73166 REPUBLIC OF HAITI: INTERIM STRATEGY NOTE CHAIR’S SUMMING UP Meeting of the Executive Directors September 27, 2012 The Board of Executive Directors discussed the joint IDA/IFC Interim Strategy Note for the Republic of Haiti for FY13-14 and welcomed the continuation of existing objectives and outcomes from ISN1 (IDA/R2012-0232 [IFC/R2012-0301]). Directors commended the Haitian authorities for the achievements made towards economic recovery and improvement of the fiscal and external position, in spite of the numerous challenges the country still faces. In this regard, they recognized the efforts made to accelerate reconstruction and build capacity to move from a state of emergency to longer term development. Directors welcomed the Bank’s support to the Government’s efforts to reduce poverty and inequality and promote sustainable development. They acknowledged the fragile situation in the country and highlighted the associated risks but noted the mitigation measures. Directors encouraged authorities to continue deepening the partnerships with the international community in order to pursue reforms, implement sound reconstruction policies, aid skills development and accelerate governance improvements. Directors expressed broad support for the Strategy and its alignment with Haiti’s post-earthquake Action Plan for National Recovery and Development of 2010 and the 2008-2011Growth and Poverty Reduction and Strategy Paper. Directors noted that the strategy was grounded in recommendations and lessons from the 2011 WDR Report and underlined their support to management’s approach in providing strong monitoring and implementation support. Directors also stressed the importance of having a gender assessment and in this regard called for the mainstreaming of gender considerations in project priorities. Directors emphasized the importance of close collaboration with development partners and called for greater engagement with Authorities to build institutional capacity and to strengthen governance across all levels of Government. They commended the advances in donor coordination and harmonization and urged the Bank to continue playing a leading role in this direction. Directors also stressed the importance of incorporating lessons learned from other regions. Additionally, Directors underscored the importance of stimulating private sector growth and commended the close collaboration between the Bank and IFC. They called for greater collaboration with MIGA. Finally, Directors looked forward to the development of a full fledged CAS during the last year of implementation of the ISN.                                                               This summary is not an approved record.