . .- . - 0T; Stfi X f 95 % VS EL 09 ~~~~~..........n; s-a-. *w _~~~~~p _ ______-, i_ . ,,2 : '-: 't,.'''': ____::X.-_.X.i W_ff:E'rU ' E ' ':'R''':~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~ " ,'''I L. 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If I', z ::.......~ - r - :- .;. ..................................... L .. f *2~~~ Tz t-.z M- - = _- 1 -E-zS.7, we~i&t Pecetagto Of Mimar Giainh ilk a .tii.S v7IRipo f Cur2res fW Graim Sim fro Seamen Sh ,lo -' I,* , - ' ' S I~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~* ,_ _ _ ____-______ ".; ..- 2.. -s z.± _ _ -----.t -=-... --=- Z .1~1 ,~ ~-- i -v- i-i---- - SW,e, I, ;__-e. - - L -n a n - * - -1 - - - - f} t - t - -- 55 9i0 W <~~~~eih pf=nt of- mim . =m- :=S_ _ , Gradig D2aWg of C-ves f. Gram frm Kho'I ,x~~~ ' .1S- .r.F-<:'-F .' t 't; 't '' '1 '1 '' E' t 1 Cit' 0 %'< ' ~~_ -4----_ ; ffi . _ - S| ~ . I I-1 r- ; .K ~~' l * . g .- . _ 27-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. io~t ~9 IV ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~-. 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I s- 1*.s* I,< _ -_* Lizz_. 4- t ' 1 4 - W 1 ; S = '- j -' 4 T -g '- 1-' p'Z i zi §* e-1;|e SI- . -jlt¢§l.!:-i*-. . *- I. .-i: - *X.- _~~ T e iSg|_. . - ;ti ;*t1 *'*1*_ - - - i g Appedbx 5 Appedix 6 Content Table of the Har.Mf. Elaments in Silt on Sholas ______~~- ~ (Concnrto mgk Name Grain Contemt Size-m (nMM) 4 _b CdJ g Or An Gua .xiang-, <0. 063 78.23 9.58 38608 Q 0. O5 L 3 3.2 hou 0. 063-0.126 6M 38 8. 66 M.63 0.06 0. 002 L . 30 Shoal >0.126 68.78 9.02 389.28 0.07 0.0068 L 2 .0 Fentian OM 164.38 17.08 33& 68 0O08. 0. Om L 8 4.5 S.06$-25 9i S IL 64 3(7.26 0.07 0.006o L 4 3.6 >0.Q;5 97.17 IZ #m 5" 76 Qog 09 0.00613 L4 3.8 Yanpengzi <0.063 4.58 & 878 la58 0.06 0. Ph6 L 5 & 9 Shoal 0. 060.I25 48 88 7.65 103.88 0 06 0. 00n L 4 3.7 t >Q. 15 -, 5L 2S 10.77 UL21 0.07 0.07 L2 3.9 Sune, .2 I _ __ __ *. . I benbo <0. 063 7 8 10.34 13.8S O. 0 a 7 2.1 573 Sllol 0. 06S-0.125 7388 &Is .6 o7 O..i L 4.7 >0.125 86.35 7 .6 16.28 0.07 0.68 1 - T = = ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_______________ ________________ _______________ _ _ .___________________________ ._____________ .____________ t Chhou t O.12 i 74.5 7.66 1 lM.6j 0.06 QC 06 1 4.5 & &7 1 icuOswi <0.06 |6.6 4.23 |.0 30 8 06 0.W73 3.8 3.9 Shod 0.06".1ai25 s 3 5.7 1= 42 0.06 O.0O73 3 5 3. 2 >0.5 $ SLS 6. 12 u 7.8 0.06 0.0067 3.5 3.5 Appedix 6 Monitoring Equipment list for the Environiment Monitoring Statlons of Hengyang and Zhuzhou LIST OF LABORATORY CAPABILITIES ITEM_ HUNAN PROV. CHANGSHA ZHUZHOU HENGYANG GC ,ocal (FID, ECO)('80); Perkin Elmer HS-6 (cap. Itp ?°t(FX ,,NP;D 40CAQI(FIgZI 5 HP 5582 (FID, ErD, column; FID, ECD, NPD) 1 MSD)(for March 95) ('90); . - 'c : local (FlD, ECD, TCD)Cmid'70's) UV-VIS local (94) local (92) LoC (896) 4 local ('84) local ('86) -t_eQQ ( q . i-i;p . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~local -(mid 170's) -.. . ,; . * Fluoresence Hitachi MPF-4 lc4) No (omid _7, Oil ^ -_ No ___ Fofin (90) Loeze (''? ) ¢ (tPK AAS (for metals) Hitachi 180.80 (flame Hitachi 8100 witai M4 ftot? HIcUiE AA\S with auto- sampler; (computerized, flame (j14c., A*s wi.4,?A s I no furnace; about 30 and GFAA, 10+ e4- . a,p/er: Lfr' t AA'S W4'fl metals) elements: auto. sarnpler a.t o S a,v S14K per0 ` local (retired) . . kQo .Zs Hg Analyzer Rigaku (86) local C84) LQ ('I cCao CtI O local ) ______ _ 2 ioP (for metals) No Beckman 20 channel -- .____ ____ ~simult. ('83) __ _I_ Ion Chromatogrph Diaxnex (conductivity local (cond. det.)'C92) ..'' ' i) ITEM tIHUNAN PROV. CHANGS HA ZHUZHOU UHENGYANG Standard. Water Quality. - pH yes yes BOD yes (1 Incubator). .. yes (3 incubators) ; COD yes yes (14 simult.) yye bacteria yes. yes specific Ion electrode F, C F F, ci - hardnes~s yes yes alkalinity yes yes '. phenols yes yes (12 simult.) ) cyanide yes yes (12 simult.) y.. colour. yes yes AS turbidity yes yes CN yes yes V1S SS yes yes NJH3.N, N02-N, N03-N yes yes - others Shimadzu Sedimeter RS balances (0.0001): bo..-CO) (o.oDo!) i ( 6.0Of) ) 1000; balances (0.0001 microscopes, . , . :v g); several dissecting and stereo Olympus . ______mk rroscopes ___- _______ air sarniling eqp. NOx 10 systems (combined MonitorLabs 840 24hr 9 y f 'OL . with $02) continuous + portable . systems S02 Monitor Labs 8.5 continuous + portable TSP 7 systems numerous systems S s Floating dust no numerous systems /,O_ Nolse 3 auto-r cording for 1 hr.; automatic sampler for 24 .&Ado ni ci . sap/w 4sdb )tvc Sa/,.r _Jap. brand (91) hr. 1-2 systems. X4 Aj( t CoZ ) ./1 )l o ? e 'U * ' ' - 1t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . A Aix Nnitoring %cicn ~~~~~~~~,.,"aw- w N Ar = v lMinitor"i'gEE ! N.se Mh itor ingtocatecn yag Port jL!A