"Second Dushanbe Water Supply Project'' Grапt Nо. H692-TJ, Grant No. D087-TJ, Credit No. 5709-TJ The project financial statemenb fоr the уеаr ended DесеmЬеr 3,t, 2019 and independent auditors' rероЁ ,"SEcoND DUSHANBE WATER SUPPLY PRoJECT,, GRANT No. H692-TJ, GRANT No. D087-TJ, cREDlT No. 57o9-TJ ],ABLE оF CoNTENTS Page SiTATEMENT оF MANAGEM ENT,S RESPoNSlBtLlTlES FоR Т,НЕ PREPARATION AND APPROVAL ОF т,нЕ PRoJECT FlNANclAL STATEMENTS 2 lI{DEPENDENT AUDlToRS, REPoRT 3-4 ТНЕ PROJECT F|NANC|AL STATEMENTS FoR тнЕ YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 20.t9 Summary of funds received and expenditures paid 5 Summary of expenditures paid Ьу project components 6-7 Notes to the pюject financial statements 8-,15 "SECOND DUSHANBE WATER SUPPLY PROJECT,, GRANT No. H692_TJ, GRANT No. D087-TJ, cREDlT No.5709-TJ ýiTATEMENT оF MANAGEMENT,S RESPoNSlBlLlTtES FoR тнЕ PREPARATIoN AND l\PPRovAL оF тнЕ PRoJECT FlNANclAL STATEMENTS 1-he following Statement, which should Ье read in сопjчпсtiоп with the independent auditors'responsibilities is made with а view to distinguish the respective responsibilities of mапаgеmепt and those of the independent auditors iп relation to the project financial statements of the Project "Second Dushanbe Water ýiupply Pýect", Grапt No. H692-TJ, Grапt No. D087-TJ, Credit No. 5709_TJ (the "project'). ПЛапаgеmепt is responsible for the рrераrаtiоп of the project financial statements that рrеsепt fаirlу, in all ппаtеriаl respects, the summary of funds received and expenditures paid and the summary of ехрепditurеs plaid Ьу project components of the Ргоjесt for the year ended DесеmЬеr 31, 2019 iп accordance with lnternational Public Sector Accounting Standard "Fiпапсiаl Rерогtiпg Under the Cash Basis of Accounting" (the 'lPSAS") issued Ьу the lnternational Public Accounting Standards Board of the lnternational F:ederation of Accountants and the World Bank's Fiпапсiаl Мапаgеmепt Sector Board's "Guidelines: lmnual Fiпапсiаl Rерогtiпg and Auditing fоr World Вапk Financed Activities" (the "WB Guidelines"). lп рrераriпg the project financial statements, management is responsible fоr: . selecting suitable accounting policies and applying them consistently; . making judgments and estimates that аrе rеаsопаьlе апd prudent; . stating whether lpsAs and wB Guidelines have Ьееп followed, subject to апу mаtегiаl dерагtчrеs disclosed and ехрlаiпеd in the project financial statements; and . preparing the project financial statements on а going сопсеrп basis, unless it is iпаррrорriаtе to рrеsчmе that the Project will Ье implemented iп ассоrdапсе with the established period. Пlапаgеmепt is also responsible fоr: . designing, implementing and maintaining effective and sound system of iпtеrпаl сопtrоl and for revealing risks iп system of internal control; . maintaining рrореr accounting rесоrds that disclose, with rеаsопаьlе ассчrасу at апу time, the financial position of the Project, and which enable them to епsчrе that the project fiпапсiаl statements of the Pюject comply with lPSAS and WB Guidelines; . compliance with laws and regulations of the Republic of Tajikistan, accounting system of the Ргоjесt and the requirements of the World Вапk; . taking such steps as аrе reasonably available to them to safeguard the assets of the project; апd . detecting and preventing fraud and other irregularities. T'he project financial statements fоr the уеаг ended DесеmЬеr 31, 20,|9 wеrе approved and authorized fоr issue оп September 25,2020 Ьу the management of the Project. September 25,2020 Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan 2 G Ь"kегtittу 65 Stefan cel Мше 9i Sfiint Blvd Р Flооr, Office 7l5 Сhisiпац MD,2001 Moldova Тз +3'I32223300З Fз +З'l3 222З40Ц info@bakertilly.md www.bakertilly.md !|NDEPENDENT AUDIToRS, REPoRT Т'о the mапаgеmепt of the Project 'Second Dushanbe Wаtеr Supply Project" under the State Uпitаrу Elnterprise "Dushanbe Vodokanat" and the State Commiftee оп lnvestmehs and Govemment Рrореrtу lttlanagement of the Republic of Tajikistan: ttероЁ оп the рrфесt financial statemenb Орiпiоп t1] We have audited the project financial statements of the Pýect "Second Dushanbe Water Supply Project" (the "Pýect") which comprise the summary of funds rесеiчеd and expenditures paid апЬ the Summаry of expenditures paid Ьу project components for the уеаr ended DесеmЬеr 31, 2019, and а summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory iпfоrmаtiоп (the 'project financial statements'). t:l] lп оur орiпiоп, the accompanying project financial statements present fairly, iп all mаtеriаl respects, the summary of funds received and expenditures paid апd the Summary oi expenditures paid Ьу pýect components of the Project fоr the уеаr ended December 3,1, 2о19 iп ассоrdапсе with lпtеrпаtiопаl public sector Accounting standard 'Fiпапсiаl Reporting under the cash Basis of Accounting" (the 'lPSAS") issued Ьу the lnternational Public Sector Ассочпtiпg Standards Board of the lпtеrпаtiопаl Federation of Ассочпtапts, апd the World Bank's Fiпапсiаl МапJgеmепt Sector Board's 'Guidelines: Аппчаl Fiпапсiаl Rероrtiпg and Auditing fоr World Bank Financed Activities" (the'WB Guidelines'). Basis for орiпiоп t3] We conducted очr audit iп ассоrdапсе with lnternational Standards оп Auditing (lSAs), очr responsibilities uпdеr those stапdаrds аrе fчrthеr described iп the auditor's responsibilities fоr the audit of the project financial statements section of очr rероrt. We аrе independent of the Project iп ассоrdапсе with the lпtеrпаtiопаl Ethics standards Board fоr Accountants' code of Ethics for Рrоfеssiопаl Accountants (lESBA Code) together with the ethical requirements that аrе rеlечапt to очr audit of the fiпапсiа| statements, and we have fulfilled очr оthеr ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements апd the |ESBA Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and аррrорriаtе to provide а basis for очr орiпiоп. Emphasis of mafter tl,j Without fчгthеr qua|ifying очr opinion, we draw attention to Note 2 to the project fiпапсiаl statements, which describes the basis of accounting. These ргоjесt fiпапсiаl statements wеrе рrераrеd for complying with the аррrорriаtе World Bank Guidelines and Fiпапсiпg agreements rеqчirеmепts: other matter [5i] The pýect fiпапсiаl statements аге рrераrеd to assist the Project to comply with the requirements of the Wоrld Bank. As а rеsчlt the project financial statements mау not Ье suitable fоr another рчrроsе. "SECOND DUSHANBE WATER SUPPLY PROJECT,, GRANT No. H692-TJ, GRANT No. D087-TJ, cREDlT No. 57o9-TJ ýiUMMARY оF FUNDS REcElvED AND EXPENDITURES PAID г:оR тнЕ YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2o,t9 Notes Fоrthеуеаr Forthe уеаr cumulative ended ended December 31, December 3.!, 2019 2018 0репiпg balance 4 873,996 453,876 tlчпds rcceived Grапt No. H692-TJ 5 459,575 14,776,575 Grапt No. D087-TJ 5 1,247,56; 1,680,411 4,608,494 Credit No. 5709-TJ 5 2,697,469 789,771 3,4в7,240 Со-fiпапсiпg Ьу the Local State Executive y'ruthority CLSEA') 5 599,866 3,999,877 T'otal fчпds received 3,949,462 3,529,623 26,872,186 оthеr iпсоmе 3,623 54,622 T'otal rесеiрЪ 3,953,085 3,530,073 26,926,808 Project ехрепsез Works and non-advisory sегчiсеs 6 2,788,109 2,274,875 14,688,476 Goods and non-advisory services 6 1,423,212 225,595 5,835,993 F,dvisory sегчiсеs, including audit ь 538,612 491,2,19 5,582,758 Ореrаtiпg costs 6 45,990 97,980 402,369 Total project ехрепsез 4,795,923 3,089,669 26,509,596 Fоrеigп exchange loss 10,375 20,233 187,025 Other ехрепsеs 86 51 209,490 ciloзing Ьаlапсе 4 20,697 873,996 _20,697_ оtп behalf of the Management: 2020 SерtеmЬеr 25,2020 of Tajikistan Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan pages 8-16 form ап iпtеgrаl part ofthe project financial statements. The independent auditors' rероrt is оп pages 3.4. "SECOND DUSHANBE WATER SUPPLY PROJECT, GRANT No. H692-TJ, GRANT No. D087-TJ, cREDlT No. 57o9-TJ ýiUMMARY ОF EXPENDITURES PAID BY PROJECT COMPONENTS rroR тнЕ YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2019 Fоr the уеаr Fоr the уеаr cumulative ended ended DесеmЬеr 31, December 31 , 2019 201 8 Соmропепt l: Metering and dеmапd mапаgеmепt 1,426,694 225,595 7,5.|7,064 t urchase of 76,500 tesidential water meters 2,90,|,173 lnstallation of 76,500 residential water mеtеrs 2,593,908 htlаiпs rерlасеmепt апd network sectorization for /oss r,sdчсtiоп 1,086,608 144,567 1,231,175 t юсurеmепt апd installation of equipmentfor епеrgу slayings 331,398 38,395 369,793 t'urchase апd installation of Ьulk flow meters at water production facilities 216,25з Сustоmеr safbfaction surueys 8,688 12,512 88,589 Соmmuпiсаtiоп strategy апd public аwаrепеss c,ampaigns to рrcmоtе mеtеiпg апd dеmапd mапаgеmепt 84,552 F'urchase of Network lпfоrmаtiоп Sysfem . 31,500 F'юсurеmепt of соmmuпiсаtiоп suppoft апd lCT-based пэроftiпg sysfem 30,12,| 30,121 Сiоmропепt 2: Water qualiý improvement 2,788,109 2,2тl,u2 1 ,t,723,608 F'artial rепеwаl of filtration capacity at Sаmоtесhпауа water Тrcаtmепt plant 5,279,из Flесопstruсtiоп of additional 50% of SдМ WTP fifters 2,788,1 09 1,583,512 4,929,178 Oestg4 Ьuild апd installation of Rapid Sалd F/ters af sand 691,330 69,|,330 Сilеапiпg пеtwоrk sесtiолs алd rеsеrчоiв 294,334 F'urchase of hydraulic ехсаvаtоr 281,996 F'urchаsе апd installation of rе-сhlоriпаtiоп units at 5 лэsеrчоЬ 130,330 F'urchаsе of laboratory Bquipment 63,275 F'чrсhаsе of the mеаsuiпg equipment fоr leakagB oietection 5э,822 €iоmропепt 3: lnstitutional strengthening and capacity-building 3,973 47,433 4,242,765 7ЭсhпlЬаl assb ta п се fo r о ре nti о п al i m р rcve m в пts 2,177,968 7ЪсhпlЬаl assistance for соrроrаtе dBvelopment апd hп рrочеmе пt of fi папсiаl рв ttorm апсе ,t,287,051 47,4э3_ F|,estructuring of water апd sanitation tariffs 3,973 3,973 htlodemization of aBounting, billing апd collection syste/ns э74j04 l'rаiпiпg рrcgrаms 231,337 l tl stit utio п al а ssessrneлf 168,332 "SECOND DUSHANBE WATER SUPPLY PROJECT,, GRANT No. H692-TJ, GRANT No. D087_TJ, cREDlT No. 57o9-TJ ýiUMMARY ОF EXPENDITURES PAID BY PROJECT COMPONENTS FоR тнЕ YEAR ENDED DEGEMBER 31,2019 (coNTlNUED) Fоr the year Fоr the уеаr Cumu]ative ended ended December 31, December 31, 20l 9 2018 Component 4: Project implementation sчрроЁ 5тт,147 54l,800 2,996,159 Dеslgл апd superuision of works 466"171 416,723 1,783,245 Р roject m а п age mе пt оре rati пg costs 71,690 85,841 451,586 l|ппuаl audits 39,286 39,236 761,328 4,795,92з 3,089,669 26,509,596 Сln behalf of the Management: September 25,2020 of Tajikistan Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan 8-16 fоrm an integral раrt ofthe project financial Statements. The independent auditoгs' rероrt iS on pages 3-4. "SECOND DUSHANBE WATER SUPPLY PROJECT,, GRANT No. H692-TJ, GRANT No. Do87_TJ, cREDlT No. 57o9-TJ NОТЕS ТО ТНЕ PROJECT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FoR тнЕ YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2019 1. GENERAL lNFoRMATloN According to the Financing Аgrееmепt between the Republic of Tajikistan and lпtеrпаtiопаl Development Association (the 'lDA") dated July 13, 20,| 1, the lDA provided а Grant No. H692-TJ iп the amount of 10,'l00,000 Special Drawing Rights to the Republic of Tajikistan. According to Fiпапсiпg аgrееmепts between the Republic of Tajikistan and lDA dated Дugust 7, 20.15 the lDA provided ап additional fiпапсiпg in the form of Grапt шо.оовz-т.l iп the amount оiз,зоо,ооо SDR and Credit No. 5709-TJ in amount of 4,000,000 SDR. The Grant was provided for the implementation of the Pýect 'Second Dushanbe Wаtеr Supply Project" (the "Project"). Effective date of the Project is FеЬrчаry 7 ,2013, Project completion date is Маrсh з1,2о2о. Project purpose The рurроsе of the Project is to assist the State Unitary Епtеrрrisе "Dushanbe Vodokanal" (the "DVK') in improving the efficiency water services company activities and wаtеr supply sеrчiсеs iп сеrtаiп districts of Dushanbe. The Project comprises the fo|lowing соmропепts: Component 1: Меtеriпg and demand management; Component 2: Water quality improvement; Component 3: lnstitutional strengthening and capacity-building; Соmропепt 4: Pýect implementation sчрроrt. Соmропепt 1. Meteing апd dеmапd mапаgеmепt The соmропепt fiпапсеs consumption mеtеriпg and bulk mеtеriпg of water, for iпсrеаsеd revenue, rеduсеd wastage, and better tracking of losses, including: (i) supply and installation of 76,500 residential meters (i.e. approximately 46% of DVK users) and installation of ,1,5О0 apartment building master meters in selected areas of the city; (ii) rehabilitation of 1,500 арагtmепt building sеrчiсе connections; (iii) supply and installation of bulk flow meters at wаtеr рrоdчсtiоп facilities; (iv) supply and instal|ation of а Network lпfоrmаtiоп System (NlS); (v) communication strategy and public - аWаrепеSS campaigns to рrоmоtе metering and demand mапаgеmепt; апd (vi) installation of SСдDд system. Соmропепt 2. Water quality imрrоvеmепt The соmропепt supports system upgrades fоr improved quality of wаtеr, including: (i) partial rепеwаl of filtration capacity at Samotechnaya Water Treatment Plant("WTM'); (ii) network cleaning; (iii) installation of iп-пеМоrk rе-сhlоriпаtiоп systems; (iv) equipment fоr wаtеr qualiý monitoring; (v) rесопstruсtiоп of pumping station and tanks at the Nароrпауа WTP; and (vi) procurement of mаiпtепапсе equipment. Соmропепt 3. lnstitutional strengthening апd capacity-building The component finances activities to build institutional capacity and imрrоче utility реrfоrmапсе of DVК, which includes (i) carrying out ап assessment of DVK's organizational and capacity-building needs; (ii) installation of mоdеrп accounting, billing and water rечепче collection systems; (iii) provision of technical assistance to the mапаgеmепt of DVК to improve its fiпапсiаl регfоrmапсе; (iv) рrоvisiоп of technical assistance, and саrryiпg out of studies to imрrоче the water supply operations of DVК, including studies fоr hydraulic modeling, апd fоr design of рrеssчrе zones and SCADA system; and (v) implementation of trаiпiпg рrоgrаms for DVK staff. Соmропепt 4. Project imрlеmепtаtiоп support The соmропепt provides pýect implementation sчррогt including (i) design апd supervision of works; (ii) ргоjесt implementation operating costs, апd (iii) annual projecf audits. - Project mапаgеmепt ТhеiЛапаgеmепt is implemented Ьу the Project Administration Unit (the "PAU") within the scope of the State Unitary Enterprise "Dushanbe Vodokanal'. PRESENTATION ОF ТНЕ PROJECT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Basis of рrераrаtiоп These рюjесt fiпапсiаl statements have Ьееп рrераrеd iп ассоrdапсе with the lпtеrпаtiопаl public Sector Accounting Standard _(the 'lPSAS') "Fiпапсiаl Rерогtiпg чпdеr the Cash Basis of Дссочпtiпg" issued Ьу the Public Sector Commiftee of the lnternational Federation of Accountants, апd iпсоrроЙtе the following рriпсiра| accounting policies, which have Ьееп consistently followed in all material respects апd comply with the Wоrld Bank's Fiпапсiаl Management Sector Board's'Guidelines: Аппuаl Fiпапсiаl Rерогtiпg and Auditing for Wогld Bank Fiпапсеd Activities' (the 'WB Guidelines"), Uпdеr the cash basis аррrоасh income (оr expenditure) is rесоgпizеd when cash is received (оr paid) irrespective of when goods оr services аrе received оr provided. The project's approved budget disclosed Ьу categories of expenses is поt publicly available and as such comparison of budget and actual amounts is not presented. These pýect financial statements consist of: о sчmmац of funds rесеiчеd апd expenditures paid; о sчmmац of expenditures paid Ьу project components; о Notes to the pýect financial statements, including shогt description of mаiп statements of accounting policy апd other descriptive notes. The rерогtiпg счrrепсу of these pýect financial statements is us dollars (the 'usD"). 3. SUMMARY оF SlGNlFlcANT AccoUNTlNG PoLlclES Cash basis of accounting The project financial statements аrе prepared оп а cash basis of accounting. The cash basis of ассоuпtiпg rесоgпizеs transactions and events опlу when cash (including cash equivalents) is received оr paid Ьу the Project. The project financial statements рrераrеd чпdеr the cash basis рrочidе rеаdеrs with information about the sources of cash raised dчriпg the period, the purposes for which cash was used and the cash balances at the rерогtiпg date. The mеаsчrеmепt focus in the project financial statements is Ьаlапсеs of cash and changes therein. Fоrеigп счrrепсу Operations in foreign счrrепсу initially аrе counted iп functional счrrепсу Ьу the счrrепсу exchange гаtе seftled Ьу the National Вапk of Tajikistan (the 'NBT') оп а date of operation. Funds rесеiчеd аrе translated into US dollars at official ехсhапgе rаtе of Special Drаwiпg Rights (the 'SDR') at the date of funds receipt. All payments made iп local счrrепсу аrе translated into US dollars at the official exchange rate defined Ьу the NBT, at the date of trапsасtiоп. Monetary assets апd liabilities expressed iп foreign счrгепсу аrе сопчегtеd to functional счrrепсу at official ехсhапgе rate оп а date settled Ьу the NBT. All foreign exchange differences resulted frоm matuгity оr recounting аrе included in the summary of funds received and expenditures paid. Nоп-mопеtаrу items аrе valued according to their historic cost in foreign счrrепсу, which аrе recalculated оп rates of the initial ореrаtiоп date. Cash and cash equivalents cash and cash equivalents include cash оп hand and due frоm banks, which сап Ье сопчеrtеd to the Соrrеsропdiпg amount of cash iп the shогt tеrm. Ваlапсеs of advances paid to employees at the end of the period аrе also раrt of closing cash position. Balances of advances paid to employees at the end of the реriоd аrе also раrt of closing cash poSition, Taxes Calculation and payment of реrsопаl income tax and social security contributions frоm income of staff and consultants is made iп accordance with the requirements апd rates of the Тах Code of the Republic of Tajikistan and re|evant legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan. Рrфесt expenses The expenses are rесоrdеd in the регiоd when they wеrе actually paid. sources of funds The funds wеrе provided Ьу the World Bank to the Project Ьу advance, rеimЬчrsеmепt оr through direct payment. LSEA funds rерrеsепts funds provided Ьу the Local State Executive Authority of the city of Dushanbe to facilitate the implementation of the Project in ассоrdапсе to Fiпапсiпg апd Grапt аgrееmепts. 4l. GASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash and cash equivalents as at DесеmЬеr 3,t, 20,19 and 2018 соmрrisе: Source of fiпапсiпg Currency December 3'l, DесеrrпЬеr 31, 201 9 20,18 Grапt No. D087_TJ Designated ассочпt Credit No. 5709-TJ USD 143,446 Grапt No, D087-TJ Transit ассочпt Credit No. 5709-TJ TJS 1,419 64 Со-fiпапсiпg account Со-fiпапсiпg Ьу LSEA TJS 1 8"l 70 599,636 Со-fiпапсiпg ассочпt Co-financing Ьу LSEA USD 130,292 тепdеr account Grапt No. D087-TJ TJS 2о4 296 cash оп hапd TJS 785 140 Advances to employees TJS 119 122 20,697 873,996 10 |i. FUNDS REcElvED The fund received аrе presented Ьу the following financing methods and sources of financing: Fоr the year Fоr the year cumulative ended ended December 31, December 31, 2019 2018 Grant No. H692-TJ Reimbursement of expenses 239,575 6,340,403 Dirесt рауmепt 220,000 5,489,001 Advance 600,000 Specia| commitment 2,347,171 459,575 14,776,575 Gгапt No. D087-TJ Reimbursement of expenses 1,247,563 881,933 2,708,214 Diгесt payment 798,478 1,300,280 Advance 600,000 1,247,563 1,680,411 4,608,494 Credit No. 5709-TJ ReimbuBement of expenses 2,400,000 389,771 2,789,771 Direct payment 297,469 297,469 Advance 400,000 400,000 2,697,469 789,771 3,487,240 Co-financing Ьу LSEA Reimbursement of expenses 4,430 599,866 3,999,877 э,949,462 3,529,623 26,872,186 11 llllllo lr)ФNýl г*оýо' I Еr) (о .Е< Ф_ N_ rt_ с) lo :lл (9(оь ;а EJ цо_ оlгг со tE> с! о бд ]ч ,. Nlоlог*F (:9lr)г-c!F(oc!co Y ý|FNЕF lО(ОF(oО)iо(О О_ Ч lr'- а Е сiэ о СО_ (О_ - Ф_ Ф_ О_ ý_ о_ o)tf)-(oýF ёэ о Е тrФ Е gчý- с! Eg сс Ёý ФJ' ЕзýБ ь - ýl о) E,KEERbsBl (о бФ о :Ь сjэ о_ 2ЁZЁ Ёtýf >. cL 8 Ь,q 9tEo оЕf ьý lдо l l Е;Е ýl Eqi Е (оо оllFI ýlt- IlllIlc)ll ъ:; Ёý I оо, Ф >l.= Ф б(o ýl с{ Ея Еi Ф р oJ. lt Еь9 й d z frg р а8 € 0),= .ьФь- о, (оо)о(о | l ||"Е ,Е; -Lv оо!tо) Е 0)ч ФЁ о о_ ý_ F_ с{ Е сФс ;а (, О)F(О c.,l (f) ЕБх Ф о-; cJ lE> ё-о о ЁЕЕ | яаq Фоо ,с Ео) €ý Е ь ý Ф (о г_ lrl Е о) N |о -. Фt trr! Е c,,l \t lr) Ф ý (o Ф ýl ýl t Ф Ф -l (ol Ф j. Г\ Е Ф О) ýl ý г to t lo lr) ý г- Фl Цд ЕЁЁр зýв Ф ýl бэ оэ вЕ ФФх Е rБ 2ЁZЁ coýio,ýio, ,о Фýi -J l обЕ iб t* cL ЁБ бббi" l ц -9o(J б'Ф ф Е,р, Е ьЁ lдо I l с (L,а, fr о 3е F gFа lalll fi g Бэр 988 ьо ЁýI'т !Е aо oJ- fi *вв цчьь d z t. Фээ й э ЕЁЕ,,. л ссч ýв 9 Е ЕрgБ * Н Б 8-8.ё Ё Ё б бЕ с g g,б;] 8_ D с .л i fr >.Ч, Р еfr Я fr (э .с Ф ьз gБ ч ч й 9 ; € Е =ъ, E g д Е Е Ё "Ч х ý .э ý ЕЕЁ Е # Ё я ý Е Ё Ё "& i|. FlNANclAL PoSlTloN Fiпапсiаl position as at DесеmЬеr 3,1, 2019 and 2018 соmрrisе: December 3't, December 31, 2019 20,18 ASSETS AND EXPENDITURES Cash and cash equivalents 20,697 873,996 Cumulative expenses 26,509,596 21,713,673 Fоrеigп exchange loss 187,025 176,650 Other ехрепsеs 209,490 209,404 TOTAL ASSETS AND EXPENDITURES 26,926,808 _22,973,723_ FlNANclNG Fчпds received 26,872,186 22,922,724 other iпсоmе 54,622 50,999 ToTAL FlNANclNG 26,926,808 _22,йэ,723. 8i. WlTHDRAWALAPPLlcATloNS Withdrawal applications fоr the уеаr ended December 31, 20,19 соmрrisе: Sources of Applications Date Аdчапсе Direct RеimЬчrsе- Total financing payment ment of ехрепsеs Grant No. D087-TJ 59 FеЬruаry 8, 2019 422,265 422,265 60 Арril 17,2019 600,000 600,000 61 June 3,2019 225,298 225,29в 1,247,563 ,1,247,563 Credit No. 5709-TJ 58А FеЬruаry 15,2019 400,000 400,000 62 June 26, 2019 297,469 297,469 63 June 26, 2019 400,000 400,000 64 July 24,2019 400,000 400,000 65 July 24, 2019 400,000 400,000 ьь August,l9,2019 400,000 400,000 67 September 20,2019 400,000 400,000 297,469 2,400,000 2,697,469 Co-financing Ьу LSEA пlа Мау 13,2019 297,469 3,651,993 3,949,462 13 9. STATEMENToFDES|GNATEDAccoUNT Statement of designated accounts fоr the уеаr ended DесеmЬеr 31 , 2019 comprise: Designated ассочпts Grant No. D087-TJ Crэdit Nо. 5709-TJ Сurrcпсу US DollaB вапk ассоuпt 20206840500240000.1 1 3 Вапk OJSC'Bank Eskhata" вапkъ location 1,1 Adhamov str., Dushanbe, the Republic of Tajikistan Balance аs at January 1, 20,t9 .|4з,446 Reimbursement 3,647,56з тrапsfеr between accounts 490.554 Total funds received to the designated account 4,138,117 Ехрепsеs paid 3,069,005 Bank сhаrgеs 358 тrапsfеr between accounts 1,212,2о0 Balance аs at December 31, 20l9 ,10. UNDRAWN FUNDS As at December 31, 2019 чпdrаwп funds are presented as follows: Grапt No. Grant Nо. Credit No. H692-TJ D087-TJ 5709-TJ iп SDR iп SDR in SDR Approved fiпапсiпg amount 10,100,000 3,300,000 4,000,000 Disbuвed during the реriоd frоm July ,l3, 201,1 to DесеmЬеr 31, 2019 10,099,993 3,299,658 2,521,193 Uпdrаwп fi nancing amount 7 _-342 _1,478,8й_ Fiпапсiпg rесеiчеd as at January 1, 2019 ,l0,099,993 2,401,321 567,590 Disbuвed in 2019 898,336 1,953,602 Fiпапсiпg received as at DесеmЬеr31, 2019 ::: 10,099,993 з,299,658 2,521,19з 11. CoMMITMENTS lп the поrmаl course of activities, the Рюjесt concludes agreements йth suppliers of goods and services in ассоrdапсе with the established budget and рrосчrеmепt рlап. Contract value of obligations valid as at DесеmЬеr 3,1, 2019 was as follows: Сочпtеrраrф Сопtrасt No. Contract Paid up to Rеmаiпiпg ча|че DесеmЬеr 31, amount to 20l9 Ье paid Ludwig Pfeiffer Hoch- чпd DWSр2АFлл/- 09 Tiefbau GmbH & Co.KG 5,575,573 4,929,178 646,394 LLC "Shаhmаrап" DWSР2АFл/V-O3 1,445,673 1 ,231 ,175 214,498 CES Consulting Епgiпеев DWSP2AF- Salzgitter GmbH '14lаmепdmепt 1,014,000 881,651 132,349 DWSP2AF/G-04 LLC "Zumrut" DWSP2AF/G-04-1 86,915 36,269 50,647 14 OJSC'Tojikkommunproekt" DWSF,2AFlcS-08 34,169 15,001 19,167 Rui Cunha Marques DWSF,2АFлс_21 6,913 4,10 6,503 DWSF,2АFл//-09, DWSF,2АFл//-03, lrgashev Bakhtiyor DWSP2AF/G-04 3,758 2,053 1,705 Radjabov Z. DWSF,2АFllс_18/1 1,536 1,536 Mizoev Qiyomudin DWSP2AF/lc-19 ,|,525 1,525 DWSP2AF/cS-20.2 Research Сепtеr "Zerkalo" DWSP2AF/cS-20.3 4,897 3,653 1,244 DWSР2АFл/V-O9. salohov Rashid DWSр2АFл//-03 2,431 1,554 в77 Valiev Boymahmad DWSP2AF/lc-03 2,431 1,554 877 saidasanova sabina DWSP2AF/lc-17l2 1,676 1,155 521 Rahimova Mavlyda DWSP2AF/lc-26/3 571 213 358 LLC "Tehnoplus" DWSP2AF-20,"| 3,236 3,109 127 Sharifl