WPS6347 Policy Research Working Paper 6347 Integrating Gravity The Role of Scale Invariance in Gravity Models of Spatial Interactions and Trade Jean-François Arvis The World Bank Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network January 2013 Policy Research Working Paper 6347 Abstract This paper revisits the ubiquitous bi-proportional is the only consistent maximum likelihood allocation of gravity model and investigates the reasons why different a matrix of flows between origin and destination. The theoretical frameworks may lead to the same empirical paper explores the feasibility of wider classes of non-scale formula. The generic gravity equation possesses scale invariant gravity equations, where gravity is no longer bi- invariance symmetries that constrain possible theoretical proportional by including nonlinear interactions between explanations based on optimal allocation principles, trade costs and fundamental country factors such as such as neoclassical or probabilistic frameworks. These economic size. It shows that such extensions are feasible constraints imply that a representative consumer’s but that they do not result in a significant improvement utilities must be separable, and that an entropy model in the explanatory power of the empirical analysis. This paper is a product of the International Trade Department, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network. It is part of a larger effort by the World Bank to provide open access to its research and make a contribution to development policy discussions around the world. Policy Research Working Papers are also posted on the Web at http://econ.worldbank. org. The author may be contacted at jarvis1@worldbank.org. The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. Produced by the Research Support Team Integrating Gravity: The role of scale invariance in gravity models of spatial interactions and trade Jean-François ARVIS 1 The World Bank Keywords: Gravity models, international trade, trade costs JEL Codes: C61, F12 EPOL, TRAN 1 Jarvis1@worldbank.org, International Trade Department 1 Introduction: Positioning the problem The gravity model is the workhorse of much empirical work in major areas in the social sciences, including economics, especially trade and transportation economics. It provides an intuitive and very effective way to describe bilateral flows between a series of origins (exporters in the case of international trade analysis) and destinations (importers). A flow between i and j takes the form: Flow i j = “size� of i x the “size� of j x function of variables measuring the separation between i and j, such as geographical distance or the cost of transport The initial models (e.g., Tinbergen) took a rather simple form, with explicit reference to the Newtonian gravitational interaction proportional to each mass and inversely proportional to the square of distance: , In basic economic applications this translates into: , where the exponent is econometrically estimated. Successor models have used more sophisticated approaches to estimate size and more separation variables in addition to distance (see Section 2). The tremendous empirical success of gravity modeling in economics has led many authors to look for a theoretical foundation. Pioneers such as Zipf and Savage proposed heuristic explanations, often based on probability theory (random matching between groups of exporters and importers of various size), but could not properly account for the separation effects in terms of cost or distance (Savage & Deutsch 1960); Deardorff 1998). In the context of modeling transportation and mobility flows, Wilson (1970) proposed an elegant and entirely consistent formulation based not on the paradigm of Newtonian gravity but on the canonical ensemble of statistical physics. He postulated that the most probable flow configuration maximizes entropy subject to budget constraints, and derived an implicit formula for flows that includes separation costs (Wilson 1970) (Roy & Thill 2003). 2 How trade gravity modeling emerges from trade theory has been the object of intense investigation following the influential work by Anderson and Wincoop (2003), itself following a much earlier proposal by Anderson himself (Anderson 1979)and Bergstrand. As noted by several observers, the problem is that there are almost too many successful explanations (De Benedictis & Taglioni 2010)(James E. Anderson, 2011). However, as recently observed by Novy (2012), at the core of most neoclassical explanations of trade gravity is the notion that a representative consumer will source his or her imports according to destination, following the Armington hypothesis, with his or her preferences derived from a CES utility. This paper essentially reverses the problem. It does not try to explain the structure of the gravity equation from an economic model but rather looks at how the formal structure of gravity constrains the set of models that can be used to generate the gravity equation. The approach followed amounts to an “integration� of the gravity model, where the utility of a problem is deduced or integrated from the specification of the demand functions. Sections 2 and 3 discuss how neo-classical models or probabilistic derivations explain gravity as an optimal allocation, the utility of a representative consumer, or the likelihood/entropy of flows that are maximized under budget or market constraints. Section 4 describes how scale invariance of the generic bi-proportional model limits the functional form of the objective function to be optimized to essentially the ones that are used in the literature (i.e. CES). Sections 5 and 6 look at how to construct alternative models where the scale invariance is broken, and gravity is no longer strictly bi-proportional because the impact of trade costs on flows is no longer independent from size. 2 The generic gravity equation and its scale invariances The generic gravity model takes the general bi-proportional form describing flows between origin i and destination j (0) where is a factor that represents the push potential of origin i is a factor that represents the pull potential of destination j is the impedance representing the intensity of the interaction between i and j The potentials A and B incorporate information about the "size" of origin and destination. Potentials are either fixed effects or exogenously determined from country variable explaining the “size� of origin and destination. 3 The impedance K incorporates bilateral factors that explain the friction between i and j. Following Anderson, this friction is referred to as trade costs. The bilateral impedance is a parametric function of the otherwise exogenous bilateral trade costs (0) where the impedance decreases with higher cost: f is a monotonous increasing function. The parameter acts as a scale parameter for the trade costs in the impedance. is either exogenously given or endogenously determined. Typically the impedance is normalized to one for zero friction or bilateral cost and goes to zero for very large costs. For instance, in Wilson’s model the dependence is exponential (0) In the CES based models, à la Anderson , where is the Armington constant elasticity of substitution. The two models essentially correspond through a logarithmic transformation , and In what follows, except when specified otherwise, we shall refer to the Wilson’s exponential dependence. In early gravity proposals the impedance is simply the negative power of distance (Zipf 1946). More advanced specifications of bilateral trade costs can refer to time or transportation costs and introduce dummy variables. A typical gravity model takes the expanded form: . (0) 4 Scale invariance The gravity specification of bilateral flows is trivially invariant by the scaling transformations. or in the case of exponential dependence on costs where the and are arbitrary real values. The possibility of such a transformation is obviously consubstantial to the bi-proportional standard gravity structure, and tied to the fact that trade costs and country size factors act independently: trade costs have the same effects on bilateral flows independently irrespective of the size of the partners. The scale invariance means that if a partner i is further away but bigger, the corresponding trade flows are unchanged: twice as big potential yields the same bilateral flows when the corresponding bilateral costs are increased by . This phenomenon where rescaling of potential is compensated by a shift in trade costs is not just an algebraic observation, but carries some economic significance. Obviously the inverse problem (inverse gravity) of determining trade costs from trade flows is ambiguous and requires additional assumptions to resolve the ambiguity—e.g., that the diagonal trade costs with oneself is zero or unit impedance or (Novy 2009), (Arvis & Shepherd, 2011). It means also that trade costs are to some extent not directly observable, although individual components of trade costs dependent on directly measurable factors such as distance or transportation cost are. In the context of trade economics, bilateral trade costs include two categories: • Bilateral costs that depend on both origin and destination (group III in the above log- linear gravity equation) • Endogenous costs that represent the thickness of the borders at origin and destination and do not depend on the country pair, typically represented in log-linear trade gravity regressions by country specific dummies or non-dimensional variables where country size does not intervene explicitly. 5 Endogenous costs are in the group II of variables in equation (4). However this group may also explain the magnitude of the trade potential A, B, along with the size variable in group I. The frontier between variables that explain endogenous trade costs or trade potential is a matter of convention as some factors (labor costs, logistics performance/efficiency, cost of market access) affect both production for export and domestic production, albeit not with the same intensity. 3 Derivations of the bi-proportional gravity equation Neo-classical models or probabilistic explanations of the gravity equation derive it as an optimal allocation, under one or more budget or market clearance constraints, and depending upon bilateral trade costs. The models found in the literature belong to one or the other category: • One-dimensional allocation: an asymmetrical model where the allocation is determined separately either for the origin or destination. In trade language, the model derives the optimal allocation for representative importers and exporters for each origin destination (partial equilibrium). • Two-dimensional allocation: a symmetrical model where the full flow/trade matrix is determined by the optimization problem, under marginal supply and demand constraints. One-dimensional allocation: Representative trader The reference asymmetrical model has been proposed by Anderson & Van Wincoop (2003). Following Armington (1969), for each importing country the representative consumer has differentiated preferences according to the country of origin of the goods and according to a CES utility function. The representative consumer in j sources goods from i at price , which include the fob price plus trade costs In anticipation of the developments of the next section, we use the language of the indirect utility function. The latter is homogenous function U of degree zero of price and budget. Hence U can be written as , where m is the budget of the buyer: 6 By Roy's theorem the quantity of goods bought by j from i is given by Following Anderson, most authors posit a CES form where is the constant elasticity of substitution, and the a_{i} are share parameters independent of the destination ij. Applying the previous formula for yields: , independently of i which corresponds to a standard, generic, bi-proportional gravity equation. We refer the reader to De Benetis (2012) for some alternative representative traders explanation of gravity. Two-dimensional allocation Two-dimensional allocations are a one-step derivation of the gravity equation with an entirely symmetrical treatment of origin and destination. Wilson (1970) proposed half a century ago a most elegant solution. Wilson determines the flow according to the most likely bilateral values of discrete consignment or movement (of people or vehicles) between origin i and destination j, subject to constraints of marginal total in row and column: . is an integer but expected to be large. The probability or likelihood of a given configuration is given by Making use of the Stirling's approximation, the log-likelihood is The most likely configuration maximizes L under line and column constraints as well as a budget constraint (Wilson 1970): Using Lagrange's method, the problem yields an optimal solution which has the standard log gravity form 7 where a and b are fixed effects and beta are Lagrange's multipliers which are determined by the constraints of marginal total in row and column. In the original Wilson model, the gravity exponent is endogenous to the model and hence not necessarily constant. However the gravity formula can be also deduced by looking for the maximum of the following Lagrangian derived from the previous log-likelihood under supply and demand line/column constraints, and with the gravity exponent exogenously given. Wilson’s approach borrows the concept of entropy and draws an analogy from physics of the canonical derivation of the partition function in statistical physics (Kubo 1967), where the most likely probability allocation of states, or partition function, correspond to the most probable configuration (or maximum entropy) for a given average energy (in place of budget constraint). The Lagrange multiplier , known as the Boltzman’s factor, is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature. Thus, taking also the results of the previous section, it seems that in the context of economic behavior, the equivalent of the temperature would be the inverse of the elasticity of substitution. In the same way that the temperature is a scale for the distribution of energy level, the inverse of (or of ) is a scale of the distribution of trade costs. However the analogy may not be appropriate in other respects. For instance, in a transposition of the model to canonical or grand canonical ensemble is not obvious and may not make sense, what would be the equivalent concept in economics of a thermal reservoir? The global budget constraint for all origins and destinations mirrors the conservation of energy. However, the significance is not entirely obvious. The notion of a global arbitrage between variety of trade linkages and trade costs supported by the trading community is expected (as in the Lagrangian L1), but why would total trade costs be conserved? It amounts to imagining one actor, like a multinational corporation, optimizing a variety of trade between locations under its own budget constraints. 4 Compatible models: One-dimensional allocation case 8 The scale invariance of the generic bi-proportional gravity models constrains the possible optimization problems that can produce it. The following proposition holds. Proposition: The class of models compatible with bi-proportional gravity models are restricted to the following: 1. For one-dimensional allocation (representative traders), the corresponding objective function (e.g. utility) must be separable 2. For two-dimensional allocation, the corresponding objective function is the entropy formula (Wilson’s model) For the two-dimensional model, the fact that the entropy model is the only one consistent with the row and column constraints is consistent with the findings by Arvis & Shepherd (2013) that the Poisson Quasi Maximum Likelihood is the only one preserving marginal totals between original and predicted value. Indeed the Poisson QML is essentially an entropy formula. Compatible models: One-dimensional allocation model The scaling invariance in the generic gravity model is related to some form of independence of irrelevant opportunities of substitution, where the ratio of substitution between two possible allocations are independent of changes affecting other cases of allocation. Take the case of representative buyer k, then the ratio of allocation of supplies from i and j. will be independent of changes in supplies from other origins or changes in the substitution ratios for The generic indirect utility for trader k takes the form of a function homogeneous of degree zero. Hence it can be written as where is the price of variety y and m the expenditure of the buyer, hereafter treated as exogenous. 9 Then by Roy's identity the ratios of allocation are , where is the derivative of U in the i-th variable Furthermore, for the one dimension allocation problem of a representative trader to be invariant to irrelevant opportunities of substitution, it is necessary and sufficient that the utility function is separable and additive (see Annex 1): . If additional requirements are made that allocation should depend only on price ratios, then the are restricted to power functions with the same exponent , yielding the CES utility. However, this is not the only solution. For instance the logit discrete choice equation is derived from the choice (Anderson et al. 1992). The later choice corresponds to a case where allocation depends only on price differences. Compatible models: Two-dimensional symmetric optimization model In this case we are looking into the maximization of a Lagrangian L of the bilateral flows under the constraints of conservation of total in line and column, , and and a budget constraint. . The multiplier method applied to the Lagrangian L yields for each pair or origin destination {a,i} the partial derivative of L is the sum of line and column constants plus costs: If the solution of the problem is a generic, scale invariant bi-proportional gravity, then up to a multiplicative constant the cost can be replaced by the logarithm of the flows . Hence: 10 And by identifying the dependence in X, and integrating , which is the expected entropy like formula for the Lagrangian. 5 Modified gravity and breaking of scale invariance Departing from the classical explanations of gravity implies a break in the scale invariance. The easiest and most natural way to do this is to supplement the utility function and Lagrangian with non-linear terms that explicitly break the symmetry of the model. As apparent in the following, the models include at least one additional parameter beyond the scale giving and become substantially more complex. One-dimensional allocation: Modified translog gravity In the representative consumer representation, breaking the symmetry means making the indirect utility function explicitly non-separable by introducing multiplicative interaction between the trade costs. For instance, Novy (Novy 2009) recently tried to describe trade flows starting with a translog utility instead of a CES. Indeed, a translog utility is one of the simplest explicit ways to introduce interactions and break the scale invariance. Bilateral flows are in the form where As apparent in this structure of the "impedance" K1, this extension of gravity is no longer bi- proportional and breaks a number of symmetries of the traditional equation: 11 • The bilateral impedance depends not only on the bilateral trade costs but also of other trade costs of the importer. • The size of the exporting economy matters: K1 is sensitive to the share coefficient. of the exporter, with the direction effect depending on the sign of : if the latter is positive, the "impedance" is higher for smaller exporter. • The translog model breaks the formal symmetry between origin and destination. • Transslog is essentially a nonlinear extension of the Cobb-Douglass utility, which corresponds to a CES of one, while In the context of trade the typical observed CES is much larger (seven). We propose below a simpler alternative symmetry-breaking extension of gravity, which departs more smoothly from standard gravity. Two-dimensional allocation: Modified gravity equation In the case of two-dimensional symmetric gravity, the simplest approach to symmetry- breaking "gravity" consists in adding interaction terms between costs and flows in the Lagrangian yielding the gravity model, so that the scale invariance does not hold. Indeed, the original Wilson’s Lagrangian also reads as a weighted average of a linear combination of and the trade costs (in the following angle brackets stands for weighted averages ) , which is obviously invariant by the scaling transformation , and Therefore, a minimalist way to break the scaling symmetry is to add to the Lagrangian a non- linear multiplicative second-order interaction between trade costs and logarithm of flows, the most natural choice being their covariance (which is invariant by translation of the log flows and costs): 12 , The optimization of this Lagrangian under row and column constraints yields , The previous equations yields an explicit solution for log-linearized flows as , where This modified gravity equation • breaks scale invariance, a positive increases the effect of trade costs for large flows (larger than the ), while a negative γ further suppresses small flows for the same trade costs. • keeps symmetry between origin and destination. 6 Implementation The modified gravity equation is applied to the World Trade matrix (the dataset is the same as the one used in Arvis & Shepherd (2013), zero omitted, using the logarithm of distance as a proxy for the trade cost. The regression takes the form: , (5) where t is the covariance variable The following table includes the results of estimation of (5) using: 13 1. Poisson regression for the model without interaction ( ) 2. Poisson regression for the model with interaction ( ) 3. OLS for the model without interaction ( ) 4. OLS for the model with interaction ( ) The graphs in Annex 2 plot for Poisson and OLS the predicted values for both standards and modified gravity. Table 1 results 20710 observations 1 2 3 4 R2/ pseudo R2 nd nd 0.749 0.820 Log distance coeff ( − β ) -0.837 -0.802 -1.739 0.837 Wald Chi2/ F 68035 55339 175 266 ,, z statistics -34.0 -35.9 -77.4 24.2 ,, standardized “beta� coefficient -1.008 -0.965 -2.093 1.008 Interaction coeff ( −γ ) 0.114 0.298 ,, z statistics 16.1 89.4 ,, standardized “beta� coefficient 0.013 0.034 The regression results suggests the following conclusions 1. As expected the Poisson regression has the most consistent result with trade spatial interaction data (Silva & Tenreyro 2006)(Arvis & Shepherd 2013) 2. The improvement in fit provided by the model (R2 or pseudo-R2) is relatively small in both models (also visually apparent in the shape of distributions in Annex 2). 3. In Poisson, the coefficient : • has a small standardized (“beta�) value meaning that the effect of the non-linear covariance term is small as compared with the classical log-linear impact of distance • is negative and significant, which means a relatively small effect of stronger suppression of small flows. • the predicted values for the trade flows are relatively closed in each models • the distance coefficients are close in both Poisson model 4. The OLS regressions has observed by various authors are less robust than the Poisson ones 14 5. The OLS results (coefficient predicted value) are less consistent between standard and modified gravity model: • Loose fit between predicted and actual value of trade • The coefficient of log-distance in the modified gravity turns positive with a relatively higher (than in Poisson) coefficient of interaction, which suggests an issue of multi- colinearity better addressed in the Poisson estimate. 7 Conclusions The use of symmetry principles is not very popular in economics, although the quest for symmetry is central to scientific understanding in other discipline (physics, chemistry). Hence rather than a restriction they are a desirable property that make the description of a phenomenon consistent, less dependent upon extra assumption or parameters, and likely more analytically tractable (the parsimony principle). Scale invariance in gravity constrains the possible explanation to essentially the known one. This should be considered more as a desirable property than a strong restriction. Possible scale symmetry breaking alternatives are indeed feasible, where trade costs and size of trade flows interact, instead of the standard bi-proportional structure. However even with the simplest modification, modified gravity equations add parameters and complexity including nonlinear equations to estimate econometrically. They do not seem to provide a major improvement over standard gravity. Thus, given the high quality of fit of modern gravity models, especially when using Poisson Quasi Maximum Likelihood estimation, there does not appear to be a very strong case for using an alternative to the bi-proportional standard gravity equation. This result provides additional support for ongoing and recent efforts to better understand and measure the origin and nature of bilateral impedances or trade costs within the standard model. 15 References Anderson, J.E., 1979. 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Then the ratio of substitution between i and j is by Roy's identity (0), where is the derivative of U in the i-th variable The independence property means that that this ratio does not depend of for A separable utility would be of the form (0) That the condition is sufficient is immediate as (0) , which is independent of for . To prove the necessary condition, let look at the ratio , for all or in log (0) taking the partial derivative in implies that (0) for all and hence 18 must be a function of only for all i, which means by integration that the substitution ratios are necessarily of the form (0), where the are function of one variable. Let be functions of one variable such that the log of their derivative is . Then (0) For (11) to hold for every i, j it is necessary that , where G is the same for all i. Let G be expressed as a function of the t then the equality means that , or , for all i, j. This is possible only and only if G is a function of only the sum of the . Finally, taking U as a primitive of F yields the expected result Q.E.D. 19 Annex 2 Log of Trade vs. predicted value for standard and modified gravity (Poisson Regression). 1 Log of Trade vs. predicted value for standard and modified gravity (OLS) 2