78962 Haiti: Economic Reconstruction and Growth Development Policy Grant SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION∗ Meeting of the Executive Directors June 18, 2013 Executive Directors approved an Economic Reconstruction and Growth Development Policy Grant to the Republic of Haiti in the amount of SDR13.3 million (US$20 million equivalent) on the grant terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (IDA/R2013-0143). Executive Directors expressed support for the Haiti Economic Reconstruction and Growth DPG and its objective to support the Government of Haiti in improving economic governance, accountability and transparency and efficient public resource use. Directors endorsed the operation’s focus on strengthening public financial management, public procurement, and electricity sector performance. They welcomed the operation’s alignment with the Government’s recovery and economic programs and with the World Bank Group Interim Strategy for FY13-14 and its cross-cutting theme of strengthening governance. Directors noted that the proposed grant builds on previous operations and draws on the Energy Sector White Paper developed jointly with Government and donors. Executive Directors underlined the importance of the improvements in economic governance supported by this grant in enhancing Haiti’s capacity to transition from reconstruction and recovery to longer-term development, poverty reduction, and economic growth. Directors noted Haiti’s considerable energy challenges and urged the expansion of services to under-served populations. They also urged the Bank to use its convening power to help the country secure much-needed aid flows. Directors recognized the risks of Haiti’s weak governance and institutional capacity but expressed satisfaction with the risk mitigation framework proposed and expressed their strong support for substantial World Bank Group involvement in continued support to Haiti’s reconstruction and development. ∗ This summary is not an approved record.