East -West Roads Project Balkhash- Burylbaital section (KM 1855 – КМ 2152) Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background The Committee for Roads within the Ministry of Investment and Development (MID) of the Republic of Kazakhstan is currently implementing the Centre-South Road Reconstruction Project (CSRP) which covers the road corridor between Astana and Almaty. The proposed project, Balkhash-Burylbaital section is a 297 km section of CSRP corridor which passes through the territory of Karaganda and Zhambyl oblasts (Map 1), will be considered for financing under the East-West Road Project (EWRP) currently proposed for restructuring. In accordance with the requirements of the Government of Kazakhstan, the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report was prepared for the 297 km road (6 sections) from Balkhash to Burylbaital (1855-2152 km). A draft detailed Environmental and Social Management Plan for these 6 sections have been cleared and disclosed in country and on the World Bank external website on June 1, 2017. Both the CSRP and the EWRP projects are assigned an environmental Category «A». Accordingly, the ESIA report structure has been prepared as suggested by the World Bank’s operational policies and related guidelines triggering policies OP 4.01 Environmental Assessment, and OP 4.11 Physical Cultural Resources. Based on the impact analysis addressed in the original ESIA, the current ESMP for the noted road sections acknowledges the proximity of the sensitive natural habitats and measures relevant to the OP 4.04 Natural Habitat and is now triggered; it also considers and follows the WBG EHS guidelines. This ESMP work has been carried out by the Environmental Team experts from «KazdorNII» BJSC (Astana) together with the Appointed Sub-Consultant of «KazCEP» LLP in accordance with the Terms of Reference agreed with the Committee for Roads. Map 1. Road section from Balkhash to Burylbaital as a part of Astana- Almaty road Component 1 finances construction works including the financing of reconstruction of 297 km of existing road - Balkhash – Burylbaital road section (1855-2152). Apart from minor deviations to improve geometry or bypass villages and towns, the improved road will largely follow the existing alignment. However, the original right of way of 40 m will be widened to 70 m along the entire length of the road, and the road itself will become four lanes, instead of two. In addition, it is planned to construct an associated infrastructure which will include bus shelters, pedestrian crossings, interchanges, bridges, drainage structures, and road safety structures. Balkhash – Burylbaital road section (1855-2152) has been divided into 6 design lots as described in the table below No. of Section/Lot Length from Length Design Road section and to, of each completion section on Km section, date oblasts km 1 «Balkhash-Gulshat» 1855-1905 50 September 2016 2 «Gulshat-Tasaral» 1905-1955 50 September 2016 Karaganda 3 «Tasaral-Saryshagan» 1955-2005 50 November 2016 4 «Saryshagan- 2005-2069 64 July 2016 Mynaral» 5 «Mynaral-Ulken» 2069-2105 36 September Zhambyl 2016 6 «Ulken-Burylbaital» 2105-2152 47 April 2016 Total: 297 Component 1 also includes financing of consulting services for engineering supervision of civil works. Land acquisition and road design costs will be financed separately by the state budget. Component 2 – Traffic Safety and Development (Preliminary data: total as per Feasibility Study is US$1.1 million, IBRD US$935 thousand) This component will identify and prioritize actions to improve road safety, through various types of audits and information databases. Component 3: Project Management and Construction Supervision (Preliminary data: total as per Feasibility Study is US$22 million, IBRD US$19 million) Relevant Project Management (PMC) and Construction Supervision (CSC) Consultants will be involved under this Component. PMC will assist the Implementing Agency in project implementation, monitoring, procurement process, tenders and preparation of necessary documents in accordance with the Bank’s policy. CSC will provide quality control services for the performed works, the applied materials and in coordination of the reconstruction. The purpose and the scope of the ESMP This ESMP builds up on the ESIA report prepared and approved by the World Bank in 2015 and also incorporates issues that came up during the additional analysis, in particular, the proximity of the sensitive natural habitats and relevant mitigation measures, as well as the requirements of the World Bank Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) guidelines. The ESMP mainly describes the baseline environmental and social conditions, potential negative impacts from the proposed activities and the agreed environmental and social mitigation and monitoring measures. In addition, it outlines the structure of environmental responsibilities and reporting and the requirements for public consultations and disclosure. The minutes of the public consultations with stakeholders that were conducted in several locations along the project alignment in April 2017 are included as attachments of the main report. Triggered World Bank Safeguard Policies Environmental Assessment OP/BP 4.01. Potential negative impacts associated with construction activities will include temporary loss of the top soil and land disturbance during the operation of the borrow pits, generation of waste (construction waste, household waste and wastewater from construction camps), soil erosion dust, noise and vibration. There is also a potential impact on groundwater and surface water from excessive turbidity and siltation, accidental spills of fuel and lubricants from the trucks and construction equipment. Moreover, there is a potential risk of disruption of natural habitats and ecosystems by poor construction management. Natural Habitats OP/BP 4.04. The project impact on flora and fauna is expected to be insignificant. Birds and animals are generally found far away from the existing alignment. There are no regular or seasonal mass migrations of animals observed in the project area. However, a small section of the alignment (27 km) runs along the border of Zhusandaly State Nature Protection Area which includes various categories of protected zones including Strict Nature Reserves and is a natural habitat for several vulnerable species. The project is not expected to have significant adverse impacts on critical natural habitat. Physical Cultural Resources (PCR) OP/BP 4.11. This OP/BP is triggered because several PCR objects have been found in the construction area located within the distance of 200 meters from the road. Therefore, these sites might directly be affected by the project. The Action Plan for the Research and Preservation of Archaeological Sites was prepared by the Client and mitigation measures acknowledged in the ESMP. Involuntary Resettlement OP/BP 4.12. This policy covers the direct economic and social impacts caused by the involuntary land acquisition resulting in (i) relocation or loss of shelter; (ii) loss of assets or access to assets; or (iii) loss of income sources or means of livelihood, forced displacement of persons affected; or the involuntary restriction of access to legally designated parks and protected areas resulting in adverse social impacts. Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) has been prepared for this section. A Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) is a stand-alone-document prepared by “KazdorNII” JSC and approved by the Committee for Roads (MID). Site specific RAP will be finalized upon completion of the detailed design of the road section according to the completed list of properties, businesses and the people affected by the road construction. Baseline Environment and Social Conditions The project corridor runs through the Kazakh Uplands area and along the northern and eastern shore of the Lake Balkhash. The Climate varies from moderate in the West, to arid in the East, with clear continental character, cold winters and hot, dry summers, precipitation occurring in relatively short periods in spring and fall. Surface waters in the project area, except the Lake Balkhash, are mainly seasonal springs fed by the snow melt and rains. The groundwater table is high due to the proximity of the Lake Balkhash. There are no rivers, adjacent to international watercourses. The road runs through the desert and semi-desert ecosystems dominated by drought resistant species of plants and animals. None of these species are vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered according to IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and there are no critical natural habitats identified in the project area of influence. A small section of the road, approximately 27 km in Moiynkum District of Zhambul oblast, runs along the border of Zhusandaly State Nature Protection Area. This area includes various categories of protected areas including the IUCN Cat Ia Strict Nature Reserve, which is, however, located far from the project territory. Most of the area of Zhusandaly is a protected area with a sustainable use of natural resources (IUCN Cat VI) where low-level non-industrial use of natural resources is permitted. Most of the settlements located along the road corridor are involved in human activity traditional for this area, such as cattle-breeding and farming. There is irrigated agriculture along the road section from Balkhash town to Burylbaital village. The entire project corridor shows anthropogenic impact mainly in forms of animal husbandry and agriculture. The project does not provide any transformation of pristine, untouched habitats. However, settlements that are located close to the road alignment may require installation of noise protection screens. As a result of the archaeological survey conducted by the State Institute for Archaeology, only one burial mound (PCR) was identified. It is called Kashkan-Teniz and is located 6 km to the North from the proposed route. Local Population and Social and Economic Situation For all settlements situated along the proposed road corridor section, impacts have been evaluated for land use, road infrastructure, water supply network, power and gas supply, health, education, culture and sport facilities, as well as industry and business. During site visits and meetings with local residents, no impact on minority groups has been mentioned. The principal negative impacts are:  The proposed road can be a potential obstacle for farmer’s machinery and cattle movements,  In some locations, the proposed road can be a potential obstacle for reaching schools, stores and other local facilities,  During construction, water, electricity and gas supplies to the inhabitants and farms might be affected by the project,  During construction drainage and irrigation system, the fields can be affected potentially,  Influx of workers,  Land acquisition and involuntary resettlement may cause adverse impacts on Project Affected Persons (PAPs), particularly if the process is not managed properly,  During the construction, some restrictions to land use of PAPs might occur,  Land acquisition and construction of the road may negatively impact on the livelihoods of PAPs in terms of agricultural production The principal positive impacts are:  The new road will provide a better connection with the rest of the districts, the regions and the country.  The widened dual carriageway will revive local economy, as it will facilitate to the construction of new stores, restaurants, bars, petrol stations, local grocery stores. Impacts and their mitigation Climate and air quality. Impacts on air quality and climate will include air emissions from the construction equipment and road plants, and generation of dust from moving vehicles and equipment. The impacts will be mitigated by the good equipment maintenance practices and locating the plants away from the residential and protected areas. During the dry season the roads will be watered for dust suppression. The construction contractors will develop the Environmental Monitoring Program required by the RoK Environmental Code. Parameters to be monitored following the World Bank EHS Guidelines including nitrogen oxides, inorganic dust, sulfur oxide, carbon, PM10, PM2.5 and carbon monoxide. Noise and vibration. Impact of noise and vibration is expected to be insignificant. It will be generated by the construction machinery and equipment, cement-concrete and asphalt concrete plants, crushers. The contractors will implement regular noise and vibration assessments and provide workers with the noise protection PPE. The noise from the moving vehicles will be reduced by implementing speed control measures. Equipment and plants maintenance is another measure to reduce noise and vibration. Impacts on water. The road crosses two rivers, which are usually dry in the summer. Two bridges and more than 200 culverts will be constructed along the alignment. During construction, the water for technical needs will be taken directly from the Lake Balkhash. Thus, potential impacts include pollution with fuel and lubricant through a runoff from the construction sites and at the water intake points. Other impacts include ground water pollution at the borrow pits and pollution of the aquifers by the sewage water from the construction camps. The parking areas near water will be equipped with the proper lining which will be removed after construction is over. The water for technical needs will be taken from the designated intake areas also equipped with containment lining and fenced. Drinking water will be delivered by the designated contractors from the existing water supply system. Sewage will be removed from the construction camps by designated contractors. Impacts on land. The project includes the use of twenty-six new borrow pits. Excavation of borrow pits is one of the major factors of the adverse environmental impacts. This includes a temporary loss of the topsoil, impacts on the landscape, impacts on the ground waters, possible impacts on natural habitats. Explosions and noise from the moving vehicles may scare away the animals and birds. In order to avoid negative environmental consequences, any use of unauthorized borrow pits will be forbidden. The project design documentation describes the coordinates of the designated borrow pits. These locations have been approved by the State agencies responsible for the safety of land resources. Contractors will perform land reclamation to return the land to its original condition including the restitution of slopes, backfilling and re-vegetation. Impacts on the ecosystems, flora and fauna include impacts on vegetation along the alignment and the disturbance of fauna in the area of influence of the construction works. Though the impacts on migratory species is expected to be minimal, The Committee for Roads and their Contractors will consult with the international experts on migratory species when constructing crossing points and underpasses. Illegal hunting around the project area will be prohibited. The contractors will be informed about the proximity of the Zhusandaly National Protected Area and security measures will be implemented to eliminate construction activities (including borrow pits) and the movement of transport within the boundaries of the protected area. Since the road will run on the existing road, it is expected not to have a considerable negative impact on rare or endangered species as we well as critical natural habitats. Impacts on Physical Cultural Resources are not expected to be significant since no PCRs were identified in close proximity to the road. However, Contractors shall observe the appropriate procedures in case of chance finds. In case of chance finds, the works will be immediately stopped and staff of the Department of Cultural Heritage and Art at the Ministry of Culture and Sports will be invited to conduct a further investigation. Traffic Safety. With an expected increase in traffic during the construction and operation of the road, the traffic accident rate may also increase, specifically at the road sections, located close to settlements and crossings with secondary and the bypass roads. The impact will be mitigated by the speed limit enforcement, correct road marking and signage, provision of the underpasses to the cattle and ship, and use of the construction trucks only at the designated secondary roads. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) issues include a wide range of various risks including traffic accidents, injuries resulted from the strokes by moving equipment, falls from height, health issues related to hygiene on campus and other. Contractors will develop their site-specific OHS plans that will reflect site hazards and associated risks in terms of probability and significance of harm. This plan will prioritize the mitigation measures and reduce the risk to the level as low as reasonably practicable. Contractors will also provide training events to raise the awareness on the HIV/ AIDS and implement strict security measures prohibiting alcohol and trespassers in the camp. Detailed mitigation measures and the relevant monitoring activities are presented in the relevant Environmental mitigation plan and the environmental monitoring management plan (tables below). Land acquisition and Resettlement The proposed Project entails land acquisition and associated impacts, as is to be expected in a highway project for the potential bypasses and alignments. The projected road expansion from 2 to 4 lane will go along the existing road alignment other than the proposed by-passes, thus number of people who will be affected by the project in connection to the existing road rehabilitation and reconstruction will be minimal. On this road section state lands and rented lands fall under acquisition, including the temporary allotment. Landowners of the rented lands as compensation are proposed alternative land sections instead of acquiring land plots. Private lands are not subject to acquisition for reconstruction of road. 1433.772 ha and 942.028 ha accordingly are subject to permanent and temporary allotment for reconstruction of road. In addition, landowners of the acquired lands on these section prefer to get alternative land sections instead of acquired and according to the acting legislation of the RoK the local executive body provided them with alternative land plots of equivalent values. There are no built structures or properties in these lands and they are used only for grazing or pasture lands for cattle and other livestock. In this regard, budget of resettlement at the moment includes only expenses on processing of state acts to land. On these road sections landowners gave written agreement for submission of equal alternative land sections. Submitting alternative land sections are similar (equivalent) with the similar productive value and are in a direct proximity. No of 23 landowners does not lose the income, the authorities submit the alternative land section to them, which are already determined and approved by landowners. In case if lands of the temporary allotment pass to the category of the constant allotment, then the rights to compensation as for the constant allotment will be guaranteed to them (compensation for the constant allotment or at will and approval of the owner submitted the alternative equivalent land sections paid). Furthermore, facilities (cafes, stores, houses etc.) including illegal constructions are not subject to project impact area. Reconstruction of the road will require temporary land use for the entire period of construction to accommodate concentrated off-the-way borrows soil, construction camps, parking areas for road- building equipment and road-building materials warehousing sites. However, some of these impacts cannot be verified accurately at this stage. The main adverse impact would be loss of grazing lands and all the affected persons will be provided with alternative pasture lands in the same locality. Lands that required for construction of camps and borrow pits to be acquired from the State and/or obtained through rental agreement on a temporary basis by the contractor, in case of private land. It has been agreed that the ccontractor pays cash compensation for rental and materials at market rates for the lands acquired. All the lands acquired temporarily and on rental basis will restored to original status at end of rental. The RAP will specify the procedures to be followed by the Government of Kazakhstan through the Committee for Roads (CfR) and the Ministry of Investment and Development (MID), as well as actions that will be taken for proper resettlement and compensation payment to the Affected Persons. The document provides description of the land, households and businesses that will be affected by property acquisition. The RAP's objective is to mitigate the negative impacts of land acquisition and displacement, as well as to set out the entitlements of different categories of affected persons, paying particular attention to the most vulnerable ones. The RAP will be applied to all affected persons regardless whether or not they have legally registered title to the land. The severity of the impact will however affect the nature of the compensation and other assistance provided. The RAP document will be the result of various phases of public hearings, data collection and analyses. The RAP's requirements are binding to both the Government of Kazakhstan through the Committee for Roads and the Contractors involved in the Project implementation. Labor influx and management of worker camps The construction activities require both skilled and unskilled labor. As per the experience from pervious road sections completed through Bank funds, contractors may accompany a sizable number of outside labor force (It is difficult make an estimate on actual size/number required at this stage). Nevertheless, influx of labor will be kept minimal and project will employ local labor force as much as possible for construction works. The road sections completed under the previous Bank support shows that the labor camps established by the contractors are managed well and no reported incidence of adverse social impacts or disputes with local communities. A specific GRM will be established at local community and camp level to address issues related to labor camp management. “Good Practices” and experience of previous road construction projects will be replicated in managing labor camps and to minimize risks related to labor influx. Public Hearings and Information Disclosure The Client and the EIA Consultant have conducted public hearings on ESIA Terms of Reference between June and November 2015 in the residential areas along the project route including the villages of Aksu-Ayuly, Akshatau, Saryshagan Gulshat, Kurminka, Kashkanteniz and Shyganak and the city of Balkhash. The second round of public consultations was organized on the draft ESIA during May and June 2016. The finalized ESIA was disclosed locally and in the Infoshop in June 2016. The latest public hearings were conducted on the draft ESMP between April 17 and April 21, 2017. All materials were published at the Western Europe – Western China website (www.europe- china.kz) in Russian and English languages. Conclusion The proposed road reconstruction project will have low to moderate environmental and social impacts. With appropriate mitigation measures during the project construction phase, the impacts referred to in this report, will be appropriately managed and the risks will be reduced to the level as low as reasonably practicable. The improvement and widening of Balkhash – Burylbaital road section will bring social and economic benefits to the communities living along the alignment. Under the developed ESMP, the project will be acceptable ecologically in accordance with environmental legislation. The final RAP will be prepared and specify all mitigation measures to minimize potential social impacts and alternative solution for temporary restrictions to people and livelihood activities during constructions. A project specific Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) has been established and will be available to all affected persons to submit grievances, if any. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN: MONITORING AND INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY: BALKHASH – BURYLBAITAL ROAD SECTION (km 1855-2152) IMPACTs during construction stage, MITIGATION MEASURES, MONITORING AND RESPONSIBILITY LONG CATEGORY POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANCE LOCAL IMPACTS MITIGATION RESPONSIBILITY MONITORING RESPONSIBILITY TERM IMPACT IMPACT 1.Air quality Air pollution: Potentially significant, Generally, in the main All vehicles and the equipment The contractor shall bear Regular (monthly) Contractors Long term emissions from especially during dry area of construction, the used in construction have to be the responsibility for monitoring by licensed Construction impact is construction season existing roads or bypass modern, be appropriately implementation of laboratories at Supervision Consultant limited machinery and roads; maintained and used according mitigation measures. designated sampling (CSC)/Engineer equipment, emissions Potential impact on to recommendations of Supervision Engineer points and on-site from cement-concrete, adjacent villages manufacturers. monitors the compliance compliance checks by asphalt-concrete Local impacts on sites in All access and bypass roads with mitigation plan. Construction plants, crushers, etc. Karaganda and Zhambyl have to be watered. Supervision Dust: oblasts is not predicted All plants/dust-generating Consultant (CSC), from construction equipment should be in good Engineer and local activity repair and be located at environmental borrow pits and distance from all sensitive protection authorities. crushers zones. The sampling points transportation of will be defined by the materials Project monitoring programs, which will be developed by individual contractors and are required by the law. Parameters to be monitored follow the EHS Guidelines including: nitrogen oxides, inorganic dust, sulfur oxide, carbon, PM10, PM2.5 and carbon monoxide. Meteorological parameters during sampling include air temperature, emission rate, atmospheric pressure and air humidity. 2. Noise and Noise from Potentially significant The area of construction, All vehicles and the equipment The contractor shall Regular (monthly) Contractors (through No long vibration construction access and bypass roads. being in use in construction bear responsibility for monitoring, licensed laboratories) term machinery and Potential impact on have to be modern, regularly implementation of implemented by Construction impact equipment nearby residential areas. maintained and used according mitigation measures. certified laboratory in Supervision Consultant Noise from cement- Potential impact on to recommendations of the Supervision Engineer specified places of (CSC)/Engineer concrete and asphalt villages and settlements manufacturers. monitors the compliance selection of tests and with mitigation plan. Construction concrete plants, Local impacts on All plants/noise making Supervision crushers, etc. Karaganda and Zhambyl equipment have to be in good Consultant (CSC), Transport noise on the oblasts are not predicted. repair and locate at distance Engineer and local access roads from settlements. authorities (EP and Any types of works during SES bodies) on-site. night time near villages and settlements in Karaganda and Zhambyl oblasts should be prohibited. Speed limit of 60 km/h for all construction equipment shall be enforced. 3. Water, drainage Pollution by a runoff Influence is from Potential impacts on the Committee for Roads, Committee for Roads, Regular (monthly) Contractors (through Long-term system and floods from the construction moderate to adjacent rivers Committee on water resources Committee of water monitoring by licensed licensed laboratories) impacts are sites in the areas of insignificant. Places of (construction of artificial and Akimats of districts in resources and Akimats laboratories at Construction possible in bridges construction is water intakes from bridges) consultation with contractors. of districts in designated sampling Supervision Consultant case of possible wells (drinking water Potentially – entire The contractor shall provide consultation with points and on-site (CSC), Engineer non- and technical water) alignment water intake only from contractors. compliance checks by Committee on water execution Pollution of will be agreed with Areas of location of designated sources after the The contractor shall bear Construction resources of underground waters at Committee on Water construction camps receiving of special permission responsibility for Supervision mitigation pits/quarries Resources. for water use implementation of Consultant (CSC), measures (accidental spills) Pollution of Good management at mitigation measures. Engineer and Regional Pollution of surface underground waters is construction sites. Construction office of the and underground water unlikely as deep soil Areas of potential pollution of Supervision Consultant Committee on Water sewage from camps excavation isn't rivers will be designed to (CSC), Engineer Resources implement planned. prevent accidental spills and monitors the compliance control on site. Pollution from runoff and protected by with mitigation plan. Controlled parameters construction camps sediment basins. include: pH, density, can be from moderate Sewage at construction camps resistance, solid to significant will be collected in septic residues, chlorides, reservoir and nitrogen nitrogen, transported/discharged at nitrate nitrogen, wastewater treatment plants. fluorine, insoluble matter, etc (e.g., all applicable feasible water parameters referenced in the EHS Guidelines) 4. Erosion and Soil erosion (wind and Potential impacts are Local impacts are All recommended methods on The contractor shall Contractors together Contractors Erosion is pollution of soils water) due to removal low to medium expected only in the reduction and elimination of an bear responsibility for with Construction Construction possible if and subsoil layers of vegetation and (excavation works and areas of borrow pits and erosion were included in the implementation of Supervision Supervision Consultant there is no topsoil is possible. operation of borrow earthworks on program of construction mitigation measures. Consultant during (CSC), Engineer proper Pollution of the soil pits). embankment along the Construction methods on Construction periodic visual the Committee for manageme and subsoil layers as a alignment. reduction or elimination of Supervision Consultant inspection (twice a Roads nt and result of construction pollution of soils and subsoil (CSC), Engineer monitor week) prevention and accidental spills. layers. the compliance with during All temporarily used lands have design impact reduction constructio to be restored/ reinstated to the plan. n. initial condition according to the legislation 5. Flora and fauna Impacts on vegetation Potential impacts are Moderate loss of Culverts, cattle underpasses The contractor shall Regular monitoring of Contractors No and the sensitive and along the alignment. Low to Medium planting. and bridges will serve as bear the responsibility proper vegetation and Construction significant protected territories Disturbance of fauna Temporary Illegal hunting is crossing points for wild for implementation of rational topsoil Supervision Consultant long-term in the area of influence disturbance of birds possible animals. the mitigation measures. management shall be (CSC)/Engineer impact on of the construction and animals in the Illegal hunting around the Construction carried out by the Local Committee of flora and works immediate proximity project area will be prohibited. Supervision Consultant Contractor. forest management and fauna is to the construction (CSC), Engineer shall Construction wildlife expected sites, concrete plants, monitor the compliance Supervision crushers or borrow pits with design impact Consultant (CSC), is possible. reduction plan. Engineer shall monitor the compliance with design impact reduction plan. 6. Social / Economic Land loss/land Potential impacts are There are cases of land Land acquisition will be carried Contractors CfR, Akimats/local Regular monitoring of Long-term / Farmers acquisition low to moderate (open space land) out according to the legislation Akimats authorities and possible impacts on consequenc Possibility of Employment acquisition along the of Kazakhstan and contractors farmers shall be carried es are employment during opportunities emerge alignment Resettlement Action Plan out by Construction possible if construction for local population (RAP) Supervision Engineer cattle Inconvenience for Potential impacts on Encouragement of hiring of Committee for Roads crossings farmers (cattle farmers (animal local labor will monitor the are not crossing the road) husbandry) Consideration with local compensation payment built Loss of trade along the population on additional cattle to the affected persons. road crossings as required (October 2014) Compensation for loss of income should be paid or other appropriate mechanisms will be put in place according to the legislation of Kazakhstan and RAP 7. Historical and Based on research Potential impacts on Potential indirect Contractors shall observe the The contractor will be Construction Construction Provided archeological results in zone of road burial grounds along impacts on appropriate procedures in case responsible for fencing Supervision Supervision Consultant that all monuments passing on section km the road archaeological sites if of chance findings. According of the archaeological Consultant (CSC)/Engineer and laws will 1855-2152 the such are identified to the state procedures, works monuments, burial (CSC)/Engineer, local authorized be Historical and cultural will be immediately stopped, grounds and for authorities and representatives of the observed heritage were not for studying, record and relocation of memorial authorized Department of Cultural and the revealed. excavation. monuments representatives of the Heritage and Art of the specified In case of finds of Department of Ministry of Culture archaeologi additional discovery, the Cultural Heritage and and Sport cal sites Contractor should Art of the Ministry of will be immediately inform the Culture and Sport will fenced and Department of Cultural check compliance with memorial Heritage and Art of the this plan and place Ministry of Culture and procedures in case of marks Sport on any found finds discovery. relocated, artifacts or remains, and long-term stop all construction influence is works and notify the not authorities on cultural expected. heritage. Protection of other monuments is responsibility of institutions on protection of cultural and archaeological heritage (i.e. Ministry of Culture and Sport) 8. Traffic safety The traffic volume on Potential impact is Road sections, located Speed limit enforcement Committee of road Regular monitoring No long- the main road can from low to medium close to settlements and Correct road marking and traffic police of the MIA and reporting of any Construction term affect the traffic safety places of access/bypass signage shall be erected of the RK accidents and Supervision Consultant impacts roads joining the main Informing of local population. Contractors complaints (CSC)/Engineer road Responsible actions of the Committee of road contractor. traffic police of the Organization of additional MIA of the RK crosswalks, if necessary. Compliance with occupational safety rules during construction to minimize potential impact on local communities: Construction machinery shall adhere to the agreed access roads and comply with speed restrictions Installation of information plates in relation to threats to public safety and information about contact entities in case of emergency situations Prevention of impacts of dangerous materials and waste that are located at the site on the population Accounting of livestock which temporarily cross the site territory and road and interfere with traffic These measures shall be a part of the Construction Plans for Environmental Management, which shall include traffic management plans 9. Waste Generation of the Potential impact is low Potential impacts near Construction debris will be Contractor in Construction Construction Provided management construction debris to medium construction camps used (if technically possible) cooperation with local Supervision Supervision Consultant that all and household wastes for roadbed construction. authorities Consultant (CSC) and local waste will which are subject to Household waste must be (CSC)/Engineer authorities be exported landfill disposal. regularly exported from the should carry out to the section to the designated regular monthly designated landfills monitoring of sites and landfills, Hazardous waste should be activities on waste long-term properly managed and management impacts are discarded by licensed companies at specific landfills not assigned by expected regions/municipalities 10. Borrow pits and Borrow pits: Potential impacts are Considerable local Location of borrow pits and Contractors Regular monthly and Construction Provided access roads Local violations in possible. Existing pits impacts near pits and access roads have to be Regional offices of the special monitoring of Supervision Consultant that environment, have been already access roads are coordinated prior to the works Committee for any influences, cases and local authorities impacts are especially dust and defined, however possible. commencement construction, housing and complaints mitigated noise from equipment additional borrow pits Only borrow pits approved by and utilities properly, and vehicles. will be required: local authorities can be used, infrastructure and land Where applicable, the long-term Inconveniences for Locations of access together with the plan of works resources management borrow pits used to source influences agricultural activity roads have to be on closing and reclamation of the RK construction materials are not should undergo a closure Access roads: coordinated with local process including expected. Inconveniences for authorities within 2 backfilling and agricultural activity weeks after the revegetation activities beginning of works. following construction 11. Health and Air, noise pollution, Medium As a rule, the existing Compliance with health and Contractor Regular (daily) Contractors No long- Safety operating environment and bypass roads at the safety requirements in monitoring of personal term risks main construction site; accordance with the laws of the safety among workers Construction impacts RoK and the WBG. Supervision Consultant Potential impacts on the (CSC)/Engineer employees of the Develop an integrated program contractor and nearby of occupational health and villages safety measures, which will be in line with the national laws, monitoring and management systems, covering any works under the Project. The system shall include the following: Analysis and control of specific risks Requirements for personal protection equipment and compulsion mechanisms Assignment and introduction of areas for smoking Training of the entire personnel in safety using their language Review of contactors’ plans for occupational health and safety, orientated on the standards same as the plans of the design company Control over development/implementation of occupational safety and safety measures of the contractor, including compulsory reporting to CSC. Account, including common operating hours, lost operating hours due to accidents, description of time loss cases, admission to hospitals, fatal cases Instructions for exchange of information for risks, prevention of accidents, etc. Requirements for labor protection shall be followed by all parties, involved in the Project construction and operation. 12. Contractor’s Increase in health Medium As a rule, existing and Issuance of the Code of Contractors Regular (daily) Contractors No long- construction camps problems among the bypass roads on the main Conduct to workers, training monitoring of personal term community and construction section; and creation of information safety among workers Construction impacts workers, particularly educational campaigns in Supervision Consultant STD such as relation to dissemination and Potential impacts on the (CSC)/ Engineer and HIV/AIDS and STD transmission of STD and nearby villages HIV/AIDS for construction local authorities workers and local communities living near the construction Experts for HIV/AIDS camps. programs Ensuring free distribution and provision of contraceptives to construction workers by the Contractor to avoid dissemination of STD and HIV/AIDS Place informative posters and brochures about HIV/AIDS using local languages in crowded places, at coach stations, schools and roadsides to minimize dissemination of HIV/AIDS. Sanitary and necessary requirements for training of construction workers in accordance with the laws of Kazakhstan, control and assessment of HIV/AIDS program: proper storage and handling of dangerous substances and condition of wearing protective clothing for workers. Construction contract shall include the provision about the Contractor’s obligation to provide a first aid station in the construction camp, and that qualified paramedical personnel shall be permanently full-time employed. Simple first aid materials for different minor injuries shall be available at any time for all construction sites; etc. 13. Closure process Impact on soil, land, Medium impact At the borrow pits Where applicable, the borrow Contractor or Owner of Monitoring of the Supervisor Engineer for borrow pits and natural resources locations and pits used to source construction the borrower pit closure process in line and Committee for surroundings materials should undergo a with the Roads shall ensure closure process including revegetation/reclamati proper closure process backfilling and revegetation on plan activities following for borrow pits have construction taken place following construction IMPACTS DURING OPERATION; MITIGATION MEASURES, MONITORING AND RESPONSIBILITY CATEGORY POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANCE LOCAL IMPACTS MITIGATION RESPONSIBILITY MONITORING RESPONSIBILITY IMPACT 1. Air quality Emissions from vehicles Insignificant provided Potential impact on All vehicles must meet Committee for Roads, Monitoring of air quality Contractors within the DLP on the road that vehicles are in good adjacent sections in emissions standards Committee for in line with EHS Emissions from roads operating conditions Karaganda and Zhambyl All the equipment Environmental Guideline (N2, NOx, CO2, repair and maintenance oblasts; used for road repair Regulation and Control CO, C, hydrocarbon) near activities Other local and maintenance of Karaganda, Almaty residential areas and consequences are not meets emissions and Zhambyl oblasts other areas if necessary. expected standards Frequency of monitoring Regular monitoring will be determined based near residential areas on monitoring data on to determine the traffic intensity. necessity for additional mitigation measures 2. Noise Emissions from vehicles Insignificant provided Potential impact on All vehicles must meet Committee for Roads, Monitoring of noise Contractors within the DLP on the road that vehicles are in good adjacent sections of noise level standards Department of levels near residential operating conditions Karaganda and Zhambyl Environment of the areas and other areas if oblasts; Committee for necessary. Emissions from roads Other local Old and faulty Environmental Frequency of monitoring repair and maintenance consequences are not vehicles must not be Regulation and Control will be determined based activities expected found on the road and Sanitary-and- on monitoring data on Compliance with Epidemiologic traffic intensity. minimum and Institutions of Karaganda maximum speed limits and Zhambyl oblasts All the equipment used for road repair and maintenance meets noise level standards 3. Water drainage Stability of water Potentially localized There are no specific Maintaining drainage Committee for Water Monitoring of ground Committee for Water system and floods sources for operation impact local impacts system in a proper Resources water and drainage water Resources Floods, pollution of Pollution is insignificant condition “Kazakhavtodor” quality in line with EHS surface and ground water if the road is effectively Good road Republican State Guidelines within the due to activities on the managed management and Enterprise right of way of the road and in services/rest maintenance will Local executive alignment areas ensure normal authorities Frequency of monitoring watercourses will be determined based on monitoring data on traffic intensity. 4. Flora and fauna Long-term impacts on Low impact No specific localized Cattle droves will Oblast regional Committee for Roads, Oblast regional inspection of and protected animals, especially impacts serve as passages for inspection of the Committee for Forestry the Department for Forestry territories migration and movement wild animals have Department for Forestry and Fauna, as well as and Fauna routes. been incorporated in and Fauna oblast administration “Kazakhavtodor” Republican Disturbance of flora and the design) State Enterprise jointly with the fauna resulted by the use Study the necessity of district administration follows of salts and chemical additional passages the necessity in additional substances for deicing through pipes under crossing points within the There might be an the bridges for big alignment for mammals and increase in illegal mammals others hunting due to wider Control and prohibit accessibility illegal hunting 5. Social / Economic Increase in economic Significant economic There no specific Hold informative Local executive Monitoring of Administration of districts and / Farmers activities due to the and social benefits localized impacts, except activities for local authorities and unfavorable impacts on Karaganda and Zhambyl improved road. Some unfavorable for agricultural and communities on “Kazakhavtodor” local communities and oblasts. Opportunities for consequences in relation grazing lands benefits that can be Republican State farmers constant work within the to the farmers’ activities Villages along the obtained from the Enterprise will consider Affected persons will be roads maintenance due to the necessity of existing road alignment improved alignment additional underpasses kept in touch for Opportunities for underpasses use for Consider additional (bridges) in collaboration checking compensation business and movement of cattle and livestock droves and with local communities, payment and other employment in roadside agricultural machinery passages for if necessary compensation forms service areas agricultural machinery Akimat/ local executive provision Some disturbance to the if necessary and authorities activities of farmers who required (See were affected by land Mitigation Measures) acquisition for the road construction 6. Traffic safety/ Increase in accidents Low/ medium impact Regular passages Special measures in Have been incorporated Monitoring and “Kazakhavtodor” Republican Aesthetics Danger for pedestrians, level crossing the road the project will in the design registration of all road State Enterprise there is not sufficient alignment decrease the accidents accidents amount of pedestrian risk: dividing strip, crossings good visibility, limited access and exits, guard posts, etc. There will be several settlements near the road and a small number of pedestrians near the road or roads intersection 7. Waste Waste generated from Low impact In rest and service areas Committee for Roads “Kazakhavtodor” Regular monthly “Kazakhavtodor” Republican management the road maintenance should provide regular Republican State monitoring of sites and State Enterprise and rest/service areas: cleaning and collection Enterprise and wastes collection and collection and disposal of all liquid and solid Committee for disposal issues wastes, as well as Environmental disposal in accordance Regulation and Control with approved regulations and procedures. The company for road operation will be responsible for waste collection from rest/service areas