91197 Vietnam Social Assistance System Strengtheoi11g Project Procurement Plan for Goods and non-consulting services Period: 2014-2019 (updated on II Sep 2014) c,Q (;;r:n Q 'u"' ... -=~ ... '"' ~ - ... "' .... c==- . "' c: ~ ... c: 1:£ c: !: 0 c: ~u ~ "0 c: = c: <= ... 0 e;:J 7. ~ u c ::: 0 0 ~ "' ·- ._ "' 0 .::: <.; .s::. • ct! '- 0 "" ::ol.:. .!!!..r; E 0 • u "' c: o-C::: ._!!U c: <..> > ·:- "' ..., -~ a: "0 ::0 c c: "' .... - ·- ::0 u-u c e.. ::0 r... "".GZ: "0 c. ;;., ~~ ..., c: "' 0 0 u c: ·- :::! c: f- u 0 u I Social assistance and povcr1) reduction system strengthen i n~ Data collection and entry for establishing the database for existing poor and NP households and 67/ 13 I ump-sum Single-Stage. households !Tom 20 14 lists. and 1.881.997 DLI IDA NC13 and fL'\Cd l'rior Oct-I-t Oct-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Jan- I 5 18 months One-envelope updating the database based on Poverty unice price Census 20 15 for I am Dong. I Ia Giang, IOuanP Nam. and Tra Vinh Develop MfS pack3ge (Soflware development, DBMS license, training of ~ pro' inccs and training of trainers for the r\.'St 59 provinces (database management, targeting and self- Single-Stage. 1.7 11.925 MIS ! IDJ\ ICB Lump-sum Prior Oct-14 Oct-14 Dcc-14 Jan-IS Jan-15 48months targeting. enrolment, payment, feedback. Onc-F.nvelopc collabcraior. M&F, planing & reporting, etc) (software instalment), System maintaining, updating and operational support) Data collection and entry for establishing the database for existing Lump-sum poor and NP households based on Single-Siage, 2.849.591 DL2 IDA NCB and fixed Prior Apr- 15 Apr- 15 Jul-15 Sep-15 Oct- 15 24 months Po,erty Census 20 15. and 67/13 One-Envelope unice price households for region I - Nothern Iprovinces Data collection and entry lor cstabli!.hing the database for existing Lump-sum poor and NP how;eholds based on Single-Stage. 2.849.591 DL3 IDA NCI:l and lhcd Prior J\pr-15 Apr-IS Jul-15 Scp-15 Oct-15 24 months Poverty Census 20 15. and 67/13 One-Envelope unice price households for region 2 - Cctnral loro,inc.:<; - -·-- - - - - --·-··- --- ,_- - L --- --- --- ---- -- - I i Data collection and entry for establishing the database for c:-.isting Lump-sum poor and Nf> households based on Single-Stag..;, 2.1!119.591 DL4 IDA NCO and fi'\cd Prior Apr-15 Apr-15 Jul- 15 Scp-15 Oct-1 5 24 months Povcny Census 20 15. and 67/13 One-Envelope unice price households for region 3 - Southern lorovinu:s National data center (3 server, other cquipments and maintaincc fee): Single-Stage, 827.325 II lli IDA NCB Lump-sum Prior Feb-15 fcb- 15 Apr-1 5 Apr-15 Apr-1 5 12 months Hanh,arc and equipments for 04 One-Envelope loilotine orovinees Hardware and infastructure for the first Single-Stage, 740.500 Ill 12 IDA NCB Lump-sum Post Oct-15 Oet- 15 Dec- IS Jan-16 Feb-16 12 months batch of provinces One-Envelope llardwarc and infastructure for the Single-Stage. 740.500 IIH3 IDA NCO L ump-surn Post Oct- IS Oct-15 Dec- 15 Jan-16 Feb-16 12 momhs second batch of provinces One-Envelope liard ware and in fastructure for the third Single-Stage. 703.100 IIH4 lOA NCB l ump-sum Post Oct- 15 Oct- 15 Dcc- 15 Jan-16 Feb-16 12 months batch of province:. One-Envelope 3 Program management Office furnitures and equipment for Single-Stage, 3.3 50.000 111-15 IDA Shoping Lump-sum Post Sep- 14 Scp- 14 Sep- 14 Sep- 14 Oct-14 6months CPMU One-Envelope Office fumitures and equipment for Ha Single-Stage. 20.000 IIH6 IDA Shoping l.ump-~um Post No,·-14 Nov-1 4 Nov-14 No,-14 Dec- 14 6 months Giang On<::-Envclope Office fumiturcs and equipment for Single-Stage, 20.000 IIH7 IDA Shoping Lump-sum Post Nov-1-1 Nov-14 Nov-14 Nov- 14 Dec- 14 6 months Quang nan1 One-Envelope Office furn itmcs and equipment for Lam Single-Stage, 20.000 HHS IDA Shaping Lump-sum Post Nov- 14 Nov-14 Nov-14 No\- 14 Dcc- 14 6 months Dong One-Envelope Office fumiturcs and equipment for Tra Single-Stage, 20.000 HH9 IDA Shoping l,ump-sum Post Nov-14 Nov- 14 Nov-1 4 Nov- 14 Dcc- 14 6 months Vinh One-Envelope Vehicles (5 cars, I for CPMU. 1 for Single-Stage, 3.4 250.000 IU-tiO IDA NCB Lump-sum Post Nov-14 Nov-14 Nov- 14 Nov-14 Dec- 14 6 months each Provincial PMU) One-Envelope Total 15.534.119 , 1- Dt.r an T ang cutrng H~ th6ng trq giup .xa h(}i Vi~t Nam K~ ho ...ch l. c: c. .......: ...:~ :: == - ::,...c= - ~ := "0 - ::= . .e -<0 0. =- -= ... - ~:s ; -e ..:: g: .s:: E tO - ..:: ~ u ..:: ·:-""' ..:: Ref. Ten goi th ~ u ~- c.~ :1. :: ·= ..:: . :=; ·= - ..:: ..: ,. z =.:· -= :, •Eu :: E -= c: .... ~ -<:.J c. 0· et c: - c: :: 1::£ :C :,... :~ ~; ..::..:: --= ~ ~ ~ c. -= <::· <0 -<0 ·e,; -.:::; <..~."~ .. - c: Cll C: c: - ..:: ~I'(:: < ":c..:; :.!: ::: ·~ c. ·~-= -~ .C!> c::: v; -= c.. ;:; ~ <'C:"; =- t; ::: e-= Tang ctrng d\i qubc Tn;m g6i Trmi'c 110/20 14 11 012014 11212014 1 1/20 15 I 112015 48thang m()t tui hbsa vien. 'I D-DG, l~p k~ ho~h & bao t~(ICO) cao,...) (l.ip d~t ph.in m&n ), h6 lrQ' boo tri., c~p nh~t va v~n hanh h¢ th{mg) Thu th~p va nh~p s0 li~u CSDL quae gia v~ cac h{) ngheo. ~ de xay d\fllg ngheo. va cac h{l67113 thc.o Tang di€u 2.849 591 DL2 IDJ\ Dftu thilu I r{)ng rJi trong M?t ~~ ~o~n nu6c (NCB) mQt tlll h6 sa I :rQn g6i 'a ~an gia Tnr6cl4/2015 l 4/2015 l 7120 15 l 9120 15 l 10120t51 24 thang tra ngheo nam 20 15, cho cac tinh khu cO d!nh 1 • ''•rc mien Bllc Thu th~p va nh~p sO li~u de xay d\fllg CSDL qu6c gia v~ cac h{l nghco, c?n nghoo, va cac h(l 67113 theo TAng di~u 2.849.59 1 DL3 IDJ\ Dftuthflu I Mc}t giai do:,1n :r<;>n g6i r(\ng rai trong m(lt tw hb sa va dan gia rru d!nh vue mi~n Trunt> I 3 Thu th{ip va nh~p s6 lit;u de xay d\mg CSDL quae gia v~ cac hl,i ngheo. c~n Dilu thfiu Ml,it giai doan TrQn g6i nghco. wi cic h9 67/13 thoo rong di~u 2.849.591 DL4 IDA r<)ng rai trong mQl llll h6 SO' v:'t dan gia rruoc 4/2015 4/2015 712015 9/2015 1012015 24 thang tm ngheo n~m 20 15, cho cic tinh 1-..hu mr6'c (NCB) cbdinh vue mi~n N::un ·r rung tfun dil' 1i~u qubc gia (3 server. D~u thftu cac thi~t bi !-hac va phi boo tri): Ph~n r(lng rai trong M(>t giai do~ lruoc 2/20 15 2/20 15 4/2015 412015 4/2015 12 thang 827.325 Hill IDA Tr\lll g6i ct'mg va thi~t bj cho 4 tinh thi di~m nuerc (NCB) m(lt uii how Phan cimg va HTCS cho cac tinh thuQ<; D~u thftu d(ll I M(>t giai do:.m 740.500 HH2 IDA r(lng rai trong Trvn g6i Sau 10/20 15 10/20 15 12/2015 1/20 16 2/20 16 12 thang m(lt tt's i h6 set nu6'c (NCB) Phan ct'mg n\ I ITCS cho cac tinh thuQ<: O§u th~u dQ'I2 Mot giai do~n 740.500 I li B IDA rong rai trong I rQn g6i Sau 10/20 15 10/2015 12/2015 112o1o 2120 16 12 thang lllQI tt'1i h6 SCT mrac(NCB) Phun cimg va IHCS cho clc tinh thuoc ' thau Dau . dQ'I 3 Mot giai doan 703. 100 I1114 IDA r(lng riii trong 1 rQn goi Sau 10/2015 10/20 15 12/2015 112016 2120 16 12thang ffiQI t(ti hiJ W nut giai do~ 250.000 HIIIO IDA rong rai trong Trvn g6i Tru rf:': = .;: ... = ~ &. c c - ::> &. CL c e &. "' -e = I;" :6 - &. :6 .. :£ c .-..::: "::: CL c ~e = ~o:: t:() <> :: - ~ ~ "C &. = &. ""' -<::> ... E E """ = c c. c. _ - ..,. -<0 STT g6i th~ u :§ ~ ~ cc - "' ... = :..,..eo ~ Cj -- ~ c. - !-_ .... ~ - ~ t> "' E ,., !::; .., .... ..-. 'C 6: 0. .= ~CL &. c '· "' c Ten ~- c •!:I ~o ot c •':": .=!- .:- = ~c - &. c.; - .;: -<0 &. "" .. -- c. ..... &. .;. e: : ·a- ~ :~ = ·= er; .g ..... ... &. c l~p cho nfu11 tal clunh 2017. tuy~n chon m6t tlu h6 5<7 c6 712016 9/2016 1112016 1212016 312017 30 !hang 140.000 KT3 IDA Tron goi Sau 2018, 20 19 d~ta trcn nfulg l11a chon danh hrc cua ltr vlin sach nglin I I (CQS) Ta ng c()ng 6.133. 112 , 0