OfcsCIAL D)CUJMEWS1,~ The Wc rd Bank Hill Park, Uo)per Hill Road INTERNATI,)NAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION kND DEVi& OM6r1; Q. Basc3577-00100 Tel: (254-20)3226000 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Nairobi, Kenya Fax: (254-20)3226382 February 20, 2013 Honorable Njeru Githae Minister of Finance Ministry of Finance Treasury Building N.iirobi, Kenya Re: Republic of Kenya: Cash Tr insfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Project TFO972 72 Amen bnent to Grant Agreenent F onorable Githae: We refer to the Grant Ag reen ent between the Republic of Kenya ("Recipient") and the Iri emational Develop -nent As soc atioi i ("World Bank"), acting as administrator of grant funds povided by various Donors under tie Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children PRogram, effective or July 2), .010, as amended on April 17, 2012. We also refer to the understanding reached with the Recipietit to increase the Grant amount to reflect the availability of additional funds in the amoun of twel ve million four hundred twenty five thousand six hundred eleven Unites States Dollars USD L,425,611) bringing the total Grant amount to thirty one million two hundred thirty ho isand seven hundred twenty United States Dollars (USD 3 :30,720); therefore 1. The first paragraph of1 he Agre ment is amended to read as follows: "I response to the request ftr financ al assistance made on behalf of the Republic of Kenya ("kecipient"), I am pleased to iifo:m you that the International Development Association ("World Bank"), acting as administrator of grant funds provided by various donors under the Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Program (the "Trust Fund"), proposes to extend to the Reipient a grant in an amoun not to ,xceed thirty one million two hundred thirty thousand seven hundred twenty United St.tes I )ollars (USD 31,230,720) on the terms and conditions set foih or referred to in this letter ag-eem:-nt ("Agreement"), which includes the attached Annex, to ass st in the financing of the pro ect desc ribed in the Annex ("Project"). This Grant is funded out of the abovementioned T-ast Fund for which the World Bank receives periodic contributions. In accordance with Section 3.02 of the Standard Conditions (as defined in the Annex to this Agreement), the Recipient may w thdr; w the Grant proceeds subject to the availability of such funds." 2. The table in Section 3.01 cf the Annex to the Agreement is amended to read as follows: f 1.n. Njeru Githae -2 - February 20, 2013 Category kmount of the Grant Percentage of Allocated Expenditures to be (expressed in USD) Financed (inclusive of Taxes) 1) Goods, works and 2,550,121 100% coznsultants' services and T raining (2) Cash Transfers under 28,680,599 100% Part I of the Project TOTAL AMOUNT 31,230,720 All other provisions cf tf e Agreement, as amended hereby, shall remain in full force and effect. Please confirm your agreemen with the foregoing by signing, dating and returning to us the enclosed copy of this letter. L pon -eceipt by the World Bank of the copy of this Agreement coUntersigned by you, this Amend nent will become effective as of the date of the countersignature. Sincerely, 11 TERNA TIONA , DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Zajashree Paralkar Acting -lead of the Kenya Office Africa Region AGREED: REPUBLIC OF KENYA By uthorized Repreentative Name: