Bosnia and Herzegovina Water Quality Protection Proiect EnvironmentalAssessment Executive Summary Sarajevo, February 2004. -Environmental L-----.. - 2.5 ~.-_ Water Quality Protection Project Assessment GENERAL INFORMATION This Study has been preparedon behalf of Ministry of agriculture,waterworks and forestry of Federationof Bosniaand Herregovina. Consultant Bosna-S Co. Sarajevo UI. Nova br. 26,71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: +387 33 278 040 I205 756 Fax: +387 33 200 074 E-mail: Web: Study Preparation ExpertTeam Domagoj BaEiC, B.Sc. Mech. Eng., Project Manager, WWTPDesign Specialist Esma Kreso, BSc. Env. Eng., EnvironmentalProtection Specialist lvica KataliniC,%.Sc. Civ.Eng., WaterManagement Specialist Verner HuseljiC, BSc Chem.Eng., TechnologySpecialist Goran KrstoviC, BSc. Mech.Eng., TechnicalSupport This EnvironmentalAssessment study has been preparedfor exclusive use by the Ministry of agriculture, waterworks and forestry of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the World Bank. Information contained in this Study were correct at the time of its preparation. Minor changes may occur during the implementation of the Water Quality Protection project, however, such changes will not affect the conclusions of this Study as long as there are no changes to the sub-componentsof the main project. The team assigned wishes to thank the persons responsiblefor this project at the City of Mostarand Municipalitiesof Odiak, fivinice and Trnovo for the help providedand understandingduring the preparationof this Study. Bosna-S Co. -Sarajevo 2 Water Quality Protection Project-Environmental <-- .: :z Assessment EXECUTIVESUMMARY The ultimate goal of the Water Quality Protection (WQP) Project is to reduce the general pollution of the Neretva and Bosna Rivers, as parts of the Adriatic and Black Sea basins, resulting from releases of municipal wastewater. The sub-goals of the project are: a) preparation of a wastewater management improvement plan, b) establishment of a joint commission of BiH and Croatia for implementation, coordinated by Montenegro, and c) development and implementationof high priority capital investments in the water sector, with low financing. As support to the GEF (Global Environmental Facility) Program, the WQP Project would address the environmentaldegradationof the Neretvaand Bosnia Rivers,coordinate regional priorities, and develop a Wastewater Improvement Management Plan for Bosnia and Herregovina (BiH). The Wastewater Improvement Management Plan should clarify the institutinnal framework for Wastewater Management; formalize the cooperation with institutions in Croatia and Montenegro; build a network of public and private institutionsthat are neededfor effectivewastewater management; and prepare the groundworkfor innovative low cost wastewater treatment methods. In support of the GEF Program, the WQP Project comprisesthe followingcomponents: ComponentA Action Planfor reduction of river pollutionin BiH ComponentB High priority investments Odiak - reconstruction/rehabiIitation of the existing sewage treatment plant and main Mostar-first stage construction of a wastewatertreatment plant, and main sewage collectors, collector,construction of an outfall pipeline, Trnovo - rehabilitationof the existing sewage treatment plant hinice - construction of a main sewage collector, and wastewater treatment plant Component C Wetland conservation ComponentD Project management ComponentE Project implementationand replication The following study represents the Environmental Assessment (EA) supporting the WQP Project, which on the basis of potential impact has been designated as a category A project. The EA has been prepared in strict compliance with both the requirements of BiH legislation and the World Bank operational policies and procedures (WB OP/BP/GP 4.01). Since these respective requirements are not identical, in order to reconciliate their differences, the EA study was prepared in accordance with the more stringent World Bank requirements, which Bosna-S Co. -Sarajevo 3 ~- _. 2 > Water Quality Protection Project Environmental Assessment - are not in discrepancy with the local requirements. This approach was approved by the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning and Environment of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Study as such will be used during the completion of the procedure according to requirements of legislation in force in the Federationof Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH). Thus the World Bank Operational Procedure/Bank Procedure4.01 on Environmental Assessment was used as a key referenceduringthe preparationof the Study. Any World Bank financed project involving resettlement components is subject to the World Bank Operational Policy (WB OP) 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement, revision April 2004, and Bank Procedure (BP) 4.12 of December 2001, which describe instrumentsand proceduresfor eliminating negative economic, social and environmental issues that may arise. This policy is triggered not only with physical relocation, but any loss of land resultingin relocationor loss of shelter, loss of assets or access to assets and loss of income sources and means of livelihood. No needfor resettlement is expectedwithin any of the four project components. If it is determined that any investment requiring land acquisition is to be made using other funds, the process that is outlined in this Study and the EnvironmentalFramework Policy document must be followed. Furthermore, WB OP 4.04 on Natural Habitats is triggered, aiming to ensure that the WB- supported infrastructure projects preserve and protect biodiversity and the wealth of natural habitats to the extent possible. This applies to the wetlands component which will be further identified during implementation. In addition to this, WB OP 7.50 on InternationalWaterways is also triggered since it appliesto any water project involving the use or potential pollution of international waterways. This safeguard focuses on resolving issues related to a project's effects on international waterways. However, it specifically exempts from the notification requirementminor additions or alterations to existing schemes that will not adversely change the quantity or quality of water flows to other riparians. As these investments seek to improve the water quality of the waterways in the region, the projectclearly meets this definition. Chapter 2 of the Study provides a review of FBlH EA requirements with extensivedescription of procedures imposed by the secondary legislation, while Chapter 3 gives a brief review of WB EA requirementswith a referenceto the majorWB safeguards applicable. Another essential part of the Study represents EnvironmentalAssessmentfor four sub-project areas in the form required by WB, and contains the necessary chapters addressing: description of project areas, baseline data, analysis of alternatives, identified environmental impacts, and environmental managementplan. The baseline data collected for the project locations include qualitative and quantitative parametersfor each of the watercourses on which the project will have direct effect. The data provided depict recent mean measurement values. The frequency of the measurements and the scope of the analyses vary accordingto location,due to the characteristicsor the usage of the watercourse and the area in general. Actual data should be obtained prior to the operationalstart up of the treatment plants. Bosna-S Co. -Sarajevo 4 __ :-> Water Quality Protection Project Environmental Assessment - - 6- - ." Further chapters give an overview of the different project alternatives, as well as a consideration of possible environmental impacts, and propose a suitable environmental management plan to avoid or minimizethem. Mostshort term impactson the environment,Le. immediate surrounding of the site, are expected to occur during the construction or future decommissioning activities. These impacts typically includetraffic disruptions and congestion, dust, constructionwaste noise generation. No impacts on historical sites or cultural heritage objects are expected on the locations of the identified four project components. However, in case of Mostar, special precaution measures should be taken during the works in or around the old city area, where numeroussignificant structuresare concentrated. The project is expected to have a direct positive effect on the surfacewater quality, especially in the water bodies that have been the recipients of raw sewage. Due to a strong interplay of groundwater and surface water in karst areas, in case of Mostar componentthere will also be a positive effect on groundwater. By diverting the sewage from open rivers and water courses, the general pollutionin the water bodies will be reduced, hence significantly contributing to overall public health situation. In case of Trnovo component, the project is expected to directly help protect the drinking water source of Sarajevo and improve the drinking water quality, which will also have positiveeffect on the health of local population. No negative impacts on natural environment are expected as a result of this project. By careful planning, as well as following the adequate mitigation measures recommended in this Study, the project is expected to have positive overall effect on the nature. Improvement of water quality in the watercourses concerned is expected, which will in tum help preserve and protect the biodiversityand ecosystems. While different aspects of project alternatives have been considered, it is obvious that the negative environmental impacts of a "do nothing" alternative would be much greater than the impacts that may arise during the construction and the later operation of any of the facilities considered. Location First Public Consultation Second Public Consultation Tmovo October 25, 2004 December09,2004 fivinice October 26,2004 December09,2004 Odiak October27,2004 December 10,2004 Mostar October28,2004 December 10,2004 Extensive documentation from these public consultations (minutes of meetings, with lists of participants) is given in the appendix, along with EnvironmentalClausesfor Civil/Performance Works Contractors that will be used in further project implementation. Based on this Study, it can be concluded that the overall long term positive effects of the investment at the four identified project sites exceed by far any short term, mostly minor Bosna-S Co. -Sarajevo 5 <^;--I-- Water Quality Protection Project ---,-_. " 27 EnvironmentalAssessment negative impacts related to facility rehabilitation and construction that may occur. This favorable ratio of the positive and negative effects will be enhanced even further by strict applicationof the mitigationmeasures recommendedin this study. For further investments yet to be identified during the project implementation, new EnvironmentalAssessmentstudieswill be based on this initialmodel Study. Bosna-S Co.-Sarajevo 6