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Preparing to manage natural hazards and climate change risks in Dakar, Senegal : a spatial and institutional approach - pilot study report (Vol. 1 of 2) : Preparation a la Gestion des Perils Naturels et des Risques lies aux Changement Climatique a Dakar, Senegal : une approche spatiale et institutionnelle - Rapport de l’Etude pilote (French)

This report describes a pilot study of natural risk hazards in the peri-urban extension areas of the Dakar Metropolitan Area, Senegal. The area subject of this study stretches across 580 square kilometers, covering less than 1 percent of the national territory, but housing about 50 percent of Senegal's urban population. Much of the rapid population growth of the Dakar Metropolitan Area is taking place beyond the boundaries of the Department of Dakar...
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Document also available in : English, French


  • 2009/06/01

  • Other Environmental Study

  • 69868

  • 1

  • 2 (See all volumes)

  • Senegal,

  • Western and Central Africa,

  • 2012/06/26

  • Disclosed

  • Preparation a la Gestion des Perils Naturels et des Risques lies aux Changement Climatique a Dakar, Senegal : une approche spatiale et institutionnelle - Rapport de l’Etude pilote

  • accidents



Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Preparing to manage natural hazards and climate change risks in Dakar, Senegal : a spatial and institutional approach - pilot study report (Vol. 1 of 2) : Preparation a la Gestion des Perils Naturels et des Risques lies aux Changement Climatique a Dakar, Senegal : une approche spatiale et institutionnelle - Rapport de l’Etude pilote (French). Washington, DC: World Bank.

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