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Looking beyond government-led delivery of water supply and sanitation services : the market choices and practices of Haiti’s most vulnerable people (French)

The Haiti water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) Poverty Diagnostic seeks to inform how to maximize the socioeconomic impact of the scarce fiscal resources channeled to the sector. The study assesses the linkages between improved access to WASH services, poverty, and health outcomes. The diagnostic also provides convincing evidence of the linkages between improved access to WASH services and variables affecting the adequate development of children...
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  • 2018/01/01

  • Working Paper

  • 122047

  • 1

  • 1

  • Haiti,

  • Latin America And Caribbean,

  • 2018/04/20

  • Disclosed

  • Looking beyond government-led delivery of water supply and sanitation services : the market choices and practices of Haiti’s most vulnerable people



Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Perge,Emilie Bernadette; Sanz Uriarte,Zael; Jacobsen,Carl Christian Gyde.

Looking beyond government-led delivery of water supply and sanitation services : the market choices and practices of Haiti’s most vulnerable people (French). WASH Poverty Diagnostic Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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