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Cambodia - Beyond connections : energy access diagnostic report based on the multi-tier framework (English)

With a population of 15.8 million, Cambodia is one of Asia's fastest growing economies; its growth has averaged 7.6 percent a year over the past decade (higher than the regional average of 5.1 percent). Upon halving its poverty rate in 2009, Cambodia achieved Millennium Development Goal 1. Moreover, in 2015, after 20 years of steady economic growth, Cambodia secured lower-middle-income status. Despite this notable achievement, 4.5 million people in...
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Dave,Rutu; Keller, Sandra; Koo,Bonsuk; Fleurantin,Gina; Portale,Elisa; Rysankova,Dana.

Cambodia - Beyond connections : energy access diagnostic report based on the multi-tier framework (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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