Public Disclosure Authorized 世界银行贷款甘肃省职业教育发展项目 GANSU TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROJECT 采购 计划 Procurement Plan Public Disclosure Authorized 合同编号 Contrac 预算 Estimated Cost 采购文件发售 t No. 预算 世界银行 时间及任务大 Sum 金额( 10000 RMB 人 审查 纲提交时 序号 Estimated 民币) 采购方式 Revie 合同内容 Contract 间 BD/Enquiry Serial Cost( 其中 Procureme w by Description Issuance No. 10000 美元 nt Method Bank Total 总 (Prior / Date/TORSub ) Loan 贷 Cont. 额 Post) m ission to 款 配套 WB Public Disclosure Authorized post office equipment of PMO 省项目办办 1 GSZJ-SXMB-G-01 20.00 20.00 0.00 Shopping review 后 2019.03 公设备 3.03 审 write and publish three monographs to post summarize the achievements of the 2 GSZJ-SXMB-G-02 20.00 20.00 0.00 Shopping review 后 2020.09 project 审 出版三本专著,总结项目成果 3.03 6.06 40.00 40.00 0.00 Public Disclosure Authorized hire consulting agencies to undertake post 1 GSZJ-SXMB-S-01 project impact assessment 18.18 120.00 120.00 0.00 CQS review 后 2017.04 聘请咨询机构开展影响力评估 审 hire consulting agencies to undertake post 2 GSZJ-SXMB-S-02 external environment monitor 聘请咨 4.55 30.00 30.00 0.00 CQS review 后 2017.04 询机构开展环境外部监测 审 hire consulting agencies to undertake post 3 GSZJ-SXMB-S-03 social monitor 4.55 30.00 30.00 0.00 CQS review 后 2017.04 聘请咨询机构开展社会监测 审 hire consulting agencies to guide project schools to carry out the major activities , assist PMO to compile 3 books of post achievements and organize 5 experience- 4 GSZJ-SXMB-S-04 18.18 120.00 120.00 0.00 CQS review 后 2017.04 sharing meetings 审 聘请咨询机构指导项目院校开展项目主要活 动,协助项目办编撰项目成果集 3 本、组织 项目经验交流会 5 次。 hire professional agencies to undertake a survey of the demand for skillful post labours in Gansu and finish 1 5 GSZJ-SXMB-S-05 15.15 100.00 100.00 0.00 CQS review 后 2017.09 research report 审 聘请专业机构开展甘肃区域经济发展对技能 需求的调查研究,形成 1 份研究报告。 hire professional agencies to undertake the assessment study of post training effects for TVET teachers and finish 6 GSZJ-SXMB-S-06 9.09 60.00 60.00 0.00 CQS review 后 2017.09 1 research report 审 聘请专业机构开展甘肃省职业教育师资培训 效果评价研究,形成 1 份研究报告。 hire professional agencies to undertake the research for the capacity post 7 GSZJ-SXMB-S-07 building of TEVT school principals in Gansu 9.09 60.00 60.00 0.00 CQS review 后 2017.09 province and finish 1 research report 审 聘请专业机构开展甘肃省职业院校校长能力 hire professional agencies to identify problems and provide suggestions for post the sharing of teaching resource banks and 8 GSZJ-SXMB-S-08 6.06 40.00 40.00 0.00 CQS review 后 2017.09 finish 1 research report 审 聘请专业机构开展关于教学资源库共享推广 存在的问题及建议,形成 1 份研究报告。 post software for project financial 9 GSZJ-SXMB-S-09 4.55 30.00 30.00 0.00 Shopping review 后 2017.04 management 项目财务管理软件 审 individual hire experts to translate project post consultant 10 GSZJ-SXMB-S-10 documents 4.55 30.00 30.00 0.00 review 后 2017.09 个人咨询 聘请专家翻译项目材料 审 顾问 subtotal 93.94 620.00 620.00 0.00 total 总计 100.00 660.00 660.00 0.00 Notes:approximately 1US Dollar=6.60RMB (correct to two decimal places) 注:汇率暂按 6.6 计算,各项数值保留小数点后两位 单位:万 Unit: 10000 Employer/Purchaser/Cl 备注 ient Comments 合同方 TVET Park Management Committee of Lanzhou New District (PMO) 兰州新区职教园区管理委员 会(省项目办) TVET Park Management Committee of Lanzhou New District (PMO) 兰州新区职教园区管理委员 会(省项目办) TVET Park Management Committee of Lanzhou New District (PMO) 兰州新区职教园区管理委员 会(省项目办) TVET Park Management Committee of Lanzhou New District (PMO) 兰州新区职教园区管理委员 会(省项目办) TVET Park Management Committee of Lanzhou New District (PMO) 兰州新区职教园区管理委员 会(省项目办) TVET Park Management Committee of Lanzhou New District (PMO) 兰州新区职教园区管理委员 会(省项目办) TVET Park Management Committee of Lanzhou New District (PMO) 兰州新区职教园区管理委员 会(省项目办) TVET Park Management Committee of Lanzhou New District (PMO) 兰州新区职教园区管理委员 会(省项目办) TVET Park Management Committee of Lanzhou New District (PMO) 兰州新区职教园区管理委员 会(省项目办) TVET Park Management Committee of Lanzhou New District (PMO) 兰州新区职教园区管理委员 会(省项目办) TVET Park Management Committee of Lanzhou New District (PMO) 兰州新区职教园区管理委员 会(省项目办) TVET Park Management Committee of Lanzhou New District (PMO) 兰州新区职教园区管理委员 会(省项目办) 世界 GANSU TECHNICAL AN 预算 合同编号 Cont 预算 序号 合同内容 Sum ract No. Estimated Cost Serial No. Contract Description (10000 美元) Total 总额 training equipments for new energy 1 NHXY-G-01 automobile technology 81.82 540.00 新能源汽车技术实训设备 training equipments for the control, 2 NHXY-G-02 installation and maintainene of elevator 24.24 160.00 电梯控制及安装维护实训设备 experimental equipments for 3 NHXY-G-03 construction and engineering 33.33 220.00 materials 建筑及工程材料实验设备 analytical instruments for coal 4 NHXY-G-04 quality 27.27 180.00 煤质分析仪器 articles of teaching and daily use for 5 NHXY-G-05 98.48 650.00 students 学生教学生活物品 facilities for students' canteen 6 NHXY-G-06 97.52 643.60 学生餐厅设施 a set of software for financial 7 NHXY-G-07 management in higher vocational 3.03 20.00 college 高职院校财务管理软件 1 套 publish and print 20 capacitybased 8 NHXY-G-08 textbooks 18.18 120.00 出版印刷 20 门能力本位课程教材 subtotal 383.88 2533.60 construct 1 trainging building and 1 1 NHXY-W-01 teaching building 1311.85 8658.22 新建 1 栋实训楼和 1 栋教学楼 construct 2 domitory buildings and 2 NHXY-W-02 1083.63 7151.97 1 canteen 新建 2 栋宿舍楼和 1 栋餐厅 金 counterpart civil work including foundation treatment,road hardening, campus greening and 3 NHXY-W-03 814.04 5372.65 landscape 土建配套工程(地基处理、路面硬化、 校园绿化及景观) subtotal 3209.52 21182.84 hire consulting agencies to carry out investigation on job demand of 1 NHXY-S-01 talents and finish 2 reorts 4.55 30.00 聘请咨询机构进行人才职业岗位需求调 研并形成 2 份报告。 hire consulting agencies to design 1 plan for 6S enterprises' quality 2 NHXY-S-02 6.06 40.00 management system 聘请咨询机构设计实训室 6S hire consulting agencies to develop and update 4 capacitybased 3 NHXY-S-03 talent cultivation plans 3.03 20.00 聘请咨询机构开发、更新 4 份能力本位 的 人才培养方案。 hire consulting agencies to develop 5 course standards and curriculum 4 NHXY-S-04 resource packages for applied chemical 15.15 100.00 technology 聘请咨询机构开发应用化工技术专业 5 门课程标准及课程资源包。 hire consulting agencies to develop 5 course standards and curriculum resource packages for new energy 5 NHXY-S-05 15.15 100.00 automobile technology 聘请咨询机构开发新能源汽车技术专业 5 门课程标准及课程资源包。 hire consulting agencies to develop 5 course standards and curriculum resource packages for electrical 6 NHXY-S-06 15.15 100.00 automatization 聘请咨询机构开发电气自动化技术专业 5 门课程标准及课程资源包。 hire consulting agencies to develop 5 course standards and curriculum resource packages for 7 NHXY-S-07 15.15 100.00 industrial robot technology 聘请咨询机构开发工业机器人技术专业 5 门课程标准及课程资源包。 hire consulting agencies to develop 1 set of intrument for standardized 8 NHXY-S-08 teching and learning assessment 4.55 30.00 system and monitor and evaluaion 聘请咨询机构开发评教评学标准体系及 teaching process of capacity-based experimental class and summarize 2 9 NHXY-S-09 1.52 10.00 analysis reports for teaching effects 聘请专家督导能力本位实验班教学过程 并总结 2 份教育教学效果分析报告。hire experts to study the 10 NHXY-S-10 1.52 10.00 integration of resources from 4 schools and put forward 1 reasonable proposal 聘请专家研究四校资源整合,形成合理 hire experts to study the integrated school operation from secondary to 11 NHXY-S-11 higher vocational education and the 1.52 10.00 talent cultivation mechanism, finish 1 plan for talent cultivation 聘请专家研究中高职一体化 hire experts to diagnose management quality in different levels including college, divisions and departments, and 12 NHXY-S-12 1.52 10.00 put forward 1 improvement proposal 聘请专家诊断学院、处室、系部管理质 量,并总结 1 份改进方案。 hire consulting agencies to design and implement 1 plan to exhibit and promote project achievements financed by World 13 NHXY-S-13 5.30 35.00 Bank Loan 聘请咨询机构设计并实施世行项目成果 展示、推广方案 1 套。 hire consulting agencies to investigate employment quality of graduates and 14 NHXY-S-14 finish 5 reports 6.06 40.00 聘请咨询机构进行毕业生就业质量调查 并形成 5 份报告。 subtotal 96.21 635.00 总计 3689.61 24351.44 监测评价工具 1 套。 hire experts to supervise the Notes:approximately 1US Dollar=6.60RMB (correct to two decimal places) 注:汇率暂按界银 行贷款甘肃省职业教育发展项目 ND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROJECT 采购计 划 Procurement Plan Estimated Cost 采购文件发售时间 及任务大 金额(10000 人民币) 采购方式 世界银行审查 纲提交时间 BD/Enquiry 其中 Procureme Revie w by Bank nt Method (Prior / Post) Issuance Date/TORSubmission Loan 贷款 Cont.配套 to WB 540.00 0.00 NCB post review 后审 201803 160.00 0.00 NCB post review 后审 201803 220.00 0.00 NCB post review 后审 201803 180.00 0.00 NCB post review 后审 201803 650.00 0.00 NCB post review 后审 201803 643.60 0.00 NCB post review 后审 201803 20.00 0.00 Shopping post review 后审 201709 120.00 0.00 Shopping post review 后审 201806 2533.60 0.00 8658.22 0.00 NCB post review 后审 201704 7151.97 0.00 NCB post review 后审 201704 5372.65 0.00 NCB post review 后审 201704 21182.84 0.00 30.00 0.00 CQS prior review 前审 201709 40.00 0.00 CQS post review 后审 201808 20.00 0.00 CQS post review 后审 201709 100.00 0.00 CQS post review 后审 201709 100.00 0.00 CQS post review 后审 201709 100.00 0.00 CQS post review 后审 201709 100.00 0.00 CQS post review 后审 201709 30.00 0.00 CQS post review 后审 201808 10.00 0.00 CQS post review 后审 201906 10.00 0.00 CQS post review 后审 201709 10.00 0.00 CQS post review 后审 201709 10.00 0.00 CQS post review 后审 201906 35.00 0.00 CQS post review 后审 202003 40.00 0.00 CQS post review 后审 201709 635.00 0.00 24351.44 0.00 按 6.6 计算,各项数值保留小数点后两位 单位:万 Unit: 10000RMB Employer/Purchaser 备注 /Client 合同方 Comments Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage time for design and Gansu Energy and approval Chemical Vocational are not Collage included 不 甘肃能源化工职业学院 含设计、审 批时间 time for design and Gansu Energy and approval Chemical Vocational are not Collage included 不 甘肃能源化工职业学院 含设计、审 批时间 time for Gansu Energy and design and Chemical Vocational approval Collage are not 甘肃能源化工职业学院 included 不 含设计、 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 Gansu Energy and Chemical Vocational Collage 甘肃能源化工职业学院 世界银行贷款甘 GANSU TECHNICAL AND VOCATIO 采 Procu 预算 序号 合同内容 Contract Description 预算 Serial No. 合同编号 Contr Estimated Sum act No. Cost(美元 ) Total 总额 printing of materials for training ,teaching reference ,regulations and students' societies 1 CMXY-G-01 18.94 125.00 印刷培训资料、教辅资料、学院规章制度、学生社 团资料 subtotal 18.94 125.00 No. 21 the second teaching building; No. 22 1 CMXY-W-01 students'domitory building 1797.35 11862.52 21#第二教学楼、22#学生宿舍楼 No. 18 and No. 19 comprehensive training 2 CMXY-W-02 buildings 1335.82 8816.38 18#、19#综合实训楼 greening construction and landscape 3 CMXY-W-03 installation on campus 校园绿化及景观安 197.73 1304.99 装工程 subtotal 3330.89 21983.89 hire professional agencies to make talent cultivation plans for at least 10 specialities, 1 CMXY-S-01 participate in teaching reform 4.55 30.00 聘请专业机构制定 10 个以上专业的人才培养方 案、参与教学模式改革 hire professional agencies to make the appraisal system for teaching quality; organize 2 CMXY-S-02 relevant staff to attend meetings on the 3.03 20.00 establishment of appraisal system for teaching quality 聘请专业机构制定教学质量评价体系、组织学校相 关人员参加教学质量评价体系建设的相关会议、考 curriculum standards for 11 courses in 8 departments in accordance with the idea of doing by learning and learning by doing; besides, give accompanying teaching guidance;organize teachers to attend meetings and field work trips relevant to 3 CMXY-S-03 25.00 165.00 curriculum standards of 11 courses. 聘请专业机构对 8 个系 11 门课程,按照学生在“学 中做”、“做中学”的要求,制定课程标准、并进行伴 随式教学指导;组织教师参加 11 门课程标准的相 关会议、考察等工作 2.2.2 hire professional agencies to build teaching resource banks with characteristics of open and shared courses for roughly 3 specialities including electric teaching 4 CMXY-S-04 plans,multi-media 27.27 180.00 coursewares,workbooks and test papers 聘请专业机构对 3 个左右专业进行“开放性共享课程 ”教学资源库建设,包括:电子教案、多媒体课件 、习题集、试题库等 2.2.4 hire professional agencies to guide and train teachers and students entering for national-level 5 CMXY-S-05 skills competitions 2.12 14.00 聘请专业机构对指导国家级技能大赛 5 次的教师和 学 生培训等工作 2.2.4 hire professional agencies to guide and train teachers and students entering for 6 CMXY-S-06 national-level skills competitions 2.12 14.00 聘请专业机构对指导国家级技能大赛 5 次的教师和 学生培训等工作 2.2.4 hire professional agencies to guide and train teachers and students entering for national-level 7 CMXY-S-07 skills competitions 2.12 14.00 聘请专业机构对指导国家级技能大赛 5 次的教师和 学生培训等工作 2.2.4 hire professional agencies to guide and train teachers and students entering for national-level 8 CMXY-S-08 skills competitions 2.12 14.00 聘请专业机构对指导国家级技能大赛 5 次的教师和 学生培训等工作 2.2.4 hire professional agenciesto guide and train teachers and students entering for national-level 9 CMXY-S-09 skills competitions 2.12 14.00 聘请专业机构对指导国家级技能大赛 5 次的教师和 学生培训等工作 1.4.3 hire experts to give lectures on mental health for roughly 10 times, tests for roughly 5 times and 10 CMXY-S-10 mental rectification for roughly 20 people 3.03 20.00 聘请专家个人举办心理健康讲座 10 次左右、5 次左 右测试、20 人次以上矫正 subtotal 73.48 485.00 总计 3423.32 22593.89 hire professional agencies to set Notes:approximately 1US Dollar=6.60RMB (correct to two decimal places) 注:汇率暂按 6.6 计算甘肃 省职业教育发展项目 ONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROJECT 采购计 划 urement Plan 采购文件发售时 Estimated Cost 间及任务大 纲提交时间 采购方式 世界银行审查 金额(人民币) BD/ Employer/Purchase Procure Review by ment Bank (Prior / Enquiry r/Client 合同方 其中 Method Post) Issuance 贷款 Loan 配套 Cont. Date/TORSubmi ssion to WB Gansu Commerce and post review 后 125.00 0.00 Shopping 201709 Trade Vocational 审 College 甘肃财贸职业学院 125.00 0.00 Gansu Commerce and prior review 前 11862.52 0.00 NCB 201704 Trade Vocational 审 College 甘肃财贸职业学院 Gansu Commerce and post review 后 8816.38 0.00 NCB 201704 Trade Vocational 审 College 甘肃财贸职业学院 Gansu Commerce and post review 后 1304.99 0.00 NCB 201807 Trade Vocational 审 College 甘肃财贸职业学院 21983.89 0.00 Gansu Commerce and post review 后 30.00 0.00 CQS 201709 Trade Vocational 审 College 甘肃财贸职业学院 Gansu Commerce and post review 后 20.00 0.00 CQS 201709 Trade Vocational 审 College 甘肃财贸职业学院 Gansu Commerce and post review 后 165.00 0.00 CQS 201709 Trade Vocational 审 College 甘肃财贸职业学院 Gansu Commerce and post review 后 180.00 0.00 CQS 201709 Trade Vocational 审 College 甘肃财贸职业学院 Gansu Commerce and post review 后 14.00 0.00 CQS 201703 Trade Vocational 审 College 甘肃财贸职业学院 Gansu Commerce and post review 后 14.00 0.00 CQS 201703 Trade Vocational 审 College 甘肃财贸职业学院 Gansu Commerce and post review 后 14.00 0.00 CQS 201703 Trade Vocational 审 College 甘肃财贸职业学院 Gansu Commerce and post review 后 14.00 0.00 CQS 201703 Trade Vocational 审 College 甘肃财贸职业学院 Gansu Commerce and post review 后 14.00 0.00 CQS 201703 Trade Vocational 审 College 甘肃财贸职业学院 Gansu Commerce and post review 后 20.00 0.00 IC 201709 Trade Vocational 审 College 甘肃财贸职业学院 485.00 0.00 22593.89 0.00 算,各项数值保留小数点后两位 单位:万 Unit: 10000 备注 Comments time for design and approval are not included 不含设计、 审批时间 time for design and approval are not included 不含设计、 time for design 审 批时间 and approval are not included 不含设计、 审批时间 GANSU TECH 预算 预算 合同编号 Estimated Sum 金额 序号 合同内容 ( Co ntract Cost(1000 Serial No. Contract Description No. 0 美元 US 总额(万元 Dollar) 10 000 RMB) construction of 2 teaching 1 JJXX-W-01 1176.61 7765.60 buildings 新建 2 栋教学综合楼 subtotal 1176.61 7765.60 hire professional agencies to make the talent cultivation plans for 4 specialities including model making(3-D printing),numerical control machining, installation and maintainence of elctrical automatization equipments and welding 1 JJXX-S-01 technique; guide teachers to make plans 4.55 30.00 for other 10 specialities.聘请专业机构针对模具制造 (3D 打印方向)、数控加工、电气自动 化设备安装与维修和焊接技术等四个专 业,制定出各专业人才培养方案,指导学 校教师制定其他 10 个专业的人才培 2 JJXX-S-02 hire professional consulting agencies to 6.06 40.00 develop the curriculum standards for over 10 courses of model making (3-D printing), guide teachers to develop curriculum standards for 15 courses of numerical control machining, installment and maintainence of elctric automatization equipments and welding technique 聘请专业咨询机构开发模具制造(3D 打 印方向)专业 10 门以上课程标准,并指 导学校老师开发数控加工、电气自动化设 备安装与维修和焊接技术三个专业 15 门 课程标准 hire professional consulting agencies to build teaching resource banks for 2 specialities and guide school to build teaching resource 3 JJXX-S-03 24.24 160.00 banks for another 2 specialities 聘请专业咨询机构建设 2 个专业的教学 资源库并指导学校自己建设 2 个专业的 教学资源库。 E hire consulting agencies to develop and design quality evaluation system in accordance with the practical situation of the school ,including 1 index system of testing and appraisal for teaching quality ; 1 for talent cultivation quality; 4 JJXX-S-04 4.55 30.00 guide appraisal activities for teaching and management in the school. 聘请咨询机构开发、设计符合我校实际的 质量评价体系,包含 1 套教学质量检测评 价指标体系;1 套人才培养质量检测评 价,并指导学校开展教学、管理评价活 organize teachers to develop 3-5 school- based textbooks relevant to model making(3-D printing) and other 5 JJXX-S-05 2.42 16.00 specialities 组织学院教师完成模具等专业(3D 打印 方向)4-5 本校本教材的开发。 subtotal 41.82 276.00 总计 1218.42 8041.60 Notes:approximately 1US Dollar=6.60RMB (correct to two decimal places) 注:汇 世界银行贷款甘肃省职业教育发展项目 HNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROJECT 采购计 划 Procurement Plan Estimated Cost (10000 人民币) 世界银行 采购文件 采购方式 审查 Revi 其中(万元 10000 Procure ew by 发售时间及任务大纲提交时间 B RMB) ment Bank D/Enquiry Issuance Method (Prior / Date/TORSubmission to WB 配套 Post) 贷款 Loan Cont . prior 7765.60 0.00 NCB review 前 3/1/2017 审 7765.60 0.00 prior 30.00 0.00 CQS review 前 3/1/2017 审 post 40.00 0.00 CQS review 后 3/1/2017 审 post 160.00 0.00 CQS review 后 6/1/2017 审 post 30.00 0.00 CQS review 后 9/1/2017 审 post 16.00 0.00 Shopping review 后 9/1/2017 审 276.00 0.00 8041.60 0.00 汇率暂按 6.6 计算,各项数值保留小数点后两位 单位:万 Unit: 10000RMB Employer/Purchaser/Cl ient 备注 Comments 合同方 Gansu Senior Technical School of Mechanics 甘肃省机械高级技工学校 Gansu Senior Technical School of Mechanics 甘肃省机械高级技工学校 Gansu Senior Technical School of Mechanics 甘肃省机械高级技工学校 Gansu Senior Technical School of Mechanics 甘肃省机械高级技工学校 model making(3-D printing),numerical control machining, installation and maintainence of Gansu Senior Technical elctrical School of Mechanics automatization equipments and welding 甘肃省机械高级技工学校 technique 模具制造(3D 打印方向)、数控加 工、电气自动化设备安装与维修和焊接 技术 Gansu Senior Technical School of Mechanics 甘肃省机械高级技工学校 Gansu Senior Technical School of Mechanics 甘肃省机械高级技工学校 世界银行贷款甘肃省职业教育发展项目 GANSU TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROJECT 采购计划 Procurement Plan 预算 预算 Estimated Cost 合同编号 Contrac Estimated Sum 金额(万元人民币 10000RMB) t No. Cost 其中(万元 ((10 10000RMB) 采购方式 序号 合同内容 Contract Description 000 美元 总额(万元) Procurement Serial No. US Total(10000 Method Dollar)美 RMB) 贷款 Loan 配套 Cont. 元 US Dollar) lighting system,audio system,seats,stage machine and control system, recording and broadcasting 1 WLXY-G-01 system and stage equipment 0.00 FALSE 1417.09 0.00 NCB 建设灯光、音响、座椅、舞台机械及控制系统、录 播系统和舞台相关设备 procurement of musical instruments 2 WLXY-G-02 18.85 124.40 124.40 0.00 shopping 采购乐器 3 WLXY-G-03 costume and stage property 服装、道具 7.52 49.60 49.60 0.00 SSS compile at least 20 school-based textbooks for art and media specialities 4 WLXY-G-04 校本教材建设开发完成艺术类、传媒类专业不少于 13.64 90.00 90.00 0.00 shopping 2 0 套校本教材的开发 subtotal 40.00 264.00 1681.09 0.00 construction of art-center building, 6100㎡ 1 WLXY-W-01 5433.52 5433.52 0.00 NCB 艺术实践中心大楼建设 6100 平方米 823.26 subtotal 823.26 5433.52 5433.52 0.00 contract signing of innovative experiment on the integrtion of teaching and industry between School Planning,Building and Development Center of 1 WLXY-S-01 Ministry of Education and Lanzhou University of 60.61 400.00 400.00 0.00 SSS Science and Arts 教育部学校规划建设发展中心与兰州文理学院 “高等 学校产教融合创新实验”项目合作协议签订 individual invite experts from industries and enterprises to consulting contract 2 WLXY-S-02 teach practical courses for specialities 3.03 20.00 20.00 0.00 行业、企业专家来校讲授专业实践类课程 个人咨询合同 hire individual consultants to perform Long Opera: individual a galloping horse stepping on a flying consulting contract 3 WLXY-S-03 3.94 26.00 26.00 0.00 swallow 个人咨询合同 聘请个人咨询顾问进行《马踏飞燕》的演出 hire individual consultants to arrange musical individual instruments for Long Opera: a galloping horse consulting contract 4 WLXY-S-04 stepping on a flying swallow 2.27 15.00 15.00 0.00 个人咨询合同 聘请个人咨询顾问开发《马踏飞燕》剧目音乐的配 器工作 hire professional agencies to give musical individual accompaniment to Long Opera: a galloping consulting contract 5 WLXY-S-05 2.27 15.00 15.00 0.00 horse stepping on a flying swallow 个人咨询合同 聘请专业机构进行《马踏飞燕》剧目音乐伴奏 hire individual consultants to give stage design for individual Long Opera: a galloping horse stepping on a flying consulting contract 6 WLXY-S-06 swallow 2.27 15.00 15.00 0.00 个人咨询合同 聘请个人咨询顾问进行《马踏飞燕》剧目的舞美设 计工作 hire individual consultants to design stage light for individual Long Opera:a galloping horse consulting contract 7 WLXY-S-07 stepping on a flying swallow 2.27 15.00 15.00 0.00 个人咨询合同 聘请个人咨询顾问进行《马踏飞燕》剧目的灯光设 计 hire individual consultants to teach classical repertoire (or episodes) in order to inherit them individual 8 WLXY-S-08 (multiple) 3.03 20.00 20.00 0.00 consulting contract 聘请个人咨询顾问教授经典剧目(或片段)用于该 个人咨询合同 剧目的传承(多个) hire individual consultants to help improve the professional teaching capacity of music,dance and individual traditional Chinese oprea by inheritance, help and 9 WLXY-S-09 3.64 24.00 24.00 0.00 consulting contract guidance (multiple) 个人咨询合同 聘请个人咨询顾问用传、帮、带的方式带动音乐、 舞蹈、戏曲专业教师队伍教学能力的全面提高(多 个) hire individual consultants to teach and share individual stage experience by the form of apprentice consulting contract 10 WLXY-S-10 (multiple) 5.45 36.00 36.00 0.00 个人咨询合同 聘请个人咨询顾问,用学徒制的形式来学校分段教 学,教授舞台经验(多个) hire individual consultants to undertake assessment individual and discussion of professional talent cultivation 11 WLXY-S-11 0.76 5.00 5.00 0.00 consulting contract plan 个人咨询合同 聘请个人咨询顾问专业人才培养方案评价论证 hire professional agencies to build internetbased 12 WLXY-S-12 teaching resource bank of general 18.18 120.00 120.00 0.00 courses 聘请专业机构建设通识类网络教学资源库 CQS hire professional agencies to develop practical video 13 WLXY-S-13 courses 33.33 220.00 220.00 0.00 QCBS 聘请专业机构建设应用型视频资源课程 hire professional agencies to build "resource banks for vocational education of artistic performance in Gansu province",enhance the popularization and application of modern teaching means in art 14 WLXY-S-14 16.67 110.00 110.00 0.00 performance courses. 聘请专业机构建立“甘肃省艺术表演职业教育资源 库”,提高现代化教学手段在艺术表演类课程的推广 和使用 CQS establishment of assessment system 15 WLXY-S-15 4.09 27.00 27.00 0.00 评价体系建设 CQS subtotal 161.82 1068.00 1068.00 0.00 total 总计 1025.08 6765.52 8182.61 0.00 Notes:approximately 1US Dollar=6.60RMB (correct to two decimal places) 注:汇率暂按 6.6 计算,各项数值保留小数点后两位 单位:万元人民币 Unit: 10000RMB 采购文件 发售时间及任务大纲提 世界银行审查 R 交时间 BD/Enquiry Employer/Purchase 备注 eview by Bank Issuance r/Client 合同方 Comments (Prior / Post) Date/TORSubmission to WB Lanzhou University of post review 后 201907 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 2018—2022 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201710 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 Lanzhou University of post review 后 201803 Science and Arts 兰州 审 文理学院 PROCUREMENT China : China: Gansu Technical and Vocational Education and Training Project PLAN General Information Country: China Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2017-10-24 2019-12-03 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P154623 GPN Date: 2017-07-23 Project Name: China: Gansu Technical and Vocational Education and Training Project Loan / Credit No: IBRD / 87200 Executing Agency(ies): Gansu TVET WORKS Bid Evaluation Activity Reference No. / Draft Bidding Loan / Credit Market Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents Proposal Submission / Report and Description Component Review Type Method Document / Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation as Issued Opening / Minutes Recommendation for Justification Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Strengthen TVET Delivery WLXY-W-01 / Constructing Single Stage - One IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Request for Bids Open - National 6,077,273.00 5,133,025.88 Signed 2018-08-22 2018-08-27 2018-10-08 2018-11-07 2018-12-12 2019-06-10 the center of art practice. Envelope School Reforms NHXY-W-01 / Constructing 1 training building, 1 Strengthen TVET Delivery Single Stage - One teaching building, 2 IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Prior Request for Bids Open - National 30,171,800.00 25,007,752.47 Signed 2018-09-20 2018-09-25 2018-11-06 2018-12-06 2019-01-10 2019-07-09 Envelope dormitory buildings and 1 School Reforms restaurant . Strengthen TVET Delivery CMXY-W-02 / Constructing Single Stage - One IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Request for Bids Open - National 10,470,409.00 8,228,562.78 Signed 2018-09-30 2018-10-10 2018-11-09 2018-11-24 2018-12-11 2019-08-08 2 training buildings. Envelope School Reforms CMXY-W-01 / Constructing Strengthen TVET Delivery Single Stage - One 1 teaching building and 1 IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Prior Request for Bids Open - National 17,129,045.00 13,665,591.34 Signed 2018-09-30 2018-10-12 2018-11-11 2018-11-26 2018-12-16 2019-08-13 Envelope dormitory buildings. School Reforms JJXX-W-01 / Constructing 1 Strengthen TVET Delivery Single Stage - One teaching building and 1 IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Request for Bids Open - National 14,740,900.00 9,201,973.51 Signed 2018-09-30 2018-10-10 2018-11-09 2018-11-24 2018-12-11 2020-06-03 Envelope teaching-office building. School Reforms Strengthen TVET Delivery Under CMXY-W-03 / Campus Single Stage - One IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,036,700.00 959,109.11 Implementati 2019-08-09 2019-08-19 2019-09-18 2019-10-03 2019-10-20 2021-02-19 greening construction. Envelope School Reforms on GOODS Bid Evaluation Activity Reference No. / Draft Bidding Loan / Credit Market Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents Proposal Submission / Report and Description Component Review Type Method Document / Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation as Issued Opening / Minutes Recommendation for Justification Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual NHXY-G-07 / Purchase 1 Strengthen TVET Delivery set of financial management Request for Single Stage - One IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Limited 90,900.00 104,706.76 Signed 2018-08-08 2018-10-03 2019-04-01 software of higher vocational Quotations Envelope School Reforms college Strengthen TVET Delivery NHXY-G-04 / Purchase coal Request for Single Stage - One IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Limited 272,700.00 258,725.68 Signed 2018-08-08 2018-10-03 2019-04-01 quality analyzer Quotations Envelope School Reforms Page 1 CMXY-G-01 / Hire supplier to print students training materials, teaching Strengthen TVET Delivery Request for Single Stage - One supplementary materials, IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Limited 15,200.00 10,336.17 Signed 2018-11-16 2019-01-03 2019-03-04 Quotations Envelope school rules and regulations, School Reforms and students associations materials. CMXY-G-02 / Hire supplier to print training materials, Strengthen TVET Delivery Pending teaching supplementary Request for Single Stage - One IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Limited 45,500.00 0.00 Implementati 2019-06-24 2019-08-30 2020-02-26 materials, school rules and Quotations Envelope School Reforms on regulations, and students associations materials. CMXY-G-03 / Purchase Strengthen TVET Delivery Single Stage - One Furniture for Training Room IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Request for Bids Open - National 560,600.00 498,824.88 Signed 2019-06-18 2019-06-21 2019-07-11 2019-07-18 2019-08-08 2019-11-06 Envelope of Hotel Management. School Reforms CMXY-G-04 / Purchase Strengthen the Demand- Single Stage - One Desks and Chairs for IBRD / 87200 Post Request for Bids Open - National 257,600.00 234,122.40 Signed 2019-06-18 2019-06-21 2019-07-11 2019-07-18 2019-08-08 2019-11-06 driven TVET System Envelope Training Building. CMXY-G-05 / Purchasing Multimedia Equipment for Strengthen the Demand- Single Stage - One IBRD / 87200 Post Request for Bids Open - National 530,300.00 488,000.78 Signed 2019-06-18 2019-06-21 2019-07-11 2019-07-18 2019-08-08 2019-11-06 Intelligence Classroom of driven TVET System Envelope Training Building. Strengthen TVET Delivery NHXY-G-05 / Purchase Request for Single Stage - One IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Limited 417,500.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-08-16 2019-10-13 2019-12-12 Teaching Building Goods. Quotations Envelope School Reforms NHXY-G-06 / Purchase Strengthen TVET Delivery Under Single Stage - One Student Restaurant IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Request for Bids Open - National 537,300.00 0.00 Implementati 2019-08-23 2019-08-30 2019-09-29 2019-10-06 2019-10-27 2019-12-26 Envelope Facilities. School Reforms on Strengthen TVET Delivery Under NHXY-G-09 / Purchase Single Stage - One IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Request for Bids Open - National 966,000.00 0.00 Implementati 2019-08-23 2019-08-30 2019-09-29 2019-10-06 2019-10-27 2019-12-26 Dormitory Building Goods. Envelope School Reforms on CMXY-G-07 / Purchase Strengthen TVET Delivery Under Request for Single Stage - One Marketing Training IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Limited 374,400.00 0.00 Implementati 2019-11-21 2020-01-18 2020-03-18 Quotations Envelope Equipment. School Reforms on Strengthen TVET Delivery Pending NHXY-G-05A / Purchase Request for Single Stage - One IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Limited 417,500.00 0.00 Implementati 2019-12-13 2020-02-09 2020-04-09 Teaching Building Goods. Quotations Envelope School Reforms on NON CONSULTING SERVICES Bid Evaluation Activity Reference No. / Draft Bidding Loan / Credit Market Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents Proposal Submission / Report and Description Component Review Type Method Document / Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation as Issued Opening / Minutes Recommendation for Justification Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit Market Contract Type Estimated Actual Expression of Interest Short List and Draft Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Amount (US$) Amount (US$) Notice Request for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes Technical Proposal Negotiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual GSZJ-SXMB-S-01 / hire Consultant consulting agencies to Strengthen the Demand- IBRD / 87200 Post Qualification Open - National 181,800.00 191,192.69 Signed 2017-10-23 2017-11-06 2017-12-20 2018-01-19 2018-02-23 2018-08-22 undertake project impact driven TVET System Selection assessment Page 2 GSZJ-SXMB-S-02 / hire Consultant consulting agencies to Strengthen the Demand- IBRD / 87200 Post Qualification Open - National 45,500.00 84,096.59 Signed 2017-10-23 2017-11-07 2017-12-21 2018-01-20 2018-02-24 2018-08-23 undertake external driven TVET System Selection environment monitor GSZJ-SXMB-S-03 / hire Consultant Strengthen the Demand- consulting agencies to IBRD / 87200 Post Qualification Open - National 45,500.00 107,635.90 Signed 2017-10-23 2017-11-07 2017-12-21 2018-01-20 2018-02-24 2018-08-23 driven TVET System undertake social monitor Selection GSZJ-SXMB-S-05 / hire professional agencies to Consultant undertake a survey of the Strengthen the Demand- IBRD / 87200 Post Qualification Open - National 151,500.00 148,302.50 Signed 2017-10-23 2017-11-07 2017-12-21 2018-01-20 2018-02-24 2018-08-23 demand for skillful labours driven TVET System Selection in Gansu and finish 1 research report GSZJ-SXMB-S-04 / 聘请专家 Consultant 指导项目院校开展校企合作、师 Strengthen the Demand- 资培训、教学改革、学校管理、 IBRD / 87200 Post Qualification Open - National 181,800.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-06-15 2018-06-30 2018-07-24 2018-07-31 2018-08-20 2022-12-31 监测评估等项目主要活动,协助 driven TVET System Selection 项目办编撰项目成果集。 GSZJ-SXMB-S-08 / Hire consultant to guide the teachers formulate talent training programs, develop curriculum standards and Strengthen the Demand- Quality And Cost- Open - IBRD / 87200 Prior 1,592,400.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-07-12 2018-07-15 2018-08-15 2018-09-12 2018-10-12 2018-11-16 2018-12-21 2022-09-30 resources, reform teaching driven TVET System Based Selection International methods, implement teaching assessment, and provide training and accompanying guidance. GSZJ-SXMB-S-08A / consultant to guide the teachers formulate talent training programs, develop curriculum standards and Strengthen the Demand- Quality And Cost- IBRD / 87200 Post Open - National 1,592,400.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-07-24 2018-08-14 2018-09-27 2018-10-25 2018-11-24 2018-12-29 2019-01-17 2020-01-17 resources, reform teaching driven TVET System Based Selection methods, implement teaching assessment, and provide training and accompanying guidance. CMXY-S-05 / Hire consultant to train teachers Consultant and students for Strengthen the Demand- IBRD / 87200 Post Qualification Open - National 21,200.00 24,926.60 Signed 2018-09-20 2018-09-26 2018-11-09 2018-12-09 2019-01-13 2019-07-12 participating in national driven TVET System Selection logistics vocational skills competition. WLXY-S-14 / Hire Consultant consultant to "Gansu Strengthen the Demand- IBRD / 87200 Post Qualification Open - National 166,700.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-09-20 2018-09-26 2018-11-09 2018-12-09 2019-01-13 2019-07-12 Province datebase of art and driven TVET System Selection act vocational education " WLXY-S-11 / Hire Consultant Strengthen the Demand- individual expert to revise IBRD / 87200 Post Qualification Open - National 7,600.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-09-20 2018-09-26 2018-11-09 2018-12-09 2019-01-13 2019-07-12 driven TVET System professional training plan Selection GSZJ-SXMB-S-04A / 聘请专 Consultant 家指导项目院校开展校企合作、 Project Management and 师资培训、教学改革、学校管理 IBRD / 87200 Post Qualification Open - National 181,800.00 204,809.54 Signed 2018-10-09 2018-10-10 2018-11-01 2018-11-22 2018-12-12 2022-12-31 、监测评估等项目主要活动,协 Monitoring and Evaluation Selection 助项目办编撰项目成果集。 Page 3 GSZJ-SXMB-S-08B / Hire consultant to guide the teachers formulate talent training programs, develop curriculum standards and Strengthen the Demand- Quality Based Open - IBRD / 87200 Post 1,592,400.00 1,568,588.92 Signed 2018-12-07 2018-12-10 2018-12-24 2018-12-31 2019-01-07 2019-01-14 2019-02-18 2022-12-31 resources, reform teaching driven TVET System Selection International methods, implement teaching assessment, and provide training and accompanying guidance. NHXY-S-02 / Hire Consultant to Design a Set Strengthen TVET Delivery Consultant Under of 6S Enterprise Quality IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Qualification Open - National 60,600.00 0.00 2019-06-18 2019-06-21 2019-07-26 2019-08-09 2019-08-23 2020-12-31 Implementation Management System Scheme School Reforms Selection for The Training Room. NHXY-S-14 / Hire Consultant to Investigate Strengthen TVET Delivery Consultant Employment Quality of IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Qualification Open - National 60,600.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-06-18 2019-06-21 2019-07-26 2019-08-09 2019-08-23 2022-12-31 Graduates And Compile 5 School Reforms Selection Reports. JJXX-S-02 / Hire Strengthen TVET Delivery Consultant Consultant to Investigate Under IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Qualification Open - National 30,300.00 0.00 2019-08-02 2019-08-09 2019-09-07 2019-09-14 2019-09-28 2022-12-31 Annual Employment Quality Implementation School Reforms Selection of Graduates. GSZJ-SXMB-S-06 / Hire Consultant to Research on Consultant Strengthen the Demand- Under the Evaluation of Vocational IBRD / 87200 Post Qualification Open - National 90,900.00 0.00 2019-08-09 2019-08-12 2019-09-16 2019-09-30 2019-11-06 2020-05-05 driven TVET System Implementation Education Teacher Training Selection Effect in Gansu Province. GSZJ-SXMB-S-07 / Hire Consultant to Research on Strengthen TVET Delivery Consultant the Vocational College Under IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Qualification Open - National 90,900.00 0.00 2019-08-09 2019-08-12 2019-09-16 2019-09-30 2019-11-06 2020-05-05 Headmaster Capacity-building Implementation School Reforms Selection Programme in Gansu Province. GSZJ-SXMB-S-09 / Hire Consultant to Research on Strengthen TVET Delivery Consultant Problems and Suggestions of Under IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Qualification Open - National 60,600.00 0.00 2019-08-09 2019-08-12 2019-09-16 2019-09-30 2019-11-06 2020-05-05 the Teaching Resource Implementation School Reforms Selection Datebase Sharing and Promotion. WLXY-S-12 / Hire Consultant to Build A Strengthen TVET Delivery Consultant General Network Teaching Under IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Qualification Open - National 181,800.00 0.00 2019-11-06 2019-11-09 2019-12-14 2020-02-12 2020-03-20 2022-12-31 Resource Datebase And Implementation School Reforms Selection Provide Rich Curriculum Resources. WLXY-S-13-01 / Hire Consultant to Develop Strengthen TVET Delivery Consultant Under Applied Video Resources IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Qualification Open - National 166,700.00 0.00 2019-11-06 2019-11-13 2019-12-18 2020-02-16 2020-03-24 2021-03-31 Implementation Courses of Science and School Reforms Selection Engineering . WLXY-S-13-02 / Hire Strengthen TVET Delivery Consultant Consultant to Develop Under IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Qualification Open - National 166,700.00 0.00 2019-11-06 2019-11-13 2019-12-18 2020-02-16 2020-03-24 2021-03-31 Applied Video Resources Implementation School Reforms Selection Courses of Culture and Art. NHXY-S-14A / Hire Consultant to Investigate Strengthen TVET Delivery Consultant Under Employment Quality of IBRD / 87200 through Comprehensive Post Qualification Open - National 60,600.00 0.00 2019-11-13 2019-11-20 2019-12-25 2020-01-15 2020-01-29 2022-12-31 Implementation Graduates And Compile School Reforms Selection Reports. Page 4 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Invitation to Loan / Credit Market Contract Type Estimated Actual Draft Negotiated Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Identified/Selected Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Amount (US$) Amount (US$) Contract Consultant Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual CMXY-S-10 / Hire experts to give lectures on mental Individual health, guide the college to Strengthen the Demand- IBRD / 87200 Post Consultant Open 30,300.00 34,656.00 Signed 2018-07-31 2018-09-18 2018-10-09 2018-11-13 2022-10-31 conduct mental health tests driven TVET System Selection for students, and correct mental health. Page 5