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The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the World Bank. its Executive Directors or the country they represent. Table of Contents Summary Trade Options for the Palestinian Economy ............................ 1 I. Overview .................................................................. 1 II. Trade Patterns and Trade Policies .................................................................. 3 III. The Model .................................................................. 8 IV. Simulating Elements of Trade Reform .......................................................... 11 Reduced transaction costs ................................................................... 1 Elimination of tariffs and purchase taxes on imports from third parties .......... 12 Cancellation of the purchase tax on imports from Israel ............ ..................... 14 Elimination of tariffs and purchase taxes on imports from all origins .............. 16 Customs Union, Free Trade Agreement or Non-Discriminatory regime ? ......... 17 V. Concluding remarks .................................................................. 20 Tables Table 1: Estimated Palestinian Foreign Trade Patterns in 1998 ................................... 3 Tabie 2: Taxes on Imports .................................................................. 7 Table 3: Simulations of Trade Reforms .................................................................. 20 References .................................................................. 23 Annex 1. Dispersion of Import Taxes Across Economic Activities ........ ............. 24 Annex 2. The General Equilibrium Model . ......................................................... 24 AT S E-~L 431 4S_ YI,j . _44 - , 1 OJt >hi ~i -A - .~JI 4..1 4l jt*.^ Ly..a ~,; I, ;10 Substitution elasticities reflect adjustment possibilities in the demand for production factors originated from variations in their relative price. Note that in the model, the share parameters incorporate the substitution elasticity using the following relationships: ald,i = (akJ )a'p and and,i = (and)i rip Solving the minimization problem above, yields Equations (1) and (2). Equation (1) determines the volume of aggregate intermediate demand, ND. Equation (2) detennines the level of the value added demand KL. The CES dual price of ND and KL, PX, is defined by Equation (3) and determines the aggregate unit cost. 27 Figure 1: the nested CES production function XPj (ayP) NDj KLX (Wv) XApi,j XApij XAPNJ i Kj Notes: Each nest represents a different CES bundle. Intermediate demand of the product i by the industry j, XApi,j, is further decomposed by region of origin according to the Armington specification (cf. Figure 2). The next level of the CES nest concerns, on the one side, aggregate intermediate demand, ND, and on the other side, the KEL bundle. The split of ND into intermediate demand is assumed to follow a Leontief specification, in other words a substitution elasticity equal to zero. The demand for intermediate goods is determined by Equation (4). The price of aggregate intermediate demand is given by adding up the unit price of intermediate demand. This is specified in Equation (5). Demand for each good is specified as a demand for the Armington composite (described in more detail below), an aggregation of a domestic good and an import good which are imperfect substitutes. Therefore, while there is no substitution of one intermediate good for another, there will be substitution between domestic demand and import demand depending on the relative prices. The price of the Armington good is given by PA. At the same level, the KL bundle is split between labor, L, and capital, K. The optimization problem is similar to above, i.e. cost minimization subject to a CES aggregation function. If W is the wage rate, and R is the price of capital, sectoral labor and capital demands are given by Equations (6) and (7). The price of KL bundle, PKL, is determined by Equation (8), which is the CES dual price. A, is the total factor productivity level of sector j. Therefore factor demands are expressed in efficient units. Factor demand equations PX aJ ND =andj PN XP (1) PX eJ KL= ak!J PKL (2) PX =J[ad jPNT'y + ak JPKLj1 ] (3) XApi,, = ai jNDi (4) 28 PN1 =ZaijPA (5) PKL 1 Lj =al j KL (6) PKlJ K= aki[ RI2 KL (7) PKL -a (W /2, ' + ax (Rit2 )i.u; t/(1-o;) (8) Demand Production generates income, both wage and non-wage, which is fully distributed to the representative Palestinian household. Additionally, it receives some net transfers from abroad. Equation (9) defines the disposable household's income, YD. DT is an adjustment parameter that may become endogenous, depending on the macro closure, as we will see below. If exogenous, it is set to zero. This income is allocated to consumption and savings using the Extended Linear Expenditure System (ELES) specification. The consumer problem can be set up as follows: maxU = Epi ln(XAc, - 9J )+ In h{s-J n n s.t.PAXAc, +Hsav=YD and Epi +iu, =1 i=l i=1 where U is the utility function, XAc, is consumption by commodity, S is household saving and PA is the vector of consumer prices. Hsav can be thought of as demand for a future bundle of consumer goods, and its price is the price of investment, pL Solving the above optimization problem leads to the following demand functions: XAc.= 0 + PA, PA. Hsav = u Y* =YD- PAXAc, n Y = YD-I PAjO j=I Consumption is the sum of two parts, 0, which is often called the subsistence rninac or floor consumption, and a fraction of Yw, which is often called the supemumerary income. Y1 is equal to disposable income less total expenditures on the subsistence minima. Equation (10) defines supernumerary income, that is disposable income less total expenditures on the subsistence minima. Consumer demand for goods and services is given by Equation (11). Household savings is determined as a residual and is given in Equation (12). 29 Households' demand equations YD = (WL, + RKj) + ERETRH - DT (9) J r Y* =:YD - , PA1i. (10) XAci = °i + HiY I/PA, 11 HSav = YD -PA, XAc (12) Other domestic final demands include investment and government expenditures. These final demand vectors are assumed to have fixed expenditure shares. The closure of the final demand accounts will be discussed below. Equations (13) and (14) respectively determine the government and investment demand for each type of good, and equation (15) and (16) the total values of government and investment purchases. Otherfinal demand equations XAgi = aiGTG (13) XAii= = IlnvExp/ ZPA1a1' (14) GExp EPA, XAgi (15) InvExp = 2 PA XAi1 (16) Government Government aggregate expenditures on goods and services are fixed in real terms, and their total is TG. The Palestinian Government derives most of its revenues from indirect taxes. Equations (17)-(19) list the different indirect taxes paid on the consumption of domestic output and imports: value added taxes (VAT) on domestic goods, duties and purchase taxes on imports, and VAT on imports. The collection of these taxes plus some net transfers from abroad (e.g., the international aid) determine the government revenue (Equation 20). Equation (21) defines the government budget surplus/deficit in nominal terms. Avd, AVmn A' are adjustment parameters that may become endogenous, depending on the macro closure, as we will see below. If exogenous, there are set to unity. Government Equations VATd = ZAVd ,vdPDiXDi (17) YTrade = , A'WPM , zr XMrr, (18) r i VATm =AVmrimPMiXMi (19) 30 GRev = VATd + YTrade + VATm + ERZTRc + DT (20) SG = GRev - GExp (21) Trade The model assumes imperfect substitution among goods originating from different geographical areas (the so-called Armington assumption). Imported goods are not perfect substitutes for goods produced domestically. The demand for domestic versus imported goods will depend on their relative prices and their degree of substitution. The degree of substitution will depend on the level of disaggregation of the commodities. For example, wheat is more substitutable as a commodity than grains, which in turn are more substitutable than a commodity called primary agricultural products. Actually, the Armington assumption reflects two stylized facts: (i) Trade data shows the existence two- way trade which is consistent with the Armington assumption: (ii) As well, and related, the Armington assumption leads to a model where perfect specialization, which is rarely observed, is avoided. Import demand results from a CES aggregation function of domestic and imported goods. To allow for the existence of multiple trading partners, the model adopts a two-level CES nesting to represent the Armington specification. At the top level, agents (consumers, firms) choose an optimal combination of the domestic good and an import aggregate which is determined by a set of relative prices and the degree of substitutability. Let XA represent aggregate demand for an Armington composite, with the associated Armington price of PA. Each agent then minimizes the cost of obtaining the Armington composite, subject to an aggregation function. This can be formulated by: min PDXD + PM XM s.t.XA = [ad XDP + am XM P T}P where XD is demand for the domestic good, PD is the price of obtaining the domestic good, XM is demand for the aggregate imported good, PM is the aggregate import price, a are the CES share parameters, and p is the CES exponent. p is related to the CES substitution elasticity via the following relation: o*-1 1 as I-p At the second level of the nest, agents choose the optimal choice of imports across regions, again as a function of the relative import prices and the degree of substitution across regions. Note that the import prices are region specific, as are the tariff and purchase tax rates. The second level nest also uses a CES aggregation function. (cf. Figure 2). The CES formulation implies that the substitution of imports between any two pairs of importing partners is identical. The next table lists the solution of the optimization problem described above. Equation (22) determines domestic demand for the Armington aggregate across all agents of the economy, XKA. Equations (23) and (24) determine respectively, the optimal demand for the domestic component of the Armington aggregate, XD, and aggregate import demand, XM. Equation (25) defines the price of the Armington bundle, PA, which is the CES dual price. Both the domestic price of domestic goods, and the price of the aggregate import bundle are adjusted to 31 incorporate a value added tax, whose rate may differ between domestic and import goods. The next equations describe the decomposition of the aggregate import bundle, XI into its components, i.e. imports by region of origin. Each demand component will be a function of the price of the exporting partner, as well as partner-specific import tax rates. Equation (26) determines import volume by sector and region of origin, XMr, where PMr is the partner specific import price, in domestic currency and inclusive of import taxes (duties plus purchase taxes). Equation (27) defines the price of the aggregate import bundle, PM, which is the CES dual price. Equation (28) defines the domestic import price, PMr, which is equal to the import price of the trading partner, converted into local currency, and inclusive of the partner-specific import tax rate. Figure 2: The demand for goods by origin XAi (Qm) XMj (arl) XDi XMri,l XMri,r XMri,R Treatment of domestic production is symmetric to the treatment of domestic demand. Export supply is modeled as a constant elasticity of transfornnation (CET) function. Producers decide to allocate their output to domestic or foreign markets responding to relative prices. Domestic producers are therefore assumed to perceive the domestic market as different from the export market. The reason is similar than for imports: a high level of aggregation. Further, export markets might be more difficult to penetrate, forcing perhaps different quality standards than those applicable for the domestic market, or more simply different tastes. This formulation assumes a production possibilities frontier where each producer maximizes sales, subject to being on the frontier, and influenced by relative prices. The optimization problem is formulated somewhat differently since the object of the local producer is to maximize sales, not to minimize costs. We therefore have: max PDXD + PEES st.XP = [Yd XD + yeESA TI/ where XD is aggregate domestic sales of domestic production, ES is foreign sales of domestic production (exports), with a producer export price of PE, XP is aggregate domestic production with a producer price of PP, yare the CET share parameters, and X is the CET exponent. The CET exponent is related to the CET substitution elasticity, A, via the following relation: A+1 1 A ,1-I 32 Analogous to the Armington specification, producer supply decisions are assumed to be undertaken it two steps. First, producers choose the optimal combination of domestic supply and aggregate export supply. Then, an additional step which optimizes export supply across trading partners. The top- level producer supply decisions, in reduced form, are given by Equations (29) and (30), where the share parameters are & and the CET substitution elasticity is ot. Equation (31) is the CET dual price function, which determines sectoral domestic output. The second-level CET nest determines the optimal supply of exports to individual trading partners, ESr. Equation (32) defines export supply by region of destination. Equation (33) determines the aggregate export price, PE. The next equation determine export demand by the regional trading partners, and the export market equilibrium condition. Under the small-country assumption the export demand elasticity is infinity, and the exporting country faces a flat demand curve, i.e. the export price is fixed (in dollar terms), to WPlNDEX. Equation (34) converts the domestic export producer price into the price in local currency. Trade equations XA, = , XApij + XAci + XAg, + XAii (22) 1 Li~~~~~~~~~~o XD PA, J i (23) i PDi 1+ Avd ~dj I PA (PM4+Avmm 0 (24) PA, [3,6d (PD, (1 + Avd