OFFICIAL ck - + DOCUMENTS Suppleuatal Letter No. 2 REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN 2016 International Development Association 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433 United States of America Re: Credit Number 576 1-UZ (Modernization of Real Property Registration and Cadastre Project) Performance Monitoring Indicators Dear Sirs and Mesdames: This refers to paragraph 1, Section II.A of Schedule 2 to the Financing Agreement of even date herewith between the Republic of Uzbekistan (the Recipient) and the International Development Association (the Association). The Recipient hereby confirms to the Association that the indicators set out in the attachment to this letter shall serve as a basis for the Recipient to monitor and evaluate the progress of the Project and the achievement of the objectives thereof. Very truly yours, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN By Authorized pres ntative Attachment Attachment to Supplemental Letter No. 2 UZBEKISTAN: Modernization of Real Property Registration and Cadastre Project PERFORMANCE MONITORING INDICATORS Project Development Objectives PDO Statement The Project's Development Objective is to establish an efficient and accessible real property registration and cadastre system in the Republic of Uzbekistan as part of the national eGovernment structure and services. The project will achieve this by: (i) improving business processes and customer orientation in the real property registry and cadastre; (ii) creating a fully digital real property registry and cadastre system (i.e. IISRPRC) accessible online to the public; (iii) improving the regulatory and operational environment of the real property registry and cadastre; (iv) facilitating spatial data access, exchange and sharing at national level; and (v) raising awareness on the importance of real property rights. These results are at Project Level Project Development Objective Indicators Cumulative Target Values Indicator Name Baseline YR1 YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End Target Improvement in users' perception of quality of real property registration services (disaggregated by 5.0 10.0 10.0 gender). (Percentage) Direct project beneficiaries 717641 910000 1170000 1430000 1690000 1950000 1950000 (Number) - (Core) Female beneficiaries 20.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 40.00 40.00 (Percentage - Sub-Type: Supplemental) - (Core) Procedures needed to register rights to a real property. 9.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 (Number) Public access to integrated real property registration services online. 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 30.00 50.00 50.00 (Percentage) Registration and information services fees introduced. No No No No Yes Yes Yes (Yes/No) -2- Intermediate Results Indicators Cumulative Target Values Indicator Name Baseline YR1 YR2 YR3 YR4 YR5 End Target Real property registration and cadastre business processes re-engineered for digital operations No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (Yes/No) New Real Property Registry and Cadastre ICT system operational in pilot offices No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes (Yes/No) Data Center operational and available digital data uploaded into the unified database No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes (Yes/No) New Real Property Registry and Cadastre ICT system operational in State Committee's regional offices 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 6.00 14.00 14.00 (including Tashkent City and Karakalpakistan offices) (Number) Current real property unit data accessible in digital form. 7.50 7.50 10.00 30.00 50.00 80.00 80.00 (Percentage) Registered real property data accessible in digital form. 28.70 28.70 30.00 45.00 60.00 80.00 80.00 (Percentage) Target land area with use or ownership rights recorded as a result of project 7291 50000 150000 300000 450000 700000 700000 (Hectare(Ha)) - (Core) Real property and cadastre records uploaded into the new Real Property and Cadastre ICT system. 0.00 0.00 5.00 20.00 35.00 50.00 50.00 (Percentage) Digital Cadastre Index Map coverage of the inhabited territory of Uzbekistan. 0.00 0.00 5.00 25.00 50.00 70.00 70.00 (Percentage) NSDI strategy adopted by the government No No No No Yes Yes Yes (Yes/No) Geoportal operational No No No No Yes Yes Yes -3- (Yes/No) New open coordinate reference system established No No No No Yes Yes Yes (Yes/No) Methodology for mass valuation using cadastral data developed No No No No No Yes Yes (Yes/No) New Real Property Registration and Cadastre system integrated into NGIS system No No No No Yes Yes Yes (Yes/No) Real property registration Public Awareness Campaigns completed 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 (Number) Online operations manual for real property registration and cadastre operations established No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes (Yes/No) Code of Conduct and Service Standards published for real property registration and cadastre operations. No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes (Yes/No) Annual business plan adopted by the State Committee. No No No No Yes Yes Yes (Yes/No) Laws and regulations proposals for digital real property and cadastre registration submitted for approval 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 (Number) Real property register and cadastre personnel trained (with gender disaggregated information of trainees 0.00 500 500 500 500 3000 3000 provided). (Number) Project's monitoring and evaluation system and quarterly reporting operational. No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (Yes/No) -4- Indicator Description Project Development Objective Indicators / Methodology Responsibility for Data Indicator Name Description (indicator definition etc.) Frequency Data Source yCollection Improvement in users' This indicator will measure, through a range of Bi-annually Customer surveys to be GKZGDK/PIU perception of quality of real parameters, male and female users' perception of conducted in YR1 (baseline), property registration the quality of real property registration services, as YR3 and YR5 services (disaggregated by measured gender). Direct project beneficiaries Direct beneficiaries are people or groups who Annually GKZGDK records GKZGDK/PIU directly derive benefits from an intervention (i.e., children who benefit from an immunization program; families that have a new piped water connection). Please note that this indicator requires supplemental information. Supplemental Value: Female beneficiaries (percentage) . Based on the assessment and definition of direct project beneficiaries, specify what proportion of the direct project beneficiaries are female. This indicator is calculated as a percentage. Female beneficiaries Based on the assessment and definition of direct Annually GKZGDK records GKZGDK/PIU project beneficiaries, specify what percentage of the beneficiaries are female. Procedures needed to Based on Doing Business Report 2016 Annually GKZGDK records/Doing GKZGDK/PIU register rights to a real methodology, but measured by the PIU. Business Reports property. Public access to integrated This indicator measures the percentage of real Annually GKZGDK records GKZGDK/PIU real property registration property holders with access to real property services online. registration services online through the new integrated registry and cadastre system. Registration and This indicator measures regulatory status to allow Annually Cabinet resolution GKZGDK information services fees GKZGDK to charge registration fees. introduced. -5- Intermediate Results Indicators Responsibility for Data Indicator Name Description (indicator definition etc.) Frequency Data Source / Methodology Collection Real property registration This indicator measures whether the existing real Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU and cadastre business property registry and cadastre business processes annually processes re-engineered for have been re-engineered for digital operations. digital operations New Real Property Registry This indicator measures whether the new Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU and Cadastre ICT system Integrated Real Property Registry and Cadastre annually operational in pilot offices system has been developed, tested and made operational with basic functionalities in selected pilot offices. Data Center operational and This indicator measures whether the Data Center is Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU available digital data operational and populated. annually uploaded into the unified database New Real Property Registry This indicator measures the number of regional Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU and Cadastre ICT system offices (including the independent City of Tashkent annually operational in State and the autonomous republic of Karakalpakistan) Committee's regional to which the new Real Property Registry and offices (including Tashkent Cadastre ICT system has been rolled out. City and Karakalpakistan offices) Current real property unit This indicator measures the percentage of current Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU data accessible in digital real estate unit data (including apartments, annually form. individual houses with land plots; non-residential units, farms with land plots, and a small number of government units) that have been scanned, verified and quality checked and made available for online searching and viewing. Registered real property This indicator measures the percentage of Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU data accessible in digital registered properties made available for online annually form. searching and viewing. -6- Target land area with use or This indicator measures the area over which use or Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU ownership rights recorded ownership rights have been recorded as a result of annually as a result of project the project. The baseline value is expected to be zero. Real property and cadastre This indicator is self-explanatory. Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU records uploaded into the annually new Real Property and Cadastre ICT system. Digital Cadastre Index Map This indicator measures the percentage of the Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU coverage of the inhabited territory of Uzbekistan covered by a digital annually territory of Uzbekistan. cadastre index map. NSDI strategy adopted by This indicator is self-explanatory. Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU the government annually Geoportal operational This indicators measures whether the Geoportal is Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK operational and is publicly accessible. annually New open coordinate This indicator measures whether the legal basis for Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU reference system a new open Coordinate Reference System is in annually established place. Methodology for mass This indicator measures whether there is a digital, Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU valuation using cadastral cadastral data based mass property valuation annually data developed methodology in place. New Real Property This indicator measures whether the new Real Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU Registration and Cadastre Property Registration and Cadastre system and the annually system integrated into National Geographical Information System are NGIS system linked. Real property registration This indicator is self-explanatory. Bi-annually Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU Public Awareness Campaigns completed Online operations manual This indicator measures whether an on-line Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK for real property operations manual for registration and cadastre annually registration and cadastre operations has been established. operations established Code of Conduct and This indicator measures whether a Code of Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU Service Standards published Conduct and Service Standards for real property annually for real property _ I 1 1 -7- registration and cadastre registration and cadastre operations have been operations. published online. Annual business plan This indicator is self-explanatory. Annually Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU adopted by the State Committee. Laws and regulations This indicator measures whether draft legislative Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU proposals for digital real instruments (resolutions, regulations, amendments annually property and cadastre to laws, etc.) in support of digital real property and registration submitted for cadastre registration have been prepared and approval submitted to the competent authority for approval. Real property register and This indicator is self-explanatory. Semi- Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU cadastre personnel trained annually (with gender disaggregated information of trainees provided). Project's monitoring and This indicator measures whether the project Quarterly Progress reports GKZGDK/PIU evaluation system and Monitoring and Evaluation system is in place and quarterly reporting provides the necessary information and data to operational. assess progress and identify bottlenecks. NB: The Core Sector Indicator on "Average number of days to complete the recordation of purchase/sale of a property in the land administration system" is not relevant as these transactions already happen in one day. However, the overall property transaction process takes 46 days (Doing Business 2016). -8-