MARCH, 2017 ANALYSIS OF THE HARMONIZATION OF THE REGULATION ON POLICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA COMPARED TO THE PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN THE EU DIRECTIVE 2012-29 ON ESTABLISHING MINIMUM STANDARDS ON THE RIGHTS, SUPPORT AND PROTECTION OF VICTIMS OF CRIME Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Justice Sector Support in Serbia, World Bank HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY [Company address] ANALYSIS OF THE HARMONIZATION OF THE REGULATION ON POLICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA COMPARED TO THE PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN THE EU DIRECTIVE 2012-29 ON ESTABLISHING MINIMUM STANDARDS ON THE RIGHTS, SUPPORT AND PROTECTION OF VICTIMS OF CRIME „Pilot analysis“ of the relevant articles of the EU Directive Legal and Policy Analysis Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Article 3 Police Act (PL) Art: 18, 58 and 91 Полиција у During the preliminary Article 18 Article 58 paragraph Right to of the PL предистражном investigation and paragraph 1 of 1 of the Police Act understand and General protocol поступку примењује investigation the PL – refers to stipulates the receipt to be understood on procedures Item 9.7. (GPDV) полицијска proceedings, the the application of of the criminal or and cooperation овлашћења утврђена Police shall exercise the CPC (it is minor offence 1. Member states of institutions, Item V5 Закоником о police powers partly aligned complaint. This is not shall take bodies and (SPNM) кривичном поступку stipulated by the CPC with the specifically referring appropriate organizations in и поступа по налогу и and act upon the Directive, which to the complaint filed measures to assist situations of Item 3.1.2. (SPVP) захтевима јавног order and requests of basically means by a victim/injured victims to violence against тужиоца и суда (члан the public prosecutor that it is aligned party. In practice, understand and women in family Articles 12 and 16 18 став 1 ЗП). and the court. (Article to the extent that however, it is to be understood and partner (OPD) 18, paragraph 1, of the CPC is aligned victims/injured party from the first relationships Полицијски the PL). with the who usually report contact and (GPDV) Item 7 (ICJ) службеник дужан је Directive. crimes/minor during any further да прими пријаву о A police officer shall offences to the necessarz Instructions on учињеном кривичном receive a report on a Article 58 police. Also, the iteraction they the conduct of делу и прекршају committed criminal paragraph 1 of elements of the have with a police officers (члан 58 став 1 Закона offense and minor the PL (partly rights of the injured competent towards о полицији. offence (Article 58 aligned with the party/victim are not authority in the juveniles and paragraph 1 of the Directive) strictly prescribed so context of young adults Полицијски PL). that in this case they criminal (ICJ) службеник може Article 91 would have the rights proceedings, тражити обавештења A police officer may paragraph 1 of stipulated by Article including where Special protocol од лица у циљу request information the PL (partly 3 of the Directive. information is on the conduct спречавања и from a person in order aligned with the This norm needs to provided by that of police officers откривања кривичних to prevent and detect Directive) be supplemented authority.. in order to дела или прекршаја и criminal offenses or and aligned with protect minors њихових учинилаца у minor offences and Provision (9.7. Article 3 of the 2. Member States from abuse and складу са законом their perpetrators in GPDV) (partly Directive. shall ensure that neglect (SPNM) (члан 91 став 1 Закона accordance with the aligned with the communications о полицији). law (Article 91 Directive) Article 91 paragraph with victims are Ordinance on paragraph 1 of the 1 of the Police Act Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) given in simple the manner of Насиље над женама PL). Provision V5 of stipulates the and accessible performing породици и the Special collection of language, orally police duties партнерским Violence against protocol on the information from or in writing. (OPD) односима се women in family and conduct of police persons in general, Such пријављује полицији partner relationships officers in order including victims, i.e. communications Special protocol и јавном тужилаштву is reported to the to protect minors injured parties. This, shall take into on the conduct у складу са законом. Police and the Public from abuse and to some extent, account the of police officers Потребно је да Prosecutor’s Office in neglect is fully contains elements personal and cases of учесници у систему accordance with the aligned with and rights of victims characteristics of violence against заштите у сваком law. It is necessary for Article 3 of the to understand and be the victim women in тренутку процењују those involved in the Directive. understood. including any partner ризик за жртву и protection system, at However, it would be disability which relationships прилагођавају своје any time, to assess the Provision 3.1.2. of necessary to provide may affect the (SPVP) поступке потреби да risk to the victim and the Special additionally the ability to се жртви обезбеди adapt their protocol on the manner of collecting understand or to максимална procedures where conduct of police information be understood. безбедност (9.7. necessary in order to officers and cases specifically from the 1. Unless contrary ОПНП) provide maximum of violence victim/injured party, to the interests of safety for the victim against women in so this norm need to the victim or У циљу посебне (9.7 GPDV) partner be further aligned unless the course заштите личности relationships is with Article 3 of the of proceedings малолетног лица In order to provide partly aligned Directive. would be жртве злостављања special protection of with Article 3 of The Police Act, prejudiced, или занемаривања, minor victims of abuse the Directive. contain relatively few Member States овлашћена службена or neglect, an procedural shall allow victims лица полиције ће authorized police Articles 12 provisions. However, to be приликом offices will take the paragraph 1 and one should have in accompanied by a предузимања мера и following measures 16 paragraph 1 of mind that the main person of their радњи ; and actions: the Ordinance on source of criminal choice in the first - introduce the manner of procedural law in contact with a представити се himself/herself to the performing police Serbia is – the competent малолетном лицу и minor and his/her duties are partly Criminal Procedure Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) authority where, његовим parents, adoptive aligned with Coce (the CPC), to due to the impact родитељима, parents or guardians. Article 3 of the which the Police Act of the crime, the усвојиоцу или Explain that the police Directive. is a lex specialis. victim requires стараоцу. Објаснити is there to provide Therefore, in respect assistance to да је полиција ту assistance and to the right of victims understand or to ради пружања protection, what they Provisions of item to understand and to be understood. помоћи и заштите, intend to do and what 7 of the be understood шта намерава да is expected from the Instructions on (Article 3 of the предузме и шта се од persons present. the conduct of Directive), relevant присутних лица Also, before starting police officers provisions of the CPC очекује. Такође, пре the interview, the towards juveniles shall apply, unless почетка разговора police officers need to and young adults the matter is проверити да ли су check whether the are aligned with regulated by the информације information provided Article 3 of the Police Act. This is разумели. is understood. Directive primarily related to - Inform the minor the provisions that информисати and his/her parents, directly regulate the малолетно лице и adoptive parents or position of the његове родитеље, guardians of their injured party in усвојиоца или rights and the services criminal proceedings, стараоца о њиховим at their disposal in i.e. their rights as правима и службама order to provide victims, as well as које им стоје на assistance and/or some other располагању ради support. Ensure that provisions of the CPC пружања помоћи the minor is provided – such as thosee и/или подршке. with information in a related to the rights Обезбедити да се way that is tailored to of injured parties at малолетном лицу their age and certain stages of дају информације на language that they criminal proceedings. начин који је can understand. (V5 прилагођен његовом SPNM) Article 18 paragraph узрасту и на језику 1 of the Police Act is Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) који може да разуме. When taking also relevant here. It (V5 ППЗМЛ) statements from prescribes that victims of violence, it during pre- Приликом узимања is necessary to investigative and изјаве од жртве provide physical investigative насиља потребно је protection and to procedure, the police обезбедити физичку enable the victim to applies police powers заштиту и омогућити make a statement in accordance with жртви да да изјаву о about the event the CPC and acts догађају без without the presence upon orders and присуства учиниоца of the perpetrator of requests of public насиља, по могућству violence, preferably in prosecutors and у службеним official premises that court. This provision просторијама које су are detached and which is of general одвојене и secured from importance, ensures обезбеђене од distractions and the application by ометања и everyday working the police of all CPC свакодневних радних activities of police provisions relative for послова полицијских officers (3.1.1. SPVP) the victim/injured службеника (3.1.2. party. ППНП). Collection of According to Article information from the 50 paragraph 1 of the Прикупљање victim requires special CPC, the injured обавештења од preparation, among party has a set of жртве захтева other things: pointing rights, some of which посебне припреме и out to the victim, are of particular то, између осталог… before the interview importance in terms указивање жртви, пре commences, that the of Article 3 of the самог започињања police officer is there Directive. разговора, да је to help the victim and полицијски to say to the police In regard to Article 3 службеник ту да јој officer if they have not of the Directive (right Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) помогне и да је understood the of victims to замоли да му скрене question properly and understand and to be пажњу сваки пут када without hesitation, in understood), the процени да није на their own words, talk following rights of прави начин about everything, the injured party are разумела питање и including the details of particular да без устручавања, that he/she thinks are importance: својим речима, known to the police. говори о свему, па и (3.1.2. SPVP) 1) the right to be оним детаљима за informed of the које мисли да су Collecting information dismissal of criminal познати полицији. from victims that are charges or the (3.1.2. ППНП). children or minors in withdrawal of public cases of criminal legal prosecutor from Полицијски protection of children prosecution, 2) the службеник примиће and minors can be right to be informed пријаву сачињену у carried out with the about the possibility писменој форми или assistance of a to take over the поднету усмено (члан pedagogue, prosecution and 16 став 1 ППП). psychologist or other press the charges, professional person. and 3) the right to be Са дететом поступају (Article 12 paragraph informed of the овлашћена службена 3 of OPD). outcome of the лица која су стекла proceedings and to посебна знања из A police officer will receive the final области права детета, receive the report court's decision. преступништва made in writing or младих и submitted orally Pursuant to Article 50 кривичноправне (Article 16 paragraph paragraph 4 of the заштите малолетних 1 OPD). CPC, public лица. Пре prosecutor and court прикупљања Authorized officials (depending on the Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) обавештења, who have acquired stage of criminal овлашћено службено special knowledge in proceedings) have a лице из тачке 7 став 1 the field of child duty to inform the овог упутства, rights, juvenile injured party of all of упознаје дете, delinquency and the above mentioned родитеља, усвојиоца criminal protection of rights. или стараоца, minors will be dealing Article 11 paragraphs одноосно друго лице with children. Before 3 and 4 of the CPC које присуствује the collection of are also important прикупљању information starts, the here. This provision обавештења, о authorized officials stipulates that a разлозима referred to in item 7 party, witness and прикупљања paragraph 1 of this other participants in обавештења. (тачка 7 Instruction will inform the proceedings have Упутства о поступању the child, parents, the right, during the полицијских adoptive parents or proceedings, to use службеника према guardians, i.e. any their own language малолетним и other person that is and if the млађим пунолетним present during the proceedings are not лицима). information collection, conducted in their about the reasons for own language and to Прикупљање collecting information. receive translation of обавештења од (item 7 of the the proceedings, as оштећене деце и или Instructions on the well as documents, малолетника у conduct of police free of charge. предметима officers towards It is important to кривичноправне juveniles and young note that translation заштите деце и adults is performed by an малололетника може interpreter/translator се обављати уз помоћ (Article 11 paragraph педагога , психолога 4 of the CPC), which или другог стручног guarantees the Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) лица (члан 12 став 3 expertise of ППП) translation and thus allows injured parties, in cases when they don’t speak the language of the proceedings, to be able to adequately understand the proceedings and to be understood. Article 9, paragraph 7 of the General protocol on procedures and cooperation of institutions, bodies and organizations in situations of violence against women in family and partner relationships (GPDV) in a broader context is important as a form of victims’ rights to understand and to be understood, but it also requires further clarification in line with Article 3 of the Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Directive. Provision 3.1.2. , as well as the related provision 3.6. of the Special protocol on the conduct of police officers and cases of violence against women in partner relationships (SPVP) requires an appropriate amendment in order to be adequately aligned with Article 3 of the Directive, although in general it contains some of the elements of the victim’s right to understand and to be understood. Article 12 paragraph 1 and Article 16 paragraph 1 of the Ordinance on the manner of performing police duties (OPD) are partly aligned with Article 3 of the Directive, since the Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) presence of a psychologist, pedagogue or other professional when it comes to collecting information from minors, definitely enables a juvenile to understand better and to be understood in the proceedings. Article 16 paragraph 1 of the OPD is only aligned with the Directive in a rudimentary manner, because it provides some very general basis for the injured party/victim to be informed, only if they are reporting the crime. However, as previously explained, also here the CPC is applied as lex generali. However, the OPD should describe how an injured party can achieve where they understand and are Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) understood, when he/she filed a report, in line with the rules referred to in Article 3 of the Directive. Provisions of item 7 of the Instructions on the conduct of police officers towards juveniles and young adults (ICJ) are aligned with Article 3 of the Directive, since they allow a child from which the information is collected, and that can be a victim of a criminal act, to adequately understand his/her rights in the proceedings, and to be understood. However, this provision covers situation of children in criminal proceedings in any capacity - including child offenders. Therefore, furhter Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) protection of children victims should be built into this provision. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Article 4 The CPC (CPC) Article 50 Члан 50 став 2 ЗКП Article 50 paragraph 2 Partially aligned Serbian CPC provides It is necessary to of the CPC with the Directive a number of develop provisions Right to receive Оштећени има право procedural rights to ensuring victims information from да разматра списе и The injured party is injured party. Part of rights to information the first contact разгледа предмете entitled to examine these rights during criminal with a competent који служе као доказ the files and objects (determined in terms proceedings. It is authority (члан 50 тачка 4 ЗКП). serving as evidence of the rights listed particularly (Article 50 item 4 of under Article 50 of important to specify Member states Јавни тужилац и суд the CPC). the CPC) are related how the victims are shall ensure that упознаће оштећеног to the formal informed about their victims are са правима која има.. The public prosecutor requirements of rights from the first offered relevant and the court will information provided contact with information, inform the injured to the injured party authorities and without party of the rights during proceedings. throughout the unnecessary he/she is entitled to. proceedings. delay, from their first contact with It is necessary to a competent introduce strict rules authority, in order regarding specific to enable them to formal requriements access the rights for documents to be set out in this issued to an injured Directive: party already at first contact with the competent authorities (which is usually the police). In this regard, special rules (further explained in the parts referring to Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) other relevant articles of the Directive) should apply to certain categories of injured parties, including victims of violent offences and sexual offences. The Police Law Article 58 of the PL Члан 58 ЗП Article 58 of the PL Partially aligned It is not the exclusive It would be (PL) with the Directive competence of the necessary to Полицијски A police officer shall police to receive introduce in the службеник дужан је receive a report on a criminal complaints. Police Law provisions да прими пријаву о committed criminal Other state which would enable учињеном кривичном offence and minor authorities which the injured party, делу и прекршају. offence. The police normally proceed in when submitting a officer shall criminal matters report on criminal Примљену кривичну immediately forward (such as the court, offence, to be пријаву полицијски the report on the for example) can informed about the службеник одмах committed criminal receive such rights he/she is доставља надлежном offence to the complaints. However, entitled to in criminal јавном тужиоцу у competent public such authorities are proceedings. складу са prosecutor in required to forward Законником о accordance with the any criminal кривичном поступку, CPC, and the report complaints, to the а пријаву која садржи containing elements competent public елементе прекршаја of a minor offence to prosecutor. The role Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) организационој the organizational of police is јединици Полиције unit of the Police particularly надлежној за послове responsible for minor important in this прекршаја. offence affairs . regard, given that criminal complaints are usually submitted to the police, instead of to the competent public prosecutor, and therefore this issue should be regulated in a better manner both in the CPC and in the Police Law. General protocol Item 9.7. Насиље над женама у Violence against Partially aligned These provisions only It would be on procedures породици и у women in family and with the Directive rephrase and to a necessary to ensure and cooperation партнерским partner relationships certain extent explain that the obligation of of institutions, односима се is reported to the other norms the police to provide bodies and пријављује полицији Police and the Public contained in, first women victims of organizations in и јавном тужилаштву Prosecutor’s Office in and foremost, the violence in situations of у складу са законом. accordance with the CPC. They particularly partnerships about violence against Потребно је да law. It is necessary for deal with preventing their rights. This women in family учесници у систему those involved in the the police to decide, should be done in and partner заштите у сваком protection system, at on their own accord the same way as it is relationships тренутку процењују any time, to assess the and without the proposed in the CPC (GPDV) ризик за жртву и risk to the victim and assessment of the and the Police Law. прилагођавају своје adapt their public prosecutor, on поступке потреби да procedures where whether a criminal се жртви обезбеди necessary in order to complaint is founded максимална provide maximum or not, i.e. whether безбедност. safety for the victim. the information Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) received regarding an Полиција ће у свим In all cases where event indeed случајевима у којима there are grounds for presents grounds for постоје основи сумње suspicion that a family violence or да је извршено criminal act of not. кривично дело domestic violence has насиља у породици been committed, the обавестити police shall notify the надлежног тужиоца и responsible public доставити извештај о prosecutor and submit догађају или a report on the кривичну пријаву incident or a report on против осумњиченог criminal offence of the у складу са suspect in accordance одредбама Законика with the provisions of о кривичном the CPC. The merits of поступку. Основанот the criminal charges кривичне пријаве will be assessed only цениће искључиво by the public јавни тужилац. prosecutor. Special protocol There are no There is no need Since this act does There is no need for on the conduct provisions that can for alignment not regulate the the alignment with of police officers be related to with the Directive reception of a the Directive, since in order to Article 4 of the criminal complaint of the provisions of protect minors Directive the injured party, it Article 4 are not from abuse and does not have any relevant for the neglect (SPNM) direct links to Article content of the act. 4 of the Directive. Special protocol Item 3.1. Ознака 3.1 (ППНП) Item 3.1 (SPVP) Partially aligned These provisions only It is necessary to on the conduct with the provide additional introduce the of police officers Полиција може на The police may find Directive explanations of some obligation of the and cases of различите начине out in different ways aspects of getting the police, when Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) violence against доћи до сазнања да about the committed information about an violence against women in је извршено насиље у domestic violence, as incident of violence women in partner partner породици и то: - када follows: - when the against women in relationships and relationships жртва својевољно victim voluntarily family and in partner domestic violence is (SPVP) пријави насиље… reports the violence... relationships. Those reported by the provisions are of victim, to provide the Овом приликом We here separate the practical importance, victim with издвојени су cases of reporting but are not a formal , information about случајеви violence which is the which is important the rights she is пријављивања most common in for the practice, but entitled to. This насиља који се у practice and to which it is not imposing a should be done in пракси најчешћи и we devote special formal requirement, the same manner as којима посвећујемо attention since they unlike the general it is proposed in the посебну пажњу јер су are very important for norms in CPC and CPC and the Police веома битни за proper work with Police Law. Law. правилан рад са victims of domestic жртвама насиља у violence and victims in породици и partner relationships, партнерским and those are односима,а то су reporting violence пријава насиља путем through phone calls телефонског позива and directly in the и непосредно у premises of the police. службеним просторијама 3.1.1. полиције. Reports on violence 3.1.1. against women in the family and in partner Пријава насиља над relationships through женама у породици phone calls и у партнерским Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) односима путем Initial conversation of телефонских позива the police officer with the person who Иницијални Разговор reported violence полицијског (notification from the службеника са лицем citizens) should enable које пријављује them to form, as soon насиље (обавештење as possible, more од грађана), треба да complete and more омогући да се quality preliminary формира што је picture of the violence могуће потпунија и that is being reported. квалитетнија In order to ensure the прелиминарна слика safety of the citizens, о насиљу које се the police are obliged пријављује. У циљу to undertake URGENT осигурања ACTION in all cases, безбедности грађана and especially when it полиција је дужна да is estimated that the предузме life and health of НЕОДЛОЖНУ persons might be in ИНТЕРВЕНЦИЈУ у danger. свим случајевима, а посебно када се 3.1.2. процени да живот и здравље лица могу Reports of violence бити угрожени. against women in family and partner 3.1.2. relationships by the victim or any other Пријава наиља над person in police женама у породици и premises Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) у партнерским односима од стране One of the ways of жртве или другог reporting violence лица у службеним against women in просторијама family and partner полиције relationships is direct reporting by the Један од начина victim or any other пријаве насиља над person to the police женама у породици и officers in police у партнерским premises. односима јесте директно When taking пријављивање од statements from стране жртве или victims of violence, it другог лица is necessary to полицијским provide physical службеницима у protection and to службеним enable the victim to просторијама make a statement полиције. about the event without the presence Приликом узимања of the perpetrator of изјаве од жртве violence, preferably in насиља потребно је official premises that обезбедити физичку are detached and заштиту и омогућити secured from жртви да да изјаву о distractions and догађају без everyday working присуства учиниоца activities of police насиља по officers. могућности у Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) службеним просторијама које су одвојене и обезбеђене од ометања и свакодневних радних послова полицијских службеника Ordinance on Art. 16, 17 and 18 Члан . 16 ППП Article 16 of the OPD Partially aligned Articles 16, 17 and 18 As it was already the manner of of the OPD with the Directive of the OPD regulate explained in terms of performing Полицијски A police officer will the types of reports the rules stipulated police duties службеник примиће receive the report that the police by the CPC, the (OPD) пријаву сачињену у made in writing or receives, where it is Police Law and the писменој форми или submitted orally. strictly defined that Ordinance on the поднету усмено the person manner of A police officer can submitting the report performing police Усмену пријаву receive an oral report can also be the duties, here it would полицијски in official premises of injured party. also be necessary to службеник може да the Ministry or introduce provisions прими у службеним outside of these The rules concerning that would enable просторијама premises. Transcript the reception of the the injured party, Министарства или shall be made about report in oral form when submitting a ван њих. О усменој the oral report are established report against a пријави примљеној у received in the separately. criminal offence, to Министарству Ministry, and an be informed about сачињава се записник official records shall the rights they are о пријему пријаве, а о be made about an oral entitles to in criminal усменој пријави report received proceedings. примљеној ван outside of the Министарства Ministry. сачињава се службена белешка. Article 17 of the OPD Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Члан 17 ППП The transcript on the receipt of an oral Записник о пријему report shall contain: усмене пријаве ... садржи: 2) личне податке 2) personal подносиоца пријаве и information about the да ли је оштећен person that filed a кривичним делом; report and whether that person is an Записник ће се пре injured party of the закључења прочитати offence; подносиоцу усмене пријаве и унети Prior to the његове примедбе, conclusion, the односно констатација transcript shall be да је записник read to the person прочитан пре that submitted the потписивања. report and his/her Записник потписују remarks or statements подносилац пријаве, that the transcript was полицијски read before signing службеник који је shall be entered. The примио изјаву и transcript is signed by записничар the person that submitted the report, the police officer that received the report and the recording clerk. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Instructions on There are no There is no need Since this act does There is no need for the conduct of provisions that can for the alignment not regulate the special alignment police officers be related to with the reception of the with the Directive, towards Article 4 of the Directive. report of the victim since the provisions juveniles and Directive. on criminal offence, of Article 4 are not young adults it has no direct links relevant for the (ICJ) with Article 4 of the content of the act. Directive. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Article 5 The CPC (CPC) Art. 280, 281 and Члан 280 став 1 ЗКП Article 280 paragraph Partially aligned These provisions All provisions of the Art. 11 of the CPC 1 of the CPC with the Directive explain the general CPC relating to Right of victims Државни и други State and other duty of reporting criminal complaint when making a органи, правна и bodies, legal and criminal offences are regulating complaint физичка лица natural persons report which are actions of the public пријављују кривична criminal offences prosecuted ex officio. prosecutor in Member States дела за која се гони which are However, this is of response to the shall ensure that по службеној prosecutable ex officio little consequence, complaint. However, victims receive дужности, о којима су about which they since only in some in practice majority written обавештена или за were informed or they situations the failure of criminal acknowledgement њих сазнају на други learn in another to report a criminal complaints is filed of their formal начин, под условима manner, under the offence is an offence with the police. complaint made предвиђеним conditions stipulated itself. The CPC Police then has an by them to the законом или другим by law or other explains the manner obligation to forward competent прописом... regulation. of receiving criminal such complaints to authority of a complaints, the public Member State, Члан 281 ЗКП Article 281 of the CPC especially when it is prosecutor, so rules stating the basic provided through a need to be elements of the Кривична пријава се A criminal complaint is transcript or by introduced that criminal offence подноси надлежном submitted to the phone, etc. The CPC would stipulate that concerned. јавном тужиоцу, competent public does not contain a the police shall писмено, усмено или prosecutor, in writing, requirement for provide the Member States другим средством. orally, or by other formally necessary shall ensure that Ако се кривична means. acknowledging the information to the victims who wish пријава подноси receipt of a criminal injured party (victim) to make a усмено, о њој ће се If a criminal complaint complaint, even when he/she files a complaint with саставити записник и is submitted orally, a though it is always criminal complaint. regard to a подносилац ће се transcript will be done in practice. criminal offence упозорити на made thereof and the In practice, the and who do not последице лажног submitter will be The CPC (Article 11) injured party always understand or пријављивања. Ако је cautioned about the contains very liberal receives a speak the пријава саопштена consequences of false rules about confirmation that Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) language of the телефоном или reporting. If the translation, which are his/her criminal competent другим criminal complaint is appropriate in terms complaint was authority be телекомуникацијским communicated by of Article 5 of the received, i.e. a enabled to make средством сачиниће telephone or other Directive, and in this reception stamp is the complaint in a се службена белешка, telecommunications regard, the CPC is placed on one copy language that а ако је пријава medium an official aligned with the of his/her criminal they understand поднесена note will be made, Directive. complaint, which is a or by receiving електронском and if the complaint is formal proof that the the necessary поштом сачуваће се submitted by criminal complaint linguistic на одговарајућем electronic mail it will was received and assistance. носиоцу података и be saved on an when it was одштампати. appropriate recording received, but this Member States Ако је кривична medium and printed. action is not strictly shall ensure that пријава поднесена regulated by the victims who do полицији, If a criminal complaint CPC, and it is not understand or ненадлежном јавном was submitted to the regulated by the speak the тужиоцу или суду, police, an Rules of Procedure of language of the они ће пријаву incompetent public the Public competent примити и одмах prosecutor or a court, Prosecutor’s Office. authority, receive доставити they will receive the translation, free надлежном јавном complaint and deliver of charge, of the тужиоцу. it to the competent written public prosecutor acknowledgement Члан 11 став 3 ЗКП immediately. of their complaint Article 11 paragraph 3 provided for in Странке, сведоци и of the CPC paragraph 1, if друга лица која Parties, witnesses and they so request, учествују у поступку other persons in a language that имају право да у току participating in they understand. поступка proceedings are употребљавају свој entitled to use their језик и писмо, а ако own languages and Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) се поступак не води scripts during на њиховом језику и proceedings and, ако, након поуке о where proceedings праву на превођење, are not being не изјаве да знају conducted in their језик на коме се language and unless, поступак води и да се after being advised on одричу права на their right to превођење, translation, they обезбедиће им се на declare that they терет буџетских know the language in средстава превођење which the proceedings онога што они или are being conducted други износе, као и and that they waive превођење исправа и their right to другог писаног translation, the доказног материјала. interpretation of what they or others are saying, as well as translation of instruments and other written evidence, are secured and paid from budget funds. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) The Police Law Article 58 Претходно је већ Content of Article 58 Partially aligned This article refers to The Police Law does (PL) наведен садржај of the Police Law has with the Directive the duty of the police not guarantee that члана 58 Закона о already been to receive a criminal the injured party полицији. specified complaint regarding must receive an offence acknowledgement of committed and to receipt of his/her forward such complaint. While this complaint to the is done in practice, it competent public also needs to be prosecutor. formally recognised in the Police Law. The Police Law does not contain any special provisions that prescribe that the victim should be able to submit his/her complaint in their own language or a language which he/she understands. This needs to be entered into the text of the law. General protocol Item 9.7. Претходно је већ The content of item Partially aligned The content of this It would be on procedures наведен садржај 9.7 of the General with the Directive provision has already necessary to enter and cooperation ознаке 9.7 . Општег Protocol on been explained, as the rules of Article 5 of institutions, протокола о procedures and well as the of the Directive into bodies and поступању и сарадњи cooperation of rephrasing and the content of the organizations in установа, органа и institutions, bodies clarification of provision that are situations of организација у and organizations in related to the Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) violence against ситуацијама насиља situations of violence certain norms provision of formal women in family над женама у against women in contained in the CPC. confirmation to the and partner породици и family and partner injured party/victim relationships партнерским relationships has on the reported (GPDV) односима already been criminal offence. provided. It would also be necessary to introduce the rules related to the assistance in terms of translation of such confirmation to the victim who does not speak or understand the language used in the proceedings. Special protocol There are no There is no need Since this act does There is no need for on the conduct provisions that can for alignment not regulate the alignment with the of police officers be related to with the Directive reception of a Directive, since the in order to Article 5 of the criminal complaint of provisions of Article protect minors Directive the injured party, it 5 are not relevant for from abuse and doesn’t have any the content of the neglect (SPNM) direct links to Article act. 5 of the Directive. Special protocol Item 3.1 SPVP) Relevant provisions Partially aligned Already explained in Already explained in on the conduct have already been with the Directive relation to Article 4 relation to Article 4 of police officers listed in relation to of the Directive of the Directive and cases of Article 4 of the violence against Directive women in partner Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) relationships (SPVP) Ordinance on Article 17 Члан 17 став 4 ППП Article 17 paragraph 4 Partially aligned Article 17 paragraph Article 17 paragraph the manner of paragraph 4 of the of the OPD with the Directive 4 of the OPD 4 stipulates an performing OPD Полицијски prescribes the obligation to issue police duties службеник који је Police officer who had obligation to issue acknowledgment of (OPD) примио усмену received an oral confirmation to every receipt of an oral кривичну пријаву на criminal complaint person that submits complaint (of an записник, дужан је да through a transcript, an oral complaint, injured party, i.e. the подносиоцу пријаве, shall provide a which includes the victim, as well as на његов захтев, изда confirmation to the injured party, i.e. other persons), потврду. person that submitted victim of a criminal which is in line with a complaint, upon offence if they Article 5 of the his/her request. submit a complaint Directive. However, themselves (which is it does not strictly particularly stipulate that such emphasized in Article confirmation shall be 17 paragraph 1 item issued to the person 2 of the OPD). This who submits the rule is fully aligned complaint in written with Article 5 of the form. This is an Directive . omission, which is not in line with Article 5 of the Directive. Nevertheless, this is usually done in practice. Namely, usually one copy of Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) the written statement is marked with the reception stamp of the authority that has received the complaint, which indicates the date and time of the receipt of the complaint, and that copy is given to the person filing the complaint, including the injured party when it is them who submit the complaint. However, for the purposes of better alignment with Article 5 of the Directive, it is necessary to formally, strictly stipulate this in the Ordinance on the manner of performing police duties. It would also be Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) necessary to introduce in the Ordinance the provisions related to the assistance with translation when it comes to the submitter of the complaint who doesn’t speak or understand the language officially used in the authority that receives the complaint and provides confirmation on its reception. Instructions on There are no There is no need Since this act does There is no need for the conduct of provisions that can for alignment not regulate the alignment with the police officers be linked with with the Directive reception of a Directive, since the towards Article 4 of the criminal complaint of provisions of Article juveniles and Directive the injured party, it 4 are not relevant for young adults doesn’t have any the content of the (ICJ) direct links to Article act. 4 of the Directive. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Article 18 The CPC (CPC) Art. 102, 103, 104, Члан 102 ЗКП Article 102 of the CPC Partially aligned Overall whilst the The Victims Directive Right to 105, 106, 107, 108, Basic Protection of with the Directive CPC does establish establishes protection 109, 110, 111, Основна заштита Witnesses protection for victims protection 112and Article288 сведока who are particularly requirements in two Without prejudice Орган поступка је The authority vulnerable in ways. Firstly, there is to the rights of дужан да оштећеног conducting compliance with Art a general the defence, или сведока заштити proceedings is 18 of the Directive, requirement to Member States од увреде, претње и required to protect an other victims are establish measures – shall ensure that сваког другог напада. injured party or insufficiently Art 18. This Article measures are Учесника у поступку witness from an insult, covered. does not specify available to или друго лице које threat and any other Furthermore, family what measures protect victims пред органом attack. members of victims should be in place and their family поступка вређа The public prosecutor are not recognised at and this is left to members from оштећеног или or the court will all. Member States. secondary and сведока, прети му caution a participant repeat или угрожава његову in proceedings or The provisions Secondly, Articles 19- victimisation, безбедност, јавни other person who, relating to the 24 establish from intimidation тужилац или суд ће before the authority protection of requirements on and from опоменути, а суд га conducting witnesses are specific protection retaliation, може и новчано proceedings insults an exclusively related to measures that must including against казнити до 150.000 injured party of a the phases of be put in place. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) the risk of динара. witness, threatens criminal procedure in These are in fact a emotional or О жалби против him or endangers his which the prosecutor minimum set of psychological решења којим је safety, and the court and the court are protection measures harm, and to изречена новчана may also fine him up acting, both during that Member States protect the казна, одлучује веће. to 150,000 dinars. the prosecutorial must implement for dignity of victims Жалба не задржава An appeal against a investigation, as well all victims and during извршење решења. ruling pronouncing a as during court vulnerable victims. questioning and По пријему fine is decided on by proceedings. No one when testifying. обавештења од the panel. The appeal can be a witness As such, Member When necessary, полиције или суда does not delay the during preliminary States may in a strict such measures или по сопственом execution of the investigation sense comply with shall also include сазнању о постојању ruling. procedure, which is Article 18 by procedures насиља или озбиљне Upon receiving conducted by the implementing established under претње упућене notification from the police (and before Articles 19-24 as well national law for оштећеном или police or the court or the involvement of as ensuring some the physical сведоку јавни upon learning about the prosecutor). protection measures protection of тужилац ће the existence of Persons interviewed are in place for victims and their предузети кривично violence or a serious by the police in that physical threats family members. гоњење или ће о threat directed at an phase of the (following the last томе обавестити injured party or a procedure, which is lines of Art 18). (NB надлежног јавног witness, the public seen only as the this is the opinion of тужиоца. prosecutor will information the analysts and not Јавни тужилац или undertake criminal gathering phase, are necessarily those of суд може захтевати prosecution or notify not witnesses, but the European Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) да полиција the competent public only ordinary citizens Commission). предузме мере prosecutor thereof. who provide заштите оштећеног A public prosecutor or information to the However, it is или сведока у складу the court may request police. Such considered that a са законом. that the police statements do not primary objective of Посебно осетљиви undertake measures constitute a Art 18 is to establish сведок to protect an injured testimony and general principles of Члан 103 ЗКП party or a witness in cannot be used as a protection which will Сведоку који је с accordance with the formal evidence in minimize the risk of обзиром на узраст, law. possible later stages. harm and establish животно искуство, the possibility of начин живота, пол, Especially Vulnerable Therefore, victims at protection. здравствено стање, Witness this stage of criminal природу, начин или Article 103 of the CPC proceedings do not This can be achieved последице извршеног receive any for example by кривичног дела, The authority protection creating a general односно друге conducting whatsoever. obligation on околности случаја proceedings may ex relevant actors in посебно осетљив, officio, at the request Therefore, CPC criminal proceedings орган поступка може of parties or the provisions related to to ensure protection по службеној witness himself, the protection of of victims from Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) дужности, на захтев designate as an witnesses are not repeat victimisation странака или самог especially vulnerable related to the police. and intimidation, сведока одредити witness a witness who This follows from secondary статус посебно is especially above, since the victimisation, and осетљивог сведока. vulnerable in view of police is not risk of harm. Решење о his age, experience, examining witnesses одређивању статуса lifestyle, gender, state but marely talking This ensures that посебно осетљивог of health, nature, the with citizens and beyond specific сведока доноси јавни manner or the collecting measures тужилац, председник consequences of the inforomation which established in law, већа или судија criminal offence may lead to criminal justice појединац. committed, or other prosecution. The actors keep in mind Ако сматра да је то circumstances. protection for protection issues and потребно ради The ruling witnesses can only take a general victim заштите интереса determining a status befranted by the protection approach посебно осетљивог of an especially public prosecutor in their work. сведока, орган vulnerable witness is during the поступка из става 2. issued by the public investigation, as well At the same time, овог члана ће донети prosecutor, president as by the court in the member states must решење о of the panel or further course of the also establish постављању individual judge. proceedings. These measures to protect пуномоћника If deemed necessary provisions, however, the physical integrity сведоку, а јавни for the purpose of have certain of victims. This is a тужилац или protecting the interest significance when it separate председник суда ће of an especially comes to the police, requirement which is поставити vulnerable witness, since during the not covered by пуномоћника по the authority prosecutorial Articles 19-24. редоследу са списка conducting investigation, the адвоката који суду proceedings referred police may provide As such, Article 18 доставља надлежна to in paragraph 2 of certain assistance in will not be complied Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) адвокатска комора за this Article will issue a relation to the with if there is only a одређивање ruling appointing an protection of general principle and бранилаца по attorney for the witnesses and implementation of службеној дужности witness, and the victims. However, as Articles 19-24. (члан 76.). public prosecutor or mentioned above, in Против решења the president of the the context of Member States must којим је усвојен или court will appoint an criminal proceedings then establish as an одбијен захтев није attorney according to (which commence absolute minimum дозвољена посебна the order on the only once the public the specific жалба. roster of attorneys prosecutor becomes protection measures Правила о submitted to the court involved) the police is under Articles 19-24. испитивању посебно by the bar association not entitled to However, ideally and осетљивог сведока competent for interview witnesses, in line with Art 18, Члан 104 ЗКП designating court including injured they will go beyond Посебно осетљивом appointed defence parties in this these to further Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) сведоку питања се counsels (Article 76). capacity. minimise the risk of могу постављати No special appeal is harm само преко органа allowed against a All rules pertaining to поступка који ће се ruling approving or the protection of Based on the above према њему denying a request. witnesses are also opinion, it can be односити са applicable to the seen that посебном пажњом, Rules on Examining an protection of injured Article 102’s general настојећи да се Especially Vulnerable parties (understood statementfollows избегну могуће Witness as victims of criminal this approach штетне последице Article 104 of the CPC acts), when they butshould be кривичног поступка appear in the expanded to fully по личност, телесно и An especially proceedings in the cover all victims, душевно стање vulnerable witness capacity of a witness. family members (as сведока. Испитивање may be examined only In practice, this is the appropriate), all се може обавити уз through the authority most common case, stages of criminal помоћ психолога, conducting the namely situations in proceedings, and the социјалног радника proceedings, who will which injured party full notion of или другог стручног treat the witness with does not testify is secondary лица, о чему одлучује particular care, extemely rare. In victimisation. орган поступка. striving to avoid those exceptional Ако орган поступка possible detrimental situations, where the Detailed protection одлучи да се посебно consequences of the injured party is not measures may then осетљиви сведок criminal proceedings testifying, there be established in the испита употребом to the personality, would be no need to CPC or other техничких средстава physical and mental provide special appropriate за пренос слике и state of the witness. protection to a legislation. Those звука, испитивање се Examination may be person in criminal measures as a спроводи без conducted with the proceedings, since minimum should присуства странака и assistance of a he/she practically correspond to других учесника у psychologist, social wouldn’t appear for Articles 19-24. поступку у просторији worker or other testimony in the у којој се сведок professional, which criminal proceedings. The physical Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) налази. will be decided by the Nonetheless, this protection aspects of Посебно осетљиви authority conducting does not eliminate Art 18 are covered сведок може се proceedings. the need to protect sufficiently in the испитати и у свом If the authority such injured parties CPC and whilst стану или другој conducting (victims) outside of further measures просторији, односно proceedings decides the criminal would be of benefit, у овлашћеној to examine an proceedings (i.e. to they are not strictly институцији која је especially vulnerable have all rights they necessary to comply стручно оспособљена witness using are otherwise with the Directive. за испитивање technical devices for entitled to have посебно осетљивих transmitting images according to the EU It is worth noting лица. У том случају and sound, the Directive). that based on the орган поступка може examination is In practice this laws and guidelines одредити да се conducted without means that most assessed in this примене мере из the presence of the victims will, project, there do not става 2. овог члана. parties and other consequently, enjoy appear to be any Посебно осетљиви participants in the protection granted to more detailed rules сведок не може бити proceedings in the witnesses. However, which would support суочен са room where the those rare victims implemention of the окривљеним, осим witness is located. who do not testify CPC with respect to ако то сам An especially will not be granted Art 18. окривљени захтева, а vulnerable witness any specific орган поступка то may also be examined protection. It would helpful to дозволи водећи in his dwelling or explore in more рачуна о степену other premises or in Until recently, there detail whether the осетљивости сведока an authorized weren’t many special CPC provides и о правима одбране. institution rules relating to the sufficient detail to Против решења из ст. professionally protection of enable the relevant 1. до 3. овог члана qualified for witnesses in Serbian articles to be није дозвољена examining especially CPC. Such rules were implemented in посебна жалба. vulnerable persons. In first introduced in the practice. Заштићени сведок such case the CPC in 2006, which Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Члан 105 ЗКП authority conducting has never been fully At the same time, Ако постоје proceedings may implemented. Only a additional measures околности које order application of small number of can be very указују да би сведок the measures referred provisions of that important for victims давањем исказа или to in paragraph 2 of Code were and should be одговором на this Article. implemented, among considered. поједина питања An especially which were the ones себе или себи блиска vulnerable witness that were related to For example, some лица изложио may not be the protection of minor modifications опасности по живот, confronted with the witnesses in criminal of the CPC should be здравље, слободу defendant, unless the proceedings. Such considered relating или имовину већег defendant himself rules are no longer to the prohibition of обима, суд може requests this and the contained in the asking leading решењем о authority conducting currently applicable questions generally одређивању статуса proceedings grants CPC of the Republic as well as during заштићеног сведока the request, taking of Serbia, adopted in cross-examination of одобрити једну или into account the level 2011. As a matter of witnesses who are више мера посебне of the vulnerability of fact, the existing CPC minors, as well as заштите. the witness and rights standards are, to a certain categories of Мере посебне of defence. large extent, similar witnesses/victims of заштите обухватају No special appeal is to the provisions of criminal offences, i.e. испитивање allowed against a the 2001 CPC. injured parties in заштићеног сведока ruling referred to in certain types of под условима и на paragraphs 1 to 3 of A witness generally criminal offences. начин који this Article. has the right to a fair обезбеђују да се treatment by the Leading questions in његова истоветност Protected Witness authorities in relation to especially не открије јавности, а Article 105 of the CPC criminal proceedings, vulnerable witnesses изузетно ни and the Code can be damaging to окривљеном и If circumstances exist specifically prescribes the justice process његовом браниоцу, у which indicate that by the rules that ensure and can easily result складу са овим giving testimony or protection of insecondary Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) закоником. answering certain witnesses. This victimization and Мере посебне questions a witness protection is trauma of victims. заштите would expose himself provided at three Члан 106 ЗКП or persons close to levels 1) principled The shortcoming of Мере посебне him to a danger of life, and general the CPC is that it заштите којима се health, freedom or protection of all didn’t exclude the обезбеђује да се property of witnesses and 2) possibility to ask истоветност substantial size, the protection of leading questions, заштићеног сведока court may authorize particularly during cross- не открије јавности су one or more measures vulnerable witnesses, examination of искључење јавности of special protection as well as 3) granting especially vulnerable са главног претреса и by issuing a ruling the status of a witnesses, that are забрана објављивања determining a status protected witness. possible, according података о of protected witness. to the general legal истоветности The measures of Article 102 of the CPC rule, when it comes сведока. special protection guarantees the first to cross-examination Меру посебне include interrogating level of protection for of witnesses during заштите којом се the protected witness all witnesses and trial. окривљеном и under conditions and injured parties. његовом браниоцу in a manner ensuring However, the According to the ускраћују подаци о that his identity is not requirement that an provision of Article истоветности revealed to the injured party or 98 paragraph 3 of заштићеног сведока general public, and witness is protected the CPC, when the суд може изузетно exceptionally also to from an insult, threat witness finishes his одредити ако након the defendant and his and any other attack, statement, and his узимања изјава од defence counsel, in is more limited than statement need to сведока и јавног accordance with this the obligations be checked, тужиоца утврди да је Code. established in the supplemented or живот, здравље или Directive. With clarified, he will be слобода сведока или Measures of Special respect to asked questions that њему блиског лица у Protection intimidation and must be clear, тој мери угрожена да Article 106 of the CPC retaliation, these can specific and Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) то оправдава be considered to be comprehensible, ограничење права на The measures of sufficiently covered they must not одбрану и да је special protection by the notions of contain deception, сведок веродостојан. ensuring that the threat or any other nor be based on the Истоветност identity of a protected attack. assumption that he заштићеног сведока witness is not stated something he која је ускраћена у revealed to the public Protection relating to didn’t, and they must складу са ставом 2. are excluding the secondary not constitute a овог члана, суд ће public from the trial victimisation is only solicitation of and открити окривљеном and prohibition of partially covered by answer, except in the и његовом браниоцу publication of data Art 102 which is case of cross- најкасније 15 дана about the identity of limited to the examination during пре почетка главног the witness. prohibition of insults trial. претреса. The measure of directed towards the Приликом special protection witness (i.e. victim). This way, during одлучивања о whereby data about At the same time, cross-examination of мерама посебне the identity of a secondary witnesses during заштите из ст. 1. и 2. protected witness is victimisation trial, it is possible to овог члана суд ће withheld from the encompasses a much ask leading questions водити рачуна да се defendant and his wider range of that are normally not одређује тежа мера defence counsel may actions, which are allowed when this само ако се сврха не be ordered by the not covered. evidentiary action is може постићи court exceptionally if carried out during применом блаже after taking Moreover, Art 18 of investigation or even мере. statements from the Directive possibly during pre- Покретање поступка witnesses and the envisages protection trial proceedings. за одређивање public prosecutor it not just from a статуса заштићеног determines that the suspect but also from Not only does this сведока life, health or freedom authorities allow for leading Члан 107 ЗКП of the witness or a conducting the questions during Суд може одредити person close to him is proceedings. cross-examination of статус заштићеног threatened to such an witness it also risks Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) сведока по службеној extent that it justifies In this respect, the that even misleading, дужности, на захтев restricting the right to first paragraph of Art vague or јавног тужиоца или defence and that the 102 of the CPC does incomprehensible самог сведока. witness is credible. not specify against questions would be Захтев из става 1. The identity of the whom the protection permissible. овог члана садржи: protected witness applies. Arguably, it Logically, especially личне податке о withheld in could therefore be vulnerable witnesses сведоку, податке о accordance with used to also cover will, by far, be those кривичном делу о paragraph 2 of this justice authorities. witnesses and, as a коме се сведок Article will be rule, injured parties испитује, чињенице и revealed by the court However, subsequent that were proposed доказе који указују да to the defendant and paragraphs on for statement by the у случају сведочења his defence counsel enforcement indicate public prosecutor, постоји опасност по no later than 15 days that the focus of this who would then, живот, тело, здравље, before the protection is on during the trial, ask слободу или имовину commencement of ‘participants in the them «basic things», већег обима сведока the trial. proceedings’ which is and then the или њему блиских In deciding on the unlikely to include defendant and the лица и опис measures of special police, prosecution defense counsel околности на које се protection referred to and judges. would get the сведочење односи. in paragraphs 1 and 2 opportunity for Захтев се подноси у of this Article, the Whilst Art 18 of the cross-examination, запечаћеном омоту court will strive to Directive, requires when they would ask на коме је назначено order a harsher protection measures the witness and the "заштита сведока - measure only if the also for family injured party leading строго поверљиво" и purpose cannot be members of victims, questions. This is an предаје се у току achieved by the there is no provision inappropriate legal истраге судији за application of a more for this under the solution, especially претходни поступак, lenient measure. CPC. when it comes to а након потврђивања Initiating Proceedings minors, where оптужнице for Determining Article 103 and 104 children might be председнику већа. Protected Witness of the CPC provide involved in criminal Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Ако сведок приликом Status additional protection and legal sense испитивања ускрати for especially (persons who are давање података из Article 107 of the CPC vulnerable witnesses. younger than члана 95. став 3. овог Art 103 establishes fourteen years), законика, одговор на The status of a the possibility of including small поједина питања или protected witness appointing a legal children, such as сведочење у целини, may be granted by the representative who children of preschool уз образложење да court ex officio, or at will protect the age, where the case постоје околности из the request of the interests of a might be related to члана 105. став 1. public prosecutor or witness. The role of criminal acts that are овог законика, суд ће the witness himself. this legal extremely позвати сведока да у The request referred representative may «malignant, року од три дана to in paragraph 1 of include ensuring that according to the поступи у складу са this Article contains: the witness is nature of одредбама ст. 2. и 3. the witness`s personal protected from psychological and овог члана. data, data on the intimidation, other consequences Ако ускраћивање criminal offence in retaliation and caused in relation to података, одговора connection with which repeated and the injured parties. или сведочења the witness is being secondary In addition, it is a fact сматра очигледно examined, facts and victimisation. that minors in неоснованим или evidence indicating However, this is not general, especially сведок у остављеном that in case of giving explicitly stated and very young children, року не поступи у testimony there exists given that this i.e. generally persons складу са одредбама a danger to the life, provision is limited to that are very young, ст. 2. и 3. овог члана, body, health or the appointment of a are very sensitive to суд ће применити property of legal representative, suggestive influence, одредбе члана 101. substantial size of the the focus may be so the possibility of став 2. овог законика. witness or persons strictly on the rights asking leading Одлучивање о close to him, and a specifically questions to these одређивању статуса description of the guaranteed by the categories of заштићеног сведока circumstances to legislation. Article witnesses, especially Члан 108 ЗКП which the provision of 103 CPC therefore when the witnesses Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) О одређивању evidence relates. provides insufficient are injured parties of статуса заштићеног The request is clarity to ensure the criminal offence сведока решењем submitted in a sealed confidence that it at the same time, одлучује у току cover labeled “witness may be used to additionally истраге судија за protection – strictly support the full traumatizes them to претходни поступак, confidential” and is implementation of an extremely high а након потврђивања submitted during the Art 18 of the degree and it оптужнице веће. investigation to the Directive. exposes them to Приликом judge for preliminary Nevertheless, it secondary одлучивања на proceedings, and after offers a significant victimization, and it главном претресу the indictment is level of support for also significantly искључује се јавност confirmed, to the victims. influences the (члан 363.), без president of the panel. credibility of their изузетака прописаних If during examination It appears that Art testimony. у члану 364. став 2. the witness withholds 104 CPC results in full овог законика. the provision of the compliance with Art It would be У решењу којим се data referred to in 18 of the Directive necessary to amend одређује статус Article 95 paragraph 3 with respect to the CPC by заштићеног сведока of this Code or his vulnerable victims. supplementing наводи се псеудоним replies to certain norms related to the заштићеног сведока, questions, or refuses The nature of the collection of трајање мере и начин to give testimony, harm to be avoided information from на који ће бити with the explanation defined as “possible citizens by the police, спроведена: измена that the detrimental when these are the или брисање из списа circumstances consequences of the victims of the crime, података о referred to in Article criminal proceedings by enabling better истоветности 105 paragraph 1 of to the personality, protection of victims, сведока, прикривање this Code exist, the physical and mental especially from изгледа сведока, court will invite the state of the witness” secondary испитивање из witness to act within appears sufficiently victimization, as well посебне просторије three days in broad as to cover the as to the other уз промену гласа accordance with the notions of aspects contained in Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) сведока, испитивање provisions of intimidation, Article 18 of the путем техничких paragraphs 2 and 3 of retaliation, secondary Directive. средстава за пренос и this Article. and repeat промену звука и If it deems the victimisation. слике. withholding of data, Против решења из replies or testimony Provided that the става 1. овог члана clearly unfounded, or notion of criminal странке и сведок the witness fails to act proceedings in Art могу изјавити жалбу. in accordance with the 104 CPC, О жалби на решење provisions of encompasses судије за претходни paragraphs 2 and 3 of questioning by police поступак одлучује this Article within the and prosecution as веће (члан 21. став prescribed time limit, well as testimony 4.), а у осталим the court will apply during trial, the случајевима веће the provisions of scope of the (члан 21. став 4.) Article 101 paragraph protection is also непосредно вишег 2 of this Code. compliant with Art 18 суда. Одлука о жалби of the Directive. се доноси у року од Deciding on три дана од пријема Determining Two specific forms of списа. Protected Witness protection measures Испитивање Status are set out in the заштићеног сведока CPC. Whilst these are Члан 109 ЗКП Article 108 of the CPC important and Када решење о helpful, the wording одређивању статуса During the lacks clarity e.g. with заштићеног сведока investigation the respect to the постане judge for preliminary reasons for use of правноснажно, суд ће proceedings decides technical devices. посебном наредбом, on determining која представља protected witness Where measures тајну, на поверљив status by issuing a such as the use of Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) начин обавестити ruling, and after the technical devices are странке, браниоца и indictment is intended for сведока о дану, часу confirmed, the panel. protection purposes, и месту испитивања The public is excluded for legal and practical сведока. from the trial if the certainty this should Пре почетка decision is taken at be clarified (either in испитивања that time (Article 363), the CPC or заштићени сведок се without the elsewhere). For обавештава да се exceptions prescribed example, it could његова истоветност by Article 364 specify the reasons неће никоме открити paragraph 2 of this for using technical осим суду, странкама Code. devices. и браниоцу, или само The ruling суду и јавном determining protected Similarly, drafting тужиоцу, под witness status does not set out the условима из члана contains a pseudonym procedure for 106. ст. 2. и 3. овог of the protected determining use of законика и упознаје witness, the duration technical or other се са начином на који of the measure and measures, nor the ће бити испитан. the manner in which it rights of victims Суд ће упозорити све will be implemented: within that process. присутне да су дужни alteration or erasure да чувају као тајну from the record of Arguably in податке о data on the identity of accordance with Art заштићеном сведоку the witness, 10 Victim Directive и њему блиским concealment of the on right to be heard, лицима и о другим witness`s appearance, and certainly in околностима које examination from a accordance with Art могу довести до separate room with 22(6) of the Directive, откривања њихове distortion of the in relation of истоветности и да witness`s voice, vulnerable victims, одавање тајне examination using the views of the Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) представља кривично technical devices for victim should be дело. Упозорење и transferring and heard and taken into имена присутних altering sound and account when лица унеће се у picture. making decisions записник. The parties and the during criminal Суд ће забранити witness may appeal proceedings, such as свако питање које against the ruling protection measures. захтева одговор који referred to in би могао да открије paragraph 1 of this A possibility of истоветност Article. confrontation заштићеног сведока. An appeal against a between defendant Ако се испитивање ruling of the judge for and victim is possible заштићеног сведока preliminary under the CPC. Such обавља путем proceedings is decided a confrontation can техничких средстава on by the panel be highly damaging за промену звука и (Article 21 paragraph for victims. Art 104 слике, њима рукује 4), and in other cases CPC provides for стручно лице. the panel (Article 21 some level of Заштићени сведок paragraph 4) of the protection in this потписује записник immediately higher respect for псеудонимом. court. A decision on vulnerable victims. Чување података о the appeal is rendered Such confrontation is заштићеном сведоку within three days of only allowed by Члан 110 ЗКП the date of receiving permission of the Подаци о documentation. conducting authority истоветности taking into account заштићеног сведока и Examining a Protected the vulnerability of њему блиских лица и Witness the victim. Whilst this о другим is a positive, околностима које Article 109 of the CPC confrontation могу довести до generates risk of откривања њихове When the ruling harm and clear Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) истоветности, determining protected procedures for затвориће се у witness status running the посебан омот са becomes final, the confrontation and назнаком "заштићени court will, by a special minimising risk of сведок - строго order that represents harm should be поверљиво", a secret, confidentially established. запечатити и предати notify the parties, Moreover, as with на чување судији за defence counsel and previous comments претходни поступак. the witness about the decisions on Запечаћени омот date, hour and confrontation should може отварати само location of the also take into суд који одлучује о questioning of the account the views of правном леку против witness. the victim, and the пресуде. На омоту ће Before the necessity and се назначити разлог, commencement of objectives of the дан и час отварања и the questioning the confrontation. имена чланова већа protected witness is који су упознати са notified that his Articles 105-111 подацима из става 1. identity will not be cover protection овог члана. Након revealed to anyone measures for тога омот ће се but the court, the protected witnesses. поново запечатити, са parties and the The focus here is on назначењем на омоту defence counsel, or protection against датума и часа only to the court and physical harm or печаћења, и вратити the public prosecutor, serious damage to судији за претходни under the conditions property. A range of поступак. referred to in Article protective measures Подаци из става 1. 106 paragraphs 2 and are set out and the овог члана 3 of this Code, and is procedures for представљају тајне informed about the determining податке. Осим manner in which he protected witness службених лица ова will be examined. status and the Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) податке су дужна да application (and чувају и друга лица The court will caution appeal against) која их у било ком all those present that measures is provided својству сазнају. they are required to for. Дужност keep confidential data обавештавања о on the protected These Articles мерама посебне witness and persons support compliance заштите close to him and on with the last part of Члан 111 ЗКП other circumstances Art 18 of the Полиција и јавни which may lead to the Directive on physical тужилац су приликом exposure of their protection. прикупљања identities, and that обавештења од disclosing a secret It should also be грађана дужни да их represents a criminal pointed out that обавесте о мерама offence. The caution certain forms of посебне заштите из and the names of protection of члана 106. овог those present will be witnesses and injured законика. entered in the record. parties/victims of Сходна примена The court will deny criminal offences are одредаба о any question that established by the заштићеном сведоку requires an answer Law on the Члан 112 ЗКП that might reveal the Protection Program Одредбе чл. 105. до identity of the for the Participants in 111. овог законика protected witness. Criminal Proceedings сходно се примењују If the examination of (LPPPC) which и на заштиту the protected witness establishes прикривеног is being conducted normative conditions иследника, вештака, using technical means for protection of стручног саветника и for altering sound and participants in стручно лице. image, they are criminal proceedings, Прикупљање handled by a including witnesses. обавештења од professional. Logically, in practice, Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) грађана The protected witness witness protection is Члан 288 signs the minutes with of utmost Полиција може the pseudonym. importance. This позивати грађане legislation, which is ради прикупљања Keeping Data on a lex specialis to the обавештења. У Protected Witness CPC, regulates the позиву се мора conditions and назначити разлог Article 110 of the CPC procedures for позивања и својство у providing protection коме се грађанин Data on the identities and assistance to позива. Принудно се of the protected participants in може довести лице witness and persons criminal proceedings које се није одазвало close to him and on and persons close to позиву само ако је у other circumstances them, who, due to позиву било на то which may lead to the the fact that they упозорено. exposure of their testified or provided Приликом поступања identities will be information по одредбама овог sealed under a significant for члана, полиција не separate cover evidence in criminal може грађане marked “protected proceedings, are саслушавати у witness – strictly exposed to the risk својству окривљеног, confidential”, sealed for their life, health, односно испитивати у and submitted for physical integrity, својству сведока или safekeeping to the freedom or property. вештака, осим у judge for preliminary This can quite often случају из члана 289. proceedings. be the case when it овог законика. The sealed cover may comes to certain Прикупљање be opened only by a categories of victims обавештења од истог court deciding on a of certain criminal лица може трајати legal remedy against a offences of organized онолико колико је judgment. The reason, crime. неопходно да се date and hour of its Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) добије потребно opening and the Part of the rules that обавештење, а names of the are specifically најдуже четири часа, members of the panel related to minors as а по пристанку лица informed about the especially vulnerable које даје обавештења data referred to in witnesses i.e. victims и дуже. paragraph 1 of this of criminal offences is Обавештења од Article will be marked regulated through грађана се не смеју on the cover. The the rules stipulated прикупљати cover will thereafter by the Law on принудно. be resealed, the date Juvenile Offenders Службена белешка о and time of resealing and Criminal датом обавештењу being indicated on the Protection of прочитаће се cover, and returned to Juveniles, which is lex грађанину који је the judge for specialis in this обавештење дао, а он preliminary matter compared to може ставити proceedings. the CPC which is lex примедбе које је The data referred to in generalis. полиција дужна да paragraph 1 of this унесе у службену Article represent Article 288 of the CPC белешку. Копија secret data. Besides regulates the службене белешке о public officials, all collection of датом обавештењу other persons who information from издаће се грађанину, learn about them in citizens, which is a ако то захтева. any capacity certain form of Грађанин се може whatsoever are communication поново позивати required to maintain between the police ради прикупљања their confidentiality. and citizens, that обавештења о formally don’t have околностима другог Duty of Notification any procedural кривичног дела или about Special capacity, i.e. they are учиниоца, а ради Protection Measures not suspects nor прикупљања witnesses, but they Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) обавештења о истом Article 111 of the CPC could become either кривичном делу не suspects or witnesses може се поново The police and the in the further course принудно доводити. public prosecutor are of the proceedings. По одобрењу судије required during the These norms are за претходни collection of important when it поступак, information from comes to citizens председника већа citizens to inform who provide или судије појединца, them about the information to the полиција може special protection police, and who were прикупљати measures referred to in fact victims of a обавештења и од in Article 106 of this criminal offence. притвореника, ако је Code. то потребно ради Article 288 откривања других Analogous Application establishes a number кривичних дела или of Provisions on a of procedures which других учинилаца. Protected Witness support the Ова ће се minimization of обавештења Article 112 of the CPC secondary прикупљати у заводу victimisation and у којем је окривљени The provisions of psychological harm. притворен, у време Articles 105 and 111 In particular, victims које одреди суд, и у of this Code apply (citizens) may be not присуству браниоца. accordingly to the be interviewed for На основу protection of an longer than 4 hours прикупљених undercover without their обавештења, investigator, expert consent, they may полиција саставља witness, professional not be coerced to кривичну пријаву у consultant and provide information којој наводи доказе professional person. and their statement за које је сазнала is read back, they приликом Collecting Information may make comments Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) прикупљања from Citizens and a copy is обавештења. У provided to them. кривичну пријаву не Article 288 Moreover, citizens уноси се садржина may not be forcibly изјава које су The police may required to provide поједини грађани summon citizens for information on the дали приликом the purpose of same offence more прикупљања collecting information. than once. обавештења, осим The summons must исказа који је contain the reason for These requirements осумњичени дао у summoning the citizen can all be considered складу са чланом 289. and the capacity in as measures to овог законика. which the citizen is protect victims in line Уз кривичну пријаву being summoned. A with Art 18. достављају се и person who did not However, no general предмети, скице, respond to a requirement is фотографије, summons may be imposed on those прибављени brought in forcibly collecting извештаји, списи о only if he had been information to have предузетим мерама и cautioned accordingly in mind and to avoid радњама, службене in the summons. actions which cause белешке, изјаве и When acting secondary други материјали according to the victimisation or put који могу бити provisions of this the victim at risk of корисни за успешно Article, the police may repeat victimisation, вођење поступка. not question a citizen intimidation or Ако полиција после in a capacity of retaliation. подношења кривичне defendant, or in a пријаве сазна за нове capacity of witness or Thus where a victim чињенице, доказе expert witness, except is not yet considered или трагове in the case referred to an injured party or кривичног дела, in Article 289 of this witness, there is Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) дужна је да прикупи Code. likely to be a gap in потребна protection and a обавештења и да Collection of failure to fully comply извештај о томе, као information from a with Article 18. допуну кривичне person may last for as пријаве, достави long as it is necessary јавном тужиоцу. to obtain the necessary information, but no longer than four hours, or longer with the consent of the person providing the information. No coercion may be used in collecting information from citizens. An official note on the information provided will be read out to the citizen who provided the information, and he may make remarks, which the police is required to enter in the official note. A copy of the official note about the information provided will be issued to the Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) citizen, if he so requests. The citizen may be summoned again for the purpose of collecting information about the circumstances of another criminal offence or perpetrator, but with respect to the same criminal offence he may not be brought in forcibly again for the purpose of collecting information about it. Acting on the approval of the judge for preliminary proceedings, the president of the panel or an individual judge, the police may also collect information from detainees, if it is necessary for detecting other criminal offences or other perpetrators. This information will be collected in the Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) institution in which the defendant is detained, at a time determined by the court, in the presence of the defence counsel. Based on the information collected, the police draft a criminal complaint in which they specify the evidence it learnt during the collection of information. The content of statements made by individual citizens during the collection of information is not entered in the criminal complaint, except for the statement given by the suspect in accordance with Article 289 of this Code. Objects, sketches, photographs, reports obtained, documents about the measures Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) and actions undertaken, official notes, statements and other materials which may be of benefit for the successful conduct of proceedings are delivered with the criminal complaint. If after submitting the criminal complaint the police learn about new facts, evidence or traces of criminal offence, they are required to collect necessary information and deliver to the public prosecutor a report thereof, as a supplement to the criminal complaint. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) The Police Law Article 91 Члан 91 ЗП Article 91 of the PL Partially aligned Collecting It would be (PL) with the Directive information from necessary to insert in Полицијски A police officer may citizens is an action in Article 91 of the PL службеник може request information pre-trial proceedings. the rules that have тражити обавештења from a person in order Pre-trial is a part of already been од лица у циљу to prevent and detect the criminal explained in relation спречавања и criminal offenses or proceedings, to the interview откривања кривичних minor offences and regardless of the fact conducted with дела или прекршаја и their perpetrators in that it might be citizens (according to њихових учинилаца у accordance with the conducted against an the CPC), when it складу са законом. law. unknown perpetrator comes to persons Лице није дужно да The person shall not (an investigation who were victims of пружи тражено be required to provide against an unknown a criminal offence or обавештење осим the requested perpetrator is injured parties of the ако би тиме учинио information unless possible), and criminal offence кривично дело, на such a refusal would therefore all the шта је полицијски constitute a criminal actions of the pre- службеник дужан да offence, of which the trial proceedings can га упозори. police officer shall be considered as acts О обавештењима warn him. conducted in criminal прикупљеним од The police officer shall proceedings. This грађана полицијски make an official note means that the службеник сачињава on the information collection of службену белешку. obtained from the information from citizen. citizens carried out by the police, can be considered an element of initiated criminal proceedings, regardless of the fact that the citizens who are providing Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) information are not witnesses. In fact, the police collect information from citizens that can become witnesses at a later phase of the proceedings, and they can also become suspects, or have no relevant future procedural capacity, all of which depends on the specific situation. Of course, when the police collect information from a person who is considered an injured party, i.e. a victim of crime, regardless of the fact that they don’t have the formal capacity of a witness, they should be provided with certain protection. This is further explained in the next section and it has already been discussed in the Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) section related to the rules contained in the CPC related to the collection of information during pre-trial proceedings. As explained above, in criminal proceedings in Serbia, the police does not have the right to examine witnesses (within the meaning of a witness from the CPC), although normally the pre-trial proceedings during which the police acts, is considered to be part of the criminal proceedings. The police doesn’t have that right in the pre- trial proceedings nor during the investigation. Witnesses can only be examined by the court during trial, or the public prosecutor Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) during investigation. Therefore, among other things, this is why only courts and public prosecutor are considered as authorities in the proceedings. Examination of witnesses is not possible in pre-trial proceedings in which the police generally acts, but it is possible to have certain action of informal verbal communication in that stage of the proceedings, in the form of the so-called interview with citizens at the initial, criminal complaint, stage of proceedings. This action is performed by the police in line with the rules of the CPC, and there are also certain rules stipulated by the cited Article 91 of the Police Law. The Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) statement given to the police during interview (collecting information from citizens) is not an evidence in criminal proceedings, no records are made of this interview, but only an official note. This doesn’t mean that the collection of information from citizens is not important, but the significance of these information is only operational, and not evidentiary. The term «citizen» in this sense includes injured parties in a criminal offence, i.e. victims of a criminal offence, and it would therefore be necessary to better align these norms in the PL and in the CPC with the Directive. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) General protocol Item 6 (GPDV) Деца се сматрају Children are Partially aligned The provision As explained, the on procedures жртвама насиља у considered victims of with the Directive generally emphasizes norm has no great and cooperation породици, не само domestic violence, not the need of special practical significance, of institutions, када га директно only when they protection of children since general bodies and трпе, већ и када су directly suffer, but victims of domestic protocol of this kind organizations in изложена актима also when they are violence, as well as is not strictly a situations of насиља које један exposed to the acts of other particularly source of law, but violence against члан породице врши violence that one vulnerable family rather some form of women in family над другим family member members. The norm guidelines. and partner члановима као performed towards was written in a relationships сведоци. Сведочење other members of the general manner and Moreover, general (GPDV) и изложеност family, as witnesses. it doesn’t have a requirements on насиљу трауматизује great practical needs and best децу, било да The testimony and significance. interests do not директно посматрају exposure to violence explicitly refer to the насиље, или чују traumatize children, forms of звуке, ударце, крике whether they directly victimization covered из непосредне observe violence or under Article 18. близине, када знају hear sounds, blows, да се насиље дешава screams at close This protocol или се може десити, range, when they therefore supports односно када know that violence is implementation of накнадно виде happening or can Art 18 in a limited последице насиља happen, or when later way. међу члановима they see the породице. consequences of To be of great use, it Савремена сазнања violence among family could at least be потврђују да members. adapted to refer to изложеност intimidation, физичком, Contemporary retaliation. repeat сексуалном или findings confirm that and secondary психолошком exposure to physical, victimisation and Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) злостављању и sexual or protection from насиљу између psychological abuse physical harm. родитеља или других and violence between чланова породице parents or other има озбиљан утицај family members has a на децу и друге severe impact on нарочито осетљиве children and other чланове породице. especially vulnerable Таква изложеност family members. изазива трауму и негативно утиче на Such exposure causes развој детета и trauma and it has a безбедност и положај negative effect on других посебно child’s development рањивих чланова and safety and породице као што су position of other особе са especially vulnerable инвалидитетом, family members such старијих чланова as disabled persons, породице особа са older family members, одређеним тежим persons with certain здравственим и serious health and развојним developmental проблемима. problems. Из тог разлога, неопходно је For this reason, it обезбедити да се, would be necessary to приликом пружања ensure that, when услуге и помоћи providing services and жртвама насиља у assistance to victims породици са децом of domestic violence која су била сведоци in families with Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) насиља, и њихова children who права и потребе witnessed violence, обавезно узму у their rights and needs обзир. Термин ,,дете should be considered. сведок” не односи се само на децу која The term “child непосредно приствују witness” refers not чину насиља у only to children who породици, већ и на directly witness the децу која су насиљу act of domestic посредно изложена. violence, but also to У овим случајевима children who are потребно је exposed to violence комплементарно indirectly. In these применити Општи cases, it is necessary протокол о заштити to implement деце од злостављања complementary the и занемаривања. General Protocol on Приликом пружања Protection of Children помоћи жртвама from Abuse and насиља у породици Neglect. у којој се налазе нарочито рањиви When providing чланови као сведоци assistance to victims насиља, неопходно је of domestic violence предузети мере in families which заштите које include especially одговарају на vulnerable members потребе ових лица, с as witnesses of обзиром да она нису violence, it is у стању да се заштите necessary to take без помоћи других. protective measures Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Све услуге које се that are appropriate пружају деци to the needs of these сведоцима насиља у people, given the fact породици и другим that they are unable нарочито рањивим to protect themselves члановима породице without the help of морају се others. предузимати у складу са њиховим All services provided најбољим интересом. to children witnesses of domestic violence а секундарне and other especially виктимизације vulnerable members жртава, одговорни су of the family must be дужни да поступају taken in accordance на начин којим се with their best поштује њихово interest. достојанство. Током поступања према (a word seems to be жртвама насиља у missing) ... secondary породици, сви victimization of одговорни су дужни victims, responsible да поступају на родно persons are obliged to осетљив начин. act in a way that respects their dignity. During the treatment of victims of domestic violence, all those responsible are obliged to act in a gender-sensitive manner. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Special protocol There are no There is no need Since this act does There is no need for on the conduct provisions that can for alignment not regulate the alignment with the of police officers be related to with the Directive matter related to Directive, since the in order to Article 18 of the Article 18 of the provisions of Article protect minors Directive Directive, there are 18 are not relevant from abuse and not particular for the content of neglect (SPNM) explanations. the act. Special protocol There are no There is no need Since this act does There is no need for on the conduct provisions that can for alignment not regulate the alignment with the of police officers be related to with the Directive matter related to Directive, since the and cases of Article 18 of the Article 18 of the provisions of Article violence against Directive Directive, there are 18 are not relevant women in not particular for the content of partner explanations. the act. relationships (SPVP) Ordinance on There are no There is no need Since this act does There is no need for the manner of provisions that can for alignment not regulate the alignment with the performing be related to with the Directive matter related to Directive, since the police duties Article 18 of the Article 18 of the provisions of Article (OPD) Directive Directive, there are 18 are not relevant not particular for the content of explanations. the act. Instructions on There are no There is no need Since this act does There is no need for the conduct of provisions that can for alignment not regulate the alignment with the police officers be related to with the Directive matter related to Directive, since the towards Article 4 of the Article 18 of the provisions of Article juveniles and Directive. Directive, there are 18 are not relevant young adults not particular for the content of (ICJ) explanations. the act. CPC (CPC) Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Article 19 There are no Not aligned with It is not adequately Article 19 (a) of the provisions in the the Directive regulated in the Directive, requires Right to avoid CPC that Serbian criminal appropriate contact between specifically proceedings. In some separation of victim victim and regulate this issue. courts it is from offender offender adequately solved in (suspect/ defendant) practice, but usually in all premises where Member States there are no criminal proceedings shall establish the conditions for such take place. This necessary actions nor is it includes premises conditions to systematically where police enable avoidance resolved. activities including of contact questioning takes between victims place, premises and their family where prosecutors members, where are active and necessary, and courts. the offender within premises The Directive does where criminal not specify what proceedings are measures must be conducted, unless taken nor the the criminal number. It is proceedings therefore open to require such Member States to contact. establish any relevant procedures and explain their relevance to the implementation of Art 19. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Given that the Art 19 also refers to ‘procedures’, arguably it is not necessary to establish rules in primary legislation. Nevertheless, none of the legislation and rules on police activities examined in this project contains procedures to separate victims and offender. It is necessary to establish such procedures. A range of solutions are possible such as providing a separate room for victims to wait in. However, it is recognised that setting up bespoke separate areas which are only used for victims may be costly depending on the premises. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Other options may also be explored such as procedures on timing of when victim and offender are requested to be present, use of separate entrances, official accompaniment when victim and offender may be together, use of room on a temporary basis etc. With respect to Art 19(b), there is a clear requirement that new court buildings must have separate waiting areas for victims. Again, no legislation has been identified which contains this requirement. Given the absolute and clear obligation, it may be more Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) appropriate to amend primary legislation to achieve this objective. Moreover, in terms of practice, it should be ensure that those responsible for commissioning new buildings or purchasing them, are aware of these requirements. Whilst not required by the Directive, planners should also consider broader aspects of victim/offender separate. For example, the provision of a separate entrance for victims, access to separate toilets, protection when in corridors etc. These are all points which have been exploited by Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) defendants to intimidate victims and witnesses. In terms of amendments to procedural rules, the court’s rules of procedure could be amended with respect to court activities, for prosecution activitiesmandatory general instructions of the Republic Public Prosecutor could be adapted,when it comes to the examination of a witness/injured party in investigation led by the public prosecutor. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) The Police Law There are no Not aligned with As already explained, In order to ensure (PL) provisions in the the Directive the police does not compliance with Art Police Law that have the right to 19, police activities specifically examine witnesses coming under the regulate this issue. (and therefore also definition of criminal victims), as defined proceedings – such by the CPC, this is left as collecting exclusively to the information from prosecutor and the citizens, should be judge. Hence, this carried out in such a rule from the way that ensures Directive may be separation of victim seen as irrelevant for from offender. the police, and therefore there is no In practice, this is need to introduce it already done to in the Police Law. some extent, but it is Nonetheless, it can necessary to strictly be important when it prescribe it in the comes to managing Police Law. interviews with citizens (collecting information from citizens, and hence also victims at the pre-investigation stage), which will be explained in more details in the next column (suggestions). Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) General protocol There are no Not aligned with The same Whilst it would be on procedures provisions in the the Directive. explanation as in sufficient for the CPC and cooperation GPDV that There is no need terms of the Police or the Police law to of institutions, specifically for alignment Law. be amended to bodies and prescribe this. with the Directive ensure separation organizations in for all victims, the situations of Government may violence against wish to consider women in family whether additional and partner measures might be relationships appropriate with (GPDV) respect to domestic violence. These are often cases where the victims will be particularly vulnerable to harm and particularly susceptible to influence by the suspect. As such, additional measures may be warranted. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Special protocol There are no There is no need The same Whilst it would be on the conduct provisions in the for alignment explanation as in sufficient for the CPC of police officers SPNM that can be with the Directive terms of the Police or the Police law to in order to lined with Article Law. be amended to protect minors 19 of the Directive. ensure separation from abuse and for all victims, the neglect (SPNM) Government may wish to consider whether additionalmeasures might be appropriate with respect to domestic violence. These are often cases where the victims will be particularly vulnerable to harm and particularly susceptible to influence by the suspect. As such additional measures may be warranted. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Special protocol There are no Not aligned with The same Whilst it would be on the conduct provisions in the the Directive. explanation as in sufficient for the CPC of police officers SPVP that can be There is no need terms of the Police or the Police law to and cases of linked with Article for alignment Law. be amended to violence against 19 of the Directive. with the Directive ensure separation women in for all victims, the partner Government may relationships wish to consider (SPVP) whether additional measures might be appropriate with respect to violence in partnerships. These are often cases where the victims will be particularly vulnerable to harm and particularly susceptible to influence by the suspect. As such additional measures may be warranted. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Ordinance on There are no Not aligned with The same There is no need for the manner of provisions in the the Directive. explanation as in alignment with the performing OPD that can be There is no need terms of the Police Directive, since the police duties linked with Article for alignment Law. provisions of Article (OPD) 19 of the Directive. with the Directive 19 are not relevant for the content of the act. Instructions on There are no There is no need Since this act does There is no need for the conduct of provisions in the for alignment not regulate the alignment with the police officers ICJ that can be with the Directive examination of Directive, since the towards linked with Article injured party/witness provisions of Article juveniles and 19 of the Directive of a criminal offence, 19 are not relevant young adults it is not directly for the content of (ICJ) linked with Article 19 the act. of the Directive. Article 20 CPC (CPC) Art. 50, 56, 59, Члан 50 тачка 3 ЗКП Article 20 is Article 20(a) It would be Right to 127, 131, 133, 134, Оштећени има право Article 50 item 3 of largely No rules have been necessary to protection of 140, 141 and да ангажује the CPC unimplemented identified in the introduce a rule that victims during Article 142of the пуномоћника из реда The injured party is examined legislation injured party criminal CPC адвоката; entitled to hire an which seek to limit (especially in the investigations attorney from among the time between case of certain Члан 56 ЗКП attorneys; submission of criminal offences, Without prejudice Ако је оштећени complaint and first which typically to the rights of малолетник или лице Article 56 of the CPC interview with victim. include secondary the defence and које је потпуно If the injured party is a victimization), and in accordance лишено пословне minor or a person Article 20(b) when it comes to with rules of способности, његов declared completely No rules have been child victims of judicial discretion, законски заступник је incompetent, his legal identified in the crimes, would be Member States овлашћен да даје све representative is examined legislation entitles to the shall ensure that изјаве и да authorized to make all which limit or seek to support of a person Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) during criminal предузима све радње statements and limit the number of they trust, and that investigation: на које је по овом perform all actions to interviews that doesn’t necessarily interviews of законику овлашћен which the injured victims are subjected have to be their victims are оштећени. Законски party is entitled under to, nor to ensure they attorney in conducted заступник може своја this Code. The legal are only carried out procedural and legal without права да врши преко representative may where necessary. sense, but it can be a unjustified delay пуномоћника. exercise his rights person that, first of after the through an attorney. However, it’s worth all, might provide complaint with Члан 59 ЗКП noting that with adequate factual regard to a Оштећеном као respect to collection psychological criminal offence тужиоцу, када се of information from support, or a person has been made to кривични поступак Article 59 of the CPC citizens the CPC, only that the victim sees the competent води за кривично allows citizens as friendly and authority; дело за које се по When criminal (including victims) to protective, etc. the number of закону може изрећи proceedings are being be requested to interviews of казна затвора у conducted in provide information In drafting of this victims is kept to трајању преко пет connection with a once. This is only solution in future a minimum and година, може се, на criminal offence limited to pre- amendments of the interviews are његов захтев, punishable by law by a investigation phase CPC or in more carried out only поставити term of imprisonment of the proceedings detailed rules where strictly пуномоћник ако је то of over five years, at and is not applicable elsewhere, any necessary for the у интересу поступка и the request of the later on. mechanism for purposes of the ако оштећени као subsidiary prosecutor excluding a chosen criminal тужилац, према свом an attorney may be Article 20 (c) person should investigation; имовном стању, не appointed for him, if Whilst Articles 50, 56 provide clear criteria Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) victims may be може сносити this is in the best and 59 of the CPC for the decision, accompanied by трошкове заступања. interest of the entitle the injured explanation of a their legal О захтеву из става 1. proceedings and if the party to hire an decision and appeal representative овог члана одлучује financial standing of attorneyor to be possibilities. Whilst and a person of председник the subsidiary assign an attorney, this is not explicitly their choice, претресног већа или prosecutor makes it those rules do not stated in Art 20 of unless a reasoned судија појединац, а impossible for him to explicitly set out the Directive, these decision has been пуномоћника bear the costs of what are the rules of are basic principles made to the решењем поставља representation. accompaniment. of the rule of law. contrary; председник суда из The request referred Such exclusion medical реда адвоката по to in paragraph 1 of It is thus not explicitly mechanism would examinations are редоследу са списка this Article is decided clear in the take into account the kept to a адвоката који суду by the president of legislation whether a interest of the minimum and are доставља надлежна the trial panel or victim has the right defenceand help carried out only адвокатска комора за individual judge, and to be accompanied prevent a collusion where strictly одређивање the attorney is by their attorney at risk, in an necessary for the бранилаца по appointed by a ruling any time, only in appropriate manner, purposes of the службеној дужности by the president of certain situations, or i.e. the possibility of criminal the court from the whether there are wrongfully proceedings. Ако постоји сумња у ranks of lawyers only some situations influencing the односу на врсту и according to the order where this right is injured party in начин настанка on the roster of excluded. respect of his телесне повреде, lawyers which is The CPC does not statement, which he орган поступка ће submitted to the court define any norms is giving or will give одредити вештачење by a bar association that enable the as a witness in телесних повреда. competent for injured party (victim) criminal proceedings. Члан 127 ст. 1 и 2 ЗКП determining court to be accompanied appointed defence by other close The possible Телесне повреде counsel. persons, or persons situation of the вештаче се, по If there exists of trust, except if it is conflict of interest правилу, прегледом suspicion in respect of their formal legal should be resolved in повређеног, а ако то the type and manner representative and it the CPC, between Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) није могуће или по of origin of a physical is explained in the the injured party мишљењу вештака injury, the authority section Suggestions who is a minor or a није потребно - на conducting that there is no person deprived of основу медицинске proceedings will order alignment with legal capacity (and as документације или expert examination of Article 20 of the such has no других података у physical injuries. Directive here. procedural списима. Article 127 paragraphs capabilities) and his 1 and 2 of the CPC It is possible that by legal representative. Члан 131 став 2 ЗКП As a rule, expert unwritten rule or For example, this Ако се појави сумња у examination of convention, could be the case способност сведока physical injuries is attorneys are when the parent of a да пренесе своја performed by an present. However, in child is accused of сазнања или examination of the order to ensure full domestic violence in опажања у вези са injured person, and compliance with relation to the child предметом where it is not Article 20, this right or some other crime сведочења, орган possible or in the should be expressly against sexual поступка може opinion of an expert included in the law freedom, or other одредити witness unnecessary – (CPC or otherwise). abuse in relation to психијатријско based on medical At the same time, the child, when, of вештачење сведока. documentation or there are no course, such parent Члан 133 ст. 1 и 2 ЗКП other data in the case provisions allowing cannot be legal Увиђај се предузима file. for the victim to be representative of a када је за утврђивање accompanied by child who has the или разјашњење неке Article 131 paragraph another (non-legal) capacity of an чињенице у поступку 2 of the CPC person of their injured party/victim потребно непосредно If suspicion appears choice for the in the criminal опажање органа about the capacity of purposes of proceedings.In поступка. a witness to convey emotional support. practice, this is Предмет увиђаја his knowledge or This should also be solved by engaging може бити лице, observations in established in law. the other parent or ствар или место. connection with the the Center for Social Члан 134 ст. 1 и 2 ЗКП object of the Article 20(d) Work, which usually Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Увиђај окривљеног testimony, the Articles 127, 131, acts in such cases, предузеће се и без authority conducting 133, 134, 140-142 but there should also његовог пристанка proceedings may establish basic rules be strict rules in the ако је потребно да се order a psychiatric on medical CPC, as well as in the утврде чињенице expert examination of examination of future Law on важне за поступак. the witness. injured parties and Juvenile Offenders Увиђај других лица others. and the Protection of може се без њиховог Article 133 paragraph Minors in Criminal пристанка предузети 1 and 2 of the CPC In order to comply Proceedings. само ако се мора An examination is with Art 20(2), they It would also be утврдити да ли се на performed when should establish clear necessary to њиховом телу налази establishment or mechanisms to limit eliminate the одређени траг или clarification of a fact the number of possibility of the последица кривичног in the proceedings medical examinations psychiatric дела. requires direct insight and to perform them examination of Члан 140 ст. 3 и 4 into the matter by an only when strictly witnesses from the ЗКП authority conducting necessary for the CPC, which is now, of Ради отклањања proceedings. purposes of criminal course, related to сумње о повезаности The object of the proceedings. None of the injured са кривичним делом, examination may be a the articles establish party/victim of the од оштећеног или person, an object or a any explicit criminal offence as другог лица затеченог location. procedures or well. на месту кривичног considerations to It is not quite clear дела могу се и без Article 134 ensure limitin the what is the ratio legis пристанка узети paragraphs 1 and 2 of number of of such possibility отисци папиларних the CPC examinations (e.g. that was introduced линија и делова тела An examination of a ensuring that a in the new Code in и букални брис. defendant will be defence expert is 2011. It seems that Радњу из ст. 1. и 3. performed even present during the this is the example of овог члана по without his consent if collecting of evidence both excessive наредби јавног it is necessary for – which can eliminate psychiatrisation in тужиоца или суда establishing facts of the need for two or the proceedings, as Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) предузима стручно importance for the more examinations). well as the example лице. proceedings. On the other hand, of facile introduction Члан 141 ЗКП Examinations of other the articles are of potentially very Узимању узорака persons may be explicit with respect controversial биолошког порекла и performed without to the purposes for regulatory предузимању других their consent only if it which the mechanisms in the медицинских радњи has to be established examinations can new Code. које су по правилу whether their bodies take place. In fact, if such doubt медицинске науке bear a certain trace or in the capability of a неопходне ради consequence or a Art 20(c) is complied witness appears, it is анализе и criminal offence. with in respect of the a sufficient basis for утврђивања second part of (c) but the authority of чињеница у поступку, Article 140 not the first part. criminal proceedings, може се приступити и paragraphs 3 and 4 of and the court in без пристанка the CPC Article 56 of the CPC particular, to окривљеног, изузев In order to eliminate regulates procedural question the ако би због тога suspicion about being representation of evidentiary наступила каква connected with a persons who are credibility of the штета по његово criminal offence, injured party in witness’s testimony, здравље. impressions of criminal offences, but even without the Ако је потребно papillary lines and don’t have the ability psychiatric expert утврдити постојање body parts and mouth of independent evaluation, and трага или последице swabs may be taken action in criminal generally his ability кривичног дела на from an injured party proceedings, i.e. they to testify. The другом лицу, or other person found are not “procedurally authority in the узимању узорака at a crime scene even capable”. This refers procedure, primarily биолошког порекла и without their consent. to two categories of the court, evaluates предузимању других The action referred to procedurally evidence and at the медицинских радњи in paragraphs 1 and 3 incapable persons: 1) same time uses its у складу са ставом 1. of this Article is minors and 2) free belief, and this овог члана може се performed by a persons deprived of relates to the приступити и без professional acting legal capacity, such testimony of a Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) пристанка лица, under an order of the as people with witness. изузев ако би public prosecutor or certain intellectual наступила каква the court. and psycho-social On the other hand, штета по његово disabilities. In this is a very здравље. Article 141 of the CPC criminal proceedings, sensitive issue, which Од окривљеног, The obtaining of such persons are in practice can be оштећеног, сведока samples of biological represented by their manifested as an или другог лица origin and legal representatives attempt of може се ради performance of other - parents for a minor harassment of утврђивања medical actions which and legal guardian witnesses by the чињеница у поступку are under the rules of for adults deprived of subjects in the узети узорак гласа the medical profession legal capacity. proceedings that или рукописа ради required for the could propose this упоређивања. purpose of analyzing Legal representative type of expert Радње из ст. 1. и 2. and establishing facts himself, of course, evaluation. Finally, овог члана по in proceedings may be doesn’t have the the Code (which is наредби јавног conducted even capacity of a victim logical, since any тужиоца или суда without the consent or an injured party of opposite solution предузима of the defendant, a criminal offence, would represent здравствени радник. except if it would but that capacity drastic violation of Лице из става 3. овог cause harm to his belongs to the human rights of члана које без health in some way. represented person witnesses) does not законског разлога If it is necessary to in whose name the prescribe any (члан 68. став 1. тачка establish the existence legal representative procedural 2), члан 93, члан 94. of a trace or performs certain mechanism that став 1. и члан 95. став consequence of a procedural actions, could be used to 2.) одбије да да criminal offence on that normally fall force the witness to узорак гласа или another person, the under the rights of undergo psychiatric рукописа суд може obtaining of samples the injured party, evaluation, if he казнити новчано до of biological origin and such as, for example, doesn’t want to, or if 150.000 динара. performance of other the right of access to he refuses such О жалби против medical actions in evidence, asking evaluation. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) решења којим је accordance with questions during a изречена новчана paragraph 1 of this trial, etc. казна, одлучује веће. Article may be Жалба не задржава conducted even Also, legal извршење решења. without the consent representative, as Члан 142 ЗКП of the person, except well as an injured Ако је потребно ради if it would cause harm party that is откривања учиниоца to his health in some procedurally capable, кривичног дела или way. has the right to hire утврђивања других A voice or handwriting an attorney in чињеница у поступку, sample may be taken criminal proceedings. јавни тужилац или from a defendant, суд може наредити injured party, witness The possibility of узимање узорка за or other person for appointing an форензичко- the purpose of attorney for an генетичку анализу: establishing facts in injured party (Article 1) са места кривичног proceedings for the 59 of the CPC) only дела и другог места purpose of making refers to one special на коме се налазе comparisons. category of injured трагови кривичног The actions referred party, and those are дела; to in paragraphs 1 and the ones who have 2) од окривљеног и 2 of this Article are acquired the status оштећеног, а под performed by a of a subsidiary условима healthcare prosecutor. Namely, предвиђеним у члану professional, acting on in Serbian criminal 141. став 2. овог an order of the public proceedings, when законика; prosecutor or the an indictment has 3) од других лица ако court. been confirmed and постоји једна или The person referred to the public више карактеристика in paragraph 3 of this prosecutors decides која их доводи у везу Article who without not to continue with са кривичним делом. lawful reason (Article prosecution, the Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) 68 paragraph 1 item victim of the offence 2), Article 93, Article has the right to 94 paragraph 1 and continue the Article 95 paragraph prosecution and 2) refuses to provide a therefore becomes voice or handwriting authorised sample may be fined prosecutor in the by the court by a fine proceedings. of up to 150,000 dinars. New possibility of An appeal against the psychiatric ruling pronouncing a examination (Article fine is decided on by 131 paragraph 2 of the panel. An appeal the CPC), is actually does not delay completely pointless, execution of the as it is explained in ruling. more detail in the next column Article 142 of the CPC (suggestions), If necessary for because the question detecting the is what is the point of perpetrator of a such expert criminal offence or evaluation, when the establishing other court normally facts in the doesn’t have to proceedings, the accept the testimony public prosecutor or of a witness, if it has the court may order any doubts for any the taking of samples reason about his for forensic-genetic mental state, and in analysis: practice, this can be reduced to insults, Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) 1) from the crime and harassment of scene or other witnesses, which is location where traces particularly of the criminal offence dangerous when it are located; comes to victims or injured parties, and 2) from the defendant particularly when it and injured party, comes to certain under the conditions categories of injured stipulated in Article parties. 141 paragraph 2 of this Code; 3) from other persons if there is one or more characteristics that bring them in connection with the criminal offence. The Police Law Article 77. Члан 77 ст. 1 и 2 ЗП Article 77 paragraphs Partially aligned The Police Law When it comes to (PL) 1 and 2 of the PL with the Directive almost doesn’t medical expertise on Утврђивање contain any injured persons with идентитета лица A person’s identity provisions that could the purpose of врши се према лицу shall be established if be specifically linked determining their које код себе нема the person does not to Article 20 of the identity (which in прописану исправу have a prescribed Directive, and Article practice, logically, is или се сумња у identity document or 77 regulates certain very rare), it would веродостојност такве if there are doubts forms of determining be necessary to исправе, ако се на regarding the a person’s identity, prescribe more други начин не може authenticity of such which can also refer detailed rules similar проверити његов document, or if the to the victim, when in to the ones that exist идентитет, или на identity cannot be some situations it is in the CPC, in order Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) основу посебног established in any necessary to apply to protect the захтева надлежног other manner, or certain medical injured parties from органа. based on a special examinations. harassment above Идентитет се утврђује request of the all. коришћењем competent authority. података из Identity shall be форензичких established by using евиденција, the data from forensic применом метода и records, by applying употребом средстава the methods and криминалистичке using the crime police тактике и форензике, techniques, tactics медицинским или and forensics, medical другим or other appropriate одговарајућим expertise. вештачењима. General protocol There are no There is no need Since this act does There is no need for on procedures provisions in the for alignment not regulate the alignment with the and cooperation GPDV that can be with the Directive matter related to Directive, since the of institutions, linked with Article Article 20 of the provisions of Article bodies and 20 of the Directive. Directive, it is not 20 are not relevant organizations in directly linked to for the content of situations of Article 20 of the the act. violence against Directive. women in family and partner relationships (GPDV) Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Special protocol There are no There is no need Since this act does There is no need for on the conduct provisions in the for alignment not regulate the alignment with the of police officers SPNM that can be with the Directive matter related to Directive, since the in order to linked with Article Article 20 of the provisions of Article protect minors 20 of the Directive. Directive, it is not 20 are not relevant from abuse and directly linked to for the content of neglect (SPNM) Article 20 of the the act. Directive. Special protocol There are no There is no need Since this act does Since this act does on the conduct provisions in the for alignment not regulate the not regulate the of police officers SPVP that can be with the Directive matter related to matter related to and cases of linked with Article Article 20 of the Article 20 of the violence against 20 of the Directive. Directive, it is not Directive, it is not women in directly linked to directly linked to partner Article 20 of the Article 20 of the relationships Directive. Directive. (SPVP) Ordinance on There are no There is no need Since this act does Since this act does the manner of provisions in the for alignment not regulate the not regulate the performing OPD that can be with the Directive matter related to matter related to police duties linked with Article Article 20 of the Article 20 of the (OPD) 20 of the Directive. Directive, it is not Directive, it is not directly linked to directly linked to Article 20 of the Article 20 of the Directive. Directive. Instructions on There are no There is no need Since this act does Since this act does the conduct of provisions in the for alignment not regulate the not regulate the police officers ICJ that can be with the Directive matter related to matter related to towards linked with Article Article 20 of the Article 20 of the juveniles and 20 of the Directive. Directive, it is not Directive, it is not young adults directly linked to directly linked to (ICJ) Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Article 20 of the Article 20 of the Directive. Directive. Article 22 The Criminal There are no There are no There are no Completely There are certain It would be Procedure Code provisions in the provisions in the provisions in the inconsistent with provisions in the necessary to amend Individual (CPC) Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure the Directive Criminal Procedure the part of the assessment of Code whose Code whose content Code whose content Code relating to the Criminal Procedure victims to identify content corresponds to the corresponds to the collection of certain Code related to the specific corresponds to the requirements referred requirements referred information from the rights of the injured protection needs requirements to in Article 22 of the to in Article 22 of the victims or a witness, party, and to referred to in Directive. Directive. but they don’t meet introduce specific 1. Member Article 22 of the the requirements of rules that would States shall Directive. Article 22 of the allow for the victims- ensure that Directive, so in this injured parties in a victims receive a respect, the Serbian criminal offence to timely and Criminal Procedure receive individual individual Code contains a assessment in order assessment, in significant gap. to determine specific accordance with Actually, before needs in criminal national examination, the proceedings. procedures, to witness will be asked identify specific about his name, The most adequate protection needs personal solution would be to and to determine identification introduce the rules in whether and to number, name of the CPC (in the part what extent they their father or of the Code which would benefit mother, domicile, relates to the rights from special residence, place and of the injured party) measures in the year of birth and his which require the course of criminal relationship with the use of a particular Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) proceedings, as defendant and the form (that would be provided for injured party, he will kept in electronic under Articles 23 be given necessary form), and which and 24, due to instructions and would contain all the their particular warnings, but none data relevant for the vulnerability to of this actually individual secondary and corresponds to the assessment of the repeat requirements victim, as stipulated victimisation, to referred to in Article in Article 22 of the intimidation and 22 of the Directive. Directive. to retaliation. 2. The individual In addition, it would assessment shall, also be necessary, in in particular, take line with the into account: requests for Article (a) the personal 22 of the Directive, characteristics of to supplement the the victim; rules in the Code (b) the type or relating to especially nature of the vulnerable witnesses crime; and or those witnesses (c) the that, due to their circumstances of age, life experience, the crime. lifestyle, gender, 3. In the context health, nature, of the individual manner and assessment, consequences of the particular criminal offence attention shall be committed, or other paid to victims circumstances of the who have case, are especially suffered vulnerable and the Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) considerable authority conducting harm due to the proceedings may ex severity of the officio at the request crime; victims of parties or the who have witness himself, suffered a crime designate as an committed with a especially vulnerable bias or witness a (Article 103 discriminatory paragraph 1 of the motive which CPC). could, in particular, be related to their personal characteristics; victims whose relationship to and dependence on the offender make them particularly vulnerable. In this regard, victims of The Police Law Article 48 of the Члан 48 Закона о Article 48 of the Police Partially aligned There are no As previously terrorism, (PL) Police Law полицији Law with the Directive provision in the explained, the organised crime, Police Law whose introduction of the human trafficking, Полиција ће, ако и The police shall, if and content corresponds rules set out in gender-based док за то постоје while reasonable to the requirements Article 22 of the violence, violence оправдани разлози, ground exists, take of Article 22 of the Directive in the in a close предузимањем appropriate measures Directive, and only in Criminal Procedure relationship, одговарајућих мера to protect a victim or a broader sense Code would apply to sexual violence, заштитити оштећеног other person who has certain requests from actions of the police exploitation or и друго лице које је provided or may Article 22 of the in pre-trial Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) hate crime, and дало или може дати provide information of Directive can be proceedings, but victims with податке важне за importance for achieved through the because of the disabilities shall кривични поступак criminal proceedings provisions of Article importance of be duly или лице које је са or a person connected 48 of the Police Law. individual considered. наведеним лицима у with such persons, if assessment of 4. For the вези, ако им прети they are threatened The Police Law is injured party or purposes of this опасност од учиниоца by the perpetrator of normally applied only witness of a criminal Directive, child кривичног дела или a criminal offence or when something is offence it would be victims shall be других лица. other persons. prescribed through appropriate to presumed to have Мере из става 1. овог The measures referred that law in particular introduce similar specific члана, предузимају се to in paragraph 1 of compared to the rules that were protection needs на начин да се у this Article shall be Criminal Procedure suggested for due to their потпуности штити taken in such manner Code or when it introduction in the vulnerability to поверљивост as to fully protect the regulates some issue Criminal Procedure secondary and идентитета confidentiality of that is not regulated Code in the Police repeat оштећеног и других identities of the victim in the Criminal Law as well. victimisation, to лица. and other persons. Procedure Code. This intimidation and Начин заштите лица The manner of relates exclusively to to retaliation. To из става 1. овог члана protecting the persons the role of the police determine прописује министар. referred to in in pre-trial whether and to paragraph 1 of this proceedings, which what extent they Article shall be means that if the would benefit prescribed by the Criminal Procedure from special Minister. Code prescribes rules measures as that are based on provided for Article 22 of the under Articles 23 Directive, it would and 24, child certainly apply when victims shall be it comes to the subject to an actions of the police individual in pre-trial assessment as proceedings. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) provided for in General protocol There are no Not aligned with General protocol on There is no need for paragraph 1 of on procedures provisions in the the Directive. procedures and interventions in the this Article. and cooperation GPDV that could There is no need cooperation of General protocol on 5. The extent of of institutions, be linked with for alignment institutions, bodies procedures and the individual bodies and Article 22 of the with the Directive and organizations in cooperation of assessment may organizations in Directive. situations of violence institutions, bodies be adapted situations of against women in and organizations in according to the violence against family and partner situations of violence severity of the women in family relationships is not a against women in crime and the and partner typical bylaw, and it family and partner degree of relationships represents a list of relationships apparent harm (GPDV) general guidelines suffered by the and instructions and victim. there is no need to 6. Individual introduce all the assessments shall requirements from be carried out the Directive into this with the close bylaw, i.e. specifically involvement of the ones from Article the victim and 22, when it is shall take into normally prescribed account their in the Criminal wishes including Procedure Code and where they do the Police Law. not wish to Special protocol There are no Not aligned with The same There is no need for benefit from on the conduct provisions that can the Directive. explanation as in interventions in the special measures of police officers be related to There is no need terms of the GPDV. Special protocol on as provided for in in order to Article 22 of the for alignment the conduct of police Articles 23 and protect minors Directive. with the Directive officers in order to 24. from abuse and protect minors from 7. If the neglect (SPNM) abuse and neglect. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) elements that Special protocol There are no Not aligned with The same There is no need for form the basis of on the conduct provisions in the the Directive. explanation as in interventions in the the individual of police officers SPVP that can be There is no need terms of the SPNM. Special protocol on assessment have and cases of related to Article for alignment the conduct of police changed violence against 22 of the Directive. with the Directive officers and cases of significantly, women in violence against Member States partner women in partner shall ensure that relationships relationships. it is updated (SPVP) throughout the Ordinance on There are no Not aligned with The same There is no need for criminal the manner of provisions in the the Directive. explanation as in interventions in the proceedings. performing OPD that can be There is no need terms of the SPVP. Ordinance on the police duties related to Article for alignment manner of (OPD) 22 of the Directive. with the Directive performing police duties. Instructions on There are no Not aligned with The same There is no need for the conduct of provisions in the the Directive. explanation as in interventions in the police officers ICJD that can be There is no need terms of the OPD. Instructions on the towards related to Article for alignment conduct of police juveniles and 22 of the Directive. with the Directive officers towards young adults juveniles and young (ICJ) adults. Article 23 The Criminal There are no Not aligned with In practice, adequate It would be Right to Procedure Code provisions in the the Directive. assistance is provided necessary to insert protection of (CPC) CPC that can be There is no need to injured parties into the Criminal victims with related to Article for alignment that fall under the Procedure Code, in specific 22 of the Directive. with the Directive category of persons the part related to protection needs with special needs, the rights of an during criminal but there are no injured party, norms proceedings strict norms in the that would be Criminal Procedure aligned with Article The Directive Code, that would 23 of the Directive, Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) prescribes special systematically and i.e. to specifically protection of specifically regulate prescribe special victims with that issue, especially protection of victims specific needs in terms of specially with special needs during criminal adapted premises, as during criminal proceedings prescribed in Article proceedings, as well (Article 23 of the 23 of the Directive. as the norm that Directive). interviews with them Interviews with must be carried out such victims shall in specially adapted be carried out in premises. premises specially The Police Law There are no Not aligned with The same The same adapted or (PL) provisions in the the Directive. explanation as the explanation as the designed for that Police Law that can There is no need previous one in terms previous one in purpose. be related to for alignment of the Criminal terms of the Criminal Article 22 of the with the Directive Procedure Code, Procedure Code. This Directive. whereby it should be means that the noted that the police Police Law should in the Serbian stipulate that when criminal proceedings the police is doesn’t have the collecting right to interview information from witnesses, which injured parties with includes injured special needs in pre- parties in criminal trial proceedings, offences, but they that must be done in can only carry out the accordance with the so-called informative rules contained in interviews with Article 23 of the them, i.e. to collect Directive regarding information from the special them as citizens. If protection of such Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) these are victims injured parties, i.e. with special needs, victims of criminal then, even though offence, and formally they are not interviews with them witnesses, the rules should be carried out contained in Article in especially adapted 23 of the Directive premises. would have to be applied. General protocol There are no Not aligned with The same There is no need for on procedures provisions in the the Directive. explanation as in particular alignment and cooperation GPDV that There is no need terms of the Police with the Directive, of institutions, prescribe this issue for alignment Law. since the provisions bodies and specifically. with the Directive of Article 23 are not organizations in relevant for the situations of content of this act violence against women in family and partner relationships (GPDV) Special protocol There are no Not aligned with The same There is no need for on the conduct provisions in the the Directive. explanation as in particular alignment of police officers SPNM that can be There is no need terms of the Police with the Directive, in order to related to Article for alignment Law. since the provisions protect minors 19 of the Directive. with the Directive of Article 23 are not from abuse and relevant for the neglect (SPNM) content of this act. Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Special protocol There are no Not aligned with The same There is no need for on the conduct provisions in the the Directive. explanation as in particular alignment of police officers SPVP that can be There is no need terms of the Police with the Directive, and cases of related to Article for alignment Law. since the provisions violence against 19 of the Directive. with the Directive of Article 23 are not women in relevant for the partner content of this act. relationships (SPVP) Ordinance on There are no Not aligned with The same There is no need for the manner of provisions in the the Directive. explanation as in particular alignment performing OPD that can be There is no need terms of the Police with the Directive, police duties related to Article for alignment Law. since the provisions (OPD) 19 of the Directive. with the Directive of Article 23 are not relevant for the content of this act. As previously explained, it would be sufficient to introduce norms in the Criminal Procedure Code and the Police Law that would be aligned with Article 23 of the Directive. Instructions on Item V 31 of the Not aligned with Since this act doesn’t There is no need for the conduct of ICJ the Directive. regulate the particular alignment police officers There is no need examination of with the Directive, towards for alignment injured party/victim since the provisions juveniles and with the Directive of a criminal offence, of Article 23 are not it has not direct link relevant for the Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) young adults with Article 23 of the content of this act. (ICJ) Directive, but the As previously quoted norm (Item V explained, it would 31) does have certain be sufficient to significance since it introduce norms in points to the specific the Criminal rules of conduct in Procedure Code and terms of minors or the Police Law that young adults with would be aligned problems in with Article 23 of the psychological and Directive. physical development or with certain disorders, which also applies to injured parties with such disorders, when they are minors or young adults. The Criminal There are no Not aligned with The Criminal It is not in Article 25 Procedure Code provisions in the the Directive. Procedure Code accordance with (CPC) Criminal Procedure doesn’t contain criminal law tradition Training of Code that can be specific provisions to insert in the practitioners linked to Article 25 that would be related provisions of the Member States of the Directive. to training and Criminal Procedure shall ensure that specialization of the Code the rules on officials likely to authorities in the specialization of any come into contact proceedings, and kind, and this is with victims, such such types of mostly achieved as police officers specialization can be through certain and court staff, achieved through special laws, such as receive both special laws, which is the Law on Juvenile Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) general and particularly the case Offenders and specialist training when it comes to Criminal Protection to a level children and minors of Juveniles. appropriate to that are injured their contact with parties in certain However, given the victims to types of criminal importance of increase their offences, when in protecting injured awareness of the relation to them, and parties in criminal needs of victims in line with the Law proceedings, and in and to enable on Juvenile Offenders particular certain them to deal with and Criminal categories of victims victims in an Protection of of criminal offences, impartial, Juveniles, specialized the Criminal respectful and subjects act in all Procedure Law professional parts of the criminal should include a manner (Article proceedings. special norm in line 25 paragraph 1 of with Article 25 of the the Directive) Directive, and that issue should be Article 25 elaborated in more paragraph 2 of detail in a bylaw, the Directive that would, in line specifically insists with that norm, be on appropriate passed by the training and Minister of justice, or raising the when it comes to the awareness of conduct of public public prosecutors, that prosecutors and issue could be judges, but in further elaborated in such manner that one mandatory it doesn’t general guidelines of Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) compromise the Republic public «judicial prosecutor. independence». The Police Law There are no Not aligned with The same The same (PL) provisions in the the Directive. explanation as in explanation as the Criminal Procedure terms of the Criminal one previously given Code that could be Procedure Code. for the Criminal linked with Article Procedure Code. 25 of the Directive. General protocol There are no There is no need As this act does not There is no need for on procedures provisions in the for alignment regulate the matter any particular and cooperation GPDV that could with the Directive referred to in Article alignment with the of institutions, be linked with 25 of the Directive, it Directive, since the bodies and Article 25 of the has not direct link to provisions of Article organizations in Directive. Article 25 of the 25 of the Directive situations of Directive. are not relevant for violence against the content of the women in family act. and partner relationships (GPDV) Special protocol There are no There is no need As this act does not There is no need for on the conduct provisions in the for alignment regulate the matter any particular of police officers SPNM that could with the Directive referred to in Article alignment with the in order to be linked with 25 of the Directive, it Directive, since the protect minors Article 25 of the has not direct link to provisions of Article from abuse and Directive. Article 25 of the 25 of the Directive neglect (SPNM) Directive are not relevant for the content of the act. Special protocol Item 6.1. of the 6.1. Обука 6.1. Partially aligned Provisions of Item There is no need for on the conduct SPVP полицијских Training of police with the Directive 6.1. of the Special particular alignment of police officers службеника о officers on the protocol on the with the Directive, Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) and cases of примени Посебног implementation of the conduct of police since the Special violence against протокола Special protocol officers and cases of protocol on the women in Управа полиције, General Police violence against conduct of police partner Управа Directorate, Crime women in partner officers and cases of relationships криминалистичке Investigation Police relationships regulate violence against (SPVP) полиције и Управа за Directorate and the mandatory basic and women in family and образовање, Directorate for Police specialized training of partner relationships оспособљавање, Education, the police with applies only to one усавршавање и науку Professional Training, regard to domestic type of victims, организоваће обуке Development and violence and violence which is adequate, које за тему имају Science shall organize in partner and the насиље над женама у training on domestic relationships, which requirements from породици и у and intimate partner is partly related to Article 25 of the партнерским violence against requirements Directive can be met односима и о women and on the referred to in Article in a more complete примени Посебног implementation of the 25 of the Directive. manner when it протокола о Special protocol of comes to the Police поступању conduct of police Law or partly in the полицијских officers in cases of Criminal Procedure службеника из ове domestic and partner Code, as already проблематике. violence against explained. women. Програм обуке треба да је у складу са The training program принципима из shall be designed in Општег протокола и accordance with the Посебног протокола о principles of the поступању General Protocol and полицијских the Special Protocol службеника. Садржај on Conduct of Police обуке треба да Officers. The content обухвати of the training shall Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) информације о: include information прописима, on the following: правилима и regulations, rules and принципима principles of police полицијског conduct in accordance поступања у складу with the Special са Посебним protocol. The content протоколом. Садржај of the training shall обука треба да also include обухвати и information on: the информације о: dynamics of partner динамици and domestic партнерског и violence, prejudice породичног насиља, and specific предрасудама и characteristics of специфичностима domestic violence in насиља у породици у relation to the cultural односу на разлике у differences and култури и начину lifestyles of some живота појединих populations, група становника, information about the информације о раду work of the public тужилаштва, судским prosecutor, court процедурама, о procedures, support групама за подршку groups for victims of жртвама насиља, violence, efficient ефикасној размени exchange of информација са information with другим other institutions and институцијама и organizations. It организацијама. would be preferable if Пожељно је да међу the trainers included Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) предавачима буду и persons other than особе које нису police officers, who полицијски work on the службеници, али су у protection of victims свом раду укључени у of domestic and заштиту жртава од intimate partner насиља у породици и violence. у партнерским односима. Basic training shall include all police Основна обука треба officers whose daily да обухвати све work includes припаднике/це domestic violence полиције који су reports. This training током свог shall be implemented свакодневног рада у through the annual контакту са пријавом Program of насиља у породици. Professional Ова обука се Development of Police реализује кроз Officers with the годишњи Програм Ministry of Interior. стручног усавршавања Specialized training полицијских can be organized for службеника police officers who Министарства will more often than унутрашњих послова. others have the opportunity to work Специјализована with the issue of обука се може domestic and intimate организовати за partner violence. This полицијске type of training shall Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) службенике који ће be provided on чешће бити у proposal of the Area прилици да раде на Police Directorate проблему насиља у Commissioner. Police породици и у Directorate shall партнерским together with the односима. Овај вид Directorate for обуке реализује се на education, training, предлог начелника professional подручне полицијске development and управе. Управа science organize the полиције ће заједно trainings, and if са Управом за possible engage стручно образовање, experts in the оспособљавање, proposed area усавршавање и науку, (judges, prosecutors, реализовати исту, са university professors, могућношћу civil society ангажовања organizations, etc.). стручњака из предложене области (судије, тужиоци, професори на факултетима, удружења грађана и сл.). Ordinance on There are no There is no need As this act does not There is no need for the manner of provisions in the for alignment regulate the matter particular alignment performing OPD that can be with the Directive referred to in Article with the Directive, police duties linked with Article 25 of the Directive, it since the provisions (OPD) 25 of the Directive. has not direct link to of Article 25 of the Directive are not Article of Instrument Instrument Article Serbian wording English Wording Analysis of Explanation Suggestions Directive compliance (Yes, partial, contrary, gap) Article 25 of the relevant for the Directive content of this act. Instructions on Item II 7 of the ICJ Ознака II 7 Упутствa о Item II 7 of the Partially aligned Instructions on the There is no need for the conduct of поступању Instructions on the with the Directive conduct of police particular alignment police officers полицијских conduct of police officers towards with the Directive, towards службеника према officers towards juveniles and young since the provisions juveniles and малолетним и juveniles and young adults is a special of Article 25 of the young adults млађим пунолетним adults type of bylaw that is Directive are not (ICJ) лицима Са дететом primarily related to relevant for the поступају овлашћена Authorized officials detailed regulation of content of this act. службена лица која су who have acquired certain problems that стекла посебна знања special knowledge in are, generally, из области права the field of children’s regulated by the Law детета, rights, juvenile on Juvenile Offenders преступништва delinquency and and Criminal младих и кривично- criminal protection of Protection of правне заштите minors shall engage Juveniles. The quoted малолетних лица. with children. norm is related to the conduct of specialized police officers in relation to a child, which applies both to the cases when criminally and legally irresponsible person commits a criminal offence, and the cases when a child is a victim of a crime.