EASTERN POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY OF AP LIMITED CORPORATE OFFICE.:: VISAKHAPATNAM From To Executive Director, Project Director/APDRP, World Bank Projects, 4'h Floor, Gcnioýus JR Towr.s, EPDCL, Cerparate QITic, Kuichanapalli, P&T Co1.lany, Sehammadhr, V jayawada. V iskhapernam-5300 13 T.rNo.ED /GM/F/AAQAfJAOl'4PR1Jf /D.o. f2019 It, 2-3 .10,2019. Sirv Sub: APDRP APEPDCL PIU - VS- APDRP Project External Audit for !he Finanda[ Year 18-19hy M/!; Gradhy g CoClartered Acountans - Audi:trs Report for Financial Year2018- 219 (two Sets>-Forwarded-Regardlig. Ref :-.Lr No. 0C54/DM.APDRP/2015 Dt 28-0-2019, 2 Lr.No. ED/GM/DE/AO/AAO/JAO/AFDRF/EPDCL(P[J)/F./D. No 1271/19/ DI 24/-7- 2C19. 3.No.PAG(Audit )/AP/ E5-Il(Power)/ Misc./ APEFDCL/20f9-20 114 Date:27-0r-2a19. 4. Mail Æant to Senir Rfinanial Måaae rSpiast, WoTd 3ank sharing APFPD11CL TOR through mail on 03-09-2019 &12.09-201,9. 5. Mmil received from Financial Magement Spedist, World Bank on 16.ÆN20191C Confirming TOR df APEPDCL . 6. Lr.No. ED/CM/DE/AO/AAO/JAD/APDR/EPDCL(FIl)/.18/D. No. 1527/19/ Dt- 16 2019. 7. Comrmenezw.n tketter of M/s. Grandhy & Co,Chertred Accuntants dated:2.09. 2019, 9 AuditorÉ epurt for FY 201849 /Dated:1-1-2019. With referenc to thE abov sa~ect Mat b@h Ne dtrna] Anlijors Repitt aIc6 Will ficIosur2s onKr Proect Firncal Stateerits of APDRF/ AT'EDL/ PIU - VSP for tl: Fwncial Year 201--19 issued by M/s Grandhy& Co, Chartered Accuntant vide Eetee 8d, cited s shere wiah subniittd in two ts for Lforrnatlon and ne~essay adcin plEas- End: A5 abov Npurs ftull EXECUTIVE D[REC=OR WORLD BANK PRO =-TS APEPDCL:: VISAKHlAPATNAM Copy ubmilted io The Spedia Commissiunr (Disater Managemt~Rev ue (DM) Depu eAF Sta Amaravatt/Gl nttr GRANDRY & CO M-1RC-36. 4-68- 1/4 CHA1TERED ACCOUNTANTS L,wsoi iay Colony Visakhapatnam - 530 017 Ph :08912530285 Cell . 9885668088 Fnail : grandhyco@gmall.com grn ndhyandco@hotma ilco m ALDITOR'S RIPORT fo The Executive Director World Bank Projects & QC APDRP APEPDC PIU, Visakhapatnam. We have audited the accompanying Project Flnancial Statcment and the accompanying notes to the Cinancial statements of the Under Ground Cable Project (financed under the World Bank) as on 31' March, 2019 and express an Un- qualified opinion on these financial sttements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the relevant national auditing and assurance standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and World Bank Guidelines. The Standards / guidelines require that we plan and perform audit to obtain reasonable asurance about whether the financial statments are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, oi test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the Accounting Principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statements presentation, We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis For our opinion. U)D9N 203C499AAAA BY[ GRANDHY & CO contonuaion Sheer CHARTE ACCOLU NTANT5 In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the Sources and Application of Funds of World Bank financed project implemented by APDRP APEPDCL PlU for the year ended 31st March, 2019 in accordance with National Accounting Standards and 'financial poilin of APDRP APEPDCL PTU as at 31st March 2019. In addition, a. The funds provided under the Credit No. 5694 - IN have been utilised for the purposes for which they were provided; b. The IFRs submitted could be fairly relied upon to support the application for withdrawals in accordance with ihe requirements specified in the Loan Agreement and c. With respect to IFRs, adequate aiipporting documentation has been maintained to support clairs to the World Bank for reLmbarsements of expenditures incurred- Place: Vi.akhapatnam Date 13-10-2019 For OrNDHY a Co. MR atmalDe 203499 UJD) N-, 9 0 c999AAA13 Ik EASTERN POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY OF AP LIMITED CORPORATE OFFICE:: VISAKHAPATNAM To M/sG randhy &Co, Chartered Accountants, MIG 36, D-NO 4-61/4, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam -530017 Andhra Pradesh. This assertion letter is provided in connection with your audit of the Financial statements of the Underground cabling Network project (APMPR/PlU/EPDCL) for the year ended 31,03,2019- We acknowledge our responsibility for the fair presentation of the inancial statements in accordance with the cash basis of accounting followed by the Government of India and we confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief the rollowing representation s made to you during your audit. * The Project financial statements are free of material misstatements, including omissions.. * Project funds have been used for the purpose for which they were provided. * Project expenditures are eligible for Financing under the loan/Credit Agreement * There have been no irregularities involving management or employees who have a significant role in internal control or that could have a material effect on the project financial statements. * We have made available to you all books of account and supporting documents relating to the project. * The project has complied with the conditions of all relevant legal agreements including the Financial Agreement, the Project Agreement, the Project Appraisal Document, the Minutes of Negotiations and the Borrowers Project Implementation Plan. Executive Dtr.ctrWarld Bank Projects APEPPCL4 Visakiapatnam AEntsL O'fk0. UDfN' :i1- 3 9 A AA A y ANDHIRA PRADESH DISASTER RECOVERY FRO »T Prolect Haandd. SEatements for thet year endinig 313.M revlQus Year ended erde occy.e ri ciash basis. Note: An amoun1 of Rs.] lMA4,3D,638-puid to GVMC towards road euig dkïrge::: by the Contracto-r and feimburvel by APEPDCL. durin ihe FY 20]1.- 19 b E(1 dain.d i1 [FR under compouenL no EcludJed in fhli above project cost Sicc PMU 4ut dism,owe. , cI thu: dårons u 4d lak ilnd nwc Older r Revenui (DM) LDepartirine dated 23.0-L209. It is :ettifie.1 tffial t w d a the le.r provided by tlhi WoII n I,bnk Eive been used only for the purposes or which :i.. lo.n was gririt.I, wii due ktt.'sc k Noi·4'abn.Lf ecmory and effkrincy nid w ithoit n!ard tu påliical or otlwr non-Fonomic influience.s r COzsidirabors For RANDHY CO. Prpl Manager ~J-~' PIL, APDRP AFEPDC Ltd.\ Vi. hapanam ANNEXURE-[ Name af the Project : XPDFRF/P/A PEP !x. Staternent of Sources and Appkations af Funds Report fär the year ed 01.=21 (to) 31.03.2019 _ n R5 Current Year Upla Provject to date ru~Iar~ __2___19 201748 31M32019 Opening Balance, (if cash balan=es are contrlled by the cinity) (A ) Funds received from Governmet t hrUgh budiget ( will ncl4ude e.ternal bssitanc rece:ved b tGvernmTent for the ipruct) _ FundS receved directly by Preject Impemnmtifng Iuthority tiri ugh extEail assoisune_r_ Jeneficiary Contribution (if any) total REceipts (B) Toti~ .] res (C= A+ B) E:.pr,ditu re by ccmponent A.rayment made to cuntrtors for UG Cabde wDrks 103794438 651547013.0t 16&9491277-00 1. Consultancy FeL 11916056.00 21597392.900 33503358,00 C. Salari" 368158 0 373R3745.3 717903.30 D. Caril" 1933153,0G 153671.00 347002400 F. TA Bilis 114790,00 25-5,1.00 3699k4L00 F.Compu _1541668 1541653 K¯C.Fuiiture I135670.00 1135670100 H. MIK Expes 267397.0 13292042.1 13559439.11 Ttal Ependime [D 1(8563792.0 7282798IA1 1S428141 C ,g Balance if cash lanccs are noLtoiNd by the entity) (C-D) Note: An amuntm of R.l O4D3 ,63 Såpnd to IVMC twards road cuing chmger by Lhe CO nIMYS and ie.nibur5ed by APEPDCLduring Ihe FY 2018-19 hy-o nAt crutd in IFR under c4riprent 6 no nldud in the above prjet ost Oince PMU has disallowed as per the dirnc6onå of Wurld Bank artd nLC Order gf Revenue (DM} Deparrtrn. dated 23.D L-20l9. For GRANDHY 9 r,harter-ord Accounta,nt FRN 010078 Project Ma nager M. kman P ,IU APDRP APEPDC Ltd. Visakhapatnarm By -3 79d Anneaxre-2 _____ _REn t or the year 2018419 ____________________Amoudt (ibR CrEdit Nci5694-IN Total $L Nc. Pårt:Iårn 1M(20-18 to Upto 31.03.201S Up lo 31.032019 ______ __ ________ ________ 31.03.2IM 19_ __ _ A MOUNTOF REPORTED Total project Expnditures as 5282794EEA1 1814143280A1 per PI~F5 _32_22 - 181 B. ii Less Cn-eigible expnditure 0 0 £L00 Ned prjed experribr, a.s per PFS 1085863 79ZOO 7282794Bs.41 1814143280.41 __________ e-ii) N reimbusble from W~rd 1 379200 728279488.41 Wi141438D.41 Bank * 00 0.00 Re-m bursable expenditures as 41561710 .O 65785959.OD 1017347669.00 repored in IFRs ** va Anount pQid by St;wt? 1047678474.0 6599201.00 770490.00 B DIFFERENCE (iv-v) -3763920 240151341 2512L41 ____ ____ ___0 0.00 IK AMOUNTOF WB FUND RELUNVEQ Total fuds recved Irom the .. Bank a.s per PF5 0.0 0.00 Total Funds dishursed as per the.. V Wozrld Banik 0***.0 0.00 0.00) D UIFFERENCE vi-viL 0-00 0.00 0.00 0 F SHORT CLAIM, if any -33 9200 34d151341 2R21A kAfter applkiion of -ligibIl % for Credit No.5694-IN disbuTreUren to NEt prøject Expenditue as per PFS "'The Wor4 3ank `are as réported in the IFRS ubmied to the bank "qource- Applicatrions for rimbursementsi (ClientConnedion). AppIkctwio wie detail should be by way of separate note "Direct payments rnade should be indiated separately by way of a detaied ncte. An amount of Rs11: 77crn paid by State government during 2018-19. -......... 1r3r N Dm - a gCm fRp N 040075 iect Managr Ru kma-l PII, APDRP 20[9" APEPDC Ltd. Vi skh a patna n -DI N 0 L Ar A.6 A$ per FMM laVsä N0. 5.4 Details of Contract vs PaVments for the Filancial Year 215-2019 M/s Detan Consulting EngIneers (PI Ltd, Delhi jprnd B98/5A, 3rd Floor., Joshi ColoIny, Behin d BALCO Market, Consultant Nlame& Address !,P.Extension. New CIljl - 11 92. Contract Agreement Number Agreement NO: APDRP-APEPDCL-6.5BCC-CF-EC-O2-AGMT/ 19.12.2015. Nature of Cc~pct PräEldIng ei of Environmental and Sortal i mnpat Assessment conisultarV for the Undergrourid Cable Prgic sLf Vis-khgga ndtitunder APDRP., Total Conitrart Value -ITIhe Contracfft prlce is: Rs.68,90,OOO-OO [Rflpees slyty eight laklhs ninety thousand only] excusive of servlce tax. Cd@usc No. 31,. BG Deal [sThere Is no dctse In Algree~ent regardling Bank 6«aira ntee. BIlL Detalls Paymerit detafis Cumulative Experditure (in Rs.) S, Grm1Arnt Hmverle5 Net mt SAP ä Vcuch7er Aoe rnomnt Grass Reccverie Nt No, Bi NurnRber aeDS Date (Rs. Amount (TDSh Arnount INV/DCEPL/216 25.07.201 2773225 241150 253207 51X-191 726 32.12.2016 2532075 2773225 241150 2532L7 I NV/ DCE P/2D16- 2 17/156 27.12.2016 1584700 137800 144i9M 510O0035"8 447 22.06.2017 1446900 4357925 38950 397975 3DCEPA/218-05/2 10-05-1 .13020 68900 7441 __20 _ 163 03-11-1B 7441201 517B945 447r5% 472395 ProgecrManag er PIU, APDRP APEPDC Ltd- Visakiapatnam As per FMM cla use No. 5.4 Details of Cortract wise Payments for the Financial Year 2018-2019 n.l~r~ NM/s Deccan Consulting Engineers IP) Ltd.,, DelhI and B98/5A, 3rd Floor, Johi Co[ony, Behind BALCO Market, Contract Agreement Number Agreement No APDRP-APFPDCL-6-SCC-CF-EC-002-AGMT/ 19.12.2015. Nature of Contract Providing servce of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment consultancy for the Jndtrground Cable Project oDf_VIjAkfl4parrPjfn dity undjf 8PDRP. Total Contract Vlue The Contract price Is: Rs.68,90,000-00 [Rupee sixty eight lakhs ninetythousand only] exclusive of servlce tax1 (Clause No. 38. 1) - BG Details There Is no dause in Agreement regaoding Bank Guarantee, Bill Detals Paymant details Cumulatlvt Eenditure (in Rs. 51. Gross Ant Recoveries Net Arnt SAP EB Voicher Amount Gros Recoveries Net lallo.brDai (Rs.1 (TDS) (Rts.) Document No. [__asj_ Arrnountt. 705) Ammirnt 1 LI PTO 2017--18 4357925 379950 3978975 2 DCEPL/ESIA/201M-5/2 10-a5-18 830201 6EI900 4120 163 03-11-11 74410 5 173945 4478,5D 4723095 Project M,tger PlU.I APD"P APEPDC Ltd- V IsEa k h a atna m AS per FMM cia use No.-54 Deails of Contract wlse Pavmnts for the Financial Year 2015-2019 Agency Narn Addr%ss M/s. PFC Consulting LIrnted.. Delhi., Chef Executive Officer PFC C»n5uIting Ltd. if FICör, 'Urjanidhi" 1, Barak a ppkabl BG Detals BGz xernpted as per Agrernent Clause No .18. PERFORMANCE SECURITY at the request of th cortsultant. Bilt Detakts Paynentdetails Cumulat:wE Expenditure «ii ts, 5L ir&ss Amt Reores Net AM SAP CB VOUChmr Amount Grss RecoveriesH o. (Rå3 I_D5) (ful D No, |R.. Am0Uur4 WT*'S 1 P 2tCC/214-15/07 20.03 2015 224720!] 224720 2022480 1900000953 427 27.072015 2022481) 2247200 224720 20224.0 2 PFCCL/2015-15/64 11.12.2015 17175013 171750 1545750i 510007259 204 09.09.216 154575D 3964700 39647D 3515805r 3 PFCCL/2015-16/uG/Q3 08.03.2016 171 V50 150000 15675v3 10IXN12564 545 29.12-2016 1567~0 5592200 54E470 5135730 4 P'FCCL/2016-17/66 25.02.2017 1725000 172500J 1552506 5 100W055 375 17.107-2017 1552500 7407200 718970 6688230 5 PFCCL/2016-17/67 2i.017 17250MD 172500 1552500 5100050509 375 17.07-2017 1552500 9132200 891470 240730 6 PFCCL/2016-17/68 l 2&02.2017 11 00 115000103m50 51650050s0 375 17.07.2017 10350W 11282200 1006470 917]730 7 PFCCL201741/205 02.4.2018 1180000 118000 106200 5100000663 297 25.04.2018 62000 114622-00 1124470 10337730 progcé ~ er PIU, APDRP APEPDC Ltd. Visakhapatnam As p@r FMM rlat." Ne, 5.4 Detalls of Contract wise PayrMents Wf the Fin rbeial Year 2018-2019 Aerny Nar Add r M/is. PFC Comultkng United., Delhi, Chift Executlve Off cer PFC Cou~ting Ltd 1sf Fleer, "l rjanIdhIw 1, Barakhanlbha 14ne.- cornnnh i ame New Delh - 1U000 Cortrct Agreement Nurnber 18/2034-15t7-MO3-O5 Naturt of Contract 'Prvidiing CQnsuItar Servces iind Preparaiori if Døetai~d Projet Report (OPR}for Un4ergrmund Ca blig Work (LT, ________________________11KV & 33KV Distribution network in l'hre dvlsinns 7~e-l . Zone:2 & Zon>ed in Vihukhanatnamt v of Eastemn ~tal Contract Valueidi. 1,00,O,OOD/-(Rupees One Crore Onlyl + Serice tåx and Edueatonal Cess as appcable BS Exempted as per Agreement Claus o .18. PERFORMANCE ECURTY at the request of th Coniutant. Bill Details Paymert d2tals Comliatin ExpEnditure (in R4s.| 5L. BMI Number Dste Girs Amt R~or ¯N~r A SAP C VuceEr Am@un~t Gross Dec Terio No._ (TDS[_s.) Docment No, IRs. Arniunt TD5] tU1pto 2037-8 10292200 10{)C470- 75730 7_ _ PFCCL./2017-1/205 û2.04.2018 M18000 1130 1~1 10520X 51000063 297 125 04.2018 106200 1146220D 11244701 10337730 PIU, APDRP APEPDC Ltd, Visa khapatna ~rn - �49�1г�FГгцЛгI�1� .-�,� �9'®1fiQ�rORhi'1'гSI:FP'7YRI6Fl4:�ПгlfiFilqПrlF'5'Rлг:�'1�}-i�17� .......... � р- . ._.-..ь-р.•,_._.__ ...... , .й�1t!гуt���Мь'.lisddl'�S Mii�illlвl i�r!{1.П41Iв Ltd,.�#-Е��'k�`t.[etl�1$hлм,п гьvJ,Sьггы�ццд7, муlУгэЬs!�SQa�-� T�e13г�,��a3S�ыte _... - ._. . �_. �._ _ . Сопiгагt йьпе L Numtrtr• 1N1��.RE�Lt7RSг�i �G�dT ¢аrсгl i��8.�4a 1�Чипе t� {'+и!kпкi �г�л, . LId ,.�1эа� и Чiиыhврlв,т � � _ ij �врlа�sп.м ы Fr,� 33Kddr и1�.k'� L7 йьrtтlмiд �чмr Ukц�iи��л�п лчкn.ь��iо гг� н.нг�.й1�41 ь;' ���Еь?I� of 2�rв-3 DLчFii�чl йI iГi®Ь'h�P��lП CitY 4�Nh. ,, ��гЯУгй1��ь4Уг4.�Fг'i1Ч��Я�иг¢гг1РьС►��18г5�иМk�Счii1 . . ........ . ... ... .. Ур Ms.bW;'t7,й}.'[4tU��{Ruy�cr �ч.о +r,nef Cr��rt� st+лeлt� iai3�ь#дп�'� ��е.� . .._ -..�,,���.. 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MOX DAV dR Wa 15 Tý 8 l E- R-r C~ w~ Tmiål Cjs-nLråct "hm n m~ MAMM ~ ~ indtä GST SIM j~ niammA IkNDJJUZOffieå GEMMIX np,% 1) 46 M16.5 2LIS-2017 Affltuwfi~ «~ 591 CAG Eranch, PunjegiqUi MOr- RiNäg W~OlMd- 09 pet§^ LF&Wufi%~ fikcw% mmo. xpm*xnw~ z Rs 2M tM Dranch Pv~ Måimý 1~ Hycknikbad. A~ ud danud G7JP-VMIPr pp~ A14hEmky IMVISAiiuuntsO'ffrwr~ mwWP~ ~ Ngot-¥m kull äqd b Pov~ IIITJULS 90 8~ t-n r &Om DMIG S-9 Arm gg, i GetE e, Nö mil, lulk GS( 70 Lä ~ LJ£* ek« im IM m G&T r Lipla 1JUITLIP WI? NMIJ l%V;; IXI.JIJLý- % M-05.11 t L 1,1 ..q m 0 4 1.3 N 915 ig [~ 0 ~ nrr ~ mi wt.-maes Q LV! i U åa 20731.3,50 7177711- H 7 kl . ... .. .... T iv, i i v; v r i b: i I:e - -14M mm JM11373»15 23.31-w LL 2112' a242. ly MIM4" ri l EBOJL44 s~M l= M 922MM-w MW3 gy5 i ni Eým 113- 405.7412% iJ u r ýUe APDRP APEPDC Ltd. Vis;ýk'hm,n-Akn,Nryt AL s- r F:MM clå Lm . 5. 4 UMI l ofCi L wkåq Pinl&Cl inr iiri ~rcl Ye 1r 15I2 9 ^4nmy Nm~ 6*ldrjj NV%kLmn & Taubfre Ud, LT Coa~n ~E TrDrwr1Dn :ind DIstilbuidJ r 0> I'm1('Reed, M¶npøks, P.dJiw~ ~. Effaf fTIi7imill~lu ftoi PEwn licG ogba niftw ii iaukiearkem cni C Pci~ '. 2| AemNu & iilding 3MV11V,LT OL~rbe Sawrr ~;1tri~L1l0 NI twe fär 7 N40.IiII S stabdbab l Zed OI on ur Vti p*n Rk-I;wh Und*rr Plitiir CAbLk N[Mh un dtr PakagIeDen quniE: buih, A[li.IL422 f,.2701L'L pe LNs T~ ey ffhmäåDrarm tvimt¥r ~a n tivt-s silpty thousa elghr bLndreål "4v r-1n11 S p~ 1~4 L a ftmåt j Tf oni CinL V Mut 2] 2r,Ei527 .Arended h T w1M B.eendm,nt ne I flt1s/2,-$tiet $.2L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3) Rs. 27939 .7791I]n abEnE R-mbura e expense c.I Centeg i#urgesj Amwssipreeni me. Il.:LOf 2EI OmLÉd:2L.2iB 11 Adnto E% NvAR5M0GL|7DlT E1E4 3CU.2M7 Amunft b.Z ildg|CIg. ~'1d, 0b'ehe Bfamh MråE Fbl, n ~ri BhvN. Z9,kirmtlk bil 5&ulÉ1 w-Peurrwenvi rtp;. 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Visakhaputnam . spipr #MMVI ippm Nt- 5,A tllg ud Opr~ wimir Nymertl'F-r 1h4 lamhrO T~a bUE-sie A»nct Nia Addrs Mh.Yiý ElIi &eks Id., E~-6iLXC2,.ff RAj haan r.ad, 5WmajIgud.. Hydeabád- 500 M Tolon~a 5rma Cur¶fnd Ageemet Numbc N n 4.Id.Mi N atr l otalPror4 d LUG Cable ur ks i Wkhpamarn city [ Packge • 3 Repltcarnent ni codlinE: 01IW AV/ii' OverhuezI power GkIballmka héa4wük of 7 NDsJIW11*1 Sub-si ul@n ©I bIad IDill5JÉMn aÉ OkMg~an city MMåtl Unfarund P~rble NMt-rrh urce Pntd-I -0 CUrIrfnk4 N2.. 1| E.Eyp7 ~uet One h1ur~ére gty lwh wr wtg ~diq 1~it prå4my 4i tKouind fa hwired .aru filft menr wnd p*iå "try k~hr TijB CaMrÉd V.1M 2) 14,Ri¡i74Arnmie|1delal|MT925R annnraMr n~31 OJL103/Dted~ 085-3 aI I R~s 8 ,5MS3.M0 ln alIrlll Reimmili gypftd nsg En niiaä chagsI Amefrirne nt n a. 1 ANO C'i4U /å L 0L)lS J Aia M MalMMI9^'iO 7LM4d 8,10=1I7 Arriunt Sil313B,$I-. GM Elranck Punejpute M'ein hwad, Mtig äbiraad. D411 DDCal - - - - -mjLln Pyrnir4 AiuthOrlT NPi rDukeI [i0Li I me Wilnd 6EIlji Ua z ~FLMCTI J nuImuihe 1 o7 -.v- 6e g ~*U kMProjectI n P1i , APDRP APEpoc Ltd. VsakNh apatnC. 1^ 4- per FMM cigkim "- 5,4 DetaIl çrat wirA Payrnenis fDr t m'la year 2mE-201 Agency NeLe Addresi M/'i.JAKSffl Lid bn Vwhh M/jA*SØN ENilNýEER5 Ltcl, 625,1!t 6* Ar MEF T~wr A Mawkl New Dql1å -1IMY5 ,Citad AgreNrimi-qm Pruiber N/AP L / Ar.UAT d¥ted DM.2flI!I Pwo¥vfflng ~0Gbe wwlrsa ¥vsmk"p~oøan *ty I p~cag . 4) Roaphm~n:t ibf tzåsdng 23loV/11%:'/LT Overheacl jpo~e Distr ibi Nitin etwný d I 1>f3S irSt-- t re-a D~s|ça fvir aparan c1y . a idler¥rmud Power |e Nerrck uffirw Fackaa4 on iurnhey bai1. 11 Advårke E "OG1'iI00951~11J Omted 1LMElIM Areuim MAJ2I,5s A~rnwid d-ted 23.4Z.Til imdkiskid Bank ~Ahgfnba 5 ranch Dr.uipaieDon Shiierb Z&ffiålbrka MI " RCoa d N"W D*MR11M EW0Vaud w pta et3,12.2019 L.Pedririapp «WMy B Æ WE1 åIl7 Dqd 3&"1f|i lbr IE. Ili.MMi~f- RBn LØ U CæInaegl; pLae Delhi Umndi, "1e P^I aid upin 22 02 iNr~DbtAmt C \ hripr I p¢ nM No.g (T»ieer i -. __________NAr___ TDS TUt5 YW GA3],9ik"J6 IDD 315176 2m1M.015 101FAil1 34ilZS372Ub Proyeet f T r PIU, AP[ÅP APEPDC Ltd. Visakhapatnrri