74318 Republic of Madagascar Emergency Support to Critical Education, Health, and Nutrition Services Project SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION ∗ Meeting of the Executive Directors of IDA November 29, 2012 The Executive Directors approved the credit to the Republic of Madagascar for an Emergency Support to Critical Education, Health and Nutrition Services Project in the amount of SDR 42.2 million (US$65 million equivalent) on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum. The minutes will record that Mr. Solomon wished to be recorded as opposing (IDA/R2012-0281). The Executive Directors endorsed the objectives of the project which would support critical interventions in education, health and nutrition in some of the poorest regions of the country to mitigate the negative impacts of the humanitarian crisis. They also highlighted the importance of preserving critical service delivery and implementation mechanisms that have been built up over several years prior to the crisis. Directors expressed concerns about the project’s risks including implementation during a period of political transition, the need to strengthen governance and the rule of law. They stressed the need to focus on sustainability of the project activities, close monitoring and capacity building – including greater community engagement - in order to ensure that the project benefits reach the intended beneficiaries. Directors also highlighted the need to improve donor coordination at the sector level and the importance of developing long-term strategies for the health and education sectors. ∗ This summary is not an approved record.