67772 Mauritius: Private Sector Competitiveness Development Policy Loan (DPL) SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Meeting of the Executive Directors March 27, 2012 With regard to the Private Sector Competitiveness Development Policy Loan, Executive Directors approved this DPL to the Republic of Mauritius in an amount of GBP 9.6 million (US$ 15 million equivalent) on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (R2012-0041). Directors commended the Authorities for the sound macroeconomic management that provided the country with the resilience at the onset of the global economic crisis. They further noted that reforms were necessary for Mauritius to maintain its growth potential. Directors also commented on the role of IFC in support to the Development Bank of Mauritius. Executive Directors emphasized the importance of addressing the challenge of economic and external risks to the operation and encouraged the continued collaboration with other development partners.  This summary is not an approved record.