The World Bank Chad Rural Mobility and Connectivity Project (P164747) Note to Task Teams: The following sections are system generated and can only be edited online in the Portal. Please delete this note when finalizing the document. For Official Use Only Project Information Document/ Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet (PID/ISDS) Concept Stage | Date Prepared/Updated: 06-Apr-2018 | Report No: PIDISDSC23711 Feb 08, 2018 Page 1 of 10 The World Bank Chad Rural Mobility and Connectivity Project (P164747) BASIC INFORMATION A. Basic Project Data OPS TABLE Country Project ID Parent Project ID (if any) Project Name Chad P164747 Chad Rural Mobility and Connectivity Project (P164747) Region Estimated Appraisal Date Estimated Board Date Practice Area (Lead) AFRICA Jun 28, 2018 Sep 28, 2018 Transport & Digital Development Financing Instrument Borrower(s) Implementing Agency Investment Project Financing Ministère de l’Economie et Ministère des Infrastructures de la Planification du et du Désenclavement For Official Use Only Développement Proposed Development Objective(s) The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve and sustain road access to markets in the project area, and in the event of an eligible crisis or emergency, to provide immediate and effective response to it. Financing (in USD Million) FIN_SUMM_PUB_TBL SUMMARY Total Project Cost 30.00 Total Financing 30.00 Financing Gap 0.00 DETAILS -NewFin3 Total World Bank Group Financing 30.00 World Bank Lending 30.00 Environmental Assessment Category Concept Review Decision B-Partial Assessment Track II-The review did authorize the preparation to continue SAFEGUARDS_TABLE_OPS Have the Safeguards oversight and clearance functions been transferred to the Practice Manager? (Will not be disclosed) Feb 08, 2018 Page 2 of 10 The World Bank Chad Rural Mobility and Connectivity Project (P164747) No Note to Task Teams: End of system generated content, document is editable from here. Please delete this note when finalizing the document. Other Decision (as needed) B. Introduction and Context Country Context 1. Chad is a large landlocked country of 1.3 million km2 in central Africa with a population of 13.2 million in 2015.1A For Official Use Only large majority of the population live in rural areas (78%) although urbanization is proceeding rapidly (22% per year since 2009). 2. Chad’s economy relies on oil production (40% of GDP), rain-fed agriculture (25%), and services. With an average rate of 6.3%, GDP growth has been steady between 2013 and 2014 but has plunged in 2016 (-6.4% and estimate - 2.7% in 2017) due to the large shift of oil prices (from US$ 96 to 50 from 2014 to 2016). Indeed, the country’s revenues are highly volatile dependent on the oil economy and vulnerable to climatic conditions. 3. The country’s development has been impaired by armed conflicts on the borders (Nigeria, Cameroon), political instability including tribal rivalries, and the impacts of climate change. Chad is one of the poorest countries in the world and lags other comparable African countries in terms of economic and social development. Therefore, Chad’s development indicators remain amongst the lowest in the world as the country ranks 186 out of 188 countries on the 2016 UNDHP Human Development Index report. Half of the population (47%) lives below the national poverty line, and most of the poor (92%) live in the rural areas2. Sectoral and Institutional Context 4. Rural transport (freight and passenger) occurs by road. However, the condition of the roads is relatively poor with inadequate transport facilities. Many communities are isolated and inaccessible up to six months during the rainy season. The rural road network, or feeder roads is badly known with an estimate of about 15,000 km. 5. The demand for transport in rural areas is driven by local markets which each serve a group of villages. Rural communities are in an area of influence of 30 km around markets that are hold once a week. Therefore, the traffic on rural roads is generally very low out of market days. It is also very seasonal with a peak during the crop season. 6. Since 1989, the Government has developed and implemented several transport policies. The latest, the National Transport Strategy (SNT) 2000-2009, revised for the period 2011-2020 was presented during a conference to 1 Estimate based on 2009 population census. 2 Country Partnership Framework 2016-2020. Feb 08, 2018 Page 3 of 10 The World Bank Chad Rural Mobility and Connectivity Project (P164747) international donors in September 2017, in Paris. Among the 6 global objectives for transport, the Government ‘s goal is to promote the growth and productivity potential of rural populations by improving their accessibility to markets and socio-economic services in a sustainable manner. 7. Since the first SNT adopted in 1999, the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport (MIT) is responsible for the entire road network through the General Directorate for Roads (DGR) including rural roads. That distribution of responsibilities brought some clarity as there used to be an overlap of responsibility for rural roads between the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Ministry of Agriculture through its Direction du Genie Rural (DGR). 8. However, the Decentralization law of 2006 transferred to Departments and rural communities the construction and maintenance of rural roads (“pistes rurales�) as well as the regulation of rural transport services. However, given the scarcity of resources at a local level, the financing of rehabilitation and periodic maintenance of rural roads is delegated to the MIT/DGR. 9. The maintenance of the national or regional network is financed by the Road Maintenance Fund (FER) and implemented by the Road Maintenance Agency (AGER) under delegation of the MIT. Given the limited resources For Official Use Only of the FER, only a small part of the network of roads in the national network is maintained under FER funding each year. Relationship to CPF 10. The project will be consistent with the Government’s National Development Plan (PND) 2017-2021 which has identified infrastructures (of transport, energy and communication) as a leverage for a more diversified, inclusive and sustainable economy. To achieve this goal, the PND establishes a direct connection between agricultural productivity and rural road improvement “To open up rural production areas, this will involve (i) constructing, rehabilitating and maintaining urban, interurban and rural roads’’. 11. The project is consistent with the Country Partnership Framework (2016-20) engagement theme 2-Objective 2.1 “Improving return to agriculture and building value chains�, as it will contribute to this objective by allowing access to productive lands and reducing transport costs. 12. The project will also bring operational synergies across the Bank Portfolio operations supporting agriculture, particularly the Agriculture Climate Resilience & Productivity Project (P162956) and the Sahel Irrigation Initiative Support Project (P154482). Also, the project will benefit from the outputs of the current CEMAC Transport Trade Facilitation (P079736) that improves freight corridors in the region of Central African Republic, Cameroon and Chad. 13. Scoping will be done based on prior work conducted by other donors, notably the AfDB and the 2015 European Union accessibility and rural mobility program under the 11th European Development Fund. Feb 08, 2018 Page 4 of 10 The World Bank Chad Rural Mobility and Connectivity Project (P164747) C. Proposed Development Objective(s) Note to Task Teams: The PDO has been pre-populated from the datasheet for the first time for your convenience. Please keep it up to date whenever it is changed in the datasheet. Please delete this note when finalizing the document. 14. The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve and sustain road access to markets in the project area, and in the event of an eligible crisis or emergency, to provide immediate and effective response to it. Key Results (From PCN) 15. The project area will be discussed and aligned with the priorities of the Government and will seek to increase the impact of the Agriculture Climate Resilience & Product Project (P162956). Other rural areas with high agricultural productivity along the main corridors with current or planned Bank projects such as the N’Djamena-Moundou- Border with Cameroon area will also be explored. The selection of the roads will be based on multi criteria analysis. For Official Use Only Possible synergy with other donors’ investments will also be sought. D. Concept Description 16. The project will concentrate on critical point improvements on rural roads that will improve connectivity between farms and markets. This may include repairing damaged sections or specific road works (e.g. bridges, drainage works) that are impeding traffic flow at present to re-establish minimal usability of the roads. 17. The proposed project will be financed by an IDA credit of about US$30 million. It will include the following tentative components: Component 1 – Rural Roads Improvement works 1.1 – Improve road access to markets in selected rural areas (project preparation will allow to identify if some rural roads to access basic services could opportunistically be included) 1.2– Complementary studies (technical, data, mapping, safeguards) 1.3 – Consultant services for supervision of civil works 1.4 – Acquisition and dissemination of intermediary means of transport (IMT): The project will include activities to facilitate private provision of small motorized transport equipment such as multi-purpose tilling machines which can be used to bring farm produce to market and inputs from market to farm. Component 2 – Institutional capacity building for maintenance and road safety 2.1 Technical assistance to the ministries and agencies Support the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport in strengthening the institutional environment and funding for the maintenance of rural roads with the local communities. The road fund (FER) would also be a potential recipient of technical assistance. 2.2- Support community routine maintenance Support and finance routine maintenance by communities located along roads: (a) identification of people, groups, and Feb 08, 2018 Page 5 of 10 The World Bank Chad Rural Mobility and Connectivity Project (P164747) resources, (b) training on road maintenance techniques, and (c) acquisition of small tools and equipment. 2.3- Improve road safety in rural areas Finance (a) identification of black spots, (b) implementation of mitigation measures, and (c) public awareness campaign. Component 3 - Project management Finance (a) operational costs for the PIU, (b) project management, monitoring and evaluation, social and environmental safeguards monitoring, and (c) citizen engagement activities. Component 4 – Immediate Response Mechanism - Contingency Response Emergency (IRM-CERC) Following an eligible crisis or emergency, the Government may request the Bank to re-allocate project funds to support emergency response and reconstruction of rural roads. This component would draw from the uncommitted credits resources under the project from other project components to cover emergency response. This component has, by its nature, a zero funds allocation. For Official Use Only Note to Task Teams: The following sections are system generated and can only be edited online in the Portal. Please delete this note when finalizing the document. SAFEGUARDS A. Project location and salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard analysis (if known) Component 1 consists of the rehabilitation of about 400km of rural roads in the 2 regions of Mandoul and Moyen-Chari. In those 2 regions, the is implementing an agriculture production project (Agriculture Climate Resilience & Productivity Project (P162956) with the Ministry of Agriculture. These targeted regions are located in the South of the country, in the Sudanian zone marked by a sedentary breeding and food crops (sorghum, rice, corn, etc.), and especially cash crops such as cotton and sesame. There is also a large production of fish at Lake Iro in Moyen-Chari. By directing the rural road project interventions in these two regions, impacts could be maximized to expand the areas to be developed and the provision of inputs and equipment. In all projects supporting agricultural production, there is a component on rural roads to open up the area of influence of the project. B. Borrower’s Institutional Capacity for Safeguard Policies The legal framework for environmental management in Chad is based on Law No. 14 / PR / 98 of 17 August 1998 defining the general principles of environmental protection, with its decrees. The main institution in charge of environmental and natural resource management is the Ministry of Environment and Fisheries (MEP), which includes the Direction of Environmental Assessment, Control and Pollution Control (DEELCPN) while the road safety consideration in the design and implementation of road projects is ensured by the Environment and Road Safety Unit of the Directorate-General of Roads (DGR) -Ministry of Infrastructure and Equipment (Project Implementing Agency). The DEELCPN and its regional unit will be involved in the project. They will ensure a close environmental and social safeguard monitoring of the project. The Environment and Road Safety Unit (ERS) under the Directorate-General of Roads Feb 08, 2018 Page 6 of 10 The World Bank Chad Rural Mobility and Connectivity Project (P164747) (DGR) of the Implementing Agency will particularly supports the preparation of the terms of reference for studies concerning the engineering of road safety, monitors road safety and ensures compliance with mitigation measures during road construction phase including but not limited to safety measures in the construction sites and those related to residents. The country has progressively built its capacity on safeguards management during the implementation of previous projects (World Bank, AfDB, European Union…). While several existing project implementation units in Chad are by now quite skilled in safeguards management, capacity remains weak in the Ministry of Environment, in civil society organizations, and among local government bodies. A thorough capacity assessment exercise will be carried out during the project preparation through the Environmental and Social Management Framework and capacity building measures will be designed and implemented which will include but not limited to road safety awareness aspects. Furthermore, an environmental safeguard specialist and a Social safeguard specialist will be hired during the general recruitment of the Project Implementation Unit in support to the project environmental and social due diligence. External monitoring will be carried out by the relevant ministries under the coordination of the Ministry in charge of the environment. A World Bank environmental safeguard specialist and social safeguard specialist have been assigned to the project and will jointly support the project environmental and social design, implementation and monitoring activities. For Official Use Only C. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists on the Team Cheikh A. T. Sagna, Social Safeguards Specialist Bougadare Kone, Environmental Safeguards Specialist Mamadou Diedhiou, Social Safeguards Specialist D. Policies that might apply Safeguard Policies Triggered? Explanation (Optional) This policy is triggered as the project Component 1 – Rural Roads Improvement works by improving road access to markets in selected rural area are expected to generate potential social and environmental risks and negative impacts. The negative impacts are expected to be moderate and mostly site specific with regards of the project scope. The project is category B. At the time of the project appraisal, only 400 kilometers of roads that will be rehabilitated by the project will be known and the rest of road that will be Environmental Assessment OP/BP 4.01 Yes supported by the project will remain unknown before project appraisal. Therefore, the borrower will prepare, review and disclose prior the project appraisal (i) an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for the whole project and (ii) Specific ESIA for the known 400 kilometers of roads. The screening form to be embedded in the ESMF will be used to screen sub-projects during implementation to determine additional safeguards studies that might be needed. Feb 08, 2018 Page 7 of 10 The World Bank Chad Rural Mobility and Connectivity Project (P164747) The exact project location for the entiere roads that will be rehabilitated remain unknown. Even it is not anticipating that the project will support road sections Natural Habitats OP/BP 4.04 TBD that could threatened the natural habitats. The decision to trigger or not this policy will be taken once more information are available but before the project appraisal. The exact project location for the entiere roads that will be rehabilitated remain unknown, even it is not Forests OP/BP 4.36 TBD anticipating on impact the quality of existing forest. The decision to trigger or not this policy will be taken once more information will be available. The project activities will not involve the use of Pest Management OP 4.09 No chemical or non- chemical pesticides. The unpaved roads sections rehabilitation will involve excavations and movement of earth. During the For Official Use Only development of the ESMF physical cultural resources will be taken into consideration and baselines defined. The ESMF will include clear procedures that will be required for identification, protection of cultural Physical Cultural Resources OP/BP 4.11 Yes property from theft, and treatment of discovered artifacts, and will be included in standard bidding documents. The ESMF will also provide procedures for handling with “chance finds� during implementation project activities. The ESMF will be prepared and disclosed prior project appraisal. The project areas are not hosting the Indigenous Indigenous Peoples OP/BP 4.10 No Peoples The Proposed civil works during rehabilitation of selected road segments will very likely result in acquisition of land, loss of properties and asset or access to these assets leading or not to the physical resettlement of project affected people (PAP) with payment of compensation. To comply with policy requirement, the project will elaborate a resettlement Involuntary Resettlement OP/BP 4.12 Yes policy framework (RPF) that set forth the basic principles and prerogative the project will follow during implementation to comply with the policy core requirements once the details footprints of the project intervention sites are known (i.e. if deem necessary, the preparation of site specific resettlement action plans- RAP). The project is not anticipating financing any activities Safety of Dams OP/BP 4.37 No related to new dam nor rely on existing dam. Projects on International Waterways There are no activities related to international No OP/BP 7.50 waterways in the project. Feb 08, 2018 Page 8 of 10 The World Bank Chad Rural Mobility and Connectivity Project (P164747) Projects in Disputed Areas OP/BP 7.60 No The project activities are not located in disputed areas. E. Safeguard Preparation Plan Tentative target date for preparing the Appraisal Stage PID/ISDS Jun 15, 2018 Time frame for launching and completing the safeguard-related studies that may be needed. The specific studies and their timing should be specified in the Appraisal Stage PID/ISDS Safeguards frameworks (ESMF, RPF) are being prepared with final versions expected by end of June 2018. Safeguards studies (ESIA, RAP) for a first tranche of 75km are being procured with expected delivery by end of June 2018. For Official Use Only CONTACT POINT World Bank Andrew Michael Losos, Peter Ngwa Taniform Sr Transport. Spec. Borrower/Client/Recipient Ministère de l’Economie et de la Planification du Développement Implementing Agencies Ministère des Infrastructures et du Désenclavement Ahmat Néné Tassy Coordonnateur du Projet de Facilitation des Transports et Tr Feb 08, 2018 Page 9 of 10 The World Bank Chad Rural Mobility and Connectivity Project (P164747) FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Telephone: (202) 473-1000 Web: APPROVAL Task Team Leader(s): Andrew Michael Losos, Peter Ngwa Taniform Approved By APPROVALTBL For Official Use Only Safeguards Advisor: Practice Manager/Manager: Country Director: Note to Task Teams: End of system generated content, document is editable from here. Please delete this note when finalizing the document. Feb 08, 2018 Page 10 of 10