HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE FROM: The Committee Secretary Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at 4:35 the Board Room Present: Committee Mr. Davidse Mr. Kinder (Alternate) Mr. Mohammed Mr. Panov (Temporary Alternate) Ms. Tantitemit Mr. Tarar Mr. Tchatchouang Mr. Yang Other Executive Officers and Staff Messrs./Mmes. Officers and Staff Messrs./Mmes. Frazier, Tsikata, Fernandez Ordonez (Committee Secretary), Tamir (outgoing Committee Secretary) Selection of Chair and Vice Chair 1. The Committee selected Mr. Tarar as the Chair and Mr. Montgomery as the Vice Chair of the Human Resources Committee. Date of Next Meeting 2. The Committee is scheduled to meet on December 12, 2018 to discuss the Workforce Planning. Adjournment 3. The meeting adjourned at 4:44 p.m.