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Managing health professionals in the context of limited resources: a fine line between corruption and the need for moonlighting (English)

It is fashionable to blame governments and civil servants for the public sector's dismal performances as a health care provider. Doctors and nurses in government employment are labeled 'unproductive', 'poorly motivated', 'inefficient', 'client unfriendly', 'absent' or even 'corrupt'. The moralistic connotations of these simplistic characterizations do not help. The widespread 'demotivation' is said to be due to 'unfair public salaries' which are presented...
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Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Ferrinho,Paulo; Van Lerberghe,Wim.

Managing health professionals in the context of limited resources: a fine line between corruption and the need for moonlighting (English). Washington, DC: World Bank.

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