DOCUMENT OF • INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION ,! ·.·' ·.,! .:j • MONTHLY OPERATIONAL RIIMMARY OP BANK AN!) IDA PROPORED PROJF.CTB (As of May 31, 1975) SecM75 • 469 FROM: The Secretary June 23, 1975 • I. - Section Eastern Africa 1-11 II, - Western Africa 12-22 III, - East Asia and Pacific 23-32 IV, - South Asia 33-40 v. - Europe, Middle. F.aat and North Africa 41-52 • VI, VII. - Latin America and Caribbean - New Pro.1ects 53-68 69-71 Member Country, and Amount 2/ Rorrower or and Proiiable Stage of Processing and ltn..PJ..e..!!!!IJ!t inVJ!.!!.SX Y · Lend_e_r_ __ Action on Procurement f!/ • I. F.ASTERN AFRICA BOTSWANA Ministry o_f Works 5.7 (R) Roads III - Construction of the Appraisal report being and Communications (Bank) Gaboroile-Molepolole Road • considered. • Botswana Development ·corporation (BDC) To be determined (Bank) Development Finance Company - To assist promotion of medium and small scale industrial enterprises. Awaiting utilization of funds in first loan. Ministry of To be Livestock II. Project identiffcation underway. Agriculture determined (Bank) • Ministry of Works and communications· To he determl.ned (Bank) · Roads IV - Improvement of a section of the North-South road. Project preparation underway. Ministry of To be. Education I. Project preparation underway. Education determined (Bank) • y If the Government is the borrower, the name of the department, ministry or agency which is .to implement the project is given. If the Government is to relend the proceeds to another entity, the .name of that entity is- given. If the Government is not· the borrower, the borrower's ·name is given in capital letters in. ·parentheses. · 2/ The amount is in millions of U.S. dollars and is approximi.te and tentative. }_I The letter (N) hefore the pro.1ect means ·that -the project is a new listing in the Summary; the letter (R) means that the information about the project has been revised since the last issue of the Sunnnary. Section VII of the Summary • contains a recapitulation of the new ·proj'ects listed in this issue • This column contains available informatio·n, -if any, about .action with respect to the procurement of goods and services '-'-' expected to be financed hy the Bank or IDA. Distribution: Executive Director!'! and Alternates President Senior Vice President, Operations· • Executive V:lce Pre3ide-nt and Vice President, IFC President's Council Directors and Department Heads, Bank and_ IFC . • • - 2 - Momhor Country, and Amount 2/ llorrowor or 11n!I Prnliah1o RtftRA or Prn~enAinR nn!I ~!\11.!.t?ll).P.1'.M.!!.LMl!A.'l>'= 11!.RJl!l..n.l. 1.1 ,L_ende.L,=, A!!,t t O,l'I, .~.n. .J,r.C?,,c,,m.11.n~ ,~ V • Otttco don Culturoo. Up to Recond r.oHH tmprovAmcint (Y.xton11ton AT1T1rn1ll11l rP.f\nrt hl!inll Indu11tr i11llo11 du 6,5 ot tirAt projoct financed by tnA pro,.,nrod. Rurundi (IDA) (Cr. 147)), Project to includo rehabili- tation of about 150 hand pulpin~ centers, strengthening of extension services, and research to improve coffee production; improvement of food crop production. Infrastructure and • water supply, technical aesietence, Total costs currently estimated at $8 million. Ministry of Mrinu\Cure llfld Uvellt(Hlk To be determined (tnA) FiAh ProcoeainA ~ tm,.,rovomont of traditional laka fiahinR and fish pr66G1JDiftAI @Dtah1tahffi@ftt 6, pr6~ 61l11111ft(I fA,tlll'iH il16fl!I 11UfUntH Apprn:lAn l 11r.hodu led tor nc tnbor, • Ilia@ 6f LAk@ 'i'BflRBHYikil! ifflPf6V@d fflafk@Eifl~; ll6Eiai iflffall~fUE£Uf@ aflB E@EHR!Eai a§§i§taHE@: fe£ai ES§E @§E!ffi~E@a aE ~B ffiill!SR: llif .AfilleA.~.fifilfi.flLffllt (EA§'l' M'IIHlAN fllWliLfU!MllN'l' llhNl{) ii 'l'll ll@ d@~@fffl:ift@d (ft) fi@V@lopm@Rl f!RAfle@ flllfi\~aRY it, • (HMk) (EAST AFRICAN POSTS 30.0 Telecommunications IV. Apprnisnl delayed pen,! in?, AND TELECOM. CORP.) (Dank) tesumptlo~ of disbursements under thi.rd F.A!lC loan and clarifir.ation regardinR f~ture structure of the Corporation. • (EAST AFRICAN 35.0 Harbors IV. Project under preparation. HARBORS CORP.) (Bank) Further proc/!S!'ling pendtnr. re,eiumptfon of disbursements under F.A~r loan and clarifi- c:tt inn rer.arrl ing future str11r.ture of the Corporation, • (EAST AFRICAN 35.0 Railways IV. Further processing suspended RAILWAYS CORP.) (Bank) pending resumption of diRhurRements under F.ARC Loan and clarification regarding future structure of the • Corporation. ETHIOPIA ------- (BOARD OF TELE- 16.0 (R) Telecommuni.cations V - 2nd Tranche, Approved by Ex-ecu tive COMMUNICATIONS OF (InA) The proposed credit wo11 l rl finanr.e Directors on May 6. ETHIOPIA) (BTE) the remainlng foreign exr.hange r.osts of RTF.'s Fifth Development Program which aims at (1) increasinr. the capacity of the existing telephone syRtems hy ahout 45,000 lines: {2) expanding the long distance facilitie~ through the installation of four micro- • wave links, variouR VHF /tnlF red io links and associatccl trunk sw:l.tching equipment: {3) improvtnn the inter- national services by installing an earth Ratellite station; and {4) expanding the telegraph and telex networks. • -·-----·---------------------- Seep. 1 for footnotes. 11 Com~rising Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. • • - 3 - • M!mber Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency)_/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Project'}_/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!___/ ETHIOPIA (Cont'd) Ethiopia Highway 32.0 Roads VI - includes road maintenance Approved by P~ecutive Authority (EHA) (IDA) Directors on April 29. • equipment, construction of approxi- mately 397 km. of agricultural roads, construction supervision, technical assistance and training. Ministry of 23.0 (R) Education IV - Further assistance Approved by Executive Education (IDA) to the education and training sector Direc·tors on May 27. consistent with Government priorities. Likely to include assistance for • expanding first and second level education and adult education; mass media and curricula development; establishment of training centers for extension workers in cooperatives, forestry, health and home economics: district rural development centers and University Social Science Center • • Coffee Board To be determined (IDA) Coffee Processing II. Preparation of project underway. National Water To be Rural Water Supply I - Development of Water sector study report Resources determined community water systems in small completed, External financing Commission (IDA) towns and rural areas, institutions being approached • (NWRC) by Government for assistance in strengthening of central and regional institutions concerned with water supply; evaluation of existing rural water supply facilities; and financing a few pilot water supply systems. • Agricultural and 7.5 Development Finance Company IV - Processing delayed pending Industrial Development (IDA) industrial lending program. receipt of clarification of the Bank (AIDB) Government's industrial and agricultural policies. Livestock and 21.0 (R) Livestock III - Development of market Appraisal report being prepared. Meat Board (IDA) oriented beef, sheep, and cattle (African Development Bank and (LMB) ' production within framework of USAID considering parallel pastoral society. Likely to include financing,) Follow up dis- • Ministry of To be three areas - Southern Rangelands, Jijiga, and Northeast Rangelands, Livestock IV - Dairy development cussion scheduled for third· week of June. Project preparation underway. Agriculture determined project following up first dairy (IDA) project (Livestock I). Ministry of 25.0 (R) Grain Storage and Marketing - Construc- Preappraisal mission visited • Agriculture (IDA) tion of marketing centers, including storage facilities and procurement of cleaning, drying, weighinP. equipment, plus construction of large scale cen- Ethiopia in March. ·Follow-up discussions scheduled for June/July. tral storage facilities, also technical assistance . • See p_. 1 for footnotes . • • .,. 4 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or Impl~menting_~.!:i'_ )_/ ETHIOPIA (Cont'd) and Probahie Lender ----- Pro.1ect '}_/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!._/ • Ministry of To he (R) Humera Agricultural Development II - Project preparation suspended Agriculture determined Further development in western following its review in the (IDA) lowlands. light of recently announced Ministry of Agriculture 20.0 (IDA) Agriculture Settlement - (a) rurai development project in land refom program. Integrated Preliminary project preparation Highlands underway. • based on land reorganization and (b) resettlement of landless peasants on unused Government land in the Western .provinces. Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority (AWS,\) To he detemined (Bank) Water Supply - Addis Ababa II - Further expansi.on of the water supply system and development of the sewerage Project to be identified. • system of Addis Ababa. Ministry of. 25.0 Agricultural Minimum Package Project Project preparation underway. Agriculture (IDA) II nn>P) - Provision of a package of inputs (fertilizer, seed; credit and extension services) to small famers. This wi il be a foliow up to i-lPP I; • KENYA (L!TY COUNCIL 8.0 (R) Urban Development. Si~ned on May 6. OF NAIROBI) . (Bank) li.o Ministry of Tourism (IDA) To be determined (R) Parks and Tourism - Assistance for parks and reserves development Appraisal scheduled for July. • (Bank) including road construction, viewing facilities, wildlife management and research and planning. Ministry of To be detemined (Hank) Tourism - Deveiopment of Diani Beach resort complex; part of Goverrimeht program for development of additional facilities at the coast, Feasibility st:_udy underway. • Tana River (.,).0 (R) Power II - Expansion of hydro genera- Negotiations substantially Development (Bank) ting capacity and associated trans- completed. Board consideration Company (TRDC) mission lines. Total estimated cost scheduled for July. including interest during construction - $136 million. Procurement: Export/suppliers' credits have been provisionally arranged for part of the project • cost. Retroactive financing of about $1.5 million recommended. Ministry of 20.0 Oil•Pipeline - To transport refined Negotiations substantially. Power and Communications (Bank) fuel oils from Mombasa refinery to Nairobi. Total estimated cost is $83 million. completed. Procurement: Export/suppliers' credits have been provisionally • arranged for part of the project cost. Seep 1 for footnotes. • • • - 5 - •.... Member Country, and Borrower or Amount 2/ and Probable Stage of Processing and Im~lementing Agenci y Lender· Project 1/ .Action on Procurement !!_/ KENYA (Cont'd) Ministry of 10.0 (R) Forestry II - Second phase of forestry Negotiations substantially Natural (Bank) development project financed by completed, Board consideration • Resources 10.0 (IDA) Ln. 641. Project will include a 46,000 hectares plantation program, support for land use capability surveys and technical assistance. scheduled for June. Procurement: Retroactive financing of $1.3 million Total cost $55.5· million. recommended. Ministry of To be Education i l l - To support qualitative Appraisal report under ·- Education determined improvements to primary school educa- preparation. (Bank/IDA) tion, including technical assistance. Minist'ry of Water 35.0 (R) Water supply for Mombasa and coastal Negotiations substantially Development (Bank) region - Development of new water completed. {Co-financing sources and additional distribution by Federal Republic of Germany system. Total cost estimated at likely.) $80 million, including interest during construction. Procurement: Retroactive • Ministry of To be Integrated Agricultural Development - financing of about $550,000 recommended. Appraisal tentatively scherluled Agriculture determined Mixed farming, based primarily on for June. (Bank/IDA) cotton, sunflower, maize and pulses production in Western and Eastern provinces. ·- Ministry of Agriculture To be determined (Bank/IDA) (R) Irrigation in lower Tana River Basin for cotton, 'maize, sugar, and groundnut production. Project would offer employment for several thousand faniilies. Project scope ·being enlarged. Revised consultant's report expected shortly. Ministry of To be Highways VI - To assist l(lbor intensive Appraisal scheduled for Works determined construction and implementation of rural September. (Several aid • Ministry of Finance (Bank) 30.0 (R) access roads programs with emphasis on training and evaluation. Program Loan. To help finance import agencies may finance the construction of roads.) Approved by Executive and Planning (Bank) of raw materials, intermediate goods Directors May 27 and signed and capital equipment. on May 30. Industrial 10.0 (R) Second DFC line of credit to IDB. Negotiations substantially • Development Rank (IDB) Ministry of (Bank) To be Assistance for sugar development in completed, Board consideration expected in July. Identification underway. Agriculture determined Kenya. (Bank) (CITY COUNCIL To be Water Supply III - Extension of Nairobi Feasibility·report under • OF NAIROBI) LESOTHO deterniined (Bank) water supply system. preparation. Ministry of 5.0 (R) Highways II - Construction of a Appraisal report befog Works (IDA) mountain road from St. Michaels to prepared. (Co-financing Thaba Tseka, and provision for with several agencies being explored.) • technical assistance to the Ministry of Works. Project includes $0.5 million to assist development of a program for labor intensive construction. Seep. l for footnotes • • 'I • - 6 - Amount 'l:_/ • Member Country·, and Borrower or and Probable Sta~e of Processing and Implementing Agency_!_/ Lender Project ll Actio~~n Procurement ~/ LESOTHO (Cont I d) Ministry of To be (R) Thaba Bosiu Rural Development II - Project identification/prepara- Agriculture determined project would expand the successful tion scheduled for June/July (IDA) Thaba Bosiu project by providing seed, fertilizer, credit extension services, soil conservation techniques, and improved livestock practices to 1975 (Co-financing with several agencies to be explored.) • rural smallholders. MALAGASY REPUBLIC Ministry of Education To be determined (IDA) Education II - Improvement of educa- tion system and facilities in light of Government's new education plan currently being devised. Unesco preparation mission, reactivated at Government request, tentatively scheduled for September. • Directorate To be Hydroelectric power plant (80-100 MW) Feasibility study in progress. of Mines and Power · determined on Vohitra River at Rogez, about 130 (Co-financing being explored.) (Bank) Ian east of Tananarive. Total project • costs currently estimated at_$80 million. BNM • (~alagaay To be (R) Development Finance Company. Project being prepared by .Development Bank) determined Government and BNM. Appraisal (Bank) mission tentatively scheduled for September/October 1975. Miniatry of Rural·- To be (R) Irrigation - Likely to consist of rice Timing of FAO/IBRD Cooperative Development Ministry of determined (Bank/IDA) To be (R) development in several areas possib1) combined with rehabilitation schemes. Highways IV - Construction of Program preparation mission being discussed with Government. Appraisal report being • Public Works determined Arivonimsmo-Analavory primary road prepared. (Bank/IDA) (71 km) and Tsiroanomandioy-Maintirano feeder road (370 km); technical assistance and training of Ministry of Public Works' personnel. Total cost estimated at $28 million. • Ministry of 10.0 Education II - Improvement of educa- Appraisal report being Education (IDA) tional system and facilities in sup- prepared. port of recently approved education Ministry of Agriculture 8.5 . (IDA) (R) plan. Lilongwe Rural Development Ill - Provi- sion of infrastructure works and Credit documents and United Nations' Capital Development • support services for third stage of Fund agreement signed on Lilongwe Rural Development Program. May 27, 1975. Total cost estimated at $12 million. Ministry of To be Karonga Rural Development P~ogram Project being prepared. Agriculture determined (IDA) II - Extension of first project finan- ced by Credit 282-HAI. Provision of agricultural inputs, extension services, marketing facilities, credit, • the introduction of improved farming methods and new crops and development of infrastructure. Seep. 1 for footnotes. • • I•. - 7 - • Member Country, and Borrower· or Implementing Agency)___/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Stage of Processing and Action_ on Procurement _ 4/ ~ (Cont'd) Viphya Pulp To be Woodpulp MHl and Infrastructure - Project being prepared, Pre- and P·aper determined construction of 150,000 TPA long qualification of contractors • (VIPCOR) (Bank) fiber pulpmill to exploit existing for-the civil works is expected Viphya forest resources. Mill will to be undertaken before be located at Chinteche, in the negotiations. (Co-financing northern region. Infrastructure, being explored.) particularly roads and ports facili- ties, will also be required. Total project costs· currently estimated at $330 million, • MAURITIUS Central Water Authority To be· determined Water Supply and Sewerage - Improve- ment and augmentation of three existing Timing of appraisal contingent upon reaching agreement with (Bank/IDA) domestic water supply schemes (Port Government on appropriate level Louis, Mare aux Vacoas and the of water tariffs. Districts), and two sewerage schemes (Port Louis and Plain Wilhelms), to • Development Bank ·of Mauritius To be determined meet household and industrial demand, Financing of specific development projects through loans to and invest- Timing of project processing contingent upon reaching agree- (Bank) ments in enterprises in Maurit_ius, ment with Government on amount of local contribution, • Ministry 4of Agriculture About s.o (IDA) Commercial Crops - Project to include additional extension staff for improve- ment of existing coffee production; Appraisal report being prepared. planting of cinchona trees; and rehabilitation for improved foodcrop production; construction and improve- ment of lake landing points; technical assistance, Total cost estimated at le $6 million. Ministry of To be (R) Agricultural Development (livestock) - Appraisal report being Agriculture determined Settlement of 5,000 farmers'- families prepared. (IDA) in Bugasera area; would include water supply, pasture development, livestock and foodcrop improvement; lake fishing; eradication of tse-tse fly infestation • • Ministry of Education 8.0 (IDA) (R) Education - improvement of quality and efficiency o"f primary education in support of education reform being con- Consideration by Executive Directors scheduled for June 9. (Co-financing with Germany sidered by Government, Construction under consideration.) and equipment of 150 workshops for teaching of practical subjects related to agriculture and craftsmanship.- Pro- • vision of paper and textbook printing equipment, and transport; establishment of school financin~ and construction unit in Ministry of :!.ducation for project execution. Technical assist- ance. Total project cost estimated at $9 million • • seep. 1 for footnotes • • • - 8 - Member Country, and Amount -~/ norrower or Agency j_/ · SOMALIA and Proh11ble Lender Stage of Processinr, and Action on Procurement !!_I • Ministry of 4.0 Agricultural development in the Appraisal report being prepared. Agriculture (IDA) North-West Region, including land (Joint financing being sought.) 'conservation, extension services, Ministry of To be small-scale irrigation, water supply ·and prcinvestment studies. Roads III - Improvement of the Hargeisa- Consultants preparing feasi- • Public Works determined· norama highway (about 144 Jans) with a bility study, (Joint finan- (IDA) spur to Tug Wajale (about 20 Jans). cing likely to be required.) Ministry of 4.5 (R) Port of Mogadiscio - extension of Negotiations substantially Public Works (IDA) breakwater and addition of one berth to the new port now under construction. completed. Further processing subject to resolution of questions concerning cost estimates and financing plan. • Drought a.Ci (R) Drought Rehabilitation, Preparation/appraisal Rehabilitation (IDA) mission in the field. Commission To be determined To be determined (IDA) (R) Technical Assistance· - assistance in project preparation. Preliminary discussions with Government planned for September/ October 1975. • SUDAN Public Electricity 23.0 (R) Power II - Expansion of hydro-electric Approved by Executive Directors & Water Corporation (IDA) generation at Roseires and diesel on May 24. (PEWC) generation in Khartoum and Juba; expan- sion of transmission and distribution facilities. Total project cost esti- mated at $40 million. • Civil Aviation To be (R) Domestic Aviation - Improvement of Appraisal report under Department determined airports and facilities in southern preparation. (IDA) provincial capitals and at Port Roads and Bridges Corporation To be determined - Sudan. Highways II - Further development of roads on lines indicated by pre- Feasibility study underway. • (IDA) paratory work under existing road project. Ministry of 10.0 (R) Education (I - Development of Approved by Executive Directors Education (IDA) primary education for children, adult education, and technical educa- tional facilities appropriate to the rural context. Total project cost on April 29; signed on May 16. • about $17 million. Ministry of To be Livestock I - Development of Project being prepared by Agriculture determined livestock potential. Government, RMEA and FAO. • (IDA) Industrial Bank 7.0 (R) Second credit to Industrial Bank Negotiations substantially of Sudan (IDA) of Sudan. completed. Board consideration expected in July. Seep. 1 for footnotes. • • • - 9 - • Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency !f Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Project 3/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!_I SUDAN {Cont'd) Mechanized Farming To be Third credit to the Mechanized Project under preparation Corporation determined Farming Corporation. by consultants. • Ra had Corporation and Ministry of {IDA) 20.0 {IDA) (R) Second Credit for the nahad Irrigation project to help meet the cost of Negotiations substantially completed. Board consideration Irrigation additional works and increases in the scheduled for June. (Co- cost of orir,inal project. financing with the K~wait Fund, Saudi Fund and Arab Fund.) • SWAZILAND {SWAZILAND ELECTRICITY To be determined Thermal Power - 200 MW thermal power station fueled by Swazi: coal to Preliminary feasibility studies completed·; discussions on f inan- BOARD) {Bank) produce electricity for export to cing plan with South African Electricity Supply Commission in authorities in progress; drilling South Africa. Total project cost program underway to prove estimated to be more than $100 necessary coal reserves. (Co- • .million • financing will be required.) Ministry of Works 7.0 (R) Highway II. Loan signed on May 15, 1975. Power and Communications (Bank) Ministry of To be Education II. Project identification scheduled Education determined within next few months. {Bank) • Ministry of Agriculture To be determined {Bank) (R) Agriculture • Identification mission (RMEA) scheduled June/July 1975. National.Industrial To be (N) Development Finance Company - To Project identification mission Developme.nt determined assist promotion of .~Fdium-size scheduled July/August 1975. Corporation {NIDC) {Bank) industrial enterprises. • TANZANIA Office of Prime Minister 9.0 (IDA) Rural Development II (Tabora) - Inte- grated rural development project. Project being prepared by Govern- ment with RMEA assistance. Ministry of 10.0 (R} Dairy Development I - Development of Negotiations completed, Agriculture and (IDA) 18 dairy production. units and Ujamaa Board consideration scheduled Cooperatives dairy farms and development of for early July. • Ministry of Nat~ral Resources and 8.0 (IDA) processing for domestic consumption • Fisheries - Development of ii~land and coastal fishing. Appraisal mission scheduled for mid-June. Tourism Ministry of Natural 8.0 (R) Forestry I - Development of the fores- Appraisal mission scheduled Resources and Tourism- (IDA) try resources • for late August. • }linistry of Commerce and Industries Textile Corporation of Tanzania 15.0 (flank) {R) Industry I - Expansion of the cotton textile plant at Mwanza. Expected to be approved by Executive Directors on June 3. Ministry of Commerce 23.0 Industry II - Development of an Project being prepared by and Industries (Rank) industrial estate at !lorogoro. NDC and consultants. National Development • Corporation {NDC) See p. 1 for footnotes. · • • - 10 - Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agericy !/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Project '}./ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement ~/ • TANZANIA (Cont'd) Ministry of Water 7.0 Water Supply I - Water supply and Project being prepared by and Power (IDA) sewerage development in secondary • Government with consultant's urban centers. assistance. Ministry of 9.0 (R) Education V. Appraisal mission in field. Education (IDA) Procurement: Retroactive financing to be recommended for several training components of the project. Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) 34.0 (Bank) (R) Power III - Second stage of Kidatu hydroelectric project. Appraisal mission· returned and preparing its report. (Co-financing with SIDA • expected.) Tanzania To be (R) Second Bank Group operation for TIB. Appraisal mission in field. Industrial determined Bank (TIB) Ministry of i'ianri ing and (Bank) 6.2 (IDA) (R) Technical Assistance - assistance :i.n project preparation, especially for Report under preparation. • · Development the industrial sector. Ministry of 20.0 (R) Maize Development Pco~ect - to assist· Preparation/appraisal mission Agricu_lture and (Bank/IDA) in expanding production of maize, the- in the field. • Cooperatives major staple of Tanzania. Procurement: Retroactive financing to be recommended for certain inputs for 1975 planting season and for technical assistance. Department of Agriculture 8.0 (IDA) (R) Cotton and food crops deveiopment for smallholders, probably in Ubangui and Ueles regions. Appraisal report being prepared. • . Office National About 8.0 Livestock II - Livestock development Government preparing project; de i.'Elevage (IDA) in· traditional herding sector, and on feasibility atudy submitted. small commercial and state ranches. Bureau of National Transportation (ONATRA); Ministry of Transportation and 26.0 (IDA) (R) Railway and River Transport - Rehabil- itation of Kinshasa-Matadi railway and inland wa·ter transport. Engineer- ing study for Ilebo - Kinshasa Railway, Expected to be approved by Executive Directors on June 3. Procurement: Contract for study • River Navigation port feasibility study, training pro- of Kinshasa and Matadi ports was Administration (RVF) gram for ONATRA and technical assist- awarded to Tractionnel of Belgium ance. Total project cost is $52 and the training program for million. ONATRA to ORT (Geneva). Re- SOFIDE To be Credit for agro-industries and troactive financing of $0.7 million. Project identification mission • determined general agriculture. to be scheduled. UNDP/FAO (IDA) assisting SOFIDE in establishing agricultural lending operations. .Seep. 1 for footnotes. • • • - 11 - • Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency!/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Project 'l__/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement Ii_/ ZAIRE (Cont'd) Water Aut,hority About 15.0 (R) Water supply and sewerage in six Appraisal mission preparing (REGIDESO) (IDA) regional urban centers. Total project its report. (C~financing • and Department of Public Works cost about $60 million. with ADB and UNDP expected.) Department of 19.0 Education II - Technical education, Appraisal mission preparing its Education (IDA) focusing especially on agricultural report. education and secondary rural teacher training. Total project cost for • Department of To ·be (R) re-equipping or constructing 12 insti- tutions is about $40 million. Rehabilitation and extension of Consultants to advise on Agriculture determined existing oil palm plantations. project preparation requirements. (IDA) Bureau of National To be Rehabilitation and expansion of Matadi Project being prepared by • Transportation (ONATRA) Ministry of determined (IDA) To be (N) and Kinshasa ports • Extension of market gardening in the consultants. Pilot project financed by FAC Agriculture determined environs of Kinshasa including land is·underway and studies for (IDA) clearing, provision of equipment, expansion being prepared by farm inputs, credit and improvement consultants. of marketing facilities • • ZAMBIA Post and 32.0 (R) Telecommunications. Total project Approved by Executive Directors on May 27. Telecommunications (Bank) cost estimated at $78.2 million of Corporation which $52.2 million ·in foreign ex- change. Proposed Bank loan will assist Borrower's current five year Telecommunications Development • Development Bank of Zambia 15.0 (Bank) Program. To help finance newly formed develop- ment finance company. Appraisal mission preparing its report. Forest 15.0 Forest planting and wood processing. Awaiting project preparation. Department (Bank) • Ministry of Rural Development To be determined (Bank) Provision and extension of water supply in towns and rural areas. Project identification underway. Ministry of Power, To be Roads III. Project identification underway. Transport and Works determined (Bank) • Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation To be determined (Bank) Kafue hydro-electric project (Stage III). Project preparation underway. Hinistry of Local To be Urbanization II. Project preparation underway. Government and determined. Housing (Bank) • See p • 1 for footnotes. • ---~- --------------------------------------· • - 12 - • Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency l/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Project '}_/ Stage of ProcessinB and Action on Procurement ii II,- WESTERN AFRICA • CAMEROON Ministere 3,0 Supplemental Loan - Second Highway Pro- Timing and terms of proposed de l'Equipement (IDA) ject. Participation together with Gov- loan/credit being discussed with 3.0 ernment in expected cost overrun ten- Government. (Bank) tatively estimated at about $40 million. J • Office National des Ports 20.0 (Bank/mA) (R) Ports II - dredging of channel, re- location and/or improvement of _fishing port, construction of new log handling facilities and additional berths at Preliminary appraisal underway. Cameroon delegation expected in Washington for discussions at end of June. Next co-donor's Douala. Total cost estimated at meeting scheduled for October/ $75 million. November to review appraisal results. (Co-financing probably with FED, EIB, AfDB and French, • Banque camerounaise de 3.0 (R) Small-scale enterprises. Provision of Canadian, U.S. and German Governments.) Negotiations substantially Developpement (Bank) funds for the establishment and expan- completed. Board presentation sion of small- and medium-size enter- scheduled for early July, prises (SME) and of technical assist- (Co-financing with CCCE and ance for the promotion of SHE; strength- UNDP.) • en:lng of institutions and improvement of SME assistance policies. Total project cost about $16 million, of which about $3 million technical Procurement: Possible retroac- tive financing for technical assistance. assistance and $13 million cost of sub-projects with foreign exchange component of 55%. Mtnistere des Mines 5,0 (R) Water II & Sewerage I - extension of Dract sector report discussioned de l'Energie (Bank) water supply in urban centers; sewer- between Government and IBRD/WHO 10.0 age in Yaounde and Douala; storm Cooperative Program in April (IDA) drainage in Douala. 1975. Final report being prepared. Ministere de 14,0 Education III - creation or extension Appraisal report being prepared, 1 1 Education Nat:h>nale et (IDA) of rural and technical education and Ministere de l'Agriculture training facilities. Total cost may • Societe Rationale d 1 Blectricite du 15.0 (Bank) (R) exceed $20 million, Hydroplant·- transmission and distribution lines. Feasibility studies on alter- native hydro-plants completed Cameroun (SONEL) by con·sultants. Sector mission report being prepared. Ministere de 16.0 (R) Creation of first 5,800 ha tranche Consideration by Executive. • l'Agriculture (IDA) of 15,000 ha rubber estate in the empty southern part of the coastal region. Directors expected June 3. (Co-financing with CCCE.) Procurement; Retroactive financing up to $400,000 for land clearing equipment • • Seep, l for footnotes • • • - 13 - Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency l/ Amount 2/ and .Probable Lender Project '}_/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!._/ • CAMEROON (Cont'd) Ministere de 20.0 Roads III - highway maintenance. Government's decision taken on l'Equipement (!lank) consultant's technical proposal. Maintenance study scheduled to commence in miut:lqn"ayatem, an4 completion Reapprai~al required, · CYPRUS) of yill~ge elec~r~fication program. EGYPT! ARAB !IBPIJ@J.IC OF ~gyptian Telecommunicatiqn Organization 30.0 (IDA) (R) T~lecommunica~ions I - project forms part of a program for rehabilitation of local, long dis~ance and interna- Credit approved by ~ec~tive Directors qn May~ and sig~ed on May 17, 1975. • tional telecommunication facilities. Total proje~t coat is esti~ted at $173.4 miliion including $77.4 million in. foreign exchange. l'liniatrv of "griculture To be determined (Bank) (R) Agricultural credit, including production of fruit and vegetables, storage, processing and ma,rketing, and associated credit and extension FAO/IBRD Cooperative Program has completed project preparation. Preappraisal mission .scheduled for mid-June. • facilities, and credit for other inputs to increase agricultural pro- duction. · General Organization for Indua~rializatio!l To be determined (IDA) (R) Poasi~ly for exploitation and process- ing of rock phosph~te. · Project to be identified. Data on deposits received from Government have been re- viewed. Some further studies • required have been initiated by Government and are in progress. Bank of 25.0 (R) Development Finance Company II. Negotiations substantially Alexandria (IDA) completed. Credit presentation to Executive Directors scheduled mid-July • • . See .p. 1 for footnotes. • - 43 - • Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency]_/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Project ll Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !/ JGYPT, ARAB REPUBLIC OF (Cont'd) General Organiza- To be (R) Textile Rehabilitation - Phase I of Project preparation in progress. tion for Spinning determined rehabilitation and modernization of Survey of textile subsector • and Weaving Alexandria Port (Bank) To be (R) selected textile and garment production complexes. Improvement and modernization of conunenced Hay 15 and interim report expected in September. Appraisal mission scheduled Authority determined existing port facilities at for mid-July. (Bank) Alexandria Port. Ministry of To be Education project to be determined. Mission visited Egypt March/April Education determined to study sector for preliminary ·'.· project identification. Project now being prepared. Ministry of I~rigation/ To be (N) Weed control - supply of equipment Project identified by recent Egyptian Public determined and chemicals for control of weeds mission, and now being prepared Authority for in irrigation and drainage canals by Government. Drainage throughout the country to improve • Ministry of Irrigation/ Egyptian Public To be determined (N) efficiency of irrigation and drainage • Nile Delta Drainage II - provision of pumping stations, rehabilitation Project under preparation by Government. Authority for of main drains and provision of tile Drainage and open drainage for up to 1 million acres in the Nile Delta, with soil. improvement treatment where necessary. as a follow-on to the ongoing Nile •• FINLAND Delta Drainage project. (MORTGAGE BANK 20.0 (R) Pollution control - the project is Loan approved by the Executive · OF FINLAND) (Jlank) part of a 10-year national program Directors on May 6, and signed for the abatement of water pollution on Hay 19. created by urban and industrial wastes, • and would concentrate on the paper and pulp industry over a period of three years. Estimated total cost of the project is $157 million. Hydraulic Worka 35.0 (R) Irrigation III - groundwater irriga- Appraisal report being reviewed. • Service of the Ministry of Public worits (Bank) tion in northern Greece as follow-up to ongoing program under Irrigation I. Ministry of 35.0 Construction of selected road segments Further preparation betng done Public Works (Bank)_ plus highway maintenance and technical by Government. assistance for transport planning. • Ministry of National Education (NATIONAL INVESTMENT 45.0 (Bank) 25.0 (R) {R) Education III - vocational, teacher training and secondary education. Development Finance Company - Expected to be presented to Executive Directors in June. Expected to be presented to BANK FOR INDUSTRIAL (Bank) NIBID V - Industrial Financing. Executive Directors in June. DEVELOPMENT (NIBID)) • Seep. 1 for footnotes • • • - 44 - Member Country, and Amount :!:_/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing A ~ J__/ Lender Project ]_I Action on Procurement !!_I Rry school training centers, teacher traininr, and technical assis- tance. Total project cost is estimated at $27.6 million of which about $8.9 million in foreign ex- change. Implementing Agency To be Fisheries II. Studies underway. • to be determined Implementing determined (Rank) To be Textile production r.overnment preparjng proposalR Agency to be determined for restructuring of industry. determined (Bank) Implementing Agency To be Industrial Estates. Project t.iming anrl components under consideraU.on hy Government. • to be determined determined (Bank) (BANQUE DE DEVELOPPE- 20.0 Sixth loan to Development Finance Negotiations substnntiall.y cc>w- MENT ECONOMIQUE DE (Rank) Company. pleted. TUNISIE) (BDF.T, ex SNI) TURKEY • Agricultural Bank of Turkey (ABT) To be determined (Rank) (R) Agricultural credit - medium and long term credit for agro industry and small farmer credit. Appraisal report being prepared . To be determined 40.0 Sewerage system for Istanbul. Preparation underway. Appraisal (Bank) tent11tively schecluled for Fall 1975. • Ministry of Agriculture 20.0 (Bank) Livestock • Project beinf'. prenared under on- coing livestock project. Apprais- al tentatively scheduled for September 1975. Ministry of 20.0 Tourism - integrated development in Preparation underway with Tourism (Bank) Ant~lya Province. assistance of UtIDP. Consultants selected. Appraisal scherlulerl • for early November . Ministry of A~riculture, 75.0 (R) Rural Development - integrated devel- Board presentation scheduled Villa~e Affairs and (Bank) opment in Cankiri and Corum provinces for June. Forestry. in rainfed north central Anatolia. Procuretr.ent: L1.>nited nd'-'~n~e contracting recommended. • State Hydraulic Works (llSI) or State Electricity Authority (TEK) To be determined (Bank) Karakaya hydro power dam on F.uphr11tes River. Project desiP,n report and pre- q11:111f-f.cation received; Awaf.tinr, agreP.ment with Government on key as~ects of proposed project. . State Electricity Authority (TF.K) ------------------------- Seep. 1 for footnotes • 56.0 (Rank) (R) Construction of power sub-stations for transmission lines. Negotiations substantially completed. • • - 50 - Member Country, and Amount.2/ Borrower or Implementing Agency!/ ·and P~obable Lender Project 'i_/ Stage of Processing and Action on P~ement_ !!_/ • TURKEY (Cont'd) To be 20.0 Istanbul Urban Transport - traffic Project under preparation, determined (Bank) . engineering and control and bus • operations. To be To be Istanbul Urban Development - Urban Project preparation delayed. determined determined market relocation. (Bank) Turkish State 60.0 Railways II - Finance for the second Project under preparation, Railways (Bank) stage of the Turkish State Railways' 7-year rehabilitation and modern- Industrial Development 70.0 (Bank) ization program. Development finance for private sector industrial projects in less Project to be prepared. • Bank (TSKB) developed regions. YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC Ministry of Agriculture 10.0 (IDA) (R) Southern Uplands - rural development projects for two major agricultural areas in Highlands Region; including credit facilities; small-scale irriga- Credit approved by Executive Directors on May 6 and signed on May 13, 1975. • tion works, feeder roads, village _water supply and technical assistance. Project estimated to cost $23 million, of which about $13 million in foreign Nat:l,onal Water and Sewerage Authority 8.1 (IDA) (R) exchange. Hodeida water supply and sewerage - well field, transmission line, dis- Negotiations have been completed and Credit is expected to be • (NWSA) tribution network, house connections considered by Executive Directors for Hodeida, improvement of existing end of June. (The Arab Fund wells and pumping facilities, storage will participate with a loan tanks, training and operation assist- of $20.2 million in the financing • ance, final engineering and super- of the Project,(parallel fin~nc- vision; technical assistance to ing)) National Water and Sewerage Authority; preparation of Hodeida Development Plan; Hodeida sewerage - house connections, local sewers, collectors, treatment and disposal. Ministry of 8.0 Education_ II. Appraisal mission in the field. • -~R) Education (IDA) Ministry of 8.0 (R) Ports - provision of new port facili- Work on the feasibility study, Transpori: (IDA) ties and/or upgrading of existing by consultants, started in port facilities, based on recommenda- April 1975. tions of feasibility study. Ministry of 5.0 (R) Agricultural credit - possibly includ- FAO/IBRD Cooperative Program .Agriculture (IDA) ing credit for agro-industrial units, or fisheries development. preparatory mission.will be in field in August 1975. • See ·p. 1 for footnotes. • • - 51 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency :J../ Lender ----- Project'}__/ Action on Procurement !!__/ YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC (Cont'd) Highway Authority 9.0 (R) Highways II - Project will consist of Credit expected to be presented (IDA) (i) construction of Taiz-km 64 road for to Executive Directors on June which detailed engineering has been 17. The Kuwait Fund will carried out under ongoing Highways I participate with a loan of $5 project, and (ii) continuation of million in the financing of technical assistance provided under the project. Highways I project to the Highway Authority. YEMEN, PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF Ministry of 15.S (R) Highways construction - paved road Credit approved by Executive Public Works (IDA) of about 350 km, Mukalla-Saywin with Directors on May 22. (Kuwait a spur to Shihr; detailed engineering Fund will participate in co- of Nagaba-Atag-Beihan road; technical financing the project with a assistance to Highway Department; loan of $15.3 million and expects purchase of highway maintenance equip- Board consideration in June.) ment and related aparea and refinancing of Highway Engineering Credit S-12. Procurement: Since international Project cost estimated at $31.8 comp-etitive bidding was not suc- million. cessful, execution of construction works will be by a Government Construction unit the project includes retroactive financing of pre-construction works for exploration of water in an amount of up to $60,000. Ministry of 3.0 Agriculture - - Wadi Hadhramaut, Appraisal. report being prepared. Agriculture (IDA) increasing crop production through (Commitments for cofinancinr, being improved irrigation, provision of sought.) fertilizer and extension services. Yemen Ports and 3.0 Aden Port rehabilitation - supply of Appraisal report being reviewed. Shipping Corporation (IDA) port equipment and technical assistance (Arab Fund likely to cofinance the to enable port to service increased - project.) traffic after re-opening of Suez Canal. Project coat is tentatively estimated at $17 million. YUGOSLAVIA (ELEKTROPRIVREDA, 70.0 (R) Construction of 450-MW Buk Bijela Loan presentation to Executive BOSNE I HERZEGOVINE) (Bank) hydroelectric power plant in Boania- Directors scheduled for June. Herzegovina. Estimated total cost $242.5 million with foreign exchange component of about $86 million. (SARAJEVO WATER 83.0 - (R) Pollution control - abatement of air Negotiations expected to start AND SEWERAGE (Bank) and water pollution in Sarajevo area; in late June. ENTERPRISE, BOSNIA- expansion and improvement of water ,HERZEGOVINA GAS supply and sewerage facilities, and Procurement: Retroactive fi- TRANSMISSION AND natural gas transmission and distribu- nancing up to $1 million expected DISTRIBUTION-ENTERPRISE tion lines to serve heating facili- to be recommended for engineering AND NAFTAGAS) ties that would reduce air pollu- · studies. tion in the city. Estimated total cost $169 million, with foreign ex- change component of $77 million. Seep. 1 for footnotes. ' . - 52 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and .!_mplEC_menting Ag_<:!.!!..9:'_ _1_/ - Lend~-- Project '}__/ Action on Procurement 4/ (JUGOSLAVENSKI 30.0 .Oil pipeline totalling about 730 Ian Appraisal report hetnc prenared. NAFTOVOD) (Rank) n,nning from Krk Island near Rijeka through Sisak, Bosanski Brod and Novi Sad to Pancevo, with a branch line from near Sisak to the Hungarian border, a marine terminal on Krk Island (initial capacl.ty of about 25 million tons), four 1.nland terminals and six pumping stations. Total cost is estimated at $400 million with foreign exchange component of approximately $200 million. (VOJVODJANSKA 50.0 (R) Agricultural credit - to assist Loan presentation to Executive BANKA) (Bank) expansion and improvement of pro- Directors scheduled for June. duction, processing and marketing of agricultural combinats and coopera- tives and private farmers in priority sub-sectors. ROAD ORGANIZATIONS 40.0 (R) Highways vri - construction of follow- Negotiations substantially or SLOVENIA, SERBIA, (Bank) ing highway sections: four-lane high- completed. Presentation to . 'AND MONTENEGRO. ways between Dolgi-Most and Vhrnika and Executive Directors scheduled between Surcin A~rport, Belgrade, and for early July, Hali Pozarevac; two-lane highway be- tween Titograd and Niksic and technical Procurement: Retroactive-finan- assistance in preparation of highway cing up to $120,000 experted to investment program. Total cost is be recommended for preparatory estimated at $117.4 million with for-,., ··works for one highway section; eign exchange component of about $$37 million. (MORAVA RIVER About (R) Morava River Regulation - first phase A follow~up appraisal mission CORPORATION) 25.0 of multi-purpose program for water is in the field. (Rank) supply, sewerage, flood control, irri- gation, pollution contro·l, end ~ater- shed management. Project would include ··~tudies for basin development. Esti- mated project cost $93 million with foreign exchange component of about $20 million, (ENTERPRISE About Metohija Mu.1 tipurpose - first phase of Project being prepared. CONCERNED) 35.0 hasin development program, including (!lank) irrigation, domestic and industrial w11ter supply, and development of rural infrastructure. Estimated project cost about $93 million. (COMMUNITY OF' To he Railways V - financing of priority Project to be identified YUGOSLAV RAILWAYS) determined investments of the Yugoslav Railways. during implementation of (Bank) _ Railways IV pro_1ect. (JUCEL) To be Power Transmission II - st:1ge two of Awaiting revised prepar·ation determined 380 k nationwide power transmission report from sponsor. (Bank) grid hegun under Power Tran!'mission I (Loan 836-YlJ). Seep, 1 for footnotes. • - 53 - • Member Country, and Borrower or · Implementing Agency l__/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Project 1/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!_/ VI. LATIN AMERICA AND CARIDBEAN • ARGENTINA Vialidad Nacional 80.0 (Bank) (R) Roads IV - improvement of 13 road sections, about 1,100 km throughout Appraisal report beinn prepared. the country, construction of 72 km of expressway and provision of various consulting services. • Up to Livestock II - credit for livestock Project preparation underway . 50.0 development and mixed agriculture. (Bank) (SERVICIOS ELECTRICOS 115.0 (R) Power - expansion of transmission and Board presentation planned DEL GRAN BUENOS·AIRES (Bank) distribution system, calling for pro- for July, S.A.) curement of cables, transformers, meters, etc., and for civil works on substations and network. Total cost • To he estimated at $542 million of which $146 million in foreign exchange. Grain Storage - project scope not yet Government preparing studies. determined defined. (Bank) 100.0 (R) Yacyreta-Apipe Hydropower. Preparation mission planned • BAHAMAS (Bank) for August • To be (R) Water supply, sewerage facilities and Project preparation underway. determined environmental protection. Appraisal miaaion scheduled (Bank) for mid-June, • BARBADOS To be determined- (R) Tourism - project scope not yet determined. Could include cluster Terms of Reference for feasibility study being (Bank) of small hotels sharing common prepared, facilities and services. Up to Sugar Rehabilitation - scope of project Awaiting Government's definition 6.0 to be determined, Could include equip- of scope of project. • BOLIVIA (Bank) ment for improved efficiency of sugar- cane production and milling. Banco Agricola de 7.5 (R) Agricultural Credit I - credit to Negotiations completed. Bolivia (IDA) finance production of crops in Board presentation scheduled Cochabamba, Tarija and Santa Cruz, for late June. • livestock in the lowlands and sheep on the Altiplano. Total cost esti- mated at $12 million of which $5.0 million in foreign exchange. Banco Industrial, S.A. 10.0 Mining Credit II - credit program for Project preparation underway. (Bank) medium miners. • Empress Nacional de Electricidad (ENDE) To be determined (Bank) (N) ENDE IV Power - National Interconnec- tion and Generation Expansion. Feasibility study being reviewed. Awaiting Govern- ment action on tariffs. Appraisal tentatively scheduled for August. Seep. 1 for footnotes • • • - 54 - Member Country, a!ld Borrower or Implementing Agency!/ . Amount 2/ ~nd Probable Lender Project 1/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!__/ • BOLIVIA (Cont'd) Banco Minero and 14.0 (R) 11:1.ning Credit III - credit program for Project preparation Servicio Geologico (Bank) • small miners and mining exploration underway. de Bolivia fund. Empress Nacional 32.0 (R) Railways II - 1975/76 p~~se of ENFE's Board presentation scheduled de Ferrocarriles (Bank) continui11g program of technical and for June. (ENFE) financial rehabilitation including purchase of rolling stock, locomotives iµtd spare parts; rehabilitation of tracks and workshops; technical assistance. Total project cost esti- mated at $41 million of which $32 millio11 in foreign exchallge. • Ministry of Agriculture To be (R) Rural De~lop~ent - productivity Appraisal report being and Corporacion Re"gional determined increase on small farms on the Alti- prepared. para Desarrollo de la (Bank) plano. P!i~ (CORDEPAZ) . ~llistry of . and Housing and the llqu.sing Baiik To be determined (Bank) (R) Water supply, sewerage facilities and environmental protection, Identification/Preappraisal mission scheduled for July/ AugtJst. • Miµistry 9f To be (R) Education - improvement of basic Un~sco/IBRD Cooperative Program Educat19~ determined educatiori deliverY system. identification mission in the (Baiik) field; · • ' -Kl.nis'try ,of Agr_iculture To be Agro-industry -,Aevelopment of inte- ~dentif~cation/preparation - Regi9nal Development determined grated production and processing mission scheduled fqr September. Corporations (Bank) projects. · Ministry of ~griculture 'fo be f~res~ry - development of timber fAO/IB~ Cooperative Program - Center for the pevelop- determined resources in the Santa Cruz region. identification mission 111'!11t of Por~stry · (Bank) ·· scheduled for Jµ~y. BRAZIL (Banco Nacional Do Desenvolvime11to 85.0 (Bank) {R) D~velop!D,811t Finance Companies - finan- i~ of State Development Banks for Mission to complete appraisal scheduled.~or Juiy. • Economico relending to small and medium-scaie indus~ries, (COHfANIA DE DESENVOLVI- 23.0 ~R) Sao Francisco·va11ey Development - Board presentation scheduled MENTO DO VALE DE SAO FRANCISCO) (CODEVASF) (Bank) construction of polders and installa- tion of irrigation and drainage pumping systems to protect 32,000 hectares of flood piain land from the.adverse .for June. • effects of the changes in the flow of the Sao Francisco River.caused by the building upstream of hydroelectric power facilities at Sobradinho and Paulo Afonso. Total cost estimated at $56.5 million of which $19.2 million in foreign exchange. • (FERROVIA PAULISTA 75.0 (R) Railways III - rehabilitation and Appraisal report being prepared S.A,) (Bank) modernization of Sao Paulo State Railway Company. This project covers two years of a five-year plan and has • a total cost of about $762 million of which about $367 million in foreign exchange, Seep. i for footnotes. • - 55 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency 1/ Lender Project }./ Action on Procurement 1!,/ BRAZIL (Cont'd) Up' to (R) Nutrition - support for development Appraisal report being prepared, 20.0 of national food and nutrition program, (Bank) including rural extension, health services, food fortification, technical assistance and training. Total project cost·estimated at $62 million of which about $20 million in foreign exchange. (EMPRESA BRASILEIRA To be (R) Agricultural research for the Northeast Project preparation underway. DE PESQOISA determined and Cerradoe Amazon regions. Appraisal scheduled for AGROPEOJARIA) (Bank) August, (BANCO NACIONAL DA To be Water Supply and Sewerage III - second Preparation dependent on HABITACAO) determined phase of water and sewerage program progress of first phase of pro- (Bank) for State of Minaa Gerais, gram, (BANCO NACIONAL M Up to (R) Development of site and services Government site and services HABITACAO) 60.0 projects in cities (to be identi- policy being formulated, Project (Bank) fied). Identification mission in the field. Up to Agricultural Development of lower Project preparation underway. 30.0 Sao Francisco Valley~ second phase. (Bank) To be (R) Agricultural Settlement in Mato FAO/-IBRD Cooperative Program determined Grosso, Identification Mission in the (Bank) field. Up to (R) Integrated Rural Development in State Appraisal report being prepared. 10.0 of Rio Grande do Norte .to consist (Bank) mainly of additional credit for perennial cotton production; expansion and streng- thening of rural extension services, production field tests, training and :IJDproved health services. Total Project cost estimated at $27 million, (MPANHIA SIDERURGICA Up to (R) Second CSN Steel ProJect - third stage Board presentation scheduled NACIONAL - CSN) 95.0 expansion of flat steel capacity from for June, (Bilateral & IDB (Bank) 2.4 million to 4,4 million tons of raw fiDQDcing expected,) steel. Total project cost estimated at $1,9 billion of which $838 million in foreign exchange, Procurement: Prequalification of bidders has started, (MPANHIA SIDERURGICA Up to (R) Second Cosipa Steel Project - third Appraisal report being considered. PAULISTA) 60.0 stage expansion of flat steel capacity Negotiations expected -by mid-June, (Bank) from 2.3 million to 3,5 million tone of (Bilateral·& IDB financing ex- raw steel. Total project coat estimated pected.) at $785 million of which $360 million in foreign exchange, Procurement: Prequalification of bidders has started, Banco Nacional Do To be Secondary and Feeder Roads - construe- Project preparation underway. Desenvolvimento· . determined tion and improve, .. ent of roads primarily Economico (Bank) to assist agricultural development. • See p, 1 for footnotes, • - 56 - • Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and !_mplem~nting .{\~':Y l_/ BRAZIL (Cont'd) Lender. Act_!_o~i:i__l'_i:ocurement _y • (To be Up to (R) Northeast Power Distribution - expan- Project preparation underway. determined) · 40.0 sion and upgrading of power distribu- Preappraisal mission scheduled (Bank) tion network and increase in household for June. connections for lower and middle income households in urban areas of Northeast Brazil. Up to Mendes Junior Steel Project - new non- Feasibility study being reviewed. 70.0 flat steel mill to be located near (Bank) Juiz da Fora in Minas Gerais State. First stage capacity of 1.2 million tons per annum. Total project cost estimated at $1.1 billion of which $450 million in foreign exchange. (BANCO DO BRASIL) Up to (R) Agricultural Storage II - credit for Government cannot agree with 65.0 construction. and improvement of Bank, proposed terms of Relending, (Bank) storage facilities in Center and Reporting will be discontinued. South of Brazil. (To be determined) Up. to (R) Integrated Rural Development II - Project preparation underway. 20.0 development program for the Northeast (Bank) state of Paraiba. (BANCO CENTRAL Up to (R) Agricultural Export Industries II - Appraisal mission in the field. DO BRASIL) 85.0 credit for construction and improve- (Bank) ment of agricultural processing industries in Central and South of .. , :r Brazil. (To be Up to Minas Gerais Rural Development-agri~ Project preparation underway. determined) · 40.0 cultural development program mainly (Bank) in Zona da Mata region of the State of Minas Geraie. Cia de Electricidade To be ··cN)_· COPEL Foz de Areia Distribution Project preparation mission de Parana (COPEL) determined 1.1 million kw (2.2 final) Hydro- scheduled for mid-June. (Possible (Bank) electric station on Iguacu River, financing also by IDB and Bilateral associated transmission and expan- Agencies). sion of COPEL's distribution network. To be To be (N) · Education III - Primary schools in Project preparation underway. determined determined ,1•: the North and Northeast States, (Bank) especially in rural areas. CARIBBEAN REGION , (Caribbean Development_ . Up to (R) · Credit for relending in COB member Appraisal mission in the field. Bank) . (COB)° '' 20.0.· countries for development projects. · (Bank) Borrower to be To be Regional cement project in Barbados Under preliminary consideration. determined determined and Guyana; (Bank) Seep. 1 for footnotes. • - 57 - • Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency l./ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Project 1/ Stage of Processing and· Action on Procurement !!_I CENTRAL AMEll.lCA (Central American Bank 11.0 Line of credit to finance industrial Consideration of project • for Economic Integra- tion (CABE!)) (Bank) and tourism projects • suspended pending further invest- igation of alternative solution to provision of member country guarantees for Bank loan to CABE!. CHILE 20.0 (R) Agricultural Rehabilitation - short Loan approved by Executive • (Bank) and medium term credit to small Directors on Hay 8. farmers, with emphasis on land reform beneficiaries. Corporacion del 30.0 (R) Copper Mining - subprojects in large Project content being revised, Cobre (CODELCO) (Bank) and medium mining industries aimed at Negotiations expected in July. resolving urgent production bottle- Procurement: Retroactive necks, Project would also include financing up to $1 million technical assistance component • for equipment to be recommended. • Further $2 million of goods procured through limited inter- national competitive bidding being recommended on basis of technical considerations and urgency. (EMPRESA NACIONAL 30.0 (R) Power Rehabilitation - expansion of Appraisal report being prepared. • DE ELECTRICIDAD, S.A.) (ENDESA) (Bank) transmission and distribution network and installation of interim generation capacity to bridge gaps ·in delayed investment program. Total project Procurement: Up to $3 million direct purchase of equipment being recommended on basis of coat estimated at about $95 million standardization considerations. of which $30 million in foreign Retroactive Financing of up to exchange. $500,000 may be recommended. • COLOMBIA M!nisterio de Obras Publicas To be determined (R) Highways VII - rehabilitation of trunk highways .and bridges; maintenance Preappraisal mission scheduled for July. (Bank) equipment and spares and technical assistance for planning, and . maintenance. • To be Cerro Matoso Nickel Development - joint Project being revised. determined venture of Colombian and American Extensive further studies (Bank) companies to proces~ about 50 million needed, ·pounds of nickel per year. Total cost about $150 million. (INSTITUTO 19.5 (R) Second ·caqueta Land Colonization - Loan approved by Executive COLOMBIANO DE LA (Bank) rural development, including agricul- Directors on May 22. REFORMA AGRARIA) tural credit, roads, education and • health facilities for second phase of project which is to benefit about 12,000 settlers' families. Total project cost estimated at $37.l million of which $8 million in foreign exchange. 15.0 (R) Cartagena/Baru Tourism - provision of Awaiting decision by Government • (Bank) infrastructure: improvement of Cartagena airport; access roads·; recreational facilities; restoration of historic part of Cartagena. to proceed with Project, Seep. 1 for footnotes • • • - 58 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or Implementing Agency :J../ and Probable Lender. l'roject 3_/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement ~/ • COLOMBIA (Cont'd) Bogota District 20.0 Bogota Urban Development and Trans~ Project being prepared. Government (Bank) port - road improvement, sites and Banco de la 70.0 (Bank) {R) services and other infrastructure. Development Finance Companies VI - industrial financing through private Appraisal report being prepared. • development banks. (INSTITUTO 21.0 {R) Cordoba Agricultural Development - Negotiations substantially COLOMBIANO DE LA (Bank) completion of irrigation and drainage completed, Board presentation • REFORHA AGRARIA) works; on-farm development; credit; expected by end-June. creation of extension services; improvement of education, health and other community services; civil works; equipment, consultants. Total project cost estimated at $35,7 million of which $16.9 million in foreign exchange, Up to Rural Development - facilities for Project being prepared, (INTERCONEXION 30.0 (Bank) 40,0 (R) integrated development at locations to be selected, Electrical inte~connection between Decision to appraise dependent • ELECTRICA S ,A, (Bank) North Atlantic Coast and Central on further progress in resolu- {ISA) ) systems, tion of institutional and financial problems • .,~ so.o .(INTERCONEXION ELECTRICA, S,A,-(ISA)) (Bank) 7 {R) Power Generation Plant - San Carlos hydroelectric p!ant and transmission lines. Decision to appraise dependent on further progress in resolu- tion of institutional and financial problems. • To be {R) Agricultural Credit·- supervised agri- Appraisal report being deternrined cultural credit to small and medium prepared. (Bank) farmers and livestock producers; Agro- (EMPRESA DE ACUEDUCTO Y. ALCANTARILLADO DE To be determined (R) Industry credit, Regulation of the Bogota River along a 40km section. Project being prepared. • BOGOTA) (Bank) To be {R) Fisheries - environmental protection Project being prepared. determined and assistance to fisherr.ien in the (Bank) Cienega Grande de Santa Marta. To be determined (Bank) (R) Forestry - exploitation of resources including possibility of investment in pulp and paper production. Project being prepared, • Ferro car riles To be Railways VII - rehabilitation and Project being prepared by Nacionales de determined modernization of the Colombian Borrower. Colombia (Bank) National Railways. To be determined {Bank) Urbanization of Cartagena - improve- ment of Southeastern part of city. Project being prepared. • To be (R) Nutrition and Family Welfare - project Project being prepared. determined content not yet determined, (Bank) Seep. 1 for footnotes. • • - 59 - Member Country, and Amount 2/ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency]_/ Lender Project lf Action on Procurement __ !!__/ COLOMBIA (Cont'd) (INSTITUTO NACIONAL To }>e Rural Water Supply - water supply Project being prepared. DE FOMENTO MUNICIPAL) determined for small cities and rural areas. (INSFOPAL) (Bank) (TELECOM) To be Telecommunications IV - consolida- Awaiting completion of pre- determined tion, expansion and improvement of feasibility studies. (Bank) local services and expansion of long distance. services. COSTA RICA (INSTITUTO COSTA- 41.0 (R) Power V - additional units for exist- Consideration by Executive RRICENSE DE ELECTRI- (Bank) ing hydroplants; new 30 MW diesel Directors scheduled for June. CIDAD) plant; transmission lines and (Parallel financing with CABE! substations. Total project cost is likely.) estimated at $70.4 million of which Procurement: Up to $1.5 million $52 million in foreign exchange. retroactive financing may be recommended in order to gain lead time in procurement of additional IDlits for existing hydroplants. (INSTITUTO COS'rARRI- To be (N) Power Aluminum I - Boruca Hydro- Feasibility study being reviewed. CENSE DE ELECTRICIDAD) determined electric project to provide power Further preparation dependent (Bank) for an aluminum smelter. on outcome of preliminary negotiations between Government and company which would construct smelter. (BANCO CENTRAL) To be (R) Agricultural credit III - credit for At request of Government, further determined livestock, dairying, crops, forestry consideration of this project has (Bank) and agro-industries. been indefinitely postponed. Reporting will be discontinued. Ministerio de 39.0 (R) San Jose Highway - construction of Appraisal report being prepared. Obras Publicaa (Bank) San Jose-Rio Sucio-Siquirres and Rio Sucio-Puerto Viejo roads. Total project cost estimated at $77 million of which $52 million in foreign exchange. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Secretaria de Obras 14.5 (R) Road rehabilitation, maintenance and Government reviewing project. Publicas y Comuni- (Bank) studies for future projects. Total caciones estimated project cost $22.5 million of which $14.5 million in foreign Procurement: Retroactive finan- exchange. cing up to $450,000 being con- sidered for final engineering of up to 230 !ans. of road and technical assistance for project preparation. Borrower intends, with Bank's agreement, to call for bids on 67 kma. of highways prior to Board consideration; award would be made subject to and after Board approval. Seep. 1 for footnotes. • - 60 - '1ember Country, ancl Borrower or ImyJementi':li Ag~~_<:}'_ 2_/ Amount 2/ and·Probable Lender Stage of Proces~ing and _Action on Procur_ement_ !!._/ • DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Cont'd)· Secretaria de 8.0 Education II - rural community educa- Loan approved by Executive Educacion . (Bank) tion and training centers, farmer Directors on April 29. • training and vocational training centers. Total estimated project cost $13.5 million of which $7.5 million in foreign exchange. Secretaria de 5.0 (R) Population - project to include rural Government reviewing project. Salud Publica y (Bank) clinics and training of para-medical Asistencia Social personnel for maternal/child health care and family planning. Total cost (CONSEJO ESTATAL To be estimated at $8.2 million of which $3 million in foreign exchange. Expansion of sugar production involving Feasibility study underway. • DEL AZUCAR) determined improvement in agricultural productivity (Bank) and modernization of transportation and industrial equipment. EOJADOR (CAYAPAS) 5.0 (Bank) Mechanical Forest Industry - project not yet completely defined but various UNDP financed feasibility studies being reviewed. • alternatives of exploitation of the forestry resources under study, in- cluding sawrnilling; manufacture of corrugating medium and linerboard. Ministerio de Trabajo 4.0 (R) Vocational Training - vocational train- Loan approved by Executive y Bienestar Social (Bank) ing centers. Total project cost Directors on May 22. estimated at $7.9 million of which $4 million in foreign exchange. Comision de Valores Up to Development Finan~e Companies III Industrial :sector review mission Corporacion Financiera 10.0 industrial relending including a planned for Fall 1975. Nacional, Corporacion (Bank) component for small industry. Ecuatoriana de Desarrollo Port Authority of To be (R) Guayaquil Port II - expansion of Appraisal report being Guayaquil determined Guayaquil port to provide facilities prepared. (Bank) for liquid cargo and container traffic. Total project cost estimated at $40 million. Ministerio de Up to ·(R) Seed Production I - development Report of FAO Cooperative Program Agricultura 3.0 of seed multiplication schemes and preparatory mission· received. (Bank) improvement of extension services. Ministerio de Up to (R) Highways III - construction of about Appraisal report bein~ prepared. Obras Publicas 18.0 110 km of main highways; and tech- (Bank) nical assistance for highway mainte- nance, preparation of highway projects, highway planning, transport planning and coordination at the sectoral level and for domestic civil works industry; also technical assistance for an integrated rural development study. Institute Ecuato- Up to (R) Rural Development I - project elements Awaiting report of FAQ Cooperative riano de Recursos 10.0 not yet determined but likely to in- Program preparation mission. Hidraulicos (Bank) clude irrigation, credit and technical assistance, feeder roads and infra- structure. Seep. 1 for footnotes. • - 61 - • Amount J:./ Member Country, and Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency l/ Lender. Project)_/ Actio_!l on Procurement !!_/ EL SALVADOR Comision Ejecutiva To be Power VII - Hydroelectric power·gen- Feasibility study under prepara- llidroelectrica Del determined erating and transmission facilities. tion. • Rio Lempa (CEL) Administracion Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (Bank) To be determined Telecommunications III - expansion program. Project content not yet Feasibility study being prepared. (ANTEL) (Bank) determined. GUATEMALA • (INSTITUTO NAClONAL DE ELECTRIFICACION) To be determined (Bank) Power III - electric power generating facilities. Several alternatives being considered. Feasibility study under review. (Possible joint or parallel financing with IDB and CABE!.) Ministerio de To be (R) Livestock II/Agricultural Credit- Timing of project dependent on Agricultura determined Project Content not yet determined. progress of first livestock (Bank) project and action by Government to prepare this project • • Ministerio de Obras Publicas y Comunicaciones Up to 18.0 (Bank) Highways II - project content not yet determined. Awaiting Government proposals. Ministerio de Obras Up to (R) Education II - construction of educa- Appraisal report being '' Publicas y 13.0 tional institutions for .formal and prepared. Comunicaciones (Bank) non-formal education and training activities. Total project cost • ~ estimated at $20 million of which $10 million in foreign exchange. _:, (GUYANA MARINE lip to Fisheries - fish processing plant ·Feasibility study being FOOD, LTD.) 8.0 and distribution facilities prepared. (Bank) • (FOREST DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION) Up to 10.0 {Bank) Forestry - access road in upper Demerara River area and processing plant for exploitation of mixed Completion of appraisal awaiting outcome of negotiations with tropical hardwood forests in comnercial partner. central Guyana. Ministry of 8.0 (R) Education II - general and secondary Loan/credit signed on May 9. • Education (Bank) 4.0 (IDA) education,. teacher training, and agricultural education. Total esti- mated project cost $18.9 million of whkh $9 .S million in foreign exchange. Ministry of Up to Water Supply and Severage-ezpansion Feasibility study being Works and Housing 7.0 and improvement of water supply and prepared. • {Bank) sewerage systel!l!I of Georgetown, New Amsterdam and other communities. Hinistere des Travaux 20.0 (R) Highways IV - Second phase of rehabil- Consideration by Executive Publics, des Transports (IDA) itation of Northern Road including civil Directors scheduled for June. et des Communications works and technical assistance for pre- paration of other high priority transpor- • tation projects and for strengthening of domestic civil works. Total cost estimated st $26.3 million of which $20 million in foreign exchange. Procurement: Retroactive finan- cing ·(up to $100,000) will be reconmended for consultant services. Bids for about 85% of proposed civil works have been received, Seep. 1 for footnotes, • • . - - 62 - Member Country, and Borrower or Implementing Agency l/ Amount'!:._/ and Probable Lender Project 'J./ Stage of Processinr, and Action on Procurement ___ 4/ • HAITI (Cont'd) (ELECTRICITE 5.0 Power I - additional generating Feasibility study unden -~y. D'HAITI) (IDA) capacity; expansion and improvement Bank and IJNDP are consirlering of distribution system. Government • Government proposal that Bank has agreed on need to prepare inter- act as Executing Agency for im thermal generation plant as well UNDP financed study of energy as to undertake a nationq! survey sector expansion subsequent to of water resources to maximize uses the project. CIDA will finance of hydro power potential, to study survey of the hydro energy potential uses of Haiti's lignite resources part of the overall deposits, sod to formulate long-term study. plans for the power sector. Procurement: Retroactive finan- cing (up to $200,000) may be recommended for consulting services. • Ministere de l'Agri- Up to (R) Rural Development I - In Northern Plains Part I of report of FAQ culture, des Resources 5.0 to include rehabilitation of irrigation Cooperative Program preparation Naturelles et du (IDA) works, credit to farmers, construction mission received. Part II on Developpement Rural of feeder roads, village water and power systems, and health and training facilities. rural electrification and expan- sion of sugar processing cap~city expected by end-July. • · Minis tei-e de l' Education Up to (R) Education I - project elements not Combined preparation/appraisal Nationale; Ministere de 5.0 yet fully determined, but ~mphssis is mission in the field, !'Agriculture, des (IDA) expected to be on rural primary schools, Resources Naturelles adult literacy programs, training of et du Developpement Rural; Miniatere des Affaires Sociales 10.0 (N) adolescent school drop-outs and teacher training •. Highways V -· • Ministere des Travaux Identification Mission scheduled Publics, des Transports (IDA) for December, · _!Jt Conmunications (TPTC) J{ONDURAS 7.0 (IDA) (R) Integrated Rural Development of Comayagua Valley. Project being prepared with FAO assistance. · • Ministerio de Up to (R) Highway VII - construction of Talanga- Feasibility studies for feeder Comuntcaciones, 30.0 Juticalpa road and improvement of roads being prepared. Obras Publicas y (Bank) about 100 Ian of feeder roads and purchase Transporte of maintenance equipment. (EMPRESA NACIONAL DE ENERGIA ELECTRICA) Up to 75.0 (Bank) Power VII - El Cajon hydro power dev- elopment with related interconnection, transmission and distribution Feasibility report being updated. (Joint financing from IDB, CABE! and other lenders likely.) • facilities. (EMPRESA NACIONAL Up to Porta III - Development of a new port Project preparation underway. PORTUARIA) 10.0 at Puerto Castilla to handle wood and (Bank) agricultural products exports; improve- ment of other national port facilities. • Seep. 1 for footnotes, • • • - 63 - • 1-t!mber C:oun try, and Borrower or Implementing Agency]_/ Amount 2/ and Probable Lender Project '}_/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procur~-n~- '±_/ HONDURAS (Cont'd) Banco Central Up to Livestock III - continuation of Timing of preparation dependent 9.0 credit program to finance livestock on progress of Livestock II. • JAMAICA (Bank) development • (WATER COli'IISSION Up to (R) Sewerage and Water Supply in Consideration by Executive OF KINGSTON) 13.0 - Kingston - wells and water distribution Directors scheduled for late (Bank) works, collector sewers, lift stations June subject to Government and force mains, and water studies. action on sewerage rates. • Total cost estimated at $30 million of which $12.5 million in foreign exchange. Loan could include $2.S million interest during construction. Procurement: Retroactive financing (up to $300,000) for engineering and management consultancy studies and well drilling will be recommended. Ministry of To be Education III - Project content not Awaiting Government definition • Education determined (Bank) yet determined • of scope of project and progress in execution of second education project. ,i: Borrower To be (R) Sugar Rehabilitation - factory rehabil~ Project being prepared. Pre- to be determined determined itation; irrigation, drainage and field appraisal mission scheduled (Bank) equipment for improved cane production, for end-June. (Parallel financing "with Commonwealth Development • Corporation may materialize) • (WATER COMMISSION To be (R) Water Supply II - Kingston Study, recommending next water OF ICINGSTON) determined ·supply source for development, (Bank) will begin later in 1975. Ministry of Health 3,0 Population II and Nutrition - scope of Project preparation underway. (Bank) project not yet finalized but may include rural health facilities, midwife • training school, packaging and distri- bution of weaning foods information and communication systems, family planning equipment and supplies, and research and evaluation studies. Ministry of 10.0 Rural Development I - Scope of project Project being-prepared by Agr i<:ul cure (Bank) not yet finalized but may include Government with FAO/IBRD • assistance to small farmers through land settlement and related infra- structure works. assistance • (JAMAICA PUBLIC Up to (R) Power II - transmission and distribu- Project preparation underway. SERVICE MPANY) 15.0 tion facilities. (Bauk) • Secretaria de Obras Publicas To be determined Highways VIII - construction and im- provement of highway network. Project under preparation. (Bank) • Beep. 1 for footnotes • • - 64 - • Member Country, and Amount 2/ and Probable Stage of Processing and • Borrower or Implcmentina A~c,y Y Lender Action on Procur.em~ '!J MEXICO (Cont'd) Secretaria de 110.0 (R} Integrated Rural Development II - (in Loan approved by Executive la Presidencia (Bank} selected regions) including a wide Directors on May 8 and signed variety of different components for on May 22. production, productive support and social infrastructure. Total project cost estimated at $295 million of which about $49 million in foreign exchange. • (PRODUCTOS FORESTALES To ·lie· Forest Industries in State.of Durango Revised feasibility study being DE MEXICO (PROFORMEX}} determined - establishment of sawmills, plywood . prepared by Government. (Bank} factories, liner board plant and infra~ structure such as forestry roads, water Ferroc'arriles Nscionales de To be determined (R} supply. Railways III - rehabilitation and modernization. Appraisal report being prepared, • Mexico (Bank} (BANCO DE MEXICO} To be (R) Livestock/AgricUltUral Credit V - will Appraisal report being prepared. determined continue the program developed under ccomsI<:iN FEDERAL (Bank} Ti> be Credit IV, bUt with greater emphasis on low-income farmers. Power XII. Government review of investment • DE ELECTRICIDAD) determined program and financing plan is (Bank) ·expected ti> be completed by August, Timing of appraisal will depend on results of review, ·----Secretaria de- Marina To be determined (Bank) (R) Ports II - expansion and ·modernization of major ports. Civil works and equipment for handling containers and buik· minerals at Veracruz and/or Tampico, Appraisal report•·prepared, • dredging, cargo handling and port equipment, con.suiting setvices and· training, Total project cosi: estimated· at about $90 million of which over Secretaria de Recursos Hidraulicos 150.0 (Bank}. (R} $44 million would be foreign exchange. Irrigation VII~- irrigation and rehabil- Loan approved by Executive itation in lower Rio Bravo and Rio San Directors on May 8 and signed • Juan area. Total project: cost estimated on May 22. ai: about $425 million of which about $172 miilion in foreign exchange. • Secretaria de To be (R) Irrigation VIII. Feasibility studies being Recursos Hidraulicos determined completed. Specific project:, its (Bank) definition and scope will be determined on completion of studies and their review by the Government ··''and the ilank. To be determined To be Tourism II. Selection of ~ites and preparation determined of feasibility study underway. (Bank) · • Seep. 1 for footnotes. • • • - 65 - • Member Country, and Borrower or _I_mplem~n-~l!_!l_c_y_ _1_/ /\mount 2/ and Probable Lender Stage of Processing and Action on Pr~emen_t;____ Y MEXICO (Cont'd) (BANCO DE MEXICO) 50.0 FONEI II - continuing program to pro- Govenunent's response to interest • Guanos y (Bank) so.a (R) v Ide long-term financing for equipment of mainly export-oriented industries. Fertilizer Indi.latry - expansion of rate issue being reviewed. Loan approved by Executive Fert 111 zantes (Bank) facilities of Guanomex for production Directors on May 22. (GUANOMEX) -of various fertilizers. Total project cost estimated at about $148 million of which about $52 million !n foreign • Secretaria de Recurses llidraulicos To be determined (R) exchange • Medium-size Cities Water Supply - water supply and sewerage infra- Appraisal mission scheduled for June. (Bank) structure to be provided for a number of cities throughout Mexico, Comision de Aguas del To be (R) Mexico City Water Supply II. Feasibility studies underway to Valle de Mexico determined detennine water demand in the • Secretaria de (Bank) To be (R) Irrigation IX, future and facilities needed for its satisfaction. _Project being prepared by Recursos Hidraulicos determined Government. (Bank) Secretaria de To be Agricultural Education - basic agri- • Project being prepared by Obras Publicas determined ci.11 tural secondary schools and Government. (Bank) agricultural teacher-training. To be (R) Tropical Agricultural Research and Identification mission planned determined Development. for June. (Bank) (SIDERURGICA To be (R) Las Truchas Steel II - expansion of Preappraisal report being • LAZARO CARDENAS LAS TRUCIIAS S.A.) NICARAGUA determined (Bank) Las Truchas steel plant to produce flat rolled products. prepared. Up to (R) Education II - construction of secon- Reconnaissance mission in the 6.0 dary schools-; vocational and teacher field, (Bank) training . • Empresa Nacional de Luz y Fuerza To be determined (Bank) (N) Power IX - transmission and distri- bution facilities. Feasibility study being prepared. Preappraisal scheduled for July. ~ (AUTORIDAD 24.0 (R) Fishing Port - construction of Loan signed on May 27, PORTUARIA (Bank) new fishing port in Punta Vacemonte, • NACIONAL) about 30 km outside of Panama City, for shrimp processing, and tuna trans- shipping and other services. Total project cost estimated st $37,5 million of which $24 million in foreign exchange. • See p. 1 for ,footnotes, • - 66 - • Member Country, and Amount~./ Borrower or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing Agency j_/ Lender Project '}_/ Action on Procurement !!_/ • ~ (Cont'd) Ministerio de Obras Up to (R) Highways III - phase I reconstruction Detailed engineering under- Publicas 28,0 of Panama City-Colon highway including way. Appraisal scheduled for • (Bank) widening to 4 lanes of 12 Ian (Sabanita September. to Colon) and construction of new section of 23 km (Buenos Aires to Panama City). Institute de Recurses To be (R) Power IV - Civil works and equipment Awaiting IRHE's revised Master Hidraulicos y determined for La Fortuna hydroelectric power Plan and interim investment Electricos (IRHE) (Bank) plant. program. (BANCO NACIONAL DE PANAMA) To be determined (Bank) Livestock II - credit line for improve- ment and expansion of livestock. Preparation dependent on progress in implementation of Livestock I. Feasibility study on livesto·ck potential of Atlantic Coast area • scheduled to start_in July. (BANCO NACIONAL 5.0 (R) Fisheries II - credit line for replace- Preparation is dependent on DE PANAMA) (Bank) ment of obsolete shrimp trawlers. progress in implementation of • I Fisheries I and future demand for trawler financing, Pre- appraisal mission scheduled I for September. Borrower to To be (R) Rural Development I - Settlement FAO/IBRD Cooperative Program be determined determined Scheme in Bs)'ano/Darien Area. identification/preparation (Bank) mission in the field. PARAGUAY To be determined Agro-Industry Development - financing of investments in sugar mills, oil Project preparation underway. • (Bank) processing plants, sawmills and other high priority processing industries. Oficina Nacional 4.0 Pre-investment - financing of the • (R) Appraisal report being cooaidered. de Proyectos y (IDA) Government's pre-investment program Banco Central for 1975-79. Total project cost estimated at $5. 7 million of which $4 million iri foreign exchange. Ministerio de Obras 7,0 Domestic Airports - Improvement of four Mission scheduled for Publicaa (Bank) small domestic airports including paving July to help prepare and lighting of runways, provision of terms of reference for Ministerio de 3.0 navigational aids and communications equipment, Education II - Construction of voca- consultants responsible for feasibility and design studies. Identification mission • Educacion y Culto (Bank) tional and rural primary schools, scheduled for early 3.5 June. (IDA) ·Various Government and Public I)llltitutions 13.0 (Bank) Agriculture III~ Rural Development Program in land settlement areas including provisions of credit and i~frastructure in existing colonies. Identification mission scheduled for September. • Miniaterio de To be (R) Highway Maintenance II, Project preparation underway. Obras Publicas determined (Bank) Seep. 1 for footnotes. • • • - 67 .. Member Country, and Amount 2/ • Borrower or Implementing Agency ll and Probable Lender Project l/ Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement !!._/ 35.0 (R) Power distribution for the Lima metro- Following tariff adjustment, in- • (Bank) politan area, including transmission, subtransmission, distribution, auxil- iary services and support facilities, technical assistance and training for formation needed for reappraisal of project has been requested from Borrower. Reappraisal mission scheduled for July. power sector. Procurement: Retroactive fi- nancing for an amount to be • determined during reappraisal may be recommended. (CORPORACION Up to Development Finance Company. Appraisal report being prepared. FINANCIERA DE 30.0 DESARROLLO (COFIDE)) (Bank) (CENTROMIN-PEIUJ) To be (R) Expansion program for mining and Appraisal report being prepared. determined refining of non-ferrous metals and • Ministerio de Agricultura (Bank) 20.0 (Bank) water treatment plant • Irrigation Rehabilitation-desaliniza- tion and drainage of about 20,000 ha FAO/IBRD Cooperative Program mission to complete fesaibility in five valleys along the coast. study by September, Ministerio de To be Ports VI - expansion of ocean ports. Project being prepare,d bY. Govern- Transportes y determined ment with assistance of • Communicaciones Corporacion Peruana de· Aviacion Civil (Bank) To be determined (R) Aviation I - upgrading of domestic airports. consultants • Terms of reference for feasi- bility studies to be discussed (CORPAC) (Bank) · in July. Ministerio de 68.0 (R) Lima-Amazon Transport Corr~dor - Negotiations scheduled for Transportes y . (Bank) includes construction of Stage II of June. • Cotnunicaciones lluanuco - La Oroyo. and reconstruc- tion of Aguaytia-Neshuya road sections of the Trans-~ndesn corridor, feeder roads and maintenance equipment, expansion of river port of Iquitos, construction of river ports at Pucallpa and Yurimaguas, and assistance for project preparation. Total project • cost estimated at $120 million of which $56.5 million in foreign exchange. TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO (PORT AUTHORITY OF Up to (R) Port-of-Spain Port Improvement - con- Appraisal report being TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO) 20.0 struction of container terminal and prepared. (Bank) road, provision of container cargo handling, hydrologic survey and Procurement: Retroactive finan- • possibly dredging equipment. Total project cost estimated at $32 million of which $21 million in foreign exchange. cing of up to $600,000 for final engineering and design studies may be recommended. Ministry of Agricul- Up to Rural Development - rural development/ Appraisal report ture, Lands and 5.0 land settlement in Tobago and the being completed. Fisheries (Bank) southwestern and northeastern parts • of Trinidad, including-rural roads, community and health facilities, snd agricultural credit services. Total project cost estimated at $15 million. Seep. 1 for footnotes • • ~-" 68 - • ,.. Member Country, and Amo,unt 1./ ~\ • Borrower ·or and Probable Stage of Processing and Implementing· Agency l_/ Lerider Project 1./ Action on Procurement !!._/ TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO (Cont'd) Ministry of Works' To be _(R} Highway 11 - engineering and cons truc- Appraisal report being determined (Bank} tion of priority sections of Port of Spain-Arima connection; road mainte- nance program and technical assistance. 'Total project cost estimated at up to prepared. Procurement: Retroactive finan- cing of up to $400,000 for final • $24 million of which $13 million in engineering studies may be foreign exchange, recommended. Minis try of Education To be Education III - continued assistance Project scope and composition ·determined in implementing Plan for Educational • and Culture will be defined by Government (Bank} Development (1968-83). after school mapping and manpower surveys are completed. Ministry of Agri- To be Rural Devel~pment II - credit for rural Awaiting outcome of study on culture, Lands and determined development/land settlement probably in subdivision of the hilly Caroni- . F;!.sheries (Bank} eastern and southern Caroni lands. owned lands for occupation by small-scale cane farmers, beinb financed under the Bank's , URUGUAY' Caroni project loan (BBB-TR). • Ministerio de · 11.0 (R} Livestock Development V - credit to Appraisal report being Agricultura y Pesca - (Bank} ranchers and farmers for improvement considered, Negotiations Comision Honoraria de of livestock production; technical :; expected in July. Plan Agropecuario services. Total project cost estimated (ADMINISTRACION To be at $32. 7 million of which $17 million· · in foreign exchange. Power V - generation and related Awaiting revised cost estir.lates • NAClONAL DE USINAS de.termined transmission and distribution and proposed financing plan Y TRANSMISSIONES (Bank} facilities. from Government. (Parallel ELECTRICAS (UTE)' financing probable.} Central Bank 35.0 (Bank} CR) Industrial sector loan to finance the rehabilitation and expansion of plant capacity and incremental working capital requirements of Project being prepared. Appraisal scheduled for mid-June, • selected export enterprises; related technical assistance. VENEZUELA Ministerio de Educacion To be determined (Bank} Education I - Basic and secondary education and post secondary technical education. Appraisal report being prepared. • • • • • - 69 - ,, • VII, NEW PROJECTS ADDED IN THIS ISSUE Amount and Probable • Member Country Lender Project Stage of Processing EASTERN AFRICA SWAZILAND To be Development Finance Company - To Project identification mission • ZAIRE determined (Bank) assist promotion of medium-size industrial enterprises. scheduled July/August 1975. To be Extension of market gardening in the Pilot project financing by FAC determined environs of Kinshasa including land is underway and studies for clearing, provision of equipment, expansion being prepared by • farm inputs, credit and improvement of marketing facilities. consultants • EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC- KOREA • To be determined (Bank) Yong San Gang II - to expand the area developed in the first phase project (LN 795/CR 283 KO) and provide flood control through construction of an Completion of feasibility study expected in late 1975. estuary sea-dike. To be Program II - to finance selected July supervision mission for determined industrial imports, Program I (1094-KO) will begin • MALAYSIA (Bank) consideration of possible similar financing in FY 76. To be Agricultural Extension/Seed Multi- Project to be prepared by , determined plication - Strengthening of extension Government with assistance from , (Bank) services and facilities for seed mul- FAO/IBRD Cooperative Program. • To be determined tiplication • Urban development - Sites and services and public transport for KUANTAN. Project to be prepared by Government and consultants. (Bank) PHILIPPINES • 50.0 (Bank) 50.0 Jalaur Multipurpose - Multipurpose irrigation, Agriculture, and power development in Panay Island, Nisaya. Irrigation V (NISI I} -- Upgrading of Government preparing the project with assistance of consultants. Government preparing the project (Bank) National Irrigation Systems to be with assistance of consultants. selected under the National Irrigation Systems improvement study financed under Tarlac Irrigation Project (Loan • 25.0 (Bank) 1080-PH). Small Industry II - To provide funds for relending to small industry and to Government is preparing the project. provide technical assistance to improve its services to small industry • • 70 - ,ti ,, Amount and Probable Member Country Lender Project Stage of Processing SOUTH ASIA 40.0 (IDA) Marine Fisheries - development of harbors and processing facilities; Project preparation scheduled for completion by October. • provision of credit for small-scale fishermen. 100.0 Agricultural Refinance Corporation Appraisal tentatively scheduled • (IDA) (ARC) - Credit II - financ ing of for Fall 1976, but dependent a portion of ARC'e lending program upon progress of ARC I, for on-farm investment. PAKISTAN 8.0 Tarbela Development Fund - special Board consideration tentatively (IDA) contribution for repairs and addi- scheduled for July. tional remedial works. 50.0 (Bank) Fertilizer plant in Punyab Province with capacity of 1725 tons of urea per day. Pre-appraisal scheduled for July. • EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA EGYPT, ARAB REPUBLIC OF To be Weed control - supply of equipment Project identified by recent • determined and chemicals for control of weeds mission, and now·being prepared in irrigation and drainage canals by Government. throughout the country to improve efficiency of irrigation and drainage. To be determined Nile Delta Drainage II - provision of pumping stations, rehabilitation of main drains and provision of tile Project under preparation by Government. • and open drainage for up to l million acres in the Nile Delta, with soil improvement treatment where necessary as a follow-on to the ongoing Nile Delta Drainage Project, MOROCCO To be Third agricultural credit project, Project preparation underway. • determined (Bank) ·Tobe Multipurpose dam and associated works Government is seeking supple- determined (Bank) at Sidi Cheho on Oum-er-Rlia river, for power generation, irrigation, industrial and potable water supply, mentary external sources of finance, Procurement: Retroactive finan- • cing for part of dam construction envisaged. • • • - 71 - ,, Amount and Probable • Member Country ·., Lender Project Stage of Processing O!·IAN To be Education II Project to be identified: and determined prepared with the assistance of • (Bank) To be determined Irrigation I the team currently being financed under First Project. Identification of project depends on results of ground (Bank) water study being carried out by several consultants. To be · Technical Assistance II Scope and size depends on • ROMANIA determined (Bank) results of first project currently underway. To be Agriculture Credit II - project scope Sector and project identification determined to be determined. missions in Romania May/June 1975. (Bank) • LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBF.AN BOLIVIA To be ENDE IV Power - National Interconnec- Feasibility study being • determined (Bank) tion and Generation Expansion. reviewed. Awaiting Govern- ment action on tariffs. Appraisal tentatively scheduled for August. BRAZIL To be COPEL Foz de Areia Distribution Project preparation mission determined 1.1 million kw {2.2 final) Hydro- scheduled for mid-June. {Possible • (Bank) electric station on Iguacu River, associated transmission and expan- sion of COPEL's distribution n,;ltwork. financing also by IDB and Bilateral Agencies). To be Education III - Primary schools in Project preparation underway. determined the North and Northeast States, (Bank) especially in rural areas. • COSTA RICA To .be ·' Power Aluminum I - Boruca Hydro- Feasibility study being reviewed. determined electric project to provide po¥er Further preparation dependent (Bank) for an aluminum smelter. on outcome of preliminary negotiations between Government and company which would construct • smeiter.• 10.0 Highways V Identification Mission scheduled (IDA) for December. NICARAGUA • To be determined {Bank) Power IX - transmission and distri- bution facilities. Feasibility study being prepared. Preappraisal scheduled for July • •