62818 ENVIRONMENTAL REFORM PROJECT NEMO II SMALL GRANT PROGRAM FINAL MONITORING REPORT- 2008 ERDENESAIKHAN N. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT ULAANBAATAR, January 2009 1 CONTENT ABBREVIATIONS .........................................................................................................................4 AKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...............................................................................................................5 PROGRAM SUMMARY................................................................................................................6 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................7 MONITORING METHODLOGY ..................................................................................................8 MONITORING COMMITTEE.......................................................................................................8 MONITORING TEAM ...................................................................................................................9 PUBLIC OUTREACH ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................9 MONITORING ASSESSMENT RESULTS OF GRANT PROJECTS .......................................11 THEMATIC AREA: IMPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AT NATIONAL AND LOCAL LEVELS ..........................................................................................................................16 Development of EIA screening methodology (262) .................................................................16 Development of methodological standard to define some heavy metal components in air, water and soil. (304) ............................................................................................................................17 Ecological and economic valuation of birds of Mongolia (230) ...............................................18 Development of methodological standard for environmental genotoxicological analyses (143) ...................................................................................................................................................19 Development of a model environmental strategic plan of aimags at the example of Dornogobi aimag (61)..................................................................................................................................20 Developing the participatory impact monitoring tool for soil and water conservation activities (216) ..........................................................................................................................................21 Regional Action Plan for combating desertificarion (217) .......................................................22 Development of Nalaikh District environmental strategic plan (231) ......................................23 Development Dariganga National Park management plan (72)................................................24 Integrated planning of environmental protection and restoration at the mining deposit area (130) ..........................................................................................................................................25 WATER QUALITY, RESOURCE PROTECTION .....................................................................26 Protection of spring water sources (158)...................................................................................26 De-fluoridization of drinking water (183) .................................................................................27 Protection of spring source of nationally famous place "Mother Rock" (134) .........................28 THEME: PROTECTION OF SOIL AND VEGETATION COVER AND DESERTIFICATION IMPACT MITIGATION ...............................................................................................................29 Utilization of straw and poultry bio-organic wastes to restore soil fertility and vegetation cover (224) ..........................................................................................................................................29 Forest-Water-Protection (2).......................................................................................................30 Desertification alleviation through improving household energy efficiency, use of solar energy and liguified gases and changing an old habit of firewood collection to application of energy saving technologies(180)...........................................................................................................31 Control of grasshopper population in Monkhkhairkhan soum and its resourse utilization (321) ...................................................................................................................................................32 Setting up an eco tourism route in BogdKhan SPA(273)..........................................................33 THEME: AIR POLLUTION REDUCTION.................................................................................34 Revision of optimal period for urban heating in view of changing climate (98) ......................34 Development of "New Era" air pollution reduction mechanism (212) .....................................35 THEME: PUBLIC AWARENESS RAISING, TRAINING AND DATABASE MANAGEMENT ..........................................................................................................................36 Promotion of ecological education of children through a “Comic book -2" (94) ....................36 Participation of secondary school eco-clubs in environmental protection (190) ......................37 "Youth to Youth" environmental education (51) ......................................................................38 Environmental journalist club (213)..........................................................................................39 2 Public awareness raising on rare and endangered plant species of surrounding four mountains of Ulaanbaatar city (164)...........................................................................................................40 Development of web-based info on tree planting (215) ............................................................41 Development of database of chemical substances used Mongolia and translate and input all relevant safety information (219) ..............................................................................................42 Hand book for voluntary rangers with self-testing materials (100) ..........................................43 Capacity building of Citizens’ partnerships organizations (SPO) for environmental protection in Khovd aimag (13)..................................................................................................................44 PROJECTS OF CITIZENS PARTNERSHIPS ORGANIZATIONS ON ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ..........................................................................................................................45 Capacity building for forestry communities of Jargalntkhaan soum (214) ...............................45 Khairkhanbulag (4)....................................................................................................................45 Capacity building of forestry communities in Tunhel village of selenge aimag(37) ................46 Conservation and sustainable use of timber and non-timber forest products (52) ....................46 Bilgekh spring - Our water (53) ................................................................................................47 Capacity building of community on biodiversity conservation through marmot re-introduction (317) ..........................................................................................................................................48 Zuun Khairkhan (340) ...............................................................................................................48 LESSONS LEARNED ..............................................................................................................50 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NEXT PROGRAM .................................................................51 ANNEX 1 ..................................................................................................................................52 3 ABBREVIATIONS EMS – Environmental Management System LCM – Local Citizens Meeting (Local Parliament) MAS - Mongolian Academy of Sciences MNE –Ministry of Nature and Environment (old naming) MNET –Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism (new naming) MC – Monitoring Committee MT – Monitoring Team NGO – Non Governmental Organizations NEMO – Netherlands Mongolia Trust Fund for Environmental Reform OSF – Open Society Forum SME – Small and Medium Enterprises SPO – Citizen’sPartshership Organization WB – World Bank 4 AKNOWLEDGEMENTS Preceded activities of this monitoring report were of collective work and I grateful to responsible representatives of the OSF, MNE and World Bank. Special thanks go to Mss. Javkhlan, Ayush of OSF and Ms. Ariunbileg, MNE for their everyday support to make the monitoring program very successful. I very appreciate Ms. Erdenejargal, executive director, OSF, Dr. Enkhmandakh, national director of Environmental reform project, the team of Monitoring committee and Mr. Tony Whitten, Senior Biodiversity Specialist, World Bank for their valuable guidance and assistance provided to me. 5 PROGRAM SUMMARY The Open Society Forum (OSF) made contract with World Bank Mongolia Country office and the Ministry of Nature and Environment of Mongolia to manage announcement, selection and monitoring the grant projects within the framework of NEMO II project. The thematic coverage of the program is same as with the first one, which aimed at enhancing monitoring and evaluation capacity to measure and enhance national and local environmental performance; strengthen public environmental awareness; develop strategic environmental plans at local level; and rational management of natural resources through grant projects among non-governmental organizations, individuals and local administration in the country; The OSF received 345 project proposals from various NGO and community organizations and individuals. The selection committee evaluated thoroughly all received project proposals using the crietria, which were developed and reviewed before the selection process started. Finally, 37 grant projects were selected and granted in total amount of US$290,711. One project (Community project in Khentii aimag) out of 36 approved projects was dropped at the start of the program, due to overlapped financing of the same project from another donor. Upon selection process completed and grants awarded, OSF launched a monitoring program for these grants. The main principle used in the OSF’s monitoring program for grants within the Environmental Reform project is to assess what results the particular project has achieved and then provide follow up advice for actions. It aimed to identify progress towards results. Upon completion of a trip to a project, monitoring team presented its report to the Monitoring committee meeting for members’ review and guidance. The following monitoring tools were used for all grant projects: Interview with trainers and trainees for monitoring of a success of training and review availability and quality of training agenda, lectures and evaluation sheet Review a means of following the policy formulation process for policy advice Client survey, focus groups to capture changes in the perceptions for advocacy Review mid-term report and financial report Grant projects have been rated according to their implementation status, achievements and failure at the end of the program. Of 36 projects, 11 have got rating excellent and 14 projects have good rating, 6 projects have got satesfactory rating and 1 project has got bad rating and 1 project failed to implement the project. 3 projects still need to submit their reports and not yet rated. If exclude the latter projects, overall rating of implementation is assessed as good. In percentage, portion of excellent projects is estimated 33%, portion of good projects – 42%; satisfactory projects- 18.2%; portions of unsatisfactory and failed projects 3% each, respectively. All 36 grant projects have been categoraized into five thematic areas under the general objective “ENHANCING MONITORING AND EVALUATION CAPACITY TO MEASURE AND ENHANCE NATIONAL AND LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE”, according to the objectives and expected results of grant projects. That are: i) Improving environmental planning at national and local levels; ii) Community actions for water quality and resource protection; iii) Community actions for mitigating desertification impacts, protection of soils and vegetation cover; iv) Urban pollution reduction and v) Capacity building and enhancing of local communities on environmental protection. In the following monitoring report, each grant project is described in terms of their objectives, activities performed and outputs as well monitoring notes that assess the project outputs and impacts. 6 INTRODUCTION The Open Society Forum (OSF) made contract with World Bank Mongolia Country office and the Ministry of Nature and Environment of Mongolia to manage announcement, selection and monitoring the grant projects within the framework of NEMO II project. This is the continuation of the NEMO I, which has been a program with one year duration and the second program is set for implementation in three years starting from 2007. The program on grant projects aimed at enhancing monitoring and evaluation capacity to measure and enhance national and local environmental performance, strengthen public environmental awareness, develop strategic environmental plans at local level and rational management of natural resources through grant projects among non-governmental organizations, individuals and local administration in the country. The NEMO II small grant program call for project proposals has been announced through two major daily newspapers twice a week for 3 weeks in Mongolian and English version starting from November 15, 2007 It has also been advertised through the Mongolian National TV, Mongol radio, local FMs in aimags, OSF website and distributed to local libraries in aimags. The OSF received 345 project proposals from various NGO and community organizations and individuals. The selection committee evaluated thoroughly all received project proposals using the crietria, which were developed and reviewed before the selection process started. Finally, 37 grant projects were selected and granted in total amount of US$290,711. Composition of project implementers are: 14 NGOs, 6 community organizations, 9 research teams, 5 research institutions and universities, and 3 citizens. Geographical coverage of grant projects: 6 projects implemented nation-wide; 18 projects in 20 aimags and UB, 11 projects in 13 soums; and 2 projects in 2 national parks; The Monitoring committee was formed upon selection process completed. The monitoring team that consists of an OSF consultant for monitoring and an environmental expert, are visit project sites according to the schedule to assess project progress and provide advice to the project teams. The main principle used in the OSF’s monitoring program for grants within the Environmental Reform project is to assess what results the particular project has achieved and then provide follow up advice for actions. It aimed to identify progress towards results. Upon completion of a trip to a project, monitoring team presented its report to the Monitoring committee meeting for members’ review and guidance. Out of 37 projects selected, 25 are implemented by the NGOs or research teams, offices of which are based in Ulaanbaatar. So, monitoring program was planned that bi-weekly visit to those project offices in Ulaanbaatar and then one time visit to project site during the project life time. Before visiting the project site Monitoring team reviews mid-term activity and financial report, which the project staff submits to OSF as indicated in the grant agreement. The following monitoring tools were used for all grant projects: Interview with trainers and trainees for monitoring of a success of training and review availability and quality of training agenda, lectures and evaluation sheet Review a means of following the policy formulation process for policy advice Client survey, focus groups to capture changes in the perceptions for advocacy Review mid-term report and financial report We have categorized all 37 grant projects into five thematic areas under the general objective “ENHANCING MONITORING AND EVALUATION CAPACITY TO MEASURE AND ENHANCE NATIONAL AND LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE”, according to the objectives and expected results of grant projects. That are: i) Improving environmental planning at national and local levels; ii) Community actions for water quality and resource protection; iii) Community actions for 7 mitigating desertification impacts, protection of soils and vegetation cover; iv) Urban pollution reduction and v) Capacity building and enhancing of local communities on environmental protection. In the report, each grant project is described in terms of their objectives, activities performed and outputs as well monitoring notes that assess the project outputs and impacts. MONITORING METHODLOGY The main principle used in the OSF’s monitoring program for grants within the Environmental Reform project is to assess what results the particular project has achieved and then provide follow up advice for actions. It aimed to identify progress towards results. Out of 37 projects selected at first round, 25 are implemented by the NGOs or research teams, offices of which are based in Ulaanbaatar. So, monitoring program was planned that bi-weekly visit to those project offices in Ulaanbaatar and then one time visit to project site during the project implementation time. Before visiting the project site Monitoring team reviews mid-term activity and financial report, which the project staff submits to OSF as indicated in the grant agreement. The following monitoring tools were used for all grant projects: Interview with trainers and trainees for monitoring of a success of training and review availability and quality of training agenda, lectures and evaluation sheet Review a means of following the policy formulation process for policy advice Client survey, focus groups to capture changes in the perceptions for advocacy Review mid-term report and financial report MONITORING COMMITTEE The monitoring committee (MT) originally forms as selection committee for review project proposals. After selection process completed and identified grantees, the selection committee continues to work as monitoring committee. Prior formation, OSF consulted with the World Bank and MNE on the structure and composition of the committee. The purpose of MT was: - To evaluate implementation status of grant projects through review of a monitoring report of the monitoring team and provide policy guidance and professional assistance to support a project team in achieving its objectives. - If not satisfied with the project progress and results, to provide assistance for improvement. If necessary, to discontinue the project activities and cancel the contract. - Discuss and provide assistance on issues raised with project implementation. As it was with NEMO I program, the monitoring committee consists of 3 persons from MNE, 3 from OSF, and 3 from academia and NGO: From MNE: Dr. Enkhmandakh. B., Vice- minister Mr. A. Enkhbat, Director of Department of Sustainable Development and Strategic Planning Dr. Dagvadorj D., Director, Information, Monitoring and Evaluation Division From OSF: Ms. Erdenejargal P., Executive Director Mr. Tur Od, Board member, Vice President, Khas Bank Mr. Erdenesaikhan N., Environmental Consultant From Academia and NGO: Acad. Dorjgotov D., Director, Institute of Geography, Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS) 8 Dr. Tsogtbaatar J., Director, Institute of Geo-Ecology (MAS) Dr. Adyasuren A., President, University ECO ASIA During the project implementation period, monitoring committee met 3 times in 16 June, 12 November and 24 December to assess grant projects’ progress based on monitoring team reports. The committee reviewed and approved the planned public open day for discussion the end results of small grant projects. In overall, the monitoring committee performed its duty perfectly resulting in succesful completion of small grant program and greatly contributed in smooth implementation of 2008 small grant program. MONITORING TEAM The monitoring team consists of three members: OSF project environmental consultant, financial manager and a professional or experienced person invited either from academia or NGO. As for the third monitoring team member, new expert is selected and invited, depending on the type of project planned to visit. The first member monitors overall project implementation, the financial manager monitors financial performance and the third member assess the implementation from the expert point of view and provides specific advice for project implementation process, to ensure project success. Each team member obliged to submit a trip report independently to ensure fairness and objectivity of a monitored project progress and performance. Also, this arrangement helps the monitoring team to provide timely professional and very specialized assistance to projects, which assessed this professional assistance as very helpful to achieve the project outputs. After each trip the monitoring team presents trip reports at the monitoring committee meeting for member review and approval. In total, the monitoring team made 9 trips to the project sites within period of June to October 2008, with the length of around 9,000 kilometers by 4x4 Jeeps dominantly and by airplane to Khovd. The following experts have joined the monitoring team to monitor ongoing project activities and assist in implementation to achieve small projects’ goals: - Mr. Ganbaatar, forest expert, MNET - Mr. Batsaikhan, biologist, Mongolian National University - Dr. Dagvadorj, Director of Information, Monitoring and Evaluation Division, MNET - Mr. Batchuluun, forester, MNET Monitoring team trip reports are available (in Mongolian only) in the OSF office. PUBLIC OUTREACH ACTIVITIES OSF paid great attention for dissemination of grant announcement at the program start. Call for grant projects has been announced through two major daily newspapers twice a week for 3 weeks in Mongolian and English version starting from November 15, 2007. It has also been advertised through the Mongolian National TV, Mongol radio, local FMs in aimags, OSF website and distributed to local libraries in aimags. Aimags’ Environmental departments have supported the announcement dissemination. Thanks to this, 345 proposals from 20 aimags except Bayan Ulgii have been submitted within a month from announcement. A public open day, which intented to introduce and display 37 selected project proposals to interested public, was organized on February 20, 2008. Information on objectives, activities and expected outputs and project implementation organizations has been dislplayed for each grant project and all grantees provided explanation to the interested public. It is estimated that about 120 people came to this event and found information on the selected projects, expected results and selection procedures. 9 To introduce about project progress and implementation outputs to the public, the public open day was organized on 16th and 17th December 2008 and Open day agenda is enclosed in annex 1. Grantees have displayed their project results on the board with 2 m2 size and made 15 minutes presentation each and answered to the questions and clarification from the audience. About 250 people, including 30 from other aimags and soums, came to this 2 day event and got knowledge about the small grant project results. During the program implementation, we have got a lesson that most of the citizens and NGOs staff in rural areas does not have knowledge on grant projects and lack of skills on how to write a grant proposal. To overcome the situation to some extent and allow more people to benefit from the program, the monitoring committee has approved a proposal to organize a one day training program on writing environmental grant proposal in each of 4 aimag centers for NGOs, civic socieities and citizens interested. 3 series of training and one information session have been organized in Arvaiheer, Uvurkhangai aimag center, Dalanzadgad of Umnugobi aimag center, Khovd aimag center and Choibalsan, Dornod aimag center, respectively. About 40-60 in each of the session, and in total 180 people have attended these training sessions and improved their knowledge and skills on grant writing. Glances at training sessions for grant writing in Arvaiheer, Uvurkhangai aimag on July 2, 2008 and in Khovd, on Sept 2, 2008. Training session in Dalanzadgad on Aug 22, 2008. 10 MONITORING ASSESSMENT RESULTS OF GRANT PROJECTS In this section, we tried to rate each project by its success acheived and overall implementation process in the table1. The following three criteria have been used to make up the success rating. First criterion is project results. We have assessed results against the stated project objectives and expected results. The second criterion is significance of project outputs. Whether the project results achieved is significant and does it make contribution to the local solution of environmental issue addressed. The third criterion we used is sustainability of project outputs. Are the produced outputs sustainable and how long can it be sustained. These criteria utilized to rate the projects and results of monitoring visit (reports of M&E consultant and of professional, which joined a particular trip), project’s activity and financial reports (mid-term and final) have been used to make the rating. Rating was made on 5 scores. The smallest number 1 means project failed to implement. The highest score 5 means project with excellent results. With this rating, 11 projects have got rating excellent and 14 projects have good and 6 projects have got satesfactory and 1 project got bad and 1 project failed to implement the project. 3 projects still need to submit their reports and not yet rated. If exclude the latter projects, overall rating of implementation is assessed as good. In percentage, portion of excellent projects is estimated 33%, portion of good projects – 42%; satisfactory projects- 18.2%; portions of unsatisfactory and failed projects 3% each, respectively. We cannot guarantee that this rating is very objective, considering the fact that a monitoring visit is done once to a project implementation site during entire project time. Neverthless, the rating information will be useful. 11 Table 1. RATING OF PROJECTS Project Project Significance Sustaina- Project performance rate implementation Project iplementors Project name Results Assessment ID /impact bility in % and outputs site Forest and water resource 2 Unmugobi Aimag Forest gifts NGO 5 5 4 100%, final report Excellent protection Buren Soum Tuv Khairhanbulag Herder’s 4 Khairhanbulag/ Spring protection 4 4 4 100%, final report Good Aimag group Energy-Environment- Capacity building of Citizens’ Sustainable partnerships organizations (SPO) 100%, final report and a 13 Khovd aimag development Found for environmental protection in 5 4 4 guideline for SPO- 2000 Good NGO Khovd aimag copies Tunkhel village, Khairhan Erdene local Capacity building of forestry 37 100%, final report Selenge aimag NGO communities in Tunhel 4 4 3 Good Institute of Future "Youth to Youth" environmental 100%, guideline for peer 51 Ulaanbaatar 4 4 4 Development NGO education educators -100 copies Good Conservation and sustainable use Khuder soum, 52 Munkhkhairhan SPO of timber and non-timber forest 100%, final report Selenge aimag 3 5 3 Satisfactory products Tsogt Ovoo soum, 53 Tsogt Khairhan SPO Bilgeh Spring is our water source 5 5 4 100%, final report Excellent Umnugobi aimag 90%, approval by Aimag Development of an aimag model of Research team headed Citizen’s Meeting is 61 Dornogobi aimag environmental strategic plan at the by Mr. Nyam 3 4 3 expected in the 2nd quarter Satisfactory example of Dornogobi aimag 2009 90%, Park management plan Dariganga National Management plan development of expected for approval by 72 Park, Sukhbaatar Eco-Gobi LLC 4 3 4 the Dariganga National Park SPA department head of Satisfactory aimag MNET Promotion of ecological education Mongolian Comics Art 100%, comics calendar- 94 Ulaanbaatar of children through a “Comic 4 Association 4 5 3165 copies Good book -2" Revision of optimal period for 100%, guileline for refernce 98 Ulaanbaatar Dr. Namkhaijantsan urban heating in view of climate 5 4 5 methodology – 100 copies Excellent change Handbook for voluntary rangers 100%, 2000 copies of 100 Ulaanbaatar Dr. Adya Ya. with self-testing materials 4 5 5 handbook Excellent 12 Integrated planning of Zaamar soum, Tuv 130 Blue Planet NGO environmental protection and 4 100%, final report aimag 4 5 Good restoration in a mining area Impossible to assess Mother Rock, Tuv Mongolian horsemen Spring protection at the Mother survival rate of plants and 134 2 3 2 aimag association Rock next assessment is expected Bad in 2009 spring Development of methodological standard for environmental 100%, standard is expected Microbiology section, Ulaanbaatar, genotoxicological analyses and to be approved by the Biology Department of 143 Uvurkhangai, Determination of Bacteria 5 5 4 National Office for Excellent National University of Bayanhongor Pollution in water, air, and soil of Standartization and Mongolia UB, Arvaiheer and Bayanhongor Metrology in I qrt 2009 cities midterm report was bad quality and consequent 5 soums in Dornod Eastern River Spring protection in 7 sites of 4 Project failed 158 1 1 1 monitoring confrmed aimag Movement NGO soums of Dornod aimag misreporting. Agreement cancelled Public awareness raising on rare 100%, 1000 copies of Mr. Janchivdorj, and endangered plant species of 164 Ulaanbaatar 5 4 5 reference book on rare and research team surrounding four mountains of Excellent endangered plant species Ulaanbaatar city Desertification alleviation through Building energy improving household energy efficiency center, efficiency, use of solar energy and Deren soum of 180 Mongolian University liguified gases and changing an old Good Dundgobi aimag 4 4 4 100%, final report of Science and habit of firewood collection to Technology application of energy saving technologies Sukhbaatar soum Mongolian medical 183 of Sukhbaatar geography association, De-fluoridization of drinking water 4 5 5 100%, final report Excellent aimag NGO Young Participation of secondary school 190 Ulaanbaatar Environmentalist eco-clubs in environmental 100%, final report 4 4 4 Good Association, NGO protection Ulaanbaatar Mongolian 100%, final report, 4 Air pollution reduction initiative- 212 Meteorological borchures on air pollution New Era 4 3 4 Good Association reduction -800 copies 13 Ulaanbaatar Environmental 100%, 570 copies each of Management and Env journalist handbook- 213 Environmental Journalists’ club Education Institute Eco 4 4 4 and reference book of Good Asia journaist Capacity building of forestry Jargaltkhaan soum, 214 Chuluut Ovoo, NGO communities of Jargalntkhaan Khentii aimag 4 4 3 100%, final report Good soum Baurbek, Research Development of web-based info on 215 Ulaanbaatar team tree planting www.oimod.mn 5 4 5 100%, website Excellent Development of a participatory Institute of Geo- 216 Sukhbaatar aimag impact monitoring tool for soil and 100%, final report ecology 4 3 4 Good water conservation activities Zamyn Uud soum, Dornogobi aimag Institute of Geo- Aimag’s Desertification 100%, printed aimag 217 and bulgan soum, ecology Combating Program 4 4 4 program for Approval Good Umnugobi aimag Development of datasets of 50%, chemical substances used Not completed Chemistry and translation is still ongoing 219 Ulaanbaatar Mongolia and translate and input yet environment, NGO 2 ? ? and not complies with all relevant safety information for reporting the national database Institute of Chemistry Utilization of straw and poultry Ulaanbaatar 224 and chemical bio-organic wastes to restore soil 100%, final report Songino 4 3 3 Satisfatory technology fertility and vegetation cover Mr. Dorjgotov and Ecological and economic valuation 90%, expected approval by 230 Ulaanbaatar research team of birds of Mongolia 5 4 4 MNET Good Chandmani center of 90%, expected approval by Ulaanbaatar Nalaikh District’s environmental 231 Environmental 3 District Citizens Nalaikh district strategic plan 2 2 Satisfactory protection Representative Meeting 100%, methodology Development of EIA screening 262 Ulaanbaatar submitted to MNET for methodology 5 5 4 Excellent approval 100%, 25 minute video film, Ulaanbaatar Dr. Samya and research Setting up an eco- tourism route in 5 273 5 500 copies of handbook and Excellent BogdKhan SPA team Bogd Khan SPA 4 1200 copies of brochures Development of methodological 90% Davaasuren and faculty standard to define some heavy 304 Ulaanbaatar Standard is expected to be Excellent of Chemistry, NUM metal components in air, water and 5 4 5 approved by authority soil 14 Capacity building of a community Durgun soum, Research team of Ag 317 on biodiversity conservation Final report is expected 70% Not completed Khovd aimag bash bag ? ? ? through marmot re-introduction yet Munkhhairhan Faculty of Biology Control of grasshopper population ? Lab analysis and final report Not completed 321 soum, Khovd department, Khovd in Monkhkhairkhan soum and 4? 4? ae expected 70% yet aimag University resoure utilization Esunzuil soum, Delgerhhairhan herder 340 Spring protection in Zuunkhairhan 4 3 3 100%, final report Satisfactory Uvurkhangai aimag group 15 THEMATIC AREA: IMPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AT NATIONAL AND LOCAL LEVELS Development of EIA screening methodology (262) Project objectives: Developing integrated methods and guideline for conducting a screening assessment of environ menial impact of projects, improving the quality of screening and detailed environmental impact assessment by the government staffs. Executing agency: A local NGO “Association of Environmental Impact Assessors” Contact address: Mrs. Ikhbayar, Executive Director, phone: 99012565. Email: ikheco_e@yahoo.com Project area: Nation-wide Budget: $12,990 Project activities: o Review of fundamental methods of EIA and their classification, pros and cons o Detailed instruction on Use of ToR and guideline methods for EIA o Detailed instruction on Check list method o Instruction on matrices method o Instruction on Networking method o Instruction on overlay method o Methodology on mining EIA (with case study) o Methodology on industrial EIA (with case study) o Methodology on agriculture production EIA (with case study) o Methodology on water industry EIA (with case study) o Methodology on road construction EIA (with case study) o Methodology on hydropower station EIA (with case study) o Methodology on PowerStation EIA (with case study) o Methodology on oil industry EIA (with case study) o Methodology on tourism EIA (with case study) o Methodology on sewage and treatment facilities EIA (with case study) o Methodology on gold mining EIA (with case studies on open and pit mining) o Methodology on airport and train stations EIA (with case study) o Methodology on poultry and piggery EIA (with case study) o Use of mathematical modeling for EIA o Compilation of standard, norms and normative docs on EIA o Compilation of standard, norms and normative docs on land rehabilitation o Compilation of all materials and submission to MNE Project outputs and impacts: The team consisted of national key experts on EIA that are lead researchers and directors of most experienced EIA companies, including experts from MNE department. The project team has developed the EIA assessment guidelines for different type of business projects. That aimed to assist specialists/assessors at the central office of Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism of Mongolia and its aimag level specialists to carry out initial EIA screeeing for business project proposals. It is especially useful for newly recruited EIA assessment staff, because turn over among trained staff at the Mninstry level is kept high. The project output is a significant contribution for increasing knowledge and performance of all staffs of MNE working on EIA screening, for review of Detailed EIA projects as well for all EIA companies. And most importantly quality of EIA will be improved based on these reference methodologies and guidelines. 16 Development of methodological standard to define some heavy metal components in air, water and soil. (304) Project objective: to develop methods to determine the content of mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb) in air water and soil environment and consequently develop 6 draft national standards on these heavy metals for further approval by national authority. Executing agency: research team from the Chemical department of the National University of Mongolia Contact address: Prof. Davaasuren S., faculty of Chemical Department, Phone: 99276416, email: Davaasuren_sandag@num.edu.mn Project area: Nation-wide Budget: $12,000 Project activities: o Preparation of instructions, equipment, tools and chemical materials for conducting project activities o Get air, water and soil samplings for Hg and Pb from designated areas of UB, Bayanhongor, Uvurkahngai, Arkhangai, and Tuv Zaamar o Define chemical contents of the samplings using classical chemical and physico-chemical methods o Define high and low levels of Hg and Pb contents in the sampling using classical chemical and tool based analytical methods. Develop a methodology to use simultaneously both mentioned methods o Develop draft national standards of Hg and Pb levels in air, water and soil contents based on proposed methodology. In total 6 draft standards o Organize a national technical conference to introduce project outputs and publish results Project results: o The project team has made a study to determine environmental quality of UB in 625 square kilometers area within UB. Soil sampling at 14 points (Zaisan, MUIS, 100 ail, Doloon buudal, Bayanzurk bridge, Botanik, Zuun 4 zam, Baruun 4 zam, uildver tsagaan haalga, Yarmag denj, Niseh, Biokombinat) and 3 sampling of drinking water from deep wells in Bayanzurkh, Sonsgolon and Dambadarjaa areas and 5 samplings of water from various points of Tuul river were taken as per the instruction to assess the heavy metal contents. As results show, lead content in the soil exceeds the permitted level in 100 ail and 32 circle areas. o The team has submitted draft national standard on the methods for the determining mercury and lead content in air, water and soil samples to the National Authority of Standardization and Metrology. Review and adoption of the standard is expected within the first quarter of 2009. o The workshop on the theme “Environmental pollution problems of gold and other mining industries” has been organized at the National University of Mongolia on November 7, 2008 with 70 participants from relevant areas. The draft national standards and methodologies considered have been discussed and commented by the participants of the workshop o A booklet “Environmental pollution problems around gold and other mining industry”, which include all presentation materials and descriptions of methods of heavy metals and recommendations, have been published and distributed. Conclusion: The project is completed successfully and its outputs are contributing greatly in improving environmental quality through setting up new national standards of Hg and Pb contents in all media: air, water and soil. With current booming of mining sector and urban development, the role of updated regulatory mechanisms is crucial for compliance by the industry and enforcement by the authority. 17 Ecological and economic valuation of birds of Mongolia (230) Project objective: to conduct an ecological and economical evaluation of Mongolian birds to facilitate enforcement of the Mongolian Law on Hunting and the Law on Fauna and to regulate problems related with valuation of birds or its habitats either disturbed or hunted illegally. Executing agency: Research team Contact address: Mr. Dorjgotov B, bdorjgotov2002@yahoo.com, Phone: 99881437, Project area: Nation-wide Budget: $7,000 Disbursement to date:$7,000 Project activities: o Field monitoring of rare and endangered bird species in selected areas: forest regions of Khuvsgul, Bulgan and Selenge aimags; steppe regions of Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Dornod aimags; and Gobi-desert regions of Gobi-Altai, Bayanhongor and Umnugobi aimags; o Development of a methodology for ecological and economical evaluation of bird species o Data gathering, desk review and analysis on evaluation of each rare and endangered bird species in terms of ecological functions and economic value o Technical meeting and expert discussions on study progress and results o Project results: o Desk review of relevant literature and consultation with other research teams that have done ecological and economic evaluation for other biodiversity species in Mongolia for fine-tune the research methodology and approaches o Field monitoring team has collected data in three dominant regions of Mongolia: forest, steppe and Gobi-desert regions o Mapping of distribution of 469 species of 19 orders of birds of Mongolia is done o Reviewed classifications and list of rare and endangered as well economically valuable bird species and some species have been re-classified. o While reviewing, birds species under CITES I and II annexes as well CMS I annex have been identified for setting up specific policies on protection of these species and their habitat areas o Within the project activities, game bird species of Mongolia have been defined and ecological and economical valuation was done for 103 species of bird o From the list of bird populations in Mongolia, ecological and economical valuation was also done for 99 species, which included into the convention on Migratory Species (Bonn CMS) and CITES annex II o Market and consumption values were also estimated of these 202 species Project impacts: As bird population represent as living element of surrounding ecology and a source of intellectual development, food and consumption of Mongolian society, it needs to be cared and treated properly as it requires national and international legislations. Current study results on ecological and econimcal valuation of bird species will play important role for protection and wise use of bird population in Mongolia. Historically this document was absent and therefore, some of species have been disappearing due to excessive consumption or distruction of habitats in Mongolia. With availability of such a document, the bird species will be managed in a sustainable way in Mongolia and therefore the project was very necessary and its impact is high. 18 Development of methodological standard for environmental genotoxicological analyses (143) Development of methodology and standard of environment genotoxicological analysis and the determination of the bacterial pollution level in air, water and soil in Ulaanbaatar, Arvaikheer and Bayankhongor cities Project objective: same as title Executing agency: Research team Contact address: Dr Battsetseg.Ch of the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology, the National University of Mongolia, batstetseg@biology.num.edu.mn, Phone: 99278140 12. 1 Project area: Ulaanbaatar capital city, Uvurhangai and Bayanhongor 25 aimag centers 20 ) ( 15 Budget: $ 7,000 10 5 0 Disbursement to date: $ 6,553 Project activities: o Level of bacterial pollution of water resources in UB, Uvurhangai and Bayanhongor aimag centers will be identified o Level of bacterial pollution of air in UB, Uvurhangai and Bayanhongor aimag centers will be identified o Level of bacterial pollution of soil in UB, Uvurhangai and Bayanhongor aimag centers will be identified o Methodology and national standards on some genotoxicological measurements will be established o Based on the results of the bacterial pollution studies in the project areas, recommendations for follow up actions to reduce bacterial pollution in urban areas will be issued Project progress and results: The following results have been produced: o Air pollution analysis identified specific areas with higher bacterial pollution in the air of UB, Arvaiheer and Bayanhongor. UB all sampled areas contains high risk bacteria (tsus zadlagch) in winter time and 30% of sampled areas contain gemolitic bacteria o Soil bacteria pollution in UB in wniter is 2-3.6 times and in summer 21.-14 times higher the norm; whereas in Arvaiheer 1.2-2.2 and 1.5-3 times; in Bayanhongor 1.6-2.5 and 1.7-3.6 times respectively higher than the established norms. o Water bacteria pollution results contain also worrying results: rivers sampled in UB territory exceed acceptable level of bacteria pollution by 5-190 times; Delgereh spring of Arvaiheer 60 times; and Tuin River in Bayanholgor aimag 2.4 times respectively. o A draft national standard “Water quality- Identification of geno-toxic characteristics in water and polluted water- Salmonella/microsom testing” is developed and submitted to the National Office of Standardization and Metrology for revision and approval. Project impact: Project activity is unique in Mongolia in terms of its approach on identifying bacterial component of air, water and soil pollution. Conventionally, chemical content of pollutions either in air, water or soil were investigated in Mongolia and identification of pollution source by the content of micro-organisms in the source is therefore very important to take necessary actions to decrease the pollution and its impacts. A new pollution standard through intervention of NEMO II project will be a crucial step towards improving of environmental conditions and secure citizens livelihoods in urban areas of Mongolia 19 Development of a model environmental strategic plan of aimags at the example of Dornogobi aimag (61) Project objective: Develop a long-term strategy on environmental conservation, sustainable use of natural resources and its restoration at aimag level on the example of Dornogobi aimag Executing agency: Research team Contact address: Mr. Nyam L, nyam_05@yahoo.com, Phone: 99177116 Project area: Dornogobi, Sainshand Budget: $ 10,000 Project activities: o Data gathering for development of environmental strategic plan from international and national sources, review best practices and data anaylsis o Questionnaire survey among all soums of Dornogobi aimag to assess current socio-economic and environmental situations among rural citizens o Organization of public discussion for review of the first draft strategy inviting representatives of neighboring 6 aimags (Dornod, Khentii, Dundgobi, Sukhbaatar, Gobi-Sumber and Dornogobi) and training for application of the strategy o Final strategy and public review through dissemination of material and public media and submission to Aimag citizen representative hural for approval Project results: o Desk review of relevant materials has been done and the National Ecological Strategy of Republic of Kazakhstan was chosen among other country plans, as the basis for adopting its principles to the aimag strategy. Justification was similarities of geography and livelihood as well this document was highly valued by Europian Eco-Forum in 2003. Embassy of Mongolia in Kazakhstan assisted in getting relevant materials on this policy document. Materials from other 6 countries, including Sweden, Australia were reviewed to adopt into the strategy o Materials of Dornogobi aimag have also been collected including aimag development strategy, governor action plan, reports and aimag environmental plan and its report. o The survey materials have been prepared (4 pages with 50 questions) and 15 persons were interviewed from each soum and pre-testing of the survey materials has taken in Sainshand among 20 persons and revised. o Survey was done among 4 soums and 57 baghs of the Dornogobi aimag ans 210 people have been participated in the survey process. o The meeting for introduction of project activity on strategic plan development was made on 23- 24 of April inviting 38 persons, including environmental inspectors from 13 soums. o Within the frame work of the project produced 1:100 000 scale GIS map based on the ARC MAP program o The environmental management strategy plan of the Dornogobi aimag is developed and cirlculated among all relevant stakeholders and all comments have been incorporated o It is expected to be considered by the Aimag Citizens Representative Meeting for its approval for further implementation. Project impact: The project output – aimag level strategy document will be handed in to the staff of the Strategic planning department of MNET for their review, comments for improvement and then apply the principles, as reference for further replication to other aimags. 20 Developing the participatory impact monitoring tool for soil and water conservation activities (216) Executing agency: Research team Contact address: Mr. Haulanbek A, geoeco@magicnet.mn, Phone: 99160057, Project area: Zamiin-Uud soum, Dornogobi aimag and Bulgan soum Umnugobi aimag Budget: 7,000 Disbursement to date:$2,950 Project activities: The project has six activities: o Community selection, participatory workshops and impact studies o Enhancing knowledge on soil and water conservation measures o Testing and improving participatory impact monitoring tool o Monitoring impact of SWC measures on rural population o Knowledge transfer and capacity building of collaborating institutions. Project progress and results: o The project has developed the draft methodology on establishing impact monitoring tool with involvement of expert groups of the Geo-Ecology Institute. o The public discussion took place in UB for reviewing the draft methodology. o The pre-testing of the methodology took place in Zamiin-Uud. After tailoring the methodology, the team has its field trip to project areas. o The participatory impact monitoring has taken place for the past projects on desertification combating. In particular, “Improving land management and combating desertification” implemented in Zamyn-Uud, Dornogobi aimag in 1998 and “Forest strip creation for reducing sand and dust storm effects” project inmplemented in Bulgan Soum of Umnugobi aimag Comment: We attended the meeting for draft methodology review and provided advice on improvement. The monitoring team visited Zamyn-Uud soum of Dornogobi and Bulgan soum of Umnugobi aimag at the end of August to assess the project progress on site. Project staff has completed participatory monitoring tool in consultation and comments from various civil society organizations 21 Regional Action Plan for combating desertificarion (217) Project objective: Executing agency: Institute of Geo-ecology Contact address: Mr. Dash D, geoeco@magicnet.mn, 321750, Project area: Sukhbaatar aimag Budget: $ 7,000 Project activities: o Detailed desertification assessment: biophysical changes, socio-econmic impacts and feedbacks o Sttakeholder analysis and organize series workshop with participation of all levels of managemengt (high level decision makers to land users) for the purpose of produce series of possible and promising actions to stop ill-practice of land degradation o Develop a methodogy for regional planning for desertification combating o Develop the regional action plan for combating desertification of the Sukhbaatar aimag Project results: The regional action plan to combat desertification of the Sukhbaatar aimag is – first action program at aimag level, developed by leading experts of the country. It is comprehensive in terms of its causes and consequences identified and actions to be taken to reduce impacts and accelation processes of land degradation in this region. Status of land degradation was identified in each soum and the relevant actions specifically focused on particular areas have also been identified with this action program. Praticial methods applicable for this region have been included in the recommendation such as establishing various wind breaks; selection of types of species resistant to dry conditions and their planting and caring technologies; and water collection and saving practical tools. The project is started on July 1st, after the parliamentary election that took place on 29th June. As the project planned to visit all the soums in Sukhbaatar on May and June, its activity was overlapped with election campaign and the project team in consultation of NEMO II small grant monitoring committee has decided to postpone its field activity until July. The monitoring team has met the project team in the field on 30 July in Sukhbaatar aimag and visited as well Sukhbaatar soum and Dariganga soums and have discussed with soum governors and herders. The meetings confirmed the need of such a desertification combating program that reflected the specifics of the aimag and meet the real need of the citizens in this region. Comment: The project team that included experienced researchers of Geo-Ecology Institute has worked effectively to make the program as aimag model to combat and alleviate the desertification effects in southern areas of Mongolia. This will serve as guiding document for all aimags to properly identify the causes of desertification and make planning for combating desertification at aimag and soum levels. 22 Development of Nalaikh District environmental strategic plan (231) Project objective: Elaborate a long term strategy plan to protect the environment of the Nalaikh district in conjunction with the economical and social development Executing agency: Research team Contact address: Mr. Sengee Ts, nature.ts@gmail, 99173560 Project area: Nalaikh District, Ulaanbaatar Budget: $ 8,800 Project activities: o Conduct comprehensive study on socio-economy and environment including biodiversity conservation in the Nalaikh District territory o Select sampling points for air, water and soil pollution in industrial areas with high pollution potential of the district and make laboratory analisys for identifying negetavely impacts caused by industry to the environment o Conduct inventory to identify land degradation status of the district caused by various mining and human irresponsible activities and mapping degraded land resources for rehabilitation purposes o Inventory of pasture resources and agricultural areas for establishing carrying capacity of pasture and make recommendations o Based on data and its analysis, elaborate a draft environmental strategy of the Nalaikh District o Organize public discussion meeting inviting all stakeholders, including citizens, decision makers, industry representatives and NGOs for review and comment to the draft strategy o Finalize the draft strategy, incorporating public comments and submit to the distrcit government for its review, adoption and implementation Project outputs: o The studies on socio-economy and environmental status of the district have been conducted with involvement of experts o Inventory of economic entities and industry has been made with emphasis on pollution level on soil, water and air; impact to vegetation cover, water supply, status of sewage facilites. Total 82 industrial sites have been covered within this inventory and follow up action plans have been written o Biodiversity conservation status of the district is identified through survey among citizens, review of existing materials and through interview of the Gorkhi-Terelj national park staff and tourist camp staffs located in the district territory o Based on information provided by local inhabitants on potential pollution sites, 12 entities have been chosen for sampling of soil and water and level of pollution has been identified through laboratory analysis o Air sampling was taken at 8 points, in around of entities with high pollution emission such as coal mining site, glass production and steel plant o 1 : 100,000 scale map is produced, which recorded via GPS the locations of mining industries and spatial distribution of degraded and abandoned lands due to various mining activities Project impact: The project team has developed the Nalaikh District Environmental Strategy Action Plan and wih recommendations addressed to the district departments to implement the strategy. The projet team has identified several potential sourses of financing the environmental program within the District. That includes improving effectiveness of collection of revenues from entities located in the park administration areas on land use and water use, as well from sand, gravel and coal mining companies on natural resource extractions. Adoption of the Environmental Strategy Plan via Local Citizen Representative Meeting, which just newly formed, is the next step to make this document official. The monitoring team has met several times with the project staff and provided advices consequently to make the document very useful for local environmental improvement 23 Development Dariganga National Park management plan (72) Project objective: to develop Management plan of Dariganga National Park (NP) Executing agency: Contact address: Mr. Tsanjid D, odon10@yahoo.com, 96663997 Project area: Dariganga, Sukhbaatar Budget: $ 8,000 Project activities: o Gather baseline and existing data, publications related to Dariganga NP and review the collected materials o Determine threats, gaps and future actions on National park territories through involvement of Park staff and local authorities and local citizens. o Develop MP contents and produce first draft based on research outputs o Public discussion of the first draft by all stakeholders, incorporate comments and submit to MNE for approval and further enforcement o Develop brief of MP and translate in to English, publish in Mongolian and English and distribute it especially to donor and international project. Project outputs: o Baseline data collection on Dariganga NP and review of existing studies and analysis have been done o Field survey to determine main and potential threats, and identify the gaps in park management have been carried out by the project team and interview of local individual herders as well meeting with local citizens (30 persons) have been organized in 8-11 May. Through the meeting all the threats, weakness, potentials have been identified and prioritized for futher actions within the draft management plan o 5 year plan to eliminate barriers in PM is been developed including indentification of financing sources for implementation of proposed activities o Final discussion for review and comments on the draft management plan has been organized among all stakeholders, including decision makers at ministry level o The final draft management plan has been produced and submitted to the Protected Areas Department for approval and enforcement. Comment: The monitoring team has visited Dariganga national park on 29-30 July during Altan ovoo ceremony celebration. Park director and local governor have been invited to discuss about the management plan and its progress. Local authorities were very positive on the results of ongoing project. The monitoring team, which included Dr. Dagvadorj, director of information, evaluation and monitoring division of MNE, has provided advices on further actions to make the park management plan as a model for further replication by other park management administration. In the middle of project implementation, we stroke with the bad news that Mr. Tsanjid, project manager has passed away due to illness. This was much unexpected situation. Nevethless, the project team has expressed strong willingness to complete the project activity. Monitoring committee has decided to transfer project management to Ms. Odonchimeg, team member upon recieivng project status report and relevant supporting materials on project progress. To date, the draft management plan is developed and submitted successfully, despite barriers and it is being reviewed by the relevant authority. 24 Integrated planning of environmental protection and restoration at the mining deposit area (130) Project objective: sam as title Executing agency: Research team Contact address: Mrs. Saran, head of NGO “Blue planet” Project area: Zaamar soum, Tuv aimag Budget: $ 15,415 Project activities: o Identify how the gold mining entities have been influenced the status of environment in Zaamar soum of Tuv aimag; o Take sampling measurements from air, water and soil for establishing environmental pollution level; o Identification of locations and sizes of abandoned mining areas by license owners that were left not rehabilitated after mining operation for reminding to former owners on accountability for rehabilitation; o Development of a training manual for local government staffs on use of environmental protection plans and monitoring plans contained within the Detailed EIA report; o Disseminate information on the status of environment in Zaamar area to all NGOs on actions necessary for protection of the environment in this area; Project results: o Status on disturbed land by intensive mining have been documented using various sources of information o Air, water soil sampling from 40 points with high pollution potential in Zaamar area was taken to determine current pollution level by the mining activities o Inventory of abandoned and unrehabilitated mining sites have been fixed using survey instruments and list of companies responsible for those abandoned mining sites. The soum authority has been provided with this information for taking actions on rehabilitation of these areas, disturbed by mining activities. o Distribution materials have been prepared as reference for soum level environmental inspectors Project impacts: Monitoring team has visited the Zaamar area upon reviewing the progress report. The soum government was well aware about the project acitivity. They were very happy with inventory results on abandoned mining, because majority of mining sites in Zaamar soum is unrehabilitated and this info provides a good starting point for stricter actions towards such unlawful action of private mining companies. 25 WATER QUALITY, RESOURCE PROTECTION Protection of spring water sources (158) Project objective: to provide protection of 8 spring water sources in various locations throughout Eastern Aimag Executing agency: NGO Eastern River Contact address: Project area: Dornod aimag Budget: $ 15,000 Disbursement to date:$4,580 Project activities: 1. Organized preparatory work for implementation of the project. o Project team training o Agree on project workplan, monitoring, assessment method, timing and schedule o Prepare fencing material for 8 springs and people to be involved Duh, Onhoodoi springs that provides water to the UIz river (Bayandun sum), Baruun Jaraahai, Zuun Jaraahai (Dashbalbar sum). Huurai am, soum's spring (Sergelen soum. Bayan bulag (Zagaan-Ovoo soum) by planting the local trees surrounding the area. o Herders’ community formed with herders to be involved and continue the project. o Organize training at the bag of soums that selected for implementation of the project 2. Organized herders’ community training. o Community structure, rule and field of activity o Ecological education o While protecting get benefit from nature o Water protection and restoration activities o Ways to continue the project (sustainability) 3. Formed herders’ communities. o Totally 7 herders’ communities to be formed (2 in BayanDun, 1 in each Dashbalbar, Chuluunkhoroot, Bayan-uul, Sergelen, Tsagaan- v soums). o The communities will have responsibilities to fence and protect spring source, plant trees, restore and continue the project activities. 4. Organize fencing and tree planting activities for protection of spring sources. o 120 herders from 40 families and 30 children will be involved in this program and we'll help to increase their knowledge about the ecology. o 18,072 people in 6 soums and 2430 herders will be benefited from this project Comment: This is the only project, which failed to reach its objectives. With first tranche on June 2008, the project staff has not communicated with us for long time. After many requests, the project submitted mid-term report on September and additional monitoring trip to the project sites discovered that reported activities did not match with the actual activities on the ground and part of money has been utilized not for the purposes. We are now communicating with the local government and project staff to return the money back, as it is stated in the tri-partitie agreement between the Eastern River Movement NGO, OSF and MNET. The project acitivity has started late in June. The reason of starting late was due to restructuring its originally planned activity with strong advice from the monitoring committee to cancel planned cutting trees for making fences to protect spring. Instead, we suggested using recycled bottle materials as columns for fences. Unfortunately, the project team ignored our advice and did some activities and reported wrongly. As consequence, it resulted in halting the project agreement. 26 De-fluoridization of drinking water (183) Project objective: To reduce amount of hardness and fluorine contaminant in drinking water of Sukhbaatar soum to 1-1.5 mg/l and thus, reduce the risk of fluorine dieases by 50%. Executing agency: NGO ”Society of Medical Geography” Contact address: Mr. Dorj D, Sukhbaatar2007@yahoo.com, Phone: 99243949 Project area: Sukhbaatar soum, Sukhbaatar aimag Budget: $ 9770 Disbursement to date:$7,470 Project activities: o To study on preparation of adsorbent from raw materials available in Mongolia to make filter from it for capturing hardness and fluorine contamination in drinking water. o To investigate the purification of drinking water by obtained adsorbent. o To determine the fluorine contaminant of drinking water and the disease incidences due to exccesive fluoride content among children in Sukhbaatar soum o To organize traning and public awareness activity among inhabitants of the soum based on the findings of project results, o To investigate the apparatus to locate of adsorbent in deep water wells. Project outputs: Sukhbaatar soum inabitants use drinking water, which contain highest concentration of fluorine at national level (2.0-3.55 mg/l of fluorine compared to national standard of 0.7- 1.0 mg/l) and therefore many children in this soum suffer with fluorine diseases. The project team has experimented bone char filter made from locally available livestock bone for filtering the drinking water to reduce the fluorine content and distribute to households with small children to reduce the risk of fluorine incidents. The outputs are: o Experiment to prepare a filter with burnt animal bone and reduce fluorine content in the drinking water was successful and laboratory analysis of sampled drinking water that used the filters and mixing of various spring sources showed considerable reduction (from 2.0-3.55 mg/l to 1.21- 1.6 mg/l) of fluorine concentration in sampled drinking water by the lab analysis. The experiment finds that bone char need to be prepared with below 5000C of temperature. Otherwise, softness of water is decreased and phosphate ion content is increased with increased temperature. o Consequently, a local simple technology has been devised to produce bone char filter for reduction of fluoride in the drinking water o Visited 100 households with small children to survey status of fluorine illness among children in this soum and 261 children in Baruun Urt soum (Sukhbaatar aimag center). Doctoral survey comfirmed the national finding of high risk of fluorine contamination among children in this soum. 10.3% of children have suffered from excess of fluoride o Water tanks with fluorine filter have been handed in to 25 households in Sukhbaatar soum that will last 77 days in account that if household uses 20 liter of drinking water a day. o Measured fluoride content in urine of man, which showed direct correlation of fluoride between intake volume and urine. Impacts: Monitoring team has visited the area and met with project team, soum authority, doctors and citizens to share their views on project experiments and results. The results of experiments have shown encouraging outputs that reduced the fluorine content. The project team has been cooperating with “Bolor us” (Crystal water in English) Co Ltd. to produce fluorine filters. The project made good success in bone char filter technology is to continue working to make technology and products available locally for decreasing the high concentration of fluorine in the drinking water. 27 Protection of spring source of nationally famous place "Mother Rock" (134) Project objective: to protect spring sources and surrounding areas from being degraded by high number of visitors of “Mother Rock” and maintain the area through tree planting and recovering vegetation cover. Executing agency: NGO “Mongolian Horsemen Association” Contact address: Mr. Mendsaihan Ts, head of the Association. Email: kiss_munhoo@yahoo.com, phone: 96653433 Project area: Eej had area close to Sergelen soum, Tuv aimag Budget: $ 6,120 Disbursement to date:$5,320 Project activities: o Planting of tree species: 750 willow and aspen seedling each and 1000 seabucktorn seedlings and other fruit trees in surrounding areas of the spring source. o Make a fence in the area of tree plantation with support of local communities o Organize training among local commuities on tree and fruit tree planting and vegetable growing to support their livelihood and redirect their income generation on tree planting and maintenance Project results: The monitoring team, which included tree nursery expert of MNE, has visited the area to assess the project progress on 25 June. 1800 seedlings of various tree species have been planted in the area surrounded by fence. Watering was provided from deep well through a hose. Local people have been engaged in the project activities. Although technical circumstances have been created in this tree planting area, actual growing rate of planted seedling were quite disappointing: less than 10 % survival rate of total plants at the date of monitoring. Team expert has investigated the problem of growth throughout the plantation site and concluded that tree planting was done unprofessionally: planting started too late from required time in this region, seedlings were kept dry before planting and holes for planting were prepared long before actual plantation and therefore lost all humidity and lastly, planting were done by not experienced people. The monitoring team strongly adviced to the project team to re-plant seedling in fall and strictly follow the planting procedure set by the tree nursery expert. The monitoring team made follow up visit in mid September and observed that some additional seedling was taken. However, we can not estimate growth for other plants, which planted in past spring. The monitoring team decided to continue monitoring until next spring and then we will be able to assess objectively the project planting results. 28 THEME: PROTECTION OF SOIL AND VEGETATION COVER AND DESERTIFICATION IMPACT MITIGATION Utilization of straw and poultry bio-organic wastes to restore soil fertility and vegetation cover (224) Project objective: Experimentation for soil stabilization and fertilization using prepared bio-organic wastes as fertilizer and straw-blanket to support actions for land rehabilitation and soil protection Executing agency: Research team of the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences Contact address: Batjargal Ch, Team leader, Email: batjargal@yahoo.com, Phone: 361949 Project area: Songino area, Ulaanbaatar Budget: $10,000 Project activities: o Study to identify straw resources, accumulated in crop area around UB and plumage resource in Songino poultry area, which will be used for making fertilizers o Site selection and preparation for experimentation o Ordering and transporting straw-blankets from international sources to learn on making it on internal markets and replicate to other areas, where acute need of such a practical tool to rehabilitate eroded and unfertile land o Make an experiment on straw-blanket for soil stabilization and fertilization using various humidity regimes o Make a compost using straw waste and bio-organic wastes o Make a experiment on using prepared compost for covering bare soil for re-vegetating o Prepare report on the results of experimentations and make recommendations for further replication and commercialization Project progress and results: o Resource materials such as straw and poultry waste that are currently wasted have been studied for re-utilization for soil fertility restoration o Compost using straws and bio-waste made and produced a good quality organic fertilizer, o Organic fertilizers and straw-blankets have been applied for selected areas for experimenting soil fertilization and re-vegetation. Results have been documented o Main challenge in this project was delayed import of straw –blankets bought in USA. Project team has ordered this product after a long search through air cargo and this created a delay of 3 months. This lesson need to taken for the next steps of NEMO program that an importing technology is risky unless there is prior agreement with international partners on cooperation Project impacts: Although there was lost time associated with importing straw-blankets for soil stabilization, results of the experimentation of rehabilitation of soil fertility and revegetation were shown encouraging. Also it is proved that straw-blankets imported can be made using local materials and be successfully utilized for restoration degraded land and soil. Project staff has got good knowledge on making efficient compost/fertilizer using wasted materials and on-hand technology that very cheap and market demand for this type of product is getting highly valued. Soil rehanibiltation and revegetation is of high demand this time in the country, where land degradation is severe problem due to intensive mining and other human activities. We are expecting a good result from project researchers for continue doing and replicating this kind of activities and services for restoration of degraded land throughout Mongolia. 29 Forest-Water-Protection (2) Project objective: To increase citizens awareness and strengthen local citizens and authority’s capacity on protection of spring source and conservation of genetic fund of rare and endangered plants in the Gobi desert region of Mongolia Executing agency: NGO Oin khishig Contact address: Mr. Baraaduuz D, Phone: 99538211 Project area: Dalanzadgad, Umnugobi aimag Budget: $ 4,710 Project activities: o Organize 2 step practical trainings for participants: Step I o Individuals and citizens who want to know on tree planting technology in dry arid zones o workers of exinsting tree nurseries, who are responsible for afforestation and restoration of mining areas Step II o Environmental state inspector, ranger of all soums o Representatives of governmental and non governmental organizations Project results: The project conducted 2 day training on protection of Gobi forest and water sources at Umnugobi aimag level. About 108 persons from aimag and soums participated in the training. These series of training took place two times during the project period. In the first day, training was organized in the conference room of the Aimag Center, where participants were taught on various tree types and methods of planting trees in dry region. Second day of the training participants visited the experimental tree nursery station of Oin khishig center for continuing field training. The center is located in Khankhongor soum, about 60 km away from the aimag center. All participants have seen all the different types of plants while wlaking in the center park, where various tree and plant species have been grown in 20 years by the center’s director Mr. Baraaduuz. He lectured and showed practical methods on planting decorative trees and fruit trees as well trees for wind breaks, which were very effective for all participants. The participants considered the training “very efficient” and asked to continue this kind of training and workshop. The center director is planning to continue this type of training for all interested citizens in this region and for this purpose, he is establishing training facilities on his own. These are: o Have built up the 6 gers /Mongolian national tents/ designated for training 20 persons in a single shift. o The training materials have been prepared and made ready for the use. o A problem related to the energy-supply has been resolved. o The field for sowing and growing trees, bushes, potato and vegetables has been mechanized. o The irrigation system with the capacity of 400 m3 water has been built up. o The yield of the spring has been improved through fencing its source. This project has demonstrated to all participants that carefully selected trees, good knowledge on tree planting and caring can make the change in the dry region. The monitoring team has visited the project training and very much satisfied with effectiveness of such a training 30 Desertification alleviation through improving household energy efficiency, use of solar energy and liguified gases and changing an old habit of firewood collection to application of energy saving technologies(180) Project objective: bringing advanced energy saving technologies to the area, where desertification is progressing, for replacing old habits using woody and bushy plants with energy saving techniques for application and replication among inhabitants and thus, to improve vegetation recovery. Executing agency: Research team of the Building Energy Efficiency Center, Mongolian Technical University jointly with NGO “Ger Stove” and “Narnii Ilch” Solar Stove Production Company Contact address: Project area: Deren soum, Dundgobi aimag Budget: $ 15,440 Project activities: o Introduction and applications of advanced energy efficient appliances by households: o Fuel saving stoves, which is proved saving 50% of fuel in UB will be distributed to households and demonstrated publicly o LPG and its appliances, including gas stoves and balloon and other accessories to households o Thermal insulations of ger to replicate (will be demonstrated publicly on assembly and dissasmbly) o solar stoves o A stove making and maintenance workshop is established (improved efficiency stove making, existing household stove improvement, heating wall building) o A Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG} supply and maintenance kiosk is established o A local selling/promoting kiosk will be established to provide information and collecting citizens orders on solar stoves o Training for citizens on application of energy saving techniques and Local government officials on enforcement of environmental law and regulations to limit use of woods and woody plants as firewood Project progress and results: Within the project follwing activities have been implemented: o Energy efficient 5 stoves have been distributed to households, whose stove needed replacements o 5 LPG fueled stoves and other accessories, including balloons have been distributed to households for further replication by neighboring households o 5 solar stoves have been distributed herders households for their daily use as kitchen and for promotion of such a technology usage in rural area o Thermal insulation and its production technology have been brought to this soum inhabitants for their replication o Tranining on usage of advanced technologies were organized among inhabitants (60 persons) and as well training on environmental management and law enforcements among government civil servants (15) All these named activities being resulted in decreasing energy demand and which in turn decreases consumption/collection of woods and shrubs in the project site for heating and cooking purposes; Comment: The monitoring team hs visited the project area and met local people and project benenficiaries. The project outputs have been effective in reducing demand on firewood, which serves as effective barriers for alleviating sand movement and desertification advancements. 31 Control of grasshopper population in Monkhkhairkhan soum and its resourse utilization (321) Project objective: To control density of grasshopper population the project areas, to monitor so that population does not harm the pasture vegetation and explore feasibility of harvesting grasshopper biomass and processing to make a nutritious feed for livestock. Executing agency: School of Biology, NUM branch in Khovd aimag Contact address: Mr. Dorj S, hovduni_biology@yahoo.com, Phone: 99436903 Project area: Munhhairhan soum, Hovd aimag Budget: $ 4,500 Project activities: o Conduct study on grasshopper’s biology and ecology and collect samples for chemical analysis o Review research study results on chemical compound of grass hopper’s body parts o Survey among local residents and herders on managing grasshopper population o Organize training for local citizens on make catching bag locally, harvesting grasshopper and proper dry up the harvest o Spring trips to local areas for negotiation cooperation with cooperatives, communities and individuals on harvesting grasshoppers and provide advice on how to catch, dry and store in containers o Analyze laboratory results of samples of grasshoppers compounds o Determine compound for fesibility of production of fodder, fertilizer and vitamin based on the results of chemical analysis. o Develop technology to produce products (fodder, fertilizer, vitamins) from grass hopper harvests and conduct test on their effeciency and profits. Project results: o A study on biology and ecology of grasshoppers species “Munkhkhairkhan”, population dynamics, and distribution has been done with assistance of faculty and students from the Department of Biology, Khovd University and relevant report is released o Desk review of existing studies on grasshoppers was done with faculty of Biology Department o Surveys to collect traditional methods to regulate grasshoppers population in rural areas and to learn interests for production of fertilizers, vitamins and feeds among small medium enterprises have been conducted, covering 175 persons in Duut, Munkhkhirkhan, and Must soums and entrepreneurs in Jargalant (aimag center). o Public awareness raising and training on harvesting technics and production were organized by visiting each rural household by the project team in the potential grasshoppers sites of Duut, Munkhkhirkhan soums. o Samplings have been sent to laboratories to China, Ulaanbaatar and Russia to determine chemical components of parts of grasshoppers for feasibility of production feeds, fodder and vitamins Comments: Project activitiy is ongoing and laboratory results are being delayed due to some miscommunication between the project staff and small grant program. Long distance and few commnunication options are caused timely update on project progress. Monitoring team has visited the project site on September and assessed project progress acceptable. Due to unsuitable weather for grasshoppers breeding, there was small grasshoppers’ population in project sites. Therefore, local government and citizens have little paid attention. In spite of this, project is determined to complete all the activities to get good results. 32 Setting up an eco tourism route in BogdKhan SPA(273) Project objective: To strengthen of policy on conservation of nature and natural resource management of Bogdkhan strictly protected area through establishing a tour path Executing agency: Team of the School of Biology, National University of Mongolia Contact address: Prof.R.Samiya, samiya@num.edu.mn Phone: 322506. 99039694 Project area: Bogd-Khaan Mountain, Ulaanbaatar Budget: $ 8,100 Project activities: o Develop strategic plan ”Ecotourism management in Bogd-Khaan Conservation Green Zone” o Produce a video record documentary “Bogd Khaan Natural Strictly protected Area" for public awareness and education; o Develop the special walking tour programs in the protected area o Develop the research methodology and approaches for the sustainable eco- tourism in natural protected area; and o Publish the brochures, leaflets and develop the website and on-line information for tourists and researchers. Project results: A team “Green path” consisting of professors and students of the School of Biology of the National University of Mongolia has carried out below activities. o They organized a workshop titled “Current situation of Bogd khan strictly protected area” to develop strategic plan on management in Bogd-Khaan Conservation Green Zone. More than 50 people including governmental officers, researchers, representatives from environmental NGOs rangers of Bogdkhan protected area, educational sectors participated in the workshop. They discussed important issues related to management and protection of Bogd khan strictly protected area and shared opinions. o 6 tours were organized to shajin Hurh and Turhurh areas of Bogd khan strictly protected area on winter and spring time to make observation on natural setting and biodiversity and to collect research data. In total 40 students participated in the tour. o Project produced a video documentary film “Bogd Khaan Natural Strictly Protected Area", which includes natural settings, rich biodiversity, beautiful scenes of the mountains for the purpose of public awareness and education. o Developed an ecological tour path in the Turhurh mouth of the mountain. There have been put 64 numbered poles along the path, which comes to the peak named “Tsetsee Gun” of the Bogkhan Uul PA. Also special information sheets have been created along the path that informs location of waste points, warns about risks of forest fire, as well rest areas o A book “Dominant species of flora and founa of the Bogd Khan Mountain” that includes 250 colored pictures was prepared and printed in 500 copies and distribute to research and academic institutions o A guide-brochure that describes various vegetation, tree types and distributions, birds and wildlife, which can be seen along the path, was developed and printed in Mongolian English in 1200 copies. This will be handed in to visiting hikers and tourists in this place and given to Park Administration Comments: the project was successfully implemented and as result, SPA, first in its history since 1778, has got a special tour path with supplementary information, which is very useful for all park visitors and for education 33 THEME: AIR POLLUTION REDUCTION Revision of optimal period for urban heating in view of changing climate (98) Project objective: to revise the beginning and the end of the heating season of about 20 urban centers of Mongolia in view of the changing climate in Mongolia due lo global warming tendency Executing agency: Research team Contact address: Dr. Namhaijantsan G, Project area: Nation-wide Budget: $ 7,400 Project activities: o Preconditions and specific manuals to implement specific provisions of the Law of Mongolia on Energy will be prepared. o Normative setting for the heating season for the entire Mongolia will be developed o By optimizing the heating season duration through reduction by 10-15 days, it will result in fuel and energy saving and thus, costs and environmental pollution from heating will be reduced o A map of Mongolia for heating season duration will be developed. o Fuel economy methodology and recommendations guidebook will be prepared. Project progress and results: o Time series data of 1936-2005 periods on air temperature, relative humidity, average wind velocity were analyzed and revised o Average of ambient air temperature time –series of 320 soums have also been analyzed and revised o All input parameters for analysis of optimal heating periods were revised and re-calculated o Desk review of climate related literatures and study materials of temeperate and cold zones have been done by the researchers o A map on climatic zoning of heating season in Mongolia prepared o Publication on heating duration parameters and methodology in Mongolia – 100% Project impacts: Since 1993, when Dr. Namkhai jantsan has developed optimal periods of urban heating based on climate conditions in Mongolia, passed 15 years. Within the given period clamite change effect is increasing and its impacts more evident in Mongolia. The current study results in changing the optimal period oh urban heating for different zones. It varies from zone to zone: the heating period is decreased in Khovd aimag center- by 18 days and in Tosontsengel (Zavkhan aimag) it increased by 21 days. As per the study, the heating season is increased in north western regions by 10-21 days and the season is shortens in the great lakes valley region by about 8-18 days. The following impacts being produced with changing heating period in urban areas: decreased heating days results in physical saving of coal resources and transportation expenses and decreased air pollution by power stations in larger urban areas. Also this study result influences in setting building standards in various regions of the country. For example, it influences in defining width of the building walls, which also depends on a material made from. This study results have been reviewed by review committee of the Institute of Hydro-meteorology and the counsel of the Minister for Road, Transport, Construction and Urban Development of Mongolia and are going to be an official document for enforcement. 34 Development of "New Era" air pollution reduction mechanism (212) Project objective: To reduce air pollution by increasing the mutual participation and cooperation of Governmental organizations, civil society organizations, business sectors and citizens Executing agency: Society Contact address: Room 218, Building of Institute of Mongolian Hydrological & Meteorological Hydrology & Meteorology, Khudaldany gudamj -5, Ulaanbaatar -210649 Project area: Ulaanbaatar Budget: $ 8,000 Project activities: o Make survey on use of improved stove and fuel by households and assess. o Organize national seminar on theme Air pollution threats and ways to solve the problems o Organize training seminar on responsibilities of goverment and citizens for reduction of air pollution o Organize seminar on use of improved stove and fuel and use of warm keeping, energy efficient layers of ger. o Organize partnership seminar and talks while forming cooperation “New era” structure of government, civil society organization, business-produsers and scholars. o Train staff, start to operate the information center. o Replicate the experience to other districts, khoroo of capital city and develop sustainable operational manual, print and disseminate o Organize training workshop for all governors of khoroo, social wokers of Sukhbaatar district Project results: o The project team organized a workshop on advanced technology of briquette and production of bio fuel on 31 January 2008. o With cooperation of Air quality division of Capital city’s environmental protection agency, the project team conducted and evaluated surveys on improved stoves and briquette among 357 households of seven khoroos of Sukhbaatar, Chingeltei, Khan-Uul and Bayangol districts in March this year. o The workshop on “Improved stove and briquette fuel” was organized on 8 May 2008. The society could contact Environmental Protection Association of Khukh hot and “Khun galuu” Co., ltd of Inner Mongolia which produces several types of environmentally friendly stove and introduce them into practice. Then they agreed to place the stove “NMGHB-1” produced by “Khun galuu” Co., ltd in the ger of two households for 2 weeks in April, 2008. These households concluded that heat keeping and fuel saving is good, and smokeless and odourless. In addition, the measurement done at the laboratory of Air quality division Capital city’s environmental protection agency on the air pollutants (CO, SO2, NOx and ash) from the stove stack proved that this type of stove has many advantages than others. o Based on the results of experimentation Ministry of Environment has provided 10 mln MNT to purchase NMGHB-1 stove and currently 75 stoves have been imported and distributed to households for wider testing. o The handbooks “Air and health” (by Dr. Saijaa N), “Air quality of Ulaanbaatar city” (by Ms. Batnyam L, secretary of the State Professional Air Quality Service), “Strategy for reduction of air pollution” (by Prof. Adyasuren Ts), “Warming and making warm” (by Mr. Munkhbayar B, director of the energy saving centre and Narantsatsral Ch, officer of the centre), “Bio fuel and improved stove” (by Dr. Tuvdendorj D) was published in the copies of 800 respectively and distributed to relevant stakeholders Comments: The project implemented successfully and made new steps in improving air quality in UB. The NGO is continuing working on this project to yield more sustainable results for improving UB environment. 35 THEME: PUBLIC AWARENESS RAISING, TRAINING AND DATABASE MANAGEMENT Promotion of ecological education of children through a “Comic book -2" (94) Project objective: To improve ecological education of youngsters and students of some regions by comics Executing agency: Mongolian Association of Comic Arts Contact address: Room 204, Building of Mongolian Writers Union, phone: 99274523 mgl_shog_zurag@mail.mn Project area: Ulaanbaatar Budget: $ 10,000 Project activities: o Develop “Nature conservation-2” comic books and print in high quality. Printing house will be selected through a tendering. o Deliver to 110 secondary schools, 100 kindergardens of the city and educational centers of aimags and cities. o Announce “My four seasons” children painting competition among secondary school children and evaluate and hand in publicly Project progress and results: o “Nature conservation-2” comics have been written and printed in 3165 color copies. The product delivered to secondary schools, kindergarten and educational centers of aimags and cities such as 3 district schools in Ulaanbaatar, Sainshand, Dalanzadgad, Undurkhaan and Choibalsan. Lsit of organizations the product delivered is attached to the report o After summer vacation season, student a drawing competition on nature conservation and environmental protection was announced among 60 secondary school students aged from 6-14 years in three districts UB city and 5 aimags o Over 600 applications came to the selection committee and drawing awards have been handed in to 10 best students during the Public open days for projects results organized by OSF on 16 -17 December 2008. Project impact: Literature, fine art, design art and comics art help children develop a high sense of ethics. It’s been proved scientifically that human beings obtain 80% of their life skills capacity at the age 0-8, 10% -at the age of 8-15 and 10% -at the age of 15-25. Nature is the complete source of arts, science and life. In this sense, nature is the closest mean to reach the child memory. From this it can be concluded that drawing art is one of the best ways to give the right understanding and knowledge of nature. The present project involved over 120.000 pupils of over 60 schools of Ulaanbaatar and more than 30.000 pupils of 5 aimags /Dornod, Khentii, Govisumber, Omnogovi and Dundgovi/ and they make about 20% of Mongolian children. Altough it is difficult to assess the impact, we hope, through this project outreach, at least 10% of the pupils covered within the project activities. 36 Participation of secondary school eco-clubs in environmental protection (190) Project objective: To support activities of eco clubs in secondary schools and encourage children’s involvement in environmental protection Executing agency: Young environmentalists society Contact address: Room 1, Mongolian Children Palace. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Project area: Ulaanbaatar Budget: $ 15,000 Project activities: o Organize Public Campaign on Environmental Protection order to enhance schools eco-club capacities and increase the children’s participation in the natural protection. o Celebrate The International Day of Environmental Protection on June 5, 2008. o Conduct the Teenage Trainer Preparation Course twice to enhance the skills of the Young Natural Protector Eco-club members o Organize a contest for environmental-friendly school and class o Prepare new serial issues named “Mother-Nature’s child” on the children’s newspaper and distribute it. o Create the aforementioned website for young environment protectors eco-clubs and teenage o Realize and conclude an experimental project an experimental project to make structure/models of young environmental protector’s eco-clubs in two schools. Project progress and results: o “Young environmentalists” Society has organized a training “Youth participation in environmental protection” on 3-5 April 2008. More than 40 children who are member of Young Environmentalists Society, representatives from Mongolian Scout Association, Mongolian Children Organization and also who have pets such as cats, dogs and fish, and 5 reporters of children newspaper “Tsokh” and volunteers participated in the training. o Published series of articles “Children of nature mother” at the children newspaper “Tsokh” and provided 85,000-90,000 children with latest news and interesting information. o Capacity building program run for strengthening the ecoclubs functioning in 10 secondary schools ofUlaanbaatar o Young environmentalists Society has become a member to the international “Clean Up the World” organization o Through peer education program attendance 10 students got certificate on young peer educator o Guideline “Eco-club and children participation” was prepared to assist students to become a part of eco-club. Project impacts: Through the project involvement, ecoclubs that functioned in 10 secondary shools of UB have got assistance and provided with methodlogical guidelines to plan and organize environmental actions. Eco-club in the Baganuur District of Ulaanbaatar initiated in etablshing Ecological Center “Ei Ev” in the first quarter of 2009 and will be open its door for students in the summer. Ecoclub “Tugul” of the 20th secondary school has organized a “Capital City Ecoclub Conference”as result of the project . 37 "Youth to Youth" environmental education (51) Project objective: To increase the youth contribution in Environmental sustainability through environment awareness raising and knowledge in contacting proper with the nature, living healthy within carrying capacity of earth, utilizing natural resource not wastefully Executing agency: Institute for Future Contact address: C.P.O.Box -378, Ulaanbaatar -36 Project area: Ulaanbaatar Budget: $ 7,000 Disbursement to date:$7,000 Project activities: o To initiate and develop the peer education module using the appropriate methods and simple language targeted to youth and children and to build capacity skills providing peer education to selected areas youth volunteers, through training of trainers of the peer education. o To provide the peer education on environment sustainability to the students from preschool to university level. through trained peer educators in selected areas o To initiate the different community campaigns and events to raise the public awareness and encourage youth participation on environment sustainability o To initiate and develop the interactive portal website, which could serve to youth as main resource of the environment information and knowledge with simple and easy understandable language and design, appropriate to the youth, by youth volunteers and peer educators Project results: o Initiated and developed the peer education module. The curriculum covered 16 hours session and prepared presentation on environmental topics. o Conducted 2 day training for peer educators to build capacity and skills peer education in 23- 24 February 2008. 20 youth participated in the training. o Trained peer educators who provided 20 trainings in different secondary schools including one in Erdenet aimag and reached more than 500 school children. Also they provided 9 peer education training to the college and universities 150 students. o The peer educators organized a public awareness day on World Water Day at the school N23 in Ulaanbaatar. More than 800 school children joined this event. They made presentation on waste management, air pollution and other issues. o For the Earth Day, the peer educators organized different activities such as round table discussion, quiz, drawing competition, role play. This event covered 1392 people totally. o Conducted the content development workshop on thematic website in 16 Feb 08. 11 educators including project team, IT specialists, environmentalists and teachers participated in the workshop. o Developed and hosted the interactive portal website www.ecozaluus.mn which could serve youth as main resource on environmental information and knowledge. Project impact: As result of the project, about 10,000 people have been covered with project tranining and public awareness activities and were updated with fresh knowledge and information on environmental protection. 38 Environmental journalist club (213) Project objective: to prepare environmental journalists and improve their writing technique and skill by establishing and ensuring the permanent operation of the “Club and platform of the environmental journalists" where they will be provided with sound understanding and knowledge on environmental policy and actions in Mongolia. Executing agency: Environmental University ECO ASIA Contact address: C.P.O. Box-752, Ulaanbaatar-13, Mongolia, Chuluuntsetseg G Project area: Ulaanbaatar Budget: $ 15,000 Project activities: o To organize a brainstorms show on the thesis "Club of the environmental journalists” every month o To conduct training and workshops on environmental protection, proper use of natural resources o To translate, develop and publish a handbook for environmental journalists published by UN ESCAP o To organize the essay competition among the environmental journalists. o To conduct newspaper discussion on the thesis “Role and participation of the public and private sector in environmental protection and proper use of natural resources” o To develop and publish “A Reference book for environmental journalists” o To submit the recommendations made from the survey, discussion and campaigns of the project to the Ministry of Nature and Environment and other governmental bodies o To produce CD and brochures on environmental protection and proper use of natural resources- for distribution to the public. Project progress and results: o The project team has organized 11series of lectures on environmental issues for 466 persons including the journalists of dailies and TV channels in Ulaanbaatar, environmental lecturers and researchers during the project time. o A club and platform was established to gain opportunity to study and discuss on environmental issues and problems with participation of the lecturers of Environmental University ECO ASIA every month. o A handbook for environmental journalists is translated and published in 570 copeis. In cooperation of national experts they have also developed “Reference book for environmental journalists” including environmental topics and problems, regulations regarding to environment, environmental standards, facts and data etc and printed in 570 copies o The club of environmental journalists initiated phase-out of use of plastic bags and published some articles on that issue. o The project organized an essay competition on the title “Ecology, Globalization and Development” among journalists for the World Environment Day and this event provided environmental themes to appear more frequently on national and local newsletters Project impacts: Through the environmental journalists club, 466 professional journalists, researchers, and students in total have been attended and improved their knowledge and increased their skills of writing on environmental themes and updated their understanding of issues faced. 570 copies of handbook for journalists and reference book published and fidtributed. The project has assisted in overall improvements of national newletters coverage on environmental issues and thus, help properly inform readers and viewers. 39 Public awareness raising on rare and endangered plant species of surrounding four mountains of Ulaanbaatar city (164) Project objective: to make a reference book on rare and endangered plant species based on inventory of medicinal and useful plants growing in four mountains surrounding Ulaanbaatar city for rangers, environmental inspectors and protected area staff, and botany students for improving their knowledge on environmental management, law enforcement and strengthened monitoring of these rare and endangered plants species for conservation Executing agency: research team Contact address: Mr. Janchivdorj, project leader, phone: 99119581, email: nemekh@mongol.net Project area: Ulaanbaatar Budget: $ 7,000 Disbursement to date:$3,500 Project activities: o Make a list of rare and endangered species of four mountains of UB and make a writing design for an individual species o Field data collection on all species with regard their status, population, and resources and analysis o Desk review of literatures related with plant species o Making photo of species, herbaring of species o Design and printing o Distribution of reference books to relevant parties (900 pieces to MNE, 50 pieces to State Inspection Agency and 50 pieces to General Customs Department) Project progressand results: o 133 rare and endangered species have been included into the book and associated info collected, reviewed and consultated with plant experts o All relevant data by each species have been collected, referenced and reviewed o Due to very rare existence in the nature, photo materials of some of plant species needed to be taken by visitng central Mongolia and the work is ongoing to date to accomplish the documentation o Reference book design created o Price quotas from various printing companies have been collected for selection the best suited one. o A5 size color book is published in 1000 copies and distributed to staff of MNET, State Specialized Inspection Agency and General Customs Department Project impacts: This is a first systemized publication of rare and endangered plant species of Mongolia, which includes general information about particular species and causes of degradation and specified protection measures to conserve and sustainably grow. This also include description of plant species, trunks, leaves so that environmental inspectors, custom officers and other relevant persons recognize, while making inspection and make necessary actions and therefore this book is becoming valuable reference for all professionals. 40 Development of web-based info on tree planting (215) Project objective: to create website www.oimod.mn, which will serve as online information source to support citizens willing to plant trees, fruit trees and greening their living areas with tree growing and nursery guidelines; market availability of tree species, technologies and market prices on tree seedling, saplings and fertilizers; networking with afforestation and tree experts; to implement provisions of the law on forestry and provide incentives to involve youth and children in public greening actions. Executing agency: Expert group, consisting of forestry and IT experts Contact address: Mr. Bauirbek, phone: 99145367, email: bauirbek@yahoo.com Project area: Ulaanbaatar Budget: $ 6,970 Project activities: o Create an online database on tree nurseries, on tree planting technologies for each tree species, pricing inventory for tree plants, seedling, and saplings, dominant tree species growing in Mongolia, their pcutres and their spatial distributions o Nation-wide survey on tree planting nurseries o Lsit of tree species on three languages Mongolian, Russian and English o Carry out price survey on seedlings and saplings. o Networking of experts, farmers and suppliers o Make a list of forest medicinal plants o Create a dynamic website and make it operational o Public advertisement and outreach for awareness Project progress and results: o The dynamic website has been created with domain name www.oimod.mn o Database has been created and enriched by every inputs related with issues on tree planting, maintenance o All tree species grown in Mongolia and their biological characteristics and forest byproducts have been posted o Information on forest resources of Mongolia and its aimag resources and tree nurseries in each aimag are included o And many relevant info is being posted through the website o As of 17 December 2008, 11,890 people have connected to this website and learned the content of the site. About 70% of people connected were from UB and otherw were from different aimags and soums. Project impacts: As web analysis shows, many citizens approached the website since its launch in May this year and about 30% of them were from various aimags and soums centers. This shows increased interests among population and especially from rural areas. This website with rich info on tree planting provides a good opportunity for those approached for information. The monitoring team has provided advice to make the website more user-friendly and useful. The website will be running in 5 year period with payment advanced for this period. Challenge is to keep the website alive and constanly maintain and nurture with fresh info. This issue is being addressed to the project team. 41 Development of database of chemical substances used Mongolia and translate and input all relevant safety information (219) Project objective: To develop database on commonly used 500 toxic chemical substances, which will be available online in Mongolian and accessible to all citizens and organizations, interested or working in this field. Executing agency: Jargalsaikhan L, Director of NGO “Chemistry and Environment” Contact address: Apartment 12, Bldg 11, 4th khoroo, Bayanzurkh district phone: 88007170 e-mail: l_Jargals@yahoo.com Project area: Ulaanbaatar Budget: $ 9,355 Disbursement to date: Project activities: o Select 250 widely used chemicals in Mongolia o Collect information and data on every chemical substance o Translate description of each substance from English and process collected data and information o Link the database with interface at MNE’s website on chemicals Project progress: Out of great numbers of toxic chemicals which are used and imported in Mongolia, the project has selected 250 substances commonly used in different sectors and industries and now in process of collecting and translating data and information on chemical and physical data, environmental and health hazards, proper storage and handling, use, destruction potential and disposal of every chemical and ways to reducing exposure in case of release and leakage of toxic and hazardous chemicals. Comments: The expected output from this project will be as main content to the database of toxic chemicals located on MNE website. Project activities still ongoing in a slow pace and monitoring team will review the quality of project output, despite the majority of all projects completed. 42 Hand book for voluntary rangers with self-testing materials (100) Project objective: To strengthen skills, knowledge and capacity of rangers who are in front of implementing state policies on ecology-oriented social and economic development, enhancing the inter-relations of policies on protection, proper use and restoration of natural resources, increasing public participation and control in environmental protection through developing a handbook and testing supplementary materials Executing agency: Adiya Ya Contact address: C.P.O.Box-529, Ulaanbaatar-46, adiya_ya@yahoo.com, Phone: 99116264 Project area: Ulaanbaatar Budget: $7,000 Project activities: o Develop text-book, testing materials for self-study o Print testing materials and disseminate to potential users o Organize meeting and discussion with volunteer rangers, officials and staff from central and local environmental agencies and department and state protected area’s administration for review and comments Project progress and results: o Project staff has developed content and structure of handbook and testing materils, including necessary information and data regarding to environment. After studying related materials and documents, creating data and information, checking, they have drafted the text books and testing handbooks. They incorporated comments and suggestions on the draft of books of environmental experts and professors of colleges and universities. o The hand book for voluntary rangers was developed with 6 chapters and self-testing materials. Those chapters include: chronicles of Mongolian environmental protection events, Mongolian biodiversity, links between living organisms and surrounding environment, evolution concepts, info on structure, organization and functions of government and non- government organizations working in the environmental protection and wise use of natural resources; and policies and actions towards environmental protection, reference to voluntary rangers. o handbook with 2,000 copies have been published and distributed according to the list developed by the project team Project impacts As per 2007 data, there are 273 citizens’ partnership organizations, which inlcude 8793 members from 424 families, functioning nation-wide and this handbook play important role in filling in the knowledge gaps and improving their planning for future and performance of these newly established community organization for environmental protection. Curerntly, the demand for this handbook is very high among CSOs and citizens 43 Capacity building of Citizens’ partnerships organizations (SPO) for environmental protection in Khovd aimag (13) Project objective: Organization of Aimag level Conference among citizens’ partnerships for environmental protection to increase their effectiveness on environmental protection and prepare a handbook to guide activity of environmental groups and disseminate nation-wide the printed handbooks to all citizens’ environmental partnerships organizations Executing agency: NGO “Energy –Environment-Sustainable Development Fund” Contact address: Bathuu D, chairman of the Fund. Email: expo2006@yahoo.com, Phone: 99055455 Project area: Hovd aimag and its soums Budget: $ 8,000 Project activities: o Prepare meeting agenda, agree with appropraite experts and professionals, and prepare conference equipment, conference room, meals and other arrangements o Survey of citizen’s partnership orgaizations on their actions for environmental protection and develop proposal for recommendation to improve their efficiency. o Develop a handbook of environmental alliances to provide detailed guidelines on conducting their business. o Disseminate handbook to environmental alliances in each aimag. Project progress and results: o Aimag level conference of environmental alliances that functioning within the Khovd aimag territory has been convened on 30April – 1 May 2008 in Khovd city in cooperation with Khovd aimag environmental authority, Khar-us Nuur Protected area administration and WWF Khovd branch. 30 persons, including representatives of 12 alliances from 8 soums have gathered on the conference to discuss current development of environmental alliances, their successes and problems and further ways to improve the alliance management issues. Upon discussion and review their pros and cons, the recommendations for improving the efficiency of environmental alliances have been developed for follow up actions at the conference. o A handbook to guide the environmental alliances has been prepared in text and publicly discussed by various community experts nation-wide. Upon incorporating all comments and contributions from various actors, the handbook is printed in 2’000 copies and delivered to all registered alliances and relevant organizations throughout Mongolia for their daily use on environmental management. o Recommendations on ways to increase effectiveness of citizen’s partnership orgaizations and local government supports to CPOs have been developed with consultation of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism and civil society experts and included into handbook. Project impact: This project made intellectual investment as well moral support to local CPOs through organizing a conference and facilitating discussions among the members on ways to improve their involvement for environmental protection. The distributed handbook on CPO will be also good contribution among rural citizens to understand adequately and act effectively towards improving environmental protection activities Project is completed successfully. Progress report and a draft handbook were reviewed by monitoring team and it visited project site on 1-7 September 2008. 44 PROJECTS OF CITIZENS PARTNERSHIPS ORGANIZATIONS ON ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Citizens’ partnerships for environmental protection – is a terminology extracted from Mongolian Law on Environmental Protection, which defines that “citizens may voluntarily form a group or partnership based on their common interests to protect surrounding environment of their living area. 2005 amendment to the Law on Environmental Protection included this terminology to encourage local communities and citizens to protect their local environment by forming citizens’ partnership organizations. Many citizen partnerships have emerged since that time and they have a good potential for monitoring on environmental quality and proper use of natural resources. Nowadays, MNE has been working on guideline development to support these emerging citizen groups, which currently lack knowledge, experience and funding to act properly. Seven newly fromed citizen partnerships have applied to NEMO II small grant program. The selection committee has decided to support all proposals from citizens’ partnerships as local initiatives, although their proposals were written weak compared to other applicants due to their lack of skills on writing. Monitoring team has provided guidelines and constantly supports their projects to yield good results. Funding of these 7 projects ranges from 1,000 to 3,000 USD. Visits to the project implementation sites also included into monitoring plan and the purpose of the monitoring is to provide methodological guidelines on fulfilling the project planned activities, on the job training, and skill creating on project proposal writing and reporting. Below are the descriptions and results of implementation of the partnership organizations’ projects. Capacity building for forestry communities of Jargalntkhaan soum (214) Project objective: to build and increase capacity of newly established 7 forestry groups on tree palnting and nursing Grantee: Mr. Gotov N, Chairman of Citizens’ Representrative Hural of Jargaltkhaan soum. He is forestry engineer by background, with long-term stages working in tree nurseries. Phone: 99824223 Project area: Jargalant khaan soum, Khentii aimag Budget: $ 1,000 Project activities: o Capacity building 2-day training on tree plantation, care and creating a tree nursery among 7 forestry communities of this soum has been organized. The grantee, with background on forestry and long term tree nursery experiences, provided lectures and practical training on tree planting and caring for the commuities o Project provided seeds and saplings from nearby tree nursery in Binder soum for 7 forest communities to plant in their plantations Monitoring team visited this area in the middle of September 2008 and met with trainees and their plant sites. They are happy that have got basic knowdelge on planting various tree species including fruit trees and start planting on their own sites next to vegetables. Khairkhanbulag (4) Project objective: to protect spring water source Khairkhanbulag, which is only a drinking water source in this area. The water source is located in the territory of Buren soum, Tuv aimag Grantee: Budsuren B, leader of Citizen partnership “Khairkhanbulag”, which have members of 14 herders’ families 45 Project area: Buren soum, Tuv aimag Budget: $ 3,000 Project activities: o Protection of spring source from being degraded and polluted through creating fences by the community involvement o Plant saplings of trees and shrubs in around spring source to stabilze the soil and support vegetation cover The monitoring team has visited the area on 26 June to assess ongoing project activity. The planned activities have been progressed: water spring area has been fenced and 100 tree seedling have been planted around the water source. Monitoring team members have provided detailed guideline on tree and shrub planting and caring. With proper protection, the water availability of the spring is improved and commuity members care and protect their water source from being polluted by livestock and outsiders. Capacity building of forestry communities in Tunhel village of selenge aimag(37) Project objective: Networking of existing 9 forestry commuities for consolidation of their actions against illegal tree cutting and forest fires, capacity increasing of the communities on tree planting and reforestation Contact address: Mr. Balt, head of local NGO “Khairkhan Erdene” Project area: Tunhel village, Mandal soum, Selenge aimag Budget: $ 3,000 Project activities: o Practical training on planting seedlings of birch, Siberian larch, Siberian elm for 9 community members o Provide seedling and saplings to these communities to plant in their plantation area. o Provide certificate and clothes of volunteer ranger to 10 members from 9 communities for preventive actions against llegal tree cutting and forest fire incidents Project results: the monitoring team has visited the project site and met communities on 10 June. As result of training, each community has grown seedlings and saplings in their own plantations for reforestation and selling to others need in tree planting. Communities were happy that they could grown seedlings by seeds and have enough seedlings for further reforestation. Project was progessing. During our visit, we encountered with the timber thieft case, which was cought by a woman, member of forestry community “Hurgalag”. As we witnessed, close cooperation and coordination of commnunities with police and environmental inspectors are high priority at local level, where illegal cutting occur frequently. Conservation and sustainable use of timber and non-timber forest products (52) Project objective: community actions on forest fire prevention, wildlife conservation, and capacity building of community members on tree plantation Contact address: Mr. Bold-Ochir, head of citizen’s partnership “Munkhkhairkhan” Project area: Huder soum, Selenge aimag Budget: $3,000 Project activities: o Demarcation of boundary of community protection forest area o Study on forest types, resources and distribution, impacts of forest insects o Capacity building training on preventive measures of forest fire and distinguishing 46 o Prepare saplings by seeds for reforestation o Forest fire prevention patrolling in critical areas o Protecting and caring of wildlife habitat areas Project progress: o Boundaries of Forest extends under the care of the community is delinieted o Studies on forest types, resources and distribution as well on impacts of forests insects and preventive measures have been conducted with involvements of research institutions and some results have been produced and presented o Community members have attended a traning session and improved their knowledge and taught how to manage the forest and byproducts to improve their livelihood as well keep the balance of environmental sustainability and intensive human induced acitivities o Mobile patrols have been worked during high fire risk seasons and as a result, there was no fire incident. Although many surrounding forests were affected severe fires due to very dry climate continued unti mid of July. The monitoring team visited the area on 12 June 2008 and met community members and other local citizens and evaluated the project progress. We witnessed how the seed money encouraged the community to make plan and work together and solve the problems as team. 30 community members have been participating in project activity and benefitng from this project. Comment: project went well and on right path. To ensure the sustainability of such project induced impacts, the government needs to have a solid program to support the local communuty actions with methodologies and professional asstance and to coordinate all actions and initiatives of various donor and humanitarian organizations working at grass root level Bilgekh spring - Our water (53) Project objective: to restore only the drinking water sourse –Bilgeh spring degraded and shrinked due to human actions and make surrounding area green so that to provide water constantly to inhabitants and livestock in this area. Executing agency: Citizen’s partnership “Tsogt Hairhan” consists of 10 members from 15 families living in Bor Teeg Bag, Tsogt-Ovoo soum Contact address: Turmunh Ts, Phone: 99134132 Project area: Tsogt-Ovoo soum, Umnugobi aimag Budget: $ 3,000 Project activities: o Fence using locally available materials o 3 persons will be participated in a tree planting training in the aimag center o Buy seed and seedlings for plantation of trees o Protect the water source and ensure that the source is not polluted and constantly provide drinking water for 15 families and their livestock Project results: The moitoring team visited the project site in mid of August 2008. In spite of drought occurred in Umnugobi aimag, project team has planted 100 tree saplings in their site in spring and growing rate of trees was about 90%. The community members bought a water pump and hoses to water their trees planted and also vegetable sites. Community members were happy with what they achieved through the project and that with collective actions they can improve their living area and surouonding environment. 47 Capacity building of community on biodiversity conservation through marmot re-introduction (317) Project objective: To build and strengthen local communities for conservation wild animals and raising their population through re-introduction of 20 marmots from Mongol Altai mountain ranges in area of Chargat Mountain. Executing agency: Ag bash bagh, Durgun soum, Khovd aimag Contact address: Nasan-Erdene B, nasaa_Du@yahoo.com, Phone: 99437203 Project area: Durgun soum, Hovd aimag Budget: $2,141 Disbursement to date: $2,000 Project activities: o To select area for re-introduction of marmots in Durgun soum o To provide guideleines and advice on protection of re-introduced marmots as well as Chargat mountain to the cooperative o To prepare fencing materials o To control and monitor the re-introduction of marmots Project results: Presence of marmots, according to perception of local people, is a sign of a healthy environment with abundant wildlife and therefore this species is culturally and for living of rural Mongolians are valuable as it is. Ag bash bagh selected the area of 1 hectare in Durgun soum for re-introduction of marmots from Mongol Altai mountain ranges. They have made fence surrounding the selected area to ensure that marmots are adopted to live and reproduce them selves naturally. This is an attempt of local people to restore the degraded land. Efforts of local communities to keep the environmental balance by all means is therefore very valuable. The monitoring team assessed re-introduction of species need to be done with strong involvement of biologist and experts. It is too early to say about the result of re-introduction of marmots. Anyway, members of the community hope and try to restore their native land as it was 20 years ago. We have not yet received project final report. Zuun Khairkhan (340) Project objective: Community development on greening and caring surrounding environment. Networking urban area dwellers and herders to increase their knowledge and to improve their surrounding area and pollution reduction by planting trees and protecting spring water. Executing agency: Citizens’ partnership for environmental protection “Delgereh hairhan” with 30 members from 8 families. Contact address: Enkhee, head of “Delgereh Hairhan” community, phone: 99032016 Project area: Ulaanbaatar Budget: $ 3,000 48 Project activities: o Protect the 2 springs with fences that are only the drinking water sources in around these areas from being polluted and degraded by livestock o Plant aspens, seabucktorn and blackberry in the soum center and assist soum people to plant and care fruit trees in their own yards and generate alternative income with fruits o Organize greening activities with involvement of soum Governor office and Citizens Representative Hural and soums citizens for greater awareness raising and skill development for planting trees and restoring degraded areas Project results: o The partnership members have built fences to protect the spring sources from being polluted and shrinked due to careless human activities and livestock pollutions. o Seedlings of Seabucktorn, blackberries planted in the soum center have been grown well with proper care through professional support o Community members and other citizens of this soum actively participated in tree planting for establishing further income generation. Comment: the monitoring team has visited the project site on July 1 and observed the project progress and met with local people to know about the effects the project does. Response was very positive and this type of assistance has created very positive and natural reaction of local people on restoring the environment 49 LESSONS LEARNED Through running the monitoring program, we learned lessons, either very positive or negative that would help us in improving our future small grant program planning and most importantly in having successful results and greater contributions for environmental improvement in Mongolia. These lessons are: o Grantees previous experiences and skills on similar works and capacity do to the job are the main factors that ensure future successes of a proposed project. Good examples include: o Project #2 on practical training program on tree growing and caring in gobi desert region for rural commnunities; o Project #143 Development of methodology and standard of environment genotoxicological analysis and the determination of the bacterial pollution level in air, water and soil in Ulaanbaatar, Arvaikheer and Bayankhongor cities o Proejct #215 Development of web-based info on tree planting o o Project #98 Revision of optimal period for urban heating in view of changing climate o o Projects that had experienced difficulties due to lack of knowledge, skills and experiences on the assigned tasks: o o Project #231 Development of Nalaikh District environmental strategic plan. The project team experienced diffuculty, because they wre not exposed to such a task of strategic planning before. Monitoring team put extra efforts to push and get something done with this project o o Project #134 Protection of spring source of nationally famous place "Mother Rock". Tree planting exercise was largely unsuccessful at the first attempt, due to NGO implementor’s lack of skilled workforce. The monitoring team visited two times this site so that project produces results on the planned activity. Project team and monitoring team agreed to assess the results of tree planting by the next summer. o A project that plans to make an experiment may pose a high risk of failure, if ill-planned. Especially, if the project planned to use imported technology or tools. This was a case with project #224 Utilization of wheat straw and bio-organic wastes to protect the soil from desertification. They planned to import straw –blankets from Germany, which were a main ingredient for conducting experiment. However, project team could not make connection with the first dealer. Then it took 6 months to get the desired blankets come to Mongolia. As result, project team lost time and got the product very expensive. o A project team subcontracted with others to accomplish its planned activities. Although tri-partite agreement does prohibit subcontract to third party, the project team did not follow the agreement. the case is with project #134 Protection of spring source of nationally famous place "Mother Rock". We could cancel the agreement; however substantial work was already ongoing. Therefore we did not want to waste the efforts and resources. o The program had encountered an exclusive case with the project #158 of NGO “Eastern River Movement”, which failed to submit midterm financial and activity reports and as consequent monitoring discovers, it failed to do the job. Currently, we are communicating with relevant officials of Dornod aimag on getting money back we had given to that NGO. o Lastly, we had experienced frequent delays of money transfers to the grantees. Funding transfer goes from Netherlands Government through World Bank to the Ministry of Finance. From the 50 Ministry of Finance to Ministry of Environment and to the project. Delay was observed in every step and this caused slowdown smooth implementation of small projects. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NEXT PROGRAM o The themes of the small grant program need to be shaped and narrowed within the framework of general four themes to address the real needs of local issue and priorities of the government. o The program should focus on more public involvement for environmental management in rural areas, where environmental degradation is accelerating due to human activities o Themes should include more public monitoring for performance of government environmental programs, performance of local environmental staffs and cooperation of government, NGOs and civil society for reducing environmental violence and crimes. o Prevous program pinpoints the need for cooperation of researchers and professionals with local NGOs, and civil society so that to transfer knowledge of professionals to local people and locals be able to use scientific data such as laboratory analysis for monitoring the status of water they use and air they breathe. o To involve professional staff of aimag’s environmental and professional inspection departments and soum environmental inspectors in assisting and providing advices to the projects that are implemented in their territories as well for monitoring project progress and results. Benefits from this involvement are obvouis: local environmental officials have more information on the projects and more interested in project results and monitoring will be more effective and less constly o While announcing the themes of small grants, it needs to inform the public to pay attention on the development of performance indicators in developing project proposal. Familiarity with indicators and ability to make good indicators in turn ensure project success ** ** ** 51 ANNEX 1 Two groups of grant projects that are presenting their results at the Public open days on 16 and 17 December 2008 THEMATIC AREA: IMPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AT NATIONAL AND LOCAL LEVELS o Development of EIA methodology (262) o Development of methodological standard to define some heavy metal components in air, water and soil. (304) o Development of ecological and economic valuation of birds of Mongolia (230) o Development of methodological standard for environmental genotoxicological analyses (143) o Development of model environmental strategic plan of aimags at the example of Dornogobi aimag (61) o Developing the participatory impact monitoring tool for soil and water conservation activities (216) o Regional Action Plan for combating desertificarion (217) o Development Dariganga National Park management plan (72) o Revision of optimal period for urban heating in view of changing climate (98) o Development of Nalaikh District environmental strategic plan (231) o Integrated planning of environmental protection and restoration at the mining deposit area (130) PUBLIC AWARENESS RAISING, PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND TRAINING TO IMPROVE LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT o Promotion of ecological education of children through a “Comic book -2" (94) o Forest and water (2) o Participation of secondary school eco-clubs in environmental protection (190) o "Youth to Youth" environmental education (51) o Environmental journalist club (213) o Public awareness raising on rare and endangered plant species of surrounding four mountains of Ulaanbaatar city (164) o Development of web-based info on tree planting (215) o Development of database of chemical substances used Mongolia and translate and input all relevant safety information (219) o Hand book for voluntary rangers with testing manuals (100) o Capacity building of Citizens’ partnerships for environmental protection in Khovd aimag (13) o Desertification alleviation through improving household energy efficiency, use of solar energy and liguified gases and changing an old habit of firewood collection to application of energy saving technologies(180) o Green path (273) o Development of "New Era" air pollution reduction mechanism (212) 52 AGENDA FOR AN OPEN DAY: PUBLIC DISCUSSION OF SMALL GRANTS RESULTS Venue: Conference room of the Open Society Forum Dates: 16th and 17th December 208 Duration: 4 hours, 2-6 PM 16 December 2008 2.00 – 2.15 PM Opening of the Public open day event Speech: o Mr. Erdenetsogt, Vice Minister, MNET, National Project Director, Environmental Reform Project o A WB representative o A OSF/ monitoring committee member 2.15 – 2. 45 PM Exhibits of results of small grant projects Session of individual project presentation under the theme: IMPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AT NATIONAL AND LOCAL LEVELS Moderator: N.Erdenesaikhan 2.45- 3.00 PM Development of EIA methodology (262) 3.00- 3.15 PM Development of methodological standard to define some heavy metal components in air, water and soil. (304) 3.15- 3.30 PM Development of ecological and economic valuation of birds of Mongolia (230) 3.30-3.45 PM Development of methodological standard for environmental genotoxicological analyses (143) 3.45-4.00 PM Development of model environmental strategic plan of aimags at the example of Dornogobi aimag (61) 4.00- 4.15 PM Tea Break/ exhibition/ Children’s painting contest results 4.15- 4.30 PM Developing the participatory impact monitoring tool for soil and water conservation activities (216) 4.30- 4.45 PM Regional Action Plan for combating desertification (217) 4.45- 5.00 PM Development Dariganga National Park management plan (72) 5.00-5.15 PM Revision of optimal period for urban heating in view of changing climate (98) 5.15 -5.30 PM Development of Nalaikh District environmental strategic plan (231) 5.30 -5.45 PM Integrated planning of environmental protection and restoration at the mining deposit area (130) 5.45 – 6.00 PM Drinking water purification through fluorine reduction in Sukhbaatar soum of Sukhbaatar aimag (183) 6.00 – 6.30 PM Discussion/feedbacks/future themes for small grants 53 Closing 6.30 PM 17 December 2008 2.00 – 2.15 PM Opening of the Public open day event and exhibits of results of small grant projects Session of individual project presentation under the theme: PUBLIC AWARENESS RAISING, PARTICIPATION AND TRAINING FOR IMPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Moderator: N.Erdenesaikhan 2.15-2.30 PM Promotion of ecological education of children through a “Comic book -2" (94) 2.30- 2.45 PM Forest and water (2) 2.45- 3.00 PM Participation of secondary school eco-clubs in environmental protection (190) 3.00 -3.15 PM Environmental journalist club (213) 3.15-3.30 PM "Youth to Youth" environmental education (51) 3.30-3.45 PM Public awareness rising on rare and endangered plant species of surrounding four mountains of Ulaanbaatar city (164) 3.45- 4.00 PM Tea Break/ exhibition 4.00- 4.15 PM Development of web-based info on tree planting (215) 4.15- 4.30 PM Development of database of chemical substances of Mongolia and translate and input all relevant safety information (219) 4.30- 4.45 PM Hand book for voluntary rangers with testing manuals (100) 4.45-5.00 PM Desertification alleviation through improving household energy efficiency, use of solar energy and liquefied gases and changing an old habit of firewood collection to application of energy saving technologies(180) 5.00 -5.15 PM Capacity building of Citizens’ partnerships for environmental protection in Khovd aimag (13) 5.15 -5.30 PM Green paths (273) 5.30– 5.45 PM Development of "New Era" air pollution reduction mechanism (212) 5.45 – 6.15 PM Discussion/feedbacks/future themes Closing 6.15 PM 54