Reporting un [conomy, EfficiEncy S Effactivsnåss in the usa of Public Resources AIN: 15624 FINANCIAL AUDIT REPORT OF THE WORLD BANK FUNDED PROJECT "PFM-MDF GRANT FOR STRENGTHENING PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT", DPA, THIMPHU PERIOD: 01.07.2017 TO 30.06.2018 NOVEMBER 2018 n ~ i J üiJ nuit >hnw to )IUnapELII 1nim5 idt m p 'si l i 'en ofires p v h U nunt t n flO iii 1 .lim ii \ I my #¼ u m Iä n s Ti moyP ;an,Vä1uc1 d u .1-axtas & ixograx"sal 6..<-x" .ia.indoN 6.'r2."ardr2..ohuodl Wah,"w"/<.2'eer....i. MrAddooo.i».moo9 %fd.o xF Wohl 6".4" AJ.6%E da":"ci±±.þ.""an 6"46 Mnnug.,s al Audit Authority, Thiniphu I. Title : Financial Audit Report of the World Bank funded Project "PFM-MDF grant for strengthening financial management", DPA, Thimphu 2. Head of the Project Sonam Tobgyel, Chief Finance Officer EID No. 9407084 From: ISeptember 2017- till date 3. Draw ing and Tshering Dorji, Chief Finance Officer Disbursing EID No. 9711016 Officer From: 1September 2017- till date Finance Personnel : Sonam Mendrel Wangmo, Accounts Assistant 4 ELID No.201007047 From: ISeptember 2017- 30 June 2018 5 Period Audited : 0I"07,2017 to 30/06/2018 6. Schedule of Audit : Planning: 12/10/18to 14/10/2018 Actual :15/10/18 to 07/11/2018 Reporting : 28/12/18 7. Composition of teams : Team Leader: Chheda. Senior Auditor EID No.200407064 Team Members: 1. Kinley Choden, Asstt. Audit Officer EID No.20150104946 Passang, Auditor EID No.9510027 8. Supervising Officer : Dechen Pelden. Assistant Auditor General ELID No.9811009 9, Oxerall Super ising : Prem Mani Pradhan. Joint Auditor General, DSA Officer EID No. 8304036 10. Engagement Letter No : RAA/GGD/ENG/DPA(PFM-01/2018/2947 Dated 12 Octobef 2018 11. Focal Person Passang 12. Date of Exit : Not conducted Con ference Disclaimer Note The coverage of this report is based on the facts, figures and information made available and accessible to the audit team bN the project management of the World Bank funded Project "PFM-MDF grant for strengthening financial management", DPA, Thimphu. The opinion of the auditors shall confine to the period covered and information made available till the time of issue of this report. This is also to certifN that the auditors during the audit had neither N ielded to pressure, nor dispensed an% faour or resorted to any unethical means that would be considered as violation of the Royal Audit Authorit\'s Oath of Good Conduct., Ethics and Secrecy of Auditors. Glossary of Abbreviations & Acronyms AR Audit Report CID No. Citizensbip IdentitN Card Number DSA Departrnent of Sectoral Audit DPA Department of Public Accounts EID No. Emplo½ee Identification Number FUCD Follow-Up and Clearance Division GGD General Governance Division IUFR Interim Unaudited Financial Report MDF Multi Donor Funded PFM Public Financial Management PP & AARD Policy, Planning & Annual Audit Report Division AUDITORS' REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OFTHE WORLD BANK FUNDED PROJECT "PFM-MDF GRANT FOR STRENTHENING FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT", DPA, THIMPHU FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018.....................................................................................9 ;ENCLOSURES: 1. Management Assertion Letter 2. Statement of Sources and Uses of Funds 3. Statement of Uses of Funds & Projection by Project Activities 4, Advance Account Reconciliation Statement & Cash Projection 5. Statement of Prior Review Contracts 6. Statement of Post Review Contracts 7. Statement of Fund Status fron DPA 8. Expenditure Statements 9. Rank Statement 10. Reconciliation of claims to total application of funds I .Signficant Accounting Policies and Explanatorj Notes ANNEXURES: A : PR O F IL E ....................... ..........................................................................................1 B : A C H IEV E M E N T S .......................................................................................................... 7 AUDITORS' REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMEITS _....._.�.._ ч-.....�..,.�. и,�.,.,.,.�..., к..,,,........., L..��.,,.�,.v, и ,»...,ы ц...,.н,:...,£,.w �..,m.e.�,w �-.,и.�,:г s,чu:uw� �г..,,,�,ы.�,г ц„�.,.,�,и.» w.,,,..<�.,,.и к,..а.е...,,,.а а.,.,е,....,��иs �_ _ . __s и,�.,.,-..�.у .�,_..�...-..,-,л ,.,.......,,...... ..,.,,_...,,. ROYAL AUDIT AUTHORITY RAA Bhutan 117tegifty Youse Reporting on Economy Efficiency G Effectiveness in the use of Public ResoLwces AUDITORS' REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THEWORLD BANK FUNDED PROJECT"PFiNI-NIDF GRANT FOR STRENGTHENING FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT", DPA, THENIPHUFOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 Opinion \Ve have audited the accompanying financial statements of the World Bank funded Project "PFM- MDF,-rant fbi stren,_,thenin- Financial manaoernent", DPA. Thiniphu ,Nhich comprise the Statement Or SOLINCS and (_ ses of Funds and schedules forming part of thefinancial staternents for the financial year ended 10 June 2018. In Our opinion, the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the Financial Rules and Regulations 2016 and Project Agreement. Basis for Opinion We conducted Our audit I accordance "ith International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAls). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Andifor's Responsibilitiesfor the Audit of Financial S tatement section of our report. We are independent of World Bank funded Project "PFM-MDF grant for strengthening financial management", DPA, ThimphU, in accordance with RA-4's Oath of Good Conducl, Ethics& Secrecy of Auditors, and we have fulfilled our responsibilities in accordance with the requirements outlined in this Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for Our opinion. Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Govei-nance for the Financial Statements Management is i-esponsible for preparation of the financial statements in accordance with the Financial Rules and ReC11-11.ations 2016and Project Agreement and for such internal control as management determines is necessar\ to enable the preparation of financial staternents, that are free from material rn isstatement. k hether due to fraud oi- error. Those charaed Nith oovernance are responsible for overseeing the Project's financial reporting process Auditoi-'s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements utobjectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about liether the financial statements as a XNhole -ee from material misstatement. vdiether due to fraud oi- error. and to issue an uditor's report that includes Our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a OUarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISSAls Nvill always detect a material misstatet ent when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud oi error and are considered material if, or in the agare-ate, thc could reasonably be expected to influence the econornic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. P.0 Bov 191 1 Kawan- an sa I Thimphu I Bhutan 1 Tel +975-2-322111/328729/ Fax: 1-97-2-323491 Web, ite- wwk\ bhut,11130dil go\ ,bt I Email Info,'Nint,anaudit vo% t* 11'e"'111 kiJ)hL1tanaudit.,_, A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements is included in Appendix-1 of this auditor's report. Report on Other Requirement We report that: (a) The funds provided under the Grant haxe been utilized for the purposes for which they were provided; ib) The Interim Unaudited Financial Report (lUFR) submitted could be fairly relied upon to support the applications for withdrawNals in accordance with the requirements specified in the Grant Agreement; (c) With respect to Sources and Uses of Funds, adequate supporting documents have been maintained to support claims to the World Bank for reimbursements of expenditures incurred; and (d) All expenditures reported and claimed are eligible for financing under the Grant Agreement. (Dech -Iden) Assistant Auditor General Date: 10 Appendix - I Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements As part of audit in accordance xith ISSAls. x1e exercise professional judgement and maintain professional kepticism throughout the audit. We also: * Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit e idence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error. as fraud maN in\oke collusion. forgerN. intentional omission, misrepresentations, or the oxerride of internal control. * Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Project's internal control. We communicate with the management. among others, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during the audit. 11 �wгmw.u lъгк::н...�.�.л:.:ш kн.,лн-и«w 1.�-цд �-�.,г.-�++�гвл 'ь�..гг+w еыцицшwц вцпs:вц.гb.е �а2впьv«ем�гi . ��. . EJP-17CLOSURES 12 { -) Ibadxak."ced wr 4-,Ma Abin& abaino: -4"".M utd¢nu/.ch i.oAl enk.e----i...:-:-\--M ":.-air:Nr+..'-en : -'r. - 9 ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF BHUTAN MINISTRY OF FINANCE TASHICmIHO DZONG MoF/ACCTS/PFM-MDF-0l /2018-2019 I November 02. 2018 The Auditor General Royal Audit Authority Royal Government of Bhtan Hon*ble Dasho, This assertion letter is provided in connection with your audit of the financial statements of the PFM-MDF financed strengtliening public financial management project for the year ended June 2018. We acknowledge our responsibility for the fair presentation of the financial statemerits in accordance with the cash basis of accounting followed by the Royal Government of Bhutan, and we confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, the following representations made to you during your audit: * The project financial statements are free of material misstatements, including omissions. * Project funds have been used for the purposes for which they were provided. * Project expenditures are eligible for financing under the Credit/ Grant agreement. * There have been no irregularities involving management or employees who have a significant role in internal control or that could have a material effect on the project financial statements. * We have made available to you all books of account and supporting documentation relating to the project. The project has complied with the conditions of all relevant legal agreements, including the Financial Agreement, the Project Agreement, the Project Appraisal Document. the Minutes of Negotiations and the Borrower's -Project Implementation plan. Yours iicerely, (Project Manager) Sonam Tobgyel (Chief Finance Officer)- Tshering Dorji 一欲丽~~乙~~:~~司偏~一一一如~确叼鲡~如~~五汀‘~&*愉~。二动、、…鲡、一‘二韶、涌翩一礴。一、~品~~ 鄂 MINISTRY OF FINANCE PFM-MDF FINANCED-STRENGTHENING PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PROJWf__ Staternent of Sources and Uses of Funds Fiseal Year 2017-18 -J IIFR - I P-l --A q "flt- A ý«rces I BankiRGoB Fund Released 7,570t736.80 6,734,857.20 14,305,594.00 14,305,594.00 W51,ý941jýýi 13 1 ;es øf Funds by Category Expenditures - IDA Financed 4ý277,790.59 7,481,413.89 ---il-,759,204.48 11,759,204AS Fxpenditures - RGoB Financed 48l ýý1 3 1 7cý -ýft Net Change (A-B) (746,55 2,546,389.52- 3,292,946.21 6.69)j 2,546,389.52 D OpeningBalances l PLC - Cash --T 2J PLC - Bank 2,496,746.21 3 ; PWA Advances CIF 41 Others Net Chan .69) 2,546,- a ave) 3,292,946.21 (746,556 389,52 2,546,389.52 - 5." PW Advances B/F Total Opening Balances:- 3,292,946,21 2,546,389.52 2,546,389.5-2-1 2,546,389.52 E Clesing Balances I PLC - Cash 2 PLC - Bank - -- 2,496,746.21 3 PW Advances OF 796,200.00 41 Lapsedbankbalance 2,546,389.52 2,546,389.52 2,5 389.52 Total Closing Balances- 3,292,946.21 2,546,389.52 2,546,389.52 2,546,389.52 Amounls kNu. (Sonam Méndrll Wangmo) g (Sonam Tobgyel) T Ciring Dorji) ProjeetAccountant Head, Finance ce ion reet Projeet Manager 7 、、、*。→一騙~〞、,、_→贓一、、、一韶、‘____:-~、、~~一→了→“~j~、~·、、→ ØF FINANCE PFNI-NIDF FINANCED STRk.N1'JfErffiG PURMC FINANCIAL MANAGE IF W.rld S[ArementQfUsesor unds& ccflons nj"ý Éi ilies Fi,cal Veur Z017-i8 I.AL 463-UO 13.938.760.240 Setling thc Jegz1 and operationil envsrontnem and developingt 0800 4,382,547,89 4,382,547 89 4,382,547 S9 ro4drnal)_ fx)r the GST Inir"ueflon 4,273,528 fjO 6,RS6,2<,0 00 4,997.463 W 16,157,251 000 Inlpioving Budgel documcniatjon. analysis and classi ricatjol, 02m 11ýfeugfi enhanced focus on gndei and clt~t c[ýange 1,234.852 24 ý'950~ 00 3,194,358 24G ýtl=j j, ýfl"Over,,ýgýtc -3_ Zj .59. 1 7,376,%6,59 10,4 L54&551. 47.036.744.= ýJesign and linplementmion OrMectronic Govcniment Procurenieni "P) 0,250 1,562,907 52 637,335M0 2,200,242.-52 2,200,242.52 1,437,5W,00 2,500,000 (X) (X) 4,937ý5% OfA icitv deveinment ISO - -1 - S(W," 00 1,500,0MÅM 2,000,00v (m 5ýýrnfthming PFM processes and infonnation sys(cins and teir 0,6ý00 51.5,,34.00 1,966,,97,00 2,481,931 M 2,481,931 00 2,500,0W,00 2.300,OM 00 4,800,000 intemflen «ýr m~ng towards IFMI, L' i i - 0350 oo sjm ool -,Olo,ow w i 1.1.405,(IW (A)- 'Nupporling wk,ý>Lffi øn 1111pIcmelnaum 01 ýwcounling and Audffing Stindayds and Esmbliskme"i øf Kofesý;ional 100,".00 1 oo," w b-lý4,770 00 6,384,770 offi Accountincy OrgøruMýinn r M 1,295,33140 -00) 1,195 (RI.40 -1.295,181,40 3 Projeet Implemeatation Vfflt (PIU) 150.ON 7 -59ý 7,481,413L89; Q4AS ýnd, Project Accouniant Prýýjeet Manager ancesce(ion-,-ýý ir r J> à * MINISTRY OF FINANCE PFM-MDF FINANCED STRENGTHENING PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PROJECT World Bank Grant No. TF0A5549 - BT Fiscal Year 2017-18 Advance Account Reconciliation Statement & Cash Projection Currency of Advance Account: Ngultrums PAR{T I , Nuj . -I Cumulative advances to end of current reporting period 50,000,000.00 2 Cumulative expenditures to end of last reporting period 4,277,790.59 3 Outstanding Advance to be accounted (line I minus line 2) 45,722,209.41 4 Closing advance balance at end of reporting period 30,000,000.00 5 Expenditures for current reporting period 7,481,413.89 6 Add: Line 4 and line 5 37,481,413.89 7 Difference (if any) (Line 3 minus line 6)/ see note I below 8,240,795.52 8 Total amount to be paid by World Bank 60,975,504.24 9 Closing advance balance at the end of current reporting period (same as Line 4) 30,000,000.00 10 Difference (if any) same as Line 7 8,240,795.52 Cash requirement from World Bank for next three reporting periods (line 8 minus line 9 11 minus line 10) 22,734,708.72 No te 1: Elto for differences: i. Balance with MoF in GCA (i'e. amount transferred from Designated A/c minus Expenditure repoi 8,240,795.52 Total 8,240,795.52 (Sonam Mendrel angmo) (Sona Tobgyel) (Tsherin Dorji) (Ji e n Project Accountant Project Manager Head, Finance Secti ir r & 'OR< .� , .. .. а м>.-.�-х:м., я r . ^.. ,� е,-�^-.�+� вп.�.-�...;у с,,.,,..,-,,.,,,,, � . . . .. ., . ,. . _._.. _ _.�,w.. .�.....,..... .�.,._..,�� .,�..,,..._,,, ,�..,.,,,....,.,, � _... .. ,,, ,.п �.�.,,�, ���,..�. � �.�-.�.. hqli�'IS'1'RY О� FINANCa4 1'k�tи1-Ri1i3� 1 a " ―「,--―「『「「ㅣ――「‘- -------- …――」//―긱―--/-\[ ; \℃쑈) 【1 (.:【:』 」 【’1: [ J rnnted Date:26/0912018 FINANCIAL INFORMATION ON EXTERNAL PROJECTS INCLUDING OUTSTANDING ADVANCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 TO 2018-2019 FICCODE FROM - 4616 FICCODE TO- 4616 1 DONOR - ALL (Arnount in Nu.) OUTSTANDING CASH WITH FYIAU FIC ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT/PROJECT NAME CASH RECEIPT RELEASE EXP-INCASH ADVANCE REFUND GOVT. 2017-2018 202.01 MINISTRY OF FINANCE Balance from Previous years: 0.00 461 MOF for Strengtliening Public Financial Management 20,000,000.00 000 Project Balance Carried Forward From CBA(Centralized Budget & Accounts): 0.00 .-_ .. 6,500,000.00 4,382,54789 ' PC . TillI 202.01105/00/040002006.0314616[STRENGTHENING 2,200,242.52 PUBLIC PROCUREMENT SYSTEM I 2,386,000.00 202.01/05/001040/002/006.04/4616[STRENGTHENING 2,707,59400 2,481,9300 PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PROCESS AND SYSTEMS AND THEIR INTEGRATED FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (IFMIS)] L : t .-. 5 :~~ -:E'*-' ;- ·,- l ^_. . i..324,736.80 202.01105/00/040/002/006.0614616(STRENGTHENING AND 340,000.00 ENHANCING INTERNAL AUDIT EFFECTIVENESS] .GZ ,','r- ---'..-:. , .- . 100,000.00 100,000.00 Page 1 of 3 ..,,_..���,.�...ы :_.:_�. , .��.-.... г.ww.,.,._Е,-, а,-,-ни�.,..ь.а Ь�,.,,.ыт..w�з tыае�:.ь�ына д>.wпи.,.хы�и.ч Wлш;к�.й ,.. �.�ц лс..г..алч�г А.,м.:с-���� .-. _� �_- -, з .... Ни�vиед Т.�2нж�иыг� г . _ ь.�.г...,.,и t,.�,.-„�.,.. M'GOUTSTAIJC'!.-& FOR THE FfSýALYOAR FCCODE FROM 1'-'.nlljujv la u e U i r:'.2 GA 59 l V. tiv, EXP4NCASH ADVANCE GOVT. 29 ,0' 1.21. Ii20 -4 976,00-100 j; 7«11 7." 7P I- sv-: 930 1 iY f 3 e 1 0. 5 112- . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTm. M.81 0.00, 0,00 7` -7 14-"5,594.0é' 11.7500».46 0,00 8,240,7MW Iv THO"" n d 4kuaakeMA:aa Ass u A MINISTRY OF FINANCE Printed Date :02/1112018 Receipts and Payments Statement For A/C. No. 202.01/2011-PLC For the Month of JUNE - 2018 Receipts Payments No. Group/Broad Head Of Account For the Month Annual Progressive For the Month Annual Progressive Cumulative Balance (Nu.) (Nu.) (Nu.) (Nu.) (-) Cr, (+) Dr I Opening Balance : a Cash 0.00 b Bank 2,892,358.46 2 Releases a. Budgetary 2,934,857,20 14,305,594.00 b. Non-Revenue 261,776.00 261,776.00 c. Refundable Deposits 0.00 0.00 d. Un-cashed Cheques 0.00 0.00 3 Grants in-Kind : 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 Borrowings in-Kind : 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 Revenue Receipts/Remittances : 44,993.00 77,756.00 44,993.00 77,756.00 6 Other Recoveries/Remittances a. GPF: Employee Contribution 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 b. Govt. Insurance Scheme 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 c. Other Insurance Premia 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d. Loans from Fin. Instts. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 e. Others 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7 Personal Advances : 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 Miscellaneous Receipts/Payments: a, Non-Revenue NC. Deposits 0.00 0.00 261,776.00 261,776.00 b. Refundable Deposit A/C. Deposits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 1 of 2 MINISTRY OF FINANCE Printed Date :02/11/2018 Receipts and Payments Statement For A/C. No. 202.01/2011-PLC For the Month of JUNE - 2018 Receipts Payments No. Group/Broad Head Of Account For the Month Annual Progressive For the Month knnual Progressive Cumulative Balance (Nu.) (Nu.) (Nu.) (Nu.) (+) Cr, (-) Dr c Payments to DPA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d,Others 152,321,00 152,321.00 152,321.00 152,321.00 9 Suspense: a, Stock 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 b, Purchases 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 c. PW Advances 1,840,737.75 3,119,420.75 381,960.00 3,119,420.75 0.00 d Intra-Agency Assignments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 e Deposit Works 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 f. Other Deposits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 Budgetary Expenditure: a Current 0.00 150.00 b Capital 4,739,603,89 11,759,054.48 c. Lending 0 00 0.00 d, Repayment 0.00 0.00 11 Closing Balances a. Cash 0.00 0.00 2,546,389.52 it Bank 2,546,389.52 Grand Total: 8,127,043.41 17,916,867.75 8,127,043.41 17,916,867.75 (Signature) (Signature) Head of Finance Section Head of Office Page 2 of 2 MINISTRY OF FINANCE Printed Date :02/11/2018 Expenditure Statement For A/C No. : 202.0112011 - PLC Program Code : 040 - PUBLIC ACCOUNTS SERVICES For the Month Of JUNE - 2018 Codes Expenditure for the month (Nu.) Current Budget Annual Progressive Expenditure (Nu.) SP AC SAC PIC OBC Name Amount PERS ADV PW ADV Amount (Nu.) Amount PERS ADV PW ADV 002 MANAGEMENT & SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES 0O6 STRENGTHENING PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PROJECT 01 SETTING LEGAL AND OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF ROADMAP FOR GOOD AND SERVICE TAX(GST) INTRODUCTION, 4616 MDF for Strengthening Public Financial Management Project 45.01 Training - Human Resource Development 1444,664.45 1,444,664 45 45.02 Training - Others 218,200.65 1,033,200-65 54.02 Office Equipment 1,231,400.00 1,360,441 00 54.03 Computers & Peripherals 156,000.00 156,000.00 55,01 Professional Services 388,241.79 388,241.79 93.05 PWA Others Total FIC Current Capital 3,438,506.89 4,382,547.89 Lending Repaymen Total Sub-Activity Current Capital 3,438,506.89 4,382,547.89 Lending Repaymen 03 STRENGTHENING PUBLIC PROCUREMENT SYSTEM 4616 MDF for Strengthening Public Financial Management Project 45.01 Training - Human Resource Development -152,321.00 Page 1 of 5 Printed Date -02I1112018 Expenditure Statement For A/C No. : 202.0112011 - PLC Program Code 040 - PUBLIC ACCOUNTS SERVICES For the Month Of JUNE - 2018 Codes Expenditure for the month (Nu.) Current Budget Annual Progressive Expenditure (Nu.) Name Amount (Nu,) SP AC SAC FIC OBC Amount PERS ADV PW ADV Amount PERS ADV PW ADV 45.02 Training - Others 637,335.00 54.02 Office Equipment 1,562,907.52 93.05 PWA Others Total FIC Current Capital -152,321.00 2,200,242.52 Lending Repaynen Total Sub-Activity Current Capital -152,321.00 2,200,242.52 Lending Repaymen 04 STRENGTHENING PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PROCESS AND SYSTEMS AND THEIR INTEGRATED FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (IFMIS) 4610 MDF for Strengthening Public Financial Management Project 45.01 Training - Human Resource Development 1,353,418.00 1,966,297.00 45,02 Training - Others 515,634.00 93.05 PWA Others Total FIC Current Capital' 1,353,418.00 2,481,931.00 Lending Repaymen Total Sub-Activity Current Capital 1,353,418.00 2.481,931.00 Lending Repaymen 06 STRENGTHENING AND ENHANCING INTERNAL AUDIT EFFECTIVENESS Page 2 of 5 Printed Date :02111/2018 Expenditure Statement For A/C No.: 202.01/2011 - PLC Program Code: 040 -PUBLIC ACCOUNTS SERVICES For the Month Of JUNE - 2018 Codes Expenditure for the month (Nu.) Current Budget Annual Progressive Expenditure (Nu.) Name Amount (Mu.) SP AC SAC FIC OSC Name Amount PERS ADV PW ADV Amount PERS ADV PW ADV 4616 MDF for Strengthening Public Financial Management Project 45.02 Training -Others 324,736.80 93.05 PWA Others Total FIC Current Capital 324,736.80 Lending Repaymen Total Sub-Activity Current Capital 324,736.80 Lending Repaymen 07 SUPPORT TO ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING STANDARD BOARD OF SHUTAN(AASBB) ON IMPLEMENTING BHUTAN ACCOUNTING STANDARD(BAS) AND ESTABLISHMENT OF PAO 4616 MDF for Strengthening Public Financial Management Project 45.01 Training - Human Resource Development 100,000.00 100000.00 Total FIC Current Capital 100,000.00 100,000.00 Lending Repaymen Total Sub-Activity Current Capital 100,000.00 100,000.00 Lending Repaymen 08 CAPACITY BUILDING OF PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES 4616 MDF for Strengthenng Public Financial Management Project 45.01 Training - Human Resource DeveJopment 1,295,181,40 Page 3 of 5 Printed Date :02111/2018 Expenditure Statement For A/C No. 202.0112011 - PLC Program Code 040 - PUBLIC ACCOUNTS SERVICES For the Month Of JUNE - 2018 Codes Expenditure for the month (Nu.) Current Budget Annual Progressive Expenditure (Nu.) Amount (Nu.) SP AC SAC C OName Amount PERS ADV PW ADV Amount PERS ADV PW ADV Total FIC Current Capital 1,295,181.40 Lending Repaymen Total Sub-Activity Current Capital 1,295,181.40 Lending Repaymen 09 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT IN PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT(PFM) 461G MDF for Strengthening Pubc Financial Management Project 45.01 Training - Human Resource Development 701,086.27 45.02 Training - Others 273,328.60 93.05 PWA Others Total RIC Current Capital 974,414.87 Lending Repaymen Total Sub-Activity Current Capital 974,414.87 Lending Repayrnen 10 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION UNIT (PILU), PFM- MDF PROJECT 4616 MDF for Strengthening Public Financial Management Project 17.02 Op. Exp. -Taxes, Duties, Royalties, Fees, 1,000.00 150,00 Handling Charges, Bank Charges Page 4 of 5 Printed Date :02/1112018 Expenditure Statement For A/C No. 202.01/2011 - PLC Program Code : 040 - PUBLIC ACCOUNTS SERVICES For the Month Of JUNE -2018 Codes - Expenditure for the month jNu.) Current Budget Annual Progressive Expenditure (Nu.) Amount (Nu.) SP AC SAC FIC OBC Nam Amount PERS ADV PW ADV Amount PERS ADV PW ADV Total FIC Current 150.00 Capital Lending Repaymen Total Sub-Activity Current 150.00 Capital Lending Repaymen Total Activity Current 150.00 Capital 4,739,603.89 11,759,054,48 Lending Repaymen Total Sub-Program Current 150.00 Capital 4,739,603.89 11,759,054.48 Lending Repaymen Total Program Current 150.00 Capital 4,739,603.89 11,7S9,054.48 Lending Repaymen Grand Total Current 150.00 Capital 4,739,603.89 11,759,054.48 Lending Repaymen Page 5 of 5 ..� ., . . ..,,, . �� .. ,.�:..,, ,,. . р ' � !ь-:аи���wц.а � ' °а«и.:.wы�,�лы пs_ки.чк�.-'ы 1м�., ° .,...,, .�., . в.,�.,.,.ы.�..r n .__ а�и.,а.-„�.+ ъ���,.л,�s ,,,_,��.�..ш ,:.....,aa,. v.._._�...,.. л,.,м.-.ч�:. �..,н,�,.�гг ��,.,.,, .�,.,�„�,.� .чв�ы��ею� л BANK OF BHUTAN STATEMENT OF ACC0uN-r ACCOUNTI