Climate Change and Water 9 out 10 climate change events are water-related $18 billion a year the cost of natural disasters in low & middle- income countries 12% of the world population drinks water from unimproved and unsafe sources 2 billion people live in countries experiencing high water stress 30% of the world population live without any form of sanitation Water scarcity in some places will 600 million children displace between 24 million globally will be living in areas and 700 million people of extremely high water stress The number of Climate impacts people at risk from could push up to floods will increase 132 million into from $1.2 billion poverty 2025 2035 2045 to $1.6 billion 2030 2040 2050 Every $1 spent in climate-resilient infrastructure yields $4 in savings Shift to low-carbon, resilient economies could create over 65 million new jobs globally by 2030 Mangrove forests could generate over $80 million per year in avoided losses from flooding and protect 18 million people In 2020, the WBG committed $21.4 billion to climate-related investments, surpassing targets for the third year in a row World Bank’s financing for climate adaptation went from 40% of climate finance in 2016 to over 50% in 2020 For more information: