Bangladesh 104591 Country Partnership Framework April 5, 2016 Chair Summary Executive Directors discussed the Country Partnership Framework FY16-20 (CPF) for Bangladesh (Report No. 103723-BD). Directors commended Bangladesh for achieving lower middle income country status and for the significant progress towards achieving the twin goals. They welcomed the country’s strides in key areas such as macroeconomic stability, poverty alleviation, disaster risk management, microfinance, and human development. They also noted that important challenges remain, including in energy, institutional capacity, investment climate, financial inclusion, gender, jobs, agriculture, and regional integration. Directors welcomed the CPF and its alignment with the transformational priorities that the Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) identified as crucial to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity in a sustainable manner. They endorsed the CPF’s three strategic areas of engagement, namely: growth and competitiveness, social inclusion, and climate and environment management. Directors expressed support for the WBG’s strategic shift to infrastructure, a key stepping stone to private sector development and growth. They stressed the importance of governance and appreciated that the WBG will address fiduciary capacity and risks of financing leakages through its policy dialogue and lending operations. Directors looked forward to the government’s further assessments of gender and social inclusion. They recognized the valuable role played by NGOs and development partners, particularly in social and human development. Directors appreciated the WBG’s increased emphasis on competitiveness, particularly on removing barriers to doing business. They agreed that it is essential to reach the underserved, including women, MSMEs, and farmers in order to expand financial inclusion. Directors welcomed the CPF’s inclusion of a more systematic and programmatic approach to address climate change and natural disaster risks. They recognized that lending, investments, and guarantees are not sufficient to achieve the CPF objectives: policy dialogue and analytical and advisory services are equally important to achievement of the CPF objectives. Directors appreciated the continued synergies across the WBG to boost Bangladesh’s economic growth and eradicate extreme poverty, particularly through initiatives in energy, transport, governance, business environment, and a strengthened institutional framework. They welcomed IFC’s and MIGA’s enhanced engagement given the critical role of the private sector in job creation, competitiveness, and economic growth. Directors underscored the importance of increased public and private investment via PPPs and the creation of good jobs and safe working conditions. They appreciated IFC’s strong advisory and investment operations and their significant expected contributions to achieving the CPF objectives. Directors appreciated the flexibility in program design and implementation under the CPF to respond to emerging priorities. They encouraged attention to political economy considerations in the design of operations and strong oversight over WBG-financed operations. Directors recognized the importance of learning from Bangladesh’s development experience and sharing lessons with other WBG clients, particularly via South-South exchanges. _________________________________ *This summary is not an approved record.