96043 Myanmar Country Partnership Framework FY15-17 Chair Summary* April 23, 2015 Executive Directors welcomed the discussion of the joint IDA/IFC/MIGA Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Myanmar for the period FY2015 to FY2017, the first full country strategy for Myanmar since 1984. Directors noted that the CPF has been informed by a comprehensive Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) and consultations with a broad range of stakeholders to identify key challenges facing Myanmar in reducing extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. Directors commended Myanmar’s recent economic strides and commitment to reform and development. They noted the alignment of the CPF with the country’s key priorities and priorities identified in the SCD. Directors highlighted the importance of sustained and inclusive growth to accelerate poverty reduction. They supported the strategic engagement areas in the CPF: reducing rural poverty; investing in people and effective institutions for people; and supporting a dynamic private sector. Directors also welcomed the CPF’s integration of cross-cutting areas that address key development challenges: gender, climate change, governance, and fragility. Directors noted the Government’s leadership in donor coordination, welcoming the alignment of the CPF with the Myanmar Development Cooperation Forum and sector working groups. They welcomed the modernization of public financial systems and improvements in public administration and macro- fiscal management during the CPF period. Directors emphasized the potential of the World Bank Group to assist Myanmar in capacity building and human development, building data, effective aid coordination, and regional integration. They strongly supported efforts for inclusion and empowerment of citizens, particularly vulnerable groups, women, ethnic minorities, and rural populations. They noted the potential of universal social protection and broader access to social services and finance for sustained development and poverty reduction. Directors supported the provision of financing and intensive knowledge products during the CPF period, recognizing Myanmar’s limited institutional and absorptive capacity and knowledge and data gaps. They urged a selectivity approach that incorporates knowledge gained under the CPF, joint programming with development partners, and comparative advantage, emphasizing the centrality of poverty reduction and building sound institutions and capacity. Directors emphasized investment in key sectors such as infrastructure, agriculture, natural resources, and tourism for their potential to enhance productivity, job creation, water use, and financial inclusion. They underscored the importance of the World Bank Group delivering integrated development solutions for Myanmar, with strong private sector development support from the IFC and MIGA. They welcomed a robust results framework as a tool for ensuring accountability and transparency and looked forward to the performance and learning review for the CPF. __________________ *This summary is not an approved record