Report 3529-GUB FLE COPY Guinea-Bissau An Introductory Basic Economic Report (in Three Volumes) Volume III: Annexes and Statistical Appendix May 21, 1982 West Africa II Division A FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Document of the World Bank This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS 1. Currency Unit: Guinea-Bissau Peso (GP) 2. The Guinea-Bissau Peso is pegged to the SDR. 3. Exchange Rates with respect to the U.S. dollar: 1974: 1 dollar = 25.4 Guinea-Bissau Pesos 1975: 1 dollar = 25.5 Guinea-Bissau Pesos 1976: 1 dollar = 30.2 Guinea-Bissau Pesos 1977: 1 dollar = 33.7 Guinea-Bissau Pesos 1978: 1 dollar = 35.0 Guinea-Bissau Pesos 1979: 1 dollar = 34.0 Guinea-Bissau Pesos 1980: 1 dollar = 33.8 Guinea-Bissau Pesos 1981: 1 dollar = 36.0 Guinea-Bissau Pesos WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1 meter (m) = 3.28 feet 1 kilometer (km) = 0.62 miles 1 hectare (ha) = 2.47 acres 1 square kilometer (km2) = 0.386 square miles 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.205 pounds 1 metric ton (t) = 2205 pounds 1 liter (1) = 0.26 gallons FISCAL YEAR January 1 - December 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY GUINEA-BISSAU: AN INTRODUCTORY ECONOMIC REPORT VOLUME III ANNEXES AND STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES IN THE TEXT ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS Table of Contents Page No. ANNEXES Annex A: State and Administrative Organization of Guinea-Bissau ..... 1 Structure of the Government .................. ............. 1 Guinea-Bissau: Political Structure ......................... 2 Guinea-Bissau Administrative Division ...................... 3 Annex B: Guinea-Bissau Statistics ................................... 4 Introduction ............................................... 4 Statistical Publications ................................... 4 Basic Statistic............................................ 5 Annex C: Bank Mission Estimates and Projections ..................... Gross Value Added, 1979..................................... 8 Components of National Expenditure.......................... 12 Macroeconomic Accounting Matrix, 1979....................... 12 Macroeconomic Projections, 1985-90 ......................... 12 Annex D: Ongoing and Planned Project Activities ..................... 22 Agriculture ................................................ 23 Livestock .................................................. 33 Forestry ................................................... 34 Fisheries .................................................. 36 Mining ..................................................... 37 Industry ................................................... 38 Trans ports ................................................. 40 Telecommunications ......................................... 44 Energy ..................................................... 45 Education .................................................. 47 Public Health .............................................. 54 Annex E: Bibliography ............................................... 60 This document has a-restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. - ii - Table of Contents (cont'd) STATISTICAL APPENDIX Page No. I. POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT 1.1 Distribution of the Population, 1950-1979 .......................... 6 1.2 Population and Households by Regions and by Sex in 1979 ............ 65 1.3 Distribution of the Population by Ethnic Groups, 1950 and 1979 ..... 66 1.4 Population by Five-Year Age Groups, 1960 and 1979 .................. 67 1.5 Employment in Public and Private Enterprises, 1979 ................. 68 II. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 2.1 Gross Domestic Product: Estimates of Output by Sector of Production in 1975-1980 ............................................ 69 2.2 Guinea-Bissau National Accounts Summary (Estimates)................. 70 2.3 Gross Domestic Product: Sectoral Estimates 1975-79 at 1979 Constant Prices..................................................... 71 2.4 Deflators for Sectoral Production ................................. 71 2.5 Guinea-Bissau National Accounts Summary (stimates) ................ 72 III. BALANCE OF PAYMENTS 3.1 Summary Balance of Payments, 1975-1980 ............................. 73 3.2 Guinea-Bissau Balance of Payments, 1975-1980 ....................... 74 3.3 Exports of Main Products, 1975-1981 ................................ 75 3.4 Exports in Volume and Unit Values, 1975-1981 ....................... 76 3.5 Main Exports and Unit Values, 1961-1979 ............................ 77 3.6 Imports of Principal Products, 1975-1981 ........................... 78 3.7 Volume and Value of Imports, 1975-1981 ............................. 79 3.8 Composition of Exports and Imports,'l975-1981 ...................... 80 3.9 Imports and Export Price Indexes, 1975-1979 ........................ 81 3.10 Trade Indices, 1975-1979 ........................................... 82 3.11 Direction of Trade, 1974-1981 ...................................... 83 3.12 Foreign Aid in Kind, 1976-1980 ..................................... 84 3.13 Food Aid ........................................................... 85 IV. EXTERNAL DEBT 4.1 External Public Debt Outstanding Including Undisbursed ............. 86 4.2 Service Payments, Commitments, Disbursements and Outstanding Amounts of External Public Debt ........********************7*..... 87 V. PUBLIC FINANCE 5.1 Public Finance Summary, 1975-1980 ...........................,....88 5.2 Central Government Revenues, 197-1980 .............................g89 5.3 Central Government Ordinary Budget Expenditures, 1976-1980 .........90 5.4 Percentage Distribution of Central Government Ordinary Expenditures, 1977-1980 ............................................91 5.5 Public Investment Program, 1978-1981 ...............................92 -iii- Table of Contents (cont'd) Page No. VI. MONETARY STATISTICS 6.1 Monetary Survey, 1975-1980 ...................................... 93 VII. WAGES AND PRICES 7.1 Average Monthly Salaries by Occupation, 1979 .................... 94 7.2 Employment and Annual Salaries Paid in Public and Mixed Enterprises by Class of Monthly Salary, 1979 .................... 95 7.3 Major Consumer Goods Price Indices, 1975-1981 ................... 96 7.4 Structure of Consumer Price Index .............................. 97 7.5 Average Retail Price of Selected Consumer Goods in Bissau 1975-1981 ....................................................... 98 VIII. NUTRITIONAL STATUS 8.1 Approximate Country Wide Calorie Balance ....................... 99 8.2 Food Production, Consumption and Equivalent Calorie Intakes per day .........................................................-100 IX. PRODUCTION SECTORS 9.1 Guinea-Bissau: National Land Use, 1976 .........................101 9.2 Area Cultivated and Yield per Crops and Regions, 1976 ...........102 9.3 Main Ethnic Groups and Crops by Regions .........................103 9.4 Guinea-Bissau - Weather Conditions ..............................104 9.5 Output and Producer Prices of Main Agricultural Products ........105 9.6 Main Agricultural Purchases by State Companies ..................106 9.7 Estimated Livestock Population and Meat Production, 1980 ........107 9.8 Estimated Forestry Resources ....................................108 9.9 Forestry - Estimated Annual Yield ...............................109 9.10 Fisheries Production, 1975-1980 .................................10 9.11 Fishing Fleets Operating in Guinea-Bissau's Waters, 1979-1980 .111 9.12 Industrial Sector: Employment Status and Utilized Capacity ......112 9.13 Manufacturing Output, 1975-1981.................................113 X. INFRASTRUCTURE 10.1 Cargo and Passenger Transport, 1976-79 ..........................114 10.2 Guinea-Bissau's Transport Fleet, 1979 ..........................97l5 - iv - Table of Contents (cont'd) Page No. XI. SOCIAL SECTORS 11.1 Student enrollments, 1975/76 - 1979/80 ............................... 116 11.2 Students, Teachers and Classrooms, 1975/76 - 1979/80 ................. 117 11.3 Promotion and Repetition Rates, 1975/76 - 1979/80 .................... 118 11.4 Teachers Qualifications, 1979/80 ..................................... 119 11.5 Students Abroad by Country and Study Field, 1980 ..................... 120 11.6 Current Educational Expenditures, 1980................................ 121 11.7 Extraordinary Educational Expenditures,1981/82 ....................... 121 11.8 Cost Indices by Education Level, 1980 ................................ 122 LIST OF TABLES IN TEXT OF ANNEXES Table A: Agricultural Gross Value Added, Estimates for 1979 .............. 8 Table B: Livestock Value Added, Estimates for 19799.-79.......--...----.- 9 Table C: Estimating Gross Value Added, 1979 .......979..--...-...-..---.-. 9 Table D: Macroeconomic Accounting Matrix, 1979 ........................... 10 Table E: Equations of Guinea-Bissau's Model .............................. 15 Table F: Model Initial Values and Parameters ............................. 16 Table G: Comparison between Assumed Parameters and Past Values for Guinea-Bissau and Sub-Saharan Countries.......................... 18 Table H: Projection of National Accounts Variables, 1979-90............... 19 ABREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ADF African Development Fund BAD African Development Bank BADEA Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa BNG Banco Nacional da Guine (National Bank of Guinea-Bissau) CAIG Complexo Agro-Industrial do Cumere (Cumere Agro-industrial complex) CEPI Centro de Educacao Popular Integrada (Center for Popular Integrated Education) CICER Companhia Industrial de Cervejas e Referigerigerantes (Industrial Company of Beer and Soft Drinks) EDF European Development Fund EEC European Economic Community EGA Empresa Guineense de Automoveis (Guinean Automobile Enterprise) FAC Fonds d'aide et Cooperation FAO Food and Agriculture Organization GDP Gross Domestic Product GUIALP Guine-Argelia Pescas (Guinea-Bissau-Algeria Fisheries) GWT Gross Weight Ton IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IMF International Monetary Fund JAPG Junta Autonoma dos Portos da Guine-Bissau (Guinea-Bissau Autonomous Port Authority) LIA Linhas Internacionais Aereas (Guinea-Bissau International Airlines) MPW Ministry of Public Works MTC Ministry of Transport and Communications PAIC African Party for Independence of Cape Verde PAIGC African Party for Independence of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde SIDA Swedish International Development Authority SOCOMIN Sociedade Comercial e Industrial (Industrial and Commercial Society) SOCOTRAM Sociedade para a Comercializacao e Tratamento de Madeiras (Society for the Commercialization and Treatment of Wood) I SUCO Service Universitaire Canadien d'Outre-Mer (Canadian University Service Overseas) TAP Portuguese Airlines (Transportes Aeros Portugueses) UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNDP United Nations Development Program UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNICEF United Nations International Children Emergency Fund USAID United States Agency for International Development WHO World Health Organization GUINEp-BISSAU STRUCTURE ОР TftE COVERlIliF.NT Offlce of Che Ргевlдедt �1nletry of lцnlncry о М1nlвсгу М1а1в[гу of M1n1e[ry о[ 1цаlвсгу М1п1в[гу оЕ М1оЕв[ М1а1в[гу М1п1в[гу М1пlвСгу of М1n1в[гу о[ M4n1вtc7 о[ М1цв[г7 of Е Pewlucloa. Е Wcural lевоигсав Соттегее, оf lсолотЕс оЕ of of 7талвро[[, РиЫ1с 4brt Иеа3сЬ вид Qure1 iлfалвсlол �всlооеl р�р1е Агя IoCarlor Рлегgу апд Plsherles вод Fвгвlgл Соогдlысlо Р1ыме Justlca iourfsa впt� аад 5ос1в1 Мvаlорил[ впд q�1[игв диса[1оп ед Рогсвв Iлдиест tцndfecafts А[[аlгв апд Р1ам1п Commualcacio UгЬвиlвs ЧаlЕага U.C. Coordlnatlou -D.G. Нсопотlс 5[идlее D.С.Тгыоигу -Сеаегеl - Ивvу Serv:ca• -D.C. Атсh1[ос[. -D.C. [ог [Ьа -D.C.Llvucbck - D.C.Ialoлвclnn D.С.S[идlев аод -D.G.DOmeeclL апд Р1впдЕпg ид Budgac Ас[огпеу алд Ucбвelw Воврltеlв D.G.of iев