87786 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 IUCN FLEG-2 (IUCN): Revised PP (2) Revised Procurement Plan (2013- 2014) l'locureJnM1 Ref. DestripUott No. SelcctRPFor RFP froR [Teclnlkal Submission Em,.ti<>n NoObjeotioo Draft c....... NoOb.jeotion - Si- Completion P r _... Ref. No. omm..., I ARM/CI1CI1 ountry Program Coordinator Armenta Luba Balyan $ 16.800 IC Prior Plan Aug-12 Aug-12 Aug-12 Aug-12 N/A N/A Oct-Il Mar-13 Fe\).13 Mar-13 May-13 Apr-14 P.,RMJcncil Fact Aug-12 Aug-12 N/A N/A [N!A N/A Oct-12 Mar-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 May-13 I Plan Feb-14 Feb--14 Feb-14 Feb-14 N/A N/A Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Oct-14 This position was split into two Measwing the True Value ofNaturnl Anahit ARM/CflC/2 ~esoUI'CeS for Commuruty Development $ 25.600 IC Prior jARMicncn TORs to better address the Mkrtchyan Fact Feb-14 Feb--14 Feb-14 Mar-14 N/A N/A Apr-14 Apr-14 Apr-14 Apr-14 Apr-14 activit)'. (Erik This position was created because Grigoryan) Measuring the True Value of Natural Post (TOR- of the need to split the ARMICI1C/3 Contract $ 15.000 IC Plan Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 N/A N/A Fcb-14 N/A Feb-14 N/A Feb-14 Oct-14 ARM/CnC/3 ~esow-ces for Commuruty Development Prior) implementation of the activi~ into offered. not yet 2 sections signed Fact Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 N/A N/A Apr-14 N/A N/A Plan Oct-13 O.t-13 13-0c 13..0Ct N/A N/A Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 O.t-13 Nov-13 Jan--15 RM/C/CQSJI Changed procurement code as per ~RM/C/CQS/1 !Monitoring oftOrests m Armenta Geolnfo $ 35.000 CQS Prior message rece1ved on December 23, Fact Jan-14 Feb-14 Dec-13 0..:-13 N/A NIA 2013 Plan N/A N/A NJA N/A IJ;/A N/A IJ;/A N/A N/A IJ;!A N/A N/A Social and Economic IIIlpacl of poor ARM!C/IC/4 $ 12,000 IC Prior ARM/CflC/4 Deleted ubhzatioo and Ulegalloggq Fact N/A [N!A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A AZEJCnCtl ~owttry Program Coordmator AzerbatJliil A:n!r Garayev $ 21,000 IC Prior Plan Aug-12 Aug-12 N/A N/A N/A N/A Oct-12 Mar-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 May-13 Apr-14 AZEIC/IC/1 Fact Aug-12 Aug-12 N/A N/A N/A N/A Oct-12 Mar-13 Feb-13 MM-13 May-13 ~xpat Wlll provide study oflustoncal-natwal aspects, socio-economic aspects and Allah verdi f-wcnc/2 sustainable working methodology for the Dolkhanov $ 26.000 IC Prior Plan Oct-13 Oct-13 13-0ct 13-0ct N/A N/A Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 Nm·-13 O.t-14 AZFJCflC/2 jrehabilitation oftugai tim:st landscapes Fact Nov-13 Nov-13 Nov-13 Nov-13 N/A N/A Ap,-14 Apr-14 Apr-14 Apr-14 Apr-14 jAnatysis for methods that can be used for tbe sustamable rehabtlitabon of the tugay forests Post (TOR- N/A N/A N/A NJA N/A N/A N/A N/A 'Z:EJC/IC/3 Deloleescrip!ion Select«~ Selection Baok- Plan/Fact .Advertising R=ption RFP..-TOR IN•~J-m IIMtalionfor Propo$al oclmlcal NoObjectiol: Draft No O~iectioo c- IC<-ktion Procurem'"" e-m.... No. Consullant Maltod (Priori Post) REI EQ[. ready ~RPF.,.. RFP Submission )!valuation .. ~ Si- R.r. No. Maryna BELJCIIC!l mmtry Progmm Coordinator Belarus $ 10.800 IC Prioc Plan Aug-12 Aug-12 N/A N/A N/A N/A Oct-12 Mar-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 May-13 AP'·I4 BEUCIICII Belovus Fact Aug-12 Aug-12 N/A N/A N/A N/A Oct-12 Mar-13 Feb-13 MM-13 May-13 Jul-14 Plan Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 N/A N/A Feb-14 N/A Feb-14 N/A Feb-14 Feb-14 fAnatytJ.cal studies ofFLEG-related L!lsues structure and dynamics of forest offences. jrole of participants of forest relations in Mikalai Post (TOR· BEL/CIIC/2 improvement of !Orest management and use. $ 10.800 !C BEUCIIC/2 Baudzei Prior) jde~elopment oftOrest semces sector and Fact Mar-14 Mar-14 Mar-14 MM-14 N/A N/A Mar-14 N/A Mar-14 N/A Mar-14 entrepreneurship), preparation and pubhcabon oftoptcal renews Measwing the True Value of Natural Maryna Post (TOR- Plan Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 /yslem!! and then- blOdiversit) Fact N/A N/A N/A IN/A Preparation and pubhshmg of topical intOrmatlon materials on ENPI FLEG Post (TOR- BELJCIIC/5 $ 3.000 IC Plan Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 N/A N/A Feb-14 N/A Feb-14 /-.14 )'IIA N/A Mar-14 N/A Mar-14 N/A Mar-14 Roman UKR/C/IC/1 ounby Program Coordinator Ukrame $ 16.200 1C Prior Plan Aug-12 Aug-12 Aug-12 Aug-12 ~A N/A Oct-12 Mar·l3 Feb-13 Mm--13 May-13 Apr-14 UKR/CIIC/1 Volosyanchuk Fact Aug-12 Aug-12 Aug-12 Aug-12 r! Bak&tvi... Pion/Fact (PriorI Post) Fact ,\dv Ji .:!:2 0 "' .: , N N "' "' II .§ J 'li 0: 1_ IUCN FLEG-2 (IUCN): Revised PP (2) Procurement Plan (2013- 2014) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Procurement Descnptton Sele<."ted #Lots Estimated Cost Procurement Bank Re\'tew Plan I Fact Bod Noobtection IssutngofBKi BidOpemng Bod No ob1ectton Contract Contract Compleb.on Procurement Ref. Ref. No. Contractor CS$ Method (Prior I Post) document Document Evaluation Award Signaturt No. Report to WB pnnter/scanner Prior Plan Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 ARM/G/SH/2 l 650 SH ARMIG/SH/3 Fact Sep-13 Sep-13 Sep-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Dec-13 Dcc-13 printer/scanner Mac Studio Prior Plan Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 Oct-13 Ck.1-13 LTD Changed to tmique number as as:>tgned number was already A.ZEJG/SHn 1 650 SH AZEIG/SH/1 present in tnceptton phase PP Fact Nov-13 Nov-13 Nov-13 Nov-13 Nov-13 Nov-13 Nov-13 Nov-13 Nov-13 AZE/G/SH/3 Pub1icatrions/printing 1 2,000 SH Prior Plan Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 AZE/G/SH/3 Fact printer/scanner Post Plan Feb~14 N/A Feb~J4 Feb-14 Fcb-14 Feb-14 Feb~J4 Feb-14 Feb~14 Not yet completed Fact Nov~13 N/A Nov-13 Nov~13 N/A N/A RELIG/SH/1 1 650 SH BELIG/SHII Will possibly start again printer/scanner Post Plan Feb-14 N/A Feb-14 Feh-14 Feb-14 Feh-14 Feb-14 Feh-14 Feb-14 MOL/G/SH/2 MOUG/S:H/2 1 650 SH Fact N/A Fcb~l4 Feb-14 printer/scanner Post Plan Fcb-14 N/A Feb-14 Feb-14 Fcb-14 Feb-14 Feb~14 Fcb~14 Feb-14 RUS/G/SH/4 1 650 SH RUS/G/SH/4 Fact N/A N/A NIA printer/scanner Post Plan Feb-14 N/A Feb-14 Feh~14 Feb-14 Feh-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 UKR/U/SH/2 UKR/G/SH/2 1 650 SH Fact N/A N/A N/A UKR/G/SHI3 software 1 450 SH Post Plan Feb.-14 N/A Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Feh-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 Feb-14 UKRJG/SH/3 Fact N/A N/A N/A REG/0/SH/1 Laptop Computer 1 2,200 SH Post Plan Apr-14 N/A Apr-14 Apr-14 Apr-14 Apr-14 Apr~14 Apr-14 Apr-14 REG/G/SH/1 Fact N/A N/A N/A REG/G/SH/2 Mobile Phone l 450 SH Post Plan Apr-14 N/A Apr-14 Apr~l4 Apr-14 Apr-14 Apr-14 Apr-14 Apr-14 REG/G/SH/1 Fact N/A N/A NIA IUCN FLEG-2 (IUCN): Revised PP (2) Procurement Plan· September 2013- December 2014 - please note that most of the activities will have varying start dates so this procurement plan reflects a slightly more than one year duration. This will be an exception for this year ONE. Procurement Ref. No. IDescnptton ISelected Contractor l~stimated Cost US$ rrocurement Method l~ank Review (Prior I Post) rlan I Fact IBid document Noobjecbon Issuing of tolTQ/TOR ITQ llid Opening BK! -- Evaluation 1Noob;ecti~tf3ct AwMd I COntract Signature ICompletJon ~Procurement Ref. No. I Comments ~TQ/TOR) lkportto T T T \W Conference to presert Post,(lOR PI"' Mar-14 Mar-14 NIA NIA NIA NIA Apr-14 Apr-14 Apr-14 lfirdings of activities Prior) jARMITR/2 1,200 AP RM/TR/2 1:1f4'lemerfed in year ore of Fact NIA NIA NIA N!A T T T FLEG IConference to present Post,(lOR Phm Mar-14 Mar-14 NIA NIA NIA NIA Apr-14 Apr-14 Apr-14 'fm:tings of activities Prior) jAzEITRII 6,000 AP AZE/TR'l lili1Jlemented in year on: of Foct NIA NIA NIA NIA FLEG lfonference to present fiOOings of activities Post,(lOR Prior) PI"' Dlemented in year ore of 6,000 AP BEUTR/1 FOwcase the FES evaluation Post.(lOR Prior) pt., Mar-14 Mar-14 NIA NIA NIA NIA T T Ap<-14 A,.-14 T A!"-14 IMOLITR/1 I 3,000 TBD MOLITR/1 FOon I I I ' l(raining in three regiom of russia on the details of the Karlic enterprises Plm T T T T T T T T T Dec-13 Dec-13 Dcc-13 Dec-13 NIA N/A Jan-14 Jan-14 ~11 ~ IDJdel of sustainable and 17,0001 SH JFact I Feb-141 Feb-141 Feb-141 Feb-141 NIA I NIA I Feb-141 Mar-141 IRUS/TR/3 legal forestuse iiJ1)1em:ntation Forest ftm:tionality ,conferen::e - input from Post.(lOR Prior) Plm T T T T Mar-14 Mar-14 NIA NIA NIA NIA I Apr-14 I Apr-14 I Apr-14 I IDeteted regional consultait to fmalize Foct NIA NIA NIA NIA r~ I I I I national TORs. 4,000 AP I I I IUKR/IR/1 r""'·"' Ukni~ Conference to presert results Post,(lOR PI"' Dec-13 Dec-13 NIA NIA NIA NIA Jan-14 Jan-14 ~14 of the social and ecoromic Prior) national Procurement to study completed in Russia, Reg1onal from Procurement • With some additional funding ~ded Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, to include 5 other countnes. Azerbaijan, -ani jlmofTRI2 Iresulting pOOiication in 12,000 TBD REGffR!l Russian language and exterded Executive Swnmuy in English language I I 63,700 I I IFoct I I I NIA I NIA I NIA I NIA